Name of Deceased
NO Date before which oo Name of Deceased Address, description and date of death of Names, addresses and descriptions of Persons to whom notices of claims are to be notices of claims (Surname first) Deceased given and names, in parentheses, of Personal Representatives to be given BROOKS, Nora SO Ashiy Court, St. Asaph, Flintshire, Widow, Martin & Co., 44 Brazennose Street, Manchester 2, Solicitors. (William 5th April 1973 llth August 1972. Morrison and John Keith Anderson.) (058) GRIFFITHS, Phillis Fanny 5 Cambray Court, Cheltenham, Glos, Widow. Lloyds Bank Limited, Executor and Trustee Department, 4-6 Rodney Road,, 36ih March 1973 10th January 1973. Cheltenham, Glos, or James Morgan & Co., 33 St. Mary Street, Cardiff, (059) Solicitors. RUGG, Iris Marie Waterside Cottage, 37 Upton Lovell, near War- Lloyds Bank Limited, Executor and Trustee Department, 5 High Street, Swindon, 31st March 1973 minster, Wilts, Spinster. 28th December Wilts, or Farnfield & Nicholls, 37 High Street, Warminster, Wilts, Solicitors. (052) 1972. NICHOLS, Geoffrey ... "The Free Press." 7-8 Prospect Row, Cam- Barr Ellison, 39 Parkside, Cambridge, CB1 1PN, Solicitors. (Herbert Ernest 30th April 1973 bridge, Publican of " The Free Press." 30th Webb.) . (060) December 1972. PALMER, Gladys 3 School Close, Hutton Rudby, Yarm on Tees, Ware and Co., 5, 7 & 9 New Street, York, YO1 2RQ, Solicitors. (Midland 26th March 1973 Marjorie Edith. Widow. 28th December 1972. Bank Trust Company Limited.) (061) § TOD, Catherine 28 Highgate Avenue, Fulwood, Preston, Lanca- Lloyds Bank Limited, Executor and Trustee Department (Account No. 93861),' 31st March 1973 '6 shire, Wife of Dr. W. H. Tod. llth Decem- P.O.
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