Radiosity in Flatland

Paul S. Heckb ert

DepartmentofTechnical Mathematics & Informatics, Delft UniversityofTechnology,

Julianalaan 132, 2628 BL Delft, Netherlands


The radiosity metho d for the simulation of interre ection of between di use surfaces is such a

common image synthesis technique that its derivation is worthy of study. We here examine the radios-

ity metho d in a two dimensional, atland world. It is shown that the radiosity metho d is a simple nite

element metho d for the solution of the integral equation governing global illumination. These two-

dimensional studies help explain the radiosity metho d in general and suggest a numb er of improvements

to existing algorithms. In particular, radiosity solutions can be improved using a priori discontinu-

ity meshing, placing mesh b oundaries on discontinuities such as shadow edges. When discontinuity

meshing is used along with piecewise-linear approximations instead of the current piecewise-constant

approximations, the accuracy of radiosity simulations can b e greatly increased.

Keywords: integral equation, adaptive mesh, nite element metho d, discontinuity, shadow, global

illumination, di use interre ection, thermal .

1 Intro duction

One of the most challenging tasks of image synthesis in computer graphics is the accurate and ecient

simulation of global il lumination e ects: the illumination of surfaces in a scene by other surfaces.

Early rendering programs used a local il lumination mo del, assuming that surfaces could be shaded

indep endently, typically using a nite set of p oint light sources. Global illumination mo dels, on the

other hand, recognize the true interdep endency of the shading problem: the of a surface p oint

is determined by the radiance of all the surfaces visible from that p oint.

Global illumination simulation is relevant to a number of scienti c and engineering elds: light-

ing design in architecture, shap e-from-shading in computer vision, neutron transp ort in physics, and

in mechanical engineering.

The visual artifacts of global illumination are familiar in the everyday world, even if they are

sometimes subtle: we see penumbras or soft shadows from area light sources, color bleeding b etween

surfaces, and indirect lighting.

We de ne several classes of materials: di use materials have a matte surface that app ears equally

bright from all directions, specular materials have a glossy surface, showing strong highlights, and

participating media are foggy or translucent materials that emit, absorb, or scatter lightvolumetrically.

In full generality, radiance is a function of three-dimensional p osition, two-dimensional direction,

wavelength, time, phase, and p olarization. As is conventional in computer graphics and thermal

radiation, we drop most of these dep endencies, assuming that media are non-participating, surfaces

are opaque and di use, light is incoherent having all phases, and the geometry and material prop erties

Computer Graphics Forum Pro c. Eurographics '92, 113, Sept. 1992, pp. 181{192, 464. 1


are static. Furthermore, we ignore p olarization and assume that surfaces are gray, with wavelength-

indep endent prop erties within each of the wavelength bands of interest. We will typically divide the

visible sp ectrum into the three bands: red, green, and blue. Given these assumptions, radiance is a

function of the two surface parameters only.

Previous Work

Existing techniques for simulating global illumination generally fall into two classes: ray tracing meth-

o ds and radiosity metho ds. In general, ray tracing is b est at simulating sp ecular surfaces and radiosity

is b est at simulating di use surfaces.

Ray tracing simulates light transp ort by tracing the paths of photons through the scene in one of

two directions: either from the into the scene or from the eyeinto the scene. With the addition

of Monte Carlo techniques, it is p ossible to simulate di use interre ection [Ka jiya86].

Radiosity metho ds were rst develop ed for the simulation of thermal radiation in mechanical en-

gineering [Sparrow63], and were later extended and optimized for the simulation of complex scenes

in computer graphics [Goral et al. 84,Nishita-Nakamae85,Cohen-Greenb erg85,Cohen et al. 88]. The

radiosity metho d sub divides the scene into elements subsurfaces and creates a system of equations

whose solution is the radiosity the sum of emitted and re ected radiance, integrated over a hemisphere

of each element.

The simplest radiosity metho ds p erform meshing, the sub division of surfaces into elements, in a

simple, uniform manner, but this results in jaggy shadow b oundaries and other artifacts. Better meshes

can b e created by user intervention, by aposteriori metho ds that re ne the mesh after solution [Cohen

et al. 86], or by a priori techniques that create the mesh b efore solution [Campb ell-Fussell90,Baum

et al. 91,Heckb ert-Winget91,Heckb ert91,Lischinski et al. 91,Campb ell91]. Another improvementisto

vary the mesh resolution according to the range of the interaction: nearby elements need a ne mesh

but a coarse mesh suces for distant elements [Hanrahan et al. 91].

Before discussing algorithms, we will examine the phenomena and mathematical description of

radiosity in some depth.

2 Understanding Radiosity in Flatland

To simplify the study of radiosity algorithms, we restrict our attention to radiosity in atland: atwo-

dimensional world consisting of opaque ob jects with di use emittance and re ectance. A atland world

is equivalent to a three-dimensional world where all ob jects have in nite extent along one direction.

We will further restrict ourselves to a scene with line segments and closed p olygonal shap es and di use

light sources.

In this atland world the global illumination problem reduces to the determination of the radiosity

at each p oint on the edges in the scene. A atland scene is shown in gure 1. Instead of shading two-

dimensional surfaces and computing two-dimensional integrals, as we do in 3-D graphics, in atland

graphics we shade one-dimensional edges and compute one-dimensional integrals. Relative to three-

dimensional worlds, in atland one nds that analytic results are easier to come by, algorithms are

easier to debug, brute force techniques such as Monte Carlo integration converge faster, and it is

p ossible to compute approximate solutions so accurate that they can be regarded as exact. This

facilitates the use of quantitative error metrics for the ob jective comparison of algorithms.

Integral Equation for Radiosity in Flatland, Part 1

Supp ose the scene consists of m edges with total length L. Line segments can b e regarded as 2-sided

p olygons, shaded on b oth sides. Each edge is parameterized by arc length, and we concatenate the

domains of these functions in arbitrary order to create a single function bs parameterized by s,

running from 0 to L. This concatenation intro duces explicit discontinuities at edge endp oints. In the 3

A BC D G radiosity

H F q p E


Figure 2: Radiosity as a function of arc length along the Figure 1: Flatland test scene.

non-black edges of test scene. Note the sharp shadow edge All edges are re ective except

at p and the gradual one at q. light source BC, and anglededge,

which is black. The angled obsta-

cle causes a sharp penumbraatp

andagradual one at q.

following, when we refer to \the p oint s", what we mean is the p oint with parameter value s. The

radiosity function can now b e plotted as a piecewise-continuous function, as shown in gure 2.

The optical prop erties in the scene are describ ed by several functions. The hemi- or semi-circular

re ectance  is the fraction of incident radiance re ected in any direction. Re ectance is a unitless


quantitybetween 0 black and 1 p erfect white. Radiant emitted ux density e is the p ower p er unit

distance emitted by an edge called \emissivepower" in the thermal radiation literature. Edges are

re ectors if  > 0, and light sources if e> 0, and o ccasionally b oth. Radiance is the p ower p er unit


distance p er unit angle propagating in a given direction often called \intensity", and radiosity b is

the emitted or re ected p ower p er unit distance emanating in any direction radiance integrated over

a semicircle. Each of these variables is p otentially a function of arc length, but for simplicity, we

assume that each edge has constant re ectance and emitted ux density. Note that the units of the

ab ove quantities di er from the standard de nitions b ecause we are op erating in a 2-D world.

We use the following geometric variables  gure 3: p osition is parameterized by arc length variables

0 0 0

s and s , the outgoing angle at s is , the incoming angle at s is , the distance b etween p oints s



0 0 0

and s is r . The visibility function b etween p oints s and s is v : it equals 1 when s and s are inter-

visible and 0 when they are o ccluded. In 3-D, the solid angle subtended by an area at distance r is

2 0

prop ortional to 1=r , but in atland, the angle subtended by a di erential element of length ds is

prop ortional to 1=r .

Radiosity consists of emitted plus re ected light, and the latter could come from any of the other

edges in the scene, so the interre ection in di use, opaque, atland scenes is describ ed by the following

integral equation [Ozisik73,Heckb ert91]:




cos cos



0 0

bs=es+ s ds vbs 




Integral equations similar to this have app eared in the thermal radiation literature [Ozisik73], in

computer vision [Ko enderink-van Do orn83], where it has b een called the mutual il lumination equation,

and in computer graphics, where it has b een called the rendering equation [Ka jiya86].

We digress brie y to discuss integral equations in general.


Integral Equations

Integral equations are analogous to di erential equations except that they involveintegrals of functions

instead of derivatives. The class of integral equation of interest in this work is the Fredholm integral

equation of the second kind [Jerri85,Delves-Mohamed85], with general form


dt s; tbt bs=es+

where e and the kernel  are given and b is to b e determined. The ab ove equation is abbreviated as

b = e + K b, where K denotes the integral op erator which when applied to a function b, yields a function


K bs= dt s; tbt

Formally, our integral equation b = e + K b can b e rewritten IKb = e, where I is the identity

op erator, and the solution can b e obtained byinverting the op erator IK:

1 2 3

b =IK e = e + K e + K e + K e + 


where K denotes i successive applications of the integral op erator K . This Neumann series converges

if the norm of the integral op erator is less than 1 [Delves-Mohamed85].

Integral Equation for Radiosity in Flatland, Part 2

We can now apply integral equation techniques to the understanding of radiosity.

For atland radiosity, the integral equation b = e + K b has integral op erator K with kernel


cos cos




v s; s = s



0 0

The variables , , v , and r are functions of s and s .



For global illumination, physical constraints limit re ectance to b e less than 1, implying that K will

have a norm of less than 1, so the Neumann series is guaranteed to converge. The Neumann series here


has a simple physical interpretation: the ith term K es is the light that reaches the p oint s after

i 2 i

exactly i `hops' [Ka jiya86]. The ith partial sum of the Neumann series b = e + K e + K e +  + K e

is the light that reaches p oint s in i hops or fewer. Early illumination mo dels what Ka jiya called the


`Utah approximation' simulated only direct illumination b = e + K e; global illumination attempts


to compute b though not necessarily by summing the series.

In atland, the kernel is a bivariate function. Since wehave abutted the domains of the edges in the

scene, the kernel's domain consists of rectangular blo cks corresp onding to pairs of edges. The kernel is

smo oth almost everywhere, with discontinuities at the b oundaries of these blo cks, and along o cclusion


curves that trace out hyp erb olas in ss space see gure 6. Note also that the kernel is singular at

re ex corners in the scene where touching surfaces face each other, b ecause  !1 as r ! 0.


We can derive many of the qualitative prop erties of the exact solution function bs from the prop erties

of the kernel and the geometry of the scene, even without solution algorithms.


We call a discontinuityinthe k th derivative of a function a D discontinuity. A function thus has

k k 1 k

a D discontinuityatapointifitisC there but not C . Discontinuities in the radiosity can result

from discontinuities in emitted ux density, re ectance, normal vector, or visibility.


In gure 4, we see that linear light sources cast hard shadows causing D discontinuities when


ob jects touch, and soft shadows causing D discontinuities when ob jects do not touch. Point light 5

p1 p2


b c

a2' a1' b2' b1' c1',c2'


s' θ o' s θ s i

a2' a1' b2' b1' c1',c2'

1 0

Figure 3: Visibility geometry for edge

Figure 4: D and D discontinuities caused by lin-


points with parameter values s and s .

ear light source at top il luminating an occludededge


at bottom. D discontinuities delimit the penumbras


at a2', a1', b2', and b1'. D discontinuity at the hard

shadow edge c1'.


sources, by contrast, always cause hard D  shadows. The pattern generalizes to higher degree

discontinuities according to the following law:

k 0

Discontinuity Propagation Law: If there is a D discontinuityatpoint s on one edge, then

k k +1

it will cause D discontinuities at all touching p oints visible to it, and D discontinuities

at the pro jection of all of the silhouette p oints from its p oint of view. A touching p ointisa

p oint at whichtwo edges touchorintersect non-tangentially. If there are no o cclusions in a scene then

there are no discontinuities due to changes in visibility. It can easily b e proven that an upp er b ound


on the numb er of discontinuities of degree i in a scene of m edges is 2m [Heckb ert91]. In practice,

the numb er is usually far smaller than this upp er b ound b ecause of parallel edges and o cclusion. One

consequence of the ab ove is that the total numb er of discontinuities of various degrees in the radiosity

function can b e in nite.

Now that wehave examined some of the prop erties of radiosity functions, we turn to approximation


3 Algorithms for Radiosity in Flatland

There are a variety of nite element metho ds for solving the integral equation governing radiosity

[Heckb ert-Winget91]. Figure 5 shows some of the available options: one muchcho ose a mesh and basis

functions, constraint and integration metho ds to reduce the problem to a linear system of equations,

a system solution metho d, and reconstruction technique. 6

uniform constant analytic Gauss-Seidel collocation faceted integral integral shading uniform linear integration hemicube linear successive discrete continuous equation equation problem system overrelaxation solution solution problem approximation problem Gouraud ray tracing shading adaptive linear Galerkin progressive


Figure 5: Steps of nite element simulation of radiosity.

Numerical Solution of Integral Equations

The col location method is one of the simplest numerical techniques for solving integral equations

[Delves-Mohamed85]. First, the exact solution bs is approximated by a linear combination of basis





bs= b W s

i i


where b are the unknown co ecients and W are the chosen basis functions. The simplest basis

i i

functions are the b ox and hat triangle functions, which give rise to piecewise constant and piecewise

linear approximations, resp ectively. The pieces of the approximation are resp ectively called constant

elements and linear elements. Such approximations are the foundation of the nite element metho d

[Becker et al. 81].

Of course, it is an approximation to assume that a function in this function space will solve the


integral equation. To minimize the error b b, the collo cation metho d constrains the residual r =


^ ^

b Kb e to b e zero at selected p oints s ,typically the midp oints of the intervals. A system of linear


equations results, M Kb = e, where M and K are n  n matrices and b and e are n-element

column vectors:


M = W s 

ij j



0 0

dt s ;tW t K =K W s =

j ij j

i i


e = es 



For constant and linear elements, typically M = I, where I is the identity matrix. More accu-

rate approximations are p ossible with the more exp ensive Galerkin approximation metho d [Delves-

Mohamed85,Heckb ert-Winget91].

Radiosity as an Approximation Method

The radiosity algorithm, as it is used in the computer graphics eld, can be derived and explained

quite clearly in the context of these numerical metho ds. The radiosity metho d typically assumes,

for the interre ection simulation, that each p olygonal element has a constant radiosity [Tampieri-

Lischinski91]. This corresp onds to a mesh with constant elements.

Next, the radiosity metho d typically computes p oint-to-area form factors from the centers of the

elements. Variants of this metho d are p ossible, which compute form factors at p olygon vertices instead

of the centers, or which compute area-to-area form factors, but p oint-to-area form factors are the most

commonly used. The p oint-to-interval form factor in atland b etween elements i and j is



cos cos



0 0

ds  s  F = v 1

h ij


elem j


where s is the midp oint of element i. One then constructs an n  n matrix A = I  F and

ij ij i ij

solves the system of equations Ab = e for the radiosityvector b. But notice that this is precisely the

collo cation metho d! In the collo cation metho d we construct the matrix K which is related to the form 7






Figure 6: Nonzero elements of the matrix I K

Figure 7: Critical lines dashed and crit-

for our test scene, with n = 61 equations. Diag-

ical points  l led circles for test scene in

onal elements open circles are al l 1; o -diagonal

atland. Open circles mark edge endpoints.

elements are shown with area proportional to mag-

nitude. White areas are zeros. Large dots indicate

large form factors at re ex corners.

factors by K =  F , and we solve the system of equations I Kb = e. This is the same system

ij i ij

of equations as is used in the radiosity metho d, where A = I K.

In radiosity programs, form factors are typically computed using a hemicub e [Cohen-Greenb erg85]

or ray tracing [Wallace et al. 89]. These can b e viewed as numerical metho ds for approximating the

integrals in 1, using visible surface algorithms from computer graphics to p oint-sample the visibility

function v . In atland, it is p ossible to compute form factors analytically [Heckb ert91]. This do es not

seem to b e p ossible in 3-D.

In the radiosity metho d, the system of equations is usually solved either by constructing the matrices

explicitly and solving with Gauss-Seidel iteration [Golub-Van Loan89], or with the progressive radiosity

algorithm that interleaves form factor computation and system solving steps [Cohen et al. 88]. The

latter metho d can be viewed as an iterative metho d for solving linear systems that computes one

column of the matrix at a time.

Figure 6 shows the diagonally dominant, non-symmetric, mo derately sparse character of radiosity

matrices. They are mo derately sparse having many zeros for most scenes of interest since each surface

can \see" only a small fraction of the other surfaces.


Early researchin radiosity fo cused on the computation of form factors and ecient solution of the

system of equations, but the issue of meshing or discretization of surfaces was little discussed; until

recently it has remained a black art and a manual pro cess for the most part [Baum et al. 91]. 8

b(s) b(s)

p q f

s s


Figure 9: f is a critical point

Figure 8: Left: Mesh does not resolve the D discontinuity

caused by the critical line through

dots are element nodes. Right: Mesh resolves discontinuity.

endpoints p and q.

Discontinuity meshing is an approach to meshing that attempts to accurately resolve the most

signi cant discontinuities in the solution by optimal p ositioning of element b oundaries. For the 1-D

elements we use in atland, the b oundaries are the no des.

When discontinuities in the true solution fall on element b oundaries, the mesh is said to resolve the

discontinuity see gure 8. For the b est approximation, all discontinuities with degree at or b elow the


degree of the elements should b e resolved. Thus, when using constant elements, all D discontinuities

0 1

should b e resolved, and when using linear elements, all D and D discontinuities should b e resolved.

It is not fruitful to resolve discontinuities of degree greater than the element degree b ecause the errors

so caused are swamp ed by the discontinuities intro duced at element b oundaries.

Discontinuity Meshing Algorithm

In atland, discontinuity meshing can be done quite easily. Possible sites of discontinuities can be

predicted a priori b efore the radiosity solution. We call an edge p oint which is collinear with two


edge endp oints visible from it a D critical point and the line along which they lie is a critical line

 gure 9.

As b efore, assume a scene consisting of m opaque line segments. Since the lowest degree disconti-

0 1

nuities are generally the most signi cant, we rst resolve D discontinuities, then D discontinuities,

and so on up to the degree of the elements b eing used.

0 0

The most imp ortant discontinuities to resolve are D . D discontinuities come from intersecting

edges or from the pro jection of silhouette p oints from p oint light sources. Intersecting edges can b e


found in O m log m time, [Preparata-Shamos85]. These intersection p oints are marked as D critical


p oints p oints at which a D discontinuity could o ccur. If constant elements are b eing used, then


only D discontinuities need b e found, and we can stop here.

1 1

If linear or higher degree elements are b eing used, then D discontinuities are found. D disconti-

nuities o ccur at critical p oints where there is a remote change in visibility, i.e. where an edge endp oint

2 1

b ecomes o ccluded. There are O m  D critical p oints in a scene.


All D critical p oints can b e found as follows:

for each node p

for each node q

if no edge intersects line segment pq then {

e = trace_rayp, p-q

f = trace_rayq, q-p

if e<>NULL then critical_pointe

if f<>NULL then critical_pointf


The routine trace_rayp, d traces a ray from p oint p in direction d and returns the rst edge


p oint hit, if any. The ab ove algorithm, implemented straightforwardly, has O m  time cost. Alterna-

tively, visibility can b e determined by applying an O m log m radial sweepline p ersp ective visibility



algorithm [Edelsbrunner et al. 83] at b oth endp oints of each edge, yielding an O m log m algorithm.

Figure 7 shows the critical p oints of our test scene.


A program has b een implemented to simulate radiosityin atland which allows a choice of element

degree and meshing technique. The program simulates di use interre ection among non-intersecting,

simple p olygons, with colored, di use re ecting and/or emitting edges. To simulate colors, samples at

red, green, and blue wavelengths are used. The systems of linear equations are solved indep endently

for each band. The program solves for radiosities using a collo cation formulation with analytic form

factors no numerical integration and either constant or linear elements [Heckb ert91]. Either uniform


equispaced or discontinuity meshing can b e used. The latter places element no des at all D critical

p oints and then creates a uniform mesh inbetween. Critical p oints on the m edges are found with the


O m ray tracing algorithm describ ed ab ove. Form factors are calculated with an ob ject space visible


edge algorithm using an O m  radial sweepline technique. For a scene discretized into n elements, the

2 2

total cost of computing the matrices is O nm + n , where is the fraction of nonzero elements in

the sparse matrix. The systems of equations are solved with successiveoverrelaxation a faster variant

of Gauss-Seidel using a default overrelaxation parameter of ! =1:4. The sparse matrix data structure


uses 6 n bytes for each of the three R, G, B comp onents. For the scenes tested, matrix density

typically ranged b etween 10 and 40.

Three display views are supp orted, an interactive atland view, which is a top view of the scene,

a graph of the red, green, and blue solution curves as a function of arc length, and a schematic of

the radiosity matrix. The screen during interaction is shown in color gure 13. The program runs

on a Silicon Graphics or Hewlett Packard workstation, and is able to re-solve and redisplay a scene

consisting of 100 elements in ab out one second, while scenes containing 1000 elements require several

minutes. An intuitive understanding of the discontinuities in the radiosity function and of the errors

of p o or meshes is easily built up byinteractively moving, creating, and deleting ob jects in the atland



Test runs have b een p erformed to compare the sp eed and accuracy of six di erent solution metho ds

resulting from a combination of one of the two meshing techniques, uniform meshing or discontinuity

meshing, and one of three elementtyp es.

The three elementtyp es used are constant elements b ox basis, linear elements hat basis, and

what we call Gouraud elements. Gouraud elements are constant elements for formulation and solution

of the problem, followed by linear interp olation b etween collo cation p oints for the `display' step. In

other words, the Gouraud approximation is computed as a p ost-pro cess to the piecewise-constant ap-

proximation, byinterp olation and extrap olation b etween neighb oring elements. We call them Gouraud

elements by analogy with the computer graphics shading technique [Foley et al. 90]. Gouraud elements

are the most commonly used approximation technique in existing radiosity algorithms.

To measure error ob jectively, we use the following error norm. If the exact radiosity function is

^ ^

b and the approximation is b, then the error is de ned to b e jjb bjj =jjbjj , where the L norm of a

2 2 2

function over an interval is de ned as:




jjf jj = dx jf xj


Since analytic solutions are not known for radiosity problems involving interre ection, the \exact"

solution b is taken to b e the approximate solution resulting from an extremely ne mesh. Both uniform

and discontinuity meshing converge very close to this solution, verifying that it is a valid reference.

Figure 11 shows the convergence rate of the six metho ds for various mesh resolutions on the test

scene of gure 1. As we might exp ect, constant and Gouraud elements show nearly the same low


Figure 10: Radiosity as a function of arc length. Dashed: approximation using uniform mesh and

constant elements. Solid: approximation using discontinuity mesh and linear elements. Note that the

latter resolves discontinuities, while the former does not. Tick marks above and below line at bottom

show uniform and discontinuity meshes, respectively.

accuracy, convergence with decreasing element size is faster with linear elements than with constantor

Gouraud elements, and convergence rate is highly dep endent on discontinuities. Without discontinuity

meshing, solution with any of the three elementtyp es converges slowly, but with discontinuity meshing,

convergence can be relatively fast. Discontinuity meshing with linear elements gives results over 10

times more accurate on ne meshes, in these exp eriments.

Figure 12 shows that the use of discontinuity meshing and linear elements are cost-e ective; for

this exp eriment they give the b est accuracy for a given amount of total CPU time, and the fastest

results at a given accuracy. Qualitatively similar plots result for other scenes tested.

Consider a sp eci c example. When the test scene of gure 1 was simulated with discontinuity

meshing with n = 91 equations, it required 73K bytes of memory and 1.3 seconds of total CPU time.

Toachieve the same accuracy with uniform meshing required n = 775 equations, 4.5M bytes of memory,

and 74 seconds total. Discontinuity meshing, for this test case, gave results of the same quality as

uniform meshing using ab out 1/60th the time and 1/60th the memory.

For a simple scene such as this, ab out 80 of the CPU time is sp ent computing the radiosity matrix,

5 on discontinuity meshing, and 15 on system solving. This balance could change dep ending on

the relativenumb er of discontinuities and elements, and system sparseness.


Integral equations provide a concise statement of the physics of global illumination. Global illumination

can be studied without reference to integral equations, but such an approachis awkward: studying

global illumination without integral equations is like studying classical dynamics without di erential


A fairly thorough study of radiosity in a di use, two-dimensional \ atland" world was made in order

to b etter understand these integral equations and their solution functions. The solution functions and

the kernel are easy to visualize in atland. The atland radiosity program implemented here could

be generalized to simulate sp ecular scenes, yielding a helpful global illumination visualization and

teaching to ol.

Radiosity solution functions have discontinuities caused by touching surfaces, intersections, creases,

or o cclusion. The most signi cant of these discontinuities are p erceived as shadows.

It was demonstrated that the classic radiosity metho d constitutes one of the simplest nite element

metho ds for approximate solution of the integral equation for global illumination in a di use scene. 11

uniform constant discontinuity-meshed constant uniform constant discontinuity-meshed constant uniform Gouraud discontinuity-meshed Gouraud uniform Gouraud discontinuity-meshed Gouraud uniform linear discontinuity-meshed linear uniform linear discontinuity-meshed linear

1 1

.1 .1

.01 .01 error error

.001 .001

.0001 .0001 .0001 .001 .01 .1 1 .1 1 10 100 1000

element size (h) time (sec)

Figure 11: Log-log plot of element size vs. er- Figure 12: Log-log plot of total CPU time

ror for six di erent solution methods. Note that meshing, matrix computation, solution, and

discontinuity meshing with linear elements is far I/O vs. error for six di erent solution meth-

moreaccurate than the other methods, and that ods. In this experiment, discontinuity meshing

Gouraud elements are little better than constant with linear elements is the most cost e ective of

elements. the techniques tested except for very fast, crude


Classic radiositytypically makes use of constant elements, a uniform mesh, collo cation metho ds for

discretization, a hemicub e for numerical integration, and Gauss-Seidel or progressive iterative metho ds

for solving linear systems. It was shown that the use of constant elements during problem formulation

and solution followed by Gouraud interp olation for display gives results that are ob jectively no more

accurate than the use of constant elements throughout though they may lo ok b etter.

Wehave explored several improvements on these approaches, demonstrating that b oth higher de-

gree elements and a priori adaptive meshes can improve the accuracy of 2-D radiosity algorithms

considerably. The most prominent discontinuities in the solution can be predicted using visibility

metho ds from computational geometry. With this discontinuity meshing, mesh b oundaries are placed

on signi cant discontinuities. Using linear elements and discontinuity meshing, one exp eriment in at-

land achieved a 60-fold reduction in CPU time and memory use relativeto standard metho ds. The

discontinuity meshing ideas develop ed here have recently b een generalized to 3-D scenes [Heckb ert92].

This research has suggested a number of ideas for future research: one would like to nd the

combination of approximations and algorithms that gives the most accurate nal result in the least

time. What combination of element degree constant, linear, ..., mesh a priori adaptive or a p osteriori

adaptive, discretization metho d collo cation or Galerkin, integration metho d analytic, hemicub e,

Gaussian, etc., and system solution metho d successiveoverrelaxation, multigrid, progressive radiosity,

hierarchical radiosity, etc. are b est?


4 Acknowledgements

Jim Winget and Keith Miller contributed many ideas to my global illumination work at UC Berkeley,

where most of the work describ ed here was done. In Delft, Erik Jansen has hosted my p ostdo ctoral

fellowship, and Aadjan van der Helm has given help with X windows and Latex.


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Figure 13: Screen of atland radiosity program, with atland view at top and radiosity function graph

at bottom. Scene consists of a white emitter at left, a brown re ector at bottom and a polygonal

re ector with one red edge, one green edge, and al l other edges white. Note color bleeding along the

edge between the red and green neighbors. Graphs show red, green, and blue radiosity as a function of

arc length along counterclockwise traversal of polygons.