No 6 Biogas Value Chain in Gävleborg Feedstock, Production and Use Muhammad Arfan © Muhammad Arfan 2019 Research Report No. 6 urn:nbn:se:hig:diva-30714 Distribution: Gävle University Press SE-801 76 Gävle, Sweden
[email protected] Biogas Value Chain in Gävleborg Feedstock, Production and Use Muhammad Arfan Faculty of Engineering and Sustainable Development Department of Building Engineering, Energy Systems and Sustainability Science Abstract This report aims to identify the current status and future opportunities for biogas as an alternative fuel for road transport in the Gävleborg region. The regional actors along the value chain are mapped by their role in feedstock supply, production and use of the biogas. Mapping and analysis of biogas development generally in Sweden and particularly in the Gävleborg region has been conducted primarily through literature, national and regional statistics and through interviews with the regional actors. About 15 companies were reached through emails and phone calls during the interview process. 3 In 2017, about 3.5-4.0 million Nm of raw biogas (50-65% CH4) was produced in the region of which 3.6 GWh was upgraded. The region has two plants with upgrading facilities, one in Forsbacka, which produces gas mainly from food waste and Duvbacken, the wastewater treatment plant in Gävle. The gas produced at these two big facilities is upgraded and mostly used as transport fuel in the region, and for the industry. Gas produced from other sources is either used for heat and electricity production or flared to avoid methane emissions to the environment. The region has 14 buses and more than 500 other vehicles running on biogas.