ri5fr lTE orqfdq q qrin irr qenff frem t-s-{ 91m*t, eaoaRqr Tflfl4q uTd PIiRMANBNTMISSION OF INDIA 9-RueDu Valais 1202Geneva Tel : 022906 86 86 Fax : 022906 86 96 Email :
[email protected] GEN/PMU3'3tr8t20r4 27 Mav 2014 The PermanentMission of India to the Offices of the United Nations and other Intemational Organizationsin Geneva presentsits compliments to the Office of the High Commissionerfor Human Rights and has the honourto state that the Indian delegation for the meeting of the Committee on the Rights of the Child scheduledfrom 2-3 June 2014 for considerationof India's Combined3'd and 4ft Periodic Reports and the two Optional Protocols, will comprise the following:- l. H.E. Mr. ShankarAggarwal Secretary& Leaderof the Delegation Ministry of Women & Child Development Governmentof India, New Delhi 2. H.E. Mr. Dilip Sinha Ambassador& PermanentRepresentative of India to the United Nations Office and other International Organizations Geneva 3. Dr. Vivek Joshi Joint Secretary Ministry of Women & Child Development Governmentof India, New Delhi 4. Dr. Neeru Chadha Joint Secretary(Legal &TreatiesDivision) Ministry of External Affairs Governmentof India, New Delhi 5. Mr. B.N. Reddy Deputy PermanentRepresentative of India to the United Nations Office and other International Orsanizations Geneva 6. Ms. Gloria Gangte Counsellor PermanentMission of India to the United Nations Office and other International Orqanizations Geneva 7. Ms. Uma Sekhar Counsellor PermanentMission of India to the United Nations Office and other Intemational Organizations Geneva 8. Dr. Ajay Khera Deputy Commissioner Ministry of Health & Family Welfare Governmentof India, New Delhi 9. Ms. PraveenKumari Singh Director Ministry of Home Affairs Governmentof India, New Delhi 10.