Daily Iowan (Iowa City, Iowa), 1943-04-23
,.. 1 Ration Calendar Cooler CJOFt'ifi ••• ,e. " . ,nl,.. April 21; D, I .ad r blu ••, ... , ••~'Ir. April 1111 IOWA: Occasional U.. M rain in r(l:. ,'a,lap' es,lre AprU se, OA8A.... HA" • e •• p,DI 6 ex.plre Ma, 21_ IOWAN east pOrtion end in.. this 8VOAa ... ,.. I~ ...Ir.. M.,. 81, · ~HE DAILY 88018 '.)'~. n u,lrel 15. momin.. ; IiUchtly cooler. J... Iowa City's Morning Newspaper • =====================================================~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~====================================~~==~~~~~~ FIVE CENTS Tnll ASSOCIATED PRIISS IOWA CITY, IOWA FRIDAY, APRll. .23, 1943 THI AIlOOlATID .uss VOLUME XLIll NUMBER 178 Powerful British Eighth Army Men Using ·.Bayonets and Grenades~ .. / e ," . it 1.Denl II\l)t a e ·r. ou··n al·n .. 1!Iblt m-n~ -----------------------------------------------------~--------------~~~.---- . 'BOOBY TRAPS' MAY MAKE UNWARY CONQUEROR5- DEAD ·ONES · :: I .' Negro 10 Die First Arml!Halts Diversionary ~~ . I For Death Of bar., Blow West of Tunis by (rushing ~ Young Bride 27 Tanks, Seiling 500 Troops !'fan. d the 20-Year-Old Dining Al.JLIEO HEADQUARTER II KORTH AFRI A (AP) IIhlnc Car Cook Convicted i3l'iti'lh eighth army illfantl'Y. u ing bayonets und grellades, :rew& SJ11lllilleU UltO axis lnountain nest · outb of Tuni~ yesterduy in uu nbers Of Lower 13 Murder ulllialled aU"uJlee after the fit'Rt army cru ·Jled H di,·ersiollal'.v blow !Ie. west of th ellpital by de h'oying 27 tanks and capturing 500 \his ALBANY, Ore. (AP) - Robert elite German troops. E. Lee FOlkes, N~gro dining cal' lpan. '1'11 eighth al'my Waf! reportcd to 1l{lV gaitl('d tltl'(, mil . nor.tll ca\) cook, yesterduy was convicted of murder in thc slecping cal' slIlY unu we ·t of E.ruida\'l Ue SillCC thc of'fensive b('~u ll ill that sretor D\~ of InUed • ina oC Mrs.
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