' ..:', .

• • 'i.'DS .... \~ aoue rea ens e IS a Ion oc a e By KEN KELLY tion and seating precedencc. without naming them 6peci[· cine Hatl and Mr. Piekersgill leader, said the Crcelitistcs want an 1!lection. We'll fight fo! OTTAWA (CPl-Rcal CaoH' The government bill would ieally-to dcfer their wide·rang- finally won Honse approval to would hold up the spending au- our principles," he told The cite threatcned Friday 10 bring give the administration $747.- ing remarks un t 11 Monday, bypas~ the reg ul a r private thority until the Commons priv- Canadian Press. Parliament to a halt unless his 449,955 to curry on operations when the government intended member's hour-the last hour ileges committee makes II de· Mr. C a a u e t t e was asked Quebec group is given official until the formal spending I:.ti- to call another supply motion, before Friday's sitting ~nded at cis Ion on 6eating a~d prec~- whether he is prepared te, tie up

recognition as a party. mates arc passed. Unless it r,,~ts n step that traditionally opens 6 p.m.-to get back to the dence of the two SOCial Credit all Commons business unless I • Mr. Caouette, leader of the the money, it cannot pav its up the historic grievance proce- money bill. groups and the New Democrat.s., Creditiste seating and prece'; REAl. CAOUTTE 13 - member Ralliement des bills-including the salaries of dure when MPs can speak on But when it resumed, Mr. lIe repeated the statement m i ence demands are met. , ! Credltlstes, said the Creditistes thollsands of civil servants. practically anything. Plourde resumed his speech. the Commons Friday. I He replied: "Exactly." : ! Leader of tbe 13·membcr nre prepared to block Commons state Secretary Pickersgill, But Creditiste MP Lucien The sitting ended with the bill Mr. Caouette said that unless ~ 111 t d C dlUt· h legislation even to the point of government House I e a de r, Plourde (Quebec Wes\), .who unpassed. I the c~':Imittee decides to give! Such a tieup would be rela- ]\a emen e. re s el, W 0 forcing a federal election on the stepped Into Friday's dehate QS had. the floor at the lime, It was learned subsequently I recogmtlOn to the Crcditistes! Iil'ely ease to impose. Und~r II Itrlvlng 10 lIet lormal recog- issue. the Creditisle blockade contin- rephed only !hat the. gOVQI'I~'1 the ?ovel'lIment prohably Willi· and. himself .. as their leader.! Commons I'ules, an MP may Tlte Creditistes launched a ued. lie reminded the House ':lent knew hiS group s condl'l drop Its plans to cali the normal seahng CI'~~lhste lIlPs In a PI·C·.: speak as many times as he nltton and seating precedence blockade T h u r s cI a y night that Monday is oct. 7 nnd hons. They had not yet been, supply motion on Monday. and I ferred pOSitIOn over the Thomp'j chooses at certain stages in tlle f bl ' , against a routine government unless the bill was passed soon, met. i proceed .instead with the FridllY Ison group •.thl: interim spelJ[lin::: passage of legislation througn or I parI) In the J ollse of bill to pay October and ·Novem- civil sen'ants would miss their Mr. Plourde went on spclk· debate m ~ he hope that the: blockade .wlil. be extended to all' the Commons. By alternating :1 Commonl, bel' expenses, serving notice mld·month pay cheques. ing. blockade Will be broken. i other legl~latlOn. ; Iwo or more speakers. anv picc! that they will delay Its passage ASKS DEFERMENT In another hid to get the bill Gilles Gregoirc, "tp for La·: "We'I'e goin~ to fight out :I'~y. of legislation could be hlocko.ri until they get formal recogni- He asked the Creclitistes-, pa~~ed, H. A. Olson ISC..;.,M~di- I pointe and Crediliste H01lse : through to this. e\rn if th,';" for an indefinite period. HERE NOW All forms of THE MOST POPULAR CAR fnsurance . \ ,. ~ . IN CANADA '1Itl"\\ , \i.IH.l~rr. PONTIAC 1964 EDITION THE DAILY NE , 'r Ill' Water St. \\ i'nl,S Terra Nova Motors Ltd. Elizabeth Am. 9·4171 --.. ---_. .1-~r"ns -- ,. I ~:.l\' ST, JOHN'S, NE\YFOliNDLAND, SATURDAY,.------OCTOBEH 5, 1963 16 PAGES SEVEi': CENTS MON11l.EAL

, ," Ill ..

"1\; '1T. r:-·~+1 ·,.:I"T~, ! ::y':"' . '; \ P \. ['l !-i~ ~ .. ~ , ' :" .~ •. '.

R~' KEN SmTH anet GEOIlGE FIl,\JKOIl ~to~TIlEAL CP-Federal mediator Helle Lippe Frida)' Arlny IlIlght adjourncd Indefinitely mediation talks aimcil at ~rltlin~ ~ a walkout of longshoremen on St. Lawrence River pOI·h. lie _Prevellt I said a meeting or the longshoremen Is to he hell! Sunday ",wI! '\ . some proposals made til them." ' ~ ASSUll1es . Judge Lippe, of fhe lIIontreal magistrate's court, Ilcrllncd to L : elahorate but It was reported that the offer made may lead to Iller 6 '"11''' or n settlement 01 the walkout that hegan at midnight In Quebec " \Ylll:l\~ S 'I' Ii Power City and 8 a,m, In \llontresl anet Trois·RiI·icrcs Friday, . al lng ~lAY DELAY \\lIEAT I presidents of the striking local,. TEGUCIGALPA, HUI10lU'3S The strike broke 27 year~ orj The source said it is ";1i'C' Q\Jc~BEC ICP I-The 20.0ao- , (AP)-The army's commander comparatil'e pea c e on the. sumec\" Jack Campbell. head uf 1 tOil liner Carmallia was kept ) assumed supreme po \\. e r :n dock~, and could hold up the 'I the ILA's Halifax local. would, fl'om sailing Friday night when Honduras Friday, report in.\: !he shipm~nt of 60,000.000. bushels of also be asked to sit in on 'he i strildng longshoremen drove off last holdout civil guard forces Canadlall wheat destmed 10 ~o I talks. the tug which was to pull Ihe of ousted President Ramon ViI- to Russia through St. Lawrence I'WAVED RlG CLUB' i ship aW3V from Quebec City leda Morales had surrendered. ports. Union lawyer Phil Cutl?r· dock. • Col. OS\'aldo Lopez Arellallo, Abo u t 3,800 long5horem~n· charged that Labor ~liniste;'1 The tUll withdrcIV under a 0ur a career officer, announced in walked off their jobs in ~lont· l\IacEachen was hampering the, hail of stoncs shol'tl~' after the a proclamation he will act ;1S real, Sorel. Quebec City and negotiations by "w3\·in.g a big I scheduled 8 p.m. departure time prOVisional pl'esident lI'ithout 'I'l'ois - Rivieres to back their club" O\'er the dis put i n g. of the Carmania. the junta that usually goes bid for higher wages. , parties. : ~Iembers of thp C u n ar it ~lolIg with Latin American lOll· Grain elel'~tors qui~kly began i He said negotiations while un'lliner's ere\\' and the longshore- !l,C.-Holdlng t\l'O 01 our ne\l'er cltl1ens, Commerce Secrelary Luther Hodges &tand! unller • dock at the Itary coups. 10 fill up as mland ships brought I der a constant threat of mte!'- men fired stones and pennics ~t lIrl'artlllent 1\'hlch Is recording the birth of the 190 millionth American, 'fhe chlhlren are Ginny Goodlatte, 4, right, The proclamation. issued 24 it to ports and no ships to take I feren~e from Ottawa was like on~ Mother as docking !in,'s '1 ~Icl.. and her 4.month.old brother, Douglas, who Is unhappy about the whole affair, Ginny's role In the ceremony hours after Viliedn ~[orales it out. always looking over the shoul· were about to be pulled aboJrcl I~ ,hn"' how fast the population 15 growlng~he was born at nbout tbe time the clock was registering tbe 176 millionth was overthrown in sharp fight-I A union source said .lames del' for an axe to fali. The lLA the p~ssenger ship. In Ihl~ rountry.-(Loc 1Iiag USIA). . Ing In Tegucigalpa, declared the IGleason. international president would resist any federal mo\'c Police did not interferc in th~ _____.____ i nation was calm ..Stores re- of the lLA, would fly in from I to i~tel'\'ene unless by act of exchange which also saw se,'cn opened, but sol die r 5 still, New York today to talk to the· Parliament after full debate. firc hoses brought into play by .l'II' II ·1 E A guarded government buildings. the C'armania cre\I·. "l1"C\ :'1. rmers I S W son merges ' Discu~s! l~f::~t~:~:~~~3~::f£~~~~;~:I~ ~ ders For GORDON Cardinals , posed film from hiS camera ~- Trades larmed B ·11· L d · t d ·Iafter he had taken picture~ of 0 l' e r the incident which last about a I (CP) - Alarmed i r I 1 a n t e a e r Dlacona e . half hOllr. brm leader! called lor I· GETS , , ' action Friday to, SCARBOROUGH, Eng I a.~ d I powerful union chiefs. "In perhaps the craftiest move VATICAN CITY (Reuters) - fore more than 2,000 bishops at· i;, ~ mOI'ing through SI. ,(CPl - Emergence of Harold I The delegates - "comrades of the convention, Wilson ami , The ecumenical council ~aid tending the counciL i W k "r:', : ""I~ in the face of a I Wilson as a briiiiant strategist as thev call one another-dis· his lieutenants all but silenced HIGHBA LL I Frida? the:e were "serious dif· .The proposal to revil'e. tl!e· 0 r 5 . , .~ ~trike. anri unchallenged leader was I peUed any lin g e r i n g doubts the ban·the·bomb and neutralist - (Ieultles" m proposals for re- dl3conale as a separate mIDlS·· \1 H: r,r:man. pre~ident of most striking feature of the 62nd Iabout their confidence in WiI- elements by curtailing debate [I'iving the Roman Ca!holic or· try, thus helping to o\'ercome I p ,C1N'.lmrl:lher l1nitcd Grain Labor party conference, which son, 46·year·0Id economist, ~s on foreign affairs and defence. OT'I'AWA (CP1-· Donald Gor-! der of deacons as a separate the acute shortage of [lriests 1.n i rogra/TI In.operative, said in! ended Friday. I sucessor to the late Hugh Galt- There was 60me grumbling dOli has been given the high-: ministry. and ordaining laymen areas such as Lalin America,!

Wilson's triumph was iust I skeli. from the floor but long·time ob- ball signal from the government 11 -possibly married-as deacons. appears in the second chapter: ,. . I:r.u" not onh' affects about complete both in his per.' In the midst of the buoyant servers said the tactic enabled to continue in command of . lof the draft decree "De Ecele- .. OTrA\\A (CP1-A ~292,~OO :,n~\CI' hlll th~ \~hole of ~onal performance _ the "1e. conference, delcgates paused to the conference to present to tre Canadian National R '1 a I A communique at the end of! sia" being discussed bv the I' \\llItel' works program on aa· ~HJO~"I pcnnnnl}'. caUSe _ we _ cal'e _ deeply" pay tribute to three of the L~- country the image of a moeler· But in 'an h al IV, ~s" t I Friday's session said that the' council . tiollal parks and historic sile! ~O'.I.r1 h:'lr tn 0ce nOI' •. rn ..•peecll _ ,'In~ I'n the loyalty b 0 r movement's outstanding ate and responsible party pre. ters' lith p.' exc,:.n~et 0 P ,e - diaconate (order of deacons)' , in. !'iO\'a Scotia and ;\few BrWls, r ~" \I V lime ,,~mls er car- had become "obsolete," and no I wick was announced Friday 0) :r.lnplll1l1l hut I feel plcdj!es showcred upon him, figures who died in the last year paring. with determination frr son the controverSial CNR pres I . ' ;'''< for that. nolahly bv his recent ril'al, dep- -Gaitskel1, ,John Strachey and the ncxt general election, which ld e~t • 'd I ':1 ". :' step!; should be taken to restore neSOl1rces ~Iinister Laing. HE r S k tIlly leade'r George Cl'own, and Morgan Phillips. must come within a year. re ." 't~1 .le ~I \ subnllt tlhllS it without "careful considcnl-, ReJeec· ted said it would prol'ide the eqU1\·· r,,, as noon, ftslnnaf.IOnt m It 0lu . 18 mon s, tion" of the reasons for this. I I alent of a month's work for 54C , Of tho '\ntionnl Farm· a cr Irs comp et 109 a reor- i men . ,,,:rt "iI is liP to :he ll. B It ganizatio? and strengthening of The communique was issued i La'rgest item is $165,000 lor ,~"rrlimpnt to use the Urrl ca n a 8/ the publicly owned company. after cardinals regarded as cun- WASHINGTO~ (CP) ,\ Ifurth(!r huildin" and restora· e e .... I • 1\ h~, 10 rel'ersu the , I Mr. Pearson announced to the I serl'atives, including Francis c1osed·door con~rcssional ron· tion work at the Fortress or I:d ". t the h"rain mOI'- Commons F'dn ay th e reappom. t- C,ar d'mn I Spc II man. 0 f 1.CN W ference has rejec . te d th e pro· I' Louisbourg on Cape Breton. ment of the burly 51·year-old lork, .o\ntolllo Cardmal BaCCI of posed U.S. Army purchase 01 IAnother Son.OOo would be spent IL cth~ial.' fear the strike ~ Scot as chairman of the CNlt's the Roman Curia, and Erncst.o $31,700,000 worth 01 addition,l in Cape Breton Hi"hlands Xa- [ir~'\' k ' . ,~ I mon 'Cy wrench ,I t:)I.· I board of dircctors, four days Cardinal Ruffini of Palermo, Canadian·built Caribou trans- i tional park for ~onslrucliol1 I.a ,'rate plan~ . tn fill a C b n d B a h a rna a d U.a alte.r his previolls appointment had argued against a revival p01:e planes, it was learned: roadside work. fire protectio~ RU!>ian wheat or. "IlA~II, Fla. lAP _ lIul'I·i· night and approach the area he· hours." explred. I the dinconate. They spoke be' Friday. I and '.I'atcrwOI·ks. "'",11Jnr,rl last month. cane Flora m,llIled !luiti ami tween southern Andros :md Havana radio said strong --~-.-~.---- .. -. tTD. eastern Cuba F I' i rI a y, then grelft EXllma today on her winds and heavy rain Friday aimed its flll'y at Nassau 3nd north· northwestward coursc., afternoon baltered Guantana:no The Bahamas. "Chances of the centre reach' City, 20 miles north of the Guan­ Hurricane forecasts at Miami ing the south Florida coast <150 taMmo Bay U.S. naval statiort. a(l\'iserl Bah amas residents miles northwest of Andros) is EYE NEAR NAVY BASE from Andros, Nassau and Elcu- consirlered less than 50 per In Washington the U.S. Navy . wilh \\'idely ~cat. thera In the islands' central por· cellt," chief furecaster Gordon saiel Flora's eye passed within ,hOII'm. High toda)' tions southward to complete Dunn said. "However, all in- 31 miles of the sprawling Guan· precautions as soon as possible terests on tM Flol'ida cast coast tanamo Ba>·. facility "appar­ for hm'rienne winds, high tides' arc \Il'gecl to kcep In constant enlly without innicting dam- , , remneratures and rough seas. advisories during the next 48 agc" there. Night Day· Flora-deemed fully capable Min Max of regaining whatever punch 56 82 she lost wbile battering land areas-was expected to wlliL'1 Selassie Lauds 41 61 30 54 her 115-mile·an·hour winds into the southern Bahamas Friday i 43 57 . .,, lirINGS. :. ; 40 61 TilE COUNTRY P,\RSON United Nations 55 65 50 '65 ~'. By CARMAN CUMMING three-day state' visit. 49 60 UNITED NATIONS (CP)- Speaking in Amharic, he re------. Emperor II a i I e Selasslc of cail~d how he had pleaded in Ethiopia saluted the United Na- Geneva in 1936 fol' help against !Ions Friday as an' organization illu.~solini's aggres s i 0 II, ~,nd that had "dared to act "-as the said: League of Nations had failed to "I spoke then hoth to and for do when he appealed to it ~7 the conscience of the world. My ....6:31 p.m. years !I~o. . words went unheeded, but his· The Lion of ,Judah, short, tory testifies to the accuracy of " ,.7:05 a.m, bearded and' frail-looking at the the warning that I gave in ~ . age of 71, spoke before the 1936." Q " .. 8:21 pm United Nations General Assem .. MOItALITY AT STAKE • .. . Uarter: Oct. 9th: .' bly and noted that he is the At that tim he s 'd h It I PEKING, Chlna-lIIao Tse·tung (right), Chairman of the Central Committee of the Chmese Communist Party, greets U.S. Negro only head of - state to· have declal'ed .. tha~' it w~IS' no~ t~~ nobert Williams a,nd Mrs. Williams as they arrive at a rece\ltion following gigant.lc parade In Peking, October 1st, celebrating Tides addressed both the league and, covenant of the league that 'Nas Communist 5 14th anniversary. Williams was on' the reviewing stand With IIlao as placard.c~lng paraders marched by Low the assembiy, at stake but international mo. shouting "workers lind oppressed peoplcs and nations unite-we sland four square behind the American Negro people In the 4:23 a.m. The Ethiopian emperor· came rality. U~dertakings, I said thell struggle against racial discrimInation." Williams, an American Negro who works a~ a prop.agandlst for the Castro regime in ~:03 p.m. here from Washington and will al'c of little worth if the will 10 Cuba, Is visiting In China. Williams fled to Cuba In 1961 to escape prosecution In the kidnaping of a white man and will an r" '" nil."," ~f,,"day in,' " ""-~ them is lacking." I during racial strife at Monroe, N,C.-(UPI Radlotelephoto)" ~ .! ' , ' . ,~. , .. J ,'. . .." , ' !ii:t:,·.'2iI.pJ@!~. __iiiiiiiiliiii:tiltE:';»:"""'·""'

~ .,J/--;:f: 'X{J;, ~THE DAlLY NEWS, ST. JOliN'S, NEWFOUNDLANP, QCTOBEIt 5. 1063 .,11:"./;



=::==~------~~ "-"-----._--

. a

'. UTHBRANCH .Et.£A!£'O'<> ...... , 8' INt95& . . •..• ROMwtS.

During the past eight he'1\'ildlife divisinn of t )lrIJ!lent nf mi.~s, IIgric Ind;resources has intr( Most people do something special for their Silver Anniversary. $ m., Ruffed Grouse in ~nd. arm Irom the ( Valley to the Salmnnier I \\ildlife division spokesm: ,Mercury creates its most luxurious cars in 25 years 0 Frioa~', .fJle said the grous~ .~tlDn wllJ terminate IhlS year, with the arr! 300; birds frlmt l\iainc. I dWtge for these grouse Mercury's wheelbase spans a big 120 inches. ",ill receive 20 adult ca For most people, a 25th Anniversary is a high couldn't tell the difference. ~ch will be captnrpd i point in their lives. It is a magic once-in-a-life­ Bucket seats are of a special shell-type design. You drive the level line of luxury on just about toria. Tile spokesman sai time occasion that demands something very, Carpeting is deep pile. any kind of surface. ~11Se have done excepl elliin this province as i . very special in the way of celebration. Rear seat ,has a big pull-down arm-rest. Any really bad bumps that do come your way tes~ they ha\'e multipJi : 'read, Reports indicate \ So it is with Mercury, in this, its Silver Anni­ Doors are finished with rich. walnut-grained are soaked up by a suspension' system that allows ddg of the birds fr( 1 wheel movement backward and forward as well adler release site alOi versary year. panelling and warm suede. 'j For 1964, all eight Mercurys are special cars. The optional Swing-Away Steering Wheel as up and down. '.! Tile Daily :'\cw~ Special in the sense that even if you don't intend allows comfortable entrance and exit. All the things mentioned above make Mercury Youth Page wm ..: appear Wrdnc~da to buy a car this year, they may make you a special car on its 25th birthday. But above all, or c\'cry werl; change your mind, there's an intangible something else that makes .. starting Oct. 0 As you can see in the picture above, Mercury this Silver Anniversary edition a car to remember. offers two completely different rooflines this That is the anticipation with which you will TVotEn year. The impaHentline of the fastback model, look forward to driving this car and even seeing A ;79'Year'old St. Johl luged with being d in the foreground, typifies the spirit of the it parked in front of your home. ~e):asl End Fire H, . " Montclair Marauder. While Mercury's famous Because the more you get to know this car­ IS. ~se dismissed whe: ~~d in court Frida\' Breezeway Roof (the rear window lowers) is the more it will strengthen your pride and '.~ . The man pleaded nu available on both the Montclair and the ultra appreciation. ~'\he charge saying I tIii not drunk Flie ' sophisticated Park Lane,shown in the background. Happy Anniversary! If ever there was a year S~·-o constable Inside, these special cars are a world apart Even the foot pedals are accented with bright to make your big move to a significant car, this fel1~rd testified the d he"'ICown o,ut5ide the from most other cars. metal. is it. Mercury for 1964, be sure to see it soon at rai~ ked him up beeall Uee;) g, then The Silver Anniversary Mercury isn't avail­ your quality Mercury' dealer's. H~ cal\~1 The derendant said on·his "'a' t . , able wHh a six-cylinder engine. It's not that he- n) 0 bosplt .. ' b' .~ouk a se\'ere pai .'­.. , kind of a car. Instead, you have a choice of two ..... ead and re!l down . :~ : big V-8's ranging from .352 to 390 cubic inches. old arc you Each one is designed to give the self-assured kind of performance befitting a Silver Anniver­ sary car of Mercury's calibre. "'R.\~K PET " ',' " ~Hn Who lived And as far as transmissions are concerned­ fire or ' tbe "I"I manual, automatic, on the floor or on the celebrated Friday by steering column, single or dual range-each can usual. Box pleated'fabrics show richness you would introduce you to something new in effortless : \\',!lltain C. B. Dick! as he Is know be proud of in your own home. driving pleasure. friends, was ~ In a house Ostrich grained vinyls look and feel so much It's an engineering truth that it takes a big ~ ,like hand-rubbed leather that most people car to give you a really smooth ride. That's why '64 MERCURY .....-'

" -. Certain features shown or mentioned are optiotlalat extra cost. ' . Seethe :~~: '196'4Mercurv, • MUNN MOTORS LIMITED Meteor and . he IlIPpl BLACKMARSH ROAD, ST. JOHN'S PHONE 9·4061 facts I he dis!: Comet-! He recalb

: ~ 3

/ '. --...... The Daily News • • SATURDAY, OCTOBER 5, 1963 I ecelve I WI S CONSt /II ...... , .' .. ' , : , ! .. ', . rom x er s

Premier Smallwood ",go down now, almost a better position to sub­ ~[r. Smallwood, who says the British New­ immediately, in the next mit tenders to carry out said two of the com­ fO~1I1dland Corporation, few davs" with their a vast construction pro­ panies are in New­ which is negotiating to cnginee~'s and experts gram that I expect will foundland, was speak­ develop the hydro-elec­ "so th at they will be in commence next spnng.. " ing at a Liberal associa­ tric potential of Lahra­ tion meeting in Grand dOl.'S Hamilton Falls Falls Thursday night. area, is inviting five of the "biggest consh'uc­ Wabana Miners The Hamilton Falls tion companies in Can­ has a power potential ada" to look at the falls. of 9,000,000.horsepo\\'­ lIIr. Smallwood said Strike Again er, and will cost $1,000,- five companies - he The second wildcat strike in five davs tied 000,000 to develop over didn't name them­ up mining operations at Bell Island Friday 10 years, h6' said. are being invited to when .200 men refused to return to work for ~[J'. Smallwood saill the four o'clock shift. the Bav d'Espoir area of F nofficial reports say the men sh'uck in Newfoundland's south ( BUTTER To Address protest against a mine superintendent but the coast has a potential of RELEASEO nahu'e of the complaint could not be immedi­ ,500,000 horsepower of Group Here atelv determined. hvdro-electrici tv. -D. 1. Jackman, president of the Bell Island The second meeting of the :\Iiners Union, a local of the United Steelwork- Canadian Institute of Inter- ers of America CLC, said hc had no commcnt national Affairs will take place f in the lounge of the officers excepnhat hc was calling a meeting 0 union Training New \ mess at Pepperrell Ocl. 15, it mcmhers at 7 p,m, Friday night. i was announced here Friday, The' midnight shift was not expected to UTH BRANCH) At the meetin,ll G. V. DOXey, work cither. Home Teacher ·,!·J.'~~:"7':'7~m:~7·11 will speak on "Aspects of South Last :\Iondav's ",alkollt occl1I'rcd ",hen The C:-;lB in co.opcration RELEASE 0 • I Africa's Racial Crisi;;". ~jrf' mincrs disagrc('cf oYC'1' a rcsllllffliug of johs with thc rehabilitation branc!1 ·REI..£ASEO • ; Roxey is as,ociate professor a k of the department of h~a1th 28 IN 1958 .• i i economics at York t:nil'ersity, following Ja\'off of 132 men. The stri -c was the fcdcI'al,proyincial arrall~C. rROM wiS. Ie IN'i62·. . Toronto. I termed iJIc(!aJ and the men wcre ordcred i mcnt :01' the training oi the A spokesman for thc Insti- J k . 'k llandicappcd is at present lI'ain, f'AOMMAINE ·····FROMN •... 'th t' m t Jac - to wor -. tute said e execll II'e C ' l------::--"7--, ing a new home tcacher fer the 1 Sept. 17 and disclIsscd the ques· Sod i blind at thc organization's nat- liontaken of oflady the membcr~. national Note head-I was 1 T 0 Turn F,·rst !: ional office in Toronto, quarter's regulation which re- I • Fl'ance~ ~cwl11an of BOYU';. quircs $5 as thc additional sum I . H -t I i Core. :\otre Damc Bay. showcd in cases where the husband and! 'I· great promise while a studont : ' For . ,: .... :: ... ~,.:.. :; ..... :. :.. ..:-: ...... New OSP' a wife are both mem.bers of thc ~ i at thc Halifax Scheol for the 'institute, and separate copies I .. .' . V I Blind, She obtain cd her gn~~ ._,

RUFFED GROUSE SITES- of notices and literatures are Premier J, R. Smallwood Willi Colomal Constructwn C~mpa~: . ,II last June and at present IS ., ~ ·b This map of the department not required, Iturn the sod for the proiJos ed I Present for the occasl,oll 1\.11, participating in a training pro. ,. 1'.11 r. "'0d earl20 C 0 U of mines, agriculture ami If applied locally, this would Bell I5land hospital in a ~ere-' be the prenuer an~ mtn lSt 2:' Jf, gram conducted b~' the C:-IlB ", • I resources Indicate~ the ~lIes . mcan a 55 fee for wives of mony at the island Monday. health, James ~lcGratt~". and ~ for Home Teachers. In which ruifc!\ grClme havc i membcrs S20 for joint member- The sod turning cerer.!Ony, number of scmor offiCials 0 I ., " ; 300 R t·~ d G been Introduccd Into New· ; ship) although other lady mem, scheduled to begin at 4 pm, the govcrnment. .. 1 ._1 When :'hs Newm~n retur:s )1(01· U fe· "ouse foundland. The dIrferent I bcr would be rcquired to pay will mark the beginning ef the The mayor a.nd eouncllol~. to Newfoundland ,~e,\t summ.r, 1. T ~ • I dates of introduction from i th r gular $15 membership I hospital bcil1~ built [or the will attend, wll1!e the depUL) ,shc will be qualified to teacLI 1956 to 1962 are also shown. ·1· ie:, e INewfoundland "government by minister 01 pubhc works \1'Jll i blind pcrsons to~ch-typ~ read- ' i-i', :nf ~~~t eight )'car~ occupy over 300 square milcs. I bland,wlde distribution IIf ,1~~~~~~~~~~~1· act as chairm.n'l'ing. typing, a Wide I'arlcl)' of ,·'f::,· rl:1i·inn of the de· The next and final 5hlp· these birds, , Addresses will be de1i\'erd handicrafts and adjustment to ,: , ,~ nl:'~', agriculture ml'nt of nlfrr.d grouse \\'i11 I When the population ;,~ sulfi, by the prcmier. the mini;ter, their loss of I'ision, ·t'~.\;m h.< introduced be relea~cd at Terra No\'a, , drnt 10 withstand huntln~ pres· oC hcalth and the mayor 01: ~II'.',·' (,·r"II;;·p I'n I\·ood· Gan d cr, Spr Init d aI 1', Cor. n ,,0<, . _ • I or Irura an open season Will be Boll Is.land, Dr, \\"I!frnd Tem-' A C.:-iIS. ,po!;c,man ;.'i\Y Home ' ",'CI"!' Ir~m" the Codroy Brook, Bay D'Espolr, the, dec Iare d a~ II IC Ttl Ife d gro\~se p1 eman. Tcaclnng IS the, mo,t I Imporlant•. 1.1 t' :' ,."1 ~allllonicr Line, a Nort h ern r en Insu Ia In".. th-,I·.~ 0 I lal'orl'te ""arne bird All m"mhor.'L L.' nr the pliolic. part or CNIn s rr la,,11 a Ion ;. ~'l.:n~

lion,lid ~ illIht terminate~rou~t Intro·bter III1------. ReCel·VeS Netv Position i lrl!. \lith the arrh'al of ~irrl' Irom "alne, In r.x· A wal·ded Sello ars. unsr f~r tho,,' ~rouse llalne Francis T. McGrath 01 SI. Tanks of the clril scnicr b~· I t '!n aOl1lt caribou, A spokesman for the Royal Legion Coaches Clinic at .John's was lately appointerl comin:{ paymaster ill 1~3 t, .. n ill he \,I[lll1rrd at "Ie· Canadian Legion said Friday Guelph, Ontario, in Augu;,t. assistant deputy minister 01 antl thicI accountant of pub­ the legion's annual scholar· lIIr. Ryan, a second year edu· public wOTks, following thc lic works in 1955, In 'lddi, 'l'n~'·"'''n said I h cIs h ips hal'e been awar cl ed . cation .tudcnt at lI!emorial . retirement of long-time cil"il tion to othcr p!lsitions . ~ !: 110 d"rr exceptionally University,· is the son of th~ t;erV3nt' Raymond Manning llr, llcGrath is marricII to ;". ::1:.' pc,'rinre as in most lie said schnlarshlps avail· late lI!ichael Ryan of the this week. the [nrmer Elizabcth Wiley. :>0 ... h"r,. mllltiplicci and able to students In each of Royai Newfoundland Regi. :\ scnior civil scrvant In and they have lour cI:1I(\:'.-;1 .. H,'P'):';, indicate the ol!-: the pro\'lnces attending ~n!v. men!. St.· John's with 46 ycars 01 ~4\)O ~cho. .. r :hr hirds from the I erslty and valued at Provincial Command sen'icc, ~lr, 1IIcGrath was for· ;r10,,~ site alone now each have been awarded to larshlp blll'sarles, available to mer!," chid information offi, . Elleen Yarn or St. John's ann students entering nnlverSlty cer for the Newfollndland William Jose)lh Ryan, C1I· also valued at 5400, have government, before his new Tho Haity :'\ew5 veri. bcen awarded to Georgia position was announce!\ by YOllth Pal%r will lliss Yarn, daughter of thp Carlson and John P. Allston, Premier J. R. Smallwoud. a~p',r Wrlfnr~""y . latc Captain Geor<:e Yarn and Miss Carlson is a first year Born in 1901, 1I1r, ·i\lcGrath ., r\·rr~' weck : a fourth year physical ectuca- I science stUdent at Memoria! atlcnrled St. Bonaventurc's .I~rtln~. 0 r."tn,' tion student at ~!rmorial Uni'/ while Mr. Allston is a first year College and snbsequently en· I"--_~."':' ..... _~~_~_~I:..:I~'e::rs~it~_~~~~~_d:_d the Canadian engineering_s_t_ud_e_n_t,___ _ tcred the employment of the departmcnt of public works IS clerk and typist 3rd, in Tot Enough To Get Drunk Sept. 1917. He rose steadily In the :9:- ·"·,,,,1 Sl. John's man, llagistratc Hugh O'Neill, Rnt to go home. ;f,j .. \ i:h hcin~ drllnk In "Oh a good bit," the defend­ o 0 0 E.<\ Enrl f'ire Hall. had ions of the Labor Relation.. is seen as only one clement in thc much COMPARED WITII ,TFK workers and farmers tbel' 'me a :. sbould then dctac ka is not a buffalo at all. It is a we shall have a herd of bison as larger problems of bringing all U.S. slich a suggestion might be justified. Because he is only 46, .Wilson Is Inc· nificant part of the cil'ilian I\'ar efh es froin external bi:;on. But bv either name, the large as any in North America. international relations Into hetter bal· vitably compared with President Ken· and there is possiblv considrra\)\e m!'~ p~.d!ces of reli~iI anee. ~tock \\'as reduced from many It is to be hoped, however, the ncdy. Ho cxudcs the same "let's have in their claim that their efforts I: • ,t rrahzc ~hat these UPRIGH1' :\lAN .. these rituals, h million:; to fe\\'er than a thous­ animals will keep off the high­ the facts" attitude. Some observcrs say b een poorI v rewar de. d h ut III~lr r.!: ... ;!L t" I b I rUROPEAN BUSINESS nnrl polit ira I Windsor Star .. . . IlAIt I U , UI'y anI < I Wilson is exhibiting a warmer side of (i:, and with thc opening of the ways. It i~ bad enough fqr a leaders ha\'e a much diHerent I'icw of llatlOl15 With the GOI'ernmetlt of tJiC warm inner he;lrt .1 \l'est. The destruction was motol'i~t to be confronted by an his nature aL this conference, dropping this complicated world situation than do LOI'I1 Dcnnin~. author or the report should come tmdrr the Ci\'ilirtn r viie Truth. We mu, chccked and ncll' herds, about in'ilated moose but no cat' yet lhe sometimcs metallic tonc in his Amcrican leaders. says Dr. ;.;. R. Dane· on Britain's sex·and·securitv scandal is AlJowar,ce~ Act and not hy all;' !':C a!BY the prejlldice n spccche~. !ian. president of International Economic described b)' some of hi, fri~nds as an nf the imagination under the \'c:c[dUlon thaI has encru~ :1.000 t made. is capable of offering animals in he united Wilson 1m sa in that if elected he Policy Assn. This is ~ private re~earth Edwardian puritan. He neithcr smokcs Ch"rt~r. Jllion, layer upon la),1 I Th~ ri~ht to hc callcn :\ "rlm,: centuries, if Wt' .. Stales ilnd 15.00(J in Canada, now adequate resistance to a charg­ Wouldn't form a brain tl'llst such a~ the or~anizalion servicing a numbel' of no\' drinks. is a tremendous worker. he. "thli )'oam the protecteci ranges in a ing ton of angry bison. one surrounding Kennedy. But obser· American corporations in foreign tradc lievcs firmly in the sanctity of the eal'llcri at a nl'icc the (orcstcl".' ~.llilceed In findin~ lh.' VCI'S arc sure something o{ the kind is and investmcnt. home. and would like to sec morals certainly did not pay and I") ;olr1t,lthe core of all rell I envisaged, 1l0tin~ Wilson said he wants "I,ven It the Uniled States rnuld laws m~de more strict. men!. no parlhment ('"n pal' it for !:' ~ I 10 improve the briefing syslem at 10 now bv le~islatil'e action. Other"'i;~:"~J I solve lis balance of payment deficit It·s good to sce that there is a place Downing Street. He also plans to bring by Increasing exporls," says Dane· in Ibe world todal' for the puritan­ I'eterans of recent lI'ar,. the wino"', ·J·hl Tory Party Conference in experts for his new scientific minis· Ilan, "many Europeans feel the whcn things get into a mess. c.,l1 in an I'cterans and the orohan, of ,rtc:"'c~ I trieS. result would be depression for Ulem. upright man to ~traighten them out. will ri~htly fed that the cOl1tnhu: lil When the British COl1ser­ Macmillan may have taken too of those dead and those still lil"ln~ ,";.~ Wilson is quick with a quip. His son They believe that an Increase In • • • nti\'e Patry meets at Blackpool much for granted and that he Robin said Wilson was wrong in saying U.S. e:t)Jorts would make Ihem lose continuin~ to pay a heal'Y prier wi:)" .~ f01' its annual conference, the had been generally somewhat Tuesday that if a man could walk as fast business at home, or It woult! take TRAIN OR TEACH? 6 6 come so watered down and wlde;p:i: \\1 primary issue may be one of easygoing. At any rate, the as a computer CBn calculate, he could away Ellropean export markets In Peterborough Examiner as to become meanin!!less. ..; leadership. younger men among his prin­ circlc the earth in less than a second. Ihlrd countries." B,· all means let the forester: Our schools have almost hecome in· arlditional benefits-and !!ood , Harold Macmillan has sho\vn cipal associates seem prepared to Robin claimed it would take 14 sec· onds." An important factor In this situation stitutions., not of learnilll!. but of train· to them-but in the intere~ts of hi;~:' :, 110 disposition to resign. But his challenge his leadership and this "I take longer strides than Robin," i~ the growing desire-led by President ing for future occupations. Yct they truth and justic1' let them do it u::' right to lead the party into the could produce a dramatic situ­ Wilson replied to the reporter who Charles de Gaulle of France-to make de not do this particularly well. :llanv their proper name. 11ext 'election has been strongly ation at the conference. brought the subject up. Europe more self·sufficient cconomical· bol's who specialized in technical sub· Your.; trill .... Iy and militarily. .iects in high school have discovered WICK COLLI:-:S. challenged by a group of young­ It might be thought that in the their skills were redundant before The American plan for a North At· 11 Beoeh Place. Ct' men who rallied to the call of circumstances Mr. Macmillan graduation. What is needcd instead. is lantic Treaty Organization nuclear de. a wedding of tcehnical education with party during the Proful110 crisis might consider a graceful retire­ fense force under U.S. leadership is NO FUN a nation-wide apprenlieesbip program but had plainly revealed their ment that would avoid a conflict dead. says Danclian, because Europe Peterborough Examiner- I. und~ which on·thc·job training and di:;~a( isfaction with the Prime that could do irreparable damage would not buy It and pay its share of T.be .Van.collver Pro\'ince .s~'/.~~~.·, the costs. regular school work would be combined rcdlstnbuhon of the Dommlon:::."i. 1\'iinistcl'. to the party's cause on the eve in the last two or three years of high be undertaken without politic!. ~f' Thc Denning Report has dissi­ of an election. But the pt'Oblem Similarly, he reports that Europeans school. Take all the fun out of it? " pated any notices that other of a successor might produce m: WAS LACKING INHEED have no intention of reducing their members of thc cabinet besides e\'cn a greater conflict. All this A chap who was a bit deficient in existing lariCfs against American auto. mobiles and agricultural products In ]I. [1'. Proful11o were implicated~in is expected to be clarified before education remarked recently about a certain friend: "The trouble with which U.S. exporters believe they have al1~' scandalous affairs. But the end of the first day of 1he lh~ George is that he is lacking in igni. the best chance to increase trade with Rcport did indicate that Mr. Blackpool conference, ehative." Of course he meant to say Europe. that George was lacking in initiative, IF TillS REPORT IS ACCURATE, it Bt~~rs WORlD but his mistaken and awkwardly created does not augur well for success of the word was suggestivc. so·ealled "Kennedy round" of tariff reo Still Unlikely Tunnel For there are some people who have duction negotiations scheduled to begin no fire in them. They never ignite any· n'ext spring with "trade czar" Christian The tunnel under the English time for moving between Eng­ thing or anybody. They do not blaze A. Herter as chief U.S. bargainer. Channel has not been brought land and France. And the tunnel up with anger as they confront wrong If the United States cannot In. any nearer by the report . of a and injUstice. They do not grow en­ crense its exports to Europe, per· committee's estimate of costs is thusiastic as they confront the possi· . joint Anglo-French committee of based on a rail service with cars haps tlte next best opportunity lor • bility of great and pleasant endeavor. reducing the American balance of ;~ experts who have evaluated the and trucks travelling piggy­ They have no particular passion for payments deficit may be found In '. ~ various alternatives, agreed th3.t back, country, for a. better world, {or the increasing foreigll Investmcnts. . a tunnel is the most practical an- That would be much like the righting of wrongs that are centuries Their earnings could be brought old. They have no "ignichative." back to this country as profits. swer to a road and rail link be­ way that people in. Newfound­ Passion lhat gets out of hand can : tween England and France, and land had to travel between Clar­ quickly produce a holocaust. That quick Europeans, however. are afraid of the _ have found that it would present enville and Gander before the rise of temper, that blow, that moment competition from American investments ; ~ 110 great engineering difficulties, highway went through. And to when one gave in to temptation because overseas and would like to curtail them. The cost would be about $400 motorists or to truckers, a tun­ he was lurcd on by love of money or At Ihe same time, Europeans Oppose by lust of the flesh-all this is as de· any curbs un their investments In the \ , million. nel service that does not provide structive as a flve·alarm lire. But a Uniled States. They help the Euro. But that is a lot of money, hav­ for motor roads loses its appeal. life with no spark in it, no illumination, peans earn dollars on which they can ing regard for the other claims So the. committee has ad~ed no capacity' to flare ull into anl(er over demand payment in gold. to capital funds on both sides of nothing new to the schemes of hatefur injUstices, to glow with antici· This is a constnnt threat to the pation of legitimate pleasure. constl· the Channel, and there.is grow­ fifty years ago and thoughtful American gold reserve and another tutcs drabness _ almost equivalent to major point of dif{ercnee on economic ing doubt about· the benefits in people in England are suggest­ death Itself. policies of thc two continents. · relation to the cost. Times, after ing that it would be better to The Bible tells Us that Elijah ~sccnd· · all, have changed a great deal forget the tunnel since the idea ed into heaven in II ehariot of fire. THE FINAL AND MOST TROUBLE. ItNow tiJat I'm II tllorld IIIll''', W~ Bird thhlls I 6ince the tunnel was first pro­ has been .proving a distraction There has to bc somethlnl( of burn In\! SOME difference is over foreign aid. ougbl to ~ /I ..tin41 figure!•. posed a little more than a cen- from the need of improving port intensity in the lives of all of us if wc The United Slates wants Europe 10 bear lIrc ever to live life' to its full. an Increasing share of the aid program · tury ago. Air travel and faster facilities on both sides of the We ail need what our unl~Rrned friend for developing countries as another · boats have reduced the elapsed Channel. referred to as "lgnichative." means of reducing America's balance of

.-..--- •..~. -_ ...------_ .. THE DAILY NEWS, ST. JOHN'S, NEWFOUNDLAND, OCTOBER 5, 1963 -5 I OTTAWA (CP) - A half· . groWI.1, thrEe . fClot • long lynx, Personals Is.tarvmg and blinded by day­ - I Ilgl~t, II:as shot by police in II BAY ROBERTS - Mr. an'l , rcsl(lentlal are a ill Ottawa onception Bay News Mrs. Philip Snow, returncd I South early Thursday. Nalley home l"riday from spendin:; a jlc](endry, 15, spotted the ani­ very enjoyable siX' weeks viSit­ m1l1 when she stepped out of ing their sons Raymond anti the back door of her home. Former Teacher Edward and their respcctive j ; ,Magistrate's families at Toronto. During their trip Mrs. Snow went on • ! Court Dies at 10 the United States to visit relatives and friends. :.,:lI'n. it is ,;1:,\1'1':.- Tht' IIwhly I Blackpool -,- " 'I lilt' BeSt'C l\Pntilit·: , !J~hn King I' ::1 at its IIR. GHACE - News was re· Among those attendinJ ~Ie· ',' , 1I'I'i'l1ll1' and was ;11'0" IIR, GHACE - A 20·yeal'·nld BELL I~LAND (Staro~Catherin.e Rossiter, R?se ~.1. Ford, and Doreen ~lcCarthy (I. to r.) were' whil'h 11,,1\\' I ceived recently of the deat:1 of I,· :., , I I " 1I','I'(';llional prd,lll·. male I'csi( elll of C3rllol11'31' was morial Univcl'sitv from here are !" .,·~l claim ,I • II' . a (Ol'mer well known member retccnctl~ ann~unccd adS confe~el'ntlOn Scholarshlll wlIlners. The girls are students of the Immacu· i I';!r.~ \\{'1'1' ~!~(IWI1. i (,'oJ1\'lclc( lY Maglstr:lle ti, 'l'rtc· Cavel Cave, Flol'encc K·~arlcy . Real Estate Agent of the teaching profession in a e once[1tlOn Aca emy, 'lawn Square.-(Haw co PhoLo). t hr . ". ",1 il. l:,i'l' ila, h(,I'n ;1\1 ,lil'tt ill ('UUl't at lIal'bor lil"ICC Donna Rus,cll, Carol Plrsr.ns, l I.. ~ ,( \i' thi~ Province, Mr. Arlhur Lnn~. ----_._------~-- ',', ", !ili' 1'01'1", :'\('\';11(' i I'!'rcnll)' 011 a charge (If 111:law· Gerald Churchill, Wayne Bus· , I.lilh rank ol s,:u, fully t:lking u moWI' cur. aged si~Iy·two, passed away OIt sey, Charles Mcnchions, !tubert Blackpool England, wherc he Grecnland, Dennis Brown . I I, 11: aud his wife had taken up \'l' Dies In Sydney See Film OJ iTo Discus~ Re:f~d c~~I~~:::erand .",lL,' \\:1! p:ll'aill' Ikt. 5 11(' 11';15 fillcd $100 01' Ihr~~ sidence following his retirement Mrs. J, D. Williams and ~Ir~. I,' ':::~ th~ , , ' 1;\11.,.1:;111 I.l'gillll l·l'.lh: munths in jail. On a second from the teaching profession S~irle~' W'lrren, 16, of Loui.;· 1, U I L d T ' prclperty auctioned LelVis lIlenchions, motor,~d to I ,.1\"" :I:,nll:l: Ilwelill): of Ihe I('(large uf dril'ins without a bur .. , r-;.S., and formerly of 1 .., .,'.Iament four years ago. SI. John's Monday to attend the ·l~O y an s er m I ,. 1.,',1:'"' "! (':In:Hla will be liccn;c, he was fined $35 or The deceased was born at en· Ramea, Nfld" died in hospital \ ., li t t f " '" thi~ thrce weeks in jail. annual Red Cross Convent;on, ni?hL of Residents of Harbor Grace The cxccutive of Bcll Island! S ward's Island but left there ~t. S~dney ~hurs~ay your ~roper y or I"'" ,'"ld fact! --- mJ~f1es received In a highway enjoyed a film showing of the i local union No, 4121, United 1 sale With me, , ' " WOl'ld when quite young to lil'e at Mrs. David White, who 1m Gloverlown, B.B. After complet· accldcnt a. few hours before. Holy Lands Wednesda v when Steelworkers of Amcric], Ila\'C i • , .,,:In been visiting Mr. and ~!rr;, K .The aCCl(lent occur~ed on a Rcv. Wilfred Vardy 'held a be~n auth,orize~ by the un!on I Dial 87567 ing his education he commen· M. Batten, Coley's Point, left . , 1\.in::(~ ~I~hway .about 26 ml~cs fl'?m special film ;:athering. membcl'shlp to mcet the man·: Intelligent ced t~aching and taught 3t sev­ by train on Wednesday tu re· ;,!; which The Sydncy Ilhcn the car In WhiCh" A large audience was report. agemcnt of the Company !o uis.: Royal Bank of Canada eral places in Newfoundland turn to her home at Twillln· ," . ::li'll1din~ and at each was highly regard­ she was a pascngcr overturned. I cd to have attended thc shoW, cuss tcrm 1509 o£ thc LIn ion· Builclin Water Street gate. ing which was held in the Law. Company agreement. \ r, "~ ('I'nduct ed. g, He came to Harbor Grare . '.' rcnce Coughlan Hall at that The .tel'm concerns action, of i " :ll'mrd forc!1 Congratulations go to Olive , lown superVIsors and employ~es on or Of Intelligence ,seven years ago and taugnt al l ,<",'r thcil' Ruth Mercer, Coley's Point, who Du'ring the past summer Rev, th~ job. .' 939653 "i"':": ~irt that God It b therefore clear, Ihat in the Central High School until celebrated her eighth birthdbl' Vardy l'isited the Holy Lands rhc executll'e Will. report '" ;""",, ,Ih Iii, intrlli. onlci' to make an)' progrc5~ in ~Il health for~ed hi~ reLlr.ement 011 Scpt. 26. and throu~hout the film, he ?ack to a memberslllp mert· Residence 1 I: I'.:" aH':tllt III he u,ed our scal'eh after truth, we must m 1960, DUring hiS resldcnce gave a commentary of the VHri- mg of the local not latcr than ...... :Of illl:,":' E:ich human I'clinqllish our superiority com- here, the ,late Mr. ~ane WlS res· Mrs. A. Bursey and son Char· ous view5, 8 p,m, today. .... , :,,,': ,::I\~ Ii> lhl' Haha'is pll'X, alon:: with OlU' super· peeled ~IIh arre~tlon ~nd lin­ les who has resided at Bay Ho· The evenin~ was concluded '.I::':' .1,,,ul

,If\\' ':.'" " t\'aditiol~al' ;11\(1 in ~Iohammed. Light is last weck, the S. W, Moorcs ~:c- cell. has entered ~Iemorial Unil'N' wh? was pastor or the congre· ... 1 :::,r,~': :~" Buddhist dnd ' good for whatever lamp it morial Stadium is being ITI111c \ sity fo rfirst year education, \ ~allonal Church at SI. .John·s )111;::111 ;,:,, lIot frce from I shines. 1'0 matter holY much a ready for it~ winter acti\·!(;es. Reserve GCl'aldine i~ Ihe rlaul!ht.~r of from 1775 to .1801), has an im- . I 1"',:',,':':' :111' Chri>tian.: trl1th is denien, it docs not cca5C We are informed by Ma~ag:'r \ n TI t 't II Mrs. Thcl'csa and th~ late \ porta~t place In the ecclesiasli· :r;::I"I" h,",r ~rndually hc.: 10 he the truth. A man can neny George ]'aulkI1Cl· that t~e ICC B, Y nOBE T5-:- l~ 1 n~i~~ I Gerald Doyle, Grammar Street. cal 11ISiory of Ncwfoundlanrl. b~l:n': h,' tradilion and'!o his la,~ .hreath that thc sun surfa~e wil~ have .been laid ,mu C,~urch Iwol~l~n\ ~~Ie~ s PI f~:i Bell Island.-(Hawco Photo)' It wa~ .under his Icade~ship nmlW.'I" AlIl'o!l'lrirr Ihemsell'cs 'IS not slHlllng in the heavens: all Will he m readmess for ski.t- l\lll be 101< Illa t annua .1 lhe ongmal , ' lm~ Con~regatlOnal ~. f 1II"~u:I'r lilt n:,l, f"Hcs>ors of the! hut all the denial in the w'Jl'ld ing and hockey next w2ck. ~alehof w?rk anhd r~r~ehY \"as, HOUse was huilt in 1789 on .! ," name , "',(~ (',,(,," "thfr rcligicn . will nenr aIter the tmth. 10 t e Untted C nrc Sc o~11 O? TRADE EMRARGO Meeting·House Lane, now part .:, ...... 1."" •• ,':1 ef (" ('PI'," If all con. i naha'u'llah, tile Founder o[ Mr. Bertram Tarrant is r~' Oc~ober 161h .. The uSl1al Int~:I- BELGRADE I n~utcrs' - ','n- oC Victoria Street. A mmlrl " .' .np where shall: the lIaha'l Faith, asked no ceiving medical treatment al cstmg. for alI, h?s decaled stop of meeting house has been : .~ ar~"~,.,('. ~ttractlOlIs ~Ll g~)sl~'i~ ~? thi~ " . ,t:,:\" ["I' the tl'lllh7 All: one to accept llis statements the Carbonepr Community theil, so come and a hmlll1" Afllca on display in the Newfound- Ho~· b~ hrll1~ w~th SOl~[h e at ~)e-, :j ",:II~:';; "III' anothcr l'~n.: blindly. On the cf1trary, lie pital and his many friends \Visn h·lend. eal!sc. of, lt~ ,r~c!al Sc!n: g ,lOn i land 1Iuseum since January of ~,., ::::, :: r.;\,h ('lInsidrrs i Imt at the very forefront of him a speedy recovery. pohc~. accOldm~ to a dl~£t ",ll .this year. oWn l!il~llIn tn he thr onl)' i Ills tea["\llngs emllhntic warn. O~~~~~ ?g~)SI~~:'~1:i~: I)f ~?orted I hy . t1~c gOI'~1 nmc~i Provincial Archivist Allan ~1. , onc. he hlind, ,himself to', ing blind acceptance Mr. and Mrs. George Steven· sUl'l!eon-generaL of the armed pless repor s sal( Fraser classed the journal as L_: a~alnst TI~l~;Se;~ ~y, t· truth in o\n('I'" of authority and urged all to son returned from Shimn~y - y. "most interesting" and said it ~ , , ~; '" miners. , should 'hen detach our. open their e)'es and ears, Tickle, Labrador last week ~~c~sdu~:~on~~de;nt~O~Si~~::~:~; S(;I'PORTS WHEAT DEAL throws light on condition3 in .' .' from eXI('rnal forms and to use judgment Incle. where they had carried on the campaign throughout the serv- WASHING TOt\' (AP) - Senate the island in the last quarter "::13n war prattlcp~ o£ religion. We 11cndently ancl fearlessly In fishery during the summer ar,d Ices, a de f e 11 c e department Republican lemier Everett M. of the 18th century. ':'·'Ictcr~blc rr;IIi". lilat Ihese forms or

\Iann inn,r heart of lJj. I. Ihmself, offering a.s the su- Mrs. Alice Dawe and Mrs. how Intensive it will he, The benefits arc involl'ed. This stat~- Truth, Ire mnst Il~('i . prcme proof of HIS Prophet- ROSe Lester, St. John'~, were United States Air Force Illst ment in an interview indicated "',' hI' any ,,,,,,,._,._,, tlif' I'r"illdke of tra.: hoo.d-His w~rds and wo~ks and guests of their parenls, Mr. and year began a campaign to 3C' that President Kennedy mi~rlt BRIEFS .. 'c:' thc ,. that ,,,,. rncrusteLl fI" I thclr effects 10 transforming the Mrs. W. W. }<'rench during lile quaint its personnel with "the be able to rally the kind of

lal'rr iiI'''" ol'cr 1 lil'cs and charactcrs of men. weekend. relationship bctwecn cibarctte Republican leadership support la~'er GETS 25 YEARS ,rlllilril',. If wc \\,tlI1111 Baha'u'llah Himself said, smoking and lung cancel', pIli- associates said he wanls bcfo!'c DETROIT (AP) - The man •.•,n"," III (inlting the trulll ! "Look intu everything with a We eat only the muscle of monary diseases and cardin· he decides finally on ~ny deal who staged Michigan's largest .n".,,'I. thr ('nrr of all re\1~ion. I searching eye," ihe scallop. vascular diseases." wilh the Russians. bank robbery was sentenced to 25 years in prison Tuesday. I; William L. Maus. 28 robbed a ,, :1 1-: :.'11. bank of Livonia bran~h of $t53,- , • ! ''. ,i :~. 000 Jan. 29. He pleaded guilty 1, ""h:1n~ or to robbery in August after he , was captured at the Arizona­ r . I t h 'I cont "h,m". Mexico border. FBI agents Ie­ ! :""c ,till lil'in~ . covered $130,000. .. ',r:lli' price will l . ,~:.'·.\'n and BIOLOGIST DIES ~.:::!: _·1t':". MOSCOW (AP) - Tass news ! . "lr foresters agency announced Thursday the ;, ",I ~ood death ot Prof. Olga B. Lepesh­ ;;. ;("crests of hist inskaya. an experimental biolo­ , . . hcm do it gist who was the Soviet Un­ , ion's outstanding authority Gn .r how to live longer. She was 92. Hot soda baths, participation in sports and avoidance of a \Vor scare atmosphere were among here recommendations for lon­ 'il IT:\, gevity. \;, E\Jminer EMPLOY 338,534 i :"., ,n('c SU!(f(CJU OTTAWA (Cp' - The ~overn­ .1 " nOlllinion ment of Canada, including ;(s '.; ::",:11 politics. corporations and agencics, em­ ,! :: of i1~ ployed 338.534 persons lit M3Y : \ 31, an lnereas~ of 7,548 employ­ . ' ees from April but a decrease of 6.995 from May of last year, the bureau of statisllcs re­ ported .

DIES OF HEART ATTACK . \ OAKVILLE, Ont. (CP) - Henry Aldous Aylen, I justice of the Supreme Court ot On­ tario, died suddenly of a hearl attack at his home here \)te Thursday night. Mr. Justice Ay­ len, born in ottawa 65 years ago, is survived by his wife, the former Phyllis Matthewman of Otlawa, and a son, Henry.

BOLLDER CITY, Nev. (liP) .Tames H. Richardson 68 who retired in 1057 after' tw~ dec­ ades as cily editor or the Los Angeles Examiner, died Mon· day after suffering B stroke. Richardson, known among DS­ sociates as "the last of the ter­ rible men," came to Callfornia from Winnipeg alter lVorking as n cub reporter in Winnipeg_ His autobiography, For the Lif2 01·17 ot Me, was published after he ::::===-______~ ______= ______~ ______~ ______.-L~-~.~. , ______----,--~r~ct~ir~e~d .. , , "1 .: thiw' I I I c . . ~ "7 .-;'"1("" . .. ..,~, ,.f ".,1. 1 ."'l....


St. Phlllipsi David Butt, Comer Nltt""rrlil .1 .U:IiI.iIIMnJlIIIIIIPllltnlll.Wntiillllnllllllt"lnIJlIti,nllntt,,",rmrtItII Brook; Alden White, Point La r Fall· Haye; Brian Greening, ~Ius· grRvetown; Louis Greening, Socia 1-Person·al Musgravetowni Verina Gosse, Gander; Carol Ann Coombs, Vegetf Portugal Cove Southi Fe:gu~, Brown. St. Mary's; lIIad'lnna Farrell, l'tIarystown; Sharon -Column I Saunders, Windsori Barry Stone, Bishop's Fallsi G1cria Saunders, Springdale; Janis BETA SIG~IA I'JU OUT OF- TOWN GUESTS Caudle, Stephenville; LlI~Y Hur· Dear Ann Landers: There is a certain couple i . The Beta Sigma Phi held Out of town guests at the re· ley, . Kingston; Billy Rogers, crowtl who bore everyone to death with endless their second meeting on Sept. cent Stevenson·Bolander w~d· Durrells, Twillingatei Bernice of what their children are saying and doing. Tit!)" . 2:i at the home of Mrs. H. lIall. ding were: Mr. F. E. Tinkler, Wilcox, St, Alban'si Gi!rald Iwo kids wlto are bright and attrac\i\'e bllt the rest' After the busincss meeting ad· Vancouver; Mr. M. Watson, Skinner, Milltowni ~Ielley have kids of whom we are pretty proud 100. journed, the meeting e.ldeJ Moncton: Mr. Rodney ;:;te\'en· Bryant, New Pel'lican; Patrick with lunch. sons, Halifax; Mr. and ~ll's, AI· Robert, Badgeri RosaIin Pricc, The mother carries the girl's themcs In her • • • fred Anste~', Deer Lake; ~\rs. Fortune. and reads thcm at bridge luncheons, The father BIRTHDAY PARTY Donald Hollett, Burin; Mrs. "just happcns" 10 have a letter in his pocket Irr. " Gordon French, Clarke's Bearh; boy which was written when he was away al caillp '.,,' . ,, The Beta Sigma Phi celebrat· I10SPI'1'AL REPORT ; ed Iheir birthday party and a Mr. and Mrs. Harold Stevem~n This list is submitted 1Ilr~l'gh 'hoth carry picturcs, dozens of them-and I hal! ' ., get acquainted party for pros· and Miss Eloise Stevenson, Pia· the courtesy of the Canadian the samc hatch of pictures three limes. They I..: . :1 pective new members at the centia; Mr. and Mrs. Rupert !led Cross. who has seen and heard whal. and I for onc, ,"l ~: ': ~ ,.l: home of ~ll's. Clouslon on Sept. Quinn, MI', and Mrs. Val Web· General lIosllHal: Selina FOI' tired of thc whole routine." ;1 19. The social evening conclud· bcr, all of Harbor Grace; Mr. sey, Seal Cove, F.B., leeting ed wilh a lunch. K. Luhman of Carbonear. These parcnls are not stupid, yet the.\' -arc n'l; i~-I finc; Darrell Marks, Grole, vIa i.- • • • • • • Hermitage, satisfactory; Kevin remotely aware that they are boring· their '. anth WEllDlNG SUNSIIlNE CA:'lIP death. Any suggestions?-CAULIFLOWER E.~:··R~uS;.·' nle".·" lj'I Thornhill, Litlle Harbour East, GAYNOTl l\1,\?D( ANNIVERSARY The following is a list JI pat· about the same. .".;1' D.rar Ears: Isn't it awful when people "nll't .li. Soup.-cnc filled wllh Congratulations are exl~nded ients at the Sunshine Cnmp who Jlome for the Aged itnll In. braggmg about their kids long enough to ~ilr ~ .. ol ;,vegetables and mea to ~Ir. and ~lrs, Willis Spul'rell are reported well and happy. firm: Mrs. Anl)ie Joy, Port ! ch;mce to brag a\:out ollrs? I know Ih~ 1·1'" .'.bo·a meal in Itself. M Of ="ewtown Road who celeb;at~ This list is submitted through Union, feeling fine, . "I ~. "I 85 bo Annivers~ry the comtes), of the Junior lied they are insuf(crablf. M•... wriles, w their 30th Wedding Sanntorillm: Anthony ~'lel11' Europe and often our mCI I lodar, Oct, 5th. They were IW.I'· Cross, ing, Port Union, feeling fine. There is no way to turn ofr proud parent" h a rich soup with cheese riatl at Cochrane Sireet Unite,i William Ash. Springrialc; I may as well try to turn off Ihe slIn. If .11111 j, lou; of crusty bread. rt! Church, Oct. 5th 1963 by the Lome McKay, Springdalei Ethel happen to have a couple of hundred pictures IIf ,, __n.born glds love II late Hev. E. C. Davis. Tarlor, La Poilei Peter ehrke, own kids handy it could break up the monotlln,'" So'does my' Canadian hlhu .' And', let mC lell you ares husky and health~ '" ',' ll "ASTRO·GUIDE" "', .. By Ceean ers." Dear Ann Landers: I'm 18 years old anu [.. :till. ------For Saturday, October 5 POLLY'S be a nurse. I feel Ihat I know my Wi:Y arollnd: Mrs. ~I. Insists her .~"Il. better than any rr well because I"'e been dating since I was 12 ell': '!';'!':t' or dehydrated \ Present-For You and POI.NYERS always been considered matllre for my age. ~:d it lakes more YoUrs •• , If you've been domg all right for the palt week (and Three months ago I began to lake sto~k ',f r Biitff''you jus~ lasle it ,?n( I counted 17 fellolVs I have actually gone :-tc2'ot I()II~ a~o. my I far from. hmne. Stl,. with rltt erowd. (l'r'l'plnl tI'Ildlt drop m before rca kne. !' the shoulder p~rls YOII mil:: lil1('. Since thcn Wc hOle Iwd ycars. • GEMINI (M.y 111. Jun. 21)' S"GmARIUS INov. 22i.Dec.2f) . ha\'~ takcn rrom old ,ll'esses \),' ''IlIl' othel' d1lh(rm \\110 ,dso ~o home. It rel't'linl.I' is'n gl)nc\ !tushand and I wcre gnill~ Ollt fbtd: M ... ~Ihtr &tid fOld tonditioa.s it H fCK1 mwl work .hile othm ~"t _It lackin~ thcm inside the knee,; way to keep Ihl' ehildl'pn OUI for dinller. To lilY surprise " ..tt;~ Hm ur ch.a.d, ..... tu ... y_ tum orill """" laler. DCllr Ann I.anriers: I Trad your rirw~ "" :lIh 'J NO I A of the streel.-JlIlS ..J. K, and chagrin. the hand tf) the CANCER IJuno 12 10 J.ly 11) .cAPRiCORN (0 ... 22 I. J ... 20) . of you\' !!m'd~ning jeans or MY ~ permanent wa\'r and I do not agree 1\1,j i~ '" " V. liIJ yl'IUf skirt of a tOIl'·piece suit ~qlleel· You bl~ ... hat's best. 'land ,!,ry til include at In.st a .s.~rt c.alJ an slacks,-MnS. C. IV, bum idea, Listen 10 MY story and you'll \lnrlr~";" t·,'I~------, ,toun:! i£ ·othen U1 \0 Wnce )'01.\1' mind. tlden dMinr the. nat wuk Dr two. m:'\f1 rO\,LY-1 krcp my cd me so ti~htly I dre:ldcd to , LEO. 11) AQUARtUS I. Feb. Why, I ., (July 12 I. A, •. (Jon. 21 191 think what I \\'O\lld feel like he' ! 'I J)on't c,xf'<'Ct Jo~r thi1drtn to bfo arbon One Ida. eaa .tArt • chJa. reaetioa- GIRLS-It really pa)'s to ,.llg'lI' in n pla,1 ic pitvher. the copies o! )'0\1. Tbcy J 1963. t'ubIitbIn NeW'JlOpct s,..Ikai& later.-POLLY S\lmmer. the sugal' bo\\'l can be hair wns wavy ond beautiful. All it needed ,,'!S I lit .' . ,I· , thrnugh the butlonhole and Pllt refilled in a fractinn of Ihe time coaxing. ' ',." ... it takes to dip the sugar out bolh ends around the button. \~------~~--~. -...... - - ...... -...... ~.-~-- -.'. DEAR POLLY-Seven years ," "~"~.' -- _-- of a canister. It served the purpose so well ----- ego when our first baby began To this day (eight years later) my son lw Z~DETIl I • • I just did not change the but· prettiest wavy hair a person could wish for . .\ow',!!,! ~YLOR ton and disco\'ereri yesl erda; you sorry YOll told ·that young fellow to lea\'! hI! :; iiK It does not need to he mov2d n!one?-DAILY READER, HUDSOI'li any more.-MRS. J.W, JAME5 Dcar Daily: No, I am nol,sorry, 3."d the adl'\CI DEAN GIRLS _ ],Ielhodical or not. stands.' As for your son's haIr remaining PfrOllt Nh",__ .... " .. " .. I am sure most of liS have harl ently curly after ilte permanent you gal'e him ti!h\ "'r"'"" ·,"",.··.l... "·[ jU5t such a tight squeeze at years ago, there Is no scientific reason for ~t. ilair Also-Up.' one time or another.-POLLY grows out of Ihe scalp either curly or slralght. II • your Iheory added uV, one permanent would he IU PLEASE l\ C DEAR POLLY-In hot. ANYONE would !ieed. humid \\'eather it is alm(l,t Im­ , possible to put make-up nn sO it ! . looks nice and smonth. I keep • • • • :.". ' . a small elecctl'ic fan on my dressing tahle tn turn on whHe To !I'arn Ihe differenee between a ll1arria~r "settles down" and 'one that "gets dull," scnd for .\. NEXl npp\yin~ cnsmr.tic~, ~!y /a~e t~nders' booklet, • Whal to Expect from ;'larm:r."!· Is cool and dry ~o ~\'erylhl!l~ dosin~ with your reqllest 30 cenls in coin ~n'\ , I~:: .lh'nr ..... ,,..' I!nrs on smooth I,\' !Inri lI'ithout ~elf.addressed em'c!ope, caking.-il1£lS. W, .1. R, r:~ Ann L~ndcrs will be glad 10 help you \\'iti1 .1': " ~. ""~ GIRLS - Turn th;]t ran IJroblclTI~. Send them 10 her in care Canada Wlrlr n,.""UL",T"'r' around and toward you when tures, 231 SI. Jame~ St. Wesl, ~iontrea!, Que .. \ :,'. putting on your ~irdle a n r\ A ~tamped, self·addres;ed em·elope.

.. '. hosiery, loo.-POLI.Y : ~ .'. ..

EN.JOY SCENERY? •••••••••••••••••••• c NEW.

COME TO NOVA SCOTIA FOR I A LIGHT HEARTED fLING l ; . 's nothing so stimulating as a dhange of scene. For a rcall~ni~ ,

come (0 Nova Scotia. Enjoy a holiday of endless enchantment, refreshed t by pine-scented woods and the salty;tang of the sea, You can picnic on a mountain top, beside the blue waters of a lake or on the. SESAME BAKED FISH 1/4 cup toasted sesame seeds 0 Not on a roll this time but blended with cod 1/3 cup melted butter shores of the Atlantic: You wiH find,scenery so lovely it will bring Also-UP, or haddock fillets, se;;ame seeds make a surprisingly If fish is frozen, let thaw on refrigerator shelf. , tasty addition to a fish dinner. An added inducement Arrange fillets in a single layer in a shallow, greased a fresh zest for living into your life. I. ,.,1 \ to trying this recipe might be the inclusion of in­ .baking dish. Sprinkle with the lemon juice and a E \ ~. structions in the gentle art of toasting sesame seeds little salt. Drizzle 1/4 cup melted butter On top. To r::;~::;~:;;;;--- I em: 130. Halll ... -a bonus for later varied uses, Sesame Baked Fish bread cubes, add 1 teaspoon salt, lemon rind, pepper, I N~ Scolla is almost guaranteed to raise requests for seconds. thyme and toasted sesame seeds. Toss lightly. Add I Plfa5~ send filtralUrt 1fJ: SESAME BAKED FISH 1/3 cup melted butter; toss again. Spread over'fi1- I NAME I .DD.~ ______~ ______-- 2 pounds fish' fillets (haddock, cod, etc.) lets. Bake in prehea:ed hot oven, 425 degrees F., L ______~-- 3 tablespoons lemon juice about 15 to 20 minutes, or until fish flakes easily 1/4 cup melted butter . when tested with a fork. Makes 4 to 6 servings. If 3 cups soft day-old bread crumbs desired, bake herb-topped tomato halves in same 1 teaspoon salt dish; use as vegetable-garnish. NO ~ S OTIJ~. 1 teaspoon grated lemon rind o NOTE: To toast sesame seeds, spread out in a· un 1/4 'teaspoon pepper , single layer on baking sheet; bake at :350 degrees F.,: Can~dC\'S Ocean Playgro ,! . ,I . ,1/2 teaspoon thyme about 10 minutes, stirring occasionally . i;, i·. THE DAILY NEWS, ST. JOHN'S,· NEWFOUNDLAND, OCTOBER 5, 1963-7 --',~~ or Fall-Homemade -~t'''I'''''' 1"1,.' 'I ',"I, r I II""IQ II. II·I.'I"I:".!!- I TIl() lThe Wel1 i Vegetable Soup . ; i Child ~ Pr -L ;; • DON'T WAIT FOR CHILD'S <> ASTHMA TO 'GO AWAY'


"ill\, child has asthma_ WID he outgrow it?"-a lju.cstlon ,I ollen asked. \ •• i' ~ Although a fcw children 3d I "·,'Krt trOll] rId of their asthma when they , ,11 I ;llllt) reach adolescence, tr.ost llO ",! I ha\'~ nol. Some oi tllem lose their aslhma onlv to hal'e it sup· Thr~' planted by hay fevcl'. which is " ," a closcl\' related aller;Jic di,­ easc, This is like turnint: ,'1 IIcarty, Il'C at)', color!ul nnd dcllcioUI !rcsh your old car fol' a wied car of the :iame vintage.

til' r.,\\':-;(~n ~tA,ODO!'t , eofl If \'OUI' child ,has .' SAL~IO:-< Flour, approx, CliP i\leanwhilc dJ'ain and flake 4 scrvings, prcd"minilllt. )'our chillil mil:.' l""fTlES S"lail oil or shortenirlJl the south to n !ish from nlll'th· ,almon, Stir into cornmeai ~Iany can (7', ounces t()mal~ need psychiatric hclp. Combine tomato sauce, 1 CLIP mixturc the salmon. ani 0 n, Peppy illl1~lard SaUt~c: III ern seas and thc fish, in thl; sallce (apl>l·ox. I cup) parents object for one reasun watcl' and salt in Jocdium olircs and peppcr. Corer, ciull medium 5 a u c epa n, melt case salmon, rcsponds with (ui! 1 teaspoon salt or another 10 seckin;! sueh hclp s",~~,~<.(t;,'~'t ,j~", ("';---·-·'---:---:---:---:--l~ ~;;; 11'11'\tnlllll!,n'I'ltll~ !' selfcnnfidl~nt iJlmrrnch In 1';". their dreams the'y heal', lauch. it is important to f:~t st~rt­ taste. and smell but navc nn ',,'.. ", ,: "~,, ,", ,',- : The Doctor ~ cd on a cnnstrtt~ti\'c urogl'~iTI yisual imllgcs, , ° , .. - of treatment carll'. In those II'hl) becolllc Llind ... \ Corm hC\~ ," S : q-)I~- t1'Jrlnr has (ol'11'1 Ihd after their yisllal ,ensc has :"r ~OW. : ;i ays - mv ;i-I'e~l('-()ltl d[r.co!.e1l: .,. :'II.D. cralioll in\'01I'in~ t',c h""in is r.ol'cries that has bcen ma_l~ : ':1'011 (or it. Ilalr s ( r if) U s, I'c~1rd1~f.s rf [lr'"\l Do yoU dream in black and about dreamin~ is thaI it ~p. :! h' or .tralght. 11 :\!so-L'P-TO-THE-MINUTE NEWS, FCl'tunrltc!\' r.ur b"rill :;·'r ...... :-> .. " whitc or gorgeous colors? Sd­ pears to bc not only inevitabte. 'I1Cllt would be all PLE.\SE h2\'e l(' ..,~·n'.'cl n Id in l'r(\''''· ~OTE1-One evening show daily entitic obsen'crs at thc Unil'cr' hut also a neccssary aeCO;'ll­ \'e3rs ~bOl't the I'cr.loval nf starting at 7.30. sity of Chicago sleep I~bora­ paniment of steep. Wh~u these tur,10l'S, ~IATINEE 1 P.~1. torics have found that you may sleepin~ subjects were awak­ '{ do either, and that thcy can encd cI'ery time ranid eye S1mc or thr~'l :n'c n~1!~""r:1nt control this and olher aspects mOl'emrnts indie:ltcd iiwl Ih·!? .' rt Jl1~rl'ia1!c nne! ql1i~l\l •• fnt::1. s'·t .... cr:'.~ of dreaming by giving thei~­ were stmting to dream. it 11'1" " :11,"

{'~- ." . -., .... ~... ----~-- ••". of') ;' '.' i ----- " "~::..,. " .,' ATTEND CI-IURCH ., " .

._------_. -"-' • votlonal In character. 1------­ The Tragedy of You are invited to Worship I B ,:h l~ with us. _ est No Enthusiasm Sunday Services St. IlA VlD'S l~oved Hymns BY REV. DR. FRED SASS i Canadian I I (Elizabeth Avenue East) A few years ago an English Minister-The Rev. J. S. S. ploughman turned up an old be'l. What Wi :1 Armour, B.D., S.T.lIt In the Cross of Christ I glory, . It dated back to the time hefore ST. AUGUSTINE'S, . ost:ls11?;lllU\. .... v char 11.00 a.m., Morning Worship; Towering o'er the wrecks of time' .Iohn Wesley was uscd of G~d (Ilrlnton Memorial School, 11.15 a.m., Church Sctloul I to sct all England ablaze with the soviet Strawberry Marsh Road 1 (Primary and Kindergarten); All the light of sacred story ' Anglican Church 1 Gathers round its head sublime. revival. Why the hell was buried . the Lenin to ~.OO a.m., Holy Communion, 2.30 p.m., Church School (Jun I is unrecorded. At any rate it '." ~.m Of Canada 11.30 a.m., Mntins; 11.00 .• ior and Intermediate); 7.00 I was a buried talent fn a time Holy Communion (Creche and p.m., Evening Worship. Vlhen the woes of life o'ertake me, iwhen there were all too m a '1 y ';Instea' Junior Congregation); 2.30 p.m., Hope deceive and and fears annoy, . buried talenls. It was a hrll TilE NEWFOUNIlMNII Sunday School; 7.00 p.m., Evcn· ST. AIDAN'S 'I' whose tonguc was choked with ~ing shot down i Ne\'er the Cross forsake me; CATIlEIlRAL song. (Topsail Road) ~hall earth inslead of being actil-I!ly leni Square the a' 2.30 p.m., Sunday School;, Lo! it glows with peace and joy. : engaged in callinJ( peoplc to ·.vm·· • . (17th Sunday After Trinity) I-----~---­ 7.00 p.m., Church Service I ship. ARE YOU A BURIED ussian nOW enJoy! BELL? ARE YOU RADIATI",G I c6mfort of h Sub·Dean and Rector-Canon I' United! Church When the sun of bliss is beaming, tHe J. A. F. Slade. B.A., Lth. MUSIC AROL'ND YOU? IS I"utvv of being shol Salvation Army Light and love upon my way. Assistant Priest-Rev. K. L. YOUR LIFE A LIVING WIT. J>. From the Cross the radiance streaming NESS TO THE TIII:-lGS Or rooin:' Goldsworthy. GOWER STREET THE TEIIIPLE vin~ IGOD'! Writing o[ .Jes\ls in ColP' . @'estion: Why 7.00 a.m., Holy Comilluninn: (Springdale Stre~t) Adcls more lustre to the day. 11.00 a.m., Holy Comnm:::.JJl: :'Ilinister - Rev. R. W. Bram~, :'![ajor and Mrs. Arthur i'ike. I ernaUln. Mark say. s in chapt~i' tUSS·· ..." ··\a known as "~I., 10.15 a.m., :\Iatins (said); 11.00 B.A. ~, "Jl was noised that He was Corps Officers. Bane and bles~ing. pain and pleasure, In the house." His witnes~ in iceman of Europe a.m., Choral Euchal'ist; 2.45 Assistant Minister-Rev. A. R. SUliday: p.m.. Sunday School ~nd ,Ir. Smith, B.A., B.D. By the Cross are sanctified; th~t house was as a bcll. And Nicholas I? 11.00 a.m., Holiness M~eting; thiS was the great 1I'0rk of .les,,;. . ..." l' Bible Class; 4.15 p.m., Hoi), Director of Christian Educ·j· 11.45 a.m., Directory Clmes;. Peace is there that knows no measure. • I He revelled in the unearthin' of Ans\\ er. .,. Baptism and ChUl"ching· of Woo tion-~Il'. A. E. Heselwood. Joys that through all time abide. 2.30 p.m., Sund.ay School; 6.00 I human bells. lie took ~latth~1\' I her ,dc\'elopment \' men; 6.30 p.m., Evensong and I Organist and Choir Director­ p.m. I' Prayer Tlmc; 7.00 p.m., I Sermon. :\Ir. DO\l~las Osmond, L.R.A.M. . ; out of the c1uttcr of things ill tea ., Revival Meeting conducted by In the Cross of Christ I glory, ' which his soul was b\lried and' ELDER ROBERT II. 1.I0SS re~ .. , . f II 'CII 8.00 a.m., Holy Communion; Major Allister Smith. I [ ... .' < , Thli,"rt 0 no' , Week·Hay Senlces 11.00 a.m., lIlorning Wor~hip. Towering o'er the wrecks of time; I ~Iatthe,,:, III II'rltll1g the ',ook that .. Elder Robert H. ~Ioss a mis·' aries extend friend,hip ~nor' ,- an indication Monday; I ears hiS n~me became as a bell slOnary for the Church of Jesus people. and explain thl "Gn 'Iancc collahnra ManIla)': t Preacher, Rev. R. W. BrainF" 8.00 p.m., Revil'al MCCti,1g All the light of sacred story ln i.30 a.m .• Hal)' Communion; : Sermon suhject - "Visihle Gathers round its head sublime. whose musIc .has been he~rd .. ~t~ ~ Christ. of Latter·da), Saints (~I()r·: why 12.000 young mrn !~:':\V~ V:1!Icol 'I' Pi'll", conducted by Major AlJis:er a~1 ass ih: \\ orld ~nd dOlm I~e. mon I has heen assigned to lahor ,themselves ha\'e left thc'r t~ Eric ;.;icol and 8.00 a.m., )Iatins; 5.30 p.r.l., Proo!."; 11.00 a.m .. The Nur- Smith. I Evensong. sery will meet in the South I ao~~. t .e r e :lte Imtany rlhls. in SI. .Iohn·s. lie is replacing. for this two year perinrj tr, )arlDOnist peter \\'hi Tuesday: , COli an noIS~S.. u. IS e.n to t e Elder Blainc Peterson. and willi this message to the '.I""r:1 eeiFrcsul11cll. Tuesda)': Room; 2.30 p.m., Sunday School; 8.15 p.m., Home League. 7.30 a.m.. Holy CommuOlon; 7.00 p.m., Evening Worship. I b~lls o[ ChrIStian hl'es 10 every, he working with Elder pcrry: Elder Moss has spent t';· RuSsia. :\nyOlll'? --- [ part of the world. A.nd .the slory 1Steictley. : year laboring in f;ub-uiled A Comple 8.00 a.m.. :'II atins; 5.30 p.m., Preacher, Rcv. R. W. Braine. :\n·.~ EI'ensong. Sermon subject-"What's ill • First Baptist I r~ :he Gm~st ~h them I.S known on·: Thcse missionarics are part of His appointment has hr~n :aJieMor IIi, tor y ,) 0.. o. ei' wei e not bl~ss; an extensive pl'ogram in lile hy the President of th! ,-.~.;-- Wednesday: :->ilme?" Church . c.d 1\lth many talents. but 11'.1;1. ~Iol'mon Church. in which young. England mission Dr. Tl!IIr.rr~l'e Part 7.15 a.m., HoI)' CommunIOn; ,:~Irnts t.hey had were. used .0 men of the church arc call,!d to: ~Iadscn. The New El1zlar.:' '1.45 a.m., Matins; 5.30 p.m., WESU;Y .iII\. Bis/lop · c e ~I~r; of GOd. ~nd [01 ,the en· 1go into the world al thcir O'\"Il' siun includes the ,ix ~r;;; ( ,'.";"!. • El'ensong. ~linistel'-Rev. V. A. Smith, (104 Portugai COI'e Road) 0gra1~~g 0idthbellil tfhello\lmen. time'and expcnse. for the pericd llano Stat0S. and tlir in~1r )~n\' Llterac' Thursday: B.A.. B.D. Minister-Rev. F. C. Fencrty, n IlS 0 c. ere was a of tll'O years. Thcse mi:ision' limes Prol'ince of ("anaca '.~ . , , .... 9.30 a.m .• )Iatins; 10.00 a.m, ~linistcr of Visitation - RlV. B.A. s:.range motto. "I' a!' God, fill' .._.---._. -.-.----l -" • Holy Communion; 5.30 p.m., K. W. Penney, B.A., B.D. 9.43 a.m., Sunday School; i I\mg. and. n? enthusla';nl." BOil"' , El'ensong. Organist and Choir Direc· ShE!en ampalgn 11.00 a.m., Morning WorshilJ I charactemtlc of an age Ihat 11'11<; i M Eld Exh t t '... . Frida)': tor-~liss ~!argaret Pelley. '1.00 p.m .• Evening WorslIlp · dcad spiritually. It spoke of a' ormon . ers or a Ion Students III Hondl I, . 7.30 a.m .. H,j))' Communinn' 1 10.00 a.m., Juniol' Bible Class and The Lord's Supper. .' pcople who kept up a form of re. . e called upon to ~al 8.00 a.m., ~Iatins; 7.30 p.m.: i in the Primary Room;' 11.00 Wednesday. · ligion but who WOllld hal'e noth. ' "Heti~ion is For Toda~'" I following. Ig role in thc naliO · .' El'ensong. a.m., Nursery In the Young Writes ing to do with it as a forr.~.: \\'~ ~re familial' with the ,·c.; :'I\any IIf thcse creep!!;: ~:,::acyjcampaign which · 8.00 p.m .. Prayer Meetin~. .. S.turday: People's room; 11.00 a.m., ~\es· I THE CBURCII IS I::SIPID I ti~i()lIs of this prcscnt age which i to society result from I!" '::Iortly. .______._ ... __ .... ~ WHE;'; IT :-:-0 LONGI::R SOUNDS allow theit" congregations to wor·! it ions placcd upon r(d;.r: :~h~ National F~d.e , . 7.30 a.m" Hal), Communion; sengers in the Beginners' room; , 8.00 a.m., Matins; 5.30 p.m.. 11.00 a.m., 1I10rning Worship: Pentecostal ASH R ILL REVEILLE OF I ship as they please on sundaY'1 theology. ~Iany of 'I' rf~~udents is orgal1lZ1l . ' El'ensong. ReI'. V. A. Smith; 2.00 p.m., .~ L ,\ R ~I. AGAI:-.iST THE: and thcn allow the m~sses to I thal if we know ~he pi illt ~i'.adat Te~uch!al~a , . The K.F.S. Bible Class in the r ORCES \\1 t'lat ':t" .•a lOnal Gall 10.00 a.m., Holy Communion 800 P m Prayer Service fathcr s house. namely he ne· "our hfe may be vo I can strt' "I .. , ontI' Thursday: Class; 7.00. p.m., Evening Wor­ S't d '. . by the poor? There were tll'O gan to be "in want.'" i \" II' d ." Ih . '. balanced. Our .everyday livcs .we .reserve for Sund.l:·'" ,·m } Jourm a ur ay. Greck words for "poo:." ·1 lIe 115 ay a 1\3,. I must bc SO planned as to allow: \\c ('annot succr;-lll .. ,· pain tin , 7.00 a.m., Holy Communion. ship, Sermon Topic: "Are We 011~' ~n SI~C (Chapel). • Uesponsible?" 8.0!! p.m., Young l'~oplc's was "ptoehos" meaning one who Only those who are consciolls i that w~en cvenmg times come;. I time [01' thc many different lac· that wc are reli~inll; .m:e:,t';'1 gs for Meetmg. is so pOOl' Ihal he earns his of their own inner nudity a:' c \ YO:I Will hal'e heaps of IOI'~ly lors to play theil' part in tiT e practice that whil"1i I'.f it ~ from Bl' VIRGINIA SCIIOOL ST. JAMES livelihood gencrally by begt:in~. willing to take the place of beg- th~ng.s to remcmber. I thmk slwping of our clwrilcler. We itau~ht. We may he t~l';"" I The metl This is the word that was m'd J(ars to receive true riches from thiS IS why Jesus seemed to must not allow the working I truth ahout til:; 'i" . CHAPEL I IO\'~ ~ix reli~io:1. ~linister - Rev. Pearce J. Trinity Lutheran to dcscribe the beggar LaZal1.:5. the h2ml of Dirine Charity. the evenmg hours best of 'III. days of the week to exclude a olo!!y~ but religion LJo'" sts StUdlC 2.30 p.m., Sunday School. Penney, B.A., B.D. covered with sores. who sat at Thus. "thc poor have the Gospel lit was n?t becau:e of t~e. shl 1portion of our religious beliefs. taught. Reli~ion i, advisory 9.30 a.m .. Seniol' Bible Class; the gate of the rich man. The preached to them" means that clusters III the mght skies:. ,t: This departmentalizing factor in life and can 'only h~ . CHRIST CHURCH, QUIDI VUH 11.00 a.m., Sunday School, Church other Greck word to describe they hear it not with their ea.·s. wa.s not because of th~ cool wmr's I thc world today is doing Just th:s, experiance. Reli~iQn i' ft Nursery, Kindergarten, Prim· the poor was "penes" and refers but with their souls. for their a.closs the. Judean h1115: It II"'S i it is forcing llS to place worldly and that is the onl~' S a depar 2.30 p.m., Sunday School. arY; 11.00 a.m., World Wide Worshipping at Pepperrell to one who is so poor that he want of egotism and pride opens Simply this-the be3l.lhf~1 thml' I values ahead of el'erlasting I'al· theology can hope to I :. other bien 1i.30 p.m., Evensong. Communion Service; 2.30 lJ.m., pastor-Re~~~~~liam Kursch earns his bread by daily labor. them to the meaning of spirit!l31 !lhts He had been thmkmg d~r. ues. As one so called Christian significancc. Faith f· Sunday School Rally Day Ser· • and is without superfluities. The riches.., mg the day: the undcrslandmg gentleman has put it. "Religion works is dead. lam ~ CHURCH OF ST. MARY vlcei 2.30 p.m.. Church Mr.m­ Inski, B.A. Greek word used is the [ormer. words He had .spoken to others: is all right a5 long as it doesn't In conclusion "'e ITI::~! THE VIRGIN bership Class (Adults); 3.30 10.00 a.m., World Communion and therefore. implies a beg, II' When a man loses his egotism and the unselhsh deeds He h.ad interfere with my business."' Is it all up with the dr\"n:~l~ ({:()rnwall Cresent and Craig­ p.m., Church Membership Class Sunday; Sunday Church School. who is destitute. But it is 'lot to and boastiulness and conceit, done:-they all came b~ck to Him that your goal in life? If ~o. of William .Tames; "He J~; 'i.:inr,~.J millar Avenue) (Intermediate; 7.00 p.m: Even· be forgotten that it is the "poor when he sees his hands emp'y at mghtfaJl-lov.el~ thmg~ to re- then you had better take a long I a life of religion. hO,\"I'\; 8.00 I.m., Holy Communion; ing Worship, Holy Com~unton. , in spirit" who nre declared bles- of all deeds that are really good. member. and thiS lS W~y It. cam'.! look at the route that yon are rowly. is a betler ~er\"antt.: ~!~!1'S,lti!lI1~ l1".oo I.m., Holy Eucharist - Gospel Hall sed. or the happy ones of the then and only then does he know t? pass that at even lime It was ----- who knows about It. \'''' broadcast, C.B.N.; 11.30 a,m., ST, PAUL'S earth. Our Lorcl here affirms that he can take into his hands light. Now you have th~ ~hole Joy Out of mncb." , the happiness o[ those who arc a lovc that he can never merit, day before you. ThiS IS the Let·s make 'l I Banner Class - Beginner 47 Smith Avenue lon~ reli~ifln DlJ~thlar1 (D1ackler Avenue) that he need not lose. and that day which the Lord hath made. Sadnes t.= day affair. Church; 2.30 p.m., Sunday Norih of Pennywell Road he belongs to a kingdom where He has made the day lovely and • ----~-~ School and Bible Classes; 4.00 lIlinister--J. D. Bourne. ' Sunday, 10.30 a.m., Worship nothing can break his peace, or handed it over to YOll. Suppose As time rolls onward Spread.·ng T~!" p.m., Holy Baptism and Church· 11.00 a.m., M~rning Worship, Meeting; 2.30 p.m., Sunday Mr. George Pike; 2.30 p.m., steal his io)·. that, instead of grumbling ~t And leal'es the past behind. ing of Women; 6.30 p.m., Even· School; '1 p.m. Gospel Meeting; everything and everybody, ia. There is much I counted son'JW .... , song-Preacher, Canon Edward Sunday School; 7.00 p.m., EI·cn. Tuesday, 8 p.m., Bible Study; ing Worship. Jehovah's Out In The Fi,elds stead of bemoaning you~ hard \ But proves that God is kind. Good .... eWS anyere( Rusted. M.A .. of North Borneo. Thursday. 8 p,m~ Prayer Meet· luck-suppose that you begm now There is many a flower I lontled Read Romans 12:4-H denied th GROVES ROAD ing. Witnesses The little cares that fretted me, by thinking that this and this for r th! ST. MICHAEL'S AND ALL I lost them yesterday, only Is the t~ue riches of life. lIad 11 hidden thorn of pain A~~tval;~a\h~s li:e~t o~ 8 ni~: in tl ANGELS 3.20 p.m., Sunday School. Christian Science Among the fields above the sea, It is. this .that mak~s it light at And manv rugged by.paths' not be hid. (Matthclf Gra (St. Clare Avenue) SOUTH UNIT Among the winds at play. evemng bme. It I! not easy, Led to fields of ripened grain. When the Scottisll alltW coast tl (17th; Sunday Aiter Trinity) BLACKIIEAD ROAD (Corner Rennie's MUI Road and Among the lowing of the herds, you teli me. People are so de' t R btL . stcI'en')oI (49 Morris Avenue) 'J'I1e restling of the trees, sperately hard to get on with. We must Iil'e til rough t e poe 0 er OUiS .. rrd' 8.00 a.m., Holy Communion; 2.30 p.m., Sunday School. Empire Avenue) ~l Sunday: Among the singing of the birds. There is so much injustice alllt weary winter a small boy, he cn.w. '" 11.00 a.m., Sung EucharJSt~ 2.30 11.00 a.m., Sunday Service. 3.00 p.m., Public A-ddl'css - The humming of the bee!;. cruelty in the world. I know all If we would but value the spring. 1 ing the lamplighter ~o Il!t p.m., Sund)\y School and Bible FORT AMHERST Subject oC Lesson Sermon: Class; 6.30 p.m., Evensong and "Docs God favor a union of ~ll The foolish fears of what might that. .Jesus knew it. and yet He And the woods must be cold and . ~ow~ the city street; ~ "Unreality".; 11.00 a.m.. Sun· Religions?"-Speaker, L. Snow. pass filled the day with things that at silent hght.mg the lamps. Sermon. 11.00 p.nl.,-Evenlng Worship. day School for pupils up to the 4.00 p.m., Bible Discus.~iun. I cast them all away evening time were lovely to l"~' Before the robins sing. especially quiet one "k Week.Day Services age oC ·20 years. 'l'uesday: Among thl! clover.scented grass, member. It means the way o[ And the [Jowers must be bm';ed nursed ~alled ~~t to r Wednesday: 8.30 p.m., Bible Study. Among the new-mown hay. the Cross. It means denying self. in darkness was omg. IS rep " . Wednesday: Presbyterian 8.00 p.m., Service. Among the hushing of the corn It means Jiving in the Cross- Before they can blosr.om and watchin~ a man n1ak~ · \ '1.3.0 a.m., Holy Communion. Friday: Saturday: 7.30 p.m., Bible speaking and Where drowsy poppies nod but It is the only way to victo,·i. bloom' darkness." f · ';1 i :.Fnday: 3.00 - 4.30 p.m., Free Rilndlng our II·vI·ng. For the sl':eetesl and warmest The world is waitin~ N be ir \ !: 9.30 a.m.; Holy Communion; ST, ANDREW'S reading class; 8.30 p.m., .Minis· Where ill thoughts die and good' d n to Room. try development class. are born "For tomorrow and its needs sunshine tian men (In WOlnc r. Harp , . '1,30 p.m.. Evensong and Inter- "The Kirk" Out in the fields with G d I do not pray: but keep ml!, Comes after the storm and the holes in the spiritual , cessions. ,0 . ld h Id d . gloom Much need; to be done In all Minister-Rev. Charles I. G. Church of 'The HIGIIER LEVELS Anon I!lI erne. 0 me Lor , lllst· lieve the world's mi;ery. Stobie, M.A., F.S.A., (Scot.). CONGREGATION for today." The heart, in its hardest trials. are the hungry to be [~ of the I ~DURCH OJo' TH~ ASCEN· Gains the purest joy of all, naked to be clothed, the SION, MOUNT PEARL Org.nnist nnd Cholrmaster­ 'Nazarene 7.00 p.m., Public Address - B has IE Mr. Robert MacLeod. C. Clemons. "Are All Faiths eauty And from the lips that have ed children to be IOl'ed , . B.30 a.m., Holy communln~, 11.00 a.m., Morning Senlee; (Wesleyan) Good in God's Sight?"; 8.00 Never lose an opportunity of tasted sadness, . cd for. There is the Corporate for the Altar Guild' 11.00 a.I11., All departmenl.t of Minister-Rev. W. C. WlICOL p.m., Bible Discussion. seeing anything that is beautiful; Music The sweetest songs may fall. Christ and His sal'ing 11.00 I.m., Holy Eucharist; 2.30 the Sunday School resume to· 10.30. a.m., Sunday School; Tuesday: [or beauty is God's handwriting Music Is the art of the ;lro­ For peace comes after suffer" be laid to the nations. p.m., Sunday School and Bible day; 4.30 p.m., Vesper Service.' 11.30 a.m., Morning Service; 8.30 p.m., Bible Discussion. -a wayside sacrament. Wei- phets, the only art that can calm ing, We Christians must . .'. . Cl~ses; ~.OO p.m.,. Holy Bap­ Our second service at 4.30 '1.00 p.m., Evangclistic Service, Thursday: come it in every fair face, In the agitatlon of the soul; it is And love is the reward of pain, time and our tism and Churchlng of Women' p.m., wll1 be somewhat shurter Please note the new time of '1.30 p.m., Bible reading and every fair sky, in every fair flow- one of the most magnificent and So after earth comes heaven, in building a better . than our former Evening Ser· the Sunday School and Moru­ speaking class; 8.30 p.m., Minis· er, and thank God Cor it as a cnp delightful presents God has giv~n And out of our loss, our gain. helping to make holes m · , '1,00 .. p.m" EVensonll and aer: Anon. tual darkness tbat 15 all ·, :I . JllOIl. vice and will be primarily de- ing Service, try development class. of blessing. Emerson us. Luther iii'1 .')...... ~",


I-Whall Collaboration

., .... : ") -or . Jtfakes uncalled I , , • , ' ; i Ilistory the USSR in~ !louse. Gr,uHI Rapids. .' L" 111'ldi'ln Pre~s ,V.5oS.fl., is the third pruduct I ealled Flo Nightin~lIle who fllI'- i drawings 10 illustrale the lext,; ~1ich. contains :\65 nne· jill' ' .', .' ,,' I 'or Ihis eollnhorlltion, the first ImCl'ly sang in Bcrkeley SqulIre! has 18 pages all to himsel! {I;r; minule d a i I y del'otions, ,i 1"n: \\ ll P e \rw En~lrlnd 'tel'a"y 'National Gallery of Call- lof Canada, the Arts of French I lhology of Canarlian Art was tt ISll~ was PllblISh~~ a['er s~e :ilr go, I" ,. 'I ' 'I .'" "" " H.m ,It" "d" G.II ," h"', """,rod wh.' , B"b, tim' T'"' II "",,d' ,n ""g , " .."I w"," " ",' , " ""'"" dH , '""" '"", " \ anti .\\ ute B.nd m co or aecom'istlltiied at ~!cl\laster University. I every ncwspaper man knows: at the galle!'V th f h d !ShOWin is about 200 to 300 Gallery 3uthontlr, claim that wi!"1 eqllal draw and ",' th~ . pan\ the tcxt. I • d t d' .' J, e mars a whether I 0'1 1> ., I . 1 I 1 I'n.i<.rl St.II!" );ahonal' I h. Eli ~ISr {!la ua e stll \es. wcr.e car.! Notlung succeeds IIkc a con-I made it the biggest sinll,le draw person~ a day. Since Torso \[' th ' _ n. peop e app~o\ [ purc lase P\"l('C \\'011 l l;l\'~ " th'rC'a~ , ," ", "d 'h' ,"d',,'''''' '" .".' I",d " " ,h. U"'''''' ~ ,r" """, ' d" ,b I b b ' , I ,,, ,,' "' ,"" " h" •., m", ,,," r"". ;,," H,' "'" d "" , 'Ir'c princiriPl ! 'd ",h" "I" I,,,,.., b. G'" "M" G"''''' W;'''M;'', wb", h, "'"', hi. I Wh,,' ,h. g. n,,., d"I

to-THE DAILY NEWS, ST, JOHN'S, NEWFOUNDLAND, OCTOBER 5, 1963 .... ~ ave an us n ' .. ".

" ~ " probably- won't 0 a arne swan" or a "sho , on the field, but. "'... ~ to be plent)' of thrl Feild and Guards Decide Championship Tonight on tap in the 196< The World Series doe~n't Both have won the three Ito finals. Againt Feildians he man at shortstop; Tom II Ace" is year's fall madn. .~pear to be a sevcn game set games for their teams in the has seen action in five of the Collingwood at third basc; Boh double milestone: ~\'J1al with the underdog Dod· finals and each has suffered six games played and has al· Dowden in left field; Don the 60th Series ?[ a loss. Hall will have a days's lowed 33 hits and 12 walks Yetman in center field and Bill 11'111 !I ters Winning the first two and it also ~~mcs but here In St. John's rest more than Thompson but for 14 runs. ~Iarlin in right field, consecU ti ve pos' .,:1 the seventh game of the City's the Guards' ace proved he can Hall was the Lcaguc's lop The expected Guards lineup to be broadea.'t work without much rcst when pitcher over the regular srhed· will have ,10hn Major catching; !~" S~nior Baseball finals wlll he Cavalcade o[ v1ayed at the City BaU Park he got his team even in the ule as he had the best percen· John Winter at first base; Dick are some .er~itin ·r . .\ ~, tonight . series by winning on Wedncs· tage, most slrikeouts and top Yabsley at second base; Jim from past series .. ) ~ . Guards an\! Feildlnns, dead· day night after losing to Hal;'s Enl'l1ed Run Avel'allc. He has Grant at shortstop; Denny Tink· "d)'ing swan" tl locked at three vietorie~ each no·hitler on Tue~day. I pitchecl in four 'finals' g:II1ICS IJin at third base; Phil Lconard ~ onto Cincinnati I " j clash in the "who shall" at Feildians opcned the finll1s for l'cildialls Hnrl has issU~d t2 in left field; Ian Campldl in MEMBERS f I I Lombardi in II , on a convincing !J·1 victorY bull walks and 15 hits, good for eight ccnter field and Wayne Brad· J " a"ainst the Yank. :i i ~c\'en tonight and the top two 0 ~ Ie c la~l1pionship team in f~ ,. I hurlers in the prol'lnce will the Guards refused, tn play Iruns while fanning 29 Guards· bury ill right field. St. John s Canachan LegIOn Darts League We ~ere tied 4·all ~i 1 ,face each other from the dead and roared l'I~ht hack 1I1cn. The starting time [01' t::r. (left to right): George Best, nay Mercer, ~t inning of the finl i mound, with 8·4 anll 1O.:J decbillns. -Guards' coach Toe B)'l'lle is !!amc is s~vcn o'clo~k ane! ~ Deadlocked C f' II d "Il.,~:., ..o slugger JOe I: · 'rhe fixture that will decide Feild got even on a 3·2 S'llleuk· expected 10 Iml'C one linct:p [ull hull pal'k is exp'c\cd to ,oe Ie ( :m Jack Cunningham. The a single with Ihe 'Jenkln~ Memorial Trophy er and then lonk the edge l'han~e for tonight's cncounlcl' be on hand. I held its annual social and prc.~clltation of aWIl( and Charlie K holder~ and the 51. ,Iohn's Sen· When Hall no·hit (;uarrls [Ill' a while Feildian Frank Knight . --- .. -- at the Veteran's Cluh last night.-(Staff Phnl . Crosetti scored ea U l who was built iol' baseball champions for 1063, 3·0 win. Thompson forml the 1 will likely sland pat hehind Teams Tie -- - -.. ----..... around "hould be a fitting climax to a seventh meeting when h~ I Hull. Wa)'ne nradhnr.\' is the .Bishops . C(lll~gr and Brothcr arc well oul front in the senior ' , '"'1 Lombl ,fine season at the City lInll chuck:d a 1i-4 win for Guards. 1 eX[leeted Guards chl\ngc as he SBAA Softball I Park. TOlIIght alJ the canIs gu on imo\'cs into right field with Jan The first round of the Sl. nice rem3111cd In a sel:ond spot standings with four strai;:hl • ner'JoiE!d a sizeab · It will be a battle of Icfties the table. with thc chips soing Campbell movin~ to center llon's Athletic Association':; deadlock in Senior High School victories and eight points. Bish· EV ERY B0 DY',( waited for tl socccr YesteJ'[l~y as they hat· ups and Brother nice have fivc i. .nd the be~t In the bu~iness to the willner. field replacing Phil Curric soltlJall series will end Sunday will be ready for action. reilloto,·s. 8.15-:l!ell'o :I!otor~ \.s. c~,the-,tylRg rl1n .n Ihe nil display to hold Gonzaga off the Evcnin~ 1'~legl'nm \'S. S. Doyle. and: his blooper In .1 scoresheet. :ob ilros. Bowrin!( Brol. VI. ('h~ll>cd sct liP the e\' Jim Byrd had a grcat chalice 9.30-£. F. Barncs \·5. O'Keefe's 9.30-Grent East~rn Oil r'lng' to Lomuar~I' 1\ to get Gonzaga c\·cn When he I (;rocery. A. Oil. ',' The "shoe·shlne 1 took a penalty kiek in the sec· .\yrcs Supermarket \.~., I,ondon, New Yo:i Nipp)' Jonc~ whosc I and frame but his drive mbsed.! lIarri, & Ilisco~l;, . S C1 . with the polish and r, While Butt was the top ,J!.l),. Wc(lllcsday, Octobcr nth.. Pa\'lS VS. t. al!lthe.'Milwaukee Bravcs er for Booth Piercc\' 'mel I 7.00-Harvcy & Co. vs. Standard: Wednesday, OclQbrr l1!1957 Series from the Ross Duffett aiso eamc ;,p \;·ith ' ~Infg ..Co. . . i • . .In ,!he tenth. inDing of finc games. Goalie ~[cNeil play. Dominion Dlstnhutors 1'5. 1 7.00-DaI1y New! I!. lUI' ·game, wIth the B cd the top EDecer for GonZ,l7.g) A. lIan'ey & Co. Towns.. lIin~ 5-4, Jone~ plRcl

with Byrd and Terry Scott aha S.15-H. ,T. Thomas 1'5. Furncss 1 C.N.I.B. vs. ~ An:?l~ren Spahn. J~ne looking good. Withy. i 8.15-~[odel Shop \I: C1:tiway from a low IRS In the othcr cncounter BIS. : Brookfield lce Cream I'S" Gene~al EI~ctrlc. a~d. when umpire Au hops saw Brother Rice ;sct the I Coloni:11 Cordage. ~ Crealivc Prmter! II·Clte1Jt called it a ball, ~ first goal but took a 2.1 edge 9.30-Glls Willter \'s. Terra :'-Io\·a; les R. Beli. .tes(ed the horsehide ~ into the second frame only to ~lotors. : !J.30-The Eastern Tl';!iQ~':}Iis [oat. JoneS' go have Brother Rice tie !t up. AI·alon Telephone I's. Top Tone .. " a~: there it was-a s Ed Whalen opcned the goal. I Royal :itores. Gcorg.e Plnl:lp! ! I De polish. getting whcn he jumpcd Bro I vs. Giant ~Iarl. Jjlnes was waved to the I' Rice into the lead after I Thursday, October 10th. Johimy Logan douhle · ! " ' Thursday, Ooobrr 1« t ,. th' Edd' seven mInutes of 3ctlOn. 17.oo-IL .J. Thomas ,.,. Stand.! ~ e . e oamc: Ie Whalen deflected a pass into i arcl ~Infg. Co. i 7.00-C.~.I.B. ,.~ SL CIa! ., d It up WIth a h the mesh on a bang·bang play. : (;U5 Winter vs. A. lIar\"~y N.A.F.E.L. \'!. •. Braves were bac Two goals by. Boyd Lilly be· ' r: Co. Towns. ten IOn .. Le.\\' Burdet fore the o~ellIng stanza W:1S 1 S.lo-Brookfield Ice Cream 1·5. : s,15-Ayrcs LimilClll'!.C:jtlY.o, WIn! lR the nI ,o~er got Bishops out fr'Jnt. Ful'I1css Withy. Garage. ~aDles and t~c" Brave, , I I,llly raced around a pall' of Canada Packel's \'5. Co.. Eastern Trust Clfledes In a ,·~ame .~' defenders to pick up a IOGse I' I Corel "e Canadian General t!1/,l'lle mosl dramatic b 11 f 0111 a a" . "'l-II;' h· t 1 a r~m a scramble ~D'I He 930-i':fld Brewery ':5. Ronl 9.3G-United Nail k rC~;;,rcnes IS or~ ,Wi! he.Jted 1\ home .to ha\'e .1 1·1. . :~tor~s. . vs. Top Toni' l~e of the lOn6 C.I iIImules later Lllly took a IOll~ , AI'alon Telephone I'" ncginald P. C;odc!:Uon Larsen of the ,\:, pass from Harris Flight anrl: Ten'a :\ol'a ~\otors. Ger;Jld S. Doyk. calI!c the first and 01 laced a rlosein drive into the 1 to hurl a perfcct : rig11t corner for the 2·1 Dis!lOps' ' lanky right·hander .1 edge. . ! C'i~'y Comrnerc"lal 27',Brooklyn batters . Bob Day's penalty shot 'LO:·C ' league He"needed help onl)' . ' t l - ! with three 10 inutes le:t in' lealllmate Mickey M, regulation time gal the dead· : . TUE'SD.\ Y 0 t 8th. TJlURSJ).\Y Ort. HMUgh with aspect Ilock for Brother nice Wl1Ct1; . "' c. i \11 1 and ~: landed grab of a si; '11 " I .\Ilcvs 1 anrl ~: ',eys~· 'G'I H d . hen d cd the ban Ill! 0 the _ . 1 ' S . 1715 NfJd Brewerl' r'. ~y:. loges m till lleft corner. I 7.1n-~lacDona cI s W.. IS. . -. . . .. IDgt Both "oalies Joe Walsh of i AI'alon TcL SteamshIp Another Yankee 1 Brother Rice and Bishops' Allan I' 8.30-I1. H. ~Iarshall vs. coun'I8.30-HOUSehold Berens, cam, · ril Kenmount Bldg. '. Rex p Iaye d well WIth Bruce'· . 4 l' Ltd \"1 Immortaht Butler and Boyd Lilly also turn. 1 9,45-Del·Tile & Terr. I'S. RadiO 9. 5-Pa.m~r s .' game of the ing in top games for Bishops I Cabs . BUlldmgs. Brooklyn. Be\' and Bob Day and B~rnarj' Al1cys 3 and 4: ...... Alleys 3 ~nd 4. and a 2.1 Healey. playing well for Bro'17.l5-Slead L~lmber ,·s. Clarke 1 7.15-~[e;lt Insurance the last inninl ther Rice. StcamshlP my s ~akery. tally resultin Referees _ Tols C1upman IB.30-Canada Packers \·s. Nfld. 8.30-'~alsh s Bakef)' ,a s;.crifice an and Andy Joy. Light & Powcr Tile & Terr Bevens retired (Lineups) I 9.43-Kcnmount Bldg. vs. Lee 9.45-Nfld. Armature II walked the ~ Booth - Goal Rick Bull' I & Ryan. Eng. man and' fulls, Bruce Tizz~rd, Bill TiI1~ Alleys 5 and 6: Alleys 5 and 8: pa~ cr; halves, Arnold King, Ralph 7.15-Houschcld )Iovcrs vs. 7.l5-Lec & Ryan I'\. found t . '. .' , : Emberley, Ross Duffett· for. 1 Nfld. Armature Nova Motor~. to his liking a wards, Ray Martin, Do~ Pier./8.30-palmer's Ltd. V~. ~Iun. a.3D-Stead Lumlle~ ~ the right field cey, Dave Saunders, Irving Workers. Cabs.j. that drove i Stowe, Geoff Badeock. 9,45-:llammy's Bakery "5. NfJd. 9.45-Horwood's I,' the Dodger5 Gonzaga _ Goal, John !lie. Brewing. H. H. Marshall Neil; fulls, Max Humber, Bob Dunne; halvcs, Brian GjI}bons. Jim Byrd, Bill COleoran: for· wards, Gordon COUSil1e311, Church Service Club Leag~~i Terry MacDonald, Terry Scott, SCHEDULE STARTING AlI's. Cochrane A J Hayward Boisiva, John Cor· i\lONDAY, oct. 7th. Alleys 5 and 6-SI. eoran: SECTION A: Gower AI, Coch· Bl vs. St. James B2 Bishops: Goal, Allan Rex; rane A, Kirk A, Wesley A, -8.30- fulls, Bob Earle, John Hudson; Gower A2, Salvation Army A, Alleys 1 and halves, Bruce Butler, Bob St. Thomas Al, SI. Paul's A, Army A VS, Kirk A Browne, Harris Flight; for· Aseention A, SI. Thomas A2. Alleys 3 and 4-St. wards, Peter Chalker, Rick SECTION B: Cochrane B, A2 vs. St. Paul's A Kennedy, Bob Wheeler, Boyd Wesley B, First Baptist B, 51. Alley! 5 and 6-51. Summers, Boyd Lilly. David's B, Aseention B, Sal· B2 vs. St. David's B Brother Rice: Goal, Joe vation Army B, st. James Bl, _9.30- .... Walsh; fulls, John Byrne, John St. Mary's Bl, 51. James B2, Phelan; halves, Fred Hawco, St. MarY's B2, St. Paul's B. "'Aii~y~i' and 2-GoWlr Harry Hamlyn, Gerard Healey; 1Iionday, October 7th. Ascention A forwards, Bob Day, Bernard -7.15- Alleys 3 and •• THE Healey, Ed Whalen, Al II!ar· VB. Salvation Army B Alleys 1 and 2-Wesley A shall, John Cor batt, vS. Gower A1 Alleys 5 and NEXT GAME Alleys 3 and 4-St. Thomas B vs. Aseention B. Next action in the High Scbool soccer league will have BIG' Holy Cross traveJling 10 Bro· flUke accidel lher Rice· for a Junior scetion Metro Commercial Leag~~ the 1960 : encounter Sunday afternooon. o[ the III SCHEDULE played Oct. 7:- Of SPOt WINNIPEG, Man. (CP) - Oct, 7: -8.30 p.m.- and deci~ FOUR I New York Rangers rcshuf£Jed 1.2-Conerete Produds Ltd. -8.30 p.nv the Pirate! their !lnes Thursday in prepara· 1'5 Bank of Nova Sc~tia 1.2-Aus Penneys \1 ahead 7-4 a man's No.2 tion f(lr their National Hockey 3-4-Chester Dawe Ltd. No.2 to .hat in'the I League opener against Chicago vs All·Sales Equip. 3-4-Royal Garage ClnlOli singl Black Hawks next Wednesday. Contr. No.1 liard's wrapped FREE hOn:l.e delivery S-alOll Don Marshall, obtained ·from 5·B-AlI·Sales EquIp. CIl!1tr. boun Montreal Canadiens last June No. 2 vs Concrete F:o­ Ku TH. NRWI'OUNDLAND BR.waRY LIMITBD was placed on the first line, ducts' Ltd, No. 1 7·S-Art a pel centering for Andy Batilgate 7·S-Barney's vs McNam~ra Marshall and'lll and Vic Badfleld, Don McKen· Industries No. 2 9·1D-Chester So ·har ney, ·normally a centre, was 9.1D-Nfld. Hardwoods Ltd. 1 V8 Nfld lame,­ moved to lcft wing on a line No. 1 vs Valley Car No.2 Pirates taUl with Earl Ingarfield and Dick Shop 1l.12-Bldgoods V5 inning but Meissner. 11·12-L. & D. Spracklin vs Industries No. up. Th . ~ol Inserted bp the Board of Liquor Control) half of tI flU ... ._--- .. -._ ...... - ---" . i.'\ ,i . \ THE DAILY NEWS, ST. JOHN'S, NEWFOUNDLAND, OCTOBER. II, 1~11")' World II Series erles esumes Stories Maris Doubtful pl"obably- won't 11C a ;~ , ,\Ian" 01' a "shoc'3hinc K '1\,'. 11. the fiehl. Ililt \ Ilere .5 ,." t~ br plenty (If thdlls amI , ,'n lap in the 1963 Wurld Yankee Starter , , le,r'~ lall madness \l'i,1 ,I c1~uIJlr milc:,'one: 1\ will k Ihe 60th Series ?[ 111011crn Drysdale Faces Bouton Today ,IHI II a1:<11 1\,111 be Ihe (,'I\.(\"IIIII·C posh~a~oll By )M~K HAND I~ be hroadea.'t by Ihe LOS ANGELi~S AP-New York slugg('r no.~el' t car,ka,le of Spur,;. .~tCll'is was a t!ouht{ul ~ta\'tel' in Saturday's third ~re ,nmc rrl'iling high Ir~111 l'a~1 Seric; .. World Sel'ies game a~ Los Angeles Dod.gel's came "drill, swan" IllIc was hOllle with a 2-0 cdgc ovcr the American Le:'~lIe N;ln ('11\('illn~li ea:chcr dlllmpion Yankccs. 1.,"'II',nli in Ihe J9~Y Ilt 1,001l't lite Yankees. 'J'nc With Don Drysdale, 19-17, ready to take on · , urr tirO 4·n\1 in 11Ic ""p,, •. J" ...II • I Ncw SOl'k's Jim Bouton, 21-7, in a battle of right­ , mllill, of the filla. ~)m~. haJ1(lel's in the third gamc, the Dodgers had bccome .~lU~;:l'r ,fOe nl~lat:rilO • ,ill~le with Frank 3-1 favorites to takc it all. If Big D can win his ,nil l harlic Keller on start, Sandy Koufax who set a series record with 15 (rl",'tl i ,rMct! enslly ilnd in is " \1"\1<, wa, built like a strikeouts the opener, primed to strike the " ,·r.,Il1<'1I al'ollnd IUII'M,i finishing hlow Sunday against Whitey Ford. \\"iwrc Lomunr(\i. who ·r:;:'r Twice befol"c the Yanks ha;e, the Dodgers in the lil'st two " 'l'I",'d a sl1.rable chunk I ~,\" tl'ailed 2'0 and come bacl; 10 ~ames. Tommy has two triples ..... ,. "';lItd 1111" th~ :hl'll'v ~ I~' • win. against Brooklyn in 195G inning. Later he suffered a and ~liIwaukee in 195R. H((II'- painlully bruised Icft al'm wh,," I:IC 1\111 f"amc to Lorn· e,'er each time thcl' had lost i he I'ammed into the l'ailing ;n .' ;0 rild 1\,·lIl'l'. like a "I~ the iil'st two on the road. nol r,t 'right field while c )1 a sin g ;.:~; 1,1" Emil' craMlcll III Yankee Stadium. . Tommy Dal'is' tl'iple in the ::":1;,' h.~:1 fi)'ing frum lIh The proull Yanks. 7.:; prc-se-: Ihint. ., lit' :'1\ till'l"e stunac,l. ries' fn'·ll('ites. noll' iaced the ~Im·is. doubled liP III pam. a -J1\!\:,'1I ,lIan. as i1l0 distinct poosibility that :hcy: had 10 lcal'e the ~amc. Ilec:or ;;aue ,,:.:.\,'j"\ \ll.'ta~glo 3il ..',t might hc humilialcd in ;((:11': Lopel. his I'eplacemcnt. earf.e I' ;.., "hi '" m.II;,' Ihe .,('orc j.; straight. Th~ 0111)' Ya~Ikcc sel'l'~; thl'oll~h with tlVo~round.r:lic: \EW YORK-Juhilant Dodger calcher John Rosehoro rushes to sllake hands . :" ;:',,' ;:'t' \":mk~ tnr SCI c1l1h that l'lIlcII 10 11"111 a ,ga:l1C dOllhl~, hilt. t~I,:1 ":1~ a~al.l'~. \\'ilh leammate pit<.:her Sam'" KOllfax after the latter broke the World Serie~ :'~TlON liB" :1.:r ~;:·.·1~1l1 ':;ilIlH'S. ~)oor Wi1~ thf' 1~2~ tr.~Ill. but ~\'rll IrH·handed IJ1tchJl1~. rhe \ ank ..., i • '" _" .,." • ., •• ".,11 ,II\(' "'111 :1'\\'1.1.; .1I11'\" mallll~l'd to ~rl olle tic SlII'I'I), need ~Iaris' lefl-hamkd,stnkcout ret'ord ll\' Jallllln~ 10 ),1I1kcc halters dllnng the 6.3 \\orld Series :r'I'I"II1 I,((,:d b) 0il,,·b.lil, \F\\' YOHK-E\,crdloth' looks "I) as thill"s look up 1\'~lilr howill~ to :-lew \",)rk p~"I'CI' ~~ain.,t. a richt-hantlc;llopener at lankee Stadium, here Oetohcr 2nd. KOllfax's six·hit pitching per- .' ·C.' .,1 P. Godden I'. ",,: ::':11.1 01 lhc .1la',,~r '.. , ". ,"'... Glnlll;. pitcher like Dr)stlnle. HOIIClrl.l j. . . . 1 1 1 )J 1, • -2" .. -(lTpr Ph ) \ 1;11'1. :."[ l·.:h:llllati ~hor'stllp . lor the Los ;\lIgelrs Dodgcrs In the secolld Hilling o! "\\'c1I'oll1e home. ch"mp'." tit"1 arm \l"il~ slill ~Imllcn. [ ()11ll,\II~C Cl t Ie or ~('rs to a t) \ lelol\. oto. ___ .__ _ Phillip! & .. )i~c:" I\'I.~ \\d~ til:: ~ ,;,1 the World Series opeller here Odoher 2nd. t' IlIpirr .. rml onr han liN held alofl:n Thc. o~lly \'an~' ~1.1~0 .'lal~ I' -'-L--~ \".,,1,,1' ~," I' tite \ an~I'cs ! l.. . Fl·t Ilo\\'arJ Ihp cro\l"ll o[ 2.000 that glwtcd hern IlIttlng al'c t, rsl. 1111,1 f C i' II.. I \' . Y ·k "1.1 . '."m lash th ",'llial G WI· I: '1\; !I'll ill Ihe ninth t:'al1lc 'Joe 1,11'.11 e '1. ,lIl( . r\\ 01 c.:a c.: .Iel ~ son. . the ()lIllger~ at Ihe ail'pol·t. I':I:ton HIl\\"al'll. 1I'llh Ihree ~lIl.s ""tor~ \"S. e a s :GEU;S (,o\P)-This The annual Holy Cross AA it out. thcmschp5 All - Stars CO;Ir!1 Slfl Ahel 01 the Wings. Hc plans 10. imminent World Series battle- :",,':n;;lIp, I' .! Th~ p'odge~5 \~ele I tlS~ Alleys 1 and 2: . :'Ilixed League is scheduled to "We'l'e not Ihrowing In the: not Jomm~ to the, fllur-straqhl Detroit Red Wings ,,\,0 rull· I,thel' comhinations o[ ptaycl's d" th gri f I 10(). ': .",'hold ~lo\"Crl Y.nkee pilcner, d Bl'\rn~, rame close 10 2.00-Red Sox \'5. Athle\lcs "ct underway on Sunday, Oct. towel .. •. said _Manager Halph talk. ~lanager W~l:er. Alst~n finned Friday night !hat a~l- Irom one team on ~he same g~~~nh~a;nwa,': a w~e~ a;::o. got '. '''::nnnt Bldg. 3.3()-Tigers \'S. Colts "13th and team wl'sI11'n" to ent"r Houk III the Yankee c1ubhousc commenled ahont Ill. two·game olhel' Hrnm ~!nl'\'av OI"'cl' Will nnil Jean Beliveau and Berme p. I" Fr'd InJm~rla\illi in the All 3 nd 4· " 'I TI d" ,. "I t l I ad' "It d 11't moan R n"llln .. ". _ .... . , nIce wet coo In!: rain I 3'1. .". ' ::wr'~ Ltd. "J. t 5 .1 0 II C G JOlll ~am~ of the 1947 Series eys a • ...... I . a tcr lUl'S n~ "e ea e. the Stms 11 Stan \!lklta s Geoffrion Henri Richal'd and N' t 'I' t U d l'ght '::ild:tH!~ 2.00-Dodgers ,·s. Phil1ie~ must havc t leil' names III 0 .Johnny Padres. He repeated it thing, if we can·t get two contract problems with Chicago Claude Pro\'ost 01 :\!ontr~al d: 0 muc l\i•. JUs shca ere 1 :. and 4: ...... BroQkl)·n. Bevens hat! a 3 30-C d· als \'5 Orl'oles any member of the bowling com· . F'd I' \". mO"e" .' ' -, fiZZ 1es to :; ht sowers. . .nd < 2·1 lead g\lin~ . ar III .' b fWd d Oc agam 1'I ay as liS r".s '. Black Hawks· prevent him p\Jy. will form two . thirds of the d hI' :.. :'it In"uranee Alleys 5 and 6: mittee e ore e nes ay, . worked out in Walter O';\!alley's Alston Said h.e expec~s to in~ tonight. other lines. For t.o ay. w en pay IS re- "1. the last IOning. Ihe sole : '.', " BaKery 2.00-Giants vs. Indians lober 9th. man)'-splendored stadium. leal'e Skowron III Ihc I.me-ap NJIL rules stipUlate that a The AU.Stars also ha\'e Andy sumed III Dodger Stadium lally multing from two :e- · I,h·,. Bakery flo BOllton. Houk's third game altl~ough ~he Dodgers. Will ~e playel' cannot take part in a Bathgate and Camille Henry of tween Los Angeles Dadg rs , a sacrifice and a ground · L '.' :t' ,I,: Terr pitchel', is a sturdy 24-year·ohl faclOg ~ rIght handed plteher III Icague or All • Star game un- ~ew York. the Hawks' Bobby and Ne,! York Yankees, th. Bevens rctired the first T P eague · : :,l, AI111ature fl. Blue Star en In called Bulldog Jim by his the third ~ame.. The DQdg~~ less under contl'act hefore 8 Hull and Dean Prentice of Bos. forecat IS ~or more of tht , walked the second, got mates hecause he is a deter· managcr sa!d Dick Traccwskl p.m. tonigbt. Ion. same .but With some afternOOB man and then issued 7.30-1\1·Squad vs. Bally Haly .~ .-, and 8: 1I10NDAY, Oct. 71h. mined young man who won 21 would remam don second base. Mikita. who scored 31 goals On defence, Pierre Pilote and sun~hl~e and temperatures i. al pass. Cuukie 9.30-Pirates vs. Flintstones Score Kings \'5. Pharmies ',' & Ryan . Odd Balls \'s. Bombers after being promoted from the Th~ on~y c.han~e. wOl;ld be Ron and had 4, assists last ye:lr. Elmer Va~ko of the Hawks wjIJ the 70 s. .. . found the seconli Mavericks vs. HiLiners hullpen to a starting role ilIay Fml'ly m nght held 10 place of earned $14.000 on the second form one pair. Marcel Prono- No parllcipatlon of tOIlS', .... n ~lolors IQ his liking and boomed 9.30-King Pins vs. Flukes \ · " .\(1 Lllmber ,. Hill Billies \'s. Blue 12. Ill' completed 12 of 30 starts 1o'rnnk Howard. yost of Detroit and the Ran~. quence is expected In the De:ft the right lield wall tor a Untouchables ys. Tom Loopers and \\'011 six shulollts. "MOOR~ always. haR been.ll ers' Henry 1I0well the other. five days, the weatherm .. ·~ ~. ~ lhat lhol" e in Iwo I'llns Cats Joe .QUI"nton , . :'\\'ood's LU~ Dr~'sdllle. the Dodgers' ~ix·· streak hllt"I'," .salt! :\1,lon: "( d Johnson is filth man. ha~ predicted. \ Iht llullgcri the )pmc. TUESDAY, Oct. 8th. Topplers vs. HoI Shots fOOl-six righty, wflllnd 1If! with halt' to Ink.· hlln out. r ilke 10 ; t. ~larshall ------I!t \'il'iol'i~" ha\'ing hpPIl tra!!· stay witiJ a hot man. I hJI"l' A bll'd hI' shingles in the linal h"l'n satislil'll with I\ie 1I':IY Passes way , . mOl1th .. lie pitched 17 cllll1ple~e 'l'raccw,l;i has IIe'en Jlla)'in~ ! I 'db league Football Dance g'II11f'S ill ~2 starts llllli Ihl'e;\' although Ken ~lcJ\lultel1 !lI'O!J·I· three shutouts. Illy wilt he ahle tu pi:,), if we I Joe Qllinton, for 20 ~'pars Plaza :. I ,','chrane A The results of the fil'st \'.\'o nerd him." . ' the manager of St. Pat's , ... , 5 and s-SI. gamcs wcre deepl)' elllharl'as~· Alstol1 said he expected .'0 ~ 1I0wling Alleys. Ilassed RW~y ! Monday rC~\Ilar 3- , last night. Well·known dnd ~t. ,James BZ Scheduled ing 10 Ihe Yankees. II'ho hm'c folloll' Ihe 'pilchlll:: ro a 01 onl)' I linn lI'ith J(oll[ax on SlIl1da)' amI! -S.3~ sc,.ic~ haUin~ a\'cl'


YOLI A'DORE$~ A Announcement OKA¥, I-IOOPLt::. t:.e:r UP ANt) ",!ERlCAS CLO~ING STUCK5 T/.o.)(RA'I ER, OFFICER! 11,. the Auoelatrod Prul CLl:'AR our OF HE~c: BEFORe IF 'Iou 'NERE AJnf"rfrnn Stock Cnbanlt-Oct. 4 1.. RLlN '/OLl IN! AFTeR ,-Odd 101. xd-Ex.dlvldend. xr-Ex, PA,ROLLING OUR rlRhtl. 'Xw-Ex·warrnnl!J. Net rhana:e is 051'ARiING A '\f\AFFIC ",TREET£> IN61EAO from prevIous day', clost. I Set 'LlKE iHI6,YOU RE OF HAF:;'A-G~ING 'l'OUIp,E NOT -GLcEPI 8tot:1r S.ln nllh Lo .... Clolt Chlte LA'N-ABIDlr-I6 DI'II Phone ~!JO ~Ol,,, ~(}I,j" 5[J\~ - 1.1 LlNoeR COtli'\'\Y 61.PINKEiG 1600 21h 24" 21f.l n.1I 13\\ Int PI~ crrrzEN05, '\1-\15 "mil . Lorado 12300 1U m I4Z + 8 BA Oil 11)1) 2.11~ 2i% 2j1" Luuvlet 7J~ 7I'J 7I'J 7~ - \\ Drn.1I 280 Ntw Light P FOR qO J.IA',,,",;'_/ i'lE\lER COULD I C Cemenl 37 Mill"'" Dunk 11111 J400 2018 20th 20h - ',~ Lyndh.t 500 8 ft 8 3200 ;'1'\" :l~~ :l~l - % C C.ment pr 271\ Norandl ~s HAPPENED. CS Ptl, Moe.... 1100 31'0 300 300 12~l 11 12 -;4 C Slppm.hlp Prlc. 30". C Jlvelln 9000 Muedun lOOD liI1 10 +H> m, 3~... :JII.! l"'.! - I~ TORONTO, m. nnk Com 6411. nnyal Blnk 7!1> Cdn Marc 110" Mld.en 1010 2JO 210 2JO +2 e 300 26\-~ 2G1/1 26¥J - I, Cdn nraw 10\~ ~hAwln 490 Con M S Mnlnrlle .10 71 7l 71 HOD 41h 41 418 , - ~~ M.ne",1 U 1000 5 5 5 +1 Cdn Drow pr ];(i\\ SI•• I :;:2~' Crf'ole tORONtO CLOMN!l 8TOCKB Crown CP 1600 "1 The CDnadlan I'ren Man nar ;no 16 16 16 -I C Inl ~ower 1m Tr Can PI. 31!1 "" ]!I., 1m + '. C Int PWr pr m\ CANADIAN Dome PeL 1700 12~.. 12J~ 12·1-iI + :!. TgfOl\lo fIltotk i':lrhlnce-Orl. " Monoka MS 1000 14 14 14 Goldfl.ld :!COO 2 1\. 2 cpn ~5 Coni PRP )~IO Complelt tobulallon 01 FrIday Irll1l' ~lalbl'Y 11O0 13\\ II 13 Imp 011 I !0Il ~I/;~ 4 ,t ~ 40\, Marchnnt lIDO 90 00 -2 Sragram. 53'» Ang Am Mly 205 actionl, QUl't.llons In ct'nll unlen ~2 Imp Tob C 100 12"" :?~" 12!1i11 markt<1 S. ,-Odd lot. xd-F.HII\'ldend. Mnrcon 2jOO 8 7~1 . rI -~, In! N Am Ino 9~14 !I:;'~ !Il'J;" , ~Iarllme 4!UO 45 45 -1 u-Jo:JII.·rllhh :'1:" - Ex·warrants, N"t 1m ,Jupiter 700 :1 1 " J~. :m: Mnrlln 3~Al Il4 03 63 -I rhang. " Ironl prtl'lou, "".rd·lol >"1o,· I. Shor~ 300 21 ... 2'. M.'och lOiJO 9 9 9 Inl ..Ie. ~tUIil Fl'r ~r.o" 14 7 A 1r.. N.t MD\t~ml 39,0 UO 921 m '1('nd .lorn 21100 Z~t" 211l Sle,k Sal" IIIlh Loft Close Ch·,. Mnybrun mo 8 8 R 11"ly" C 2eo ~... :1" ~mll;s ~Iclnm. lOCI SI7" 47 47 -II~ 1 Nttl Huh CO" n~. 21111 ACid UlAn 4,0;) 7 I R; I MeK,n 1000 191~ 29 291\- 1\ ~,I Zine 2UO 3~1( H o Accr. ,OUO 41 H 44 -4 M,lVal 1100 11 2,1 2J Nt:", "ORK CLORING RTOCIIS , Pn(' I' \IV :~110 fi1~ I- I" oId,ural. 100J 711 71,) 71l ; 3 Morrill moo 120 112 116 -' II, Tbe A.. o"nl.d I· .... 31'. I- ~ N FOR FURNJ 1 1'1 ntl I. I.ill " ,Iln!l'1I .IOU l~ ;8 41 -I M"II Urnn 7000 6 \ m R~ r 1\ "rlh SI"I 3J Monly W ~111 ~('lIrry nn 2~I)O 17 1/, - :1;8 I "l I' .1~llIc"n 3000 76 1.1 lJ -I Mldrlm I,OUII III In I' 1I0r" W.. ntr m~ NY C,nl ~I·' 1 !'hrr 'Vms I~on 1I1)1;l-1 I .\m J.1U'dlr JUII l:i\1. 1l\J. 15~J - VJ ~lIn COIP 1123 SlnQ 19 Illi. I- 1, r AIIII 0 f1~ nadia COIl' i2 • 1 edlnrlr 12nOI} 191/:1 -- j~ Analo IIU IIU ~IU iiU iBU tl .\1\ Wrlghl 101111 411 40 40 -1 ~o .. I'~I"" 1m Soul" Parlflc "]', Trn~ l.u,; rllJO 12:'111- III Antill ~QU D\~ 8\. tI'tAl 1\111111. \1 Hll7 2l 22 22 -t Orn Eire 8(}ia Sld 011 N.) iO', 1 Tr Cnt \\t llllO 3;-:1. I '( .\rn :\71111 U:1 t:l 111 12: MLlTln)' M tiOn l'lfl U6 120 ·1 !I GomlYt'Rr 40'. Utd Atrcuft 4:1 • lI'h Id S 22600 Ijl/1 -1· ~ ArJon 2:!onIJ 111 ]\12 IU 11 !'Iflnt/\ Cr jon(l\ 1111 1!1 21 ·t 1 ca Nor Ry .51 1.. V"nft{Uum H I A. Arclullft 7000 ~:il~ 4:11,~ ,,'I~ 1 :1 I :'\(,l'Ilon rl,'OII Ill':! 1111 111'. lnl l' 'f .q.,~ W~AtIlS" ~9lk , A Me.d Dw loa 1:'1 Jj 1.' - '2 I Nt,W ,\Iarr 211110 tH~ (,1'1 ti'. Kennfcott 7111 '.a The Hon. Roberl H 10 Allu '!!I'k 20011 fll',a 11 ,1 !"': ~("w 1\111 80~O 21 :lti'J 27 + I,l I - ~-- er~. Chairman of Ih~ Atlln·ntU: Il\'n 7 1 7 -1 Nc\\col1('x 2m. :J7:i 37n 3iO , ~ t, 1 " . I Aunllli 71i(10 fI !il~ fi -I!'l ~('one': wi. lIWO iO ~'l (i!J 43 Srinco British Newfoundland Aunf!l' Heu :i7l ;'I~.l Ji':J N O(ljlhut: :20011 4 " ,,- ~'l n.nkcno ti:,UU 4i H 47 N Han't 10M 7 7 7 ______TOnO:-'TO (CP)-Brinco 55.40' po ration Limited, Bllnkflrlri nZfn 11 IJ 11 -1 ~'l'',\' 1I(l~('o 3{12;iO :11.1.'\ ~01 ~O~ -1 Toronto '~" · 1 k ~ the appointment of \If : THE hH $.i.:;O as ell. I nary )::"'1'1 lUI10 11>'',1 11,1~ II>~~ t 'a I !"cw J11.llln 17lQ fjl'l r,l/~ IW.I Pow Corp :1030 S~;i 9~. !'p\ _ 'll. Fard 31.'i00 5\'. 54 51 -I', Olllh Mar 306!0 1I', Il'. III, + " McParland as Technlca!, JlA'IKa It',){l 7 II 1 ~ 1(t"lor~ fiO~O 7',~ 1 7~':I ~ ''.I Pr(C'P nr ~::s $.Ii :Hili, 36;)" -+ ~11 Frueh 'Tr ~aot) ~9~i; 19 2(11, .. :,~ P:lrklP! l>A. lI~!oo :'Ill;' 31". :11 ~l - 'I 1 WATER STl 1\·Uuq ~nlu 7U ' .. :!h':I 11J1" - ~l ~'rwll1~I' 20011 Ii 1; 15 -1 MOl-lT ACTIVE TORONTO ~tOCKR Q~ Has ~I03 S3ftj tI'z fi~. Grn D~n f~OO 2P~ :lll~ 24''1\ -:\4 Penn Rn 18000 20 1'.1 20 1• 20'''!B ~ultant to the Prp51~!~ I~~ ______nrlL'hrr ~:'UI 3, :,h ,11 N ~h'lnmA :I~,\'lll I~ tJl~ I'I'~ - ~~ n, Tilt: C.nA~lan 1'rlu q:-; (i Blwts Ion 4:;0 4iO ~:;II nen l':!l"e 11100 I BO', 7~'1 ~O'. f" I'rp" Cnla 'M" ,,"', \r. " W. - " owaters Hrinco, Mr. McParland ,::," Rrthlnt 11;1) tJlUI 6111 8(11'10 ]41'1 Tnrnntn 810ck EJrhanA'e-oct t;il!li pr GC'1l Fdl'i :::200 3 tlli i~ NC'wnor 1~ II ~ IQ~ ,~'SIH'';Il1Jll IU1~ 4'~ ~ R.6~" flli 1i. + 'II Pllll'r 13Don ;'P/;I ;}4}I, jrp. -+ '. I " j~t:::::::::::::= Ht'H'oa :1,\111) It r: PI ~t'1V nOlI""n 11101) U 1:'1'') 1:1\; -1 Sf' Ilrllman 5f1() !171,:.t 11 " H'·"' .. I Orll :tlllls 7100 42', 41-, 42', + II I'hrlp! n 3200 ~I" AI ., -', I I O~D()N (CP) Bowate,' tinuc a~ Chief Engir~ lllbillo il!IJI) 27 21'12" -I N s~nntoi Ijr,OO 18 17 HI -,~ fUndi ~alu 111,hl,otfClnlet:'h',e ndtm,m A a7.~ S!)J~ 9', 9 '• 'I" ~~ G\1C aWl} i!'l'~ in 1 :. 7RI~_11I llhlllp Mor "Bon i'l 7j jjll !.!1~1 ~. l Al 'to L" lllcllOp lrplI!) ~ II - 1'l :-\\r.krl ~IS :1:;"11 21 21 21 INIlUHTnIAL~ ~ Rio .\hID," :17.i SI:i 1;; l:i Grn 'fIre HROH 2;- < ~~, 2;', - I, PII Plnl. "''0 .•1'.:'7 ,\1', - '. 1 Pnper Corp. Ltd. closed at 42:; Rio gom .• InC~ Iml'( Ulnl'l\, nl), UP!) U 12 1~1 .. t b ~\L'l< HIm :i"~O 17 l6 Hi nc Pnw IOltati S24~4, 2~ ~ 2!1I~ .. Rollal1ll 1\ 100 9!l Gn PfiC Cp ~(iOO ,!l ,'j4~" .j~' ... ~l ~ '11 Pro Gillin 75DO Ii[) 7r'l'~ j!'ll - 'l I I th L d Sl k [;;x .. : RClurr.n 1O~~0 II~ til lit };flr l\rIlH'! 1600" U H 'rr Ciln rL ~2770 $~n :1:\1" :1,)1, +.t.~ Rothmnns 200 '7~ 7,1j 7'1'!-'~ I Goorlrl('h 5JOO SIl',,,, 5:it" ::il~ +~". Pu!intAn 2H10 11!~" 2.1', 2H": f- ,~\ tO :!( on c on on ~ oc • Unlornr lUI HI) ~711 4jll Nll1lnrllc ~tO{I 12 11 12 +1 Alumlnl 21114 !2~m 28\" 2:111 +fn. llmttl Dank I1jti $ij\;I 74lfJ 75',2 rl GU(lfI~car IliOn 1, 1" f , 4n'~ 40 40 +'£ RCA, 17::0 l 7:: '" iF" n', - I~, change F'l'iday. Druul UN't! III() ~'t 21 2~ ~otlr:( fl1~n:lR:17 ~R ... l flnilldll lil170 SI1~', 11 '/'J 11 ,1l 'su' CP Apr li$IOO 100 Ion Ornnd tn ]20[)0 20~1 20 2()'l~ I R.,l,!on 1200 :J{j~. :Hi'", :16"1", + 1~ ______Dividends 1IIlH"~\\'h ~:iI ~)lJi jlJU !j!!;' ,j 5 NClfnlrtnl :;!l1 32D :H!\ 31:1 filet} CAn Ijll17 '22'_ 22 22', + \~ SnfndR F 8225 Sll~, IHk In~ ta A P :l~OO 4F~ 41111i 411';1 I n .. pub Stl 21300 41~ 42~4 4:1 .. 1.04 unln~ null .\nk :li([l 2nl jill ~1l1 -t:l N (lofill( ~23I)O:1O 26 25 -2 01L~ ~hRw Inti ,'ljll ~!l0 .90 ~!lO (it N n:,.· xd iSOO l3'1 5J'. 13'.·-'\ nov Toh 5010" 411', "~\, ,a', 41', U.S. Dollar I Canada Foils'Ltd., rllll (':\11'1111 ;:, 'I PI :11 !I'I -I N Cnld'trm 3~7~ tin (.0 MI Un 01111 l!SJ(j1 }52 U1 1~1 ·HI Shell eetn 2~() f171~ 171, IT'i Gulf 011 Jl~Oll 4!l't 49 4~'" + 't I Rich Mer IR(l1') 52'1 ~2 :Wl"-"] ,cnnt~. common 1:1 c~n~ raml' (hib 1.lli :IR.1 3j;; :r;~. -10 ~ OC'lhlrrL ;-:000 In 1" HI south U 45S00 11 IOI~ IOI~ - I,~ ";hDll SlI.ve 41117 In !J!l nom~tk 1100 4R~2 -4,:t" 47'\ -~, nO~'l'\t nut :iJOO -l7 1':l 47'4 4;:'.111.1 1'1 " 'an1l1 ilL :0[1 Sill 16 JIi N nKnlt fi6M 27 26 2f'i -1 C nrll).!nn 2.1&07 14 1:l\!I 11 Slmp"on~ .1j3 Sin"! 3jl~ :17k-a .. ~ Bud n '" 1)00 ;1', :'1', :'1',- '. Sen" Rna" 100'. ~r,l. 9~', - '. ~!O,'nnE,\I, (CP) Thc, 13. rccord oct. 31. " t..: Tunc 5)01) ,i!J ~II ,\Il i'tortilcnl :ltl.M 2R 27 21l Unt"phf'r lRnJ3:'1~ 3:1 3:'1 SO\llhnm HOO ~ 10 :'m :10 ~ I>; Interla}(e ~OI1 11 24'. 1\ ,', ~h,1I U', 4:.0" 4Ii' 41', I;;~ - ": l'nl'Icr) Slates dollar in terms £If I General Bakeric~ J.I~" ( .•\1111111l1li ~'II j j 7 -Il~ Nflrtlu:lllt' 140.\ l7:i lltl j(\') C Drlhl JOtH ~2~, SIO !10 -+1 Steel Can 3,iOj $2231:22 :w, 4 t~ Int nus Ijj{1fl 4fi~ ~tlU 4fil''i.\ 41 ;. Sh~rAlon jun R":!: fP. nO. 1 C I\u'trill IUrlO 7 1"1 Se'rll!" A w 10n ~,.~) 3n~ :\7'~ :'It1N}:fi St"llnhg A M:l $2Z 21') 22 .fll Int- llftrv :lRO(} :iSl'4, !)7ql 53)~ ... l~ Surony :1700 i2~ ... i.! 72 ' , Canadian funds ,,,'as up ~-32 (,l' mon 12 1'2 cent~, Oct. It, ~ (. n,~l1n !JHlI lnl n 111.1 ··1 :-:'llf\Al\(' l~nn!l 0 ~ - '1\ WlnlUAII U'IIR9 .14 4711 ~l +11 T('~iU'O Can lZ3 !i2 511" ~2 +1 tnt Nlrk :lIOO '1', 61', 61', - I, Snulh p,o. ~~Oll 1:1'. "I'. 31', , 1\, " Pdt I' got 16 L ~b:tl1t :11(1] ~1 41 ~I 1" 1 O·(.rnl'.... ;'000 11 11 11 nnrHnre 1:Z~!)OO 6:1 :17 fil .. !II Tor Dom 150 ,(;:) 82V:a fi3 .. ~~ tnt Pap 1i200 ;11) :'I;)~lI :I~/~,,_ 14, Sperry n 2!)Z700 19 1 • 111"\40 '19 \ S1.fJ7 1;,)"10. olin s cr In Wir" C. . Cdt' '\\\ i","I) Ill; .1 - I. 11}lt!ml~ka .1r,2S 810 flOO to() -5 WllI.!iry 9GRtl2 HI 17 11\ 1 I '1' Fin A 61~ 511% 1l\'.I 11;. + IN Illl Tel 31GOO 50', ;9'1 49\, -', Sid nrnnd H",I 71'\;1 ;4', '.' up 3.16 at $~.02. : The .Jockey Cluh I.td . t: !i11jr" '<~ l~'n Iro leo 011':1;\1\ ::1~O:lH Jl.J :l2:i Chima !I2:lSO Il:! tnl 105 -'1 1'r C Corp 7310 ~Il 1)S., 10'" -I~. J(Ihns hi 3.1,,0 1 "AT" ·tnr~ 41\1" -,~ ~t(1 CilL titlOO (,-6% fil:). ~2j;'\11 ~"I' I mon three cents, Dec 11,~' ~~~ ______rlllh10rr ~u,n 11 11 11 orrnllhy l~~(In ~l\~ ~1 2Hl +4 ,\ Pccrlr.. 70~lS 23~~ ~o 2.1 -3 Tr (an flL 9318 S3j\4 33\4 :1~'4 .,-2\1 KclloJU: ZiOG jrj'.;1q :1!l~1I 1~" Sl(l In{) 4JOO 61 "21'] 'IJ til I .. ;;. (lln,tlill ;,r 10 a A R -I PnmC'lur 100 110 110 110 -5 Tr Mt PI~ l06~ Sl~ 1M 151,~ Ij~" Kennecot 1900 iD 78 1 1 j31~_1~ISld N.J 20~OO 70'" 70 if,:!, ct!nt r!J~;;.:..._-_---_ 1 1 ll":l:·C d' D II :Nov. 29: six par t"Hrdnm 1.)1 00 j 7 i l'arllm.1Q 7~I)D 11 ,1: IH2 lIh Union 011 100 S12!4 12:1." 12 '" ({on·tttel:itOO ".1'1 3!' • .14'.1- "'1 51'"1 rad, 1120~ ,I, 7', •.,:,:', I ana Ian 0 ar I cents, 5'.2 per cent ~!I l:U,ooo liD (,(') f,O Patino G6l 660 6fi5' + liml \VCCln!!t Tr 10() $17 17 11 + Iii Kresge 7600 291h 2B~iII 28]~ - ,~ Sun 011 11110 Sl'i:"lill ~11 ".. ~\II 21~8 CBe 1 I'''''RI' ~;,j $1\ III'. \I + I. Po< Inl 1500 20 18 20 +2 11]1.~! !~Il 11I WCo ..1 ,'c 1100 $Ifi" I~'i J61" + I, I.lb Mc N I. lZO" 1:'1, "'i ';", - '< 511'111 46"0 19 • 1B" J~ ! NEW YOnK rcp)- Canadi.m 1 cents, Jan. 15, 1%4, T!cnrl: Crnl Pitt :n:1I iIi 112 11~ +1 I P,\\'mil't !IJf10 12 11 12 - I'l WC:!>ton D 100 $!8\, 181, 18'. Litton 37100 81:1., 7~ 7!l!~ + I" Textron :non:lil 3,1. Jjl"J -" 1~ ! I d t • 33 . 31 rh~'l\11 j.; :\I~'.fl ( 6 ti - 1~ I l'l,erlc!lo.5 iM2~ 2l\j 20 21 -3 ZeIlN! pI 101 MRv., .81h 48\~ _ \~ Lo(!'.\S 1200 l\.~, if\ll. 18\. - I~ Trx G Sui 711:0 H;'" lril" ·ltl:;,., ., (ollar une lange a 92 !..., 2 in , t I L'rnt Pllrc I" 0 to 5 ! :;,~ - 1~ rerrol1 ~{lOIl l;'l\a 1:1 13'~ CANADIAN M .. d S Gar IGOO 21, '2 Zl~ + ~8 Trxn(o ll~OO 7(,7. 70 jOT,11 terms of L.S. funds. Week ago ('r('~lfI' ,~()Ll hi hi !A -1 Pkk Crow 1>10 53 ~J ::'3 -2 Ajax 5000 13 13 13 Mar all 11100 (nUJ,]\;ay :J'IIJ lj Il'] 1ll: - h I'lncC'r ~OO $27:1 4 27', 27~. - 1, Ml'TUAL l"(TND5 Alph:. A 100 400400 I') o,~ IS :'lauh Fld 500 ·i~\:. ;~:: ;;~:+ "li~l~~1 ~'io~ ~:: ~'; g =::192',. - ! QUEBE~. (CP)-Pollcl ']\: S\TURDAY,Octohl (hlnlo ';.'~') liZ 101 10,\ -2 )lIas ,\lr 30(1 11 6l 62 M +2 n, The CDnadlDD PrtSi Alpha A 100 400 400 0400 +1~ Martin H{lI)O In', 13;', 19'.- I, Timkpn 170" 07', 66 1, 6'" POllnrl ~tcrling down 1'~2 at Ida\' idenliflcd a~ .John Rn:; ".' lllC'h \\'111 .!ICQ ~~O ~}j 42J .... 10 Jtllrde;( 5j')1) B R R ' Did A.sk Alsrope 1572 eo fiO liD McKl!e mXi lr.'. "', j61, -', Twrnt C 510" 1~)' II". 1~'" - "!~" -'I '-.32 ,60' the sailor aboard thl'. 0..;..:;....------fllm\1 Met ]lJ:1.I I! 12 191~ EI:~ .. 1:1 Que A,,('ot joC, 7 7 7 -1 All Cdn Com 499 .).17 Al~){ looO 11 17 17 -1 Merck 3·,00 lo.Hi 99'" 9!l':.Jo 1- 1;', t:n Carh 33011 10,1 ·106 .. 10, ~ I~ ',- I -,),. ',. r'" r ... nlaCn8 jtO,J1l 5Ii Jti "tl U 'InHs:ml 400() 16 1.\ 111 +1 All Cdn Dh' 690 i.56 Ameran 2~OOO 9 8 II +1 Mph. lion :1301) l:!i 1231~ 12ill-2 I l·ttl Ailc AiOO 411; 42''1 4'1~ - ., 1 ! EmpreS!i of Bntam w n 'I J'". (ull·I<,.v ;UI,II In),~ ~l) HI Uun~tun 50n 1:1 1:1 1:\ Amcllran Growth 9 01 ~U5 Anthonian 20()O!l 8 9 +1 l'Iflnn M:\J 1.!iOO 61 ~\I, ('2 - " I {'Id (nrn ,\-,no ,', ", .', - '-I M k killed accidentallv ~ho!r! AJII. (on ~I\"W =111,u 10 41 -1.; -r-I (~>1t!monL ton 51H. l1'~ 1l1,i Dctlubrin 3~ U 37,07 An~ Am Mly 600 206 205 2M Mlnn Ont 1000 21'1 ;2', n Ln l'rull 2010" 21'\ 20'. 21 - '.' d d '. ht B ,i7JO-CBC ;';cws l'illlll1,'D h ,i 1 It,u:lilll L ar ets ' C :'Wll~ n :J30l':l~ 50 ~1 +1 canada. Growth 5.:13 5.83 ArM !lOO 5 ~, ~lohasrn f,t(lO 10:'111 Jn~OII 101~_1~IIS fln~ lrN~ til fli 4 R'j~~--'l~ ship \Ve ne:; ay nu! '. n~., M' 6 CI 'k I.' I)I"'-'~)\' ~~ II r.l C'! ~3 -1 HilyrOtk 2~O\) al flO fll +-1 Cdn Gas find El1rr.cy j,1.I !l.U .'\t1i1S Ttl 3~7iO 2M 2n ;:M Monsantn ~OOO 1 ,. I\'u 1' 1'1, Ii 1:; I;) -1 Ih.',<:-.p,\1 !:UJO 17 Ij~ 17:, ... 1. ICanarhan In\'cUmrnl In.," 11.r.O RalJ S ft 200 gOO 900 gOA -:zoo ~font W.lrd itOO ;;;; ~~',; ;~;: :~= ~~na~lo~p R7~~~ ;;" ;~;': ;';' -:: :; 1 Toronto: ~Ial'ket high~r: mod· a natil'c of ScotI8n~. dl:d ~1~~=~~~c~ewso~nu 1'1'11 (~llhu fl'O ~1~ hll ti';t 'I" !~ ItIO A!hom :l3tH 51th U. lL.- h Cdn 'Crusleed 4 il 1,1;) Dnteman )nCO 7 7 7 ~at A\iat :In!) 27'. 2;'. 2;1" . '.' Wolke" 1011:,]1, ~1 ~""" '. I ernteI;- heavy trar!i,,~. a skull fracture. H~ "3 r:t8'l5-~1 . I Clock l \IJI.H'll 11 J J ~') ~{) ~IJ 1\1..: h!hilb 1l1iUO 2il';l ~3 2jl .l t 3, ('Rnafuml 41 ~J1 1i.j,! RIlle flon 1~'i 32~ l2~ :U.~ l\'l\l eMil 11100 1 jt1'~ 71l"\ n-,j.,<-lo.t In Trl ~(I';(~~ 11 .1~1, 22~"J.-II~ ~f',,: YOI"I(' ~lal'ket mix~d:lhy a ~teel cahll'. "e{\re'~ 58--~ USlca p .. (' ,\11':';111 7111:, ]21) 118 I:W l1o{')\\\111 fl;n\l ~j ::;13 231,~ - h IChnmll!on ~'utuat (, (\Ii j; t,I; Unrnllf! MO 141~ 1~1i1 l1ih Nnt nld 04700 1'\ (' :"Io .. hrr ,)(t) lot lfiO '1>1 --4 Hn\\lllt «(In :!Hl'1I) fi fl 6, Col1ect[\,f> ~1ut. 4 n!l j n DOUZflIl !iOOO ~l 61 "1 -t ~itt G\P!II 1100 ;~;: ;~:~: ;;~~~:: ~~'~;~:!~~h f:l 1111) ~~:: ~~:: ;~1:_ ~i,: hc;}\\' tl'ading. jurv returned II ,·t!rold nfll8. Program rC\l l j' 'iClrli\!d ; .:11 ~ I ~1 ~II ';l -< 1 ~ n \ hnor "I{)t) 1n , I~ll ~ 1111\ tommul\wralth 'InIPr. fI '.!ti to l:'l l1run(';t\1 2:l000:11 27 :\1 ... f', Y Crnt ~jl1n :2'_ 21', 21'. - '.' :\rro, Cp 1;10,) '''2 2)l lO~I, -2-, . ~l k t \. • : I~nta! death. 9.00-~Iorninli DCI'OI (1t,lmhlt'l I, J Iii II.) 11.) -,I Sitlcm :!Oi'! 4i 4.) 4!l 1 Common. Intrr. Lr\', 'i.1l1:' 'i6 Drun8IVk 1110 ~Il' 5Mi ~~ +7~ ~{)r PAr. 11'j~1 4A'.4! 4R'1 .,.1 1o'al .,Ir" :'.11"0l'Il. ~lnnt!'{'~I~.-:.._ar·e_~~~~r. ___ .(_. __ -.- -9.18-World Church (. Hrll 1'11\' !l1,1t I": II'~ 11'. -, S,lI1<1 mv IGClI ,j :l ~ " rorpornt~ l""('~tlll~ lOhl 11 ~~ Burnt Hili ~or.O 2~ 7~ H I .-''1 -- -.- . ------. - ~-~ 1I.30-CBC XCII', an, l ~al1l1"lnl ~Il'n "J i; SaLcllltC' :11;~) 11 11 1~ - ':I 10l\cI51(1rll Ilu'. "".. :!~f)J C llelhl 200 57n ~2() ~10 .,-J() I (lr COn) :::1\111 li,'~ Ito':.; llil~ I~h('l'I) t:r 1~111) If) IH ~H -1 lFh'('rSIfI~d In('. "n" 4 ,() .~.I~ C nrtdU 5,"!) (00 ~oo "00 CUP'~Jl'I.n .i\l1Il I": 11\ .. Il1J-l Sherrltt 31\11 2112 2RII :.J~O Dlv)tJen(.) Share. J;H ~.r,al Cn.unt 42i 460 ,ao 4ro Our Own Corn ('ol\kh j,1U 110 11(1 !to !illunA lfi) '2.) j~;, 3.. ~ Domlnlun JlIv. :11:1 :'I,~/j (:ro1 MRft ]000 " 4 4 enls ('11III1r.mt 11(11) ~11}1" I!I'. I!)I. + l. I Slh·n111O 1110J ~ll 20 70 -1 Dominion Comrt, :1.i6 4 (i\ CCUIMd 1~2~ liO 165 17n lV (r01)lell :~I(l!) III B Hl I SII ~lIl1n .noo:!1 2t 1~ll Dtlmlnlon EI'juII1 1'1 ~j ~~ ,)1 {;hlb Cop 2.iOO A 8 ~ 9.4G- calhcr ('rmQ1al ~j~'1) n1a ft R - 1';1 I Sl8ctIC lOll 17~ 17~ /, +1 Prc)lul Inc. lR.Ol lr'l,5!) Com 011 a 1500 '1li 70 7~ -2 9.45-I'Jrade Of Hils CU~tn 1ti~Il,1 12 11'~ 12 .... h II SlarraU 10011() 71; ft J~! -I European Growth Ii fll 7 H toml'ldl'lrt ::WO 47(t 410 .10 _~ lJoerl" ~"1I1 14 12 "-I Slrrl' n ~i" 441 4lS .". -10 Federated GroWlh • nR 514 C MORAd or 3,110 2! 192ft ... t 1o.t5-Hobby Club IJ .1' n,"" I:,D,) 17 17 17 I Sulllvnn ~(<1 161 161 III + I 1'1,,1 011 ond Go. 4 ;" ~ 2Z C N'w Pae 1700 17 17 17 ~1.15-1n A Manner ))rrr H(11n l\I[1ij 1~) M t,O :illllbunt MOil 11\-1 Ini lH~ rontls Collrem "AU ~ 18 7 ll~ I C Paper 993 $.191,~ 39 :191i, I Speaking Urll1l rac "'~.\ 21 Zl :I - 1\ 'I T'lnl, 1\(,0 70 89 70 Fond. Coli rem "n" ~;I ~,r,9 nclt. 1'1" 2100 ~~n 240 145 _5 & n,lnll, I~l" '" ;";(1 Thom L WIlli ,R ,4 R, -1 Fondl ColicclU "e" ~.Rl 74J n Explorer $1100 lJ 20 II +3 ~ It~-Sacred Heart I ~ . UC'nI~lJn :'I.!1J 511'1 11 111, -;\, Tomblll 501)~' U M Group Int'. 3,ili .4 11 n I.eut. 10M 2H\ 21'h 21'~ ~,j OO-BBC News lJld,;n~D 1010 111 I} :9J 610 +JO 'I Torbrlt 1Jl'll ~n 311:\11 Growth on lind Gal 9:H ]I).~3 n Oilcloth 100 S23 2M~ 29 Donle .31.3 S28', 28 1 ;8~\ - '. TormonL 4jlO 2M, !.!~\; 2R lnnllors GrClwlh T.n!! 7.70 Duml':lm J600 140 13~ HI) +2. ~~ IJO""hl. 10lHIO IU 10 10 Trlb., 191110 m H8 IJ5 -I In,,"ors Inll 4.3,1 4,98 numonl 4000 10 20 20 -2 • PJ!. I; ,101"'" \[1'10 1 I,'. 6'\- I> \I RUnln. 5)0 Sl911 19~ 19',\ + \I Inv",o," ~IUI'uOI 1.1.01 14.11 ~; ..t Venl ~2B~0 149 120 130 -20 12.10-RCAF Report E311 ,1.1 1:'10 215 215 ~Ij U A,b,,'''' 400 279 219 2~D -, ~Iulunl Aceumul.tln, 1.9' ~.38 EI~" 5700 !l !3 !3 +% E .. t Sull (',.. 215 21n ~ll +~ Un nuU.d 11500 78 71 .6 t I ~lulu.1 In,ome ~.5~ fi03 EI,elro".. 80 SUO IOPIlllO EI,I'r 21(11) ~I flO 1.1 +1 IJn I(ono I2l 160 1;0 100 +10 Norlh Amerlc.n 01 Can. 11.31 1243 Eqully Ex~ 27100 g'\ 8~ !I> + ~ .12.30-)lidday Serena birch :1110'10 J.7 .... ~6 ~6 -1 Un MDCU, 1j1)O 27 :!'i 27 +1 One William Sheet 14~:1 1~:R8 Fab tGM 12' 12 ] 2-1 , 1.00-Doyle Bulletin I' i'orndRY ",,) 110 110 110 Urban Q 1001) 1ft 18 II -2 Pre!.t nevenue (muluell 6.J5 694 Fono 1\00 3 I 3 +'.~ ."1\'." T 2j,'OO \nt, I~', 11\, -4'~ Vaull 8000 73 U M -3 Provl~.nl 1."6 ~ 73 1 Fox Llk. 14500 21 18 Jl +1 i U5-- Parade or Sta t·.lIm. ]Go'O 13', 13 13 - t. Vlulam 3~.\0 227 223 223 -2 Pulnnm Gro~1b 3!.90 9.73, Fundy 210W!II 7~ 8 +1'> I Un-eBC News and {;., 0 ~1I11" I~j 129 23 29 W.. nor 1000 ft'" 61> 61\ nDdl"o. 4 07 ."3 Fulurll, 1000 I! 16 16 (;rn" 1000 10 10 10"'1 IV M.llr hOOO W. I I -1 R,genl 5.10 r. 22 G AUI.lron 610 361 385 38\ loIS ! Ui-jlatinee Highli (;Innl YK (OJ IIF, II', 11"1 It IV ver 1000 14 14 14 R" .. rrh Inn.tln. 10.12 1I,ll Glen Lakl 2m 120 110 III _I j .' ~ !l•• WOMEN'S WHITE FI~URE ""!i>-ll1Ulilcal Rende (a' Mlnlnr 4,," luI, 10'. 161, We'l Mln.s 1700 410 410 tI Inv"lm.nl 6.11 0.04 Gold All ]100 IGI> 16 II • 'f' 4~0 S.vln~' \ . lIol4 24~, _" SlInr Sum 10200 ~2 ~O 51 +1 L"'ch 111'<':, 21:, 210 2!0 -12 Lon~ Polnl lOiIO 12 12 12 All Su~ 125 $18'.• m. IR\> Sob,y 200 !IHi 14'!t WI tell1i~cred sleel hlades. They come in sizes 1 t SUNDAY, Octob, r.tl,C'uurL ~wn it:;: 71~ 7'i Mlncon 5000 JO 29 1.'1 +1 Uank .'tunt 515 $/j~~ .. 6H" (i4!\4 + ,;, S Dufault :MlOO 18 1S 15ll-1,\ I 1.lhOl IAn H'" S! 1 14 Il .\I,d.1 ;B~B 450 411 410 -S D.nk NS !-i" $71'. 71'.. m. 5parlan 3200 40 ~6 40 + 4 LL Lac I~'" m III m ,III! Clly 1500 21 21 21 +1 Dnnq C); ROI 510 SO 80 + ~I lilal" E.pl D200 135 217 2l~ tI to :3 and are priced at Ncws ~.I (>'1. 6000 175 270 210 nnnq l'C 1GO 55J 5l 53 - \1 Suporpack 2003$8 R & .. -:~·.Ililnto\'ani anc N Coni 510 27 27 27 n.1! Phone 2167 S,WI 5m :om Tach. 190500 2J 18\1 21 +1 );C 011. 1il0 172 170 112 tS Dow Mer Pr 30 151\i 511, ,I".... .,. Tolllm.. 1100 75 73 n l'CO pr :00 $39 39 39 nr•• 1\ 1955 17U ~60 160 -IS T.,ln 74000 l2'.!. II 12 + I -',~r\,afl Tapscott );orlhill 11100 14 14 14 +1 nil Ol! l560 sm, 232m.+ 'I U A.b ..lol 300 zao 210 280 +l ! I~' .- I ,J Palll.or 2000 33 30 JJ -2 DC Fo".1 325 sm. 2211 2211 t '" U Corp n 100 127 17 ~7 + I Permo 3670 40 40 40 DC POlY em W'lI 2m .2411 + \I Un Obol.kl lllOO 68 116 M + I I'ro\'o Gil 1001) 173 171 172 +1 Drock D 100 II 8! U Town. &1 ISO SI6I'. IS\!. I!;\\ - \1 LITTLE MISSES TUSE SKAT!! Quonl. 9083 21 20 2111'.J + ',~ Cal Pow 1125 12: 21l. 2111 _ Ii Val Mar 100 485 465 4as H Sarceo 1950 119 111 119 +4 Can Cem 45J SI7'A 37 37 Dreami SoUlh U 41MO II 101, 10\1 - Ii CI F.dry 600 11m 2\1" m. + v. Tolal .llt.. Indu.lrJIII 117.200. Mine. Top grain leather uppers. ~!i!' Spoonor ~soo II II II CSI. lSS U8 67\\ 5m _ ~l and 011. 935,300 WOMEN'S TUBE SKATES ACI\OSS StO",,,11 2000 29 29 2~ -1 CA~: 27,1 SUfI. 1I}11 101\- \1 --____ 40 I -reck Corp 3016 410 m 470 Cdn n".. 7610 SIOlI 10\'1 lOY. - \1 el'proof composition rut:o' IIlI\tentiVI 41 E ",. ~ Tran. C.1n 41l!O :09 105 10.1 -I C Brew pr 25 S501> 5Ul> 50;; 44C 'rrl.d 011 190n \60 155 160 II C Brow Bpr 12l S52\' 5m 12+. AND BOOTS sales. Nickel-plated tempd.. · • r. , I + ". n lJnt(ll\ Oil 180:) $12'~~ tn, 12'. Cdn Clln A 100 SJ3 13 13 48 L I1nlsph,,· IB833 II 33 Jl C Chom 395 Sll 101< 10-'. _ ". steel blades. Sizes 11 to .' 49 F ,, 11 CanM vt son IiO liD 1i0 .; 1 C Imp Dk C 166 SUH, M~' GHi -I- 1" Iligh and semi-high Cllt uppers 5U Un nil, \\B361 II! W m + a CIL lOU $16\& 161, 16\; +II. at $6.50 to $6·9~. or deUiM 62 5 ·", : Cn lIe,/ P ,500 \I ](1\\ 11 CI I'n", 7"0 11M. I!Y, l5" +1, NEW YOnK CI.OSING STOCllt 1II11:le 53 ~ · ", WC:illac JfI~,j U 13 l:i Cl Pow pr Ii:; S4fi). 461., 46 J , + ~4. B, The Alloeietecl Pre .. \Yhile Calf leather. Spot-welded. IClttates :lOn iRO 780 780 C MarconI 23(}!) 390 3RO 390 -10 New York Stock Escbaflre-Oct. , 54t \\'shul'ne 49110 8i 87 87 cpn 467S J.IS J43i 34~. _ It. .~dd 101. ,d-Ex·dlvldend. ..-Ex 55 } IV \)""111. mo 1,,\ 125 12:' -3 C Vicker sd 1111 S19!, 19!. 19\, rl.w:hls, xW-Ex·wlrrar.h. Net chanu l' toughened steel alloy hlades. Sizes LITTLE' GIRLS 5eE ""n Cln 2500 1 I I - I~ C,nl n.1 lInD m 77,\ 775 tI from prev)ou. day', cloll. DANKS Con MS 10lD $'W. 27'\ 2m - ~\ Sizes 7 to 13. $S,2~. Nol 1 J Mn"t 643 5fill; fiHi 61\, Con ,.xt ~668 $10\1 II. IOV, +1 alnek b1r!I nt,h Lo" Clolt Ch',e 3 to 10. Priced fr01l1 ~S :!M 5711.2 7H4 7l1h + 1i1 C O1ass ~oo IU1.-. lll!:' 111,. ACF Ind 1200 49" 46\1 49', +2% \ C lin Ok C 292 16lh 64 6lY. + % Corby A lIS SI8 I. 16;. IS'Y, Addr... 11100 m.. 5611 sm t % 25 Roy .. 1 J09 S75h 74~4 15th +~, Coronil.tlon 27~ S6~a 6~' fi\' _ ~ Allis Ch 5700 17'. l6Vo 17 $7.95 to $8.75 GROWING GIRLS n Tor Dom 450 $03 6211 63 tv. Crain II L 1000 SI4 14 14 Amerada 7]CC ;&~ 75\1 m~ - ~ 3E Ii'fIIU8TRlALS I),nlson 700 SIIlI Wlo \1\\ Am C.n 2900 4G 41'!', 45'. U Alumlnl 27714 t.l~" 28', 29~ +% DI.I S.. , 310 S53',. 5:11\ 53\. +',' Am Cyan 6100 ~MI ~m 57\1- ~ 3 to 5 25 to H C Drew 51Bl $\01. IO'.J 101'. D Drldg. 425 sm. 17l> 17"" - y, Am Mol !lIDO l~ 20" 2~ $7. ~7 U o M.'ntl 100 111. m m - '" D Coal pr 125 S13l< l3l, 1m + ~I Am Smelt 1200.10 7BII 79\1 + V. 7( Do.. o 1830 sim 141. IMI +Ik D .·ndry 35 S64\1o 6m 61\\ - lfo Am Sid 11900 18 \HI 18 - '" 1 81 non Dik. 113 $Il\\ 13',\ 15 (\ D Giall I!OO nell 1m 1811 + ¥< Am SU:lr MOO m. 26V. ~6'A - V. Inlond 1'/93 S6 ~ 61, - ',~ D Sleal 2190 U5\1o I4V. 1m +I'k Am Ttl 24900 130lk 129!l12m - .. or 10 ( Buy your Inv 5)'1\ A 310 S\3I' 13\\ 53\. - % D Siore. 3520 Sl611 161m + y, Am Toh 40100 28~ 27% 21 +~. P,mbln. I~ S7'V, 7'>11 m Dom ,'Ir 1970 SIB 17"4 1711 +'>k Am aled 2101l 40% 391. 40\1 + % 11\ Slmp.on, 1914 1311> JW. + 10 Dom Text 720 Il~ 2oY. + 3W, 2O'Y. V, Anenda !l700 50~1 50 50V.. + I~ f 1V.lk... 1330 117Y. 56'll 51;. Oup"l. F A mo $11\1 HI. III> • 'I. Armco 511 11200· 6", 64l> 61Y, + '10 Canada W"lon R 120 $IB'.'o 161,l 18Y. Enam pr A 303 17 ev. 611- \1 Arm,', J400 lOll', 100 100 - '" YOUTHS' AND BOYS FonEION TRADING Falcon 1690 S5311 51!'. 62 -1\\ DabcOCk 1900 521', 51~ am +'II Fnlcon 140 $52 II 52 -2\\ Fnnl PIIY 100 SI9', 19V. 191~ nel" 51 ••1 43400 3lV. 31'?, 33 + 10 HOCKEY SKATES Savings Int Nickel ,5U _671l 67'\l 67'" Fru.. 210 SJOV. 30\4 30\4 Boeing 570() 3~3~ :Ill. :J3~. - 0/, Top-grain leather boots with Moore 2000 SIll', 51;; 11110 GL Plptr 2110 .221. 12\4 22V, + % Borden 800 6j~ 6S~l; 6.H. - 'i Designed after the ntlchcr lOll 40 40 10 +3 \landy Andy 125 $IJ I~l' 12!'I-1li Borg W.r .d3100 4m 4111 4m _ ',1 uenuine box toes, pro-style ten­ Ddhlnl IOU 625 625 625 -IS Hard.. 400 230 2J0 230 + 10 Bo. Edhon 2360 42'. 4211 421. + I> grown-ups wear. Bonds C 1J.,hl 125 550 550 SID + II lIawk Sid 4150 $61. m 6\-0 + V- B,un.wk 35800 11% IIV. IIV. don guards and reinforced C 011 Ld. 800 160 miss \lollln,.. lIO $271'1 27% 27V1 tI. Bucy Erie :11;00 1610 151. 16 +.,. split-leather, tendon (Average Hcld '0 lIIallfrlry Dleknsn 1100 62, 620 625 Home Il 2570 tl4 Ill> II + % Budd Co 1600 14 13\\ 13% - I~ heels. The sturdy construction Giani VK 500 SI2 12 12 - % Home B 151 "4 14 14 Burl Ind 8~OO 3811 37\1 38 + 'I tough zinc-plated 5.03 % Pcr AmlulII) Grldoll 500 35 3, 35 + 3 1I0rne Pr 2400 ~20 215 220 '+ \0 Durrghl 23100 28~ 27 2a1'o +1\. of these skates makes them Gu.nar ,20 83S al5 835 !Iud Bay 430 $51 5SI~ 51 + \~ Calumet 900 l4 1m m, - 10 blades. Youths' sizes 11 Kerr Add ~w 6JO 650 6\0 llBC 100 11m l41iJ 141> _ '/& elm soup 700 100 100 IfIO ideal for both general skating Opeml.k. 500 alo 810 810 -5 Imp on 962 sml 43l'. 43\\ tI, Can Dry 1000 26\10 26 11 , I at the Pro\'o Gu I~ lao 118 178 -2 lIusky 011 200 SW. W. 6\10 CPR 2400 33\1 321. 3m - ~ and hockey. They are available 13 $7.25 to 75. SI.nwell 3000 31 30 lO -I Imp Tob 460 sm. m. 13% - Ii Ca .. JI 63000 10,. ~I IW. +1'.> $8. .' Sherrill 40a 283 283 283 Ina A... p 1760 $24\0 23'4 241, + I> Coler Tr 5100 44\1 4l'l1 41\1 + % in sizes 6 -to 12 and are priced \ ' Royal 51 .... 500 110 I7l lBO Int Nlcktl 2eU m eel~ GIN. - 91 Celane.. IJOOO ~3~ 51\;' 51'4 - l~ Sllop n .60 440 440 440 Int P.P 45Z 13m m. 3B\1 Cho, Ghlo '400 ~I~ 63\1 ~4 Un K.no 100 555 555 565 +5 Inl UIII 150 t.llli 2.... 241>- '4 Chry.lr 246300 91 89\. 901, +11'> Boys' sizes 1 to 5 Ask for application form Un Dufl.d 7500 74 71 74 +I Inl UIII pr 75 au 49 49-1 Cltles!v 3800 8m 66~1 16\1- Ik from at your nearest branch. Vlolam 100 m 227 227 +8 J.m.'e PS 200 SIlIl.11 11¥< + ¥< Clevlle 1100 J& 371'> 38 + "" WUI •• y 5lJ00 20 20 10 t 3\> Lou nn 200 SI4 II 14 CDS 9600 77', 761, 77 + 1\10 $7.25 to Buy for cush or by inslal· I. Fin 2.00 pr 25 $38\1 3DY. 38~ + 'h Coml Solv 6100 2BI<, 27!1 2m - '\I ments. Canada Savings Tal.1 III .. , 3,01l.COO Lobla" A 3410 17% 71. 710 - 1'. Con Edl, 2.300 87'10 B8\\ 81\1 +I Loblaw B lOO 18 11. 8 Con'.'ncr 9400 3m 333m + '\I Bonds never fluctuate in M BPR 2242 sm~ 2m 2m + I. Con C.. 3100 4611 m~ 4sv. - \I LITTLE GENT'S villue, can be cashed any MBrltlm. T 193 SIll'> 21"" 21"" Con 011 700 m. 6311 6Jv. - 'I, time value, M... F 2111 SIB 1m 16 Copw 511 1800 41lt 39Y./ 391'< -I.,. Availahle in white or for full face Mal.on B 120 nay. 28'11 2m - 1\ Corn Prod 2600 ml 'BVo Sill plus btcrcst. Moot Loco lID .12\\ 11\, 1211 + Ii Cr... Co 500 541, 5m- ~l\1 Hi with brown b·im. Top, • MONTREA~ Mont Tilt 25 S99 99 99 +;<, Cr ZeU 5~00 5H.,W. ,m + I, Moore corp 181 ,5m 511i 51% +91 Deere 7100 tiS 63% .64 -I leather straps, metal ~IONTKP;AL CLOSING STOCKS Mouo R A 321 $9 D 9 01.1 SOl' 5M lOll lOll 501> + V. II, n. Clnadlln Prell l'or•• dl S02 $38\1 3& 30 - '" Dome M 1700 11\\ 21 27 -.,. les, low-set steel hades Abillbi 49 0 nrldge NS LP 180 US 2.1 21 Dou,la. 8200 211, 20'll. 20\1--', Abll pr 2$ Dom Tar Nlld Lllhl 575 $1m m\ 11% Dow Ch.m 11300 5911 5C'll 50 - •• Asbe.IOI 210/. Fru.. O,lIvl. 210 stili 1m 14'1 du ponl ~QD 246V, 241 21, Sizes 7 to 13 $5.25 a nnqUo C Nit so GT Lake. anI Sleel 2700 121V. 2111 '21', + V. Ealt KOII MOO 1111\.ltl:l"I::;m + 1~ I Bln_ Monl 14~ Hud Bly Min PIC P.,. 3611 SI31i 13 Il'" \k Ealon MIg ~900 37'.. 301\ 3m - " .J Ilank NS 711> Imp 011 PRI. H... 310 1191> 19'~ II\> EI PliO 97011 11\, 11'\1 I&\~ + '. ROYAL BANI< Boque PC t3 lnl ~Iet Pile.. 75 UI 2m 28 + V. l·I .... ln 1I!OO 3814 37\0 31 +1'. -" .. . THE DAILY NEWS, ST. JOI1N'S, NEWfOiJ~mI.AND, OCTOBER 5, 1063-13' PIUSCILLA'S POP By AL VER~IEER SWEETIE PIE By NADINE SELTZER TEXACO

FUEL CHIEF " i , I , ~ 1 ; i I' ; i HEATING OIL I ~ \ Fuel Chief Is the cleanest burning oil you can buy. Every :1, bit burns-not a drop Is waited. Fuel Chief keeps your house ,I clea.n and has no odour. Most important-Fuel Chief can't leave ,I damaging deposits on burner parts and storage tank. And it's . -- ... _------economical-you get lilese premium benefits at regular prices! I R'>I'i\II. ~ Ask us to fill your tank newl Keep it full of Texaco Fuel I I .c: . FOR FURNACE, Chief for prptection against dust, dirt and condensation. Then '_i.:J ==="'" when you need more Fuel Chief we schedule deliveries so you RANGE or HEATER never run short. --.... DIAL 8·3001 (10 LINES) .~ '~lI'rl H ': I hr Roard :: ",,\(11 Rn d ':,'d. THE GREAT EASTERN OIL CO., LTD. II"lI !V,1 r~ Ill'. I,!. ":',. I~~ .~~_ ',>, C". ,,"-\TEB STREET ST. JOHN'S ,-.".- ,-;- :": '-;--,--c_ !:'" rrp~irl~r.! _ ... _-_._---_.-...... '. ""rl~n~ \I'!I! "/ can't come gut! I'm undur house arrest!1t '. d En~irttfo' . ':r~ LimHti CAPT AIN EASY • ~WIN Bv LESLIE TURNER Ullll]g 'R A0 I 0 , 1.:<1,. rl~H AT ';1 1.1 rfl'llh, : 1. ~ ~ ..,£ --(0' BRIDGE i ,·:·'r. T.lrl. on . "'" . :. oct. II. "

; ,"':uh ttd,. TllU~lP BItI~AK 1 ! ~ i :'. Ore. l~. NEED NOT SET i ; i'('r crnt B.30-Children'! Album. lO,Ol-Road Show I,: cent ]lId. g.OO-CBC News lO.30-Ntaional News By OSWALD JACOBY ! '%4. record g.OS-Weother and Program 10.35-Road Show I esc Preview ll.OO-News Highlights I 9.15-Concert In lIIiniature H.Ol-Road Show NORm (1)) 30 \ ,\ lTntl.\ Y. octobcr "I.h. 9.30-CBC News 1l.30-Nationnl News III QB5 9.35-Post "lark U.K. 12.00-News Highlights 'I A 7~ ...----- lO.OO-Wenther +J4 BE~ CASEY P.M. ",AKQJI06 By NEAL ADAMS 10.03-Mnrlllme Gardener 12.01-Road Show 10.l5-Neighbourly News 12.30-Nntional News WEST EAST • J9 43 .7 JUST REMEMBER,DR.CASEY, 35-:IHI':I.J', l':1)('k lio.30-sunday Morning 12.35-Road Show • Q2 'IIO\0084 THAT EUROPE Wi'S PRO' :it'" and Wrather· Magazine l.oo-News + 97:1 +,K'Q 10 a PUCING DOCTORS LIKE • 11.00-SI. Mary's Anglican 1.0~-Weather Forecast ",8143 ",95 ,\.~~;I~: l}:-c\'icw , Church Service 1.3S-Don ,Jamieson Comments /lOUT" 1-)I(1rn:::. !l"\'otillns , PM. 1.40-SportB .AKI062 tl-H'[l:':d I,'hlli'{'h ~cws 12.l5-CBC News Bod Weather 1.4S-Art Baker's Notebook '1653 . ~,.". and From !12,30-To Praise My God 2.00-New~ Hlghlighls • A B52 ",2 Ii::: OIl r I",rrrspond. : 12,45-Regional Roundup Z.OI-Road Show U5-Sunday Redtal 3M-Road Show Both vulnerable North 'ElsL South West .:Ii'i l.30-BBC News and 4.00-Ncws Highlights 1 '" 1 'I 1 • Pass DR. C~5EI. DON'T YOLl ilf llils Commentary 4.05-Road Show 2 'I Pass 2 • Pass DARE CRlTleIZ~ MY PRO' .1:1-1111,,11\' C1uh lA5-Sunday Miscellany 4.30-Natlonnl New. 4 • Pass 5 + Pass FESSIONAL ATTITUDE --OR ~lallncr !!.oO-Churct, Of The Air 4.33-Road Show 6 • PI~S Pass Pass IMPLY WE ARE .ess DFI/IANI"I :\ Of ING BACK HO\IE THAI-! '!ll:': 2.30-CBC News 5.0Cl-News IIlghlighh Opening lcad-'IQ YOU ARE HERG! 1;_~mCIl lifilrt Program 2.33-Capital Report 1I.00-Art Andrews Dance . ::CII'S 3.00-NfJd Calls St. Pierre Party It Is always bad luck when ALLEY OOP By V. T. HA~ILIN a.30-Sunday Concert B.DO-News Hightligh!s and you lOSe a game or slam be· Report 4.30-CBC News Weather cause of a bad break in trumps, Firm Broadcast 4.33-CI·ltically Speakln, S.03-National News but it Is bad play when you ,)o}-):::jda)' Serenade 5.15-World Series S.lO-Sports fail to guard against th(! bad , U\l1!ctin B.OO-On The Move 6.20-News break. 'I Of SI:lr5 8.30-George Mitchell Singers 6.30-Dick Earl Club 93 :;CII' and Weather , 9.00-Summer Stage 7.00-NelYs South'R six·spadc contract was reasonable indeed. lie l:;n,·,' ll;ghlights '1' 10.00-~lusic from Montreal 7.01-Dick Earl Club 93 ,...... ,"'"',, I Hcndezl'olls IO.30-CBC Notional 7.30-Nc1Y8 only needed a 3·Z brcal: in Time Signal 10.4Cl-Weekend Review and B.DO-Road Show trumps and a 5·1 break in clubs H(,ndczvolls Our Special Speaker B.30-National New. to make BIl13 tricks. South wun ~~Snnrt, l'ol:cge IltOO-Canadian Concert Hall B.32-Road Show the opening heart lend with ilate : ('Winnipeg Pops Orches· 9.00-News Highlights dummy's ace. He led a trump Ball ! tra" 9.01-Road SholY to his king and a second trump Check , 1l,45-1nterlude For Music U5-Salvatlon Army to dummy's queen. East I.\-\'I·nrlrl Sl'rirs , 12.00-Weather and News 9.4S-Ncws showed out and the fat was In l~i;atul·d.) .Iamboree 12.09-~lidnight ~!usie 10.00-News In A Minute the fire. south could not make \.(, ~ i 12.45-Music Program: lO.OI-National Ncll's his slam any more, in fuct hc could not even make five·udd. hcr r 'I' ~Iarincrs Halifax IO.I5-Saturday Night FRECKLES AND HIS FRIENDS . h ~Iy Story 1.30-Music Prog-:am: House Party He played two more rounds of By i\IERRILL BLOSSER Thc ~Io\'c Ottawa IO.30-National News trumps in the vain hope Ihat IU-I'"',,,',''' l1:all\· Y(JU,'3 IO.45-Sports and Messages West did not hold a ~ccond ----_._------heart to lead to his partner, HOMEWD~K HE~ CCc;V-JNG CLASS \atillnai ;>jews H.OO-News Highlights FINALS f>~E 1Q'IIORl'lOJ..! ;\lH:11' I!ock~v Il.OI-Satnrday Night but West had that secund IN THE P Gamr olld Outdoor:; ·.\I:,n 'CJON HOllse Party heart. ~72:HEN. \\'(.:11('1 ,45 Enough 10.01-Weck In Review Bridge" just send your name,' 7 Often 27 Erlct 48 Blbllcil MORTY MEEKLE DICK .CAVALU 8 1IydrocITbon 2B Flower mounllin ll.OD-News In A Minute address aod 50 cents to Os· mil,) 109 GReup,tuote 29 Ireland 47 WI.te ll.02-Chapcl For Shut·lns wald Jacoby Reader Service, 'TH16 WYH~A ~~~~~ 31 EvenIng allowance 12.00-News care Ilally News, P.O. Box 489, 1l1C01Z'{1HAT 6~ CReATI..\RI% 1- 1\ WUhlnt:(::-co_mbr.:':-3..,4;;oHI .... h, .. Ir-~&~D~~;:;. P.M. Dept. A., Radio City Statlon, rxNTLmKANY DI~ -.---. AND BOYS' 12,Ol-Sunday Sing AIDng New York 19, N.Y. "fHi\N HLlIMN BSINco.s 00. 12.30-Local and National Y SKATES News . ' ter the skate! 12.35-Party LIne ;.. CARD SENSE , :: wear. BroWll 12.IIO-PrDvlnclal Roundup . , Q-The bidding has been: . tOO-News In A Minute ,. ,.'1" . . : , tendon l.DI-Longlne~ Symphonette South Wesl North East , 'I,'. " Ie-plated t30-News 1. Double Redou. 2 '" ,I ;." , sizes 11 to 1.5O-Parllament HI11 Pass Pass ? , •• '_'. f , 2.00-News In A MInute You, South, hold: I. \i: ' to 75. 2.01-Rold Show .K J 7 6 'IA Q 8 5 4 +K 2 $8. 2.30-News In A Minute ",32 2.31-RDad Show What do you do? 1 to 5 3.00-News A-bId four spades. This 3.D1-Road Show contract should. be safe and .25 to 4.00-News In A Minute If your partner wants to go SHORT RIBS By FRANK O'NEAL 4.01-Road Show on you are willing to 110 .. -".-·--··' .. ·---- .... -·~--·r·.... ' ---~!:E~-Z; 4.30-News along with him, E GENT'S 4.31-Road Show white or Ii.DO-News In A Minute TODAY'S QUESTION Ii.Ol-Road Show . Your partner continues wllh trim. 'fop !I.30-Hollr Of Decision five spades. What do you do metal O.OO-NewsHI,hlights and now? t steel bades. Weather Answer Tomorrow 6.15-Mlntovanl 13 $5.25 ' 6.30-St. Thomas's Churcb Hey wives - ask hubby for Service what you can't have 90 you 'l.30-Road SholV can compromise on what you _ H1WSl'Al'1I BNTW.I8I.us'~N:-...._..... _ ...... 8.00-New~ In A Minute really want. 14-THE DAILY NEWS, ST. JOHN'S, NEWFOUNDLAND, OCTOBER 8, 1081

Acetylene and -C-on-tr-a-ct-o-rs-S-u-pp-I-ie-s - liEAP & PARTNERS CENTRAL T.V. Service Attention , Hamilton HOh' ',. (NFLD,) Ltd, INVESTIGATION Electric Welding Wiring MateriaIJ, Wire and Contractors :123 • 125 Hamilton . UNITED NAIL Cable!, Motor!, Startel'l, SERVICE T.V. Service wspal FRY'S ENGINEERING j Permall! . ~ Lamps. Switche.!l. I..ightln. For your Building . Re. Catering to , LTD. & FOUNDRY Handling all "hnseR SERVICE ~ Fixtures. ~tc o( invrstigatinll'. rhone 8·6B65 quirements, Paint and: Rnd Transients. For I • . SprlnJ;dale St. Dial 8·203: CO., LTD. WAREHOUSE: PRINCE'S SERI M~xhllllm "rotection 01 A TV Day or night. HAMILTON AfE. DIAL 8·5088 Building Hardware see' servations Please dial minimum I:OS!. Building, Materials "W nco " WEST END , us. i Steel Scaffolding, ()rnamental ------~~~~~~~~~~ TELEVISION LTD. 8·5636 I ,I Dial 9·43524 i 8 Iron Railings, Chain Link Fent· - '105 WATER ST. WEST HUSSEY'S PAINT : lug15.1mtb CiHESTER DA WE LTD. lng, Re·lnforclng Steel, etc. James R. Tucker ltd. or 9·43522. ----.----...-- AND HARDWARE 1 For all your Rulldlng P.O. Box 5672-EClst NEW GOWER STREET 1 Requh'ements. 27 Springdale St. Murphy's 30 ALL SALES oct2.dly,lyr j TOPSAIL RD. - SHAW ST. EQUIPMENT AND Texaco Service 23 '. Electrical Fixtures Rentals 8·0161 9·1171 CONTRACTING LTD. nA~IILTON STREET 24 HOUSEHOLD UTENSILS I. Gas • Oil 27 Bal'ber Shop I General Contractors, EnglDeell, and Supplies Hardware-Sporling Good.. ! II Greasing • Washing 17 Equipment Renlals. 19 I TOPSAIL ROAD. Well Drilling II Minor Repairs CENTRAL BARBER SHOP I PHONES: 9.2000, 9·2009. HARRIS & HISCOCK '. Accessories. • STOVE OIL 21 Phone 85171 LTD. I DIAL 8·2762. 29 ~"Jil 169 Watcr St. :Phone 8.7352 sepl0,lyr ·'FURNACf; OIL CBS ~~ ~ ,CBS i- Dry Cleaners jy3,tf Pianos and Organs 20 ------Tires Glass A, L. COLLIS & SON I' Car Radios COMET LTD. ------PALMER'S SERVICE-:, OPERAnHG 12 CH.AIRS Representlns the world's finest INDUSTRIAL TIRE rliEl'iTciiIIii I CLEANERS A. C. BARNES LTD. Pianos and Organs. CAR RADIO SALES STATION -.J 10 IMI !I"' ~ I SERVICE Topsail Rd.-Dial 9·5099. ST. JOliN'S GRACE ~ We can install n ncw radio For the Fastest most Plate, Safety, Sheet Glus, 1Ir.. Cold weatller mean, ~4 SEll' GOWER ST. Dial 9·2161 Dial 5075 in any car from $55.00 up (OpPollte Adelald. ~'otOrl) Mirror and Plexlglus. efficient Dry.Clean. 45 Blackmmh Rd. DIal 9·3690 ______"TUNE-UP TIME" ing and Shirt Service. See us for EJpert Servici!lg of , ',' Bakery :PROPANE GAS Jack's your car or truck. , .20 CONSOI --- Ph: 98017 • 98020 Insurance ------1 --- i L Radio Shop RETREADING EXPERT SHOE REPA"~I""'"----. '--' ...-~--- Dmg Stores JOB BROTHERS 71 Long':1 Hill We Repair Shoes al\ Makes and: .:,) I' B' OUR OWN PHONE 8·7448 VULCANIZING Si7.C!. Rcasonable Rates. EMERSON To calm Ingo & COMPANY, Ltd. Pick·up and Delivery Service SKATE SHARPENIl\'G Du~Iont Sales anti S!III," : on thE . t . i M. (;ONNORS Ltd. Water Street Radios Kenmollnt Rand, Dial 93331 . -, ~ BREAD WILLIAMS A th . d .' .'. , Prescriptions Pickup ud DIAL 8·2658 - a.41Z3 Best by l'Taste TestlJ delivery service. SHOE SERVICE DuMONT ~E;~\Z~E DEF/ ··H"' elp Kin i PHONE 1·220& GREAT EASTERN OIL Well Drilling I H FLOWER HILL For all TV Sen-ice, C( ,I 'Baked by --:;OMPANY, Ud. , , J. J. LACEY .; EAST END BAKERY, REPAIRS TO RADIOS, TV l_jn_e2_(},_lJ_'r ______i L. GiL~~~~~~sRN!f'!:i ~~~~~ -, 1,1 INSURANCE tid. AND ALL ELECTRICAL j Cor. F~eshl\'aler Road 1l1;;;/i"Ii!!.).'"'______LTD. APPLIANCES FO UN D : " " Dependable Flte Insurane(, I Ehzabeth Awnue ." ", ,: DIAL 8-3001 10 1\·3005 '! I Prompt Claim Settlement.. ., City Electrical ItiAL 8·j035 ! Service Station 93279 ~:H.,IGHT ~rExpert "q W " I Beauticians ' .. 1,,\',' ! jly10,lmth '" Co.,l.,td. ',' ~ (Electrical rontractors) BLACKMARSH ESSO II ~~~~~ONO~I GLADY'S BEAUTY SHOPPE ADVERTISE cor. Bond and Prescott :Sis. Electric Repairs, to CROSBIE & CO., Ltd. SERVICE Phone 8-49.51·11·7B98. Sper.!. Ranges, etc. Agents for Cor. B1ackmarsh Rd. nnd IN aHzing ID cold waving, hair UNDERWRITERS AI Albany Street. Phone 9·48BO. . AT 3; I. styling, cutting and tinting, PHONE 8·3767 LLOYDS. Tires, Tubes, Accessories;, BeI«me manicuring. facials etc. 14 86 Casey Street LOW RATES Lubrication, Washing. See Pd. THE NEWS S. W. SHORT ..... operators, no \1Ia/Ung. DIAL 8·5031 for I Job compl~.{;. 11 ADELAIDE ST • 8·Z6fl ., : N.B. Oct. 26. Leaving Hali(3x · "," ', I Nov. 1 for St. John's. Nfld., d'lC I · ... "', . Steamship Movements I there Nov. 4. Sailing for Lh·er· , :.', .j' /3ays Russia Shouldn't pool same day. ; ',' ".'J' I HARVEY & CO. LTD. Refrigerated. I SERVICE C,S,L.-CLARKE TERRA ! • Fcrgus Iearing Charlottc· I' NEWFOUNlIJ.AND CANA})A :>iOVA SERVICES , [oll'n •.PEl '. , )"d'n "Y. 0 c.I 4, I~al'" STEA~ISHIPS S S. Gulfport leadng Mon·' ing Pictou, N.S. Thursda\', Oct' "ll df d" T f II r AVALON P m In Running of treal Oct. 1. Due St. John's 13. arril'in!: st. John's, . Nfld.', f . r .osrt )sahl ~ng "frlod ·O'I.tl .. IVA'rEB AT .', tile . , 5t} ~Ionda" O"t 7 l' .' g St ax 01 ., 0 n s,.. . C , OC,l. I l.l ',11 ..... , La\ln ·r-th \'oj : lIy AI.AN HARVEY. 'eon meeting. but it may tUl'n Chinese, but their mnod mllY, \\'orld is so olel'\\"lirlming in lIs ~ real Oct. 3, Due St . .Jolm's; JO~ln'5, :\£Id. ~Io.~day, Oct. 7, :' ''"Bedforll"' ~oiling from HII:i· , . '" . LONDON ICP) _ In a sinl(le oul 10 be a "pernicious new change later. Beaton said. . strcngtll and ]'l';ources that if it Oct. 7. I Fergt:s !e.a\ Ing Charlott ... : fax for 51. John's, :\fld, OCI. speech. Canadian defence ex. form of isolation." What tlie What is Beaton's formula? organi7.es itself properly the So· S,S. Sir .10hn Crosbie lea'/·' to\\,II. P.E,I. Jo r~day Oct. 11. lea\,· i 15th. •• I,' NS i pert Leonard Beaton set out to Americans really want, he said. "I would like to see the ArneI" I'iet linion would ultimilld. Oct. . A. & ',,' • ~- !..: of United States global strate~y:, to look aCter itself, relieving the ship of th~ free :vorld., It would Beaton. 3<. is rliredor of S.S. Novaport leaving Man!. i MOn!~.tY .• Od. ~4, l:al mg SI.: 23rd. ""- FIrst, the former l\tontre~l' U.S. of an Immense dollar b~ an alhance I~ which they studics at London', Inslitute lor I real Oct. 8, due St. John's Oct. i JO~I~S, ~,,\f1d'l M{:nd:~'Cohct.l H., "Bedford" sailing from [{(iII. , regular I newspaper man torpedoed Pres· drain. II ould do the leadmg. but every- Strategic St udics descl'ihcd as 1 13 er otiS cal 111" ar otte- 'r ,[ St J i' Nnd N .: ..... ident Kenncdy'~ "gl'and dcsi~n" RUSSIA DOESN'T RATE body else-this is important- Europe's oniv i~dcpendent or- S' S H' hI' 1 " town, P.E.!. Saturday. Oct. H1,! ax or·. 0 In S, 1 .' OV •. ------uvenile T.A. I.' .( J •• d · ' · I E ·th' f S' t A' ld h hI k .. Ig mer caving Illont· I a ··n P' t NSF'l 0 t 1st. · .,. for Im"m~ lI1\I C( 'lIl'. ; her tn an equal share In run· Brltam with AmerICa would eml of Cana{b, the lil'~t Lord: real Oct. 18, due St. John s Oct. Fer!:us lcal'~ng Charlotte· , , ',' '" SERVICES oly of power in which the llnilcd I nin:: the world. and he didn't have to be extended to all. pal" Twcedsnmir. '22. town. P.E.!. Friday, Oct. 25, OIL & IMPORT .~I' ;";, States and the Soviet llni~n think she could be trusted in licularly to countries such ns Ed t d t 'Il . I S.S. Gulfport leaving Mont· leaving Pictou, N.S. Thursdav., CO., LTD. would hear 8 joint super·power her current state of evolution France. German)" Japan, CRn· 't ~ uca1c t nco ~:e'?ll lTml'cr' real Oct. 22, due St .•fohn's Oct. Oct. 24, arriving St. John;s,! I CONNECTIOX 1I"EH Rl' .. · " . responsibility for peace. toward a more relaxed system. ada and Australia. It would be SI~' an{. a am l\ IC ge. Bcatnn 27. Nfle!. ]\[onday Oct. 28 leaving Radio, TeleVision, Washers · .. ~ , Refrigerators, Deep Freezers i PL.\CENTL\ I!.lI -=i,-----_ - . t': ' The grand design or The Russians are happy about hard. but r think such a system wOII'keGd mttCanarlcta .MoEn!: S.S, Novaport leaving Mont. tit. John's, Nfld. Oct. l'aflholl" ifll;tI .'" , "~\\'o .rorBt!~te ~Ionday, Electric Ranges. 1 Train .'The ... ~ -;: .; pillars" theory is certainl)' a the present cold.war truce hc' could he made to work" rea mc e an In 11 alii 01 , 28 Floor Polishers. I Sf. John's 12:01 pm. O:.~ij · .;.' well • intentioned idea. Beatoll causc It gives them time to set. MIGHT JOI~ FORCES . TI~e Timcs, The Guardian of real Oct. 25, due St. John's Oct. ~ Refrigeration. ; r~) Gramophones '7th will make \'onnecti~: ~\'l _' .•...(,1 told an ..\nglo·Canadian lunch. tle their differences with the What about Russia' The fl'ee ~lanchestcl' and Rcuters news 30. I " , • 'PI t' . . ~"'l ______agency. He has \\Tittcn a book S.S. leaving Jl!ont. WITIIY rublic Address System!, I acen la Junctlon o:'C "t:;;-) " " .'\. ~------_.- Highlinl~r "F~Rl'iF,S~, AN~ FALL on the spread of nuclear wea- real Oct. 29, due St. John's Nov. SHamore 1 eft Liver· Tape Recorders : gentia with 31.V. Penle r.. ··;:! ': :~ ~ ~ ': ~ . pons. 3.' pool Sept. ~6, due SI. John's REPAmS AND SERVICE : for West Run. PlaLinli! ;:':(1,",' :~ :~; :; ST K" _ .• f' , Oct. 3. LeaVing for Halifax and 5 LINES : CONNECTIO:-O fi,\ r R{11~ • . ", .'1 j Boston Oct. 4, due Halifax Oct. DIAL 8·3001 to 8·3005 : PLACENTI.\ B.\l' <; · ,';'" 6 and Boston Oct. 9. Lcaving · :; ':, : ' Canada's Oldest ; Train "The Carihou":, ;"'~l '. " :_'.,~;~J Boston Oct. 11 for Halifax and WATER STREET ,Sf. John's 12:01 r.m. if ·j:r~ " , .~ St. John's, Nfld. Leaving Hali . Jan2S,ly ~-, • "io 9th will make COlme,:·:: ,.' :, Octo .~ ;:-',: , fax Oct. 18 for st. John's, Nfld., Placentia .Junction 3':':·'1 , , " .' due SI. John's Oct. 21st. Salling ,_._,'.' genlia with M.V. Pet;!· ; ':~ SUN · .. -'r ... · [or LiverpOOl ~~me day for Bay Run. PlaN'IIIi,i' .'" l o ',_ TV Show 'Is Gone DA Y, "Beechmore" lctlvirig Liver· CONNECTION Glu:[l1'i " , Usual At · ~, TORO:-ITO rcP) - Canada's 20 of the show's 30 minutes. of dissatisfaction with its can· MUSIC pool Oct. 10th, due St. John's SERVIn: I .I~" oluest continuous television "Tbere was the night whJre tent--just that It had been on so Oct. 17th. Leaving for Halifax · -,'i~~ show is gone. they tied my tic to the mike long thAt a change was In or· Train "The CarilioU" J Tea-C and Boston Oct. 18. due Halifax ;>;'i~htly for IOI~ years. fir,1 hoom nnl1 showed the weath'~r, del'. and SI. .Tohn's 12;01 p.llI. ( as .Tabloid and lalel' as 701, ~he map upside down." i Oct. 20 and Boston Oct. 23. 9th will makp ronIlP;t:<= Y, I CBe pro;:l'am broughl audio I Tho.

, ·". . i · · , I · · 1 .:- , i ; FOR SALE-1962 Acadian · ',.,'" :.~ .. Car; 6 cylinder. two :one Wm. L. CHAFE , i blue. lIfilcage 0000 miles. TAILOR i ,i Equipped with radio and · snow tires. Phone 9·0967:1. 4 HOl.DSWORTH ST. ST. JOHN'S KINSMEN ·.. : .".. CLOTHES MAKE THE MAN ::; FOR SALE-1962 Volkswagen IF CHAFE MAKES THE CLOTHES. .. ~.•. it BOYS' CLUB Deluxe. Equipped. with H snow tires. Custom .built 1m ilion radio. In excellent cOJl(li· ewspaper BINGO tion. Phone 1)·6963. i PCI'm oct4,5.7 1 th. ONLY A FEW LEFT For Gravel for Sale Tlte most 110pular car ill Canada SERIES NO. 79 FOUR LITTLE KITTENS THE 1963 PONTIAC ;" \'.(, dial need a home. Please call %" Crllsher RUll \36 B I N G 0 9·5BB4. $1.1,5 Cubie Yunt See MIAZINICS IlI1,: .:' car. Please write to Un We Bu~ And Sell:,~ i 1";llrr ROild and in very good I ,! h ,hrnue 663, care of this nell'spaper, . . I B:P. O. ELKS for further informa tion, and Used Tires All Sizes •• \;l~~ [Wjr~ con dIhon. . l nAY Dr giVe all particulars. ST. JOHN'S LODGE 245 l'ilGlIT Watch Repairs oc13,4,5 24 Hour Towing Service ~iCnr .\\\., A Specialty Phone 8-3662 Special entertainment for Elks and their guests. LEARN TO DRIVE Female driver with 15 Kings Bridge Service Station I Baton Twirling TODAY, SATURDAY, 9 P.M. years driving experience, sa!:.:.\[ now accepting female co., LTD. I ------.------~------~ ------.---.--- pupils. wishing tei learn to DIAL 8·2146 Classes drive. sep19.lmth I Octoher 7th PHONE 916214 COll1mencin~ I octl,lmth · For information I and registration AUTOMOBilE Please call SF.:lVICE WITII A SIIIILE AT. INSURANCE Golden Eagle Refining Company ~IHS. Al\'GEL AVAlON CREDIT JEWELLERS '~ WATER AT ADELAIDE, PHONE 11·7829 987i6 R.C. Anthony 1 Of Canada limited oct3,5 I ---. I R.C.A .. requires I Insurance Ltd. WAN-rED I Imperial Oil Bldg. & p~ T. A. B. SOCIETY PRICING CLERK SCRAP COPPER '12c. lb .. Elizabeth Avenue or SCRAP BRASS .. 10c. lb. : lhe regular monthly meeting of the Room and . RADIATORS, ALUJllNU~l Juvenile T.A. & B. Society will be held Highest prices paid. TEL. 9,.5079 PRICE CHECKER 14 Lines' on SUNDAY, October 6th, at 2:30 Board TERRA NOVA SCRAP p,m, in the Club rooms./ (MALE OR FEfiIALE) METAL --.--" .------_. __ ._->------In private home. ?\fust have Grade XI education or bettcr A. WHELAN, H l'\EW GOWER STREET I Near bus stop. . and have at least three years experience Phone 87797 ) Secretary. ancl be a fast worker. Apply: 1963 FAll EXI-UBITION i("TIO~ WEST scplO,lmth 1~{'t::\;TIA RAY iThe Caribou" . Dial 94412 CHIEF ACCOUNTANT, of ! l~:Ol p.m. oet4,5 93 ELIZABETH AVENUE, Painting, Drawing and Sculpture I;"ke ('onnrction ST. JOHN'S. by Junction and FALL SPECI·AL ------~------I'it ~\. V. Petite Tenders For I (:lIn. Plactnlia JOB OPPORTUNITY THE ART GALLERY ASSOCIATION i (,T10~ BA \' 81. KEVIN'S PAIRISH Sub-Trades Two young men arc required to train for em·tin· OF NEWFOUNDLAND I ;n::'iTJA RAY Tenders are invited and will cation in Prosthetics (lIIanufacturing and Fitting I"h(. Caribou" GOULDS be received until 5 p.m. New· of artificial Limbs and Braces. November 23 to December 8. , l:!:Ol p.m. foundland Standard Time Oc· \\lake connection MERIT Open to all Artists resident in tober lBth 1963 for all sub· Qualifications: .lunction and October 6th-7th-Bth trade Cor the Grace Hospital Under Age 25 Newfoundland. 1h .\1. V. Peti,~ EKtenslon-the Salvation Army High School Educntion. Grade XI Diploma INSURANCE ,.111. I'larcntil SUNDAY, October 6th-Big Game, Grace Hospital, st. John's. New minimum requirement Forms may be obtained immediately ITI()~ GREf,S . ANDERSON AVE. Usual Attractions, Side Shows, foundland. Mechanical Aptitude by writing to , seRVICE DIAL 9-OOIl-2-3-4 Tea-Coffee-Sandwiches. Plans and specifications are Must be willing to Apprentice for one year, then IThe CariboU" available from Newfoulldland proceed to' malnlnnd for Specialized Training. THE ART GALLERY ~~SSOCIATION [. 1~ :111 p.m. Engineering & Construction Co. ' l\Iah , Y, October 7th-Card Game, Salary Paid While Training For comfort and OF NEWFOUNDLAND \ Ltd., Woolworth Bldg., Water relaxation dl!!~ ::~ the ,.! with ~I.\'. With usual attractive Side Shows, St., St. John's, and may be seen 'fhis Profession offers excellent career upon: P.O. BOX 34, ST. JOHN'S I I' ; I"t'('n Bay at the Builders' Exchange at certification. BMlllOO GARDENS. renT Tea-Coffee-Sandwiches. Interest-cd parties should apply in writing to:- EITHER CIIINESE or Toronto, Montreal and Halifax. CANADIAN FOOD. it! i, acceptrrl Tenders shall bo in scaled en· ~~--~.---~.-.. -..~~~~~I TUESDA Y, October 8th-Dance, Exeeutive.Secretary. We cater to weddings, i I"rci:!ht Shcd /0; velopes clearly marked nnd re· Nfld. Society for Cripilletl Children all 11 Adults, 1 . Parties, Banquets. I h Coast Sct;'tC with Bel Aires Orchestra. celved at tho oences of New· P.O. Box 1403, (' hut BAlIIBOO GARDENS. n~,qllr5 In foundland Engilleering &: Canst. St. John '5, Nfld. ;i'llrp movrmrnl ~r Co. Ltd, HARVEY ROAD. 1. oel5,B ~.. ! • I ~hr M.\'. Bon~\'tltl oet2,3,4,5 Dial 85815. e. Open until 1 a.m. DELIVERY frri~ht must. I, Frri~hl Shed h) 7 day. a week. 'oher Rth. Anglican ·Board i ..' I:'! Lrwisportc·St. I Inr "le ~nd ~!.V. Of Education TRUC'KS 1, . ~lIhstitllte : Freight Shed ARE OUR SF'ECIALTY '. nth. II a.m. to 5 FOR ST. JOHN'S or . '. \,1 :-;orth Labl'ad , ~;: for the MEMORIAL UNIVERSITY IJ new MfRC 60. 6 HI' PICK·UPS-SIX PASSENGER PICK·UPS I',ain for ['U!ttllon~:applications followin~ OF NEWFOUNDLAND MERe 110 • 9.B HI' corte and M.\'· DELIVERY VANS WITH WINDOWS !1 t r accepted Duties to begin immediately: Extension Service MERC 200 • 20 HI' " Shed Monday. d MfRC 3S0 t 35 HP DELIVERY VANS WITti SEATS I" m. to 1\ p.m. a~ (a) Elementary Teacher for Grade III French Laboratory Course for MERe 500 , 50 HP : .I ..hrr 81h, II. a. ' Class. . Practising Teachers of French MERe 650 • 6S HP Also a complete line of MERe BSO , 8S HP (b) A Teacller for Junior High ~chool By courtesy of the Modern Languages Depart­ USED DELIVERY TRUCKS i,v the Grades 7 to 9. Wm. SINNOTT . MERe 1000, /00 HI' fa~e Service StatioD' MaDlger ment the Language Laboratory of tho University PHONE Come in and see ,...-'---. I,Ge and co will be available two days a week from 4:30 to 5:20 Trade In your ril I Newfoundland, ~u~s to begin January, 7th. 1964: PALMER'S LTD. p.m. throughout the academic year for teachers of ono1963 OPEN '"~==' MERCURY Bnd • 9·4028 BOB 'POST, (b~ A TEicher for Kindergarten Class, Top.all Road French In S~. John's and nearby schools. Monitors - now boat. . 9·6288 I o GREASING . will be present to demonstrate and to glve lnstruc· Only MERCU RY gives you ____'TIL TEN 1 celmentary TeacJ~er for Grade whl,p.r.q~letJ.t.p,op {II o WASHING tlons. , ..haust. 9-7997 TRUCK MANAGER 8SS •. • TIRE REPAIRS· o WHITE GAS . Registration: DOMINION BUILDING . should be sent to tlle ' • OUTBOARD MOTOR OIL . Room A·25, Monday through Fridays AUTO o ACCESSORIES o a.m. to 6 p.m. up to October 14th. MATERIALS LTD •• '. ·.SECRETARY OPEN ,DAILY - Fees: $10,00. , , Chester Dawe Bldg .• ,.·BISHOPS COLLEGE Days Available: M~~RT 7:80 I.m. to MIDNIGHT Mondays and Wednesdays, Shaw Street, AlIENUE PHONE 11·5099 P.O. Box 414. St, John's, PENNYWELL ROAD.· oct5tosep17 Thursdays and Fridays. ELIZA BET'H A V E N U E oct5 Phone 8-4152. , ll1-THE DAILY NEWS, ST. JOHN'S, NEWFOUNDLAND, OCTOBER II, 1963 " .------I, . COl Tribute GROW BETTER )tEN KELLY rl' · (CP) - The ~c _ Ullillg' MRS. HAROLD .OLDFORD i viI eges commll with the threat :.~ RA 0 10 "God's in his heaven- :'me~nta:ry blockade I " PLANTS All's right with the world!" elec:tion hanging 0 ,,' .',', .,": ',.':\"~'l ,; ,: rl'ime 011' '~·I··~··~~~ ,: ;; These words so filled with I ~~~~~~~~~~ 1 Leader Real Cl rI'even .' .. --~~ .. ',t promise, seemed momentariiy to offer little comfort, when un Friday his l3'mem " AND TIME FOR KODAK ')NAP~H(ll'lt' be accorded I" ,June 1st wc heard that HildJ and precedence !where, Oldford had mct with a fatal SUNDAY, October 6tb. 1l,OO-Church Service I ,,' (Continued from Page 13) THE LIVING REED accident. 8.UI-Haad Show 12,Q()--Slgn Ofr sunlight A.M, 1.30-Country Calendar I Pearl S Buck $7 50! On a visit t? her daughter in 8.30-N eli's III A ~Ilnutc 6.28-Slgn Un Oy IN T'HE ...... , Texas, to await the birth of her HERE 8.31-Road Show 2,OO-Heritage ~,never , J new grandchild, Hilda was kill· 6.30-News Z,3t1-Songs for You 9.0U-Ne\\'~ a.3S-Morning Meditations • MORNING ed instantly in a motor car ac· THE MOST I 9.01-Haad Show US-Outdoors Man 6.55-News and Weather 3,00-World of Sport : Betty Smith., .... , ... 5,25 i cident. IN CJ g,.I~>-!'iCIY3 7.UO-Thc Good Life IU.OU-:\cll's In A Minute 5.15-World Series ! THE FAVOURlTE 'This was a staggering blow 7.lS--Sund-Silig SOI1lt'liling Simille. B,OO-Back to the Bible 9,31).-.EII Sulilvan Show THE CRUELEST not make U5 forget. In time we 9.UO-·Ncws Headlines 10,30-1l0nanza erra Nova 11. !~1- \' CI'~ 1.."1111 Now With Gro-lux, The New ~IONTI-I strive to gather up the piJces 9.01-0ral Hoberts • n,30-Ellzabeth '1'nylor In LOll' , , • and because "we are part of a\l l~.Otl-." CII'S O,30-The Lutheran Hour don . 1:1.0:1-Vern Lynn fluorescent Lamp Just Dmloped I, ]~rnest Buckler .. ,. 6,;)0 II that We have mct" we must con· 10. NO,2 lu.O~-1\c\Vs and Weather 12,30-CBC National Sews 1~.~n-~lu5i<- 1"01' Swprthcal'ts By Sylvania, You Can Grow More i THE HOUSE AT ' tinue to live, believing Ih~t 1:1,30-1\ eli's 10.05--The Old, Old Story l2.40-Local News, Weath~r BROWNIE 10.30-The People's Gospel 1 PLUCK'S GUTTER ; "God movcs in a mysterious 5ia~rr 12.:J:-~lusic Fur Swcl'thearts 12,50-Slgn Of! Beautiful Plants Than Em Before 12.511-1 nlcrlude Hour _ Wherever You Like, Even In Manning Coles.". 3.65 ' way Easy-Io·use, . , easy·la-carry . .. built·in f~h! 11.00-:\ews Headlines THE EXPENDABLE 1,His wonders to perform." leU-Neil'S In A ~1inute --- .. ------I 11.01-Church Service 1.01-Quc~n and Si~n O[f Rooms And Corners That Sunlight i MAN I was privileged to ,pene: Compact, .Ii~htweight ... and delightfully easy to use, __ I P.~1. Never Reaches, Dorothy B. several summer holidays with: or out. BUllt-rn rectangular fla,h holder is especially . 12,15- Vistas 01 Israel ~apitol "The Oldfords" at ?lusgravc·' for tiny. low·cost AG·I bulbs. Takes black-and-white 0/(', 1 l!!,~O-News and Weather Hughes ...... 4,95 town, many years ago, before: sna~s, even catar sli~es. Outfit includes everything '. l~,:ll-Sil ,'cr's ~Ielodies VOCM 590 Now Playiing THE COMING they took up residence in ~I~)ll~' for mdoor·outdoor picture-to king - camera, batteries, 1.nO-Nell's Headlines See them in opera· I IA'l'UnVAY, October ;jlb. 1.01-World O[ Sport EXPLOSION IN real. I learned to know Hilda flashbulbs, and easy.to-follow instructions. An ideal gill! I extremely well, and I grew to U5-News summary "CONSTANTINE AND tion at St, John's I- LATIN A~fERICA i love her as a true friend. ll: I A.M. (Local and National) THE CROSS" Fair in the Stadium. , Geralcl Clark ...... 6.65 i was not necessary to go beyoml i 6,:.!tl-Sicn 011 1.30-- Scouting Trail • • • All FOR $16. 6.3U-Ncll's and Wcather 1.45-The Bible Speaks To A stupendous historical 'fillll Available now at : THEASURY OF the gardcn gate to enjoy a full 1 6.3S-The Bill Allan Show You rivaling the action and excite- I life-it was all there in her i ment of "Sp2rtacus" and SECHETS home and in her beautiful gar· 6,40-~lormng IIlcditations 2.00-News Headlines equ~l. ! 6,4a-World Of Sport 2.0t-Revil'al Time ling the religious ferver of "Ben 1 Ga\'clord Hanser 6.00 den overlooking the bay, with i Hur," "Constantine and the I ATI \' NTIC AI Hild at tI h t f't 11 TOOTON'S 2,30-·Road Show, News and i ,l 1 'I' 0 I i LIMIT 6.~O-The Bill Allan Sholl' " I' d ,R a. k Ie ~ar a. 6.5S-News Plld Weather Wcather • Cross now paYing to ay at the ! CONQUEST 0 thm of Hlld~ i, to think I 7.00-'1'he Ilill Allan SholV !i.OO-Ncll's Headline! Capitol Theatrc with its SlJec. 1 1 ,at once .Ionl: WIth Browmng Distributor for Kodak in Nc\\fouml1~lld 7.IS-World Of Sport 5.01-RCAF Report tacular scenes of visualviolcr.ce SEED I F. H. and E. Ellis 8,00 i • • • • . and struggles of Christianity. CO" I.TD. I THE LIVING SEA 1 'Oh, the Wild. JOYs of .... 7.20-The Bill Allan Show 5.06-Canadian Talent Show· hv~nl:! this Joseph E. Levine pl'~sen. i ' , 1 How good IS man', hfe, the, 7.30-News and Weather case 5.30-Lawrence Welk Show tation boasts a powerful inter. ' Captain J, Y. : mere living!" I --'=== 7.3S-TransportatlOn Report 410 WATER ST. I C h 7.38-Th~ Bill Allan Show 5.55-;-;ews and Weather national cast that includes 1 I .ollsteau wit Nobody enjoyed a more abun· : , , HS-Worl(\ or Sport 6.00-Ave !\Iaria HOllr Christine Kaufmann, Cornell DIAL 8-4328 James Duggan 7.25 dant life, and her philosophy' 7.50-The Bill Allan Show 6.30-Roarl Show, :-Iews and Wilde, Belinda Lee, Massimo ,______,1 LOUIS RIEL of living, I think, could IJC weil, SO "A~ TO BETTER GRADES Serato, Tozzi, Elisa Ce. - d .. ,., 11'- 7.5S-:o.Icws (Local) Weather . d~'austo th d Geol',rre F, G, summe up again In the ·vnrJs i B.OO-RCAF Tower Torbay D.55-News and Weather gam an ousan s of walriors, h of Brownine ' weather report) IO.OO-This Is My Story Christians and Roman cit;~llns St 1 8 50 8.02-News l:o.lational) IO.30-Sunday Serenade :~~e~~.GIOrioUs color and wid~ =~v~:V:O OUR :Tll;lh~ITEri'''''''''' "Ah, !:de:dm~~'~:a~~~h shOUidi The Natural Scienc ! 8.07-The Bill Allan Show IM:-World Of Sport I Directed with skill and intlllli. NEW ! KINGDOM AND Or what's a heaven for1" I lO.55-Ncws LOCA'l'IO~ : .. 8.1S-Sports Capsuln gence by Lione\lo De Felkel BUILDING THE SIX . ! By The Reading l.aboratory I the formula, it'll he pa,y ' Il.OO-Weather Report From CENTRE ~1: " "> B.l8-The Bill Allan Show every scene in this Embassy f I HIlda OIdford was not co,!, There's no need to consider I' morize because it'll makE , 8.25-:'\ews and Weather Pictures release stands out CHURCH HILL A. Lam a ussy .... 3,60 tent to sta~nate In a stat~ 01 physics and chemistry separate' . ".. , ' Torbay Tower , 8.30-Hit Tune of the Da~' lI.02-Rig Top Ten clearly as a brilliant recaptur. in orller that we may !crve O. k & C Ld sc!f·sahsfactLon. She had to Iy because the method of phy·' Ph.ys~es I~ a IO~lcal B.4O-The Bill Allan Show I l ',I 11.3a-The Night Show ing of historr. A year in the you bcttn. IC sot reach beyond the paths of sics is the same as that of cae· a bUlldtng process. As 8.4S-World Of Sport (News and Weather) making, this epic recounts the ., • everyday living mentally, ph~'- mistry and their subject mal'er I ~'ou need. to know el'er);\:! B.55-News and Weather 12.55-News, Weather and surging spectacle of a dramaHc ~;;~ Th B k II sically, spiritually and soeiaily is the same. You might ;sot' In the first challler bill, 9.0o..:..Portals of Prayer Time age of carly Christian stru;;gle. --IJ;""" ,. e 011 se ers -Mentally, hecause she was, then, what difference is the,~ i you can get. ~I\lch oul ~i ,,:, , 9.03-The Bill Allan Show 1.0a-Sign Off Plush Roman palaces and YOUR i"lt~t""t"t_' PHONE 8.5001 well read, and she had an ill' 1betwevn phl'sics and chemi-try? I second. So II s really (Ok. \ 9.30-News Headlines blood v Yugoslavian baltle fields IJJ,ury'\: IA&~IT f1,\'61 I quiring mind. She possessed an I' As a matter of fact,' there' 1 to let yourself fall 100 fir 11 " , 9.31-The Big Six SholV set the screen afire. .,,,.il"'~""(: ~Mt',f,''( •• ; abundance of tolerance ~nrl one really isn't any. Chemical [p,. n?t as easy to catch up 1;. 10.DO-News and Weather In the title role, Cornel~' lof the most stimulating CXpuf- actions can now be under. 1 ~m~ your study . 10. OS-The Stork Club VOWR Wilde. who will be remembered DEATHS iences one .could ~ave ~ad \\:as stood in tenns of molecllial' I IS In some other suhl1lU lO.4S-The :'Iel'v Russell SholV for his outstanding performan. I to engage In a diSCUSSIOn WIth and atomic reactions. For in· ' To sum up: DOll'! go: I IO.30-:\ell's Hcadlines I SUNDAY, October 6th. ces in "The Greatest Show On Reg T MoB' REID - Died ,uddenly at her. Few we may talk Wltil to stance a common chemical fused by a pile of law;, ' ' .'i 1O.31-The Mer\' Russell Sholl' Earth," "Star Of India," "Umar •• 9 a n I Hamilton, Ont,rio, on Thurs· the point of disagreement. wh.ell reacti~n is when an acid and about them, under,;tand' }'rance-Mme. lOAO-The JoHl' :'liller Contest -- Khayam" and "Maracaibo," is Insumnce Ltd. 1 day, Oct. 3, 1963, Frederick G. argument reaches a feverISh a base neutralize each other. and try til break thrill do': 10 terminate m lO.o!.i-Thc Merv Russell Show A.M . , • superb and justifies his acting DIAL 8.0370 _ 8.75511 Rcid, formerly of st. John's, point of exasperation, and We know from modern phy· to a few simple ' President Ngo I , 10.5S-News and Weather IO.IS-Story Time with Nancy fame. Wilde actually had long Bug21,2mth Nfld. Leaving to mourn his emerge from the battle of I sics that electrons and jlro· mass, "elocitl' and I_nk.. from the I I 1l,OO-The :llerv Russell Show Edwards wished to play such a role and wife, the former Miriam Spoon· words feeling that here was I tons are atomic particles that memoriZe until you .. , 11.3O-News Headlines· 10.30-Hymns We Love hi.<; dedication is clear. Lovely er; three daughters, Phyllis, somehodY whose convictbn, balance each other that COIJ! That's usually f~ta~L" '"':;"~*--'---- , " !, 11.5S-Ncws and Weather 11.00-Cochrane Street United Belinda Lee, an actress of tre. Audrey and Pearl; three sons, could well be expressed in the plcment each othe; When an can't understand .'U';J"""JJ~· I P.:'!. Church mendous ability who recently flower of her heauty, Elizabeth Fred C., Bert and Lorval; allo words {If Voltaire "I do not atom has an Cllu;l number your teacher for ess . l:!.OO-The .\Ier\' Russell Show 12.15-;\lusical Momenta was killed ill an auto accident, Taylor has a role to match her two hrothers, Harold of Mon· agree wi.th a word that you say, of electrons and proto!1s, it'~ up with the cour,e; •• ·.• f".". , i l2.30-Ne\\'s and Weather 12.30-VOWR Present! I ; \ leaves an indellible mark of 1M appearancc and her talen~s AS treal and Arthur of the city; but I :WIll defend. t,? the death I in balance, or It's stahle. But your studying fall brhind. I " 12.35-The Mer,' Russell Show 12.45-High Adventure skill with her performance ali an actress in Warner Bros' pre. two sister!, Ethel and Annl. your nght to say It .- I the atoms of an acid have an · , I I l2.4S-l\Iarine FOrecast 1.~Close Down the !ensuous Fausta, sentation "Giant," the George Physically, bee au s e she I excess of electrons, whil~ a pS 12.48-l\Iarine Forecast 2.30-To Be Announced i ',' Christine Kaufmann, the bril. Stevens production from tile QUINTON - Passed peace- s~retched every. muscle and base has an excess of protons. (NEXT: The best ~'l!I"l"!'I-'" ·, 12.55-News and Weather B.OO-Music of the Masten .J Hant younll star who electrified novel by Edna Ferber. The fully away "t the General Sinew to extremIty w~en she I When they neutralize e~ch study mathematle~.l , .. 1.00-Nell's Summary 6.30-Hospital and other re- film.goeri in "Town Without part: Leslie (LYnnton) Bene. Hospital Friday evening, after worked and played-;-Splritually, other, all that really happens 'CPl - T 1.1S-World Of Sport ports Pit"," continues to prove , years and from what was su~n a great deal of time on her god. ~. C. W~rte1e of ~lontreal; ncr attempts to explain the phy· wheat destined for n>l,;:a: ~ailr~~~ri~~~<, " ~ 5.4B-Supper Club ...· " yesterday, this is an understntt. father's e~late .i~ Ke_nt, Eng. sIster AlLda, Mrs, r. Sharpe of slcal universe by constrnct· Ibe shipped. their presentati .,'. : .' , 6.W-Bulletin Board CJON -CJOX TV ment. The film is breathtaking I~nd. ~he IS famllLar with halln· IN ME MORIAM M~ntreal and her three gra.n~. ing as few laws as possible, I The composite photograph~ , '. .. 6.12-Movie News to behold and has been done Ilmg ILvestock, especialy horses. chJldren Pamela and Patricia Ever since the andent! 0.3 to 126.2 and ;;rlrooW newspapers gl h;! I ' SATURDAY, October 5tb, ; · · .t~.' 6.1S-World Of Sport with the good taste and ju.i~~. When she was f?lIr year~ old WESTCOTT Dennett and Douglas, ~1a~. Gr~eks, sci~ntists have been numbered decline.' ~,\ In ;' to ~.,J. \ I 6.30-Early Evening :-Iews ment of a group of motion pic' her godfather, IJolonel Victor Donald, we say that your ,0.5 IS trymg to find the one law Trading was act:" ,!' the pel r • ", I ~ ('W· I , Roundup 3,30-World .Of Sport turc makers and actors who C~zale!, gave her a bEautiful In loving memory of our loss and your ,orrow we that would explain everything trials turned ol'er 19:.:"" in the prostit ~ ·".; :' ·.' 7.00-Shellelagh Showtime 5.45-Cartoons truly believed their efforts were wII~ fle~d horse named Betty \11, WESTCOTT share deeply. that we observe, U's good to and mines and oil> ,hD"I; in this ., '.:' 7.30-News Headlines Important for such a gigantic whIch LIZ. alone manage. who died Hilda Oldford has passed on. keep this in mind, as ume of 935,300 share" is 5 t ron i , ',., 6.00-1lugS Bunny ~ould ~ou j " 7,3I-Back to the Bible and worthwhile undertaking. She has ~Idden. \\'lth great style September 25th, 1962, I know that as sure as "God's wade through a physits Papers were stron-';! . ·.... " 6,30-Canatla At War B.OO-News Headlines 7,OO-TV HOllr Of Stan • all her hfe. RIches and people in His hea.ven" she. has found course. Although you llIay ing 1.1 to 114.4. c;,~al ··.TbiiiPr.,,, - ______are important elements in "Gone but not forgotten" her place In E t ermty but s h e feel buried under a mountain ,gained Abitihi rOif :, '.1' Council i :- B.Ol-Cream of the Crop, S,OO-l,ocal News, Weather ~" '~ "Giant." -Ever remembered by hll will forever in the hearts of laws, if you think long mil1an.Blo del and \W!' up in 1 · ,. News and Weather S,lS-National News, Weather ~ive I 7 ; ' w 1 f e. Lillian; mother, of all her friends. enough, you'll see that they both~;' higher and l)\ ," urgin:: .. \ : lO.4S-World Of Sport 8.30-Beverly IIll1blIllelJ .. , , lO.55-New5 I Mrs, Elizabeth Wellcott, Many years ago I copied the can all be understood In added I:'. aga ".,~ . I 9,00-0ne Step Beyond " Paramount BlR'J1I also daughter Pearl, Ions, following v~rse. I know not its terms of a few basic concepts. Banks were up 0'1 ,I' ' consists of .' I , l1.00-RCAF Tower Torbay 9,30-The Untouchables .\ 1 (Weather) 'WllIlam, Reginald, Fred, source nor Its author, but to me Newton's view of the nni. Toronto·Dominion clml~(: of managerr ! 10,30-Great Movies Edward, Gordon, AleJ:, it portrays a way of life that verse, for example Is based Royal gained a point. staffs. It ha: .' ,I I ll,02-Big Top Ten 12.30-NeW5, Weather Now Playing " Doug, and Harold Went- Hilda Oldford exemplified each in the concepts of ;"ass, velo. and 1!ontreal 1\'el'P,:'. and nothing . lUO-News Headlines Sign orr ~~~~AB:UT~~::~OR _ cotto and every day that she lived: clty anti force, If you always and Canadienne :\;Jt:c!13,! F~R VIEWS : H,31-Night Show, News and keep these three concellts ahead 1.. Instance, il Weather SUNDAY, October 6th. JAIUES DEAN IN ~ ___.. _____ • To touch the cup with eager S· b ,,'t 1.00-The Night SholV "GIANT". '" - right in front of you when emor a s ~ me .."" lips, you study say the laws of weak. Falconbndge fell 1'. 1.30-News Headlines 9,45-The living Word And taste, not drain it, " I . m'ni l.5S-News and Weather 10,00-This Is ihe Life Elizabeth Tal'lor who stars in To woo and tempt and COUlt a motion, you'll have no trou- owmg an announc~nnc t 'ff ' 10.30-Faith For Todly George Stevens' prodnction ble understanding why New· the sompan)' was ja r, 2.00-Sign Off , . TV bliss-and not attain It, ton formulated bl's laws as he eral hundred men. , GIant", never had an awkw.rd REPAIRS To fon d Ie and carCSi a JOY,.• ye. did. M.ining fell .'4 Tnt;'M1~c:"~ 'lIN'" phase. Even as a teen·ager she hold it lightly, Nickel dod hack ",,·"""v. NO W IN ST.• JOn,.IJ wased always beautiful and pols. Lest it become necessity and Of Andtrving if youto findget intothe thewlIy habit b~. .'Noranda rwas ppe down'1 ,. THE FAMOUS At. the age of cleven she was. REASONABLE RATES To watchcling the,too sunsettightly, in the WlSt hind J each physical law, j'ou'!l Utilities were up OJ ~t a perfect cameo of a child WIth . GUARANTEED WORK without regretting, have learned to get the most largell' on the strenc!h o! . chIselled features, an alabaster To hail its advent in the ~ast- out of a physics cour!e. Phy- Power, up .1. Ni complexion and incredible thick PHONE 4fA the night, forgettjng, sics will be a lot less wurk, too, '.' J ~/t«/Id 'nge of eyelashes framl'ng her 941,,'.3 . because l't'll be I-nt"rcotl'n n .In mdustllals, {rl To smother' care in happmess Don't \vork up a sweat~me"m()ol: ,gamed 0.3 to 127.2: 5 CA N 0 I ES deep violet eyes, and grief in laughter, rose" Southam "aliled I, 4- '1 hI I' I f h f 11 . By this time, everyhody could Electron=c' To have enough to sharp. -to' izingL . the . 'IIformula . for BJ"le's . JelL, ,8.Hawker,Slddelev . b or,".• ! 51 .A Val a e etc uSlve y rom teo owmg see how beautiful she really know the joy of giving, aw, ~ou Just forget It any- minion Glass were ail _hea: 51 Drug Stores: was, for she ,was starring in a Centre Ltd. To thrill with.all the swe~ts of way. Spend your sweat to un- 4; IiOTEL DRUGS ELIZABETH DRUGS motIon' picture, "National Vel· life- derstand what Boyle's law Textiles s howe d 4: vet," about • small girl and a Hamilton Avenue ExtensIon CAMPBELL Is Living! means, and you'll probably he signs. consolidated ' 31 90 A'lE. ll , , TORBAY DRUGS KENMOUNT DRUGS horse, After hours 'phone 9-6995 able to figure out the fo~mula. point and Domiino f;~~~~~::~~::~~:::;=:~;=~~~~~~;,N~OW~g~ro~w~n~u~p~an~d~in~t~h~e~f~nl~I~~~~P~H~0~N~E~9~.5~3~oo~~~~a~U~g~22~~~~~;;~~~~~;;~~;;~~~P~.~N~.1~1~.~~lr~YO~U~S~ti~ll~w~a~n~t~to~m~e~m~0~Ii~ze~a~d~ded_~_'_. ___----- Sk ,I; .' REMINGTON CHAIN SAW f,il ;: SALES AND SERVICE NOW A'r LOCAL PRICES '\ OM IIII~UR:---- For Extra .. .. ( .mODIlnlllflS' Special Care. .. .. ,100_10 Jt~ (ftI MOI.SONS .. ~ .' , " CANADIAN LAGER and, EXPORT On your Tunics, Blazers and other school ALE COMFORTABLE BALANCE ROLLER BEARING NOSI apparel. Bring or send it to: FREE HOME DELIVERY. . ' NEWFOUNDLAND DISTRIBUTORS , TELEPHONE·8.2011-5 LINES .' , Hughes-Maynard Cleansers Ltd. NEWFOUNDLAND BREWERY LTD. , 'I Charles R. Bell Limited (Not \nlerted by Board of Liquor Cantrel) BLACKMARSH RD. PHONE 9-2186-7 " • j ,I' '. '" :5T, JOHN'S CORNER BROOK . ',! t i h', I .. ' . '