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Continue The Sound Sunday feature is offered every week here at MakeUseOf, where we promote free album downloads. Each edition presents different genres and artists from all over the world. This week we have a mix of rock, punk, electronic and . Never dismiss an album for its genre, but take the sound of a bite and prepare for the surprise. Please note that the name of your price albums can be downloaded for free by entering 0 in the price field. However, we strongly recommend that you donate a few dollars to the music you enjoy! We welcome you to submit your music, send out offers with free albums you found, or request genres we haven't covered at the time. For all Sound Sunday related requests, please contact Tina Tina at makeuseof dot com. Cats Park - Face the Future Genre: Psychedelic, Rock, Trip-Hop From the Press Set: Cats Park is a St. Petersburg music group founded in 2010. The band's music is not strictly tied to any particular genre. The style in which the band works can be described as trip-rock as elements of psychedelic rock and classic trip-hop are, in particular, more noticeable. However, the attentive listener will spot indie, ethereal and many other stylistic aspects in the mix. Everything remarkable and important to know about the band will be told by the music itself. The band communicates with their audience using the universal language of beautiful and flexible melodies and laid-back surrounding rhythms. These songs tell stories, both eternal and constantly relevant: they are about love and human relationships, so they can touch the heart of anyone. Face of the Future is the name of your price download from Bandcamp. Marlon Penn - Independence? Genre: Independent, alternative, ambient, pop, rock from his profile: In the fall of 2007, the first recordings were made for his debut solo album Independence?. Marlon Penn made all the recordings in Roermond, in The Moon's studio. In the process of recording, both Marlon and producer Wauter Bude showed a vision in holding all the anological sound that would still sound like a modern era. Independence? offers a diverse atmosphere for everyone to enjoy. The unique way of recording each sound has helped to develop identity for all twelve tracks on the album. No vocal automatic settings. Without the use of any electronic tools or VST tools. But with a lot of variety. With songs of hope, love and consideration, Marlon Penn Independence? Could be Indy's new hit of the decade. Even before the album was released, Marlon Penn's voice was compared to Ryan Adams, Ben Harper, Jeff Buckley, and even Tom York in live reviews. Independence? This is a free download from Bandcamp. Riot Scene - Pride Like Lions Genre: post-punk, rock from its page Facebook: The scene of the riot has been around since 2009, when they released a small collection of songwriting songs were recorded at Matchbox Studios here in Texas. (...) They play well-thought-out, hard-hitting, creative punk influenced by indie rock with an insatiable desire to get you away from yours and dance, looking at the world around you with skepticism of your eyes. Pride as lions is the name of your price download from Bandcamp. Courageous Deeds - Flockheart EP Genre: Folk, rooted from its Facebook page: Formerly known as the Middle East, Courageous Deeds plays the style of old-fashioned American music roots shaped by as many landscapes as their Baltimore, Maryland, home as the musical traditions they seek. Their songs reflect the life lived in the shadow of the Appalachian Mountains and stretched by the tides of the Chesapeake Bay; is located at the top of the south and lower part of the north. Five members used a simple string and found tools to create timeless songs that sound so comfortably plucked from the porch of a mountain as a corner of a city street. The group does not claim to have lived the whole life they sing about, from jaded roads of travelers, bitter and beaten sailors to workers and lovers. Instead, they look for common themes in our usual and extraordinary moments and the uncertain providence to which they all lead. Flockheart EP is a free download from Bandcamp. Pity Sex - Dark World Genre: indie, emo, punk From their label page: Hailing from Ann Arbor, MI, Pity Sex specializes in hazy, lo-fi noise and blown-up sound walls, all with its subtleties of Midwest emo. Located somewhere on the convergence of Dinosaur Junior, Sonic Youth and Hum, the band's quiet moments defeated reflection with plaintive instrumental. It's loud desperate cries washed into searing, reverby overdrive. Dark World is a free download from Bandcamp. Gumshen - All we recorded was the genre: alternative, pop, progressive rock According to their Twitter profile, Gumshen sounds like King Crimson and Weezer making Elton John, renaming him Prince, and celebrating with a sunbeam of absinthe. In other words, they are diverse. I think Seattle does that to you. All we have written down is the name of your download price from Bandcamp. Beats Antique - Cat Skillz REMIXES (No Longer Available) Genre: Experimental, electronic, , remix from its Facebook profile: Growing like a wildfire under a canopy of live electronics and music world roots comes Beats Antique, a masterful fusion of modern technology, live appliances and seductive performance. Beats Antique combines the sounds of Middle Eastern and orchestral gypsy music with hip-hop, brass band, downtempo, glitch and dubstep sounds in a new collage of music that mixes and breaks with clever breakbits for skilful international talent. Beats Antique produces non-chart style music, adding live horns, accordion, glockenspiel, viola, string quartets, kalimba, And various unusual tools for their big beat arrangements. Cat Skillz REMIXES is a free download from Bandcamp. Thomas Prime - The Night s Day EP Genre: ambient, chillout, lounge, , , jazzy hop Thomas Prime - hip-hop and jazz-hop producer of London, British and co-founder of Netlabel Cult Classic Records. The Night and Day EP is a free download from MediaFire (direct URL!). Weird Science - The Lo-Fi Experiment Genre: Independent, lo-fi, soul, hip-hop, rap from the album page: Prosthetik Intelligentz' own hip-hop artist Ezzy B. teams up with Fayetteville North Carolina-based producer R8dr to form Weird Science. As a hip-hop proposition, they represent the Lo-Fi Experience. Produced entirely by R8dr, and fully two-way recorded. Underground hip hop is at its best. The Lo-Fi experiment is a free download from Bandcamp. And more... Did you like one of these albums? Bring it back and share this article or albums you liked. If you really appreciated a particular album, please donate to the appropriate artist so they can continue to produce great music. New to sound Sunday? Past editions of Sound Sunday are available here. Feel free to contact me (tina at makeuseof dot com) to share free material, suggestions and feedback or just add your comments below. Installing Kanbani and getting full performance in Kanbani's pocket brings Kanban's work system to Android, allowing you to carry the ultimate performance boost in your pocket. Related Topics of the Indie Music Music Album Sound Sunday about author Tina Sieber (824 Articles Published) More from Tina Sieber Sound Sunday is a weekly feature promoting a free album download. Each edition invites you to explore different genres and artists from all over the world. This week takes you on a varied acoustic trip with audio problems for both sides of your brain. Please note that the name of your price albums can be downloaded for free by entering 0 in the price field. However, we strongly recommend that you donate a few dollars to the music you enjoy! We welcome you to submit your music, send out offers with free albums you found, or request genres we haven't covered at the time. For all Sound Sunday related requests, please contact Tina Tina at makeuseof dot com. Cruiser - Selftitled No Longer Available Genre: Alternative, Indie, Pop, Rock from the album page: Cruiser, a solo project by Philadelphia native Andy State, was enveloped in the wardrobe of a crowded city loft. Demonstrations in the states eventually fell into the hands of Jeremy Park, producer of The Year of Hibernation company Youth Lagoon, who offered to release a MINI album hearing the songs. With its infectious melodies and beach guitars, ep Cruiser reflects the carefree essence of the summer months. Whether it's being enjoyed in good company or completely alone, simply, Cruiser is make you feel good. Selftitled EP Cruiser is the name of your download price from Bandcamp. The Story Left Unspeakable - Forgetting something unforgettable genre: alternative, pop, punk, rock from their Facebook page: After forming and consolidating their line in 2010, the story remained unspeakable were endlessly playing the show and constantly building their fans. Giving their live sets away from sharing scenes with national acts such as Stereo Skyline, Rocky Loves Emily, Kicking Daisies, Set It Off, Freshman 15, and winning a place in Ernie Ball's battle with bands 15 for the 2011 Warped Tour at Nassau Coliseum; The band has created such an intense and energetic live performance, most of the audience is blown away. Fueled by a passion to share your sound with the world, the story has left the unspeakable ready to charm listeners around the world. Forgetting something unforgettable is the name of your price download with Bandcamp. MK1 - EYES WIDE OPEN 2:12 EP Genre: Pop, Urban, Dubstep From its Facebook page: The new era in urban music has brought major changes to the industry, as well as the arrival of the first mixed band Dubstep, MK1. By fused traditional dubstep with mainstream products and headturning front girl, this is what the industry has been waiting for. Staying true to the roots of dubstep while still appealing to a mass audience with their high-energy stage show, MK1 is now flying high with radio and music channel play. EYES WIDE OPEN 2:twelve EP is a free download from Bandcamp. The Verdict - Collection of Demos 2009-2011 Genre: Alternative, Power, Pop, Rock The Verdict is a band from Liverpool, United Kingdom. They recently won the prestigious Rock the House Award, organized by the House of Commons. For this award, MPs nominate groups from their constituencies. The prize brought the band precious studio time, among other things. The Demos 2009?-?2011 collection is a free download from Bandcamp. TEASPOONRIVERNECK - IV genre: rock, psychedelic, Stoner, Rock From their Facebook page: Big melodies of little rock - Teaspoonriverneck was born in granite Guernsey, bastard sons of Hawkwind, Melvins and OTTS?, their prolific recorded out-of-put requires a much more thorough inspection: a bruising soundtrack to wide-eyed and wandering hearts, through the habits of the night, the dynamics, the volume, the really black riffer , MIGHTY TEASPOONRIVERNECK. IV is the name of your price download from Bandcamp. Eddplant - Confidence Tricks Genre: alternative, indie, acoustic, punk, rock, folk, pop-eddplant - British singer-songwriter. He is currently working on his second studio album. Trust Tricks is the name of your price download from Bandcamp. Allout Helter - An Hour Made for the Arson of the Genre: Melodic, Hardcore, Punk from Their page: We write songs. We play songs. We record songs. We give hello-fives and hugs. Punk rock is our business, and business is good. Come to the show and see what we're about! Hour Made for Arson is the name of your price download with Bandcamp. - Genre: indie, punk, mathematical rock, noise-rock Greys - a loud rock band from Toronto. Easy Listening is a free download from Bandcamp. Young Knives - Very Very Songs Go Genre: indie, rock, post-punk from its Wikipedia page: Young Knives is an English indie rock band from Ashby de la Suh, Leicestershire. The name is based on a misunderstanding of the young nails that was found by the group while rummaging through the book. Very very Song Go is a free download from SoundCloud. SHOELACE - Old shoe genre: electronic, fusion, lo- fi, soul, rap, hip hop, instrumental from : The first thing a hip-hop fan will notice, however, is the finely tuned skill of sound creative devices to get his message across. No, no, no, no. Nguemi (aka Shoelace) uses everything - time signatures, vocal staccato, samples from All Dogs Go To Heaven to The Carpenters - to create a channel through which the audience is likely to understand what he has to say. The thing that will make Shoelace famous one day is the fusion of these two points of view: it has changed the production process to match his songs, not the other way around. And as Po used every word and all five senses to create his famous mood, every piece of equipment Ngemi used to create Future Money became a tool tuned to the theme song he worked on. The result is a record that nails it, 17 times. Old shoes is a free download from Bandcamp. Accelra - EP8 Resistance Genre: ambient, classical, Accelra is a London-based composer of narrative forms of music. THE EP8 is a free download from Bandcamp. New to sound Sunday? Past editions of Sound Sunday are available here. Feel free to contact me (tina at makeuseof dot com) to share free material, suggestions and feedback or just add your comments below. Now you can share your screen on Google Duo Google Duo is about to get better, as now you can share your screen with it. Related Topics of the Web Culture of Indie Music Music Music Album Sound Sunday about author Tina Sieber (824 articles published) More from Tina Sieber Sieber

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