Minutes of the Council Meeting held on 28th July 26, 2018 at 7.30 pm in the Village Hall

Couns. Tina Tsoukatos (Chairman) Roger Aston, Denise Bryant (A), Charles Day, Katie Chan (A) , David Lewis, and Natalie Robinson.

In attendance: Clerk Mike Elliott, District Councillor Roger Jackson and 4 members of the public

1] APOLOGIES Couns. Bryant and Chan.


3] MINUTES FROM PREVIOUS MEETING HELD ON JUNE 28, 2018 were accepted as circulated and signed by the chairman.


Coun. Jackson spoke on the need for residents to make correct use of waste bins, the move to consider a Unitary authority for , saying he believed district councils are unsustainable and pointing out that 80 per cent of the income of Notts County Council after salaries and statutory expenditure, was spent on Social Care. Coun. Jackson answered a number of questions from the public.

5] ITEMS FRM THE PUBLIC Nothing further was raised.

6] CORRESPONDENCE An advert in the Newark Advertiser for the clerk’s job would be decided on over the next week. The Red Ensign flag purchased by the council had been received and was handed to Coun. Lewis. Notts County Council and the police gave information on travellers likely to enter the area after being removed from an earlier site they had occupied. The Environment Agency and the Woodland Trust have given information of a “Trees on the Trent” project they are to launch. The clerk would circulate details to members. RCAN were planning a village hall consultation event in November. The council would be interested in being involved. Notts County Council Nottinghamshire Minerals Local Plan would be out for consultation from July 27 to September 28. Shelford had been taken out of the plans and the meeting felt the village would not be closely affected by what was being planned. Notts County Council Great War Commemoration service would be held in November 6, at Southwell Minster..

7] PLANNING NEWARK & SHERWOOD DISTRICT COUNCIL APPLICATIONS 18/01300. Woodside Farm, , Road. Removal of Condition Nine of planning permission 12/00604 to allow retention of the mobile home in connection with established agricultural operation. No objection on a 4-1 vote. 18/01115. Bankwood Farm Oxton Road . Notification for Prior Approval for a Proposed Change of Use of 3 Agricultural Buildings to 5 dwelling houses and for associated operational development. No objection on a 5-0 vote. NEWARK & SHERWOOD DISTRICT COUNCIL DECISIONS 1800943/ful. Nick Ursell, Apple Acre, Bleasby Road. Rear extension and first floor dormer extension to create dormer bungalow… Grant. 18/00905/ful. Vincent Raw, Charnwood, Bleasby road. New entrance into the property. Grant. 18/00761/ful. S James, Woodside Farm, Nottingham Road. Erect steel framed building for housing cattle. Grant. 18/01298/FULM Railway Lake - Variation to planning permission 15/01537/FULM Thurgarton Parish Council voted unanimously to object to this variation to planning permission on the following grounds:-

58/18 Thurgarton and Parish Councils had 4 separate meeting with Notts Scouts in June 2018, all with an agenda to ensure that the variation to planning application would include vital feedback from the consultation with the local community. At the end of these meetings both Parish Councils committed to providing Notts Scouts with a joint statement. We are disappointed in the extreme therefore that Notts Scouts have completed their variation planning application without including the feedback from the consultation with the local community, which would have been included in the joint statement, this is in direct contradiction with the last paragraph of the introduction section. I now understand that Notts Scouts were working to a deadline, however the deadline date was not made clear to either Hoveringham or Thurgarton PC’s at the meetings attended. If a deadline date had been identified then a joint response would have been sent to the Notts Scouts in good time. As a consequence of this, we are now having to object to a number of items contained within the this variation to planning permission:-

Condition 2 • There was general consensus for allowing the variation of the size of the portacabin (assuming that this was clad in Yorkshire Boarding as originally agreed) and the size of the decking • There was general consensus for allowing the variation of 2 additional storage containers and the timber shed as long as they looked appropriate for the local environment – see detail in Condition 17 below. Condition 14 • There was general consensus for allowing the variation of the use of the lake for up to 6 weekends during the closed season, for training purposes, max of 25 persons on the water at any one time. Condition 17 • This is where the additional feedback from the communities has been omitted. It is essential that the galvanised palisade fencing, which we have described as industrial, is either removed or camouflaged in such a way that the compound melds into the ‘look and feel’ of the local countryside. It was not thought that simply painting the fencing a different colour would be sufficient to achieve this objective. Other suggestions included using camouflage netting or covering with willow fencing rolls. It was clear that we would not be able to come up with a solution without trying them out visually. However, it was deemed essential that the galvanised palisade fencing, which is in no way suitable for this compound, should be camouflaged for a period of 5 years or until the planting provides suitable screening for the compound. • Assuming that suitable camouflage can be found, and agreed to by the local community, then there was general consensus to reducing the height of the gates Condition 18 • We would ask that whatever can be done to encourage the maturity of the screening, should be done.

The conclusion to the application states – “We now believe that we have the support of both parishes” – this is clearly not correct. In addition, we had been discussing the car parking spaces and had asked that Notts Scouts quantify the number of car parking spaces that were being provided at the Activity Centre

8] STRATEGY ROLES EMERGENCY MEASURES (NATALIE ROBINSON) TBFD invoice received Re-registration for SMS Beck Monitor Service to be organised taking in to account GDPR NR to discuss GDPR impact on Emergency Plan Database with Adrian Frettwell HIGHWAYS AND BROADBAND (CHARLES DAY) Bleasby Road Broadband update. The first 12 properties on Bleasby Road have had for some time now Fast broadband access, Fibre To The Cabinet (FTTC) up to 100 Mbs, as part of Contract 1 The next 15 properties now have access to Super Fast broadband, Fibre To The Premises (FTTP) up to 350 Mbs as part of Contract 2, in addition the next 12 properties are due to have FTTC as part of contract 2, but there appears to be a delay on this and further information is being sought. The remaining properties (24) are included in Contract 3 and the solution for them is still being worked on but should be installed between December ’18 and June ’19. There are a limited number of Internet Service Providers (ISP) for FTTP operating in Nottingham and therefore if your current ISP does not offer this service you may have to move provider in order to take advantage of the higher speeds. This is not mandatory, you can still remain with your existing provider but your internet speed is limited to about 7 Mbs. Details of these providers are available on request from the PC.

Highways, NCC are repairing the footpath on Priory road in August, work is expected to take 4 weeks

59/18 VILLAGE ASSETS (ROGER ASTON) 1. Under Planning and the Woodside Farm application Councillor Aston said that the Council ought to be consistent in its policy towards caravan/mobile home applications. The Council had vigorously opposed the application for caravans behind the Red Lion and it, in fairness, it should oppose the application to site a mobile home at Woodside Farm. The Planning Authority had stated that the mobile home should be removed upon completion of the house, which is now the case. Councillor Tsoukatos said that the Woodside Farm application was different to the Red Lion application, the latter having been opposed because the site was intended for gypsies/travellers.

2. Village Assets Councillor Aston enquired as to whether steps ought to be taken to regularize the use of the land next to the station, which had recently been cleared by Network Rail, for car parking. The Chairman replied that a meeting would soon be arranged with the landowner and the matter would be raised then.

VILLAGE HALL (DAVID LEWIS) Since the last PC meeting there has been little change on the Village Hall. The recent “Rounders” social event was a great success with £471 being raised towards the VH. The next event will be “Champagne and strawberries” in early August. The PC chair requested that a height restricting gate be investigated for the car park entrance and ask Steve Edkins follow up on, which he accepted. For the next meeting the updated operating document has been requested. COMMUNICATION (TINA TSOUKATOS AND KATIE CHAN) • PC email – following advice from the DPO all Councillors now using PC email addresses not personal email addresses, thanks to Darryl North for setting these up. • Forterra – pleased to report that the £1,000 donation from Forterra has been received, this money has been put towards the cost of the village gateway signs. • Trinity College – no news regarding the request for funds for the Village Hall and the Red Lion.

ENVIRONMENT (DENISE BRYANT) Environment Report and a request Work done this month (July) Peter Yates has cut all the verges and hedges around the village - A612 and Priory Rd Beck street triangle has been mowed and tidied A612 verge by the Beck has been strimmed and the War Memorial flower bed weeded The animal bench has been strimmed and the shrubs cut back The grass verge either side of the white steps on Priory Rd have been cut back, strimmed and tidied. Newark and Sherwood Homes have cut the Corner Croft hedge. Work for next month (August) The area at the end of the Bleasby Rd footpath will be strimmed and the footpath tidied The bank near the end house at Corner Croft will be strimmed The grass verge along the Beck on Beck Street will be strimmed and mowed. The bushes by the War memorial will be cut back and made the same size Village Union Jack Request Could I ask the Council to consider purchasing a new Union Jack for our flagpole as the current one is past its best and we have the WW1 commemoration coming up. A heavy duty nylon one will cost circa £30. A traditional sewn one will cost circa £90.

9] FINANCE PAYMENT OF ACCOUNTS was accepted as per the circulated list.

10] WWI NOVEMBER 11 2018 The matter would be considered in detail at the next meeting.

11] AGENDA ITEMS FOR NEXT MEETING SEPTEMBER 27, 2018 The November 11 WW1 Commemoration.-

There being no further business the meeting closed at 9-40pm.