State-of-the-Art Videoconference Learning


Welcome to the 2020 - 2021 year of education at One Spirit Learning Alliance. As a leader in interspiritual education, One Spirit has an organization-wide commitment to personal, professional, spiritual, and educational development.

Workshops and classes are broadcast live via a well-developed distance-learning experience. For those who cannot attend at the time classes take place, we offer recordings of most of our classes. Attendance options are noted along with the schedule for each class throughout this catalog.

Many Paths, One Spirit.

1 Special Offer: 3-Credit Package

To encourage you to take a deep dive into classes, we are offering a reduced rate of $265 ($235 for One Spirit graduates) if you choose a 3-credit package.

We believe that this option will give you the opportunity to broaden your experience by exploring a variety of classes.

To register for a package or for individual classes, visit our website at and click “Workshops & Events” at the top of the page. 2 TABLE OF CONTENTS

Page Animals, the Planet, and Us: Creating Spiritual Connections for Thriving ...... 4 Sacred Activism: A Path of Radical Transformation ...... 6 Receiving the Blessings of Grace ...... 8 Contemporary Wicca: Ancestral Wisdom for Modern Times ...... 10 Dreams as Portals to the Sacred ...... 12 Walking on the Path of Mary Magdalene ...... 14 Conscious Communication: Intentional Connection With Self, Spirit, and Other ...... 16 Internal Alchemy: Self-Healing Through Taoist Principles ...... 18 The Shaman’s Mind: Huna Wisdom to Change Your Life ...... 20

Connection Matters: Creating Experiential Workshops ...... 22

Soul Nourishment: Our Presence and Purpose ...... 24 Living Love: The Transformational Power of Heart-Centered Practice ...... 26 Self-Care for Leaders Rooted in Social Justice: A Political Endeavor ...... 28

Spiritual Growth and the Enneagram: Nine Deep Soul Meditations ...... 30 Staying Human in Inhuman Times: Essential Practices for Sacred Activists ...... 32 Mindful Matters: Cultivating Presence in a Chaotic World ...... 34 Start Spreading the News: Joyfully Publicizing and Marketing Your Ministry ...... 36 Sikhism: Demystifying the World’s Fifth-Largest Religion ...... 38 Five Stages of Spiritual Evolution: A Bhagavad-Gita Exploration ...... 40 Creating Portable Altars ...... 42 Monthly One Spirit Shamanic Circle ...... 44 2020 - 2021 Workshop Calendar ...... 46

3 ANIMALS, THE PLANET, AND US: Creating Spiritual Connections for Thriving with Sarah Bowen

Saturday, October 3, 2020 9:30 am - 5:00 pm ET Videoconference | Recording General Public: $100 | One Spirit Graduates: $90 | One Spirit Elective Credit: 1

Most of us do not journey alone. Approximately 57% of households in the world include at least one animal family member, and in the United States, that number is approximately 68%. Our actions affect our pets, and they affect us. How can we strengthen the bond? How do we prepare for the joy of a new animal companion, the confusion of messy health decisions, and the devastation of death or loss? Beyond home, how do we extend compassion to the 8.7 million other species we share this interdependent planet with? As animal lovers, what does our sacred activism look like on behalf of those without a human voice?

In this workshop, animal chaplain Sarah Bowen will give you the opportunity to

• Dig into what spiritual traditions teach about animals • Explore your relationship with nonhuman beings • Understand how theoethics impacts all beings and our planet • Try interspecies spiritual practices that can strengthen the human/animal bond and bring healing benefits to both • Learn about the field of animal chaplaincy • Receive resources for working with animal adoption, illness, loss, grief, and advocacy • Discover how to extend your professional practice/volunteer work/sacred activism/ministry beyond the two-leggeds

Rev. Sarah Bowen has a special interest in the intersection of spiritual values with animal welfare and is a fierce advocate for all creatures. As an animal chaplain, she teaches interspecies mindfulness practices, works with humans around grief/loss of companion animals, loves up animals in shelters, and provides wildlife struck by cars a “sacred sendoff.” Her writing on animal/human relationships has been featured in Spirituality & Health magazine, Tricycle: The Buddhist Review, and Elephant Journal, and on a wide range of podcasts from The Doggy Diva Show to Vegan Spirituality. She is a member of the Association for Pet Loss & Bereavement, is an interfaith/interspiritual minister, and is author of two books on modern spirituality.

4 5 SACRED ACTIVISM: A Path of Radical Transformation with Chelsea MacMillan

Tuesdays, October 20, 27 and November 10, 17, 2020 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm ET Videoconference | Recording General Public: $100 | One Spirit Graduates: $90 | One Spirit Elective Credit: 1

The world is at a tipping point, with climate breakdown, political and economic turmoil, and stubborn narratives of dominance and separation. It seems nearly impossible for humanity to keep living as it has. What the world needs now are people who are fully awake to the crisis we face on this planet and are following their unique callings to live in service to a hurting world. It needs people who are done with false hope and are willing and ready to bring themselves wholly to a path of radical personal and collective transformation. The world needs sacred activists. Discover and deepen your vocation and gain concrete tools for greater impact in the world through contemplative practice, self-inquiry, analysis of social movements, community building, and more. Together, we will learn • How to cultivate resilience in order to navigate this tremendous shift in human consciousness • A framework of sacred activism that is integrative and holistic • How to listen to our individual and collective callings and move into transformative action

Rev. Chelsea MacMillan is a spiritual director, writer, facilitator, and climate organizer with Extinction Rebellion NYC. She’s cofounder of Brooklyn Center for Sacred Activism, cohost of The Rising: Spirituality for Revolution podcast, and her writing has appeared in Anchor magazine, the book Anatomy of Silence, and Order of the Sacred Earth: An Intergenerational Vision of Love and Action, a compilation of essays by Matthew Fox, Skylar Wilson, and Jennifer Listug.

6 7 8 RECEIVING THE BLESSINGS OF GRACE with Miranda Macpherson

Monday, November 9, Wednesday, November 11, Thursday, November 12, and Friday, November 13, 2020 6:30 pm - 9:00 pm ET Videoconference | Recording General Public: $225 | One Spirit Graduates: $180 | One Spirit Elective Credits: 2

In these challenging times there is great need to open to the subtle but substantial forces that are always available to help you stay calm amidst the chaos, regenerate deeply and let your noble qualities shine forth to help, heal and serve. Wherever you are on the path, whatever your life situation, there is Grace to support you, fill you from within, transform your suffering into wisdom and guide you into compassionate right action.

Join Miranda Macpherson for this potent yet nourishing retreat where she will usher you into the receptive state of Grace through the practice of Ego Relaxation. Enjoy rich teachings, meditations and inquiry practices to cultivate deep Trust, Humility, Patience and Joy to powerfully elevate your consciousness and radiate this Grace to support your loved ones and community

Together we will: • Recognize and receive the loving goodness that is always accompanying you through life • Enter the celestial state of Grace through befriending the unknown • Receive the gifts that arrive from beyond your ego’s effort • Access Joy independent of external conditions • Open to new depths of awareness and possibility • Radiate your love, trust and peace to support others

Miranda Macpherson is a contemporary spiritual teacher, feminine mystic, and author of The Way of Grace: The Transforming Power of Ego Relaxation, Boundless Love, and Meditations on Boundless Love. In her twenties, Miranda founded the OneSpirit Interfaith Foundation in London, where over a decade as spiritual director she trained and ordained over 600 ministers. Today she leads the Living Grace sangha in Northern California and holds retreats internationally. Miranda’s teachings and transmission offers a holistic approach to spiritual surrender and nondual realization based on a practice she calls Ego Relaxation. She draws from extensive study of the world wisdom traditions and over 30 years of experience guiding others into direct experience of The Sacred internationally. Unapologetically feminine, grounded, and joyful in her way of being, Miranda is dedicated to loving people all the way home into the freedom and wholeness of our True Nature, so they become more graceful human beings in our world. 9 10 CONTEMPORARY WICCA: Ancestral Wisdom for Modern Times with Phyllis Curott

Mondays, November 16, 23, 30, and December 14 6:30 pm - 9:30 pm ET Videoconference | Recording General Public: $225 | One Spirit Graduates: $180 | One Spirit Elective Credits: 2

Are you curious to delve into the essential wisdom and practices of contemporary Wicca, the fastest-growing spirituality in the United States? Wicca is rooted in ancestral, shamanic Euro-Indigenous wisdom traditions. Its revival has been, in large measure, midwifed and cultivated by women who have rebirthed the Great Goddess(es). Wicca provides deep personal and cultural healing to restore our connections to Mother Earth. Essentials of Wiccan cosmology and basic practices reveal sacred dimensions and spirit realms. And magic – not the traditionally patriarchal model of asserting supernatural control over Nature, but as the natural flow of divine energy into the world and the practitioner, and through the practitioner into the world – embodies and reveals the Divine. Reserve your space to learn about • Simple methods of magic • Shamanic practice to alter consciousness and • Green breathing perception • Grounding and centering • Ecstatic practice to receive, raise, and direct • Creating an altar energy including chanting and dancing • Casting a circle/creating sacred space • Divination to engage in dialogue with divinity • Honoring the 7 directions • Ritual creation • Invoking divinity particularly the goddess(es)

Phyllis Curott is a pioneering spiritual teacher, one of America’s first public Wiccan Priestesses, an activist attorney on behalf of Wiccans’ religious rights, an author of four internationally bestselling books, and a teacher whose YouTube series “What is Wicca?” has more than 2 million views. She is vice chair emerita of the Parliament of the World’s Religions and creator of its historic 2015 Inaugural Women’s Assembly. She was inducted into Morehouse College’s Martin Luther King, Jr. Collegium of Clergy and Scholars, received the 2018 Service to Humanity Award from One Spirit Learning Alliance, and Jane magazine honored her as one of the “Ten Gutsiest Women of the Year.” Time magazine published her as one of “America’s leading voices” and New York magazine described her work reviving Euro-indigenous wisdom as the “next big idea” in American culture. 11 DREAMS AS PORTALS TO THE SACRED with Sushmita Mukherjee and Darby Christopher

Saturday, December 12, 2020 9:30 am - 5:00 pm ET Videoconference | Recording General Public: $100 | One Spirit Graduates: $90 | One Spirit Elective Credit: 1

Dream images are often complex and multilayered. They are, however, nothing less than the visual manifestation of our very souls. Arising directly from our deep psyche – our soul – they appear to us as sacred mystery, offering an opportunity to listen to the Divine within. During the day, when our consciousness is in charge, only a few of our inner energies have free expression. These are mostly socially sanctioned and conditioned parts, such as the ego and the persona. But every night, when the grip of consciousness loosens, our inner gods and goddesses (in both their positive and negative forms) share an elaborate sequence of dream images based on where our psyche stands at the moment and how we can best align our desires and aspirations with our inner divinity. This workshop offers attendees the opportunity to • Learn the vocabulary and idiom of your dream maker • Build a basic tool set to work with dreams • Become an active participant in the unfolding of • Observe how to circumambulate dreams your destiny • Take part in a dream group session • Gain an appreciation for the power of dreams and • Experience sacred service wherein the dream “dreamwork” images serve as liturgy

Rev. Darby Christopher is an interfaith minister and holds a Master of Social Work degree. She is a graduate of the Haden Institute’s Dream Group Leadership Training program. Author of the recently published book From Anxiety to Connection: A Path to Authentic Relating, Darby enjoys speaking, writing, presenting workshops, leading dream groups, and companioning people on their life’s journey.

Rev. Dr. Sushmita Mukherjee is an ordained interspiritual minister and counselor. Trained as a biophysicist and cell biologist in India and in the United States, she works as an associate professor of research at Weill Cornell Medical College, New York City. Her scientific work focuses on high-resolution microscopy and image analysis, and their applications in cutting-edge biomedical research. She is thus very finely attuned to the nuances of images and the stories images can tell. Sushmita’s spiritual work is also deeply influenced by Jungian/archetypal thought. She thus sees images as carriers of potent psychospiritual symbols and as sources of mythopoesis. Sushmita loves to write, to visualize, to chant, and to create art that lives at the interface of science and soul.


Sunday, December 13, 2020 9:30 am - 5:00 pm ET Videoconference | Recording General Public: $100 | One Spirit Graduates: $90 | One Spirit Elective Credit: 1

"Truly I tell you, wherever the gospel is preached throughout the world, what she has done will also be told, in memory of her." - Mark 14:9

Who was Mary Magdalene really? Even though she had a vital role during the crucifixion, burial, and resurrection of Jesus, very little was registered about her in the canonical gospels. A woman well ahead of her time, Mary Magdalene stands as an important icon in the emergence of the wisdom of the feminine soul. The message contained in the Gospel of Mary is a source of inspiration and empowerment to women and men who are seeking balance in a world that suffers from a dysfunctional male consciousness. More than that, hers is a path that can lead us to uncover aspects of our spiritual identity. This workshop offers participants the opportunity to • Gain a better understanding of her vital role in early Christianity • Be introduced to a new way of experiencing Jesus’s teachings • Explore what Leloup calls “The Nous,” or the eye of the heart • Understand the concept of unity – being one with God

Susie Verde is a One Spirit graduate, an educator, a community builder, and a passionate communicator of truth. Her academic background includes a degree in law from her native country of Brazil and certifications as a life transformation coach, positive psychology practitioner, and professional astrologer. Since 2014, Susie has been immersed in the teachings of Mary Magdalene and the Divine Feminine, having taught workshops in the USA and internationally. During uncountable visits to the South of France, Susie has followed the steps of a remarkable woman ahead of her time whose voice was almost erased from history. As a result of her personal journey, Susie founded Le Chemin du Cercle, an international circle of women who feel called to embody the message of Mary Magdalene and are inspired by the power of love. 15 CONSCIOUS COMMUNICATION: Intentional Connection With Self, Spirit, and Other with Nura Hirmina and Laura Billings

Mondays, January 4, 11, 18, and 25, 2021 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm ET Videoconference | Recording General Public: $100 | One Spirit Graduates: $90 | One Spirit Elective Credit: 1

The word “communication” stems from the same root word as “community” and “communion.” Whether you feel challenged as a communicator or consider yourself adept, this workshop offers an opportunity to advance your communication skills in a supportive community. Conscious communication is not only a matter of speaking or listening, praying or contemplating/meditating, and reading or writing, it is the art of the dance with all of these. Across four evenings, we will explore nuances in communication – first with Self, then with Spirit, and finally with Others. We’ll read excerpts from classical texts about dialogue and utilize journal writing for personal reflection and spiritual practice. Bring your sense of wonder and your favorite words, and take advantage of this time, during which we will: • Practice conscious communication skills–discernment of word choice and listening with the whole self • Explore reading and writing for secular use and spiritual practice • Look at the effects of being more intentional in “dialogue” with self, becoming more authentic with Spirit, and deepening human connections with others

Rev. Nura Hirmina was ordained by One Spirit Interfaith Seminary as an Interfaith/ Interspiritual minister in 2014 and completed the Interspiritual Counseling program (ISC) in 2016. Nura holds a BS in Business Administration, an MBA in Global Management and a Doctor of Ministry (DMin) degree. Nura is a life-long student of the world’s faith and mystery traditions and embraces secular spirituality as her path. With over two decades of corporate experience, Nura strives to blend the secular and the spiritual in her daily life. She approaches every interaction as an opportunity to engage in kindness as a spiritual practice.

Rev. Laura Billings holds a PhD in Curriculum and Instruction from the University of North Carolina Chapel Hill and was associate director of the National Paideia Center for more than twenty years. Much of her work has focused on thoughtful, collaborative dialogue as a process for learning and building community. She is co-author of four books and several articles on the relationship between thinking and communication. Laura is also a life-long student of philosophy and spirituality. She is also a certified yoga teacher and a dedicated yoga practitioner. Laura graduated from One Spirit Interfaith Seminary in 2020 and is deeply committed to spirit, mind, and body integration.

16 17 18 INTERNAL ALCHEMY: Self-Healing Through Taoist Principles with Diane Rooney

Saturday and Sunday, January 16 - 17, 2021 9:30 am - 5:00 pm ET Videoconference | Recording General Public: $225 | One Spirit Graduates: $180 | One Spirit Elective Credits: 2

Discover the healing power of Taoist principles. This workshop will help participants access the four keys of movement, breath, visualization, and sound. We will unlock the alchemical and transformational process inside of us in order to balance our bodies and lives. We’ll address the three treasures of the body, mind, and breath (spirit) to help us unlock, nourish, and integrate all parts of ourselves for our highest self-expression and healing. This dive into Taoist principles will allow you to • Discover foundational information on the energetics of our organs, and their associating color and sound • Access the power of breath as practiced from a Taoist perspective • Gain a basic understanding of how to alchemize health, wellness, vitality, and clarity within to balance your qi through Qigong, acupressure, cleansing the organ with sound, visualizing the healing color of each organ and meridian, and Xi breathing techniques

Rev. Dr. Diane Rooney is an ordained interspiritual minister with One Spirit Interfaith Seminary. She is also a doctor of oriental medicine, reiki master, licensed massage therapist, board certified herbologist, and first-year dean. She has taught acupuncture and Eastern healing techniques and Taoism for 19 years, and has her own private practice in New York City. She holds the 2014 award for Worldwide Leader in Health Care, Top Integrative Acupuncturist. She is co-author of many books and research articles on the effectiveness of Chinese medicine.

19 THE SHAMAN’S MIND: Huna Wisdom to Change Your Life with Jonathan Hammond

Saturday, January 30, 2021 9:30 am - 5:00 pm ET Videoconference | Recording General Public: $150 | One Spirit Students and Graduates: $90

To think like a shaman is to align with a magical spectrum of possibilities that is available to all of us in any given moment. Huna, the ancient esoteric philosophy of Hawaii, teaches you how to connect with those possibilities. A spiritual system of ideas, hidden knowledge, and shamanic practices, Huna offers each of us an individual gateway into the shaman’s mind. Embedded in this rich shamanic tradition is the transformative practice of Ho’oponopono; a potent and multilayered healing modality that will open you to new ways of seeing and being. In this highly experiential and mind-expanding workshop, beginners and advanced practitioners alike merge with the psyche of the shaman and discover the innate, inner power that lies within each of us. When shamans like what’s happening, they make it better, and when they don’t, they change it. And, so can you. This workshop is based on Jonathan Hammond’s book of the same title. Through lecture, practices, meditations and other exercises we will explore the following topics in this workshop: • The Seven Principles of Huna • The Three Selves of Huna • Hawaiian Magic and Manifestation practices • The Four Levels of Reality of the shaman • Ho’oponopono

Jonathan Hammond is a teacher, energy healer, shamanic practitioner, and spiritual counselor. A graduate of Harvard University and the University of Michigan, Jonathan is a certified Master Teacher in Shamanic Reiki, Usui, and Karuna Reiki. He teaches classes in shamanism, energy healing, spirituality, and Huna at the Omega Institute and around the world. Jonathan has training and certifications in Cherokee Bodywork, Huna, and Ho‘oponopono, and is an ordained Alakai (leader or guide) through Aloha International. He has completed the core curriculum studies at the Foundation for Shamanic Studies and has been initiated through the Minoan Fellowship in Wicca. In addition to his background in energy medicine, Jonathan completed four years of training at One Spirit Learning Alliance (OSLA) in New York City. He is currently a faculty member at OSLA. His first book, The Shaman’s Mind – Huna Wisdom to Change Your Life, was released in July 2020. 20 21 CONNECTION MATTERS: Creating Experiential Workshops with Susyn Reeve

Saturday, February 13, 2021, 9:30 am - 5:00 pm ET Tuesday, February 16, 2021, 6:30 pm - 9:30 pm Wednesday, February 17, 2021, 6:30 pm - 9:30 pm Videoconference | Recording General Public: $225 | One Spirit Graduates: $180 | One Spirit Elective Credits: 2

Simply having a great idea does not guarantee you will design a successful and effective workshop, which is truly an art and a science. Your deep desire to share must be wedded to practical tools that address the unique needs of your audience. Based on group dynamics and theories of group development, this workshop will guide you through individual processes of self-inquiry and transformation while offering you concrete skills to cultivate workshop experiences that minister to increasingly diverse groups of spiritual seekers. Whether you currently have a workshop designed or you are just beginning to think about offering one, this course will guide you in identifying your niche to design an experiential workshop that you can begin to lead immediately. Learn how to leverage your genius and design experiential workshops that • Offer a safe learning environment • Integrate the mind, body, heart, and spirit • Ignite professional growth • Create exercises that reflect an understanding of interpersonal and group dynamics

Rev. Susyn Reeve, M.Ed., has 40 years professional experience that includes: Organization Development Consulting, Executive & Leadership Development Coaching. She’s been an Adjunct Associate Professor of Management at New York University’s Management Institute focusing on Interpersonal and Group Dynamics. She is an ordained InterFaith Minister and author. Her new business, WholeHearted Living: Creating Your Life from the Inside Out is inspired by a question "What would the world be like if everyone Loved themselves?" Susyn has been a guest speaker at the InterSpiritual Counseling Program (ISC) and is is a staff member of the new Companions in Care (CIC) program. Susyn’s books include, Heart-Healing: The Life-Changing Power of Forgiveness to Heal an Broken Heart, The Wholehearted Life: Big Changes and Greater Happiness Week by Week and the Amazon bestseller, The Inspired Life: Unleashing Your Mind’s Capacity for Joy. 22 23 24 SOUL NOURISHMENT: Our Presence and Purpose with Diane Berke and David Wallace

Saturday, February 27, 2021 9:30 am - 5:00 pm ET Videoconference | Recording General Public: $100 | One Spirit Graduates: $90 | One Spirit Elective Credit: 1

With so much heartbreak in the world and with the increasing demands of our busy lives, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed and alone – and to lose the inspiration that has invited us to be in joyful service and creativity. How can we best nourish our souls, remember our calling and purpose, and live the meaningful lives we imagine and deserve? Join Diane and David in a mini retreat of reconnection that will incorporate practice, poetry, and prayer to encourage the soulful Presence that is at the core of our being. In this mini retreat we will • Talk together, listen together, move together, and practice together in community • Find retreat from our busy and stressed lives as we move into the safety and steadfast interplay of sacred listening and speech • Explore the work of the heart and the imagination with poems, journaling, and dialogue • Share the gifts of silence, practice, and the invitation to listen to the still, small voice within, and the celebrations of our common voice • Enjoy the rich experience of the One Spirit extended family, coming together in resonant inquiry and loving mindfulness

Rev. Diane Berke is the founder and spiritual director of One Spirit Learning Alliance and One Spirit Interfaith Seminary. She is a licensed mental health counselor in New York State and has been a psychotherapist and spiritual counselor in private practice for more than 30 years. A longtime student and teacher of A Course in Miracles, Diane has written four books based on the Course: Love Always Answers, The Gentle Smile, Forgiveness as a Path of Awakening, and All Things are Lessons: Essential Teachings of a Course in Miracles. She also serves on the core faculty of Andrew Harvey’s Institute for Sacred Activism.

Rev. David Wallace was ordained as an interfaith minister in 2001. He is a graduate of St. John’s College in Santa Fe, NM, and has continued these studies as a lifelong student of the “great books” of philosophy and archetypal psychology. David served on the worship committee and board of Judson Memorial Church in New York City, where he also preached and taught centering prayer. He has served as a Spiritual Disaster Care Chaplain in New York City and has been active with the Alzheimer’s Association. A popular teacher, David has been a regular guest lecturer at the Kripalu Institute in Lenox, MA, and other educational venues. In addition to teaching classes in the core curriculum of the seminary, David teaches electives on the sacred texts of Eastern and Western spiritual traditions for One Spirit. 25 LIVING LOVE: The Transformational Power of Heart-Centered Practice with Victoria Price

Sunday, February 28, 2021 9:30 am - 5:00 pm ET Videoconference | Recording General Public: $100 | One Spirit Graduates: $90 | One Spirit Elective Credit: 1

We may not realize it, but every choice we make comes down to either fear or love. Because we are bombarded by fear-based messages every day, most of us have learned to listen more to fear than to love. We often see our lives and our world as problems that we must fix. This isn't our fault, it’s what we’ve been unwittingly trained to do. Listening to fear is an almost unconscious habit. But here’s the good news: Habits can be changed. By creating daily and deliberate, conscious and committed heart-centered practices, we begin to shift out of fear-based problem-solving into living love and “live as if” we are already our truest selves. We stop focusing on what we don’t have, and we remember who we already are. We begin to trust more in the power of love than in our problem-solving minds – and when we do, we invite the healing power of love into our lives. With Victoria’s help you will co-create your own heart-centered practices through

• Recognizing how fear gets our ear • Identifying lack-based patterns and releasing them • Welcoming what we don’t know to teach us what we need to hear • Witnessing and weeding • Incorporating go-to practices of joy, gratitude, and centering into our daily lives

Rev. Victoria Price, an inspirational speaker, author, blogger, consultant, coach, and interspiritual minister, encourages each of us to co-create a legacy of love through heart-centered practice that can heal our planet. Along with writing her popular blog, Daily Practice of Joy, Victoria is the author of three books – her 2018 inspirational memoir, The Way of Being Lost: A Road Trip to My Truest Self; the critically acclaimed Vincent Price: A Daughter’s Biography, and her latest book – Living Love: 12 Heart-Centered Practices to Transform Your Life. In 2016, after living in New Mexico for 25 years, Victoria began a nomadic life. Over four years later, she still chooses to remain “intentionally home-free” as her core heart-centered practice. She lives on the road with her beloved dog Allie.

26 27 “Caring for myself is not self-indulgent, it is self-preservation, and that is an act of political warfare.” - Audre Lorde

28 SELF-CARE FOR LEADERS ROOTED IN SOCIAL JUSTICE: A Political Endeavor with Kyndra Frazier

Thursdays, March 4, 11, 18, and 25, 2021 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm ET Videoconference | Recording General Public: $100 | One Spirit Graduates: $90 | One Spirit Elective Credit: 1

Explore self-care through a social-justice lens. We’ll examine the various ways social justice is enacted and how the influence of trauma and secondary traumatic stressors can potentially hinder the progress of advocacy work when the Self is not given intentional holistic attention. Through project-based learning and self-awareness exercises, you will • Begin to identify the signs and symptoms of trauma, secondary traumatic stress, and other mental health vulnerabilities • Learn how to resist retraumatizing yourself and others by being attentive to your own trauma reactions in order to effectively participate in the sacred work of social justice • Acquire an understanding of the impact of adverse childhood experiences on child development and its influence on the functionality of the adult self • Strengthen your awareness of and ability to set healthy boundaries • Learn how to enhance your communication skills in relationship to others • Deepen your awareness of the importance of self-care and how it propels the work of social justice in the world • Begin developing and/or expanding your skillset to engage more effectively within the systems of oppression that you seek to transform • Create a restorative self-care plan that is trauma-informed

Kyndra Frazier, a 2018 recipient of The National Association on Mental Illness Multicultural Award, is a licensed master social worker, lecturer at Columbia University, and associate pastor of congregational care and wellness at First Corinthian Baptist Church. Known for her work in removing barriers to mental health access for communities of color, Kyndra has been featured in multiple print and digital publications including Vice magazine, The New York Times, and Sojourners magazine. Kyndra holds a Master of Divinity degree from Candler School of Theology/Emory University, a Master of Social Work from Columbia University, and a Bachelor of Science in Business Management from North Carolina A&T State University. Kyndra also serves as a field instructor for various colleges across New York City. 29 SPIRITUAL GROWTH AND THE ENNEAGRAM: Nine Deep Soul Meditations with Robert Holden and Deborah Egerton

Friday, March 12, 2021, 10:00 am - 5:00 pm ET Saturday, March 13, 2021, 10:00 am - 3:15 pm ET Sunday, March 14, 2021, 10:00 am - 3:15 pm ET Videoconference | Recording General Public: $310 | One Spirit Graduates: $265 | One Spirit Elective Credit: 2 + $85

Join Robert Holden and Deborah Egerton on a deep 3-day dive into the timeless wisdom of the Enneagram to help you experience practical growth and transformation. In this workshop, Robert will guide you on a meditative exploration through the nine soul journeys of the Enneagram and introduce you to the basic anatomy of its nine personality types. Drawing on teachings from the wisdom traditions, mysticism, poetry, works of literature, sacred art, and Hollywood, they bring the Enneagram alive for practical use in your everyday life. No previous experience of the Enneagram is necessary for this course. Learn about: • The purpose of Enneagram: How to use the Enneagram to be less of a type and more of who you really are • Knowing your type: Take a deep dive into the basic anatomy of the nine personality types • Your journey of growth: How to use the Enneagram to be more soul-centered and inspired in your life • Healing the inner blocks: Identify and release the basic fear, fixation, and passion of each type • Recognizing your soul gifts • The nine soul meditations: Become more fully present in your life

Robert Holden’s work on psychology and spirituality has been featured on The Oprah Winfrey Show, Good Morning America, the PBS special Shift Happens!, and in two major BBC-TV documentaries. He runs a public program of Enneagram workshops each year and also Leadership & Enneagram programs with clients Dove, the Real Beautiful Campaign, Virgin, Hay House, and Google. Robert has led Enneagram retreats on spiritual growth in Jerusalem, Assisi, Findhorn, and Montserrat (home of the Black Madonna). He is a student of A Course in Miracles and is a New York Times best-selling author of 10 books, including: Happiness NOW!, Shift Happens!, Authentic Success, Be Happy, Loveability, and Life Loves You (co-written with Louise Hay). His first book of poetry, Finding Love Everywhere, is published by Hay House.

Dr. Deborah Threadgill Egerton is president & founder of Trinity Transition Consultants and The PlatinumConnection. She is a board member of the International Enneagram Association, an internationally respected psychotherapist, executive coach, and Enneagram practitioner. Her work empowers people with the necessary tools and skills to navigate the landscape of discovery of their unique Enneagram personality archetype.

30 31 STAYING HUMAN IN INHUMAN TIMES: Essential Practices for Sacred Activists with Diane Berke and Andrew Harvey

Thursday and Friday, April 1 - 2, 2021, 6:30 pm - 9:00 pm ET Saturday and Sunday, April 3 - 4, 2021, 10:00 am - 1:30 pm ET Videoconference | Recording General Public: $225 | One Spirit Graduates: $180 | One Spirit Elective Credits: 2

Never before has the need for sacred activism – active engagement to support world transformation for justice, equity, and peace, from a consciousness of unity and interconnection rather than separation and division – been greater. At the heart of sacred activism lies a profound commitment to remain, in Rumi’s words, a “true human being,” even in inhuman times. In this weekend with Andrew Harvey and Diane Berke, we will explore what it means to be a true human being as well as learn and engage in the essential practices we need to nourish and sustain our humanity through times of challenge and uncertainty. The practices we will explore in this weekend include • Foundational practices to ground in our essential humanity and connect to the deepest levels of support • Peace practices to cultivate clarity and calm • Heart practices to deepen and extend loving kindness and compassion to others and ourselves • Prayer practices to open to divine guidance and grace • Body practices to anchor the archetypal process of transformation into our physical being

Rev. Diane Berke is the founder and spiritual director of One Spirit Learning Alliance and One Spirit Interfaith Seminary. She is a licensed mental health counselor in New York State and has been a psychotherapist and spiritual counselor in private practice for more than 30 years. A longtime student and teacher of A Course in Miracles, Diane has written four books based on the Course: Love Always Answers, The Gentle Smile, Forgiveness as a Path of Awakening, and All Things are Lessons: Essential Teachings of a Course in Miracles. She also serves on the core faculty of Andrew Harvey’s Institute for Sacred Activism.

Andrew Harvey is an internationally renowned religious scholar, writer, and teacher, and the author of more than 40 books, including Son of Man, Savage Grace, with Carolyn Baker, and critically acclaimed The Hope. Born in south India in 1952, Harvey has devoted much of his life to studying the world’s mystical traditions, including intensive study of Hinduism, Buddhism, and Sufi mysticism.

32 33 34 MINDFUL MATTERS: Cultivating Presence in a Chaotic World with Eileen Fisher

Saturday, April 17, 2021 9:30 am - 5:00 pm ET Videoconference | Recording General Public: $100 | One Spirit Graduates: $90 | One Spirit Elective Credit: 1

In a world where our access to information and others is constant, it is easy to move through life on automatic pilot, forgetting that our authentic, embodied presence can be a lifeline of peace and healing for ourselves and others. When we are hurried, stressed, overworked, and overscheduled, we lose touch with our natural compassion. Across this day of retreat and renewal, we will • Unpack the seven essential attitudes of mindfulness practice, common obstacles to practice and how to work with them, and the power of self care • Use mindfulness practices to learn how to slow down and reconnect to our deepest values and desire to be of service • Explore ways to be fully present to our life experiences and train our attention so we can bring the gift of our embodied presence of peace and compassion to a world in need This class is appropriate for anyone, regardless of previous experience with mindfulness practice.

Rev. Eileen Fisher, co-director of One Spirit Interfaith Seminary, has been teaching in New Jersey public schools for more than 20 years. She holds a Master of Education degree and has experience developing educational programs for young children, families, and adult learners. Eileen was ordained by One Spirit in 2010 and has supported One Spirit as a classroom assistant and coordinator of the mentoring ministry program. She has served through her local hospice and a women’s prison in New Jersey. A Sufi dervish in the Nur Ashki Jerrahi Order, Eileen strives to walk the path of remembrance and expresses her ministry by supporting the spiritual growth of others through officiating life-cycle ceremonies and spiritual counseling. She believes we are all connected and called to demonstrate the transformative power of love through expression of our own divine wisdom in ways that will bless and heal the world. 35 START SPREADING THE NEWS: Joyfully Publicizing and Marketing Your Ministry with Josh Ellis

Sunday, April 18, 2021 9:30 am - 5:00 pm ET Videoconference | Recording General Public: $100 | One Spirit Graduates: $90 | One Spirit Elective Credit: 1

Get the word out about your ministry, organization, or special project! Whether you are launching a new ministry or have served as a minister, you will learn to strategize using the latest communication tools. And the skills provided are applicable to every career, industry, and organization. Topics will include • Creating buzz for yourself, your service, company, or industry • Engaging your market and connecting with potential clients • Giving great interviews – TV, online, radio, newspapers, and magazines • Writing smart and attention-getting press releases, media alerts, biographies, blogs, pitch letters, tweets, Facebook postings, etc. • Learning about social media, online video, blogs, and existing websites to increase visibility • Getting outstanding promotional photos/videos and disseminating it to the right outlets • Creating and publicizing events highlighting your talents and expertise • Knowing how, when, and if you should ask for help in creating your media presence • Participating in auxiliary media events when media opportunities arise • Describing your ministry (your essential “elevator pitch”) • Finding balance between the media’s accessibility to you and your privacy

Rev. Joshua Ellis, an interspiritual minister (One Spirit, Class of 2006), created, developed, and executed the public relations campaigns for more than 100 plays and musicals, and performers, including the original Broadway productions of Into the Woods, 42nd Street, Lena Horne: The Lady and Her Music, Fences, Big River, The Elephant Man, The King and I with Yul Brynner, Peter Pan with Sandy Duncan, and seven productions of the Royal Shakespeare Company. He honed his public relations and marketing skills working with a wide range of talents, including Stephen Sondheim, Carol Channing, Arthur Miller, Denzel Washington, James Earl Jones, and Broadway’s legendary producer, David Merrick. He also headed the publicity campaigns for not-for-profit organizations, including Broadway Cares/Equity Fights AIDS. His primary ministry is disaster spiritual care, formerly called disaster chaplaincy, with the American Red Cross.


37 38 SIKHISM: Demystifying the World’s Fifth-Largest Religion with Simram Jeep Singh

Saturday, May 1, 2021 9:30 am - 5:00 pm ET Videoconference | Recording General Public: $100 | One Spirit Graduates: $90 | One Spirit Elective Credit: 1

Sikhism is the fifth-largest organized religion in the world, yet many books on religion devote little space to it. Who are the Sikhs, what do they believe, and how do they experience the Divine? Established in the latter part of the 15th century by Guru Nanak, this relatively young religion is based in the love of a universal God. Key values include social justice, human rights, and religious freedom for people of all religions. A core tenet of Sikhism is seva (selfless service), and Sikhs across the world practice this in many forms, including providing free meals and lending a helping hand as needed–testaments to a belief system that demonstrates true dedication to its values. This one-day workshop will offer participants the opportunity not only to add Sikhism to their knowledge of world religions but also to • Experience Sikh prayer/meditation • Explore the importance of Sikh sacred scriptures, the Guru Granth Sahib • Participate in performance of religious hymns (keertan) • Learn about important contributions of Sikhs to the world • Understand the social challenges Sikh communities are facing

Dr. Simran Jeet Singh is an educator, writer, activist, and scholar who speaks regularly on issues of diversity, inclusion, and equity. He is currently a Senior Fellow at the Sikh Coalition, visiting professor at Union Theological Seminary, and a chaplain at New York University and Columbia University. Simran has served on Governor Cuomo’s Interfaith Advisory Committee and Elizabeth Warren’s Interfaith Advisory Council. He was the first Sikh wire-service columnist in US history, is a columnist for Religion News Service, and is the host of the podcast Spirited. Simran is the author of Fauja Singh Keeps Going: The True Story of the Oldest Person to Run a Marathon, which is the first-ever children’s book from a major publisher (Penguin Random House) to center on a Sikh story. He is also writing an adult nonfiction book for Riverhead (Penguin Random House) on Sikh wisdom to help navigate today’s contentious world. 39 FIVE STAGES OF SPIRITUAL EVOLUTION: A Bhagavad-Gita Exploration with Kaustubha Das

Sunday, May 2, 2021 9:30 am - 5:00 pm ET Videoconference | Recording General Public: $100 | One Spirit Graduates: $90 | One Spirit Elective Credit: 1

“When doubts haunt me, when disappointments stare me in the face, and I see not one ray of hope on the horizon, I turn to Bhagavad-Gita and find a verse to comfort me; and I immediately begin to smile in the midst of overwhelming sorrow. Those who meditate on the Gita will derive fresh joy and new meanings from it every day.” - Mahatma Gandhi

Of all the sacred books of yoga wisdom, the Bhagavad-Gita is by far the most widely read and influential. Its impact radiates through all the traditions of Eastern spirituality. Illuminating how the conditioned mind is distracted and colored by attachment, fear, and anger, the Bhagavad-Gita provides a way of purifying the mind. Krishna speaks to Arjuna of a progression through five stages of spiritual evolution: duty, knowledge, wisdom, absorption, and love. In this workshop you will: • Learn to become a true mystic in the midst of worldly responsibilities • Deepen your knowledge and experience of yoga’s wisdom “off the mat” • Receive practical guidance for a steady, peaceful mind in our modern world of distraction • Penetrate vague approaches to Eastern thought through clear and practical mysticism • Reflect on the Gita’s wisdom in your daily life • Grasp the Bhagavad-Gita’s method of breaking negative mindsets and adopting life-changing spiritual outlooks

Kaustubha Das has a special way of making the teachings and practices of yoga very approachable and relevant. He serves as Senior Educator of The Bhakti Center in New York City and is the co-host of the Wisdom of the Sages yoga podcast, which has been ranked #1 in the world on Apple Podcasts in the category of Religion & Spirituality. Between the ages of 21 and 34 he lived as a Vaishnava monk, traveling and studying in ashrams in India and America. He teaches bhakti-yoga philosophy and meditation, which he has practiced for over 30 years in the Gaudiya Vaishnava tradition.

40 41 42 CREATING PORTABLE ALTARS with Therese Bimka

Sunday, May 16, 2021 9:30 am - 5:00 pm ET Videoconference | Recording General Public: $100 | One Spirit Graduates: $90 | One Spirit Elective Credit: 1

"Even though we may forget our vows 10,000 times, come, come whoever you are… begin again and again." – Rumi

Our human nature is to forget, to fall asleep, to fall off the wagon. How do we create meaningful pathways of remembrance: of God, of our values and dreams, of intent and heart? In days of old, spiritual leaders were known to travel with triptychs and other religious items that would anchor and remind them of what they hold dear. In the beloved container of the sangha, this creative, spiritual workshop will allow you to • Create your own sweet, portable altar small enough to carry in your backpack or purse, or to take on travel abroad • Design your altar in community as a lovely practice of deep inner listening as we weave in ritual, inner work, and creative processes

Rev. Therese Bimka is a licensed clinical social worker, spiritual counselor, artist, author, workshop leader, educator, and interfaith minister ordained at One Spirit in 2008, where she currently serves as co-director of the Interspiritual Counseling Program. She has worked in the human potential field for more than 3 decades as a practitioner, administrator, and supervisor. For 20 years, she has supervised graduate art education majors, graduate social work interns, guidance counselors, and spiritual directors. She has worked in a variety of settings, including university, social service agencies, and nonprofits/community-based organizations, and has been in private practice since 1995. Therese is a lifelong learner and has pursued postgraduate training in a wide range of psycho-spiritual modalities, including meditation/mindfulness and Buddhist psychology, Gestalt, Jungian Sandplay Therapy, expressive arts, dreamwork, guided visualization, process-oriented therapy, The Realization Process, restorative justice, collaborative divorce, equine therapy, and Somatic Experiencing. 43 44 MONTHLY ONE SPIRIT SHAMANIC CIRCLE with Jonathan Hammond and Emily Wallace

First Mondays, September 14, October 5, November 2, December 7, January 4, February 1, March 1, April 5, May 3 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm ET Videoconference Suggested Offering: $20

In this highly experiential monthly gathering, we delve into the heart of shamanism with ancient shamanic practices, journeys, teachings, sharing, and community. And we learn to apply this esoteric and ancient wisdom for our own healing, empowerment, and sense of life purpose. This rich work will involve journeys into ourselves, our pasts, and our futures. We will become acquainted with spirit allies and forces, navigate through expanded landscapes designed to open the heart, begin to remove obstacles that are in the way of our greater expression and potential, retrieve lost soul parts or vital essence, and merge with the loving interconnectivity and healing properties of nature, the elements, psyche, and spirit. Come, explore, and meet like-minded others. The One Spirit Shamanic Circle is completely donation-based. Proceeds will go to One Spirit Learning Alliance and The Olympic Mountain EarthWisdom Circle (OMEC). OMEC's mission is to encourage a sacred and responsible relationship with the Earth and to preserve the ancient wisdom ways of indigenous shamanic people.

Jonathan Hammond is a teacher, energy healer, shamanic practitioner, and spiritual counselor. A graduate of Harvard University and the University of Michigan, Jonathan is a certified Master Teacher in Shamanic Reiki, Usui, and Karuna Reiki. He teaches classes in shamanism, energy healing, spirituality, and Huna at the Omega Institute and around the world. Jonathan has training and certifications in Cherokee Bodywork, Huna, and Ho‘oponopono, and is an ordained Alakai (leader or guide) through Aloha International. He has completed the core curriculum studies at the Foundation for Shamanic Studies and has been initiated through the Minoan Fellowship in Wicca. In addition to his background in energy medicine, Jonathan completed four years of training at One Spirit Learning Alliance (OSLA) in New York City. He is currently a faculty member at OSLA. His first book, The Shaman’s Mind – Huna Wisdom to Change Your Life, was released in July 2020.

Emily Wallace is a Shamanic Reiki Master Teacher, Intuitive Energy Healing practitioner, and certified hypnotherapist in private practice in New York City. She is a core faculty member of Shamanic Reiki Worldwide and a co-facilitator of its year- long Master Teacher and Life Empowerment training program. In addition to Shamanic Reiki, Emily has studied traditional Usui Reiki, Huna, and Ho’oponopono, Magical Awakening, Chakra Balancing, Neuro-Linguistic Programming, Therapeutic Imagery, Emotional Freedom Technique, Dream Therapy, and Past Life Regression. 45 2020 - 2021 WORKSHOP CALENDAR Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb March April May

Animals, the Planet, and Us: Creating Spiritual Connections for Thriving 3

Sacred Activism: A Path of Radical Transformation 20, 27

Receiving the Blessings of Grace

Contemporary Wicca: Ancestral Wisdom for Modern Times 10, 17

Dreams as Portals to the Sacred 9, 11, 12, 13

Walking on the Path of Mary Magdalene 16, 23, 30 14

Conscious Communication: Intentional Connection with Self, Spirit, and Other 12

Internal Alchemy: Self-Healing Through Taoist Principles 13

The Shaman’s Mind: Huna Wisdom to Change Your Life 4, 11, 18, 25

Connection Matters: Creating Experiential Workshops 16, 17

Soul Nourishment: Our Presence and Purpose 30

Living Love: The Transformational Power of Heart-Centered Practice 13, 16, 17

Self-Care for Leaders Rooted in Social Justice: A Political Endeavor 27

Spiritual Growth and the Enneagram: Nine Deep Soul Meditations 28

Staying Human in Inhuman Times: Essential Practices for Sacred Activists 4, 11, 18, 25

Mindful Matters: Cultivating Presence in a Chaotic World 12, 13, 14

Start Spreading the News: Joyfully Publicizing and Marketing Your Ministry 1, 2, 3, 4

Sikhism: Demystifying the World's Fifth-Largest Religion 17

Five Stages of Spiritual Evolution: A Bhagavad-Gita Exploration 18

Creating Portable Altars 1



Monthly One Spirit Shamanic Circle 5 2 7 4 1 1 5 3 46 2020 - 2021 WORKSHOP CALENDAR Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb March April May

Animals, the Planet, and Us: Creating Spiritual Connections for Thriving 3

Reclaiming Spiritual You:Writing Your Story of Liberation 7, 14, 21, 28 10, 17

Spiritual Growth and the Enneagram: Nine Deep Soul Meditations 23, 24, 25 9, 11, 12, 13

Sacred Activism: A Path of Radical Transformation 20, 27 16, 23, 30 14

Receiving the Blessings of Grace 12

Contemporary Wicca: Ancestral Wisdom for Modern Times 13

Dreams as Portals to the Sacred 4, 11, 18, 25

Walking on the Path of Mary Magdalene 16, 17

Conscious Communication: Intentional Connection with Self, Spirit, and Other 30

Internal Alchemy: Self-Healing through Taoist Principles 13, 16, 17

The Shaman’s Mind: Huna Wisdom to Change Your Life 27

Connection Matters: Creating Experiential Workshops 28

Soul Nourishment: Our Presence and Purpose 4, 11, 18, 25

Living Love: The Transformational Power of Heart-Centered Practice 12, 13, 14

Self-Care for Leaders Rooted in Social Justice: A Political Endeavor 1, 2, 3, 4

Shamanic Reiki Master Practitioner Training 17

Staying Human in Inhuman Times: Essential Practices for Sacred Activists 18

Mindful Matters: Cultivating Presence in a Chaotic World 1

Start Spreading the News:Joyfully Publicizing and Marketing Your Ministry 2

Sikhism: Demystifying the World's Fifth-Largest Religion 16

Five Stages of Spiritual Evolution: A Bhagavad-Gita Exploration

Creating Portable Altars

Monthly One Spirit Shamanic Circle 5 2 7 4 1 1 5 3 47 fRom oUR GRadUaTes

“one spirit provided the crucible, the safe and loving space for me to “This training program allowed me dare to explore and be open to who to have a structured experience i am. i had no idea in my mid-50’s of spiritual growth and practice that my life has barely begun. i am shared with fellow travelers. it thrilled, exhilarated, and stretched beyond what i ever imagined. at stimulated my creativity and the same time, i feel that i’ve always imagination, while helping me known what i’ve rediscovered here. learn to balance the inner and Through one spirit i have heard outer worlds.” God’s whisper in my heart.”

“one spirit gave me the spiritual “This program is life-altering and home i had been searching for. i life-affirming. You cannot developed a broader awareness, come into the program and leave understanding, and respect for the as the same person. spiritual importanceofspiritualityinpeople’s growth and greater love of self lives, regardless of their path and other are inevitable.” or faith.“

Out of Many, One Spirit.

4648 47 fRom oUR GRadUaTes

“one spirit provided the crucible, the safe and loving space for me to “This training program allowed me dare to explore and be open to who to have a structured experience i am. i had no idea in my mid-50’s of spiritual growth and practice that my life has barely begun. i am shared with fellow travelers. it thrilled, exhilarated, and stretched beyond what i ever imagined. at stimulated my creativity and the same time, i feel that i’ve always imagination, while helping me known what i’ve rediscovered here. learn to balance the inner and Through one spirit i have heard outer worlds.” God’s whisper in my heart.”

“one spirit gave me the spiritual “This program is life-altering and home i had been searching for. i life-affirming. You cannot come developed a broader awareness, into the program and leave as the understanding, and respect for the same person. spiritual growth importance of spirituality in people’s and greater love of self and other lives, regardless of their path are inevitable.” or faith.“

Out of Many, One Spirit.

46 4749 Experience One Spirit!

One Spirit’s Interfaith and Interspiritual perspectives recognize that each individual has a unique soul, a personal expression of the life force that births us all. It sees that throughout history and across the globe various expressions of this fundamental Oneness have emerged, and that those expressions share a common foundation of understanding and experience.

By enrolling in a One Spirit program, you will learn how to use (and to support others to use) every experience in life as an opportunity for spiritual evolution. Our heart-centered programs contain a deeper curriculum of evolving consciousness and spiritual maturity that will help you to • Foster the unique expression of divinity that lies deep within your soul • Allow that higher wisdom to become the navigator of your life • Make a transformative positive impact in your life, in your community, and in the world around you • Embody a greater sense of service and lead from a new perspective

Once open, once awake, once aware of the profound interconnectedness and the sanctity of all life, there is simply no other way to be in the world than to be of service.

Visit “Workshops & Events” at to join an upcoming Information Session for Interfaith Seminary, Interspiritual Counseling, or Emergence Leadership Academy.

Reach our Director of Admissions at [email protected] or call 212-931-6840, ext. 151.

50 Want to Develop Your Inner Life?

The Interfaith and Interspiritual perspective recognizes that each individual has a unique soul, a personal expression of the life force that births us all. It sees that throughout history and across the globe various expressions of this fundamental Oneness have emerged, and that those expressions share a common foundation of understanding and experience. By enrolling in a One Spirit program, you will learn how to use (and to support others to use) every experience in life as an opportunity for spiritual evolution. Our heart-centered programs contain a deeper curriculum of evolving consciousness and spiritual maturity that will help you to: • Foster the unique expression of divinity that lies deep within your soul • Allow that higher wisdom to become the navigator of your life • Make a transformative positive impact in your life, in your community, and in the world around you • Embody a greater sense of service and lead from a new perspective Once open, once awake, once aware of the profound interconnectedness and the sanc- tity of all life, there is simply no other way to be in the world than to be of service.

Are you being called to a higher level of service? Are you ready to bring mind and heart into harmony as you take your next steps?

One Spirit Interfaith Seminary, Emergence Leadership Academy and Interspiritual Counseling programs will give you a new understanding of your place in the world, a new way to create a life of meaning and purpose, and the skills and presence to humbly serve. Ready to live your soul's full potential?

Reach our Director of Admissions at 51 [email protected] or call 212.931.6840, ext. 151.

48 Now is the time to consider our Interfaith Seminary, Interspiritual Counseling, and our Emergence Leadership Academy programs.

State-of-the-Art Distance Learning To find out more about our professional training programs or to register for a workshop, class, or 3-credit package, please visit our website: