SCARBOROUGH CATHOLIC PARISHES CHURCHES OF ST PETER, ST JOSEPH, ST EDWARD THE CONFESSOR Part of the Middlesbrough Diocesan Trust: Reg. Charity No. 233748 Parish Priest: Canon Edmond Gubbins (St Peter's) Assistant Priest: Fr Albert Schembri (St Joseph's) St Peter’s Rectory St Joseph’s Presbytery St Edward The Confessor Castle Road, YO11 1TH 1 Greylands Park Grove, YO12 6HT Avenue Victoria, YO11 2QS Tel: 01723 360358 Tel: 01723 361183 Enquiries to St Peter’s Website:  Email: [email protected]


LAETARE SUNDAY Laetare Sunday falls on the 4th Sunday of Lent. The Latin name Laetare means Rejoice. Laetare Sunday is taken from the words of the (entrance antiphon), laetare Jerusalem (rejoice with Jerusalem) from Isaiah 66:10-11. “Rejoice, O Jerusalem: and come together all you that love her: There is a more joyful tone at this halfway point in the rejoice with joy, you that have been in sorrow: that you may exult, Lenten season. Like Gaudete Sunday midway through and be filled from the breasts of your consolation.” (Isaiah 66:10f) Advent, Laetare Sunday reminds us of the event we look

“I rejoiced when they said to me: ‘we shall go into God’s House!” forward to at the end of the Penitential Season, and the (Psalm 122:1) joy in anticipation of the Resurrection, as well as providing a brief relaxation from the austerity of Lent. As with Gaudete Sunday, the liturgical traditions reflect this joy. worn are often rose-coloured (pink). According to Liturgical rules, the organ may be played - on other Sundays of Lent it may only be played to support the singing, and flowers are permitted on the altar. At this point we are halfway through the penitential season and half-way to Easter. Traditionally, the Apostles Creed is ‘handed over’ to the catechumens, the last step for those preparing for in the Church at the Great Easter Vigil. Other names: Laetare Sunday is also called Rose Sunday, because of the papal blessing of the Golden Rose: a floral spray blessed by the pope and given to a notable person or institution (see below), and perhaps also because of the use of rose-coloured vestments instead of violet ones. Another name is Refection Sunday, or Refreshment Sunday or Sunday of the Five Loaves, so named because, before the adoption of the modern, common lectionaries, this narrative of the miracle of the loaves and fishes was the traditional Gospel reading for this Sunday. This Sunday is also called Mothering Sunday, because a person would visit his mother church (more on Mothering Sunday on the back page). Why does the Pope give out a Golden Rose? This is a tradition that has a long history that has changed over the centuries. It supplanted the ancient practice of sending Catholic rulers the Golden Keys from St Peter's Confessional, a custom introduced either by Pope Gregory II (716) or Pope Gregory III (740). The gesture is connected to the joy of the Christian life. The blessing of these Golden Roses reflects this joy and calls down God’s blessing on those who will receive them. Originally these roses were sent to kings, queens, princesses and . King Henry VIII was given not one, but three Golden Roses, before he broke with Rome. This gesture is rich in symbolism. The papal gift reminds its royal recipient that the blesses a Golden Rose lustre of his/her virtue ought to be like the glitter of gold among metals and the brilliancy of the rose among flowers. Balsam, mixed with musk, is poured over the Golden Rose to teach the sovereign that his lofty station requires him to spread abroad the sweet odour of royal virtue, and that, like balm, he ought to heal up the wounds of the State, and, as it does for material bodies, preserve the political body from corruption. The last royal received it in 1956, and since the pontificate of Pope Paul VI, each pope has given the gift as a special honour to various Marian churches and shrines across the world (some receiving more than one). Now it is the Queen of Heaven who is honoured! Pope Francis has handed out a total of four Golden Roses: of , Mexico; Shrine of the Black Madonna of Częstochowa, Poland; Sanctuary of Our Lady of Fatima, Portugal; Basilica of Our Lady of Aparecida, Brazil. The Shrine of Our Lady of Knock, Ireland received a Golden Rose from St Pope John Paul II during his visit in 1979. The Shrine of Our Lady of Ta’ Pinu, Gozo, Malta received one from Pope (now Pope Emeritus) Benedict XVI in 2010. See back page for images. A slide show of Golden Roses gifted can be found at 33634343 and Wikipedia has a full listing of Recipients on its site

NOTE: ST EDWARD’S MASS TIMES REVERTS TO 6.30PM FROM MONDAY 1 APRIL MASS TIMES WEEK COMMENCING 31 MARCH 2019 4TH SUNDAY OF LENT Saturday Vigil 30 4pm St Edward’s Sunday 31 9.30am St Peter’s (Polish) See printed copy for Mass Intentions 10am St Joseph’s 11.30am St Peter’s 5pm St Peter’s Monday 1 6.30pm St Edward’s (note change of time) Tuesday 2 9.30am St Joseph’s St Francis of Paola 6.30pm St Peter’s Wednesday 3 9.30am St Peter’s Thursday 4 9.30am St Joseph’s St Isidore 6.30pm St Edward’s Friday 5 9.30am St Peter’s St Vincent Ferrer

Saturday 6 9.30am St Peter’s SYRO-MALABAR MASS: normally 3rd Sunday of the month at 4pm at St Edward’s Church Avenue Victoria. MORNING PRAYER OF THE CHURCH (Divine Office) 15 minutes before morning Mass: St Peter’s - Saturdays; St Joseph’s - daily SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION (Confessions): ADORATION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT: Saturdays St Edward’s 3.15 - 3.45pm Tuesdays St Joseph’s 8.30 – 9.30am Sundays St Joseph’s 9.15 - 9.45am Thursdays St Edward’s 6 – 6.30pm Saturdays St Peter’s 10 – 10.30am Saturdays St Peter’s 10 – 10.30am


WINNERS see printed copy DEAD No.197 £25 See printed ANNIVERSARIES: No.110 £10 see printed copy copy

REGULAR PARISH GROUPS (more information from Parish Office) MASS INTENTIONS Note: We try to honour ROSARY for Unborn St Peter’s:9.10am Fridays; St Joseph’s: Thurs after Mass requested dates but this is not always possible. STATIONS OF THE CROSS Fridays after Mass (St Peter’s) ANGELUS Saturday morning after Mass (St Peter’s) Sundays St Josephs MASS ATTENDANCE

SACRED HEART Weekly Devotion Fridays after Mass (St Peter’s) St Peter’s 11.30am 150 OUR LADY of Perpetual Help Devotion 3rd Wed. monthly (St Peter’s after Mass) St Peter’s 5pm 53 MOTHERS’ PRAYERS Tuesdays 12pm (St Peter’s Parish Centre Upper room) St Joseph’s 10am (estimated) 210 St Edward’s Vigil 86 DIVINE MERCY Devotion Fridays at 2.45pm (St Peter’s ) Polish Mass (approx) 110 LEGION OF MARY Saturdays after Exposition (St Peter’s Parish Centre) Total (including children) 609 LIFE ASCENDING Prayer Group: 2nd Thursday monthly 10am (St Joseph’s bungalow) EMMAUS Scripture Sharing fortnightly 2pm Thursday afternoons (St Edward’s) OFFERTORY COLLECTION SVP (St Vincent De Paul Society) 7.30pm first Monday of month (St Peter’s Parish Centre) St Edward’s loose plate 4pm: £223 UCM (Union of Catholic Mothers) 1.30pm (winter), 7.15pm (summer- St Joseph’s loose plate 10am: £258 time) third Tuesday monthly (St Peter’s Parish Centre) St Peter’s loose plate 11.30am/5pm: £392 PARENTS & TODDLERS Term- time weekly Mondays 9.30am (St Joseph’s Bungalow). Gift Aid envelopes total: £543 PRAY & PLAY Adoration of Blessed Sacrament & fun activities for children aged Standing orders (weekly av.): £524 0-9 (with adult). Monthly 2nd Saturday (but check) 10-11.30am (St Edward’s Hall) Polish Mass £30 CRAFT GROUPS: St Peter's 7-9pm last Tuesday of month (Parish Total: £1,970 Cheques payable to St Peter’s church Centre); St Joseph's normally 2-4pm fortnightly (bungalow). BARROWCLIFF CHURCHES TOGETHER LUNCH 12pm to 1pm NOTICES FOR VISITORS every 4th Tuesday of the month at Wreyfield Methodist Church TOILETS St Peters: back of Parish Centre OUR LADY’S PRAYER GROUP 1st Thursday of the month 2pm to 4pm (across car park down steps); St Joseph’s & St at the house of a parishioner (Contact the parish office for venue). Edward’s located in the church building. ICONOGRAPHY GROUP Thursdays, fortnightly 2-4pm, with breaks at Always accompany your children to the toilets. term ends (St Peter’s Parish Centre). ST PETER’S CHURCH IS OPEN at certain BOOKINGS of our Parish communal areas should be made only times during the week. Call in & say a prayer through the Parish office, thus avoiding double booking and upset. and light a candle. Security CCTV is in operation. NEWSLETTER Deadline for notices is Thursday but please endeavour to submit your notices as early as possible to be sure of inclusion, as space runs out. If you want to be added to our electronic mailing list, please email us. FIRST CONFESSION/FIRST HOLY COMMUNION OFFERTORY ENVELOPES PARENTS’ MEETING for ALL parents: 7pm Thursday 4 April in St Peter’s School. beginning 7 April are now available. Our Parish co-ordinator will be at FIRST CONFESSIONS for the 36 children, Tuesday 9 April at St Peter’s – 1st Cohort Masses this weekend to sign up new 5.30pm and 2nd Cohort 6pm donors. Speak to her if you wish to There is a REGISTER in each Church, with the children’s names and it is to be use envelopes for your weekly giving, signed each week by each child, whichever Mass they attend, at whichever church. or if you are unable to locate yours. Consider Gift Aiding if you are a tax THE SEASON OF LENT 2019 ‘Turn away from sin be faithful to the Gospel’. payer – it makes a huge difference to ECUMENICAL LENT COURSE ‘Life to the Full’: 5 sessions. 2pm weekly on our income. For every £1 given, we Thursdays: 4 & 11 April, at St Edward’s Hall. All welcome! claim back an additional 25p from CONFESSIONS IN ST AUGUSTINES SCHOOL for Easter next Friday 5 April. the taxman! - it is totally confidential, and we do not see details of your CHRISM MASS 12 noon on Tuesday 16 April at Middlesbrough Cathedral: With income. HOUSEBOUND If any of enough interest, we will hire a coach - leaving St Peter’s at 9am and St Joseph’s at the housebound would like a box of 9.15am and we will set off back from the Cathedral at 2.30pm approx. Add your envelopes, let us know. You can hand name to the list at back of church if you would like to go. Seats £6 Bring packed lunch your envelope to the Eucharistic STATIONS OF THE CROSS FOR LENT each Friday at St Peters after Mass. Also Minister. This is a vital way to at St Joseph’s. Volunteer needed to lead the Stations (eg. Legion of Mary / UCM / SVP continue to support the upkeep of / Ministers etc.) Speak to one of our priests. Use your own text or text can be provided. our on-going church costs. CONFESSIONS for Easter Friday 12 April with various priests from neighbouring parishes: 11.30am-12.30pm St Peter’s; 12.30pm-1.30pm St Joseph’s; 3.30pm-4.30pm St Edward’s; 7pm-8pm St Peter’s and St Joseph’s. Concert 7.30-9.15pm Saturday 13 HOLY WEEK & EASTER Mass and Service times leaflet are now available to help April in St Peter’s Church. Tickets you plan your diary. £5 (Children Free) includes glass of wine in Parish Centre beforehand. VEILING OF CROSSES & IMAGES Crosses and images will be veiled on See Jenny Eyre, Margaret Wells or Saturday 6 April, the day before the 5th Sunday of Lent. Crosses will remain veiled Hugh Davey. Proceeds to until the end of the Liturgy of the Passion on Good Friday, and images until the Restoration Funds. beginning of the Easter Vigil. CLOCKS go forward 1 hour at midnight this Saturday 30 March – we loose an hour’s sleep COFFEE MORNING to help send people to Lourdes: Wednesday 3 April after morning Mass in St Peter’s Parish Centre. See Sue Stubbings if you wish to help. Raffle tickets will be on sale after weekend Masses. ST AUGUSTINE’S AUCTION OF PROMISES at St Augustine’s School at 7pm on Friday 5 April. All welcome. You are invited to make a donation of a “Promise”. Email [email protected], or phone 07873 747624 to pledge, or for ideas. UCM AGM Tuesday 9 April at 1.30pm in St Peter’s Parish Centre. All welcome. OPEN MASS at Madonna House 2pm on Tuesday 9 April. Celebrant Fr Eddie Gubbins, who will offer a short talk after Mass. All are invited. SPRINGTIDE Ecumenical Prayer initiative: 2nd Sunday of month at St Mary’s Church, Castle Road. Next meeting 14 April. Sessions free COMMISSIONING of new Eucharistic Ministers and Ministers of the Word this year will be at 9.30am–3pm at either Our Lady’s, Acomb on Saturday 4 May or at St Andrew’s, Teesville on Saturday 11 May. Buffet lunch. Cost £12 paid by the parish. Anyone wishing to become a Reader or Special Minister? Please speak to Fr Gubbins. MINISTERS FOR HOLY WEEK (St Peter’s Church only) Ministers of the Word, SANCTUARY LAMP Eucharist, Offertory Procession please indicate which Masses you will be attending on In some churches, Palm Sunday (14 April); Holy Thursday, Good Friday and the Easter Vigil (18, 19 people ‘sponsor’ the 7- & 20 April). For St Joseph’s and St Edward’s, speak to your Rota co-ordinator. day Sanctuary Lamp in memory of someone MASS INTENTIONS We are receiving a large number of requests for Sunday dear to them who has Masses, especially at St Peter’s. This means that we have a backlog of requests for died. We will try this for an Masses to be said on a Sunday. Please be patient. experimental period. Pick up an PIETY STALLS at St Peter’s & St Joseph’s: A range of cards, gifts and devotional envelope from the Church porch items on sale, including Easter and First Holy Communion. entitled SANCTUARY LAMP. Place the name of the deceased CAFOD’s Family Fast Day was Friday 15 March. If you haven’t already done so, inside the envelope together with please submit your Fast Day envelope as soon as possible, and consider Gift Aiding your your donation (suggested donation donation if you are a tax payer. Place your envelope in the collection bag. £3). The name will then be STATEMENT OF INCOME AND EXPENDITURE 2018 available next weekend included in the parish newsletter in the order received. TODAY IS MOTHERING SUNDAY 31 March. Children will present a flower to The Sanctuary Lamp is a candle every woman in our churches. contained in a red lamp, which THANK YOU Hugh and Jane Connor thank everyone for their prayers and support indicates the presence of the Blessed during their recent bereavement. Sacrament reserved in the Tabernacle.

MOTHERING SUNDAY 31 MARCH 2019 POPE FRANCIS’ PRAYER INTENTIONS: APRIL Did you know that the origins of Mothering Sunday Doctors and their Collaborators in War Torn Areas: lie in going to church on this day? In the Middle For doctors and their humanitarian collaborators in war Ages in England, boys and girls who lived away torn areas, who risk their lives to save the lives of others. from home (as apprentices, servants, etc.) were allowed on mid-Lent Sunday, as it was called, to go ST PETER’S CHURCH WEBCAM home to visit their 'mother church', where they had LIVE STREAMING OF MASSES been baptised or had been brought up (the church Housebound, and even family & friends overseas can live-link which had given them spiritual birth in Baptism). with us for St Peter’s Sunday and weekday Masses on their home computers and laptop and smartphone. Go to the Parish Website: They brought gifts to be placed on the altar and then and click “Launch visited their own mothers, bringing them flowers Stream” Ring Presbytery on 01723 360358 if there is an error and cakes and doing all the housework for them. Various customs developed on this Sunday, SYMBOLISM OF DAFFODILS PRAYER FOR 4TH including the baking of "mother cakes", also called In plant lore, the daffodil is SUNDAY OF LENT a symbol of rebirth - a sign Change my heart, Oh "simnel cakes," and sometimes the 4th Sunday of of the new beginnings Lent is called Simnel Sunday. that come with Spring. God, make it ever true A PRAYER FOR MOTHERING SUNDAY Because of their new birth and create in me a significance, daffodils are humble and contrite All-loving God, we give you thanks and praise for often connected with spirit that rejoices in mothers young and old. We pray for young mothers, Easter. your merciful love. In who give life and tend to our every need; may they Daffodils are also associated with the name of our Lord be blessed with patience and tenderness to care for Lent. Our native daffodil is known as the "Lent Lilly" as it blooms and Jesus Christ. Amen their families and themselves with great joy. We dies away between Ash Wednesday pray for our own mothers who have nurtured and and Easter. There is also a legend cared for us; may they continue to guide us in that the daffodil first appeared on strong and gentle ways. We remember mothers who the night of the Last Supper in the Garden of Gethsemane to comfort are separated from their children because of war, Jesus in His hour of sorrow. poverty, or conflict, and those who are bereaved; The Daffodil is also one of two may they feel the loving embrace of our God who national emblems for Wales. The wipes every tear away. We pray for women who are reason for this is somewhat obscure, not mothers but still love and shape us with but some believe that it is because the word for daffodil and for leek are motherly care and compassion. We remember almost the same in Welsh - Leek = mothers. grandmothers, and great-grandmothers Cenhinen; Dafodil = Cenhinen Pedr who are no longer with us but who live forever in (Peter’s leek), leading to both plants our memory and nourish us with their love. In the being adopted as national emblems (though other beliefs and legends name of our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen exist).

MORROCO GETS READY TO WELCOME THE POPE Pope Francis will visit to Morocco this weekend 30-31 March which, in the words of Archbishop Cristòbal Lòpez of Rabat will be “a great event for our Church,”. The Pope will start with a visit to King Mohammed VI in the Royal Palace. He will also visit the Mohamed VI Institute for the formation of the Imams and preachers, as well as meeting the Moroccan people on the esplanade of the Hassan Mosque. He will visit migrants at the diocesan Caritas centre and the social centre run by the Daughters of Charity, on the outskirts of Rabat. He will meet bishops, priests and religious and the ecumenical Council of Churches, in the Rabat cathedral, and finally he will celebrate of Mass at Moulay Abdellah Stadium. Archbishop Lòpez said “The Eucharist, the culmination and source of all Golden Rose at Golen Rose at Ta’ Christian life, will also be the culmination of Pope Francis’ visit and the Pinu, Gozo, Malta source of all that will result from his presence among us.” Pope Fracis visits as ‘Servant of Hope’ to give courage to the country’s small Catholic SUNDAY SMILE: One day the zoo-keeper community, and to the poor, of which there are many, and to the migrants. noticed that the monkey was reading two books - the Bible and Darwin's The Origin This visit to Morocco, where more than 99 percent of the population is of Species. In surprise, he asked the ape, Muslim, will give Francis an opportunity to continue the reflections on "Why are you reading both those books"? Christian-Muslim relations he began in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, "Well," said the monkey, "I just wanted to in February. As he did in Abu Dhabi, he is expected to highlight 2019 as the know if I was my brother's keeper or my 800th anniversary of the encounter of St Francis of Assisi and Sultan al-Malik keeper's brother." al-Kamil of Egypt.