PWD BUILDINGS DIVISION, IDUKKI BUDGETTED WORKS Physical Progress Report of Works March 2017 SHO Date Department Agreed PAC Agreed Estimate PAC LA Constituency Agt
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PWD BUILDINGS DIVISION, IDUKKI BUDGETTED WORKS Physical Progress Report of works March 2017 SHO date Department Agreed PAC Agreed Estimate PAC LA constituency Agt. No and date No and Agt. TS No. and amount amount No. and TS Physical progress (%) Stages of electrification Actual date of completion Extended date of completion of date Extended Period of completion in months in months completion of Period AS No and amount No and AS Remarks Budget page.No./ Item no. Item page.No./ Budget Esti.Amount Date of completion as per agreement ` Name of Contractor of Name Present status of work current upto Expenditure month this upto required Amount financial year SL. No. SL. Budget Provision in lakhs Name of Project 12345 6 7 8 9 101112131415161718192021222324 4059-01-051-96 1 0/4 Improvement to Village office Revenue Devikulam Vellathooval FCC paid 2 m Improvement to Village office 32/4 Devikula Revenue Mannamkandam FCC paid 3 Improvement to Village office 33/4 Revenue Kunchithanni FCC paid Devikulam 4 a 34/4 Improvement to Village office Revenue Udumbanchol Rajakumari FCC paid 5 a Order no LR (M2) 34619/10 11/EE/2010-2011 dtd 35/4 1.44 3.85 Revenue Renovation of Village Office dtd 19.10.2010 Of 3.01.2011 for Rs No response to Udumbanchol Pooppara LRC,TVM For Rs 3.85L 385000/- tender 4059-01-51-94 6 50 7.68 32/14 Idukki Excise Constn of a building for Excise GO(Rt) No.490/15/TD dated 2159/15-16 dt 38/EE/15-16 Ground Floor range office Thankamany 4.7.15 Rs 50L 21.12.15 dt29.2.16 Column Concreeting. 15 Biju Manuel 4847342 4350020 12Months 09.3.2016 08.3.2017 4059-01-51-86 7 49/22 Revenue Mini Civil Station, Thodupuzha Thodupuzha additionkal bloc FCC paid 8 Mini Civil Station, Thodupuzha - 50/22 Revenue Balance works and construction of GO(Rt) No.557/2012/PWD 56/CE/BLDS/2012-13 41/SE dtd Thodupuzha compound wall dated 31.03.12 dtd dtd 06.07.2015 26.09.2012 FCC Paid 152 George K. V 22176324 19892163 12Months 06.10.2013 05.10.2014 28.02.2014 28.02.2014 0.15 9 GO(Rt.) No.597/2011/PWD 42/CE/BL/2012-13 63/12- 51/22 Idukki Revenue Civil Station, Idukki-Construction of dated 01-04-2011 for dated 12-06-2012 for 13/SE/B/CC/TSR Electrical work A block Rs.659Lakh Rs.659Lakh dated 26-12-12 FCC Paid completed 779 12.32 100 Ramesh Babu Ramesh 59090032 67953537 24 Months 28.12.2012 23.06.2014 27.12.15 10 52/22 Thodupuzha MCS -Electrical Revenue Thodupuzha works FCC paid 1 SHO date Department Agreed PAC Agreed Estimate PAC LA constituency Agt. No and date No and Agt. TS No. and amount amount No. and TS Physical progress (%) Stages of electrification Actual date of completion Extended date of completion of date Extended Budget page.No./ Item no. Item page.No./ Budget in months completion of Period Remarks Esti.Amount amount No and AS Name of Contractor of Name Date of completion as per agreement ` Present status of work current upto Expenditure month this upto required Amount financial year SL. No. SL. Budget Provision in lakhs Name of Project 12345 6 7 8 9 101112131415161718192021222324 11 45/CE/BL/2013-14 19/14- Electrical estimate 53/22 43.11 172.5 GO(Rt.) No.961/13/PWD dt dated 27.11.13 for 15/SE/BCC/TSR for Rs. 25Lakhs Revenue Devikulam Mini Civil Station, Devikulam 08-07-2013 for Rs.500L Rs.500Lakh dated 29.10.2014 completed submitted 64056644 20Months 05.11.2014 04.07.2016 28.06.16 100 M/s KSCCLtd KSCCLtd M/s 47449366 12 FCC paid 506 0.15 54/22 Revenue Udumbanchola Mini Civil Station, Udumbanchola 13 FCC paid 106 0.15 55/22 F & R F & Peermade Fire and resque station peermade 14 FCC paid 476 0.15 56/22 Idukki Govt. staff quarters at Painavu 15 Constn. of hostel for boys and girls FCC paid 293 0.15 57/22 T.Edn and staff quarters for GPC Peermade Vandiperiyar 16 FCC paid 50 0.15 58/22 T.Edn Peermade Canteen bldg for GPC Kumily 17 Technical sanction 250 59/22 61.58 Idukki 51/CE/BL/2013-14 dtd 25/2014- for electrical work Revenue GO(Rt) No.462/12/PWD dtd 09.12.2013 for Rs.500 15/SE/BCC/TSR Roof slab concrete obtained for Mini Civil station Kattappana 26.03.12 for Rs.500L L dtd 29.11.2014. completed Rs.20Lakhs K.H. Aliyar K.H. 46957289 63350079 20Months 26.12.2014 25/08/2016 33 18 Natural Calamity 2013 - 355 GO(Rt.) 77/CE/BL/2013-14 06/14- 12.32 Idukki 242/35 Revenue Renovation works to slipped No.1458/2013/PWD dated dated 21.02.2014 for 15/SE/BCC/TSR Electrical provision portion of Collectorate Yard, Idukki 07-11-13 for Rs.355 Lakh Rs.408Lakh dated 27.05.14 FCC Paid Nil 360 100 39425843 38314034 15Months 03.06.2014 02.09.2015 02.09.15 19 Rearranging existing sanitary, 25 Septic tank 3.85 Idukki 276/39 plumbing line etc in Civil Station, GO(Rt) No.175/2015/PWD 614/2015-16 dtd 27/EE/2015-16 concreting in Electrical provision Revenue Painavu, Idukki dtd 02.02.2015 for Rs.25L 24.07.2015 for Rs. 25L dtd 11.12.2015 progress. 90 nil 2682347 06Months 18/12/2015 17/06/2016 Saji K.S. Saji 2497897 20 2300 0.001 6/10v3 GO(Rt) No.89/16/PWD dt Estimate under Revenue Thodupuzha Civil station Annex at Thodupuzha 4.3.16 for Rs.230L preparation 21 G.O.(Rt) No. 80/13/S&YA 2000 0.001 Sports 7/10v3 Construction of a Stadium at TVM dt30.03.2013 for Rs, Land acquisition in Thodupuzha Thodupuzha 1000L progress 22 500 0.001 idukki 51/12v3 Revenue Idukki mini civil station constn. Land to be identified 23 Idukki Taluk supply office 200 0.001 Idukki 52/12.v3 Revenue constn. Land to be identified 2 25 24 27 34 33 32 31 30 29 28 26 SL. No. 24 6 7 8 12345 05/46 1/38.v3 8/9.v3 7/9v3 6/9v3 31/43 30/43 29a/43 29/43 0 0 Budget page.No./ Item no. 0.15 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001 0 0 Budget Provision in lakhs Thodupuzh Thodupuzha Thodupuzha Idukki Thodupuzha Thodupuzha Devikulam Thodupuzha Idukki Thodupuzha Devikulam LA constituency a Fire and Fire and Fire and Home Judiciary Judiciary Judiciary Judiciary Judiciary Judiciary Department Rescue Rescue Rescue Muttam sub jail court Thodupuzha Construction ofLibrarybldg fordist Kattappana Construction OfFireStationat Moolamattam Construction OfFireStationat Thodupuzha Construction OfFireStationat District CourtlibraryBuilding, at Devikulam Construction ofabuildingforCourt Thodupuzha Constn ofDitrictcourt,Muttom, Idukki additionalDistrictCourt Construction ofadditionalblockto Annex atThodupuzha Construction ofMiniCivilStation Adimali. Assistant PublicProsecutorat Construction ofofficebuildingfor Name ofProject 50 100 200 200 400 50 200 98 50 Esti.Amount Dt 04/03/2016for2300L GO(Rt) No.578/2016/PWD Rs 22.8L 1593/15-16 dt14.01.2016 AS No and amount Rs 22.8L 3318/15-16 dt16.2.16, 9 1 4059-60-051-69 (75% CSS) 4059-60-051-98 (50%CSS) 4059-01-051-88 4059-60-051-85 TS No. and amount Dt .19.09.2016 06/EE/2016-17 01 Agt. No and date Johny K P 11 Name of Contractor 21 Estimate PAC 2156342 31 Agreed PAC 1883659 3 41 Period of completion in months 6 Month 51 SHO date Date of completion as per 61 agreement ` 71 Extended date of completion 81 Actual date of completion FCC paid Completed FCC paid block (SlNo.No.26) Included Inadditional preparation Estimate under preparation Estimate under Land available. submitted Estimate ForAS block (SlNo.No.26) Included Inadditional Land tobeidentified FCC paid under prepration. Estimate forTS 92 Present status of work 100 02 Physical progress (%) 12 Stages of electrification Expenditure upto current 22 month Amount required upto this 32 financial year 4 Remarks 35 38 37 36 44 42 41 40 39 43 SL. No. 24 6 7 8 12345 30/53 29/53 28/53 27/53 0 4/36V3 7/18V3 4/17v3 2/17V 1/17.V3 Budget page.No./ Item no. 0.001 0.001 5.29 0.001 0 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001 Budget Provision in lakhs Udumbanchola Udumbanchola Udumbanchola Udumbanchola Idukki Idukki idukki idukki Idukki Thodupuzha LA constituency PWD T.Edn H&FWD Revenue Home Treasury Revenue Home Home Home Department Nedumkandam Assistant EngineersQtrs atKallar, Nedumkandam Administrative blocktoGPC Nedumkandam Bldg forTalukHospital Revenue qtrsatNedumkandam Bureau, Idukki Vigilance andAnticorruption Construction ofabuildingfor Sub treasurybuildingMurikkassery building Construction Thopramkudy SubRegistraroffice Kattappana policequartersconstn constn Thankamont policestationbldg Muttam policestationbldgconstn Name ofProject 26.55 329.13 205.35 307.61 200 200 150 20 300 Esti.Amount dated 14.08.09forRs.200L GO(Rt) No.1184/09/PWD 20/08/2016 for255L No.G2- 21028/2015dt AS No and amount Lakh. 27/12/2016 for255 3610/2016-2017 dtd 9 1 4059-01-051-79 4059-01-051-71 4059-01-051-90 4059-01-051-95 4059-01-051-89 TS No. and amount dtd 07/03/2017 17/SE/BCC/TSR 35/2016- 01 Agt. No and date N.V Raju 11 Name of Contractor 21 Estimate PAC 2,55,00,000/- 31 Agreed PAC 1,75,60,045.58/- 4 41 Period of completion in months 12 Month 14/03/2017 51 SHO date Date of completion as per 61 13/05/2018 agreement ` 71 Extended date of completion 81 Actual date of completion PWD Work notentrustdto PWD Work notentrustdto PWD Work notentrustdto FCC paid FCC paid FCC paid Work started Land tobeidentified over.