List of Princes and Notables of Kashmir & Gilgit, 1939
Revised List of Ruling Princes, Chiefs and Leading Personages of the Jammu and Kashmir State and the Gilgit Agency. PWUSHEDBY THE MANAGEROF PUBLICATIONS,DELXI. PBIN~EDBY THE MANAGER, GOVERNMENTOF INDIAPRESS, NEW DELHI. 1939. List 01 Agents in India from whem Government of India Publications are available. (a) PBOVINCIAL CtOVEUNKERT BOOK DEPOTS. Aseru :-Superintendent, Assom Secretariat Pm,Shlllong. Brs~n:-Superintendent, Government hlntlng, P. 0. Oulzerbagh, Patns. BOMBAY:-Supedntendent, Qowmment Prlntlng and Stationery, Queen'e Road, Bombay. CBBTUL PROV~NOEB:-Superintendent, Oovernment Pdntlng, Contra1 Provlnoes, Naapw. HADUS :-Supedntendent, Government Prees, Mount Road, Madms. NORTH-WasT FBONTIEB PBOVIHOI :-Manager, Government Pdntlna nnd Sbtlonerv. Peehawar. ORIE~A:-Press OWcer, Secretadat, Cuttnck. PUNJAB :-Superintendent, aovernment Prlntlng. Punjab, Lahore. SIND:-Manager, Slnd Oovernment Book Depot nnd Record Oflce, Rarnclll (Sador). UNITEDPILOVINCES :-Superintendent, Printing and Stat,lonery, U. P., Allnhnbnd. (b) PRIVATEIBUOK-SELLERS. Advanl & Co. The Mall, Camporc. LahLrl & Co.. Ltd., Calcutta. Ncssm. S. K. Aero Stores, garachi. London Book Co. ([udla) Arbab ICond. ~eshawj Amy Musketry Stores, Mogn, (Punjab).t Murrce, Nowshera,$yludl. Bantluya B. Co., Ltd., Stntlon Rond Ajmer. Lyall Book Depot, Lyallpore. i. Bellgal Flsiu Club, Du~nI)um ~nntt: Mnlhotrn & Co., Post Box No. 94, Lahore, Messre. 0. Bhnwnani I% ions, New Delhl Ystllur & Co.. lrrsh. U. S.. Cl~atur-YlIas. PA Bombay Book Depot, Clisrnl iload, Qirgaon, Bombay. Civil Llnes, Jodhpur (hjputana). Book Company, Calcutta. hlinervn Booli Sllo11. Ar~nrkuliStrcet, Lalrore t Booklover's Resort, Ta~kncl,Trlvnndrum, South Indln. 3lodcr1l Hook Depot, Unzar llond, Sialkot Cnntt. , Brltiuh Rook Depot, Lucknow. Nol~nnlnll)ossabl~nl Sllnh, Rnjkot,. Britlah Book Depot, Rlsnlpore.
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