Titil Iltitt CHORISTERS GUILD LETTERS VOLUME XVII 1965-66 September Number 1
A while ago, Dr. Kenneth A. Carlson wrote in the First Methodist (Glendale, Calif.) Outlook: "A lad was having a wonderful time practicing on his father's typewriter. When he got through, the page looked pretty well beaten up with words crossed out, spellings corrected, additions made. Across the top was written the title, 'My Story About Me'. Then followed the request, 'Dad, can I have a clean sheet to write on? "This is the ppicture of your life and mine. Each of us is continually writing, 'My Story About Me'. And it is about as checkered as the boys typewritten page. There are many things we would like to cross out, much has been corrected, and we are ever conscious of the additions to be made. For, as Dr. Fosdick has sug PI gested, 'We can avoid making up our minds, but we cannot avoid making up our lives Each one is about to write "My '65'66 story About Me As a Choir Director." As September comes, our "Great Father" has given each of us a clean sheet to write on. What will we do with it? Will our summer study, the good resolves, the refreshment of the vacation be reflected in a neatly written page? Will our rehearsals reflect a thorough preparation, an expanding love of others, a truer concern for the spiritual enrichment and musical development of each child? The new choral year is upon us The clean sheet is in the typewriter "Grant us wisdom, grant us courage That we fail not man nor Thee." titiL iLtitt CHORISTERS GUILD LETTERS VOLUME XVII 1965-66 September Number 1 Federal Lee Whittlesey, Editor Helen Kemp, Norma Lowder, Nancy Poore Tufts, Associate Editors Sally Lane, Christine Kallstrom, Contributing Editors THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS Dr.