22 from to Cinderford, & Coleford 23 from Gloucester to , Whitecroft & Coleford

Mondays to Fridays 23 22 22 22 22 23 22 23 22 23 22 23 22 23 22 23 22 22 23 23 22 23 22 22 23 22 23 22 23 22 23 22 23 22 22 Gloucester Transport Hub [J] 0630 0645 0645 0750 0800 0825 0900 0930 1000 1030 1100 1130 1200 1230 1300 1330 1400 1400 1430 1430 1500 1530 1550 1550 1610 1630 1650 1710 1735 1805 1835 1905 1935 2035 2305 Minsterworth Garage 0642 0657 0657 0802 0812 0840 0912 0942 1012 1042 1112 1142 1212 1242 1312 1342 1412 1412 1442 1442 1514 1544 1604 1604 1624 1644 1704 1724 1749 1819 1845 1915 1945 2045 2315 Westbury-on-Severn Surgery 0652 0707 0707 0812 0822 0852 0922 0952 1022 1052 1122 1152 1222 1252 1322 1352 1422 1422 1452 1452 1525 1555 1615 1615 1635 1655 1715 1735 1800 1830 1854 1924 1954 2054 2324 Newnham-on-Severn Church 0658 - - - - 0858 - 0958 - 1058 - 1158 - 1258 - 1358 - - 1458 1458 - 1601 - - 1641 - 1721 - 1806 - 1900 - 2000 - - Blakeney Square 0705 - - - - 0905 - 1005 - 1105 - 1205 - 1305 - 1405 - - 1505 1505 - 1608 - - 1648 - 1728 - 1813 - 1908 - 2008 - - Lydney Bus Station arr. 0713 - - - - 0913 - 1013 - 1113 - 1213 - 1313 - 1413 - - 1513 1513 - 1618 - - 1658 - 1738 - 1823 - 1915 - 2015 - - Lydney Bus Station dep. 0718 - - - - 0918 - 1018 - 1118 - 1218 - 1318 - 1418 - - 1518 1518 - 1623 - - 1703 - 1743 - 1828 - 1918 - 2018 - - Lydney Dean Academy ------1522 ------Whitecroft Post Office 0727 - - - - 0927 - 1027 - 1127 - 1227 - 1327 - 1427 - - 1537 1527 - 1632 - - 1712 - 1752 - 1837 - 1927 - 2027 - - Milkwall Corner Store 0742 - - - - 0942 - 1042 - 1142 - 1242 - 1342 - 1442 - - 1552 1542 - 1647 - - 1727 - 1807 - 1852 - 1940 - 2040 - - Littledean The Belfry - 0715 0715 0820 0830 - 0930 - 1030 - 1130 - 1230 - 1330 - 1430 1430 - - 1535 - 1623 1623 - 1703 - 1743 - 1838 - 1932 - 2102 2332 Cinderford Bus Station arr. - 0722 0722 0827 0837 - 0937 - 1037 - 1137 - 1237 - 1337 - 1437 1437 - - 1542 - 1632 1632 - 1712 - 1752 - 1847 - 1938 - 2108 2338 Cinderford Bus Station dep. - 0727 0727 0832 0842 - 0942 - 1042 - 1142 - 1242 - 1342 - 1442 1442 - - 1547 - 1637 1637 - 1717 - 1757 - 1852 - 1940 - 2110 2340 Cinderford College - - - 0840 ------1642 ------Ruardean Square - 0739 0739 0854 0854 - 0954 - 1054 - 1154 - 1254 - 1354 - 1454 1454 - - 1559 - 1654 1649 - 1729 - 1809 - 1904 - 1952 - 2122 2352 Worrall Hill Council Villas - 0750 0750 0905 0905 - 1005 - 1105 - 1205 - 1305 - 1405 - 1505 1505 - - 1610 - 1705 1700 - 1740 - 1820 - 1915 - 2003 - 2133 0003 Five Acres High School - 0800 ------1515 ------Broadwell Memorial Hall - 0803 0758 0913 0913 - 1013 - 1113 - 1213 - 1313 - 1413 - 1518 1513 - - 1618 - 1713 1708 - 1748 - 1828 - 1923 - 2010 - 2140 0010 Coleford Square [B] arr. 0750 0810 0805 0920 0920 0950 1020 1050 1120 1150 1220 1250 1320 1350 1420 1450 1525 1520 1600 1550 1625 1655 1720 1715 1735 1755 1815 1835 1900 1930 1945 2015 2045 2145 0015 ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ 22 23 23 23 23 22 23 22 23 22 23 22 23 22 23 22 23 23 22 22 23 22 35 22 23 22 23 22 23 Coleford Square [B] dep. 0755 0815 0825 0925 0925 0955 1025 1055 1125 1155 1225 1255 1325 1355 1430 1500 1530 1530 1600 1600 1630 1700 M 1740 1800 1905 2020 2150 0015 Broadwell Memorial Hall 0758 - - - - 0958 - 1058 - 1158 - 1258 - 1358 - 1503 - - 1603 1603 - 1703 1743 - 1908 - 2153 - Milkwall Corner Store F 0821 0831 0931 0931 - 1031 - 1131 - 1231 - 1331 - 1436 - 1536 1536 - - 1636 - P 1805 - 2024 - 0019 Lydney Bus Station - 0850 0855 0955 0955 - 1055 - 1155 - 1255 - 1355 - 1500 - 1600 1600 - - 1700 - 1827 - 2043 - 0038 Cinderford Bus Station 0842* 1032 1132 1232 1332 1432 1539 1640 1637 1737 1942 2227

M this bus continues as 35 to Monmouth - through fares are available P this bus continues to Pikehouse Berry Hill, arriving 1748 * this bus arrives 10 minutes earlier during school holidays ▼ Guaranteed connection - through fares are available Only runs on schooldays Only runs on school holidays F this bus runs via Five Acres High School on schooldays, arriving 0805

22 from Coleford, Ruardean & Cinderford to Gloucester 23 from Coleford, Whitecroft & Lydney to Gloucester

Mondays to Fridays 22 23 23 22 22 22 22 23 22 23 22 23 22 23 22 23 22 23 23 22 23 23 22 23 22 23 22 22 22 Lydney Bus Station 0718 0718 0918 1018 1118 1218 1318 1418 1418 1518 1518 1623 1828 Milkwall Corner Store 0742 0742 0942 1042 1142 1242 1342 1442 1442 1552 1542 1647 1852 Cinderford Bus Station P - - 0727 0727 0832 0842 - 0942 - 1042 - 1142 - 1242 - 1342 - - 1442 - - 1547 - 1717 - 1940 2110 2340 Broadwell Memorial Hall 0628 - - 0803 0758 0903 0903 - 1013 - 1113 - 1213 - 1313 - 1413 - - 1513 - - 1618 - 1748 - 2010 2140 0010 Coleford Square [B] arr. 0633 0750 0750 0810 0805 0910 0910 0950 1020 1050 1120 1150 1220 1250 1320 1350 1420 1450 1450 1520 1600 1550 1625 1655 1755 1900 2015 2145 0015 ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ 22 23 22 23 22 22 22 23 23 22 23 23 22 23 22 23 22 23 22 23 22 23 22 22 23 22 22 23 22 23 22 23 22 23 Coleford Square [B] dep. 0525 0555 0605 0635 0655 0755 0755 0815 0825 0925 0925 0955 1025 1055 1125 1155 1225 1255 1325 1355 1430 1500 1500 1530 1600 1600 1630 1700 1800 1905 2020 2150 0015 Broadwell Memorial Hall 0527 - 0608 - 0658 0758 0758 - - 0858 - - 0958 - 1058 - 1158 - 1258 - 1358 - 1503 1503 - 1603 1603 - 1703 - 1908 - 2153 - Milkwall Corner Store - 0601 - 0641 - - - 0821 0831 - 0931 0931 - 1031 - 1131 - 1231 - 1331 - 1436 - - 1536 - - 1636 - 1805 - 2024 - 0019 Whitecroft Post Office - 0616 - 0656 - - - 0836 0846 - 0946 0946 - 1046 - 1146 - 1246 - 1346 - 1451 - - 1551 - - 1651 - 1819 - 2035 - 0030 Lydney Dean Academy ------0845 ------Lydney Bus Station arr. - 0625 - 0705 - - - 0850 0855 - 0955 0955 - 1055 - 1155 - 1255 - 1355 - 1500 - - 1600 - - 1700 - 1827 - 2043 - 0038 Lydney Bus Station dep. - 0630 - 0710 - - - 0900 0900 - 1000 1000 - 1100 - 1200 - 1300 - 1400 - 1505 - - 1605 - - 1705 - 1830 - 2045 - 0040 Blakeney Square - 0638 - 0718 - - - 0908 0908 - 1008 1008 - 1108 - 1208 - 1308 - 1408 - 1513 - - 1613 - - 1713 - 1838 - 2053 - 0048 Newnham-on-Severn Church - 0646 - 0726 - - - 0916 0916 - 1016 1016 - 1116 - 1216 - 1316 - 1416 - 1521 - - 1621 - - 1721 - 1846 - 2101 - 0055 Five Acres High School ------0805 ------1510 ------Worrall Hill Council Villas 0533 - 0616 - 0706 0806 0811 - - 0906 - - 1006 - 1106 - 1206 - 1306 - 1406 - 1513 1511 - 1611 1611 - 1711 - 1916 - 2201 - Ruardean Square 0542 - 0627 - 0717 0817 0822 - - 0917 - - 1017 - 1117 - 1217 - 1317 - 1417 - 1524 1522 - 1622 1622 - 1722 - 1927 - 2212 - Cinderford ------0835 ------1633 ------Cinderford Bus Station arr. 0555 - 0642 - 0732 0832 0842 - - 0932 - - 1032 - 1132 - 1232 - 1332 - 1432 - 1539 1537 - 1640 1637 - 1737 - 1942 - 2227 - Cinderford Bus Station dep. 0557 - 0647 - 0737 0847 0847 - - 0937 - - 1037 - 1137 - 1237 - 1337 - 1437 - 1542 1542 - 1642 1642 - 1742 - 1945 - 2230 - Littledean The Belfry 0605 - 0655 - 0745 0855 0855 - - 0945 - - 1045 - 1145 - 1245 - 1345 - 1445 - 1550 1550 - 1650 1650 - 1750 - 1950 - 2235 - Westbury-on-Severn Surgery 0614 0654 0704 0734 0754 0904 0904 0924 0924 0954 1024 1024 1054 1124 1154 1224 1254 1324 1354 1424 1454 1529 1559 1559 1629 1659 1659 1729 1759 1853 1958 2108 2242 0102 Minsterworth Garage 0625 0705 0715 0745 0805 0915 0915 0935 0935 1005 1035 1035 1105 1135 1205 1235 1305 1335 1405 1435 1505 1540 1610 1610 1640 1710 1710 1740 1810 1902 2007 2117 2250 0110 Gloucester Transport Hub 0640 0725 0735 0810 0830 0930 0930 0950 0950 1020 1050 1050 1120 1150 1220 1250 1320 1350 1420 1450 1520 1555 1625 1625 1655 1725 1725 1755 1825 1915 2020 2130 2300 0120 P this bus starts from Pikehouse Berry Hill at 0623 ▼ Guaranteed connection - through fares are available Only runs on schooldays Only runs on school holidays

22 from Gloucester to Cinderford, Ruardean & Coleford 23 from Gloucester to Lydney, Whitecroft & Coleford

Saturdays 23 22 23 22 23 22 23 22 23 22 23 22 23 22 23 22 23 22 22 Gloucester Transport Hub [J] 0730 0800 30 00 1430 1500 1530 1550 1610 1630 1650 1710 1735 1805 1835 1905 1935 2035 2305 Minsterworth Garage 0742 0812 42 12 1442 1512 1542 1602 1622 1642 1702 1722 1747 1817 1845 1915 1945 2045 2315 Westbury-on-Severn Surgery 0752 0822 52 22 1452 1522 1552 1612 1632 1652 1712 1732 1757 1827 1854 1924 1954 2054 2324 Newnham-on-Severn Church 0758 - 58 - 1458 - 1558 - 1638 - 1718 - 1803 - 1900 - 2000 - - Blakeney Square 0805 - 05 - 1505 - 1605 - 1645 - 1725 - 1810 - 1908 - 2008 - - Lydney Bus Station arr. 0813 - 13 - 1513 - 1613 - 1653 - 1733 - 1818 - 1915 - 2015 - - Lydney Bus Station dep. 0818 - 18 - 1518 - 1618 - 1658 - 1738 - 1823 - 1918 - 2018 - - Whitecroft Post Office 0827 - 27 - 1527 - 1627 - 1707 - 1747 - 1832 - 1927 - 2027 - - Milkwall Corner Store 0842 - 42 - 1542 - 1642 - 1722 - 1802 - 1847 - 1940 - 2040 - - Littledean The Belfry - 0830 - 30 - 1530 - 1620 - 1700 - 1740 - 1835 - 1932 - 2102 2332 Cinderford Bus Station arr. - 0837 - 37 - 1537 - 1627 - 1707 - 1747 - 1842 - 1938 - 2108 2338 Cinderford Bus Station dep. - 0842 - 42 - 1542 - 1632 - 1712 - 1752 - 1847 - 1940 - 2110 2340 Ruardean Square - 0854 - 54 until - 1554 - 1644 - 1724 - 1804 - 1859 - 1952 - 2122 2352 Worrall Hill Council Villas - 0905 - 05 - 1605 - 1655 - 1735 - 1815 - 1910 - 2003 - 2133 0003 Broadwell Memorial Hall - 0913 - 13 - 1613 - 1703 - 1743 - 1823 - 1918 - 2010 - 2140 0010 Coleford Square [B] arr. 0850 0920 50 20 1550 1620 1650 1710 1730 1750 1810 1830 1855 1925 1945 2015 2045 2145 0015 ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼

22 23 Then at these times past the hour 22 23 22 23 22 22 23 22 23 22 23 Coleford Square [B] dep. 0855 0925 55 25 1555 1625 1655 1735 1755 1905 2020 2150 0015 Broadwell Memorial Hall 0858 - 58 - 1558 - 1658 1738 - 1908 - 2153 - Milkwall Corner Store - 0931 - 31 - 1631 - P 1801 - 2024 - 0019 Lydney Bus Station - 0955 - 55 - 1655 - 1825 - 2043 - 0038 Cinderford Bus Station 0932 32 1632 1732 1942 2227

P Journey continues to Pikehouse Berry Hill (1743) ▼ Guaranteed connection between journeys - through fares are available

22 from Coleford, Ruardean & Cinderford to Gloucester 23 from Coleford, Whitecroft & Lydney to Gloucester

Saturdays 22 23 22 23 22 23 22 23 22 23 22 22 22 Lydney Bus Station 0818 18 1518 1618 1823 Milkwall Corner Store 0842 42 1542 1642 1847 Cinderford Bus Station P 0842 - 42 - 1542 - 1717 - 1940 2110 2340 Broadwell Memorial Hall 0718 0913 - 13 - 1613 - 1748 - 2010 2140 0010 Coleford Square [B] arr. 0723 0850 0920 50 20 1550 1620 1650 1755 1855 2015 2145 0015 ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ 22 23 22 23 22 23 22 23 22 23 22 23 22 23 22 23 22 23 Coleford Square [B] dep. 0555 0625 0655 0725 0755 0825 0855 0925 55 25 1555 1625 1655 1755 1905 2020 2150 0015 Broadwell Memorial Hall 0558 - 0658 - 0758 - 0858 - 58 - 1558 - 1658 - 1908 - 2153 - Milkwall Corner Store - 0631 - 0731 - 0831 - 0931 - 31 - 1631 - 1800 - 2024 - 0019 Whitecroft Post Office - 0646 - 0746 - 0846 - 0946 - 46 - 1646 - 1814 - 2035 - 0030 Lydney Bus Station arr. - 0655 - 0755 - 0855 - 0955 - 55 - 1655 - 1822 - 2043 - 0038 Lydney Bus Station dep. - 0700 - 0800 - 0900 - 1000 - 00 until - 1700 - 1825 - 2045 - 0040 Blakeney Square - 0708 - 0808 - 0908 - 1008 - 08 - 1708 - 1833 - 2053 - 0048 Newnham-on-Severn Church - 0716 - 0816 - 0916 - 1016 - 16 - 1716 - 1841 - 2101 - 0055 Worrall Hill Council Villas 0606 - 0706 - 0806 - 0906 - 06 - 1606 - 1706 - 1916 - 2201 - Ruardean Square 0617 - 0717 - 0817 - 0917 - 17 - 1617 - 1717 - 1927 - 2212 -

Cinderford Bus Station arr. 0632 - 0732 - 0832 - 0932 - Then at these times past the hour 32 - 1632 - 1732 - 1942 - 2227 - Cinderford Bus Station dep. 0637 - 0737 - 0837 - 0937 - 37 - 1637 - 1737 - 1945 - 2230 - Littledean The Belfry 0645 - 0745 - 0845 - 0945 - 45 - 1645 - 1745 - 1950 - 2235 - Westbury-on-Severn Surgery 0654 0724 0754 0824 0854 0924 0954 1024 54 24 1654 1724 1754 1848 1958 2108 2242 0102 Minsterworth Garage 0705 0735 0805 0835 0905 0935 1005 1035 05 35 1705 1735 1805 1857 2007 2117 2250 0110 Gloucester Transport Hub 0720 0750 0820 0850 0920 0950 1020 1050 20 50 1720 1750 1820 1910 2020 2130 2300 0120

P Journey begins from Pikehouse Berry Hill (0713) ▼ Guaranteed connection between journeys - through fares are available 22 from Gloucester to Cinderford, Ruardean & Coleford 23 from Gloucester to Lydney, Whitecroft & Coleford

Sundays and Public Holidays 23 22 23 22 23 22 23 22 23 22 Gloucester Transport Hub [J] 0930 1030 1130 1230 1330 1430 1530 1630 1730 1830 Minsterworth Garage 0942 1042 1142 1242 1342 1442 1542 1642 1742 1842 Westbury-on-Severn Surgery 0952 1052 1152 1252 1352 1452 1552 1652 1752 1852 Newnham-on-Severn Church 0958 - 1158 - 1358 - 1558 - 1758 - Blakeney Square 1005 - 1205 - 1405 - 1605 - 1805 - Lydney Bus Station arr. 1013 - 1213 - 1413 - 1613 - 1813 - Lydney Bus Station dep. 1018 - 1218 - 1418 - 1618 - 1818 - Whitecroft Post Office 1027 - 1227 - 1427 - 1627 - 1827 - Milkwall Corner Store 1042 - 1242 - 1442 - 1642 - 1842 - Littledean The Belfry - 1100 - 1300 - 1500 - 1700 - 1900 Cinderford Bus Station arr. - 1107 - 1307 - 1507 - 1707 - 1907 Cinderford Bus Station dep. - 1112 - 1312 - 1512 - 1712 - Ruardean Square - 1124 - 1324 - 1524 - 1724 - Worrall Hill Council Villas - 1135 - 1335 - 1535 - 1735 - Broadwell Memorial Hall - 1143 - 1343 - 1543 - 1743 - Coleford Square [B] arr. 1050 1150 1250 1350 1450 1550 1650 1750 1850 ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ 22 23 22 23 22 23 22 Coleford Square [B] dep. 1055 1155 1255 1355 1455 1555 1655 Broadwell Memorial Hall 1058 - 1258 - 1458 - 1658 Milkwall Corner Store - 1201 - 1401 - 1601 - Lydney Bus Station - 1225 - 1425 - 1625 - Cinderford Bus Station 1132 - 1332 - 1532 - 1732

▼ Guaranteed connection between journeys - through fares are available

22 from Coleford, Ruardean & Cinderford to Gloucester 23 from Coleford, Whitecroft & Lydney to Gloucester

Sundays and Public Holidays 23 22 23 22 23 22 23 Lydney Bus Station 1018 - 1218 - 1418 - 1618 Milkwall Corner Store 1042 - 1242 - 1442 - 1642 Cinderford Bus Station - 1112 - 1312 - 1512 - Broadwell Memorial Hall - 1143 - 1343 - 1543 - Coleford Square [B] arr. 1050 1150 1250 1350 1450 1550 1650 ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ 23 22 23 22 23 22 23 22 23 22 Coleford Square [B] dep. 0755 0855 0955 1055 1155 1255 1355 1455 1555 1655 Broadwell Memorial Hall - 0858 - 1058 - 1258 - 1458 - 1658 Milkwall Corner Store 0801 - 1001 - 1201 - 1401 - 1601 - Whitecroft Post Office 0816 - 1016 - 1216 - 1416 - 1616 - Lydney Bus Station arr. 0825 - 1025 - 1225 - 1425 - 1625 - Lydney Bus Station dep. 0830 - 1030 - 1230 - 1430 - 1630 - Blakeney Square 0838 - 1038 - 1238 - 1438 - 1638 - Newnham-on-Severn Church 0846 - 1046 - 1246 - 1446 - 1646 - Worrall Hill Council Villas - 0906 - 1106 - 1306 - 1506 - 1706 Ruardean Square - 0917 - 1117 - 1317 - 1517 - 1717 Cinderford Bus Station arr. - 0932 - 1132 - 1332 - 1532 - 1732 Cinderford Bus Station dep. - 0937 - 1137 - 1337 - 1537 - 1737 Littledean The Belfry - 0945 - 1145 - 1345 - 1545 - 1745 Westbury-on-Severn Surgery 0854 0954 1054 1154 1254 1354 1454 1554 1654 1754 Minsterworth Garage 0905 1005 1105 1205 1305 1405 1505 1605 1705 1805 Gloucester Transport Hub 0920 1020 1120 1220 1320 1420 1520 1620 1720 1820

▼ Guaranteed connection between journeys - through fares are available