Weinberg and Webb, the Unfamiliar Shelley Index
Weinberg and Webb, The Unfamiliar Shelley Index Note: bold numbers refer to illustrations Abinger, Lord, collection of 315, 316 Adamson, Carlene 32, 33n.40, 35n.41, 35n.42, 36n.43, 146n.40, 147, 151, 168n.26, 249n.43 see also BSM V and VI Aeschylus 7 Agamemnon 143n.25 Persae 195, 321 Prometheus Unbound (lost play) 187 Agamben, Giorgio 284 Formatted: Italian (Italy) AI: Artificial Intelligence 285 Alfieri, Vittorio 138 Il Misogallo 143n.27 Alighieri, Dante, see Dante Alps 87–100 passim, 127, 163n.16 American War of Independence 232 anti-semitism 294 Apollo Belvedere 163 Apollonius Rhodius 8 Arch of Titus 6 Archimedes 221, 230 Argolis 167 Ariosto, Ludovico Orlando Furioso 89, 248n.36 Aristophanes 15, 246–7, 281–4 passim Armstrong, John Juvenile Poems 53n.40 Arnold, Matthew 257, 257n.1 Arve, River 203 atheism 45, 74, 210, 222, 225, 232 see also Shelley (WORKS –PROSE): The Necessity of Atheism Athenaeus 8 Athenäums Fragmente 27 Athenaeum, see under Medwin, Thomas Athens 38, 168, 245, 252, 280 Augustine 219 Confessions 52 Austerlitz, Battle of 107 Austria 139, 145, 149, 152, 154–5 Formatted: French (France) Bacon, Francis 12, 207, 209, 209n.36, 252, 260, 266n.25 De Augmentis Scientiarum 207 Advancement of Learning 257 ‘Of Judicature’ 257n.2 Bagni di Lucca 168 Formatted: Italian (Italy) Baker, Carlos 69n.2 Bakhtin, Mikhail Mikhailovich 70n.5, 279, 282, 291n.41 Bamberg, Bishopric of 147 Barbauld, Anna Laetitia Eighteen Hundred and Eleven 53n.39 Barebone, Praise-God 300 Barker, John W. 149n.59 Barker-Benfield, Bruce 8, 54n.44, 146, 146n.40, 147n.45, 149, 151, 163n.12, 164 see also BSM XXIII Barruel, Abbé de 226, 226n.29 Formatted: French (France) Histoire du Jacobinisme 226 Bartel, R.
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