444 - -'. -. .,-.-----.-. S- JANO3 2002 S*i'd Us. P_e 11 PAID itez mugIe New. 50 CENTS PER COPY 7400 WAUKEGAN RD, NILES, L O7I4 ThURSDAY JANUARY 3, 2002 VOL 45 NO 2* Christine Olender, Ressurrection High ctss of 1980, peri*hed Three Milwaukee Avenue in terror attack; managed restaurant inWorld Trade Center businesses burglarized Accordingto Commander on December 16. for Danicl Halley of thc Nik.sPo- On the 8100 block. the of- Memorial Saturday 11cc Dcpartmcnt. threc burglaries fendcr took SI,OO() in cash and committcd ovcrnighi Saturday. coins from a cash register, po- Dec. )5 appear lo be the work of lice said. victim of Sept.11 the same per.on. area In a second incident. $40 was AI)thrccbreak-ins,within removed and in a third. the of- ResurrectionHighSchool, sent to: The Christine Otender ingtheMemorial Mass or one block (5f each oihcr in thc fender got away with $8 and left Scholarship Fund. do Rcsur- scholarship fund, pleasecall g000 and 1OO blocks of Mil- 7500 W. Talcott. will host a a damaged coffccmakcr. Memorial Mass in memory of rection High School. 7500 W. the school at (773) 775-6616, waukcc Avenuc inNu)c.s,oc- Ext. 27. Halley said Nues dcctcctivcs ChristineOlcndcr.classof latean. Chicago. IL 60631. curTed within a iimcfrarnc of ap- For more information regard- proximately 9 p.m. and 9 a.m. arc investigating the incidcnt.s. 1980. on Saturday. January 5 at 4:30 p.m. AU arc welcome to attend. Members of the Use of overlay code224 newlyformed Resurrection "Morton Grove counters ' High School Alumnae Choir andreligion teacher Mike Abt move starts January 5 Longo will provide music. Abc llcctronics'move torncnts. " fees for vehicle stickers. Beginning Jan. 5thatlong- claimed to be holding the great- Olcndcr wastheassistant Glcnvicw will callfor creativi-business and liquor licenses will dreaded telephone change will est amount of $47 numbers. general manager at the Win- (y on the part of Morion Grove'sbe raised and the water rate dis- come to pass: all callcrin arca But the ICC refused the re- dows on the World restaurant village administration. count for senior citizens will be code 847 must depressII but- quest and in October CUB filed on the 106th .'nd 107th floors Abt has been Morton Grove'scut. although the discount will tons. beginning with the l to a Iititon with the FCC to lire- of the World Tr.Jc Center, largest single source of tax revc-remain available io seniors who signal a call to an outsidc arca scm intiation of the overlay, where he had worked since nue.Its move will take about $3can show financial need. Sen- code. to execute a phone call CUB spokesman Jim Chitsen 19%. million of sales tax revenue pertors must also pay for member- across the street. says when CUB checks back Olcnder was a very active year from village income. ships in the new senior center The Federal Communications with the FCC, the agency says student ai Resurrection High Village Administrator Larryopening soon in the American CommissionrequiresI I -digit the request is under considera- School and was a pompon girt Ant has referred to the giantLegion Memorial Civic Center. calling for callers in an arca tion. and cheerleader for the former business as "our shopping mall." Efforts are underway to at- She had code with an overlay. and use of Newly-issued phone numbers Weber High School. During thistransitional peri-tract new businesses.lt is hoped the 224 overlay code begins in will be assign&f from 224. The just attended her 20-year class od while the village seeks outthat remodeling at Prairie View reunion last November. January. emergency and information new income sources coping withPlaza shopping center will at- The FCC takes this position numbers 911 and 411 will not In memoryofChristine a new reality will mean reduc-tract newretailers. A new. Olcnder, membersofthe so as to not place the onus on be affected,according co a tionsincapitalprojectslikelarger Menard's store will open those callers with overlay num- spokesperson for illinois Corn- graduating class of 1980 have street reconstruction and vehiclein 2002. and the village is work- established a scholarship fund bers, merce Commission. purchases. ing with Abt Io place a new re- The Citizen's Utility Board in her name. mother "revenue enhance- c.&h_.d Paie 23 opposed the changc and asked Michael Balmoris. spokesman Donations to the fund can be thatunassigned 847prefixes for the FCC, said the FCC will held in reserve be released for likely issue a public notice ask- Maine High counselors tour ColumbiaCollege use. They also requested the Ing for public comment on the ICC do anauditof AT&T. CUB petition. Morton Grove tax levy I goes up,but with a cut . t Morton GrOVe'S village board and feeincreasesfor vehicle has approved a 2001 property £tickers and liquor and business tax levy that was trimmed by I iccnses. $55.000. The reduction came Trustee Terry Liston proposed during a Deç. 19 meeting and a levy reduction based on new publichearingthathad been timing for the Abt move. When connued from Dcc. IO, the 2001 levy figures were first proposed. Abt expected to be in ,' 4 The revised levy comes to fleW quarters by the end of the about $9.55 imilion, an increase year,hutit now appears the approaching $349,000 compared louve will not take place until 2000 levy, or about 3.8 tU IhC the end of January.This adds percent. atxut SI IO,O()O in revenue to 1his increase s part of the vil. Morton Grove's estimatedin- Maine High School cowvselon Suzanne Caliendo(left) and Aarn. Shankman, bolh of Maine East, lage's effort to compensate for conic. asid Sue Mauro, Maine South, recentlytoured Columbia College a past of Teacher-Counselor Appre- sales tax income lost after Abt In light of that, Listonpro- ciation Day. Electronics mo"es tO Glenview. posed reducing the levy arnounL Close to ¡40 high school and communitycollege teachers asid counselors visited academic depart- Other coping siratees aimed at saying, 'I think that's the right menis asid met with faculty and adminiifraton. balancing the budget after the Columbia College is the counfry 's ¡argest arts andconvmunkations college. Abt move include spending cuts Continued on Paie 23 I [.11111. S 4) - . e SII S. .1 'I 4II 'a Ei;, . s e. S s À À ..$u. PAGE 2 115E BUGLE, ThURSDAY, JANUARY 3,2002 TilE BUGLE, ThURSDAY, JANUARY 3,2502 PAGE 3 DesPlaines Public Library The Bugle Newsp,pers To Advertise Irl This Directory she Wirree Readieg Club. To ha- finsI book, The Cage Knsytrlatill Call Beoerly 847-588-1900 Ari Guild 0roap Eshibil 00 mar,Rutlt ÂneMonughun. checked eus by cardholders (or came eligible (or prires, ebrldren Orher Slibri'(0, mIss pubhinlicil in thspluy ut Librury. Works by Margaret Newman, Kathy Panni, ciglst weeks. Pitone (8471 827' in 1995 by Ills ntuss read eight beoks er Itaca IS 989, loiliiu'ad s W B s W s '- tnnmbors of the DesPlumes An Lili Perone, Krissine flaw, Riten' 5551(0e in(orntutier. - ,U - - u u -- - - SrsIneve I, /5IlrOrbhsIrl, - Popko, Rose,Doe Winier Reudlag Cmb Slurms bltaks read to them. yj u - u 'u - - - - a Ellen w y do - ___ - - (latId arson dtnpisy in the period- His u'ork bar wer a Puthivltrl Janoary7;WolvesHssekey Wuckly peioe drawings he/in ical reading arco on the third floor Sclruster. Tina Mueroni Solare. Psire and Ihn 1985 Nahiunal hI:tg. Tltelttta Cornell Spain. Reggie Rayer VisiLs Mureh 8. Reginlrtt- January 14. Prices include miri of the DosPluinra Public Library. itockey pack keyehoine. Wolves acier Aa'srd ihn Rerron, Illiai Art may be viewed daring regoleo Spiousk, Darlene Stahl, and Wil- lion (or "Reed to Succeed," tiro 1-sltistn, and ticket vouehanu lesee alee mon cited is, The Orlo 111111' library hauen. Featured media are lard Stranvhurgor. DeiPlnines Public Liheiery'v Win- u Chictsgo WoIa'os hockey gaIne. ihr0 Moot Dfrrirrglsialtssl .0i,,rirl watercolor, photogrophy. Sotste or oIl of thu work (co- ter Reading Club forclrildron. be. I'b,bi501.;15G DECORATING PAINTING oil. Children donot haveIohe of ISS.i and The Boor ililirl:, itii scratchboard and nonigraph. TIte lored on tIse third floor s (or talo. fies or Monday, January 7. at tIte SuonI SlItrI'Ito 11f 1054, IIhIll,f library und Tttnuday, January 8. Art Guild proseola rotating dis' Ititorested persons should contact p Surt,do,tsIF'og wasa 50,111,1 hin 12'ce ry' onewhoco rstpleteslisa pIalo in rho library orse ongoing theìndivtdual ertints directly (or on the Mobile Library. Activities ecadin g mqaircrstertn und Ittin lstu the 1999 Naiiunul Bitok dii II Cb.dles Pstaiing":, continua through March 2. On MERIT DESIGN To AdvertIse ¡n Tuesday. Moech 5,ot7 p.m.. ChI- tn her hook log vtatnprd before (or Fiction, SS WANTED SS A H.nditm.n Artists included io the Devout. The library also Itas a circulat- inErstcimi,r CONCRETE INC. DECORATING Thu BogIe Newnpaper. Snyder p.rr. on Saturday. March 2will Duhasleaches Need Old Things ber exhibit uro Lee Rumb, Estiter ing collection of'framrd arrwonk cago Volvrs Center Dan QUALITY PAhNT1NO visits ro talk shout reading and receive ocertiScate and a chance Callega's Maurer's a'rising Bochan, Boterly Becker, Helee lItai is located on rito fourth Sour. gmnl, and at Talla Univr,nIil ile Osiate Sales Conducied FREE WRITTRN ESTIMATES EXPERT PAPER HANGING C Many Ant Guild snotrthoen um ttt' sign aotognsltlts. Itt enhet the grund pniew drawing. DcLotrg, Pst Prensor, Tom Gelo- hives ir Naa'haey'pna. M:ennceha. 555. Pillo. WSa59M. WOOD FINISHING Din ECTOnv eluded in this ettI lechan.
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