An Experimental Study of the Ventral Striatum of the Golden Hamster. 1

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An Experimental Study of the Ventral Striatum of the Golden Hamster. 1 THE JOURNAL OF COMPARATIVE NEUROLOGY 191~167-192(1980) An Experimental Study of the Ventral Striatum of the Golden Hamster. 1. Neuronal Connections of the Nucleus Accumbens RICHARDNEWMANANDSARAHSCHILLINGWINANS Department of Anatomy, The University of Michigan Medial Schml, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109 ABSTRACT As part of an experimental study of the ventral striatum, the horseradish peroxidase (HRP) method was used to examine the afferent and efferent neuronal connections of the nucleus accumbens. Following iontophoretic applications or hydraulic injections of HRP in nucleus accumbens, cells labeled by retrograde transport of HRP were observed in the ipsilateral telencephalon in the posterior agranular insular, perirhinal, entorhinal, and primary olfactory cortices, in the subiculum and hippocampal field CA1, and in the anterior and posterior divisions of the basolateral amygdaloid nucleus. In the diencephalon, labeled neurons were present ipsilaterally in the central medial, paracentral and parafascicular intralaminar nuclei, and in the midline nuclei parataenialis, paraventricularis, and reuniens. Retrograde labeling was observed in the ipsi- lateral brainstem in cells of the ventral tegmental area and dorsal raphe. Many of these projections to nucleus accumbens were found to be topographically organized. Anterograde transport of HRP from nucleus accumbens demonstrated ipsilat- era1 terminal fields in the ventral pallidum and substantia nigra, pars reticulata. The afferent projections to nucleus accumbens from the posterior insular and perirhinal neocortices, intralaminar thalamus, and the dopamine-containing ventral tegmental area are analogous to the connections of the caudatoputamen, as are the efferents from nucleus accumbens to the substantia nigra and ventral globus pallidus. These connections substantiate the classification of nucleus accumbens as a striatal structure and provide support for the recently proposed concept of the ventral striatum. Furthermore, the demonstration that a number of limbic system structures, including the amygdala, hippocampal formation, entorhinal cortex, and olfactory cortex are important sources of afferents to the nucleus accumbens, suggests that the ventral striatum may serve to integrate limbic information into the striatal system. It has recently been suggested that the are largely from the hippocampus, primary nucleus accumbens, olfactory tubercle, and olfactory cortex, and amygdala, and thus lim- substriatal gray-three apparently unrelated bic in nature, in contrast to the neocortical basal forebrain areas -are anatomically and input to the dorsal system. The ventral stria- functionally related striatal structures. Hei- tum, then, is one of the few areas in which mer and Wilson (‘75) have applied the term the limbic and striatal systems interface di- “ventral striatum” to these areas collectively rectly. and have provided evidence that they project The nucleus accumbens is the most promi- to a subcommissural portion of the globus nent component of the ventral striatum. The pallidus, which these investigators have called functional significance of this nucleus has his- the “ventral pallidurn.” Heimer and Wilson torically been a topic of considerable debate; have drawn attention to the fact that while accumbens has been variously included in the the neuronal connections of this ventral stria- olfactory, limbic, and striatal systems because to-pallidal system are in part analogous to of its intermediate location between the cau- those of the classical dorsal system, the known datoputamen and septum, and because of the telencephalic afferents of the ventral striatum multitude of connections ascribed to it by 0021-9967/80/1912-0167$04.400 1980 ALAN R. LISS. INC. 168 R. NEWMAN AND S.S. WINANS early investigators. These reported connec- catalepsy, and Pijenburg et al. ('73) have tions include efferents from nucleus accum- shown that injections of ergometrine cause a bens to the septum and caudate nucleus of the substantial increase in motor activity, while macaque (Lauer, '451, the substantia nigra in Smith and Holland ('75) have produced alter- the tamandua and cat (Smith, '30; Rioch, '31), ations in lactation in rats by placing lesions the globus pallidus and the entopeduncular in nucleus accumbens, and Koikegami et al. nucleus of the tamandua (Smith, '30), the rat ('67) have shown electrical stimulation of this hypothalamus and amygdala (Gurdjian, '27, nucleus to induce ovulation in rabbits. '28), and the dorsomedial thalamic nucleus of In summary, nucleus accumbens is appar- the cat (Guillery, '59). Afferents to nucleus ently a striatal structure closely associated accumbens have been described from the cat functionally and anatomically with the limbic hippocampus (Fox, '431, the macaque olfactory system. The concept of the ventral striatum tubercle (Lauer, '45), the amygdala of the rat may provide a basis for understanding this (Knook, '66), and the parataenial thalamic relationship. In order to test the validity of nucleus in the rabbit and monkey (Cowan and this concept experimentally, and to further Powell, '55; Powell and Cowan, '56). define the anatomy of the ventral striatum, The application of modern experimental the afferent and efferent neuronal connections techniques to this problem has provided infor- of the nucleus accumbens and the olfactory mation suggesting that nucleus accumbens is tubercle, which together compose the majority anatomically related to both the caudatopu- of the ventral striatum, were examined using tamen and the limbic system. Swanson and the method of axonal transport of the protein Cowan ('751, using tritiated thymidine, have horseradish peroxidase (HRP).The results of demonstrated a close ontogenetic relationship HRP experiments in the nucleus accumbens between nucleus accumbens and the caudato- are presented here; those pertaining to the putamen, while Heimer and Wilson ('75) have olfactory tubercle will be described in a second called attention to the histochemical and cy- paper in this series (Newman and Winans, toarchitectural similarities of these two areas. this issue). Furthermore, autoradiographic experiments by a number of researchers have shown the METHODS efferent projections of nucleus accumbens to be largely to the globus pallidus and substan- Fifty male and female golden hamsters tia nigra, and thus similar to the efferents of (Mesocricetus auratus) ranging in weight from the caudatoputamen (Swanson and Cowan, 75 to 130 g received injections or iontophoretic '75; Conrad and Pfaff, '76; Domesick et al., applications of HRP into the nucleus accum- '76). In addition to efferents typical of the bens or neighboring forebrain structures. The striatum, however, projections from nucleus hamsters were anesthetized with sodium pen- tobarbital (75 mg/kg), placed in a Kopf ster- accumbens to limbic areas, including the eotaxic instrument, and subjected to one of preoptic area and hypothalamus, have been the two procedures described below. proposed (Conrad and Pfaff, '76; Williams et al., '77; Nauta et al., '78). Although the afferents of nucleus accum- Iontophoresis bens have never been systematically studied Horseradish peroxidase (Miles Laboratories, with modern methods, this nucleus, like the Inc., Elkhart, Indiana) was applied iontophor- caudatoputamen, is now known to receive af- etically in 20 hamsters. The HRP was pre- ferent fibers from dopaminergic neurons of the pared at a concentration of 500 pglpl in 0.05 ventral midbrain (Ungerstedt, '71; Bjorklund M Tris buffer (pH 8.61 and delivered through and Lindvall, '78; Fallon and Moore, ,781, and a glass micropipette having a tip diameter of projections to the nucleus accumbens have 25-40 pm. Anodal DC pulses of 1.5-3.0 mi- recently been reported from limbic structures croamps (one per second; 500 msec duration) as well, including the subiculum and amyg- were applied with a Grass SD5 or 588 stimu- dala (Swanson and Cowan, '77; Krettek and lator. Current was applied for 10-30 minutes Price, '78a). and the pipette remained in place for 10 min- Pharmacological and electrophysiological utes after the current pulses were stopped studies also suggest that nucleus accumbens before it was withdrawn from the brain. Dur- is related to both the striatum and the limbic ing this time, a constant cathodal direct cur- system. Dill and Costa ('77) have found that rent of 0.15-0.30 microamps was passed to injections of morphine into accumbens produce prevent diffusion of HRP out of the pipette. CONNECTIONS OF THE NUCLEUS ACCUMBENS 169 Eighteen to 48 hours after surgery, the sisted of 250 cc of 0.1 N cacodylate-sucrose animals were reanesthetized and perfused solution (pH 7.2 % sucrose), followed by 250 through the heart with 250 ml of cacodylate- cc of fixative containing 5% glutaraldehyde in buffered saline, followed by 250 ml of a fixa- 0.1 N cacodylate buffer. The brains were re- tive containing 3% glutaraldehyde, or 1%par- moved from the skulls following perfusion, aformaldehyde and 1.5% glutaraldehyde. The postfixed for four hours in cold (4°C)25% brains were removed from the skulls and sucrose solution prepared in the perfusion washed overnight in cold (4°C)25% sucrose fixative, then washed for 10-15 hours in cold prepared in the cacodylate-buffered saline so- 25% sucrose prepared in 0.1 N cacodylate lution. The pia was then removed with a buffer. Coronal sections were cut on a freezing rubber eraser, the brains cut coronally in 40 microtome and stored in buffered sucroqe for Fm sections on a freezing
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