Of the 24,3471 Schools in England, 3,8442 Are Academies and Free Schools Founded Between September 2010 and June 2014. As of 2
Of the 24,3471 schools in England, 3,8442 are Academies and Free Schools founded between September 2010 and June 2014. As of 2 April 2015, 1,083 of these Academies and Free Schools have signed up to follow the School Food Standards. This list includes schools that have achieved the Healthy Schools London Award and schools whose caterers hold the Food for Life Catering Mark. These awards demonstrate compliance with the School Food Standards. The following Multi Academy Trusts, with over 20 schools, have signed up: Ark, Academies Enterprise Trust (AET), School Partnership Trust (SPTA), E-ACT, David Ross Education Trust (DRET), REAch2 Academy Trust, Ormiston Academies Trust (OAT), Harris Federation, Greenwood Dale Foundation Trust (GDFT), Oasis Community Learning and United Learning Trust. The School Food Standards are mandatory for all maintained schools, and for academies and free schools established pre Sept 2010 and post June 2014.
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