24 June 2016 Asia Pacific/Australia Equity Research Australian ESG/SRI Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) Research What keeps our bank analysts awake at night? ■ What keeps our bank analysts awake at night? We've teamed up with our banking analysts and taken a look at the commercial banking sector, identifying the top ESG risks and the impact of key megatrends. Their immediate concerns relate to social and regulatory risks – particularly the potential for a banking Royal Commission (creating uncertain but potentially far-reaching implications) and possible class-action damages that could follow on from successful ASIC litigation alleging BBSW market rigging. We see a Royal Commission as a volatile risk for the sector, creating a key event catalyst following the Federal election on 2 July 2016, almost Credit Suisse Environmental, Social regardless of who is elected. A much more infrequent (and essentially and Governance (ESG) research seeks unsolvable) social risk is the inherent vulnerability of systemically important to focus on sustainability and banks (their high equity gearing creates the risk of solvency issues accountability factors that are then emerging during periods of financial stress) rendering the prospect of a integrated into the investment process. taxpayer funded bail-out a perennial theme for the industry (if rarely ever Research Analysts visited in practice). ESG Research Sandra McCullagh ■ What makes our bank analysts happy? Cyber-security risks aside, the 61 2 8205 4729
[email protected] advent of a multi-polar world opens up new banking markets (international Zoe Whitton wholesale banking/trade finance) and new labour sourcing opportunities 61 2 8205 4613 (offshoring).