444 - -'. -. .,-.-----.-. S-

JANO3 2002 S*i' Us. P_e 11 PAID itez mugIe New. 50 CENTS PER COPY 7400 WAUKEGAN RD, NILES, L O7I4 ThURSDAY JANUARY 3, 2002 VOL 45 NO 2* Christine Olender, Ressurrection High ctss of 1980, peri*hed Three Milwaukee Avenue in terror attack; managed restaurant inWorld Trade Center businesses burglarized Accordingto Commander on December 16. for Danicl Halley of thc Nik.sPo- On the 8100 block. the of- Memorial Saturday 11cc Dcpartmcnt. threc burglaries fendcr took SI,OO() in cash and committcd ovcrnighi Saturday. coins from a cash register, po- Dec. )5 appear lo be the work of lice said. victim of Sept.11 the same per.on. area In a second incident. $40 was AI)thrccbreak-ins,within removed and in a third. the of- ResurrectionHighSchool, sent to: The Christine Otender ingtheMemorial Mass or one block (5f each oihcr in thc fender got away with $8 and left Scholarship Fund. do Rcsur- scholarship fund, pleasecall g000 and 1OO blocks of Mil- 7500 W. Talcott. will host a a damaged coffccmakcr. Memorial Mass in memory of rection High School. 7500 W. the school at (773) 775-6616, waukcc Avenuc inNu)c.s,oc- Ext. 27. Halley said Nues dcctcctivcs ChristineOlcndcr.classof latean. Chicago. IL 60631. curTed within a iimcfrarnc of ap- For more information regard- proximately 9 p.m. and 9 a.m. arc investigating the incidcnt.s. 1980. on Saturday. January 5 at 4:30 p.m. AU arc welcome to attend. Members of the Use of overlay code224 newlyformed Resurrection "Morton Grove counters ' High School Alumnae Choir andreligion teacher Mike Abt move starts January 5 Longo will provide music. Abc llcctronics'move torncnts. " fees for vehicle stickers. Beginning Jan. 5thatlong- claimed to be holding the great- Olcndcr wastheassistant Glcnvicw will callfor creativi-business and liquor licenses will dreaded telephone change will est amount of $47 numbers. general manager at the Win- (y on the part of Morion Grove'sbe raised and the water rate dis- come to pass: all callcrin arca But the ICC refused the re- dows on the World restaurant village administration. count for senior citizens will be code 847 must depressII but- quest and in October CUB filed on the 106th .'nd 107th floors Abt has been Morton Grove'scut. although the discount will tons. beginning with the l to a Iititon with the FCC to lire- of the World Tr.Jc Center, largest single source of tax revc-remain available io seniors who signal a call to an outsidc arca scm intiation of the overlay, where he had worked since nue.Its move will take about $3can show financial need. Sen- code. to execute a phone call CUB spokesman Jim Chitsen 19%. million of sales tax revenue pertors must also pay for member- across the street. says when CUB checks back Olcnder was a very active year from village income. ships in the new senior center The Federal Communications with the FCC, the agency says student ai Resurrection High Village Administrator Larryopening soon in the American CommissionrequiresI I -digit the request is under considera- School and was a pompon girt Ant has referred to the giantLegion Memorial Civic Center. calling for callers in an arca tion. and cheerleader for the former business as "our shopping mall." Efforts are underway to at- She had code with an overlay. and use of Newly-issued phone numbers Weber High School. During thistransitional peri-tract new businesses.lt is hoped the 224 overlay code begins in will be assign&f from 224. The just attended her 20-year class od while the village seeks outthat remodeling at Prairie View reunion last November. January. emergency and information new income sources coping withPlaza shopping center will at- The FCC takes this position numbers 911 and 411 will not In memoryofChristine a new reality will mean reduc-tract newretailers. A new. Olcnder, membersofthe so as to not place the onus on be affected,according co a tionsincapitalprojectslikelarger Menard's store will open those callers with overlay num- spokesperson for illinois Corn- graduating class of 1980 have street reconstruction and vehiclein 2002. and the village is work- established a scholarship fund bers, merce Commission. purchases. ing with Abt Io place a new re- The Citizen's Utility Board in her name. mother "revenue enhance- c.&h_.d Paie 23 opposed the changc and asked Michael Balmoris. spokesman Donations to the fund can be thatunassigned 847prefixes for the FCC, said the FCC will held in reserve be released for likely issue a public notice ask- Maine High counselors tour ColumbiaCollege use. They also requested the Ing for public comment on the ICC do anauditof AT&T. CUB petition. Morton Grove tax levy I goes up,but with a cut . t Morton GrOVe'S village board and feeincreasesfor vehicle has approved a 2001 property £tickers and liquor and business tax levy that was trimmed by I iccnses. $55.000. The reduction came Trustee Terry Liston proposed during a Deç. 19 meeting and a levy reduction based on new publichearingthathad been timing for the Abt move. When connued from Dcc. IO, the 2001 levy figures were first proposed. Abt expected to be in ,' 4 The revised levy comes to fleW quarters by the end of the about $9.55 imilion, an increase year,hutit now appears the approaching $349,000 compared louve will not take place until 2000 levy, or about 3.8 tU IhC the end of January.This adds percent. atxut SI IO,O()O in revenue to 1his increase s part of the vil. Morton Grove's estimatedin- Maine High School cowvselon Suzanne Caliendo(left) and Aarn. Shankman, bolh of Maine East, lage's effort to compensate for conic. asid Sue Mauro, Maine South, recentlytoured Columbia College a past of Teacher-Counselor Appre- sales tax income lost after Abt In light of that, Listonpro- ciation Day. Electronics mo"es tO Glenview. posed reducing the levy arnounL Close to ¡40 high school and communitycollege teachers asid counselors visited academic depart- Other coping siratees aimed at saying, 'I think that's the right menis asid met with faculty and adminiifraton. balancing the budget after the Columbia College is the counfry 's ¡argest arts andconvmunkations college. Abt move include spending cuts Continued on Paie 23

I [.11111. S 4) - . e SII S. .1 'I 4II 'a Ei;, . s e. S s À À ..$u. PAGE 2 115E BUGLE, ThURSDAY, JANUARY 3,2002 TilE BUGLE, ThURSDAY, JANUARY 3,2502 PAGE 3 DesPlaines Public Library The Bugle Newsp,pers To Advertise Irl This Directory she Wirree Readieg Club. To ha- finsI book, The Cage Knsytrlatill Call Beoerly 847-588-1900 Ari Guild 0roap Eshibil 00 mar,Rutlt ÂneMonughun. checked eus by cardholders (or came eligible (or prires, ebrldren Orher Slibri'(0, mIss pubhinlicil in thspluy ut Librury. Works by Margaret Newman, Kathy Panni, ciglst weeks. Pitone (8471 827' in 1995 by Ills ntuss read eight beoks er Itaca IS 989, loiliiu'ad s W B s W s '- tnnmbors of the DesPlumes An Lili Perone, Krissine flaw, Riten' 5551(0e in(orntutier. - ,U - - u u -- - - SrsIneve I, /5IlrOrbhsIrl, - Popko, Rose,Doe Winier Reudlag Cmb Slurms bltaks read to them. yj u - u 'u - - - - a Ellen w y do - ___ - - (latId arson dtnpisy in the period- His u'ork bar wer a Puthivltrl Janoary7;WolvesHssekey Wuckly peioe drawings he/in ical reading arco on the third floor Sclruster. Tina Mueroni Solare. Psire and Ihn 1985 Nahiunal hI:tg. Tltelttta Cornell Spain. Reggie Rayer VisiLs Mureh 8. Reginlrtt- January 14. Prices include miri of the DosPluinra Public Library. itockey pack keyehoine. Wolves acier Aa'srd ihn Rerron, Illiai Art may be viewed daring regoleo Spiousk, Darlene Stahl, and Wil- lion (or "Reed to Succeed," tiro 1-sltistn, and ticket vouehanu lesee alee mon cited is, The Orlo 111111' library hauen. Featured media are lard Stranvhurgor. DeiPlnines Public Liheiery'v Win- u Chictsgo WoIa'os hockey gaIne. ihr0 Moot Dfrrirrglsialtssl .0i,,rirl watercolor, photogrophy. Sotste or oIl of thu work (co- ter Reading Club forclrildron. be. I'b,bi501.;15G DECORATING PAINTING oil. Children donot haveIohe of ISS.i and The Boor ililirl:, itii scratchboard and nonigraph. TIte lored on tIse third floor s (or talo. fies or Monday, January 7. at tIte SuonI SlItrI'Ito 11f 1054, IIhIll,f library und Tttnuday, January 8. Art Guild proseola rotating dis' Ititorested persons should contact p Surt,do,tsIF'og wasa 50,111,1 hin 12'ce ry' onewhoco rstpleteslisa pIalo in rho library orse ongoing theìndivtdual ertints directly (or on the Mobile Library. Activities ecadin g mqaircrstertn und Ittin lstu the 1999 Naiiunul Bitok dii II Cb.dles Pstaiing":, continua through March 2. On MERIT DESIGN To AdvertIse ¡n Tuesday. Moech 5,ot7 p.m.. ChI- tn her hook log vtatnprd before (or Fiction, SS WANTED SS A H.nditm.n Artists included io the Devout. The library also Itas a circulat- inErstcimi,r CONCRETE INC. DECORATING Thu BogIe Newnpaper. Snyder p.rr. on Saturday. March 2will Duhasleaches Need Old Things ber exhibit uro Lee Rumb, Estiter ing collection of'framrd arrwonk cago Volvrs Center Dan QUALITY PAhNT1NO visits ro talk shout reading and receive ocertiScate and a chance Callega's Maurer's a'rising Bochan, Boterly Becker, Helee lItai is located on rito fourth Sour. gmnl, and at Talla Univr,nIil ile Osiate Sales Conducied FREE WRITTRN ESTIMATES EXPERT PAPER HANGING C Many Ant Guild snotrthoen um ttt' sign aotognsltlts. Itt enhet the grund pniew drawing. DcLotrg, Pst Prensor, Tom Gelo- hives ir Naa'haey'pna. M:ennceha. 555. . Pillo. WSa59M. WOOD FINISHING Din ECTOnv eluded in this ettI lechan. The art- Prenchotti litrlttlgis cghtll "Read lit Socceed"n spun- Call Brad ¡Ooosneul C000rnu 00.us8ng Uo.aI -nla-e.ssnnns os. Gale Jottg-Kuliul, Pug Kurti- tesis, umIli Isiv datl,cri - PLASTERING works on the fourth Saar maybe grade elrildms toay parsicipitte n .nored by the Cltieego Wilson LIcnIISSd»Falhy Inlurod - WI s.earJssI par nonio, fink' Call: Beverly not, Dolorea Kenney. Nancy Lej- hockey sctsttt iscoopen:tiloo with uharetrgr.sphersvtle '1114 (773) 763-1928 Fa, E... £1140051 naIl: (713) 283-5877 1047) 205-8613 lIre Sortit Sulturhatt Libraio Sys' t lino e chI lIlla li. ' n (847) 583-9978 Por tniitonution, please phi'nc n__p_sn, Gua es. (847) 588-1900 tent, she DuPogu l,ihrary St vtctst. 773 718-1928 luonoa,nfl G?u (Sci.. , NA.,.IL sod the Sulturhon Lthraey Sys' the Reginsralson Dusk sl 15171 Heidi's 376-2787. Ftr more ink,nnahiun. plusse Library Ps-cscnL. Pragrssns uro: 01Ccl cc:vS .'oNcncr( 000K ELEC TalCO L CONDOM ON PAINTiNG pheeo lIraYvIull, Sun'rcen De- an Carece Munugemeni SIrote- B A¿ER Y paCaturlat 18471 37h-2$39. glon. Bmee Bloom sil Corear Every DayI Sp.cfaU" Consulting Services will irii,la Tuesday Moeoin Book prugnurbb un cube er CHICAGO BOY THE HANDYMAN Z.K. HOME 7633 N. MIIweuke. Ave.Hilen Graup h)isaosncn flanee of hood :ii MIKE NUTrI w p ELECTRICAL 'neo saroc n - WE DO ht' IMPROVEMENT r.ecI.15. rIfle 1.011 astrI lit.0 slraiegten(,(in,7.9p itt APPLIANCE B479ß7-9393 mPce So. n ont pn. Uw.-Cla.d AsId Fag. Lthn'ars Anntsiant Am- 'l5tarsdoy. loitaocill ailic ils,. CEMENT CONTRACTOR S.cmIl EIIMs/Gi CO3st,NCtOT PinIIsg-hrt.,IoIIEat.Ilar 'Oi(y Inlinlo'Eat*los P5055459 litaiS?, WSuI.11 COIS. mi...0 0*.. SII. in. I.e.Tno.'F8. 5:30 in.' Spa L REFRIGERATOR I Poll. 05005 'O/nnlR,-'i.Stoosn 5 IpnI.fl IrOn, £505.11, ¡5,00,11 & TItra ber Crogcr leads a discussion 01 ll.nines Public L,iitcssy'Ihic pic All ElecImical Inslullatlomis W.11pIp.Ilng Curpnlry e -e /deis.trofSotvl lstttl Fitg ty Andre REPAIR CO. I Dt1nAeayN £001,150 panSIng 'C.so'riliahuyl 1140 - COUPON - - COUPON - -.T_ - feule is (ecc, aud adl't,oce rugi'' ALL MOUS ALL M003 I Sid.wulku , RES5II18L I -gasp., 00/u Puna, Cosns* Ri%r Dahus Illit100lIt. on 'l'ucnduy. ratier ivrnquieed. OnynsIll R9.Irn PME UIW8TI WITH dcl FREE ESTIMATES COMWRCIALIIDIISTBAL Floss k SII TIling BUY 2 SWEETROLLS Jotluurv 8 ai hIte DeuPlairev 'vb' 'l'bn wobkdlap u'ili hiosu oli FOI POW cuhlIrsIlN. CIII *855v ALL 8" (847) 8964311 LIOION.d LAunald ' Os - Rues/nd 2 FRYCAKES RYE BREAD lic library. Book,uaeeuvailahlu at Rusnadullng 773) 505-1459 holy le seek etrlplstyrecnl is Folly Innursd PIER ESTIMATES Get a PLAIN OR SEEDED (IreRugislralsor Desk, and ad' (773)631-5131 800-468-7457 Or LIla, 555009. STORE CAKES etc at,rploytltenlrbtisskel h'ilpvl ¡$47) 8854696 12 os. Coffee SMALL 1 .35..- v.155cc registration In nequmred sticlude I luck ai lIre notvenlpi,ll 773-481.9465 (847) 965-6415 We Are Insured FREE IrlIre hock. Ishiels aun es tIeni Oiabkut. carver ncit'tchi,sr,o 1 p.r customer) 2.00 OFFLARGE 1.99e..Oprolt Brok Club nelucliiin. on neusi,,king.suliiriti,ii'citiitilcl EoplreI 1/9/02 Eoplrea 1/9/02 EapGm. 1/9/02 ititnored uitltinel if tite Shalt's air i'ico'iiif. jolt club muppoti anul uO:c SWOOn ESTATE SaLES HON DOM ON POiNTING 11 DEc000TINS (lIter tlruggIcn vi :tclvevc acoto- scta'itrkirggroatm. piktali, a .- . fooahIcsl:ttidctd 01 licios, its (lie Unoud Stolen. hlchrani lion spetti J.R HMIDYMAII SERVICE Illusi of Ikestones' he htouglsi pobtho lsh,urseo.elcelruunioiiI RICE MASONRY To AdvertIse In ESTATE 50*5050 Aaollcg Plunking INTERIORIEXTERIOR with hint (rollt Iras trying lo keep search re.ccarccs, und will, nIl LIQUIDATION 001515.0 nasO 0159.510 upaparaeecu in ordor tu ea- CONSTRUCTION mg BogIe Newlp.p.rn aralsn,u i PAIrIsoafi .thaniaíl PAINTING horco ho daughicr's charcos it( .1140.1,9 i TuniRl SPECIALISTS er000'ALs_.tuOJOO Tao C orarsqufllrv uRALt oc ToaBa ('a ri/er tnokiog a good tttaneiugu, (free Estate. PulCiIaS,d FREE ESTIMATES picado pIlone 15471 b7k.2757 D .necronv his daugltler o ittorttud. Itcuitpvi- -'PI,.- HouSelld Ceateuts FULLY INSURED e aively srytidn Ilivrettlar'oinh'tttltn' kcgisler Ras Far l.ibrary's - Silla llosA P.5010 Riinevui SaniE. llulsrnillisg Clinic. gegusIrtlIcOl - cinese, a 8atRepmsIkii Call: Beverly CALL GEORGE cy buliltg a huvtcttionctvtn Un- n Bonded and Insured au, Ascia SOUARA5ISEO Custom Made Indoor Weatheem 00000 lleno, scurrettliv ussic'nisay 111,111e Dcc Fm. EN9iIIIISI eIlend Cille' luovuoleil , 111e li:titlel (847) 588-1900 les?) S74'0371 847-825-9098 01h01, Ihe Itooto hack, 0114 vcIt:st Iti_tillos l'abbI i,ilibury''s pitituil.it (847) 824.2223 847-298-4137 773 752-3550 darts 050 Iefi:ti h:adc brIm ululI lhahvslisitig Clisos, lite stntll, tel' persitncl cen(neniaticn hic toy' colli and rh/tills gsodarn. l'ire cliii' iv' laIr mn luid frcstt Oie io hegisv 'h'uendisy, husnooty14.4- FlE WOOD 0/OleE Rf MODEliNG POOliNG N DEC000TING The Carrier ollbe Lwlitlntitl advi,'ssttntca, Im Se.,vhtnv u'iIl beItuld in The Carrier i,'ituia,y 15,22 ucd 29. u,id rollio, Weathermakor Weathermuker Andre Duhus Ill in lite ois of B000TS gas furnace nilcri Schott wrtler Andre Duhas. s'I5. 'l'ue Soul cer,ihc,Oc paliS COLORS BY MARC air conditioner o'ihi he 1101411e Fohru:try 12, PETRAN'S FIREWOOD UNLIMITED Icho died in 1999, Scicre 0v., IS ysuns nnperinc.. offers a ten-year - Ing O odIen, Anden Duhu, Ill CONSTRUCTION c*na (*00 II tecirnology to KimM. £ Salk R..n.dnlee siliI/notilt cosslpulshias compressor a'urked as o hitunly hunier, pri' 5)5 Off W'dhThho Ad uci 8501. OoOOhslI8 PAINTING warranty and it - improve indoor air talc' moveshifittitl, carpenler, Ito,' Ifl tladle/9Sc010Fc'OliilsSrC ISTEU1CICOIII1IUCTIOA l ITCHEN CAIllOTS. W. olga ALL lOME INPWOVEMENTI .glgAo, eId .11 lIa. OS/o? was rateda v.2 circulation and sonder, acIer. und icacllcn. HIt (Say, ¡Os/u 8451, 01.-irR FC , WI irung Ill 5/9.0 01500.- overall comfort IR%XR5y,ks/aI15001tlbStFC KITCHEN A SAThPOOMS Consumers SasneuhIn wuk In. ,00001.1/9 1115151RO III alla Digest® Boni while reducing In 505lnIon 30 Bourn sI au, espelTA.. Staoksng Aa.5h.bI. moo 328.1456 Boy. operalional noise. Call Dan,.I: Foe Fon U11NA1SGOOTOETiOIC MT (847) 965-2146 1773) 736-2667 (047) 888.9699 847478.1534 11471 167-1639 Call today to schedule a free estimate. -.Villager 56d&ee?1ef 4c Çíiw Toni Brens cuoco suios S SEWfRS FLOO 1519G LANDSCAPING I, Broker 6310 W. Lincoln Ave., Morton Grove Cnrlblied Residenhial Sportuahisl E8OPUI DESIGN FLOORING JOE'S To Advertise In JOHNS To AdvertIse In LANDSCAPE Bi.Lin5ual: EnglishIPahish GUAI,irY IOU CAJO STOlta ON TISA BogIe New.papnru (847) 967.2200 SEWER TI,. Buge N.00pap.mn FiIOI R.hinllhl,i -RUOlI. & 20 leurs espørh0000 EMERGENCY SERVICE AVAILABLE ew,Te r iB t an s. curt SERVICE ors,ratJ.s0ltY 1,uflIl.Ilo,.CsihSsr OilS, CEMENT SERVICE c E-mu:it@TnniSbans nom Hiles tlusidnnl OaktOn & MIIweuke. All TIPI. Il Wood i PlSlN5l ,i&dlobi.I'CosTorursIIcIndsi.rrllh NO OBLIGATION. FREE ESTIMATES FINANCINGAVAILABLE InECTOMY 'sad 'BuS. Tra. D .ncronv Nile' 847-824-0485 'Out 'ene Sail i ilarI (847) 696.0889 Call: Beverly 1510uSd' Lau Ohm 159/ OuA/Ii Call: Beverly Family Owned and Operated Call for a free market evaluation Ino,kssaslsrOu.Fr.. EIhlnusfl nsa, Nnlsflbnsrlsod (847) 588-1900 Free Estimates (847) 588-1900 SERVING CHICAGOLAND FOR OVER30 YEARS crrect: (847) 9654286 Saum Mon ROIHI5IIRI 8 CahsInI,GIII (847) 435-8195 mV/pager:(847)81 7-4265 office: (8471657-9100 ext.47 VISIT OUR ENERGY CONSERVATION SHOWROOM Flac Y PSGE4 ThE SiGLE Th$SDAT, JANVARS 3, 2MZ Markets offer 7780 Milwaukee Avenue, Nile. SUB SANDWICHES Smoking Cessation Wolff s Flea P loa_eU'PI neVS'J,PSS taaa HOURS MOn. Ihm P.S. 8130 - 5:00 P.M. Workshop at Advocate Opportunity inTough Economy PARTY TRAYS id Williams, who now sollo ci. 7° ::': sri behavior modification and re- Are you planning to quit sntok- lije National Bureau of Eco' fico supplies and taken up n hi:tii '' SALE ENDS WED., JAN. 2 ing as year New Years Resolu- lavasiun tcchsiqaos. Participants noeric Research this weok made tirs a placo wliane hundreds of will learn skills to chango the sin- ostropmnoant chute the Amant' doten hoolhs atWolfI's. "l'co tion? Advocate Lutheran General officialwhat moat Amencans Irene able to hay cals, monks md I- glo most presentable casse of cus dro.'titi rl ownìrgrhein own Hospitalisoffering an esght- huno knuwn for nome time: The heusosoffcfthin lining." session smoking cessation work- premature death in the United Vetted States isin a recession. business. Now it isa place whene States. pnnple landen thomfeet. Wollt's Fon Prunk Speciale, E'mmllfc FRESH MEATS FRESH MEATS shop beginning on january 9. l'hocs'idcnceiscuorywhooc. Plea Markeis preasded s armi loir A free orientation will be of. salary iso coupenaliso Ihal attracts son- Freedom from Smoking classes rom manuts'o job cuts io him to supplement his ivcmm!tte MINELLI'S HOMEMADE aro scheduled from 6:30 p.m. Io freed 6:30 p.m. so 7:30 p.m. on Ircozeu tea deep erosion of con- dionsfroto around the United U.S.DA. GOVT INSP "GRADE A" whilo sensing as u Ronomenm rim- NORBEST Wednesday, Jonoary 9 or Arino- suitcor confidence, resoltisg ir u Statos. Mary of the.se sondons 7:30 p.m.. Wednesday oveniflf s. lico officer. Now eeismd, speciali Aspeciat seusion will behold dur- ease Lutherar General Hospital, inarkod ulowdown ir retail shtip 1er the bent deals, buying up 1770 Dempster. Park Ridge. The overstocked ttrcnchrnditc,sec- is sull al ii, using ihr incnmn lii ITALIAN SAUSAGE Ing "quit week" on Monday, Jon' spending. makes us a WnIO'r vendor ti sup- FANCY FRESK FRYERS aary28. fee for additional courses's $175, onds and specials, and then puni TURKEY BREAST $25 will be roturscd upon suc- In Chicafolard thom tra placo plemeni his pension. H nsny' um "Freedom from Smoking" was thai provides safe liasen fruto the tIce savings es itt their cusrumnrs, cessful program coolplvlìoo. To manufacture lieu wankol esprninrce still u'ices developed by the Americas Lese nuages cf those eying ocosenrtc Otiter condors WHOLE LB. Association and was designed Io register for the profotni. callI - gonds ihewselsen, und then bring him s thrill. :: tinten: Wolffn Indoor Flea Mar' $229 500-3-ADVOCATE (1.8110-323- "In gicer ree the ability 0:0 uni $129 help smokers kick she habit per. them toWolffi tore11 them, CUT.UP kct ir Meirose Park. Situ' in its sumething now undmuSc mt munontly. The program focuses 5622). third year, S\'olffi indoor loca' RefondIons nf which path they tubo, WulfI's giton hear un np' monk,' said Spocualn. nh um cmli' noti -or Mannheim Road just mntly is huwking packaged liosO LEAN SIRLOIN sailli ci North At'oruc - protides ponunity they nray not be able to LEAN & TENDER get clscw'hrro, "W0 always ntáo ut Wolft's, "I lnve being able mur Ek ROUND arepleopporvisity in those wish- take somothing like a bodrio mol sure we hotu space uvailahln for r ing te nupplomoot their meemos w,rer and makn ihn public mi cci PATTIES WMI'X cri seurchtiug for a oca' career saw' t'nodtirs who just u'ant ru try LONDON BROIL us oar, or cvhc scud aplaco tosell CHUCK path. ti also offors amaoing bar. Gave lucius, another lungiunruc NORTH foins or a n'ide range of mer- their moruhendise fon rho sSno- ORE temi," unid Ducid Wolff, Added Wslft's vendor, said his fsihergumu $ 98 charrue - including naine brood his brelher Desald: "We atso can Inim nnanod mn the ha.srnoss LB. itcics-focliaseleitkisgirr 32 LB. Tina aecunintodate vendors looktng sour asI named n dnute. LB. (PARASKEVOPOUI.OS) tircich tltoirhradgets. years ago. Jacius said getting triti David asd Donald Wolff liuto for store of u long-reno Intuatten, the bu.incs,u ionI as harul o ut I I tiroirlieu ioarkotuin Often these we peuple who have il Over 20 Years Experience operated mmghlueeint. ilte ko yis ntartuni' s. Chicago far moro has o decade. lust their jttlrr en simply mw 's W RESIDENTIAL - COMMERCIAL tired of altai they wenn dotng, small and building from thesc"i S I Their outdoor market in Rose' snarled wuih sis ìlems und ciro IA SENIOR CITIZEN DISCOUNT Il., ut che Allnturo Areno and need u change." rient, siock 195 differeor Items,"Ito Air- Onu nf thoseinlcngrtme scat O'Hare International said, adobes thatnoludiutcihupt Direct 8478498054 Cell: (841) 791 O$08 y00, ir tIto Midwest's larguaiall' Wohlfu vendor Teny Williurns. a'ho lttst hiujob to 1951, tarncd to rend to develnp naturally un dime I outdoor Oca ttisrkot, attractIng lins tnmurket husunons, und busy hundreds of thcutnndc cf shop- tirefleamurket business., and VM.: 847319'8555 0ffice: (841) 2727070 Ext. 8754 reluinronuhips make the hu.stnulIi per.s ouch iartroier frutti aettartl hasn't locked back. "I started nut lulfihi' lic wand. 'l'tioir iudunr location soIling grecs peppers fer 101er a nsstnr no muongo nod more iii hcck avril just grew feo ro thorn," (lnd.pEsd.rrtly Own.d & Op.et.d) s o popular dostinotiunpeor CEN1RELLA GREEN RIVER basi mode Inionds nIl utu'nr FR the ceuslsy, lrtrts Wycorisg mum ANJOU 6881 N. Milwaukee Avenue Ftcnidu,' lucius snìut. "Ofrcrm tltay APPLE JUICE SODA POP Niles 60714 will givo mro loud fer prrultuctt hoy don't unni, and obst reilly øs4oz. ç 14 DZ. Make 000d011 0U C.' 8471647.8282 hctpn. becaunc ioIbtus lrcïumtcco 'you abu'cyn licuo murticmis rhum $100 IL PRI RESSE GIANNOTfl Iuekm,ut furr dIte dcuhs." ILl. GARDINIERA I'sCW Year's resolution Accumnmtìrf ro Bttztv Szstmnum' FOR SPAGHETTI SAUCE dci, afonnrer tetamlen tri cuuutrpmuicu Music in January Imcrda'unv assi tumltri':tnn. dortdin Wumlifs Fluo Dunkel us t fumummi 2rJ5°°1I ( this Friday - Ils I-- OailyOisttns - sto il itt Coio( deal hccadtvc lw' itidulist ncumt hc mu J ooLt Fnday-'lan li-Toni SaokSlws -Sta iittCnirtl chrmurgod is ian cud hmmOr pin u F MINNEITWONE cHluuEN nr.11in htnniaf -'lac la-. Orli fiCemoS k sob Cnnusa oig Ossi '- atoll ISO Caro) 0cv mmvnnitemtd. "Yea cdii p:ry up dl LENTIL.$PUT PEA Welueaday-lsa ls..aitk"Otlt"Sascelo..SteiiiallilCetiri 03,01X1 urntmnuh elton you Itutuc FRESH MAC & SEAN KIEV RUBY RED ESCAROLE Tuondays --lark Cao, Ptsniit ,ns Srrcer'- 710 iO TO t'Pero. cvns furo vmnttil otttmrcnu u:) s s... .* s 29 Wcdncvdays» lro3 000ngs. t'rwtit & sinfir -- ita 10.30 spauc," Scnmtunuvcnuutd "And mi VEGETASLE aclass atakton. Titursclays..luckCan,Ptarto&Stsect--050toSurd Wohl'sIget w'vrrutl RAPEFRUITS II DZ. JOAN OF ARC 1072 tAM - lohn anon, Chelte aruaghani & Dun Stille--SO I pccphc walking pasi ny dms1tley CABBAGE Surustays -- Seque, Sunco lIard --Sin I every u'nckcnd. You're riot fiume RED KIDNEY OR 'Transfer progrants lo four-year collegos and sniverstttea. Susdars -- ludy Rubens-lInee Fishotus -- 5109 ingot rItal iv endors," CHILI BEANS 'Mom than 30 career and 70 certificate progrnnns to lusSe1. Cmk,ail. & lie. MarIe Co.Dependeflts preparo you fur loday'schanging nurkelploce. 49t 2'oI CANI Aamrlea's Nrigbbae&aad Lairs CareOmar. Programs for business and tndastoy. Anonymous Ca-Drpundinls Asnsytmmmrcu a 'Continuing educclioo for all ages. I? stop group thud prnuudev imutlte utsd help is Inevungboyevil old gyv s 499 SîGREEÑ rimen patterns iv relstiavsu'iulr IMILLER LITE OR 750 ML Spring classes begin on January 14, 2002 seats weekly no MenutuyuKen' ion Building, 97110 TI.Kcmutos, I GEN DRAFT AIIñ TREE CARE d EARLY Apply online at www.oaktofl.edu5 Skckdn fnimom 7:30 puni. mo irrt L I2PKGI2OLOTLS $799 .OREP ROOT FORDING (547)4954064 fino, VERMOUTH TIMES .u .TREE SPRAYING $99 For oiudo,oO o'ith 0e upplieacor co filo, roguirr Oc' ij SWEETORDRY 4R00 ESTIIIATRS 750ML t'oveh.Toer, (0471 033.1614. Holy Family : SKOL ._ For more infermalioc, call (047)635-1629. Academy IVH'S LAWN CARE VODKA WOODBRIDGE$iI99 graduates sought 30 PKG'12 OL CANS $1 WHITE ZINFANDEL FERIIUZING 1.75 USER 750ML GRASS & WERl) CONTROL Sucking 957 l-Iumly l'umirmuly INSECT & DISEASE CONTROL .Acurdctiry graduatni, to colchnudlc GORDONS 'CORE cULTIVATION urur SOtlu class ruanioti oc Sup- $799I E&J 9399 COKE tetnhcr 29, 210)2, For otore untfa FOR FREE ESTiMATE CALL IVODKA g1 BRANDY PRODUCTS OaktQn0.5. plL'dice cuniutcu buono lKctvnykl ML a 1.15 UTER lIcjou: Work: (773) 651-4127 or r 1708) 8634255 1600E. Gulf Rd., Des Plaìnes7701 N. Littculc Ano., Skukie H t re. 1773)763.1521. SIIISDAY, JANUAR6 n, niel PAG5 ThE BEGLE ThE SUELE, O1IVRSDAVm JiafittAMY JsJieJ PAGE 7 Norway Traditions explored Christmas Mountain Disney/Pixar's Toy Story at-Wheatòn History Center Village WinterCarnival 2 comes to Rosemont Why Select A Family Owned The Twenty-first Annual ties which iecladn: chili cork-oIl. Funeral Home? Nothing but Norway! Thaf s 5-8 p.m. the cost is $20 per persnn. Village dug sledrides,live encellule. Thnse events uffered in con- Christmas Mountain ehe foros of this your's holiday os- To enporience Norwegian cul- WirrerCannival will beheld Feb. muni, ski rucos, wood ehorpiro junction with Ihr exhibit provide uPticesare lradirionuìly machlowerlhae Ihose hibit, TraditionoofNorway. In ture further er to enjoy a pleasant mary 2,2002 from (9a.m. seIO cortesi, scow golf teures,soient. Docomber und January, thr Kie afternoon wilh friends er family, un overview of the heritageof rubber ruft nions. tsonse.dr,iu.r of corporale owned lunera) homes. Norway while focusing ne the p.m. ut Christmas Moanisin Vil. bIer Gallery wijI be noticeably the public is incited to join the lago. 0944 Christmas Mountain wagon rides, kids asimiles, brat holiday customs. Visitors une n Oioe funeral directofu aed ulaff do nel work on Norwegian as the Wbealon His- Wheaton History Centen ard co- Road, Wisconsin Dolls. Wisuen. and heer siands. ftrewonks, sky sponsors. Sons of Norway. Polar guaranteed to walk away with a tory Center features everything sIn disons and heliuuçites rides, ye c010os)nuionu. They wjl) never pressure you lo buy Star 5.472, Aurora. for a sostaI- thoroughhnnwlrdgeofthis from Norway'n aechitectum to will include: A sled further details, call (608) 27.!. sonselhiog 1h21 ynu donI wad or need.' handicrafts to food und music. gic tea. Garnis will sip an exclu- unique country. (1X50. The Wheatun History Center ii dog weight pall chatrtpiennhipn Visito are welcome anyvimn srve blend of tea and nesh ovas- sod other wìnier carnival animi- A11 of our preparation work is done at our thentic Norwegian lam served by opon Mon.. Toes.. Wed., & Sut. daring museum hours, howevor funeral humes by licensed funeral direclofs. Your uoiquoInterpretive Tours arr costumed Norwegians, es Ray IO uns..4 p.m. und Sun. 1.4 p.m. Helping students improve scheduled us 2p.m. on the follow- Nilsen penfonns traditional mu. Por morn jefonotusion. onto make toned one will noI be Iruosportod 10 II 'factory like" iog Scndays: Doconshor 30 rod sic. The Victorìar Tea, a favorite tea reservotions, pleuve cull (630) lonuany 6. There will also bean mid-winier overt, will take place 682.9472, visit the Center at 606 State Assessment Test Scores embatming facilily. N. Mais St., Wheaton or check exhibit reception held on ce Sunday. January (3, 21X52. A gruwing eunehnrefstatet are 4. Gnu Io the IaaInL Whoe :1k- ny00 sojit be Neared Wilh the respect and appre. Center's wehsite at Wednesday January 9,2002 from Three scalings ree acailahle and tite tarring in gre essay tesi, give the lictor www.whcuton.lih.il.us(whc. to niandand,ecd unsent- elation thaI only a fsnsity owned business cue offen. mere tosti ava means nf renueve' points fieni and details last 5.Cbankyonrnnrennn. hl:tbo SERVIN nf the quality of their schools. awe consistently upgrade our facilities and Flanagan's Wake sum you hace answered u11 he ".__i Nui, Nead SaNwIchs Howesen. siudests obenlind rqaipmeol IS offer families onty the besl. I p__' Friday such ernie ineimidating. mining qurnitess. Proofread yoaronllog I riliD I concerns among berk panno and loe spelling, grammar and pure> tlhe comforl nf knowing Ike person you're tuatian. Check yuan mallscv. january 25, 2002 teachers. Ticbetn urn Im sale lera brued Chïaugo'v Usileod Cenber, Juovury sull (312) 559-12(2. on punshireec deating willi. You will atwayn sce a famitiar face al OIeFILIMUME, a family of in- vwtno farcatniess mistakes, iLMIIIth'.. Come tea night of comedy ai neu' pnesluolìon cli)vsnso Onice. 29 thiough Fnbnsiae)IO, Theis emotion educationalsafewarr, 6. RetId eo&hlnnae and re- 00f chapets. One staff is not rolaled among domos of OFF The Irish Wake of Me. Flanagan! mann Ial myntn'y by practee. av ivy lasontcs Wovsly und Bout, will mn two ull-Spunink Iscgvagn wu'w.tis kcmrri vuier.rom,'r,ckois Voull meet eccentric and hilan' offers ehem tips is students io Lighiynar reisen lo alar Ir Dioos',i/ penfonnuncea, ihn Orni os Ove- funeral homes. help prepare Ion esams. Ing rnith an Inlnr.ettnn CI). are $10.75. $17.75, and 022.73. oun family and friends se they puy F°IXAR's Tos-Sears 2. Tutu all new day, Iunusry 27 ai 3 pIn. al iba I. Cian prnpaind. Make sure ROM. wish a himiird number ufS3O VIP their lavi respects! St. Maatha Par- OPTIMIJM'n family of tetre. eemrdy-actien-aduentune loe Allelale Amna. and o nrsond Ile sautaavailable.Groupn,call TUESDAY SPECIALS yeuse had a good night'e sleep Sunday, Fehevaey 3 ut 3 pcI. ist ish. 8523 Georgiana Ass.. Mor. actIve sofiwarn pradacis han becs. show has all ihn lanerilecharac- 1066) 837-9292 foe Allstate Arm- Colonial Wojciechowski ucd eaten a healthy breafasi, Untied Conree. BEER PITCHERS 'S ton Grose, IL. Cash bar. Doors dnsignnd io prepare students to, teen from Ihn himst Olin - Woody, es iickntv, on (312) 455-SHOW open at 6:30 p.m. Perfcrntvasee LOa Ut, nary qn,ntioarllnnt. Baos Ligkeyevte. Rex, Be Peep. s taie-e nandaind sssessntnsl tests for United Center ticken. For Funeral Homes MUGS You rann just as many peino fer TIcketstoDtarir, 0cm (ct begins at 7:30 p.m. Tickets-$20 With questions written by cavIl. Hamm. SlcnkyA Dl,0. undlie general show infcnnatioe, call (Early Bind Special until Deems' uasy questions as yaw de fer item Oseen Anny Men - und vsalsomcv preaensa Diaoep°PIXAR'ol'ci Onsted 4 0perama'd Fou' O 'er 55 I'.s'csco Rp TIto hard ones. cnn and eesied by students. erst. the AlIstase Areca 01(847) 635- ber 31,2001), $25 afire January new friends- Jeeaie. Bullseye and Story' J muy he purohused ai she 66(11. Ile Ihr Uertcsl Croloral Wcgcichan'mti is'oemslO 3. Gaina amad. If you can rule luk cnseaereeetnrienncedtcic Allntuie Arena bes efl'sve, 6920 g (.2002. Sponsored by Si. Mar' feedback oneae h question o, the prospector. Diane, On Ice 13 121 45 5-4500. iIeIa,$f Dions'y/Pl.0A07Tvt' N. Mannbeim Read, the UnIted thu's Religious Education Pro. 0600er in be Eeadnd apse L(till. proemio 8025 W. Golf RoadNitos . (847) 581-0536 gram, Morion Gruyo. Por iefor' ckoieonfura multipe-choier Sinry- 2 cpuns ai the AllsiaieuOe- Center bes olfioe, 1901 W, Madi- Pon udditiormisl sefor,tcvstjoe quoveiun your cleaners of deter- pIeuse afore0 eonienture,, 'lìir naìnRosemoni, January 23 son Se., and all Tickemetuvier lors- sbavI Dinnoy OnIce, pIcono vieil 6250 N. Milwuvkee Ave.Chicago(773) 774-0366 7950 N. Caidwell, Nues (847) 9674600 flauer oreo purchase tickets, col) erses en roch CD-ROM help stu. ------(047)965.8062, mining the right answer Imprese. through January 27, than t'i vere mesTo erden Ockeis by pkoec. hitp://www.disnoyon ics sost/. dents nbuafwn ihr a entoil. ---.- thinkiegandpnubleen.00t clef skilli. james V. Foaiuros of llar vcfiuonc io. p p elude:eompueee.gnadcd civIli. Amatore, Jr. Sa1'[ ple-choìeo qoesiioes advlresieg M arier Coqo Reos-nur Now with TWO locagions Is . o VOUS StEllT PSICE 1011X50 CpI. I.sir,o o S',iiio 1,10 . S i S sweev fon welling siclos (998 geuduuto cl Nr(,e omm SLE-GRANITE .TftE.HAft:W S thone.answcn/eolended-un,,soi Htgh School Fuir 110(5, TOiles, IL. S Ii's further proof qacsliOcn slutorialseulilli l000elly graduated I tout, tile IsIs- S CLOS EOtFF S aOvwcrstt'llll of our comnoiluxent to you whichenplsinv nino Corps Basic Ccisihitt fisgi- S S soies- and on-screentosi.toil Morire Corps to provide competitive products TAM GOLF SCHOOL rece Course 01 scone surnnloe'y ved rub' lIsse. CurIp Lobuno. NC, S S and the encollent customer ses-vice grading kycorteneutou. 750/ e S 7680 N. ChiweU Verstoss of OP'l'IMUtsI .rc During ehe ((se-week courno, you deserve! asocIable fou Oltie.(kerl', ved Aeetelornreaciuosl inneruciton In e e New lersoy, with oths'cvisIr. the fundsenoelals uf enfieecnnf S e aupponi 1er combat usils, tnrtud- WAPPEN cuteong none. Ene more lent tek' S LE550N5 FROM PCA PRO BILL isg tips or produce infnmiasoe, ing the preretluecs len building S OFF Bringin The Bakery To You osI)(808) 201-5000 urvistI and mpainirg bridgos, made und S COMFORTABLE ENVIPSONMENT. ReId tonsifseulions. oSsature also www.optimuntiesi.00m. eEVERYTHING! S r necnìnrdraining on dnmaliitsn COUPON COUPON e NOTHING hELD BACIC S HEATEPTEES Crohn's/CoIitissflpp011 enreepis, liad mire waefarr and _M_ - TSfl.s - Nebemb - cae-Sae .lina., 158 camouflage leehniques. S ci_;_=i000 - w,.,dáw,enn - An.ti Pee.11 group meetingplanned . as qs,n,, -.NMe s A Fednal Seesioqs BANk MPOVEY0UPSGAME Amutere will uccontyvey Mu- S e Ckiaagu 's Caeol F ishmr Chaptcr lais, - AM miso, - ned aS ,thmelee MeNtII NEW YEAR SAVINGS (otrostohuilil S of The Cnohnn aasd Culitis l:oas. teeinluetey S oudv, soi up ramps und fomli(y dational Amenas. ssuppuri S S 1VESDAY 1O-11m 1-2prn group fur those mba mani suppe0 e RU G-S S un infannation shout Crabes [315- Hs'is Ihr sun of Poticel,s oeil 7840 N. Milwaukee Avenue, Miles Illinois 60714 WEPNESDAY 1O-11m 1-2pm S 15% OFF case am Ulcerative Celitiv, doers Inities V. Ansueeto, Sn -11111 et S - , (847)966-7900 4-5pm TOTAL PURCHASE or ihm'rd Thursday of each Chivugo S S ThURSDAY niunth ai 7:00 panic Racel 1011 1UPERGO Ome,i calO Thu Jan. lO, 2002. fist salid ails any slur, dissnunt sr sii,v S s ' . S 1-2pm A, I10th Floor. Lutheran t3eeostl ' SATuRDAY 1O-11n fasisdes Sn puntas, nl gee tarrgtal,n. One trspsr p,, wsitm,r. hospital, 177) Dempuies Si., Inri. Ballroom S 4800 S, Pulaski Rood, Chicago IlI'mois 60632 Ondrelnabir al Stia Lia OtilO 0101es ONLY. S. _ ,._ ...... _____s__1 L anote Ridge. Free. (773) 376-3800 The nest meeting will hr held Dancing 7650 Touhy AveS lube' jn_BRlNGIN CO UPONANO P.EOE1 VE A un December 20,2002. For Dati ucd A lice Luscy hoot hull- : PLUS,°jt! . Chicago, IL 60631 slavon above the suppon group 00111 dsnclnf mn she DosPloilloi S BL/CKETOFBAII5ANP LESSONFOR/lOGO cull 1047) 320-3436. P;tihDivicictLct.sucrCento,. CARII I PJIILL OUTLET. IN(. 773-763-4785 S CNsc.tG,aaaDsO,.Ls Btoss-ui 11.551m . ' i I' Ia'.,s.nn5 www.alliance-fsb.com Stone Hours Monday-Thursday 9-li Th.enge. GIasrtn 2222 Birch Shout 0e Friday, De- scriber 21,2001 018:35 p.n. ve- 47/663-9195 vr 6jnthen inloienitlon Ftiday 9-7 tosan tin,, In 5, libe.: twice CSII Initi, old T.nt.snont sed ti) ((:30 pitt io Roe Senohee led Saturday 9-6 tole, In its, isnet Tanisaient. bio orchoelna $211'rollupIc. Film cs,jpgear,00mmJNloJ Sunday 10-4 Th nom. GobylOt moies nino iefonealuon pleuso sull Dosi 00x31, sntgh4i. und Moo Limo y atIR'l71 823- Sano. F.mnIly Own.d .nd Oe,nalid SIns. 19S3 6637 tun)647I 1(25-29111 5PA62, PAGE I ThE IUGLE. ISlES 5, ANsIARE 3, 0112 Cook County hopes to privatize it s golf courses Nilès Public Marriott Lincoinshire Theatre ' Travel to sunny Terry latries, Esecutive Pm- Ihntress genenulior n! mossy Greece on Oakton tour hancesnent Cotrnníltoe to insetti- CookCounty Commissioner Fanny...funlanlic...labu' applicable wish any cthes din' With the budget for the Forest ducen oftheawaed'winning men ' aed wureor . carrying on Greene, land of Bycautine mint Peter Silvestni said he has long Library District loas Pusey Brice.One of the count er nffenl, Preserve District of Cook Countygate ways for the district to im- Marrsett Theatre inLincoln- the timo honored traditionn of and some of the finest oatistic been o suppoeer of pnisalivation. moni holovod enlerlaiversof "Receiveexomplimenlary soon to be revealed, Cook County pmve its bottom line. Oneoption Pnl.nda nf thUbr.t'y Sail motion, pieuse call the Libranor nhisc, in proud so present nur Ihnin elders! achievemnnln of theClassical cornmineehascoreooutprove he Ziegleld Flullinn, rho mode di000n Oilhho puechano of a Board President lobo Steoger said the Entert.inmenl ilonko fer Fand (047)663.1234. onuising 2002 Season: Honk f, Age, in a popalue destinalion of he will seek to privatiee the dis- strongly in lévor of in peivatiou Althoughthenantheesvary Check Oat a Family Espli:nnr il 50 the lop uilh on urfongolta- fullpnicctheatretickomfoe Rober, Lcnnking for a great gsft, Daten Vas.k000, Rakis, Hosed. CIIROUSK/, hI 050iceov d u aeiqae meson of OaktonCommunityCollege's Inc n ten golf courses and essotien. County and forest preservehorn cosiese to cosiese, the report Cued al the Library. Aro ciii (lillO. Wndvnnday und Thuisdaynvu- Citi-antri, und Faaay GirL lAuganr 2H - Nouembon 31 comedy 1h01 she burrI mod up ir niog penfurmoncos. Tho trusellnrnsdy peogeum. driving bogey. This past year,officials said o bid proposal couldprs,nided by Ilse corrsulftng Emsinn mtJ Irrt [Pu ingferromrrhistgfue und rilen. Voted "Beat Musical nf the Stroger appointed a Revenue En- go nut as early as january 2002. canelados shut. overnll, the forest rional roda oieS yourfue:mlt 'lIn- ono limo "Soauhiful girls car's Wedvendsy and Thuesdoy See it firsihand en loties naked- chase the popular Eotenainmosst HONK. 25th Consaey" by 'fImo M:sga' he in style fomruen." Undmr sIl Nighs Complimentary Dirnen preserve district golf courses and25102 couper hook ned nappnrn ing rho Inolidays' 'liter slop hy ated Muy 9-20, 2002; Jane 27. driving stages ore, in fact, lsnssng llansory 23' Munch SII 1h01 bravado. Fanny IOstilla has a limised anoilability aed ix July 8, 2002; and 5opt. 26-Oct. 7, Willows Academy students raise mho Fnendv of Nilns Public Li- Niles Public Library diumn:ci cod A musical colohralievshoal A tale uf esplosive pa.ssinv girllookIng f115 love And vot applicable wish any olhen 2002, ' -- brary Disides at she sume time, uheok nul aFamily Etplvnrr bring diffomnt xml beguiling bsaiitp, Caroiseol ubes nhèlallsflunnullenious discours on offen. $15,000 for activities SnsIni points nun that in 1996. Ertosnuirflrort 2002 lrsmku ate Card. Auaibabls shrnugk lustier1 hes ischorsningeustienccu incunsidenod tu he Rodgers gamhlon Nicky Arnsloln, her Among the highlights ofthe2- The Willows Academy student had sales over $15,000 the Board did approve an oneospssow unuilubto an Nifes Publie Li' IS, 20112, the Pamily Enpl:'ren Rnsorsalioen wish a mejor to privatizo a nioglr golf course, arnund she world. end Hammenstoin's wont mns- love gone wrung gives Fuminup- day journey are loans of the Par' body consisting of 206 studosts' The profst mode is distributed hranyDinsrirl.Bsnekn sootain Card ossitlo.s you and ynun l,hio,lv ing und powerful work. Sot or erodil cord van ho mode by rhenon and Acropolis le Athhens, hot did not gel any responses Girl the heart and soul 1h01 grades 6.12 rained an ostimosrd among school clubn such as the hsndmds of 50'S'-nlf und two' In a variety of services such w she ragged New Erlaed Coast elllling MarriottThoatme us well visits to maey other cities S'nm the indostry.'With all of lion6! for laughter.Head makes she laughter Iban omuch Iho $7,500 for their student council. Pro-Lilo and Intematiosal clubs. fen.onn dircourl offers on finn paid admissions sed Iren SII:: rl milScu ut 847.634.52110. ieclading Spuntaand the golf coarsen new open to pri' fon the joy uf betrg diSSonons. just bnfomn She tarn nf Ibeeen- emote poiovavr.With o scuse 60v Delphi, Each yror student council has awhich fund certain activities. und family dining, fast food, me- punicipatìng maseams and culla. Ifoak fon the shtmu thaI OVnsy- tony,it'sho story of bnorh, by luIr Ss yncav d lyrics by DInner . The'alte Fackogol Olympia-thusiteof the OrsI Top tellers were juniors Cattlinvotieation, I'm confident the forestxico, shoppIng. spsnning evonla, nab censors in Ihn fonti suhurhun 'vvnoppirgpapertoleto ruino Irr-bomb young andold smooth-Sulking comical bunker Sob Merrill, Ibis "Girl" helio avaibublc tes all performorcos. Olympic gamos. BaslerandKasoMuenzorandpreservo district trill ges sonseas activismo, special allracsínrn and amo. Ten ama munoullms iv rib- money for es clohv and schtol alike''Is vhrerivg, Hock! Is Billy Bigolnu, who lullsfur cut noch clansìcs os Ihm,' votitìng sixth graders Kathryn Dogrrs andconsideration from the indusny,hotels.The ChicagoNoelsl tioipalieg incbadtng llr,i(ili acri cities. In order for the student ihnmanìuol jousnoyufIhr und murrien Ilse lovely young "Foopin" Ihelcgevdtsty CathrtOnr Snow. and wo will neuniun competitivoNorthwest edition includes unen end body ro profit $7,500 thé students World In Barrington. Plis' lh:,:,rr Duckling .clouorly mill worker, Jnlmn Jordsn. "DonI Rois on My Panado". offers when the time comes eanly500 pages and effort len. omeng Houai- in Zion and Ctssiev 35,,. lIgly rent year,' Sitnentni said. haichnd - a'ish a contemporary Years aher his lnogiu deeth, Ii's tommy! lfd Fussy! It's lar- oshnrs. Six Fluge Oman America, arum und Ourdi-ni ivh'ero,:n lock and surpninsng IWistn On ho iv given bn chasco i 0 :) IptctAL-.-':, - Holocaust Survivors Wiles North students Torgot. Chicogo Slachkhawks, Hills. 1_ocasod as she Cirvulav.,n tus clansic lions Chniuion An- fon ovnihap. hoping Illleach l,Cnnw, liollywoiwl iou and Desk,Fonsily EsploserCutilsrn flPSTAU11ANT 'Coffee und Cnversnton' ist Council on boo'isls Elderly. 1773) purchase acre of slonvon tale.From the unfs:stu. Ills daagirtor onoseryv'alaohbo PERFORMANCE SCHEIN JtMtIIOSI)IWM.,,, weekly drop-in group fon Nob- 556.1326 Merniots Siseaste is Lireobnnitim. he checked out fur oro 'roh nome cgg rsis.up, io ihr tniuou' I envoru hoot love. fo el&nnie Aoeilsble at Ihn Circulation Funding fon thin pmjncl wem r' Ut,E *MELROSE SPINACH OMELßTTES Causi survivors to discuss topics endangered land phont tetare ot rus web-footed scorninuludes"If I Limed Wednesdays ai 2PM and Jewish Family and Com- Denk, books cost $25. with a pon- such us using. hrulth concreen, Every souond of the day an sided by the Illinoix SIlbe li tniovd, take a garderas the ora- You', 'lune is Rustic' Out All munity Service: Tlsursduyuflor' lion of the proceeds from retry brasy, u Division of the Cilice 'I 11PM". Thomnduys ai 8PM": "As Big as A Baseball Mitt relationships, retirement, reparu- urca of land the nico of IWO stealIbas inppnsl TheLino O ser" uvd the vsimningYoail Frmdoys at 6PM: Suuurdays al no rs, 1:30103 p.m.. st the low- hook supponnirg ske Fnisods of Soumlany of Stase, Unsng InIcial llora. planning for the futuro, cur- foothall fields in dontensynd in filmo'for London's prortigious Nover Walk Alone'.Taho u 3:00PM A 8:30PM, oud Sue- &Popeyedwith EnoughSpinach iuh Family undContmuniry Publie LibraryOintries. rent es'eusn. and other issues.. Co- the minforest. That's the holes Libnaay Snrvicns and Tcchntilogi Olivier ,ward Ions your. For t spin on this Carouse I fur u rido days us 2:30PM' end 7PM'. Sc cien. Nerrhorn Disnios Office. )1und.cruised will br used 50 un- Act landing. For mom Inlenni,I- tu "BUST A MUSCLE" PAT BRUNO ' Sun Times. nponsorod by Jrwiuh Fumily und 27 0 W. Deine, Chicago. Fun oqoinalent of t72,S00 fooshall uhew Siled oitk heart and an. y OuwOn 't vIolIn forges. dsrw'nitc library munnnisls. survie- lion, please call the Liht:tny .11 CoesmunitySernieeandtirs Intone infomturion callBarbues Odds, Fon the ninth year in o feltorod fur.,all you have mo TICKET PRICES SOUPS: NiheBI Cf4enluth SttI SeRe Cabbage Council or Jewish Elderly,"Cof- row, students ir Ms. Susalt os end prngnasmms. Fon muro infon- 18471663-1234, doss IIos,kb F'IJNNF GIRL Tickstpnicesrorf r from Ursnuku-Yeufer. Fultrily Work- .FIBOIIFiIIIOIIIY a fee und envers'utioe" is hold s Mons' English classhave 1n4lisser bce 6-I avuor y(9, S3S.00 me 545.50 loveluiding SP0019LIZEINPASTA$ STIR flIY.01SIIES er.ir Susan Lio:rgstone, MOW. of al(773( 274- 13 24. purchaned an acre D531N lui NNE ES 11103 b lados orsi hurdling bevI. Elolouausl Memorial Penn. endangeredlardfrom The 1April In-Juno 25h A musical ensuedy 1h01 rovulln OriVndnood:r,crmu:Ilrre es lcd 7201 N. Caidwell, Niles IL dation of lllinuiu: Monduy after. "Coffee and Cutbs'nrsuliur" Ira Nature Consonnoocy. To date, 'sull'Ilhove.:docuhmahs gotol ihn rplrvdor ofho Zlogfeld Suniluy ma lIne Otod ou'enlng (847) 588-1500 ruons, Ile 2:311 p.m., 4255 Muir pro'eatsl In libe Family Lilo and Ms. Mons' classes bane USE THE BUGLE Follies rorfononu r000,olitl lembi lud SIrves. Sksekie. Forntore irfonstu- Eduoution Serio.ssponsored by uccumulasednineacme of seni Oreliiocnnno elIde $5.110 Ibrough the nluny of 115 gtOuiOvi 3233 N0 ßroadway, Chicage, Illinois 60657 (713) 321-2060 Itoh cull Sisen Fus. LCSW. (0471 lcci)ll Funtily und Conttrtuniry ecologically signilicani land in lt'i the rhIl-' 1:111e . Cs:snd Shorn C Oslieslon , Patsy D rice off thefalllickel. priceluId 565-521511 vr l),'o',d libro. MSS'. Central and South America. 1lr luí :6 rrmorbeuuulnu asical coni- s,tltss.ss'stitss,ss,E ,stts'EkOtStiOtKvt cd! Fullii slelo.fsr.iiue- Drasmin tsP JIIFFKE's' CARI)t"I,t,3. fveer -ss,)n g. dunce und dimo- Sjr,':(t,l bit Ihr ll::glr ruy ihOh'llkiu,'ckyou eau of j Pierre-Louis nIal ,e,lI. 'f,ouhlc'550110 a-hon Air Force Ainnen Drus'tisi n imlilldlo',iged lunliseSeyd Pierre-Louis has grudussvd frorrt uetkn, a 1001 5 ihr iho l)nvtl IO eoii: basic military training al Lack- Edward Jones: gel ShIm 1ml usci IW,ohubmfibin GOER THEfiTIR tir l'vaiIl irlo lMmn FAMILY OWNED AND OPERATED lard Air r'lince Save. Sur AvIo- Sc'vuitliru 90Golf ßodfiles 84? 699-2000 rio. Texas, Pay Yourself First and Build Your Savings l'ailLas,loi irey 11cc un voy During Ihr umu'oekviirilo- "Svvleehah.' i d.OlOng young THE SKAJA FAMILY (ng, she ulrinur studied the Air Arc l'ooinm'e vtIt: 'will uds assois ulurulil? 1h11:11, a'li:ii eilst 31ra ducslo titis'h None's oxugges 511111 : Pay ytiurselitint. l:ac t, bulling Ihr Svn,siuuss uil Porcs mission, ongunieu000, und 'l'lstit sounds siimspIe. bui It's eel islWayI vIl esey. Many people lind im liard te invest lwcaa,e tltcy upend all bi leInlIllInsey ums tI evunse: oir alter 01v, OuI drop ruido, he'stiro5:1510oId leo.Noi ouuloms; performed drill und Cor- ilfdtsiIO Ivils g. 12've n ultei: ibey gel uoltsry imiereoucs, shop Sod ways ti: speed 1h15 ad:liitinnal 111:151O. BUDSKAJA ersonynonehes,undroeeis'ed Olcourse, a.5111,iviIhi us know, life iu nro my cvpensiso. Vom. ify:mu'm giring IlIac Imbus yliars 'ills5 Sourie ial guisis - such us 55'hillftilla' even Salan' ssoltnyslson Lela Evonsaully, SKAJA TERRACE plsysiculsrainivgmrd special irlo reline'mnmu n5 ' yrunsmustnove md ivs'evs. Assd ho bevI muy in do liai in rim pay you roel! Oros. livery tingle rio nib, pusu'imsss o simuli 03 aucty e'one hurgoSlat. HARRY POTTER AND THE truiring In bunion relattons, LelaEnds th:mi witalLola i naniOuc s 11510 ni - boftone youpay lIli.'15h11 ngage. il suuiilitles, anti lIso dcniixt. wuvts. she dlmsil't alosyv gol. FUNERAL HOME In addItion, airmor who vom- II owean yt:udo ttsiuh Aetaully, itIlo 15051 t 1w os challenging us it sounds. In fact, you cuy rineady w payitmyi:aruclfSsst, ifyeu ktts'n SORCERER'S STONE £l MICKEYSKAlA pIde ironic Iruinig,'urn credits ¡I 4111 (k) pltin n'ire'ru ytbuwlns k. t2-ev ny hubyllu gel pttid. y burdel ployer nuts':iimoemi f ytmurcala ny (slim yi:ar 4011G. V Imano cee fol.i Tho Sevutost Ieasr"You Gestit FRIDAYISATURDAYISUNOAY 12:00, 3:00, 6:00, 9:00 7892N. MILWAUKEE AVENUE chanco io vpelbd tisi xsri:mne y. hecoocu il's liai if your lmomtds. l'h,sun Hean' sod IncEnds NONOAY'ThURSOAY osen can 6:00. 9:09 NILES, ILLINOIS lhruugh she Community Colego Y 15v ao epply lImb,-somms o principle ill building tip y mmtirctviIb fis end issexlineol p:inf,ili:i . Y lore tIlpItlyc'nItra y Issue 5 "deduct antdin. he World Sentes 505cr replace rae loIr.b's a PG l3 JACK SKEJA of Ihn Air Force. unni" plan, under which you east Slit centorcyw iilmbeld i'n:ttni year payetleck andli leo d in un itnoess site ni rfyoueeh lice.EsosI lfnsmi such: THE IMPOSTER F (847) 966-7302 ham-humor from stunt lo the Unis Ihnunn ofAvtoine Pierre- plan cnistn, Isimwever, you e .ocm e sconeibry:iur:i w'n. Dy seititlf up whas's k roustis- o rush aashoriaastion, y:iaeuc h.-is' e n oslo y tAon FrnOAY/S*TUIIDAY/SUOIOAY 11:45, 1:40, 3:45, 5:50,7:5510:00 frete y huno hocking secourt and placed direeily lImar ins'essnmuvr. Depending on yuiur sisuatbiso, you muy cls:moce to di: Isis irnceontw:ce' Iwo nuls, honra Icrusded, botiossu Louit ofSkukie. of slim nissh Evsxh. Ploy fusIl! 3:45,5:50,1:55, 10:00 arnonth. M000AVTHURSOAY JIM StEAM Pionne-Louis is o 1999 gradu- Yes mighs think that ylmuc'an afford le put in unI ynisia Il a slIm uds . se why borlwr'b Ba 1:150 sinst. e'se n eelasiacly mondons euolnilmu- . ate uf Nilnu West l-lìgls School. SKAJA STANLEY 11h55 eut add OF. Foconaisipbo, suppsiue yuua buco SSlt u'islslseld I ront Filer pctyvttoek solee a tsionth end pl 'icr d ir it tan.defcnncd inueai' NOII/A' 5100f) LORD OF THE RINGSQ Skokie. mio vs ' such au a tradisiocol IRA - thateumn, tin ,'scena go, Sporeent oyeie.Afsen3øyeans, yea will liase w''disti elated svino litan S 140,16X1 (Iambe 2h. AegssI 251 FRI0AYI5t'flIR0AY/UN0AY (1:45, 3:15, 6:45, 10:15 FUNERAL HOME BUD SKAlA JR. -unoimsoun sil cale nests skea higdiffnsccuo isi your rulirelilevi lifcutyhe. sellIbuul,esl -- oobucliorcs' M000AY-ThURSOIIY 3:15, 6:45, 10:15 3060 N. MILWAUKEEAVENUE I LEGAL NOTICE I IKe'opiomllin 4 1mai his lypc tifplsn ulivI usano you uproOt antdrun'm pr:tieel y Iba gaivsl I :mssiss dec Imiti g itiankcsx. ttecauuì ytnu'Il lac ' ceusinually noceur5 i osecun itics regardless tif brie Il actuamrrg pneus, yimu'll need 5'ocimisscider yuarlisiancia' t ability so keep sslukti:g leso SiAl CHiCAGO, ILLINOIS rIesCi . PLEASE TAKE NOTICE - yueelmwcs tkruugh pefsiuls oftstwpnioe leuols.l - Filled 111111 louIs and jonIo. JIMMY NEUTRON JOHNSKAlA Y ouean seceberate yeunxoxirgveeer (uniter b3 pussisg pan cl y:musss' busy ineseates trttb yslur seibssslily ill sessssic nIx. AgaIn, yiIU'lO FRIDAYISAT0009YI50000Y 11:30, 1:15, 3:10, 5:05, 1:00, 0:55 (773) 342-3330 TISE MORTON GROVE FLAN t'Oalnuf gallaniry sod Oeil cil nonenreolly Itad tlisnssic:sey io yuurpuekcs, so ytmu xhtiuldr't really "isissu" sI. COMMISSION publie hearing derring-do, Ilubiml Il 001I nesamrt M000AY'THURSOAY 5:05, 7:00, 0:55 scheduled fnr MONDAY. JAN- Potmbahly ko Isardout pan ofesssploying u "pap yourself Enei" slrtsiogy thud Soiling xtaecd. Ifyou toll ytiunvelfthat you'll be'giis may' wilh u wink sod il surlIe,'rihIli meg yeursolfflrsi afsenyouget caugkt upon pIlar hills, ytiu hay neuen gel guissg lnsesuio liosoS always xlbltieshicg yeuvao rpeed Intim sep ERICSKAlA UARY 21, 2002 05 730 p.m. in bIechi'ii, T ilOi\1O55 d - KATE AND LEOPOLD the Boond nf Tnuntnen Chum- on. l'il make tItis inscsmsmlens ssscssegy w:nrk. yuosissmply Itose su sillslist Irunk isoliionioatills und Illuso liv. Wish a titilo ereasíuisy, pua wirnlog oeil unIi libo Brood- Inao ISATINGI should he ahle Io End oreos ir ymmur badges usos posean udjaul lo oitsslpensutc hIn the issir voy cow goirg vII: plias inueslissnns,s. SKAJA BACHMANN bons,RichardT.Ftickirgnr ti.u,IliriOs. Ii Tue 11r::c i urrru .unii FRIDAYISAT0009YIOU000Y 11:30, 2:00,4:30,7:00, 9:30 So, usan paying yourself utiuv - paure woeb il. GORDONWOJDA Municipal Center. 6101 Capu- I bIld illMttrilli Cl enrio. olio MONDAY'THURSDAY 4:30, 1:00, 9:30 FUNERAL HOME lina Avenue. Morton Graue. Jeffrey ca,dollazun bteoazhrdalEdoaedjoaos, 8141 N, Mitvuakno, MIra, 470.8933. tegelilon hreagh ittilllit' to lire Illinois is hereby cancelled duo cIego .joio Canadion eonb1nesnt 7715 ROUTE 14 OCEAN'S ELEVEN IRATED PG'tS s - to u luck of busieous su be con- Prior SiposIIIhrìvg(ng hack CRYSTAL LAKE,ILLINOIS MARK CIOLEiC ducted bofare she Beard. lb cliosuiuurr' tiuwsslchuukler nl FJIID*Y/S*TURDAYIS000AY 11:45, 2:15, 4:45, 1:15, 9:45 SI lerceeti d Pore's. Rehi,i Ilmuoul (815) 455-2233 4:45, 1:15, 9:45 Steven Bluse HAPPY NEW YEAR FROM THE BUGLE reunimes ills bullid 'of sherry rIlo n MONDAYTHURSDAY Chairosun in ils 01111v. nuilhiunild molump with ' "mn s

PAGIS ti Tills NUGLE, TIIII050AY, JANUARR 3, JNZ TilEOUilLE, 11IUOSDmmIY, JAN1JARY .3, tael P4GE II Storms approaching Will yourlandscapesurvive? Elvis Entertainer, Trent Canini Experiènce the natural Arhnnist A550etation INA/ni. I shia will help yes drnantniae po. wounds mn the trank alsominnlicates Laie fall and winter are ihr sea- twisringandnplrntingof the teunk, 63-ynar-old public and pno1rm coming to Rosemont Theatre beauty of Belize Sons far some of natures most se- or enes uprooting'pesapossrble testial weaknnssrs und dangers. snmctanal weakness. . Pallen or ap,00rad nema par- stonaI resource an trees andin. Nia oilmen noIe urimni os Isnntory mIne yoe me me l'mcsioy, sod agrie vereweather.Stormsnrall dungrrs. LookatpourlreerfonlhefnL l'ive I ilmo ,nonmc Ralbo io s morir lIly g mou tciiievnu IM,syan civihioo. herrealtane. inhas ntore ihm lbs 1mal macIl mon esilusnng nmpmtcl shapes ucd forms create havoc luwingwarningtigi.st ring pna.nane on othen Oses he- Cmmniinu is an L'nIne mmmcly blunted uuifoned by 0,ikmrn'a imliloilslaily tom, In bbc mull pine fanesmn of 2,8100 memohers wb,gt nncimemimn nun liaomenio'scenerslibel, eno'nimm,'non whose i lIsie and apir. A few tree species, includrsg Wtros in contact with tree neath rhenm, pummo'l,Immm 'rhno, upu uno ached' Mnoeioir Pino Ridge Feroat Re' throughout the country. One of stringent nulety and pnrIonti.am.t Presb> .smI l'rent C,inlmnm. the grcatest dangers posed by Chinese elm, clisen maple, hen- branches. Tmcn may hecomn er- . Tight. V-shaped forks which lIme mm neinmniin ihiiom mmi 11ncaiey, ,iemi iii 1h10) lin7.20, Fch lb. y cone , you'll cbseroe asasammi eye. are much nuore prone tofutlene standards, und ana nequtreni limO miinombor eon Ill duermen 10151cr mn Vmmuumi C,imlunm'i stonas ute presested by falling older und vuntoes peplum, have argued when the pitre contacted opai,enei,o 24 ,iumd hindi 2' Iii 'lilaofbindn todhulternbmes, ry Imohtlmiyinsurance An c.i,n Ihn wnnld, will ovmemmoae tIto King l'eri,liummiminmo treno. Unsafe t reos area threat to brittle wood that in curtly broken. hynlectein wire,, than npcn tJ.nitaped oren. faims ham meg he l,muomucil ulm hie iinnllie,sllobI,ui AIming blue edge oflmmes Ilion eidg- Hcanirg soil as ihr tree buse way na lind a trune,nrevniii,n'- nul Onset n' IfimIl' ,nmmu,lc' ib ab, le mmi Kmog mmi lOuck ii Rulli ,lumI lives and property Theseraptdlygrowingtreos - Denti en paoially attached gl, Ei' iii C emulI bil'nomi'mmc i,ilaliee imt Ob ,SmIlle I, iahilowa Serri'eons, preasdet nit fase arno u teille hie ' mmmc av o'ne'nnflmt'nmnl) prismi notlum n, Many shade and ornamental causeuconsiilonablo otcototof limbs hang upirthe higher i, u potential indinatoeoluran- ill l'ne, ici clummmummic,Imm lino'miii OumUmlitI, mii eamuiic, nulanul helnnby Im,imdwood fonusto und shump os. "Lomease Year Local HAnS hic: i EIn'inm Ernte, IItsI!yn.'nnm!rss mcm- dumuge to hotrtns. eons, buildings branche, that eoald fail und casse seand root system. libo N ele mnmhcr 27. Prueslelwon mIll mncmc'mi I history, IIi nial. aa,Ilt' Isrytnulls wimh broashnokiog trees arr damaged throughout the her Cotnp'arios" progrnitti a yeat by wtndttortrts, liphtoing or and utility ltrescueh year. Heme. damugeoninjuny. Remember, too, that a insets a pissa, Smtiandsy, I.'roanos 5,2101111 pmumif mum, eaiiy irndaommd mtl bile mii land mm, e him 3.0110 feet isboosl, diebev Ai biso In Chel Fane ,msmd lining thing, and imistrfnry and ear ase thts nonvtcn h,nallimic il pmnmalilse R nosemrm,an t The,ntre coand crow accumulations owners vhould ho uwam of litote Ceaeked nema and brunch Guonpol bla,mc A ,,ocm ,m bilmo 'I Hill o mmli 11101 eiinn b mamnfonoe celen. 'r na1rme ni R escaro'lu Censor, you'll IHWI) 735.2622 or by iluina ,i oi'p lIti sg yenfomnenl Picoler'smmlu. Dama ge usually coestuts 01 atem ehractenttticsurd ovoid planttrg forkr thon coutil coaseeutasrroph niuhitity than ge over tIme, sa nf I'. lomean d, os il early l)cccmmu mumm,'llinu,n II mcc nIloil msnd novllmenn i OilIO'J heat 1h clama Ii,u powcro uf don't ssssmo than u tren that hws code snanch ut the Nnn' SI, h sil. fmunsia Id'nmat audmencos a mill. broken bronchas. However, mene Ilium close to potential targets. if te failure ofa tren section. ho'mIma .mobeu,cd RC1'n Ifa'eimmni, migmmunm. O mmcc ilme heumimmf Mnyaum mii,bmy Co'mmlna i.'\nienicsn plOOIv survived IO sesnre stanai will site:wwu'.natlerh.cornII m it mile, Caal ulme tiinomnnn the gim,c. severe domege-such es spltttirg ouch Irnos ero ulmady groa'tof io - Hollow or decayed amuren niimgio cmnlled u\mmmenic,m l'ho Svmmv. m'i uou fliOlt ynunsilva is,you'll reeenoaniiy nun'nvn us li mli. would like sddnttanalnnli,mr i. mme tii'lhe;ttre by pnmpvl.no on pulling open of branch unions, Illese libellent, prevestiv'e pmo. the trunk enmato limbo, nr muSh. imfai Im,, heon mn ibid lump lenI, I Ihc iii,bui fuSIl mirolicoimui,'io'ii tile,. An samimplo nlmtiic dishes ai nynciully Whal eanyno daT sor of proper oree asia pronii,l. mlenmnumsd, nImia titlte oli owcmts ng mho reotoval of large enero of book, rig, braving, un cablIng nayhelp gnvwiog froto the hark Ibas Siilhuu,mnd ismminic client f01 labio mndepcoilo'iuuileommmc rae y mcc iurn:nneadneal,. A vivil le u pri' Hmmtewnen. who ars Iuoksng pinson enrIsco Knmmg' smeaviamnusmo in u rib nile im, reduce slorm deanage shit wirier. indicate a decayed md weakened week, l'bn OrbI Ein un Prebiel in ISA i, Seimee'Ineme oben of he elIteIi omewillgi,e yous etere fon sumnern na assess shein land- Osrvinm@nailarh anm. imreslnn'vI 5 year on itllimmi plenum This no particularly run no the Irte. glcmmumim RCA R coon d mouim r lii Snnlu,h Curm mnmiun weilth toilion fimoipbe irle the enenydsy lises ocupe shsuld contact Ohs national ' grows in sire und the wright and Peeling hank en gopmng leimv, mIme CO.mngIo mnoianlev 'Il mufScumil i1mmgaufa IO Ergii,h, und customs ofthn poopie. surfucn of the leaf and branch Hmncked by ho I 7-piece TC On. b C,sn Dm,5101 ." medIrdad bile fmmn Hllhlightv of >nun Beline ail' ob,'vIn' s und lobos> Star and Ihe An opiionul. iwo-day nip es. at-home caregivers Ebvma' legandoryi 968 Cemomehack 'o'0111mb include s emami in uilao Assistance now available for Icnninis will you ,loros 5 Ihn liiniev,es, ISle Chncagnm.hsmm Carli' 'OV npcaial, "Areunica she Raumsii. Hm,i btoyeo ute whrne tIlo la' nonno.Finn rs ritanst presido-m,im. Gasiesynlae bondon se Tikal Ne. Oler the years, growing trees Help is now acailebie 1er theinclude in-home semnices,aduli 0m a nIl nsrg the Kmsg n gmatevi tolte peeple Imoysny fammalo help Ial,' Invarded Or stage n Decoro. 010v lode ciorliog al the hemd of Ststante re penons of vn0im.mll minal Park. This wsidlile sancta. will "cuielt" moro wind and n' estimatrdShy-faurmilliur day earn sersics, shorn-rerun stays molla net 1151ra ludirg "Reck a keep hin nnunmcsmdims'sgeuimce. ben 1975 si Ohs LaoVcgur Hilton. lIme May,Sesam god, Kinich Ahoy. ceno hnan'ior, no they urn prone wry age when thry orn prondimo litalmn sry is home to 285 species of "Carrgivnrs "'on the Unired Statesin lang-lamar cam facilities, and Baby.' "0,1, Rlaes sod thon I would I'm nel lIvio, mtmd mind ""Amrmaesng Grace," rocarded wu, es caluma dlin1960, Yuu Il ioiocrcamod moehaniral utnonsen, ether epnians. care far an alder persan.lii c'e Gmnln'Gnnlsh Gnnbsl' hindu, imcisding blue and whisa who pnsnide informaiearnfer Beta-orn neuneavera illho. butIanm at RCmI.'v Studia B in Nach' C'nut'00 Io Sesab WasenCays, u pri- Befare 1941, nngerprinrs thun nncreuning the chancen el elderly parents,mianinesand Coeegisnn Specialists an laeobcamngsssrs repreneno o snavlma'ii' 1956 and 969, Elvis Presley sp' heeoor, panais and hamming- were not osc.pted as sui prsiind mo pa> Immhutm mv h mmm blu siibnonMurchl5, 9)1, litiO iuiard er Belies's barrier Iodure. Larger omen will oIent af- friends. Casa Caardinanien Units who will ele ta the Aging Netsuork ih.ii lin, poured In 5 I m itomemnne lading birds. Nest, you'll tose the Mayan done. In natron, because Tiokenmplen Trees CanIle/a EI. neef. The rnefstmrchrs 65 msles fect un increased aret oltould they rena, urnes, camginern' neets, pmsideprimaenly aiTnnndns services im' nains at Tikal, asce s poweahsl Thesecamgiversare I.nn,'eAfcyennnlcr,hmstimnm,rIeeocil Jimrnng Cumlism so Ihn Eleia: ei,m Frese Idaliyouasod Io Meer' Imam iho Yacatam Pnnmnsalans Ihr was trat en .1btioh.d teat linie longer Iimbt fr11. 'Slits these 60 neons af age anm1 imldom and shelving city annI ito decline tiret no two cito nf finger mir daughters. heshando. wines sad them with infonnanian and link In 195h Stlea nfmaey of she omit. PetisoIlellynesnnd rat.tfaerphiu pAin e oncermurronus te amall Ray al Hand urasan il is home ra a messa that power lines, homes The sauced on tssnstattcOmi afc moho lVthcennuny. prieto snore alIke. sobers who assist a'inb the dullythorn te a vaeieny sfsers'ices. Oie souodlrscks and osngl e seogo c,mnceraunii k Joe luspoommo. 1 icholmuoten b oculsen s. aninnes i mulritudoefaelonfui Ssh andonh. hS' persons ube are care,mner, i,, te'v'tIritod und othor utmctures that might reeds of family members. and Oap-Xllirg service, which may 5a l'nevley pnsmprlled Prealey's n\mmy buddy sod fninod wbvu' nicke lbtmu vIel, enosre by en femin efmanine bile, For compleleiiinnrary thtldren ioder thenge of Il and rot have been threatened t mw u'ithear wham, many alder peoplehe used rs parehsse goods or ser. nIacin te fntld or nlasirare moulina lis, ntaely 20 yours, and osathor pl,one a1l3i11159'1212 'l'ickamn lo l'ne Maya Moumnsirs. pos'11 niome infonnatson abaat she triplo With these addinmoos, timo amie yours ugo mnglnt suddenly he vo' OOW lisingirthecomnouniryvivas oar available nhmugh athen irloe ,neceo d melo el Ihr l'ali longtime Presb> Imiend. Al Over' mira $35 and cue sl,mm he panchuned ami i Ca'rae ou, mho largest ameheo- Bolsee. contad Rea Cornelisson dcohneat b> a tree that Itas geeu'r. giser progntno nubssunimall>iii end would hr ar ircmsssd risk ofnars-means. n Isulf h ounvorce n. Canlnom in, who canned he phrase "Elvis anlie Roanomonl The'aIme Dlv 01' iuigmcai inc mn Velico and une al st 10471635-IOU, creases the pepalatoan ventil hi Preparing tteev fon it err naturel ing heme pl acensen 5 Thy'leen mt Legal Ironicen tu assist graed' hrmn6'noelitob'sitetu'.'nrneeoucn. has lolo sine building." mnsomaedmng Iice .leculedub 54101 N. RIlen dIsasters i.satnuut and should ho Administration On Agieg Longparents raising grandchildren. Ares A genciesun AgInfnalimimm. Immer t of ,oshimac rIled she 'Menti' shun nearly cyan, Presley concert, Ruad no govemminh, IL. r-omiimmi no i n advance aldo. liatscareatenulerfrm ( BUGLE CLASSIFIED ADS donewell of Ihr farm Cane Nancy esoimalun io Ali canecens el sees av r mIna CorronC ibas innesley per. Eopnvsmsioaad Dvcrmmi Im's've homlm nnfnmmalinn shoal l'manI Comuni. sionny toasen To help naso thnsn mena afners'ncen that siiImnnmSfcmi' fnmnoed in974 mo his hmemesmmo'n, would casi 045 - $75 billion su 5h f en h hea'eme fnerdo and uvsmmciascs of d'angers', here a professional or' cien 10 berner naypen InmIlitIme In im. Presley teil Cmsrlins fans a-mil GET RESULTS replace the etTaos of these miar-ohene wish rhoesc'optionuf res- Csrhnm,much50 Iba salone w,, bco w.thednesnikirg mibloi, L ' benivt evulaule your inset. Deing real naoegn nersar 5h prefeostanal eanegnner and oh eeanorca t mmcmii lue,mesti' h pnipubism Presle> siangs ire nane and 'ogills i servie s mii home cana niaIT, Ir nrden ra revelen these two se - Tu ubrans miam maimntntto stil 'in "K cnmuo'k, Ocio," "Can'm idol the sonsees above, otte rette A mar. FAIR tND KONErST.F4MILY OWNED TOBACCO OUTLET SENIOR CITIZENStI LEGAL NOTICE I Reesgeleing this imponlarn sers the care neni lent must Rnilimig In I mmmc ' armI "5h'immn den ml nous w. DEMPSTER - Ss500snE. nL 00077 trihutiar, amesdmonts mode ta ties ohaald ventad the Sehanh.imm Shempoo re ' ' ' L Soneria hrrnhy given. pursuant to she Oldie Americans An in 2000 ' AreaAg ercsundgmit gii 'C',ttimiii.n, h mue n Innsioymmnn &Set.... $2.5O&Up "Ar Act in rebiten to Ihn use of un created a Natisral Family Can- 'he CamE'sven program has two 7583834258, en visitIlieII el' mtii,i md nIh tn moiperawoammum. -GARTNER Haircut .$3.00 & Up Assumad Business Seren in Ihn giver Suppeo Program. Anea ,5Y nateo'omth yneaeonr pu -amie an aww.sinbanh,so.agemimg c,imimnuiaes to electrify aiviiencen L nondoct or trunractton of Scnirnit Agwgaeroes the imimmi ed sI dumm Id u mb lima mnnhumu EXCEPT 5X50X0 coIaotryhase HEATING & COOLING Sr. MootCAper Nrdgs3000up io Ihr Stele." an umerdnd. that ueur- District 64 Procedure for e anion 55 In tIte Knng of Rock n' L Man'sRo Hab Pkab5&Un------Scution oat fled by Ihr ardor- vIces inno pInce so support these gelb, tod io i imani wo L,naVegei with Ihr County Clerk cf l'bue Ii annalI pliaI vollen Amaba', HEATING, NTILA11NG L AIR CO$OITIOHING CONTRACTO OVER 300 VARIETIES MANICURE Cook County. File No. 501074351 atnT:h:has:nri; Emergency School Closings plu, meg am nile Sionmdnsalk Casmemi signedL IN HOME sr Ihr DEC. 12.2941. Urdnr tIm & PEDICURE sto retwork of touaI agessnes arc lin mIteft'smmimmmn I.anVegas Snnmy, ReSideolbal CommercialInduslrmal J Anvurerd Neme ol OLIINW000 liete ysnmmu ,nov' nl emmrce s,. nm I matnsg anatiner piimhletmmi OF FINE CIGARS HAIR saw ready ru help caengssrns wnrhomhe-renie rgnsc'ienmoaammnu En.'t m vclmiaml cl mmmvi in AUTO SFJXVICE itoh the buorros F ene Theagtm yerfemmoning in thu styla of respite - a bmak fram their chal neces sur> to closetorte nfmi mmm: ilmo Furnace, Air Cendltlon.r s CARE si.00 & u fniomnaoitmr s iiV,inl,ihlc hlviv. Cealmrn' senvnmnnas cal mal' Or Boiler lneIaIIalIBe FREE LIOIITER I Dee. Th,naee & *005.1 r AVENUE, SKOKIEUO77 The lorgnng taslmv isfonmatsen. truss -cc hmioiu. A mnimanccnmermvrc'gird. Scheel I)nssrici (m's inch amieCliii ratsslnimi e nlimiiugh, ci noir kg hmmmi 200 OFF W/CARYON Eue O Emane. ate a r.oe I ' ong, counseling. and ether nappant ii t s.. p C.aSr -- .' L..e C.I.a FREDERICK'S ng aittergencyscltoiml 'chiste0, pl> access lIme nsch Ilmo simid. imaishiencs,nnn I his 00101cr' : J uf Ihr ownenbsl iv. SAM BERK. services. Specnhcaliy, nbc pro' urenmudecmmstclnsismmmn mod n.mdmmn as u,dfn4.k I 2,iI.va mnnd clot mmii maimiin' sl fami club One n,fCunl trims COIFFURES gram nnnbudns ANY SERVICE CALL! HAPPY NEW YEAR 2541 IIY8RNIA, HIIJULAND itanains,hnisr,en. simoniatmmnics the Iimeuryntmc'y Cleameli gmealeslI iimiimmm, uni beIng ,'neked L5319 N.NILWAUEEE AVE. Respite Sonetees - Fundong will $20 OFF r um 1, mm, CHICANO. IL. PARK, IL 94035 LEO FISZ, 93b5 ilnemc .snr titedic dela> n io ihe u no. l'oneri,u dl ul,mm hv'mm,'imiieil inI lme,idlinelime ',lobe aor luci, Basic Doral previde camban types uf ranytna 50 ncr u mciiinmost ancmt mohmnmoli uro l'nevlol ftmovmmi ii mmi lila ma' mnmmgmnomb (773) 631-0574 0. POTTER ROAS, SSS Imammaghi Pro-Season SpmeIanI $24.80. ma. L I ibuitme cmlviii, I 'l'apelii. IsiS, o-liete $26.30 oiaemnim PLAINES, iL bCO Iti 1mev'' ahmemm eitlem fOCl P1 System. Tone-Up Ausosrican Spirit in iii impari iiimti he oniesmie4 mntmnritlmb'i,amcmmmivil, $59,95 Pentasainent,. a loo Aohmmnmlcliiammf dcomnmmmm ii Is mumommi Chito,ngo'a l.iliio lneIIlIe.J\ideJi) .111 $35 TI, Frdanbsatu'oat tOan' tait fl kI IQAESTAURAN mn_nile ein lieIm, msi,iii b men guI imumlmmum nl, Cmnmlnmmm hegen VIrBiosai SImm Shield, Bnnrrso. Optimar SiMon loam, vein UI LJ's....sJ asir nAnan sr, OStili,Iflr.RO'IOII hein h mois i, i, AI 1(0 J.)JJj !iLJiiJf J1 mimugmmub $20.49, u,,, -Ale moli $28 -61II,, i. 0.1w, OaIubPe* NdsMistf StIuS'INC, veNtil 5OXE*KI'*SF. i? ,n'Nr inne'nqsio t ihm no Ima ne ulme mmm 'io im i l'I. he mil lii, f"smmmmi >,mmdc d mmi A&EM G,o..Pen.f CMofl. & DS5 PIASeS Malibu huittintI C1mniimnm fo limit I Ihm,'nmilivlc HOUR EMERGENCY SERVICE 11 #$25.8O 8166 Milwaukee Ave. a NiIes, IL SPECIALS se ,iciummiucc. mml III, i' l'nulle> ill t1g:::'- 1 C/ILL NOW FOR RESERVATIONS il mimur ni mmli blm, lmomsmcl,nmmml, MiSly,IIPC,Pett Malt RQ5TI'S 825-5855 'rius WEEK'S S15ECIAL'i imeau ,,lw',ie's komm n big lite SPRING/FALL $28.61 alan of Elvia smmd loamomed ea'mlu lie html 2 Medium n,AS,dus Cb,,,ugv&Mo,tvnG,vn, W1ItTEFIStI S 9,95 'Ilmo btmamme 'l'mmmnnslep ml,,.1 Miaty abulte,"said Carinam CLEAN & CHECK Eve, Jade w. r VEAL VF,SUVIO b 9.95 hmdacmnlsammm I'nimgn.imtm hill Sl'I'm Pizzas MeA1 'lleròt tIeso Il WhtemmI ivimubd SlOg, tilllii lame WE SERVICE ti imO,m.5mm $25.95., SdgL' tberlwhaòylbenI mil lIme Eniemmihinl1),ni limmm,hom $26.59, r,. wIth 2 Tuppings GARLIC am ATI-IENIAN ChICKEN S 0.95 illico cimnm,msied miii inubol'Riuok'il. Furnaces INSTAL L ALL "°' Mnnrannh R n ,,vrvnin - eh, . Çhk, boati dm1 'nimioSobcm,mhilmi 1ml Vic.roy e, Bmfi vo naihiencos ueabd sit mlle MAKES X o mi'" Sh,e,p 5nd.,,,hn, - Svkd Iumciadcv Soup, Sited. t'etaio nit Vegaluhie oid Ovvio Cou I'tmigt,mimimmn,rmim,mllm Im l'il Only9 7,taa A/C Units MOOR LS mimima io sing lnkm Elvis I er;o $2Y.':55t:1.,, limo'nmomm e iolmcebabo' minill,' Ch mmmii' ALSO SERVING REGULAR MENU ITEMS Io mcalicaeliaI if A would -I -1.00 .FF 'l'mmmnnillmp aclimm,ilv ii,lmm limo Humidifiers An UIt Orden $40.49,s,,, X L PIZZA Pent Ridge Nile, Sole" I Iii, Rothman ATTENTIVE SERVICE Air Cleaners MaIlbu,Maverlck & 90 lOmos $2.ò0 OFF BOOK YOUR PARTIES, NOW mmci 1,4'l'hmemelmineit1)1,1mm, i i' b Ilanllarawitty fool thais Free Estimate Gauloises,555 AoS 115,00 Order liii' 51151 I' Additienal lngredieets Ar'c's''s Restaurant a f,oslïah Wit. Thermostats Etc. $25.30 nICO $40.89a-tax b:i iv'ili m'il lI,mm 1,1ml Eutra Charca Williwm $3.00 OFF I Boilers 8479659645 any SanaS Oreen 847-967-9790 detg,ntiee 111mb Stiel S_Iii" Shol5espeenr, seaaIwnreenAro 1 «rca Licensed Bonded a Insured e.e.mwa,5m __ I' ïI847-%7-568( ('Immhd Come mml ii blmoil mill Thirlfth NighI Water Heaters ,.-- ..., -,.-.. t 1111111111111 ,co,mmml THE BUGLE, THuRSDAY, JANKIART 3,2552 PAGE13 FAGlI 12 11W BUGLII, 11IUBSDAS, jAnuARY 3, 2112 Notre Dame aft-conference fall sport athletes Register today for Spring St John Brebeuf Parent Night New auto dealer hoped for ReceetlySt. John Osebeuf mIrmerewelcome toask NoIre Danse High School fon The soccer team placed lhmo before saffeming a season ending classes at Oakton child's schooltold Innonrttal Parent questions and moor 16cm members of its squad on the all- foot injany midway through rho un the RuIlanistoin Catnipoi Morton Grove strip Boys placed feue studont-athlotos RogieintiioO1er he spring The evenIng won Or- teacherinformallyaIrer mho season. Kowotski scored 2øgoalr Night. on all-conference lisse oftee the hast Sahurhar Catholic Confer- 2002soicesiore0000Uesos 7701 Nonih Lincoln Accrue prcsantalioa. Many - ulasu', In's hoped thaI e Waukogan MeGrulb would remeso the iweor the village and the provi. and added 6 assists from his mid- gunueed so parents ooald heur i nus Oldsmobile dealership mall completion of the fall sports regu- ence (ESCC) Team. Notre Domo Oakioo C000ticnoy College. Skohte. lolku from Ihe eufwininlrntidr h.dh.sssflmel' woek Road site, tise tntgnat' pIlcel ils husipOrony buildimg atthesilo finished with u record el 8-8-2 field pasiaion. Snodcstm oho li.neo an opini: and nuts rie a ecnnanalal baddtng bp,(oehilved: Monoe Grove mast Clasvev hago or Monday, Ian andetchof iteurchiImlrcn'e Senior Pral Seczoaoy (NilosI overall ard 4-5-1 in ESCC pity. Notm Dame High Soltad for courses calmIs on SIc fer spnink'sconrn 4:lviw000r,dory tellI Tlrrao ESCC tchools recently Boys oponod ils doors to studenis icr 21012 inn h,rs'c olmaodesl (>,rk St. medo) toado the Colltolic clueslaser. so eledceisshtiUld Plissages flailsIrs. Men- qualified for the Stole Closn A io 1953. Notre Dome is o Coihc. vm wssbmin lIne lorI Ibsco yeon MoIra Conference All-Star Team check Ihr .5pnsnCredit Clac.r f:hiOI Wkillnsr. prinompull. Pm quarronfinuls. lic.collego-proparatoryacfiool may auc nine 'l'unuob-'foneregis for football in the While Divi- Srhnrlulr for spocificineeting Tonn May, pautan. ood blm. Dun IWO-Woy Sonioro Beh Watson (6563(1 for yoarg man io thu eduealtonal neosan eysiomonMend.y sion. S0000sny was a mInne1 hmvmmml ImmaculateConeoptioo(and irudition of the pniouls of Holy VeuderHeide, Starter for the Dons al linebacker lepoesonnogitiracer is rhmagk Frishey frOm 8 annI .00 president ouch gase asimon YOùr Paul Zuhh (6063 l/lntmaculato Creso (Universityof Norm 5m. msi armiorSaturdays 00:1 and eunntng back. Ho led the Mordoy ihrooghTherrduy tolk. Mec, Whirmur shored hi P!:,,,ftØto?-thÑj,,j;: Conoeptioo( und luciosNick Dame(. The schoolcursorIly teem with 114 tackles end inter- from 0.30t es'S p.mPrsdayr Sundays friuli 9 am'S pio 1:1 school's tkeino foe bss yntr cepted two pa.ssnu, rotuming one Kowoluki (NilosIStlohr Bru- tersos uppronimuicly 730 oialo reginmer h5phone, dicI (9.5 (I (rom 0.30 uni. - 3 p w.: and "Apprecialo God'm Crealmlnn. Socoosry baut) ara the ESCC soccer all' stud Orts and istouted as 7655 Top-Priority fona touchdown. Soluedays from 9 0m - noon (:33-1010 crib relee tombe dormi 'they spoke ai 7.101 and IfhIb Service! rushed for steam-high 542 yards sturo. Wauner was vetodlho West Derepstcr St. between Hur- penen II) rummnber (irlest hi nbc ei Oaktor'e Dea'laines caos. 017 43 and led Notre Domo in .seeriog Does top dofonssvc pinyor. Zuhh. lers und Milwaukee Accrues. venuem vilo nr the pue, 1600 (osI Doll Road, and Spiedi limb icachor promotes1 pusr JI' Priority wilh 48 palots. Heulte caught 14 u loue-yoor stones, scored Iwo Credit Cboon Schedule, Nimio dmmslomei vloilus-colilbes Hero's cchal cor Cvvtoniei'o nnnswiSh nIS minute mol Say: pontos fon 123 yerdr. goals and austuled ou four others bo.per.soe uniI Teas'h.Tnnc meg l'OlI lo ¿IIS'a disccmbnl off Resurrection High School abeam ho curriculum ond es inleatior fon epong cmmUr,sos unII prcltmrrcd CulvlIIilIcr yru000!! I u,,,,,u,,fl,,,,l peclonionn of the grudn. nm be availablete smudenin tur 14m' ¡'lIb,, l:lu Il,,',:u,,::, II, pu:, students named AP Scholars Euloodel emiOiymei(l hule I '''I''''ul I 11b1lu1111 MA)N TE N A N C E ''I:,',,''n,, I'll,' Seseo ssedenln et The CollegeBoard il a during line winter bilk hai san/Je and /iapp, Culver S M' Lower1111111) bilIs Resurrection High School have narional nao pnafit broak, Des'. 27-lari.'l'Ibm' AGREEMENT ServIces eenvsno al lnimnh Oakvnn SI' Fcwnrreyobrs ho/i»a,st'csoìi. been named AP Scholars by mrmhenship oneoeiaOior The follawing sladentn ace t I lib,: I :,,u:u,, I ul',,u,(lb,,1Ilu,Iu:u>u,,u,: c,slrtpunas am 8:90urn. inn I:, uhu,blu .1/010 ,u'uu: the CollegoBeard in dedicated tapreparing - ho Commended for follomie 1' hubil,',' , OlIn dy I I,::, Il u:or IuI,l:n:,'I,,u,,,,,,,uu,:.,u,l Wodsosutay.Ian. 2. Tcuhi II:: 11:1:, reylacemenl recagnisiee of their rserplianol aspiring, and connecting ihrCalvenCodo: IS ('u::: .::u u,uu:uh:I:,unus,,u: l,.:ui,,,uub/,,:u::li:,,:u,',I :u:u:,:,u:,,,,,, I iblIll I, l'erse reglrnranmor resumol ihiai It M° Neuer l'u/ IO',, 1:1,. achievement an theuallogo- students to college and Renpoosihle, Br'aniline, lb,',: l:/,l,b:'::::u, IF:u,,:lIllO,' oo 00001ml CSlrge l:::',l Il::::,l Ou,,u, I 1111,,u::1,11: level AP ExamsOnly ohout oppartunity. Founded in900, stay um X e inn RenpecsBal ofPropIoso I I 111mb: iI II,,.::' Im'::,,: Mo lollalunoprolectien 53 percent of the mom thae the asnucialior is componed of Foetrimme ictimrononuor ohnool pnoperly, Ito Suenes, II .1 l, I 1/ ,l,,u,:,rlIl spring clamses, osmntuel SImulen .ull:',b,,:bl,,ubulu.l:Iuu. 040,050stadaorsin136KO mare Iban 3,900 schools, Ceopenariue. M" IriplocodC1p1c:ly . I Services mn I1'l:l l'u:,l,':,,,,uu,u I ii',:,,, '" schools who leak AP Exams in colleges, deiner sities, and 10171 k35.1741 Cads Commnndalia 1dm' ll3c.sl'isiresior (8471 (.15. Irbyroced sllcly May 2001performedat a olhoroducosianal o'inremu oro, chame acery' tu' \'':llub'lblulb:, 1417 lSkok'icl, W" 24 Ir. sufficiently high buoI te tornI orgaeieations.Each yore, Ihn necks. Conggatalasionn 011:019cm) comice I,., I,n,u,>,,, Ilu,. ,lIum,,'v, I :11 'uu:q:ub:. MA 5OL wen such mcognitioe. CollageBoardseronsosar Jeremy Deles Repon, Hube M" 4(leemelllIv lrOnStOmob(e I:l:uul:,b:: bmu:,'I!:,u:',:u: I n in>. ,:'':uului't 1' 50k Miar MAU tatTI Ist. The students took theie AP three milliort students and their Skokie Seelag, Jenny laokirs,Es" Il r (,lbb'l A'. Bym T l ., hi Selolcefodoy otear-seas Exams in Mayaftar parents, 22,000 high schools, Kaaantias,. Bridget /'::m:,' conrplctingchallengieg sod 3,500 colleges,rhrough SeniorNet Tommy Fahc>. Rdwsrd La .1:: InnI' 1u u" I' 0190mb Dyn'l Poy' '',1.,l:l' I "ll,,ImI,,:bl, bu,bI lash Shsh, Angola Lee. Li ...... I,,,, I u,lII',,,,:,,lI:',,,,i,, Iu,,,,l' collego-lecci coursesatRos. major programs end services in 'lIso Skunkse SennuirNol Lorn' Seno ce wIlful 24 >'011ev Bohrumi,tarZielkr,leo Or dId505xtIc I,:' I,. The College Beard rouageizes collegeadmission,guilooce, snug Connier, _SS5tJ SV Clners'im Si Ice lv OmobenIp! several levels of achievement assessment, fsranciafaid, Bueno, Alex Swiontek, Ai . ni isvnksng (inn senior s'siloniocre Il I ::b,:,::,,.uiu,,::. l:l!:ulluIllu Iu,:,',,b,uu y based on the number of year- enrollment, und leaching and Ilnedax, Sono Quroshi, las bum' ScniuirNoniele norprol'um. nammuuni,uh Call 847-647.9612 forDetails lb "vu, loamitrg. Hong,SilsiaVarga,Don l,l,,,l: I long courses aod osams (er mrsoniilrerelnip uncganns,ohunun dc' In addirion rhe AP Lirn, Soto Ksnon, Dol Ib'q'letrest-I g to sugrod mu: iminimf dulma 0001 SII mimi Mo urca I. Romne. courses sod asume,) Prograe-4 Resarroclion is also ins or or inn n1nocd oiulrconinlnuicr Al Resurreetiao, seven --- Nues Family a member of she St. Many's socbmnenismgi und pruufrainimSonni' GIRlS'ItA 'KETIIA Are Ac1NOK, stadoolu qualified fon the AP Unieorsityof M inronala unrNnieup1nuirmenriunre Inno 24,10X1 you paying too much \i Scholar Ao'ard by compteaing Sisear, Aim, Score!liben foryour heat? , Progr.an for Adcanced College 111011m rois inh1311 Ic',souunu' sun Ibrea or moreAP she anrds 711m and Sibu 1V Dental Credit (l'ACCI. a pmgsosan thaI ornIf 5ou c'o(lsiieiurklnd'sull: girlsuillhaheanimg Esumseatiosts, with graden of 3 providescollegeleccIund uiuiilpuncnr mod ins' nniorc'mioul lv bosketbali 5005011. Fight the rIsing Cost of General & Cosmetic or higher.The AP Scholars credit courses la Ros students. dsaerg 5uucrvkilleu':ihi Iltility prices am Ariel Al000cich, Carolyn Congr'srulahioe,:iosil Proseslly a toral of 13 classes :,sduossromnsill:, i bmoylo,linon girls for she bond moth with a new 900o efficient Burke, Dentistry ChnietinoCopro, ace offered ir which oludrots cook sum shn,sec boit kniuu'lcdge enul gas furnace! Belinda Hawkins, Kings Luts, und oeilS he meaioiog thmn college skulls. All neu velueneens n'sii k om r ry.00Iu Ageiesaka Milemuhi demento i nation fer and cmdiaa per class and landen, icuntie woh oupcnicrcs'd unsimo "3 NOliblorlvl Of poyltiei(im Purchase a Cosmetic Fillings (Bonding) Bridget Tltomton. apoonting season,Irk complete furnace lrsasscripinalhulk the high mirs. 'Shove iomonoslodtb) c:ill Moat of the nation's collegen Junior Varniry loam: (cr90 OuI yo le, Qulolifiod Implants tubonS and college heuel. Wendy Ralfel 1118471 763.Tl0lI and air Conditioning and uoieensition award enedil, Resurrection's program io she ISaMoung,Ehia.ohrth 011(1ro! system Tooth Whitening advanced placement an hoth largest St. Mary's PACC Namnlio Jaroabek, Amy lull' u and receivea FREE Wireless Partial Dentures based onsuccessful pragnsln in the slate. LaurenKoche, Eli I' perfonnance on the AP Roams. Joseph M. Emily MeOcino, Meg Whole House Air Reondo, Duct Cleaning All Denture Services Available mettent pWInatar.thane.E. lfl WIM leMWedin O. Hy Rohacua Manning '4I', 0 'u b Illb lu 'o of Ra.diag. P. In 1130. How.tae, the lient p12adaMIbalMn Sieurs, Sarah Sos, ntmd - for a limited timeonly! PIls bol ,stIltalInlaWd by LIef. Edlen W.I.nnIn In NIe Nary Senesun Jesepin 1sT>,l,un' Yntie City frs 1554. ong. oes of Jean C. and l7,siu,oI The Seni V. Mucoseg of l'amk Rlddo, mc. Connecti conllyvmotlpbolod Soamoluovl Rescue 'rm:sining. OUR "11m Senior Cenoec . ES During cuomrse l'i,':: lEN6UA the II acokly. drotr'io sn5u5m Connkul 'trashIng Cenbcn,\IL,n' omo:ilod fon .uoniorv eli '-0 ExctusjngNO LEMONS guarantee Ile,Datoncek, Vlrgloio Iic,uh. db,cour clues celalcd luis Call now for Tam Tennis & Fitness Club S'A, etudenlv unel:Icflll (ululI'' -3 eludiiugncmumcnecoi. I,uso Installation WorkmanshipGuarantee Emergencies 7686 N, CaIdwell Avenue Ing and helicmlpncr meecLld0,1 dnOu, pllylmoull ch:ingce. n Pre-Season Savings 876 CIvic Center Drive rllquce, curdmopulmriu,ui,nr>,cu:'u. LENNOX Promptly Treated shIps, mho chalbgmmg oorld -0No OvertIme ServiceCharges on Installation Offers You... iummiuun, l'imvl lumI. on boilers, too! Nues, Illinois iuIlllm io. und annoI rofmiCv. Evening & Saturday slId uliluoudumvi o( mesmo Olmo smi sIl, mlmis uun(mmidli "-9 100% CustomerSatisfaction Guarantee! Hours Available Great Professional Staff diem, amid panavliuucmllsonll,utuule. Is hold on Wcdnc.Lda)uiimub slob yoIIr CollticrlAdvisor Insurance Accepted 111.311 io I> 51:110,Ii for (llore lil(Ortrtafjolt, 847.663.1040 Oeaduumov of hi e COellO III Fummou y unid Cmbmemoumnbn)' I 9 JunIor & AdLsIt Classes (All ability i.its.ls L/il ¿III I ecniSoduv rescue so'lienliom, 001db ISschntmuom I ulibg Ask About Our Manoir0 lu 20151 gmdum,iuc:'l ing, SISO GeIf Rmu:md, 1 Senior Discount At Oakton and Waukegan OblII nOFitness & Aerobics Room Meine i'cunehip Soulli CliOl'OOlhblblIyIuiL':slomlrost Old Nest to the Dominick's Selimuol m,( l'ark Rldgo, ansI (bumbled Onohand Mail Pen nbublO infbumbiu:m' .-' -' . HOURS1 4, We lnvJle you to call (847) 967-1400 for a FREE tennis ills' Nosy ir 1db 2000 0933 W, Gol! Rd. in Nileu www.nr.hartrehals,comrl mille callSimerml'min, LCSW, hub meut Insurances accapled tIef: Man.S.Itt:3128't:SOIM evaluation. For a tour of our facility or more info on out (8471 5kO-52151 TIic SS ice por lucross Iron Valuo City) 01111v Mot-TitIs 4:IIÇM'Il:ItPM Leon Zlngerman. D.D.S. meweny po po u Northwestern Uninersity lttnesa programs call the Howard Leisure Center at cou.clon ieadjctn:tklo, II oocuieml 18bS.14:31P5.Il:l5ftl Dental Sarhool (847) 967-6633. We look tosward to seeing you, Stop ('rinc! 847-827-8686 TaifaS 4:SIPM.ln:IiYM F

ThERUGLE,11BIMSDAY,JANUARY 3,2112 PAGE 13 PAGE 12 THEMIIGLE, THURSDAY, UNItARY 3, 2112 Notre Dame all-conference fallsport athletes Register today forSpring St. John Brebeuf ParentNight New auto dealer hoped for Reuontly SI, John Brnbeaf crIswere welcemnreask classes at Oakton , Notro Daten High School for The seseen learn placed there before suffoming a season ending suheol beld its annual Paeefll qoastlena end rent their child's Morton Grove strip members of io squad on ho all- foot injury midway through the or Ihn Ray hlattvinin Cempur. Boye placed four studnnt.atlrletcs Registraillirforthe spring Nmght. The craning wan nr- reacherinfonmallysOtarIhn 77111 North lincoln Aurorms- MeGruth would wm000 rho iwenn iba village and the peeni- on all.confomncc lists afler the East Suhuebar Catholic Confer- season. Kowalaki scored 20 goals 215)2ictiicnmrtcontinuesat genimed su pasenln coeld hoar pranancalien. Manyclass- lin hoped thul O Waekngan and added 6 assists from his mid- Skekin Iconponsiryhsibdisg al Ihn sun eus Oldtmehile deulneship must completion of the fall aporte ecgu- ence (ESCC) Teem. Noim Dame Oaklmom Corunsnhty Collego fmmrte the edmmnmslmetmum neems aloe had erodedu-cet Rood rime, rho longest perce Iin field positise. Sied ont' ehm, lrovn an uppir 1516v and Pol lLO pnmmunnnt building ha resolved: Menen Deane muse ltniehrd with a record of S-S-2 Classes lregmn on Monday. lar s,olouch of Ihem,childre,'o displayed.Clssorenme tIrs snllegr'e Wuakegun Raed ton c,mmrrrnIrr file lits Spring serire in March em AprIl. wiih opening buy back a portier of the proper- Semer Peel Seconstty (Niles( osneall und 4-S-f ir ESCC ploy. Norm Dawn High Scheel los 14:however,rien,courses lair erl wane h,ld ill 7:2/ cnrl lnsromenifloumoingdistnidi. Boys opened jis doors lo students mer 2902 irr frame aitendnd Oc) pmejmcted fom summte. lays sil' lyil sold tu Beh Rohtman te St. Thecla) erado dio Catholic Three ESCC sob sole rocenily startlater, no tied cois shoald lu)1 Mrs Mur' 9:05. u'mlI hou.meltnc w aste Seelen- r, l'larrugar lage udmiemstnaten Larry AnSI. build iemponsr5 quetneas. qualified foe the Stein Class A in 1955. Notre Dame s o Cethcr- Irrt wrllrrn time lesi ibsen yr.mr' . MetroConfernnen All-Stae Team check ihsSlicing Credit Clue., g.Ieem Whrliran. pemndrfmol. Fm lie,collcgo-pwpur.etory school may use miro Trruch-'I'onenegrs The village i, meeting os a Plant furihn Bob Rohtmae foe football je the White Dm1- qseonrflnals. Srlit'dmticfor spoctrtertrecttng 1110m Mey. puslon. und bin. 17er Panero, aIne had mho mppmml. 1h10 i rllafe rs wenkiog our st l'or young mer in rho cdscariosal mallosrysrooron Morml,mr ihrtd dmeh el uo agmnmmmnl wilh Oldsmobile deubomchip ware clon. Socausey wat a rico-way Seniors Bob Wusner (60631/ Vondn,Hsids. nnhoolhosnI oily le sloirhe PSiS Ort'ilrleii' rcils'ir Icy Irren I Ogre'e menI frmr aod tradition of the prinsis cf Holy McGr.Ilh whichweuldlikely scrapped when OrneraI Motors starter for the Does ut linebacker Immaculate Coeceptionl ln.pereotsregtïiruiion in rhrrnugh Frrslay friser S e tr.' tr- prrnidenl each gase ashott moro) Psi, briS is mho nchnmel Gury I) MeGreth tnmope n a deal- (Universityof Seim mr, mori fisc hitor peniun uf salee Ian announceditwould cluseits and running back. Hr lcd rho Peal Zuhb )60631/Irtirnacslate Croes Monday through 'l'licnsda im, and Saturdeyu 1,1k. Mts. Whilwar shared the Inmlrhy doming rhmu nighl. ,This ernhip on Ihn srmof a mac,ilod Nick currently Sundays simm K a m-5 pin Ti' ocr nues genenuted ut his huui' Oldsmobile Didlsien, roam with 114 tackles and mier- Corcnptiorland junior Daniel. Thn nchoisl frcmmtr 630 u.irs..R p os.; Fridays scheel's lbnlnu Ion this year Oldumeirhile dealemotmmp. Kowalski (Nitre/Si.JolieBru- serven appnsnitnalely 750 ttsalo deer Ir une remand nile imprene. A yablie houniogiusehedeled cepted two p&ssns, eetunnmnf usC IncisiIlil) a.os.- 5 p.m., and rrfislsr byphono, dial047 r 'Approdiale Onde Cneurrlrn - Purrnto6wem obis ro rimestbc This vIle, else ens-rim culte of becO em tIme ESCC soccer ail- studente and is bated et 7655 monml. Detone am being werkod along ieilh lbs mogular Village for a touchdown. Socresny Sumunduys fnotti 9 orn. - nuire lrSS' 1616 seil refee orbe cmmmir They opoko um 7:101 soul .igitn staff und other panunlu wilh ihr Fireside Inn and Suburban erons.Weerer was soledthe Weal Dnmpsisr St. hotwoer Hur- trIrcnII) nrcrrrlmt Irsled hr thc Morn), is key tnnrviiulie ing rho out, ssmd MII. BoutS wading len, IS el 7:30 rushed fora team-high 542 yards er Doktor's Den Pleines cant. um 2 45 childtnn rs ihn sume feuden us Dons top dnfnnsioe player. Zubb, lent und Milwoukso Asenses.. mile Sprmmre at the Municipal Conlem. and led Noter Dews in scoring pas, ItrIO) tael Gulf Road, and drame re hr Each cachen preseeied pur- heirs aod Irc,n almut cursiva. Weukogan Reed commercial Bolees uny work can begin. P er, with 48 points. He also caughl 14 a fear-year dotter. scored two Crorlit Chica Sm'lsedselc Nmrir sinlp.I isrr use bus added ungen- anssu omplelnd trensedIlImn be- 0101 Capulinu Ave. wtlho ISmInute luIt bum, goals. routine, and prose' goals und assisted on fear others ests panees for 123 yards. Resurrection High School lo-persmmn ,snd Touch.Tosn ref abeul the co,nieulunr and es' dures iherr ehildror will ho fol- cy wiih Ahi Elrc Inonic' s meso rsltetsrn for spring ceesves isSu fnrmt,r the sillugs. pecletienn of Iba grede. Pee' lo mr ng N,Milwaukee Ave. students named AP Scholars orli hr oosrl,rhlerostumleorr mhl is Moos, O errer 'r lungesl Oak Mill MallNifes Sesee stadents at The Collage Boaed is a during Ihn u mere, hmthtml,mi srngbe .sosie c oh soleo r.sorssr- Across Fram Jerry's Fruit c/tlo,./ ((nçaean» hrrek. Dcc25-Jasl't'lrerc Culver School News çJjJRV' Resunrectine Iligh Schaal have ratisnal ene profil 847-581-1339 ser, tens tu',Oele ai hindi Oakrrmn 'lime inno uf dealsmvhip is nel RS.at = se.°zson. been named AP Scholars by membershipassociation The fnllewittg students ace to Chnstina Szrwcoyk. 5' grade Pan: 847-581-1h58 campases or 8311sel. mro Team: yo tros olsod.As u poilibiliry. theCollege Beard in dedicated to preparing - be Commended for fellawieg Varsiiry JaAnn 2 FOOIL000S FORS o 7 Dims AWnaS Sa,n'Mstrbght Wednessluy, MuGnuth may mece eno of hrn SUNDAY recognition of their exceptional aspiring, end connecting lun. 2. 'l'irtc.Im. the CulverCede: Be ISialabreewslsi. Jumio EVERY 6 'limo nogistiarirms rosairesfill r,'siviingdoelcrshmps.cilben en T achievement oneIneunlirgo' students te cellegn and Renpansible, Ba Padrino. De Denecan, Jessica Drachenberg, r DOUBLE clay al S O Irr. Respectilal nfPropia and ColInde Keanrs, Jackie King, A eun:mrrm\udm, fnern Clmrsiew. $1.00 OFF Get TWO Re215a1.r level AP txams.Only ahoul epposlanity. Foandod in 1900, Q_ SI,OO' oF_!,nY Fomulofla Suoi For IS percent of site mens than the assosiatien is composed uf Fir, rnrrrcrnfmmnrrrsrrmmntlrrrrmr property.lin iinnmnt. Be Caroline Kesiha.Michelle cotlong c'mirrtacr Siudonr 840,000studenlein13,680 niere than 3,900 schools, Ceopamline. Kough, l)allaeMenneal' Serercerum anm,r!e,ssr.ss.a5 schools whe took AP txams in colleges, universities, and 04/b b31-l)4b Codn Cemmmndalioe Immer, flanellaOwens, Des ItlomocrIin,10471 fr)S' FInlcn . ' Mey 2501penfesmrdel a etheredusetienal winners am. chosen every Iwo ManibaSnhelor, sufficiently high bocel Io merit engaeizationn.rach year, the l-1 IS IS kot mc i. mento.. Coogmatulatiens ce Schlegel. Angola Scheiben, 1J:i.51uIotuI1e . Milice lau so una such mcognitien. CollegeBeardservesacer Jerlmy Doles Rayes. Huberr lmnny Zegerski. TRIPLE DEAL! neI MILL MAIL natte assi The students look their AI5 hnos million students end thom Skokie Szzlag. Jeeny Jenkien. Ecco Zieksvic, blenageto. Maeno Gui meR. Rogihie Enoms after parents, 22,000 high schools, Kszamiau., Sridgnt Byron. Jundea. Emma Lita and Tutu GET ONE FREE FarotImaip DAba Fin san-tarn ses in May Wipootasa o a Habar, Son Dmek eempbrtirgchallenging end 3.500 colleges,through SeniorNet Tummy Fohey, Edward Lee, Ohimmen Mn,JehnPaiitt majen programs end services in Perth Shah. Angela Lee, Lmoa coachrniba 11h grsde osneer'O cslbege-lcsel courses atRes. 'lire Skokre Senism,Net Lesto. 51w rae a,anW.ala usaran iinhrami,lunheike,Jern) basketball teem and Mr. CanI The College Board rosogeizee cullegeadmission,guIance, rrrg ComicI, 5/5/ W Chorcir Sr an an iSplani WM. PyLore Buone, Ales Swienleic, Ales GaiesenechestheVaesity .Iesring i_una sesetul burIn of aehiesomert assessment, finareis)aid, mv Irotkrmmg Irrt senror erriunrecsv Po , arrellment. and teaching end Randas. Sana Quneshi, Jamen 1961. I hosed en the namber uf year- SL'slit,Nemiacnmrepeofii, nalrrrs,ri Ileng,SuciaVarga.Dnoisl long euurset und esame fer learning. rrrcrirhernlrrp rrrf.srrmeairrrrsdc. citai, equivelent seerester-lesrg Io edditientu the AP Lier, Sam Kwotr.Dallas nrgired Irr hrmof ,tdulls ugcv SII roil Murncul.Bemer. reames red esams.) Pnsgeun-4 Resurrection is else e r tIr cmrrrryu mer At Resurresiios, sesos a member of the St. Mary's Niles Family icObromriogt tod Pv,flcrttnSollt. GIRlS'IIASKETIIALL siudents qualified fun the AP Unie'ensityuf M innesetn s'stsei suppirms rrimrre llm,ilr 24,1001 Min ato Scholar Ass'oed by eempleling Shool. Airml. Sconel iesc aro' Peogram fer Advanced Cullege ns-nr horn ,iOml SII br,iroirie 'r mr JAPANESE2}. CUISINE threeermere A P Cmdit )I'ACC). e prugpstts Iban tIme seends ulm and 8th gnoSe RICHART ¿ Dental ms-riIl Irr sir1,i1rsrrrkirrc,,nilm girlowillbu heaeing durieg Spinal & Sports RghabiljlatioT, LTD Esemmseliuns, with grades of) pnevidrseu/age esel end ,'rrmrpurcrv ,rrrd'mrs rnicrcnrcslirr General & Cosmetic en highen.The AP Snhelurs credit remues to ges students. ai tIr hesketball oeamnue CotrgoaIuletruo.; iselithe: am Ariel Ahusonioh, Carolyn PeeconIly a letal of IS classes m,srrise,rir bu, Do You Have Any Imple, illcnrod girls fer Ihr hard medi during Dentistry Barks,Christine Cepre, are offered in which students rcskme shore tImm, knsrulcdgu;irrib Under New Belinda Hawkins, Kings Lela. try.eurs end Ihein will he reeeinieg dime college s, ' ' skIlls All mou' vnrluotoee', a,rrk in delormir atico 1er the of These Symptoms? AgniesokuMileweki and credits por class and tandem a'rilr ns1mrcmldnd slurred. ruyc'r' Management Cosmetic Fillings (Bonding) upcoming .veasen.ich grade i'ain/NenrbnesviSliffeens U Cheenism Lomee Back Pain ,; .ac_d__I.é_á_1vIcw Bridget Thomlen. transcriptsat beth che high irte. iirnse mnmetesrud rimarsill Junior Vamirf Team: Justine Implants Meet of the nation's eollegea scheel sed college Insel. Weedy lOsrIbrI orIS47I 265.55)1/i ci AetnulLoe Paie U Neck Paie huMosos,f IizsbethDykla, red anice -sities award cmdit, Resasreution'u pmgeain is the Anthritin/Bamoilin ) Freqeent Headaches 5A5iIM1Lunch Tooth Whitening advanced placement er beth largesl St. Mary's PACC Nalalie Janaalnek, Amy Jeesno, Stmess Symptolsns Puaíc,fal Joints xLInxby based en success ful program in ihn state. LaurenKudosElisa Lier. Specici Wireless Partial Dentures porfestnenee un the AP Esamt. Joseph M. Eerily MsGuirn, Megan Pryar. Rebecca Re'ondo, Allison WE CAN HELP .w.'dldiM D. Nydl PW5Cft04 All Denture Services Available TN. INni pieni er. In,s p.n Manning Oises, Sarah Son, sad Maagne These arr ihc motI cerneen ni gesofu pinchod neme. If you osease o From niR..dlng, PRie 1130, Han.e,ewIIe.ips.adae menue pan wan n,.nama(eawd by LentI EdRar, Wra.nsMs in N.a Nosy Seooiam Joseph lt hl;ro' oso ollbeto sympesms. yes sheuld h sunuspin si exorninelien. Ar ho new 'DF' AL,X-RA-: Bask CMB in 1114, 010g, sirs of beim C. nod D;nmrrul The Senior Elehus Spinal E Spnns gnbalrmlirulien Lsd.. we npeciulioa in rtualing Sii. 6.98 V Moonnng rrf Pssrk Rndgr,'rv- Connection Seoir nod uhremis cacen We ulo ihn latest und safeom rorheiquec in chIte- r.csrlycortrplored/e.nrs'br armS fnruulic und physieul ihorcpy le 5t yasir pmmnisinni hnelthcutm prehirne. COÑSIJLTATION . - Seit-an 'frmonng. "flIc S crmnsmr C orne dimen" rs u Cebad L Riahari, DC, All During he csrumncmi rcockl,drop-me capperi gtrrOy Chi repro cite PhysIcian Happy Hour Special FOR ONLY $25.0Ò Crsmnhai i'runnrmg Cesios AIIm' crude5 I onventorse il ilmcy comm Member: Amen. Chine. Aosn., III. Chime. /ecioly lic, Dammeck. Vimginnalhu',clr, 4:30PM '- 6:00PM 1lhtleata Ortly. O5lR5ib Th1M dIsc uusitsuc 5 rebles1 lin uglflg. in' l'aismer Groduale. Posrgrad aaiaslu dy mn Chineproclic Tam Tennis & Fitness Club VA, utudcoli amo- raughm Iibe,.ii Iuricd cludrog mc trecrtl coi,I rosIn Omrhlmpedics, Specs Injuries und Rnhahililo,ioe, Emergencies 876 Civic Center Drive 7656 N, CaIdwell Avenue leg and hclrcrrpror needed rc,'Ir' rocs, plmysicial dlrorgcs. echo111111' FREE DRINK Promptly Treated niquss, condinrpuIrrrorrermrrso.i' ulrips. lbs ehungrrf world Ire Insu Sbuba Rajaasaaaar, P.1. Offers You... sillon,OrsI cid,l,srrrilr.'nric,rs,'ri WIth Ibis ed Niles, Illinois mm. sed eihumtepiun. L'ice coed Physmcsd Theraplit Evening & Saturday irIS uiilieulnrrn smi Opes io sIl. ihmsrmtignrmrig grsrup Member. Aroomicue Physical Therapy Asun. Hours Available Great Professional Staff 11cm, and pum,ndlruro S isdrrr.mrimtd is held on Wedocsulayrlmirtnirm$5. 6026W. Dempster SL 111.3/ io 12 Nmmire, cl lbs Inu'nsh Insurance Accepted 847.663.1040 9 Junior & Adult Classes (All ability i.vls) Gnsduserosnrf his couru' Ire Fumirily und Crrmirrriurtmiy Conic,. MoilonGrove,IL 60053 ccrtnflnd 'as mOscso ,wmtoltroms Geldie Bodlmesuno Lufiig Bund' Ask About Our Mooning ia a 2O)0 gmudu.src mml log, SISO Gell RiraS,Skekic. 847.965.6688 Senior Discount At Oakton and Waukegan Maine 'l'mru-nship/oullrlhrglr I nGFitn.ss & Aerobics Room censeniemllyIimc'atculream Old LJ i Schrrol uf Pork Ridgc, utrd Joirred - HOURS: Next to the Dominick's Orchard Mull Imut nmrrrs irrfrnnmtm',m. www.righarrrøisab,COiTl We invite you to cali (847) 967.1400 for a FREE tennis rlmc Nosy mo/doc 21Sc. 8933 W. Gull Rd. (n Nifes LiutO: Mai-SII tt:300M-J:30P5 Iseo cellShmemi Feo, LCSW et mast Insurances accmpled lscrnss 1,0er Value Cily) DIMIr Man-Tb., 4:3IP*'tt:OtVtl 'ç Leon Zingerman, D.D.S. evaluation. For atour of our facility or more info on out 10471 568-5200 Thu SS Ice per mswrmy Po pnlsku Northwestern University fitness programs cat the Howard Leisure Center at uossmen im udjusluhle, nl needed iti t I.IkIIPM-lt:I0PM sasin ttIl'M'tt lOPS Dental School (847)961-6633, Wa lookforward to seeing you, Sloj) ('i-inìe! 847-827-8686 TItE REGLE, ThURrDAY, JANUARY 3, 2002 PAGE II PACE 24 TItE BUCLE. ThURSDAY, JANUARY 3,2002 Mid-Continent Railway Morton Groveseniors Are you a normal or severe driver? Museum Snow Train move into newcenter Esperti rouooiti,end c!caioi,ig muely'sssuuio got sIso esigiuuuulmc (NAPS! Itose do you diok MidCossircri Railway Sto. plea Dineoerrair itas bt3lp.m. Mutton Grover newrvníor ship tehedoies gor belb re side n t s smi trIo trarspomtossor, u news- cour co,',mtl viens 3,piXi,ittles pniitessi tin ii ncvd,ss tus mum titi,,t AdvancedycCare, Ud atito:tiahile,vunufoccurerc uould sevrmms "Snow leim' Spnvtals Espomience sara-og-she-oonmu- sitioc 000slsrw illOperWiSh and ncn-renidesst. lstser,faon diabel eascreen ng, chiutctorioe your driving! Sur- is tr c'vvs'vit -P°° td 'te aiti,mc chtingc thin titi assd tison will w hold Fohmmsory IS e I 7. ry railroading os sees'mc snow progmemmung ir January, Ar individual whn is fececoloreesalIsstkits,and 'rtcts5!y. according o thom dei!- Tss loussit u! stir or, a 291)2 eI Mid.Conhmnenr Raiiwey sears aboard er aethensiv fall- Along wilh the new facility. dc'siscor join Ihn progn am for colopalnn usage. 'ittOt.n. lost peiiplo witt, think mit tog cttsduiomuis Muneana, E89d8 Dsasem,sd Hill rise louisrnolisc lines arc SiS fer thy sillage is ogrering 555v mnm. S h 5. whmchr ertiilea him 0m her Thn OrsI pengram scheduled oro ntirn,ui drivons aro in fact Osci iti,,e, ute u!dii,ctuiihic 55555 tvuinuiuil'qustkem'tttis' . Road. Norsh Fesedoos, Wiucvn. Coach. $20 for Virsr Chsusisst horship pnvgrams wish msmher. thorn is lbs "Leech Ranch," o s mttttm, au h ii,e''uvac i up''tuitic viouCoaeh only is es IS tirs. usnd 535 hmrshe Dunsuersestir, Re,mcrva. rubsidiasd meal program, lo ho Toto heart. Seceso drivirto i., 11,311 sm,: Cosseir turd Pursi Çisus tui,rs mnoommmn,erdsd, kir lursher State AFL-CIO proposes relief se'rscdir tIse new fauilily lrngme- liii oi,out cour dnviiio ut, le line- St. John Brebeuf faculty and ame esh pm.. 2:30 p.sn.,emid 4 dctss,Is,euiiiI 1810ml 93i1. ills, rurgim,r. 14. fein to dvi condiuonv iciu dnico parents book club for Illinois' laid-off workers Vssriees clebs and programs 0. if iou drive io Nues Highs seek mentors for one will begin operemingshone Ihn weather. in dusty tir t,iuddy con' Saying mlieffer bn csealatirg shorirg the mrunth,Blacksbere hourvessOago.Cisrissinc lise sehcvscd hook is mead mut weeks eHer, 2 I and Jan, 28, disions, tir rougit ,tads. iii litts t,! ranshor of osempivyod workers said sew is the 5mbfer federal Level CItassi, u scser,sh grade aboutsinaceks end ituruu day student job experiences seniorsintemssedin ucos5d Ire ho most slfssmive ecc. ard stele'isso melee rs to moyo utoprioti no iiaf!ic. iit;ikc irequerti teach icr erdavid roader. discos,od ai er early mooiuuuc mombonships can slop 05 the shims trips. aittthlimtdit,eo,atocntat FebrraasyIA. Valeslire's Dsp,219 sSudanas had the oppwnanitynvmie ssimalus,lbtiroís API.- the aconomy forwond by prosid. isisiaredtheforrmtasiorof a smmcsmissf. 'foionly vm tue Rishard T. Ftivkingor Center. treta mi, ivhene luid cdiv tre used, han SradiSineally been aensidemdme "shadow" alocal workplaceCID Preuidert Margarom Black- log resumeileg i-s.-myleyed sioceunrnnllosalior, hook chah forlielacalsy cod hooks s,em's', characters .usmuh al blOt u dey when sweeSheaats prrssnlmenton. Local businesses thassh orcueg euhe IS, Secare and ehm akors.IrIllinois,there has Capulina Ase.. aotil Jan, soyinscressedparons um Ss, sommief sdinevssod, hes Envi II, flteiitttjimnityitl tuivi,e,'s,,tonU. Skein losad enea with gifts,Hilastook poet in time progeem last yearthe lilirssis General Asnonsbly Io barn a 47,7 remassI jump in row Morton G r050rosaident mombor. lehrBrebeufSchool. asseviatecl auththestesotu Tessr,ship high SchoolDistrictincladedt Nardsmnam. Old Or-act quickly on paoposals Sham pal anemploymnrm inserane'eIoiots ris revonitniend changing tito oil irorieolly, skis 2001-2102 nnjey'ed Iheme is n three sot shipm aroSIS mingle membrr. over!' Sito! titilo, t!thonehtele i, 219 has designated Febncaay IA,shaed Cantee, Hnliday Inn Nnnthmooney in the hands efuersamnes osOelbe laut year. ships. as stesed. and 525 pon school poor. ore of he school cnjcymcst in shit Somsrls luth. 2002 as 'Fellow Year iieamt JobShorn, loase Stnason Elementaryinstead of tan gissewoys for cor' "This evoromie d000statino driveti urden severe condititins. grain isis, premose a lifelong the couple. Nor.residcvss mey join host,camaraderie. itt Shadow Caecer itsphemetieo Dey'Schuol, Blanmingdalo's - Old Or-pv rattoen, Dr. S. Tsipursky, M.D., Ph.D. Htiovucr. acetnrdtng sci a nc'cvut loue of reading".Wham hemmer fond, dids'S stars September i i. buI il ei 525 vinglo meorhorships arti pull.noti peitp!e either slut not and in looking (er prefessionalechard Center, Radisnon liete - Blcckshcrc raid the peoposals cenainly gol worse seep quick- S45 pervou pie. Ner-residons way shoe mhmeugh a hook chub Tise latee hsvsk read. Te Kmh! Board Certified Ophthalmologist who 'leve' their jabs and wealdLincolnwood,Rent-A-,wossid help stirnulole the econc' ly." Blackshere ssid. 'We have so momhoru may also paetiuipeto in road nhein roarual,tsr tinl,v skins orn shecachets able 5e shea' A Movkirgbird by limper See, ti soirs when they hrsr punehunc a like se heeemn a workplace men-SkekiePublia Library,W.W.my . "they can Sn this en the fed. getwom bets back vn skein fecI end mho transponasion program gor heirlevoand irsenesm io was chosen se as rejoin aimh Laser Vision CorrectionEyelid Surgery can!. or lIef mtuinierjrrel tise in- terbyallowingstadents telireingtr.SkakieParkDistrie,eralesel, but un van comamnly gun! she road lo msevneey with re- us eddilienol S Ifeo, reading. Chicago andtianrnanvois1 for,,saris,n, Younger drivers unu 'shadow' hem as they go mhroaghDesktop Denigo, LaSalie Book begsr os the stale level and make lieffor workers, as well as iseasm, Porquestions, She Hooks eme suggesmed by amy honk clubs, Morton Another misen e rcrrnei day on the jab.Jsbl5ownlewn Skokie, is stuO working for families hart- meni in job encalmen and rnitain- Grose Senior Hosline an be Ultrasonic: Cataract Removal esos less likely ioeoruuls their messbar and devidod en by the was te reread (mm ansorc ownern manuals than lice older shadowing in a naaianwida eifert Ernpiaynrr who ano inlemstad ininkin Ibis ulewdown.' Black. roce hod es 470.5223 rimap,Vecinas aathomo smorins matare perspectiva, skatbrings ntadsnSn and cannerbeaming mort"Fellow Ywansisen. nus'd she slate fcslomolioo has vourslerpans.aceiirdingiosin and styles base ranged from The new focilily is shs femme Progressive Glaucoma Treatment The fleerhook planned im mermen mogother, givirg asudeesalleaem: JoheShadew Caecen ExpIo-sulked wimb ard will centm'nao dis. American Logion Post I 34, Thn berner ard mysmer)'. as The Penniaar Pickle Cleb by -Pcnnoot'i.Qssakcr Ssaie ev ap-aSeso look al she workirgramies Day" sr whe wwuld like soy assiur n wish S coaler Richard DON'T WAIT! Legion will relaie eso of noms everyday life and bygone eras. Sandra Dalles. Adult & Children TreatmentContact Lenses Cos,pasy!Harris Interactive Vidi owrhd and esonsers on inseoduv-preside a job sbadww expr,'ricneoDcmhmr ord Serssuor Peler FlIege. DO IT NOW hutidin gerces ,uvcording e aisnrcvc'alad hai Itt stress, of ion mo the a'orkferco of temor.as their a'erknitc thould coetaetvsId onsrm akint'sere osmended tocos of theseSos agreement Evcnthg Hours Available horcflss. hacith vero subsidies arp_l SAVE! tie 3.335 seuple suronyed sssitui- Child deaths from mew, Lisatdolses, Education-To- CALL wish She sillage, (847) 724-0101 i,rated themselves am nomos! Lusas yearrnoniy2DSSilesCareers eoordieamer, at (1471 368-,mssd uvuirko rrcir smirk'cee invisd. Drue the sonor programs e s ToemmnhipIlighSchoolDimrnicr 3252. od n ho P5305th ssimuluu pack- (847) 588-1900 isslusilod, Moar vers. Only 14 servers siseagiss air bags drops Ihn nillego will peo- MdIca,e, Me,lcaid pr,d ihay were severo. However, who, tIgo. Huma'esor, Bhuckshcme added, TO PLACE YOUR oecd with plans to provide spa e Opv2cnI Senn On Pr,nrae,. Ist.-sisase AFL.CIO woaid pus g'u'en the eflsensa for severe dciv- lime Ntstou,stil S.slet, Cs,ssncsl is u,sh socmsg 7.22-f isvos sit date Osco to rebuild at BUSINESS AD Irr the pelsoc dopuesweel al 5ko vpoousg he roc o! cl,mld str.sths ii,rmh propuse Intimed al assis. Fiieksoger Center, 2640 Golf RoadSuIte 120Glenview i g conditions, tise nurnisits dra- lii iseusplc urelasiuno 115m fnuussi aus hugs hua doclaeost 953 Iw, Imirano mployod workers in In The Talisman Center at Washington & Golf Rd. n cheeSy reversed. utscn hoto shod Íre,si'uts ''g Dempster and Austin r 01 SooeerMnatss=Sevem Drivers percest hcsa'cvs litdi, nut 2153!, iopessovVunsishi,illtui A Itreshly Pr.pared Many peuple une vurpntsed tui mitts, ,hc'nuisiiremui! lisechulut vsi stimi Tise Iiimeeiu AFL-CIO prom. o e o kuhirutssy'ic SlusflisnCousue inusico stip' lImeSr,5 $2 mslimus is saies tas sal will irulade e.tmac NealPian, Not Frozen or Orlad slot, u hait the,' ti,ougist ussorges sr htugs tu, pis-tviisisss-st,_suseti u,'r iisifsuufnt smise d esfseeius i -suso perni tIal fumes 50 tItoeiliage. lede 51mo .enroedieg hcncSls orinal dnts',ng condt,itins toe ac Suits iiupicd msi miii mnulhos un ly boss Gest sp in tse issu so_ii HEALTHY CONVENIENT lusuing OEsui, Drug tu sef,l icc 155 .ieeiadingmoaewerkem, ally tc've,e. Pon euctopie. leu il mc vous sitie seni si sis_tngnhtise at 59 Ii i)c uom putes luth,ussivuot uro spIst SS:Sii he- - Low PcI 'SIedern Reetdcied 25 Mania Weekly petupteistiuldintitalyiui.ttde, l'ss cuss, ' os s tmuidmcu, is es,' Istteisiyre'e ortly.hired enrpioy - tuco co bc'vu lIk-o und Ou'cit. Low Cholesterol Calorie Ceetrelind 2Calce.Leoelu 'lime 'nimm .t! I_ul!vd i'ums logs su ! sOttli is o:ussI imusag htho alsereasobanc po- I 'i'meus.'mrs1t un!villstcmisilisli '17,51phu5 owihlemun toue fori-f Deiiueryboaiholsio u,matua dccl une us ti stiu,,u f st,ifi u,m 55 c'se .sppsumssssu.sivim (aoNarbsaee20ya0bgEe3S0gnarusy ers, hut a lic'tiyit u cutrvttlor tito it iesitule end tutu hiiiidtngu aest cc'assur voss! Osee sus rece usesh . uou,ishmuissiimg chub' hmumsusctuudbe,csiuiptesl ismli pus' including woekcms wh . Na CettSacIs u tityttitis huir i mps md visti,. iusileti f 5511, 's'Oil moitiwillii s ,amtmi t'I 5251X10. a d'oo irai Sc mutti tiic'yeoduro au tire'sou tir Im5-, utsmisc I'S ileot h tusco 05 by e n able tssrc turn mu Perihel foe.. No Morn.., >ANO OPENIN, oit ci,ovusiui s chi' tucalacsl'iii0ilseetutnom ihrsluris scmscd almnuss u'ssrk.i'she Ilught ationdents . du ,eyvitusthe their ci,ddren vi und Clulsi slcuilss lune ou Sis, prIt u, Deutspsmcm aussi u\imsrtsm, usc resu udenlmvai tuiusc giver mo Wush. ches cquuppod uvu,hi ms,ussnmugrr sir ihcsisssimlry'ruii li.s,vesmges him tithe le'ore gru turc violerce; will505e voss,lus, fleer'snew DonspsscnSlross . hi1, is- outs, tIme! -ils- pt tuoi, situ and previsions mm Ossee - Moved to a new location at ,s,itco iteiv ihcti;tact s SIm,m,uhl uso. sihums, naud oillcgc ednssnistmetsur uses tm-aiiii!mslitt sise_ti Shut loads presided Itimought led toslsdaaia,y Offer tic It s ii tisi dosiuuuod i u, susso mli 2Sllm e p_us lioip Essi' i_amy Arii (liii!Ill ps'ts situ ni ersullogiulasivn gv se uncmployc 5704 W. Touhy in Nilee (Point Plaza) veogvs liuuus nutse tti ,s,iusr umili mili Ihuim Fumeitsrc mit othier somit,oln Oblucualssts5' hosca' stare h)i,ca oorsyti asd sc','es.: cuindi sus! tImer .ul!uuu shu!ui sc's Slot' IS SAVE $10 tuashumitt dIners ossI t_m, ii Ilsepnv.nrimi vptscc hmsuf sp.oee huy amu'itisalirmeni msdc'veiop. titis acte ospi.titied_ tite 14 ton tui nude iii titi,ti tu! an tu, i,.sg lise'e elcano ufihe slew casiers, First Week guis, dSv dv sill suie suuuuusuit mm istsistsiv Ossisc, mioma plssns lut uupgrasls Dossupsism (847) 600-0000 'osto! i tri ci'c'spuotdcnt.ti litt isrc tipI imytse or Sgume, 15,4 per Oli! Ceopon ti_ups lu_ssuiec hued iii Stil l'i le ogreemimeist Stsoci, sei, sss the lenductiping. riftootltttitatttaut tite! ''C!vutrl!il st rue stufe luis luto' cost)shm,wshe higgsusore Call (847) 635-0644 NOW OPEN oho mu Iltigs' usi II tviunii .5 phittieti higimiung,parkmrgsosh nosadwey ('ne atusanincne.tvcddicmo_iti men i!iruisirlttuidis' mit_imuisiti iii p_un. tosnliijOolpio2 I years, ses uulitucs,dvsi.us s'emioi',tiod tlt issmtmrumvcsssoshs undcrwusy. Ga,ir Coaler Full Service Salon Providing A Wide Variety tti!i'i,, (0 iiy_iccttt._\!stii!i,ict Cuits h_ui ehii huh ua,ut! _ttitl ittudsi S suer_ti h_us' mutIs suit is dmsutu'u itui 'li 5,SOS jsmhsvictoclitssiraisd t R00 442-DEP Doy o, NIght ' stimi,' um msI!' 15 suit luth!'iii ilhsstna.20Ia..one, Nues, IL 60714 peice itttut'etui! slouaisti lit uts mtl u' suuuinst ti time des I miss' itt _vm It.,'l_si_si Ois','\ uuu,uiu'sh S'Siti!itihl'iutsuO .1 Of Services Such as Hair. Nails, ticslesi tui hiesick seit, taust isituui tus-itul si_s ic,,i55'iuiii t ii uus'i I I. . dritt, pail tut (listut. ituuuheulunes tute i Cuis-s scamtmnhuiiiulsliuhdp.ss,usinvi..uic psiumeiuuommii Sci t Skin and oy Care. huiste __'s I5etUe SELLERS!GETTOPDOLLARFOR YOUR HOME CALL tutututthehut hua uhuSc,u Sels itI _usus, pms'imig mho sslbol ,,sbforlt.09 _ s \ Corrte and see us Soon! 5_tIri! I_ia, ic_ut 'IC lip_ui uhf ib,. nut,, sud imustollissp us,dc,gsiiuntivs. enrrydeyafler - Plan ti! ___o) Your Barbara's Pet Care S_t lieu t f'uuitst I'lt's il se summum lo' ill utitys Simmia!iuiiu.iu,luitic Ay3ft-hngCdp,n,asslsdl 3m eove/ca/cio,tco/tsysese. onanbfrio ae,tdS(a/,?ues! 'Sui ibmgdu Semi hielt S,ticiui,uu'', .'\cuiurdmng lo lise tsgms,ssscsmt, daySastslav, ute Next Vali Demoscmi, CRS We 011er Vavaltun Cose oaapca ,eeded 850 CIvic Center Drive Sunday Il to 5 feu' Nile. (Civic PIa.a) Ei'ent Cetlified Resideolj'al Real Eslale los Dogs Cr Cals ttusu,uiith tiugliutuilit lii citi Alzheimer's B47.9B5-8050 F.t 047-985-0943 i Monday thru Fri4ay 9 to 9 ¡ st itt_ui luis 1muts t tisu5 i imite,:,,h;ttutcubit., T Spcejalill wish 25 years experience and tis'iielitu,ttiuh und. -'h Community r SaturdayStoø tutu s- ..SUBWRV' - use tee tuimugilttuhit,tiumu_isIs nuutui.'i servicing rise Norlhweul Suburban amas, Daily Dog Walks Support Group $1_00 OFF TWO 847-647-0274 aatm.tIOrI.e Faoaonasaba, 2.gdo FatiBe5 Sob. ForOnS FREE MARKET EVALUATION lmttitasuit f stur It_spy tut su h 'l'bus,"siol uy'uumuer ',l,'tiiiiiutttiit t3OOFFy I' Sub or Road $699 Call: Barbara ut-tilt lui S uuluhmuum'm lis,imsilu5t5u im itic Smisi Bilingual: English/German thut,itc'itt mugivisec,cultieit t\euimmassi,i! uul cuas!iiiuuiuu Ii n $5 OFF si Imiti lut! liii ,mil;l cmmius'is 'Is's' L_ _Eagj'asu Seim 5, 5050 ,__Jaua_..__ 847-967-9320 Ext. 1.1 otmce, 5h Ilisecmutcuiuusl kmh GIer' ° Dog Walking SJBsponsors .SUBWRV LUB WA V° 6/cavtaw (Llt ont por entorno,), 'liii, fouis5, cci, ou eminjuitue' nay Eri t" Sob GOt ri ANY6" SUB Birthday Book FREE withnumalmOtttno, Drink GMAC Club vu,, mvilhu tImo m\iolueiusuer's th.stiai- oa.raeqjeease4.aaes.casns 52m, parOIn. el 32 at. ROOk hiuu- SIS nai,oumllibmamo'msull stiiuus,um sulr,llumiup fo, Coacji1iht Nets hustE5 ucull hs tsecolmiesl io Equal or 1.231e lola $1.99 $5 OFF su,ueeigtuit sPsim,sor timo iluotimsisy' 1TRealEsta Iisnuus mf a sutiutvss's tsusmhst_ut Sutiti. Cliii,Siv fiuti, muto Vacation Car, nudi tome tliuuisgtuoui ti 0cc i unii h h uso sl'iusic tut h utlul usurmo'smi Cus' _P' °«' uarmr , sec 7735North Milwaukee Avenue, Nues usuetuss lusui rvut,geoomtuung ai,' L -I - i (Lit 0200 por tt00t.rnor) Suuuul.s c-tim iue t,:sperhs,ek tus lm,usd- poturumumatalt 211 strie humuuks luisitun isltuiiguts tieluci' tutuiiycuutheeluuiii. Duun,iiauum,uu! ihio I' L c!uuised Ness PAGE N TIWBUGLE,ThSIRSDAY.IANVARY 3, 2N2 Prepare for harsh conditions Who Takes Care 111E BEGISI5UIURSI)AV,JAPOJARYC SItS PAGE 17 - with Disaster Supply Kits of the Caregiver? floods and other disasters can voter pee person per day; Store s'sund moisterectowcicrter; 4 Irit oeirnorotl rlrorrl err oro e-umntt050rnunbrespìte cam nptcrrs seriously disrupt sonnai hG. To wesen is plastic containers sachas Scissors and tweeeerv; Antiseptic irte rrworrir free rrrrlltoolcrrrrly ritIeres) ro noter earmod neesisliv make things mom difficult, ser- soli drink bottles; tIse waler fet anti acleanirg agent nach as votif; c:trcu tors ro Arrr erice Moro 1h00 UniredMcrinrvlisl Commuray vices may flot hr available, trans- health purposes Aspirin or snn-aspirìr pois re- rirreo.fiiitrrlrr of drene earevirers Seppon Srnrros progress rriirrs portation may be cal off, and Estail: Store at least a three-dy breen; Lares gloves; Acsnnec #zj, cre uoore-rr incisi rrn tiro rgev ob re-hohle, qsairry horn coure lirai ru roads may Im blocked. In some s:.fosy pins; Thersntrrsteter, Tube supply of nonperishable food tIrir:ry.lrve;rrel uerenrv cauca, residente arr forced to Supplies should include ready- rl petroleum jelly tir other lohn- Mtrrslr mn milder adalls ,trd juggle erreur. chilriron corI larnrly evacuate. Mamo Township resi- In-ear canned foods, jalees, and shorn eamgmeora. Finn shore ice-k tie-moody. urril romo rove NrvrrO. ingors assistedIrsnngrailing, dents are urged to be ready em- staples such as nati, und high. - Sttgnlion and leninGartery- al lrr:rltlrci,rcernv Many dstnlrrp lltrusc aspIre upend to any situation by assem- energy food like peanut butter; opsrntord sodio and estro baster- Ilortwoli offers

depre-svirrrroval sr-mp' - bling o Disaster Supplies Kit. klsc include some comfon foods es; flashlight and entra flatteries; pii,cnie-srl cam mo or irmimare and osrenncme- iruvinesies stiller. lvstrrf irr oldasly insltm d AltenGrober,Directorof such as cookies, and some vita- Nero) cerne car npcner; Pliers Maine Township's Emergency orrlle,rivof iioll:trs e.rclr your duo aals ahtn re-cal rohnhihitursnv nhivr and sape; Compass; Matches ir ci iirrp)crre rrrrie i,il firr eorvir. Movogoreort Agency (EMA), of- Piral_Aid: it is recommended to waterproof enrhumer; Whistle; app. nurriog caro, and/sr spociil fers the following advice capot- mood domrorma ease, hmm hase first aid kits for the homo Pla.vsii' sheeting; Plastic vrorago 'llreii,rrils.ip.irr:ir c;irrg:airg ing iogclheryoarown kil: ars) each of year caen; Haceaa as- Mcrhtshitnllmrnoc offers mrpmne (ro" or/ ilr,rr lv irr) di'irr caso ir si seerrrn, fsvmne'like vetniof Waist: Plan en one gallon of vestment of sterile rads. bandag- -isaiailathlil: Toiler paper; Soro rrrirre.' svisi levo. kran, wlrvvo lu c-nih pnis;nne;sccomrsodosìsrnv. r ltqtncl descrecer: femoral ir> The Arar srime Old & The Sers' irrtr upvvalr rorirrrrrrnt fiere iseero; Small shovel 1er dig' Feorrlr c;imfieorn naed esIme ir liorrie. veil pmbors rukiof irrrr nur Fina Arts & Crefla imost New Clean Up After The Holidays! grsglsrtine;Plastic mp pinyrical urd enrrvtìoral hostliim gallofe ir drorrrr Resale Boutique hogs: Dinirfeesars end/or cIrIo- ansi rsctrnrrgirrnrIrr in nnrdor iiIirrineislo quiohis>,sr,i Antiques & Collectibles rlinirirtotlimertrr huIr cetllv inri ins With Our Special January tine bleach c,mlm,,ietror a,me a loved um Vi1i{ciqe Unique Gifts Women's and mcv's vietage cloihing -Accessories rivirv:rro vcheduled ire-runen lurog Terkiog niurrrnr sndulga so orali- Trade-in Sale!(new purchases only) Smaiol tens P ud si mIk Antique Linen,JewelryFedora's and More ik), - li lvmnrsulrt rrd other srtpylies for i.dlli j yhie,stot, s.d1h c-si Sei I Come in and See Our New gsetog eremi. cas grsseide Ihr any infanta; Medicasions Irr eld- Fotvtr-,tvirv. l_tek il (773) 792-3260 Lite Weight Vacuum Models, All our erly arti 0500es, es needed carogteer ummir ha reupisn noven gutlr tre rrsrrurol berliogsrvperi. nary fnr renoacol, We Buy & Sell vacuums are quality and warranteed. klIWUaicmgß), trersrr: Games rrrevd Irr lias sop, urss etlsothramd SIdrel Pat Marchetti oed.books; and Colonne hooks csrrb'irrrvisl:trr c ee-ire ro hel1rirr vuppirr frrrrrre-rli. Men's & Women's 1847) 823-3773 FREEVacuum Bagswithnew purchase. srnnd crayons Csscgieorv reedro ksop a e-ri,trrnilrrriu-ni)rvrc (mast present ad, nor valid with any other offers) imeonsaut Drrcstaistuhe: Keep C;srrgivrrr sense irbirarnor and autour ob voll Beil essiuigsurvs.l raies in ¡beurra Now located Wolf's Antique Mall vro irlreli ret1Urrctl ro rrrvkvrrrojor to ese;smo a hul;,ncr, Knnumnmg co Vintage Clothing them te waserproof cerraisror. 2031 N. Mannheim Rd., Melrose Park Famtly records und barking ie- rosi rrrroiirrIeivtiinul nrrrrnoking u psismrierdiffrroncr formation; Rect,rd of vrodit card receiver llrive-:rr du) vire-Sa 105m ir Ihr dasty libe mrb o loved irme or visit Pat at Wolf's Flea Market .'a. Almost New Slightly Used It IN, ii ic:rull tie-re aoil:irg liis-vis_Ir jewehy& Accenscirs. IN numbers; Passpons, social ooeur- rrroknsosiammiltcurr norpesct iv arar 2031 N. Mannheim Rd., Row L Reconditioned Vacuums. irycardsasti imrrrtrnio.alittv I'rr'r:irrii soilvtiuiuel Starr cam1'tenn refine-I riman records; losurvoec pirlivies. rs ultIme- i,, nlre-/notle-rai rreerao rrruein,r,nrro 1043 Chicago Ave. Evanston {New clothing, accessorios & gift items at flea Market) deeds, vtto'kr md hortds. llcv1riue ire-- rilan mIer file. .OpenatNoon Kits sltettlti he kept is .tc:,trl. orc'velrll,orirc_u-rnieesti,e (1(17.1 Urired ialostvndmssstummes & (847) 475-5025 Classed Tuesday' )illll's. \lrr;rt kil \iisii -\ll:e. Il dr>' placo fret rs l;rrtro-o reell brrr- vruiirrdrisv crin,, re-qur:rr,.irs ,irrii Seninces In,,.m nnnmrrrIssir 11X1 nostri )147-292-S227 Ii:: 1.11.112 il1mctrrlrcr,. Rotore fo,vls ;trd 'ri it rc' rs itc r ira mii espc'nnemrcmm ms ipresitier mml 'berge is-errs every st.trotiotlrs. Ir Che-gime-rS S irrIta Ir. in,mti,irne-soul ,st1r r, Alsrs. :tsk your doctvr or yltunpre- bmv,ti, ir,niri 111e-r: si_i: Ire,reni,isg hilen ,udali,lsmreceine THE TIME EXPEflTS ctst :rhtrctrrtrper prrrcedttros 1er STOP INFOR A Iiio.sregisrrs, mmm sir CLOCKS & WATCHES NEW & ANTIQUE slertttg prvtvriprttorttrredicinev. irored ileili,,,liniiiinrric,/c le-amir tnnmmne ;mlsmst the cmnoniirmiunri '-n Fr. .-Admìssi'ni Roviderrr.sane rnvirnd ro ctrrt- .uoariu orcos SALES & REPAIRS Seri re e-n iris' rip rirr ti a risi c.trv ill/ore-si irr Ijonsemi Sierhisjisn ta'cr liMA u'rrh env qeevrrensre- .uutu cesaS LOOK i_un_rn prsimi,Ier 'f IO,rrivrcisl vii ilonrienA Sers mee,, plesusrcsdl 8.00,anis,gm ... U9to4 herd n tIre C-roer'ene> Drsasror l i ill ii idercisl rs ori ('(riet wrsrscua - /I,tnsii.0 irr Miciseie ml 17731 Th9' .5cgoaLgcsas cloras mi5,I?AsZ-ac' I- t17.L°2 Kir by calling (8471 297-25 lO. Iii_r esirili vole-, Tiit'i''.GL'lR..t.'i'il! 531% i .IIUSLK MII 5WATI 5oe-5u,sn ac,Ecrza,r s))nl(rll (nd-' 'ii) lit I /Lrìi s gig,S lYLE. BLACK FOREST IMPORTS Lhe,ii Wolff's Flea Market Pickwick Theatre .tXPEM CLUCK I .C*IIKET l'Ire Picko'rck 'l'lrv:trrc Cottrtcr ro roll ahnen tireur itre-iniorrestii go' nitnv. pinosocerned CistilOalIlO WATCH BIPAIt RtSfOiiAiiON reeds your lrelp( We tre ltitrkrng rro tite- l'iekscick to Kvuuoryss 1817> 692.hSlO l'nck CUCKOO REPAIS MUSIC BOU ROPER 2031 N. Mannheim, Meirose Park-At North & Mannheim Aves. for old photos end lrtrme rrrovmt u-teklineasen Cosnvsl, 3 Srnuih 'We Make House calls" PECIAL vI the Picku-ick 'flrvaterrnclsd- The Cirtinctl itvsrrkitr1'teitir Psurk Ridge, IL (nOms (847) 524 im05b nf tosido and outside inragostr fre pristuerrur eenrpooy Diorr The Timepiece, Inc. Open Every Sat. & Sun. 8am to 4pm -9590 CUT & DRYJ uso tr an uperrwiog cidtn. 'Gin Ftitrrs, loe. rrtcrn,tre:tcidov:io itinmnnlsinmimssnuui csnrr, Tlroatro Council wolcrrrrres any lire Ptehmciekhire:Srctirhril1r o 4016 Church Street StarS. OIS. In merrrcnros ri rhe Pickwrck for rs rl mir orrtrilirgiurrtirarc:eg MarmdHHn t S S IUtS'fRi IRKS S' . urehives es nell. Als owe arc- - ... 0 eiirrtpurgo ro preveri lite- Skokie M5H.ary a lotrktng br yetrple /ptttsílrlyIr Ire- und koop lireirirr:iriul'icko itk 5111110G 114W A - L . - - _,_ - CIOS1tSJItAI 110001! (847) 677.5565 os-versera) tlr:rt leteo grec rvrttr ice 'l'imealre trporilrirrriiirv Sols-iriiis. I. .1 Musi present ad Vgljd Ibro Joe. 10th FAMILY DENTALCARE Reati Too Much Stuff? 7215 W. Touh Aie. S,) CRFAT ri "PS THE June W. bury. ('l'ouhv & Ilarlenì) arrtiqna franuiturR, pottasy. 847.588.0361 BUGLE Moon glau,io0iius5 old 5624 W. Touhy Ave. 773-775-3431 Estate Sales Ia3. piheteeipit., ELISE M. GRAND1NETTI, )IW.l1)i& 12007M! D.D.S. For SAMUEL J. GRANDINETTI Caducted F,ata & MouS. Sale., D.D.S. pu, N& V Great SIyle is ro looger est of reach. With a Groas Clipv in your 'Prtsi'sdsag Care Press Infanuo Subscriptions Auctisai. Atç7MiJAlAllie to To Seeiveu" rr.R t.imt en 0555 ' neighborhood you'll find k'aura otead style atas affordble prive. Call Bot Cleanosits ,_..- w.d - mi. rana -._. SS sue_. uovsR5aoo' lu and (847) arcata HOURS: 847-29-4-0018 ôreeòS'° S Stia co tisîocu STOG Ott>. MON-FRI 9-9 588-1900 1456 W.arOlnt BRING IN TillS AD FOR DOOR PRIL . MI 0S..Phin g5,4; f123,o.rf. sere J;lioar,11gmv .Neors Sasaasesno '9ov SAT 9-6 45j .aumss INew DoUai Paiienis UedibIa.com euon nu. Ncrshsuesr Hiaatisaay ' Chmaagu, IL cuvai SUN. 12-5 Gnarecstleed Sotiojcccljrcrr THE NEWSPAPERS p 7m.unA.s54o wuaw.Uigasdoll..com Gtscarcassles'd Style ist THAT DELIVER FAX:771n594-hVIe ThE.UGLE.nWRSDAV.aANVART3,2112 P400 If nIE BVGLETIIEMSDAV,JANUAIY 3,5115 Evanston Attorney has Preparing seniorsfor Nues church to celebrate o.je_ Full Serviceusie's Salon the cold winter weather 50th Anniversary best success rate in U.S0 MenWomenChIldrenTeen, Wirnton T. Rege, an immigma- 9229Waukegan, Morton Grove, IL A0003 The winter weather is fasi ap. your medications posted on year weurhernrar illness? Are you fa- co,,gnrgaiion rl ihr Nslo bers, shasdued in the imarigealion Sold. he'd rather lesa a chenu than gise 1500 aiiemnay basad in Ecansron, -n proaching and tise cold weather mirigoralor, along with your doc- ciliar with a reliable home care CrrisiosanrlyCliorch.74111 W, NCC liar ordenrukon u (ic parporocfrhecanruhsation is upotcotsal allant Wrong or mourn- II..han arm nf bc bess reach 847-663-0123 can be especially hued on oidor tor's namr. address and tele. provider tirut mould be able trou- O,rkson inNtlot is eagenly Irsok. rig ('and do past (tree ye.,sslii,- Ill dig deeply in Ihepeemot's back- plate iafennatict. If a pnimrnlial briises le-reI l'etlrsu'shrp il:rbiliii rrcssrnh for winning erect in Ihm k roar d ti, drisermune if rho per- client ii nul willing so npand BISO llAIE NAII.S KI adults. Hon'ovor. with alillo phono number. okt you with rsreul preparation. my ferm,srrl Irs lrtstels 24,21X120, CSSag Maliaurn nvsonnr, U SMm, Rogo has poruenally um mrots Ile mcchnical eequirc- Filt preparasion, it in cosy to minisnioc 2. lt is sito imponrunt to hose 11rrrcorIot, foiling preverIptios. lItai ir risc' laie il lise 511,1, tarso,. Llersc h (cIncel Io gar competent legal adnice re pncscnie 11 marc shun a ibrusard snsrnln Pnrrúag Ptdimnssne Full hoy noeiag your ,dcnlifieotion, such as ytrar Orine te appoisimento, porsrronl ecrs.rri ril,is fooirrtrog. L'ls,rrcis OhI,crrestriso Ll,,is,ol for mssrr han ISO freer sr imrnigrali onallomna y, - the risks. United Methodist Cose- people with Ihnir Higilighliog ._._._. , raking Social Scoonily Card, Photo ID care. ilourokeep,eg, etc.? Thong, liase changan evrr he rmmsgeatinn nninimnsignansandimmigrant tsnn be nr stia marl aecapu the nDranna - munity Suppon Sorvicns, o non- ireimieb' reosstrsedtriIsirrin and dIrer nship legal cuacu and emmo olcgorios and rabealcgo. Calce spnniai'um Criere1 R S S K fi t I a I s r....mtiúas profitandnonsectarian home curd aed any insurance tardi, irte ys'srs bar rire splrir el Nilen Coirs' ssrrinborn ovvi rlhcrrnt rs,rrIrrr'si. oar boussalueco.55 101C rl beltcm nies. "We dns not like ro pur a rimo (rnRv&.bIAa.-F FREE caro provider in Citicago, offers plico litai con he rosily accessi. Surviving the srianili Chiarclr is the s,rrnsr. On hnosm a'ioship.felloa'rhirp 104 Iban 99%, Casos hasdlad by Mr. linus on Ib meonialtats'on beea- Mr. Rage has a Bachelor's de. 'TUL't Or.Jf. Connultuliorm Foe Speaial Occanians lie rsgnior:rrd on sIso Inrsrr lasen al ht following cold weather tipi Rrgir iocladtng assisting people cuse wr wins sutfioicni mmc so gear in Ccmpuimn Seimen and a Pmamo .Pastiaa .WcddioRs 3. Doyouhos'eu"plorafau- Loss of a Spouse ,i,oncir, ytru u ill vro alty icr Baehsler'm dagme in Pbilnmnphy bl,srsol 115m space u ihm liso hsnin(rng mlarisrn se Ihr US, as- (tI ali Ihr ithsrmoinonwarecd 01Ff CERTIFICATES AVAILABLE LIn cate of an emergency, it ri,st"if you em unohle to Itose s_a lies li reatis' ''Tilts Cirrorrsr,. from lise Urisarmiiy ob Maryland. ils,, secor'occk ,oppoo (seil is rentedsirs rreyil,- rissing US. cesspansov bringing und ssbfictcns lione Ieatsucra'Il 1110e honre dueloisotontent iv ('irr,rcls , olrerei:r,sis sarl li, is olways helpful ro hove a list of grrrop helps i,,,lis,do,rls eh,, rare Ho also hua a Mrrtnr'n degne io Sanie ( )l'I' rni:i l:re,i:: Iriendsirip oro brio rol" luis cro vii_srirsirreib'irelp gnrir,lsr, ilO'iii' elsnpiinyecs from abroad, assisting ihr client's q Ocslisrrs ." sIales Mr. Iris silrcrrrpoose o', lIrio 111v lao IS lenorgn ciscspantcs with opening Rogo H rrreourage s po reliaI Apphiadtic onomies'frosn she inrhy inc-viel el lbs,, ceOgregorrils o gnrrofr 0,1 rIIons rrtac.ri,,',.sl oNO APPOINTMENT NECESSARY rtr,rolirrl,rc,rpy 0,11,11,0 hr,soshrs r she U.S., rrpsesrrsrrg elmoros Io nomo is fon aconsalu. tjasscrssuy s(Minnmso suar 4 a la liege_sor Vrrrrrrra,i p1rrnnirisirliessuctr eu firciosh in' 9:00-7:00, 9:00.6:00 e 11 sdyusl IiiIle allonges. Trrpicr 'sill rndrsidu,tls ir dcponrarion bran. Is emardrc furcr to perform quick ris 'looser degree frcm she Uni- HOURS: Thes-Fri: Sat . e timr, huso told us rhar, in- googe cirres sponsoteri Ill lIta Sorrily of South CarolIna. Ha is 'Idd I g 'sil rF -v srgs. ,shsaimrng crrtemnrhrp bss consaltotinnt en be phono. A,- deed, fniorrttiness charged tirenrs einCisssssssoniryCniliegenil authomizad torrprrsmrtnlimtssin lining lilo an atingir sensor ucd qualrfird nsdisiduals, oblaicsrg S'Ist d5O IO Mr. Rage, "Many low. r GilD a'i,o sos I frnsrrsvisirnno ro hrcenniegnrrsns. all US. faderai cruna and tome. SKOKIE A.BRITE rkrorroinitrg "wirore de gof1001 ems_i forsnlrenarioraiperler. cro Sly Io sollt-lic 110015 by pniseid. timas Sauva (a In olbem atasen er murer groups, std suing Ihr INS, ng boni u'ilh a imbrle hiI HANDYMAN SERViCE sí frce ceanlrles lu raprosonle liorrt au CARPET Opersoll. "SarvrerrgrIso Asensr ding hin Mr. Rogo, nbc sr. Inh cicrisn ihr uelophena wilh the Maine Township Senior lwas'h'salis, n CourIr Or U.S. coo- OVER 25 YEARS EXPERIENCE Lrosl,lu Spr,uro" wsll he hold rie cres of his saeccsv snparlcrm,ng o hope sissy will rctain ihrsrm. How' INSTALLERS 't5srrssdity r500legs. Jcnoasy I? to Computer Classes thorinugh nun corralianron cscn, ha Isarco spa fon disumrcn. l'eheuov 28.211(12. h:SOto S prIs.. MesIeunsulsartort umSMr, p Intl 4mg logo1 srfnnnation Mm, Rigo i.su(m,safnnqsctt s or lire Ieu'rsh t'asrsrly und Cr1111. liseuu'unnh.a'snning Senior l'in help ricos rire dntnnaoit. Ihre (logo lako beso' orn ose to la-ii based es i500mplasm infommarion spoakam or U.S. immigeatiurrop. rl o irloniry Screico Nilen Township Crirnipoter classes si Maint boors Mr, Rcgis ehargrs SIGI hIn ï',rn'aslsstsis reeking a parr' lIsie Itonn ube oliati, issu ints the astor- tea nr radio, TV, aewspapema, and I Men Women & Children's Haircuts &U.ue Il* Drsrricr, Or,ldìc Buchrrroos l_al. 't'«mrrnrhrip ore gearrog ap tir rn_in snsrnstctor tnirnrsird p,snlicr 5h cur entruilausuns,u-hicSis nay up for matpracinoc." He slalom ateommaniny forums. rigSorlding. 51511 Golf Suad, Igale inFehnasnyRogissruisanr siseaN essnrocr Stan'Sa',sissiir, Sharnpoo$01 r Cut .MwEh..D*OPf.INA Skokie leonrve,oerly l,sc,ssod a ire heieg occepled ferbay and Ornrcnisriifirnits(r annI Sensiss 5es- PERMS I fr0' hIroLs lr,,rts Old Orchard carlyevrniogelosses, rru'es, 01,X47, 2(7.25(1 Girl Scouts Kick Off Annual Cookie Salei &Stylei tuailrkr she tiers-honnued FhImm.CipllHy Sisepping Crnlerl, 'Oto S7O serins 'Ilsetrrn,nodf,Incrinn1nOicr Fon lunslirnre fonirts,,i,o mro supplias nf fleur, sugar and bailer salas daring March. Loop silo levavo ho sdjcrrrd sí needed, l'tsr clasnrr hun been irmusy 550cc its crsresanrh dires, voll hIrmeS' An ecnicanuma disi omsohnensur 's up. during Wnnid Wut It, salan will be hold April 3 ned i :4iiouis: Dw..AidW NR. pli pst ucd baseball, Girl Seras, spriI IS ut jacassons ihrrughost tetI500p 152.: iogrssrasionsnrl roerrrofi,rnru. inlsadacrroo irvernyrarogri Io lrcunssrr, rI 18471 202.211111, Ir addilior In ha ondcm.Iaksng I All TfpI. If O.m4.VII ube ituwmlownarro. 111111, call Sisen Firs. LCSW. 18471 lsciilseFrssiclass(raniora_si,ing cocktm irme is liera again mn hm cala. Girl Seoul enokiem wull be .wermwE_..tO50J.Ll, Si lite CHIIIpIHIOU 558 .5 21X1 CI ca ge mcm 155cr lIdi pensrsor limo mlv Morton Grove asailabbe Ion purchase on sito al Forinfoernasion,callGirl call Poe ApfiOAfltti3t 00510NOED ADO BOIRES To,s' neu' Il.lsenr unIIbe-mtl. Repairs & Laying of "Sorsicrog sheLires rn a 52 pIsces is chessScsa,ns surinas lacarsoar shecughout Chi- Scouts ofChieago ai 13121 4hh. 9232N. WAUKEGAN a MORTON GROVE GLENVIEW Spoosn"iso pregIuOr in ihr l'arr, iaiighi liseI unnl1ninrenri_sir ciodcnl in iho lireap, u todacod- New & Oid Carper nI osiog Woman's Club cago during Girl Sceau of Chica. 25SSom cisim be coarse il Wob aiIm Ops.ir ThID, theo SOL HAM-PPM ly Lile tlsiaoulirrs Sonor opon. lis,' ines in,s,,rd, vorlisie she Inirsocm bal, hssc.snoost sanillu ceokir u'ills 847-724-2723 go_s ncighbeshood sur booth nl www.ginlnuouur.chivage,erg, HA N Mom. CLOSED (847) 663-11 3O (847) 679-0953 srsredby tea'ishPorsrilyund lire Minrlon ('snliee,rlisrisO's peton p nocesc ,slicd "OIe Oir" and SURROUNDING SUBURBS noiI sIrve Is_isis Inirigr:irs,r och nl L Coerr000rry Sets'ice rl ,scrsa,mb, 5Ici,nd slId tbscel Cbois laocisen,u'lnl ectreg s' ill Is' intjsocialiy doargsed shortbread Ii (mirI m,n 'Ilnunsdst,Ionill, 21X12 cookie sa'ihh badgo couring mn sIse SJ'B 5th graders complete studies of ,'kt1I3o, hnst lrsmrsc allenI 'All Ah sass'' Gsri ,, S ch,, s,i,,ssm c'iric,,11nm uSI he .k. American Indians CarimssCIah.Fcrnav&s:iri- i sgsss dv-rs b srncrmir Lies bolineen AVONDALE l,nrI I rd Filii . 11X12 An a Seal project to complete tIsatiornnpeaea stieL mer hein 'Ilseyt ,nssmsr (ir,rceIVimisn,io' 5 cciiln lrssgliiBnimke Wise. ardo, Comput. R.puflnhl.t their study of ibis Amrric,sn In- Tu eurspitno 15cmdio'Olmisisnlrses allii .555v'nh I Ilse Ilma 0, CI1O si ('inI S sums, isiCim,, RO05IIE DeniM. dies, tite XSh graders nf Room 28 roseas, Irethildrosn used n nuns, : sncbrci ri md siseo mg ir silese,rn U15f0. "ihmleil. huila ib. si esce. orSabotlohn Vedevi School,dilfenrro ssediass, SHINGLE HOOFS of ALL KINDS including 211(12,s ncgulrvr saeelreg i,mIl,ries giul ioso rely iv',insise acerpnsg meure reporta un sorno of Ihrbarber, clay, cardboard, asid claroIrisiclis-esi annd n ihre corclr,sr,moei md minn innrmmgemmciranssrem t(bin, ROOFJIEPAIRS tribes fourd ir North America,othc-rsoarsrs lo maire tirenseinshersseosssibseln,esl,srori,csols (SnI S c,mals, t,,,, tea,Irte' ruass 'l'ha children were Io use al learn authosstic, .OIJTIERS & DOWNSPOUIS schentobnii ginls miI. emir111ml Gill Sciromrng lhrre dililarenr sources, inc(uding l'he children enjoyed raerking e SIDING II sr,u would Isle vr o ill hu' I ne I m,s,Ire em. sii 50511cr the iosemner. um beso projects assd uvre ahle le.iisiiu, rIso islirisirr Unimse \'i'm,lnr I_iI.IOi i ,sI,rlisrirs Plrri_iii ri,s, WINDOW REPt.ACENEIVT la the mport they were ru tell ahane Ihein infoenialion schon hoyasir ('lob and Iromsmiii car, Inn'' at 9120 Golf Road, Nile,, IL 60714 brim TUCIIPOINTING hoot Ihm lices of mein rmibe part pmsesred reporto loiheitcanIle ronirlced,iiirle ill ritirI el s sInssopisrint ai'lic amid preseot, the Important peopleclassmares daring rho Social lic rho GoIf-Gi.n PIa.nj HAIL DAMAGE SPECIAUSTS .isifl,nt,ns,eo,nnd direcisoi,a picoso 'blini S coolc cmlv, prriin'ralsi IN ADDITION TO OUR ESTABLISHED frise lesbos, aad hou' their family isis Sunset. crll Story' Disssnoog7731 28h' is edil dism girl 1S'isensao. "I' lie DEVON CLINIC ROOFTOP SNOW REMOVAL fe corapamt ra the family life of OrnI Ss'iras, ihre solo -io s gsrls rr.329.83 cr823.8301J 11h17 er tot,nss Onpoebrok. 5471 Fnn your rrredmso( problems likeHypertension, se Americen adiar tribe. The ft took Jnh.nn WOltg.flg 05S'32b5 in Imp 1iirn tassrIli eescncrse' 847-588-3000 bildern also did a dioraursa de- non GomIn, orare tise OB Any of the following services Diabetes, Heart problem Ar'tlrriRs, mrmircnwm .flmSrIApi IrlaI, clIng nihi usine rs aLlis, Thyroid prgbleres, ele, oisif M0111 BID Fr.. Elf. icriagrho rype of home Ihe H.eti In ma.npl,t. Irlo n... mmi im plI ieri Ici sire'cri oneri ss,lim mmml WrolO.g Mtn aliti 50M: mmm gdcaçe.sodr M.oh, FleoS Ameeican Indian lived in beben ILEGAL NOTI I hInco h rImo lamido char sie-noce s. FuUServiceOil-Filter-Lube (reg. $28.95) FATIMAMOHIUDDIN, MD. air, i,s,ibfen 11,0 kinds ,ifesc,rin5 (Board certified n InternolMmdicinel Ludwik Electric 505,5e rs herrhy giesc, ponunni lo mlii b.n.Imnis sh:mi girls au' sIr" Transmission Service (reg. $49.95) CONTINENTAL "i5 ScI is telcriire Ic Ihr Ose 1 no Gisiso'(m,i p.strIe is,i,oIn he Ph: (847) 390-7122 Service, Inc. - ,Snsonsed Satirmss Nsnir is ilse 0ml S ciminlc isikic shy ils'Sc she Differential Service (reg. $24.95) Far phpsivai"sod,vmno problemi likeBack Pain, Pancake House & Restaurant cordacs n,r irantncsler el Bosaisri up i'' asmmsy IO irr decision. (farmerN IIIf)P( Neck Foin, Arthritic Pain, In d,r SlaIn," as nmerdrd, ihrel ices' ,mm.sl.rng, nord'.issonugen000505d Since 1982 Coolant Flush Service (reg. $49.95) AUTO ACCIDENT, SPORT INJURIES ibisiirdon' b'iii I 'so msnog skills. milecri,rn ann Sled by I pu' FOR THIS S ,r,,salrc u Gimrdoo WORKMAN'S COMP CASES -New Meters OPEN NEW YEARS DAY nigord o',lh the Cironny Clerk mi Jubirste Lira' boossded ho Girl S dm555. n -New Cirtoit Breaker Cisok Cirasny, Filo No, w1074203 all phpeimmnl Iliseopy seeeiges01011 7 DAYS A WEEK 6 A.M..1O P.M. loi 2, Gsnl ScesI cade'Is, sod girls NILES I : SPACE ism ho GI1C 05, 21X11, Usidoi (liv M. ANWAk MOHIUDDIN Panels aisld cookres lImos dmse he snif. M.fl r.-. . r(snomcd Nosy ob CUT ISt) 8430 W. Dempster Street j(SpeecH Physical Medicine curd Rehaibi fl.rny, reli,imii and so heir owsm hots) -Motora1 Gus Grreroior Tl'Ct( CORSICI1a'ilb Ibal,riii' fand CALL: ENTREE i carp aciserlira.Inbouc early between Greenwood & Cumberland i niaii,,eulmd a, u2S4 lIbRAS Ph: (847) 390-7083 -Ont Sprciohy 4,'lys, girls hakud limeerigsnol I LATh, NIl.iiS, ILlINOIS t,U?i4, next to McDonalds ; PUBLIC MO, M.a.DIcka ND ! GET SECOND 1/2 OFF oh,,,nsh neo d cookIes on sumo ,tnd i. ALL istòJQR INSURANCES ACCEPTED 5915 N. Mwouker Ave. (5. 'Ihrinnenomebsb LYDI,S (,ebd s,cigh(ssnhiuel hike nabos iii D'VIEnIOI.mmVfi. I Sblfl'll taSI) (ilbOISGIb L SUll'il (847) 827-0500 CALL TODAY FOR AN APPOINTMENT CIsto9o, IL 60646 847-588-1900 saise51,1 ney fur ,riiep acl,n'iliea, WAUC.INS WELCOME old nea,dcsser addrrnsnil bio So I 034. s es eral Giri Sci,alcoan. Des Plaines Chicago I (773) 631-9416 . j In: 9254 LORdS L,lNlì, cils oelc oaing eenssnssencial hak. I Free Estimates SILI1S, ILlINOIS (111714 cnn sa rss'nalnm lhcinerdeasors, I 340 Lee Street 6 I 16Milwaukee al Elston FREE 9206 N. Milwaukee Irs19411,. www. ludwikrlrttrit tom The eanhoorm ast olear Dartog Giri Scacin (847)296-7059 (773)631-9691 I BLOOD PRESSURE ASUGAR CHECK Nues, IL 847-Z75-8975 nd s.r.l. halt a pound at oilS lows-noii olio, lue rIm linmnscnl I. oollad.y. Tl,grGtneinÀ?Sis'S:ioo2', pAcs 21' DRIIVEPEE TO AO I S 0V lOTOS ITT ETITES DElIVERED TO AIL 16000 lOMES N NATO DEE 016EV TO ALI ID 000 HOMES EN TIlLES EVERY WEEK 01 TIlE TEAR THE BUGLE CLASSIFIEDS EVERY WEE T OF THE YE AP DEDVERIT 10,111 161011 HOMES IN TA ES PIE 6E 1011K 01 TIlE YEAR THE BUGLE CLASSIFIEDS E VERY WEEK OR EHE TEDIE FULL/PART TIME FULL/PART TIME FULL/PART TIME FULIJPAR1 TIME FULL/PART TIME FULL/PART TIME FULL/PART TIME FÚLL/PÁRT TIME FULL/PART TIME FULL/P'' ART TIME


SankEn9 HEALTH CARE/HOME PROGRAM COORDINATOR $ Signing On Banus S STOCK PERSON TAKE YOUR CAREER TO THE NEXT LEVEL1 NURSES SALES: WOMEN I MEN YOU SELL WHAT? Needed For NAEYC Accredited Wilmette Day Care. CNA'o and Companions Heekk Mk Before you say no to family service cemetery ' Fodcjft, Geb 8' Laddor TELLER POSITION AVAILABLEI Outstanding Benefits, Wages & Work Environment. lironfr oat UnoA. RN'S & LPN's For Home Health GLENVIEW LOCATION _Sa sales, take 10 minutesto learn more about this UfrIOOLL.liglitMaietueonce E BA in Early Child Education, 3 Years Classroom & fer . asit Full-lime/Port-Time-All Shifts un_ oçponIuniI)If you have sales experience fopieWek Redmanvid At øats Ireek Sank you w,1 b. obi. Io .iipond your $8 I Hoirlo Slait' oo.wI II ao hoI, st hoot 6 notilso olor .opefl.on. p.osi& soporEs. Supervisory Experience Needed. Sagho Flexible Scheduling-Benefits For Full-Tune in ligbrhnd Fob a enjoy Ing e, then earnreolistiç 1st. o.nioe lo osoARno., osil p0.005. eot.l.nt o00nosioioalioo 635, )no Aplylo Penon of $40K +. Great benefits plus o.. oh. kE.ol oondido. for sor Ghnnhw hostias. Call Lois At°. (847) 824-522 COR for too OPpnire.mod AMERICAN HOME HEALTH year commissione Moedartndttr-2PM- 1PM .401ft) plan. Paid Iroining. Ye.. wie rosen. orourtratnteg os. P.nosol Sortk..i On-thorjob dab lo. Moy or Lindo tromlog wit oshano.wor ant skits o, po.. hont ho,, lo i-800-812-4427 Geids Keats Services, kL !7ll3WDemDster e. orn. oo.doaod alb. b gp sor CoU Bob At: (708) 453-0273 Corn. work t... honk Itoot alter-o aheot Sototdoy hour-sand DRIVERS INVESTIGATOR 147-432-9100 IaidopeWerllfrw, how.. le or Fax Resume: (773) 625-1061 Own SolS) tIrol, o.I ti. tedaol rAts poskog., iooiodbrg toostios, 401K, rn.oliool RETAIL Trod. Caw.rEwioa s. Find ostie.. Wry iusy Urology Fradice lo .pofwork-ot'lweio edias INVESTIGATOR 1 -877-FTC-HELP O.oIIl.d 000dtdo$ns .ho.M o.nd/foo/ 6W rasuren oat sobory DRIVER Looking Far Full Time . Bankers Life A TRADES A m.o.oge from Ir,oltsto Surveilanc.. Moot Have TIRED 0F THE USUAL DATA ENTRY POSITIONS? Fui-Time - Split Shifts Casualty Company -mo Ss.gte and tu. FTC. Human Resources Depwtmeut V'td.o Carnero + CaB Plroote RN or sLPN To Transport SotTo, Citizens !ut Your 10 Key Skills To Work With Fronda. management BUSINESS OPPOBTUNITYI Oak Brook Bank (847) 571-5608 No Weekend Or Holidays 'ROIS lnventor' Spácialists los FrAil o pold M7 Wl,00 1400 16* St., Oak Brook, IL 60523 Wcd Have øee gRecord and ajent godillons now Moil'arder/Io$ernol Hours Vary Earn SB Por hour Counting Inventory In Retail Stares available. Free Loado. $540./weok P06-Ton. FAX: 630-571-0519 E'niaiI hr5obb,oen. 00E rn/f/aId rWhkhlocordlequired Sl,7O0.S3,me/yM.T.no FnkrdTnkCb, athos MARKETING Excellent Benefits Interssting Challenging Position - bcebieot beaibiWok in 1-577-FTC-HELP Call Jason At laccI oreo. Far interview (262 812-8045 Or elias wwwotc.gu.. A Send Rewme To Rita: Must Have Access To Reltable Tnansportalioh ThOAl=r:nflC. OAk calMr.AJlen: . (847) 588-2000 MoEtRSg We Train The Right Candidatos HIRING 3 (847) 823-667 173-545-2706 k,,, e.,. lusSi FEen, esdod (847 2963031 1cc lit/U/H, 109074 Happy New CLERICALIOFFICE MARKETING PROS COMPUTERS Po.ïor ropeinna ro eri hei., onk, loin SSS kEhore MESI froc... Ist how 15 gsl erAd HOME WORKERS nato.1 deTesT..., how., COI 6. Year OPPORTUNmES asian, lid O tot0p h fodad Sad. Cde, bhrd 01.4 1 -877-FTC-l-IBLP Pov ley 1ge. some how s. test n63oob bAro oit.. REAL ESTATE SALES PnnaounoAoob daino ho.. herSa HOMOWOIKERS NEEDED To All RECEPTIONIST Us. )oIr- own anorpotrai FEtId ost 1-877-FTC-HELP $635 Weokip Proc.sairrg Moli Call 32-663-3930 A m..o.g. froer. :1,.'.,. A how s. ..010 neAoob bitrn 's eoprirdi.igond enriad rolen Part-Time - 3 Days hoto *. Fd Sad. Cowos.ho. Lao,. narri, arid number Ths Sette end bis. RC. Eosyl No topodasno. N.od.d. gojarinlrt to jokr Orli 0015151*9 (lyle 170E With Ahenialing Saturdays 1.877-FTC-HElp Call: 1400-440-1570 Rawhide toys 24-27 Hours/Week HAPPY baY. No kantig. ho, he. yot dopa1re tot 5015-24Houro kosrogondastsfording Tanch has been NILES- SKOKIE helpIng young OUSTE NEWSPAPERS & o_ 1*. VeA'cit.re cai' NORRIDGE CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Read the Bugle Cal 0kb Neswold S47423l$SS men frym commu Fast paced patient care OFFICE HOURS . or 24 hour esito moli nEtTes 00e your: alla For subscriptions colt office looking for mature CLASSIFIEDS HEALTHY Your donated caí, DEADUNES 847-733-4266 ea individuaL Typing & Data 00, otRos. oro l000t.d 01 7400 (847) 588-1900 an. worth more p truck, boat, Wsok.a.n Road. NEI.. sod w. an. Entry skills needed. Must than just a quick glance. NEWYE' R C400PE or ri-al be good with people & OPOn .00kdoys o.,Ip, 00.0.5P1,,. - Yo. n.y stop in or coil (007)500. Hove you token, good look atour Cbaoolftsd pagas EARN e. e:tate can help on the telephone. Call: litiO FLOUS yOTIr .65.5To 4.06- All Classified Help Wanted lately? T'asili be surprls.d et jost how mony odo we CASH DAILY TO ALL even lins tor 5H insortion. tar our Ads Con Now B. Found publish. O Up To 51,000/Sah. (630) 833-8382 Thorodsy odlilonsis Tossdoy yore Or Fax Resume To: On Th. Intetnet! When It cornos to Closolftsds. the mor. $6. merrlar o Groat tunting Polentiol prIor to pobilonyon 052 RIO. Call is trust Mor. potentlol buy.ns...mor, uttsrol Mor. . Piao. Fr.. MINI'ATM'S. young VOTO rOpr550rT151Io. for labor oso.- www.Ctti0090lrtnhoj.k,.oanr OUR (630) 833-8158 01110 In0000000lr. people .dvertislng things for sale....nd somehow. 0 FoIl Training C Aooiol000.. men w. got more people bookingi mets the w.y il Sah, Eopar.r.o. Beqo.rid worts,) lt takes batti buy.n and s.tlan.,..nd wsTn'e CUSTOMERS 100011 Ply gotthsm I Cell Now 1-888-762.0961 receIve a full AHAPPY& Buying or tiling. Stan fIrst plie. to look Is in,..The tax benefIt Rugi. Closslflsdsl HEALTHY NEW YEAR Call us today for details. Thanks FromThe TO ALL OUR Beverly (847) 588-1900 Classified Department CUSTOMERS W.., always .v.11*t. to.your conv.nb.nc. Tudoy or lIlIE 0 lE Notic. -Debbie ',l, Beverly www.rawhide.org Thanks From The sud. Nowepops.. oro..... 'co riotSor soy Hnos lo 0lo.IAty 00 odllor- I(vIE NO.01001. aTA Io r.frolosp odonNoIng de.rrrod oblostsnotLo, WO It'cl 60 r.0p.neLbên tsr o..bolos.t.rroeogs In otoralol .101 our PdK Classified Department olas All Holy Wootod odonIcol Op.olly are oso,, oi ase asilI otlarod, I -800-RAWHIDE eogLO NsIo.p.ps.o daso oafkoaroirigly .00501 Fop We000d odsontlelng te.. io ary Sony 11.1.1w 01. TgeruuUte H,aro toglrT. AL For 1001.0 ialOrn00005 Peace Beverly.... 0001.01 OTO b*p.rsrserrt of HurosowoRt., 00W, Noadolpl. St, ChIcago, -11h. N.____'_ heat DelIn.r° sommi The 10.0115 seid Neetlhw.Ot Suburbs TIlE ooviLE,.Ttwe504v, joÑusnv y, seos PAGE 23, pA)ES iiviijvÌiugdp*vjti'rk1te S,'zd.z LELVIPED TO ALL 16000 HOMES IN NIftY DELIVERED TO ALL 6000 HOMES IN MILES MG tax levy Entrance Exam for Eighth 5th Graders honor St. John EVERY WEEK OF EHE YEAR THE BUGLE CLASSIFIEDS EVERY WEEK OF THE YEAR continued 10m puto I III:I:gI::Io." She obnnrvnlllIst Grade Girls at Res Brebeuf & St. Issac Jogues odian nOIRCI lion SIOInnlCfll MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS FalinWifig che tooling, nludrnlc MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS II:,:I Iho 11(1:111) 1010110 k1-cplInen 005llrrnclinfl High School, 75W W. 'I':,Icoll. ouI h,,Id choir end choir porcol.sarOInVilO d la IY:c rcdllcnd lcy poned in u annusI) I.'rlrand O 00:110 far CIghIb join che cohool for rnfrcnh ironlo served'In rho nohool'uouloloria. PERSONALS ROOMMATE WANTED 5-I I:,In. TIte Ic'y as rIvidi grado girl, nr 5000:5052, 2772, REAL ESTATE COMPUTERS DOG FOUND Sb/oIls cl,oulsl p1011 I:liSrfll VO by 0:1101001 lIloOVC5O((0 MorIon Thn SuIons, fussily and closhlol (Li::cc hononowner abort 523 od- 7.30 o-In. 'l'edilI1 ucihl I:or 110111 I Rnnurrocl,on High School curry APT. FOR RENT Most mirncelous Lord, ROOMMATE WANTED IhIloflal 1.1001. it io dslimalOd. p_Ill. Pflo.rcyiorrollionlo nI,lrn. ou, tiroir odcccocional mi, Ir)'Il Rent-To-Own FOUND Tus lassa 0,o,Ind tu nary ei n.y NUES quircoh. Irow000r I 520 loo in puy. Ros urrnollan propIcio.s505Ir y 9011 3.leoe.n ?c.ndesna MG counters ABT NIES- 7632 N tRemito Female Dog - Medium Sine prayers bot flux I ns.t pias. hi, abb on blu day 011ko tool, Cheeks crudonrc ,nnnua' uy Torlire chIaI- Computers! ((filai., Induded - $400 / Month move nray bc made OUI Ill Rrnorrocliofl I kdroora $6754725.2 ladean. (tat Tan & V.Itife Wallt Coller p.Iilieninyusr bend,. nan. fuoiebla h,onadiol.ln loots, hoy wrIl ofl000nIo r daring Starling at 000hiflUod from pago L Hi0), Solrool. DIO/ollo nh,,aid 771 773) $57-1315 19.99 a weelt. Fond of Dan Rd L Deadene Rd petition).. This nate ba.un,nu per Deys (847)676-8462 111gb school und hoyasd. Rosur' n.qua,t and led, yes w pl... ï in o gond niyhr'o oleop, loll O OI1lh bu/Waskead. ($47) 966-037f rodiafeenlìrurllye0500rogol 1-800-422-3368 (847) 207-0688 I I.IIId'00 I11101 SIlO. th. bands ti God the Path.,. hrcokbanl s,nd hnrrg H2 poolsiln p nurgWo mon ca ro:cohiheir iulI. knew Ha o9 paso this poï$ae lII1IISII golt. D 1100 cnr 01 Eco' AUTOS FOR SALE and oc',dsal.Ossr lop111,105I1. OSI parer/n, I and foin rho knowl. banus,. .1 His lo.. fer yea, His n :tIIid 000olop 0v nl lar totl,rlIIn III' t'ano rl, oro-en000fi .lgcd II, adg,I onlron gIban lIrL'Irisolvou Troj a classified! son. Per h),Ithank peo. O TANNING Gr::,o .11,15 prolIlolOd lilo OIllOtO ELECTRONIC Old 000 of ho P115001 1sf:srrsr:i' ollcic.cIIy uad nocrally. LOhN IUKK/HYUNDAI Call todaoji noah).05 Lordstane.. Say this III hunIrc0h01 OflI)dcnolvpern lIlIn Sensi onsofinro d II eilhcr S 1620 Weak.... leed, Ofontiow pro?- 3 tinta. a day hr 3 day, 11:11:11gb ol:IlRdIin nIolnrl:III doll For c,soro,sI,,r ma sill,,ihs,al 847-588-1900 flOH OU*UTY LOW POKIS sl,,n. Or tA,son, '111v 51.'55555110,' (147) 729-1900 asti yew padiota e9 be gtored ho Irollo nhono OIII'nllonvv Ros urrodlis,o High Sci 5551 Ior lISO :- Rent-To-Own Psklihl ID. Wolff TANIENNO BEDS rnslude tour iS .fllilIuIO prouvalol. lncnh,Inng yg000Ifilofilho' i I onlrscnco claro,I000O call 13)3-I Pnytnenls Pros, S25/nnonth IllIns en rollIS poflrol,n n. tino Ilvon AhI old hodIlI:Igo, Iho 50" Big Screen Wo! Nao.. Dahnonn OSI), 050,111, IllicO, and arhleriss. 775-011Ib, Sol. 25. elcIrlos:dI glanI 111011 70 Star' FIR! Colar CafeTea TSy tAttI grado CbaoOen Cl SI, John Brvbocl Schoyl rnonnlly Starling at $29.99 a weo. I8 TO TU YT 1:111 GIoco $2rI/lIon schonIl Yo,o+s solas ulpablam, ola hulls Cal Toll Frei 1'$B$$3SlhO pyntsoipalod io A Istcrgyh0000ing tuvo NoOk Arrrvr)oan Saints, ST. A eww.np.elgnn.00nn alando GlAdIolI pIlO III AAL helps 15 people utitsolletlutsllonmy 1-800-774-4553 lot 1101151ro 1015110 IgIlIOSI 111V doE' Joho Bapbyol and St. bono Joguoo. The o(udento led the oing- Illtgintnnlledintiagdll. nginaarJ in9, rodei from Scripture, a,rd bd the pcsyem of the Faithful. At lu (egal ti rol çelnsI notti liti in ti evacuated during tire 15e yodollhe maoa Ihre filth groderoprn000tednaoha olasn irr the HAPPY rollo.,clay 1h,pu no sii) eta.I WANTED TO BUY FINANCIAL amt it iii, abet ptnyai lo lfr& you (e Skokie Art Guild Aid Asrneiulior for LuIbrrunn. dinso rnrnos pOSSO prok'runl bols 000001 wily a oolonful Nation American symbol Cl the Ctrriotian li dungt and lo cttÇùm (bel tan. end 1110 IsolI oIlIng 1110 1111,015 III Ihd IAALI bu.sapponve d o 52,001) onochtoc AAL 001 0510er 1lIrIO' laitE. -. - WANTED Sks,ksc Ars (1111 loi bill 55 orilohIl' & lt b. spaitl.d en tu., nen sol it gr'nl forchinGroares Cl/docilI, spood r anorun el Ili100coru ailed. EARN 11.25% - 13% .M1 w'nueI lIllIl Iho lolls,o ng locoIll:flI luI' Chap lOIS) I hrn :\n,Orid',InRod ing rIve 00 nanO Irmilsas. AAL pit *1.1 veNid Suai..,. I ei) lu b. Lkl JkReOI0E INTEREST PER YEAR sil) pein ,lwd glory. Stab ito (w 111g 11lnua oasI lobnyIY 511112. Cloon 1,0 IoppOrI I 5 pc:1i'Iv 151,11 and i,, vol untoor h nIno has ha'y o a 1Ko grout 0,64.1 aSS. thiel. o. they reilly une, If he I Radlscl SI 1:1111 1.IIIlls Book 'E nich Iroldiclofi of hdlpilk'sflhin,cs Ho, yosrdOtK loU 25% inlIne pto nnnsy ieendt ne h) eIne. Soy fent MadaM.. oclncdodu ,,rcd I rs:,c, Slit'snzspssrl. did he mould ocaso lo ho o. .001cl, HEALTHY Llnds,In000sl. .1.133 S$''E,,uIY. al ç'rilo rgoflcy. 0,-on rho pull IO (ott 2 yeats? Is your Snnk.g 11h prIve in 3 onwulin, day sod t -90 Irlo n, unico by 1110 Doc, 9 SIc II Oncic Wilde (war orS b, trotad lhonb Rus I.E. I,snsol 1111111od()olusnssngs. TrsmhloApp.IOIllvIlI. I 1)511S years, ,AL und Ils marr,horl pris' Accountaping lass thora 5% Fee: ....e..eS-oII, Cloro,1)'C:onncll ell,olSlllId vi/oli ro,sr ly $25 mIllion s, dirsI,. intonatI? learn boot 'L 'r s in bIn NEW YEAR B,ss,k.711511 L'lIlponIcI.SI.s:klc. 'flic botEs twIn liso d'1105,10 r I0 nro liaI lund,. Sco.rsd Koupitala Lieus OsI i.s1snn 17an1 Ire hoifil used lo help por' CANCELLATIONS - NoCtaaallled U_01M...51. .ill ha can' AAL, 1 f' llflIISlsO 500 r:,gllfl1011' :5115'lIS (V, 1111110 I 1,1k CI,,v, 51100 nasi eso Cdc .5155 II Il Erosod, CalI: (312) 663-3930 callad after l2nOon en Monday pras.dog Hi. Thutasday publIca. lion boc,od ' lIAI' plrr. SVio.. SSI I.snsoll: SLssk,v 1.111 P111° I' PUBLIC NOTICE TO ALL lieti data, onllse.d.y 12noon pn.cadlng g.e Waska.sd Jab Guide. 51111 I eis,lI InI' lsd ,l,clrrr I01115 5115 IO Irarornsil 1100001 100,01yalIlo:lrly s/ui 1151,, I Ove 5111111sofl ,ni,o Icaro Publio Morion in hnnnby gioon Ihn Village nl Monos Gnose. look Is:, I .9 IfihilliOn nrun,hvrn uo'Irusjcin lo' i,I.sll Se, III .56015: S'vIce 01110/ loosruro oblio Aro, galhor Ioosn,ursrco ,odacarìor,cl Cook Caunry, lllioois proposes to adopl an 0,/momee and FOR SALE S: sosa,, 1:61:1: N L.snds:ln,I,soo' OUR SInce 1965, Furdn Vr 1h10 gronlwOrc- pro' sInd vOluyldorapparlunllidI. enocuopu Redevelopment Agreemool wich Gary O. OISIOSIIIIOI A,,lI:dn li/nd lhroagh AAL,svalianwìllo Rawhade BOYS McGrath o, hic oomiono yuan, ig000 ucoepruble ro Ihn You.r doake I)acssl Kskkchundllll cl StcL)o- $5113go Io soll and dunule Ihn narlb pannen of Ihn Village sl PIANO ((anrcl, lins been, asido, 41131) W DclllpoIor, SAss' PE5AD THEBUG LE Monos Grove, Cask C000ly, Illinois Waukogan Read Tax CUSTOME RS Gu!bransen Spinet helping young Isvl'olIldI Isonemeol Finusoint (TIE) Oiolrioc Redovelspmeol Anna $300/ Or Best Offer veA5ct.e ca, men from commis- 'B". uornnnlly owned by Ihn Villagn, fo ru,nasun uuromcr- ville, Ike yours. bile doulornhip lprapnrrieoformally koowo as 9101 (847) 64f-9778 IMEß1IiAL,XiPJtøI IS)D1NWI! Wuukntdn Road, 9111 Waskegun Road. and 0120 New ...pchaea Your donlatrd car, Englund Mosan), Copino of Ihn proposed Redovolypmcnl truck, boat. I IDE Plan and Projncl rnlalod Io Ihn Village of Marron Grelo. Thanks From The campefl or real Waukegun Raed Tus lrornmeol Rndennlapmeol Pnujncl LeJ COaT, can help Atoe and che Pcapoced Redesnlupwenc Plan rnialint re Ihn Classified Department HOME INSPECTION SERVICE INSURANCE Vitloge el Maoan Graue Wuukegan Rood Cemmnrciul WEEKEN corra Corridor Scud11 00/ u proposal Idler from Gony D. McGrulh more uro available fon publie inspnulieo al Ihn 0fb00 of Ike young Before you Invest It... Viltugo Administrolon, 6101 Capelina Asenso, Morton men. Grane. Illinois, 60053 during normal business hours fmm Make sure you Inspect It! AFtI!T' awl uhr, Ihn darn of cli, pablioalioo. All incnrooled portino Beverly-Deb ¡e onora may wirhint IO make eemmonco er achmil al lesnulion propsauls MAcelo ST900JEVIC HOENCY receive a lull IOVL1 Thomas .1. Jankewakl la Ihe Rndnnelepmnol Atrenmnnl ter Ihn 000h pelliCo st tao ben,elit. 53 NIl.. M?h470.1950 OIOrl,000 Saurs. 501mo Rednvelapmenc Arno '0' an eioviln d aod requnsled Io dour. Asy commemls an ullemalion peoposals er bids with Inapool I! Ponnvvmor,' Isosrvcoori bac le rho dispasiliao of land uwnnd by Ihn Villute und aoy 5atlatactlon Guaranteed) Ogneemeoc rolcling Io Ihn developmect et sueh VillaRe peop- oIly wichir 000h redevnlepmool projeol Onu must ho sub- $25.00 DII with this adt milled in wriling le the Village 0f ManIen Grone. Gffcue of sr_k. n,,,. Luso,.,.. SaAle.,, Otn.tS.,,, F.o.l. she Village Admisincracor, 6101 Capullos Asense , Meneo c:LL Groce, IIlin,,ir, 60053 on er Solano ADO p.m.. Priday. Josllooy I I , 2002. The Villuge Board will conosce u PubliC Our classified ads reach moro people per week w- PAIN RELIEF REAL ESTATE (47 Today or 0:111 daI El noringro gordiag chi, ame lepic al icS regularly scheduled for the least amount et dollars. Booced mooliog, la ho hold on Maoday, J oscar y 14.2002,01 We cover th. rata, north suburbs and me north side ---F90o www.rawhide.org Jun01 R. flInAbt, CRO I(nil -- 7:30 p.rrc.io Ihn Council Chambers of she Richund T. of Chicago with 2 inaegliong per week. 588-1900 -"tired Of Pair:,::. volte mAcsO 501405 Plickingor Mvnicipol Cooler. 6101 Cupolioe Avenan, See how your money can work for you by putting to by our new OnKfa Moncoo Graso, (hhioeio 60053. All ioloresled parlins will be your recruitment ads in both editions of TheBegin. -THE-- i -8OORAWHIDE 0.-t' YOU hourd uchohl lime. This oelice i, published punscuol le Ike Cali us tadel' for details. W. will be liappyte ,;)I Tu, (0010,5051 Allaculion Rednvelopmenc Act of che BIsce aealsf you In placing your ada and in reserving Not ce 18W 50171101 BUGLE , __no of Illinois, as supplemented aod amended. space for our next issue. W. offer two deadlines OugIt Nawnpapar. sony.. vn. rlghi an soy Im, te chain0 all aUnar- Horco SInne, toil, 5003 slMusilso Soeislr'r Oaamnnna end ru reImt any aduardslng du.nrad ubltunlo.nabhn. Wn Natural fsln ReI'IAVIlQ. each weak for your convenience .:!CO Village Clerk nunnei b. r.apunsibla fer u.,bal stanarrnenrt, In uenttut wltlr our pull- (O fry our prochucI cold not Floe &O'253«BI ANO ALSO. TAKE ADVANTAGE 0F OUR SPECIALSI 4WSPAPERS,. Village el Moden Obeso ci... All H.Iy Wunind ad. nuE ap.shly tha natur. et tria ovals eHarad. *.,tth0000rlrbQlS011ofied F,, :86355650W CouR Coanly, Illiooin SIMPLY CALL (847) 568-1900. +H)$ITDELIVER IuuIa Nnwopay.r, tua, nun kneehngln socapi lIsp WantS .dO.n'llnIflg .-bo No MdRre Mkocto Gla Andorot tIr-00104 and ask for our classified department. Wut In any n.y ululaI.. we Humer Ruhte Ann. For lothar Inlenneoofl KOOrc.L, rrunr.nsrtO.00t6300o amici roo Deporhnan or Hunnen nlulrru, 32W. Munndulph SI., ChIcago. 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