Navigating Metabolism
This is a free sample of content from Navigating Metabolism. Click here for more information on how to buy the book. Index Page references followed by b denote boxes; those followed by f denote figures; those followed by t denote tables. A Acyl-CoA synthetase, 110 Acyl transacylase, 107, 109f ACC (acetyl-CoA carboxylase), 105, 107, Adenine, 148, 149f, 155, 157f. 109f, 113, 115, 117, 173 See also Purines Acetate, 182, 193 Adenine nucleotide transporter (ANT), 38, Acetoacetate, 116b, 117b 47f, 53, 56–57 Acetone, 116b, 117b Adenosine, 142, 143f, 164–165, 164f Acetylation, 181–183, 184f Adenosine deaminase, 165 acetyl-CoA and, 9, 10f, 181–183, 184f Adenosine phosphoribosyltransferase (APRT), of lysine residues, 2, 183 155, 157f Acetyl-CoA, 2 Adenylate kinase, 16, 32, 112, 152, 154f allosteric regulation of pyruvate Adenylosuccinate, 152, 154f–155f carboxylase, 93 ADP from citrate, 43, 53, 56f, 59, 60f, 71, 72f, adenine nucleotide transporter (ANT), 38, 47f, 107, 108f 53, 56–57 citrate transporter and, 53–54, 56f adenylate kinase reaction, 16, 32, 112 entry into TCA cycle, 41, 42f energy charge, 18 in fatty acid synthesis, 107–110, 108f–109f P2 purinoreceptor activation, generation of, 39, 41, 42f, 43, 45, 45f, 164, 164f 53–54, 56f, 59 Aerobic glycolysis, 34–35, 190, 220 metabolic functions, 9, 10f, 53 Aging posttranslational modifications and, free radical theory of, 83b 181–183, 184f metabolism and, 212 Acetyl-CoA carboxylase (ACC), 105, 107, AKT, 120, 168f, 169–170, 199 109f, 113, 115, 117, 173 Alanine Acetylserotonin O-methyltransferase, β-alanine, 161–162, 163f 139, 140f conversion to pyruvate, 93 Aconitase, 60, 70 generation of, 130, 132f Activation energy, 13, 13f, 18 from pyruvate, 26 Active site, 20 urea cycle and, 134 Acyclglycerophosphate acyltransferase, 110, 111f Alanine aminotransferase, 134 ACYL (ATP-citrate lyase), 53, 56f, 59, 71, Albinism, 41 72f, 107, 108f, 182, 192 Alcohol dehydrogenase, 31f 233 © 2015 by Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press.
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