Andrew James Hopkins nato 26/09/1965 Malvern Australia

Curriculum Qualifiche: Dottorato di ricerca, Courtauld Institute of Art, Università di Londra, 1995. Laurea, Fine Arts, Università di Melbourne, 1984-89. Lavoro: 2010 ottobre: Professore associato di ruolo, confermato, Università degli Studi de l’Aquila. 2007 ottobre: Professore associato di ruolo, non confermato, Università degli Studi de l’Aquila. 2003-2007: Professore associato a contratto 'rientro dei cervelli', Università degli Studi de l’Aquila. 2013: Getty Research Institute Visiting Fellow, Los Angeles (tre mesi) 2012: DAAD Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst, Research Fellow presso il Zentralinstitut für Kunstgeschichte, Monaco di Baviera (dieci settimane). 2009: Paul Mellon Senior Fellow, Galleria Nazionale Washington DC. 2003-2004: Fellow, Villa I Tatti, Harvard University, Firenze. 2002: Direttore, The Burlington Magazine, Londra, GB. 1998-2002: Vice-Direttore, Accademia Britannica di Roma. 1996-2002: Ricercatore e poi Professore Associato di Storia dell’Architettura, Mackintosh School of Architecture, Glasgow, Scozzia, GB. Coordinatore Convegni: Music, ritual and liturgy at San Marco, , Villa I Tatti, Firenze, 29 Aprile 2004. Roman Bodies, convegno, Accademia Britannica, Roma, 29-31 marzo 2001. Lutyens Abroad, convegno, Accademia Britannica, Roma, 1-2 ottobre 1999. Responding to the Antique, ciclo di conferenze, Accademia Americana-Accademia Britannica, Roma, genniao-giugno 1999. Borse di studio e sovvenzioni: Agosto 1996: Royal Institute of British Architects: fondi per l’edizione inglese del trattato di . Aprile 1996: Kress Foundation: travel grant per il 49° SAH Annual Meeting, St Louis Missouri. L’estate 1994: Gladys Krieble Delmas Foundation: fondi per la ricerca. 1994: Università di Londra: Banister Fletcher travel grant. 1993/94-1994/95: Harold Hyam Wingate Foundation: Wingate Scholarship. Genniao-Marzo 1994: Accademia Britannica di Roma: fondi per la ricerca. L’estate 1993: Gladys Krieble Delmas Foundation: premio di ricerca. 1992/93-1994/95: Committee of Vice Chancellors and Principals, England: premio di ricerca. Novembre 1991-Genniao 1992: Governo Italiano: fondi per la ricerca presso l’Archivio di Stato, Venezia. Premio: Medaglia nazionale della Society of Architectural Historians of Great Britain, 1996, per il saggio The influence of Ducal ceremony on church design in Venice.

Pubblicazioni Libri 2014 Insieme con Daniela del Pesco, La città barocca, Laterza Editore, Roma, in corso di stampa. 2012

1 Baldassare Longhena and the Venetian (revised edition in English), Yale University Press, London, 2012 (ISBN 978-03-001-8109-8). 2006 Baldassare Longhena, Electa Editrice, Milan, 2006 (ISBN 978-88-435-9703-1). 2002 Italian architecture from Michelangelo to Borromini, Thames and Hudson, London, 2002 (ISBN 978-05-002-0361-3). 2000 : Architecture and Ceremony in Baroque Venice, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2000 (ISBN 978-05-216-5246-9).

Articoli in riviste 2005 ‘Nel nome del padre: due lettere giovanili di Longhena’, Arte Veneta, 62, 2005, pp.165-167 (ISSN 0392-5234). 2003 ‘Longhena proto e architetto: disegni e documenti per le aree attorno alla Piazza’, Arte veneta, 60, 2003, pp. 199-206 (ISSN 0392-5234). 1998 ‘The influence of Ducal ceremony on church design in Venice’, Architectural History (ISSN 0066-622X, ISI 00321J0): 41, 1998, pp.30-48. 1998 ‘Architecture and Infirmitas: Doge Andrea Gritti and the chancel of San Marco, Venice’, Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians (ISSN 0037-980, ISI 61633J0): 57, June 1998, pp.182-197. 1997 ‘Plans and planning for S. Maria della Salute’, Art Bulletin (ISSN 0815-2837, ISI 00850J0): 79, September 1997, pp.440-465. 1996 With Arnold Witte, ‘From deluxe architectural book to builder’s manual: the Dutch editions of Scamozzi’s L’Idea della Architettura Universale’, Quærendo, 26/2, 1996, pp.274-302 (ISSN 0014-9527). 1994 ‘Longhena’s second sanctuary design for S. Maria della Salute’, The Burlington Magazine (ISSN 0007-6287, ISI 00800J0): 136, August 1994, pp.498-501. 1994 ‘Longhena before Salute: the cathedral at Chioggia’, Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians (ISSN 0037-9808, ISI 61633J0): 53, June 1994, pp.199-214.

Contributi in volumi o atti di congressi 2014 ‘Taking the sting out of the Baroque: Wittkower 1958’, in Andrew Leach et al eds, The Baroque in Architectural Culture, 1880-1980, Penn State Press, Pennsylvania, in corso di stampa 2014. 2014 ‘The relation between built architecture and its depiction’, in Deborah Howard and Henrietta McBurney Ryan eds, The image of Venice in early Stuart England: perception, representation, interpretation, Francis Lincoln, London, 2014, in corso di stampa. 2014 ‘Translatio Longhena Salute: drawings and patrons in pilgrimage between Venice, and Gostyn’, in Nebehat Avcioglu, Victoria Avery, Emma Jones eds, Art and

2 Identity in Venice and its Territories 1450-1750, 2 vols, Ashgate, Aldershot, 2013 (978-1-4724-1082-5), vol. 1, 2014, in corso di stampa. 2014 ‘Longhena, Lapislazzuli, and the Pozzo brothers’, in Mario Bevilacqua et al eds, Studi in onore di Marcello Fagiolo, 2 vols, Gangemi, Rome, I, 2014 in corso di stampa. 2014 ‘Votive churches and reliquary chapels’, in Richard Etlin ed., The Cambridge World History of Religious Architecture, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, forthcoming 2014 (ISBN: 9780521834179), in corso di stampa. 2014 ‘Giving away ones children: Baldassare Longhena and a drawing for Borromini’, in Louis Waldman and Machtelt Israëls eds, Renaissance Studies in Honor of Joseph Connors, 2 vols, Officina Libraria, Milan, 2014, I, 623-628. (ISBN: 9788897737056), in corso di stampa. 2013 ‘Symbol of Venice: the doge in ritual’, in Samuel Cohn, Marcello Fantoni, Franco Franceschi and Fabrizio Ricciardelli eds, Survivals and Renewals. Ritual in Late Medieval and Early Modern Italian Cities, Brepols, Turnhout, 2013, pp.227-239 (ISBN 978-2-503-54190-7). 2011 ‘Sulle spalle di Elena Bassi: Longhena studies 1950-2010’, in Martina Frank ed., Da Longhena a Selva: un’idea di Venezia a dieci anni dalla scomparsa di Elena Bassi, Archetipolibri, Bologna, 2011, pp.13-28 (ISBN 978-88-663-3028-8). 2010 ‘Riegl Renaissances’, in Alois Riegl, The Origins of Baroque Art in Rome, edited and translated by Andrew Hopkins and Arnold Witte, Getty Research Center, Los Angeles, 2010, pp.60-86 (ISBN 978-16-060-6054-4). 2009 ‘Architecture and Music in Early Modern : ten years of research’, in Fabrizio Pezzopane ed., I luoghi e la musica (conference acts, L’Aquila, l’Università degli Studi, 28-29 October), ISMEZ, Rome, 2009, pp.29-33 (ISBN 978-88-967-5055-5). 2008 ‘Spazi sacri a San Marco, Venezia: architettura, arredo, cerimonia e apparati effimeri’, in Marcello Fantoni and Fabrizio Ricciardelli eds, I luoghi del Sacro (conference proceedings, Villa Le Balze, Georgetown University, Florence, June 2006), Pagliai Editore, Florence, 2008, pp.83-90 (ISBN 978-88-564-0039-7; ISSN 1123-2463). 2008 ‘L’architettura sacra al tempo di Santa Maria della Salute’, in Franco Barbieri and Augusto Roca De Amicis eds., Il Seicento (Architettura del , 5), Marsilio editore, Venice, 2008, pp.56-81 (ISBN 978-88-317-9441-1). 2008 ‘L’esperienza di Giuseppe Pozzo agli Scalzi di Venezia’, in Francesco Suomela ed., L’album dei disegni di Giuseppe Pozzo (Beni artistici e storici del trentino, 14), Trent, 2008, pp.36-49 (ISBN 978-88-7702-218-9). 2007 ‘Sant’Andrea al Quirinale’, in Cristina Strunck ed., Rom: Meisterwerke der Baukunst von der Antike bis heute: Festgabe für Elisabeth Kieven, Imhof, Petersburg, 2007, pp.403-408 (ISBN 978-38-656-8186-7). 2006 ‘Ceremony, Singing and Seating in San Giorgio Maggiore’, in Deborah Howard and Laura Moretti eds, Architettura e musica nella Venezia del Rinascimento (conference

3 proceedings, Fondazione Cini, Venezia, September 2005) Bruno Mondadori, Milan, 2006, pp.147-159 (ISBN 88-424-9892-0). 2005 ‘Venezia festiva: ephemeral ornament in the service of spectacle’, in Martin Gaier, Bernd Nicolai, Tristan Weddigen eds, Der Unbestechliche Blick: Festschrift zu Ehren von Wolfgang Wolters, Porta Alba, Trier, 2005, pp.315-318 (ISBN 3-933701-19-8). 2005 ‘La villa nel Seicento: scenografia e diletto’, in Guido Beltramini and Howard Burns eds, e la villa veneta da Petrarca a Carlo Scarpa (exhibition catalogue, Museo Palladio, Vicenza) Marsilio, Venice, 2005, pp.117-123 (ISBN 88- 317-8640-7). 2005 ‘Combating the plague: devotional paintings, architectural programs and votive processions in early modern Venice’, in Gauvin Bailey et al eds, Hope and healing: painting in Italy in a time of plague (exhibition catalogue, Worcester Art Museum, Worcester, Ma.), Chicago University Press, Chicago, 2005, pp.137-152 (ISBN 0- 936042-05-2). 2005 Insieme con Maria Wyke, ‘The Body of Rome: Introduction’, in Andrew Hopkins and Maria Wyke eds., Roman Bodies: antiquity to the eighteenth century, The British School at Rome, London, 2005, pp.1-9 (ISBN 0-904152-44-8). 2003 ‘Venezia e il suo dominio’, Il Seicento (Storia della Architettura Italiana), ed. Aurora Scotti, 2 vols., Electa, Milan, 2003, II, pp.400-427 (ISBN 88-435-7415-9). 2003 ‘Vincenzo Scamozzi e Baldassarre Longhena’, in Franco Barbieri and Guido Beltramini eds, Vincenzo Scamozzi 1548-1616 (exhibition catalogue, Museo Palladio, Vicenza) Marsilio, Venice, 2003, pp.120-127 (ISBN 88-317-8345-9). 2003 ‘Vitruvius and Scamozzi’, in Gianluigi Ciotta ed., Vitruvio nella cultura architettonica antica, medievale e moderna (conference proceedings, Genoa, October 2001), De Ferrari, Genova, 2003, pp.514-519 (ISBN 88-7172-555-7). 2002 ‘Lutyens’s plans for the British School at Rome’, in Andrew Hopkins and Gavin Stamp eds., Lutyens Abroad: the work of Sir Edwin Lutyens outside the British isles, The British School at Rome, London, 2002, pp.69-86 (ISBN 978-09-041-5237-1). 2002 ‘La Dogana da Mare e l’Isola della Salute: da zona industriale a zona di rappresentanza’, in Maurizio Caperna and Gianfranco Spagnesi eds, Architettura: processualità e trasformazione (Quaderni dell’Istituto di storia dell’architettura), Bonsignori, Rome 2002, pp.405-416 (ISBN 88-7597-313-X). 1999 ‘Vincenzo Scamozzi 1548-1616’, in Paul Grendler ed., Encyclopedia of the Renaissance, 6 vols., Charles Scribner’s Sons, New York, 1999, 5, pp.413-415 (ISBN 0-684-80514-6).

Curatele 2010 Alois Riegl, The Origins of Baroque Art in Rome, edited and translated by Andrew Hopkins and Arnold Witte, with essays by Andrew Hopkins, Alina Payne and Arnold Witte (a translation and commentary of Die Entstehung der Barockkunst in Rom,

4 Schroll, Vienna, 1908), Getty Research Center, Los Angeles, 2010 (ISBN 978-16- 060-6054-4). 2005 Insieme con Maria Wyke, Roman Bodies: antiquity to the eighteenth century, The British School at Rome, London, 2005 (ISBN 978-09-041-5244-9). 2002 Insieme con Claudia Conforti, Architettura come tecnologia: acque, tecniche e cantieri nell’architettura rinascimentale e barocca, Nuova Argos, Rome, 2002 (ISBN 978-88-886-9301-9). 2002 Insieme con Gavin Stamp, Lutyens Abroad: the work of Sir Edwin Lutyens outside the British isles, The British School at Rome, London, 2002 (ISBN 978-09-041-5237-1). 2001 Della architettura di Gioseffe Viola Zanini: con la mappa di Padova del 1599 (facsimile of the Paduan 1629 first edition), Centro Internazionale di Studi di Architettura “Andrea Palladio”, Vicenza, 2001 (ISBN 978-88-841-8003-2).

Recensioni 1 For Konsthistorisk tidskrift (ISSN 0023-3609): 82/1 (2013): 59-61: review of Deborah Howard, Venice Disputed: Marc’Antonio Barbaro and Venetian Architecture 1550-1600, New Haven and London: Yale University Press, 2011. 2 “Barockforschung”, For Kunstchronik (ISSN 0023-5474): 66/3 (2013): 118-121: review of Helen Hills ed., Rethinking the Baroque, Ashgate, Aldershot, 2011. 3 “Grand Designs: 13th Architectural Biennale”, for Apollo (ISSN 0003-6536, ISI 00195J0): 602/176 (October 2012): 70-73. 4 “L’arte della guerra”, for Kunstchronik (ISSN 0023-5474): 65/7 (2012): 367-371: review of Guido Beltramini ed., Andrea Palladio e l’architettura della battaglia: con le illustrazioni inedite alle storie di Polibio (Venice: Marsilio, 2009). 5 For The sixteenth century journal (ISSN 0361-0160, ISI 00499J0): review of Federico Bellini, La basilica di San Pietro: da Michelangelo a Della Porta, Argos, Rome, 2011, forthcoming. 6 For Print Quarterly (ISSN 0265-8305, ISI 06796J0): 29/3 (2012): 343-346: review of Richard Bösel and Lydia Salviucci Insolera eds, Mirabili disinganni: Andrea Pozzo (Trento 1642–Vienna 1709) pittore e architetto Gesuita and Artifizi della Metafora: saggi su Andrea Pozzo, 2 vols, Rome: Artemide, 2010-11. 7 For the Journal of Art Historiography (ISSN 2042-4752): 5 (2011): 5-AH/1. Review of Andrew Leach, What is Architectural History, Polity, Cambridge, 2010. 8 For Annali di Architettura (ISSN 1124-7169): 23 (2011): 189: review of Maurizio Ricci and Paola Zampa, Teoria e pratica dell'architettura a Bologna tra Cinquecento e Seicento: la "Nuova Regola" di Floriano Ambrosini, Campisano, Rome, 2009. 9 ‘What Palladio might have built in Venice’, For Kunstchronik (ISSN 0023-5474): 64/6 (2011): 322-325: review of Antonio Foscari, Andrea Palladio: unbuilt Venice, Baden: Müller, 2010. 10 For The sixteenth century journal (ISSN 0361-0160, ISI 00499J0): review of Konrad Ottenheym, Monique Chatenet, Krista De Jonge eds, Public Buildings in Early Modern Europe (Architectura Moderna 9), Brepols, Turnhout, 2010. Forthcoming. 11 ‘Hymn to Bravura’, For Apollo Magazine (ISSN 0003-6536, ISI 00195J0): 173/588 (2011): 103-105: exhibition review of Italia si è desta: arte in Italia nel secondo dopoguerra 1945-1953 (Ravenna, MAR), exhibition catalogue curated by Claudio Spadoni, Allemandi, Turin, 2011.

5 12 For The sixteenth century journal (ISSN 0361-0160, ISI 00499J0): 42/4 (2011): 1142-1144: review of Sabina de Cavi, Architecture and royal presence: Domenico and Giulio Cesare Fontana in Spanish Naples (1592-1627), Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Newcastle upon Tyne, 2009. Marcello Fagiolo and Giuseppe Bonaccorso eds., Studi sui Fontana: una dinastia di architetti ticinesi a Roma tra Manierismo e Barocco, Gangemi, Rome, 2008. 13 For The sixteenth century journal (ISSN 0361-0160, ISI 00499J0): 42/3 (2011): pp.843-844: review of Donatella Calabi and Elena Svalduz eds., Luoghi, spazi, architetture (Il Rinascimento italiano e l'Europa, 6), Colla, Vicenza, 2010. 14 For The sixteenth century journal (ISSN 0361-0160, ISI 00499J0): 42/1 (2011): pp.208-210: review of Sabine Frommel, ed., Bomarzo: il Sacro Bosco, Electa, Milan, 2009. 15 For Annali di Architettura (ISSN 1124-7169): 22, 2010, pp.189-191: review of Aloisio Antinori, La magnificenza e l’utile: progetto urbano e monarchia papale nella Rome del Seicento, Gangemi, Rome, 2008. 16 ‘By George’, For Apollo Magazine (ISSN 0003-6536, ISI 00195J0): 171/574, March 2010, pp.144-145: exhibition review of Giorgione (Castelfranco Veneto, place), exhibition catalogue curated by Enrico Maria dal Pozzolo, Skira, Milan, 2009. 17 For the Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians (ISSN 0037-9808, ISI 61633J0): 69/3, 2010, pp.448-450: review of the Atlante del Barocco, Italian national research project, including volumes, Mario Bevilacqua and Giuseppina Carla Romby eds, Firenze e il Granducato, De Luca, Rome, 2007, and Marcello Fagiolo ed., Il gran teatro del barocco: le capitali delle feste, 2 vols., De Luca, Rome, 2007. 18 For EAHN Newsletter (European Architectural History Network) (ISSN 1997-5023): 1, 2010, pp.44-47: review of Vincenzo Scamozzi, Venetian Architect Book VI The Architectural Orders and their Application, Wolbert Vroom and Konrad Ottenheym trans., Architectura & Natura Press, Amsterdam, 2008. 19 For the Sixteenth Century Journal, 41/4 (2010): pp.1153-1155: review of Krista de Jonge et al eds, volumes 1-6 of Architecura Moderna, Brepols, Turnhout. 20 For The sixteenth century journal (ISSN 0361-0160, ISI 00499J0): 40/4 (2009): pp.1370-1371: review of Richard Bösel and Herbert Karner, Jesuitenarchitektur in Italien (1540-1773). Die Baudenkmäler der mailändischen Ordensprovinz, 2 vols, Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenchaften, Vienna, 2007. 21 For The sixteenth century journal (ISSN 0361-0160, ISI 00499J0): 40/2, 2009, pp.573-574: review of Guido Guerzoni, Apollo e Vulcano: i mercati artistisci in Italia (1400-1700), Marsilio, Venice, 2006. 22 ‘A place in the trinity’, For Apollo Magazine (ISSN 0003-6536, ISI 00195J0): 170/568, September 2009: review of Jörg Martin Merz, Pietro da Cortona and Roman Baroque Architecture, Yale University Press, New Haven and London, 2008. 23 ‘King of carving’, For Apollo Magazine (ISSN 0003-6536, ISI 00195J0): 170/567, July-August 2009, pp. 87-88: exhibition review of Andrea Brustolon (1662- 1732) “Il Michelangelo di Legno” (Belluno Palazzo Crepadona), exhibition catalogue curated by Anna Maria Spiazzi, Massimo de Grassi, Giovanna Galasso, Skira, Milan, 2009. 24 ‘Masters of majolica’, For Apollo Magazine (ISSN 0003-6536, ISI 00195J0): 169/565, May 2009, pp. 80-82: exhibition review of I Della Robbia: il dialogo tra le Arti nel Rinascimento (Museo Statale, Arezzo), exhibition catalogue curated by Giancarlo Gentili, Skira, Milan, 2009. 25 ‘Andrea Palladio at 500’, For Apollo Magazine (ISSN 0003-6536, ISI 00195J0): 169/562, February 2009, pp.69-70: exhibition review of Andrea Palladio

6 500 anni (Museo Palladio, Vicenza), exhibition catalogue curated by Howard Burns, Marsilio, Venice, 2008. 26 ‘Faces and spaces’, For Apollo Magazine (ISSN 0003-6536, ISI 00195J0): 168/560, December 2008, pp. 94-96: exhibition review of El retrato del Renacimiento (Museo del Prado, Madrid, National Gallery, London), exhibition catalogue curated by Miguel Falomir. 27 ‘A palace in search of a role’, For Apollo Magazine (ISSN 0003-6536, ISI 00195J0): 168/559, November 2008, pp.123-124: exhibition review of Venaria Reale (Torino), exhibition catalogue curated by Enrico Castelnuovo, Allemandi, Turin, 2007. 28 ‘A virtuous circle: Museum of the Roman Baroque’, For The Times Literary Supplement (ISSN 0307-661X, ISI 00178J0): 21 March 2008 (vol. 5477), p.18: exhibition review of Il Museo del Barocco Romana (Palazzo Chigi, Ariccia), exhibition catalogue curated by Vittore Casale and Francesco Petrucci, De Luca, Rome, 2007. 29 ‘In search of Sebastiano’, For Apollo Magazine (ISSN 0003-6536, ISI 00195J0): 167/554, May 2008, pp.101-103: exhibition review of Sebastiano del Piombo (Palazzo Venezia, Rome), exhibition catalogue curated by Claudio Strinati and Bernd Wolfgang Lindermann, Federico Motta editore, Milan, 2008. 30 For The sixteenth century journal (ISSN 0361-0160, ISI 00499J0): 39/4, 2008, pp.1165-1166: review of Hermann Schlimme ed., Practice and science in Early Modern Italian building: towards an Epistemic History of Architecture, Electa, Milan, 2006; Saverio Sturm, Principii, norme e tipologie in europa e nel nuovo mondo (L’architettura dei Carmelitani Scalzi in eta barocca, 1), Gangemi, Rome, 2006, Jörg Stabenow ed., Lo spazio e il culto: relazioni tra edificio ecclesiale e uso liturgico dal XV al XVI secolo, Marsilio, Venice, 2006. 31 ‘Byzantium on the Volga’, For Apollo Magazine (ISSN 0003-6536, ISI 00195J0): 166/548, December 2007, pp.115-117: review of Dmitri Schvidkovskij, Russian architecture and the West, Yale University Press, New Haven and London, 2007. 32 ‘Tintoretto triumphant’, For Apollo Magazine (ISSN 0003-6536, ISI 00195J0): 165/543, November 2007, pp.103-104: exhibition review of Tintoretto (Museo del Prado, Madrid), exhibition catalogue curated by Miguel Falomir, Holberton, London, 2007. 33 ‘Michelangelo’s true heir’, For Apollo Magazine (ISSN 0003-6536, ISI 00195J0): 165/542 October 2007, pp.94-95: exhibition review of Annibale Carracci (Archeological Museum Bologna, Chiostro di Bramante Rome), exhibition catalogue curated by Daniele Benati and Eugenio Riccòmani, Electa, Milan, 2007. 34 For Kunstform (ISSN 1618-7199): 8/1, 2007: review of Katherine Crawford Luber ed., Barock als Aufgabe (Wolfenbütteler Arbeiten zur Barockforschung, 40), Harrassowitz, Wiesbaden, 2005. 35 ‘Over Michelangelo’s shoulder’, For Apollo Magazine (ISSN 0003-6536, ISI 00195J0): 165/540, July-August 2007, pp.82-84: exhibition review of Michelangelo e il disegno di architettura (Museo Palladio Vicenza and Casa Buonarroti Florence), exhibition catalogue curated by Howard Burns et al, Marsilio, Venice, 2006. 36 ‘How Venice was built’, For Apollo Magazine (ISSN 0003-6536, ISI 00195J0): 164/538, 2007, pp. 91-92: review of Richard Goy, Building Renaissance Venice: patrons, architects and builders, c. 1430–1500, Yale University Press, New Haven, 2006. 37 For The sixteenth century journal (ISSN 0361-0160, ISI 00499J0): 37/4, 2006, pp.1161-1162: review of Claudia Conforti, La città del tardo Rinascimento, Laterza, Rome, 2005.

7 38 For the Times Literary Supplement (ISSN 0307-661X, ISI 00178J0): 8 December 2006 (vol.5410), pp.24-25: review of Tracy Cooper, Palladio’s Venice: architecture and society in a Renaissance Republic, Yale University Press, New Haven and London, 2006. 39 For The sixteenth century journal (ISSN 0361-0160, ISI 00499J0): 37/2, 2006, pp. 514-516: review of Sabine Frommel with Flaminia Bardati, Francesco Primaticcio architetto, Electa, Milan, 2005. 40 ‘Hot baroque’, For Apollo Magazine (ISSN 0003-6536, ISI 00195J0): 164/536, November 2006, pp.103-104: exhibition review of Roma barocca: Bernini, Borromini, Pietro da Cortona (Castel Sant’Angelo Rome) exhibition catalogue curated by Paolo Portoghesi and Marcello Fagiolo, Electa, Milan, 2006. 41 For The sixteenth century journal (ISSN 0361-0160, ISI 00499J0): 37/1, 2006, pp. 203-204: review of Paul Davies and David Hemsoll, Michele Sanmicheli, Electa, Milan, 2004. 42 For The Burlington Magazine (ISSN 0007-6287, ISI 00800J0): 148/1244, 2006, pp. 782-783: review of Paul Davies and David Hemsoll, Michele Sanmicheli, Electa, Milan, 2004. 43 For Zeitschrift für Kunstgeschichte (ISSN 0044-2992, ISI 01651J0): 68, 2005, pp.298-300: review of Martin Gaier, Facciate sacre a scopo profano: Venezia e la politica dei monumenti dal Quattrocento al Settecento (Studi di Arte Veneta 3), Istituto Veneto di Scienze, Lettere ed Arti, Venice, 2002. 44 For The sixteenth century journal (ISSN 0361-0160, ISI 00499J0): 36/1, 2005, pp.228-229: review of Richard Schofield and Francesco Repishti, Architettura e controriforma: i dibattiti per la facciata del duomo di Milano 1582-1682, Electa, Milan, 2004. 45 For The sixteenth century journal (ISSN 0361-0160, ISI 00499J0): 36/1, 2005, pp.208-210: review of Charles Burroughs, The Italian Renaissance palace facade : structures of authority, surfaces of sense, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2002. 46 For The sixteenth century journal (ISSN 0361-0160, ISI 00499J0): 36/1, 2005, pp.192-193: review of Jesús Escobar, The Plaza Mayor and the shaping of baroque Madrid, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2004. 47 For The Burlington Magazine (ISSN 0007-6287, ISI 00800J0): 145, 2003, pp.799-800: review of Alessandra Anselmi, Il Palazzo dell’Ambasciata di Spagna presso la Santa Sede, De Luca, Rome, 2001. 48 For Art Quarterly (ISSN 0967-4349): Summer 2003, p.56: review of Margaret Plant, Venice: Fragile City, 1797-1997, Yale University Press, New Haven and London, 2003. 49 For the Times Literary Supplement (ISSN 0307-661X, ISI 00178J0): 4 April 2003 (vol. 5218), p.11: review of Sarah McPhee, Bernini and the Bell Towers: Architecture and Politics at the Vatican, Yale University Press, New Haven and London, 2002. 50 ‘Una storia di problemi e non di biografie’ for Casabella (ISSN 0008-7181): January 2002, p.90: review of Claudia Conforti and Richard Tuttle eds, Storia dell’Architettura Italiana: Il secondo cinquecento, Electa, Milan, 2001. 51 ‘Borromini triumphans’, For Apollo Magazine (ISSN 0003-6536, ISI 00195J0): 152/462, 2000, pp.48-50: exhibition review of Il giovane Borromini: dagli esordi a San Carlo alle Quattro Fontane (Museo Civico, Lugano), exhibition catalogue curated by Manuela Kahn-Rossi and Marco Franciolli, Skira, Milan, 1999; and Borromini e l’universo barocco (Palazzo delle Esposizioni, Rome and Albertina Museum, Vienna) exhibition catalogue curated by Richard Bösel and Christoph Luitpold Frommel, 2 vols., Electa, Milan, 2000.

8 52 For the Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians (ISSN 0037-9808, ISI 61633J0): 61, June 2000, pp.232-234: exhibition review of The Triumph of the Baroque: Architecture in Europe 1600-1750 (Palazzina della Caccia, Stupinigi, Turin), exhibition catalogue curated by Henry Millon, Bompiani, Milan, 1999. 53 For the Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians (ISSN 0037-9808, ISI 61633J0): 61, March 2000, pp.112-114: review of Daniela del Pesco, L’architettura del seicento (Storia dell’arte in Italia), UTET, Turin, 1998. 54 For The sixteenth century journal (ISSN 0361-0160, ISI 00499J0): 31/2, 2000, pp.633-635: review of Anthony Blunt revised Richard Beresford, Art and Architecture in France 1550-1700, Yale University Press, New Haven and London, 1999. 55 For The Art Book (ISSN 1368-6267): 5/1, 1998: review of Charles Avery, Bernini: genius of the baroque, Thames and Hudson, London, 1997, and Rudolf Wittkower, Bernini: the sculptor of the roman baroque, Fourth Edition, Phaidon, London, 1997. 56 For The Art Book (ISSN 1368-6267): 4/4, 1997, pp.9-10: review of Tod Marder, Bernini’s Scala Regia at the Vatican Palace, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1997. 57 For the Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians (ISSN 0037-9808, ISI 61633J0): 56, September 1997, 368-170: review of Jean Giullaume ed., L’église dans l’architecture de la Renaissance, Picard, Paris, 1995. 58 For The sixteenth century journal (ISSN 0361-0160, ISI 00499J0): 28/4, 1997, pp. 1496-1497: Peter Humfrey, Painting in Renaissance Venice, Yale University Press, New Haven and London, 1995. 59 For The sixteenth century journal (ISSN 0361-0160, ISI 00499J0): 28/2, 1997, pp. 701-702: Sebastiano Serlio on Architecture. (Books I-V of ‘Tutte l’opere d’architettura et prospetiva’), ed. and trans. Vaughan Hart and Peter Hicks, Yale University Press, New Haven and London, 1996. 60 For The sixteenth century journal (ISSN 0361-0160, ISI 00499J0): 28/1, 1997, pp. 365-366: James Saslow, The Medici Wedding of 1589: Florentine festival as Theatrum Mundi, Yale University Press, New Haven and London, 1996; Matteo Casini, I gesti del principe: la festa politica a Firenze e Venezia in età rinascimentale, Marsilio, Venice, 1996. 61 For The sixteenth century journal (ISSN 0361-0160, ISI 00499J0): 28/1, 1997, pp.286-287: Suzanne Butters, The triumph of Vulcan: sculptor’s tools, porphyry, and the Prince in Ducal Florence, 2 vols., Olschki, Florence, 1996. 62 For The sixteenth century journal (ISSN 0361-0160, ISI 00499J0): 27/3, 1996, pp.960-963: Bertand Jestaz, Art of the Renaissance, trans. I. Paris, Abrams, New York, 1995; Ludwig Heydenreich, Architecture in Italy 1400-1500, rev. ed. Paul Davies; Wolfgang Lotz, Architecture in Italy 1500-1600, rev. ed. Deborah Howard. 2 vols., Yale University Press, New Haven and London, 1995-96. 63 For The sixteenth century journal (ISSN 0361-0160, ISI 00499J0): 26/2, 1995, pp.503-504: Samuel Edgerton, The Heritage of Giotto's Geometry: art and science on the eve of the scientific revolution, Cornell University Press, Ithaca and London, 1991. 64 For The sixteenth century journal (ISSN 0361-0160, ISI 00499J0): 25/4, 1994, pp.996-998: Bruce Boucher, Andrea Palladio. The architect in his time, Abbeville, New York, Paris, London, 1994. 65 For The sixteenth century journal (ISSN 0361-0160, ISI 00499J0): 25/4, 1994, pp.943-944: Peter Humfrey, The Altarpiece in Renaissance Venice, Yale University Press, New Haven and London, 1993.

9 66 For The sixteenth century journal (ISSN 0361-0160, ISI 00499J0): 24/2, 1993, pp.466-467: Bruce Boucher, The Sculpture of Jacopo Sansovino, 2 vols., Yale University Press, New Haven and London, 1991. 67 For The sixteenth century journal (ISSN 0361-0160, ISI 00499J0): 24/1, 1993, pp. 148-149: Ennio Concina, Ugo Camerino, Donatella Calabi, La città degli Ebrei. Il Ghetto di Venezia: architettura e urbanistica, Albrizzi, Venezia, 1991.