Proceedings of the Thirtieth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI-21)

Knowledge-Aware Dialogue Generation via Hierarchical Infobox Accessing and Infobox-Dialogue Interaction Graph Network Sixing Wu1 , Minghui Wang2 , Dawei Zhang1 , Yang Zhou3 , Ying Li4,5∗ and Zhonghai Wu4,5 1School of Electronics Engineering and Computer Science, Peking University, Beijing, China 2School of Software and Microelectronics , Peking University, Beijing, China 3Auburn University, Auburn, Alabama, USA 4National Research Center of Software Engineering, Peking University, Beijing, China 5Key Lab of High Confidence Software Technologies (MOE), Peking University, Beijing, China {wusixing, minghui wang, daweizhang, li.ying, wuzh}, [email protected]

Abstract Due to limited knowledge carried by queries, tra- ditional dialogue systems often face the dilemma of generating boring responses, leading to poor user experience. To alleviate this issue, this pa- per proposes a novel infobox knowledge-aware dialogue generation approach, HITA-Graph, with three unique features. First, open-domain infobox tables that describe entities with relevant attributes Figure 1: The ‘Bill Gates’ Infobox from Wikipedia. are adopted as the knowledge source. An order- irrelevance Hierarchical Infobox Table Encoder is proposed to represent an infobox table at three lev- dialogue context [Yu et al., 2020]; namely, it can effectively els of granularity. In addition, an Infobox-Dialogue assist the dialogue systems in understanding the intrinsic se- Interaction Graph Network is built to effectively in- mantics and fabricating informative responses. tegrate the infobox context and the dialogue context Dialogue systems can gather knowledge from various in- into a unified infobox representation. Second, a Hi- formation sources, which can be broadly classified into (1) erarchical Infobox Attribute Attention mechanism Knowledge texts, which can provide rich semantic informa- is developed to access the encoded infobox knowl- tion, are easy to access on the Internet, such as online ency- edge at different levels of granularity. Last but clopedia (e.g., Wikipedia and, news websites, not least, a Dynamic Mode Fusion strategy is de- and search engines [Tam, 2020]; (2) Knowledge bases, such signed to allow the Decoder to select a vocabulary as knowledge graphs [Zhang et al., 2020], and spread-sheet word or copy a word from the given infobox/query. tables [Qin et al., 2019]; their knowledge items are well- We extract infobox tables from Chinese Wikipedia organized, and thus can be easily integrated into dialogue sys- and construct an infobox knowledge base. Exten- tems; and (3) Topics and keywords, which can promote the sive evaluation on an open-released Chinese cor- dialogue towards a specific and consistent direction [Wang et pus demonstrates the superior performance of our al., 2018; Wu et al., 2020b]. However, knowledge texts are approach against several representative methods. unstructured, knowledge bases are hard to construct/collect, and topic words/keywords are not informative. Therefore, 1 Introduction there is a question, can we utilize a new type of knowledge that is easy-collected, informative, structured, and consistent Open-domain dialogue systems aim to generate human-like for further enhancing dialogue systems? responses; however, the inadequate knowledge carried by the Recently, a new kind of knowledge, infobox tables, has at- queries dramatically constrains the ability of dialogue sys- tracted much attention in the data-to-text tasks [Bao et al., tems to understand the intrinsic semantics of the queries and 2018; Chen et al., 2020]. Figure 1 provides an illustrating generate user-friendly dialogues [Ghazvininejad et al., 2018]. example of an infobox table that specifies an entity with mul- The frequently generated boring responses (e.g., “ I don’t tiple attribute key-values. Infobox knowledge integrates the know”) often lead to frustrating user experience [Li et al., advantages of the above three types of knowledge. First, mas- 2016]. Recently, researchers have recognized that introduc- sive infobox tables can be easily obtained from the Internet, ing external knowledge to dialogue generation systems has such as Wikipedia articles or web pages of Google search re- great potential for further improving performance. Knowl- sults. Second, infobox tables are easy to use since infobox edge is regarded as the awareness and understanding of the knowledge is well extracted and organized as informative at- ∗Corresponding author. tributes. Third, an infobox table focuses on one target en-

3964 Proceedings of the Thirtieth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI-21) tity without the interference of irrelevant entities, guarantee- 2 Our Approach ing knowledge consistency. The infobox knowledge offers a 2.1 Problem Formulation great opportunity to employ one kind of reliable knowledge source to generate high-quality dialogue systems. Integrating Let D = {hX,Y,T i} denote the corpus, where X = (x1, ··· , xn) is a query, Y = (y1, ··· , ym) is a response, the above three types of knowledge one by one often results k v l in knowledge inconsistency and computational inefficiency. and T = {hf , f i} is an infobox table that consists of a set of attribute key-values and can be retrieved from To our best knowledge, using the infobox knowledge to the infobox base T . The goal of our task is: Y ∗ = improve the quality of open-domain dialogue generation has 0 not been fully investigated yet. Compared to the usage of arg maxY 0 P (Y |X,T ). the infobox tables in the data-to-text tasks, conducting the 2.2 Context Encoder infobox knowledge-aware dialogue generation is much more difficult to study. Unlike the data-to-text tasks that rephrase A query X is firstly encoded into dialogue context states [ ] infobox attributes in an orderly fashion, dialogue genera- H = (h1, ..., hn) by a bi-directional GRU Cho et al., 2014 : tion tasks conduct attribute order-irrelevance knowledge se- f f b b lection, inference, and dialogue-infobox fusion. In addition, ht = GRU(xt, ht−1); ht = GRU(xn−t+1, ht−1) (1) existing data-to-text studies usually only consider the infobox where x is the embedding of x, and ht is the concatenation tables within limited domains. However, open-domain dia- f b [h ; h ]. hn is regarded as the context summary. logue generation has to use infobox tables in a wide range of t t domains for maintaining enough knowledge coverage, which 2.3 Hierarchical Infobox Table Encoder dramatically increases the difficulty of unambiguous knowl- kv k v k For each attribute fi = hfi , fi i ∈ T , its key fi is an noun edge representation. These challenges indicate that infobox v word, its value fi = (wi,1, ··· , wi,|f v |) is a word sequence. knowledge-enhanced dialogue generation cannot directly uti- i lize the techniques used in the existing data-to-text works. Intra-Attribute Encoding k With these challenges in mind, we propose HITA-Graph, For an attribute key fi or a value word wi,j , its word distribu- a novel infobox knowledge-aware dialogue generation ap- tion is sparse; namely, there are rare words. If only represent them at the word-level, many words can not be recognized. proach. (1) We propose an order-irrelevance Hierarchical k Infobox Table Encoder (HITE) to represent an infobox ta- Thus, we design a hybrid-level method. Taking fi as an ex- k,hybrid ble at three levels of granularity. To alleviate the sparsity of ample, the corresponding embedding fi is given by: the word distribution of the open-domain infobox attributes, k,hybrid k k,char besides the usual word embedding, HITE further integrates fi = MLPhf (fi , fi ) (2) the embedding learned from the char sequence of a word, k where fi is obtained by looking up the word-level embedding the part-of-speech tag embedding, and the locally positional matrix, f k,char is computed from the char sequence of f k embedding into an intra-attribute level representation of in- i i with the CharCNN Encoder [Kim et al., 2016], and MLPhf fobox table. Subsequently, a multi-head attention network is a MLP network. The incorporation of chars can alleviate is adopted to compute an attribute-level representation. In the issue of the sparse word distribution. Subsequently, each the context-level, we propose an Infobox-Dialogue Interac- attribute f kv is represented as a set of key-word embedding: tion Graph Network (IDCI-Graph) to capture both the in- i kw kw k,hybrid hybrid pos f b fobox and the dialogue context by building and inferring on Fi = {fi,j } = {[fi ; wi,j ; wi,j ; pi,j; pi,j]} an infobox-dialogue interaction graph. (2) We develop a Hi- (3) kw kv pos erarchical Infobox Attribute Attention (HIAA), which allows where fi,j is the j-th key-word pair of fi , wi,j is the part- the Decoder to access the encoded infobox knowledge in a f b of-speech tag of wi,j , and pi,j and pi,j are local positions coarse-to-fine manner. (3) When predicting the next target v token, the Decoder is equipped with three modes: generating counted from the beginning (i.e., j) and the end (i.e., |fi | − a vocabulary word, copying a word from the query, and copy- j + 1), respectively. ing an attribute word from the infobox. Such three modes are Then, the multi-head self-attention (denoted as MHA, [Vaswani et al., 2017] ) is used to compute the intra-attribute fused via the Dynamic Mode Fusion strategy (DMF). kw,ia kw,ia We collected about 895K Chinese infobox tables from level representations Fi = {fi,j }: Wikipedia. Extensive experiments are conducted on a Chi- Fkw,ia = MHA(Q = Fkw, K = Fkw, V = Fkw) (4) nese corpus [Cai et al., 2019b]. Both the automatic and i i i i human evaluation results demonstrate that the proposed ap- Attribute-Level Encoding kv proach HITA-Graph outperforms the representative competi- For each key-value attribute fi , its attribute-level embed- kv,a kw,ia kw,ia tors in almost all experiments. Our contribution is three-fold: ding fi is the weighted sum of Fi = {fi,j }: (1) To our best knowledge, this work is the first to study the T kw,ia infobox knowledge-aware dialogue generation; (2) A novel kv,a X exp(fs fi,j ) kw,ia f = f (5) i P T kw,ia i,j Hierarchical Infobox Table Encoder and a novel Infobox- exp(fs f ) Dialogue Interaction Graph Network are designed to integrate j k i,k infobox knowledge. (3) A Hierarchical Infobox Attribute At- where fs is a learn-able parameter, serving as a special query tention mechanism is proposed to access the infobox knowl- to compute the weight; thus, the infobox table T can be rep- kv,a kv,a edge at different levels of granularity. resented as a set of attribute embedding F = {fi }.

3965 IJCAI 2021 工作预览 n Infobox Knowledge-aware Diverse Dialogu,e Generation via Hierarchical Infobox Table Accessing and Infobox-Dialogue Context Interaction – Motivation: • 在Knowledge-Aware的对话系统中,常见的知识类型包含:容易获取的非结构化知识、容易使用的结构化知识,以及容易控制对话生成方向的知识。 但是当我们需要一个同时容易获取、容易使用、以及知识一致性较高的知识时,上述三种知识都没法满足。而如果同时使用上面三种知识,又容易造成 知识的一致性较差,并且在各方面的时间开销都较大。 • 本文借用近年来在Infobox-to-Text任务中被广泛研究的Infobox作为知识源,其同时具备上述三种知识的特点。在生成式对话领域,尚无利用Infobox 作为知识源的工作。同时,本文与Infobox-to-Text工作中的方法也有较大差异,对话生成利用Infobox的模式显著不一样(不是按顺序访问,要求与对 Proceedings of the Thirtieth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI-21) 话上下文集成)。

Hierarchical Infobox Table Encoder Context Encoder Decoder Infobox-Dialogue Interaction Fuse & Init � ⋯ � � �8 Context-Level Graph Network ! " # t-1 steps . �� �-$ ���,� . � ℎ ℎ ⋯ ℎ ℎ -567 ! �� ! " # ���,� �� 0 � � ���,� �-$ $%# $%# �$,3 Encoded Hierarchical

Attribute Context 1 Representations c$ AttnSum AttnSum AttnSum Attention �$,4 -Level Hierarchical Infobox Attribute Attention Prediction

Intra Coarse �%& �%& �%& � MHAttn MHAttn MHAttn Grained !"#,# !"#,) !"#,* $ �$,2

-Attribute Level -Attribute ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ �%( �%( �%( Fine !"#,#,' !"#,),' !"#,*,' Grained Word-Level + CharCNN Dynamic � Fusion c2 � Hybrid-Level Attribute Key/Word Encoding $%# $ $ Mode Fusion


Figure 2: An overview of HITA-Graph. In the HITA-Graph, all operations would not be affected by the order of the given infobox attributes.

Infobox-Dialogue Interaction Graph Network 2.4 Response Generation kv,a An attribute-level representation fi interacts with neither Decoder State Initialization and Updating the dialogue context nor other attributes (i.e., the infobox Decoder is a GRU-based, whose initial state is given by z0 = context). Inspired by the success of GATs in knowledge- g Wbrg[v ; hn], and the following state zt is updated as: enhanced text generation [Zhang et al., 2020], we design last an Infobox-Dialogue Interaction Graph Network to capture h f g zt = GRU(zt−1, ct , ct, vlast, yt−1) (8) the interaction information among attributes and the dia-

logue context. For each infobox-dialogue instance, we first T X exp(hi Whzt−1) construct a graph G = hV, E, Ri. The node set is V = ch = h (9) {vkv}∪{vg}∪{vq}, where attribute nodes {vkv} correspond t P T i i=1:n j=1:n exp(hj Whzt−1) to the attributes {f kv} of T , vg is a virtual node serving as the q h f global node, and v is another virtual node representing the where ct is the context attention,ct is the infobox attention, dialogue context. Meanwhile, E = {(vi, ri−→j, vj)} is edge and yt−1 is the embedding of the last predicted token. set, where ri−→j ∈ R is the relational edge relation. For Hierarchical Infobox Attribute Attention promoting the knowledge flow, G is fully-connected and di- We enable the Decoder to access the infobox knowledge in rectional in this paper. For each two nodes v , v , their direc- i j a coarse-to-fine manner. The hierarchical infobox attribute tional edge r depends on the node types of v , v . There- i−→j i j attention cf is dynamically computed at each time step: fore, the relation set R consists of 3 self-connection types t {selfvkv , selfvg , selfvq }, 3 types starting from an attribute f X kv X kw kv kw,ia kv kv kv g kv q ct = αt−1,i αt−1,i,j Wia[vlast,i; fi,j ] (10) node {va −→ v , v −→ v , v −→ v }, 2 types starting b6=a i j from the global node {vg −→ vkv, vg −→ vq}, and 2 types q g q kv starting from the dialogue context node {v −→ v , v −→ The coarse-grained αt−1,i is of attribute level, which mea- kv v }. Our graph network can stack multi-layers, assume vlt,i kv sures the relevance between the {vlast} and zt−1: is the representation of vi at the layer lt: g kv exp γ exp(MLP (v , zt−1)) X g g g lt,j αkv = last,i (11) vlt,i = αlt,j Wa vlt−1,j , αlt,j = g t−1,i P kv P kv exp(MLP (v , zt−1)) v ∈V exp γlt,j vlast,k∈T last,k vj ∈V j (6) kw The fine-grained αt−1,i,j is of intra-attribute level; it con- siders the weight of each key-word pair in the attribute : g T g g γlt,j = (rj−→i) tanh(Wqvlt−1,i + Wvvlt−1,j) (7) kv kw,ia where each W is a learn-able parameter, {v0,i} are initialized kv exp(MLP (vlast,i, zt−1, f )) kv,a q g kw i,j αt−1,i,j = by {fi }, v0 is initialized by hn, v0 is regarded as a learn- P kv kw,ia kwc kv exp(MLP (v , zt−1, f 0 )) f 0 ∈f last,i i,k able parameter. For simplicity, we use vlast,i to denote the i,k i representations outputted by the last layer. (12)

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Dynamic Mode Fusion multiple methods to better select the knowledge [Wu et al., To minimize the impact of unknown words and diversify the 2020a]. Then, we select 3 infobox-to-text baselines. LST- generated responses, three modes are computed and fused MGate: It proposes an LSTM-based Infobox Encoder [Liu when predicting the next token at time step t: et al., 2018b], HiLSTM: It further proposes a Hierarchical [ ] Vocab mode. The next token can be a word in the prede- LSTM Infobox Encoder Liu et al., 2019b . Trans: The latest [ ] fined vocab V , the probability distribution is given by: Transformer-based Infobox Encoder Bai et al., 2020 . Such three baselines similarly use the Dual Attention to access the h f g Pt,v = softmax(Wv2 tanh(Wv1[zt; ct ; ct; vlast; yt−1])) infobox knowledge. To adapt to the dialogue generation, we (13) integrate their infobox encoder and infobox attention modules Copy mode. The Decoder can copy a word from the query into the Seq2Seq. For better comparison, we further integrate X. To obtain a more accurate copy probability distribution, our proposed Dynamic Mode Fusion into such three infobox- to-text baselines, the variants are denoted as ‘X+DMF’. we reuse the parameter Wh of the query attention Eq. 9. Implementations. For CCM and ConKADI, we use their P = softmax(HW z ) t,c h t (14) official codes and the commonsense knowledge released by Infobox mode. The Decoder can also select a relevant key- ConKADI. For the others, we use our PyTorch implementa- word pair, and extracts its word as the output. Here, we apply tions. Hyper-parameters are kept the same among models as the same hierarchical technique as Eq. 10: possible. The word/char embedding dimension is 200; the part-of-speech tag embedding dimension is 10; the positional kv kw Pt,f (wi,j ) ∝ αt,i · αt,i,j (15) embedding dimension is 5; GRU’s hidden size is 512. In our Mode fusion. subsequently, we fuse the above three distri- HITE, the multi-head attention has 4 heads and 2 layers; the butions into one distribution P with a MLP network: interaction graph has 2 layers. Adam is used to optimizing pa- t rameters; the batch size is set to 50. The initial learning rate h f g (βt,v, βt,c, βt,f ) = softmax(MLP ([zt; ct ; ct; vlast; yt−1])) lr is 0.0001; after each epoch, lr will be halved if the perplex- ity on the validation set starts to increase. The training will be Pt = βt,vPt,v + βt,cPt,c + βt,f Pt,f stopped if the perplexity on the validation set increases in two (16) successive epochs. In the inference, beam search (k = 10 is adopted). The training of HITA-Graph consumes about 1 day Training on an Nvidia Titan-RTX GPU. The training follows the maximum likelihood estimation pro- cess, which minimizes the negative log likelihood: Metrics. For measuring the relevance to the ground-truth [ ] X Liu et al., 2016 , we employ 3 embedding-based metrics, L = − I(yt) log Pt(yt|y1:t−1,X,T ) (17) Embedding-Average (EmA), Embedding-Greedy (EmG), t Embedding-Extrema (EmX), and 5 overlapping-based met- ROUGE-L BLEU-1/2/3/4 where I(·) is an indicator function to alleviate the unknown rics, , . For measuring the diversity words issue in the dialogue generation, it equals 0/1 when and the informativeness, we report the ratio of distinct 1/2- [ ] the target token y is an unknown/known word, respectively. grams (DIST1/2) in generated words Li et al., 2016 , and t the 4-gram entropy (Ent4) [Zhang et al., 2020]. 3 Experiments 3.3 Experimental Results and Analyses 3.1 Dataset Automatic evaluation. As shown in Table 1. HITA-Graph We use a previous open-released Chinese corpus [Cai et achieves the best overall performance; HITA-Graph wins al., 2019b], and we have crawled about 895k infobox ta- first place in 9 metrics, and is comparable to first place in bles from Wikipedia. We use TF-IDF to rank the words the remaining 2 metrics. Compared with the naive baseline of the query. According to the ranked order, we iteratively Seq2Seq, knowledge-enhanced baselines have improvements pick up a query word as the key to retrieve an infobox more or less, indicating the necessity of incorporating knowl- based on the pre-learned inverted index until a valid infobox edge. The improvements of three infobox-to-text baselines has been found. If there is no matched infobox, a special (i.e., LSTMGate, HiLSTM, Trans) are not notable. Unlike blank infobox is adopted. Finally, the dataset is divided into CCM, ConKADI, and our HITA-Graph, we find the reason train/validation/test sets where the size is 855K/30K/30K. is the inability to copy words from the query/infobox, so we subsequently equip our Dynamic Mode Fusion to such three baselines (i.e., ‘+DMF’). The enhanced variants achieve 3.2 Settings more notable improvements, especially in the aspect of di- Models. We first select 4 conversational models: Seq2Seq: versity/informativeness. It shows the importance to design The attentive Seq2Seq [Luong et al., 2015]. Pointer-Gen: more generation modes for the Decoder. However, the en- Based on the Seq2Seq, it allows the decoder to copy a word hanced variants are still behind our HITA-Graph, because our from the query [See et al., 2017]. CCM: A commonsense infobox-accessing solution is more suitable in the context of knowledge-aware model that adopts graph attention [Zhou dialogue generation. The proposed HITA-Graph also out- et al., 2018]; ConKADI: One of the latest SOTA common- performs two knowledge-enhanced conversational baselines, sense knowledge-aware generation models, which proposes CCM and ConKADI, demonstrating: (1) Infobox can be a

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Approach EmA EmG EmX ROUGE-L BLEU1 BLEU2 BLEU3 BLEU4 DIST1 DIST2 Ent4 Seq2Seq 0.713 0.586 0.542 8.85 9.42 3.12 1.20 0.49 1.36 5.88 5.65 Pointer-Gen 0.755 0.618 0.577 10.62 10.51 3.94 1.67 0.78 5.49 19.78 7.73 CCM 0.822 0.673 0.621 10.61 11.02 3.52 1.30 0.51 1.66 8.86 8.33 ConKADI 0.824 0.653 0.617 11.82 11.02 3.95 1.65 0.75 6.49 28.28 10.46 LSTMGate 0.708 0.589 0.545 9.47 10.02 3.44 1.33 0.57 1.70 7.34 5.85 HiLSTM 0.731 0.604 0.561 9.94 10.35 3.58 1.38 0.55 1.91 8.73 6.64 Trans 0.730 0.601 0.560 9.73 10.22 3.50 1.33 0.54 1.78 8.11 6.33 LSTMGate+DMF 0.824 0.665 0.626 12.08 10.53 3.82 1.55 0.69 6.03 22.71 9.70 HiLSTM+DMF 0.823 0.665 0.625 12.07 10.70 3.84 1.50 0.64 6.24 22.65 9.64 Trans+DMF 0.820 0.663 0.624 12.16 10.23 3.75 1.51 0.67 6.37 23.95 9.75 HITA-Graph 0.832 0.668 0.631 12.97 12.43 4.83 2.13 1.06 7.36 28.44 10.43

Table 1: Automatic evaluation results. Scores in bold stand for the leadership among models.

Ours vs. Rwin Rtie Rloss Iwin Itie Iloss Seq2Seq 75.5% 11.7% 12.8% 71.3% 12.5% 16.2% Pointer-Gen 64.5% 16.0% 19.5% 63.0% 12.7% 24.3% Trans 75.7% 12.0% 12.3% 71.3% 10.5% 18.2% Trans+DMF 62.2% 30.0% 17.8% 61.3% 15.7% 23.0% CCM 70.3% 10.7% 19.0% 62.8% 9.2% 28.0% ConKADI 47.2% 17.2% 35.6% 43.2% 14.5% 42.3%

Table 2: Human evaluation results, where R/I indicates Rational- Figure 3: Average performance (perf.) on 4 metrics (see Table 3). All reported scores are based on the percentage of the scores of ity/Informativeness. win/tie/loss means the ratio that our approach wins/ties/loses compared to the baseline. Scores in bold indicate our all methods to the un-shuffled normal scores of our HITA-Graph approach is significantly better (sign test, p-value < 0.005.) model. To make a fair comparison, all approaches are not equipped with DMF. ‘Normal’/‘Shuffled’s show the relative performance on the normal/shuffled test sets; the performance of our approach is de- # Settings EmA BLEU3 DIST2 Ent4 fined as 100%. ‘Shuffled/Normal’ shows the performance difference between the normal test set and the shuffled test set. 0 Full Model 0.832 2.13 28.44 10.43 1 - Hybrid Embedding (Eq. 2) 0.833 2.13 27.03 10.21 2 - UNK Indicator (Eq. 17) 0.825 1.91 26.34 9.95 Ablation study. As reported in Table 3, we designed and 3 - HIAA 0.832 2.06 28.29 10.18 evaluated 5 HITA-Graph variants: (1) In case #1 and #2, we 4 - DMF 0.825 1.88 14.66 9.98 remove two methods that can alleviate the issue of unknown 5 - HITE (i.e., -HIAA&DMF) 0.830 1.63 15.66 9.92 words that appears in the infobox and the dialogues, respec- tively. The decreased performance indicates the importance Table 3: Ablation study. HITE is the precondition of both HIAA and of handling unknown words in HITA-Graph explicitly; (2) In DMF, and only servers for them. Therefore, there is no setting that the next case #3-5, we evaluate the performance of HITA- only ablates the HITE, or only uses the HIAA+DMF. Graph if it incorporates less or no infobox knowledge. DMF brings more notable improvement than HIAA, especially in the aspect of diversity (i.e., DIST2). We find HIAA mainly knowledge source in dialogue generation; (2) The proposed improves the word overlap-based relevance (BLEU3) if we HITA-Graph is effective. compare #3 and #0, or #5 with #4. Human evaluation. Three volunteers are invited to anno- Attribute-order sensitivity study. Previous infobox-to- tate 200 sampled cases (1,200 pairs in total). The judg- text works show the order of infobox attributes can be a cru- ment is pair-wise, and follows two criteria: (1) Rational- cial factor to the performance [Bai et al., 2020]. However, ity: measuring the fluency and the relevance); (2) Informa- unlike them, dialogue generation does not access the infobox tiveness: checking how much relevant knowledge is pro- in a specific order. Therefore, in dialogue generation, the in- vided. As reported in Table 2, HITA-Graph outperforms all fobox encoder should not be affected by order of attributes, baselines. Compared to the commonsense-based ConKADI, and we subsequently propose an order-irrelevance infobox HITA-Graph has a notable advantage in terms of rationality, encoder, HITE. In this study, we demonstrate this feature by and a slightly better performance in terms of informativeness. checking the performance (perf.) on the shuffled test set, The agreement among annotators is highly consistent: (1) for which has the same attributes as the original test set, but the rationality, 94%/62% cases are given the same label by with attribute orders randomly shuffled. As reported in Fig- at least 2/3 volunteers; (2) for the informativeness, 94%/58% ure 3: (1) ‘LSTMGate’ and ‘HiLSTM’ employ the sequen- cases are given the same label by at least 2/3 volunteers. tial LSTMs to encode attributes, and thus their performance

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Query: 最近发现林宥嘉的‘突然想起你’。 2019], prototype dialogues [Cai et al., 2019a], and web pages Recently, I discovered ’s ‘Suddenly Thinking of You’. [Tam, 2020]; 2) Structured knowledge bases, such as com- monsense knowledge [Liu et al., 2018a; Wu et al., 2020a; Seq2Seq: 我也喜欢林宥嘉。 I like Yoga Lin, too. Zhang et al., 2020] and spread-sheet tables [Qin et al., 2019]; Pointer-Gen: 我也是突然想起了 我也是突然想起我了。 3) Topic words and keywords [Wang et al., 2018], which are I also suddenly think of me, I also suddenly think of me. also regarded as knowledge guidance knowledge. Different Trans: 我也喜欢林宥嘉。I like Yoga Lin, too. from such approaches, the proposed HITA-Graph uses the infobox knowledge, which is seldom used in the context of 也喜 林宥嘉。 Trans+DMF: 我 欢 I like Yoga Lin, too. open-domain dialogue response generation. CCM: 我也想看我的偶像。 I also want to see my idol. Data-to-text. Infobox-to-text has been well studied [Chen ConKADI: 林宥嘉是我最喜欢的歌了。 et al., 2019; Chen et al., 2020]. The basic paradigm is similar Yoga Lin is my favorite song. to the Seq2Seq-based dialogue generation: An infobox table 我也很喜欢林宥嘉的歌。 is first encoded into hidden states, and then a decoder gener- HITA-Graph: [ I also like Yoga Lin’s songs. ates a text by attentively accessing the hidden states Nema et al., 2018; Liu et al., 2019a]. The representative approach Related Attributes: LSTMGate [Liu et al., 2018b] proposes an LSTM-based en- (表: 林宥嘉)(Infobox: Yoga Lin), (职业: 歌手)(Job: ), coder to encode an infobox table, and a dual-attention mech- 演 乐器 唱 ( 奏 : 歌 )(Musical Instruments: Singing)... anism to access the infobox knowledge during the decoding. Subsequently, to better encode an infobox, pretrained lan- Table 4: Case Study. ‘林宥嘉’ (‘Yoga Lin’) is a pop singer, who has guage models (such as GPT-2 [Chen et al., 2020]), hierarchi- 然 起你 sang a song ‘突 想 ’ (‘Suddenly Thinking of You’). cal LSTM encoders [Liu et al., 2019b], and the transformer- based encoder [Bai et al., 2020]) are successively proposed. can be seriously impacted by the order. They only have 83- Compared to them, HITA-Graph is notably different in en- 87% of performance on the shuffled test set compared with coding/accessing the infobox knowledge: (1) The encoding the normal test set. (2) Our approach would not be impacted process of HITE is independent of the attribute order. The by order of attributes, and has a notable leadership compared attribute order is a crucial factor to the generated text in with baselines; (3) The transformer-based ‘Trans’ is similarly the infobox-to-text task, and many efforts are devoted to it [ ] irrelevant to the order because its attribute re-ordering mod- Puduppully et al., 2019; Bai et al., 2020 . However, un- ule is inactivated in the dialogue [Bai et al., 2020]. However, less dialogue generation rephrases the infobox in an orderly the performance is worse than ours. In summary, this study fashion, the attribute order is meaningless. (2) Infobox-to- proves our approach is much robust and powerful than base- text approaches usually consider only one or two vertical do- lines, demonstrating our approach can achieve better perfor- mains, but HITA-Graph is an open-domain approach. (3) mance on the more complex real scenarios. HITA-Graph proposes a novel Infobox-Dialogue Interaction Graph Network to conduct the context-level infobox encod- Case study. We report a real case in Figure 4. In the query, ing, which not only promotes the data flow, but also interacts the user says he/she found a song, ‘Suddenly Thinking of with the dialogue context more easily and effectively. You ’, performed by the singer ‘Yoga Lin’. Except for the ConKADI and our HITA-Graph, other approaches did not re- 5 Conclusion alize ‘Yoga Lin’ is a singer. Although ConKADI realized this, it failed to generate a fluent response. This case indi- This paper proposes an infobox knowledge-aware dialogue cates the proposed approach HITA-Graph is able to generate generation approach, HITA-Graph. An infobox table speci- a high-quality and informative response with the incorpora- fies an entity with multiple attributes. The advantages of the tion of the infobox knowledge. infobox tables include: (1) easy to be collected from the Inter- net; (2) knowledge has been well-organized as attributes; (3) each infobox focuses on only one entity, bringing high knowl- 4 Related Work edge consistency. In HITA-Graph, we propose a novel order- Knowledge-aware dialogue generation. Suffering from irrelevance Hierarchical Infobox Table Encoder and a novel outputting dull responses (such as ‘I don’t know’) [Li et al., Infobox-Dialogue Interaction Graph Network to encode the 2016], many efforts have been made to diversify the gener- infobox knowledge better. We also propose a Hierarchical In- ations; for example, new objective [Li et al., 2016], latent fobox Attribute Attention mechanism to support the access of variable [Gao et al., 2019], back-translation [Su et al., 2020], the encoded knowledge at different levels of granularity, and a etc. Unlike human beings who can enhance their dialogue Dynamic Mode Fusion strategy to generate more informative understanding and inference with various learned knowl- responses. Both the automatic and human evaluation demon- edge, machines only receive a query with limited knowl- strate the proposed HITA-Graph outperforms representative edge [Ghazvininejad et al., 2018; Yu et al., 2020]. There- competitors in almost all experiments. fore, the generation quality is always far from satisfactory. To bridge the gap of accessing knowledge, various types of Acknowledgments knowledge are explored: 1) Knowledge texts, such as ency- This work is partly supported by ICBC Technology. clopedia texts [Dinan et al., 2019], documents [Meng et al.,

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