Lynn Renee Job, D.M.A. Owner/Director, Buckthorn Studios (SM) 516 W. Oak St., Apt. 22, Denton, Texas 76201-9070 U.S.A. office—phone 940.566.0315 (no text) | mobile—phone 940.765.2415 (no text) |
[email protected] LinkedIn — (born in South Dakota, U.S.A.) Arts & more – Vita, selected Update | January 5, 2015 ________ lectures or readings • “Conversations on Music ( Luther/Hitler/Wagner: Anti-Apostles) with Dr. Lynn Job.” Single Lecture. Community and faith-based music appreciation topic– free to the public (registration required). Denton/Sanger, Texas (Winter, 2015) • “HaYesod: The Foundation” with presenter Dr. Lynn Job. 10 multi-media and lecture meetings. Community, faith-based, non-profit (registration required through First Fruits of Zion) Denton/Sanger, Texas (3 sessions per year, held Fall 2010 - Summer, 2012) • “Conversations on Music ( P. I. Tchaikovsky in Lifestyle and Art—Long Shadows) with Dr. Lynn Job.” Single Lecture. Community and faith-based music appreciation topic– free to the public (registration required) Denton/Sanger, Texas (December 29, 2010) • “Conversations on Music –The Good, Bad & Holy (Spiritual Music: Creators/Eras/Styles) led by Dr. Lynn Job.” Community and faith-based music appreciation series– free to the public (registration required) (non- accredited, no pre-requisites). Basic Instruction, all ages, general audiences. Twice monthly (2-hour meetings). 8 lectures/ semester, optional outings | Denton/Sanger, Texas (Fall 2009 & Spring 2010) • “Notations 21 – an anthology of innovative musical notation” – Visiting Guest Composers Theresa Sauer ( editor) & Dr. Lynn Job,” Master Class for Contemporary Performance Practices, host Dr. Elizabeth McNutt, Division of Composition Studies | University of North Texas (November 10, 2009) • “Notations 21 – an anthology of innovative musical notation” – Visiting Guest Composers Theresa Sauer ( editor) & Dr.