ftPMSPK ir J ?? -- . hJm f 4: Hi W "iii i i I! I t 1 Li hi v i if J i -- t

- . ., .,nw . VOL. V., XXV NO H , . .M'XbTaI llOMh.l , It 1IJIIMV. i.mm rtKMIWIWKI.Y WIIUM3 Mi aiV.

Union of the Imolcs, xxho now were to unmimti (Svelte, slinii ltd ruling with Itn orlglnnl solo HAWAII toltnntH tttln pastor of llnwnll wiui the JOINS THE SISTERHOOD IflF STATES Minn nboxu nil open SEMI-WEEKL- V. to the rxerclaca of tills memorable dny nnd to beg n b5 ni'llrvn vioil to kIvc pence and lioppl-ne- st MH0KII TUKHIVJ Vl KIllllAVS lo the land. Tlio ptnyor wns as follows; M WALTER C. .MITII, EDITOR. O Jehoxnhl Iho Crentor of nll'thlnrsl TERRITORIES A BLAZE OF GLORY '. Ul! rulc" oxt,r B" rations and, la the Adm nlstrator of tholr llvcalNAml lot the day has nrrlvtd. And we know Ton Pa Moimi , hnxo. destined all theso thlnRa to happen Put Month, Korkiok In theso t mm, nnd we nre at a loss, and iBJt 6 Ml Wo have not tho means to act without Yui xour Ritldnnco I'll YtAB, KOREIUN , nnd npproxnl. In tho ...... ,u ...... ,u Lwuir, luu nra our Payable Invariably lo Adunce. only riiiiiiG nnd I'roteclrr All our acts I short nnd full of Democratic plnlnnosa nm an tject to Vour approhatlnn, nnd we befitting ..ie christening of the latest- - 1'iiiv mm ion may sao us font Ulnsen- - A. W PEAHSON. Ceremonies of Admission Cay are Participated slon in i;ur onion ns n nation, under MUSlnL'B3 MHUllRCt born child to Join the family of Uncle Jour iruldlnc hand. Olio ua lha strength Snm. to fnrrv out Vnur u.ni tr, n.A ... nil iii lour Roxernmcnt here. W.. im. PreMdent Dole's Innugural speech whs plotv the Holy Sp'rlt to be with us, and ItUbl.NEsS CvKDS. By of of Oncle Jn ;o our Qtildu In all things Thousands the People Sam's toise, brief, for such an occasion, nnd just. rlffht and full of sound sense. He rend It In a Aid wo further Imnlnrr. llm,.v,. k LTLIU, DICKEY. Attorney ax Miw and natural, clear voice, nnd Its message slow jour liless'nRs upon us, nnd lead notary i'udiic. r. u. ocx im. uonoiuiu us In the path of life. In the name of Je- H. I. KlnR and Ucthcl Sis. Fair went sti night to the hearts of those sus Christ, Amen. New Possessions. who hoard It.

liar-queu- Rot FIlbDI.ltlCK YV. JOB.-Su- lle SIC, e The hour for the ceremonies via Heading the Oimmiaaloa. iildK.. Chicago, III., Hawaiian 10 o'clock, and long befoie then tho Consul General fur tlio BUi.ih of Illinois, people began to gather. The Hxecutlvc Picsldent Dole n. religious man-m- ust Michigan, Ohio, Indiana and Wisconsin bul.dlug dtcointeil In handsomo hiue Jollied In tlmt prayer, with AtU rney law. uiu nil the fervor of his at i close of the Century, one hundred years myiu wmi tiunung, ungH nnu colored ' nature. Years of Gevernor Dole Takes Office in the Morning, electrlu globes, and Its front, innopiinil Sf p.?,f,?",n,ff,,!h" P?" nr. state, H. HACKFCLE A CO., LTD --General nftcr the great Knmchnmchn had by tempoiaiy ,UU1 mpn "trong HRiunsi - Htands. whb brll.l int with Ki. .l..n"" Commission- AKents, Queen HI.. Hono- color. uiin unu gooa government, Jind years lulu, II. I. foundedthc nation, hnd brought frui- of earnest effort ;for'Vlirht.'uo,''i. Races in the Afternoon and a Magni- tion of nil hopes and n generation's As M my Natives bb Haoloa. mlnated In the half hour of the ihaucu- -, P. A. BOIIABFKIl &. rturs nnd struggles were happily over. was ration ceremonies. Commission Merchants, Honolulu, Ha- It natives nnd the Imoles were about ir,.si,i... nf ,,,., t, ,. , ... , waiian Islands. not the end of to I ficent Ball at Night. Hawaii them. It was punly dhldrd nmong the attendant for oxer seven years he wiu nbw given rattier thnn the grave the cradle; the 1 t,,u of LFWKPB & COOKn.-(Hou- ert Letters. F. uinss, and people of all nntlonalltles cnie the new Territory for four Lowrry, C M. Cooke.) swaddling of the newer and sure-to-b- more. He was J. Importers and weie piesent iuimy luiniues orougiu ,., .. .,., , dealers In lumber and building mate- greater Hawaii the rather than laying tlietr- I .,, S , rials. Office, 414 Fort St. t,. nn.lrtw lunches nnd dined under the trees to all . i,,V AT".1 "? "!! rn.l lt flu. nt.l ZO 1.114A, III&UU1I The Hepubllc Is dead. Live the Ter from which to view the history mak- .,' after the ccicmonlca weie over, listcn-whlc- h wuieu nrouaiv over IiIm lu.n.i . m a in the few words of the oath of office. & 'C HUSTACE. Wholesale and Retail Gro- ...... 1 R W '!"-- ,...,, stepped to the front of the 212 pluu-tntl-- ritory Is In... tt.. i,wr ,.,., cer. Klnjr St.: Tel. lis. Family, n until Statehood attained. ing spectacle. It was a biave audience ..v ui..,..i.v.v.a jk uiu acceptnnce ' platfoim nnd rend the s hips' ptnres ,,inyed on the grounds. commission ns and supnlh on short As rays ... .., twenty-ll- e Ooenior to Mr. notice. New goods by oxery steamer. the sun's moved aver the wlilch the stnrs of the day's drama niai uiu unuseii executive, Almut bundled persons soiu Dolo by President OrdniK frum the nther faithfully there !xas the closing of nil the dnvs'of witnessed the tnklnp; of the oath of of-- Mckinley, it wiib nn follows: Islands crowd which faced the Executle faced. Every nationality of the com ,lco pxeciitpd. nriNlety; of the snuggle ugnlnst the by Governor Dole, unci all those - building yesterday morning plex population was get .? thi- and rested represented before enpltnl of the sugar tiust aril the ma- - " could within listening distance "'"ltd Sinus of AWr.ui. who CONSOI IHATED SODA WATHH on the white head of a tall man who lie suuu anu wunesscu the onth tak- chlnatlons tn ,",,ll ft leel y ntiTested attention to tjicau pieseiiui. GieciInK: Know ut . i,iii. i.Hilnnadu. .iT eveiy ord which fell speak-- , ,,V''""j1 '".t. ng bpecln. trLst nnd con- - "1'iiKa On. was, ing of the Executive, and there was h.,,..imiuMi me is,innus,,i!, oy fiom the fos nnu Alien ats. llolllstcr A. Cc. looked as he the centrnl figure of ,.!..,,tnrotiiing tho er's lips. c.nr.Vi i, i. . "'ttKriiy nnu uuiuty of Agents.'"" throughout the ceremony the dominant e " that group, silvering and accentuating reciprocity tieaty; of the threats of The people were enthu .las-i- in their' nalcdTuid C"Sd' i'.f LlJ!!Z" .noi 7 note or juouation. from the prayer Oilertnl rowers nnd dnnirers of unris- - applause, and weie ev Idently Ilred with consLiit of tlm Hmmt,. .i, .,'.: Z1..7 moN ro-- Ma the noble outlines, a shadow fell across which Deity - r"'.,,. no;irntir -- - every workj thanked the for his hless- incs which mlcht illstnth th ,,..n the splilt of the ocens Ion. Hundreds Goxernor of the Terrlloiv nr il,,,n ry of destrlption made to - ,,rl" cif tl,B u'rm of viucr. his face and waved about now falling '"Bb to the step of the mllltnry march- Tiom out the stoim, ealnr Heven uele tlecoiallons a Datr'ollo four senis. mid until hi . yeirs e wlu"1" "nu qunii'iiu nnd do nu- ' ".Vding ljppiitve ,iVi- - ,,, . - on this side and now on that. J A" ?" "," tcrZ1 th.elr e.r fiMi,ui;r 11 III in oxeeilln nml .!!u.,t-- f' JnCunJ .....t : V?: nlTlr. nnA..lln I1" " ." , ' "Character Is the foundation of true emboli ', ,. .V SVJ. Tn,"'lKl""'.l '? !P. ina to hold thSffir OLD GLORY j?Lh,.h!.s- - - '..-".j- .""." - ,nIv.,. iiii-iii-j l.'o RAISED " win- ".i.ii.nm iHiiui.iMj ..,, uiuut..,'."""nun mi inu powuts, tirivltpirin'niKl ness' t,(,H tl-- e iu WMSlWcosmopolitan - IA citizenship," exclaims Gov. Dole; the von nrd strtipples made, thnt nnd there were prob- emolument thereunto pf r.glu npptrUIn- - 1'aher ilny Hawa'l nexer known, ,1,),v nH dlUorent nppioplnllnns "' iinto.hlni the snld line-lik- e has tnll ".center of the Btnge """ Banford u. Dole, .i,n.i. of the floating flag wnv- - t f t p prov The sun shone brill nntlv from- .,!...... tlir ' slona of the Act or At i .. - . ,..,.,,",,"., mmii'u iii; CoMKrcss 1 the High School by Honolulu's "i"""" n"t iu irui! ,''I"I-!.:-','nl.?!,- ontliltd: vin lo rovldn a. h "EUrC: n'S....naUreaS 'S iwnlng. - tl-- e r ici "" '"" So" trades stirred the bunt- to nml r. ury" constitution tl.n ni,.i the ,1,p - - 'V of School Children Amid ww)w " l. ?r.'rn'i'iiji,- jmii - jyuu. Song in uwinony wiuriof I have caused "'tfe 't tit ra to lo mndo patent and tho and Snech. hi nl of tho United States to nlllxctl, bo hereunto r,;; GlXCtl lin,lr mi' linnil n. !. nll.. np While throng; .!isliliii?ton, the l)th tiny May, a of several thousand or of Initio vi nr otii Lord, one thoiimnd ed people sane the "Star Spangled Ban- anil of the Indepe donco FnMed or of the ner." eight white-gowne- young gills ' s ' Stntia Ainpren the onu hun-dr- ul SSSHaliiiiiHaaiiiHilaisailHiiHHHaBliiiaiiiilHi HH mid twentv-rourt- hauled the Hag of America to the sum- Uy the President: , ,iii. mit of the High School building yes- JOHN I1AV, SePjieUry of StatcJfli terday morning. Bravely It "'SHiaaB floated on n iBInrTLjWrPITlluii? UuKinu Hi" OalU. the breeze against the gray and bhje of - At the conclusion of life reading or, the hky, the bymbol of new- Hawaii, the commission, lands Chief Justice brear' the whose destinies will be guld- f.icod Mi, Dole and nud the following1 'j en b the young men and young wom- oath to. support the Constitution: en now learning their first lessona of life In the structure over which it nlcs. The former home of several prin AlliKcluy Uod tlmt I w Ii fuithjuliy siiih cesses the P,ot"t tlio CoiiHtlttitlon nnd laws of tho of Kamehnmeha dynasty United Slntta of Amurlin, nml the laws neior looked gajei than during the of tho 'territory of Hawaii, and lotiscl- - mmimimimmmMMmMmmmwM IIIIIJ.1III UIJ II SCIllirRU mv exercises The wide veranda on tho "' """"'!n UIIVITIlur Ol 1110 'linltory of muuka side had been decorated with ti n wan, i: '"(H Hawaiian and American Hags, with aaiiK&iiinaaflaaHaBP9iiHa'f jWJallH'VLvl'y "PIHH1 Kin d) SANFOItD IJ. DOLT: red. while blue MiiiBcniiei and sworn to m linnninin and bunting diaped .ill this llth day of Jim e, lino, Iii fore me.,, about them and palm branches fasten- ) w n wii pad ' ed to every cornice nnd coping. Across fBBBaBaaVwliH'BaaiBafll'' aUMmwn'i4iWtiK yEwE3SH3Kt?v'.fm .wtrvlMwaaal Pirnt AKHoelatn Justliu Uupriine Court. Territory of Hnwull. the base of the veranda, boldly In- scribed, was the motto: Picsldeni Dolo kept IiIh right hand lalHt-- us the oath watt read, and then "Westward the course of empire takes signed his name to the document. One Its way, mild hear the rustling of the wind In Time's noblest offbprlng is the last " KgBM&MMfN&&hT;?ltK'1?v? 'Mf Jgai K'MgaaWa?WaKt '.ilaal l he palm trees as tlio ginve words fell fiom the Justice's lips, so still Under the trees beneath the verunda was the crowd.rh'f a broad platform had been erected and Tho Inaugural Speech. all about It had gathered on Immense crowd, a crowd which President Dole then recflveil from hi spiead over the prlx'ate gravel walks and oer the wide lawns Secretary. A. T. Hawes, a port- folio, from xvhlch he took the nianu-scil- pt nnd even perched on of-hl- s the fences ail Inaugural speech. He rend about the grounds. School children it sloxvly nud with EMWSX&SiZiiBBei-r:-r- -- x emphasis on the they were for the most part, children aMMilsM7mMIMaalMMiiMaBaag-'u. "mmt JSS!S!SSP piluclpal sentences. It xvas as follows: from nil the schools in the city from I rlluw Cit.zcns. In mcepilim thu of Qoxernor of the Territory of the High School to the furthermost pri Hnw nil nt - the rtqiust of the President mary in iii -- of StnteB, I school the suburbs. Yuiini; i aiw iiMaWiw iiwwia .. . w bsis . i.iawijpiiu..iiii, armiHMfta?;? :'i& ix&x. tho Unlteil feel ccrtn'n thnt . tin re xvlll bo sonic piotlcnia In men almost ready for college nnd gin-- .."J-T- . tho long di esses iSaaSB5BBnr,SHKIB of the nfTnlrs or tho Terri- in and the latest hats min- tory ror which the Ooxernment of Indo-ii- " gled with brlght-eje- d little toddlers in limit Hawaii hns cnatcd no preco-dent- B. klltB or In kimonos clogs, and scarce- Wire It not fur the mippirt Hint I nra ly able to lisp the alphabet. He:y confident I hnve In youi sympathy, nnd one of them was In holiday attire of i;i your patriotic neteriiiniitlon that In . : til! nexv rleniirtllrf, flin nnimltu ultnil n.nl H white dresses and duck suits Hun-""da- y - -- and it.HaiK??HlSI., MpmyL-Jb&Z prorncs In gord Riixornnunt, I could not hats, and, with the crowd of eld-cr- B $ contemplate Iho task liefcru me without In arKPi?BKP.tf deep mlsRlvlnRS, Panama hats ducks new and or Tho poltlcul exoltitlon of has, gowns gay-plum- Hawaii and bonnets, the 1 een from femliillsm to ro' nl author ty; fccene wos a brilliant one. then to n r pill lie, and now to ilopondoicn The schools In attendance with tiimn n nnt'on The recent their policy of the grf-n- t (Kiwrri tn pircnl out teachers ere as follows; etwren them lln Inlands of Polynesia Normal, l.dgar Wood: Practice. .Mrs. hns J pen nn Inftnpnilnl fnefr 'n the last Kdgnr net of these siicppsbIv" pfnnRes Para-p'ou- nt Wood; Emma Street, Miss nth-e- l pommerrlal relnil n xxlih MoBsman, High nnd Grammar, M, T'nltPil States ruve frrmed nnother. hm-I- i M. Scott; Kaakopua, Cou:-e- n; Wl'h Infiipnees nt work It only Miss M. J. neoi'pil tlip" deendpiie" - of th" rmn.trchlcnl Kaiulanl, Mrs. Nina L. D. Frnsh- aiMhor'tv to pnusp the Hiiwntlnn cpmnitl-nlt- v er; Hojal. Itev. A. Mackintosh; Pohu with Its Htrons American Mtntlment Kallhl-wa- e to irrnvllntP Irreflftll lv " tlniteit kalna, Miss Zoe Atkinson: I H'ptec rtipnslrir Its own fcptluy mthor na. J. N. Taggard; Kallhl-uk- a, Itobcrt limn lenxlnir It to lx deeMpil hj others. Law; Kawalalmo, Mrs. Mary Gunn; PRESIDENT SANFORD B. DOLE.INDUCTED INTO OFFICE. I ' Beretanla Street, Miss Rhoda Green; Debt to the Fast. Punahou Street. Miss Mary Fcrrelra; lrtl(lilil Hnwull owes Its remarkable progress Gox-erno-r Knu-luwel- - In rlvllUatlon InrRely to - Mnemae, Miss Corn Henneghnn; n, ended; the first of tho Terrl- Ing flung out by lofty staffs. Aiemorics aid of his fellows who stood nt onco the wls,atates- M. vlted guests had been planned by Alex, munahlp of Kumcliamolm HI and other II. Wells; Manoa, Miss tory of Hawaii, United of Amer-Ic- n, of older triumphs struggled xvith xvltncss nnd sponsors and the cheers . States the ..I. .u.iLiuuiuHii, in wnose nanus It IiIrIi chiefs In tho early part of tils relsn. Magglo Davison; Kakaako, Miss Clara und upplnuse testified that xvhat lions was placed, und to tSurney; lias been Installed and has accept- consciousness of tho consummation of his efforts were uuj Theso men and xvomen carefullj weighed Pauoa, Miss Louise Aheong; xere still In tho xxay would be met by the excellent .urrnngunents for the ro- - the coiiiii-el- s of their new ndvlstrs from M.oanalun, Miss Ada Lycett. ed the office. In the sight of thousands the latest and best. On the site of old Hawallnns united. it'Pilon and making comfortnblo of ncrofs the sea, und silected the test as 'i battles, x here Ihosti whom " of nct'nn A feiv months of kings nnd princes had , the Goxcrnment dtslgncd 11 .1 of his peers, beneath tho shadow of Hawaii bb empire, ns republic as ...... Iiifir'"l'ft Pail nlnllnn ullfllfiujl Frtn (kln n stood, HI liUIlOr. I " H.ilMltUII rUiVK4 IUI 44U Miiny A MoiIioi'h tt'Mi, had battled and bad won, free proxislnnnl stute bus passed nxxuy. IIu-xxu- ll Vance In civil ntlmtntatrutlrm. whleli hmt. the Stars and , Hnnford IJ. Dole men, endowed by their nation with tho In ntuiloRoiiB cnsis, rt quired years of Many a a peevish, ns terrltoiy, as a prospective state Iho Opening Prayer. Uv. mother of restless, has subscribed to the oath of office and tnrest of gifts, full citizenship In the nstatlng civil wiir IVraora' ilKhts weru alckly child has wished that her little of the Union hns come. All this waB President Dolo was the target for all KimriiPterd' the ntiFolutP puthortv of thu by that sign not only become tho chief rltl'a grandest republic,, stood to Bee typified by the Inauguration ceremony soverilgn wits xoluntarlv surrndiri't one was as strong and rugged as an yes. Llko the others, he was dressed frr ennst'tiitlomil the'xo-- t outly- - .'"" " ' and "'" cUetTa ot tho pcop, uere t,le Indian babe. Such mothers can make exeiutlxo of the only complete low I" "'".i, , V ,.R. , In severe black. Adx anting to the plat- lundid lnterists of l.ti'ir and rhl.'fH",!- - , exei:utlve"" benlson. rich nrlzeM of the xlctorles of KnnWuin their children strong and well, If they Ing territory of the United States-- but oli)w..r. form In of stops, of- Men there were who had served the center the the hn the First werp divided anil silJot-tK- l rid the child's system of worms, - ficials grouped about the President In ronferm ty w'th new ns well for all time set at rest a pos- the statu under tliu monarchy, In xri-irilIA- . the rvioRnltlon nine-tenth- s nien I Hex-- S, or of (he pie, which cause of children's wl,0BU lna ttowed wiiiiu Tlmoteo, Chnp'ul.i, In the rVh'a common pei nnd troubles, Klcknpoo slblllty of Hnw nil other than n United tho blood of the hS rr xoked a blessing on the assemblaRt' tl". erentlon of corporate gnvenunent. j Indian Worm ... ,.,.-- ., IB States territory. ,..,uuu ,lt,u,u .Binm; xerj una Imnmlni. wu tlio ,. " '" '"". lu" '"r " "' Will I" K1V" Killer will do It, For centuries tho looked down upon tho great solemn W(.t,t to this orRarinmr werlt or It gathering; scene during the prayer, HpoK. u tn there nnd their foreli-'- Indiana used to make their bjbles 1 ehlfs dvlra. Fair was tho day and thrice tho but all had been given a new INAUGURATION 1 awn I la n, - rugged, powerful, fair nttrJbute, tho wnrdB unfumiilu- to the Pod the former been less pu' IKBn'r'ted. fearless. What It --talion-lnto w I 'hp In drama xvhlch xx'aBennctedrFrmT-Hr- y the brotherhood of the chlld- - imnjotltv, xx'ero llstenpd to h pro. r hd In'tir henn less lnrre. all has done for the child of the forest It 1 found Bllence. and the uutlvm .s,.nt'pf,:P,'r,,,ulc,!.',."i '"torY "f will do for the child of the civilized morning the crowd, drawn by the fir- - 1 ' 'olo TllkpB seemed pmipplnllv iaHIiii tin. I 'ritp'p cnnfltet Irtwpen the of pvl- - 1 PwMo. t OfflrO la,!!lc" IlznllPP nnd )arbar!m would have been Ib It haa Ing i uiu u i cure. That what been doing of tho salute for a State gathered Thost. uho a mnoo Ul0 flB,lt.or f OnVMrnnr int LApicnp here. for yeara. You can get It of your drug- mill Uo.cls To many who bunt levcrcut heads' The lnflenc of this penprful reform before tho gorgeously public entry Into tho ro- - tl-- decorated sisterhood of states I I atipsal In p'xll na hern to this day gist for 25 rents, He sure to get the 11 1. while thu to the AlmlKh'v was avftrn building nnd gazed upon the National Jolced that Huxvall had coino to the ',s '""'I l"l uttered came thu of Hie ntneasl PfFlnrt and pnntrrtlllr'K in Mi" roptl"na genuine. The child's life la too pre-clnii- B AioMeii ',p,we,'', '" np'' thix whlla ;!fel0 at younger sister, not ns of th,. inlnlslp. tn ttie ,,, """"'""' inrc-ol- to trifle with worthless substi- emblems which mndo up tho principal flnl' hv rro ,, nt!PnP WP mBV u .t.M.tv..,,.,., I, IUI UIIU Jill II1U tho Pomnsnit,x"'v psfll peltle-- tutes. Hohrnn Drug Co,, ogontu for decorat.ve features o, the facade, the le'p "" A ".K rdlt nr-- the' comPo UaZ w il men mmt of (he dlaturved conait'oi or KIckapoo Indian Remedies. xxhlte securing points of vantage W'"t fJuklnnl tho nation enjoyed was withheld. The ,a,;VJimonylZ &. S (Contlnued on Pago

.nri IIVWVIIVN IiIT1I'. IlllIlU MM I moo Ht-.M- U

tw ! .,. tiAH n- - ll In IVHR Iw.lteil Ml ,U It'll III tl i alli.ii in tilli- mei ii IHl It'- I" Tl ll" MIt MMtl'l ..ndarlan,Tfr V murMMK r a errl Till111 InnlAIHI I I V I inir wiih in) iiri ?Te( I K"HM a4 te limii. ' UL I U ihe trnwllte Nt liUMMK TtMtl h"l the ! tnlHi... I., ih. ii I. i I I .nun Ihtnt4 bi. wf I I n .M i Mlnlonnry Killed OB TS IS nl, . Hfb'l I" " betwinil i. .nt wli.n Ml ll III h.'.i, ') lrtl' """J. i nnn...' ( I Hi n , (Mai ,,r and daairii. H..n llf ,1 I - til'ir Tr.' ' aair.i IIU WHIWIW C . -- tli-,t- r l in 1 1,'. while plane M'MmiH, Jtin Tln 1'fklntf ' - ! tieltlhV IrlegrnplllliK lei! "", .!!!."! - a.mi.i pr.v.d I'M"'" ..H,ndenl of the TIH1M ' ' , i I m.. I "'"! kriiar. r nnr t,.Ml llalietla will lm in, ml lb. ' ',r;JJi'; - Tuewlny m Mr Nonnnn. n tnlMlnn .,,, h. .Ilii in. r e I amt that tWe ha Iweii nny Mtfrt inplrn- " rhfc-f- , I'rtipflBatlon l,sf. iini th bi'Hf that the rloainpr of tlin jft baie IN CHINA Hi) of the Mtolely f..r tin IN PRETORIA ,Km and .o.miirI. f ll I1" rnlulnn t rearriiprd In atij . TIk s.f' .if the M.Hipel, Him i rilelly liullilereil nt .1lti. nt the hn l iimii nwrs 2 Viceroy im.i th. aquiire, tMi. hel th. fn.nl atterallain,li ine im'f Hung riilng mi June The ,o.,.t house fhr .tsm-- l FoiiKht KMllantU arnlnn llir resSun m nf Pet hill has oltlrially notified tho llilt- !! IMK 10 '!'!'"; m iniuliiv itntili. iiHd have been flnnlr nl.ll.afirrble. iMMlrgiwnl . fined lsh Minister it rlnn formH b Hie in o r h. h iterir Tim murder wns undoubtedly due to In K.'l n J. nS slid thai i.nni i.i vmr ' 1L'lwr'? en.iai is Black and th1 cnmpllelly of Hi Chinese Govern- , nr mid ll don. Ilobt. el out an Inlrl.aie .miiiMii SffiiSituation rim weim i. ump He lina alltiW ll lm rnoeli ment In cntlsetl by Boer Army Retreatslto on nil side After his Intro, .it i the disturbances the .. r.lnililto the nillrlals ltoberis r..i. u.am i.m1.hI t.n the advance Ilii. lloxcrs A secret islltt Issued two days lu.tli.n Iini of tone nnd how to tiro Hip nnd I'tllernl the ootlll ho"e nnd what kind - Alarming, ago fol bade soldiers tu fire Upon th Mountains. G.n.iHl Hob. rla afterward left th ti i ills line i.r tnmmunimmms inosi ..- Ilnxers. The soldiers who were killed nt building. irinomitiMl nnd the " lerklur" fh.iii.u liv nn tntltthn till trio -- I HBII I ! Huang no nnd A Wick-le-ss rt..a.le a. ...1( K Cltttxnml llllllllTf Tsun offered teslstnnce, Blue Flame was hnule.1 down ninld hnrrahs fnim tin were simply guarding tho railway. nornl.').. impulntlon Hut thuo was Th- - tHtnimlKi. m now hv wild ii rlpt IHif ilritHn rniin IiiVrv- - It Is Indisputable that tho chief sup- part nr mnny of rnliit a of thr lslble emotion mi the a. ( ...... - - BMTIili PEKING 10wtllCKSIllirg ..e.ie.i.i Illlrlllil'flo ill. porters of the lloxcrs Include Prince Oil tho rugg.il burghers Twira streamed torlft ii...... g Stove, A THREE down tho fne.s of tin big, beslded In. n vislon Is reporti. I to havo "nfred Tumi, the father, und Hsu Tung, the DMJBMISTICE at tho lors of Hit Hag tin) had fought lird M.thiien will lirolmli'v guardian or the ns well fur so Well. turn up nt Polihefstroom, and Genernls us Tung Kuh Hlung, the geneinl com- lluden-Powi- ll Cnrrlngton will ocetl A After ll brl.f Itlteltlil the Mltle of nnd - manding the hordes of Kan 8u soldiers Refrigerator, drums nnd sluleklng of llf. s heralded liv Zerrust nml iiusieniiurg. in; i'- Foreign Troops Landing -- - Russia who hnve long menaced the safety of Details of the Closing Scenes nppronch of General I'ule-Care- e tion or rinciMii win imuuhiu uin...... Various the i. A . m I IIP forelgneis In Pcchlll. Is Imperatively drawn up .i Ulnti. fnrn nml Ifftlllt pan It guards. The troops weio May Call Out an Army-Ja- Tlen-Tsl- n ItngslalT und th. riilim Jni k. him Hnrrtunillh ami Vrolo OtMrktn will necessary that the rnllvvay An Ice Cream Freezer ot the Bloody South around the ...... MAV.I,,v,...I ...... 1. llllll l.'M,. bu Immediately . ni kul by Ijidy HobeMs, was hoisted, lie grnoiiniiy iivi rnui i't .. May should patrolled, and plajlng "God the t)unu ' fori The remnliilng operations of tin Fight. patrolled by British guards. Tlen-Tsl- n African War. th. fires Hae .. ... is. m Lvib-nburi- r As the music censed a great ronr of ..hi i. r..iriet.,l the Itself Is iippaiently quiet, but there Ih b n to which the em my still liuMIng A Water Cooler. ehi.rs broke out. followed chorus district, - much suppressed excitement. Queen " I.nlng s Nik musi iiii.h.k.. of "God Sine the rrinai WASHINGTON, G. Th. re was on slgnlllcnnt ,,..,, .luno The situa- Battle Near Poking. eooKO singing of the nnthein n tall 1 rec "Tlnre lire tnnn slglls that the strilgitle tion in China now reached n Sec them In the large wlndcw display. the fortnight nml has critical fi. State artillerist who was wntchlng the will i ml III the course of n SHANGHAI, June Tho soldiers LONDON, Juno 0, 10.2. n in cer.mony to r. move his hat. und the dctnlls of thf sum ruler of Pretoria point, us shown by tho dispatches re- tu refused nt mid- today Conger ut dispatched to nttack the Boxers have I.ord Roberts tt Icgriiphed the n. bjstnnder trl. .1 to force him to do so, communicated by Lord Ilob.rts tched from Minister "Wnr OHtce ns follows: whereupon n Ilrltlsh guarilsmnn Inter-iMise- d. night, support this view I rom Poking nnd Hem' Admiral Kempff nt fought an engagement quite close to G. B.S.. p in. It appears the Hoers "PRETORIA, Juno saying: ii him alone He Robeits' report that Tnku Kemptr cabled tho Secretary ot - iaar-e- d Peking. Many were killed on both Tin- occupation of tlio torsn ling. too cowilrd-l- j back fairly Into Pretoria In "nngnge-inei- it fought for his You are weio dilveii sur- tho Navy this nrtoinnon that sides. The blue flame stove Is la peratlen oil satisfactorily and tlif nny nng." Mondnv's tngagim. nt and that the CO mod to light for r.tn-ir- al has Have landed more ling In now hoisted on top to the .,, of the town was demanded In consequence of the representations 7 5 p. British A march past subsniuent render set- Heniiieti. Moio battalion ot innrlnes." and runs from a. m. to m. without of the Government ofllecs. Imi through tho town closed the ceremony llotha propositi nn armistice for of Japan, the landing nf a large Russian troops met with a much more en- hendipiarters wero nt a tling the terms of surrender, nml Lonl Ho nlso culled for n gunboat nnd a bat force nt Tnku Is allegcdto have been any attention. The fuel costs ne cent Lord Roberts no Secie-tnr- y thusiastic reception than I antici- Inn In an orango groe. Ihere was Roberts r piled that there could be talion nr murines. Tills morning stopped small Ided Con-ge- i, per pated. The Third Ilattallon of the a thuruetellstlc scene there nt the close conditions General Hnthn dei liny received a dispatch from It Is believed here that should Russia pr hour burner. Grenadier Guards lined the square One of tho stuff ngalnst nny attempt to defend th- - town Buying tho hnd grown of his victorious day urraiigtil for the situation perBlst In sending a preponderating when tho march pant took place olllcers approached In order to discuss n nnd the clll nincinls mine beilou.s, nnd that the Iloxers wero military foice to the front a collision "Owing to thilr having been .n nml found the entry of the troops during the afternoon, Ail- - matt.r of Imporlanco JohannisbiiriJ I In tiylng to attack the city. Hear with Jnpan will Inevitably result. .NO SMOKE, duty nt Bomo dlstnnco around the Held marshal with the InnkerprrH little ns had bten done nt Keinprt'H dispatch was in cipher town, very few cavalry and ! to tench tier of President Krueger und Gen. nil iiilinl Alarming teports nre cuirent heie of daughter on his knee, lrlng wives no at- ami u.ik not quite Ho guve no de- mobiliza- fantry wero ablo to tuke part In to write. When the ollle. r Interrupted llotha rrninlned In the town and clear. the hurried completion of the NO SMJSLL, ceremony n tempt wnB made to remove the Ilrltlsh tails tu indicate' what forces were en- the Lord Roberts look.d up with smile and rs tion of the Jnpanese fleet. "Several of our officers who had "Don't come now Caul win prison, rs to Wnttrvnl All the iirloni gaged The Russian Minister at Peking, M. is'O DANGrKK. prlsonerB were among said will be spi'dlly reltiised and the sliind Dep.utment otUclul.s Incline been th. I urn lnisyT - not .State to de Glers, has made another attempt to onlookers." made In the Lvdinblirg illstrltt the belief thnt the engagement refers to Induce the Chinese Foreign Olllce to British Battalion Captured, llkelv to be serious nn attack on Peking, which wns fore- - to - formally lequest Russian assistance i r.vnnv June S Lord Itobilts today Lshiuliiwed by Conger's dispatch. Secre- restore order, but the offer has not yet ,1 Long LONDON, June .', 11.0T p. ro. The War .nMaiinn ilm rnnture of the Imperial tury litis cabled Hear Admiral been accepted. STATCORJNnEST Kemprf for mure specific Information. to ev-1- st OfTlco has rccelvtd tho follow Inc from Yeomanry b the lloers near Llnille Ills A Violent dissensions are leported If the gunboat Helena is available nt commander-In-ch- ii IxjrJ Itobcrts: dispatch Is ub follows; between the Chinese ... Manila It will doubtless be Bent, as it forces, Jung-L- u, nnd Pilnee w. 6, 12.53 p. STATION, June i;. f of the w "PRETORIA, Juno w. Jmi "PRKTORIA wns especially Chlng-Tu.it- regret to r port me inir- - AMONG CUBANS built for Chinese waters. i, who, in accordance with jesterdny the enemy were p m. I tliiil - water, can lieforo dark i jr "- liiauiug but nine feet of It the wishes of the Dowager Hmpiess, Is teinth imperial euinuiu " Pel-li- o Tlen-Tsl- beaten back from nearly nil the p.sillonf .... u ...... p., miimrlnr fnrrn nf tna go up the to the heart strongly supporting the cause of the they had been holding, nnd Ian Hamil- ,n.. .1., .,. I.ln.llev I III I of navigation, from which point Peking Boxers. followed to ceivlng Information of the battalion be A Paper Mnkes Veiled Threat Is reached In diplomatic cltcles the The mobs who murdered the Dngllih ton's mounlid Infantry tn.s. - d ing J orueren .Hi'inuni n- i""-c.- situation Is viewed as extremely grave. within 2.W0 jnrda of Pretoria, tkrough uttaekeil riFslstaiiei missionaries, Iloblnson and Norman, DIMOND with nil speed to Its who Inasmuch us the Indications are now bodies. which they rttriated hastily. Da Llsli .... . ll,..., nil (tut Hint ll Oil AMsiinst the Foreiu'tiers mutilated and disemboweled the ami, hitting thnt the Chinese Umpire Is about The station ut Yan-Tl- n, three miles then Mnt an ollleer with a flas f truco thf Jlellliion Hido f KrooiiHliuU tn be up. nn 1110 ruuviiu i Are Running Things. cut fiom Peking, has been burned. The & LIMITED demanding Ub In half hour nrier d, C0.f Into tho town, snrr.sd.r on Juno lht, lio htaitui o!f Ji The break In the Admirals cablegram BrltlBh Minister, Sir Claude M. my nam. '. ,.e il, f.llin Itw ilnv lilt llllll Is caused by nn illegible group of fig is reported to be quite III. awak-Vne- twcnty-llv- u midnight I d foity-roi- ir miles lu ures. Heading In one light would "Shortly bifore maiehcd. .. 0. All pulltlt.il it mporters of Crockery, ... no ann tnn. In enuntln t fl II.WANA. June the seem the landed fifty 4 Glass by two olllclals of the South African Hours, nui wim iu" ";. .T." ut- - thnt Newark has onel Hpraggo's Yeomanry. Methuen partlis, thiough their I. prtsi ntntlve to al- ORDERED TO SEA.. Jlepubllc-Sandbc- rg, military eecr.tury to JLt (M'll L'- .- sallois the marines t. al. I..eu I, tin m llfltU newspiipt rs, have pionoumed ngalnst the In and House Furnishing Goods. een-cr- al ready nurture1, and another aspect the Commandant Ginernl Botha, an a ln and :.,00 Htron, and after a riiiiiiintf to umiil-gama- . plan of Geiieial Maximo Gomt. gup might be read to state fifty Oil' araay l o ii'ij iuh.-- - that Two Battleships Started In a ollleer of the Doer who llllll of Hours cumim the paity oignnlzatlons. Mem- - sniltits had been landed with another me n fiom Hatha propos- . . -- . Hurry. brought letter "if'.'P. nlriMlfilHtlllieO. li. rs tin Cabinet sa tho schemi Is not b.ittallon of murines. The Admirals Sole Agests purpoa t set- very long be- - of - far ing- an armistice for tho but I trust It will not bo feasible, as such an election would news Is icgarded as of the utmost PHILADELPHIA, June 6. Under of surronder. J. r.plled ruu " ..... -- ity. Sociutnry I..ong has cabled him to tling tho terms tho irisn " lraroimu not entry nny otllclal n cognition fiom orders from the Navy Department the JEWEL STOVES, I would gladly meet the Command- fiom capllvlt) send his messages heieafter In plain that the Unlttd States. More than this, the Hnglish. battleships Massachusetts and Indiana, STANDARD AND PURITAN BLUE ant General the next morning, but that I Transvaal Army Intact. amalgamation Is unneces League Navy yard, any terms, as nssut that an at the Island aie was not prepared to discuss I.. -- I ntll the situation an from the Buisia Sends Troops. FLAME WICKLESS OIL STOVES, un- LONDON, June sary, as thej have assuruiue being prepared for seal The oiders of town must b. wa- - the surrender tho .. .i... ,,. lel.l.ii. Imnd of Pietorlu Is Stutes Government that u. conven- LONDON. June C The Dully Kx- - give no clew ns to what service the ves- I u reply Ky k, I'nltul PRIMUS STOVES, conditional. ukid for .1,,. ... , i ilm oilleluls heie. as well aa ns soon as possible aft- piess has a dispatch from Shanghai, to ii. tion will be callul sels may be called Into, the notice to as I had oi tiered the tiooaa will llnd dlinctilty In inognosU- - of all tho elided Mu-or- s, dated Tuesday, which says: "Russian GURNEY CLEANABLE REFRIGER- soon as It was othirs, er the election, troops been ordered commandant Casey being simply to get march on the town as latllti; laOrtl IHMliriB llllllirtiiiim itr, to form u constitution, which will In have from Port Ar . ue-,,- . i the ships ready and dispatch them as ATORS, light. It appuirs ,. .. V " thur to the neighborhood of Peking to ."""Litl. II presented for rutlllcatlon to the net punish Cos- - possible Roads, i told me he sad de- manner in euiui, ,, the Doxers for killing two soon as to Hampton DOUBLE-COATE- D IRON- "In his fpl llotha I.. good ordei. pro - Congiess. Coiiscnucntljf ns thej uigui. GRANITE not to Pretoria, and ha ,,s guns, withdrewuvii sucks nnd wounding two." w here they are to await further orders. cided dtfmd uliiy iniiKing ene Gomtz wcie to uitry out his HDULIN, 5. news propel ty '". ";;"Krue- If General June Tho latest The warships were this morning piloted WARE. trusted women, children and with tho lew of joining President plan of taking a plebiscite, It would miiki legnrdlng the Uoxers has reached here would be protected. At 1 a. in. today, ger. So the TransMiai forces leinain out of the reserve basin around to the with Piesldents Ivrue-ge- r ven tho friends of Cuba believe It Im- by private and otllclal lelegramB. all In of march, 1 was met by three practically Intact Delaware river front, where prepara- Only highest Trade RUB- while line and nnd General llotha and possible for the Cubans to do an thing of which say the situation is black and the of RED principal olllclals with a Oac of 8ten jic-- .... nlurming. The German Foreign Office tions for departure were finished. Both BER Is In Stamps mado by of the Secretary or aiaie '; " .V V.r without lighting among themselv i s. used the truce, stating their wish to surrender position to continue the direction Demo-Liutl- c considers encounter between the Box- vessels were practically ready to go to the HAWAIIAN GAZETTE CO. a optlmlBtlc see. In Hie Lu Nnelon, oigun or the Union lUe town. It was arranged that 1'ietO' ntTalrs. Tim inoro ers und Russians tin event probably sea when orders came, having been fact that Piesldint Krueger a wlfo and purty, now that It Is nn acciptid f taught with tho greatest danger. News Hhould be taken possession of by Her ne-.- thoroughly overhauled nt Brooklyn rla General nonius who mi. fact that this party will be u minority In has also leached hcie that several Ger- the Majesty's troops nt 2 o'clock this after an Indication that tho President to cull Its prov- navy yard before their arrival here. on lonB reBlslaiicn. In the coming elections, continues man and Catholic missions In the noon. does nut omit a - u Shantung pillaged by The two vessels are loaded with any case. It will piobubly take Ixn.l Rob- successful opponents "moio labble" inces of have been 'Mrs. llotha nnd Mrs. Krueger are both . . .a ...... nra-a-n 11 laTT- - and to declare thnt they do not represent mobs, supposed to have been incited by enough coal to make a trip across the in Pretoria. Some few of the British of pursuit. The military author!-,.iiK- i. Cuba. snjs only js.wu voters the uoxers agitation. they large sup- Clarke's .,., ,i,- - -. It that Atlantic and contain lintinrtnnt I, in, i registered out of a iiosslble CO. 000, NUW YORK, June C A cable to the jirlsoncrs havo been taken away, but the ties aniicumiei ii...t Ilullcr s plies ot ammunition. There nre 120 majority a liens will come from '"General and that tho better elements refrulned Sun from Paris says: China is absorb- are still at Watoival. Over Plenty of tlmo has elapsed to fiom leglsterlng. To this tho National ing diplomatic attention at present. men In the reserve crew of each ship, tho olllcers are. In Preloilu . turning movement nt asking why, tho union .hundred of ompleto . tho ists reply by if Nino telegrams from Peking were re- the balance of the complement of 403 The few 1 have seen aro looklnsr well." Democratic party had such a majority, SO did not register. ceived at the Foreign Office today. sntlors and marines having been dis- Blood. LONDON. June C The dispatches of Its members .May - - publishes a veiled thriut Fears are now entertained that the tributed among various naval stations be- iu iiii iiiiit"-- ' - Lu Nnelon Ix)rd Roberts telling of tho Incidents pat Inn of Malmanl, wheie 200 Hoers sur- ngalnst tho United States, snylng In part lloxcrs will besiege that city. It Is re- after the vessels reached here from fore the Bunenderlng ot the capital by n nili rcn "Surface appearances nro often try ported that the Boxers a month ngo Biooklyn. three civilians, stand alone, as tho corre- Trucn. misleading, especially when ono wishes numbered 100,000. It Is considered likely A Thrao Day to ascertain precisely tho direction und The full crews were illled out with MixtureWORLD-FAME- troops spondents with him base not had (heir American that Russian from Port Arthur TUB BLOOD PURI- C.- -A Hi h force of undercurrents. Tho Tlen-Tsi- n C25 men RESTORER, LONDON, June special dlsp by visible placidity, will pioceed by way of and the who came here on the FIER AND turn with the wires. Tucsdm. papers are misled tho occupy Peking. Russian Initiative is frigate from Hampton IS WARRANTED TO CLEAR THE poslswlpt announcing from Loutcnzo .Mnniue. dated nf ilm Cuban neonle. nnd think that a Hartford Roads BLOOD from all Impurities from Lord Robtrts' geneinl state of contentment oyer viewed with mixed feelings by French and the other details ordered of the Yeomanry battalion came con- here whatever cause arising. the loss J"Gen'eraai1 Duller and Christian llotha tin Ir stand. diplomatists. Russia represents fiom New York nnd Boston. The For Scrofula, Scurvy, Eczema, Skin and too late for the public to know It last lluller's request. who more Intimate with the Chinese Ideas, as oppobed to met ut Lnlng's Nak at "We. are servative Haitford's men Include Blood Diseases, Blackheads. Pimples and evening. The newspaper commentators when n threo unjs ariiuswee mm i.h'"-.p- i. miissiH, can nssuio the American papers tho open-do- policy, and consequently, four hundred Sores of all kinds, it Is a never falling and deploiable, but as that theie Is iniieh silent discontent though France Is Russia's close ally, landsmen who have just been brought permanent cure. It consider tlui incident .iiunnti.il nd.ls Hint the Ilrltlsh among the Cuban people. Muth could Cures Old Sores. no weight to speak of lu the le- - hle dllllculty Is experienced In backing her around from San Francisco. Recruits .having vatuatid Ptieeht have been done If tho Cuban secretaries up In leading Is Cures Sores on the Neck. The battalion numbered b.tween had had dealer Ideas legaidlng their du-tli- s. thoroughly the role she were also taken from among the sixty Cures Soro Legs. iiills. u, assuming. 400 j.nd GOO. Maneuvering to Victory. Cuba has not been transfoimed Inndsmen and apprentices on the re- Cures Blackhead r PJtnpleg the man got paradise. We have no herpents here; Fiance will, therefore, probably Face. Gancral llotha and most ot his 6 dlspatih tu ceiving ship at League Island. awuv fiom Pretoria. This is Inferred NHW YORK, Juno A und, If we hnve a whole tribe of blood- strengthen her garrisons In China con- Cures Scurvy. message, lliu London sas: sucking vninplns, which threaten us with siderably while awaiting developments. Cures Ulcers. from Lord Roberts' but from fluid, they Blood and Skin Diseases. is that the iloer Commandant Tim promenndo fiom Cape Town to n loss of the at French agents In China have given the MONEY FROM MATJI. Cures dispo cannot lead us to spiritual perdi- Cures Glandular Swellings. General cannot Cbcupo the British Pretoria was ended jesterday ufti r n bast Impression, which Is surely erroneous, Blood from all impure matter. sitions without a ngnt. jiunnutt uup tion." tho United Is engrossed In Clears tho Johanmsliurg, battle ot maneuieis, lather tbnn serious Americans here are astonished at this that States Hawaiian Relief Society Receives a From whatovcr causo arlslag. leigh, wiring from s.is Un- tho Philippines and not Interested In Is real specific for Gout Rheu- Krueger took JCIVW.1 in iash lighting. Lord Robeits gius n detailed nttack. lieforo the members of the It a a4 President ion Democratic party discovered that events In China. Donation. matic pains. to MIddleburg. description of this engagement, and heUis Havana, diplomatist today Informed removes tho causo fr.rs the Blood h they wero In tho mlnoilty In A French A postofllce $100 It Story of Advanes. thereby to dignify tho entry of tho Urjt-Is- they claimed thnt they were America's the cottesponilent ot the Sun that the order for has been and Bones. troops Into tho cnpltal. Tho details old auton- tecelved from Maul by Miss Lucy As this Mixture Is pleasant to the taste, ring it Is not clear best friends, representing the iiilglniil outlueak of Hoxeis occurred In warranted free from anything Injuri- LONDON, June 5. The AVur Villi a Ihls luno a hollow and omy party, tho wealth nnd Intelligence a piovlnce within the Geimnn sphere of Adams, treasuier of the Hawaiian Re- and re that tho lcslstancn ottered by tho lloers of tho Island Reyond this ttiey repre- ous to tho most delicato constitution of morning issue's the followlngjUlspatih was serious. Tho lions, whi'ii attacked itilluence. The trouble was probably lief Society. The money Is a balance cither sex, tho Proprietors solicit sufferers y, sented that they were conservative and ceived from Lord Jtooerts. by tho mounted Infantry nnd tho Now owing to the brutal tientment of the of n sum subscribed by citizens of to give It a trial U test Its value. lu did not desire radical chances. tho the "SIX-M- I MM SPRL'IT. June I, S.3U fell back upon a position the of nliound In parens-ti- c coolies employed lu railway construc- peo- - several columns their oignn Mnui for the relief of the destitute THOUSANDS OF TESTIMONIALS OF WON- V. in. Wo started this morning ut iU)- rear, where they had concealed allusions to eveiv thing American. tion. Serious fears me elitei tallied for guns butter- et ple of Kahulul who were out. lirenK nnu murcneii nuoiii ten innes iu guns. The nuul and tho At a meeting of the municipality of the lives of the missionaries and con-v- burnt DERFUL CURES liix-Mll- bankB which ies of artillery up with the Council As wero no aid, Spruit, both of moid the Havana u member of tho said ts nnd two vicntlsts In Shantung there further calls for were occupnQ by the enemy. Henr's brigade behind them, and ho undoistood thnt Captain Pitcher, Po- province. the committee on distribution of the FROM ALL PARTS OF TUB WORLD. and Iloss' mounted Infiintr), with the Dutch letlred. Tho lloeis then made a llen Magistrate and Supet visor of Pollie, Bus-ae- x Hank of The Foreign Olllce has notified the Maul society, through Its West Somerset, Dorset, lledford and r.ebb! attimpt to turn the left hnd owlered the police captains to learn chairman, Clarke's Blood Mixture Is sold la dis- tho Ilrltlsh nrmy. but wero thwurted Cap- pi ess that though nppaient calm has M. . companies of Yeomanry, ipilckly of Kngllsh. Tho Mnvor leplled that John Lewis of Walluku, sent it to 2s 9d each, and In cases containing six lodged them from the south bank and when Geneiul Hamilton's column tain Pitcher hnd merely mndo a sugges- been lestoted in China through the Honolulu for the use ot times the quantity, lis sufficient to effect n mile', thev mounted Infantry tilled tho gap. Tho nothing In nature landing of foielgn troops nt Tlen-Tsl- n the Hawaiian pursued them nearly when Roberts' army, tion, but hnd said the Relief Society. a permanent euro in the great majority found themstlvis under a heavy flru from lloers letreuted and Lord of nn order. and the sending of them to Peking, the of g cases By ALL CHEM- u bivouacking over night, intend protested strongly VKND-OII- S guns which the lloers nnd placed In nfter Guards Several Councllmen situation has ienlly changed seriously - IST and PATENT MEDICINE commanding position Pietorlu eslcrday afternoon, tho against such a suggestion. Ono of them the worse In Inst days. throughout the world. Proprietors, Koy-a- way. casualties wero for the three Nows Notes. heavy guns Nuval and l lending tho Tho askid wh Cubans, tho owners of the C TUB LINCOLN AND MIDLAND COUN- "Our of tho tho engagement was a LONDON, Juno Tho Berlin corre- Artillery, which had purposely been not henvy and countiy, should lenin a foreign languuge Dally says: Ameilcun missionaries reluming from TIES DRUG COMPANY, Lincoln, Eng- ulaced In tho front nart of the column. of maneuvers on each side, without In order to speak with n foreigner? spondent of the Chronicle highest land. Trado nark "BLOOD MIXTURE." despeinto or persistent lighting In the tho attention of tho in olllclal circles here It Is believed that India siicuk In tho terms of Lord were hurried to the assistance of tho stronghold. Tho Major called grown Curzon's fnmlno relief work. mounted lnfnntrv ns fast as oxen nnd doiiso Dutch Council to tho fact that tho Algentlne the situation In China has worse. B.OOO Lord Roberts was embarrassed b the Sanulento was powers Over workmen In Kansas City nro CLARKE'S BLOOD MIXTURE. mules tould travil oxer the great rolling In training ship Presldento The nre now exchanging dis liable to bo locked out owing to a strike Hurl of Rossljn'B enterprise last wnk coming to Havnnn. Ho snld ho had men-tlon- td hills surrounding Pietoiln Tho puns puiilc-strlck-r- n patches regarding the appointment ot a ordered by tho Builders' Club, revealing tho helplessness of In view tho possi- l'uro-pen- n CAUTION. Purchasers of Clarke's wero supported by Steenson's brigade of facility which tho matter ot single commander of the united wapi. u, vv. mrKman, uisnusseu from 1'oic-t.are- nnd tho with municipality might wish Clarke's Blood Mixture should see that nnu, inter u ioiv rounus, Pretoria ttoops. bility that the - and American squadron. tho service for alleged offences at Ma- drove tho enemy from their positions. It could bo entered by tho Ilrltlsh to entertain the officers nnd crew- It may they get tho genuine article. Worthless nnd ho was deprived of tho credit of wns decided, ns tho Argentine Rtpublle nila, bo restored to duty by act of Imitations and substitutes are sometimes "Tho lloers then attempted to turn our Tion-Tsin- 's Congress. left Hank. In which thev wero again forcing his way Into tho Iloer capital, bad not recognized the Independence of Critical Position. palmed oft by unprincipled vendors. The sur- v Tho milliners of the United States hnvo foiled by tho mounted Infantry und eo- - since tho eagerness of the olllclals to Cuba, not to tender an reception vvhat-e- words, "Lincoln and Midland Counties tho town was proclaimed when he er. LONDON, June 6. A dispatch to the mndo nn agreement with the Audobon Drug Company, Lincoln, England," aro mnnry, supported uy ungaun render n, .Maxweus not prepared to advance, lly waiting Secretary Govern- Dally Mall from Tlen-Tsl- dated June Society whereby no songbirds will bo engraved on the Government stamp, and of Tucker's division. Ab, howoer, they was Seuor Tumnvo. of used to adorn women's huts, Blood Htlll kept pressing our renr, I Blx ho gino to tho lloers tlmo to ment, has orilend that where more than 4th, snys: The situation Is very serious. "Clarke's World Famed Mixture" left sent das Tlen-Tsl- Oxford will confer degrees n Charles In bottle, to Ian Hamilton, who was recover fiom their panto and to make ono political party exists In tho same Tho Itnxers nio approaching n blown tho WITHOUT WHICH word adduci- of defending tho capital. The commis- Bitot Norton of Harvard: Itev. Dr. Mor- NONH ARE GENUINE. ng threo miles to our left, to incline to-- some show place tho parties shall fonn a nn all sldis. gan Dlx of Now York; Professor Chand- us up gap account ot Mondas's engagement and sion, contnlnliig a repreentntlvo of each of ward and fin the between the Tuesday's entry Is rending for persons voting. The Shanghai correspondent the ler of Columbia and Prof. Mark Baldwin two columns. This finally checked the better to assist Illiterate In Dally Mall, telegtaphlng yesterday, of Princeton. nemy, who wero driven back toward each sldo In conseiiuine-- of tho delay Genet al Wood left last night on n tour Castle & Cooke, Ltd. lloers havo tho credit for making n Inspection Include Remedies, says The Hoers are within three miles Tho Liberals have, asked Marquis Ito hoped wo would have The of that will ran-line- s, Pretoria. I been Slx-Ml- seik-In- g Tlen-Tsl- n. In to tho to accept tho lendershlp of the party with able to follow them up, but the dnjs now tlnnl stand at Spruit and of Calbnrlen and Snntn Clara. He will be of addition HONOLULU. g to nmbush tho lliltlsh nnd then to accompanied bv General Humphre and the defensive forco Includes is a vlovv to a new coalition. The situation are very snort in tins part oi mo worm, In- is deadlocked pending a reply from the und. nearly two hours' marching out think them, and Lord Robetts, wTil return to Hnvnnu Prldny under the command of Major nfter marching In days . . Marquis. Commission Merchants. and fighting, wo had to bivouac on the stead of several after lllggs, late of tho Sixteenth Lancets Robert Wutchorn, Immigration agent nt during day. tho enemy had scuttled out, has tho sat- tow n Is practically under arms. uround culrud tho isfaction of entering tho capital lu gal- VOli FIFTY TIMES ITS PRICE. Tho Tucomn, eulogizes the Japanese in a let- "Tho Guards brlgado Is quite near the TIDN-TSI- N (via Shanghai), June 5. to Commissioner of Immigration lant stjle urter a succe-ssfu- l cngnge-inta- t. ter southernmost fort by which Pretoria Is I awoko last night with sovcro pains Last night passed quietly, but Tlen-Tsl- n Powderly at Washington and pronounces SUGAR FACTORS. defended and less than four miles from Lord Roberts docs not appear to havo in my stomach. I never felt eo badly Is In an excited state this morning ngalnst tho agltutlon. tho town. my down to 200 foreign troops are ex- "French with tho Third nnd Tourth used more than two brigades of Infantry, In all life. Whon I canio About more --AGENTS PO- R- Cavalry brigades and Hutton's New with a strong body of cavalry, and, while work this morning I felt so weak I pected here today. New Sugar Trust. South Wales Mounted Tillies aro north tho hcin) guns wero kept well In front, could hardly work. I went to Miller ic A representative of the Associated Tbe Ewa Plantation Co. brigade Is be- there was little work for them. Ho hnd ess Huang Tsun on the 2. organiza- The Walalua Agricultural Ltd. of Pretoria. Broudwood's stationed two brigades or cavalry north McCurdy'e drtiK storo and thoy recom- Pi visited NEW YORK. June The 0., tween French's and Hamilton's columns, col- Railway, to duy and of Sugar Refining The Kohala Sugar Co. and Gordon Is watching the right Hank of Pretoria, and Genorul Hamilton's mended Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera two bridges tion the National umn to the West und had not attempted Remedy. worked llko found that the station and Company of New Jersey was completed The Walmea Sugar Mill Co. or tnn mam torca not rar irom tno ran Uoer and Diarrhoea It had been burned. The ollleer command- way bridge to concentrate his forces, since the to-d- com- The Koloa Agricultural Co. ut Irene station, which was eommundoes wero hot strong. magic and ono dose fixed me all right. ing the Chinese troops there tnld that In Jersey City. The new destroMd by tho enemy Our casualties thing I ever only pany Is The Fulton Iron Works, St Leufc, hope, ure very few," Aftir a few hours of maneuvering tho It certainly Is tho finest 200 of his men had bolted, nnd a combination of the National, J cupltal was left dcfi list less. The fori, used for stomach trouble. I shall not tlfty remained. Theso fought well, kill- Mollenhntter, Doscher companies. The Mo. il expense mlne-oune- rs Scenes at Johannesburg. construct! nt the of the be without it In my homo hereafter, ing a number of the Boxers. The bolt- stock Is divided into 10,000,000 ot com- The Standard Oil Co. nnd strengthened during the war. ing troops were budly cut up In the ad- The George F. Blake Steam Pumpi. JOHANNi:silUUa, I'rlduy, June The wcie abandoned, tho cnusots nnd Krupps for I Hhould not caro to enduro the mon and $10,000,000 of preferred shares. Long were again fifty jacent broken country. It Is stated that Weston's Centrifugals. entry of an armed forco yesterday and tho famous Toms, which Bufferings of last ulght for Some The assets comprise all the plants ot this large, to render Pretoria Impregnuble, were Its price. O. II. Wilson, Livery- sixty weio killed or wounded. pf The New England Mutual Uf In- Into modern, populous town taken east to the mountains nnd the times their bodies wero recovered, frightfully tho three companies In the combina- afforded such a strange contrast to the Krueger's man, niirgeUstown, Washington Co., surance Co. of Boetea. previous rapltul, which President mutilated. tion and several million dollars tn cash, Inawaaeo Co. of incidents of tho war us to make burghers had boasttd would bo defendid Pa. This remedy Is for sale by all All Chinese railway employes ore The Aetna FJr the occasion peculiarly mcmoruble. Boon for month month, wns surrendered BENSON, the Hartford, Conn. 10 o clock Lord ufter Drugglfts nnd Dealers. desertlug their posts, and tho troops Tho bark Olvmnlo sailed from Riin nfter Iioherts ami his stnrr nfter a single feeble engagement. CO., agonts Hawa- appear to , The Alliance Amutkuim Oo. Loa- - left tho camp, followed by the Guards The futility with which Johannesburg SMITH & LTD., for sent to guard the stations Francisco for Honolulu with a large car-- tl and brigades and the num. nnd Pretoria hnve been taken leads many iian Island. be win so than useless. A guard of 250 go ot general merchandise. dStt. J - I J

' -, HAWAIIAN (IVV.KTTKi rilll)A..ll-M- !- 1000.-HK- MI WKKKI.Y IMI I . TKLKOHAMfl OONDEtlSKD. Mrl. I'mi it l (.. I, w J. I,ii ! 1 p v A in I., urson fclfp of the Vli -.- J. H, & Piri hw t.i In iiki'iI in the famine HplHits H.&C0, CO. On Jlltir I ",ti. f. f !i"rnt ir. Ht ti'ii In n letler mpllr.t in Ijidy riiixmi. fur-mrr- WA from Tn Tin, i hum, mi-- l I It'h n Nw of Coitt Filna Aliluovlntod for I Win Intnl. The Future of Mury nt rlilrmc. II In 1 rnl-lptl- ll,t llf lllltttftA PftltlatllA w-mm ..,--- .. thnt ether iIIIps hI'M In o Qulek HeutllitK. The :: - ft.ib..i Tlit nt lowpul njr inr ..:aimrnrn mninill I In it the nmotint. o lxl tl.o 'ibiiowp: kiiimi, w..w, wound, il i.nu Cnrntrrm Imp lumped the leillplnim 63 pileo nt iMhmn) linn Ihrr ww torn tit coplttml nml miniiirrt1, IMH i.rixin- - Pim-hu- HOI'I'U r J,(V cvlrbmtlmt bill In linml. Seventy iilllci'l-- p nnd eighteen hundred ALS; ii..Xw utk lnnoiNii r lnMriirtwl for (lunlrtnnln tin flitml.il witli linI inier melt In (he OFFIC ir)nn. money, ami n panic Hii citfiftit; hne dlrd Philippines Plliee o n - rull lit-u- He- tloiilil linn U0f to Henry n III visit Ohlu nml Mlrhlim 1 in he war o illfl A child's liie may b& U ((purge 1. Aliderpiill. th utiles! Odd The Best Mi lip wonlil WPlrom Hip lloorp HtnlPP' Irmle lipr Mmi.l I'elliivt III nged 7(1 years. t'nllnl with (he ., Indiana. ilM. t ,' blighted by disc.rs of luhrnAntPtliu. fr thp ycnr Jnt i'IiihIiir Btnounv io 11$,-- V. J. llrpt'Uptirldcp. n Los Angeles Cnltu, lli fMtnoup plnKiT, will ntmiidon imi.imi in youth, such as Rickets, t druggist, wan kilted by fool pads. M. M. Estee Confirmed for drntime. i DcIIImt of Iowa In fiiTnriM for Vlrt rittpiiiirg reports nn unpenning re Results MHT II. MIIKVir). mi" rMUH'r nnu I irncirm ny rmilirill IPOHorP Which is by s m ii.tiiii. illid lii South Afrlcti. nf (tip Hvtuitp nnJ 1 lotiu. duction In the prlcr nf steel billets nnd X llonrn urw tnitPPliiK uttack the rrrncli Itumln Ip tiihliiK ptrpp In innko lio- - weak bones or crooked pig Iron. Billots wilt go to Hi per ton. 3 III Furnitiiro buying as Federal Judge. who nro intrptioiiiiiK iimr .oiiuin. warshlns rlllclrnt. the ITznr oVpltinn lo iirnuiey .1nr11n and wuiinin wnuiorr (ililninnlilo r aro from Ili'V. llr. Illilinril tfalu-- Hlorrp, the fa- be irmly for any emcrgenr). I spine, nnd inability (o stand J: stor nro lighting to be relieved of taxes gi tho mous Hrooklyn iIHInc, I ilcnil, iirciI !'. American capitalists are reported to I In New York on tho score nf . hutiro (but buvflnt thocloa- - o St. LouIp ptrct't enr striker rcfiiM u iiiivp fiirnlPhed inllllons for a big limn lo or Wi'C ..u:idii(i or Mcras j Is nn $2,000,000 o nml to ilo violence. Astor assessed "? est market liuyn only auoh - pi'ttlotncnt contlnuu llrnill. nun iiriiiiiey-Mimi- u u, s,- Apnrs Miller, u Now York penmstres", The San lrnnclnpo Ilonril of Hcnltli mus, that wasting disease i on izoo.uov. GooiIh ns aro doneiuinblo IS L I or utrnwbvr- - propor 1,5" poor l.alinieiH nre scarce lu Kansas, died from cntlPB nx quart to remove Clilneec I. wIiopo from Chinatown to MUsion Hock nml ".- - ' charactcrm'.d by palcnrrs ilj Dr. Theodore Menges, one of tho best wearing qualities nro Onk-lai- i. lttith Dunhnnt nml Clnra Taft of ul POO to AtiRel Iflniul. ' jij known dontnl authorities In the coun- New-Yor- and crtuciuiion, Scrofula, 5 Known, vno chair may bo liavc won IiIkIi honors nt a MaJ. Clen. Otis was releascil from qmir-- 1 or try, Is dead, ns the result of 1111 opera- school. inline' nt San Kranclscu nftrr lclitK hold ' tion for appendicitis. dent nt Two Poi.r.Aitg, while Haywood for Collector of Internal It Is believed tlint Salisbury will re- live inH nt AnKel island, left a constitutional nbeasc Ul of England despite con- lie The debate lu the Senate on the nrmnr nnotbpr bo conpidvrcd a main ns Premier for tho Kast. question Al- Revenue and John C. Baird trary reports. The first production of "Sanho" In San the glands and nccK. beentne ncrtmotilous, nnd zc lurgnin vmn len, Tillman and Hnnnn waged a wordy nt Fouk Dollars. HOCIiesler. JCW lorn, imiiiiiiiiik Prnnclpco was erected by a craw J that ; 'J ho o District Attorney, blR ovation for Uciieral );. 8. Otis on his Mummed tho Alcaiar to tho doors. warfare In which political questions -- lntter is wbnt wo call urrlval tnere. Hmll D. ltosenbnum, a yomiR San Pran- - were discussed and party lines were I "dependable." Horace K. Man i. an Arizona rn1.ri. , cnpltnllst, has committed suicide by KiSiOii shnfutv drawn. or. Ii dyliiR at fiom the blto of tiaM of potassium. Congress Is about to adjourn. Wednesday's Daily.) n Ulla monster. supervisors of pure Cod-Liv- Oil wilh Sugar Haw, strong; rellued, strong. (From Ih detprmineil ., The, ,.. of. San Francisco. linve, -, l'niriiiml KrueRer snail ....'""-'J- ..... Kansas and Indiana Demociacy de- WASHINGTON, 2. The Presi- Ul .. lM."A"' I"! IIL'Al Jllll Ul O.10! Lime will June ir ivu nit' Tr.n.V.1 ...... thn... Ulir on ench S100 of valuation. nf and Soda clared for Bryan. Wo Imvo ' .....,..",nr Imlnrn. rnpi'Vpr. in stock dent y sent to the Senate the fol D'Annun-i- .. Stanford University will send n track prevent and cure the$c diseases. Tho victims In the Scofleld (Utnh) mlno Uusc, tho actress, to whom team Ilnnt In 1902. An Hastern football disaster number 199. lowing nominations for Hawaiian odl i im niifhnr. mndn lovo for literary team, It supplies jutt the material needed Chicago building strike Is likely to I snys sho will kill him. either Princeton or Pennsylvania, The i purposes, will be Invited to coma to California this bones, rich be settled In conference. ces: Morris M. Eatee o California J terllu will build and maintain all lt to form strong red Queen of Holland hns rati- BedroomSets o railways. Sixty miles an nour winter. Wllhelmlnn be United States District Judge for the street Col. I.uther II. Hnro of tho Thirty-thir- d blood and solid flesh. It will also fied Tho Hague peace treaty. o havo been made by nn electric enr there. Pnlted Stntes Volunteers, and Col. J. II. John C. Uwrle, a famous missionary, Hawaii; C. Ualrd of Alfred S. Kittson, youiiRCSt son of reach the infc.it through the moth- f Territory of John ,...K.1nKA tlm Inln tntlllUtnll- - Smith of the Seventeenth Infantry have ; Is dead at Bast Oiange, N. J. 1ltlaAn been appointed brigadier generals of vol milk, and be greatest There will be no fight nt Coney Island Parlor Chairs Wyoming to bo United States District jfonarc 8 Bucd for divorce on Rrounds jj er's cf the cruelty. unieers. between Tommy Hynn and Jack Hoot. Attorney of Hawaii: Daniel F. Hay of 'T Seventeen Chicago syrup ufactur- - ' benefit io boiti. John C. Graham, a Utah polygamlst, 1 era have been forced out of buslnes by At all drucirWts 50c. and $1.00 hns been convicted of unlawful cohnbltn-tlo- n. ! to be United States Marshal of win Arnold, must ko to KnRlnnd from ij Box Couches, Illinois cm- - the Klucose trust. SCOTT & 1IOWNE, Chemists, New York. San Francisco to answer a charge of Itev. D. I.. Gnrrott of St Luke's IUt; Br. F. W. Atkinson hns been appointed Hawaii. ,n.vlftmnnt. of In may bo fe- C0,000 be- church, San Francisco, has resigned Superintendent Public Instruction tbat relied ud- - May 6. The news Uonds valued at were found Philippine. San FIIANCISCO, of a magazine In the his charge on account of 111 health. the on ns being tbe tween the leaves I heavy Vigorous complaint Is mado of Kansas best to bo ci of Morris M. Estee's nomination as house of Itobert ltonner, tho publisher, The engagement of Miss Ethel Trow horizontal shocks In succession. City's high hotel rates for tho Democrat- bad for ,' wero In tho money. In other Judge soon at New York. squatter bridge of San Francisco and Thos. G. " "ousea KCK u"'u ic convention week. United States for Hawaii Captain Streeter, the Chicago Roberts, constructor of Sendal. The Confederate reunion nt Louisville words they nro Goods of who recently Invaded that city with nn assistant naval Thousands nro dying dally In the upronr appre- spread among his friends In this city charged con- the United States navy. Is nnnounced. ended In nn over a vote of "known wear." i nrmed force. Is In Jail with Bombay districts, of cholera and small- ciation to Gcnernl Sickles. 'J yesterday and his office was besieged spiracy to murder. Brooks street, in San Francisco, run- pox. Pvundes captured In Uganda, Africa. ning from Geary to Market, and known o with well-wishe- rs during the afternoon. exposition Rebels threaten Panama. Insurgents will be shown at tho Paris ns "Elbow Alley, has been blocked by HOW 'TO CURE A "SPRAIN. o Kntrllsh necuso tho Germans of ulaye-- a board fence by the Blythe estnte. A are reported six miles from the city. At the Union League Club ho was the Mrs. John Sherman Is dead. COOL ; i,lV?5?.n'S,,2r- 1 e 1,lock to He on the spot. I fipralncd my hip whilo trr.,in'UnJ- - ...... --- . built Last fall left Hon of the hour at luncheon time. While I III- - ..., .....p,'- hrfd In the Senate Pettlgrew Impugned the up !""-wagons and three losemlteii. The Philippine Commission arrived at handling some heavy boxes, tho doc- willing two honor of Hauna nnd Carter In hand- o perfectly to discuss the duties stages, stood off a squad of United Manila on the Huncock on June 3. ing campaign funds. tor I oalle 1 on said at first it was a WICKER o to nom- States cavalry and escaped with bootv. William II. owner of Now A 3, slight strain nnd would soon ho well, f of the office which he had been Dispatches from London say that e, Hearst, the London dispatch dated June says T n York San Jo- grew worse tho inated, Mr. Kstee had nothing to say on tho Capo coast, has been re-it- Journal and tho Francisco that Roberts reports all quiet nt but It and doctor thon FURNITURE n.l ,in,1 nHnnilnnmpnt nf Examiner, will start an evening paper hannesburg. for publication as to his plans for the tlifit Hi. the said I had rheumatism. It continued is just the nrticlo capital may cause 1110 spreau 01 .111 -- iiieuK" uu .. Tho Duko of Cambridge's yeomanry grow nnd I could hardly got for Is however, Ashnntl juij to worse future. It understood, that the rebellion. Trowbridge Ward, clerk of the Call- - have been rescued from their difficult lo work. I went to a urng atoro nnd g vernndas, bed, and sitting he will once commence preparations Tbe famous Peel library f Is position 'nt Seneknl. at 3,- - fornla Supremo Court, dead, mo to try room. See was to be sold on June 2. It included Krueger Is reported ns suffering from the druggist recommended our display just for his removal to Honolulu, which sm nolltleal caricatures embracing the The police of Chicago have raided tho Chamberlain's Pain Balm. I tried It o hand. conils-Cromwe- ll paralysis nf the brain, snys a London will bo his home for tho next six years, range of Uncllsh politics from pool rooms Hawthorne and onc-hn- lf whole at dispatch of June I. nnd of a bottle cured at least, provided his nomination Is to George IV. en ted the paraphernalia of the bookies. mo I now recommend to all George Crocker of San ! ranclcen hns Mlsa .;nzni,eth Code of Snn The Vnrlag, Russian cruiser, nt a trlnl entirely. it o confirmed by the Senate. Francisco twenty-tw- o reiurneii suuiieniy irum i.iii"i'c " n"(1 Lieut. Commander It. F. Nicholson trip, showed knots under my friends. F. A. Babcock, Erie, Pa. o Unlike most District Judgeships, that (lie reeenl. fii lure or l'rlce MCL.0 Vlu a ' oC u- s- natural draft. She Is built by Cramps, is for sale by all Druggists nnd Our brokerage lii thu - - S. Farragut have been mar- - It Repair Department of Hawaii combines the duties of bath Co.. the New York lcerii, rled In San Francisco, at Philadelphia. Dealers. BENSON. SMITH & CO., Ltd., wb'eh ho was Interested. Christ Scientists at Milwaukee have United States District and Circuit Twenty-tw- o pictures In the Isntlonnl MaJ. Gen. Otis, In quarantine Agents for Hawaiian Islands. Is turning out work still at been convicted of violation of the med-Ic- nl that Courts, probably on account of its Iso- Gallerv. London, nre lost to the puwic. Angel Island, San Francisco, was forc- is Presented bv Lnily Hamilton, her heirs law. a revelation to our appeals therefrom being heaid st ed to to by lation, have discovered she had but a life Inter-e.- submit vaccination the Charges of extravagance ngnlnst Throe Mon in tho Wator. patrons. in the Circuit Court of Appeals for this in them and the gallery was forced quarantine olllcers. Paris Exposition Commissioner Pock district, of which it is a part. While to give them up. There Is much anxiety In Shanghai are not substantiated. As the Gnellc wns getting aloncslde the next session of the Hawaiian Court The Inrnma tjiilnllit 01 nain anu ner over tne saiety or Americans who have Delia Fox, tho comic opera star, has the Pacific Mnll dock shortly nftcr 10 hiiMband. Don Antonio d'Orleans, have not succeeded yet In reaching Tlen-Tsl- n. been committed to on o'clock last night, her bow line sudden- o w under ordinary circumstances will not agreed to separate. Tho Infanta ram-pluln- an Insane asylum o held October, Judge Kstee may of the extravagances of her hui-luin- petition of her brother. Her troubles ly sprang taut and flipped three men be until not like the San Augustine, are said to be due to drink. at his discretion hold extra sessions and Don Antonio does At Tex., three men oft the dock Into the water. Two were Infanta's Spanish temper. were killed in n feud growing out of The report of Agulnaldo's death Is HawoIIans who wero uninjured and whenever he thinks It necessary, and In tho French Senate on Juno 2d, the politics. generally credited by Filipinos, accord- J. his friends say that he will not delay nre'-fu- s amnesty bill was adopted by KiS ing to London dispatches. quickly regained the dock. The third o 31 bill Thomas J. Wlnshln hns confessed to tn votes. The discussion of tho Ex-Cit- y is wns a negro: he was struck violently IPS making himself familiar with nffalrs concluding part having killed In San Clerk Shnnklln of Fresno o was opened with tho of Frank Nnvarez from charges of embezzlement. not more seriously Injured. He was rcc- - In his new district longer than Is neces- the speech of M. Trarleiix, the former Jose, Cal. Both were Intoxicated at the free to 3 of Justice, criticising tho proj time. It Is announced thnt the Chicago In- curd from the water and removed Leading Furniture Dealers. sary. Minister cabled the hanpltnl In the patrol wagon. I dia famine relief committee has Estee needs no Introduction to "the ect. James Brown Potter has secured a di- Twenty warships aro at Taku. China, vorce from his wife, the well known KING AND BETHEL ST ). people of California, as he is one of the nlno Russian, three British, thrco Ger- o man, threo French, two American and actress. best known men in the State. His Hns-slaj- Jnpaneso one The is Four thousand club women are In at exemplifies can be accom- two nnd Itnl'an. career what havo 10lV00 troops on board ship tendance on the meeting of the Gener.il ft. CCCRIEIICr J. H. & C0.- - J. K.. it CO. plished by pluck, energy and and 14,000 are In readiness at Port Ar- - Federation of Women 3 Clubs at Mil- He was born In Freehold, War- waukee. Popo Leo received at special audience bogus college in ren county, Pa., on November 10, 1S34. (In. A medical Chicago, rntlinlle. nrehblshons of St. Louis and known as the Metropolitan Col- father, Ansel Estee, a native New Orleans and tho Bishop of Sault Medical ills in Ire- - lege, has been raided by the postal of- weii-to-u- o Ste. Mario. Ho deplored Archbishop Metropolitan surraio, n. 1., was a larmer, lanl,.H ,ctt(,r t0 tho Duke of Norfolk. He ficials. time-honor- fGoodt of the Eastern type, pnlil the Catholic church In America A measure to abrogate the Clayton- - There' were nlno children In his family could not be nationalized. Bulwer treaty has been reported favor-- and Morris was tho eldest. His ambi- Mis. Victoria Ward, wife of Eber Jt. aoiy in tne senate. Ward", a New York millionaire, has sued A minority report hns been (lied by 9 Meat Company tions were beyond tho limits of his asking J24,000 alimony per fur divorce, of liny Virginia. ISHOR a I Lcntz Ohio and of j r. father's farm, and after spending two annum. members of House j Tho census-taker- s at Washington be- the committee which i NO. 507 KING ST. years at the "Wakerford Academy of gan their work by taking the census of investigated the Coeur d'Alene mining Erie county he resolved to strike out tho White House. troumes. The report censures General r HONOLULU, In quest of age W. K. Vanderbllt, Jr.. has purchased a Meriiam. H. I. alone fortune. At the Is to run Made of fine Brazil SSzz French automobile which said " Tho House concurred In the Senate of 20 he came to California and at once sixty miles an hour. grand- amendment to tho Sundry Civil Appro went to the El Dorado county gold Trlnccss Arlbert of Anholt, a $500,000 Dongola; Soft, dres- New-Yor- priations bill grunting spent two years. daughter of Queen Victoria, Is In for the mines, where he While traveling incognito. Paris exposition. a miner he was stlll'a student, and he The New York Central Is to run hour-l- v Wireless telegraphic stations nre to sy and durable. 'gSgSSmjLtesr- - f soon learned that the way to success trains between New York and Buf- be established In San Francisco harbor. Shipping and Family lay through the channel of his Intellect falo. A discovery has been made by a Vi The German army Is experimenting enna dentist whereby certain electric rather than that of his muscles. He with a balloon twlco as big as Andre's, currents win destroy bacteria, thus Invisible Cork Sole. then took up the study of law, and af- which will bo tho largest ever floated. Butchers. painlessly healing disease. Up-to-Da- experience in Olga Ncthersole, the actress of "Sapho" A strictly to Gent's SHOE is our Black Vici. ter simo different law Is to be sued bv Clyde Fitch, who Montague White, tho Transvaal's was to prnctlce in fame. agent London, who Is In offices he admitted dramatized tho play, for royalties for its at now Chi by Hamilton Co , 1S59. opened an office Sacramen- production. cago, says that the Boers are forced to Manufactured the Brown St. Louis. NAVY CONTRACTORS. He at up to. In 1863 he was elected to the lower Late arrivals from Nome report new take guerrilla tactics. discoveries In quartz at tho great gold Majors, the youthful highway house of the State Legislature, and his camp. men aru tbe Several thousand ut man who killed an Ogden, Utah, police- -- SAL.JK Y- work during that session was recogniz- Nome already. man, must die. says tho Supreme Court FOR B- by people of by German papers. In anticipation of the G. J. WALLER, ed the Sacramento his occupation of Pretoria, advocate a gen- of Utah. Manager. election to the office of District Attor- eral amnesty of tho Boers. George A. Smith, brother of United ney, n hlch Jie held until 18GG. It Is alleged In a Now York telegram States Senator W. A. Smith, is in Jail The 1S68 Estee came to San Frnnctseo. that postal clerks all over the United in San Jose, Cal., for battery. Drink Manufacturers' Shoe In glvo caused his downfall. In 1871 he mado himself felt politically States have been requested to $10 Highest Market Ratoa paid for each for tho pushing of a "classification" The "cannon ball express on the In- HldeB by his fight for Booth for Governor. bill through Congress. ternational Great N01 thorn was held --SOLE S- fJklna and Tallow. After the latter's nomination he was The War Department contemplates the up in Texas, near tho Mexican line, but AGENT- Purveyors to Oceanic and Pacific made secretary of tho State Republican withdrawal of a portion of tho effective got no booty-- . Mali Stcnniflblp Companies. force in tho Philippines. Whole legl-men- ts Confederate veterans Central Committee, In which position will not bo brought home, but only celebrated Jeff ns organizer was appar- an Davis' birthday at Louisville on June 3. his nblllty an Invalid battalion from each regiment. uuggenhelmer may be mavor of Now ent In a remarkable degree. He was Captain John McGowan, U.S.N., sen- Ydrk City. to Assembly again In 1875 tenced to two years' suspension on half-pa- y, sent the and has had his sentence reduced to six The latest estimate of tho Klondike "V was made Speaker of the House. At moutlu. clean-u- p Is $25,000,000. ! the conclusion of the session ho return Visitors to tho Paris Exposition com The earthquake of May 12th In Janan HUSEHLO SUPPLIES. ed hero resumed tho practice of plain of lack of amusement. Tho Midway did great damage In Sendal, Fukushlma and hh Plalsance, which mndo the Chicago nnd Mlyngl 0 profession. In 1SS0 ho was selected ns prefectures. There were one fifteen I E a 0 of the freeholders to frame e a new city charter. He was chosen by 0 the Republican Convention ns a candi- THE STUFF THAT DREAMS ARE MADE BLUE date for Governor In 1882, but was de- feated by Stoneman. Again In 1891 he FLAiUE 0 received tho same honor, but was de- DF, DUMPED WICKLESS ill 0 feated by Budd. In 1SS8 he was chair- IN THE CRADLE OF THE DEEP "Puritan Stov man of the California delegation to the 0 Republican National Convention at - - Chicago. NolSmell. No Smoke. A fine lino of 0- e e Mr. Estee Is a thoroughly repiesen-tatlv- on MA.N anxious wrlnklis tho bruws of stern customs otllclals were No Ashes. man, for not only has he been a out yesterday when 3,20! tins of opium weie taken out of thu vnultH of tho 0e farmer, miner and lawyer, but ho Is custom house, tpwed out to sea, hackedopen with hatchets and axes and of a horticulturist nnd dumped ruthlessly Into tho bosom of tho receptive deep. e a 0 considerable No moro tho Imported burglars and from tho Coast lurk In the a vltlculturlst. He was at one time presl shadows of tho big stone, prlsonllko building on Port street, planning a capturu Sanitary 0 dent of tho Horticultural Society. He of tho valuablo dope Father Ncptuno has it now and will never give It up. THE .Many and wonderful should bo tho dreams of thu ocean doso vineyard In Napa, g nftcr tho little has an extensive of dream-dru- it received yesterday nt tho hands of tho Board of Health. 0 i and the hospitality of his home Is Tho "stuff that dreams aro mado of" Shakespeare Is not known over to havo .known for miles around. Ho was n "hit tho plpo" has found a watery grave. .The treasure which has for so long 0 Songress, a tlmo reposed In tho dark, spidery dungeons of tho custom houso Is now food Garland Stove .Plumbing member of the for tho fishes, and tho big and llttlo fishes of the sea, one and all, held n grand .bbbbbbbbIbbbT and there are no questions of the day feast last night, somo of them being affected very queerly by tho seductive dope. 0 g Cornea to us In carload lotB direct touching the Interests of California or Opium-lovin- Orientals aro expected to make a descent upon tho FJshmarket for tho next few days to procuro dope-flavor- fishes for their tables. from tho factory. GooJri always on hand. 0 tho United States with which ho Is not Thoso who engaged In tho Work of dumping tho dope wero Dr. Clarvln, the B thoroughly familiar and upon which he executive officer of the Board of Health; Dr. Pratt, city sanitary officer; Samuel 0 has not been heard. Mr, Estee was Johnson nnd F. T. Neeley and W. II, Drummond, assisted by several woikmen. Mi The opium was tallied and carefully looked out for from the tlmo It was re- married In 1883 to Miss Frances Divine, moved from tho custom house vaults until It was spilled Into thn sea threo miles WE ARE SOI E AGENTS FOR 0 a daughter of Judge Davis Divine of out from shore. Tho tins were thrown into a wagon at the custom houso and a San Jose. He has two children living. a big load they made, too. 0 As the dopo was taken out to sea, a lean, long, lanky Individual, whoso trou- a Haywood Itovonue Collector sers pegged badly at tho kneeB, stood at tho edge of a wharf muttering audibly I to himself. He woro a big black slouch hat down over his eyes and was smok- 0e WASHINGTON, Juno 6. William ing a spluttering stogcy, chewing tho end angrily. "What's tho mntter?" In- WILCOX by quired a customs Inspector, approaching tho stranger sympathetlcnlly. "Havo AUTOMATIC MACHINE. 0 Haywood was nominated the Presi- you lost nhythlng?" "Nol I was Just thinking about thoso opium tins they'ro SEWING e dent yesterday to be Collector of In- carting out to sea," he said. "I suppose you think It's too bad to dump nil that 0 ternal Revenue for the district of Ha- Rood dopo overboard?" asked the officer. "Dope?" exclaimed the stranger. Consul-Gener- "Who said anything about opium? I said 'opium tins.1 I was simply trying to waii, He has been al of guess In my own mind what was In the opium tins. I was wondering whether It tho United States at Honolulu during might bo pol or sand or sawdust or bricks. I wasn't born yesterday." tho McKlnley Administration. The customs officer realized that tho Btranger win a bad man nnd so quit PACIFIC Co., 0 his company forthwith, Meanwhllo representatives of the Board of Health and HARDWARE Ld. the custom house were hacking open the tins and spilling the contents Into the Hives aro a terrible torment to the sea, Kncli tin had to be opened or elso somo of them might flout ashore' and 0 little folks and to some older ones be grabbed by somo watchful dope-fien- . Doane'a Ointment never falls. Innant All kinds of dope wero dumped yesterday Hongkong superfine. Ran Frnnclsco OETMEI-- STREET. 0 any and Victoria brands, to tho value of nnywhero from 120.000 to .noO. And the relief and permanent cure. At vault which heretofore contained the precious dopo will now hold secure one chemist's, 50 cents. hundred thousand dollars' worth of Internal revenue stamps. O0OOOOOOOOOeO-OO0OOOCOO0OOeO0OOOOOOO- O ft fc 1 T- -

f MANAMA ct sl III IIIIA . .11 I. I turn -- HKMl U tit-h- i iWiMIfcMifc i ftinm Hi t HAWAII. J'AWT AMI I1PMt lb onn) M Ih Mil Mltltti. Ito ' T.n I 4k I 'trite r'A WW 10 Ihe "littumtiait (ftijrl in Hit- - rnnnfr-tm- lth vfilrlt It M MMl 1l$tffflhbillijpil,r Hia Cut ' lit n mraviit nf Mb rty m ! i.i rnnln- - h liotrt rir-- fil fmnr .i. l.i ii inMlinr 'OFFICIALS Mi Jtt h Hi. II mbli. tirt w,i, th trpsV idi r , h.hi) ,. ttiN Mll'h - A mutt a with It h muni!. ivMH Wise Sufficient I h ff.im ib of a 41 IflHUKI) AMI r'HIJlAU rnini li brtHIVs It n.n.i iiieiwinfi strn InMlr "Iiih llbtl ntlii. TUKdlMUl unit Its efttlfnt brtntr n Ih ft W-- iifl th im nf ttrt i Nunon Plt'rt iM3-l- flffiM' Kh wn A, n--r tiAt-ut'- f ' i , is,MijlHn nml his nut tflMTfltt W'W'lhW Mn"l''Wl(li tWtfinV(ttJ' I.l ' Mrfrtt 4ti ' 4 pfwrthl., MMtfHMif ihh"ITlhmvi" U'lirt Mi iwWPr WfWt ftwmiirt' T!ir' mi nn t Mhrnttd amiim-it-t OF TODAY Willi nnnllif-- r ilifJ einnwnt Mmin km mnta.n4 ih FRIDAY, Jl'NB 15. 1P00 a treaty the term of isint It. d rfxtll and its rorounlKoti all the iitml ami ttHullt nt trymg ur rv'tiatvtiriy uuf-rv-e- mr fore toward off illness nniPi I instrument dntti-(- l hi tit'fuitille nnd nnnMtatlon m th t'nHMl Wnli To-d- s by b'ltll and If 'blnkfn by om. from - sJtr0 mmn th long or cure it. The nvlse recog OHANOINO HAWAII. t of Uip n(Thdir iiisMnt irviss- rhlUM lff fun Iwtth wich lmn tins tlm Jnnunry. m vt - - mi Blh of HW. Jjjllli 'r)- as rotidM h imtrlotlHti rmihl On the 13th Ituit. Hawaii juitljui uf ioss II good imini- In Ihe imnrllerlfi nizc in ihe word "Hood's" Now Men That Will Run political slrtgo of transition unci if the world. No murr van ntTonl t the Wlidt nf the futurtli ThiMTiiVslml it viewing rmm of assurance health, became one of the Indissoluble Union let Its crctllt. ns n trenty-ninkln- g th deHiwmnts of In loMtl tKilltlPs mniTw,fftir tfiittMlmse 1 i wIiaki rtwirl the of Ktatcs nnd Territories, Home ngenry, be put on the world's btnek utiVfnrttMiil la ittt ' For aB Noed troubles, rcrofuU, pmtpfts, Territory, ronsltlerminn may Jeollnrdltc grnvo public mtet-tMtn- . Hut we nn !( things tlmt have proved good for fpeelllc er shun sueh I'st In tlii cnKi' of the nlann. The best of citlkenshlp is nt!t as diitAStt of ihe kidneys, Ihvt In the pnst hno been lost, more trenty ahrogatioti must be Ji hert and It will nile nil emergencies in (lathered In Hawaii lire men nc'eiiNtmned to political tnd txnutls, Hood's S.tfSrxHIU is Iht thing that will be Rood for us In fu- a thing of mutual oonscht. Thnt point win battle for reform, men high elvh prop-irl- ), And faulltess LIST AS FAR AS ture are belnrf gained. Commercially Is emphntlrally made In ngrremrnt of virtue and undoubted courafft, men of substnnoe, of tffective cute. the of Intelllgenee ami disinterested iwhI speaking the outlook. In nil thnt could llcliro If we do not "ask ronsrnl" of Thw are the Iwst wlnnoulng Rheumatism "I vas prAdicAtty be urlihed for by the moat nrdent friend of nnd new coiners nnd nl ery grave crisis, If crlss mine, their helpless front ihetiniAtism m shoulder. our Intcrnntlonnl partner for tho build Inlltlenti' will rty of Hawaii, Our sugar can never he Ing n pre deteimlnntlM Hood's of nn Interocennlc rnnnl we, nd To Ukim SArsAfArilU cured me And ever Many Places who believe thnt h$ hand of Ool Is vUlble In hlstor) . for Which Appointee removed from ihe Amcrlcnn free lint. nation, will be put In n most humlllnt- - that since is a household (Mrs. M. cnble nnd of a things of huinnn nature arc m.i,nngeil by the Mnster of tho World ns nre favorite." We nre ossurcd of the Ing nnd mny w sunimoned - nttlludo Hi- movement, of . Powers. '&I2 St. Lawrence Have Not Yet Been naval iitntlon at Pearl Harbor. Capital, before of to the material universe, hnjn is necr lost. Hnwall hns chjc. a court nrhltrnllon show iilways ly IH. driven away by some unfor- Up seemed have tho pewllur fare of a higher power. Tlmo and ngaln Chicago, Nominated. units cmne why should not pay dnmnges. the ovW tunate renaissance of fanntlenl politics, To go back to first principles, the suord has Jieeti lifted It and stiijrd In Its dounwatd sweep. tienMiu has done Hh worst nnd gone ballled to ItR will flow In a steady und flood- cnnsl bill U lagging Dnno-eroti- c lair, Prance ha menacfl SaUafxDiffq hthcr lccntm" the theac IslandH Rnglimd .seized 3(bod Governor Dole haa not yet nnnouueed ing stream. Hcnl estate, subject to the pnrty gave (Ireat llrltnln the and them and domestic sedition hns Iteon , same condition-)- , promises great re et a free people Wen saved; armed uprisings have been common, rulers his appointments of officials to the Ter- right to Interfere with It. Hut for that violated their trusts turns to Investment. We look to see we might now hnvo the grrnt hne and adventurers hnv had their brief hours of mMmmS3 ritorial positions which arc hi to nil. water nnd power; pestilence II.vkI'1 Honolulu and llllo In a few years' time way well advanced. the hns come, sweeping nway human lives yet UIU rurwlUfr Dili tint nti Irrllallnr nnd y Is ta. Por some days he hns ben considering us populous, respectively, ns An Hawaii rich and free and progressive, a thousand old troubles past onlyriiliifcttrt, totA? with KifiMpifl f - men fitted In his geles nnd San Diego. Tho" opening of nnd with faith nnd hop.- nnd strength to meet the troubles yit to come. the best Judgment lor public land means that thrifty white DEMOCRACY SUMMED UP. Wo nre now In the vlslblelplceiiee of American Hawaii. Rack of It is the places and may give out tho full aboriginal Hawaii filled with picturesque poetic settlers win multiply, uiu unwnii win We novc conclude our review of the and memories, but soon to POLICE CHANGES; list today. with much of Its picturesque, be a thing of tiadltlon nnd lomnme. Hchlnd l the garland and the song; vanish local Democratic platform by sum- befuiu Is the President McKlnley has named the ncss and charm of primitive racial cus ming up whhr and rush of rommerclal life, a realization of 8ewnrd' Its claims nnd their refutation dream of PucUlo, empire, a sound of hoarse FOX REMEMBERED officials of Hnwall whose choosing are toms; new Hawaii will come with the I. The Democracy holds Itself to be whistles and rushing ulu..els at Intense activities mark the Amor the cross-road- s of the ocean. ;",Tlie old order changUh." the new comes on that the party of ''freedom of conscience, npaoe. Parewell nnd Hall! lean commercial Bplrlt. The pasnwords preservation: of personal rights, equality AMnrnu) -- General Dole. H.igli for the dayiWlll be1 Hall nnd Fnrewull. of nil citizens before the law and the Uy twny faithful observance of Ml constltutlnmil of a sign of the times Oregon time comes for the hlstorlun to write Mioriil" I'rown .nl-- l Deputy turns up with n big Republican plural- 8 limitations." As a nintter of hlstpilcnl " ' nn Impartial story of the events lead A FUSION PR03RAM. 'con-Scien- . Cliillii)'voiUi fact.it hns throttled freedom of ity ' Ing up' to Admission Day, he will doubt The movcnWnt nnd personal rights nnd nulli- 1 less set It down that Sanford U. Dole --y . In electorate Ih taking on fied As soon as tin. foieign pugilists get the native the Constitution as respects the was the one man whom tho Hawaiian At midnight AtloVney-Gcncr- Coop- the form of fUsldn with the Democrats, of negro Republicans to vote and fairly Into the ring the. Chinese boxers emergency demanded; as much ilplit the Yes- According to the native Itnyallst organ tme their votes cjiuutfd In at least Will know how the Into Mr. Corbet t felt. right lender then nnd here as was Lin- er ceased his duties In that ofjlce, the "combine" has been nearly If not "even Southern States. coln for tlu time of storm and. stress terday morning1 thcpollce force did lulte made. AiioniJ other things that II. The Democrney claim iTiat I'nmi the fact that the Han Pran-fljc- o nt home. him .honor. They lined up after the says! '''The' decision of Prince Doner piotectlon breeds tiustH when, officials lately made a large ... manner of soldiers In the Station yard Kawannnakoa, (to go ns a delegate to the truth Is that prosperity creates of immnluie veal wo Infer that Senator l'ettlgrew has Sen- bid him, Attorney-Genera- l, Kansas City) wos hailed by Democrats them and does so In free thousand of those unsold copies attacked and as the trade England ators Ilnnmi and Carter on the score aloha. nnd Independents alike ns a sign of the ns easily as It does In protected Aineil-cr- . of tlit nullelln may have in lived there of personal honesty. If he Is the same force was received by Mr. Coop- harmony which exists" between tho tw'o . ' - The l'etligrow who visited Attorney-Gener- parties; and 'the voice of Havallans III. The Democracy Riymi Is getting the delegations and Hawaii awhile er. Deputy Dole, contends rthat ugo and hinted to .several high officials' Drown Deputy will be heard In the prayer for Ood good times have come to the. United the condolences. The Admiral Marshal and Marshal speed to Alll who, nt Kan- novr says he does not know what that his aid at Washington might be Chllllngworth accompanied him. tho'joung S,tntes not because of prosperity but In - y. for- consideration, sas City, wllf represent his people and spite prompted him to uspire for the Piesl-denr- had a valuable and In an appropriate speech Mr. Cooper of it. It lemains trtio, however. who was spurned therefor, Messrs. expressed regret assure the great politicians who will Hint the prosperity enjoyed In 1S93 un- If he is lenity In doubt on that his at relinquishing gather there1 that HawallaiiH are good der Republican julo disappeared point he should ask. 3Irs. Dewey. Ilann.i and Caiter nil not take the charge of the department and after trouble to reply to him. In that par- the men on their excellent Americans nnd good Democrats." Dlse a year of Democratic low d JUDOD REUtfEN D. 8ILLIMAN. tariff and ticular Pettlgrew no one who knows work In past, devotion to where it is stated that the Democrats again vhon Republican rul! re- Annexation was rounded out at mid- the their him Liken any stock. cour- have at nil times been true friends of turned; that capital to in night by the firing of cannon and the duty and their numerous deeds of refuses Invest age. great on his hands, excepting those for one the Hawallans, whereupon, we presume manufacturing enterprises when there blowing of whistles. This morning He said that It reflected every on police, olllcers men, places. following l the party of Senator Morgan, Mr. Wil- Is a threat of Demociatlc free trade patriot ought to have an Ameri- A bill has passed the Hoube and prob credit the and or two minor The foster-father- s city so free of any lis nnd Dr. McOrew, of and hastens to iuvcht In them when as- can breakfast of. soda ably by this time the S"nate excluding that the had been a list of new officials as far as known: biscuits, objectionable disturbances-Deput- y annexation, will feel correspondingly sured of a Republican tarilT; and that buckwheat cakes and ile the mongoose from American ports. Governor of Hawaii, Sanford 13. Dole. ' t Attorney-penpr- nl Dole was lrtuous. when capital keeps out of manufactur- In nn evil hour Hawaii lei the inon-goot- United States District Judge for the While a union of natives and Demo ing Industry In America, hnrd times It nia happen, before Mr. JMIng's In and all but admitted snakes. then introduced by Mr. Cpoper as the Attorney-Oenera- l. osk-o- M. crats at a time when the leaders of the follow like effect from cnuse. nomination Is confirmed, that sonje one The stranger soon proved himself u next Mr. Dole d Territory of Hawaii, M. Esteo of police National Dempcracy are proposing to IV. The Democracy insists the at Washington will e.xo.se his politics. nuisance and now If money could buy that the with California. thnt In uraw me coior line is uiogicni anu mis Federal surplus Is a Republican device Likewise the polities, of Mr. Gulbinlth, him off Und get him to lenve, money him the department's work United States District Attorney for expressed his of chlevous It Is better for the Hawallans which keeps needed money out of cir- who Is also reputed to be a Democrat. would b. forthcoming. The Mainland and realization the the Territory ofjlawali, John C, Ralrd, Hock by responsibility bestowed upon him. He than to t themselves. To Join culation. Nevertheless the surplus la In that case there may be a icvislon is wise in profiting by Haw all's mis- of Wyoming'. an American paity Is a long stride in cbtnbllshcd by law and the Democrats, of the newa which attracted so rnUch fortunes and kevplng the destructive praised the work of Marshal Urown United States Marshal for the Terri- the path of progress. Eventually It whin they were last In power maintain- Republican mlhjflving jesterdny Ichneumon at a distance. nnd Deputy Marshal Chllllngworth, tory of Hawaii, Daniel F. Ray. Mr. Dole will mean a division of all natives ed It by borrowing money while the Re- announced for the first time Collector of Internal .Revenue f r the between both parties; for, ns is well publicans keep by As Cnpe that the above would continue In office Territory of Hawaii, William Haywood, it up taxing Imports Nome diaws Its thousands Doly's understood, Jthe native voters ncyer V. The Democracy holds the Klondike people are gradually Oovernor denial that he tin High Sheriff ajid his deputy. of Honolulu. that tho two the nominees for ' stay logemcr ;ong in one political Ilepubllcnn p'oVfy violates Consti- estimates of output w:)jlcli of Clri The names of j the winners of. tie Chief Justice of the 'Supremo Court' the.. cult Judge whose polltlcH In rtoently.offerVd body. They take, to factions as storpiy tution by not giving "Poi to Rico Ameri pow .reach $55,000,000. Very likely, thp is. not Mr medals Jjy.,Mr, Do)p for ot Hawaii, William P.' Kriar. ,' petrels do to gales. In the present .case can tnrinr privileges, while, as product will not be halfj cord with that of President .McKinloy, marksmanship, were then announctd: Associate Justices of tho Supreme a matter worth that prevailing street rumor. The they will soon see thnt the white .Dem- pt fact, Porto Rico is not a.purt of the sum but the Klondike do not stop at s;ttlcn a Captain Parker, winner of gold medal, Co'urt of HaWall. Canton A.aaibr)Uth; ocrats mennijtOBCt oflleefl for them- Union but a possession or colony of figures whtn It comes to revivifying chanceti are that thcM unexitecti-- dark score, 411;(Ofllcer'P.r Atntanl (Sam6an), "of ijllo, and' Antonio Perry,' of Hono- horttw wen; entcnsl by Col. Little of 'of 'm'ed&l'. score 3SC;'blH-ee- r selves If possible, nnd1not1,for their na- the same and'therefora not entitled to" their boom. " winner stiver lulu.' J tive allies. That the latter will resent, such privileges. Tf It Were , n. '.br lto, sho to have made himself C, II. Baker, ,w Inner of bronze First Judge, of the' fclrsV fjlrcurrof and had very.-bus- jLha - afWoshlngton afte,r ihVidttt, scoro'SM. i u- Hence thero1a hOgfti- "wouid'Wrol-ey- i A Creotlnn to Judt-- e 'HiVmnRrZ-v- m i,f. Hawaii, AbranvH. 'Humphreys,! of ;bem Hawaiian Mi'8f8.''HartKllinnd'.Hmlth. Ho, isemocruuc vie noi Dyinuunt siarc, 10 mwi a,msn lorm or competition, 'Vvli'cKe' prcsorW.f on 't7e"6.' rtfl lAVu'to ;'Cirptaln AvA Pv?f ,tbft Vpuniod ntyfUlu. ' it-si- a It h; Is not' responsible for them one was d lor uno x WP, can oniy la; i VI. The Democratic Dartv armii- - tuiHvon its humdrum inland wnysCWc Patrol then presented with Second .Judge" of ,' the Fjrst Circuit 'it' , of the betv:flclark-.'- i nt least would like captain1? badge by ' portion of yjrnatve9t,witb,,.thcm-.a- t hnt.the (JelilS" Ih imsslng the Nlcara- - ti fiot know that , the, uew, Jurist will Marshal Ilrowij. 'Hawaii, Reuben D., Sllllman." 4 to know who is. Thti Marshal wffs moved an he - ' ui.raii uiu ih causeu oy tne ll a motto In his teropl,e of Justice plainly "Judgt; of thft Second Circuit of 'Hat- The Adverser ventures .the .predic- or. a RopubUcnn Kxecutlvo when It Is hut, If be does let us suggest the, one i said:' "Captalp tox,, you'jutytjivfcn wall. . Jbhn7'W: 'Kiil)in;of ,Maur. ' VJ" tion that the, ..Xlawalfnn delegates tP, actually due to the existence of an his Arizona experience ;nust,ha've Oregon victory is a thing of most valuable service and..t hQw.refeE 'Jpdge of the.Tnlnl Circuit of Hawaii. . randeiriTb brAver'y ' Kansas City, will., jyUirn with their pompaox with-OreA- t llrltnln fftmltlnr'. "J)on't .nhoot! The Court lijmu9itlfnportance. Not long ngo Ore particularly to an nc.t'of rare' W.H. Bdlngs, of 'Honolulu, pourage. I Democratic ardor materially cooled. It-- lhlc)i was forced upon this country by duing the best It can." ' igon wan a stronghold of Populism, be ind mean when you .were Judge of thj, Fovrti Circuit of T3ff will not takeithcm long to find put that a Democratic President Secretary ing responsible tor I'ennoyur nnd other of such timely assistance In-- the run wall Gilbert V. Llttlo. of Hllo. . and . the majority 3nt,, the Democratic dele- of State. Kipling's, war poem, "The Absent calamity-howler- s. Tir- away at the railway depot the other Judge of the Fifth Circuit of Haw-alf- gates, particularly those, from the On the whole the local Democratic 'Minded neggnr," may not bo great ing of hard times It swung back Into day in which my viite and daughter Jacob' Hardy, 'of Kauai South, will not treat them us equals. platform lH,..aN, patchwork or "crazy. from a literary point pt view but lt,phas the Republican column and it evidently weie concerned. I shall never forget Postmaster at Honolulu, J, M. Oat. If Prince Dav.ld.and his friends 'lnd a quilt" of humbug, mlsrepipsentatlon made more money than any other' bit proposes to stay then'. As showing your doeU. This badge Is an individual Collector .of th,'e Port'af Honolulu, E, courteous spirit nmong'the Democratic and pettifogging. of sveutar verse the world ever saw. how little McKln!e'.s stiength has been recognition of your action nnd I hope R. Stackable. leaders they will be the first peoplu of - Thnt Is to say the Ilritish war fuiid Ih weakened by the political assaults of you will wenr It always." Unltc'd States Shipping Commission- any color otno1'.',than' white to do so. The wur stamp tax may prove u the richer for It by JlS.",000. Compared the lost few years It Is enough to how, Speaking aX the ,changi. Marshal er, w. Porter .Hoyd. Let them. If they want to know the real grievance to the llesh but Hawaii will with the few' guineas Obtained for Slll-ton'- f) that the Republican plurality In 1900 Brown hald: "It s w;lih' regret (hat Attorney General of Hawaii. Kdmund spirit of Democracy, go nmong the soon get used to It. Among other Paradise Lost, that sum lopms up Is from SO0O to 5000 greater than it. was wi'.Iose Mr, Cooper, but It Is with pleas- J'. Dole. 11 Southern men and try to get on friend- - things. It promises to Incrensq the cost like a cliff above a pebble, In JSPS and may not fall more than ure that we welcome Mr. Dole." Secretary of the Territory of Hawaii, JM ly terms with them. They will t,oon of ocean passage fiom these Islands as nominally short of the plurality won in 11. js. cooper. j see thnt Senator Tillman represented each ticket must have n stamp, .the Democratic leadcissny thc huvii Ig- the exciting gubernatorial contest ot jhrii ancriu ot iiawau, a. hi, urown. nored Testa and Wilcox In making STRUNG TESTIMONY. the Southern Democracy when he said cost of which falls on tho buyer. How- WK . Deputy HlRh Bherlff of nawall, that "there Is little difference of opin- ever, as It was the war brought their political deal and that these aspir- h, Charles F. Chllllngworth. that ing go Till-- , is ion in the South as to not wanting any Hawaii Into the Union It Is but fair souls can or come as they please. After many e.irs' walling the case of Honolulu Tchtiiiiouy and Superintendent of Public Works It more colored people (specifying Ha thnt our people should help defray the This will be sad news to those who the Kow Shing hns been referred to Will StanJ i. Ih said that J. A. McCandleea has been wallnns Porto wen taking the Wllcox-Test- a route I place. and Tticans as such) add. cost. the President of the United States for If you doubt t'liia and wish to inves- offered the ed to our population or adding terrl. to ofilce but 'twas ever thus when arbitration. In going over tho matter Treasurer of Hawaii, Democratic bosses weie not sure' tigate you havon't to 50 to Ban Fran lory Inhabited by thorn;" and that Lord Kobcits Is in ho he will be assisted by Hon. John W. Commissioner of Public Lands Pretoria but enough places go nmong cisco - there will bqj'no toleration of a policy seems of to mound Foster. The Kow Hhlng, ns many of to do no. It's not a long Btory Commissioner- of Agriculture) nnd to have got little besides the themselves. that demands one course to be followed town. The entire Roer army, with our readers remember, was tho Rrltlsh published about a 'resident of Now Forestry In the In Hawaii nt Superintendent of Public .South and nnother guns, wagon train and commissariat vessel sunk In the summer of 1S9I by York or Washington. It's aliout a res-Ido- Instruction, nnd the Spanish Islands." intact Is reported to have gone Into the The death of Rev. Dr. Richard Salter the Japanese cruiser Nanlwn, while of Honolulu. Hoad tho follow- mountains towards the Portuguese Storrs ot Rrooklyn removes a man from carrying troops from China to Corca, ing: Auditor border. Whether it Intends to fight or the i, nnka of Protestant ministers who an Incident which started hostilities In Mr. Levi Drow, of this city, statosr Deputy Auditor DEMOCRACY AND THE CANAL. helped In degree only Chlno-Japa- n Bhlp flufforcd Surveyor deliver Its arms to n neutral as nour-ba- kl a second to Henry the war. As tho was "I from a lumo bnck for a Secretary to Dole, did in 1870 when ho ictreated be- nrd IJoecher to make his city famous under the Union Jack and ns a formal tiumhor of years. During this tlmo I Private Governor Tho locnl Democratic platform says; for religious activity. was working ns a carnnntnr. nnd thn "We hold as to fore the Germans Into Switzerland, Is Dr. Eton's was declaration of war bad not been made. unfriendly the Interests very different from In his pul- Groat up dam- lifting of heavy timber rcciulrod in my ' Thcro aro of course many clerkships of Hawaii the policy of it yet unsettled Question. Ueecher nrltaln set tho claim of President pit methods and did not draw' ho many ages which Is now In the wny of belnft occupation, was, I think, tho ciubq of t uc filled and there Is no lack of ap which prevents the passage nt my No ono a follow pnennts proposal hearers, but his work was solid nnd adjudicated. backache but vie this session of the Nicaragua Cannl bill The of Mr. W. O. Smith to lasting nnd his fame beyond reproach. tlm can well undorstnnd what a and declnre our belief that the Ameri- savo tho Hawaiian flag as a Territorial troublesome complaint this Is. At Woman Deputy Marshal. can people hnve power ensign Is one the and the right that the Legislature will It wll be Intel estlng to note the ef- length I was fortunato onough to hear June E. A woman to legislate In the of Amerlcn naruiy ran to ailopt. a course While the Democracy Is shouting Washington, interest Such against trusts Tammany up fect of the new tariff upon the business nbout Doan'o Ilackacho Kidney Pills, may perform tho duties nnd virtually without wnltlng for the consent of Eng- would pleatu everyone who hns lived Hall turns - ns tho backer of the Ico trust with tho of Chinese nnd Jnpanoso merchants. nnd I thon obtained aomo nt tho Hoi- nil the office of Deputy United states land or any other nation on earth." under the Island colors nnd would vo Imported IlBtOr Drug USO Of tn Democratic, Mayor of Nuw York and Here they deal largely In Co.'a Storo. TllO Marshnl of Hawaii. Tho nmnnivtlvo This plank Is an example of painstak- the ends of historical continuity. Sep gpods Intended to bo nought nt thorn hns convinced mo personal ing his political next friends ns stockhold- retail flora nloneer Is the dauchter of Daniel A. deception wh'lch marks Its author nrate flags for States and Tenltorles, by white. ciiHtomerH. Recnusc of cheap- oxporlonco that they aro a wonderful Ray, tp as a competent to ers In thp company. The AttnVriuy-aener- nl who has been Appointed be tho writer of Democratic be raised with the Stars and Stripes ness their wnres have always sold wcIL euro for backache nnd I Iiavo no hes- - nrst United Marshal of platforms. McKlnley Is on local o( tho State Is proceeding states nawalL That President fiovernmqnt buildings and to prices Itancy In recommending oth- - 11 post- against the combine under tho terms Qf Under the American tnrlff on them to m8s Rny Is now holding ll.tno In favor of the pasBogo of the Nicara- be carried by the mllltla nre common I nc'- st Aslntlc must go up, pos ers for this complaint." - gua Is tho Republican Anti-tru- law, and merchandise tlon nt Washington, but sho will Cannl bill proved by his mes- In the American system and therefore slhly to a point which will inako Am- IMoaao remember, tho word of Hono- - company sages by there nre prospects, of a merry war her father to Honolulu. Her nnd his strenuous efforts to appropriate here. erican fabrics of equal quality more lulu pooplo li always rouiul ondorrln.x experience nt Washington, her fathor get a Democratic of ahead. obstacle out Its economical to the buyer. In thnt case Donn'B Jlackacho Kldnoy Pills. Thoy mlyHi lmH thoroughly fitted her for tho way. This obstacleis thb Clayton-Iltil-we- r The Rngllsh, having cured the Iloer That Honolulu Is growing Is we shall see a gieat transformation In talk through your neighbors, and office, work of his chief deputy, nnd ho trenty giving Orcat Rrltaln Joint fast of the Idea that the Lord Is backing shown by tho striking Incieaso of .the Chinatown, perhaps Inclusive of new inuiuiB, thinks tbu Attorney-Genera- l of tlw control with tho United States of a nni-l- it l Tho kldnoys diseased by him acalnst themselves, in Advertiser's subscription list ilurlngjlio departures n tho manufacturing line. brromo United States will consent to this. uuimi mni may portion willing - habits "it oatjng traverse nr)?, oi( to let him settle down pence- pnst year anil especially since tho Tho Asl.Vio cgar maker may first put or drinking, . Central America, connecting the two ably In his own country. Rxlle Is a In nn appearance. by pxqesslvo caro, worry or fretting, oceans. plague abated. W are not given to KIKOE OF W, AllMQTttONQ. That such a treaty Bhould have punishment which mny be safely dls- - by 0XPO8U10 to colds and molsturo, by N. been made Is boasting of circulation: wo do not l)ced Injuries a matter of amazement pensed with among men who have been to to tho loins 'and hack. etc. The to patriotic Americans, Is, ' rtiltlvnto tho nllldnvlt habit; but A few years ago Hawaii hud bolter common symptoms uro a la but there It drubbed and decimated In war. To mny most dull She Married to Qrandion of bound by solemn covennnts nnd It must citizens of Honolulu rest nssilred cantaloupes or musk melons than wore sensation of weight about tho loins. proe It, look nt the results of tho con- - tho books In- Honry Word Jleecliar, olthcr be abrognted before cannl Is that Advertiser's hold to bo found In the San Francisco ma- pnlu In the hack, fooling of faintnoss, the dilatory policy taken by the Pedernls proof Is great den), begun or the building of the great dubitable that their numbers are rketand thnt saying a dizziness, norvniujno88rrcquoiU thirst, On May 26th, at Htockbrldgo. Mai.. 'after the American Rebellion, Nona of growing month by weoK by They delicious, nntj - waterway must be subject to It. A In month and went abundant difficulty In brentlilnx, too sroat, (low lo marrlnee of Msa liulse H, Arm- the Confederate leaders were banished week. Is duty bound President McKlnley Bceks cheap, Now tho cantaloupe it rarity of tirlno or too )lttlo. Kidney trnublo strong with Mr, W, !l, Bcovlllo took and Jefferson Davis himself, after owing to tho Inevitable worm which t first to rid the enterprise of llrltlshj short Imprisonment, was remlero tho hlnml impure, Injuroa tho l,l,c0 tho resliltnco of Mr, Daniel nllowed to llvo Mr. Dole might bo pardoned tho Iuh1i came nshoro from some cargo boat and upsots eys- - Jurisdiction nnd for this tho local Dem- - at home and desplto dlBostlnn and tho nervouB Williams, tho aunt nf tho bride, Mm, this tho fact thnt of pride If ho feels It today ns ho looks In tlm (lower, Seeing daui-hio- r ocratlc platform calls him to I attacked It torn, thus striking nt tho very sourco Hcovlllo is tho of the late account on he declined to renew his allcglanco to back on his years of anxiety, the score of delay. What would tho hard thnt nny subtraction from our limited of fo, Thoy nro vopy Important or- - CCnornl S. c, ArmBlroiig, nnd a niece the United States. The old rebel leaders work nnd personal danger con- over-htMi- y and Island menu Is a loss of moment and guns mul how llttlo mo they nf W, N, Armstrong f course all became citizens, Bo under' and Mr I'. i"ih1VB? useful did the trasts them with tho scenes of Ills the subtraction of tho luscious emito. stood, , w lei f Weaver. enein,1' y,"t0 !? , lhe American revolutionary penceful Inaugurnl as an Amirlron loupe a of seyurlly, how would It noon's RarkocbQ .Hldnoy pro tl,e1d,e'"'erate which. In end,1 period. As for lots Mr. flcn,lo Is a ernndson pf hv tho Rocra If they can Oovernor. The day tentlllea to many do to appeal .to Mr. Koebele for rulleff will by n chepijuts nnd 'a Jnte wnu,"maJa to stay where they nre storekeepers JJenry AVanl lleerher, and la n cana I an American U', url things, not least to tho success ofjilr. Once ptariei) on tho trail of tb para it 60 cents n box or wl he mqpi nn graduate nf Ynle CpHe, Ho bun ,lx with the Rngllsh race South Af- - Dolo'o political waiting dns and policy, villa lt which kills the melon worm Mr receipt nf price W the fiolllster Jieen connt'Qteil fQf yerl years wtli h Without for the conent of rlca will one day have ns line a popu-Kngla- a. PrK any has been hard tank but hn haa flit' Knrbele would lai BUro to stay by it ro.i fVonoltilu. wlioleaalo fhr lhe the JJaipptiin Normal and AerleulturBl or other nation on earth," ( lalton as any In tho world. ' nnts ishud H with master hand, Wherithe until he had found the denlroyerr HawulUn (Blandu, School "yjr lr--

HSWAIIAN ItAftKITtt frill. A V, WW. I. t.HKM! VVISlpKlV ?J,ax??syt("JS,xrmM,,",,,' OEHWAY DAY i Ml MM MH ,rih M. The Elg;jn An Tired o ip--ii n 1 1 U u imh. Aum hiii nuntf WlWI.H'H MANfMKB AUUUit ot IUwKUhhi. uttorni . hHdmh in. life ' I'Mtk.iu M.a. mi " ' '" ",,v" IVk, IXo, HmI, Ne Mi aMflm . ilil mVii I'OKIIMK i.) , X nati bit in innwr IWf norff) Sli.jiiu A l- -r klitilrK. o laiisllitn Ibfe irwi-ttm- uL .E" 1..-wBi- - ...... cL... tr - i Hfl Mm 'KM1M-.M- . 1'ltfwa li -.'' Ht. i mlij Iwlpf jl IM .. iititi luihlli m oi m imi of I I 14 tl " U hi Iht . hit ln.l , yutlttrof a I W1- - lrMwVWlWftii,-,-,,,c ! rtvrrf mwl Ik lb fiM ! "15" " I1W1I mil tlm I. f ,)lfj Hrilful I""1 Iftplf I iUfrl 1ki !!' firsa "'rsrv'-.-, " TH I1 are -- . III WO I llf fit'-wlr- JTiV t- ll'iiirn i a tutmeiiaa ana in a i.Mitifr .tai... -- ... -. .k. - lirc'R puHtli. iWi liloixl nnit lienlih!. 1."'" 'ff " r KM tmirrrffrt hn '.. ltl lrJ ''" M iitm vt mm Ml J A iitkiklf rrturtiK. ,., ri'mi ,iir anu j Mil (Worci Mitchell, .i mile HU K nneitif..i uiSir pel Mm tinNeMBMHn, ?i lbs illte irfslie ef Si l I I lam. 1 i..m ili!...i.l,i!S,W,f., 11,.Hwlll lisff tiotiiK IliiRlnrnne, Vrtirl, rtnl ui her J ib i.a.... IL.. naih - M C illlitH ,ii II- ". K .M.m Many hnhiUUtg pImm"V . i- It II - lth t. K.le ytntt' H'ntiki .i..1, "iiV;tklrt.s,v'.M2L'K. r.i. with o.md .. vll tigfjtli fl ffillowln Mnry ififnwall. anu Aim nMttim fiifimmt . . . .1 rapialn AnhlM. f I ,.t cis -- nun- urr- - V0-'- lhp "'""I'1 elftflMK Jii'lK.. and Mfa I'nmr. Mr tl. rmiffiirr us, in aiiiluiie, nor Hinr '' ahaMra that ptln rfa. a "' earfM jiurti;. Mian MaMha AlHHK, Aha AlK elni2 2.." ii L'.,SrR.R,,KSnii.-l,i.25- r h" III IMtk Mr I. Thr U - -., "-- - "'TOk!.'!'Jlltfl'WJlWA "Molt llllli h.hsan. I' imn t..nn Itlffin iht iiitwf HnQailmy r- - ', 7 : snores m rumr " 1,- -. of in n uiniKlnmlun i'tMit timii i(i( ttmm l.i,..r it,. inr WUIa wpalrfl)' lio nla lo c ilrnwii sill Mwa Iflls Minnlnit. Ie I111I1 i.in iv.i nr hr. Jo hi; I aMI Amrriau) I Plfl 1W ill - lr- Slnnir tu.fc. inH.i, m ii,., i.iiu,..laMM 11 ,l nn, mim IHimwn Mrs rilM'll H'ntelic. ...- uttnit.,.V- -, 1 .. Y mm. i.,,- .... Hut whlli ...., !...- - i...- . ",r Hiju " 7"" i Mr niwl Mrs H ..' uvn """ - " ."" rii riniin. J Waikr !" ' 0.I1- - nirrri- ""f.imirtiMiin i,t runurai fnifr .".". 11, !,, ..."to li.ii iiuw."'"nwiKinNii,"''?'." ,m,; (il,iu"rr;VlTnr tl" Wor t m thi rrl- - nuinirritfiiiiy ichitiK tne irowu m inn rirua Mtit latter, Ml, k Cured in .... tf 11 .Mrs liuiiBh. ie,.Miss Mii. r halii li4ih It aal auni..Mi L.i. ..' ! -- mi, mi , tm rm Ha Iniilf... I'l'inlmi'ii, I'lulter r. HI I, r ....i...nMI'll" III, II, HI I.!..'I .Flit I l,r, i, Ifi. n r nu.,i Hill,kii-IK,- II l,fu,riaii. ,l' ', ,'tt Mrs H .Mim l.iit tli mHa hatp ."III a Matr from tn rl mn liur rilmatv,.( lh l" Ana Annus, lr Ir.iiie, NICKLG. SILVER. GOLD auaiw u m jolnlfr l,u"1",r" In llil. cniiHiamiini unit Jntfiint hdwnnl (linnr.l, tleo Annus AnKUs, FILLCb tf ixilitlral innttra. inlurtlon nf th win and Hi Imili-- Mr Mill Mra. C Kri ..0 "...... linn .uiur- ii...... , (I ch , t,h.lli,Korth. Mr ami SOLID mi, miine ovfr inoiiiinnii irnitur imnwn. iiicuinnil uu'un) nnnninrvu Mrs lYtiit-snn- Ajh- - AD GOLD. o1"1 1c lovillmm of nnr mountain . ,.,.,. Wells Miss u.. twn, In whli Ii "'If1 ". ..,, inrnnir uniaiiia, Inm Wall. Ailhur Wall Miss l.iu lir Mi ri'latmii IUaliniiB area Invitation to lli' irruii W V am ituaranl..! full civil rlKhtn an iltl- - cl all latltiid.V lle..' time nml no nocloVnt to innr Its Itelle. Mra. knr llnnn Jiuim. I Un mrr a full lint ami ull then im vnn 11a - imi v Hlrthlr. lie and Mrr. II. imiuii, j.. 11 nirii in ui la fortarmnl liy papi ixh- comint'ie hucwf. i iiiiihii-uvi- nti-i- i "uMay ni-i- r for- - Hnall Mnnsnrratl. Mrs Win VVriKi.l, nt right ttii. ,,,,iln ui"y rlrnro for Ihi new mmv in K v mmr t. I'lilb la certainly to he romrrululaled lr and ricr. irct Iiuw America Iiha trufltrl ihr t.i. i..mmmi.ia ..Mu.tiiir,M ... ,i... .. m. .. 1.1..1. 11. ....,.., Ji and Mrs. rump. ir HihIhIiis. ,m iu. ...,,,,.... 11 !!. ...t.. i.i..r V M,,. ,..,.f..r... .1 u,.ii. " ""'""r '""." :::rj". "...""" : t!.::z "'n-i- " "'"' '" VVinne. Mr snd .Mm l.lu '1'i.rnn, iin. KiitilXS rraeh u rijht. . - nttcnilnd Miss - nn hy ConnrrM (Mia fur no liaa oonalil- giorloui-tilMor- of Atnfrtcu muat Innplip i.imiI.1 "' Thrum. Julia latmir. !. J Jay- frt.vn-cltlM-n- ""J ,',", .111... hnl.... linl'ii...... linen Mix . f 1, irntlon from ttivlr wliltn a .y ,A in.ii-- i .,,. .... liueiianan, Mrs. l.k'HIi. 11. Kl.GtiXS rench yim riyhU In (hew Inlnmla. Tlioy pni thr flint act- - 1.1 ... -- !, , n,i. ,ni-- ni, i.ntim.1. ehopcn. A urlRht aim aiinni In the Mar Juliette lvlnif. Mr. and mis. r. M. In Haali-p)onr- ra u a lltyd, ia il Diivt.n. Mim, Inm of all. Win ,m i,n worthy of the confldi'itc licnvena nml anft lreeze blow from Dnyion, Jus. Klllinr ftnud ulmt iV righl in U10 ijioal llmllM ami without .i 111 m. terribly debility. for rraouiia W,rt, conKrma haa the lillla back nf I'unolibowl, whore tho "Iiulfered from erneral lis. Miss mptala.tlioywori.nl out nn ilatioratcnnil ,m iinon nnr arnl I1U11B I bail noenerry. I w llrnl In the mornlDr riilhoun, Mr. anu Mrs.'w! A. 'ivir . eroit In frotby nmaaca nml Irnshall. Mr. and Mm Itrphm ami lattnig (jutilitia aHendlil feudal.am, ilevWoiwt aBrloultiin-- , jtr nn'ti0niil motto-"T- ho of ; ","..". ncroan tlm ! night. It did not eeem posslMe for tne to liicntfoot. lir. hydraulic and the nmimfnc- - 0j rach "l, keep up. I thin iid pale and my l.lmxl .Mr and .Mrs i J. I'riies, i...,i rnrtnrrn In Bnd ,""" wanin. Ueut tiul that in why tor are- - riyht iu tiiro of heautrful and u.oful fal.rlra. They IK private! iharaeter Br,'e, vac'- - Wnmoiid "enil "tooJ mI hidnoapertlle, I erMtually llHiieivrk, IS.H.A , Mlns Meyers, Majji jiwh' that grewwierypor. .Mrs. ami , ViPlcomM tho white man and adopted hla - ii," foiind.itlon of national brown nml ruERed nn massive, aliarp wraker and ovaker. When nlmixt om' rainnra. Dr. High, Mr. anu Mrs A. intj thr. iViiti U'ntrh.' advantage til aky. ruat-c- pletely I read T. llawi'M, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. DwUgliis civil ziillon both to their nnd ir(.Kih ' .against the blue The breeze eiluunod alont , Injury. May fellowship between the. t;vo in ,he aciiclaa. nnd from the bMich Mcllrvde. and Mrs. Mel-od- Mr. aim - . It. 11,cl rnrea Iw honorab.o nnd helpful and sin Reviewing tho Pnrattn. nolir by cnn) tCen.slonnl hoarse Mrs. Mend, Mr. nnd Mrs. J. C. Co- rtr" lle hen. Mrs. Atinlo liiig, (ieorge runs, M.ru When the Innugurnl Bxech was fin- - ronr of the braker, Julia l'erry, Mr, and Mrs. Frank lloogs, United State. Our Protector. AVER'S Miss Jlnry I.ow, Captain Ixnils Keniiko, H.F.WiCHMAN tahe(l U)e aoVirnmcIlljblIllIi wWch wtt, Lieut itloten-alwa- ya - and Mrs. Nnkulnu, Dr and Mis. The Unitod the protect- tllc head the parndo n A N II ICmenuin. liUX 34'J. - rBHtnR t of fc(l IRTQ N H FORM Mr. and Mrs. Hfhueier, or of Hawall-h- aa approached the mica- hundMli WolklklwardB, struck J IVJUnLO ttMU TUniYI Consul Mfvet, Mr. and Mrs. T. McCants In most consider- - hnlr feet Htewart Mr. arid Mrs, lmaynvhi, lion of annexation the ..,, 1. Sarsaparma l.is.ln aui manner. Wan Kr,at dehbernl.on has "P 8"'r 8P"Cled Itanncr. and Hcott. W. C 1'urke, l.lonei llart, Turn people In JUTI ONTF.ST McKlrew. Miss Hire. Harry Mist Hubert our request been nicenoil to and unmly the iwllce moved back the fr f I ImmedUtely it nud becan to IraproT Mist, Mackintosh, with 11 renara our pub- - room ttil Arthur Mr. and Mrs. Wiliki's Steamship Co. couauiiiinuted for front of the Btnnd to Ktvc for the at once. A lew bottle coiujiletelr restored H. O. l Uw-re- y, ltd:. 110 anu we can Wilder, Mr. and Mrs. J. pna.io inienmia uiui nc 0f lc noldlers. Xhe bond looK mo to health." Mlsa Hairlvll Luwers. Mrs. K, o, Da- forget. Hie Kvnnrl.'j ner nr)nliinn on one aide an Droccsslon Dtiuiirinlliiliv-,-- r nf Hmv Vou mon, Miss Damon, Dr. --Mrs. H 1110 jo.ni 01 annexation ,.,,, Ml, , 1 cannot Rot Oio best rcaults from and C. rcaomiion. non-np- v Wood. Miss Ruaranteva perpotual union: ihe - .i. i jlyer'a SarsaparilU If your bowels are Irmgard Schaeffer. plication of American public land laws martini""" mimic. tlio Hor-e- s lifu'i'aiu'l How oonstlpatod. V Krwman, MAStor. will from of tnken pnrt In many Rny Take just enough nf eall Hono to our limited public domain; the use The band hnd Aycr's Pills lulu ou land revenues fur the sole benellt of our and otherwlbe uffnlrn, and ICappcllmeia- - 'J each night to causo one LOCAL iUboUaJul it uuuu.lui ivopulatlon, for educational and other n gallant hey yr0 liildn. Kood freo movemontof tho tho BREVITIES. kukul, LtUuluu, Mualaeu liay, ivo.Kltiai, ter HerRer hml led ninny . bonds "nib!!e ""rV0"4"- - ,ulU h"m'ment Qt our rout. Never did hla baton move faBter day following-- Mukouu, Kavvuihau, .Uuuuk'iuu, - Jirs. Campbell kind daughters "i;pon prlncl- - than .yesterday, nnd never. did his mu- Pttttni by Dr. J. C. A) u A C... Until, Mui., U.S.A. Jnnirt and ILIIo. these Kiuranteen. and ihn Hleycle race; n udle and a. quarter; -- passengers ere on the Gaelic, return ( uiiiliiii will anil from purse, J&O, 510 to lendor nt each ing from San Francisco, lllle.ni ' HUtea and thy friendship of the Amr. parade were twri batteries of the felxth tue HOLLISTEH DWJO CO., Fridays nt 10 a. m. for obqre named can people for HrwhU, htm the Tvrrliorial United States JVrttliery, commanded hy quarter of a mile. Afenu Charles nnd br.de left on the mvn- , ,.w ut uu OdiuJ-duy- i. Art. Itm rrrnnnilwork at nnr nntv nvll - .(... ir'i-- tt u a ami siinulnfr Vualrulln yesterday for their honey-noo- n i, alining ilunuluiu tern. bulMod. ,, ,L mnni'ilea - A- - Dexter been. ..- -. t.f"- - the Na- tour on the Mainland. Oiir our Judiciary ore ...i... '.. . .. -I Clll.n 2 ner of the Union ahone from the upper IBlHlaturo and V," wore - " oBtored lo ua w.thout fundamental tlontl Ouard. , 3 atory, and the legend U. 8. A." be- Tho wedding of Mls Alys Danford IIIIIVI ROldlerly mnrciierH-nn- were applauded ...i,rde Lnnge :hanBea; American clt zenslilp, ma..hooil VIHLLlll silvV , o neath It told the nlory of Hawaii s new md l'rnnk will take plnee on the McDonald, Master, will leave Honolulu uiuiruKUiiirrDi.n nnH rcp4ii.iiiuiiuiirAt.iwiiinlttllnn in ivifiiKiinrnnirri.uw iieiiiiiij.honrlllv y veplng of June 20. The brldo in -- - Klorrll - - (j minor uuii uny m.iiid run. mreunijro a uvoiy Tuesday at ni LUlllLlIiil Uliuil nil Jiuwuiiuu III! Ul UI IDL'in Dill UI B1BIU llli; I nf lliikln ilnnmiiliiil frnm ou.ru Inlnii nml laughter of I.udy Herron. I Lahalnn. V.nV. ,,U.T.,Di! n"eLW '"- 'VSll'new Governor, accompanied by hla of- - TImc. 3:16. Merrill led at Ihe flrHt K;.h.. ' fy ofllce art' aovernor -' . vncre me elr. John T. Schneider of the Ocrmau nnd Klnahul'u Maul Kiunr'niiii-Haker- y the crent a qunrier, j. .ivn ui hccuiiu uiui . - l,llph otilcea under the Terr.torlal Governmelt; ""r.H,,,w, public ;!."'was mlrtl, Dexter the fourth and Ion. left on the S. Australia yes- nt n our laWB nre BUbHlantlally rctaine.1, save 0 th heli for and at iiTday on a bushiest trln to Sun Frun Hv k.u.u HHIUIU tiUHO, U111V1U5 aucn bocomu unuer tne . .nun nuur. llf Hi. .Dexter came home us he liked. Undor the Trees nt Houolulu Huuday niorulngu. bb unnecissary .. fait llnnn flnn Ii i ttiltn t , ari .'Iseo. Hi! will return snort y. now conditions. I III Clkll ai euu, ivauiu, uuce Hawaii has no JtmrTor a separate Inde- Alio Special Guests. purse 1100. Under the treed na day and far Into.,., It. M. Overend, an old Honoluluii wlio ec. . l, It., ,1 urun I w- u - IIUlllll, pendence, but It la now a component part (Loguc) . lll.l ...e. (...v i...w,p,uIhl.intlu i.r- ,,....,lill.tu a,,.- recently returned nfter a. stay of some On the Himclal platform to the, left Gurterlne,117 lb. llt.il, t.i.rl l unl .pttvi.il Ii, -- of an Independent and powerful nat on. ..pl .....a .,,v.'.w.nirlntlln.u ui,,.nml .. years In Guatemala, left yesterday to . . "' ' t t b.l.l I.i llUi.. ua nmiiauona arc tuiem. unit us ireeiioin of the Inaugural stand were uuated.in. '';-"- """,', .na,,tnn t ll'in" rliif itintl tit - Ihri(in. .! ua, lli.ibliu IVIIIPInil iHuume charge of .wona cnougn i -- ". -- - o viiuiiiii,II. uuin the plantation rfitlls overy Mouduy or action largo lor me present., th nrm.r r reBnectlve ranks: omin, " ihiuuiuiun;.. m I n... for KaunakakBi, affordB a largo meaB- - their 4S ,t eiun. law Ita fundamental law rV Time. Fa.r start. Won driving "dock riibfliVt rrlL"s vuiiiulo, Maiiiiulei, Kaiuupupu, LuUal-i.- i, tiro of self government and protects us Mra. Sanford U. Dole. Mrs. A. mi. wliuil ci brou hi Mr. John II. I'oi'teoUH of Montreal, b fc Winner. W. H. Comwen eu Ports-nout- llunulim, uiuwulu. KeixliuiUK, "- e, ..nhadn, nnd Miss Alice h. t?rJFc&&L't3SISkny - Mr" by Uoide;, U.irter.-.in- winneT Adnlr of lipiioliilu thegr.at " Ua'"' " V!$vliwn&?uPM Olilo, wero marned at t. e Mth- - ut Buluiduy uiuruiuKJ. ! e. . world-rncee are well K. Cooper, llehlnd them and on the got ull the worst of the stnrt and wo.i passed the within nortal. idlst parsonage by tile Hev. G, U. 1'ear-io- n rilani Anglo-Snxo- Frank nnjl Turanian. side Inaugural on her courage; she c,au go some. ela- - All worn rorelvoil nt Ino thrnHTinlil liv Tills company govern- - 0i)0jtu' of the stand last ovenjiig. luuuiveu the right u v ipecause or una tne aimcuniPB or ..pies is a pretty suitty i;ny: Casfllmlr the committee who ho fui.lifully nuu rnent aie much Increased,. For, the pro- - were other members of the Government does nof shine nt (lvefurlo. nn, Mr. nnd Mrs, F. W. Dohrmann, the nuke changes In the time of depart. of the representative arid other necoiunanleil by ladles. Among former Dohr-nnn- ri liiu uiid uriivul of Its siuumera WITH- -' civilized iui.ui noi ridden hv the regular noy. imi.ii,i..ii..iii.u to wno.se Ciuvernehs and energy of the linn of Nathan, nhasea of modern rovcrnmnt. - Second HaceTiirue-quatte- r &. Co., of San NOIKJli. and it will not be re-- has lskr esHentlal to were aeen Qonsul and Mrp. F. A. Bclme- mile wu ullu the delightful evening tnul Francisco, and one II H Clil-,f,,- 100- tho Bpunslli'u citizenship to represenlutlves or the r, Hon. and Mrs. F, M. Hatch, 'Hon. aaJin;, M". ..,a" rua' ',arH0' - inded Haw all's biggest day since wiiou ir largest merchants of that city, lor any couiioqueucoa arising ' neee nnd Japanese nations which together . stars nnd Btrlpes were are here on n visit. uiuiuirom ,s. "'..iFive-eight- ., the sent nioft u form a Innre part nf our population, nl- - nnd w. u. biniiu lion, anu aira. Third Hace dash; C. It, Collins' Cuublgltees T. F.. Lansing. JuBtlce Whitney. ex-- . me Uio nrutectlvo nrm of the uniltu custom hand made har- mum bo at ihe Landiun though seme of.,theeo are. undoubtedly purse' j100 ' ki,1iL h,a JHlnnds. ness Ih unexcelled durability well qurtlined for-th- dutlefi f citizen- - S. Consul i.enerul Haywuoo, Juuge u..d about for and lo receive their Freight; this Company ,i, 'lj3- - (Thomas) 1 un. Ill llulsh, California, Mexican, Spanish ship. Mrs. ... L. Stanley, Judge a.uoiuo J i.iua g.eul Inn. which Ok will uui tiuld itself reap. ;nr(i Die foi MIbscs l'erry. High Sheriff "'"UB.a. lla lus- - Ueue) 2 del berallons of state have been he.d una Hawaiian styie nuing suuuies mad uur Plain l'erry. the l, premised (r.leni after It bus been lauded ijuiy nn(J Mrs M Browt)( nnu Time, 1:03. Good start. Won easily u,1"1 which still Iiiih In It a monarctrs his at short notice. Au.,l0r throne, temporary Live Stock received only at ow&ari The arbitrary denial of the. franchise sirs. H. C. Austin, Dr. and Mrs. Idc- - bY two lengths. Winner., J, It, Wl.non a anomer hall room Tho amount of Postmaster Oat's bond risk. Post'- - o. m. by Teuton-Jnn- e. experl- - "H1,10" t,le Bide so has been fixed $100,001), and conBeiuent representation to these. Grew, Judge George A. Davis, Maples' I""1. Veen Wal"JIl nt nnd its size I y- ii deJICied Success. It woh like one reap endent chain Is, generally taken' to .ne .Im- bis Company will not be rcspuusi'Mt plaooa upon tho rest' or the" communit- master nnd Mrs. oat, Collector nnd ment at Jna( Indicate 1 v whethcr.as voters, .eB.slators; the courts Mrs. Htackable. President of board ot - 'Venus of ho oartlilysiceount' todays" i ber.'.and In thdse rare HhrintB the, bjau portance of this office in the estimation for Money or VuIujuIou of pasi'imgrt or tho Kxocullve tho consideration of th? Health C. U. Wood, Mrs. Wood, Prof. Fourth tltac&r-Ti-ottl- ug .and pacing; tX of .llnwkll was paid homage to by of the PoatoMcc Department at Wash- unless placed in the care 'of Purser. interests of. theBe pnrupreBented persoi.B. nnd Mr w D Alexander. Hon. A. 2:30 class; purse. U0, , and' men of the Islands ington, i Passengers aro reaueaied to DurchiM and A-- .', lJtite$&irySJXi&& O. Me Kobertson, Hon. .Mrs Albert M.' (Gibson, 1 wlfhWbeVrdS ami The transport Sherman took to Uu tlckots before embarklne. ThoM full. Vebly nwrnaeo tho welfare of all. . T. A'kinBon, General, Hartwcll. Co onel Fred Eros (Qulnn) ...,., 2 2,lUwdVff nlla on Bundny .. L. Herry, son of Con- - Ing to do to will be subject to id- - Huhlqn. Merry. Bwept In stately style in Ab a correc,tlve..to race, our and, Mrs. Captain U.,8. .,ltn ,:,, .,. nee', Bpjolhers V w cnnrge or twenty-OV- e per islucailonal yBtem rtachfes'-'fil- children .'.Major U. 8. A.; Co.bnel ' wl hZt ii aHt debutante'! wh9B0, charms RlYl ..fi.. ".v "r8 n'tionai rnt EnnlB. luTtriou Jum' Vmi baUl."B will -t. of whatever: rilatlonallt(.m(nioi:Chlneso FlBher. French Consul II. Moet. British i"S&-W'-V-W- i .brought ,tliem no rngfe attention .than " Cony not be'lbtk.fo. ,3bt ioRohleXi&$AXt&' "f; nor Injury tppordelkr---..--- . - tnko up hla KngllBh regular ?.n ,JS only get home first.- AlDemocralic, Scone, Mr. and Mrs. E. D.McClamihan were lessona'lo nna-.ftlrs- - chauceto. Albert "..L . ' school, hours. Ab the boys of J. if. iincKieiu, nrlul M- among passengers, Yl .l.""'.B?BTO,"? ur 'reienr, ot snippers . I 7 I I liveiiiiiiriu- iiufm -- wp . . ,.,,, .., . the for San 'F.'iuicla. "" f .Z.J .11. Ull TtmV At I'lM .1 'irU.111 IUIA ....v- ,iip'rn. KUI,1 . II. .. .. nMli.nln .V ...II .I.P...I tlu .J i.ns .1... nu J.. - tho 9100. ZzLJ . !!.. . "r'cr ."!i. " "i! , ... """" ,"',. j Vi V ?T pacer.'-Kro- will be benefited by a new i'miiiuuii: iu uiv iticai UU, co who sailed on the Austrfi.ln yepter- biond amount of unless Un rc'rSwork oVetn rcg.,nl.h tra,n'nf- - .' ' butthe"" "ni!rlicy of the new Territory day. Mr. McCiariahnn Will spend some valie of the came be declared when re- and iybal? T; nlAirround'lirihi.tifacihl.Tireri.-rdwniw.- - -- f.7..-1 :. j. . ace One mile. dasb:..rjurue. iiMBerieu nseit strongly, and ii mull who time in Ban Francisco, arid Mrs. Mc- - celved by tho Company and an extra !S... mlgut see many of I, Uanalian will upend a portion of upcKelrracojMlooBleB,lwv.ubtMtWe,'S'" .1...... - lrooked jwiy station her chnrgo be mado therefor, at or befo'ro - I " '. ' ' - etny VZS, yithdfHwn, . tripping the waltr or two- itep us eosi.y vlaltlnK with relatives in Chicago. VJSiS H'J....t,.------.:. --v.F.?'Unii-- .h- - mi.V . tne Mlle of the UcKet uU treight It iii iiu. iirmitmiK utiraimB "' wiui - sixth ltuce Gelitlfmtn'rf driving race. " tneir nrotners aim Hist'lth of more jaiuuiii, ijoii n. - ' ""' u- - r- - .Ti.T;,'?i. .. . ., ine carriuu numoer or pain thereon.- loin- tviinjruiujiiu lur unuiip " vmuiyci .hi.'wiim wis, one hcimoB i monr,l ' ' ,',,:'",,. ji uith liretelisei PftHHengors Muut und Kcther with their, great inlluence. wl.l Mr.i,Andrew Smith. Portuguese ConBUl nor nflnll (lowers for Hawaii ports iupiuM)8 of the Company an i" i contlnuo as In tho paBt to be an ob- -. V ,?.nn,lca in mmhr- - of tlm Muliend decorated the great wncn sno sauea yenieroay morning. cntuivnro Hruce Cartwrlght. II. It. re- - forbidden to receive freight without suido to the development of such a cltl- - niut Mra walker Joey puri, 00. Kntr leu to hail nnd bunting anu paims were Among them ere P. Cocketl. wife and len. popuUUon a shall, .safeguard the 'nnrtMr Tn cloBe at the T081- - 8,;rY;u rr Ule PtVillon. It was n gor- - child, A. W. Hnyselden, O. II. Illibert- - a shipping receipt therefor lo - P (' - Hon political of Hawaii. Tho two ion- : JneP- ttnd ... . ceous scheme, by Comp-sn- future --un...... , c. .' ,r.v .r ...j... color nnd the irect wen son, w. ho form prescribed the enterprises aro mutually host'le. The .i f i iiiint ruin. nnirH uiui iihiiii. . j a t m vui a. J. Wright. W. H. Cornwell.MlsH i no ITnrt Flora G. IF. Vldlll " " vuutxy ui HeillUB Ullu lauur. McCall, II. M. Whitney, Col, Norrls, C. md which mny be seen by shippers tip-i- n la Interested In men nnd machines; j:' ? Q? a ed II. the.1 other as factors lp (he development Mrs Kauiukounim A vP Mer ...... 3 ..?. MaVha'J .ll!0.V'r"r 0e Hull,iind Dr. Wlnslow. application to the pursers of tbV - . Daughter. o w.r.8. " u ut uio- auiie. ' Horn A. -- M. Ilobertson. Hon. and Mrs. (W.UcIllnn) "1' '"r.u"a tt.n""'uliKa'a'1' Dr. David Starr Jordan, president of 'ompnny's steamers. tho control of such cerporatlons n it r0..ni.,:rn- iim, n.,,1 m w n' Watermelon Joe (Dr. Hhawl ...... n den .behind masses ot ferns, concealed University, Al i t , Stanford spent yesterday Shippers are notified that If freight Ii gradually paBseii Into tho rtands of those ' 01)11 o in which electric lights Hashed brlgtu.y, who-a- ro - I Acni,.'. lion, ,.. J Hon. JIavalan .. .i (...'.. making n burned tour of hipped without ihn rpHlraln nir Inllu- noil, l"v """"I noi.liii. h.i..in i,..npiiii o A.in.i. Honolulu's without such roeelpt It .will S. Ka-n- e. .n.. points of encetii of local nnd traditional associa- and Mrs. K. Hon. and Mrs. Time, 2:28. Good Btart. Won ridging Mr and Mrs Do re,' lv7,l In ti,n m?' Interest. Yesterday morning wi snlelr at Hip rU of 'he (.hlpper. nl kni'-Fw- he af- tions, and nrn 'not "Interested In the Jas. A. Kennedy. Hon. nnd Mrs. ... A. "I'd Leave My Happy Home," Winner a took a trip to the Pall and In the growth of the Hawaiian commun ty, Gonsnives. Hon. and Mrs. W. F. A .en. (nobody' claimed .him!, hr. , hv it Hiu?.?.f '"?J1'IV1 ,P"'.Vun'ln'' ternoon visited Walklkl. Dr. Jordan C. I.. WlflHT. President. tbls-dange-r irn.. on may bocomo more threaten- Hon. and Mra. Cecil Rrnwn. Hon. and raeW.Tr,r..r 'prhlaV.AL .iUuYf' " rel posii irom wnicn tney mi sailed for the Orient on the Goo ,c, CAI'T. K. ing than heretofore. ,.." T. CliAHKE. Port Supt Mrs. j. a. Mccandless, Hon. and Mrs salrec T F. Morrison, Auditor of Rnnta All Vitally Interested. Henry Waterhouse, Hon. and Mrs. W. to like, Jlnra County, Cut,, who wns In Hono- C. Wilder. Hon. nnd Mrs. J. N. Wrlcht ed the " lulu during time the transport CH4S HRFWF 0O' Kvery duo who is here, not TT... IIP l TT 1 ...... I ' the reslaent ...J !.. II - by 'l wete-groeted- hundreds, who paid Sherman was In port. Is chnrged with merely to amass wealth, but to live u N. Wilcox, 'Vt",'U'x'."u J"er"a.T.?"a yellow hearse.1lBr?"w?iM'!,Jand nn having been 13,000 abort In hla accounts, chil- wot!d,rnak respects' briefly to the leuder o. homo life and perhaps to bring up Kuhane, Hon. and Mrs. F. B. Lymnn excellent for - , nn Audi-o- r will necebsarlly Cr substitute Bnlaam'H talk- h,,u.ii dorrlson has appointment its New dren who become attach- York, Line. Hon. and MrB. A. N. Kepoikal. Hon. V unlmhl. rneo iimi.- . .. . -- w . . -- - alive- . Another - win,...... -.,.- "..."''.... of the postolllce at Manila and was ed to tho country. Its cl.male and its so . n- . ilergcr's bnrid and nn enlarged Quln- - 0,?-e.- - svcui-do- n way vuauy intervBteo I n hav- - " .' "if entries should wnlrant an - his thither. The disclosure of cial lire, is most S0nru'l'1 - , tctto tlie music for the danc- . ll.lu vlipl.lll, u.il, .,1 ; ) dwl". "on- belnB fr,)m H,, Is Inn(r. i.im. nlln. hm.-v- ".c,,U7ff',non-- J' fun ports ju""" plnnaule - shortage came some dnys after hlB Ship "Holen flrewer" will sail from iiimtu,...,!.,.,,, oep.b.o' J5- - as on a of ban- means that II Bhall not only bo HfcnnrilH. Hon. J. Pnrls, Hon. to witness tho fun. nlneai iimAim worn r,,i,l leparture. New olimiuu. -. thnf York for Honolulu on cr about nut somea. iwyanu nil question, tnat no.F. HoU. Hon.D. H. KahnulelloIIoii.. A. Seventh Huce-O-no .. .. ., ...... quart. 111.1 iiitr.,.rtr,iu Hnokfuld & Co. looked for a ship from monoyuu in lercsi suaii uo auowrxi to u. i.oeoerBicin,... lion. I u. MCCinness, me dash: purse. J100. .J. ' o SK'fi,,,.n. to Herger's harmon.wH. Hamburg, the coming of which yestvr-- . stand' in th way of tho development of Hon. S. K. Kneo. Hon. A. B. C'eghnm ' To l.ie 121 lbs. (ThoinaB) 1 ose y u 10 a puro frtmll; Ifo In nny part of tho Gnrv Smltli Mr Mrs t p ?veretli, .,. young present-th- who still feel tho meant saving of fCO.000 in d .tls June 1900, Territory or Hawaii: eiincr en- - Uobp.:, Vl"- - (Wcnol) . 2 Joy nf llfe-t- he ball wns a dream, i'o mil Internal ruveiiue. The Island .v Wlcox llev D. Tlmotco XJ, Ka- - .,.' A . . .. t frwnomiint nf linfnvnrnlile rnmlltlnnu utv. Antldnle lliu Kfn nine.., ,,i.i...- ..u. i...... T " " " ."- UoamerH that left yesterday kept a 'on the Held laborer. whereby fani y life mnolcnlanl. -- ..V A 7f". "i".i . """. ""'' i. .ul. """' Tor freight . ," ." H .?."" ihnrp lookout for her, us they were of- apply to Is mado morn lv ImnoBSlblo or only Im- - . nine, .,iv. uoou Hiari. won PMMiy " irino ueiiur morally ixxstillile nr i.u nnnminr. ih;. oy u lent'tli. winner. J. it. v snn'H mnnagcu'"" "l'.nnu n mt'""moro enjoyuu e. fered fabulous sums lo tow her In i. CIIAH HltlJpWKR & CO., tlemont of the small nronrlctor: Indlffer..i. RFPFPT flN N TUk . g. by St. Savl6r-Wh- y Not. Ueerelh Mr. Dole and Mrs. Dole left tho bnli they sighted her, Shu. did pot make 27 Kllby Street. Ilosioo. enoo of government or employers to the IILULI I 111 I rlL. well ridden nnd stnyB as bred; hadn't before eleven o'clock nnd almost Im- - mrt, and as she Is JS1 days out, some Or OHAd. UltKWKR & CO.. II'l).. rights men, lUll -- ) Inalienable of women and m-- much to bent, but did It hn'idsomii'y. perceptibly the crowd be"nn to grnw ...in. ri. fnr hr. HODOIUiU. children to an Ideal homo environment MillI Aggravatlon, go smaller. About 10 o'clock the handsome must result, sooner or later, In re- HAI l)r can't more than a lillla. the .. w. SIw i ,Airi i Aniiuote ran ihh irnme rnre. lint supper commencun m ne natron prisals of natural Justice. .ri usual .y : r ieni Our shores and mountain slopes offer a others completely outclassedt him' lied. A very uppntlzl g cold repast:.....'was fertile soil and an Infinite variety of spread on tastefully drcrsed ta .les. lBPdacape, sutllclcnt nnd suitable, for tho Gnv. Dolo, OfliciiiJs. mid Tl oir Lemonade and claret punch which homes of such citizens and enough of could offend pone by nny show of Pacific Mail Steamship Co. as bhnll capable them asBuro honest 'and Ludios HIialvH Uuntls W itli BALL WAS STILL Hlrernrih wero served a I during .lie government and statehood In due lime. evening. Tho land policy of the Hepuhllo of Ha- 1 waii, whereby nubile lands are opened llundivds nf lib its. Mrs, Alary GUpn's minimi children's for Bottlenicnti In smnlt holdings, should BRIGHT AT TWO dancing paity will tuke plnro nt th Occidental & Oriental Steamsbip ( In continued by.. the .Territory with such With the band of St. Louis College Hawnllnn Open House nn fiiturdv' changes as experience has shown to bo evening, pret- playing merrily under the trees with- - , Tho Hffnlr will be a very necessary, and carried on with' vigor and ty one nnd will h largely earnestness In.thcJiope that many Amer- out, tho Inaugural reception began In A Jilll'G Soeill) of f.CUIlty uttended, mny led to Wllicll Mr, diaries H, Frner, fnreninn nf th icans rit transfer their homes great hall of ,., , . . , from tho Mainland to Hawaii, the the Executive building ...... Hnwallan Ulectrlc Works, was respon Immediately nfter tho exercises on the lusiiiiiju wi uip.uym.jcriicy slide for the succpsh'iiI ele'trlrul ...q. and ToyoKiscn Kaisha. ro to Work For. r steps. For nn hour or more It continu- of mlnntlnns nt the Kpcu'"e biilld'n-- Thls In something to work for; llivjiii.. Inst evening, There were some lflenn future ed, and during that period Governor u wisely persistently. IluslnesB In hundred red, while uml bue Hl-M- and Dole mot and shook hands with several tin- - of the above compunlM will call at Honolulu fMortslgbted burning, arrnneeinent nf whlnli In Stumen ar4 uu and will not strive for the thousand of the citizens of the new Mngnl,lounlly lighted from dome to designs, etc, fiirnnssed miylhlnv in lr Ideal It pays .do so, et ' jort ou or about the dates below wen Ilonedt unless to Territory of Hawaii, foundutlon, - Il" befnro, uu convince It II will pay lo do tins, the Executive hulldliiK- was '''.?' evr ntt"mn'ei hre that Even In oays in dollars and In the higher values also; tho old when the laules a scene last night lo which worJs nam "whTCo FOR JAPAN AND CHINA FOR SAN FHANCISCO; and in tho meantime let tho citizen and nnd gentlemen of tho merry npt Temps, i r, - his representative aim to prevent enter- Knlakaua do Justice, The In.iUGHiiil In, n"l"r ivuUf twn sien- prise Irom doing the least thing ugulnst time used to hold their levees In the flne whlvll prressed within Its spacious fnBlir;7.,,!n?Thl,r,,U,,wo1,slen'l,ll IJA1.UC .,,..,,..,,,,,,,,, JUNE J3 DOIIIO mm.mm JUNK II the Interests of the body politic. It pre. ,, - ilUNUJiONO ,,,,,.. M MAHIJ enterprises old room could scarcely have halls from 9 nYlnnir umii i.,ir, nn, vulir ii. ir wm!. nt iu,V.,i..,; MAU JUM MI'I'ON .mmmmim JUNK II Two other great will fpe. 0H1NA JUNK 41 JIJU m JUMB dally enlist tlm thought and energy of sented ft braver show, A bank of palm. Is also boyond dcscrlpllon. Tin i'd Tlm" ''h'p!?Pp' tt"y iimiiiiiiMiiiiiM MMKIH0 ,,,,,,',,, II the. Tenltory the improvement Urui ilec uoKia .,.,,... .- -. Ji.i.y 7 tvUp'IpU JUIpY II mo piunneu mu ,,M. Mm M.M.MMMMMM of highways in a ineusurs run. tuiu iurnn Binou in center oi inu "uu iiiiiiniiiiuioii A I'uw Who MJ'p'ON MAHIJ ,,,,, JUI.y 17 AMWHUA UAHU JlJIfV 17 sonant with prosperllvn nerds, and the room, Hurmauntcd by a over- - "0 former paltco of Kalakn.iu Attended, KIO DU rntutlon at mun'e InalltlpH. Tlilu ulll r... Jardiniere ' JANIIO .,,,,,,, JIJ1V W flowing achieved n Of Ilia who , 1 1 A l C I qulra tho profoundnH study and un lion. with red nnd while carnations, triumph, hundreds were at the bull, C0ITI0 ...,.,,,,, ,UJU, il il ,.,,,,,, mm MMMI, AU0 I us, piiinin mini, uiui ciicu govermnen from whose midst rose two small silk 'win shortly ufter dusk, when (Im a few minniur iihiih-- vure noK"l, as f AMIJIUOA MAIJU mm..,,, AlJII, ig liuNivONq MAIM' ,,., Alia, u may perform a useful service and not I'lv'KINO AUI), U Hugs, Hnwallan nml American, waving limits wen j nrned on. in u" . ""v,1""' "" m' "" "IIItA i i m. mm mm m i sources of civil corruption and until UAIOMCJ i. ii AJi ilicrriiy oppressive lo those wlililn their Id friendly union, AH ln ohnndcllom thousands r p..pl. lllleil the ? mm.. mm,. Mil), n IMMMM IIUlllll DIM, Ml ,IIMIf ISi '"5 W IIONCIKONO MAIUJ .,.,,.. pJi'.'I'T, fi Jurisdictions. wuru with Ivy nnd f"1" mib ii uildinK. inking pan In the ball J MMMIt MMMI), A .happy feature of our Inlq period or wreathed wound ,,',,:,;: a m JMHinii.. . ! IIUlllll ttllttllt civil dimension whs the ixiiiil sun hnl of about with red. while nmi i.ihh riiiiimm or gazing from I Mil mils I do at Ihu fa rv A uluil T Alk nson. Mm .,.l,Vi piiuVir.. immi iifiifift iMMMii frtit MMMM MIMMIM M.MMIII S ' f , lflfJf frltndiy reUtlons between Individuals of MMMI If Hfllii iiiiniM ii lit Ml. MM Mill, III divergent opinions, The big chevnl glassiH ot the tides of lruture, All )Vr the facade nf Ihn Sli'Vtr.'siiil'Mf: wn,,H Uiinri llllllll IIUlllll nolllrl and rnnsu. - MrS IMMf Mlltl MMiMlfllf t f mmmm i M i i i quenl puldlo artloii. Few Hie room were draneil with iruroful home llf till- (lovmnmeut rows nf In. Mrs. O. llolle. Ildl. und Mm is .ih,,',.' m, Iflllf 'i ui' ii in, ii nntnwi frlcndsliliis IMMMMMMMfllMMIMI i wp broken nn ths acrnuul or social loops of Ivy. Cndisceiit IIkIHs shed a llood hrll- - 'VfSin'mlliimpilfeys''' 'ttfllMfH fit flint nni mu tniiutiiiittn litis). I The dais at the mauka of roila'mi'Mr'i iiiMIMII I I I I II M d'sturbed. Mindful nf f.il .,,.1 ...,...... ii.iimu mi iiu. t MifliilM ffftflflff MMMMMfl llllllll till If II) Ihe Utmost confldeneu ln calling tinon nil no hii iimu ii'oiii wus inuuep t)f Miir,i..iir.u i. 'tlltl of wlistiivrr. nuine or .Dliinlon, in allow nr punns, KB 'political IrrllulMnl. 'ill rA.i.lil ....- -. I. lifting their beads For JnfprwMJon PJ.pl disappear in canopy fWt) le - thr sIibiIowb of the and ulvlne but ft ullinwe n4, lurnliifc- o i, future, lo Join hW ump(y throne belilnd, H HAOKrKP 0,,Ul, lHII

J 1 TSSmmmmm

UA,l',lT3-- u-fc- MA A'KAK l J;lUtft H i Xf WKKiar

(I'IUh. iw"t f lf, wijh .BEUO IMiiMk mmm mm4t ! stam mnii m mmiw a-- t rum vnost: ( i Down M i"H ii Tt ! u MaMrf. w lmer' ....1 Again if t V4 VMt- if evIMt Mill t'nt wu tjr wnBH ' IiMMff tu tarn art, soprcme titii-- i oral iWtrt 1 court In price U tnArkiit (or ' b ti . tme mm ire tho hr fnnrh mm - HrtAlml flour iidiI w - - - feed, autl follott , " -. tnlb. ii- " nnt t iMtinnMl r- - aivni ouw It - M nn eaii. cloiely, mMHII Me4Hrl' tWIlt- af Hond POLITICS til tow nmn1 I4k itawn W 001(1-- ui your order and ihtj 1.1. f. tlite ratMttnti rtf iwMhiA will bo allied nt tho IowmI Tm- - rtb K fwrtlHH Mt Mmh Mm li4 hi wlalii market price. .limriii navel bnfwrr tmHm Tho matter of 6 or 10 cent Until f 1 JHt'-- ihe WMi "I'M k Jiml upon a hundred pound HIM be lneluHl WtUtf M iteOt, yn oi Tihe of Run- acffljimwtl feed should not concern you Question .iilr"H 1rrtt4f mt f!- as Hi trto mm 4m much n tho quality, n mllllHl Mile. tkMl Maari, m MlM a iimmrr poor feed la dear at nriy pries ning Mates. AIM you will lu. lalirti uMarw "WIJt xriMftrr am nK ',for, the M.aiwntlnii will t- - mmS ImipImI BiM k. "I toM twlre liefore, we K nrnti wltn hove wif ht lf' flSjj msi rlvi-- n thlr hmi " flu KM lnd and yiHi tould hear her rnri". When you want the Uert Oompnoy Turned Sown. bM the 'phone a little Hj, "JtMt-- ." Feed or Grain, nt the Illght Hawaiian Legislation is Didoyod by Jmlc Diwi him dtHiitl ' tm4nJ Mces, order from of tl CnnatllHU-AUHtrnM- irMvamnlilM A wwry later al erwued, of Bills in TJw wire bummed an Interlude. the Rush (3oMlHy fr h rwtv 4rtu of 4ie ihuh itn CALIFORNIA FEED Co. the House. wbtcti Jirtinle AlHmlr f Jlpuun m rwl r"Ven Mt of talk rnme o'er wa Jl,fc09 damurit Tk and made the waiter mttHrtdK awrtll 'ne,re. ThlUKHHONR 121. The mutioii wim baaed on a olulni that ISiMWhil CrrepoiHlenee.l the clamaRefl nwrdi;d wore exn-Hlv- e Ttw vrhbonennned receiver honk WASHINGTON. June J. The quolten He elxed upon and wildly fhook. In the rolnd of nollllolatw la uppcrmerl Tit' Vtid(e' voire he heard once who In to be running mute ni rnwawi more, MflKlnley on the Ilnpubllcan ticket H'et number are jou wnltlnK Scarcely ft day pae that doe not sec ISLES forr proposal of tho namo of the. "favorite th "rh Jlldpe rerKeiled with ft roar, Wn" of seme Btato ana in prompt "It of any desire to enter the tight - In In marly F Mnod pnire-- tben, It a slngulnr fact that. rnde Instance, the men who are seeking r "That line tuiHv; call nKaln." have met no - to put themele forward TOLEST - -- Tb" .T"dee had bulnei late thnt of the A f.ZAOZt 1TJS V--l i- - w JatllCK o( nay. .encouragement from the friend - - i t ',y A.'Ute CLINTON- oyr- je 1cz.,-r- , Ifa-wa- ll President, who rightfully enough should ' f M: tG ttorjr iff f..and of And no he merely walked nway. tialWa-ttti- JAr ttvt- - In Aft- -r liave the predominant voice In the lrlu Hr. f'Mtxr J'. Hi" he walked he hook his of candidate. .4uziMai lMtxrwt''A m. eradnatlnK In ' dlsculon 4W UtfO jiMtmHC C U- Wchtgan heirt. cand.date Fortunate Climate of Ji lf U - Vtfrirtfiir ft at And th' I what he adlv pnld: 1'robobly the moil imrklitvnt SM Ter-rt- JUHtJirbttr ia .6wtott TTUt, pratl(rt In U nomination 1 iirnr - u f ri for tho Vice Presidential bUI J W b Uy f -- j XtifMX. TrtUnry. A pr.l S3, aM the ef or pn Timothy Woodruff i; .. "nf wrd" tonre HOP Lieutenant Goiernor Hawaii Nei. jow, iKjwawnwwaotiBairw, Mr - ct jvbniAry, IJi. ebe eat are 'Iliisy: call aKn'n. .of New Vork, who haa teen much ridi- ju iw yiAuA,4 Jbt?)r(ixzrM( ricitm try tfwr Governor. , aa culed because uf IiIh gorgeou raimeut xa4 hnvmr, ii--ta &vuttrnit iy ttw 7?iS:exl tvI lour yearn In .and especially hi iridescent "wik.t Ui ipMj- 4u Jtnmtuvt C 4 JUaU tfc UUrrt In J!.trch. jiu4 l m 3iHo, W-- 1 creature of tho i'latt inacbine 3W. iMTHK wilh Hon. f!. r. . NOTABLE WEDDINOS. Jle a ) t-- Itt , HOFRDSTj KDSUNSTflOKE J.uitprtKAvttii-t-Wifliuv- nl r w jtwf nwtnn-- of New Vork titan-- but a young man of j.r frttrr'',iw that he H n St, Hume attuiiiineiilii unu no Mnali fortune jrolUrt' lt( t tmm m U a4" . ttrriinrUt UttolMVtn. In WS, To Coromonl Andrews on lie Mbi min.cit.d the idea uf boomtnif I- ut4rrt4 $Um ! Htmuv . TV Tuesday. BIHERS hliriMjif for the V Ice J'rea.duicy when tlm Ti nry populur candidacy of ltuO.-ku.i- . Two of note took place at 1 of A Where ueddinRH 'Juven.or of New ork and Colonel Und Heavenly J)ays Melt 18 THE BEST the Hough KiUit at nnnt.uKO, hub nip-i- l Hi. Andrew's Cathedral yesterday. The rclUhal Hart-KIsto- n In bud by hi einpuuilc Into Blissful Nights IA.UMU-3U- nuptials were celebrated the and 4I naiioe Mi abC A5 & to allow hi name to be ciihlderuu lor TO noon nnd the Dekum-Meye- rs mar- the place. Hocemelt would lwvu comr.b-ute- d Hud jt iiar iij iivtti. at much vtlcngth to the l.ckei, fur h; All Is Pace. jlb juiiif; . 4 i yyHx riage was at 2 o'clock. I known uh a man of great personal Unt Hi xtMMH uf Use U' The ueddlnc; of Miss Mabel Hart, omy on Held of baitiu ,abv-Jajiun- , tMUiuko bol the Kiomi the tu;ld iiortberji J e;ki!i.K iUHtit yjti iv mat fry wtsyr (Iaushtcr of Judce Charles Frederick TONIC but In hi olllce Governor of Now - Vork and previously when acting a As- ucruMi Uit- JVUue imW1 &!'' Ha,rt and Mr. Charles Allen Elston. was Navy. tu ill'- - iioiliiHuaU-if- i ctiaat vl JMI.IH&A For people in this sistant Seue.ary of the Jiosw Uf UiK MMHt BE one of the most fashionable of the sea- climate. tell would "run (Ike wild Hie" in tlm lo ! deilticted U the vt, w Uffl &Uflit.W JC. Ml U FUGUE Wvtt, where til uKKriiwIiuiii-iu- i and Jvjurohhluu. u vxnt jurtta-i- ul uw urHt iur fun mt ne?"f240m son and society una out to witness It strenuous actlilty have won for him ttiataH It uvyitijbouilmtiiii HnA)tlts-lii-wtr yu.di,gnt ytvUf KifX x and utter the best of good wishes to greater aum lul.on ti.an n the iiiih vnayttm.v&r, tM&trg K m jiHolutely $it&iiy x the bride and Rroom. leMful Hunt. llut lie ha Huh - uf u( .ii MM4T W - 111 upon al ifTi,r. to lullueiiu- the iiavAJtMu luuui irtiot The fine old never looked iet disapproval (lk)W), WMl tUM- TA- cathedral forcu him upon ihe nutlonul ticket that H San Francisco is Surely more beautiful. At either side of the It la n Valuable Remedy for Geueral the friend of the Admin. titration have liatnud iu jkll mkSw Uy 1Mb M our,, 14AIW 4Mi i!vya - xoney of potted praollrnlly abandoned uli hope of Induc- luleiiwv be--it la uuHUulAu. yHK Uue L.- 4(wt, Jii HtutiJlMllmv 1& x&t rhanccl rail Breat ranks DEBILITY, ing him to chuuge hi mind. itude, Juki wiibui live irvptiM, pjtlU tit it a ainwx wuelc m r Infected. plants and palms had been placed, and Jiibt at thin inomtnt probubly the iiiont i uituituru)r tmt Ivy picked Ice I'reHl-dentl- n twrf. bpjsy 'f an arch of dotted and out U1LLI0USNESS, proinl)i.g candidate for the i'niiii 01 twe wwi mb si I'hlUdilp) la 1 C.r-neli- u Ttie itiifhutftut'i ' twt with white marguerites spanned the nomination at rtKt i-- ttinfM lilts, who wa for a time Secre--tar- y ler 4i t llvmiiuui i nout M u rvta nave Just above, Riving a very beauti- NERVOUSNESS. In I'rea.denl J'aliiwjlielt, H"j' ta-ni- in tii. t.iKHt tUtH j4i0tifcfJtu Ut of the Interior ul iMtuMMttm tH ful effect. Under this arch the bridal H Cabinet, lillm 1h In liu M n" of the blgber minimum r mluiu.vui $ 'j?t.jxr4 tuft. EOF ilALARIA, E"10 word ii politician, althoUKh lie ha had xi party stood when the ceremony took tome experience In political life, lie ha jMiaiiu kIvik vvjiwuwj Mi ttto ItlMMI iti MUMblf !- -, 4 M AWM fc7 place. , I In Now ;ral a-- een a ucc(fiil hur.t man n,iHMS tm4 t! Utf M - Vork city and Is above reproach. If the j.eraiuie. juxvruiug to Ibv Srvw iMuwt t(Kr- Sharp as the noon hour struck the second place on the ticket thould be ac- Klitut liejl ;il )um Ww auto It) w Pf.yjfcrsnsVho Abstracted his Glands vested choir of the Cathedral began to hi Hlate, hi nomination ought uf Hit smiUbLabux, U Immi corded j).riui. - softly to chant the wedding march to place New Vork In the Itepubllian col- front ut llnir WJbiwit, Whit MUuty for- Mti tM n Ut turn. rf YAtfrbi Have ?(,w Been re- - Jj- - U Put in Lohengrin, congre- umn. Ho far he ha fdioun no little I heir fekle iiuy tvlWWU- Wi fiMiIXt mimuacr. tdty utttit Ut MrmlM. t. from and the large luctance to nllow public dlRCUsnlon, with 'J iu-- ail la wf wtcjWty jvr- - JrM tfc . iii- IwM & ttr f fv tm . rf HW' gation rose to receive the wedding par- PDRELY Ii'a countenance, of hi name, hut hi wJiMiu, tAtrumr m vmuuttmt, Quarantine. uiiwilllngnetiH to public- - life could ijiiHtaui aujwhh irvm wtolu' ty. From the side entrance came the Uiieltioii, tbey paw) r llawjUM4 u, fttf 44ritttimy ui x tltmfftt' H Ut piobal ly le overcome If milllc'cnt prefig- - ma!l of honor. Miss Juliette King, and wn brought to of iiulua of ot.aji. fAr nine mwaiIih 1m Uum tit- tmntsiU", 4 ure bear A candidate 1v - tkf the bridesmaids. Miss Mnry It ce. Miss norne'lilng of the came character la y ear iilimufe' IrAde tlv OvMl Ut trtHfUlttt HAuAt.. lit- MT With If-- MAS FKAXCIHCO, June 3. At a VEGETABLE 1 )il Klston, and Miss Gretchcn Kopke, of Navy John I) Long, who to H - s the iiuiiliut, mui during tbv rttHtntttutu Kr mbmy Uf i. on.Urtzite (- I of the llanTil of Health not ut n"l unwilling to lake the second niuiilliH lJUc- - Mltid ne MXJolu&y V. M'Hr tHr, . Ut vtct I iu HX accompanied by the ushers Arthur ulare if It come to li'm without effort - - , ttff lftalth Officer D'Hrlcn nnl II pa i iabu- Calui. Mihry ! aii- if , tUiuu turn ul tlvme tJy, Mackintosh, C. A. .lacox nnd R. E. oil h' own it. He ha been Governor rtui yUtS'At Mt tli-ta- if t jtj) wjUMH-jJ- vnat IAm: ftuiut ut vitew - tew KrUoKK reported that They of Mnssatburi-l- and Is a d stlncu Iid .Ma - Mist. pas.ed down the main aisle giiucful elo- I ant ajiw:uWf tuat !,i- - A tu it- Us t,l Ctia.v; Gue GanK, ald olanhlcal tchplar and u and ku... - tee$ixit to have met the bride as - rti ard she entered the quent fciuaker oerae'on. New Kiik- I lie puuty ; me ,uuuwMtv w iuii- 4 f tr-t- t in tbaf MMMWMwr,KtMmittt llhUttfe phylcian, who dld eh.ireh. upon the arm of land, out of pride of loiallty and loin; luual iuiJloUJIH llwill'jil in lli tixMitk-- I UtetfUtm YttT her father. aoiiiallilur.re wltn (lie man, woukj rally ul ui hi ut a vuuMiy. littex U I ututHtm ut ifc ttr UUmt J"WJy or.e tUy'st lllne, waj lice the bridal procession formed and $1. - nituiH utAl uar rir Price to him In tin- convention ana give Joyui nfs (& rupport. by thu Infiuwivy uf !MBf4iiiw 4- - (, U0b!iKv4 if 3 onnti!ly or of btibw.Ic Ir. moved slowly to the chancel rail, where and enlhu atk uaea tile r..i)lusm )M4i yrx- - W the groom Quite a boom ha developed for Jona- and vtw ' urjt KntoHX that Or. Henderxon was and his best man. George - than l'renl'i Dol'lier rt Iowa, who I wound Jiual, .nd Ibe miucwmi ut if u. of Fuller, awaited them together with now Id In Houfce Kltal oijiUouv, yvluui tr M4 tP V1'1 Cal ' examination t..e eenlng Ixth term the wH arti ftt, wi uytru It. whk-- Itev. Mackintosh, I wa Alexander who of !epreentatlve. lie only 42 year ncaily ixfiXorjnud. JStarU-- i v- - tmH to (fe xr irtt K, already besinnlng tj wai year .) fVr mt MM' "r to perform ceremony. of Ke. I'i't for ha beei coiuedeil piurcd only .a law lutuf u4 lku U MmutMU mry, ittoftHr ry f, tur titoeic It was the moat rnarxed the to le wl'l'ort a peer an an orator in the not nvyttft: During the ceremony Harold Mott-Ft- ri I a man of line apwarance ve ut ly? inyttliixri lloure. I'e .1 t th plnycd , aril masoetlc pernonalltv, dhni flrd but naraiy to tie .cuuiwv! 4a,f ' K"OffK and O Unen, "haj the Intermezzo from B ireii'al, nlwny apDroaei-a- ' lo and a favor-li- e are iulckiy cuuirulxil. amA r, ferw xt4 l'4UHCf o M " "Cavallerla Uustlcana" upon the cello, ., tmt-yr- 4 (w appar-,n-- - alike with iii older eollemrue or the IIa.l)i JyejiurtuieMt Ami hMnMtetM tu vry tfw( tr rfifrn(l truzn the tily, j I riuts Wray Taylor playing the accompani- Willi meml er new to the rervlcc. fctaiiiji Ki (IM1( t'HHHrt mHfti nt El lie piolnptiy vul M istrHtHt r itxv f'f In noiiitf laboratory, Ktmniied countrv extenrlvely In the ttf-t- ment upon the organ. While the cere- the OU'UUUlJ, mtr tn huUu&, OttH. rfti awl h-- r IiikI ten yeai, o that he I known to than ths.t of the municipality." mony In chancel was being per- uniiBiially by Honolulu, njjtcjj J iMi UvumMy tmiu(ne. trttm rry cth" in ftiwUmef the AGENTS. an la rue nui"ler or vol era -- iUfum ihrrevjian rnknvcd t..at III liubllc Niieerht. The catalogue of than ;uuny oUir ttr fiy U tut xtetrMCxtUm of Te formed the choir. sang the 13Sth Psalm, ltnx. Kr-- tr tviHt.. officer bn ua-- . leiirer randUhite I nnmereuH. but at on the leeward ede ul 0ivpt.l&wi MWi pimumt Iktot to Hi wurth ttv li.mructeU tu and while the wedding party were In Vlro Pre'dentlal prualli'lltle they are eomunhui . ib.u.dvwd y wuHMx, tk rutin ttm name of any p.ru,.s wuu the vestry signing register special FORT STREET. phnntlnK mar thnt viuiUh from iiua . the a meie an annual tiyrrx&it Immwmwi ut .ae rruiuVMi witriout n, auino.uy, wedding march was played, Mendels 1rbt after n'tiaet'iiB uttentlon momen- Ti ur inrtivn 1'., Ub juaxjHHUW tbMue trie of a..y u.uu Cm-f- , tarily by their auddi-- und brilliant ii uf it JKVhUKnK iky.WHATlOX. fr(i. l,y sohn's wedding march was given na the Uvureea ind u naxltuutu uf W fitjerx-!)- . ., a ik j that tie lorthw.tn iuaraiulne SuiiBhJne in iJjv ;uu ttief. fce! mw proi. h..1 labtr.ilorlc of thu r.euly wedded pair left the church. Duwity'B Abort) vo Cuiujiulu;n. Tttff-Hll- or than one or iwu dyu tn llm ar fiuv hhlffWltn i 7itpIAe4 vrr nave ttiu umawfuuy removed tis-l- f After the ceremonies at the Cathedral o wjicn Wue ky hie . Sly the way. Admiral Ucwey' I'rel-'lentl- caunoi Civwd y.fkfitff tubjet "'" the bridal party went to the residence a boom rerm lo have collapaod, l f JIBUt und llueA-- and ar u. txm. ur. I'fttAbflrv urfin la In rhi- - rnrili,v of of the bride's father Judge Hart but In BiiKKei'ted now MirtMnisly at 't ctlll nnd then stunt uid wt..lul Utwr YOKOHAMA, Uity nsAftttHy In Ifw C'hlne, atated Iat night that Dm. Wa'klkl und a wedding luncheon was that he in'Mht be uteful to the Uiinot-rat-l- m jut ncoueyy. Al'iWbl W .. ai.d were tne a - iiwr u rjtut e jiollllclun a tall to teady Hie JJry. the- duy ;ia )t ';y mui iww" J "'''rttto y,n rem(,vi(l the Bland. It served. Afterwards there was a largely n n kite. Practically all of thu Adin'ial' t:lwi.ci, tb (UfMX - reception. n tl m I ra- (ul in It flint lm imh.I,, . morning mid vyenlug afrvfuy ul &At lrt yuH ih f'xt fit Atr- n irMe Ui etalllh a dead line attended ..'.r.n Uvyw) trie preii- - Mr. nnd Mrs. Elston will leave to- 6LSAMJJ inllo(o In Bceklnif to enter the Hold of maeimMUl Atxrif&w. Uu. (ke ajlJMMu """y wi wiuni . cordon at pa nun PrNoali In IliiuiUU tU thr ut. f.t MmtMf fMtrt.itmt f it rt .i Til,, inli. puiiiur, ior wircn no not (lie uiuld liuveieJebUxl fjwr r-- t in- - morrow on the Australia for the Coast. elementary 1 WX Auf , h' mot liulnlnir It la curtain uftor tile Hood, for It Jtoe JjUWK ,,t th). ead will They will visit Mr. Elston's old home mat me iemocrnilc convention at Kan-h.i- b luinuow, mm uuty ur uf tfit.mttg ut tttte tU4tn MUMttunihK tmuh VimmtuAHhf,,, pyr- -. In which the tem-yfK- City will not accept I'npullat m. nt lierkeley nnd tour California this the f)m uf thu MUM tMmm-- 'Flut Httm tu UifxtfHry deten.ion tent and fumleatlne nomination for Vlro frculdent of Charje I A'ij wmlot n'uisil! r In summer returning In the fall to take up V. Towne Mlnncpotu, upon have oyj Iw fiuflu u U HrMib t'Mutttbm run vumpumVtvtAy , operation, it wan of but whom i fftiu their clio'ru will light no man ever buy alpout t ami mutMS. 'i'U IXtf idttrm, ft U t IhtU " yreyan for removal to their residence In Honolulu. mil I tMUA tHfV" '"", ifowcat at till illntant ija Tin rt I liujon ua IW r Ibr luuija ItiisL lu - , . . .., ..,...... - ..J jfH'( ' nil iiiiKcuin, liiiu Uf o'clock yesterday afternoon St. i nrmmn w nwMifMvri- nw y,-!,,,- 1 Al! Plenty of mater'al, hiu-I- a it !, In the Hie van, und in lhe ww vm a 4 V wrr i ti (((. r,Ilxentii fmm ffi .wmrew was or W scene following Hut: -- y TMnp-.rar-ri Liiincuriii ine a Heme, math., (jenie JJ. torji) wii tttiuy tttHt. 1Mb rMrv iw,,!.,,., utiarter will lu very pretty wedding, ! , when Miss Clara leCeun, noil of the f'Jyli War (Jeiieral, arched mid ck-iii- ) upon Jlu? btiLcku WAWwrfw t MMHit ttmr it tab lrv(l at Artcel iNland, and attf- - and r. nt N'-- fuJl'y-IJk- . Hekuui became thu wife Iteiireentat'e Sur Vork. wait a httvt ut e xJWksiu-y- tcutw ! 0Vfpu4 t?i&(mUm t( th ttumihtcii btrur to nccommoilate 3.000 of Jackson R. ii, uvu flpprejHiniaUVB - Myers, manager J.'litz. of Ohio. UeorKf J'rei). Wl'l'mn of lK with an oruillue roUiiUA- it tatu Milium ut i ttm wm tm, ,'?"' .,ar "ow m. of the Hainoa Plan- uu4 af-fn- niiiweeeuBeii, and uovcrnor Rtone of eJ like Hie cidrlt of sun b . to LuUlUi juUum miur ht ''"r"" will be Mopped tation on the Island of Maul. The 'r ii mMllZ"f' Jkllmflurl. 'Die rainfall or 0;c Kroiup J nuutu "" fclihln Hi t tMrniy.four hour, aid wa a very quiet one and only In- .o .. l,o WKM1 MM tmUUftff M tutvo Jfdwuiinn Logitlaljoa llflv lneliuH niitiniillv lloiu. 'T' urrMHUt wtui hltliertnii hml imr. timate friends and relatives of IfWtfltWy, i olMbin f l,ne the found on the .vva;d iifuuf tit pw In and out of tlm nnd groom were POWELL'S Hmmtor Ouiiu1)' bill the payup-n- t wlilcji ntiui-m- M "';wmWii ve m.t-tl- ie bride present. for ur ria hJ Mtmmt t K y Musi wy " liithrio bad tediu-- 11-un- d , wmfx '- 1 Mr. Myers wns nccompnnled by V. of the Indel of the Hawaiian eu len-l- Wlc w ;jWv u ttt v jim I wHH w- "'wt l remain either within lia lmn crowded tuinporar ly M) aM 1m Jmum (HHnlflf. A. I In Id win nH BALSAM ANISEED aide Jncliea and jt ;he w !.i'a MWt J Ow t1W M ! ' 'I"mIm or heat man. and Miss Kate of In Hie Suiuite by thu nfnarul apjiropr twrmt which way Kelley acted ns maid of honor. The hill, huie the rluht af m1i1i 1m m.ilijiii'.. ., I W Mee fPWWry FttrMUftW Wttrtlh Mtiifura ti4M tbb-- tmit ln,M.tiliifi1 ovr nil olliur buvlne. Kcmtary Jute lliur.. iiliiiiwluiii ..ii tifi inherit were l)r. J. Watt and M. F. WILL CURE YOUR COUGH. In Miiylou a UKiicultuial tthhiM tm4 Xo - of j.Ihku. w re- - Yvf" the III' ahould luwii iuiuot i HvmiwU '' tHtm itmn llbl. Pnxrcr, A M adjournment PoiUEiom, louKed yu4jiIurw WU- - M W nf1- - tuthty, THE WonLD OVKR. the nr.mo the of Miti ;y e .'Mh1 m4 mmiM fftfit I ny.JIF.IIY All wl'.jcli wk - -- - The hrlde entered upon XI NIHr.ll Ol'l.ll It immonkt ttliould he taken about Juno 9th tram tu ututrLuit utudy Ut turn rmuUto the church Uiro tifbOQt th world tv1o. -- In lliu meant'mc ll In alway iAvnart tmtti ttuait. " tadlct4 lu inetimblo noalie that S'nWLI!. 'wn,(, I w tmpututiti mAUHHOKA AT HANTIAOO, the arm of her brother Edward Dckum Hi'lWtar 0i'lil will catch the Henate In ff'1""- - amrnfM Mini UNKOLlCITCn TEHTIMONIAI.S. ) dowiijwWf JWU'Wr w;uu) fMVr or fly- Urm tho bridal party ntlvanced to the n Ml moment and In prww'nx wn uiu,.tfU Km mi u H it Ihki C)i o WnrtiiiTiK, Vrrer WTltMj ! i II, Hark, while flrdiiK In tho - Tm Ilia hid to nitaiBKc it not a iiiaure m ttJiUallakhliaV iU'aV tjltii fit1 J dlSBaT if,M ihaticel while Wray Taylor at the or- vliM tolrj l(if of Atil-d- i tlid, I Ml lenuthy or ami Ml' UIU1V Meeu. Hn4 if) f fit H'lt'Otnl Dlvl r.t'iud U mewt comtontug U rail for debate - iVt T oapaiiy Hfw th imri played the Lohengrin iu rry rrtu rllaf. It proyialnn un Weulhei- (a UMUtily !" W MW tit ItHtUtMr 4 wedding trntAtlou nd w um won: It are tiiorouxhly Ibe utr IIU AUUy M0 AWto tiua Huulial .f fk. I'lfit. ,,. i UJo riin nrovui ... i- . . rnw ceremony iform wid by all and thtrr can lie no uo-- if ittiTtrr.uul vu rlii. j.aJI iu ..,...,. ,!!., frmn Hit 4'ttiiLii luii lun K . - . u. " . . rtiiir f',. march. The was performed M- T' ' fw WW mi JMNflfKA fl IJUIil. wnt-- M l nhliicUon to - "VV'""T'"" ' " "w rwrrrf wtn 1J1 fw hni. iy Itev. LionitL tlRooait. Eq. th rinio'Dt ictor r mi y Alexander Mackintosh and tho I MM'll I)i aopie cundltlon sgimund tlif f if iMAy tb'iik It tui liivtlxfttilft mUcutr for Minberi of u f'.1 .J.w" bride wn lilveii away by her brother. moA tMw rMuianuadw It to ra bill for tlm iscnlnniro of the Hawaiian ?,' ..V 1.'U-- imtUMll . Hudifltiy tn4'HmwttU)i tmn4 mm mt Mt,d lHrWo l!.,,i..lv foe Jl,ri,,Ui Irnfcli,a, wtutMlTf bflypr, 111 ll Afler the cureiiionlen tlur vvh'ch hand of Chairman work Hkfl n clirirm. nt the church Ifnoy nf lliu Coinro't'ft: on Twrr'lorle tlmrii wim n reception nt the home of Mr,ToajBiM.Cbml4t.LUodtlo. OrtoVrln , Tho lull ha illulillv amended J- H- UruwUU mill Ibi.ilor. IftUrt, "filonl-vrlj- . 1 iut etttnmnM mj ' lin wu mad., - Alr, Kret'lli on Emma street, The house ntt baatiM IimU f mj aiuu) aoma crltlcuim of, . im mmmm, a ttirCtn(i is sp?r.. r ..:: .r.:. ju,iu- lAtmitvrimr f )" tmmtum, mm my mm hm'tm cii,, i,ii,, ai;hm vwt mot)ir flrtacrra fonr DJun for coat lit nd caUWl oi rpitaiii muinr pro' mion vor un outtiuor M' ("f ixiillltely decorated with plant aanrli- Ti cfcMt folo im l!HtilN i - life anv ttu ituW Unr iftotum h HMV ltuU, tfo. Uf aa4 u wua4 ii will pa or not thi mmi ilM HHH Mini fern mid rut Dower and a large utUtl now.jri KtanvniirijMM'pil Jlotnnflifr UIH.W al.Tfy 'lVS --' Um f - - Him to V J'e tli liul'!u'iaYf1.i.lT&:W r - rj MU aKBB L IDId .u lUl. fl Ll Fill. J A. . . lilllill'er of friend of Mr, und Mrs. TUB PHLKOM Wf'Jmfrinan Uim uti Hlure , lWIII hllll ww w e1 (MllUHUtl'g UinilHi HmikiIh, IMMKOIATELl um-ud- an- lax.kLuu- . ; mf w iipue n fp'n uaya ft utr -- ...... " .,but Uu- iltfriuu!ut """ "'T"",' " elyr xnlliereil them to meet and NUIHTCOUOII QUICKLY UKUKVhD. Mie evrry inrini'rr i vi')illF J i'w, t'HU'Mn, iww Mile f tlumi, 8B1 taAOS MAUK AR OH EACD WIIIU-I- ' iaiijjTjTauuJj i i,JJE f Hu rMMUm t 6"JmW WIUHPET. "f mw fMM .w. .jVvaw irpvrw, rf gmmfi AtwiifBHii, nn'i At 6 n'flooM Mr. nnd Myfr unit-i- tilli ton l HI MHHM Ul Liz rauin,.i Mr, &M vor4 ThomM WHj In I by jJtyliiT 'rj VUNUK tW potU. nUrkfnari UA, iuWrVrJ we ika'U inilfi, wJ in diMM-w- ' mi Urn Clmiillne for their future Lou4oa on U Uo? trbtatot Bump. $ WiatM i pnrliidM IJJ Ifhor an itu ti lrT M.llUt) .imW - i Inbut In Mnil, dork wn IU,I IMU P np Himrnnr'aJin" IMi und BfiWm amifg. whir- it uu uMi iimuLi iu aiiJ ""r '"?" "'"'""," ""7 "'" The crowded iuv Us ny pull-im- 4fnM Imitttlont, EUabUibed 1831 nr Pi inuii'iaf wrspjib nver r M MMV w aawywr M'H w t 'T "T'f f 'T'"' iuiiuiUillun ut Willi llivfr friend nnd n the limit I W (tar XM( (to .Im .u-- IV H F.N m in two 1'anjv. Vbm- 7iwinhw war rtvwttf Ml ' a, t.tu t t.ttttiml tmii ut niifuri. Tli din llicy wrn liow(jrixl liberally CQUATTRI13 PAriURR OiWH In i'M l 'WUtWil. O INO TIIKItl HTOIIKH HIiniTI.D NOT OMO I'pi rerdTil Xy nt'V)M!J IM - r- 4u IwHtim- HHir Hllll I'fMlnelll villi t u rr i - IMbi-aj- jlu--i '! I unit "Id ullppur. Home win; rum itLMtnv, jjl"jLfSSgK n'fiirail i. M'i it rormi -fUWIM mrt4j mi UtHtHtoy itf Um VulUul tiM tUmrl f lli Mirly (iiliirnril In one V "' wr fl!3 caJaifh aru jwy-- JM4 4 H uf i4ttimmw 4440, kmmi mi oar of 0 A OO0OK. hOWBl ttfMtmf tmmHuu t'ttitl JtHttHf" Mtlfg tit It Hi III Uf (if !' ItllJ Iiii, eIV IIOI J III; 'lilt. llIMel Iiomu wlih a pair while illp. OVn:LtB 0ALAXU OP AMhCTR fWT II 1. I, m4u Mini .' I'fuMjK dial)) rale ll (bad Muklimt" n44t4 it hug (win it nint Oil ciinIkii wn I hi i a tullttbU-I Ui2ru 0i0Httu m - Hr umm'B mm l)J.l if ii. i...... srr. .T 'Hnr tu r im rvwmmwmi mimfifts iiwi mh?' WMVll'K fHlly In III 1ri'nxe ii lliu Clivu. P)B IBTUUX, IHPLUKN'ZA, Ao. n I'i'u a1"1 lolmlf tiUMMlil r m illim lullluil mil I tit., tlm lm. 1., iv Ui 11 jr,i:':.!rrrr?.r !. iu, i. irvaiidu i.n.i ..I It r WD'du ? - a "TonEKFrpnii .1 ..." "7T, . 'I"" ",r " ," h4" UM K4NNlr llWJ fttrt iu.ii, t..(,iu ,.,t .'.,. ,.';"'.', i. Coin vt cmtMimi TTi V "" ' lie f..f pSnifi ( t'H lAl.'AS, M1.W ' i ' WtmmWHH M Mt0 I ' """ nnrnnunii THitnyuiiiiui iu iT eaU" ' i wm ii I m iiwwunim lininn In j U4 VAF 1, ttp m H0 m0 elie immnir tI.All, '"11 "Y tpttmm imtW iaW ' ' "imi Ut 041 IU laiMtf ttt I'.tllaMj Mil kim luild a vl.ll in H,. 1.1. BlKtlM Ii. IU. U. M. Kit V b JptW T WJl Mitdj. '- - tutrntmlfUH tttui Hi UM i4t UtH frntr mimI mmltt nmuy IrlmuU i'tetlfi , M HU4H00M ttt I Umr at MM' lm will wUli . ... Ur liu.. I.,. ,f ' ull iiTuJI-Ji- MaWilUn .l-P- l anopi fyrru! ,1,, n ,t AikiiIi fur Iiland; l 1M Ul Plutfellt llllll i .illipll, ... Ii' 'tt lm M IMldH.I .f I), i mil r '""'' " 4'Mr Ulal,,!, lir i0(H .' I i. -- l'l. ilOI.MHTKII IMII'fl CO,. J.....1...1. i ,'0 "-- ai-fi- r LI). Mb- , ' r NUtiiith li.i ( ,,l,l,,h. i ,,, , , - fill f,t iiii j M 1. .11 ft- oi ur u wtii Ni,t MMimiiW Itnuwn JIMNrlOV HMITM ' ' I u . I i H. i ' ( i Ctt t'i ' yl lie ,(i j,f.,iji noimoN rjiiua oo. ! IMtt'MMV H'mT HIIIIAV ai'XK in 1M0 NKMfWKKKt.Y if th (1tl itp Il4 lh pt rt M INSURANCE. METEOROLOGY OF tnlMUhlnH HIH'Al H'hl-f- i f InHUrhf. Al Nil fVenK lli mlnlrtit prr--r'! ALOHA TO MONTH OF MAY ml t f Amil4H thnflM ! Tlico. 11. Davles A Co. duly rnutteHI flnt l thrtr t hlllicr mi th nf it n ltim l.lrIM) t' hnvln n rit I'lofossor 0. J. lyone (live ,'slmn'i HilmlnlKlrntl.ittllffrl t Ihr VW-wo- AGENTS FOR FIRE, LIFE AND N l I" - adnirs brttlntilni Bttlr MARINE INSURANCE. tlio Figures of Ivmpcr- la Hi ftwlll. a a rrtkmlal iiwfr. Tlw Kiiinfitll, work f tin- RHtrtniiiftil IndlPiiI'M Ihnl aturc and e. the Inland Is niurHl n pnrtiUH Northern Assurance Company, ItalhMi)' runnlrurlloii 1m rupldly Hawaii Now a Territory 14.9 ""OF LONDON, KMIK T. tiiHTnlur im-n- tut On. tnviitti, proRrfiwlng and ihe lnduirl nf tint KOIt AND - n Htlntli I' : tiorniiil. U ii nriTiHT" dallj- manltmmi, KoriiuicniiH ure gittlitg xlrunic MFK. KitAbllihed 18lf. m) T0.4; nlff-n- il or nf of United States. v, iiviTiiK" dully mlrilMitiiB, lun fnuil the development inwilii AccumiilnlfHl Fundi .... 3,976,000. dully rntiKf. M.4; dally mnr. rommunlcntlon. Kr.t"t. ICO; IcsKt dullf rali,-i- '.: hlKli"t - .. 53, loweat, ''. '" tfit lit QOKH TO STUDY VtttH. British d Foreign Marine Ins, C& CLOSING oFffS AFFAI HS lliirotni'tjir RTiTiiK, :t.fJB Im'ttpfl. JO.iOJ (corrected f- - Brnvtty); lilRti-- MVISIU-OOL- , Frostdont Dnvlrt Slnrr Jordnn of OK KOtl MAIUNB. 30.11; luw.'M, 3.FJ; KT't't vhiiPKrt in twt'tity.four liourf, .M, I'r.Mjrf vry Stnnl'oril on tlio Oimlic. ItpaplUl 1,000,000. Executive Council MeetsTransacts xtrmly thnmcti tho month aid 'fit lit tin Amiiiig the through it!wni:irn on the SKS3 clo". steamship tluelle Is Doclnr David BtillT noductlon of Ilntei. Routine Matters and Adjourns C7.4 -- ll.'liulvi; humidity, r nut, nor- president of iUtitifnii! IJutviT-slt- y i3.5, normal, Jordan, Immodlate Payment of Claims. Sine Die. mal, 70.6; mean a ml one of the greiitest Icthynlo-glut- s i',l; nlwolutf inolstun1. Ml praln r etililc In the world. H. DAVIES & Dally.) foot; normal, ti.M out In fHEO. CO., LTD, (From Thursday's raln-rinjor- The doctor hns never been this wirmiil, 2.10; U llcpubllc of Hnwnll Is done. At Knltifiill, l.i Incliv; pnrt of orld before and Intends AQKNTS The !5 (Indicating frvquent light the night Uh existence na a duy, to put In his time driving around Ho- midnight lut Hhouurx); normal. 17. Uiitkntia (Nulla,-nil- ) entity terminated nnd It was nolulu y until the Gaelic Is ready distinct ruin fall, ll.CT., Imnee th rrfervolrs merged Into became an Integral to for the Orient. He goes to Jap fife Insurance Co and have Won full; Knjilolonl Park, 0.00, sail HiiHw part of the United suites of America, 31.50 an to study the llsh of that country Tlio iirU'dlun wll lev.d fell from Tho uudorslgncd boon by the same laws and permit- KJ.t.2. and will .make an extended report on having ap- ssoverncd feet nltovu menu wii level to pointed any ); to ncontn of tho above company ted Uie Bnme privileges as other Trade-win- d 31 (four of the subject on his return the States tiny. uro prepared to Insuro portion of that great nation. normal number of trado-win- d in a few months' time. Dr. Jordan risks against wmz (lro on Stonn nnd HrlrU nnlMlntra anA nearly two years, over since the 24. Cloudlne.-- cteiithw .if ?ky), 4.4; represented the United Stntea In the For days, un Mercbandlso Joint resolution of the houses of con- unrinat. t.4. conference between the United Stntcs stored thoreln on the annexing the Islands to the nnd Urltlsh Fish Commissions nt Vic most ravomulo terms. For particulars gress Approximate perc.ntiq,'w of district ITCHING SKIN HUMORS apply United States was passed, Hawaii has rainfall as compared with normal: llllo, toria a few years ngo. at tho odlco of F. A. & been nominally a portion of the States, l:); llumukua, tVlj Kohala, 3W (licavleBt INSTANTLY RELIEVED BY CUTICURA. SOIIAEFBIl CO., Agtu. but she occupied an anomalous posi- .May record for ten years); Walmea, 200; Konn, variable; Kan, 10V; 1'uim, M; AIuul, Stophen Crano Dead. A hot !w tit will" Cll rlCURA 50 AP, to cIciiim the .ikln.anil single application ol CUTI- She was of them but not in them. - Lloyd tion. .W; Oahu, bU; Kauai, !s. CURA Ointment, tin- great Akin cure, to heal the ikln, followed by lull doic ol CUTICURA German Marine insur'ce Ce longer nn Independent Vnl-me- n. She was no Tcmperiituio uerages for May; HADEN-WEILE- (linden), June 3. RHSOLVUNT. to cool and cleante the blood, will allord Inttant relief, permit rest and OF DEHMN. utntn sho In the fullest rense Hawaii. 2..1K) feet elevation, mean n permanent, and economical cure of moat torturing ol nnr - Stephen Crane, the American author sleep, an! point to xpeedy, the territory. She retained her maximum, 71.3; mean minimum, C4.2; l'c- llchini;, miritlniT, hlceillng, acaly. and crutted akin, scalp, and blood humors, rashes and American 1TO correspondent, died here to Fortuna General Insurance Co as peokeu, llllo, reel elevulion, maximum, and war IrrluilniM, when all other remediea and avan the beat physicians fall. own officers, administered Justice iS.il; minimum, 71.0; at Kohula, tMi eel day, aged 30 years. Stophen Crnno four OF BERLIN. C8.9; l of skin puriflcra anil brautlllrM she had In the jiast and was in nearly elevation, maximum. 78.9: minimum. years ngo niiide a great MCITIJC'DC loin th.it CiiTirtiRA Por, U the crfntfil na- at Kealakekua, 1,CS0 feet elevation, at C hit with "The fJ U I llCnu "i well im puri'Kt .in.l nwcelot of toilet ami loliy Koapa. all respects the wmw self sufllclent Hudgo Is In Tho nbovn TllRltrnnrn nnmnnnlM a. in., n.u; ui rain. Jilgnest, m; iown, Ited of Courage." It enst H. been save that Fho SnIJ ll.ruuehiMl th nrlil l'.ittsa tun Cum. Chip- - oU rrnp, Dilo, U. A. Driltah d.iwti havo established a tion that she had CO. the form of n romance mid Is n detail J.NiKUKitiA s..ss, tendril "How l. lm1'iuf Itchlnz Humor. Irtf. goncral agency here. In .- - was reudy and willing to become ed' study of the development of a raw una tno undersigned, genoral agonu. rwilltv a portion of the United States Rainfall for May, 1800. recruit In our Civil War under the lire uro authorized to tako risks against ready tllO son. n uvin us thov were to take HAWAII. of tho enemy. 'What made It note- dancorB If tho nt fhn mnil nu. charge of her affairs. Haln. Bonr.blo ratns and on tho mont fnvnr Kiev. worthy was that Crnno could have had W. H. RICE, President W. S. WITHERS, Manager. A That condition of nfTalrs ended lost Htutlon- s- (Ft.) (In.) no real experience of what he dcscrlb able terms. midnight when the Republic Witlukt-- W lti.41 F. A. SCIIAEFER & CO., night at llllo (town) 100 12.W ed with a masterly force and graphic of Hawaii passed out of existence and 1'eiieekeo 1MI 1.4." realism not surpassed by Tolstoi in his Gonoral Agents. Territory of Hawaii sprang into be- Haknlau ItfO 13.03 the '. sketches of Scbastnpol. Hedged and strong and ready llonolilnu 17.x; ing, full 600 Honolulu Stock Yards Co. General Insurance Co. for Sea, to take up her portion of the burdens Ookal.l 400 12.99 of life, as Minerva sprang fully armed Klikniali 2.V) 3.55 THE 1JOARD AND THE VELVET. River and Land Transport, of Jove. I'aullo 7W 8.61 " and panoplied from the head l'aauhau (Moore) 3O0 .72 "A throne," said Napoleon, Is a of Dresden. The affaire of the dying Republic Poauhau (Grelg) 11W 9.72 board covered with velvet." LIMITED. were formally closed up at a meeting llonokaa( llulr) 425 7.79 Strip the velvet from the throne, and Uavlnc established nn nnnn t in Honokaa. (Kulehua) 1900 14.14 you of the Executive Council yesterday Kukulhaele 700 S.00 have nothing left but bare, vulgar Honolulu and the Hawallon Islands, President Dole's ofllce. It v, as a quiet Awlnl llanch 1100 11.14 boards; replace the velvet and you have tho undersigned general agents are au- meeting, and devoted largely to routine Awlnl (Ixit 6) 2500 the most coveted symbol of human thorized lO tako rlsltR nimlllRt fhn rtnn- - N'lulll 200 9.39 power glory. How easy cue tran- gors business, the last tags nnd ends of the Kolialn. (Parsonage) 3fi0 9.55 and of tho sea at tho most reasonable affairs which needed to receive atten- Kohala Allusion 55 8.37 sition, how vast the difference! rates and on tho most favorable '.ermo. ds, tlon before the Executive Council Kohala Sugar Co. 234 8.78 There Is no operation In chemistry Commission Merchants F. A. SCHAEFER & CO., Huwl 300 S.C2 . more sharp nnd sudden than that In CCtUii: IU caiuw n COO 7.45 Agents for tho Hawaiian Islands. vvj. Hawi feel- Dole was In the chair and 2720 4.95 human life whereby extremes of IN L-- ISnOUlU ... Walmea ing r u ...11 irintnfniwi,nnn.-r- Kallua 950 follow each other tears rarefying there were present wjii 1540 5.09 Ixtnlliau Into smiles nnd smiles condensing Into TRANS-ATLANTI- C Mott-Smlt- h, Young. and Coop- - FIRE INS. CO. Damon Kealakekua 16S0 l.kf tears. er. Mr. Damon as Minister of Finance Naalehu 50 1.46 IMPORTERS OF AND DEALERSJN 13TO la happiness, or Js power, so poor a OF HAMBURG. submitted a report of his reply to the Naalchii 1.93 Captain Merry Naalehu 1725 2.19 thing, then, that it drops Into Its anti- communication from llonuapo 2S 0.74 thesis at a touch? at a breath? Let Capital of tho Company with reference to the collision of the llilea 310 0.S0 us not bo too hasty with our answer, and rosorvo, rolchsmurka G.000.00 Transport Sherman with the United Pahala Jv50 .m Capital tholr rclnsuratico Montlln 700 2.12 as wo may bo wrong. The great Horses, Mules, Cows, Etc. States Naval wharf. Olaa (ItUHsel) 1W0 18.14 French Emperor was a cynical fellow, companies 101.G50.OOt) Minister of Foreign Affairs Mott-Sml- th Volcano Houso 000 8.05 and right well he loved a throne, even his report to the Pres- Kapoho 310 107.660.COP submitted Poholkl 10 7.J6 though It ir only an upholstered Total rolchsmarks ident corering the biennial period end- Knlupann 8 board. supple- Vehicles, 1899, Harness, ing Dec. 31st. nnd the MAUI. And we all love life and its blessings Etc. Co-- mentary report for the period ending I.ahalnalunu 000 oven though they are unccualn and North German Fire Insurance June 13th, 1900. It wns voted that they Olowalu 16 ehaky. OF Waiopae Itancb 700 0.06 " HAMBURG. be printed. Kaupo (Mokulau) 28S 8.02 Hence, when we hear a man say, Mott-Smlt- h 25S Had no pleasure in life, and did not s Air. slated that he had Kipahulu wire Harness Made to Order. Capital of tho Company received a communication from Collec- Hamoa Plantation 7 what bvvamc of me," we are Interested and roservo, rolcbsmarks. 8.880.0O9 Nahlku 120 10.94 to know reason why. tor-General of Customs Staekable Haiku .... 700 7.69 tho Capital tholr reinsurance enclosing a letter from the Chinese In- Kula (Erehwon) 4000 X63 The person from whom wo quote companies 35,000.009 spector, J. K. Brown, Informing him Kula (Kealahou) 2900 these words explains himself thus: Puuomalcl 1400 M.32 over two years," us, Chinese had arrived by 150 2.01 "For he tells "I Total relchsmarka 43,I0,C4 that nineteen Pala suffered from loss appetite, sleep- HONOLULU, H I. the steamBhlp Doric. These Chinese Haleitkala Hunch 2000 2.57 of bearing vise LANAI. lessness, and nervousness. Prior to hold return cdrtlllcate.s the May, 1894, I Tho undersigned, genoral agents cA consul .Maunalel (Kromuku) 6 0.00 had always boen strong and seal of the Hawaiian at I tho abuvp two companies, the Ha- $3 OAHU. and hearty. At this time began to for Hongkong and for which a fee of feel something had come over me waiian Islands, are prepared to !nsur Imposed. The Imposition of Punahou (W. Uureau) 60 1.60 that had been M 1.00 I felt so low and weak. eating Dulldlngs, F&rnlture, Merchandise mutt Mott-Sml- th Kulaokalliin After the fee was probably caused, Mr. Kuwnlo (King St.) 15 my face would flush, and the food gave Produce, Machinery, etc.; also Sugajr M said, on account of the tempora- Maklkl lteservolr 150 1.C7 me great pain acroos my chest and at and Rico Mills, and Vessels in tho har ry of Hawnllan consul-gan-er- Kaplolanl Park 10 0.00 absence the School St. (Ulshop) , 50 3.17 the left side. I had a cutting pain bor, against loss or damugo by fir from Hongkong. Insane Asylum 30 1.72 around tho heart, and bad attacks of on tho most favorablo terms. was pre- 50 1.71 Hose A claim by F. Wundenberg Nuuanu (W. W. Hall) palpitation." 250 by Mr. Mott-Smlt- h for the sum Xuiianu (Wylllo St.) I beg Interrupt good H. HACKFELD & CO., LimittO sented Nuuanu (Luakaha) S50 11.65 to our friend a of SU0.S0 for rides and ammunition Monoa (W. Dairy) 285 8.43 moment at this point. The burning or 25 1.48 purporting to have been given by him Walmanaln a barn or a hayrick may make a big- ly 300 3.71 Another shipment of our Dilphin Hoso has to W. D. Tilden which were not return-- i Maunawlll ger blaze than tho uurning of the cot- Kaneoho 100 2.42 we to CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY ed and tor which he had never been Ahutmanu 350 4.78 tage live In. But the latter alarms just corao to hand. No Hose over brought he matter be 25 1.20 and excites us most because we do live Taurlut Route of the World. paid. It wns voted that the Kahuku s Tbe famous Kwa Plantation 60 in it. On same principle a very that comes up to it. Peifect satisfaction referred to the legislature with the .D7 the paid. Walpahil 200 painful ailment of the hand or foot recommendation that the claim be in every length. Cantdlan-AMtralta- s KAUAI. may cause little or no mental anxiety, guaanteel la Connection With tbe Minister of Finance Damon reported a 200 1.45 I.lhue, Grove Farm of ac- go with Hose, and they are needed Steamship Line Tickets Are mx4 balance on June 12th as follows: Cur- Uhue (Molokon) 300 1.71 while a disturbance the heart's Sprinklers 12 does, for Is one of tho rent, $S3S,561.06; Loan, 151,897.47. Kcalla tion the heart days. Wo have them all the way To All Points in the United States Kllauea 325 throo houses which life resides In, the theso hot, dry Mott-Smlt- h reported that he had Mr. Hanalel 10 6S2 other two being tlio brain and the 5 If you up water and Canada, via Victoria ajiti written to Secretnry of State Hay that Walawa 32 fmni 75c. to 50. have to sti re - lungs. Yet, ns generally happens In , pursuant to his suggestion contained iiKoortns not hithbiito i'UHI.ibh- heart troubles, the worry was to use with the Hoso and Sprinkle'-- don't forget Vancouver. in his letter to President Dole with re- KD APRIL, 1900. 4.01 needless, a3 we thall presently see. Non-shrinki- to Acts 2, 3 and 4 of the Council Pala that wo sell the I'atont Redwood lation Awlnl 9.82 "For weeks together," continues the MOUNTAIN RESORTBl of State, that the Council of State had Krehwon ''' narrator, "I got no proper sleep,', and, Tank, the only reliable Tank inado. been called and the amendment made Awlnl (Ixits 5 and 6) 13.03 In truth, so bad was this condition that Banff, Glacier, Mount Stephea he suggested. C. J. LYONS, that Meteorologist Government Survey, tlrcadal tiuint) to h'tl. My nerves were Fraser Canon. The bills of Goo Kim and "Wong Kwni thoroughly unstrung, and affected tho and legis- - - - ..were voted to be referred the the N. H. Observers nro requested to for- left side of my fuce, which was quite o x lature at Its next meeting. ward their rcportB promptly at the end drawn. I suffered martyrdom with Empress Line of Steamprsfrom YaHCOMea concluded the work of the meet- of each month, that thuy may appear In neuralgia. This tho published report on tho 15th of fol- facial ing and without any further formalities lowing month. "As time went on I grew to bo so low ricketf to All Points In Jjpia. CVaa. laJta the Executive Council adjourned sine and miserable that I had no pleasure and Arcucd the World. die. NOTES FROM JAPAN. In life, nnd did not care what beca'me Sin At Midnight. of me. I consulted a doctor, but none Por tickets ard teneral Inrarinitlos astfr te of his medicines helped me. Bettor The passing of the Republic of Ha- Tho Suspension of a Christian Jour-- 1 E. Hall & Son, mid worse, I continued to suffer, until 0. Ltd rHEO. H. 0AVIES & CO., LTD., waii was attended by very little excite- nal Explained. told mo Mother Seigel's ment. During the evening there were a friend about AgimHCinadi.ui-AU'ttmia- 'i S. & Lro. many luaus in private houses. Sharp YOKOHAMA, May 25, via Victoria, Curative Syrup, nnd persuaded mo to Pul-ha- Canadian Pwllk Rjlluav. as the hour of midnight struck whistles 11. C, June 6. In the lull which has fol- try It, I got a bottle from Mr. from harbor boats nnd the big fellow lowed the rejoicings over tho Imperlnl Grocer, Spring Hoad, nnd after that bellows out the news of the ar- transpir- taking It a short time I felt It was do- steamers from the electric wedding, little of Interest has rival of the In the aftermath, the report a ing mo good. I slept well, and had leas light station began their hoarse chorus, ed. that K. HAOKKKIil). Vicu l'reslilent. & can- Journal' had been suspended distress after meals. This encouraged G N. WII.CC X, Preside it. J. Castle Cooke, and a crowd of enthusiasts with a Christian me to persevere with It, and gradually E. bllll It, BecMBrv and Treasurer. T.MAY Atiilitur. non made the echoes ring at brief Inter and Its editors arrested for disrespect got -- LIMIIBU.- vals, mere were n iuw In com- I stronger, and the nervo pains on tne streets shown to Imperial house Its away. ymiil late revelers who cheered lustily the ceremony much wore how moj health, of whis- ments on the attracted have recommended medicine GUANO AND FERTILIZER CO. birth of the Territory. The din especially as feel- and this PACIFIC tle and of cannon lasted out a few attention, the to many of my customers. You can town Its ing against Christianity has lately been you LIFE and FIRE ' and then the resumed publish this statement on like. midnight somnolence, taking the birth fostered In Conservative and Duddhlst (Signed) Harry Wonden, Hairdresser, - POST OFFICE BOX 484 MUTUAL TELEPHONE 467. f the Territory rnther sedately on the circles. It turns out however, that tho 171 Sn'lng Until, St. John's, Ipswich, whole, and reserving Its energies for obnoxious which Is reported to INSURANCE today. article, July 17th, 1890." the big celebration be of a decidedly Indecent character, Collector of the Port Staekable spread Mr. Wendcn's explanation of his loss We Are Prepared to Fill All Orders for a feast for the Customs employes In tho was the work of un Irresponsible pair of life's pleasure is commonplace after AGENTS. . . ofllce of the Custom House. Speeches of boyB and that In no way does It re- all. And yet how much more Impor- were made and congratulations receiv- flect upon the Japanese Christians. tant than If It woro unlqtio or excep- ed. The force remained till midnight to Whatever may be said of the literary tional; because the nnmmonplico Is the receive any vessels that might arrive. standing or Intellectual ability of the universal. It Is disease my gentle AGKNIS FOR 6 Christian press of the empire It has render, that tears the velvet from Artificial A CARD OF THANKS. been thoroughly clean and In every way thrones, that robs the cottager of his "ji b a MM Mill I wish to sav that I foci under laat- - commendable In Its moral tone. s'een.' thnt makes the baby cry In Its f Ing obligations for what Chamberlain's In crad'e, that strips tho ftrong man of - 1 1 ()! BOSTON. How far tho present mining boom m u m m q. vigour, wipes aQ"rih jr 9 3ro Cough uemeay nas uone lor our lamuy. Korea is of a merely political nature his thnt tho bioom from fi In. so many tho of women, hurries o. Wo have used It cases of to say. been a cheeks fair that Life Insurance Company whooping it Is difficult There has humanity to churchyard with Una coughs, lung troubles and remarkable number of demands upon tha cough, and It has always given the bowed heads nnd bleeding foot. And A WO, CONHTANTI.Y ON HANI)- :- OF IIAUII'OUl). gTeat-l- y tho Government of that country for moat perfect satisfaction, we feel the most pltl!cs3 ogre of all diseases VADIKIO GI1ANO, l'UTABH, BUM-HAT- OK AMMONIA mining concessions and privileges, suf- Indebted to tho manufacturers of Is tho one from which Mr. Wonden NITUATB OK SODA, OAI.OINKU KEUTll.lZKR, remedy wish them to please leading outsldersNto gather the impres- fered, and which Mo'hcr SelBcl's Sy- CLARKE'S B 41 PILLS ftTSJUM this and verita- BAITS, ETC., ETU ETC, accopt our hearty thanks. Respectful- sion that the country must be a rup cure3 Indigestion, dyspepsia. I'uTi.i lii the hack, and all kin.lre-- ' comulalnla. ly, Mrs. S. Doty, Des Moines, Iowa, ble storehouse of mineral wealth. Ac- Even without tho velvet, Hea'tli Is the Brecial attention siren tn nnalyalj of soils by our agricultural chemist. tre liom Urrcur, Knaull-ba- d qpvarda ol cording to the prevailing' fashion hero great remedy All gniiilH are (ll'A KAM'KKI) In every respect. aatt. In boi U &!. eacb, of all 'IbemUU For lo by all Druggists and Dealers. best of thrones, and this For fnrtlier particulars apply to and Patent Medicine Vet.dri Ihniunujui tno HENSON. SMITH it. CO., Md Agents In the Orient, however, the knowing helps to keep you seated safely and World. I'rour ainr. Tba Lincoln and Midland i Gnaw and Fertilizer Company for Hawaiian Island. ones recognize In all this activity mere- - happily upon It. d. w. avebdah Muutr, PmMo Oonntlt I)rui Oompiny, Lincoln, Knxland. t HAWAIIAN OASfRTTKi FH! DAY, JUNK r, T.V. flplMMMWMlIM rfi "tf5!!a!S" 1I.1 , IN ClIlittlT COIIBT. HIIIIA 1 ..... 1 W.I..W. M..... iMTELUQbNCL HONOLULU STOCK EXCHANGE, . THIi niter inr, nu uti wuiu up jiii IHIPPINO PASSING OF 4'ireult. of the llnwailnti Island In 1 irm tlrcuit, lUwnllnn Islands, Auction Sale Pniitutf HONOLULU, II, IW. ItltA V. Tewksbury vt Iitlng tj. T.wki AH.HIVXD AT Honolulu, Juno In Urn Mnttcr nf thr Hslati- - of Jacob bury Tuiwdiy, II. or-- ROBERT HALSTEAD ilt'ceasi'il. Jun Jurtiiiueti. The Republic of Hawaii ' To the Mnr R, fl. (Ifll6, Pinch, frulii hM Pramll KAMKIirMHl-- 'W," v".l M4 The Inst will nnd tastitment of said that of the Hawaiian Islands, or his oo, Junr nu ftrihl fur this putt. decease, tuning beti l to said Deputy, Greeting: You lire coinmainWd V titnuRlil mull, M "Mil pummkh una t'nurt. with u bellllon for the to summon Q. m fur IIo j tncrticr Irving Tcwknbury, Liitot'tmi lirtH ciUiKir Mrsctilltr Prcti.ninont. .Snitpi' iMnutiM ail iirobntu thereof, nml for the Issuance In cime he nhAll file fiolulu. K O, C. written vVednrsdsy, Junt U. HipH rli.M of lct(ti tostamenlary tn Hewitt answer within twi-nt- days ecr-vIc- p Old Idj.id.'lit, ilk filed, Is hereby glveu after "'Schr.' Kdukuolr, from Hawaii. havintclien notice hereof, lo.be and appear before tho It-- Monday, July Dili, A. D. 19 0, 10 Hltiir. Iwalmil, utmory, in Kukul. Atnellrnll Huitst Co. IJM.tm 100 3U Homo in MukiU. that nt said Circuit Court at the May term 11. In Ilulidlng. 4,118 lilRI auKHr. KWH 5,IM',("I lj o'clock in., tho Judiciary hereof, to be hoideti at Honolulu, Island hrl. lUnnmnu ai lsc IN THE Honolulu, nppolnled the time nnd flirar, Nllhau, liruhn, from iniiitin I, ." ; iv im is of Oahu, on Monday, the 7th day of May lUI ,ful l)K SUKSX. lUtr AKtlflllllirnl l.'n l.liil.ml Illl one mire fur proving snld will find hearing next, at ten iolock a. tn., to h.iow cause Am, up. Krukinr M. PliHns, Ornhsm, lUH.Cmn. A Mix. Co. 2..1U,7M ll'J ill ltotxTt Ifatslead, of the nnd where any sold upp'lcatlnn, when why April SI, 'n IwiUst. ' Itil planters In the Islands and former- the claim of Rita C. Tewksbury, from ilHiilU, IIakkIUii flitarCo. a.ioi.UO Kihei Co., Lid durnr pirmjn Interonled mny appear nnd show plaintiff, should not be tn . Plantation awarded her, lliinoiiiu T.'o.riii ui ik', ly the owner of tho Walaltm plantation, If any they have, why prayer HiinnLitH 2.('l.li) j M All, si cause. the pursuant to the tenor of her annexed BAILED (UUM iiUNULULU. lliuti died at 8:30 o'clock last enlnir at his of sufd petition ulioutd rot be grant!. petition and libel for divorce. k'uluiVu :a In Maklkl. Mr, 111 Honolulu, June-7th- , 1900. you Tuesday, June 12. tiu.vu M rerldtncn Ilalstrad's And have then there trila writ Kninaioniiit vu.i.i.h had been of very brief durntlon, and Hy the Court: with full return of your proceedings II r. sp. 1 Watson, Wi.nutt, lor the " I'ltlcl nits l. lilt 11 ClKOROi: t UC'AB, Ctsrk. n 1 I It was only few days that It took thereon. Sound, Klliol l'lnll.Cii.I.I. l.llo.dl) .'rill jg (IN nfo 21K3H-JU- n s. a. Doric, Bmlth, for Sun Francisco, I'ttlll up SATUKDAVJUNE Ifi. a serious turn. For five days he had Witness Hon. A. Perry. First JM-g- of ,, Stmr, Klnuu, Freeman, for Knunaka-ka- l. Klpslmlu. lietn confined to his l,d, gradually weak- the Circuit Court nf the V rat Clrcu t, at Lahama, llllo nrnl way port. Koluii ., Honolulu, Oahu, this 10th day of April, Huj-n- r 12 o'clock noon, my evening, when he passed Btmr. Clauitlne, Maidpiwld, fur Koiih Co. Am. I 'iHimo 10U MJ At at salesroom ening, until last 1900. Kahulul and way porti. rrtin up 33 Queen St., Honolulu! I will el b away. NOTICE ISIgne-J- ) J. A. THOMPSON, Clerk. rftmr, . U. Mini, 'i i . inoti, for MsunsU'l 8. Co., Am Public Auction, by order of tha Treat. A sad feature of tho aeath of the n Koloa and Hanamaulu, " I'Hld up A 2U urcr, Mr. U. Castlo, followiuj capitalist was the fact that of his 1 Stmr. Mokolll, Kapala, for Molokal McllrydoB. Co.I.t. 8.UH1O I' J. tho certify the foregoing lo tw a true porta and Lnlialno. I'alilUp certificates of stock In the Klbel Piau-tatlo- six children but two are in the Islands. NOTICE IB HEHEUY OIVICN THAT copy of the original summons in said Btmr. Kllaues Hou, Parker, for Mauna-'le- i Ksblku Hugut Co. A U 30 2 Co., unleua the 6th nsaeasmeot The others are on the Mainland or Kn Syak Aseu Intends to forecloBo a cause, and that said Court ordered pub- Koanapall, " IMIU Up lication of and Oithu HiiRsr Co. .1 loo J176 due March 1st. 1900, dolluquunt April abroad and have not yet been Informed certain mortgage dated February 23d, the same and a continuance Wednesday, Juno 13. 3k,ouo 1SJ of said cause unomi'H. . 30th, 1900, with Intorost thereon and of their father's lllnesa. Udar and 1898, by Yee Scu and Ly Kan to Wil- until the next August Oahu ports. Ookidit 2U 18 term, 1300, or this Court. Bchr. Hawaiian!, for ttio.ruo 20 advertising expanses, la paid on or be- Frank Halstcad left the Islands for a liam Ri Ca tie. Trustee, recorded.ln the Bnr, Ada, for Kauai. Olail SURnr Co. I.tAs ) &VJ,t0 20 . 24 1. D. KELLKTT, JR., Btmr, Mauna Loa, for Hawaii. I'sld Up 2,600,001) 20 16J5 fore tha day and hour of sale: trip In Europe only recently: Norman Rfglstcr'a OfUco at Honolulu. Island of Clerk, Bchr. Blanch and Ella, for Hawaii. liliiwniu . . No. Con. Halstcad Ii In Ban Fruimsco, and Miss iauu, in Liber 179, on pages 139 to 141, Dated, Honolulu. Mny 281901. Malolo, Kauai. I'snubsu Hue. I'luu. Co Buro to-wl- Bchr. for , Emily Halstead la visiting with frleuds broken, t: non- 2183 IMllHc fiOU.OOO 11X1 ... 275 8 C.'Winam . . ..-- for condition the Junu July Btmr. Noenu, for Hawaii. it In Halstead, with her a. B. uaciic, rincn, lor ui uuruu rm...... 7SO.0U0 lOO 2C7U 300 11 Denver. Mrs. payment of both principal and Interest Fran- - 7S0.0U0 100 100 Jesse Makainat lw O. B. 8. Australia, Lawless, for Ban I'eneckeo 85 Angus daughters, Mrn. W. Lackland and vhen due of a cortain promissory note Mils College and - Pioneer 2,000,000 100 132U 200 F. ii. IP Held, Seminary.- 1 Mrs. Dr. lt. II. arc the only ones thereby. ship I.uxon, Park, for Kahulul.. YVnlnluitAgr.L'o.A). 2,100,000 100 101 102W 112 W. B. Ilowell luti secured Am. - of family who are In Honolulu. TUB OLDEST Am. bk, Hesper, Bedorftren, for Maul. I II1U Ul f 1,IIA,1AAJ JIM l"'7 159 W, E. Uclllna In the That on the 25th day of February, Btmr. Lchua, Dower, for Koanapall and WslanKe 300.000 100 Itobert Hulstead was born In Todmor-de- n, 1898, Bald W. R. Castlo, Trustee, for a 700.UOO 100 189 S. P. French lu PROTESTANT SCHOOL FOR GIRLS Ol uwftln Wxlluku . 300 Yorkshire, Kngland, on August 10, McAllister, for Kukiuau WHlinnnslo. .. . 201 H, Hapal li valuable consideration, duly transfer- Btmr. ilrlent. 1W6, to tho Islands about tli.r-t- y ON THE PACIFIC COABT. ADd 'Papanlofl.7 - Wslmr lK.OOO 100 120 229 P. M. Lydlg 2W' and tamo red and assigned said note and mort- Thompson, for Maka-we- ll years ago. He went into sugar plant- Btmr. 'Mikiihala, HTFAUMIlr Cos. 237 E. F. Monaarrnt 2l gage to En Syak Aseu, and that on the AND and KOIoa. ing and was connected at first w.tli the 14 day March, 1898, Btmr, Kc Hou, Moaner, for Walmen. Wilder 8. B. Co. . M0.000 100 242 T, H. J, Petorson 26 th of tho said En THE ONE CHARTERED COLLEGE Au H. 8. &00.000 100 1C0 Lnhalna plantation, leaving there short- Syals Intcr.Ilnd Co .. 27& T. E. Wall 26 A"eu, for a valuable considera- WOMEN ..'. ly after to go to the Walalua plantation, duly Bald FOR IN CALIFORNIA. MlCf.LLASr.OV3. 315 Bow Hoy Hi which he owned and managed lor twenty-l- tion, transferred and assigned PAbBKNuKlta. years. years ago Mr. Hal- note and mortgago to A. lfHWHlUnKlectrlcCo. 2.71,000 100 3E2 E. R. Stackablo ...". 26 ive Two F. Schaerer The College Courses correspond ArTlved. Hon. Itn. Tr. & Ld. Co. 26u.au 100 stead sold the Walalua plantation to tne & Co., who have this dayasslgnod the with I 383 Chlng Lum 26 those of the Unlverslti-s- . Degrees ron-terr- From Ban Francisco, per 8. B. Gaelic, llun.Htuum Lnundtr 2000 100 Walalua Sugar Company, and retired same to said En Syak Aeeu, who now June 12. For Honolulu Mm. A. K. Aooa, konn-ks- Telephone 394 E. R. Stackablo lt from business. He owned a handsome nnd Dlp'omau granted. Tbc Sem- K. M. Armstrong, C, Q. Ba.lentyne, J. &TeU'KrHPli to. Lt. 10.000 415 L. Ah Lo 10 home In Maklkl, where h. ilud since re- holds and owns the same. inary Course provides tor the all round 139,000 1U had 'M. BrlRht, Mrs. J. Campbell, Miss Camp Mutuitl Telephone Co. 1 M. D. Lycurgus sided. Since his retirement he lived education of hose who do not desire Hiss Allco Campbell, Bruco Cart-wrlKh- t, Mttkalis Cot Co. I.t. An 0,97.1 100 i. a ery quiet retired life. He was a nt a full College bell. 31,000 100 444 Wm. Thompson 1 in The premises covered by sadd mort- Curse. Bruce Cartwrlght, Jr., Mlaa " I'Hld Up of St. Cement's Church, A Preparatory Department provides Kathleen Cartwrlght, J. P. Cooke-- Mr;. O. K. A L. Co. , 2.000,IIOU 100 510 L. ChrUtensen ? Msk'kt gage are as follows: A Kef. Co. 1M.000 100 place 3:30 for younger pupils. Rare opportunities M. K. Cooke, Miss Irene Dixon, F. w. People's Ice 522 J. F. Steetz 20 The funeral will take at this A certain lease of Eu Syak Dohrmann, It. afternoon from the Masonic Temple and 1st for music. One hour from 8nn Fran- Dohrmann, Mrs. F. W. J. Bonds. 603 Goo. & C. 26 Aseu, Trustee to Mortgagors, Fulton, A. Gartenbcrg, Aire. A. anrten-bcr- Dosha j. Holt will bo under the ausplcis of Lodge Le dated cisco. Terms model ie. Summer term Miss Annie Holt. Ilrtw. (Iovt.fi per sent 98Ji 99 578 H. Waterhouso & Co IP Progrcs, F. & A. M., of which Mr. Hal- February 16th, 1898, for 18 years from tt nth W. Ilejutmnnn, S per Miss Holt, Miss Hhw. Oovt. cent. 581 6 stead was a member, April 1898, $55.00 per 2185 MIbb El za Holt, LlKle HOW. (iOVt. H. Wnterhouso & Co 1st, at month, and MRS. C. T. MILL9, President. P. Lu- I'USlrtl ha. . -- E Howe, C. W. Luther, Mrs. W. pur cent, ub2 J. H. Soper 2f eenrded In tho Register Office afore- Mathcson. Mrs. Storan Mo- vIul'i V4 ther, Charles llllo It. n.Oo.Operct, 100 I. . 631 -- H. B. Schrotke 5( said. THE loney, J a: Noonan, Mrs. K. L. Plver, fiw A IKIU NEW APPOINTMENTS. . I l'lnuutluii G5tS 1. prem-t- - Miss G. Plver, Miss Pearl Pierce. Krihuku I'ltmt. C p. c. T. Ah Tong 2nd. All tho bul'dlngs on raid Held, o- Reed, Dr. R. H. Held. Mrs. II. H. O. It. A L Co. 'i02j.; io1 CG5 C. H. Laago II Governor Dole Chooses Mon F01 - to he n"t there until Rostln, Mrs. L. A. Rostin nml L. A. C. s. said mortgage Is fully W. Roth, W. A. Bauer. E. D. l79 H. Uiage 2i Important Oflic-- paid. Co., child. P. Scaston Sales Morning Session Ono CS0 p p'ospect-'v- e Yon 11. Tenncy. J. A. Tuthlll, H. A. Wcllie. C. thousand Hawaiian Government sixes, C. H. Laago 2i 3rd. Ah interest esent or Wilcox. Miss M. Wilcox, Miss L. Wilcox, m 684 J. E. Bush. Trustee Ii Governor Dole announced additional of mortgagors in said premises, to- Miss Sndle Wilson. Yokohama-- ". 701 appointments yesterday. Alatau T. Mi? HONOLULU. Ft W. uctweon Hoards Kour thousand Geo. C. Potter Itn gether with the right to collect the Hashimoto, Dr. David Starr Jordan, Government sixes, J3S.W. Is Superintendent of Public Rev. T. M. MncNalr, Mrs. T. Day, 703 J. E, Taylor II Atkinson 'ncomo of the Fame. Kobaynshl, No nesBlons June H, Admission Gen-ei- ul M. MacNalr. J. O. Snyder. T. Takcda. 708 G. A. Howard, jr 5i Instruction, II, C. Austin, Auditor Notice Is also given that the sn'd AGENTS FOR THE Kobc--F. II. Hopler, Miss D. E. OB-de- Republic, is Auditor, H. by For Shanghai 775 J. E. Taylor P under the property covered said mortgage will Mlts E. Talcott. For 803 A. H C. Meyer is Deputy Auditor. A. Mc- he offered for at public auction, at Lancashire Insurance Company. Skerrctt Rogers, Mrs. Skcrrctt Rogers 0. Howard, Tr J. sa'c .37 Lee Chow 41 Is Superintendent of Public auction rooms of Jas. F. Morgan, and ch Id, Rev. Plus Troyarelll. BY AUTHORITY. Candless the CAPITAL. .1.000.000. Hongkong-Lie- ut. W. H. Allderdlce. N. 938 Yco Chin 21 Works, W. D. Alexander Is at No. 33 Queen street. In Honolulu CI. D. Professor Bentz, Mrs. N. Rents, C. Cl.ft. Dr. 939 Ypo Ch'.n 2f Is Commis- iforeak1, 12 o'clock noon on Mon- Paid Up Capital and Funds. l.6S7.1C2. Dr. n. Davis, J. Esllck, Dr. J. Surveyor, Jacob F. Brown at Costlgnn. 952 H effected against loss or T. Kennedy, Dr. QeorKO A. Lung. Lloyd Tuiritory of Ilawnll, J. E. Bush, Trustee.'. sioner of Public Lands, and A. G. day, the 25th day of June, A. D. 1900. Insurance Thom-,o- 955 V damage by fire on buildings and con- ? Robblns, W. Rivlngton, Ross Secretary's Otllco. J. E. Bush. Trustee , Hinves Is Prlvnte Secretary to the Gov- U. Bush, Trustee'' 2i well-know- n tents of warehouses, office and store Notice is hcicby given Gov- dati3. ernor. Almost all are citi- 'For further particulars Inquire of J. Departed. that the H and mod- 957 J. E. Bush, Trustee zens of Hawaii. g Alfred Magoon. ptcmlses private dwellings at For Kaunaknknl, Lnlmlna, llllo and ernor has made the following appoint- 958 E. erate rates. 12. J. Bush Trustee K A, newly appointed EN SYAK ASEU, way ports, per stmr. Klnau, Juno ments: T. Hawes, Jr., the and 13, cnlldicn, Charles 990 J. H. Boyd 2f i Prompt equltabia settlement of Rev. L. Desha and K. P. Dole, Attorney-Genera- l. private secretary to President Dole, Is , Assignee of Mortgagee. urns two Rev. L U. Mr. 11 10 L. L. Kekuniano If losses. Will and dnughtiri. n comparative newcomer In Honolulu. '' Perry nnd wife, Rev. C. W. Hill, Chas. Mr. J. A. McCandless, Superintendent 1011 A. A. Young 3f Dated Honolulu, H. I., June 31, 1900. Lite business also transacted on fa- C. A, Mlts L. of Public Works. He a over a year ago M, Lcliiond, Hev. Austin. 1027 J. E. Bi sh. TrusLee 2i arrived here little 2181 Jun vorable terms. Wells, Mrs. C. B. Wells, M. M. O'Shnugh-nets- Mr, A. T. Atkinson, been connected with Bruce, Campbell, E. Superintendent IOoG S. E. Bishop and has Theodore Wolff. W. of Public Waring & Co., during the greater part Camphrll. Mils Allre Weight, Mrs. Stnne, Instruction. 1073 .las. McQueen M TO ThR Ralnise Fire Insnrarnp CnmDanv coming Ha-wn- il NOTICE CREDITORS. R. J. Smlrl, A. Lindsay, T. II, Hughes, Mr, J. F, Uruwn, Commissioner of 1074 Yee Chin .' . . It of this period. Prior to to S. Low, II. J. Ontai. Mrs. E. Sanders Capital Fs 10,000,000.00 J. Public Lands. I0i7 A B. ingalls 1. he was in the Insurance business d dni'phtrr. Ml?" F. ICnohl, Rev. S. W. Fund nnd lie-ser- Ison-ber- Mr. H. L Austin, Auditor. 1091 C. It In New York city. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVp:N THAT Kekuewn, T. If. Sodgwltk, H. A. H. Laago for Uncollect- Miss J. DeRcmeyer, Mrs. L. T Mr. II. C. Meyers, Deputy Auditor. 1102 C. II. Limga H He la twenty-fou- r years old and Is the undei signed has b3en duly appoint- H. ed of Hon-pi- ll ed 23.923,134 16 Ellis, Mrs. II. Cole. Mrs. J. Castle and, Mr. A. M. Hrown. High Sheriff. 1121 J Q. Wood 2! the son of ColonelA. T. .Hawes. He Is Administratrix of the estate Premiums AHp M. D. J""es. Mr. Iitiehan-an- Uaker, deceased, and all creditors s'rvnnl Moore, w fe, Mr. W. D. Alexander, Surveyor. 1144 W. H. Conoy ; a Vcrmonter but 1ms lived mostly In J. W Mufoii, Dr. W. L. if the deceabfi. are hereby notified to Fs 33,!)2:i.l3-t.l- cb'ld nnd mnld. Mr. A. T. IIuhph, Jr., Private Sccro' h 5 L. II PlTiPntel 1. fc'nn Francisco where he was married. present their claims, duly authentic.it- - For Lnhnlra. Krna nnd Kiu, per stmr. tary. I1S1 A. 5i Mr. Hawes Is the of Mrs. F. M. d nny Fire insurances effected as above at I.on. 11. P. Klllpi-Ii- i Harrison brother and with proper vouchers, If Mourn Jim" Cckett. - evl-ft- , the Lowest Rates. Svlvn, Mrs. Teslln, Dora Todd, A. V. IIENUY 10. COOPER, US2- O. Boy Morgan 2 Hatch of this city. It Is felt that Mr. uch oven If the claim Is seeur il I'edtp-nn- . A. Patten. W. M. Kolnwna, Secretary of the Territory. 191 A. A. Y ng 12f Iluwes Is well fitted for the position by mortgage upon ieil estate, nt the of- - Mrs Kelllnol, Annie K'no, Kinney, liallou & McCl.anahan, Jumrs On Tul. Honolulu, Juno 11, 1000. V.H Chis A. Bon 21 which he will occupy under Governor 'ces of TilHVuN-l- i VUiXICO. J. M. Smith, W. J. Wri-'li- Mrs. Tuplln, building, corner of Fcrt a-- Mer- i. 11. l?l2 Win. F. .Inciter 3! Dole, Judd G. II. Robertson, L. P. I.'ncoln, W nnd aside from his clerical duties, chant streets, Honolu 11, wlthli s'.x LIMITED MrCnll, 11. M. Whlt-ne- 1389 Geo. M.-- i son Ii Cornwell, Jr., Mtss many social obligations rest upon the Hdnths from the dite of this pub'lc.a-t!on- ; Julia Lozon, Fnnnlc Tesl.n. Julia 1392 Geo. Mansnn ai AC.RNTS FOR TUB HAWAII VN Jon, C. II. Hull, Robert Tos le, L. M. shoulders of the private secretary. nml notice Is further given thnt if M'toliell, Mr. Itemm1 laril. Sarah Yntos, Aucion Sale U. u Geo. Mansnn -- sueh claims be not presented within six ...ISLANDS... Julia Kaloklela, P. S. Scales. A. du Reso, I39G Geo. Mnnson 21 months from tho first ptbl citton of th s 11. M. --OF- Miss Twoml ley, J. A. McCnnd ess. 1413 W, F. Wilson If NotlCH to Stiijuuiuiur. "OUce, or within six months from the I I I I . I I t wife. Dr. Wlnslow, John 0erend nnd n55 H P. Rnth H 'Jny they fall due. they sha'l be forever Gol Ien and wife, P. Allen. U. S. llrunch Hydruginphis Olilce, ' T3MMA BAKER. 'i-'li San Francisco, per S. 8. Aiftrnlln, 14R1 B C. Maefnrlano 2f: irrrd. fr& , -I- For Sun Franclno, Cul. Adnilristrntrlx cf the Estate of Hoaplti 1linlllTPVIVM ' 1j I 11 1 June IS A. K. lltirfonl, E. P. Walsh, 1532 J. H. Fisher 4i A. L Ynnpp-- . J Lnwe. l)r HolTtnann, i!y conitnuiiuiitliig with Uaker, ilfcii(l, I'. J. H. Fisher 21 the Brunch 21S3 rugs for tidtclung. A. Hamburg nnd wife, Mrs. Achl'le .v uttlie hi. Sun h'rumiKCu, ib Jun and dmirlivr, W. F. Hellbriin and wife. 1549 J. H Fisher lw ut Wbselb who will wliu A. Sehlerholy. Mrs. Dnwnrd. D. Cenfr IE51 C. J. Fnlk 2f liiluKl.iililc tilllce liy letuiilliig Hi" and fnmllv, Franres Gav, wife nnd mnld IN 15 2 Ii netcrnlogleal uliservmlulib simKesteil by ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. PURE BRED Fowls and Eggs for A't-Ve- THE J. H. Fisher E.-P- . Ixiw II. Smith. M. lie ulhie, have toiw aided lo ilium nnd wfe, "3-- mil ill sale at all seasons from the following Mnstero Aeb Ills. II. He'lbrun, W i i 4 Hrw. Land Co lfid hi desired pori, and tire ol expellee, tli Hellbrun, Miss Sarah Lvrett. Miss Hell-brim- , 1577 Jesse Makamal rciithl) pilot charts ol the North I'uullie varieties: , The undersigned having been du'y ap- Miss Kls'on, Chmles Flstnn nnd Olaa Sugar Co., Ltd. 1582 Haw. L, m, Co., Ltd.. anil the latest Infoi mullon reguro English Grey Dorking, Black Min- wife, Mrs. Llercrker nnd child W. If 11K the dangers to nuvlguilon In the wii pointed the executor with the will an- Mnrpnn and wlf. . ZangcTbe-i- r and 15S9 S. It. .Iorur.n eii-- - which they freu.ueiil. nexed of tht estate of Mrs. E'lza Jane orca, Darrcd Plymouth Rocks, liufl dsi'i'hter, Captain Oreen, E. Baker, J 1G43 Emmett 'lay Unrlneis are requested to report to the Doardmnn, of Honolulu, deceased, all Leghorn, Brown Leghorn! White Leg- Maclean, Hire dangers dlscoveied, or any e Coleman. !'. Rledmnnn.. Dr. D 1159 II. P. EaKln other oeisons having claims against the nfurmullon which can he ig horn, Pekln Duoks and Bronza Tur wife nrd child: Mrs-- II. Ixiw. Mrs. J. )N 816 utilized for are notified to present the M'fs Morgan, Mrs. J. SATURDAY, JUNR 1G, H. P. Bakln charts or sailing direction!,, or In simc keys. lett'e - "ie publication of pilot or without de'ay, and a'l persons indebted Williams, Mrs. Engl'sh. Mrs. II, Sprlm- 1159 H. P. Eakln the charts the I J. At 12 o'clock noon, my Vurth Pnelfle. C. a. 'n the estate to make pavment to me am constantly In recelp.t of no M. A. M'Rs at salesroom, H. ., CALKINS. Mrs. waiser, J. wniser. nirs. 1U9 P. Eakln Lleut.-Comdr- H. S. N.. In or my attorney, tho best knowp C. S. Richardson nrd child. W. A. Smith, 13 Qucon St., Honolulu. 1 will sell at Charge. Sam II. Chlllligworth, Importations from M'ss Spreckels Hloclr, Hono'u'u, II. I. Dr. J. A. Welsh, M'ss E. Sehraeder. Public Auction, by ortlor of tho Tieas-ure- r. it strains. R. Johnson, Mrs. Kopke. M'ss O. Konke, IAS. F. MORGAN, Auctr. GEO. B. UOARDMAN, Eggs properly packed fowls woll E. Ml'ler, B. If. Com- - Mr. J. U. Castlo, tho following and Miss II. Kopke, J. . IN CIHCUIT . i . B. CAS ,'LE. Teasnror.-Honolulu- THE COURT, FIRST Executor with the wl'l annexed nf the sterK, Miss A. h'iMrr, imss n, certificates of stock in tho Olaa Sugar J. Circuit, crated. AIenndev. MIbs Tnuchlln. Mrs. 8. N. Co., unless tho Wh assessment, duo Mnv 31st. Itnn of the Hawaiian Islands In Estnte of Mrs. E. J. Hoardmnn, de- Prices furnished on application. -- Probate. Sexton, W. ". nil wife. W, F. Marth lse, 1900, delinquent April 30th, E5G0 td. 2131 td. ceased. Rondman, wife and child: Cnpt. I, A. In the Matter of Honolulu, Cnhu. June 7, IflfO. WALTER C. WEEDON. 1900, with Interest thereon and adver- the Kstate of James A. I'nvnes, W, I.. Ilaynes. Miss Folten, King, late of Honolulu, Oahu, de- 2183 Jun Sastlawn Piinnhno Honolulu H. 1. Master Allen Haines, North Delphlna, tising expenses, Is paid on or before ceased. E. J. Snow, wife and two children: F. II. tho day of - McCormlek, George Waterhouse, N. and hour sale: MOHTGAGEE'S NOTICE OF INTEN- The petition and accounts of tho n.i. J. T. McCrosson. E. P. Gray, Mrs. No. Cert. TION TO FORECLOSE, AND mlnlstintrlx of the estate of said M. Shares. J. Sutherland, Miss Donohne. M'ss 5 J. Q. Wood, 100 OF SALE. wherein she usks that her ac- V.lmmeritifinn, Miss Spauld'ng, Mr. nnd Trustee counts be examined nnd Mips Ste- 24 Q. H. 1U0 approved, and Co., Mrs. MeClnnnban nnd mnld. N. Jtidtl that a final order be made of distribu- Manufacturing Harness vens. M'ss Pnteh. C B"n nnd w'fe. M'ss 80 C. II. W. Norton COO Nutlci' Is heioby given by Hon-Tie- r, that virtue tion of the property remaining In Reed nnd dnucbter, J, C. Devln, D. 381 of power her AND W, E. Pedgers, Frnnlc Tevls. wife J. Lcarwald 25 a of sine co..laiiud in a cer.aln hands to the nersons thorntn ntiiin,t IMPORTERS JIIANUFACTURfRS nnd two ehUdi-en- ' A. Sllvn and wife. A. 207 W. L. Wilcox 60 morignge. UutcU October 2th, A, I). nnd discharging her frcm a. 1 fur h r r- - IC I'nrford, M. P. Brlns, wife and son: F 215 Will. Stodart 50 1VJ7, inline by lidopala lino of Kailua. MPiiiisiuiiiiy as such administratrix. It C,. 259-2(1- North v. M is de S. Olwelrn n"d wife, W. Flneg, F. 1 J. K. Farley (3) 75 Kona. isianu of A.awali. to ordered that MONDAY, the 9th day D. N. T. W'lson, Sergeant Hehoen-fe'r- jt Wl Kuril, Trustee, of lf July. A. D. 1900. Fine Carriage and Buggy Harness. Cln'r. 272-27- 1 llono.u.u, Inland of lit ten n'nliwk n. m Hi-i'pr- Geo. Goodacio (3) 75 f 1:1 W. N. T. McGovern T. Illl nttri l,iirr1ml l,i It,,. I ,ttln,i iV tin. at the court room of the said Court Murphy. A, Ti. Rkhprds' .1 t'enfpM, 299 H, L.. Evans 17 at t. Heglstiur of Conviyunc-s- , in Liber 1,1, Jionoiuiu, island ol Oahu, be and the Rugs, Lap Robes. Fly Nets, H'imano nnd Rubber nits. Fine O. S. teKenpln J, F. Rnrrlts, Mrs. J. 310 Bryant 17 40J-41- Jno. Ion folios nad usslgui'd to Mis. same hereby is npDolnteil ns tin. tim.. Band-ir- II. Kendall, A. Donovan. C, J. 321 English HoPy Whips Ankle Boots, Salt Sacks, Derby A. Toogood 6T.W. (Emmii lluchnnan) place for on Elders.f"". 1. Buchanan of and hearing said petition and nnd n Vnrlptv Bradoons. n Large 1I as ui oy mo sum w. 3,1. unt- - accounts, uml o' Rice Aso it. A. joruan nimoiuiu. tint all nrsnnii Inform of Single and Dou'ilo Harnesses, Halter 485 C. D, Lufktn 250 nrd- - Trustee as aforesaid, by usslgn- - ed may then and there appear and show Assortment Bridles. TJTircfl STIN AND MOOf ' Hnmes, 1 Pninntn "lent dated December loth, A, D, i&'JS, caUse, If any they have, why p.mie Co'inrs. Tracu Chains, fiK'rt 'ti Ulul In tie . 1 ti,,1, recorded the olllee of the sn.d bliould not be granted." i cL lieglstrar, In 171. 410. Honolulu, G, 1900. a rii 1 u I Liber on folio tae Juno" "aUl .1Y- - pit 3 ?i Mr -- uclmmm (Emma Hy the Court: a i df J c 599 M. Forrelra ...., '" 37 Buchanan), tisslgnee of mort- - A. fry 4 S '' the said J. THOMPSON, Clerk. 5 a S 42 (,'itk'ee. intends to foreclose the samn fn. , 2tS;PAllin, Huwley u In, . f. 750 N. F...... 25 breuch of the conditions aald mort III 780-- KUKo contained, rto-'wlf- r' non-pa- W! Howard 60 the IjV- - 'V P.m VT.'a.m 'a m n in p t SSi Mrs. II. C.: Austin 1H '?." ' the, interest when due. THE CIRCUIT, COURT, FIRST Mm( l 17 7 4 li 1 Mun 2 l, 2.1U( U u 0 5.17 42 02 906-91(- FsOl'e-- ' U'BO hv'reoy j;IV,Jn '.PflHIBiBlRHiHBBHJB 8 thnt all Circuit, of r CO Ilnllnntvnn '0(1 o the Hawaiian Islands.' In 3.5)1 Wnifutar-th- lands, tenements nnd - Tnt 2.2 2.5S 8.21 1 OJS 17i ii 83 919-- Mr J. W, IvOOtlftra ,.., 17 hereaimnients In until .,,,... . I'robato. ,,t, Hi 1 U,t,n ,ul,UHl ft,,d tho matter of tho Estnto of Joseph WilT. 'W 3'i'S4' M.07 il ISA 17 Hit 7 n H' II 'IVBcrlbeil will be sold at & B 922 C. Ballontyno 50 Tiur- - H W 2,2 4.DI 31 A ln,'6 'b , o :i a. ,, itublla auctloh at the auction rooms of nonius, into 01 nonoiuiu, ixtiiti, (.' I 901. W, S. Wlso ,..,,,,... ,...100 James F, Morgan, an Queen street, In Vilrt fiwi '0 05'.t0 41' VWi ntl ii' B 'ft 974 A. L. Androws" 10 ""I'1 Honolulu, on Monday, ' b 23 07 v w ., the 9th day 'The petition, and nccounU of, b tr;iio i i it si b i , ii- 1Q71 A,,,p. 1,000, tit 12 the I ' It, Hnwxhurst "f,J1Ui', oVluck noon of deceaa-ijilvwhero- !. ,? .t ....100 tlay of tho estate of raid tii Bun 17' 7 17 HtU a 6 168 II' 0,4 K92-- Q. W. McDotigall, Jr E0aU1 ,t. V la 807 IhtlM'-i'i-IJ1N i ' 1hqjka",that Ua .UitHilH.J U01 T, F. Sanborn .".,. 1 ...... 100 T,he propvrty In said iportj;iige Is thus esamlhc'd uri'd approved, 1102 described, namely: ,nd that a Full tooonroiMth I2tli at'0:0 p, m. It. B. nice 25 flnal order ho rtiade of distribution, of Tides fronmne and 11U Jno. F. Baker 200 r,1.e Qll undivided half Or moiety of remaining" . I CQJftaln In his hands to Qeodetlo Survey 'tables: U13 C. C. - . 25 . t,,Ilt Piece or parcel of lurid Tha tides at Kahulul and llllo occur Eakln the. persons thereto entitled, and dis- about one Horirilulu, 30-1- bour'carller thn'n of loo? it" ti mm...... vniin. containing an' area bf la charging him from all further respon Hawaiian standard time Is- in hours 30 qwr JS ncr?.8' ani' b,1'"f tne premises de- - sibility as such .administrator, r - minutes slower than Groenwlch lime, be-I- Brown 67 scribed In "m It 'In 'jc.la.A1 lie. thai of the meridian nf ikt in 5" Patent (GrnutKNo, 3781 to tv a uiuvivu Ihalfcwifc IfnHA.. mi".l. , ' 1'he i.pi 1289 O. W. Mcnoue;alJ 25 the said H60pala and Pamajion, h.s sis- - iuuuaf, minutes. time whistle blows at Itso r. day pf Jtiiru, A..D. 1900, at JQ o'clook m, wnlpli is the same as (Ireeuwlrh li94 U D. TimmotiB 33, r n.'m.', nt. Chambers, In tho court room I hours 0 minutes. Run nml nn .,. r,. 160G J. Pope Howltt ,..,,...... 60 ' Terms, cash. Deed nt exptjuse of pur- - lQ'U time for V(hple uroup. of tho said Court at Honolulu, Island the idi. t;, r.. nwioy lutf. ' . .,,., of Oahu,, be nnd the same hereby Is ed 1515-151- 6 A. E. .5 Jordan place hear- WANTED. 152C Lloyd Conkllng 9 ' tKmtnu nuchatiMi), as tho time and for AsslRnee, onMitrigaBee. ing said petition and accounts, and that PLOW AiNU TfcAM 1547 Geo, ", Potter 600 Fur further pnrtlcu'nrs hAHWESS A dOQp. UVB. rtiiSPONSIDLB MAN nply to' all, .persona .Interested may then and on In every J. M. M.MraURAT, Of all kinds hand and made to order at short notice,' district on Hawaii, Muul and Attorney Assignee thrjp ippoar. find ehow cause, if any ALEX CHISHOLM, Knuttl,) who p.' e F. for of, Mortgagee, for twenty years associated wlthjh ha portion of day to IAS. MORGAN. Auctioneer. 1 thijjf, havfv yby tho same should not himself, ,Dated Honolulu, June I'TjO. Harness Business In' the Islands, has charge of the Manufac- to represent' an establlB'ea 21S5- - beprapjed. . business concern J. B. OASTLETreasurer, June July 6. .. turing. of Hpnnlulu, In hU Honolulu, May23d, 1900. - ' ulBtrlcli Pleasant work. Honolulu, May 3tst, 1900, Iela,nd Orders Receive Prompt Attention. Atdrew. tat. Only the highest gradp nt TtED null-nE- B By the , . Present employment, to'P, O, E560-t- d Court:, 414,nf liox Is iirpiI in the Mnmns made by TEIFPHONI N(i. 2 Honolulu, 818Mm 2131-t- d J. L THOMPSON, Clerk. '8 the HAWAIIAN OAZETTgjCO. 2179 May 25 Jun 1- -.8 15 P. 0. BOX 322 Cor. Kiijg and Fort Sts.
