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Orland Park Public Library (), 2013 Archive of Challenges to Library Materials

7-7-2014 watch?v=dG77Sn-1YN8& Megan Fox

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Recommended Citation Fox, Megan, "" (2014). Orland Park Public Library (Illinois), 2013. 180.

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Fans of Megan Fox July 7

THANK YOU to everyone who chipped in to help us cover the retainer for the attorney that we needed to start the process of taking the OPPL-BoT and the Village of Orland Park to court over civil rights violations. Because of your help, we cleared our first hurdle and have an attorney now and are preparing to file suit. The next step in this process will be to raise $2,000 to cover the attorneys' fees going forward to get this to the discovery phase. We want to start raising that war chest so we can meet our goal of having the Village and Board members stand before a federal judge and explain their behavior over the last year. It's a big commitment in both time and treasure but the reason that local elected officials get away with behaving this way is because people do not stand up to them. Well, we're willing to go the distance and stand up to them but we need your help chipping in to do it. The link to donate via PAYPAL is: If you login to PayPal and it does not automatically bring you to my page, you can donate using this address as the receiver: [email protected] Thanks for any help you can give!

 Toni DuPuis Williams, John Kraft and Dan Kleinman like this.

  Dan Kleinman who fear ALA OIF can now help anonymously to bring legal action to stop OIF. OIF trains you to target patrons. It trains you to hide criminal activity by not making written or verbal records that could be uncovered under any Freedom of Information Act. It trains you to destroy evidence of criminal activity. It trains you not to appear in the media until you are practiced at hiding criminal activity by deflecting any substantive questions. It trains you that pornography must be allowed in the library despite the US Supreme Court ruling the exact opposite. It rains you to destroy computer evidence police need to locate and arrest people viewing child pornography. It gives awards to librarians who promote ALA OIF's porn pushing policies. It shoves overboard librarians who speak out about the harm done by ALA OIF's porn pushing policies. It claims sexual harassment in the workplace almost never happens and when it does it's no big deal.

Many, many of you are afraid to act for fear of losing your jobs. We know. We are saying this is a chance for you to take action ALA will NEVER find out. Your help may lead to the beginning of the end of ALA's ability to target you and target patrons who seek to follow law and common sense, instead of Illinois ACLU's Judith Krug's diktat as former de facto leader of ALA to push porn into American communities by whatever means possible. Please donate money now.

And if you have a story to share about Judith Krug, her racism, her porn promotion, her support for terrorists, her Way style of cutting off political opposition, please let us know as well. Thank you so much.

A number of librarians have already confidentially communicated with us. The more information we get, the more accurate our picture becomes. Remember, anonymity/confidentiality guaranteed. Donate money or donate information about Judith Krug.

American Library Association, Illinois Library Association, ALA Office for Intellectual Freedom, Orland Park Public Library, Institute of Museum and Library Services, Con Libe, Stop Porn Culture - Official, , Magazine, ACLU Nationwide, Illinois Family Institute, Orland Park, Illinois, Illinois Review, Illinois Family Action, Orland Park Patch, CYBERSPACE CHILD PROTECTION CAMPAIGN, National Center for Missing & Exploited Children, Kids Have Rights II, Pornography Harms, Stop Porn in Spokane Public Libraries, KCLS Parents For Porn-free Computing, Stop Porn Culture Deutschland, Girls Against Porn & Human Trafficking, Christian Women and Porn, I Love Libraries, School Library Journal,, Effing , Rahm Emanuel, ChicagoNow, , The Chicago Sun- Times, Megan Fox,, Lis Wiehl, Fox News Legal Analyst and Author, Dr. Gina, Fight the New Drug, Illinois Heartland Library System, Public Library Association (PLA), Texas Library Association, ALSC - The Association for Library Service to Children, Library & Information Technology Association (LITA), Wisconsin Library Association, California Library Association, Canadian Library Association, Ernest Istook, National Coalition Against , PEN American Center, Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF), Carl Monday, NPR  July 7 at 6:12pm

July 7 at 6:12pm