[NTY-THIRD YEAR—No. 18 ). Nh\V JKKtfKY. THIKiSDAY. DKlT.MHEK 'J7, l!k>2 Ttiu 24 Pagei—10 Cant* iters To Decide School Board's Final Word Yard Tangle, Revaluation A R •n. th:ii Utis is M>-aiul ^tys fur- v..:o lu tluT that lii- *Wsr/t like *i>mo of ;hool Plan Fate We y-...: t-v-.ry:":;.:;^' In-fo «.'U jru t\> 4. Kriiu-i'-.lx'i- that the Lwrti Rifts, School Dispute In > to pi s U\>\n j $2.4 Million Proposal in Special ^r.jiru'i.'il in>ib!e, es \vu!i Cum- l.i j Election Today; tfccord V ote Seen :: ,;,. \y,. ,,,,Vc lit! ri--*i;;ar:rl> 1 ] ,»-• :..:r KT.,1 ale ;i!v\i' \>ut JLII'.O: cmii-e handle tins program safe- iool district Voters here to,lay will decide tlie fine, of a MM »MI rap.u-ity tiniay. T-^-.r K I.v- Democrats Success in Council Race, :A imaiuii junior n.^n .-cn,.ol omui i>-ue. 1 nt i.-u-r.'i. un ..:.\'.l:...| :.. t.3 t-pariM-.i a lu\\n-\\ u.e c.niluv er-y i.-. },iin.,,iial-,-,i.i1i n .". !1 . in e m '., e r, nn.i.iy, tliat i» UAJJVCIVU to maw a t;..:.iiei-i.i.(ii-u.-uai iiu...on ol wui \Ve-;!ie'..i's>r »lu.-:i:iot,:il IUIIS, Ai MaKe la a pioii.a.ii in pmw.le !„. ani-iau,,!!- a:.. .-i \vi,i !K- if \^ T.--u!l> I,, .ia-.' .ii-in't jn^t hap- WHS Vandalism Among Highlights ; to both Kuison ami; '..'Jl. j.:•!•.) fir JH-l'.. We have !.i-vn l»!e>.--cd \v;th The prolilen. of leloraline, the Town Yuril eonlinuctt to dominate fine ehil-it.-n, i.:-..l a majority of 11 Liasuu un Llle reeuiiiiiK-ii- ; \ . . '1 |..v Tne.-.- |M..(nan; ihe nett>«.n-tiiy events ol tun year but shar.Nl tl.e sjwtliKht witn • 01 a special siuuy eom- \ OCIUJ y of \W.--.: oar .•;!•..•.-!;> Law aiwa\-.' U-en .iiAilin ol uiuiueipiil, con' «liu po.u.mi glories leufurvit by the A,-ii, .: i! (;-.|---.i;li!e>! I-;'.I>;IK!I t» umler-taiii set ion,, m a rMJurt 10 ; Eligible vot.ri in In. Wr.t- .,:.!}• a fra.-li«:i of what the i.;i| ie.-t.on ol the HIM iieoun ral.e vouiu in over 4u years; a lax- ,i,rU:,.;c,- , M.ii V- if we p.-: init i>ur M h'M..^ MII-.I \\a- r.-.|u;red to .ret &r*H»d ayn r.M'it IOHOWIIIK .tie eonipiciion ul property rcvuluai.on »tuu.e» fraiuaril ul fcuucai.on in hep- j fiela ocnoo| u,.ir.ct win go ,.i -.M;!, -.hi w. .1,-:. s .i-..e.t »*iat I lo Ihc punt tou..y to vole on :- a ,-inali priee to pay for •iier-e thing's lie pr.>vi.l. ha\e I..'I'll willing lo pay the hill, 1 1 1 Uiu j.UL. vi e^ucid er me lo»n.s ueOt hulii • lion, mm .lilndouni 10 Ooih ;>. The l.i'e.N esi.-t -for pro- that . , ,., i . | . arii.-., for facilit:e.- or lor equip- ell JU111..1 IIIKII .MIIOOIS. jMluii MUIU »|ii.-nu «*er WJ« L-r an (j^iUiian-M li. r pci k.uibon ana tvoo*e»«flt Junior ;l t H H irraiii. for h.-ahh. «i:d for safe;y. ment. a so in IULUIO ta.v imis. tii|{lt ^cnuou. ,i..l. Wv ha Kor Mime inui,il>» lown Couneil fact.-. t;,i and -,-.. f,,r y.niir-cif. Think it over — and llien n>> .11.1 llleiolu'lci ol me .Am til .- '1 he voting hour* will be l >-oii ci.-iioiu. t llu e^ieni of "umisutii" cruiL-iotti ui Ken.einlier aio that the (.\v111111-- and vote. ApproeiJ means j\i-,l lams Ave. area eariieii oil « run--i» front J toa p.m. ncimcnu of .- run wen iner ji.uuu and i-'i-.n.-:' of Kiin.a:ion, in a.l.l;;i,.!i o:.e thil!>r—.iintiiulisl pro^re--s in ..OK oailie evuliv II t> M'ir.'- I tlic Tint ana .je-tu.iu vtt the ed, w.-.iaie to ;.:: ,.f a- 1:1 W.-t-i.-ld, MVS ol tiieir neiKiiUoino.i.i lor Hie! will voie in Ihc fci.n iutil t:ie .sliii-at u,n of your children! a con.-iiini Hunt lor tne oy 1 lie iovvti Council. School ana Ihu.e in the i ruru viocunoi) i't me I own luru, | ana i-ourtn tvura* wui cait Kt'«ji.«.|t to j \\a.» ^..neii with llle apt>renens.uQ their ballaU in Lincoln In School Kl» ,ipoMllon anil cnoce llle hlte .,t | m sinking that m then i School. -ae "win H'«ir latin' ull UiniuerU | The law r,-,)U;r. ail Democrat To Take Seat .ion ol aiiuiner WHO earner nad ..nil K.I.. ai Hie lur ena ol tne lilt! OCsL llliLTu&U Ol Ulul JOHN 1). KIKE inuieii out oi lown. L,ate inm year Volet'S iv.'u. me tM I aiiiiuiuc.-* reservation, Iruuui be ftiTvt-tl ijy tk'iiiyinK ' Who will take ovrt- 1 in W'ei-ttiei.l ;i,a-t ', me tnuiii) 9 Juvenile vourl Juugo ul iL.i.-v ; S German Club 4th Ward Council >eat 1 l,..s vli.nee immciiiately brought ..r.ieieii me paren.s ul l>oui boya Bti'ii iiiid thai a mure I'lhi/it'iu j When Council Convenes itn^iy proU'M.s lioin .leoiel, ria.i^ aiinual .-., U....I Li.vf.un to !w in iniiNc n.ii ren.uution 10 tn« E tux oineiai> an.! n^uKc.i in a >uu BX uoliars be. ,na.« I 1/jlJo SllfWttcfll I held W^liie-.lay, I',-:,. K!. I;..;;;, The re. .rvraniT'.ation m H: of tin' imihiiipul government in ot K.iueiiuon. ) no board .n-upuseu Koosevell plan.-, *1U1US UULLL&alUI [ iiKanini tint town i.y lhal nniniei- l.a.-t d..y u. i\;r:>:, r uiih the : We>t!ie|.| N.iv V.-ar'- i>ay !,.. lH,hh,;l,t.-,l «„!. appuintment or mur revealed payment had been present hi^n ro | pniiiy. 1 lit* sun was juiiieu l>>- an- Town Clerk in Wotii.i.l or : riappoimiiM nl i.f \aii»u-< I'l'i.-imnel. received. |oiial stanuards. oiner insiuuted hy n Kroup ol with I In- l/.iwn County li...*:d A near tragedy was averted i Cookie Sale The .-«•-- j i»n whiell ha* h.-ell ealle.l for 11 a.m. in the Mllllicipill Ue.-tlielil resiiiellts ill the lama- s back conm-il (hir- of i-:;.-.!;,,!,- at K;.i-.a-K-ti. i, when a Mliuot ini> pnrKeii «t Holy Plan Halted 15y ipie.-r , ark area, i lie mtuier is now vuuni'ii session linn Jan. 4. : Iliiililiiit; Mill iiiihi.le the Mvearinir in of the I'u.-t Denuu-iatie Conn- i runty ticlioo) nrc. 'Ihrea l'm>kie-lninKry heluie uu* courts anil is Mill to be I'd inrougn .nayor Hurr A. cllinah ill over JO yeai - \\hen J.O.n eliuoren ahoar.) Hie vehielu ca* li\, thai its role in the! "1"1""1 l"° l-erinan I lull Un-isl- |)| resolved. 4^1 m , ,1'. I'.le of the l'oiiHh Ward will US Aid Loss capeil vv.ui inr help of n.lulls on 1 lU jrojiuMiils would he eonliiiei, j ' """'I ^e.-tli.-l.l M-nior Un;l, I H\\\ ; -tart a two year term, lie will j llle defeat in November of (JUT Hie scene l)iu Deputy Cluet Sam- l 11 o uniturnt of individuaimliviilual) exi'iese\ines-1! •' ' ""' i'nday. 'Ineir oaje.j t w.i» D ;lake iivel the c.HHU'll : cat fl*inl| lirlllOVal of l-'oiirth uaitl Councilman JaincM uel IIIIMT anil f ireniun Xobcrt IIO1* Coiinc.l.iiali Janie.-. .1. Kefal-i .. ami were CIUIKIU in a biickluah o( ublic lieaiiiiK on the hunil "Kl" '"ol.ii-.'i inado I.y tiieir fe.loiv •'•;';•'.• \- Mo.l. . ..ini:a!i ..f the ' ; , ii i- i I I'UM'IC 'lie -wiiiiini; in eere- "" ! ' eiuliiiiioii ill thai ward lor coun- i l." IH Kusuunv. belore the Local liovei n- j indent... li 1 : l.JhrarV llolldav ! ni,,, Mayor Hun A. T..wl Jr. will! MdfNTAINSIItK - A plan I'm I cil t. two mtempts to place tlie ';'' ; "' iv Allojicini'i- ZZU local wedilinRH lioarcl in Trenton, Mayor i 'l'"e Christinas cm l;ie y;ile ha-! The W. '.li,!.! X!i-!i:..rial i.ihraiy i take the oath of ollice for hi^ see- : --OIHIIK Hie ln>i .-ujru's ^torni dram- , "own yar.l w.tiini the war.i boiin- were reponed in lltu Lender ttnii : .:: She .Muni, ipal llu.l.l.;:,: w.ll I"' , "".I term. Others who will he i •!>;>• proiiieillH lla.- Kin d.'lllyed in- ! daries. (ind council in a eompkle ! "-en he,d im tnree jt-ar.- I.y 1>H- :t-}.( deatlis were liHled, amontf of their earlier poMium i^elnunde, the lieiinan eiuli at • l% "''''" !' ' \ ...... I M..:,,iaj- an.I New V.aiV ""'"n in to continue llieir council ; (leliiiiiely lierau-e of tlie removal of j | |io lown ri'Vuhmliim prok'rnni !'.;.> Iv:.. i...i ::- Ihetn betii); those, of Or. Churien |i;,v. ji"Ies v-ill he T. \V. l;>>de< .if ihejl'iiion (.'uiiiiiy Iron, the ]i:.| of Ica.ricil out by AiiMieiaied .-.u.veys fuminimotis stann in opposi-; .he IIIKII :.C|,.MI umier tne .-]HII.,-HI- I.. I'liiiliuvver, lony: •' noi^i vauca- :-.:i-,-.M-r-y. l'.ii il-u.-t \S'ai.l fur a i.tie-year une\- ' .'i eas elii^iole f.,r iederal a.d under | of l'a>>iiie hrou^iu a Morm oi the $2.t million e\peiun-; -nip »i .\ir>. utiuie JIIIHOM-. An lor 11,1.1 Kooeil C (TIIIK, 1 J rmniK it "uxce.-sivc in yeiijn'! iieraiati studeiu.-, Jio.M-ver, loiinu ^'y'"'.'''\,'''""''"'"'','V" ',' "!'•'" yyt pi | j pire.l teun; ami for full two yearjlhe p.iVi-rniiient .•* A.vclerativl l'uh-1 proteMs 1 mm lii.i,'iM win n they eilltorpubiisiier of tlie Kl :: 1" ami further opining iliai: ..uuienii.- rivipe.-, lor tin- l.ei .H.OI • '^".'r '^,.'",',. J"vi'j.*'."' .! ,'!' 'N'"..!"'-,'" T U'CHUHl oCaTCQ junn» A. Turney Savage, l-'usi i pumie works ehamiiaii. ne^an receiviun n.uii'e.t of tlie Daily Jouiiuil nnd .Slalo Senator, lll upusi'il coiiMruenoii plans ! .-..ouios, wlii.-ii Ui.'.v ii.ii.ii- .u.d tun- i V,).'..'' c i-, *' '.•"',".'" " ", i',' ^ jWard; William Connor, Second I 'I his was repoiled al n inectini; 'VV "fair miiiKet pi leeis" plaeeu (.'olluwini; in un outline of the ri'iiiuturc. ! irioiileil to tim .-.He. In tins, way j . ^_ ,'.'.,t,.'| 'V,'.'.''.''' .7 ,"]",'.';.,''.'' \\ v It'U>L'<] I"l f t jWiird, and lleiheit H. Weleh .lr.,j,,r |l..ri.ii)rh ( ouueil la I week hy ! on their hoine.-. mid me new «s-principal event* which took placv 1 luvvn ollieials cited their | toe} iran.Maie ineir c.n.ein 1..1 I |V,,.,V,| ^t..',*-. . ,,-K',-. ^'.,- -li'- ' i'/f ' T "*•*-•"" "** j Third Ward. ^ j Cuiineilnian liayn.on.l lloi IKOII, : M-MHI'IIIS l,as.-.l on ii Id per eem iiuruiK 11'IU. ... .„ |.; .-hairiiian. j rain, ol true value. For many n • i I"Ill,l i-ail.i'1!' -* I!;,I'-,:' ll'KII;I>. , o' .•< ' M*!1. ' I*'...... Ili._ /•; . 1 . . nt ^i.»- * ^ -i ." I oi me issue in which tno novvs 1 t.-r (ii.,l'.!al:», !i|, of ; ollical flimily serve 0.1 a year I., j dents il' the prop.^al were ! .-.ourci III. ant -l/.eill)le inciea^es 111 thestivi'les apenred. "The IM.iniii.1:!: I'.,iald ha- iii.uie: 11.". i! A \. . -ulTe C.iuncil :ipplied l,,r a $:!!<.'<,O(HI fipprovvil. ! (L'ltntinne.l on l'ai;e 2) M e-,e: V itV.-li to es;jii..:!! it- '.h;»iL;;.l.' ne. (liiarters the town's re-1 - — -- ;^,^V.::'^i,::: 1. t"" ''""• !MU TtillK: .•,.,-.. • ! "' '""-^ ^Z'^r^. I ' .....,..r...U of objectors ,,rean I Major Events "a CneCs'i'c'rof'us own ' FailWOO(l CoUUCll 11 ' ;' "';V (',' 'i'.' .'. i • '"V '"'"''" ' '" '''''"'"'" iiv.r-all I'.ar it .M.eii in n couiprr- [ '" ''"' .Mui.ii'l|inl lllllld.l.e; to ill. JANUARY r .t. Jl.--|«,::*!. Son,:,;.1,, a .-,.,.;,.-. 'I... retained are "."r;"*' lt:il:''| ll:i: |" IMWJIIM'.V'o< iVilV'-* V.!/. Millimnl'iliv,1.-* of ihe i-iii-vey linn, lownol •I —Mnyor Towl I'redict.i Tn.\ given dubious eredit lori\V/>|| OlMr'll1l /f> 1 [ many irate cili/.ens lo I W HI l/l gdlll/t i-.i- I al.-tat ^.7.1 I nun j 11. ia. • pio.m ed a r.-vieiv of a!l Unto llik. for l',H»2 in An- ii!,.;i b. •:;:, , :: '.!..• I :: ..i'l -•• Several new 1 ! ! ! : • lid., f' ..f tlaii;"- ill a bed- 111: : that lh...e .-till not a.:ie,-nii; i-oiild J.'r. (liiiile.t A. I'liilhowor ;ion program vviiiihl appoiiii].o.'iits to lnu<.u^h huani> lid have put upj take their appeal:, lo the hie-. IH:D •^/-'JH.iiliU audition to.'are e.\peeti.-il to 1M- at 1 hi K. -aid. ; S"-,.,,,,„.„| llisef, ,COUl „„.l , Man,;.d ^Vl.datlonr^\ s j ' '1'olli ;, ill.J.IIIIII 111 liial.-.IUir; I llli.l ;. ] WHS Hand Concert I::.-. i-.!ii.-li -'ai'.e.l in a j clerk— , l.ner. , Cl.llll and Vl-latluns j ' i"«>nii' il,i!:i.i ller'i.oit :,aid he hu> Jan. l.'t School ill Kahway i Horoiiijli Council':, .o i;;ali»ii T''- , , pllU'luded Would he three j meetini: TueMlay at 11....11. r-e--a!,!,- >.. - ,-..i-.!i:.,-.| t-i 1 !.'• !.e.|ro-,:n ' Tl'.e Town Ci.uncil ul^u will he ; wn! ;e;i [o >.el'.- .l.-i.ty i.'i'.i:.|a',w(-. .School Hi,in,j To Ask Extra i.:-,.'...- .-..'.I v.a'.e. da:n- niakirn: Ihe,: jippoint- i .ilj.,111 .Mountain.-:i.|. \. lUKiliou, but 6011..S, six instmeiional room.-.: M;IV(,|. ]•;, sidn.-v will Levy of ${{u,o:il for Wilson ., i-.'h-r.,1 :h.' h"i-.-. unlit- or 11 appointments t., ! a,Jde,l "n ai-pi ..r we havi: a poor , „ „ , ,v . , ,.. . ,, ''liHilli-purpose" 1111.liioiium. ! „.,„,,.'., mi.,nl,er o'f the Hoard of School • "f 'ii.- tile via- i;.ji d, N-r- huaid-: T-.vo tneinlH-r- uf the eii..iu<- ol i:rUi[;j: haek on the e!ii:- (J111-t ma- l.iKhtitiK Awards on-trueted 111 I'.I.-IH. is ex- Adju^tnieiil to replace John Knsi- 'icilillllii's 1,1 n-i-elll issue.- in dlf. (C.-n«.nu-.l f.f tiiK-i',1 for -"-y* ai ' 10...1 v 3i>t." | (.'Xfeed its I,OKU sunient \,,.rivy< ui,,, i,.Hi:i,,.,| v.h.n he : I.. 1 .-Dei :i 01 npinioir- on Up- in ed- to Hank, Cl.cnii.l . , ,, ,! ,,...... , .V1, 1,1,, , ,v ,, „„.. , .,// !ty by the lyiiJ-Cf, schonl , 1111)V1.,i f,-,,,,, tl,,- l,,,,o,^h. II. may ,...„. : Adult Catalog Floaily oi)!ioihi::;ii .-as.I the 'ir.-iin-; lim| t],,. ,-,,,(, l,,-(;an lo emanate ... l:io [..T. i!,. e:,:;ie ;.,;,NI w.i- year tenii-; tv... Hfiar-I of Health' II:I-I 1 priii«ib!y will not l>e j from M-veial .piatle..'. for Mailui): -I'.) Courses in also name one or two new men, :,'!.i:'-' aid '.her. M a - a il'-avv . >r. In- I f,«r f.on year.-- each; one 1 ; ; lll r Tl Sprint; Term idt Junior 11 iirli in CTarli | iH ri, |,, ,|u, planning ll,,aid. .•' '- """;'' • " •'""; '•' '" i"»i""«^ :te,...,.e.i from .,: .-...::,•..;•; ,.- ,,r -in,.!:.. :hi.,:1Vli..i;'. I'lalir.inf Uoiud nllicial fur -:. WHS Science Seminar.-) Start puld receive a $1,0'il, ISO ri•• . Koiitine yearly r. -iii>p...ri!«,. .-il- /-. • rp 1 •il a....;-!. .1 a '•••••"'•.'•'•"<; .j,,.,.,.,) comlnltlee Mlniy Mihinnj -,le --. r^i-'MI .-, S:i;-'ne nia-'i.- -A.;,' yiai-; "ne member to I}.,- I.ueal lr If l* ,*l,> .1 CI' < 5 --Jifjl IM I Ml 1 ,,..{ ,_.# |t t \ l...,.^.! i,h c_... 't .Ian in l^owiii In-Inad.."a.Mi-..ui .-!l,«;ini«- JjCSSlOll lUeSUaV ii.-.1 -r. :h.- I': i, !i;'h'< ;- :;i !>..M'::Ti' A - i t:ui«-e Hoard fur livu;-; In the :-eli.,oI I,..aid in Sep. ha- already exeeeded its hMi, -,, iii.-e- f..line,I. 1 . J " ''"'l... li.l,' an iip- lemlje.-. '| he lullnall.,11 ol ihi- .-em WKA in Salary Hike Appeol t Ilim '*'..• !!..M:.-. *v-" IC.i i >:at ii.ii <', iie.hii - -i, ,11 111.-in-. t capacity, iu'ciirilini; in the : C.umciliu.'ii J-.lin -I. K.-iui.-dy in. Mil.1.1 l.vill T rii. " II -S.'hi.ol ll.inril Huddet »t $4,- MOUNTAINSIDE - M.-iy.-r K'.i- Tl'..- i:i"!i>'d WJ ir.-a'.-l :>l b... fur liu.-e yi-.-.i - e.u I.; «r ( I'lans call for a two-story ',(,.. a,,,| William Nvl.-.- -, I,,-.•!,-, V|i'., .'l.i lini-e Hy Local on lo include! a irymun.-ium, ' ,„ .\.,v. mli.r, w.ll I. e.lm,; >.,„. lav, ^I/ISII./V'.I I'p $i;2K,- y....- -.f ':.-• :-:-r. a* ia-a.| ,•!' •,!..• .•:,,-••..•.-- S- hi'-piia! ::. ••••• n-.-t.aia, II.'v. I'aul Mu-.-elman Joins I1..11 i.';i- ii..:u.,:.. inn llo.i'.U}:!llo.i,u}:!>, ''hii'hi.. f M:i.::.Ma!r:n | P. il-ii'.i.r:. I! .... ,,:i.| 11, -p -i'.y three ll,elui..-r' t" III.- Hleycie! ' ' "' ' ' IT- k'oal and It:.' eainp.iu:.! ch. -.-.I j School Hoard .ICC Candidates tkipant in Ecumenical Council l:-...ld fi.l y.-ai .-a.-|i. I I UtlUclIll 111 LiLUIIItllltai \JUUI1L11 l|';ll•l . '- C!-,,.-,vfinvif II. W. :!: „ ,',..:••• i:-....-l f..i th..-. • y.-a, . -a. h. I ' w,,h ap,.,..i..i,,,,,teiv 1 n. ,-.,,,1, .-nil! !'n..pp,i ed 1 "-' 1-..M-II ; to I,.- n polled on. 'I in- .In.- how-i T..I:iru' Their -fat- in c»!ir,.-ii will ; Police Install U.d fii.M H.-.-IK Volunteer UldressTrinity Forum Feb. 6 ; J/ /llle l.'V.-r ill.I bett.r lilali the |i; t-vi'.'.l- ! Drive 1., ! year . eori.ii: a iM.Ti p. r e. nl if-! Wel'lun I-'tini Siie-i Town £"S' SiI't?i; « iMndscaping lyp'Jiesl .^,3 'nun 11. the bid r..i ;::j.;,iuin I..| ;v- Wvir- l;,y m/'i: • :'.ia:., I'itjel. lli.elardi will be . r 1 A I fuel Hiiii-hin,- I'.'rinit Uefusal K.-v. John J. Wrii:h-.,:f.,:ir, ; eauy on the M..|1: ,.!' 1 :i ;.;•.•!..•:,• ' .. ,,...v,.;^..,i r-t • 1 rwi m I* I 4 __ ._.. _- ,. ._ ..f. * :-.•!. Alfr. d M. l-'roinin Con- i Tin- VM-YWCA vein, I. l,;,d ,,„.. i 1 v..-i,.| ,,.. •„• c.ants ,,f Alter- A jo.., p ••'•" '"• i.lll.'!.,! a -ii.e. .fill eai,,p.,.,.n f... [ ^ tasteful Approach in.: !'i«T of appointments to The lan.i-<-.:p:.'nr .:l ti.f nf !''f' '''" -' '• j the |.ri".. n( biiildni)- :.t (laili St. '• Th lM ! liar,..!ll I - fcI',, " , ibit|u'.'...-; li'llidlill'. : in,.il) C.ntmil in lluitf, • P. i ii ' \\"i ::'. . u!,j.-i t '- ' • alarie.1 post- apr ill-<> .'\pvcie- ".' '"'- • '" ' ..nd l-.-ri-;.- I'l. i-i,: ,..i: !i:,.-l:,.n u.i- i S'i. Side l'irehi,u: 0 Funds to In -.!:'- "i. ,.!' io:tt.-i :a! -. ] : the >rt'a,i:7.ation ses- •.',.: th Av.-. •:: \'.V •:;, :•: ); i ''•••• '.lerway >l:irn,>: Ihe year till'l p,.- - i Ml. li.-l',...-! •an. d !o tin ! •ii'-li annual Trinity For- ;,l (i':r ' :•:•', ••' ill ei-.'.ni- <\,,r.. They include, boroiurh ai- : planiv "I a'il 1- b. :ni: 1:1 ' ii:e,| .11. Il.i •-. I'. M..I,.:. ill th.T. . ,;t|y h'.pe to have th" li.-v.- I'm ill i ll.-li... r. J.,;-:n I|..!||.- 1 •an-e of ll.eir • 1 IMr ni:'(r Jan. :UI in ihe ll,,lv j p.. • in- ''!ni-t:iri uni'y •'orney and en^im.-er, welfare direc-; S ion ;::hetir-t : u,r, building inspector and deputy I u--i-'.ai.l prof" I ..f '.!I..-I!i|.'r,>:il ('..-|:.,|..-|| ,i:.,r.l- '. li. ati'l I..- ' 1!:.. -•• I/. '! : ly HIL'-I Sehor.l andiii.rillli), ll ' and ••.:•> ...... , „ • . . - . . , , . ''•'•'•' •••- 'i-,>: •••-» li ••:..i;,r( ,,f .|,,, ,...n,ii,;- vear. !«-• I'.ioth. rhood Week li.illy Set

^fr.i:...-.ii!ci-,l ;his w.el.. ..- •;,-:. ..f :>.- K- Mi!..rii: a! Council. : iax eo!l«-tor, a!l of which are held ; hortir'.iitur- a'. K:i'f r I r ity. .,: -,- *.-.-y -,r, and n..t •,.-•: :•. I|l , Wl.'•,.-,: |l f;~, ;,;:,, .,,...,.,•...„ I,-.- ^ ,„. s,,;,lh ,-„,,. |,u ,.,„,-.,., ,„„,.' l-'.-b. 1 hi- re:.irn frum |:..;:H\ In i: :• a.-ii'." .!,. "i "ii"!:'.. Mr. Kf< n- j ,,n an annual bsusir. ; A!thi>\iiri'i a pt. '.,•.,:• a; y •I,:,!,..- '.., -n,- ,av.,r,-. of :,, .•.-'.•.,...;..' ,,,,.1,1 ] ,,.„l ,,,,..':••• foriiin .-'-lies' . Tho e siTvinjr on various muni- : was ilor.e by I'.mp. I 1 jr.. !.•••!•',. ., A • - I '•'•'' I.'":' '. -|..etae.i!ar Ainer- pi.-.-.- :!;•• i-i. ••-,; y :.-.u !'.:..! i... ,,iter."te,i i,,..ii,.,-ip.1| oili.-.a! , al •• llea-'l of Library mt ' h:.iiuian C-.ri;. K Keen, n i- ..„; ;•:•• -.•:.:•• -I ey.-hi-iv^ly for a . ,-ipal ^iards whose terms ex pin' • ,-,,,iate- ,.f Wa-In,.::•...». I i.e.. Mi. i< a:, ll-dly '" • hav.- !..-•• n j.i ;,.••. I ---'i i is u • -.n- .- the hu.-dii.;: wa- ; ;.,,i ,,.| u,. .•,-.,,:II.| ..vnl, u,. :.i:.,-; ' -In.Ii:.. ll.tli.-ld I!.-M.rv.-s l>e- fwi i,: ac'.-ptane.-- of ail ,nv;l.i- '':,':...!: -• .mi!:- !',.••, thai no.'l-Catho- \ Jan. I include Jason Ki:en, chair- j I)eH.,..r, who ti a, li, !:.::>! •., ;•• • . hi •!.-• f. •••!'. • -.ri,. i ..''•'•• i. • ' ' • :'.. • ,, . ,.;>,. .j. |lf ,.,,,,.(, ,,, (i,,|, •„ • i\,,. , ,,, ,,,.r ,,| ; li'imi "il Weldo;. Suit for

•!"-ak I-'i-b. r,, ti,,. ..I-,-..II.| ,.f li,-.- ;.:-,- ;.ivi:.-'l ;•• a:tei;: im-. tov.',-,.!,:; t-. :t I., i^-ht of 20 < >,:,'. \l..r.:n i.'.mted «,ii -ri..! |{:,|,..vav Av.-. and SV.-HU,..',.• : t. . liuiiiinr; Permit ; ,,:1V •„. p'tr.-ha-e.) in advance , rjr. Henry Lanpheinz, a board | M.h>,,,l, !a- i.".'i-.-d the | Ian I" f. ••. -t. I" uu: :•• i:i,;. pi ,.p- ;.-..,.,...: ; i.- :,, ••.•.• I..,.ml d:tli-n,;:::.:.-- I.e. i |'|,t. r,",,n|,i, •.,,„ ,,f d,,. c|n;.i t •-• - : V.MI.'A Week Starts Jan. Ill 1 lv.e.i;< I.i.ted ^)li<<- [May"*Sanla Mr. h>v:iefi <>f J') -Stone- • niember; Ralph I>'e!z <"»' Frank achieve an clei'i.n: ly :-in-.|d.. and . •;riiiiii,ir " I'.II !i'i.':.-rini' i.y l.uri;- : :1M,| in •'.iin- ., e:<],.-<'.••.! within .,.IL-:I I'ark. j Torma of the Hoard of Adjust- very la-ti-ful appro.|,'h !•• lierrn lliat ii'.ai:- I h. •••• tie. 'ahlai and . l,,,rl eiii'lils o: line a ahii. t time. i (Co.'itiiied mi p,ii:e 7) M> Less l-'ortiuuite Tc.'ier ;,• ak, r- in the forum ser- j nient: Allhert E. liartune, a mem- in;:, usinjr niat'-riai tSia! ::i-- [ ffivrit. v.ith i;.n.|.-n Club ru-in- • P.U!..!.• caii-.-.l by -otne outside vie- j A project .,f the p!an,ijii>.r i ;.--, the d'i:<- of ilieir Ivciuros and I her if lh<- I'iai.nini! Hoard, ur.'l indiuenoii.- I., tin- elimiit- un-J in j b-r- !l.i..,i!.-i...ii! N1. v; J.i ,-y. ; .,;,-,-.• a, h as .i.imp..e..-<. i developm-nt of a maM.r bli.-priii' i of il-.,. Wc--!li--!.l !'•>- ti..'ir :..pie- ar.-: ! Sidney Melp, a memlwr of the Li- harmnny with th.- C,,!..:'.ial eluir- : Th" ..• • -|,.- in., r, rr.•••- come from 'I r.e former system alert.-d po- ; f<,r the town eauie c|..-.'r to r.-ali- r.-1-....v.ilell'. -\ .- -...!;• I i-.!i Index ',la,,. :',..—I'-r-.n:- J. Dark of N\"»- I brary Boanl. a.rler of \V.-tfi..':'! and tio l.-auti-: nur-.'-ri'-- in lh" ..!i;h.-iii putt "I l« whatever the c:u!-e anil it ' zatioi, with the hiring .if Kobe,: • p,,,-;,o!i of th-ir -a!- A.uiinil Town . 'J Yi.rk, "M-. ii: ivi: •cere'.ary of the ! X.-w Jer.-.-y iir-.l asi: at La t. :<»'• .vouid ii..t 1^- until a call vv.n an- Catlj., A --i.eiat. •< to draw up th-' Miirine-:- Uirectory 22 X, .v V.,:-v. C |i'.::e Interracial (year-: old. _ , -..-.,,.,,| that vhe trouble i-.uld be : Mam.-r IMar. al a total c-st of i ei''!.hi!l;r ; Holiday Makes Early Deadline ITmrch Xeiv.-i „ ... It; IMIIT, Color and | In fn>nt ..1 the l.uii.liin- ar..i it,,,.rUu,,ed. '-fll .:,i)t) -pur:.-.! !,-,- 0..-..j-re.-m.-iil e :;,.t ,1-v,e!f;.r.'i . ( ia.-.Miied . . 0, 7 Became of ihe New Year hcj]id..y Tuc»d.iy, the "L#-.-ieier" ,1,.,,-e lr;-f-...: I'.-.i-l.-i.f Japan.--..; Tn,. n,...v instailalion include, j ,,f the contribute *Un,r>fit> j Kditorial.1 18 -: '.:: .'!• e, a. i|eadlinr» have bern changed nesl wcfli. ' Maple 11. l--'/.ii.' i::'l-i:,v.^-rt B. Hartke, \ •.vi;. .• ;n:«ciul _ S-lli deadline ..ppliri to church, thf.itrr, letter! and ether newa. Tho ; iitiil'lin:; •.'.•••i.n tin y '.'' '[' .''•'''• i Tl.'- !*>artl wus initalbxl by the ; ver-ary of their pre--eiit odilke : Sports ..-_ 8 fccin) new? dr.-idlin.- i« noon Monday. - : .II, Ii. ('.", "Tl...-a:re 1 !"'.'<•" i i At the :id. ..f til.^'.'•i'lirit: ar<: ,• Vii-lor Uursrlur Alarm Co. of Clif-! and lnt"r heard plans t,. -peii-l '• Cl.-oiified ia 5 p.m. MrniJjj Theaters ._ 20 << ••.:,• :;.-j.-.| ..:-, •''."• -i .'.''in in t-A.i riiiy*. .over ii million dollars t,. < n!,ui:e' i ••n Vw- -' Wo man's Vu(rp , ,14 Stamp Chili Told Work Mommy It's Money—And It Was Of IS. J. Federation An alert little six-year-old K»'1'S amounted to $358. Raymond Noi-by, a mt-mber of cries of ''mommy, look, it's mon- After contacting the area police the North Jersey KtMierutcd Stamp ey" brought a happy ending on station and turning over the cash Clubs, discussed the functions of Christmas Eve for a woman who it was then too late to return to his organization at ft meeting of had dropped her employer's de- Westfield end mother and daugh- the YMCA Stump Club recently. posit on the way to the bank. "Americana on Furei^n 'Stamps," ter stayed overnight wfc.n their The thair. of events befian in friends. a program of col«re t. HekrtleflaB fur

(e had tile obligation to ex- our o]>inion if not give lepcnl The Financial Institutions of Westfield |val. New Jersey statutes ! (iofinitely provide that the Uourrtunity to develop Happy New Year )int thinking as inilknted by of Education Ktatemenls. it1 Planning Board hus repeat- tatinl it would not pre.sume AND A WISH FOR THE i|T«* I'ducation stundards. We liclivvu that Weslfleld's ioiuil place should l»e main- but wo are convinced that FULFILLMENT OF YOUR 'an tie accomplished at enn- bly lower capital costa and eflicicntly. HOPES AND AMBITIONS c voters will make tin.1 doci- The I'liinniniT Hoard has the FOR 1963 t!



There will be no evening hours scheduled for this week. NATIONAL BANK OF WESTFIELD A MISTAKE? BROAD and ELM STREETS, WESTFIELD Santa's sorry! He tried hard, and so did we ... but NATIONAL STATE BANK OF ELIZABETH mistakes will happen. So if your gift is a misfit, or the wrong WESTFIELD OFFICE NORTH AVENUE AT ELM STREET choice, we're wishing you "many happy returns." Just return the gift to us, and we'll gladly exchange it ... no fuss, no red tape, no embarrassment. We would appreciate early SUBURBAN TRUST COMPANY WESTFIELD OFFICE exchanges — thank you! BROAD AND ELM STREETS

!••; FIRST FEDERAL SAVINGS ARTHUR STEVENS 150 ELM STREET, WESTFIELD ADAMS 3-1111 233-5-7 East Broad St. Open this Friday evening til 9 IS, WESTFIELD FEDERAL SAVINGS BROAD AND PROSPECT, WESTFIELD rfMf' Warren A. Schneider Mrs. George Wilison OBITUARIES Joseph DiRenzo Mrs. Ragua Ru»nes Matthew JI. Williams Mrs. Alexander Szanyi William L. Keller 15—Mrs. J. Cladopulos Mrs. James A. Downe James Robinson Mrs. Nelson Archibold Kobert E. Elliott •William L. Keller, 61, of 608 James Robinson, 28, who move Mrs. ChtuJes Cantlay Mrs. G. E. Tripet Shadow Lawn Dr., a refrieeratins three -weeks ago from here to 5 James H. Wroth Mrs. O. M. Hinton engineer for the United Fruit Co., Runyon St., Newark, diud Satur Kobert Mars "Winfield S. Bowman New York City, died Sunday at day in Elizabeth General Hospital Patricia A. Bumstead Muhlenberg Hospital, Plainfield Us had been taken ill on a bu: 20—Jlrs. Sherman \V. Reese 22—Harold L. ISrooks Mrs. B. Ellenberger after a brief illness. enroute to work at the Shop-Rite Krskine B. Mayo Sr. supermarket in Wntchunfc. Mrs. James HoftT Born in York, Pa., he lived here Miss Grace E. Coombe •William E. Briggie for 20 years. He was a member Mr. Robinson, a native of Rich John J. Drown Sr. O. H. Stein^raber of the Westfiold Presbyterian niond, Vn., had lived in the West- Mrs. Mary T. Walworlh Charles Smith Church and variuus technical or field urea for about seven years William II. Pullen and h:id formerly been employee Herman Hoyermann ganizations. T Miss Mary C. Hillman Mrs. William T. Cox Mr. Keller was a graduate of by the N ational Supermarket in James J. Maddux Mrs. Silah E. Huylor Pcnn State University. Westfiold. He was a member of Mrs. Joseph Tircme Mrs. Hettie Barnes the Hitliel Baptist Church and its Morris A. Brody Surviving are bis wife, Mrs. usher board. Mrs. Delia C. Cnnn Beulah J. Jacobs Keller and a 29—Mrs. Fred Doerrer Sr. 28—Miss Sara F. Stiles daughter, Mrs. Doris J. II. Pedell Services will be held today at Henry C. Baker 1 p.m. in the Bethel Baptist Alfred J. Fischer Miss A. Louise Gilmore Big News In The of Lancaster, Pa., and three Sydney C. Quick grandchildren. Church with the pastor, the Rev. Mrs. Washington Byrd M. Jerome Brown, officiatinjr. In- Mrs. Montague Glixon Harry Parnes Funeral services were held yes- Herbert E. Gernert terday afternoon in Gray's Fun- terment will be in Rosehill Ceme- Fred Potrozcllo tery, Linden. Walter A. Cross William O. Heblei eral Home. Rev. Dr. Frederick E. Harold W. Morris Christian officiated. Mrs. Donald R. Davison Mrs. Anna K. Volk Mrs. R. MacFarlane Interment was in York, Pa. IV MRHO1UAM James C. Mahony ClmrlrM Walln«!r UuKnrd—Depart - Walter C. Fowler • 1 tlilw lifV D';c. 'iIH. t!)4i>. liano hut Joseph P. Wilson "T f<.ri?"ll<-n l>y lil.s fuHt,-r (laughter. APK1L Lee H. Bristol Alexander Michelson Jr. lUiiivi] Talliot Mt.nroo. 6—Mrs. Anna Van Bramer Anthony Saliola Alexander Mirhelc hold at Joseph Simone Ralph Rotella ()f prfivitopping importance to Gray'3 Funeral Home at 10:30 a.m. Mrs. F. Frambach Frank Spino Mrs. Walter Hill Mrs. Frank A. Scverane Saturday with -Pastors Arnold Carmine J. Marotta Charles A. liuekard of his own family Dahiquist and Walter Warner of 5—Mrs. Anna F.. Carpenter FEBRUARY Mrs. Eugene Garrabrant Mrs. Fred Trowlnidge Calvary Lutheran Church officiat- •David W. Stilus 7—Mrs. Clark R. Rwaney ing. 1- Mrs. Philip B. Hoppin Mrs. George Neubeck Gilbert A. Dietrich Charles M. Schmidt Interment will be in Fairview Mrs. John S. Curtney Emil J. Schuster Mrs. William A. Gardner Cemetery. Mrs.^William Meyer Charles F. Dickoy Mrs. Charles.H. Sanger Mrs. Abraham Hughes Mrs. George E. Yeagor Herbert L. Moynes -Arthur J. Byrnes Mrs. Aniello Buouanno D. Passariello 8- Thomas W. Edmond am Henry C. Nicols Mrs. Claire M. Howe Mrs. Frances C. Barrett fly tN * * token, accurate Dominick Passariello, 39, of G12 Mrs. Daniel J. Murphy Mrs. Frederick Wright RIpley PI., formerly of Cranford, Frank Bangma John A. Miller George W. Jaekel John J. Dwyer aorf (lO^riplele information obout a veteran of World War II and a Mrs. Joseph C. Smidl •1—Allen Hoppock mail handler lit the Jersey City William J. O'Donnell Mrs. K. V. McNnmee 21—George T. Chong terminal of the Jersey Centrul Miss Emelyn Johnson Mrs. John H. Frazce U going on In your own Lines for 23 yeara, died Tuesday Mrs. Otto K. Huster Alexander Chrome at Veterans' Hospital, East Or- William F. Haworth Mrs. Mnjurio C. Millen Howard R. Moars ri/ neighborly tidinjs ange. Mrs. David C. Talhot William L. Thompson Mrs. George C. Lewis Born in Cranford, he lived there -Mis. Lee K. WarinR Sr. Mrs. Francis MacMullen Robin Lee Harwuod most of his life. Durim; World 16- Mrs. Herman Dinkleman Mrs. Rulph W. Clark George J. Maurer ou know , . . add War II he served in the Southwest Joseph Ilolzhauer Vito Greco Mrs. (i. W. Mclntyrc Pacific with Co. A. 1870 EnKmc 21—Theodore J. Evans 31—F. H. Hulluway 29—Mr. and Mrs. Irvine; K. Carver Aviation Buttnlion, . nnd was ,. Thomas Smith Mrs. Russell llallenlini; Vp to. NEWS of direct personal awarded four bronze battle stnrs Mr* William M. Chandler •'• Mrs. Claus W. Hulten John E. Scully •• r '••• • < and a Presidential Unit Cittition Robert Tl. Stono Mrs. Iver Stcnou Grorjrfl E. Snyder ' tftt«f«q» 4© YOU . . . news that He wns at the Battle of Luzon in Mrs. Wiliiplniinn Taylor JUNK Earl T. Mielko the Philippines. He wns a commu- Mrs. Huf»o Sclniltze 7—James M. Squier Mrs. Tadcuz Urban nicant of the Church of lh<; As- Clmunecy I). Smith Mrs. Barbara Simon Philip Ci. Cameron yoy ?pr\ usually find ONLY in sumption, Roselle Pnrk,- George \V. JWkett Charles E. Crandiill Mrs. Henry Trotman Survivors are bis wife, Mrp. Lea MARCH Edward C. Jewell Mrs. Rosci Rlzzo o,w/p. weekly newspaper. Spadora Passarifllo: two children. 1—Mm. Charles A. Pnnclmud Albeit F. Shaffer AddiKon nil^vin Susan nnd Anthony; his father, Mrs. Edwin J. App Mrs. Paul Tompkins DECF.MHER Anthony of Cranford: two broth- Mrs. Joseph Costello J. Edgar Morrison G—William L. Murphy ers, Patsy of Waterbury, Conn., Mrs. Ettie M. Leedom Mrs. Alonzo Sclmfcr William II. Coles and Lawrence of Crnnford. and Everett Rand Leo Hinton Mrs. Grace iM. Tod riff six. sisters, Mrs. Vincie Sav^rock Thomas C. Ropers •1—Ernest A. Carlson Mrs. Jesin Ray Motto of Aven^l. Mrs. Philomenn Dinino Ann E. Ratten Mrs. Harry D. Egbert Mrs. John Cloud of Westfiold, Mrs. Josenhino Ma- Ainil n. Butts Abraham A. Rosen s 13—William Kirbcnniorfren rino and Mrs. Louise MJV/.ZPO of Mi s E. M. Lounsherry Mrs. James Ainbold Mrs. John C. Rosecrnns Cranford. Mrs. Antoinette Mitch- Mr=. John L. Huirhcs John Blyskal Mrs. Leroy Ticheuor elli of Roselle. and Mrs. Jessie Dr. Daniel C. Haelcett Donald M. Sensbuch Mrs. J. T. McAllister Toomairin of Elizahcth. 8—Mrs, C. A. Rnl>in?on Sr. Ted S. FoBter Charles G. Hrokaw The funeral will be from the Mrs. B. C. O'Donnell Joseph A. Caputo Harry Stiiblberg Mftstapeter Suburban, 4 00 Fai- Mrs. C. V. Richardson Edward W. Ilollbcrg Mrs. Pearl H. Juried toute Avc., Roselle I'.irii. Rudolph E. Wiclnnd Chillies F. Engle Micliiil'l Cnsrrta 21—Uussoll T. Hahn Gerald V. Mulh-r Mrs. W. K. Swartz 20—Mis. Miriam Picrson Mrs. Rarburn GriiHsam William Morgnn Rielmrd P. Hetfleld Ci. II. Palmer EXCLUS1VELY WITH US * COVERAGE as—Mrs. II. W. Roberts Mis. F. II. Whitlock Mrs. J.isetih K. Rlnu wilh UOYDS of IONDON Mrs. L. Godfrey Philio Mncnoti The weekly newspaper h our olcjetf fgrm of JQurnaltam, qnd stHI endures as a Mrs. Catlierinc Seomon David Injralls Mrs. Pauline HelTeriniin Mrs. Fred Johnson vital part of many communities . . . including this one! The Leader is edited The LINCOLN MONUMENT Co. Thomas J. WiiUe 4. IIopi. Confidence IP—Mrs. Frank K. lln'/eltine rnllic is lirht Ibis iiiorniui;. ^li—Mrs. Laiii'i-iH-e Neeli Sr. "Nuts. Win-re's tin' key. Oh. Rev. Frederick Wat/. Icio. Conn.' on, car. let's move. Jotta hurry. That's why the smart advertiser likes to advertise in The Leader. Juhn Ci. FrunUlin "Foi'tri't it, Iiml. I bad tin- right Mrs. G. Cnnnul Heii-r if way llu'i-i-. Vi.u nlioulil have AUGUST : lowed iluv. a. I'm late anyway. As long as the paper stays around, his ad has a chance to sell somebody. 2—Mr: . StMccy Itcmler Sr. .Vith that big t'aildie i>f yours you Alv-i (i. S:i'pp niiliably ilttu't have to wnrry Julin II. Uryan •bout lieing on tinii'. So ili-oii And with the close scrutiny that every page gets, his ad is sure to be seen! Mr,, (ic.irrc ('. Ri-ier Iciul. Mrs. Krnm:i F](ir:llu-<> "What a iam. Who wnuld have Mrs. !•'. M. Armstrong 'huiiKht iinytliint; like Ibis. Uarn C'larrnci! 1'. I.i'hcliacli it. I'll lie t'tn'ever K^'tting in tbis 0—Mrs. Andruw F. Kelly Sr. aorning. Mrs. Howard Hush "If I can just sr.t (". Smith "Look out, y. l 'ri i'iu;in "One ntiiri' li:rhl an" I have il K'ii'linrd K. fIjirr'-'tsdii \'o pi-i'hlfiiw. Conic CM:. lii.;ht, stay THE WESTFIELD LEADER WESTFIEID CRANFORD . lu'i.rirc W. ICoiiee -rccti iiwl a litih- while luaccr. Wiilt.-r Sl(!'(.-:i!l 'il'-t a few more ^ >nil:, 310 E BROAD ST. \? SPRINGFIELD AVE *'I v.oiiilcr \v!iat IK- is i^oiiu: ti> Phone AD 3-0143 Phone BR 6-0092 Windcld I. llmvin.-iii .-iyV I fhmiivht I had lluu light SEP'I"F.M11EK H.KIC. lint that cop hail to be sit- 0—W.'c Ihii'lics ing there. Why coubhi'l h<" have Mrs. .lobn Iv ^'oung liiMW) olT soaicubere else. Now I'll CoU'riilge M. IIut«on really be late." hy Assigned Half a Tree Better job basis and there i^ no thought Thau-Council Gift ; Auxiliary Picks |Koser Appointed at t'nii ti:,|y;i'l buililinc iii! >'fi '*<• Brook .St., Hei keliy Ilciirhts. inir pland for future development i l l itd il of permanent*nts; pre- sent in^r » comprehensive program f.-i snow removal on.I the- Imiidli of rciuesls and compluints.

(i. L. Home Advanced Uy Homo Insuraiiet' i man "f the r;.'iiii IIL' i-..n\initt('e. j Kusor, -10, is presently assistunt JMurphv was n. vice- prosi- Th."* Horm- InsuraiKM* (%>., one of Chri-tniiw ^'if town engineer of Monuluir. IK' is tl;? Dinlil Manufacturing Plan Board OKs the country'..* lemlmjr insurunce ; ul'-d by Santa t'ii i-. pel tvayrd by a tfruduuU' of thf NVwmk Culliyf j»:

  • rne, bi'forti returning to •-lack HiijL'i:-. Hos tirms, has mmounct-il the eltvtion epM-s were Mrs. of K™>jliHvrin£, havinp reo'iw.l :i ith this year. Previously he : 1'n.lcrick. Mis. of Ueovtto I.. Home of Scotch Business Bids rnt^s ami Mrs.bachelor of scienre tleprvo in civil «5:isUint to th» works ntan- | II. A. Tr»utmiin. I'lnins nssistant inanam-r in the mifinecriKjr. with liis in:».ii>r in HizuUbth from 1057 to MOUNTAiNSIDK — Tlu- I'hm- operating deparlmeni, to assistant highway t.ntriiU'i'ilnj;. Ho is :IN.I :;ecii-Ury. 1 Rt'Uort I* ^* J<' " 'V t»r>'fi *- ii'i>«l «'"i:i- businn'is ut a inivtinir l *t , j near. Ke is marricl an.i hus tlmv Mr. lioruo JOJIICH! the company os plant in Bridgeport, Conn., :1 a loss ilepartinent clerk in WhX'2 in [i;s assignment here. th. nd- Iww-n Vass:ir R.I, nul n> i:.i.. 1 | John A. Eastern, assistant . '-f K.l'.i.-:i'.!,i:! ll.:; -..-.•.-k .listril'llteil f.iv :ip(h)inli'icnl of I'liiplinTs justi'i in l!(-l(i and marine iiiljnster approval of plans • .'|ji.'- i>!' liu- -upi'fiiili-nlcd by I ho council in No- in 1HI7. Ho wua transferred Ut the struct an 8))xiOSi - f.i,.t ,-Mi-i\si..n - h,.,.:s' ;::!i:ii:i: r,-p..r; U.y I'.lGl-fi'J niis in Europe- ami for venilK*r, al which time Mayor Ku- CliiraK» olliiv in 1!>I8 us in nil- its : !•> btiiMii^h uriiiK engineering serv- vic, i-.hicational, re- gvvw Rau explained that it bad IH>- justor, j>rot:ioUMi to olHce KtijH'rvisor The firm maiiufacUiivr- l.nkf.nU •• liui.ui ivas in oharpu of factories .h.-.iilatilo orjrnniza- ctuito increasinjtty np|>nivnt that !S'5:i Ci»ik County spivial ii^ent AVilkinson In.-, \cw ^'..rk iii..n:-.. j.S. uiul Quebec this borough wus in need of fnll->S, ami ollice imininrcr in l'.tr>7. City, obtaiiie,! appiulal of nUns i,, j Tl,,. L'l-p.u-.- •.•p,.r( pn.par.'.l by timc of iU-4 public In liir>D ho was luiek .'>iA« cviuatAl li.n«« prut.t^ioa the vn»ir. I- H. ll:ini;-.-i;i n.v.-rs i-.-sult'» works activities. to the homo ollico in No^v York Marylee Hancock's tbjr4 ir«de ilsli st T*a»e,us>s S«hool to duplicate the settlers' chore of making 112! Bristol 1W. !..filHMM |reu!i i- OIVHUTOII a "flr."t" the building for storac^*, packa^inu • '-.'i Mic .M.IU:H;U:I-:.II. public SCIIIKI! iwl uhi.ipini; of razor bl:i.le.< aii.j [ -y.-'li'in aini i< |>IJM;U- k-h>-v e.nninuriic-ation YEAR-LONG LOW PRICES...PLAID STAMPS...WEEKLY SPECIAISI EGISLATOR? Approval was jriv.'ti pri'vitiMsIy : tn-iwr.-M ih.- -i!i>..i! l.o:iriiti>tii I 'ti United States Senators Umlerwuoil Corp., N.w V»ik City.;1 OH< P UlltPUl ^1' (FORD P. CASE. R. for construction of a rammi'i. in! ()ul|5Ut i.f «-!•-.-!i-:»-tt>- by Public Elm avenue, Rahway buiklintf al 11.1 <;iobo Aw. A slruc- ' S.Tvirc Kir tii- anil (Ja^ Co. for : 8-ZOS2 turc of 1^,^00 s.|iiKtrt feet on a 1.: ; : :>!.• w.-cl; i i..l. .1 1>.-,-. ;'", was :VJU,- of 4:1.500 stiuar.. f«a ii pi-niio-i-.l. r MSON A. WILLIAMS, D r l''.:|,. .(iii k:! compareil |l Elizabeth ivmuo Theiv will lie partiinn spai-e f«r S. . . willi rill.JST.stui kilokvutt-huurs in (Mrs. • .•(field, AD 2-8086 i)i.» t-(H ic>|i i-ulini: u.'.-l; a y*'.ir u^o, Afior hmrini;, the lioar.l , an iiu-rcii.M'nf IT.STrj.TUO, or !>.7 per : Senate Ofjapa Building. in favor of a subdivision soiiirhl In- '.-.-i:l. • ihington, D.(Z Modrrn Howling AlK-ys Inc., New York Oily, for the purpo^1 of IT. ' FLORENCE DWYER. R ul)t:ll>n); (\.rncll I'kwy. flu- |i!'n|i- ; SMOKED ConsrcuwoiDAn oily i.s bciui^ d.-cl, .1 to A-iu-r.,-;in . . :^*,*i FULIY I Verona avenue, Elizabeth SIHIOIV; l"i« p. whi li will open a. . 3-0382 wholes.lie cilVi.-e aii.l |i.-»rt.: ili~!ri!>n- • COOKED [so, House Office Building lion i-t'Mlt>r tin lai.ti ." th" rear of '. Rthtngton. D.C. K.-ho I.,-UK's. 1 HAMS Tin new aliiriinieMt will i-liini- ; ShMkhrtlM ; State Senator n;ite a ji.j: in tlu- r.»:t'l. litktr Half SON F. STAMLER, R. It was cxplaim-i) ill. .su!nlivi.;i..i: . rail C«t I Brood >treet, Elizabeth is sulij.'cl to approval by llnrnu^li ' . 2-2653 Council. i Tin- Casiil.' Sh.Ti Metal C>. ..f ', r 59 U. i7 Smith Ave.. (;;>nv.i..d, wa- i:n- | 39:49 en prrtni.-sion I., a:ir! l.u^in.1.-;- al ! U.S. Gov't. lntptct«d —Grade A StMe Assemblyman ii buililini; at I Ml) i;l..lw Av,-. The; v >RED BARRY HUGHE5 building i> ME KRUEGER. D. Harry ami l.'laicc Wii'l.-in.l i.f ::"•'! | TURKEYS 143 East Jersey ttr.ct, Holly Hill, nccivul i>f an [ tins With The Purchase of olh. Et. 5-2600 iapplirnl'iuii tiioii.-ral.' Hail II.•»•.!'.. j (rm olltfut *iA£Pf 18 M |ES M. McCOWAN, D. j Stei.k lion '•• ll«i!l K.Ml«e -II. I l^-^^i Ml •6 Crnwford placs, The applicant... it wa- i'xplai:n-c-th. EL 5-4231 C • nillk'll:isiiuf tin- e.%l:iblisllili<-:n ' 31 i-:*37 ttlnmtUt tt A»f *lsnt 0M*s fltM It«»S4 ; wmt tl e Aboit Turksy Fcicti Itfatftrt In Mor Jtnty Slsraa Lfrr.ll Orte Couixw Pit A^uil Ct.iKMncr I J WILSON, D. '' SM-. :i:'.'-i :"'.' • Mushrooms * 49 Good Ihinugh Moitdar, Rec. 3 111, 1902 niul ex'erinr. 1 iic |7 Dorian pl.Tcc, Weslfield :ip|inival wa- ; C Sup«r Rlqht Quality TubKto Picxlucli, Fi»vli Milk snil Alcoholic 2-8491 k-imi s-,i!ij.-ct to til- ^'-i i.'n- i Red Apples ..w^U 2 35 l"»id Srjmo olfrr. tiiininir » rertili-atf of o.vupa»cy . N J 1Wl c for the' prcniise.!. Sweet Potatoes " *~' 3 25 k 1 Washed Spinach "'-' FRESH HAM COUPON Wktli Skiak B Pascal Celery Hair SI SO Mixtra fPlaid Stamp* T.nd.r e 53! c Fresh Carrots Ctiip u. 15 491 59Jb. WM With Ihlthisi Coupon and tilOllli sfi 24— 12 si. «ngi» Idisfist Hsllsn*—Cmnsi AAVP Brand—Jumbo Siie Beverages UN0XHAMS 12.89 4.79 1 Coupon Expires Won., Dec. 31 Jt, 1962 INSTANT COFFEE ROASTING CHICKENS ;.: : 49,? Limit one por Adult Cuitomer Te6««0 Produfll. Tieiii Milk snJ Alcoholic; EXTRA SPECIAL GENUINE CAPONS 6«v*rs{its «x#mpl from Plild Slsmp olhr. ARMrtcss CANNED HAMS • I. lOlbl. FREESTONE PEACHES «*r lnn<—Silcedor Halves III 2 55 O Extra Plaid Stamp* lilicksk-n with;; Invisil Icnit'h fielalli With Ihli Coupon and ill V'M. {\v< piivl-l icl.-ivi's U,l. Ht. I Orais "A" Slit in :i linn;••/•Vii, m'liiiiip by JELL-0 DESSERTS SS Potatoes Msm" 10 '!,47e t'.in< l'l.i.'.(i;". <'( l.iiiul.'ii. 4 35 t Nsklus 1 Ailtrla *r Qraslim M*M«»lU M AOP sltfss ti.lng "'U iu~n. ••Mtlil})),* ilvtrii prtinrrtj* «< "" ^nncllii* l»r.. hn* I"" ""''I *»» Tlii t-ii.i-vblo fealures «-l M«. Kt.ti.1j.II MHf.rrn, fimiirrl) «f l.iikfi*i.«Hl. Ohio. Thr *nl.- C Coupon Expires Mon., Dec. 3tst, 1962 •t-uoHittitl r,»r Mr. mill Mr*. All».rt Hlris 1'J Juitrl ICmrh-L i.r ihi* ft ni'.'f1 \\ I'.ipariniiKl. «»f Unit Jtiliitston, U4*nll-t>r. Maraschino Cherries V' 53 Veri Thin Pretzels Limit ono per Adult Customer Tob*cco ?«X!MIS, r«f Ji M.IV. tn,l Heinz Sweet Gherkins 27 Coca Cola """*'"'"' 6 bolll.. i Pcvria-jo «>«rnul In,,, I'lji.l Sljnu bill.. NU> c lr e Pretzel Sticks V.iiTKI. r25 Vienna Sausage ;:r2:: 43 J.n. r.rl., c C...m( e Potato Chips "r59 Vita Herring 22 !« 85 IEVEHAOI5 I Pi. HILnAc Marvel Ice Cream Yukon Club • i.kol.. •** p c««.<(.0T .Wk,!., Ai i.i)a»«e B&B Raisinef s "°~'-' ,\\2 Ginger Ale r P ICxtrtt VltiUl Siitntfm j^ C.".J.O.(,, •* 1...Lot. pi. III.I ">| W aim Jane Parker Baked Foods I— Club Soda ' Hoffman—f|va o.pai*)! 2 oi.UI.." With this Coupon and Purchats of e SUNNYBROOK FARM BREAD ,^23 Salted Peanuts 25 VV". ** Tea Bags •°- :V»99C JEWISH RYE BREAD JJ^. \^2l Excel Salted Mixed Nuts 5 ! Mi-LemMtx p5 Coupon Expir*t M l.i —M.U Ct .. I icoup'oN |! Daiquiri Mir '<•" ~> . ^'.31' Sharp Cheddar Cheese C Cream Cheese *';.*^; £29' 2 MCxtm t*it$itt Stttntfts Dorann Candied Yams "V'^9 With this Coupon and Puichjto of FrenchJ-ries ..^^.c- 2 I!1; 5JT Borden's Egg Nog AH.M.,T..SI Sallaita Brand — Small Icl 6 We greet you at the year's dawn- Del S3 Eitra Pltld SfmpV oliii sufchiit il 0ichits si ' ir ws rw it K*» !| ~(nt.p) indeed been a pleasure to servo you! I TOSSPULOWS e.»,.icA. • ROCK LOBSTER TAILS i 01. Tubs— Rljul.ilr GJc SPEClnl THIS W«« ^•>v. Ore. I I »t In Super MJIVOII anrl 5f'l-Ser»ict »I-Jrcl only, Al! T-.I.H-r.. i'l . Ifli M. l.ik .,,,1 \|..,!,..!„ l;.,,:,,v , .„,„,., ,,.,;„ |.i,j., s,.,,,,,, ,.,,,:t

    PLYMOUTH • VALIANT 155 ELM ST.. WESTFIELD. N. J. 105 SOUTH AVE., FANWOOD 1060 RARITAN RD., CLARK ESSO SERVICE IARGE FP.FIE PARKING AREA BETWEEN MARTINE AVE. & TERRILl RD, BETWEEN CENTRAl & WESTFIELD AVCS. 443 NORTH AVE. W. OPEN FRIDAY TILl 10 P.M. OPEN MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY Till 9 P.M. OPEN TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY VIU 9 P.M. OPEN FRIDAY Till tO fM WU» IH,it MEADEft, THWBSOAV, DECEMBER 17, JMS REAL ESTATE FOR SALE • • REAL ESTATE FOR SALE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE FOR SALE HELP", -iAMlS IM) UHlilit -top t>r»Kd* e«t prices THE JOHNSON AGENCY, INC. DUDKIN PIANO CO. -ays 137 Aunb Ayr*, w. PEARSALL Realtors Insurors TualnK aatf 26 Prosoect Street AD 2-0300 NANCY F. REYNOLDS & i KI.KVISIIINS — TableB. cona'oT«i< n uarunteed, racomlltlon<.-<:, all '•*J>1|•»P Realtor FRANKENBACH BARRETT & CRAIN ./laiiilu, »25 up. etullon Uudlu # x\ TO OUR MANY FRIENDS WE WISH TO EXTEND id's buum Ave., Monday and Frtdav' IM. Realtors nil ». AU 2-4t,6u. 2-16-II WILLIAM A. CLARK OUR SINCERE WISHES FOR A HAPPV HOLIDAY HELP V.Al.'HWS t*MUOII KKAI/FOII — i-oTTERV SKCOXU»IIat the p«lio;, 302 Eosr Brood Street Westfield Mountainside oUop, dlaiiejware, ovenwure art- 115 Elm St., AD 2-4700 Wrmtattd, IV. J. SEASON AND CONTINUED PROSPERITY • «r«, otonoware, ai lean tftaa halt WALE WnlOtld, V. J. AD 2-1800 AD 3-1800 430 South Are. Writ AD 3-2500 lotali. At the lac.ory—Comemno THROUGHOUT THE COMING YEAR. rarary Caramlcii, 32 WauhunauhunB iv» 4D 2-6300 . Oi>ea »6 MondaModyy throuKith! Hultlule LlatlOff SyuUm mturday * J-I6?ti «matuia«ld* Louise B. Johnson I. Dean Johnson, Jr. W« FIANOS, with bench, 10 year uarantee, H»8; Lowry Electric ti: rebuilt Gra.ia, IIom 1385; uulcs, service and remain The Flano Snup, 61a Terj-lll Kuau' nrciiuiK' »v mink that ihe HAPPY NEW YEAR Scutch Plains. fL. 6-87UB; PA Z-2S68 owners often know lhio t>pi'Hal upeli evening* til V HELP fi,aturi'H about their home* even Vour Lovrrx Ortriui letter limn we ilo, we usually Denier ' : aBk them to tell us why they NEW LISTING H. CLAY FRIEDRICHS, Inc., Realtor MAL£ OR'I liku tlit'lr Imnio particularly, ENJOY 10-8»-ti and what onuse.1 lliein to l,uy it WESTFIELD Our 35th Year FANWOOD .the "-ciiiciicc- of tliis WfJI- TAMAQUES AREA THE OFFICE OF i.ooll, used Ice Hkatos exchanged . . . also from llvinn in it, whitl ii; alluvvunces of %z lo JB on you/ features «re particularly cu- OlK iiumi- lu.-iitt-il nvur town juiil ;ill $21,900 ulu Ice ekates tuward imrchuse or n jfciumlx. jju-j-f y] f«i,i HVIIIK WILLIAM A. CLARK $21,300 new nair. wo Hue-mine ••> « lln? So, fruni time to time yon will loom unit Hi t.-|iliu'i;. sun ptirih, Tin' Ink "l*nr«'l)- " on SPANISH CHARM iut OKU. Khuu nture lue »Kule» ilB see In our column r u.,ie IIIM,II| s«-|.;uat4' illinriK ivom, Kuy k,i< flu* whtM't of tlil» AND ASSOCIATES olnall us aize 8. Arulllfo Jiesiil,; ailui) (( ( <.lu -n. Tlirct- pritly livli minis l t'l-ntrr lull homo atr.lil lull Irrc.s on very larK*' Jot. Qult't Fiill- J what the "owner wny»," for ivc iM-ven rouiii "wiilllll " locjUt-lUU \\ null Mr,it. liit^ livliu1 room, llri'pliK-e, rorniill (lining room, Jleyel-nvilU OIJBII llt-8 1 ..U. exueii reiiUze tliat there me many f.-n- ;t ml I'.it It <>it st'OJit'l Muur. An In our popular "rtnitaU' uttlt- iui (I I;tri4c WISHES EVERYONE M-r<-i-!ii-it ji,-i-,-li ami klunon -with t-uiiiiK- ar.'a. l.'F>«talin ure thri-t- luren y<>u waul to know ahout nrcn. 'I'lioi'f lire flirt't* n le- lo\«l>- ii.tli "oiiit: Jon.' uith a )>al(-oliy). l/liUKUal iillit I'KC-elU'llt. lU-ltt-I bl in addition to bask- • knowing what attributes you \ akif. A i art.' i>|)|i>irt unH y fur tu $22,900 *il Norlb Ave. W. Ai. consider Important in tlie houm.* mid modern klltlu'ti with HAPPY AND PROSPEROUS FOUR YEARS OLD «-20-t.l that YOU buy, an we always |>ri-N») with l)ot»k- NEW YEAR FANWOOD COLONIAL nlit lv«*M, lt)itntlr>' nnd iiltrii'li* l llh lu-r-. I'itiu'Hi'il jilayroom. laundry anil lavntoiy at aad i;«aiuo»«. *•(( ittiriiKt* t»tt Kr«unil levH. Mia.I.- l.'w! plus uann dry htiKcnii'iil. T|irt>t.> ljuilruoniH In ;ill. • id Elm si. ] in inn f-u lute Ui:i7 Colonial c>ii- A(tii' fmi itiitl MtMtie jiifket vi-nieiitly l<-(iit.«l f<*r HCIKMII iitul fenclnwr urtr InrliiOfil. Stvv ti-iirtKjmr (aUiui. A11 j-Jict i vc living l.h.r •>•• niilft Ntr.-.t ('-.North $35,000 Order NOW for ClirUlmaalt room ujtli (inplncc, faiuiiy din- \%'lfk»iii'*) Klftil fur ilill- WILLIAM A. CLARK iriK room, modern kitchvii, \u>\v- ilrrn'i* jilnj ami JIIMI II Mhikrt SHACKAMAXON COLONIAL THE "•II tlwu,, ili-r room an II- k CHARLES W. ROKOSNY l>rl.Kliuui ln'inc ii) ciiu' or WYNUlelrt'H lop areas. Don or btulrooin WORLD BOOK ENCYCLOPEDIA l>on't thcae Hound Inti-rest- rjIKtltll'H ILI-f tllMM" l>l.Uoojn.s n H»ltl tlMi <|iikly ailj;ut-m to ]X>A (U-r run in on Jlrnt floor. IJJUKU Icltth^n, jalnuHiucl ne? urn! tllt-d KiHh phiH iU'ssU-r mid l JIHI'U uu( lie Infvf brrt-Kcway. imtUi 41 nd 1- car Kftrtig*1- Hit: Imscment r«crt»at Jon CHILDCRAH Htuti-K to storiiK*'- * Ml heal, al- M. DELMAR RITCHIE ruuni. 'J'lii<(f luttri' hitdrootiin and ha I h on 2nd Moor. HOUH& CUDI- "Give n Preaeul nlih a Pntnre" tai-hCMl g-arnirc l-'urnat'^ just ]ilcii-ly air i-uiuliiifxifd for wain, weather comfort. Can l>o shown Choice ur IIHidliiK. _ UudKcl HIUB* TWO-STORY two > t-iuM old; roof—»ix yi-iirn at a mtmu'ni'ti tiulUc im owner a liavc already vacated. Cnlll Murm.rei u. AhUeld, old. J'rt'tty n-ai1 yard iiK-]n.^<-d GERALDINE PURDY j al hy Ht)Ut rail ftnci'. l rlci-i! at AUaiun EFFINGHAM PLACE ¥21900 FLORENCE DICKEY 10-11-111 IDEAL FOR SCHOOLS H. CLAY FRIEDRICHS, Inc. niCAl.TOIl — INStiROR COW Oil IIOIIDU manure, well rol- tea; farm rich tup null, ulao 1111 rod 1 BLOCK TO BUS WESTFIEI.D PANWOOO •Li) " - ••'I'eotiiut farm, 11U 8- *»08. 6-14-tl SPLIT LEVEL 3:t:l Xurlh A««. En»(, AVi'ntflold 250 South Av*., RIIWUIIIII Alt 3-U0U3 1 a-TTOO 8 ROOMS - 2 BATHS I' o r g o I your ti'Ansportittlun "COUNTRY-LIKE" AMl'MO IMI1K1NG LAMP MOUNTIVQ probU-niH! CIilUIicu ciin walk to Ur |IB In any article yuu have—we 2-CAR GARAGE jmi'IJi- ur puroihlul »I-)IOU]R. Dud $24,500 — Even. Onlr ~. will make a beautiful lutn|> for you en n ciituh tiitt IIUN jvinl 1 wo Knr Iloodie AD 2-IWM JICUUV OAllVELl- I'erlui])» Komo of tho homea be- 100-10S Cviitrnl Ave. Al> 2-42S;, hll u uwny or walk to station Thiti titintufti'nli' "Mirrf- Jrnn Hi'ljulrr NNH.TM4 $31,500 Tli« Is a living room, dining Ipvfl" wnx bull* In 11)11 nnd low may Intorcst you on an llrlty llniuiituD NHII-linN6 I-arkliib' across tho street room, nvnlern kftcheti on tlrst IM imylhltiK '"it «f t-r-eoly |>ril I JliilV Nllilfh Al> H-I17V U-lO-n level; three lietlroom.-s and ct*- The (acatlon, MrtMili I'JHUIH' exchnnee buslu or trade-In plan. Dick. LlUxnte PL ' ivcektndn. 11,1," min!c tile bath en »«'i-"inl, tiradt" - LAMPS IIKPAIIIICI) l. Call collwi VI I (ilrturf*N(|ii** (liittnl>> la) ne Mfiuy folks have cotiBltlcrert t lev*-! fcatttrcj* a )jiil*<)H'il rt'cri'H- Mrrlluiu IN om* 4>f mir fnv«i- All tyiios or lumps repaired. Shadow tlon room, laundry room, Itix'it- made to order anil recovered. rlt*>M. The Intcrlitr rtMiniH hiiHlH find In most CAHCH U IIIIH l AI I)S. tory IUH] uttitclH-il KitriiL'-u. Full Inrl udt> n Xf 11 vltijc 1*00111 JBIIHY CAB VMM. lwiK*>nH'Mt. oil Iit'at laxt« only %vlth ttriu'ffiil Imy wlnilinv workud out to their ndvantajjo. Cntnllnn l.nmn « cut .Shan $473. AHktntf |22r500. fiml )lr*'i'lnrf flank*-"! l>>* STONE FRONT 100-KW Central Ave. Al) i.i-' UN Aircy. Ml—sru-gJ tHHtk«hcl% t>Ht pi 110 prittel l«*il J'arklnu across th© street PANORAMIC VIEW I •U-11. ilhklnc rnom ivtttt Inillt- DUTCH COLONIAL 11-16-tl Iti corner <>ii|i)ponrr* nkfnwt nmi, l'lu-r«- Fanwood, cheerful 19Vi' x 13' living room with fireplace, ricca our 1!»52 'frame Colonial luillt by nri' tliri-r ROOII lied room N " " WANItU Ht-n IX'bbiv. Klrwt Hour rniilnlnH UTiHtulrH — one of tvlilrli IH full dining room, modern kitchen, attached garage, hord- HUGE RANCH living room, ilinliiK room, den, tuiiH'lU'tl In iilntM riM>rt*n4lou E. T. WILLIAMS lovely kllcbpn w\lh (HnhwiiMhcr HiiiM't1 In linpu'inent. Kvtrrlor WILSON SCHOOL top driveway. Upstairs are 3 twin-size bedrooms, the WE DUY aooxs iiml uli-ctrh*. raimi', break fant IN ne«l> |ialn4ft1. lnutlNcaii- 765 Central Ave. $48,500 urea, lavatory, jalouulf porch master is 19' x 13', ceramic tile bath, oil steam heat. lute In Miiptrlor nnd then* $26,600 O'vnr Uruvc 81.) P.M. BOOK iHOf ami outdoor imtio. Tliroc l>rd- lire iituny tre<*ti. More Innd 130' deep, shaded lot. Convenient to shopping, school, Pll1 Itt ALI, TYI'IOS electric bullm at Yo% t o w(i 11 ca ri)i* t. the re Is :i t wo - level In a Hne, older eatabllbliehed $20,800. UASH VUH MfJVJ CLvTBlHi c«r gnrago nnd tho lot \u 74' x nolLjhborhootl. TIIIH BIX year old, fc IIIK, Uuuia, tnll 180'. Prlco $35,000. three bedroom, 1 '£ bnth homo " " E. T. WILLIAMS luriuluru, Drusnware, linn nil this iLiIvantatfi-H of "aron" Call 889-6678 Wolim, 118 Uddliul J>.-HH and modern living. A beautiful 765 Central Ave. 170' lot uiiri u 19' family room (tVrnr Urov« St.) RENTAL tiro dCBlmblo cxtraH and tho n-29-ir UOI.I.ICCIOH WISUESTOItli HAPPY NEW YEAR locution IH "toim." If you'd llktt Unfurnlahcd , . . well located to coinimru It with othera ICKSIIOW—MR>y AniLTU-iin I.i-Klon foi i.n.i;%5t:n, MILLIAID, nu tory on first Iloor $260 per We Have Rentals M; children J2.60. AU 2-70KS. month. Homes For Sale 12-K1--II PEARSALL "HOMES FOR RENT" CA^Il Ininiodlately for • And Will Build 'liinllO criiiiu, uhiii.s, |,uiiulngl, & (Westfield and Vicinity) Mainim. i.'all Virginia bn FIREPLACE t, r*..u., PJj b-UTiS. FRANKENBACH .AH lihiuil, «T lilivc it KIHKI HHITUOII of ltoiui'M for rvlii VILLANE & SONS, Inc. WOOD LARGE PROPERTY I'or Sale ~OLD7JEVVEIRY WAHIB i Inc. In tht* "ftStou mul un" rimer. (— With u few for li'NM.) AD 2-4850 AD 2-0779 AD 2-9047 STICKl'INS, HAIIHIJ lid EMU STUICICT — AD S-47OO MOMI iirt* M»riu-iilMlif>il lint 2Vi BATHS liKTS, ItlMiS. C1IAIAS. URl* DUTCH COLONIAL MIIIIIO lire fitrulNli«-(l. Wv Imv4- t-to-tf SCHMIEDE TRHe' EXPERT CO. lll^JJrt, UAVCHtS 1 A ^-IIIUl) Uut jilass, cliiim. mlviT. >ui Hazel S. Crowe nnir in-ilriMMit ('4»!<>nlnl. now. $24,900 iiiliii.u^, coins, o(h€r oU t $23,900 mtliifiKrtiiiill>- (i, ••urn bedroom and unth on thfl rlrnt hearth nn-|ilnce, Is over 'J0 feet ular. Liosauna in yuur horn). 6ti* $2 nmi up PIT liuur. Cull .Mr*. Alvx, floor . . . also a sunroom for TV. loii^; udjnlnlit^ dhiiim" room itud VC tbe WrMIIHil lluurd .MI i-SUli. James A. Claypoole ul llt-nlturn Dorian ild.. WeBttleld. Call AL> 2-63DO \v.\>-ri:n -OI.I f.iKhionti Fireplace In tho llvlntr room ... ultra imidcrn UHclu'ii with lahle 6-6-tl nepnrato dining room , , . good Hpiifr. 'riwi'o lovi'ly bi-ilrooniH .on,im..ii. c. c. I'.O. UM EDWARD A. CAMILLO .-Inn-, N. ,1. «• kltclicn. 3 marc ticulroumn ILIIU Mrs. Alfhlld W. Mlchelson anil tun full luitliK, plus n>c oltuAN — LeeBonn in your homo nnotiicr bath uputuirs. 1'iitlo. r«tuni and jiowdcr vnnm. Com- IlKAl.TIIlt — IN.1UKUH 11 Tho yard IH pretty as a picture. jili-tf. In I'viry way with nhiml- _ .1-S-tf Modern method AU tnakei an4 .s-n-:l> \v.\ Y or other (M FuHt occupancy. Everson F. Pearsall iiuin t-Dinims ami many extraK. models t ctlora orKan) DON MAXWELL wiiiiit-il. KiHilly "'I Mr. Hllsi Only i> ytiiVH younw with a low l-;.V(lil.l,l«T l.,>-:il lim7~iT».'i.i7'ni TU1CO. H. AUHANI) HHr, MOUNTAIN AVK. 1 11 intcrcKl i\ttriieUv«« nmrtHi'K^ split ranch. U Iti-ditKiniH. :t butliH, 11H PrrrU IM. ti^sttleU *I< 2.7M44 — AU 8-^TUfi -^J : .^' ; lh;it can lx> IIHHUIIH^I. l'U-asu cull liuVt-1 ' ri'i-ri-iilliHi rouiii, J-t-iir KH- WASHINGTON SCHOOL us lor more dutullu. laK' . JuldllNli! porch, well liilld- 6-t-t> MACAZINKS, —jjjjjj Konpod. jimny oxli-iiH. J:iri.!HHi. I'herrj- \*tKht $28,900 l'rliicliKila uMly. All 2-7-laii urter TUTOHIXG In French and Math, by I'll It ITU (JlanN Ai'i'y. liMi. JUS. ii«n .M»n"; Ii I'.Jl. (iUKton It. QOBnor. 1S11 lioynton ; Avo., W«»tnold. lietlrod W, gc J-IIgh TliIN mmlrrti C'nlutilnt IM IO- acliool teacher. AD a-lC59. 8-10-t* S'.,E iS:.r«»i oati'tl 011 11 tin let Nirint-clr^lv A|ii-ll, lilli. K-0» <*ci- AI*S ML #6922 LEE K. WARING tn nur uoiiulur WIIHII1UK14III IO1S f-OR aALfc UPHOLSTERING Mellon I nmi. TIic Interior Raymond Young — Piano StodU FURNITURE REPAIRS REALTOR i.vsi'non itnd exterior lire '•mim'oky (VVC1IWOOU. Oolf 10,le-e. anil Coun- ilulli tlouer-t Voaort. A»M&. 1 I'lciin" from 4o|» to Itottotut JIAI.K .lilv.r or drivers I"'' ? BRAND NEW $26,500 try L'lul) Lane, all iitll)tlt!8. Aiiproxl- Cla'altfiil I'uiiular ADrnns 2-0226 l<> .Miami. 1st «r.k in 1' NEW YEAR'S GREETING The three upntiilrN ln-tlrooum mulely 1^11x140. Lam lol uvallublc Call ur Write for Information will nil Hike twin Itetin. Thr on ICclio l.alu> Country Club, lu-aily •21 No. Kaclld AT.e AU 3-428-. ?£•??& sjuiffirRffis* BI-LEVEL WITH CHARACTER llrnt llottr plan liivluilen fl 3 TWIN SIZE BEDROOMS to lin 11.1 — Humplo plaim. $11,000. 6-6-t. «>((t»rt»r(i(Ule I I v I n K rttoni llriikc-rs couiiuriiliun. UoliltU. Ml 2- I'J A..M. only. May the New Year nltli llreplnt-'e «ml plclur** EXTRA FEATURES % oi- A I) :i-^;i*f. x-no-tr rclOlll.\<; — IIlull ,l,,»l nn,nnl lCal Cal- III". SKATi;s, plrl'H white, alzt' t, iv I nil o\v, Kiineloitn modt-rii 2K BATHS - PLOT 75 x 171 Koptl roiKlltion. ii. AI> 2-S227. bring the best of luck kliclien with lirenkfiiMl nook K HIIIIJI-CIMI . (?arolul s T. Clal i k, DD. A. . . . |i(i*v»l*-r TOII 111 mill illu- (Yale), 1.1,. U.. Ed. Jll. 3«(i .Mountain LEGAL NOTICES $31,300 • REAL ESTATE WNTD. • Avo., Westllelil, 'phone AU ^-3-194. hi it riiiiiiii N «' r t> c 11 »' r«-lu HiiNriiU'iit 10-O-tl Sl:il I'.-nili-r Duo-Konic iiultar with a Lincoln Srhmil art a t)f \\*<-sl- hiiN ret*ri ti( Ion rmim 11 nil •inslllAX hi 111.-, II. -ill i.'a.-ai'Il a*c nu.l <'horil anil ll.-ii-tnnuy tlual a licM. lliiK Immaculate- IMHUC in IHlVlil.W MIMIC HTUDIO, 1«UI and patrons. It has mirkMlittp M|iii«-< . . . attnt-h- avullHhlf H> tl)«- illwi'iMlii};- buy- il^lu-.s lo i'oui--h.'ilrooin im in*, ii Imiiiii.l amp. with 12" HIUMIIUT nmi t-tl RIIi-n »re. N «-nt > 11 rd \v 11 ti er. M <>OH- 0-7-tl ALTENBURG PIANO HOUSE i i-'IM II iM-di'iiiilil, L' lialh Klillt-levi-1 HVKLV.N W. IIOW AIIT Cl.ASSKS Open Dully 'Til a— Snl. 'Til C - VERY LOVELY - I (rt.lullllll llolIM' With lllllSlU-lt r ^i-u Jer«e>'H (HileNl mill I.urKi'Hl our wishes for your hap- ri. MIIMI 1... |n pui- Instruction In oils, water color, otc ri<."iilt-iitliil urea In WiiMliliiutmi, wtl"- .Miihlrcn's CIIIHSCH Tuomlay-Tliur.s- HAMMOND ORGAN DEALER AN EXECUTIVE'S HOME iiin. (Irani, nr FninUlln Si-lmul ilis. lay, n.lultu Monilay nionihiKS anil Slieelnl irianu t'liurlliit'e Sale piness and health in the riit in VtVsttli'Itl. Maxlinuni ?;r> OIIII VVcdlL-Hilay t'vcnini?«. HtuiUo 41", IltiKt' Selerllotl IN WYCHWOOD -.•" hrnUei-M. fall iiltir 7:11(1 I'.M.. JT;|. boiiftcllow Avo. AD 2-1437. ^Veinriiili lki:i 1 10-4-11 Illltlet A DIIVI year ahead. llnll.-l ,V Din I 5 BEDROOMS - 3 BATHS GUITAR • 'I'eit Yi'lir miurmiliM ALL BRICK RANCH • OFFICES FOR RENT • l*rlvnte I.rMKiiiin — Miidrrn Metlimlft • I'lill SM .\o(r K.yhunr.l DELUXE FIRST FLOOR LEE K. WARING, REALTOR lo yi-arit prnreNNlumil ninl li'iichlnu • Avnllnl>li' In iiwd tlullllilr Mxtllli; .Member $20,400 IIIH'I for nt, ivnh or without .'ilH'rlciiet'. <-»ll Al) .'UHNXO fur prc- IB 13. llronil St. All X-74U2 M-IHK tlllillillry aptitude lulcrvlevr. $59,500 Itvi-rt'.iiK f*bulie»1 WE WISH ONE fall .Mrs. WulKli, A l.i;l-J70l'. __ D-20-tl llnrry llruv n, Jr All 2-H.%r»l Wt-Ktih'Iil t\nt'n not off IT ;>•-» Illlrliin IIIK^IIIIIV Al) '.'-III15 many In-ick horn CM and (<> litnl C1III.I1IIIC.VS AIIT CI.ANSKK Kor Waller lii'Uuart Al) 2-7VM AND ALL A a nnHli-rn ony-IIoor Uviiii; plan liiforiinillon i-all hi'twi-cn 'J:30 uuil lit Ihls nil,-,- is In«lt'f( t>v ii-j'rt I VI'IIIIH. 17 i Ah. with ov without Htundariki a lil^ hoin>>and IIHTC- Idlllonal rear n|mce. AD 2-3SOO. fmv Is »-iisy to ta Ui* cart1 «n', • LOST AND FOUND • M. A. MFRCNER PEACEFUL t) mi nc tally ami prrNoiwitly. 1-r-- $24,900 I-.IUMI In an ideal ymiin; a n*a. .(1ST— He in. n ManoMarr PnrPnKr Wcst- ll.-nllfir —- liiMunincr off tlic lu-nti'ii tisilli yrt iii-iir SIX Du.llcj lourl AU - • APARTMENTS-RENT • lelil. tlir<'i.'-nii>!iths- .-.iii,,,', fiiriiishi'ii N| H. bourd riulliLtlon , . . J;HN iin-1niN IJ--J7-II riddlos? •- -hrtttT yi'l. pcrhnpM yrni would PETS FOR SALE t-phunu jiickn, uttlr fn M with BUY, TRADE, SELL THRU MIWOOI) — l-nfiinilsh.-il .!.-l,iN,. allow na to uliuw you through. :l i-Aiit rcji ho.-u.v .ikiiii'M, .•.!»• > I, ttm«-r, »n0 niUHter cciHi"! from ••K". '• »»• M'liK'in Uli.'h.'n •,,,,! .•.111.' ili>\vn! «l .-..IKIUIOII: I-:IIKM»|, ill" I,i,-M-I, 1J-J7-H niuatrr bedroom for llKhtw. iln ;is hiimlrcilH ..r 1 1 :Xvi : 1 Iit. puro lin.-J Sianicso kit- Vi Vii'iim'-s' sTin" < "' '- ' "• AH 2-3IIK,. 8-^7-H hiilipy luifnfnt.'ikc-rM in lili'ss loiipi..1' No' .„!!„ Sl J-l'-i'l'. the WiHtlh-M nrra huvL- m- I'tr many yfar»; HIIDMS, IH-III, Iihiinu M.A.M.! " P P I i >• II . S 111,1 • AUTOS FOR SALE IM-ti,-.. Ht., (;;u "ill. in.-.s iil-iUClltv i,t;,t|f>ri wnirun an loinati.- (ransluis.sion. |»o\vt-r- tvtn-r NANCY F. REYNOLDS M. A. MERCNER Inu. i-u-IW, nri.l h.-at.-i". liitnl tin- BARRETT & CRAIN • ROOMS FOR RENT • •w.i-ii and uiiit.-, atlractlvcly pri.-.-.l - Hi-l'll-.t-r: walnut ilinlni; room null. AI> 2-0:100 -:i- -7-ji:r.. " I ii-1 :t-» \',-ry i:..,.,l .MMtlitloii. Aii -J-:u.1*. ,M< nni/i II'MO i.isTivt;!) | n l; I o ii,l WILLIAM A. CLARK 1 "IM-.II ail a inn." |im,|. ni' Mm, I-'orilor, 12rm. nnd Saucing' t'nll Z .NKW I'HIIVIIIIOM'K IIOAU . Al.> 2-7:: la. > "M-allll, r;l,||,. Mulllt>Ir I.lNflltK S>KII-TII Ilrnllnr hviiLer, Tliniiilrr- hot. I. ;i» tll.-ln V AD 3-1800 nnilK.-. AH ;-;• ll>.-i. ;i's Nancy F. ItrynoIiU. ..All ii-«Wr. I i-t-tr 430 .South Avi'., Wmtflrld : iM l: .ilmr ADIIIIIK -J-2.VIK ',','"\'i',"".''-- !v " " -" '"-l"<'"- P-r- Hrlrn Schmidt AI> It-MMKS NI X -HO (HI (*n |n n iiil, f ir< ;il h.i •:MJ r. Mulf.,r,l tn a.Ts:is ..-_'- L--_L'"!!L ii--:'-ir i in. l;i ]-(.;i- i:;tc.u.'.-. plus .*-1 n>l i< Amiilr rnrktiiK In rirar HELP WANTED - oiica nmt AI> 2-71:10 ;>Ciii i im-nt on t Ii nil Hoot, in- "in' llirlurl V11II.T til :t-;>iSI KSTI-'tKl.ll — (:ko»tiy. . \1> •J-lll.-,; RECENTLY REDECORATED I • IIM K11 !•: |7~ o I on 'hT I • rTTi "fT.7 a PART TIME Tw :i r^.riililliK' I>uri1y M> :Mtt>:i!> i-lfiil. i-U-iili l..-.lroiiir I'ltllm: Classified Ads n. prlviiii: I,ulli. pi-lvnl.' l.i •In.i.iiin. |i; IIIIIIIM. l>r.«il:ii . •nil .-i u, , SECRETARY I li.i-al ; 1MI:.|I, . I Mtmr :-.l-,nr;| j.. .nil. I'.llllt III |!'.'.| in AD 2-1800 •>!. Drltnnr ItHvltle. . . AD :l-»:ll.*> TO; ONI THIS PAGE FOR Heotrh f'lntn«— Moitntntimldc : h i. ;*;uu.<\.i|| ;>| • a. A l'< il !'•!>' Miflftplr I.fMfnir Hyutrm .11 i:::i.: I'lllu I|MI:I i.ul". AH >\'lllllnil .1. I'lnrk . . . All L'-7ISII I..MHJ1-: room I...- r. i,t. iir..., n WRITER-PUBLICIST M. II. Hliii... Jr...... \u £-nM1 iHl^lllf'H^ IM'Ol.J,' HI,.I, If,.,). )..,, ;-,.,,,.- I 5 P.M. MONDAY l<-- ii)>|,' to tali, :nl inliii fnt«>r City ItrlVrrnl Servli- .loll II II. \\li,'rr.r All ^-5I7H li,-,- i..r r.'iit. ilr.-.t »....r. AII :;-M^. • Mill f (II, till loll , il.-|l 111.,I I IIIWKI.IX SI'IIOIM, iir.-.-i. -;. w II. I.. S.'lmlrrliic .. .. I"A 2-41171 A*k For Druchnra lil- 1>-VI-1 I.mill. 1 1...I iiri. !'•. III- holli,- 1 on your on I II.IIIIH. liti-,:.. liunilv i..,,,).. l.nin- NEXT WEEK ilry hi ;.•-, :n- if:,I .,,;... .;... l,i.|- WAfslfCO TO IMl lut I'. ••" N 17V. > ••-!.-.. *.':: iulfi. lII >l\ I.'OIU ILIUM-. M|- , Illl, I, ,•,.,,,, I,". Telephones S lIllllillllK Cu >l iipartniiiii. .M.nvh I. \V.-.|i|,-l,| Jo."-T, I.-..-I AD 2-4407 — 4408 10-11-tf Illy. OlCL-llullt l'LL'L'RIlClL:. pj^ .; U'.'J |. THE WE3TFlEtD (H. J.) LfcADER, THURSDAY, DECEMBEMBER 2727. I»W

    School Board Krauts Leaves,! Joint Civic Committee Names Constructlpn Prop9M)( Be- jor Events outs Policies i So. Side Yireliouse Bids Suit t« Black Yard Officials Thwart Will of Peo- Mrs. C Kenneth l!anks Added Awarded at $114,110 Ground Broken tut $U&,00( ' ple tu Hospital Study (.iroup Mis. K'laibcr, l>r. Miner, Nor- fore Local Governatdt Board Suiiniu-r Kouudup Dates Sot Craitrip to Manage Horo GOP Council Conveys Title of man Alorash A.I Caiididates in Treuton Continued from page 1) siite Stasis So, Side Firebouse 1 Hubert C. Crane, Kxi-Scivutur- i Vote Drive Tract to Rescue Siiuad for Fcbruury School Hoard tl-VUCA Building Expan- 1 resbyCi'iinn Session Culls UAIi Award* at Edi»on An j Willis O. Coe, School Board Pi:bli>hfr Di*» j Temple Einanu-Kl Welcomes liorough GOP Uacki Party- Election Contract Signed for Rev. Bolin Uurway nounced j President, Issues "Open Let- New Rabbi line 2 GOP Slates Announce Can- MAY i Wheeler Xames Fried to Di Sen. Nelson F. Rtamler De- ter" to Cititens on School rcct Seuate Rueo Plny£round«rs Await Sailboat William A. Clark Inducted u» nies Ho Promoted Withdraw- joir Namni<(l .Ivnn Fiansrrun Wins $2.8001 Thomas Rennet Ke»iK»s IS—School Hoard Proposes $:!.*! Willis It. Coo, president, re- Casting Negative Council Delays Vote on Town 8 I'lui fields to Open June 20 Engineer of Klmk«H OU., Yard Site College Womens Ciub Schol- Council Scat Million Hond Issue for Addi- venla He Will .Vet He « Bund Conceit Series Start Killed In Cnr Crash in Con- arship Council Approval Sc?n to lu- tions to Fridkou, School Hoard Cnndidute for ilM>n School Hearing Draws Volunteer Rescue Squad Aid* June 28 necticut Parents to H..nor WHS Honor cludo Panhaiidlo in Urijcht- UN Tribute Scheduled in New Term i Objectors at Second liirth Society Members Vandals Damage WHS High wood Tract Pink Town Ollicial.s Clnrify Tax Louis Vogler Natn«d PlW* oy Schlcsinger Lone State Bids for Smithjhlc Kirrhouii' Adults Schoul to F.leet Five School Town Playground Ihis Shows Hubert C a 11 i 11 Associates Appeal Procedure* dent of National Bank of iincr In Westinchouso Tai- Total $112,110 New Trustees Weather Aids YM - YWCA Gain Cho»cn to Develop Town Morash, Mueller, Mcares lie- Wi'Ktfleld nt Search Council Proposes Pny Hikes William Price Jr. Joy Schle- building Project Fried to Head UF Residential Master Plan ceivu Uoofiter's Most Vahiablf Jayccea Ready Yult Ufl^Un| uirli School Hoard OK's for Employees Itoosevelt-EdLson to Graduate sinRer Win N'«tionnl Merit Division National Uauk Open* Hor- Playi'i- Awardu Content BBS,050 Budget Wilson Foundation Grant* Scholarship Award Dries Promoted to Fire Cap- OIIK)> livuncii Uuitvil Fund NominatcH Dr. Sidney C. Mele Head* New r. Albeit Moder Jr. Named Awarded 3 Local Students 17 Year Lucust Season Near? School Booster Winners Are Democrats Enter Council tain 25—Plauninjr Hoard Voices Oppo- Edward Bourns, Mrs. Charles .Stato of OIHcew tor TU B62 UF Head 10—Council OK's Tunm.|ues Silo Weiss Judy Banes Slate in BoroUKh 23—Cut in School Bus Route to sition to Schoul Additions P. Eddy Jr., and Nathaniel Emanu-Kl rijihuvood Association Asks for Town Yard 28—Sunriso Sonic* at Park, July Blue Devils Heach State Bas- S»vo JIS.S'IO Yearly Proposal Cohen As Trustees Patrolman Kdmond ouncil Block Home Devel- Adult School Ketlocts Samson 4th ketball Croup Four Finals School Heglstcntion Days Sot United Fund Nets 139,992 in S!l>-—Council Presents Formal Pro- Closkcy to Lwve Forc« pinent Reevptiun Set to Honor Miss Council OK's New Ordluance 22—Presbyterians to Itrdedicale Horoutrh Women Foriu GOP Firat Week test on $2.4 Million School 8 Yean ycees, Democrats Present Peirce Codification 100 Year Old Church Club 1'oliticul Campaign Boils Up rking Studies to Council Police Set 0|>en House May Police Still Hunt WHS Van- Smut Koes Weigh Lcfral Steps Democrats Arrange. UiDtier- Council OK's Master Plan Hi dals FEBRUARY To Curb Mi.jaziiips Dance for Governor Choice own Budget Set At $2,- DorouKh Adopts $1(4,1 (;5 As Cuddlp Davidson Jr. Nomi- Sen. Williams PredlcU Demo. I'laynelds Knd Season with John McCoy To Head Side j 1,000—29 Pt. Tax Kise T.'i Hudifet nate.) for I). C. .Iudire*hip crat Gains In November 3,550 walk Study for P.M. . Spi'»»g Urg«» Voters Dinner, Dance to Honor May- (iriswold Succeeds Metier a« Town Polio Free for 3(5 Suburban Trust Seeks t ck School Budffot YMCA Sets Theme Tor ,1!Uh or ii nd Council VF Head Months Hlock National Dranch Hunk Scotch Plains Avo. Hosi- Annual Meeting lltll Pops Concert Scheduled Jnzz Concert Picks Ilicciardi Night Parking Han lacks in Horouvh Ki'Cistrntion Umi'd for Len- Library Board Cuts Work «nts Prot«3t Town Yard Site to Seek Council Seat Stale OK N0VEMHKK ten Scries Week to Five Hays, Kliminnl- Plnyfield Kvents Underway ev. John Considine to Open Ward (iruup Spurs Kcfaloni- 1—-School llourd licalllrnis Addi- Area Scoot Council Sets l-p iiiK Knlurdaya—Cites Lack of Westtii'ld Families Await For- rinity Forum tis Hid tions Pirns Camp ('.rants to Honor Dr. Funds eign Student (luvsU fM YWCA Urettks (Iround Lions Club Aids Hundicapped United r'und Ploa Hits 4.ri.7 Daniel llackett $822,000 Addition Chandler licnamed Head of JULY Pupils Per Cent 2'J—Nomnltciran Swim Club Press- i. Crano Keslfcros Effective YMCA Trustees 5—Plan BoaiiJ Includes Verra 80—;l Day Orientation for New Parents Ordered to l'ay $2, es Council For OK inch 5 17—Towl, Council Oppose Li- Tract in I'lnn for Hrlfhtwood Teachers .112 for School Vandalism Town Yard Site Decision Still brary Saturday Closings louncil Inttoducos Budget Park State Ord<..\i Tiiillio Ticket AiitUSiuut C.roup Hails Deal Delayed Bloodnnibilo Visit Nets 140 |ets ilcnring March 13 Summit Musician* to Give Caso lie aow er Cooperation Lenten Lecturer to Cite Pints estfivlil School System Concert Henry Taraans to Heml UF Denis lo Honor (lev. Hiitfhe Christian "Style of Life"' .'Km Hail WHS Honor Society [uins Five Year Accrodidn- V Huildinr Project Protrresses Civic Special Iltisincss Appeal Voter Infoi-inntioN Sheet: Anti-Smut Foes Set . Members nt Dinner Dr.'Kilnard Nolan Named to Adult School Lists 4-1 COUISCB Mulled hy LWV Standards YMCA Directors Eloct II. llulreany, Walker Attrnd lluTO tMucatiou llourd Stamlvir Debatu Hid Hit by Candidates Issue Finn! Vol. Borouirh School Board Seeks Emerson Thomas School Hoard Session Wheeler Appeals Ways to Cul Hudirct .1 WHS S.nioift Get Woman's with -i(;:t. Total 2,0.15 Mrs. Albeit Patterson to At- 8—Democrats Capture 4th Wun htwooil Homes Associn- Club CriinlH Kev. Jerome. Brown Honored Viindal Hunt Still Pushed; tend Mexico (iirl Scout Itan- Council Scat Bcm Affain Protests Verrn by Piirishlinipra Leo Klrylenko Wins •f'J.4 00 I 'met Kcr Project Joint Fife Upsets Councllmai Citizens Unit Joins Effort to Colli'Kr Men's Club Cruiit ! I'll. Hubert Hell Achieves vanis Club Launches Crime SEl'TKMTIRK Kefnlonltls; 12.288 Voters Aid YCS — Williams To lie Speaker lit Highest (irinln ill Stato Police G—Sehoiil (1IT Included) F.nroll- Cast linlluts invention Week Memorial Dny Council Receives .17 lliils on | y History menl Hits !>,7il: tip (!O0 lloro Voters Klect l)lt?,cl lecroation Board Considers Four Projects j Tamanues School Klects First full Time Director 12—Til. William Kenmy Nabs William MeCormlck Nunicd Daniels, and Ricciardl APRIL I PTA Slate Auditor for UF Drive nnlcr Announces Bid for Hoy, H. in House on Willow Savntre, Mayor Towl, Welch 5—Tnninques School (iuidi; Lines Itoanl of Education Honors! Ilicycle Safety Check Sot Re-elected; Rhodes Wins tono Soiiate Cost (•rove Itoud; Admits WHS Opposed I Miss Peirce i YMCA to Lay Addition Cor- First Council Term own Yardsito Protests Gain Viindalism, Implicates Pal, Joy B. Sclilesincer Wins Bet- Hev. Jerome Ilrown Heads j It, Who Iliul Moved t-Yoin ners! ono Republicans Hold Semite Con- uuncil Reconsideration ty Crocker State Iloineinnker Minister in in j Town Week Kniiier LWV to Open Annual Fund di.I Also Freeholder Kuins vl. Savaue. Conner, WVlcli. Title I.ilnai v Hoard Olf.-i-t Data ! Health lli.unl HuliilK' Helps Drivo United Fund Plea Kxlemled Icfnlonltis Hock UpeU'tllon School Oonrd Sets Summer on Operutinc Cost ! Swim ('lul> Fif*i AtlnekH Council on One Week Im Hoir. I'lun llimrd Chalr- School Mr:i. Marion Reed Klected \ Life (iuard Saves <%iroline Town Ynrd 15 — Citizen Protests Crow Over m, llslls Council Action un Susan Spines Named WHS Head of Y.RC.S. .MeSwcency nt WatchuiiK! ilnroUKli (iOI* Women to Gel Town's Revaluation Piniriam istiT I'lun UopriMcntatlve fur Chemicul Waller Sells Notes fit) Years Luke Charter McKinley Tract for 1'laylleld HOUKII Voters Pofent Carnvnn nt Taylor's Il.-rbeil Wells, Waller Klule.j ]:|.. Itesidenti Auk for Sidewalks Approved CIMHII Rud>tct, Wilhclnis, Y Annual Meeting Thome Ue- ,11-—Town In Fit'hl Plnins Suit to C. Paul CIU-IM.M Had in 5 Mocks of Railway Ave. William Hariic.i lnstnllt'd hy lA'Vy I.O91! vnlve* Around Space lllock New Ynrd Uoll-i in licll Tel.-- l-'ife ('outinue-* Altui'k for Kxchan^re Club ietfi.'ld Orders Zone Hoard Lenten Li'rtures Series Fea- Ked Cro&s Honors Mrs. (i.-- st.-ir Satellite Town Yard Action WostfU'ld Hospitals Drlvo to Rule on DuKhl-Julinston tures Discussion Period!) lii.-rt Hun. School Vandalism Stirs Mayor Tinvl Sets tip Hospi- (ipi'ti.- Miss Frances Picrco Submits Si'len-alk Ail Show Sched- Concc) n | tal Council lo Plobe Needs (; o in 111 unity Thnnksiriv- TA Again Offers $l,f>PO Bcsiirnatioii for July 1, As uled' i Anli-Sniut (iroup Meet ' Adult School Association Lids ini; Servile Set School Hoard Secretary Council rinit* Hid Receipt on Pl.iy(lelil Olympii'i Slnled Dr. Max Lcrnci As Speaker Horoutrli C 11 r It » Tecnnj:c cliool Budget, Wilson Ap- Ka^'ter S u n r i s ti Services Tow'lnir. Pavlnir I llorncr New Hind of New Stephen Ward lo Train 2,000 Visits To Sclinol.s Al uprintion Approved Scheduled Heart Fluid Drive Overthe-! llrun.-,uiek I'otary 1.-F Solicitors John I-'ranks (^debriitiiiK 'Ifilb i ! 12—Town Yard lliilini! N.'.'irs Top Walter \Vii>rhinc Ketire.s As Holy Tllnily Adds 7 Lay Anniversary ALL LAlHKUl-D UP-LIUlo shaver Pauline D.iley Is In t cliool Hoard Nomithi'^iin Swim Club Wins Mill Pay Tribute lo Frances, I.eller CauiiM- Teiicliera to Meet lCiirollment 21 --Area Kesideiits To Wuiship fatluT of tears afler "oci'ig rescued from tho bolhroom la 'lains-Knnwood School llud}:- Council Approval Peirce j Wi'-llleldeis Divided on Teen lloosl ut Chureh Services Thanks- which tho 2-yonrold Iwrrlcatlcd LcrscU for nuarly tvn | Approve.l Miss Frames l'.-irce, Citi7en'hip Institute Dele- A^-f Ciinlerti Church World Service Rally irlvlni: Day Willis .k i TIII-OIIKII Co-Op of Aininry Nnmcd Ileinv:iiii7«tiini Scsion tize* Iluildinc Project JUNK I I'lnn lioard 2 Kirms 1,000 Winncn l-iirni Ta'k Hooslft'n Sel Date for Annual otters I-Yoni Kuropc Scries <;()P Semite Fiirht, ItnrmiKh 7—Wnlhi-rir Po-'l Host to County , Id Council for Mifter I'lun l-'orce for Dwyor Sports Dinner Winifred Bmimer Start Council Tilt Ume Primary l.euion Convention, Openinif Library cs 7:s:i Hunk- SO—-Mnyor Towl AUHW-I-. Ciitiir- Hloudmi.bil..' VisitnSel Reeord ui'ld Dny of Prayer Set Vole, Interest June 7 Daily in Sunimei' Heading un Tmvn Ynrd Acli.-o Doitalious (fnrch !l l.i'iriimniiii.'S Map Plans for Mueller Slated ns County | Club' Jolnl (-Evi<- Croup I'endei'!- II Area Youths Seek Acad- t. Cul. .lolm fJlonn Orbits Memorial D'iy Commander j l.iiieiiln ('aptiiri'M Town Olym Cnndidate Plans emy A pp.iilll inents .rlil Three Times 9:1" tu Hnly Trinity Pati-li Hnild- Town Files Answer to Town! pir Tiiipby Stamler nm-ns Ciiinpaiirn for Wlllinm .1. Shepherd Kleeled 20 inirs t!el I-'ire Alarm System Yard Suit Shinunii-; Piclis Slmwcross to l Chnuiln!!' of {.-omnierce Prcsl- linn Vole Drive in Third | oroueh School Hoard Klecta 19—Council Pick* Tumnqucs Area Kdiieutinn Hoard OK's Itids VM-YWCA onicinln Lay Ad- deul Wald 'lin Johnson Site for Town Yard for Fire Alarm Sy-tetivi dition Cnriicr*toue i;o---Four Firemen Hurni-d 1 tut - Park Itoaid Apjit. Hilt Slirn- uhurimti Trust d> Fiirht Slimili'l- Wills-' Semite N'ulili- Westfii'ld Human Hirhu Unit Uus-ii-ll Tandy. Artlmr Greln- tlinir School llu.s llln/.e at 1 ed Hy I lushes >t'oin;li Hun on llriincli iiali.ui as I.' -"* Than IK Per ("il.'s Open Ilou-iiiu' Snpporl el', Given UF Holes Holy Trinity Hrik'hln.»"l Park Green Acre.-. Town I.xsurs Printi'd Report fund (VV) Group to Sift j Cent Vol.- Siliiiol Kni'olliiient lii.'len^e Adtllt School SelM Open Fund Aid S.-.-n Assured n A cl ivit ies Health AKcncie<- f«ir 1!"'2 ; Kn-'ler i:,rr Hunt .'it Mind..- I H.>ie.o i ! pnlice Kelidy .luvellil Aid i Council Passes ()iiliiiance lo j 27. WHS Seniors NmiH'd NIL HulKcrs Couch Spealtrr for Heady for Wash- ! \va kiii Park 1'avi- Syciimuii' St. tionul M 1. 1 i t Scholar.hip II, Kvent IKrl'in liirthdny "Sal"" | Hep Sl:i!<' WiiH - ('• . Nen- .I..I.' PliiM* V-.t.-r Knrollini-lit Trend Forces S..|ni-Fina!i-.ts Wi'leb iMolioll t<. Defer 111'- pep. I>wyei- A nnomu'i'-' Pri- j N'liniiiiatioiii in Iliiroiurh j (ration Push Shifts in Hun) School Plnns Childreni Cnuiitry II " in .- valiialion One Year Lack1' Jlary Hi Fi'.-li; Soap Hox Derby Draws Jloard V'nti'H to ChllliKe Nmile Seen.I MATtCH Air Fund PI'-a Th.oni- ', tii Children's Spi'l'lallzcd Ilo-'- Y'.-< Men to Open Yule Tr< Fown Yard Kiios Prc-s Plen-: Special Service* Planned for Wl-'.A Si-lnilai'ship Awarded j Ni-Ki-o Ili-toiy Club Awnnl" l.ital Sale for I'.-irk Gi'od Friday and K-i-l'-r Mi~- Li-lie dirt I (live Study Cl'illlls to Two .l.iliii Fife. f>i.|iiiicrntic i We-dlielil Ci»uplbip ilnte, 'IIII Wiird, Says Mayor Killed In I'IHIM' Cra-h I 'f Prayer Tubb- I" Slaff Winni'ls • Yard INidiination Is Clmidv Itu-iat's.s Yule LijrhU Turni'd •' Si|iitid Opens '.;- Yard Site I'luler l-'ire larks Pnip 'd Park Lin. at *!!:•«,CSfi 1 lays i Spini-ue Named CI) Dinrlor I., i I. ».,lil I., II r. mi.I 111". I i.l i: lure, lur.o.rl) »r ll.mrllr I'lirk. * Seeks Demii Maycr- |1 | I,, l.e:i l Sebo^l Iloanl Seeks l'a\-m«*nt lOOO Adults Hecisler for j DKCKMHKi! I'll.' Mill- »»> iii'K'illiil.-.l lor Mr. a...I lira. .lii«r|.l> llrnuUl by U«lk |ly: Fife Council Seat in Uotai'ian* Slate Annual Fish- llnnii.ii .if II..' ulll.-i- of AIIIN .l.ibi.Nl.M., It.-nllor. i Wi(bdraw« As Counril Can- j for Senior Ilixh .Schmd Vim- Term ! I!- -Seliiml Hoard I!I-"VH Cil i/.i.n:i I li War.I jn Primary in K Derby Kefalnnitis Pli'dce-' 1" Oif.-r did.'ilr I Iloioni'h Police Go On Iiallot to Alti'lnl I'lihlie llrninn; On 9. Scotch Plains A«sori:itii>n Tru.«t Presses Fight to Designate N- Couiicil Moves to Codify Or- for Pay H'k" Kxpan-iun Plrin pnp< Counril on I .air in Kiml- I'll- Sentcll Plains Ave. Area As (linanc Ilninvli OCTOHKH Stall! IlK'n lf2II..MI(l (iniiit To- NVw Town Ynrd Pile Phiyi.-iounil Signup ltcncbcs •1 —School Hoard Total YOUR ACME MARKET Park Holy Trinity II. S. Crudu.'it.-s ward Musi.-I- Plan Bnr^hall, Piconc, Shimnni.-' :t,V!'-'r.; New High Late Mrs. Carver Ktil»»rizi'i1 N. Scotch Plain* Ave. As-o- (.i7 ' 1'upll- Knrolled; Up 22:) Jc.'k Council Noils in IVnio- Wi.-ilfleld Stores Ready for hy S.b....I H..iii'.l i cintinn Lauds Mayor, Council Playi'p'imd f)pciiin»r Si-t for | !»(.'(• i'rutlon Hour '1 [)*'t<'i~- MANAGER THANKS YOU r.itic Primary Antiua) Sale lid I'l.'ih-i- Curd-. Hold K.-y for Eliniiiiiitinj: Town Yard June 2»; I Teenaire Study Bir Kalahari Unit to Install lt..r<.iiidi Di-ni..eiali Chanre to United Fund Sii.eess Site •.'•I WeMli.ld Tn\ l'ay<-r.' Fib-1 Mayor t" Appoint T. W. liudc* tw Council S|.iak<-i < Topi,* Niiin.-.l f.,i Mayor, In-uriini'.1 A (rents! Triiiily I'Li'iim Join in Appeal t>. Note Fin1 ! Cov. II if ••}>•-- Wilbdraw-i Dav- i.|--.ili"'. Ni for Ciiilll I'II-I Pem'i''intic Town Coniinitii'.-j Vandal'-; P a r i-nl< Sell I.1 Pii'k- .liihn Ward tu Seek ' liiiinaite-i Kill for $1.. . lit Wind Coun.'il Si at i Colinrilniall Kefalonijis S:iy- • J n I'ul.lii- Heaiint: Aii':i tt. I Fife Fuili'd lo Present TMU'I Million S .- h o i, 1 llxp.-in i.,n . on Soulh Av.-nu Plan Tract i lioderiik Cowli-i lial.-i A.I- j inini -I i jilii.i] |-"i -<-n! Puli'-ii"; Sliiui'.iii'. Attacks COP Cam-j (Jl.iru luclii-s i 1 I Pl-e livli-ii.'ii.-. Plan F.iih.H'ini; ! of Chiir.'h. Piiri h liiiildinn. I

    • LEGAL NOTICES • Marilyn \

    ; j it-- ..' i'||,\ 1:1.i: <; I: /:' < • A Monroe's 1 •'';;, ,- Allow me 10 laki; lliis ci|iporluii:ty to thank my many . nf. . i ..f i:(•• • :• t, 1 i-1; .-••!( >•• -.1 !l • I"- friends for your tuppm) of "MAMAGFR WEEK." It woi a i; i * 1 :. I....•!• '. i. ) plousurt.. lo ^crve yo:j. Il i-. vi-iy li-.-urt v/tirating to rcalizo •t* father image [ |.. • •!.»• '. A 1- , I '•• : i. 111 .|.h- it|.-n *.r t| i ii'.'i.-i • > (IKI1 I hove !.o nirjny fiii nek cm;l '.uclt fini.* ^vpitort from my . - i -1.. r ' : i 1 • -I ' ,, ;• .1 h••1 i' • i - li >• h; i. 1". • Wli'.-n llu ( Inlilcn ( 'ill Mi il lion; rinployi".',. I liiipi. v/<. con count on you oach and • • .1,1-.I • ' : ' .. I •. 1 i - i «.- every v/c(.'k 111 lit..* n':w yrcir. l.--' i l.-t -U.-l.-l lied Ailliin Mill' I. un.llu r • "'• " *'

    « .•l.lll- .,( Iliail ill'.O ( .1111'.' Ill)') II' I Illc i. ,„ 1 ,HM '<• t it.. To furllt'.T sho^v my Ill- 111 •" 1 | \ — Aillitii MIIKI'-. I.IIIK.I. 1 i '.• I il- '•! - .M • -fit 1. '.1 !».<•-. 11 Tho coupon l)i.lov/ mill |)r'.-',i-iit it lo ony on'. of my clvjckors, , . , , |, ,j i , ( •) ;r • Ill 1>I •• • ' IICK.- f,i,-il!v '.'..i. ill' lui'!. • . • i • 11 !•• I will ^ivi: you 1)0 Si^H rjr.y.'n '.Kintp.j TREE. •-Uii.' il.' i p.ilicnl. I'IMII;; |>ni ni -li-" II. ).' • \ :( I -.ii.c'-r'.ly lluink you (Kjoin, and rnciy you havo a wonderful 1963. A 1 lift', lull til. S. 11 t'llllll. And In-. i!ti|i ;ilK>. linn Mil JOHN ZAREMBA, ' • • :; .:l 1' V iuil IKT III-IIII i::> . • '.'.n Ii- r Manager ri ftt.t r v*

    <•; ,. i',,: i • ...f-( i-f W- • *•• !-l ""' Miller's f'.ml amI ui...I !| FREEI 50 S&H GREEN STAMPS £1 •, ' • p. ! •••'. i *. i; i<,.,.!, 1 Kt" -1. \ r*f ini; iii'-iii'iiii'. "I M i! 11'-11

    - •.- < :•."• ••• .)• r "1 M 1 , • • : v Ml, !•• ; •'•» < r- \i i.. •I • ;t v, :irin .mil f.i'.i 1u.1l 111:; [I your MonciQor jjj story. Read il 111 |.tini 11 -. ' • I.]T-.v:.l < f t) • tT'lI'M ii: !•- 1^ Klcmi _.. fs>t . c;(K)niKH;si.Ki:i.i'iN(V *}•' \*.\ 1 • ' *• \ '•A )~ \'> \ "1 CIcl your U'jiy I'ul.ty. || *JJ'— |[ "• i" • 1 'T ff'.-l'. \"7. Tn x Mmi ',v. 1. i >n Koii- (ti A V'-n Ci 1 fW-t fil.,| ivith (IH- HnroUry Wc»tfi.-ld Board oi R«nllor«, it pictured with New Jrney lltHfW'•'•'• CONFER —R^llor, W Ilium A. ClnrU, prr.idcnl o ( the the uccAlion of thi! Rr.-tltori 46th annitnl convention in ro.idcnl, Arthur C. Puli. J r. on f Re.,1 E.t.Mc EJo.-,rd. p I^-27-:t Fee* |S.60 ttntic City. "»"•'•' TH* WBSTFIEtD LEAPE*. .DECEMBER 27, )SSI' J.. Denitzio of Sco YMCA Wrestlers Westfield Man 7 Incumbents Seen Ihe board about a i WHS Quintet Scores Third Win Schedule Meets Colonia Prexy Vying Again For The seven iiK'Umlii.i Joseph Dmiash. wrestliinir coach Edward J. Simmons of Wcst- ably will .st.(.ic vl'H.,.u 1 at tin YMCA, annovinetnl toilay ! field, has been elected president of School Board President \Vi!lialll ^ Against Scotch Plains 67-46 that the toum will jiarticipate in i Culonisi Country Club. John K.,' SCOTCH PLAIN'S — Bawt-J on Kitsz, John U ,. , [ nine dual nivyts and the New Jer-< Simmons is vice prcsident-mar- past performances the February IW W sey dime (irailv School wreMlinK Ikctinjr of the Triangk' Conduit I. Beehtolt, all OfS[I)V.h Hoard of Education elections may and Laurenee V A,,H rliaiii)iiunsliip. The squad has open- j& Cable Co., New Brunswick, K Two Tied Al well be a wide open race again. Robert L. Cochran of |^ Five Plays ings for boys in the following where he has been employed for There are nine seats to he filled on HS Matmen l>'or Hwliduy Bird weight classes: 70-7C His., 115-120 20 years. He is also a number of WaSkow has ! . ' '' Mulincc Top lbs.. 120-130 lbs., and 130-140 the firm's Hoard of Directors and the Scotch Plains Fan-wood board. bor since 1359, RunnelU John Kanni won the turkey at lbs. Executive Committee. Seven of the nine incumbents board president, has Ln Qwax and Twisters, who hail are expected to seek re-election to Blue Braves keen tied for the runmrui) posi- last week 3 session of the Late Dudash urges hoys interested in He is » member of the National years and Kits, has £" Win Season rihow Bowiintr League, posting 1^5 Electrical Manufacturers Associa- their posts nnd additional candi- board several years. * tion in the Matinee pin league, wrestling in these weight classes dates will fi!e by the deadline to- mot'ed up together to the lead la*t over his average. Charlie Lino's to report at a squad practice on tion, Electrical Associates of New Lawson and Hwhtolt ioi i 215 was the high game with Bob Yurk and the Essex Electrical day. The election will be held board this year. Andi. Saturday week nftor both had 2-1 win: each Monday, Wednesday or Feb. 5. Dorothy Hot-He won the turkej Schmidt following with a 21)3.Thursday at the Y at 3:45 p.m. League. served one and one-half yl!!, By STEVE ATWOOD Djchards scored a sweep nnd be- Last week the Joint Civic Com- Cothran since 1955, with yo pins over average. Opener The following boys are on the Edward 1). Comer of Westfield Scotch Plains-Fanwood High he V I, otiiool luunch- was reappointcd chairman of themittee was to announce its 9-man came the third victim of the vVcst- Qvvax -;> '-; Wccti " j Y squad for 'his year. Billy Dun- slate. The slate, selected by the '1'wlMtTtt • • 2 i>'. i. 1 i'la ! ham, Douir Hammer, Ken Lambla, tournament committee, a post he field Blue Devil quintet Friday (iamis -i'l L'M lowed the pin toppling. held for several years in the(Croup's screening committee, is en- ^ -f J.-i -''' & Keith Santos, Steve Gi-ntino, Art night in a S7-4G cuntest. It was l'*ln |)|c•VH 2 dorsed by about 18 organizations Spirits 24 17 Vlunt, Charles Howell, JelF Duvics, fifties. the third straight win for the I.'u'.s it II'] I.J'jIl'lS .... li !1 *•£ 1z\1 !£ here and in Fanwood which make CINWI.H \i I! '/•_• :• ~21'- scored only two pins, Richard Paskow, Tom Taylor, up the Joint Civic Committee. The locals. l Saturday night, the Devils re- Tn-n . 1 *) ' •• ii "• ,'^ Ewell Clarke, Jon Allen, L)ou{; organization has endorsed slates l,u<-kv I-\>ur IS *7 22 Whittakcr, Norbert Yankielun, turn to their home court for what Ui-lls" . Iti iii) a on ain l ii|n vriictables 21 Junior Leader for the past three years. has become the truditional Holy NlU' U" 13 Bill Haney, Jon Gordon, Steve West, Don Anderson, Bob Brcw- Other groups also may announce Trinity game. The JV game com- UilU t/Ul It ifllucl selections of candidates. mences at 7 p.m. Reydel Praised ill lite ster, Ken Brudno, Billy Kenny, and Fred Meyer. Scores Sweep It is because of the regionalifca- Although captain Bob King; of I'ion of the Scotch Plains-Kanwood EVERYONE'S Westlield was high scorer with 2C> Holy Trinity The following is the meet sched- Persons, first place team in theschool district that the entire board points, the game was notable for For Coaching At ule: Bantam Bowling LpBjrue, scored must be- elected in I9C3. , the outstanding team effort thui tlnnmir)' a sweep win over Hill Saturday Regionalization, approved in De- 12—Iliiuntl nrouli 5:3(1 P.M mornine; nnd took^a full five game FAVORITE the Hlue-and-White displayed. Lawrenceville Five Loses 19 nt 1'itriilpltnny 11MWA.M cember, 10G1, went into effect last Scotch Plains held the score to -G ut riKcHlawjiy Hi:UU A.M lead. Denholm joined a three way July. The nine elected members I'Vliruur)' tie for second place. a close 12-3 for the first period, There recently came to our at- Sacred Heart of Elizabeth 2 at Dounil llruuk 10:00 A.M serving at that time were appoint- but the last part of the half saw cntion n clipping from an un- strengthened in the second half 9—I'aralpaiiny 2:30 CM \v t. ed as an interim board by'the Un- CRUISE 1&—Hmitt-nloii Central 1'ernnliH -'" a Wt'stfield pull to « 15 point lead. to defeat Holy Trinity, 47-40, in . 7::MII».\». Mi-iilioliti 2-' 14 nown newspaper in which former -'3—I'rliici-ton 2:30 I'.M. ion 'County superintendret of King put in eight points on °si^ent and school athlete, Jnc1-* a high school basketball contest Mareh IIIU fl H schools to serve until the next jluo- shout from under the basket nnu Sunday night here. The loss was 2—pennnck 2 :in P.M. Hess 12 14 tion. SHIP Reydel, now history instructor and 9 at iiomcrville 10:30 A.M. Kiss Ml 17 teammate John Bon mm put in si>head coach at Lawrenccvill- the third in as many games for the lilcxv, 17 l'l Six memlwrs will be elected from TO THE more on two jump shots from the o lli'iii-tlrlli 17 19 chool. is thp subieM. He is the home team. l.:im- 13 111 Scotch Plains and three from Fan- right side and a well-executed lay- son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. s — iiill JicdUe SACKED 1IBAKT • tliii.,|i l.-i L'l wood, but for staggered terms. Two up on a fast break. Hob Whiukci « F I' Jaydee Breaks ll..rinaiiii 7 -'J Re^el of I*-! N. Eut^d Ave. inn 1; 19 cat; catScotch I'lains residents and one WEST INDIES and Bob Felter collaborated for Under the h<-»dinc "Congratula- un\Fanwood resident will be elected AND the remainder of the 20 point: 0 Sharkcy tl.">S KH 6.11 tions," the article sa>'3: .•i- Marush. 3 Sportsmen Tie •C lys li^i; «V!I 1;SS for 3-year terira, nnd the same scored by Westfield that period. i 1Jd 2 tU'lR'lRkl Kl'^rf , 70S i;"3 "1 •- combination of municipal repre- Sophomore Fclter, second high- "It isn't eas> uo succeed a conch i ly llowitrttt Mulz . ... (I who has compiled a record of 2P IOU31OI1 . 0 Jaydee, sweep winner over Del HOMH r,'.r: Hint o:ii; sentatives will be elected for 2- SOUTH est scorer for Westfield and the llflll'dl'lll lill-1 liMl f'l- year and one-year terms. game with 14 points, was at hi: victories, three defeats and twn Urtilulnh 2 1 Stone, broke the tie with Fugmann l.:uil' II-::' «W>7 ll:i:l tiea for a superb percentage of 15 in the Sportsniens Bowling llr.fniiinn Knifolt After the 19G3 election, Scotch best in the third period. His ac- Totals 10 UI»llO|> (."ill 5H S72 AMERICA curacy with jump shots from the 879. That was Ken Keuffel's marl HOI/ YTMNITY League Friday nicrht and took a Plains will elect two members and nt Lawrenceville . . . Madison Takes f.nnihort 2 4 Fanwood one member each year for outside gave him eight of West- 0 slim one gnme lead. A second LEADER CLASSIFIED ADS ;»B "But if Jack Reydel maintain' KMy ..'.'...'.'..'.'.'.'.'.'.'...'. i 3 sweep was by Franks over West- full 3-year terms. field's 19 points scored. "lendrlcks 1 0 Scotch Plains didn't question the pace he has set in the firfl Church Honors l^lynn 2 I field Lumber. BRING RESULTS Of the present members Thomas Westfield's domination of the «eason and a half as Kcuffel's suc- OMIitlo i n Urciouli with a Z4C—GU led cessor, he may even better that o boards and they rarely tried shot: 1 Madison Avenue Chapel won the scoring. Other highs wer<- from closer than 10 feet from the fine four-year showing. Since hi the first half of the Church Bowl- ncrrd Heart .... 8 17 10 12—47 Dncrostaro 22C, DeSanctis 23" became head coach at the outsc1 TotnlH If, 8 4" ! HOMERIC basket 1ing League season last week, com- Holy Trlnlly 13 10 2 9—10 Volne 207. 201. A. Bonnottl 2.15 King rebounded 21 shots with of the 1961 campaign, Red an- ing from second place in the last orriclula—Slincrnow. Wolier. J. Bonnetti 222, Ciraolo 215 OIK! 26,000 TONS Felter leaping for nine. Rob Smith Blnck teams have won 10 anHsession. The. leaders swept Baptist, Ostrowsky 214. Fully Air Conditioned and Henry Reeder of the Raiders tied one while absorbing only B who were dropped from first to I. each brought down six to lead the single defeat. second place. Villa Leading .Timli is CRUISES rebounding for Scotch Plains. "What's more, Reydel's record Pacing me high games was Od- IS from NEW YORK WEHTTIELI) has been achieved against n bef ilen with 226. behind him were 20 O )ll. 3. 12DAVS- King 10 cd-up schedule as Lawrenceville Kittclberger 223, Wells 2U7, Ly-Pin Up Girls Wi.s lHi.lil SPORTS- 1359 Uf Whltakcr 4 entered into homo-and-home series Pel Stom .. :'•< Jin. 17-•16 DAYS. SPORTS- WU, mun 204, Sioeller 203 and Lorentz .. L'I Peltor Villa, winner of two games, ' Carver with such tough onnonents as Phil 201. Mury'H .. is Fsb. 4'• 19 OATS' 8 PORTS. SSEI» took the lend in the Pin Up Girls Wld •r. 10 1/lBcom lins Andover of Massachusetts and I'olntH F«b,25.MDA»S- 5 PORTS. HIS», Itaimon 5 W 1. Bowling League last week when ^^n^'/.l( Kill Varnum 0 Epl'copal of Alexandria, Va. To- MndlttiMi Avc A2 Ti Mary'H Mir. 12 •14 DAYS- 6 PORTS. HISw Milne, with whom they had been Knnwo d lElll-bo i'l 17 Burke 0 Kether with another new oppo- UuiitlHt Church .. 10 V4 23 « Mir. 27 WlCB 0 n»nt. St. Benedict's of Newark iiliptiHt MVU'H 3S 31 tied, was swept by Foote. d (iulf sir, sir, •10 DAYS- 3 PORTS- USS.p 0 .Vi-lhiHllHl Church 17 37 \v nsen ssr, Dloughy I. 8111 Calling variously at these teams are all tops in their . 211 .18 Villa :(1 27 )/. 4 01 in t S7S Totals respective areas. St. I'uul'a Church '.. -3 S74 Nassau • Poil-au-Prince • Curacao HOO 1'L.AINS AlHillnon 800 Kin 17Vi i'c IIIIWIIIIK s;.7 Coon 4 7'.'7 744 7S is l-'ranK.s 817 HIS Barbados • Martinique "A product of Princeton (by llflo l,uinlic 782 Myllnger .. 0 l 7U7 702 q no SOU St. Thomas'San Juan HullHnauser 3 way of St. George's in Newport ..ajitlst M 7111 sii; sno Ilaksa . . . .. 0 r.n•POI Ml»trctta Port of Spain- la Guai/a R.I.), Reydel is one of a number - Kingston I). Smith of disciolos of the late Charlie O J'lll''H»U B. Smith H»hin-ldi-r 17 Caldwcl) now couching at the prep 17 Slonclienge Lead Mi-Inlo.ili SEE YOUR Totale .19 school level and happily enjoyinp •Ilia 017 Till 7 V'cfttnold .is 111 the single wing. Highly-regarded Fabette Leaders .IrlntuKh, (.11 Noonan lost two to Grny but TRAVEL ACCHT 8cotch IMultm 13 ll 504 6S4 1107 3 r>t;ri r. 42 NOWI Official*: SlorllnK nnd Tlcrney. Andover teams, which can show onto : mnintaimul a one-game lead in Mr. 11 ml SlrH. 'rtiomnM J. Nttlnn, ffiriiit'rly of Oniihiliiir. S. V.. nr«- HOW only one tie in three meeting? 47" i. i;; t n7. , the Stonehenge Howling League llvltfir In Iliflr ni«%v houic lo<>ut*Ml tit UT7 (refk Hfil Il l till!) Niimiuu .. 17 offense for ono game on their HIS .'•SI Women's Bowling League held ll.^trctla l^ivcll ... IS schedule, n shade more than they tlieir places Friday after 2-1 wins. Illshoii ... TJ At Public Links could handle. Let us havo fuith that right Slniknlko The lone sweep of the session was makes might, and in that faith, l-'lcinlni: .. "A top athlete nt Princeton just engineered by Mahogany House Wy-ltiirr . Union County golfers mny ap- let us to the end, dare to do our SMiith ... over a deciulc ago, Reydcl's foot- over Edith. duty, as we understand it. ply for 1S103 identification cards ball career was cut short by an in- 1-olnlM <>l IOKOII' .. beginning Jan. 1 at the Galloping \v i, —Abraham Lincoln liorniaiiiiu jury but ho plnyed a lot of cen- liliMl Min-kft -I! 1!1 Hill course, Kcnilworlh, and at the terfleld for title-winning Tiger M Ash Brook course, Scotch I'lnins, nines—one of which was the NC- Wi'ji-•lu"*» Sh Killlt 1 [(.It* ;i i it was announced today by George AA District II champion and en- J:n*\ Is "nnru t;tt»r«. T. Cron, superintendent of rocrea tered the "college world series" at Haro | ) * N« | ) ]• | S(mc 'Mi tion for the Union County Park Klin Sh up .. ;>{! Omahn. At Lawrencovllle, Roydel l'uKt IliUlII 1-*lli'l Oil. Commission. coached baseball teams have com- Mitlu Hoi 2'J Millr r'M S.ilon L'l

    •j. SUN-WAY CRUISES At present the golf identifica- piled n 27-C-2 record, last season 'U'M fi ;.o .1 Out With The Old, 4 tion curds are viilid from April 1, were 12-1 for the best mark in |||;| (lJ i l''tii l Oil 1862, to Mnrch 31, 19R3. How- MIIUM-M the school's long- history. -I.irvls ever, after Jan. 1, the new cards "History is Reydcl's field as a ICdltll will be good from Jan. 1 to Dec.member of tho Lawrenceville fac- 31. r ulty, where he includes the duties . i:t!' Present senson-enrd holders will of senior housemaster in the 12- be charged $20.25 for an annual to-ld hour a Hay schedule thut In With The New cord next season, insead of theinvnriably is a part of secondary regular $35 fee. Golfers applying Internal Revenue collections school life. Keydels would be therose from $7.1 billion in 1041 to for season cards for the first time last to place emphasis on a wtm- will be charged the normal $1)5 $•15 billion in 19-15, the height of lost percentage, but when the fig-World War II. fee. ures continue to emerge so start- Golfers, who have regular iden- ingly under his direction, con- TO BUY OR SELL, USE tification cards will be charged 76 grutulntiuns should not be with- NASSAU: BAHAMAS Sell What You Don't Want, cents for renewal nnd now golft-rs held." LEADER CLASSIFIED ADS will be charged the regular fee of $1. Winter rates arc now in effect nt both golf courses and will con- —O*F ANO BUNKING by John I. tinue to Miirch 31. Senson-cnrd Vacation (un begins the moment you board the ITALIA or holders nrc entitled to piny during QUEEN FREDERICA. This takes nothing away from your Find What You Do! this period for « 25-ecnt green fee good time In Nassau—BUT when friends ask you, "How was on weekends and 50 cents on Sat- your vacation?" chances are you'll spend all your words ex- urdays. Sundays and holidays. Gamboling On ie tai tolling your ship's fabulous food, fun and facilities. Choose Regular-card holders may play. the cruise that fits In with your winter vacation plans. Make your reservations now to avoid disappointment. Another Lender AIR-CONDITIONED LINERS in the For Nonmhegun *xw* ss QUEEN Once njrain a new team took over first place in tho Nomahepnn Bowling I.cimue standings. This ITALIA FREDERICA time it is Shea, who lias a one 26,900 TONS CLASSIFIED ADS frame advantage over SieKel. Mctz- Icr hit a 210 e;anie. anion,.' tho Bio I The "Hostess ol the Ba- NEWl Two tiled Lido swimming hamas" is the biggest cruise ship pods on the Sun Deck and Prom- regulars, hut substitute Moody in regular weekly service to enade Deck, posted a 227. Winner of (he holi- Nossau. Big in size! 8ic in pleas- NSW! Enlarged lounge, day turkey was Sietrrl with a plus ok-upon young lady to tend renamed Aegean Lounge, with 324. indoor swimming pool afloat. large picture windows overlook- them) but it is doubtful that There are three other swimming w i. any (except, perhaps, Holly- in,j Ihc Promenade Deck pool. of Sli.-a :l 1.'. pools lo enjoy . . . acres ol lun NSWI 300-seat cinema. wood Pnrk) attract «3 much end Piomcn.iiie Decks . .. nijhl l:> NEWI Additional cabins with attention as do I-'ort Kric'a clubs . . . three orchestras . . . I deer. Karh Spring for tnc five attractive public looms .. spec- private shorter. ycar.s the deer have btcn pnm- I'.-.I in tjcul.v midnight bullets . . . N'nvi liolinp: at I-'ort Krit. the docs parties . .. movies. have produced twin faun;, nnd each Fall (hi- Fnrl Erio trnck 7 DAYS .™ Berry Stretehes eillu-r relpapcs thp young ones *ll CABINS WITH in tho countryside or turns PRIVATE SHOWF.R OR OATH THE LEADER Trhingle Lead The race meeting is over, them over to park twe... Tho from NEW YORK Saturdays 4 P.M. from NEW YORK Fridays 9 P.M. Hi'iry mldcd to its spjciul in tlio but gninboling continues nt "fo.-ils of IOC?' will ci> K the Fort Krie K:lce Tr.-ick, ari-oss Moliawlc Jndi..i: iT.-"-nr\-ation FEBRUARY 2, 3,1G, 23 JANUARY 18, 25 TrinnjrU* Bowling League lust the linnler fnnu Buffalo, in ra'iir llruiitford tn lie rclenu'd. wrck, (Ji'fcat li\K Noll in twu ^;inics, MARCH 2,0,18,23,30 FEBRUARY 1, 8 1 Ontario, Guiada. GOOI-KC H. Ill adililion t<> the deel the wJiik nmncrup H fit man lust a 1 Only < si ay saw ay from business I "Ilrownit " Li-aoh. ciirriMillv Three lakes ii. the Fort f.'rie Weekly cruises the year 'round. j>oir to McCnho. busy iiropiirinj-' pinfa^aiula (•i'liti'ificln an \w]\ inhabited [ASHF! cnUISE \V 1/ Vt*. _f(ir next year's Kcntiu'ky !)>'_ Caaadiar y:w<<. atu' .in Haiti Tutjrjj/. APRIL 9 Fantastic Results At Low, Low Cost! T'frry'.s 'Jti l:i -II Di'i-hy, went In I' • rt Erie last iissorlmi'iit i'l wild (,.,ck ,.ith t EASTER CRUISE from BOSTOH Saturdays 5 P.M. Minimal- o'l a "li'iid-U-a.-c'1 ^ju'i'ial IH-M!1I^: place- built r 10 DAYSiwra >24 5 rEBRU/SRY 1G, 23-MAI1CH 2" :md \va. ; imprr-vccl by ity Ihc inruiaj:i'i,HMit. ]\.. asant 1 t-.ivci f.'fw Ycik Apr I I? *" '3/ :r'_i.o ::> (I. -.- ij M< < *;|N ' Trr. tlu> herd of K'lmU'lii'K IIIHI i.ulial'it othiT art'as of llu in- lll'lllllU 7i'. I .uf Nassau and out- other port. .i.ij o"c'L-r tcrl, S-?3 cp N-JII-I. 77 1 wliioh inhaliit ilie Fort Krii" fiold. liroxrni..- I.vat'l i: all Jl'-rr.v'> jrn'iindr- ;i(lj(Hniiif: the (-rand- fur Hit1 iitfii-1'.1 ran.. i..nn Ship Your Hotel • 2 Days, 1 Night In Nassau Ktnnd. Many l-.w IracliB ii: ido:!. t'\U prcfci* u s.< the TO BUY OR SELl, USE the t'. K. I'lnploy birdlifi' (if Chilivhill Mnwn-i infield o, .,ivd- YOUR TRAVEL AGENT NOW! vnriou;: yorts (and, in the t-ti-t ecl with j»(Ht]ile on L^crby Day. LEADER CLASSIFIED ADS HOME LINES AGENCY INC. Goncrnl Agents 42 Broadway, Now York A, N.Y.-Diuby -1-63C3 • Ott.cos ,i, <-.;,«.>,j/ oric • » -"••' " "li ' ' " i " •-••••- f f TnTHEr WESTF WESTF1ELiELDD (N(N. .J. J.)) LEADER LEADER. , THURSDAYTHURSDAY,, DECEMBEDECEMBERR 2727, , tt962 P«g« 9 ctal and Club News of the Week in the WestfieldArea

    Hineb v.e; and i;uiyiuir pink Christmas Around Town j! auch-Putnam Wedding Performed! Engaged Affianced iStephen M. Mulinos ro.-r.-. nere Mrs. Sally Tufts Har- '••• '•' '^^:f^ri: rii.»r(»!i and Misa l'litrii-ia Dunn, Weds Sandra Dunn IK.III of l'iiu'hurst. Saturday in Presbyterian Church li.-ivi.l iiwi-iis of Mountuinside • he-e I"-'-' residents fiv- s.-tvt-d as Ueit man. ••**{ , .ipariU-s for-Miss Ju- In Pinehurst, N. C P Tile eoupio w.ll live at 3.S Xctll- ' T ;.l'.u,M--uf Mr.and ; IV.nam uf 55t> H. Aflel- their wnl.l'.nj! yixiiTil.-.v •Mrs. Stanle Uv i'1' Ave.. I'luimlclit. • bfit II- M...-i.'»» of 135 I-'»- nif-11 llineS.aiit-h, .-.m •.ftenn'im in the VillnKv Chapel, ed at her Wp : ii Mi-". H;n-ry F.-ij-m- II ineluiue/h ; 1 he bride nttendod the Hartrldge I h.-v fUii.L-e, Lawrence . •••mm riui'. riainfiel.l. j Sweet liriar College and the Uni- '7 GerlKir.l A. Wolff who .he t .n of Or. and Mrs. M.vhad r veisiiy uf iNorlh faroliua. Hss Jlorir:.!' :i kitchen ishow- j Mess Ave. t-nlertiuned f,-ie,,,lV,,'r Ksv.irted hy her lather, the In-ide ' i- Mulim.:-. of .i4'.> Hiivh Ave on Klml>Hl1 .Saturday evening ;,|, ., Volv ;i ^own of ivviry satin ili-i-i.r- 'Tho luiilo, Sinwira Zflii* I>nnn, Mr, Mnlin. < is a tfrintrmto of the W"!11 1 w huir supper parly. .Ud in le-enihi-.'itli-i-e.l l;u-i\ seed is tin* itntin'hU'r of Mr. aiuJ Mrs. Hoi.leinnwi Militii'-y Aeademy, nt- ,nd » ini-eelU'.neous show- n'arN :ui.l .self-,-,.riling. ,-V miiti-h. John Sheridan V.vWc of lemled Matielta ('iillete and re- tf', "home «f Mrs. W*lUr E. •Mr. itiul Mrs. J. It. aii-I : l.r jielaleil >'ap held her MIK illll- flu* rtTi'monv, which was pi'i'fitfni- .•••ivi-il Iiis engineering decrev front '£(o Stum-lei)* I'ark, "-hoco- three dauchier.-; »f ikeiiiwo.i.i. '•!. vt.i, iimi >h<- e.-.riied a i-m.i- »sl hy I lie Itt". Uvv. LrniM C. Mt-K-h- t'ollmiliia I'niv.-i sity. He is em- ^ J the |>::i-ty with her Ohio lire spemliiur lhe lieliday? n:ii li..ii.|uel u( iw.iy roses sir.d *r, was f<>1h)wisl hy :i 1'i'i'fpt i»>u at ployed oy Johnson & Johnson, Chl- Mrs. Mr*. Ci.*.iiiy'.i -i-u-r ai.'l fam- -\ I;.;.- i-al lli»tio);>. tin* Carolina UoWl, I'iiu'lmrst. eo)»ee llivisi.m. !nX ' Mi>- Uoi'iran and Mr.ily, Mr. ami .Mrs. W. !•;. lV-jijie;- 1 The hiult- woi,1 a suit t>t" wmh'i Ant.inj; tho-e \\ lu. euterUiin(*d T y II, M-v.'n Ci-iiiiiiiiie a'.tcidunt •./will !«• inaiTiwl Saturday jf 417 Tuttie l'kv.y. v.L- inr.t j^le.n v.'lvel.'ell. '1 lu-y • hii^'jnic and ;i white f^athri wen- Mrs. llni-riuKtiiu, Mr. and Muss in Holj h:it and earn-si a I ID uq net of , Mr.-. O.tave Ulake, formerly of Jading o Nu ~*~ \.-re ihe In iiie'N ^'i.-u-r, Mi->s l'ri> wity Chm-h :"i»\viiml in sho.'Uini; pink vt-l 1 " Koron in time for i.n-ir a> Urid.'siii.-iids, llie ! ('. O.strom »f ^oiilhecn 1'iues, N. C. ' Home fro." versity to sjienil ChristMias with MISS KATIlliVN JK\s \' MISS A. SI!I-A:N UAUISKH Kaunas, aftsr 15 months with i.hfir mother, Mi-,. A. II. VYal.khc-ii llvhorali ami Carol I'utiiani, | r a ji 4IJ Cirove i-t., S. Army, b Carey Uoeder KlizaWih i-l.-is of the In-idi-; I'riseilla and . ,x . i I d Alf , js visiting his parents, Mr. Alfred Wald.-hon. Miss I'atri- .ieii>s:, ni.n-i.iuu-h. sisi,-,-* ,.f the j Kath ryn Jensen, Barber-Torborg ishop of Arlington, Vu., Kliza- • iiiiU-irrui»m; Vii-^'inia \.VK* lt;ivi>on i ,j Mrs. Rolwrt C. Keeiler of 339 oeth's nioni»i:(t(V. ii...y.^,itii)>; her :. i».!e Pkwy. : •t Mim.rll..k, N. V.. and Wendy Q> $> Jewett foWe d this week. ] Mark-son of Klinirji, N. V. Troth Announced Fur Purchases j(;a judy -Sims of Colorado -•• I ; The maid of honor's bouquet was Mr. :tnn f lip, Colo., arrived yesterday Mrs, A. \V. Coen of Kcn.vii'liU'i', '• ! ;>f n-d and whiti- ,-amat.ons with 'The en^i.jcenient of Miss A. .Sti- Can Be "Blind" 'SAIH Ki'tlwooil '\U\.t Si-i>irl» IMrtins, -b'hoiiseRUCi't of Mr. and Mrs.Ind., has arrived at llu- home of ,] a (.roll! iu-relil, .-iii.l the Inid.'sinaids liavr UTiiumm-tMl tin1 onvruKt-'iHt'iil -;:in Hni"ber, Miss New Jersey uf l'.nil), to Jell'iey AII1111 Tnrli.irc luis ^id C. .1'odihaiii of 423 Edge- 'nor daughter and family, Mr. and ] ( j allied led :in.l v:ii'ii-|;iitcd ciirna- uf Un-ir (lnutfliler, Katluyn, l« It isn't necessary to learn this Mrs. Paul Fair of 5,15 .Shaikama.v- < ai-en made known t>y the liriile- »i Ave. ' i l>aviil Stuart .Irwoit, wm uf Mr. on Ur. for a month's visit. elei-l's mother, 'Mrs. Ilenjantin II. lesson the EXPENSIVE way. I lli.-hard (larri't Demurest 111 of am! Mr\*. William li. Jcwotl of 'MH : llarlier of -KM I.ontrfellow Ave. Vtinp al tlie home of.'Mr. und l-'aii iie!.l, t\>nn., u;*s IK'SI man. \\\«lls St, . Joscjili Kya>» 'Mountain -Mr. ami Mr.-,. J. Coles Ileireinan I , I'.-h. ]-.-> .li.lm I-'. AM of Miw-t Barber is the dnu^htor nl^u For Finest Quality and Best Value and jri-andson, lIoiieri'.-iHi Wildin- MI:S. A irrailunip nf Si-oti'h riuins- .f tin- late Mr. HHIIR'1-. IN are Mrs. (hseur Johnson and JONATHAN M. IIlNKHArClI I-sew Y,.ik City, liobert 11. I.ens- son, of Kehobotii, Mass., spent Ikold of Wostlield. 1.. Sloven Min- Fiin\voti(l lliirli Srhool atul Virginia Buy with Confidence cfhtcr, Mrs. Arlinc Wildason, (Kliial.irth ratiiam* Mr. TIH-IKMI.'. n irniiUmte of the (Jhriiitinns uilh the I'afe 1'. Steph- ; 1.>-1 of <;.-is<;tpo!is, Mieli., formerly InliTinonl ColU'^o Si-lux)! of Nurs- rtl arc forniei' neighbors from injr, Miss Ji'iisiMi i^ i-urri-iitly « Weslliold lliirh Sehool, Is (he t-011 jns of Tuttie l'kvvy. .if We.-tli.-l.l; Jiul.-oi! T. 1'iei 1 at (.lion, Md. . ]-.".' v-' i, r ' . f I iiionilH'i' off tJi*tji«' musiniiursinigr slalstalVl otifl llithe if Mr. and Mrs. Holier!. K. Tor- iWellesley Students . r. of I.e >an.HI, N. II., former v uf - ., ,.,,,. . ,, -. , • Christmas true.-j..-, at the home of | ... . ,, ... ' . , ' ,,; , New York University HOMMIII in »>rK of D.'lli Kirst St. A pliyMi-u! The Helping Hands of Westfield Wi-stiied: din ( . Don-mi.' Ill of , v...... ' Mr. and Mrs, Robert I.. Tiemann iInvited to Alumnae Tea ,i »• ,- •> ..: , .. • ,. i-New Wrk ( Hy. •d\u-ation n.ajor nt. Uut>rerH Uni- rfj meet tonight at the home of X. Y.; David S. I.o.-kc ver.iily, he hus recently eonipleleil of 837 Mountain Ave. ure Mr. Tie- j ( ,i-w Jersey Wellesley Chili I Mr. J('\vt*ll ia :tn nhnnnu.s of [s Frank Ti'ssitore of 454 Otiseo .if N'a>hu:i, N II., und David I.. iiis prju'liee t*-.u-hiiHT nt SroU-h niann's aunt and uncle, Mr. and ! ed invitations to area mi ].I'uler .,f Newhunrli, N. Y. NuHoy Hijrh Solmol ami is tmw a oamou^tq rllk) Mrs. E. \V. Schoenlau of St. Loui*, ! ' ;iaU*s for a tea lo he );iven | senior at 1'nruTUm U»iivi*rsity. .'Inins lli>;li Sehool and will fn|>- The emipl^- will honeymoon in lain the varsity baseball learn this Jir. nnd Mrs. U. K. Ilnchmimn Mo. i rei-ent jrraduate of i "Wostfleld'j Fur Shop of Dlitincllon" i lii-xi Wcilne-i.lay :.[ tin- ! .spring. fi-0 St. Marks Ave. are enjoy- Fanwood College Club Made To Ordor Ready To Wear if i visit froni Mrs. Haehmann's Mrs. Frank Duj;an of lifiO Shuck- i Mrs. Samuel Kenin-r, Ml Miss llarher, nbo :i Wesllli'ld »r and family, Mr. ami MR-?..imaxon Dv. entertiiined her hri.l^c ; t., Monistown. I Has Scholarship Forms Ili^b ^radiinlr, is Jh'st in lier elnss Remodels Repair* All •phen rVkiranis and three chil- oluli at a Christinas ]>arty rei-ently. j il-onf Miuint llulyoko f..lU-)re. Mr. For HS, College Girls nt llou^hiNS .('ollejre nntl will prne- 249 E. BROAD ST. ADami 2-3423 ' " ] anil juniors may eonta.t (hi- West r llee-teiu-li nt Ci'iiiifurd. |rm of Medford, Mass. Joining Hil.e!>:mrh was j, rmluated fl-iiiii Opp. Rlalto Thoatro Open Mon. 'Ill 9 P.M. "IwaIwas thoo .Saturda.Saturday lleforo !| nVId-I'lainfiol.fiHdila.nfiel, l :,,., jmu,,, --The Knmvooil " Ave., I'anwoml, for fm [her in- j 'VM . ,..,.,,.,;„ „(• , )„. vivsity vviiu irirl.s now allniilin^ four y*»ar «'ol- |yhtchildren of l.onj; Branch. Saturday evening Hostesses fo, j formation. -Vinr t.'ai.i an .-.i.ieat of'Quill le^i's an*l \vlni mv risideiils nf .he owniiiK were Karen Crane,; _ •- ••-• - ,,,d DaKKer, .-.• hou..r:.ry w.ei- l-'iiuwtniil or Si'otch IMuins uvo v]i- lliij MiWicil A, Towner of 00.-! Khimda Fan-, Dune Dyhe, i.iniiu. Living Madonnas Form ty, and wn- u im*inln'rof l'lii (!:un- tfiMi' nlutijr with Ht'nior.i nt >Si*i>tvh . [ir!cton Uii. is spending the holi- »Jroj;ir. Kathy Forbes and Sli-nlm- •n e r.\ , _ n:i DI'HJI. I)*- prmt-ntly i IMa'iii.H-I-'niiwiKMl II i^h 'Srhool ft>r j .lie Stevenson. I Program tor Club Depts. \)w .st'Iioiaiv-hips r.wanlod iinmuilly j lij season with her niece and with Rith:iry tin i-liih. i •Mr. nnd Mrs. John C.alul of -\oi- ., , , °, , ,. v , ,i, ,„„ .t ,„„,.. .•HI.«I* rry Jr. of Dayton, Ohio. From , . , , - , ,, , , 1n he art iteiiii.nineiit and the it Anicnir Hie .mt-ol-lov. n K'i'«l< iliM. Willium guiiin of 2K(0 .Si-- j rate Ave. entertained Sunday at „ I ^^ ^ ^ ., v.,,. Mrs. ,,, ,,„ U im-l.aueh of Sun- :e:e, she will ^o to visit her sis- wai^l 1 )i-.t ^chularship rhniriMJUi, Ic, Mrs. Henry H. 'Darby of San family dinner «-,lh Mr. and Mrs. , „„, w.,,,,,,,,.^ ,.,„,, ,,r w,,.,,-,,,,, ,,..,,| I „„•>-, I'a., the bridenrooni's k-r,,nsc irirLs in- 1 e?o, Cal. Villiam Ilrown, Mr. and Mrs. a ju]|U nit.i:.111:;1, „„.,.,;,. ,a „,„ j m,:!,,-,-; Mr. and Mrs. Join. Mine- tfrrslrii shouM apply t<> IKT for tlu lohn M. llrmvn and Mr. and .Mrs. | ..,1|!>|,,>11<1, ,.,., v.(l(.k *" i ,:,,,,-h. .Ian II in.-l.aiu-h and \5rsstlu>la»:-.hi. p fornu; bi'foiv I'Vlt. 1. Jtott Calahan of 3K4 Harold Joseph V. Hr.m-nattcnd.ns. j ,M|.S u.iym,mtl c;;..,n(f ,.,,.,;,,„.„.. •,,hn liallar I. John H.-.llard and the lnfvirrnatitin nunciiiin^; upplira- ,ir, Kaawnnil, I.'ft yesterdny with ,, t ,,, , ' "f il>,' ;.rt I-.-..1.'.. p'i i.l,-! a.-.l :IT, I Mi — Kliyi.I.etll'i.n.l 1'enelope H:«l- t it i JIM will In- .viii <1ii I'-t-tly tn : fii tor 1 1* Perm St.ate Band to perform in Jan.e, M. lluc.iner of A lenunvn, , , ,., ivj M J:i,cl. all .,! M, Wi,. irili.i in tin- liu*: ! hit'lt rtrlinol thir- nijr tin* iifxt fi**iV wrrk ;. • J: !.0.t.rW ,wniu in Jai-kson-l fa, KVL-JI!* » snn.nd tailj'.j^^, '- ., hl. ,,„„.,„, ,lf „..- I.ri.l.-Br....m i *. Kin. His KU..-SI for the Christ-!"lr- j."7 iU'*' M"J("" -,'• llui'hlltl|l M,-s. | ,] n ,.,-a.i an artn-1.- -ni.-riaiin-.l n.emheis of the l.ridnl Awartli'tl in May of I'.u-h y« ar. liivi :H 1 «s holidays is Denis Grayy; a for- •""• "' -' "'"^JV^ on the imjiui-.niii f the mad-.nn:, .'any and ..ol-of-town r.-latives ul vhih srholnrsliiiis nre IliutiK-ed \,\.. \ i IniiVit dinner in their home fol- *r residi'iit of Westfield who now Mr. anli-riiie l>oi-tf ay. .1. Alheil C. I'al'.i of » III Mich- iimuiitlly i-.icl) fall, round roiili Mitiou from Yale University. ed .SiunJay with a ni-i^lihr 1 j Mrs. A Hi it Danker vva |,.M-.| md Ave. enlertaineil llie liridnl ici^i tnuriijunciit s and a fushiui: buffet supper party. 1 1.1. William 11. PhellenlierKer, I llie li.'.ii:! iir of •'I'll.- New H..1- [•arly at liln.-hi-on Saturday. uw-iUvsi-it . lnid;:* trivi'ii i*arh •u is stationed at Fort Hi-nniiiK, Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Cn-is-i-r ,.l I •>>' -' rrei..-n i-, is spciulinj; the holidays at •IL'S St. Marks Ave. have visil hn; , P'.rtrnit, "Ti-. i.-.-pn..ii ,.f jChansonettes Welcome ijhomi-, 7:i'.) ilardinj; i;t. them for the holidavys their daiiKl.. ! Vinrin" v.-a-- npi. -.-nl.-.l !.y Mr, : for us was O.nnie Drainii.oml, who is leiieh- tor, Annabel, and Mrs. (iivisser .•! Kii-hi.rd i'arlu-r; Mr-, join, Naic,. , New Members at Party 'ih « in Sunnyvale, Cal., Hew home parents, Mr. anil Mrs. W. II. Oule .'jinia arid her ..>n Kenji |i.n-l rayi-d j The Chan -,»:iel !••< of We Uiel.l, jane svni ' spend the Yule season with her hy, all of Te.\arl;ana, Ark. tli" fani.'ii- .Japanese painliiic. \ wnmi'ii's : intrin;: irrinil', lield its ;m- 129-139 Central Avo. -+- ; "Thr .Madoiina i.f (he IJ.JM-": 'he '. nual Christmas and' AD 7-4800 ™iy on T:«. l'l. She rixi-iilly ; »d a icanion with former West- Olii'i'-lmiis truest a> the home f -Ai.ik-; nf tv.o l!:ilia:i arli-t- \\ -r.' i .- i: y fur :n-\v niemlM-ii la;l week Key •i 'High School classmates' now Mr. and Miv. John Manila «f fc\>\> ,-II.AVII hy Mr-, li. (;. Maninart a- ! :.' ll).- \V<- tli.-ld Iri-.i-ue Si|ilad i"C in the Hay area: Sniitita Cetiesec Tcr. is Mr.-, ll.-imla's moth- i In- S.-ir'.a Ci:ira M.i.|..lina," and • Im il.hnjr. '" Sn>y, Helen lilaekwood, Sal- er, Mrs. Carniin" Cin.-ru uf Hlnom- -. Allen M;il.-o!m a.-. "Ihe Ma- j Tl.i- new m. n'.b.-rs im-ludi-s: Me, liel.l. i i;na in l'layer." I d;:ine:i I'. Ai- and i-.»-tniuci w.'i.' • I luj'an, 1.. V. loiM'an.. II. Sline, (1. »o Manners. WKSTKIK.LD 1 :P...inio-l d liy Mr. Wilhain Oaki.-y. i I- . Uiehaul: II. Crieiniiail of u . -•- j AHOlvr . . - s *«vinjt :. family Christmas this, I The distaste with lii-ls pi-uplf .-.hi. \va . ':i;.-i :.-d >n li«-' j \V. sltiel.l. W. Hnlhn-d, A. K. C«.i- i F. with relatives from • White I reae! t vo-li'i'^tor- I'uo'l'iu- fur '•>' Mr.-. A .'anqu:-,'. ainl Mrs. l.yli- \ lier, E. Walsh of Sent ell Plains, li. :!d--. '.Mr<. .lohn Hi-ri.i:.n sa:u; i W. Willaid. II. I.. ('11111,- and 11. • Y., and Now York City, I numey . . 1'. l!:itl,111.11::: of I-'sin-.vuod. f the D. A. Hyers of 102 Clark ' \hv f til '*r.nlrK-. rep The d'.nvlor, Mrs. C. W. I.uU, j Thanks to you wonderful people, this was the best snuw lo -.isi- ! led tl-..- iiH-iiib-.-r . in i.iiiKiiiK Christ- | #•: farmer n-,id<*?^Mi's. J. V. Cher- j ''^'l: ,„.' . . .. i ,.„„ •!i..ol |'l-"i;'ri.:n by Ml-. Ku-.i C:MI.,- :,::.i , lna> eai'd- and .-OIIK-. l(efri:-ll- : Mr., .lulin I.:nni'!:i>'-;.-.i. Mi:.- !II.'-II!-; \vi|.: . .-rvi-d l.yy the lio: ppital- • Christmas Marcus has ever experienced. We're not,v<,f I.u,h,',-vil|(, Md., w»s in I ,.,,!-, „.,' i'.y .-..Miniill.'e be.i.Ud by Mra, It. 7J this Wfck visiting her many I A ,„,' tlu, wjsh ,hut tin, iV.-lm.Innc: I'MII McKniL'bt and Mr Il'enni, an.) Mr:. .>. M. Kdnioilils. sure of the reasons. It might have been because of j,,f liivJu-riiwd ami j..y thr..i.L-hiiut ' *! ! rU v ll!l1 f i!Ulr :iM y> : What ^•an" th, compact 1 sprini: .f l'.'SK -it th.- individual I'a. mi ,.-] initte. haps even our free wrapping and mailing service or i CNi'lll)>li.).l- at different? ni- a Chn.simiis open hous. man k'.l lij.les lu tile i.. i: 1" re turns. BUY NOW FOR our telephone ordering service or the fact that here One: you can find gifts for all occasions, that range from NEXT YEAR It holds the one the inexpensive to the truly luxurious. and only shade 1 A Terrific Investment Formal or Informal—You of pressed y Whatever the reason, we are most grateful to all of Christmas Items Only face powder you and sincerely wish for you and yours, a very Will Want a Corsage for I .Hi' Candles — Cards — Wraps — made-to-order New Years Eve Ribbons — Tags — Seals — just for you. i OR FLOWERS FOR YOUR HOSTESS Novelties — Decorations Two: >(* Other Christmas Items Mi Ours are known -for the quality of the Our trained H lowers and the beauty of the ar- consultant hand- blends your rangement. y2 Price individual shade. Phone or stop in to place your order Cash and Carry Only ft early. Three:• No Charges, Exchanges, or Gift Wrapping In all the world, there's nothing like it —and it jv- Jeannette's Gift Shop costs just $250 a/teoA 227 EAST BROAD STREET JEWELERS doerrer's plus tax. Open Monday and Friday Evenings 2O6 E. BROAD ST. ADAMS 3-O529 -/^/ A0 2-1072 WESTFIELD • N.J. Rear Entrance to Municipal Parking] Lot ALSO RUTHEHrORD • niDCEWOOD • HACKEN9ACK ELM ST. TEL. AD 2-2400 V»H«r'cs cl +w< Janice Robinson, 1962 Was A Big Year For Westfield Weddings Richard R. Robbins Panhellenic For 220 local couples, 10G2 will go oiecc of Miss Janice Lynn Robin- coffee A listijig of marriages in 19G2 follow?: Prude Sparre — G. Robert Patricia A. Lanjf — Frederic I'atricia Boyton — Josep son of Westfield at her wedding members tomorrow t i Chancellor N. Williams lii Saturday afternoon to Richard R. the home of iMr.i. Laur JANUARY C. McGrady Jane Berenson — Herbert J. Bonnie Lee Borton — Barry NOVEMBER Robbins of Westfield, son of Mrs. yon, 777 Berkeley Av" 4—Nancy Lea Conliii — Jo) Janet L. Golomb — Riehan Kessler L. Johnston 1- -Sarah Jane Scott — Ronnli Rene Boillat of Millington and the Co-hostesses for the' F. Van Dolman H. Ronkoritz Maryjane Butler — James C. Anne Kimberly — Preston C. G. Mclntyre late C. iS. Robbins of Westfield. Mr William t 10—Linda M. Polh — Robert 3 Ann Clark—Harry M. Mon Allen Grave Melinda J. Scott — Thoma The wedding took place in the trie Winpate gomery Jr. Thompson Jr. Constance Beltz -— Harold Beverly DcFrancesco—Rich- N. Snyder Wa^tminster 'Presbyterian Church, Valerie A. Secor — James P Karen Stflnton — John R Haddock ard Geddis Vicki Tujague — Steven E. W ilmington, Del., and was attend- Young Noltc Mary L. Brennan — Peter C. Joy L. Sabatino — Lt. Mich- Hollander )d by th» four brides who had pre- 11—Phyllis Chivnrou — John R Mrs. Elsie Rost — Dr. W. T. Kelly ael Mahovich Jr. Eleanor Stewart — William viously worn the family lace. wh. , Fish Harkrader JULY 23—Suzanne Pritchard—William A. Sawyer They included the bride's grand- Judy G. Martin — Donald R Fay Martin — Peter Franck 5—Judith Hawkins — Louis B. C. Rocder 8- •Eleanor C. Alcott — Bruce mother, Mrs. Frank E. Edgerton Hendrickson 17—BarbUTH P. Thomns — F. Wardlow Susan Ann Milani — Robert Johnson of Aurora, Neb., the bride's moth- Anne R. Darby — Arthur . Robert Michael Ann M. Gilchrist — Dennis E. A. Adriance Barbara Enz—M. H, Howard r, the binde's aunt, Mrs. L. Welch .Mr Bernard Joan McG. Martin — How Bergcr Carol Lee Burd — Kenneth Jr. Pogue of Washington, D. C, and Jeanne K. Thomson — Joh land A. Larson Sara Hawkins — Daniel W. H. Dudley Susan Czernik — A. P. Grifa her cousin, Mps. Charles Dixon of G. Mann Jr. Susan Whitcomb — George Curtiss Karen Ann Wilhelm — Rob- Jr. Hickory, N. C. The bride is the Delta Gamma Helen Wilcox — Salvatore J Bcahm Suzanne Schmidt — Lester ert Lee Smith 15—Bonnie Cunningham—Edwin daughter of .Mr. and Mi's. Tremain Vitale Jr. 24—Anita A. Grotetend—Charles Bowers Mary Linn Crowe — John R. Tenney F. Robinson of Chadds Ford, Pa. The Summit-Weslfield Alum»a. 18—Martha M. Taylor — Herbei H. Mote Virginia D. Hughes—W. An- Hoffman Ann Toni Carlone — Dr. Jo- Association of IMt-MJama is k Eileen Daly — John P. Walsh Her gown was of white satin, H.Wright drew Morrison Edith E. Reed — Roper W. seph Parisi princess style, ornamented with '"If a coffee-party for all,Ma«| Elizabeth K. Whalen — Ken —R. H. Whlltcn lef-iate member, and pledces to th," Elizabeth Klumbach — Rob Judith A. Mingiono — James Hinkley Barbara A. Kane '— Patrick MRS. IUCHAIRD R. -ROBBIES Alencon lace and seed pearls and nelh A. Brown sorority this morning i,, the how crt E. Vliet R. Witnicr Marilyn 3. Webber — Wil- D. Minogue (Janice L. Robinson) her bouquet was of gardenias, 25—Jane Santorc — John W 31—Anne Blower — James E 21—Judith Varnum — Gregory of Mrs. Lambert Wolverton in Roberta Gallagher — Gilbert liam M, Burr frenched carnations, miniature Mohawk Rd., Short Hill,. ' ' Lindenthal Culver Jr. Fuhrrtaji Jr. 30—Elaine S. Rowland—Thomas J. Latins Betty Jane Iiiker — G. A Maureen Moore — Richard poinsettias and Jean Shellenberger — John E. Clements Susan R. White — Alan C. African Violet Society The maid of honor was Mias Rimert Jr. C. Townley H. Thomas Anna P. McHugh — John W. Coe Lhida Jean Large — Roswel Celebrates with Prizes, Barbara Ann Robinson, sister of M'side College Girls Caroline E. Stover — Davi Marjorie J. Yospin — Harvey Nelson Betty Anne Pillo — Robert the bride, and the bridesmaids R. Cadmus V. Wood M. One re Janice M. Walters — Joseph E. Savai'd May Apply for Grants Kathleen Clement — Joseph Gifts to Two Hospitals were the Misses -Carol Stevens of FEBRUARY Mary D. Bell — James J. A. Burgos Viola C. Smith — Frank J. Wilmington, Joanne Yomas of i—Gail Wagner — GeoiRe But J, Calao , Nordell Nancy Lou Bossier —.D. M. Salvato 'Prizes were awarded and cash From University Women Doris A. Christonsen — John Plainfield and Banylou iMearin of terwprth Mnryann Donnlngton — Ken- Hill Rosalie J. Bruno — Dominick gifts to two hospitals were made Montclair. • All wore short gowns Martha A. Warren — Robert L. Marsh neth J. Weyman Alexandra IvanofF — Fred- Perretti at the Cbristnir.s party and gnior- (MOUIKTAINSIDE-Scholarskip ot scarlet satin with fitted bodices applications from the Mountait. 3. Wibbelsman JUNE Mariorie Bcerbower — Don- erick Donney Vera T. Schonip — Karl D. gaebol'rl luncheon of the Unirn ind flared skirts; trimmed with Barbara A. Bonnetti — John 7—Jane McCabe — Jamos VI. ald T. Moeller Carol Ann Dinizo — John T. Qordlnier Jr. County Chaptov of the African Vi- side branch of the American Ass» roses of the same fabric. They elation of University Women ate F. Smith gaiters Jr. Christine Pharos — Stephen Marquardt 29—Anne McCormack — Lt, Jon olet Society Thursday in the Scotch arrled bouquets of white Fuji Gladys E. Hanscn — Frank- Joan A. West — William R. p. Falk Dorothy A. Bcycrstcdt — Girard ^lains Baptist Church. now available for girls home k, lin T. Peters numa, red and white frenched oar- the holidays. Grander 2—Audrey Graff — Frank G. Frederick M. Carlson Fay. N. Blaine — Peter F. The firroup mad to the Children'^ Specialized Janice Louise Dixon of 'Hickory, ly enrolled full-time in college. Oth- Charlotte Burkett — Robert Eleanor GolebowsM — Ray- Mach Hospital, Mountainside. Awards er requirements are financial neM, Long mond Robertson D. Wilson DECEMBER i second cousin of tho bride, was Barbara M. Hoppe—William were made to members for their lower g'rl and wore a dress simi- at least a B average, and gosj 8—Janice Barbara — Stuart D. Diahne M. Reilly — Richard E. Krobse SEPTEMBER C—Annemarie Gormley—James 'hrlstmas arrangements, with Mrs. character. Sendell C. Rufflnl 6—Susnn Jncobus — Judson T. Gibbons lar to those ot the bridesmaids. Nancy Divelbiss — Boris R. >an)c :M. Soden of Plainfield tak- 'Rene Boillat of 'Mlllinpton served This will be tho fourth year tlij Barbara Weiseth — Samuel '4—-JArfe E, Brow'cr — George F. Brbz Pierson Jr. Linda DeFrancesco — Daniel C. Remler. lfr first prize, 'Mrs. Norman Orr is best man for his step-son. the Mountainside AAUW kg C. Robinson.Ill Eustls Jr. Barbara J. Little — Ronald Nancy O'Neal '— G. A. Zeis- if Westfield, second, and Airs. granted scholarships; last yew Karen M. Klcment — Paul ti. Johnson sip; 13—Diane Meyer — Theodore A. Ushers were Dr. "William Popue Marge D. Lindner — Robert loyd Valentine, third. >f Los 'Angeles, Cal., and Robert $500 was awarded. Previous win. S. Stirrup A. Rescora •Gail Ann Sehenkel — D. W. Lucille Marvosa — Walter R. Dear nei-s have been Barbara Boyle, Mrs. Carolyn I. Gallagher — Davis Talbott Jr. Lawson Rose M. Sapienza — Fiorello Awards for recent "little shows" Idgcrton of .Rochester, N. Y., Joan Pfaffle — Clyde Wyman rero also presented. Among the busins of the bride; Rene Boillat David Hart, Christine Cltnveland S. Myers Elizabeth Spsrrell — Vincent Gwen L. Gerber — Richard Mnr'ha V. Marion — Henry Tartivita and Nancy Walker. lt—Suzanne Thompson—Richard P. Kieltyka 20—Carole J. Cluesman — Robert dinners were Mrs. Soden, Mrs. r. of -Springfield and Robert Hard- Nap6Hello H. Becker Tohn Couser and 'Mrs. Joseph Noll. ng; of Wilmington. Kavanagh Janet Wall — Edward C. Lenoro Ziogler — Frank Ker- Jennie Ann Grasso — Leon- T. Kracht Interested candidate arc urgd Gail Morrell — Byron 3. Ihle tesz ard O. Mornn Martha Jane Stern — Robert Members exchanged gift plants A reception and dinner was held to contact iMrs. Howard Rhodes o( Dli>tz Jr. ind each received another plant t the DuPoht Country Club inime- MARCH Anne Doerlng — Lt. Kenneth Dawn Pollock — Walter No- Bonnie L. Bedard — James V. Cockerill 333 Old Tote Rd., scholarship-fe!. H. MofTett Carol June Gates —• James 'rotn the Hilton Dahlia Farm of liatcly following the ceremony. lowship chairman, or any Mont. I—Margaret C. Hof —- Benja- H. Arnold dinc Jprlngfield. min P. Dole Suzanne Kellerman — Robert Kathleen M. Lougan — Don- Lou Cele Kelley — Harry M. D. Hurd The bride attended Southern tainsido AA'UW member. Beverly Ann Newmillcr — H. Fish nld R. McVay. Sisson Jr. Janice L. Robinson — Rich- The program was presented by Seminary Junior 'College and wna Stanley Bass Jane A. Conwny — Willinnt 0—Beverly Chiovarou ~ Robert 13—Marvllon Byrne — Thomas ard It. Robbins i recorder proup from Princeton, graduated in 19G1 from iPennsyl- Katherine Steiner — James McSwecney S. Craft II. Judson III :ed by Mrs. John M. Brown, daujrh- vania .State University. She is alumnus of lutgois University Maurcr Caroline W. Phraner — Rev. Sandra A. Durkiti — Dr. J. Sn^an J. Ruckevt — Michael Vorel 'Master Salesman' >r of the club president, Mrs. teaching in the Westfield Hie;h and is proprietor of the Robt-in? Jennifer P. White — Richard James T. Hourani F. Giithrie Owens lenn B. -Hudr.on. •Members join- School. The bridegroom is an Landscaping Co. here. FiBcher 1—Caroline L. Grant — Fred' •Sandra L. Tuohey — B. F. Carol Cdlin- -Fred S. Wright Donald Vorel of iMonterey Mo- 'd'in tho sinpin^ of carols. Melissa H. Melvin — Richard crick L. Schmidt Andrews Jr. Nnncy Bynin — Larry B. tors, Inc., Westfield, lins earned a iMrs. Orr was chairman of has- Tahl Carolyn Case — Tracey E. AUGUST Church '^Master Salesman" award for he- Carmelo DiNizo — Peter J, Haley 2—Carol E. Mowon — David Son in Hnuir — David R. Bird ing among a group of outstanding Hampton Elizabeth Ann Wright — Jordan Kathleen McKay — Richard .salesmen in 'Lincolm-Mercury deal- Skidmore Alumnae Plan IB—Edith Mae Sulzer — Ernest Gerald DiBona Pamela C. Mey — Robert E. Herrinic erships, Howard J. Ihipfer, New Heym Jr. Barbara Yoder — Charles It. Lowyhs Cnron L. Coiikley — William York district sales manager for Coffee for Students 29—Elaine Elmore— Lt. John W. Ellis Jr. Pqahne R. Lohrmah — W. L. K. Hurley Lincoln-Mercury division, has an- N. Ray Sallv J. Sisson — David N. McNeil Mnrie Di Orio — James Fc- nounced. U'm outstanding sales The Rkidmorc College Alumnae Barbara E. Towl — Curl Sandberg —Jcnn Van Nortwick—-Charles csco proficiency lms placed him among Club of Central 'Now JorSey will Sabal Su&an^Mac Gurry — Sheldon E. Christian .1_ 'atricin A. Keou(?h — Thom- the top 12 per cent of all /l.incnln- entertain new and prospective Ktu- APRIL ^VSJffwitaker Jr. ,'as A. Dick Mercury .salesmen in the :n;il-ion donts from this area tomorrow nt Cwolyri R. Whalen — Roland and earned him this special recog- } ;i colVce from 10 to 11:80 a.m. at b—None Marie A. Lindquist — Daniel ~ A. Kenne ' 20—Mnvcin L. Uoyce — Donalt' 12—Patricia Pritchard — John J. W. Reese M. Mniors niliun from the Lim'oln-iMurcury the how of Mrs. IT. C. Jester, !>in Barbara Van Ness — Robert S.'ik-s Council. Kaglecroft Rd. Ferguson Loi« J. Tuttle — Franklyn J. W. Allen Jn-'ith A. BurpeKS — Richard li>—Susnn Carolyn Darby—Rich- Little Genoveva Garcia — Donald Klink Mrs. Leslie F. Nnulty Jr. of ard H. Moircr 8—Jule Flynn — Peter J. Foley T. Smith Ann P^trucione—I.t. GCOI-RO Thero nrc optical illusions in Wciilfleld, tiigether with members MAY Dr. Th«lma Warshaw — Ir- Jnvne Gilbert — Fmnk Fedo- M. Verdiseo time as well us in space. of the executive bonnl, will •vvel t—Nancy J. Mumford — Donald vincr Laifer witz Jr. N»nev J. Kuttler — John P. —Marcel Proust | come tlie students. . J. Mulvey Mariorie Green — George D. Patricia Spormnn — Sgt. C. Doyle Concetta Abbruscato—James Cornish Jr. J. Salle Eli~"h"<-\< linndolph —- Allen G. ENDS SATURDAY Mnvhew 18—Union 1. Ciu-ley — Laurie J. Price Jr. W(;»*'lv 1,. Hrown — Richard P. 'Bilrl.MI ANY Cci'iilrlinc A. Barry — Robert Monnintrcr TWO WINTER PASTSERVIGF for TO Vs OFF ON COLOR PROCESSING JACKETS COATS 20% to . NEW GOLO "PERMA-WHITE" SHOES CASH and CARRY Just a swish with a damp cloth keeps the new Gololite "F'erma-Wliitc" service shoes look- Coll and Deliver $1.25 Ing white, bright, spotlessly professlonall Made of a wonderful ncv; patent leather. Won't SAVE 36c to $5.00 TODAY! OFF crack or pcell "Perma-Whitos" are soft and supple for the cushioned comfort you want... And we mean ANY I Any siie, style, or shape — any cool as only fine leather can be ... sturdy for tlio Ions-wearing, active support you need. number of pleats. There are no up's because of the Sue our wonderful new kind of Gololite shoe today! number of pleats or because the skirts are in any way unusual. This is a saving of 36c to $5.00. Bring your Complete Line of Orthopedic Shoes FREf* DELIVERY skirts to G. O. KELLER'S now and SAVE I DOCTOR'S PRESCRIPTIONS CAREFUUY RUED Picture! Oollverod PHONE PL 6-0100—OTHER TOWNS WX-2100 (No Toll) Whctever Amount of TIME, SKILL onrl PATIENCE with Drtif) Ordnn I CHRISTMAS SHOP is required we give it gladly and courteously Til 10 P /w« Wrappings and Paper V2 off <>;.O. KELLER'S f ;Christrnas DecorafJons V3 » Christmas China 25% 163 E. BROAD ST. AD 2-5163 FLAINFIE1S. N. i.-COR SOUTH 1 LEUNB-COR. W. 7ih 1 CUNTON Open Monday Evonlncjs 54 Elm St. COB. RANDOIPH « ARUNOION-304 lOMKSfT WltTflElD, N. J—lt I BROAD ST. [Richardson Named Bride-To-Be «THE. WESTFIELD f the Ki-v. I>r. nnd -MB. Klbcrt. Kdward tlutes SCOTCH IM.ATXS— Kns. John . .j. r;. Kichardson, CPA, nf i.Il., now of Kowloon, llonjt KOIIK, JIml .lame.-. Donald lhlrd of Wasli- w ; ] A. Knuk'l of Si;7 Wostfield Kd., • -field n:iS been appointed ' iiie/ton, I). C. '1 he rerenioiiy look |»!a.'c Saturday aftcriuvm in the ' ' ' At a ceremony Monday eveninj; : who was britradc commander of ^" '111'i'f !ni- committee on state j Fiisl llapiist Church with tlic Kev. William Col»-r nl.;o oiricint iutc. I'r. in the home of the bride, Mr.-, liulh I his Ki-.-uhi.-itiiijt ciar-s «t the U. S. ..,-„„ f the American Insti- r o dettU 'Milliiiann of l'J Kimball I Naval .Academy, has reccivoil a , of' Certified Public Account- tiatc.s w;,s f,>inu'rly pastor nt the j new h.mur. ; ""''I ^<-v. :;.•:. s..;, ,,f Mr. ;,i,,l i Cir, was married to Irving Sehind- "J!e Thi= committee assists state .l.uivb. i The 22 year old naval officer was -li;.-. l-rank K. Su-u-ar; ,,f ,VJ ;,m,.. | ler of Kcarsdale, N. V., son of Mor- Mi's. Allan Kittle-son was soloUt fn sofieti" in developing lejris- '•>'• 1>1.. a . ,,f ,|,. ; [ttniuxl Sun,lay as a w'inner of a ; K r iil0 flv ris iSchimllor of New York City ,niv. School. \t-w ! i'Jbodes Scbolai'shiii for two years : and the late Mr,-. Schindli-r. roccption WHS held in the WomanV * status of CPAs. H also encour- 1-oar;,.,,. N. V., was ,-.!sc,.d „„ the j j of .-tndv at Oxford I'niwraity in U The bride is the daughter of t'hib of WcMlield. •. the development of uniform -lonur roll for academic wo, k dur- I Mr. and Mrs. Kdward dettis of 178 I Kntrlaiul, r The bride wore thf ivory crepe illative policies by the state so- "i|. the siutisi•-.:i n-.-it,. t Ww Providence Kd., Mountainside, j Court ney Smith, president of irawn trimmed in sul-in .ind duch- | Swartlimort* COIIL'J'O, Swurthmore, •{alibi S. K. Xnihanson of Temple ,'ss luce which way ulso worn at r'Richardson, partner in the i Jennifer Mistm-i* ,,f <;ili Kll.,. j I l'a., ami Am.-rican .secretary for Sholom, lMainrield, officiated, and a r weiUiinp;s hy her mother nnd iiniru-n |>r_. has iv.unird home for j ! lUiodes scholarships, announced c a. York office 01 the accounting reception for the immediate fami- amternal Kraudmolhcr. A petite !"<-• holidays fr.mi Cazem.via Co!- I ICnsilin Knubel as one uf :Vi uchol- ,f I.ybrand, Ross Bros. & lies followed. -•row u of cultured pearls held her l i arship winners from T.i states. w.,(.ry, is a past vice-presi- Mrs Samuel Hhelfrn of South .acv-edn'cd ivory silk veil, nnd K1U> 1 1 The Rlirules scholarship is an- ;'"',' of die institute and bad served Iti.'n-i-i MB,!!,., ,,r UVsitK-i,] ),.,< Oninni atler-di-d tlu bride nnd Mil- .itrried while poinscttins. its (roverninif council, on the I ton Zet'mont of Kair l.awn was otbi.f in a scries of honors WXJII by MISS ..MAltlLYX S. MUA.YAl -cii i-lci-ted a- a K-;U'l]ii:in mi Miss Joanne I-'letclier of Silver KIKIKII Knubi'l. fie was command- •utive committee and on the best man. Sprin^.s, Md., was nml«l of boiKti-, VX,-< |;i:;i>a .•oil.u-o vai.-iiy MISS KOSKMARIK A. K0VA1, j er oS tin" :l,K(in-m»n briKndy at An- lorisl advisory board of the wihail I,-;..,!. Mnclhi,, play- ! The bride M:IS the widow of Karl wearing a uxoen velveteen dri'ss irnol of Accountancy. He has Millimiiin, and Mr. .Scliindlor wti> j napolis, tliu biirhest honor that can Frank T. Bell Jr. ih,. ki If L. I -r I I • and n crown of holly. Her (lowers ' come to an iiiub-rjrrnduaU'. „ bfi-ii chairman of the Insti- were red potnsettiaA. . lie wmi -the Cla,« of 1K79 and ' committees on federal legris- t 5 :n;,'M. Richard Zaleski Mi.-s Mary Morrison of Westlield thi- Clans of ltW'f prizes at thu Lji ,tax accounting; practice and Future Bridegroom on < and Miss C.oii.stanoc dates of IIoil|: academy, the former for belnpt ~>,lioiis «-ith the bar. He is cur- -'\ Engaged toMarry Konjr, the bride's «, \vvi\< hri;rade couinmmler and the latter Si' serving as the United States Mr. and .Mir. John ]|. M,ik., ,.,- j Keeiie^forii, of :;i!l JctV. rsun Ave. j hridcmiaiils. Their iruwn.s were Kli; :i! ! for conlriliutintr most by Ilia oflleer- rtoresmtiitiTO on the permanent Anderson, l,nl., formerly ,,f l'hiii,. |'.V ' "' l> A- Warwick of :!0(i | At a family iliuner Christinas icu'let velveteen, and •their head- like .pi'tlitii-.s ami character to the >! :1> :ll ! Hall-Ostrowsky dresses of holly. Koil poinsettins p-bcommittee on legislation of the field, have announced tli-- enK'-,L'c- ' . ~ ^ '^'-'!is S; ;,,-,. „,, tlu. , ,. j |>.iy in ,1,^, llol:,(, (lf M|. .im) M);. development of naval spirit and nter-American Accounting; Oon- "sent of his ilauKl.ti.-r, Marilyn Sue ;"i:ttl'(" '"'' l!l11 li;1 *ui:di,y after- K rank Charles Kovul of Indian i'oritH'd their bouquets. Little Miss loyally within tin- brigade. s ln to Frank Thompson Hell .ir <„,', ' 'V'"" .'" " >" >- . l!,,As> he is c°-editor of ball Ave. ' ; ^'trimi Alpha l'i >,.,..riiy of 1'n | Hieliard Zaleski, son of Mr. and sbip each yen, and was president •Mr. Hell is the r:m.lki is n graduate of thi' h«'trotlui) of their dmitrltter, Wayne l.cnz of QconuitM-woe, jn of Accountants, tho Ameri- Ave. and of the late Mrs. |':,ul ; Mr. ai,.l Mrs. Znr.:r .'MliS. ..IAMKS I). U1JKI) 1 hiring liii |>lobe (fi-eH)uii»n) r s Maicy, to 'Uordon Osti o\\>ky( t>ou Wis., was best man for Mr. Ilur.l, can Accounting Association nnd --,•:;,;• ,- 7\,."""r •,","",,'""' : C-"'" "'"',,"" '•'"""" •"'•>"" " ,' ''° ! \V.->il\eld flu.-h Sch....l and attend- (Carol J. dates) year he played football nnd la- Stnth.n aM> of West(,e!d lie ,s • Nancy \ ay, ha- IK-,,, placed .,»!„, ,,,.,.„ , „,- , ,,,. uf Mr. and Mrs. J. Ostntwsky uf who is the son of iMr. and Mrs. L National Tax Association. He Sl iri|im Sj( mm r 101 Vr.vk HU crosse and wns on Ibe. stall's of Tho a graduate of WcM ,ld llnrl, ! th.. d,a»'s !>..,„••• li.i W ilu- fall ; , ;„ ,...l)tix,,,v j,,L., X. y. He is Ulen Hurd of Sprimctield, Miss. L also served as co-chairman of v Log and The .Splinler, tho acad- Miss H:iU was ^railnat< d from Blue Star Garden Club Ushers were Klbcrt Culm 111 of , National Conference of Jiaw- School ami Colgate 1. nivcrs.ty. ! term a- O.ncordin Senior College. ., |j( j . slj . f<)r ,,„. A,,_ emy's nintrazinc- and sports news- Wvst field 11 i^rli School in JutK" and Xounk, Conn., and Van C.haiiK of •rs and OPAs. where he was a ,»W,Vr of Sipna ; l-'ort Way,,.-. In.!. Mr. /.!„,„„•,- j milJ|| c Nt.lvnrk. Has Holiday Meeting, paper, respectively. Mr. Jtichartlson has served on Chi. lie .s presently in his 1,,-sl ! mann i- n graduate ol tlonn.i>ln, : J1;ss K|1V(1, w.(s j,,atiuuto>i from is fniployod by ihr N-ationu) Hank ll.mjr Koni;- Upon Kra.tuatioii, Knsln" Knu- yea r; at the l,n»yersity of lv-nnsyl- ! COIICK-IM, li.Hliiute , Hr-nsvillHr-nsvillee , N .\ \ of WVsUU'Iii. * Plans Future Work AJ'ti'r n wciblini: trip, the collide kj United Cainpmfc'ii for the AVest- " ' "V(. "'•l ; I'WT-,"'•l • V'. * "'"-V- • ->.,.«..,„• J.,M...m\ i.roiixvinc, .%. | Mo|.,.js H j 11.., IC.-irionill Hillll School bel was i,H»i)riii'il to the USS Hang. Wvv fiainv is n l'.HtO ^I'luluntr of will IK- ill hoiac- in Wajihiiitrtoii, Social Atrencies and was a vania (ental Srlioo and is a mem- j Y., and ,s enrolled n, tho pr.-tbe- .„„, J!( „ „.,,;„, in t)lt. f,m. arts de- MOON'TAIN'SIPK -The Christ- atomic submarine, bnued at Now : WVstfU'ld Ilijrli Hclmul and is I'ln- 1>. ('. jcr of the Mayor's Committee ber of Delta Surma Delta. ..logical pr..Kram at Concordiu Se- |:.u.,,m,nt llf ..Monlcliiir .Slate Col- miis tncetin^ and pot luck lunch- li.mdon, <.^onn. l»loynJ as Ji Jllumhor. The bride attended Wcstfleld •or the Establishment of a United His fiancee, daughter also ,,f the | nior Colleirc. , slu, h|(ls l(J ,,.„,,, „,.,. ;„ eon of the lllue Star Garden Club The 1UKM1«M **chobir in the «on ! llilih iSchool ami i.i a prudutitv of • and in Wcstfield. He is » member trradmitute Mrse .o Kf .IMainliel Dorotbvd UiirMillerh Schoo, is al I Marion Klle•n lleilim.n* ,, • , daughte, r ..1,,,,,,.„,.,,•>• ,,r,,,i,.. wus held last, week at thu home of of .Mrs. Adelaide Knubul of tho r : >M ll lll m lb l h1 1 Morriaoii Academy, Tiii.-hiinir, Tai- tf the Board of Trustees of Girarii trraduatand Skidmure of eIMainfiel Colk-red . IlijrShh eSchoo is ;,sl- I' ",V. ^"'i'-"'" t l.i^'V!. llcilma' .l ' n 'olVf -UK. ^Kvi-r'' -'! v . ., .?. V.! t < Mrs. liu.lolph Schmidt. WestfioM Kd. address. ll« Kind, - ]j r. Alumni Fund und is a su l 1 lllls wan. She ntlended AbU'i'rton- 0 e( t sistant to the editor of "Contact," ! " ' - returned h,,nif for the •Mrs. Itichard YV. Kapkc, |iresi- IlnmcliliiM C'ollette, 1'billppi, W. Vn.uutcd from .Scutcli l*lalns-rivside :i fit'.^iiiian. Lists Holiday Program tural House lieinr: established by •Mr. nml Mrs. Wilson Z. Vnil of Tlit! bride wns Imnnreil ill show- I * * * members and inlercsted persons of ers tfiven by Mrs. C. Buy Crispcn, - . I'lu- .Mount;,in Trail (garden Club i 2l!(i Mini:,a Ave., Kanwood, have j William Kawani Sfliultzi* of U*J.'t the (lardcn ('lub of iNew Jersey. Mrs. William ..Morrkson mid Mrs. Barrett Becomes Hilkrcst Ave. received his A.H. held Us animal Christmas luncheon j ,.„„„„„„•,.,) the iNiitnKe-nieiit «r The group also accepted a March Kri'd Christian. , .li'trree from th.- f.dh-i;- ..f Arts reivnlly at t lie; I"». Ulu-ir daliKliU'r, JudUll Llewellyn, Iil2 date to do volunteer work, and j a'.ld Sciences at (lllio State l-niver- Shrewsbury. I to W. t'lircy lieere Jr., son of iMv- . arrangements for l.ytms. used for inaterlatH used in volun- CPM Desij ^ . . .,. eh IIK-IUIH-I'S t,f I he club ' and "Mrs. Kvrce of Woodland, N'. C. u inliM Afll Thoiv were Ii4 wrcailis and hows teer work. II. j attended the (rrei-ns show of the Miss Vail is a triad,inte of the donated to Lyons Veterans Hospi- .Mrs. Ki,|>kc will make the De- The ]irann tonlown. An unction of haud-niu.Ie novel- I.elto.v .Minion is in chtirKe of Har- Realtors, of i:t Kin, St. and •> New j I"' i» »'"' H»'«l> travelmir to vari- .Scholar. A win-kj ns held hisl wcvk tli s was held, (In: nroceds lo be den center. I'rovidence U.I., Mountainside, one j ous parts of the UiiHeM States on in 1 he home of Mis. Wilbur (iroves, Mr. KociT is an alumnus of of four .-•(, honored this term in the j I1"' foithnmmij: concert scries lour, t r w lil1 1 fmm :>1il 1 :: I,; Old Tole I!d. Mcmhers madf (Juilf.inl COIICK.-. He is tvachint! state and 74 from I he V. S. and ' The "" >" "-' ' "" Will Chri.-tmas nnsajres for women und working on his master of t'du- Canada by the Institute of Heal I Ihroutrh the New KnKland stales il tin- (Iverbronk Hospital in Ce- cafion tie^ree nt Ihf University of Estate .MiinaKeinent. was alimume-I and conclu.le with a concert in llar llrovc. The rcmenihi ances will North Carolina ami is a iiH'mber ed recently by l.ouie .Heese of I ^ hue Plains. he delivili'il to the hospital lljlilw. of Phi 'Holla Kiippn, honor edticu- 1:•.; McUcriimlt I'.niJ . li standards rhrislm;,.- greens had been sent to lend.H'r. STARTS TODAY I cree at l^r-ala. Slu is the dauc.ll- of the institute as to education, ex- Lyons Veterans Uospilal. •rience and professional standing li-r ol Mr. and Sirs. Kii^i-ne >'.c- As of KltiU, the. Internal Kev- ih his m>!nn>unl]yujy . He must a' | Dermotl. Form 1X118 to I'll.'!, nearly 110 enue Service is divided into nine be a inbmbcr of the local lical E- I ,, ,,*,*,* t •• ' r • Unions, iv2 district olllces, and tat,- Board and musl have passed lt:'>»""'> ' • •'••l.ns,m, ,,n ,f M- | per cent of mU-nml revenue came H.'iH conveniently-located local of- a M WW ll ll iS<1iS< 11 ii 1 FREDERICK J. GRIFFIN two writtei n exair inationsiti . liarli - '" , ' ' •• "1"VV .'.' -- ''' M"»»'-"" |j frobaccom ,taxe ansd ofermenten disti d liquorspirits., lo- fices. ., ... , ,,, Ave., Mi>uu!ain-idr, is Inline f,,f r thh " rett competed cniii'-c I nt r,-i:1,:.s holidays, lie is a stu- iriffin Appointed (the final course) in Newark this lk>nt :" '•'•»'f'/"T r"' •^ i;ai' . ! Aimuunn-ninil hn> tn't-n niiidc hv Members ol (I-... msliiule »>•" | [.,.„„ n.-IJ J»mi..r,^ :.n.1 IT.-p- Manager of Bell lileilfted to rinse real estate man-| .,,..,„„.,.«,.,, , chan-.bersbnrt,-, I'a., airement standards llirmii;h tram- : (| ,",,.. flllll>.vi,lt. students have Sssex Division nut programs, te\-!,ool;s, profos- J ,.,,,„,.,„,,, to ,,„.;,. |1(1|lll,, r,,,. „„. sional journal* and i-vehani;.- of m- : c-|,, :..Un:ii Viu-atio!i: formation villi other nleniliers. i .. , ,. , . , , , , i Fri'dpiiclc ,1. Griflin of Westficld 1 : l .Me^ber.-lm. certilicale. kev, a..,! '• . '"'I "• ""f '•".•ndolyn An.lrcu ,, l)cen named commercial iran- 1 h ls f Ml ; S ; k Wr for Mie New Jersev Bell Tele- | other ideI,tiiKV.tio,1sv,!ll1..preser,..';" f V " , .:. ";'' , ' ' •' "' . plonc- Cu.'s I-Nsex division, it was | ... ,• • F. Am reiv.-, -W "!! e l'kwv., and I inncmnceil tudav. The appoint- od at a r.,ri!.™,!11,.K ami ...«-li.,^: W,,,|. «|«uKh..-r of Mrs. of the intitule. ^ c-rahline ,M. Weed, Mi Tic- I'l. tont is etrective Tuesday. One untrratehiuntrra l man does an in- l7»^Z^h •Mr. (Irillin, who lives at (i N. h d hlI uhb l7 jury to all -.vho need hclp.-I uhb- t ,I(,nlilu,,viiv rtoni I>r., has been general ad- hus S.vrus rtisinfr nana^cr in the company's ! Public relations department, since j t, lDiil. In his now ii'.isijTii- Holiday Malws Early Deadline f»nt, fie will have in East prince. I!eea;ise of tiie New Vt-ar hoiiiiav Tiu

    In IMS, IJiitlin accepted appoint- ! t'hlssiiU'i! I'.in. M.. arnt a* features and photo editor ' ,"^tlii' jmlilic relations ile|ii'.rtiiient h the American Telephone and I lo take you [fwpriiph Co. He returned to New ! on your round <<"*>• Hell to become (general ad- i of holiday •*f">in>; niana^cr. j parties . . . /irillin is n graduate of Kucknell New Year'live DISCONTINUED ^•;vn,i,y. lim-iinr Worhi War II, 7 to 15 ^--i'i'vi-,1 with the Army and was STYLES •-"•'••ar;:i


    ! strain be on the faculty, including Wesley Covenant Fellowship Holds [Lutheran Church i Rev. Julian Alexander of the Wil- Sermon of the Week | liw Grove Presbyterian Church, j and the Rev. Robert A. Welman of CHURCH SERVI "THE STRENGTH OF HIS YOUTH" Service Set By Yule Sendee I Officers Chosen; I the Second Presbyterian Church, Reuben L. Drew, Pastor ! Kahway. Among: tlie new membei j St. Luke AME Zion Church Last Sunday the Unitarian Fel- ! of the staff will be Kev. Ace I.. OUR LADY OF LOURDES Methodists lowship of Westfiehi, meoiing at Induction Set j Tubbs, Kev. John .M. IWakajimu and R. C. CHURCH the Wc5tfio!d Community Cviitor, j I Kev. M. Bolin Durway, each of Tomorrow: 10:30 am Just a few days ago the whole Christian world was celebrating The Kirst 'Methodist Church -will held a pro-Christmas service .Sun- The year-end meeting of the vot- whom will be conducting courses Central Avo., Mounlainrld* welcome the Xcw Year with ob- ers' assembly of Rcdeehier Luther- I this year. R«v. Gerard J. McGarry, f Mtor nual "coffee for collcgi, the birthday of Jesus. Those who did not believe in Him, joined with day conducted by childrcsi of t'ie i held at the Hum',, 512 the believers in making this year one of the greatestin the Christian servance of one of the oiliest serv- Sunday school. i an Chun-h was held last weok. Ray- 1 The irreat hymns of the cliurch ROT, Francit F. McDarmitt era. Some were celebrating not ices of -Methodism, the John Wes- mond C. Hess of Westfield presid- j will be studied according to oon- Rectory—1221 Wyoming Drlva Aw-!.« P-m. th, yo ley Covenant Service. The services began with the sing- | ed. AD.mi 2-4807 knowing why, and caring less, ex- ing of "Christmas Time Ij Wottder j | tent, theology and composition. cept that it afforded them an op- The service will begin at 11:30 The results of the annual elec- This course on Hynmology will be Sunday Masses: 7:80, 9, 10:3b, p.m. in the sanctuary and is open Time," by the children's choir led | 12. portunity to enjoy a <'nv of by-Mrs. Kenneth Swearengen, wift tion of officers were announced as taught by Dr. Oorge W. Volkel. Daily Masses: 7:00, 8:00 a.m. pleasure ... As I thought about to all who wish to attend. follows: Dr. Fred E. Christian in his course The Hook of Worship of the of the president of the group. Fol- Confecaions: Saturdays and eve> held in the Social „ the day, the words luurij in t,ie lowing the children's vhoir, the jun- Raymond C. Hftss, president; El- will review significant books in the ot Holydayo, 4 to 6:30 p.m. andp.m., the traditional \y, 2nd Chapter of the gospel of St. Methodist Church tells the follow- ior high calsi narrated the story fried F. 'JPenneknmp. vic« presi- field of Christian thought. Rev. service will be held in ing about the Covenant Service: dent; Edg«r Warne, oecretary; ?:30 to 9 p.m. Luke and the 40th verse came to of Christmas, tracing it from pa- Koger D. Sidener, pastor of the Baptism: Arrange is advance at tuary. A.11 are invited. me. "And The Child And Waxing "On Dec. 25, 17-47, John Wesley William Heine and Jlenry Feil, Iselin Prcobyterian Church, is plan- 1 gan times up to the present day rectory or by phine. - — •—- Strong In Spiritual, Pilled With 'Strongly urged the Methodists to celebration. trustees; Kurt Hic.hards, elders; ning to take over Rev. Richard Wisdom And The Grace Of God renew their Covenant with God. Kenneth Kronvmenhoek, missions; Smith's course, Personalities of the Marriages: Call at rectory at ECHO LAKE Was Upon Him." His first Covenant Service was The junior choir rendered solu- Carl Imhotf, stewardship; Arthur Bible." Expressing concern for least six weeks in advance unless CHURCH OF • It come to me, that other than held in the French Church at Spit- tions of "I Wondor As I Wander," Knauer, Fred Shor.sher and Ber- the problems of confused parents, special circumstances demand 600 Springfiel .... what we find in the text, there is ilfields on Aug. 11, 1765, when he Adcsles Fidelfts," and "One Little nard Lauhoff; deacons, Walter frustrating children and terrible >therwis«. Bernard E. UmmolT little known about the early days recited the word3 of 'that blessed Manuka Candle." The main fea- Blanken and Robert I/enE, parish teens, Rev. James D. Cole and Kev. Sick Calls: Urgent calls at an; 'Sunday: 9:30 a.m., Bjbk of Jesus. About all we find, is •nan Richard Alleine,' which he ture of the program was a play en- education; N Wallace • Stirling, Durway will join in discussing hour of day or night. If possiblf for adults ami children, that the child grew and waxed published that year in the 'Chris- titled "The Tree of Friendship." maintenance. these every day troubles in their have your sick attended befori Bishop, superintendent; strong in spirit, filled with wis- tian Library.' Wesley issued this In the play the mother was played course. urgency arises. congregational singing WJU, i »• by Mrs. Fred Richardson, the The office of financial secretary Shewmaker, directing; 10:45 in a.m., children's Mass: in chapel. 7 p.m., sennon, "A Way Shall & pose many people like myself, tions. That form has now Iwen re- 10:45 a.m. iPastor Walter A. Reun- 9, 10:15, 11:15 and 12:16. There," -Mr. Lemmons, minister' Following the service the junior ing will officiate. have wondered what He was like. vised with a deep sense of the im- high girls distributed coffee and Holyday Masses: In church: 6, Wednesday: The Ladies BS4. As a boy, did He act and play like other little boys? How was He portance of a service which has Christmas cookies. The report of the "Every Mem- New Year's Eve fi:4B, 7:46, 8:46, 9:45 and 10:30Clasa will be postponed this Wed accepted by other children in the community? or was He as a little been a fruitful source of blessing ber VUit Program" by the co- a,m,; in the evening, 7 p.m. nesday; 8 p.m., rogulnr dmtfeul boy possessed with Divine traits or power? to Methodism ever since 1755. chairmen, Wilbur B. GaNun Jr. Weekday Masses: In church services with Wayne Henwiinpfjj "The covenant hymn, 'Come Let ind Robert G. Zimmermann Sr., in- Service at 11:15 5:30, 7:15 and 8 a.m., unless oth- In charge; Bible classes will tx 1^ There is a book written by Joseph Gaer, that is called, "The Lore Us Use the Grace Divine,' was Women of St. Paul's dicated that the pledged income •rwise announced. for children of all ages. of the New Testament." In it he points out how little is known about and expected miscellaneous receipts A service of praise and thanks- First Friday Masses: 6:30, 7:16 written for this service by Chariots giving will be held in the Presby- Jesus in His boyhood days. This (juve him (together with some of his Wesley." would reach $107,000 in 19C3. The and 8. WOODSIDE CHAPEL colleagues) desire to find out what they could about the hidden era To Hear Address treasurer, Howard Schlumpf and terian Church nt 11:15 Now Year's Morse Avenue, FunwooJ df His life. That portion referred to by Theologians as unknown. the financial secretary, Harry Tur- Eve. Sunday: 11 a.m., Alan SchetaM They set out to find as much as possible to add to the little known nox, reported that all obligations Dr. Frederick E. Christian will FIRST METHODIST CHURCH AT WESTFIELD of Cratiford v/ill bring the messag about ft life that was destined to be the greatest life that ever lived. Students to Take By Council Aide for current expenses and for the speak on the theme "A Time to at the fan'lly Bible hour; SunJij The library shelves are filled with huge tomes by learned men who extensive, building program of 1902 Forget anil to Remember." The Ministers school \vill be in :i&33iun at fa have devoted their years in search of Jesus the historic man. They The day branch of the Episco- will be fully met, and that the an- youth choir will sing under the di- Rev. Cl.rk W. Hunt same time; 7:30 p.m., the yoa^ h«ve gathered facts by the bushel, as they would gather them for the Part in Church pal Women of St. Paul's Episcopal ticipated income of $103,000 for rection of Marilyn J. Herrmann Rev. James C. Whitaker men of the ehaj>el who are at W biography of a great military leader or sorpe distinguished ruler of a Church will meet Thursday, Jan. 3. 1982 will be reached. Dr. George W. Volkel will be. at Rer. John R. Lennon from college, for the holidays «1 principality. The time in which Jesus lived and the books that presum- Service Sunday The speaker will be the Rev. Pastor Rouning's rerJort includ- the organ. He will play a 15 min- Rev. Philip R. Dietterich bo in charge of the evening «rvict ably have been written by inspired men have all been studied. Many Samuel Van Culin, assistant BOC- ed the record of 79 communicant ute recital beginning at 11 o'clock Sunday: 9:15 a.m., all depart- Monday: Watch night smiceit of these chroniclers have grieved because the chroniclers of Jesus' day rotary of tho Episcopal National members received by transfer or consisting of "A Christmas Pre- ments of the church school meet; the Kenihvorth Gospel Chapel. failed to tell them much, if anything, about Him. College students, homo for the Council's overseas department. lude" by Weaver, "Puer Natus (): 15 and It a.m., cradle and crib; holidays, will be participating in confirmation and 4G momibe/rs Mr. Van Culm's additional title transferred, or loejt by death. The" by Titcomb, "Christmas in services in the sanctuary; the Rev. And what was said about Him by contemporaries, later historians the morning worship services of Settino Vittone" by Von, "In Dulci Chrk W. Hunt, minister, will tadly rejected as interpolations of Sectarians. Yes, each man writing the 'Presbyterian' Church iSundnv of "interpretation officer" indicates communicant membership of Re- his special responsibility for deemer Ohurch will bo reported to Jubilo" by Bach ami "The Old preach. This is student recogni- about Jesua constructed a skeleton theory of his own upon which to morning in observance of Student Year Now" by Bach. tion Sunday and young people will tfore Church N*w mold a. neatly conceived image, and then hasten to confess that they strengthening the bond between the synodical .headquarters of the Kccognition Day. the church in the United States Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod be assisting in the pulpit at both were dogmatic in their thinking. Still, anyone wishing to know the Those participating in the 8:30 Pi'ior to the Borvice families of services. on Page 16 true Jesus of Nazareth need only to look for Him in this Lore, be- and its branches overseas. His task along with the congregation's the congregation will meet at 0 service will bo Sabrina CofFey, Mt. is to interpret to laymen the whole pledge of support to the world-wide cause He belongs to no denomination or sect; He belongs to humanity. Holyoke College, will assist the o'clock for a time of fellowship nnd And what I like about this book so much, is that it helps us to form a mission of the church dn the world church-body for its educational refreshment. Arrangements for '•ninister throughout the 'service today. ond Missionary program. mental picturo of a child of whom the prophots foretold. The angels, ^herry Jackson, Gettysburg Coi- this period are being made unil even the moon and stars paused to pay homage. lego, will give the morning prayer •Mr. Van Culin came to this work the direction of Rev. Ace L. TuUbs, and lead in the Lord's Prayer; and from a relnted assignment in Kev. James I). Cole and Kev. John Yes, long before He was born the government wns thrust upon M. Nakajima. His shoulders, and His name was called Emmanuel. As the Lore points Peter Colfin.s, Tufts College, will Washington, D. C, where • from Methodists Slate out, I like to think of Him as just that, not a child born for a great speak on the "Concerns of the May 19(10 to December 1961 he was Christian World." general secretary of Laymen In- cause, and one who has no history recorded about Him except that ternational and assistant secretary Recognition Day Fathcr-Chilil Party He grew and waxed strong and the [trace of God being upon Him. Appearing at the 10 o'clock serv- of the Overseas Mission Society I like to vision Him with power not only us a man, but also as n child. ice are John 'Nelson, Pittsburgh The Men's Club of Temple Eman- of the church. l'"or Laymen Inter- u-EI heli! it., second annual father- There are many incidents in Jesus' life as a child that Gaer visualizes Theological Seminary, conducting •lationul, formed by Episcopalians. For Collegians ae that becoming n child who was born with such magnitude. One or the service; Willinm Tlodgers. 'ie directed a 'program of orienting child pnrtv this past 'Sunday at the two of the visions that Gaer saw in the life of Jesus as a boy goes MuskinRum Collegu, the morning :mlividuals anil families going College young people will con- Masonic Temj.le. There was pro- like thia. prayer, and Rarbarn Nelson,, Grove abroad in non-opclesiastical work duct both • services 'Sunday at the fessional entertainment as well as food and prizes for the children. He said,-that one day n group of boys were playing on tho banks City College, the "Concerns ot, the to strengthen their own religious F.ivst iMethodlfit. Church in observ- of a stream, and Jesus was among them. They took soft clay of the Christian World." life ami to prepare them for the re- ance of the annual Student Recog- banks and kneaded it and molded with their fingers many figures of At the 11:30 service be Jcr- ligion.; situations they would find nition Day. The theme of tho serv- FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST, • birds and beast. Each time one of them finished shaping a bird or dc Sniuii1, Westminster overseas. At the samp time that ices will be "Youth Reports: The SCIENTIST Mr. Van Culin was with the Over- Present Scene and the Long View." 257 Midway Avenue beast, they would shout, "Look, boys, look at my beautiful horse, or College, conducting tho service: ( bird. One siaid his dove was like the one on king Soloman's throne. "rale-rick Disnue 111, seas Mis.-.ion u^.otMLty anil Laymen Sue 'Merrill, senior at Swarlh- Fanwood 'Statis University, International, he was also assistnnl "in-e «-ilt IT"SM" Mt the 0:l.ri a.m. Sunday Services, 11 a.m. All of them boasted but Jesus. After some time Jesus said quietly, iho nmrninj.' Sunday School nnd Nuriery, "My animals are really the best, because I can order mine to move, prayer, and Constance Poranski rector of if-t. Milan's Church, :Ml. isorvico; Richard .Morash, junior at College of Wooster, the "Concern? St. Alban, Washington, I). C. Wcsleyan, will offer the prnyer 11 a.m. and they will." The boys looked at Jesus and began to tease Him, Wednesday evening testimony saying, "Your animals are made of clny like ovirs, how can they of the C-hristinn World." ^»vt -^ne Sviney, sophorvore at Col- iMr. Van Culin wns born ir. Hon-by .Junior College, and James (loo;l- mooting!, 8:15 p.m. move?" Jesus said "Adam was made of clay." The boys replied. Iir. Frederick E. Christian, KO- olulu anil attended schools there. nior minister of the church, wi!1 rich, sophomore at Ohio Wesleyan, "Only God blessed him as only He could do that . Jesus turned He received hii AID degree from will speak. to His animals and said. "I command you to arise and move.1' At his preach at all three services on the Princeton University in 19D2 and command the birds shook the dust off their wines nnd fl<>w awnv. The '.hemp '"The Lord of Our Life." 'iis ilivinity degree from Virginia At 11 o'clock .Bruce Overbny, apses and the oxen rose and went down to the waters edce and beKan A homecoming reception for col- Theological Seminary in 1905. He o*>ho—ore at the 'University of to drink. When this hapnened the boys became frightened, ran home 'cgt! age young people is being hehl was ordained a deacon in June Delaware, will pre's.iile; 'Lynn and told their mothers what they had seen, nnd their mothers warned in Westminster Hall this iSumlny 1!)">5 nnd u in the following jhunkcl, .sophomore at Cellar them to stay away from Mary's Son. following the 10 o'clock service. November'. Crcat, will olTer th» prrtyer, unil Karen Lewis, junior at Vassar, nnd HOW THE CHURCH OF THE LUTHERAN HOUR "Don't play with Him because we cannot tell whether He has an Returning to Honolulu, he began Richnril Metzler, sophomore (it evil or good spirit." The next dny when Jesus came out to play, tho Calvary Lutliernu Lists his ministry as a curate of St. An- Orinnell, will speak. CHRISTIAN on the radio and boys ran and hid themselves. .Tof the prophet Isaiah, "It pleased the Lord to bruise Him, he hath put Him t'> grief: when thou slmlt make His soul :in olVering fur sin. He .--liall see his sce.l. Make It a he shall prolong His ilnyi, and the pleasure i>f the l.nnl shall prosper ill his hand. All we lil-.c ;..heep have Irene astray: we have Uirni-il every I one to bis own way: unil the Lurd h:it.h laid on him the iniquity iii-= uf the whole world. jj j A little boy was leailiiiir bis little sister up a mountain palli. j Family's Laundry DOOLEY COLONIAL HOME when :--he euiii|i'laineil, "It'., n.'l :i path at all. it' all r.irl.y an'! bUllipy." ••Sllie," the l.r"tl>-.!i iipninl:iins f life. With ihe ; •V Funorol Homo of homelike atmosphere, completely modern air conditioned, (•ro.-w upon Hi-: h 111 would be upon Hi-, fli illlilei :i," lie fin:nd DOOlfY FUNERAl HOME (1,9 nr-eiii"! slr di :ilv.-ny, to iniihe aunt her M ep. A step for the OPPOSITE FIRE HEADQUARTERS Frank J. Dooley 218 North Ave W.. Cranford ritli Carolyn M. Dooley t.litlil, n step f"r lh-' il-'iif Mnl dumb, one for the sick, Mini ii 16 PROSPECT ST. AD 2-5020 BR 6-0255 fur the hioken ln-li'toil, and J-I ill iinother for you anil me. In the name lit the' Futlicr, -Son ami Holy Ghost. Amen. •TfcE WESTFJELD

    hijr W<-stfic!ii i slituic-, a dinvtor v>f THE ALLIANCE CHURCH j Fi-llowship dinner; 8:30 p.m., fea- Award Receipient v ! ixtrv lcnjfth film. "Tho Wig Blast," I»VM1 S-:v>:cii Plains in tilt.- I Iru-. ;nitl foniuT prc --tch I'U-int. Kotar.v H«v. lek ;"y. !u- v.iU U OIuli, Hoarli Iluwn Yacht <'!ui' Sun.i:t.v: '.»:'!0 a.m.. Bi!n.l fovrat'r trusted of tho V;in\\\.o-I 11 a.m., worship s»-rv:oe: SOIII-.IT by ! Biblt' study and prayer i el' real proprrly; ;i}Sk> | IVesbyttTiaii Chinch. !'H' piist, r, i:.-v. I..iiii'.in>v J. I'viie; I Thui-K.lay: 10 a.m.. Home Mis- »:4.'i p.m.. Alh.uve Vuiith Ftlluw- ) tionary Society. nan.-iiijr tsinl r.siJonl.a! | Ho hiisi sp^nt alt his lift? in tht> >h:o: ? p.m.. ^> lvioe; iuidia.- in tlic j Friday: 6:30 p.HI-, fars leave j WVstfii'W arw» ami atU'inlivl iiutilic p ! sihi«!< thori1. Mr. Prterson is n;nr- •hurch for <;«J's l.iahlho««« Mia- c sa'n'ssiien in tbi.< «io- 1 IWi of li.iiiit-l Isy the pastor. v rkJ to the fornioi Jwno Collins, iivin, NV'W York. t'..-hiili Ausiiu J. Moe.-is- also a life lonjr iv.-'-iJont of Wr.-t- M.»r..luy: 7 , AJLanoe Youth v pit ^iiiont of' t i :o Uinjrli' fiold. und thi-y losiji' at '.!P7 l(ysl:|i aa.l Willutm Disbrow, Innh Ase. with thoir »)uujrljtt*r, Aniu1. :,!»'r\ls of Kiiiitvuihl. 1 Start the Yt«ar on Top of the World! firm i-i u nitwnlH»r of tin In the eventive state « man i.^ Wostfi.-M Hoard of Realtors. «r. taken out of himself. — Kdward >i'ti lirivinjr srrvisl (is presi- Morgan For^tev t)f tlio orKJiut-'alion in l?5ti •« + * NEW YEAR'S DAY n.) 1SI57 iind on it< Ixmnt of di- Originality is nothinc bat juJi- ' >-.1« -H--»l lm, „. !„,,.,<,,„., il.ivc yoars. He lias oious imitation.—Voltiiir*1 » SPECIAL • * • oil nuiiy t-onmiiltwls of f R It k> " * * i .«• Hoard< ;iml was appointed j oritrmnti'.—Thoivauy to rt'pt**t. , Uut hard to \ 7 Court* Dinner * iitivo ixmrJ in 1901- Oth- M the inoat im- j portant part ivf the vmik Pluto Dalicioutty prepared ^ ;ifti!tat-i.c ' V- i tn i.r i-' •»•:•;•,-'•;. ace b*OMtifutty *«fv*d * Oldsrnobile Division of the General Motors COIJ, i-;.'..-Jl« L> tir that a 100 new car sales award for tht 36UJ m«j*> y>j- Vi. '. :•:• !;u-.' n.iu-r-.M. ' if ,i ym>- -It Kb/William N. Ford, sales representative &t Kr-ihy O..- •. .., Peterson-Ringle .50 t ttestfiolii. The pre*ent»tion of the covettd i inR; Vi.. ~., u, i • !HMM .l;jr t:i\' V 1'Jl iu* A Corsage fa T Jamieson, center, district manager for Oliliihbt,,.* v. '*:• •' t'..'. > • .;n:r. tl':1 *!* f tptiU*-* iv t JL' rijtbt. Holding an aceomptinying plaque is Hubert !".••.•;>•. ..-,,. '•:.--i.ii ••.'.i-i'-i (i.'Vi u,. -_i.'t-» Agency Formed Can Say So Much 1*of the dealership. Mr.'Fprd has been associate] w,-x ;-.,. , '-.•!.•..: wviri M., •...|^,i(i.:-ir.. ).i- " for seven yeare and is a member of Uldsinol>i!<;'> • i: .• i • : i.t.: v .••' tm'V r! (n'V ; •-! .Vi-rv: £ R.iv-ie, prtaidwit of tho Compliment her on known as ;he Rocket Vanguard. Mr. Ford m,-i •.» v '.• ".;..:.' >"O:i* 'r; H ".t,» »'V J:H.; T.."H ^-^Jr-.if t;s MIW, has ftn- Make your reservations e»rly Mi- with' their Son.'BJll, at U44 Beverly l>r. special occasion! with '..•i::i:*t '..•*• k^>>^,i.*nent of Pierro ('nil ORanB8 3-1300 1 one of our mode-1o- f.. ::,'•••!! :.r,'.'u^i ",ii» rut * ..; L. f »•!,.,•. ii in officer ond di- ' ' j\M. •:••'.-.•• -.•' \z* i^-o^-y. With thU ordor corsages. •• I..IJ'..-v-1-v.'.t -..^ firm namo w.!l •*• v^'/v-; v.. fvu'mon-Uiniru1 1 ?'•',.•} L'..: x.''.\ tx-r •i-.*t bu-iin^s^ BUY FIOWESS WHERE THEY ARE GROWN i i'.n zri'***bJtit.\ t-j:Ulina »t U50 I?-.- • ;:.•.••• M:r.i . .I'l'i f ••li'-l. • K ruin*. -.; n&l new to th

    It was a hectic ChriatmR" ?r.^.. Into the Yazoo and dilzr,- Gi/t4 . for Gen. William Tecuraseh the troops would assaul: Si strman and the people of vitVo from the rear through tht ;:?; Bri«bt*-n O.k^y \ g, Misa., 100 yeRrs ago this •lid vvnter colled Chic's ass- i-tj- For a Happier I ~7 vi .'Is. OU. Sherman's conimsr.'iir.j: •:*• Hhrlstraas Day found Sherman cer, Ulysses S. Gran*. «-. _': meanwhile offer he!p fr.rr r.-.?->- jorae 30,000 Federal troops •f'.') II "'I.' ler his command moving down em Mississippi by kt«p^.i ".'.- Confederates busy in ;h«". q.i:-.^ NEW YEAR Mississippi River from Mem- >•( In transports and steamers But affairs didn't (ro «s pUr.-.-: mrd what he considered the Sherman's troop; p:in.-rd \r.\< :': • cltf of the Confederacy: Yazoo, debarked and pref.»r*: ;, r iksborR. Taking Vicksburg their assault on schetijle, ir..: ~- ilj give the Federals control mediately Pederal probivar.- »• >•• the Mississippi from top to bot- Tho first problem Yzi ci r.r -: *nd would cut the Coiitedcr- before Christmas. <;rar.:. <-\ .* INVEST YOUR in two from hid supply lint-ar-i ivr-.c...- - hprman'i plan was to do just cations, had been foret.i t-. v.v CHRISTMAS BONUS NOW! ;. He and his men, he figured, draw from the ar«a i.f C'if.-: ild move downstream to the Miss., thus liberating .--rr.^ -.-f "•- ill. v11^ :oo River, which emptied into Confederate truops thrrc : f :.: —m. !.!•• Mississippi ju«t north of tho defense of Vick.-bu-v T-- nraiii: in: -Jin •iw mr.nit i 'icksburjr. There, they would turn Confederates, under O*rr.. .' •'

    at WESTFIELD JANUARY CORSET SALE FEDERAL SAVINGS At The CORSET SHOP 148 E. Broad St. WesrfWW, HIGHER EARNINGS The Merchandise on Sale is Designated 5\ T-? '•' turers who Let Us Have A Limited Amoun* c* >•«•.-;• COMPLETE SAFETY Sell At REDUCED PRICES. We Cannot Sell T'-"> ?•' C-- chandise at SALE PRICE AFTER JANUARY 3H» o-s «•? Duplicate This Merchandise After Their Allotrr?-:- > C-. QUICK AVAILABILITY

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    Mrs. Klion has alsp pulled out ct s'eck «k! **<«* ** or regular Bras - Girdles - Panties of Sp*

    BtOAO AT PROSPECT The Foundation of Our Business •* BY THE PtAZA Right Foundation For Your f c;v'*.

    WE CARRY GARMENTS TO FIT EVEXV NS25* WESTFIELD F 148 E. Broad St. BROAD AT PROJ5PECT ST. TREiwiEsfFIELD t*te University II feel the effects of recent severe Always remember that light weather on southern crops. The plays curious tricks with sizes anu Feeding Baby bitterest cold wave of this century color. This is tremendously im- has struck Florida, destroying or portant. I have known good ob- 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 Too often, WP feel, a parent 9 severely damaging fresh vegetables servers who, seeing birds on the- K> » 12 13 14 i, does not understand why his or and citrus fruit. ater at a distance in haze or her baby eats as he does. There Sight fog, thought they were see- 16 17 18 19 20 212, are good reasons for baoy's feed- Florida v.s the main producer of ing geese but which, when ap- ing behavior. fresh vegetables and citrus fruit proached more closely, turned OUL 'Iho normal infant is born with for markets in this area during to be pied-billed grebes! 1 have a desire to cat, and an innate December, January and February. seen the beak of a pileated wood- abilny to suck and swallow liquid Normally, during v/inter Florida pecker appear to be perfectly ships more than 80 per cent of this lood. As he grows older, he ue- white in certain lights. It is not ferson School. veiops other abilities, such as area's supply of fresh snap beans, white but it looked like it. ThiB —Rii.c Cuunc.l 1'hoto chewing, which permits him to sweet corn, cucumbers, eggplant, is one reason, 1 feel sure, that Ham and Rico Fritters with Pineapple Sauce arc an excellent consume more solid foods. end've and escarole, green peppers, JANUARY 9A1 choice for a New Year's Eve supper. The mealy fritters are served some people think they have seen Parents . s ho-ul d understand radish to, si] uash und tomatoes . . - an ivory-billed-woodpecker,•ene-of- M T with a slightly thickened pineapple and orange sauce and need only •plus all of the tangerines and r w F <, a crisp green salad for accompaniment. Pass a tray of assorted holiday baby's /ability to eat at different the rarest of present day birds. In • * 1 ages, and offer foods when the grapefruit, and about two-thirds of some lights, blues look almost 2 3 4 5 cookies for dessert. , , . the oranges. If the holiday supper is planned for serving near midnight, pre- baby's development shows he is black. 6 7 8 9 10 111? pare the rice and ham fritter hatter early and refrigerate it until reauy for them. iAs marketing specialists of the So it Is vital in a good descrip- 13 14 15 16 17 18 N frying time. The fruit sauce can be prepared long before guests A new baby cats because his Cooperative Extension Service .J tion to bear this in mind at all 20 21 22 23 arrive, then reheated just before serving with the hot and puny stomach becomes painful with 242526 made this information available, The bleak of winter la at 1U Stuffed Flank Steak 8uprem» times. If possible, a sketch should 27 28 29 30 31 • • hunger. He is truly in anguish. they also began checking the items be made and the color areas de- Salad ingredients - crispy bibb letfucc. and slices of red Italian The intervals at which these pe- height. Homanjakers have spent 34 pound sausasre onions for good flavor and color - can be nestled in the refrigerator, n normal supply (potatoes, cab- their "all" so to apeak, on the 2 cups bread cubes j fined. It does not have to be a pic- riods of hunger anguish occur 'bage, onions, beets, carrots, broc- preceding holiday season. Right ture or even a good drawing, just too, awaiting last minute tossing with your favorite dressing. vary with individual babies. Yi cup chopped Brazil nuts 8—HOOK (JIUU or me uiim coli, cauliflower, lettuce, '.spinach, about now both the recipe flies U teaspoon leaf thyme, crushed enough to indicate the pattern. Woman's Club, 8:16 p.m 51: HAM AND RICE HUTTE^S WITH PINEAPPLE SAUCE In most cases, a baby is best and the Imaginations are tired. 3 tableBpoons water Naturally, in a telephone conver- sweet potatoes, turnips, rutabagas [ Hearty winter meals may be 1 pound Uilniy allMul flank ttealc Elm St. Ralph Waldo i'm," satisfied when he is allowed to tell and mushrooms). As a result sation, this is not possible but Fritters: Sauce: the aault who feeds him that he is inclined to get monotonous. To Suit son will be the topic. Vi cup sificd all purpose flour 2 tablespoons butter lounty Home Agent Mary W, break that monotony and give Pepper | the sketch could be put on a post- 1 teaspoon baking powder or margarine now ready to eat. He is also best Armstrong is able to report to lo- the whole family a lilt, make i tablespoons shortening : card and mailed. 14—Coffees of the College Wts. Vl teaspoon salt Vi cup diced green pepper able to judge now much food he cal food shoppers that a sh'ift to tomorrow's dinner something 1 can (10% ounces) muefcroom Be as careful os possible in all an's Club betiuu in the hots V» teaspoon pepper 1 can (1 pound, 4. o«.) crushed needs in order to quell his hunger completely different . , « and gravy j of members. pains. the purchase of potatoes, cabbage, % cup sour cream the above points and you will be 2 eggs, beaten pineapple nions, beets, carrots, 'broccoli, cau- don't worry, this dish is easy Chopped parsley far more likely to get the informu- 2 tablespoons milk Vi cup sugar After several months of taking to make. Canned mushroom 23—Current affairs group of fa liflower, lettuce, spinach, sweet po- gravy makes this Stuffed Flank ID skillet, cook sausage; pour tion you want. Telling me about 1 tablespoon melted shortening 1 tablespoon cornstorch only milk by sucking, the nerves off all nut 1 tablespoon drip- College Woman's Club, «| \Yi cups ground cooked ham V* teaspoon salt tatoes, turnips, rutabagas and Steak Supreme a real treasure a strange bird she had seen, one Hillside Ave. and muscles of his tiny mouth and mushrooms iTistead of those that for your nle box. Smooth, rich pings. Add bread, nuts, thyme, woman used her hands in descrip- 2 cups cooked rice ' 1 can (11 or.) mandarin throat are ready to swallow semi- gravy, already for you right and water; toss lightly. Found tion. She said the bird was "this Vi cup grated onion oranges, drained solid foods. Then the infant can may be scarce, is desirable. Shop- from the can, keeps the meat steak with meat hammer or edge 31 Travel Club of the Collt,,' Ground nutmeg pers may also turn to canned and long," holding her hands a foot Woman's Club, 8:15 p.m. c easily handle thin cereal, fruit or moist and flavorful while- cook- of heavy saucer. Sprinkle with apart, and "this wide," holding vegetable mixtures. frozen vegetables. The following i»K, and at serving time — a Bait and popper. Mound stufflnK 5 Hawthornee Dr. Program if' To prepare fritter!, sift dry ingredients Into mixing bowl. Combine major items ore in good supply: touch of sour cream turna It toward larger end of moat; roll them closer together! That wus all slides. ; eggs, milk and shortening; stir into dry ingredients, mixing well. If, when these foods are first canned sweet corn, snap bears and into a gourmet sauce. up and fasten with Bkewers. In Add meat, rice, and onion, blending well. Drop by heaping table- presented, he still shows evidence skillet, brown meat in shorten- spoonfuls into hot, deep fat (370 degrees) and fry until golden. that his only abilities lie in suck- tomatoes and frozen sweet corn, Sausago, chopped ilrazil nuts, lima beans, snap 'beans, peas and ing; pour off excess drippings; Drain on absorbent paper. ng food and not in getting it back mid loaf thyme, lift the stuffing stir in gravy; cover and cook To prepare sauce, melt butter in saucepan; stir in green pepper nto the throat through newly ac- French fried potatoes out of tho "ordinary" nnd into over low heat Vfe hours or until and cook until pepper is slightly tender. Stir in pineapple. Blend quired skills with his tongue, he iBut for vitamin C needs, the tho "extraordinary". tender, Hlirrlng now ami then. SEVERE sugar with cornstarch and salt; odd to pineapple. Cook, stirring just isn't ready for semi-solid canned and frozen citrus juices are Willx this delicious meat ulsh, Ulcud tu sour cream; heat. If constantly, until thickened. Told in oranges. Heat through. fiervo peas and carrota, an avo- baby foods. not only an adeqaute source but cado Bultul, and tor dessert, desired, thin with water. Gar- Serve pineapple sauce over Horn and Rice Fritters and garnish one that :is both economical ond nish with parsley. Makes 4 Berv- SNOWorlCE with a dash of nutmeg. Later in the first year, when . spicy baked apples topped with I Recipe yields about Z1 fritters and 7Vi cups sauce. teeth are beginning to cut through plentiful, Mrs. Armstrong advises. lnerlniiue for a flair. the gums,1 the infant makes chew- Stocks of frozen orange juice con- DEMANDS ing motions as though he hus an centrate on IN'ov. 1 were double urge to try a new skill. He then those of !asl year and the highest /-. TIRE likes to chew dry toast and other on record. But prices of frozen more rigid foods. The foods baby citrus concentrate are likely to go CHAINS Surprise Your Guests With then eats should be selected care- up as the supply of fresh fruit be- fully to be sure that they will comes shorter. •, BIRDS IN YOUR BACKYARD Tasty Sea Food Appetizers soften easily as he chews. A good diet at reasonable cost is Baby's mealtime should always still possible, if a switch in made By ALEXANDER SPRUNT, JR. By ANNE L. SHEELEN Thaw frozen shrimp or drain be conducted in an atmosphere of from the 'Florida crops normally friendliness and compatibility so National Audubon Society Assistant Home Agent canned shrimp and grind. Combine 1 depended upon. Vary your holiday entertaining oil ingredients except pastry mix thut he is not emotionally dU A few decades ago, these fresh by serving: seafood dishes along arid nii)k>; blend into a'pnste. Pre turbed as he eats. The actua fruits and vegetables were not foods that he is fed should be with your favorite appetizers and pare pastry. Roll very thin and readily available beyond the locu How to Describe a Bird what kind was it?" Such a ques- hors d'oeuvres. cut into 2-inch circles. Place 1 under the wise guidance of your growing season because refriger- family physician. Anyone who hns a reputation tion, regrettably, is unanswer- During the Christmas season teaspoon of filling in center of ated transportation was not avail- for knowing somethinK about birds able. The color mitfht not hnve you will undoubtedly have several each circle. Moisten edges with able. Today the canned products in his or her community, is often been brown, and small is u very opportunities to display your spe- cold wuter; fold over and press are of better quality «nd offer contacted by telephone, word of relative term. To say the least, cial recipes and to develop a repu- edges together with a fork. Place Many Woods Help more variety and we also have all mouth conversation or letter, by such information needs elabora- tation for being a perfect hostess. on cooky sheet. Prick tops and the good frozen products to enjoy. someone known or unknown to tion. When told that identification Plan to serve foods that will be brush with milk. Bake in a very him, as to "What bird did 1 see?" cannot be mode with no more to novel to your guests and thnt add hot oven (475 degrees) for 12-15 Indoor Blazes; The questioner usually offers a ;;o upon than that, the usunl re- interest to the menu. Balance the min. Mokes about 24 turnovers. Fritters and pancakes rflte high description—but what a, descrip- ply is, "I thought you know some- kinds of foods you choose, by us- as desserts. You can make them tion it sometimes is! thing about birds." ing other than the traditional rich Apple Is Good while you're preparing the rest of and tasty sweets. Keep in mind I have been in this work for It might be well, therefore, to that a variety of color, texture, Provide Yourself Get to know the firewoods and the meal. Then tuck them in the many years and am perfectly con- oder some suggestions about how and flavor will always be appreci- you can have fireplace fires to suit oven to serve, piping hot, as a vinced thnt the majority of such to describe an unknown bird. PREVENT WINTER DRIVING WOES ated. Using appeuling seafood your fancy during the winter really grand finale. questioners do not know how to Make cureful note of size, color Tho National Safety Council saya: Always carry a pair of combinations will help you to With Time To months ahead. describe what they have seen. patterh7 type of locality where reinforced tire chains ready for use when needed during severe achieve this variety, and will add Your repertoire of flume-^a fire- They think they ure being uccu- seen, and the behavior—what was snow or ice conditions. They help avoid skid-wrecks and pro- high nutritive value to the menu. bug's dream—can include fires for rate and are totally sincere, but the bird doinfr? Take them in or- longed traffic delays. Police say chairdess vehicles nro respon- Enjoy Yule at times the bird described simply der. Big, medium-sized, small, all There are endless possibilities fragrance, fires for spnrks or noise, sible for chaotic traffic tie-ups. fierce fires for heat, or soft fires is: the h*?avior the wood, the more docs not exist. What would you for using fish as hors d'oeuvres or UU CAROLYN YUKNUS for warmth. Which you get de- thu hent. Best are white onk and reply for instance, to a query like appetizers. Two inch pieces of Associate Home Agont hickory. A cord of t»ithor gives this: "I have just seen a bird in celery filled with seafood salad pends on which -wood you use. for Is everything all set for the holi firo loga vary «3 the trees from the heat of :i ton of coal FLORIST <'ge yolks that have been put were pressed for time? . the resinous white pine and its andirons against it. Ignite dry through a sieve. The extra yo'Jf At this point, you may look and cousin firs. kindling on the andirons in front flower* For All Occaalom fan be used for eggs in a la golden und build up this starter fire with 'ciel I'ike hist yi»ar'o Christmas tree. Kor u. blajc that crackles, pops call ADami 2-8465 rod for brvakfust the next day. If you can manage to get every- and sprays July -1 spnrks, choose smaller logs. Set an attractive party table by thing else done, then certainly you woods with high moisture content Almost any tree will supply fire- 1050 Sprlhflfl.W Av*. serving :i shrimp appetizer in should bu able to manage some time Catalpa lops these fire-eracklrrs wood if you give the wood time to bright yellow grapefruit halves. for yourself. But .screen your fireplace careful- ago and dry. This limn element Remove alternate segments of If possible, find time for an ex- ly before you touch the match. varies with different woods. grapefruit and replace them with tra nap, an early bed-time, or a •Kor plain fuel the rulo of thumb large pink shrimp. Suve the extra lute morning rising. A couple grapefruit sections for fruit cock- of hours of relaxed sleep can do SALE! tail or a fruit salad. For unother wonders to put :i new spring in festive introduction to the meal, your .sU'p. place a green pepper ring on a lettuce leaf and till the center Try at least one long, luxurious with chunks of crabnic-at, lobster bath with all the frills for an extra Lunch where or shrimp. Top with a splash of treat before the holidays. Cm spicy, red, cocktail sauce. yourself a facial treatment at the same? time. This will do wonders a very special friend: businessmen Try these tasty Shrimp Turn- U) ease the tension lines in your overs along with the above hors face and make you want to smile are Very d'oeuvre.n suggestion*: again. SI1HIM1' TUIiNOVKUS your \'i lb. cooked, peeled, cleaned j After your hath, why nol give Important - shrimp, fresh or frozen, or | yourself a pedicure—nmipk'te. with obstetrician 1 can (1 '; oz.) shrimp polish. your fi-.-L will feel like walking again. IVi tablespoons People tablespoon lemon juice If you prefer a beauty parlor, 1 Pcrkips (tie most intimate (*! CASUALS teaspoons chupped sweet thru mnlie an appointment, for an of ;i]| mctlifiil rcliilitniships • v v pickles extra :-jiet'ial hair arrangement. We make it our business teaspoon hor.-iciailish Tcrhap;; a now hair share or new is tl);i( between ;i nintlier-to- to see that you enjoy teaspoon prepared imislnnl ha:ir-do will give you a wonderful bc ;MK1 licr obstetrician. ';! teaspoon salt lift 'Mint's wlial ;icc: writer Kvan man-sized portions of de- NATURALIZER SHOES u. cup pastry mix If you fix your own hair, then Wylie found during ;i ten- licious food, and prompt REG. PRICED FROM 59.99 to *15.9» Mlk a iliiVct'i'iiL way of setting ami combiner it will make yuu ire! ia cl;iv, round-tlic-clock stay service. Get into the habit with skilled Dr. Richard of having lunch here. j A new ilress, hat or pire-e of llowcil. Iltrcis the moving, Outstanding values on Naturalizer — the shoe with tho Mr. Suburban j ji-welry may lit' the sptvial MIIUI1- warmly liinnun story of a ded- /&*'-'> beautiful lit! You'll chooso from a large collection o suggests you j thinjr that, will give yen pleasure. icated dortm. the women lie OPEN 24 HOURS DAILY [ Kven I he ri>;)it attitinlr will help serves, the life he brings. casuals, dressy or tailored pumps... all with one lhm« open a ' vim eii.i";,' tin- ival nii'.'itiing of tin: I f'lin.-;|hia;: hiiiiday.:. If you i;el Illustrated ivilli remarkable in common—COMFORT, COMFORT, COMFORTI Not a CONVENIENCE CHECKING r i l'"i. (re umi/i /tan i ilia.-;. TRUST COMPANY I If it. i ; possible, i,iai;e it a Chpsl- Glasser's Shoes PLAHitil LU ] man that you wil! remember with S'.OKM 1 LA1NS-W C.lnLt.!) 1 plimup-, rat hi l' Ulan one that yuu 109 QUIMBY ST., WESTFIELD AD 2-9200 1 will be glad U> t-xe. go. . THE WESTFIELD (N. 3.) LEADER, THURSDAY. t>tttt»t£tH &< !Wt Ptfk t# Boro Woman's Club Reviews Program, Looks to Future Ct. Mrs. William Price, chairman, Literature department chairman, Fred BisierfolJ, invited new meni- who spoke on "Do YOB Know This Junior Mtoicdl Cfub. reported'that Mrs. Frank Urncr Mrs. John Friberit, annoui>c«<9 that .JIM'S to join. Alwut Christmns?" Jlra. lAng ilt'inoMsirjitod unusual Christmas at the Jan. 2'i meeting; the trroup Another ro\ind-roliin hriciire is tfarod triuJSttoA and eusfcohvs of The iaok&ii *<*h%" of t ,„, w.. -•• — Sixty-six 1 h* M Mis. DmiRlos Beam, Americar March meeting-. Mcmivrs will sew decorations. will, review "Plough the Sea' l\vU-iiiK [irepft'ivtl. Anyime interest- Christmas down th'roujrh tJic aiK'.i, tn attended the Christmas home department chairman, re 1 elnborntfd on little known facts held yesterday at the hone of '?,-ne of the Mountainside Worn-

    January elearance no se«»ii4s, HO irrcK«lar«;.. . aiily firitf ^unllly... a frndlflon at »rry, all »al*w final, i|Haii(i(lffN limKHl in cblor and sl/.e. >. snbjrct #• prior

    savings for women women's

    women's salts . . . vnrioty of fn«liion styled In Jtm- BomHtfiil faKrles hy For«imann, VoVambo, ior«, niisses, brirfs und women's sizes. Jnilllurd . . , junt to nnrae a f«w, Fur fibril reg. 29.93 to 125.00 21.00 to 88.66 wonlod failles, domeMlc and Imported tvrtWb, better drossrs . .. lirokrn assortment of dressy and bouclo and plutb velours, ianion, JakMt taHored Ktylo, luniors, misses and Imlf-size.. Drlcfn nml reg. M.98 lo 49.93 g.ftfl tn J

    car ««an orlon nr wool. Pullover and cardigan SIY'''S. 36 ti> 40 rcjr. 6.00 to 20.00 3.90'" 14.90 tig, 94.95 to 110.00 88.00 slacks ... oil wool, fully lined for smonih fit. Solid colors and fay plaid*. 10 to T8. rop. 11.98^_

    . . . famous make in cotton, nvlon and Mends far-trimmed . . . tailored and <|n-«,y slylc. (lay prints and solid colors. 32 to .18. Mink collars In BIHKICI of Black, Autumn Hn«e, Lutetfri, rrg. 3.98 to 5.98 . 2.90 lo 3.90 Pastel, and Rnncii. Alto niinnroj Canidlan B and 1'oX, savings for children rnfr I10.0& to 1.19.9S girls' eoiU.S . .. fitted and full Mtinfr styles . . . finale or double liic.sieil . . . i|iii||ed . . . lineil and inlrrliued. 88.00 to 118.00 3 lo fix. 7 to 11. Sidiln-n II In I). reR. 20.00 to -KM.... ;...... M.90 ••> 3S.90 re*. 149.95 to 169.95

    little boys' !Upr. t'Oiil xi'ts . . . sizes t to 7. Icecinp. 128.00 to 148.00 hot and coat , . . all wonl. Also "nine 2-pr. willi zi|i out linings. t^. 20.00 to 3n.oo M.9O t.. 2-1.90 4»xtra special t iufants' .Sll»»silils . . . machine witsllahlc1 one-piece . . . orlon pile lo wni-l. Drown, lilne. pink or nan'. 12 to 24 mo. totttriifntied coats rep. 15.00 10.90

    boys' Olllcrucnr . . . surroals. parkas, suburbans, goal and tn':«lr eoat< . . . cjniltcd. pile, sherpa or wool plaid lini'd. 8 lo 20. Six •tylm of nnti inin)i'il roatn . , . l)londlii|( of 85% wool reK. 15.00 lo 3.-..00 II.2i"> to 2fi.25 nnd 15^c fur fibre . . . warmly inicrlincd. Bluck, blur, pct'an, brown, red nnd lielpc. Miitci 10 to JO, Briftfc boys' s«oa(

    j,^ ^T^n

    surprise bra and corset sale fashion shoe sale

    «)Ye Zit *fy/e 354 ylr SSI Wliilr rulimi K ll.UI! IlllR rotton oIIln,i reg. 3.50 2.70 rrp. 3.93 3.29 P-R. 5.9.', ».!»!» 09 8.90 to -Aurlrcw (ii-lli Surprise girdl.- ... hi wimt in white lycrn nnd nylon. reK. 1S.0 : 2(1.').-, __ (/••HIT freo . . . pirdlc. rr». 12.50 m,d 16.50 __ 10.00 «n.l 12.50 ICf.'. I').').". 15.99 Hill "n D.ile . I0.0.1 12.9» YoulJirrnft . .' . girdle-. ,,T 6.95 to 12.05 . 5--" "' »»•»» Ori<,'in;iU 12.90 nolly,vo,,d Vn-.-nr, If . . . jrirdlr- and hr*«. rfp 2.50 tu 8.9.', Atn.-ilfi rep. ITi.Ti to 2I. 9.90 i Warner and «irdl.-». if*. 2.0" lo l(5.")0 Qll'rs.-.l .... . n.'»"i to ».9O Smoothie "irdle< nnd coisrlcttr.. ret. 10.9." lo 20.00 Iliiiiilolinu I'liitf- rog. 10.95 lo 12.95 7.90

    ...ALL BOXED CHRISTMAS CARDS, CHRISTMAS WRAPPINGS, RUBICONS . . . % PRICSE THE WESTFIEtD (K. J,) LEADER, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 27, 1962""" '• Today: 9:30 a.m., circle of pruy- w MOUNTAINSIDE of Spiritual Life of the WSCS, has hen not UNION CHAPEL cr; all women are invited to parti- announced that the topic for study needs of lm: Mountain* ide cipate; 10 a.m., spiritual life lead- and dis-cuss.ion will be "Dimensions h one U Rev. Badon H. Brown, Pattor ers; 8 p.m., pre-marital c.'Uiiricilinjr of Prayt-r." The puest leader will Activities In The Churches session. Sunday: 9:30 a.m., Bible school be the Rev. Theodore C. Seamans, teachers prayer meeting; 9:45 a.m. 'Monday: 9 p.m., i.Ww Year's Eve ; : liniwiur at the Woodbridge Mcth- FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST, speak; 'Sunday school age 3-3rc GRACE ORTHODOX ^Sunday school classes for all agi program in Assen:bly Hall; 11:15 'idirit Church. He Us an energetic SCIENTIST grade. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH groups from nursery through p.m., service of dedication in the yung minister, who has been in- 422 Ea.t Broad Street 5:.'iO p.m., Junior Fellowship 1100 Boulevard, Westfield adult; bus transportation to and church; Dr. F. E. Christian wil! trumentul in almost doubling; the Sunday School: 11 a.m. G:30 p.m., Middlcr Fellowship; 7 Sunday: :i:45 a.m., Bible school from Sunday '.school is available give the meditation on the theme 'ic.inlwr^hip of his church since he p.m., senior ehurih schuo! and I'vl- cla.-j.sc5 for all tige.s; 11 a.m., wor- for children living in Mountain- "A Time to Forget and to Reinetn- 1955 to Nursery: 11 a.m. vus asbijrnod to his duties there in ground of Fow mankind i;= redeemed thru low oliip. ship, Rev. John W. liutzold, chap- side; 11 a.m., worship service witl ber." 058. Hi! received his degree in a sciontincally correct ond<'rs.tand- MomJay: 8:3(1 p.m., Now Year's lain in the U. S. Army now sta- sermon by Rev. lirown. ence, he is 'acrmi Theology from Boston Uni- this course. in^r of Cod will he explained at Kve party UIK! supper; 11:45 j).m. tioned at Fort Dix; 7 p.m., wor- (5:45 p.m., Youth Fellowship; MADISON AVENUE CHAPEL rt'r.-ity and was ordained a* a •Christian Science church services :\t\v Year's Kve wal-chnig'ht serv- ship. 7:15 p.m., prayer service; 7:45 Roger F. Pugsley lethodist minister in 11*55, Sunday. ice. Wednesday: Midweek service of p.m., service. Student Minister Opening the Bible rending* will Wednesday: 8:15 p.m., adult liible study and prayer conducted Monday: 10:30 p.m., Watch Sunday: 9:45 a.m., Bible school; 'be this verse from Isaiah: "The Uible study class under leadership by the Kev. Rollin 'P. Keller. '.Might service; the film "In Times 10:15 a.m., family Bible study hour people that walked in darkness of the Hev. Alexander. Like These" will be shown. taught by Roger Pugsley; 11 a.m., have seen a great lij;ht: they that UNITARIAN FELLOWSHIP Wednesday: 10 a.m., women's •Mr. Pugsley, student minister, \vi5 dwell in the land of the shadow of CALVARY EVANGELICAL OF WESTFIELD Bible cluss; 7:15 p.m., Explorer conduct worship services ana Exclusive!/ .death, upon them hath the light LUTHERAN CHURCH (LCA) Weitfield Community Center Pioneer Girls meeting; 8 p.m., mid- preach on the subject "The Event shined." The subject of the lesson- Cranford Sunda. School and Worship week service. of Events." sermon is "Cliri.-tian Science." The Rev. Arnold J. Dahlquilt Service 10:30 a.m. A citation to be read from "Sci- The Rev. Walter Wagner Sunday: 10:30 a.m., the speaker THE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH TEMPLE EMANU-EL JARVIS REV. THEODORE C. SEAMANS ence and Health with Key to the Pailori will be Edward H. Billett of 208 IN WESTFIELD OF WESTFIELD DRUG STORE Scripturfi" by Mary Baki-r E'ltly Tomorrow: 8 p.m., junior de- Sunset Ave., a member of the Fel- Dr. Frederick E. Christian 756 E. Broad Street Guest leader for WSCS states (p. •!(>'>): "The Kric-nce of partment ,st::(f. lowship. Mr. Billet will deliver a Rev. Richard L. Smith Rabbi Azrtel S. Gruhman study course Christianity COIIH-M with fan in Saturday: tt:30 a.m., catechetical ii'oii entitled, "New Year's Res- Rev. Jamei D. Cole Tomorrow: Music sabbath serv- Jarvis Colonial Dining hand to separate the chaff fion classes; 1 :.'.iO p.m., yirls Mission olutions." The 10:30 service will Rev. M. Bolin Durway ce under the direction of Cantor WSCS to Sponsor 54 ELM ST. WESTFIELD the wheat. .Sdicnce will declare Club. he followed by a coffee and discus- Rev. Ace L. Tubb. Don Decker; an oneg shabbat will God aright, and Christianity wil Sunday: 8:15, 9:30 anil 11 a.m., sion hour. Rev. John M. Nakajima follow. Enjoy Dinner with us demonstrate this declaration and worship and sacrament of Holy M'ttsters Wednesday 9:45 a.m., Sisterhood Spiritual Life its divine Principle, making man- Conumuvion; '9:30 and 11 a.m., FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH Sunday: 8:30, lOandll :30 a.m., Bible class; 7:16 p.m., confirmation in our kind better physically, morally am Sunday church school for all de- 170 Elm Street, Wettfield Dr. Frederick E. Christian will class; 8:30 p.m., Men's Club board Air Conditioned Dining Room spiritually." partments si:30 a.m., adult class Rev. William K. Cober preach on the subject "The Lord meeting. Study Course only; 11 a.m., babysitting in the Minister of Our Life"; Dr. George W. Vol- Thursday: 7:15 p.m., senior post The Woman's Society of Chris- COMMUNITY J-KKSBYTERIAN jhurch house for children under kel will play the organ and direct confirmation class; 8:15 p.m., coral tian Society Service of the First Complete Dinners three years; 7 p.m., senior Luther Tomorrow: 12 noon, college youth Rev. Elmer A. Talcott Jr. uncheon at the pareonage, 030 the music installation of deacons group; 8:30 p.m., beginners adult Methodist Church is sponsoring a CHURCH Ijduguc business meeting, film, and at 8:30, elders at 10 and trustees at Hebrew education class. Spiritual Life Study Course for oil recreation; Intermediate Luther jlen Ave. From $1.40 to $1.75 Meeting House Lane Sunday: 9 and 11 a.m., worship 11:30 a.m. services. Friday: 6:15 p.m., sabbath serv- the women of the church and their Mountainaitle League proj^rum will 'be announced. 8:30, 10 and 11:30 a.m., church ices. friends. The finst session will be Tuesday: 10 a.m., cancer sewing and children's division of church Tomorrow: No nursery school. school. Sermon by the pastor, the school; the Elizabeth Norton Bible Rabbi Azriel S. Gr!ishman and held Tuesday, Jan. 8 from 9:45 SPECIAL FAMILY NIGHT iSunday: 9:15 a.m., church school, group; 8 p.m., Sunday school exec- class will meet at 10 o'clock in the Jantor Don Decker officiate at all a.m. to 11 :15 a.m. in the fellowship utive committee. Rev. William K. Cober on the Bub- primary and junior, grades l-(i; ect, "On Asking God to Do Our lounge; the senior high depart- ervices with the participation of room ami for three succeeding EVERY THURSDAY boys, grade 7-8, at Wilhelms; 10:30 Wednesday: ' 8:15 p.m., new Will." Music under the direction ment of the church school meets at ,he temple choir and Robert Nel- Tuesday mornings, Jan. IB, 22 and a.m., worship, baptism; nursery members class for persons uniting f Robert J. Denniston, minister 10 a.m. only. ;on, organist. 20. Child care will be provided COMPLETE DINNER . . . $1.45 and kindergarten clauses; nursery with Calvary from other than 11 a.m., homecoming reception Inquiries are welcome regarding for pre-xchool children. f music. Visitors and newcomers CHILDREN'S DINNER ... 75C for infants, educational TV for old- Lutheran congregations. in Westfield are cordially invited to for college students; 3:30 p.m., vis- emple membership and the total Mrs. Henry Murphy, secretary er children; 11:45 a.m., girls, grade Tomorrow:. 8:15 p.m., homecom- uttend the services. itntion-cvangelism training ses- •eligious program for children und 7-8, ohurch school at church; senior ing for young adults, dancing and sion ; fl to 8 p.m., pre-marital coun- Adults. Information m«y be ohtain- high churc-h school; adult class on 10 a.m. and 12 noon, church refreshments. ichool, youth and adult divisions, selling session. od by calling the temple office. contemporary theology with Wil- Sunday: 8:15, 9:30, 11 u.m., liam Smith; no fellowship meeting. •hildren's division continues; 8 services of worship; 9:30 and 11 i.m., Sunday evening prayer group Monday: No nursery school; 8:30 a.m., Sunday school; babysitting ft the home of Rev. and Mrs. Rob- p.m., the senior high Westminster in the church house for children rt DeLano, 515 First St. Fellowship and youngsters from under three years. Wednesday: 9:15 a.m., study the fellowship who have graduated group. and who are now in college or busi- ST. PAUL'S "HURCH MATERNITY ness are invited to a New Year's (Epitcopal) REDEEMER LUTHERAN APPAREL Eve dance which will be held in the Rev. G. Paul MuMelman CHURCH assembly room from 8:30 to 11:15. Rev. Richard J. Hardman At 11:30 the congregation and Rev. Walter A. Reuning, Pastor Rev. Norman J. Faramell! Vicar Donald P. Class • Dresses • Slips young people will join together for Rev. John A. Smart n Watch Night Communion service Today: 9:30 a.m., Holy Com- Corner Clark St. and Cowper- • Skirts • Bra's which will be held from 11:30 to munion and evangelist. hwaito PI., opposite Roosevelt Jr. 12:16 New Year's Eve. High School. New residents of Tomorrow; 9:30 a.m.. Holy Com- iVestfield jmd neighboring com- • Smocks • Slacks Wednesday: 9 to 11:30 a.m., munion ;, no ' J u n i o r Episcopal nunitic'3 are 'invited to share in nursery school; 9 a.m., intercessory Young Churchmen. mr worship services. prayer group; 9:30 a.m., Bible Saturday: 2-4 p.m., Sunday • Sweaters • Panties, etc. itudy, Mr. Talcott. school Christmas party. ^Saturday: 9:30 a.m., mainten- Maternity Headquarter* Since 1943 Sunday: 7:45 a.m., 'Holy Com- mce hoard. munion; 8:45 a.m., Holy Commun- •Sunday: 8:15 and 10:45 a.m., FIRST CONGREGATIONAL services; Pastor Walter A. Eeun- • USE YOUR HANDI-CHARGE CHURCH ion and sermon; 10 a.m., nine les- sons and caro'u; 11:30 a.m., nine ing will deliver the sermon in both 125 Elmer Stroet services and his topic will be "A Rev. L. R. Stanford, Minuter lessons and carols; no Senior Epis- copal Young Churchmen. 'Priceless Gift — The Kingdom"; Re*. E. M. Odden, Aiit. Mini.ter 9:30 to 10:30 a.m., Sunday school iSunday: 9:30 and 11 a.m., wor. Tuesday: 9:30 a.m., Holy Com- and Bible classes. ship in the sanctuary; Rev. L. R. munion • Stanford will preach; nursery for Wednesday: 9:30 a.m., Holy Tuesday: 5 p.m., buffet eupper Communion; 10:15 a.m., monthly gro'ip at the parsonage. small children is provided during Wednesday: 8:45 a.m., Redeem- both services of worship in the tod- meeting of the Altar Guild; 8 p.m BROAD AT. ELM ST. - WESTFIEID dler's room; 9:15 a.m., church Men's Club, executive board. er Lutheran school reopens; 8 p.i school for nursery through sixth •Thursday: 12 p.m.. Women of boards of parish education and Open Mon., Frl. Evening! — AD 3*0020 grade; 10:45 a.m., church school St..'Paul'?, luncheon. trustees. for nursery through 10th grade; 7:30 p.m., senior hi/rh Pilgrim's Fellowship New Year's Eve party. Today: 8 p.m., board of trustees special year-end meeting. Tomorrow: 6 p.m., ninth gradp church school class dinner. WILL1OW GROVE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Old Raritan Road Rev. Julian Alexander Mr* Richard Lovelace Students— Aaiiatant Sunday: 0:30 a.m., service, the You'll Find The Rev. Julian Alexander will speak; Sunday school grade 4-9; 11 a.m., service, the Rev. Alexander will Newest In University Fashions At Mac Hugh's ••V H,.ow can High on the list of everybody's New Year's resolutions should be a resolution to make '63 the year in which you I regain During: your holiday stay at home you'll no doubt want to view and obtain some establish a good cash reserve in a Savings Account at The my strength? of the now items that have attracted the National Bank of Westfield. Small deposits made regularly, college student's fancy this fall. with "NABOW's" liberal inJerest added, will make your nest-egg THE TRUTH Such articles as . . . grow and grow. OPEN YOUR ACCOUNT NOW! IN THIS Yellow Oxford IJitttou Down Shirta GREAT BOOK Ktd Strive Oefurd liuttun Sltirlx CAM REFRESH YOU Grip Tab Oxfurd Stripe Shirte , Hold Regimental Stripe Hi'PI> Tien Your strength can be re- newed—'your weariness ex- Heather Shade, fre-ie Meek Sweaters changed for rest and joyous Stitched Hide Leather Sport Uelts activity—if you will seek pray- erfully the truth contained in are all now in aDumiuncc lor youi this great book, Science and porusr.I. Health with Key to the Scrip- tures by Mary Baker Eddy. Also our wtock of staples underwear, hosiery, pajamas ett\ are in readiness to You may read or borrow Science and Health free of fill any gups in your dormitory ward- charge ai any Christian Sci- robe. ence Reading Room. The book can be purchased in red, green, or blue binding at ?3 and will be sent postpaid on wontlsmen's, Larifei and receipt of check or money J order. &oy» Clothes Christian Science

    READING Opon Mon. S Frl. ROOM '01 9 P.M.

    118 QUIMBY BTREKT WE3TK1KLD Hour* 10 to 4:30 Alto Monday, 7 to 9 Member of Fcderd Re»erv« System Information concerning frtt pit bit 264 EAST BROAD ST. Ifotuni, ekurnk ttrvieet and SUJ Umber FcdenI Dcposb Inwnan Corporation WESTFIELD, N. J. )avison Retires; • THE . J.t I P»r>PR. T)F.rRMBER JT, 17 VConnell Named STARTS tOMORROW! 9:3O SHARP! STORES ! Kelco Firm I .,,-.i:i.- V. O'Corms-H has f>i>pn i I.I.-'UTM division nuimijjer of < ... by \V. K. Kiely, vice ! -I lV-r sales. He replaces It [>.civt division in August 1959 ::• I>(>ceniber 19fil was named -taut nu\na|rer of the eastern

    ,.i i'.'Jii Mr. OTonnell (rraduatol tic:.. Si. Louis University where he | iv..: wi.'v-l in business (vdiiiinistra- j l'rjor to joining Kelco, ht I !isf East St. Ixiuis. Mr. . (iinu'll is mari'ieil, has five tali'.1 liters arid resides in WeslfieUi. |:. I). I).'ivison, Keho vi.-t- presi- (•tu sini't? 11»(>1, is widely known jirouL'lnnit the industries served t„. .;elco C<>. He has lwen partie- KOOS OWN jj!;U'!y active in Dairy Industries rr.uirr-.o:.OT=ryjf pucply Association, ruivitiK served i;.- president from _March l?(»0 rmnrli Mart-h 19(">2. This follow- r. iwu years prior service us 1)1 ^A's vice president. He was a IHT of its board of directors i lilSl through lMii2. Mr. nnd Irs. liavison will continue to make heir home in W«*tfield. MATTRESSES! Hd Guard Notes Holiday Theme A program uf music am) « tnes- Ins^i- liy Hcv. \ViPiam COIKT of Tirst liaptist Chun h fomprisod the hristmas pro£n\m lust w^ok of »ic Old (iuard in t)w YMCA. r A chorus of 12 jrirls from the lr.-. ,lcam*tU* (IK'n^m, ^antf car- ls. Other 5vasoniiJ mufic was by chorus uf 1H mt'ti, dircftril !>>• lohii II. Rath, :i wcinht»r of the pM tiuard. ..Mori* than 200 members imtl y '' " ' "*'"* •*^a^ *^_" .._ -,_^ __ ~~* * , ^*- •."-'—• - - ^^.•~^^Z- -~ZZ 7T— ."''.'*'~^1; ts •fttU'Tiiieti. Frank J. Uai-thol- miew, dirwtor, presided. tolumhictU's' Party Largely Attended time Koos More than 0"> persons attend't'd (he Christinas party of the Colum- )ittti;i wuuk in t'"1 Kniphts .Mrs. Kurt Kuberiet wnn ptn- slashes these prices! •ral rhiiivniiin. Gifts won- dis- tributed by 'Mrs. .Inmes WhaU-n us Bantu Chius. A b\>tVot sapper was ed. Mi.-.s C'-arinvia Torlolc-llo of Ecotfli Plains isaliK. S ifts were- presented by Mrs. i W SPECTACULAR! KOOS $39 SOUNDREST £l\ I L.anibert, [ircsidenl, to tlie .•••I?'-" iTuli'i-, Kov. Michael Maseenik, __, ,~-:nini.-.™B« YrnrH nnil yrars nf (rr of Tile Cliuirh of i iaro-lulleil Mirfmr' I're.lniilt hnr'ler won'l SUM' AIM! imn<.'inr—you fun linw it In miy Bt. Anne, Ciarwuod; Jim:'..- I'. • ni7f from .'10-itl. aliliHo tn .Vl-iil. double—nix ei/.et in nil! $.19 box •pring reduced, $211. oi-niley, t* mil ollered a prayer for Edward 1 ji.ydeh, wiio died ia.-t weel:. He Firm rnif-trwclinn wilfi rtlrn fillitic RU' '- *'vti:t'firnt rotjifnrll l^ine.-weurin^ cl-nz. Svas a nieinber of tin- Knights

    WostJield Boys AMAZING! KOOS $59 POSTURE-CREST Vdinil House Entry \nw \mt ran «a\c sj I mi illc niM-i |iu|iiil;ir riiiiriri—i in Kno* line! Ivvttji firm nrtlio. Tlii'e-.1 Wi-slfu'ld Vtiulhs, two jif jicil M -I \ |n- m.Min-- li.iu niiilitl li.'icl. •iin||l»tt M-'nul l."'-.|iiftcil for mitootli >.|criiiii|; !".'iii 15 ami one 1^. liave been re- Mirf.irc. Six «i?c« from 'Mlin. utinlin ti> "il-in. (tnulilc In il. S.W )>oi cprine <'»' '" S3K. in the custody of their pur- ::t . iiendin^ a iioitriiic in Union '"iinty Juvenile Coui-t, Klizal»eth, '.I'M1 t)ie\ atlinilte-.l breaking into FABULOUS! KOOS $69 EL DORADO !••• lionv- of Ariiiur A. IUI^OW at ! ~ i-'amly Mil! !!d. earlier this i :• 'M'.h and f.ikitnc $M<). Sprriiilly t]r*'vjw(] (louhlr r»ff -rt roil*. ;n|jii-t In CM ry turn nf your lunlv for Invuruni-* »-!(T[iin!' rriinfnrt! Inmoilr.! «1, i T i; i - k iwl. U i|u r Fn -rt I I nn.I lit-ti-.m. In rci-n'iir Irnulli 1'iilire saiil the lx>>v., iwo of them ; (1( 'M'liier.i, hail liruk'.-n ii cellar win- M/r«, JI-IUJ* rxlrn lott» JUl-irt. twin ft»*f full •-(/•••-, W>0 l»ov ^[triiifr. MIIC pri'fd. ^V.'t, I'H'., tlien tool; tlie innney from a .v;:i)t t in U;<- nia>.t^'r lM-M ttii- <-np*i -lii m m l|ni|n

    tioil trifltti;' fiwtk*^ fnr .t-rnncitt) rrunftMt! Hn>- ton'--AM-,it -j n«r h;it *-'-n lirk. inu-lin-litH-*!! Six frtnitfJ.-mJ -i/rv — i»r cxtr;i*loiu" f'.fi-in. twin or (nil -i/<-», $79 box sj.rin;.' • ul lr» Sill.

    CLOCK AND WATCH REPAIRING FANTASTIC! KOOS $89 IMPERIAL. Finest precision C.illiin |.-1| lilliti.-: i(i|.[H-[) n.i\> hnul.-ur..,l |,,r -nii.,..,. vnftiw. — wluil Invurv! (Quilled work oil fully «iitfrn tick .. . itu IKIIIMII" or Infl- to it,.H-|li'- -ni'iolli <.lfc|iiim mirfiii'i'! Kvlra Imii', guaranteed 110-iii. twin or full kim-Pi/rs pin- d st.iricliuil •.',/• .'.

    Siifirr-rinn ^laml Jarvis <• tilli1* ''\trn-lnii?.' fUl-in. twirl n:»l full --iZ' -. n»^ -(•liti^' ulii^hrd lo SJI!. Authorized Kodak Dealer TERRIFIC! KOOS $129 LUXURY GRADE. for Color Processing — FIIIHIIOIIS rmufnrl uuA luviii v '. I-tito <-nit-u|>lnil-l'-i«-il uilli rotUin fill, toplicil uilli both movies and stills 1,4-incli piilyfriMin Itn • '"-li-«-pi ir'-nn-iiir" f< -i-lin;-'. I' iliiinn-k lii-K! I'AIII lUkiti. ».xtm lout! tivin oml lull plin nil f*ij ht

    RAHWAY, ROUTE 27 PARSIPPANY, ROUTE 46 54 Elm St. PARKWAY EXIT 135 OPEN 6 NIGHTS were outvoted by the idealists. If we also feei that we have s good really essential THE WESTFIELD LEADER LETTERS TO THE insight into the problems wid needs the enffiiiens had won the crucial the our educators fact; as they do fin vote at that time, we would have whatever had our new senior high school -•'• you th-cidkL e , EDITOR outstanding job of (ftviiiff our "ceded numey js ., ;' youngsters the best possible teach- about four years sooner, at a much Popular. " 1 to b? ing under most dis;.dv;mtagoous lower cost. AH taller* to th* editor muat "Road Mr. Co,..', ,.. conditions. The fact that our bow John II. Vander Veer week. Our school bear • rifnatur* and • atreat and girls reach Senior .High jSchool addrco, both o4 wkicb will •>• S We that Second CtftRs poetftpe paid at Westfleld, N. J. no well prepared is indeed nn acco- childreu"i^ °n a "I. ,,,J v,.,,,e. Published Thu"Kd*y» at Wemheld, New Jer»«y. by Th« authrnr BREVITY IS ESSENTIAL ities." OlTirlal Paper for the Town of wuptfield and Borough of We should like to point out the Recommendations concerned with Idountn iMclflt. NO LETTER EXCEEDING 200 public education are the province Roosevelt co; Subscription: J4.00 a year In advance. WORDS WILL BE ACCEPTED. fact that only devoted personnel makeshift for , Established 1K90 Ring the bells wo"ld put wp with teaching in reno- of the Board of Education, our rep- office: 60 Elm Street. wVMflrl'l. N. J. H r«que«t«d, for a valid vated storage rooms, overcrowded rensenlatives elected to assume * his Tel. Al> S-44C7— AD 2-4408 reataa, nWm« may be emittej son were built. Member and under equipped laboratories, specific responsibility. tions are the Quality Weeklies of N'ew Jersey extept in r«piie< to (attar* that (science, language, musri«, art and We also have elected representa- New Jersey i'ress Association bav« been pablUbed. th Natl"n:il K.iitorifil AKsorlutiun certainly physical education). "We tives who carry the burden of en- ly think - and sound the horns No anonymous l«tt*r« will b* feel you should alao realize that due acting local ordinances and provern- NATIONAL EDITORIAL couldereol doint; its duty to overcrowding and antiquated inj? the town of Wcstfield. This A large ',. Lett«r< muit b« written only systems, our safety facilities need latter jrroup—Die mayor and Town on one lid* of paper and pre/. fpy three smalle]1 r considerable overhauling. Our 'en in, •rabty typewritten. Council - undoubtedly does not ed essCntial lu vd-l nMnl HB to welcome \%Sl building, in existence since 1928 have as ready access to resources lu n, + • j l""• All letwri mud be in th* and briilt for 800 ipupils, now hous- .... . a Robert S. Everett Edltot •leader" offic* by Friday U es Almost S">0 students (with a concerning public education, nor they are t* appea-f in the follew. the time available for studying ed- larger enrollment expected for next than tn \,;j.\ Paoe 'w in tef inuo. year). ucational needa and the methods Here's hoping your The "Letter" tmtarvtt Am for nleetine them, as doe, our l'lurarit's? We shonH also like the voters to Board of Edtteation. rlffet to r*j«ct or MDI aay letUr ing room? (;00lj lan to conforn lo "Laadm" uta(«. know that we feel our Schoel Board 'This conunent applies equally to ence teachers are , THURSDAY, DECEMBER 27, 1962 members, all people of highest cap- fche Planning Hoard, an advisory Premiiii Where are they g,, to teaM year will be a most Comparison abilities, great integrrfty, «nd lead- group w«ios9 citizen members arc Whore they have fa, ers in their own fields, have given .pp^tees of the mayor. Broad Wings unlimited time to familiarize them- sit down! Are tlu.,«.fl Editor, Leader: Anyone eon/nsed about the mer- Esl>>erT.Wooj American retaiing has broad winpts. They are I enclose the ftrst page of the selves with the probleriis of our it« of the proposed school bond is- nrt •waefcly "New York Construction eiatthr* school system and have mode sue rftouW consider carefully whidi „ _ reaching out over much of the civilized world. happy, healthy N«w«" wWch i» tlia "biMe" et the 'recommendations on the ballot, of thesh e threth e officiaffill town bodies ™r. F rciZPe S only after long srdoeos studied. We iu best qualified to decide the edu- A traveler in England, for example, will notice GreBtor 'New York architects, engi- Editor, Leader neers, contractoi-3 und everyone feei that their efforts deserve a cational needs of Westfield. how the concept of mass distribution has crossed the else interested in the conatmetron carefully considered vote for they I strongly urge a "yes" vote on seas. Supermarkets, American-style, are appearing and successful one. field. ars the most knowledgeable author- Dec. 27. in ever-increasing numbers. So are variety and other f 1 call your sttcntion to t>h» story ities on our fine school system, as Marguerite Kimball !ri announeing th*t Now York City is wePI axs taxpayers wnd parents of (Mrs. Bruce K.) types of stores. Some of these, In fact, are owned by nbout to build a students. no Hie .iliinii'ipil American chain companies with overseas subsidi- In closing, may we again ask you . two stories is als,. baautifU" 40 1R1OOM, THREE-STORY 'Political FootbalV do -Sam doesn't use nln,,. . aries. Others are locally-owned. But all follow, one SCHOOL FOR to carefully consider (he penalties Editor, Leadear: provide spraw'«poplc .-till h\w Imw Credit Where credit is due . . . hem bars manes . . . and doesn't posed additions to Roosevelt and dren for 60 years or more? Is the expense as ivpl] us the jOHra In iwfcwfos our lead editorial mates etc. . . . the completion of tho Edison School 'Board Idealists' Teeiit year »ny better than this generation, and I for one, Dial of thin date one year airo we no- TTw praying mmvfcia wasfieg Jts on Dec. 27 (today). year? It might be worse. they should cany tlio load. Perfect Tax Bills at Hand ticed that v/e had "prayerfully £»ce Jiko • cat after every meal The hard facts, flares and plans Editor, Loader: You'd think to hear some peo- I •believe that fornu-i- .Mayw H. (hoped" that someone, somewhere, ... A mouse hair, enlarged 4,200 for the proposed changes have been .1 do not believe the current re- ple talk tho Board of Education Emerson Thomas lias led the fai The effort that the Administration is putting into wouJd emerge on tho world scene times, resembles a tree trunk . . . most ably presented to WostfieW's port and proposal for new school »at «round rubbing their hands of Education out of tlie ifi-ejit&f. wKH the intestinal fortitude, (frit citizenry through newspapers, open construction will stand a cold engi- fieulty for the time bpin;; and Xa the drafting of a tax reduction bill is completely Tlm »Wk will cat anvth-lnx . . , trying to thiink of ways to spend and courage to stand up to Khrush- reason wfty I am a fnndlnbher . . . poblte meetings and the excellent neering analysis. our money. All I can say to those Downie lias trii-il to i-nlirhScn :hi unnecessary. brochure sent to each Westfleld The difficulty with our Boards of chev . . . that hope -was answered Rome apeeiea of nn-ts install an- who are considering voting "no" is: board in other very imiwrtantsri to a substantial decree when Pres- home by the Board of Education. Education is that they tend to be "You ought to po on the school instructive n:atU'i.<. That's because the soundest and most practical t'i-fi'ee?-? in t'lic winter. Tliev e^n- Wo feel it is now time to speak idealists. ident Kennedy pinned the MR Red erate alcohol in their bodies to cone board and spend hours -ami hours I think that if ti«. bonnl hi progium for critically needed tax rate reform is rbow down on the Cuban missile f.s parents of children who are at- Back in my days on the board, of your valuable time finding out been just, they cyiilil huvc hnd til with tlm cold weather . . . The tending the Roosevelt School, and already at hand—right in the Administration's threat . .. for 1903 wo nimin hope smallest bird in Now Jfrnland bunrs when at least three members, in- what is needed for a (rood pro- verting sonu'time in January ard that this "facing up" to the hnm- having served on tho Roosevelt cluding Comrmindcr Elsberg, were gram in our schools, th'^n spend backyard. the mittta-nt- name of rifleman. Its bonixl for from one to three years, (Continued on iwxt page) mer and sieltlo-wieldcr will ti<>t eliin) (?oes: "zee-zec-zeo" . . . competent engineers, the engineers hours and 'hours deciding what is The perfect answer is embodied in the tax rate abate. Tho albatross, largest of all Rtja reform legislation sponsored by Rep. A. S. Herlong * * * ^ One of the nicer 'Christmas cards f)irds, often 1*0 jrorfn\s itself with Jr. (Dem.Fla.) and Rep. Howard H, Baker (Rep- of tho current senson was that sent fish and inollusks that it can't fly Tenn.) out bv R:ilnh W. Buivntead of ... a hun'cin trait too . . . Riinninir 1 North 'PlrimiloM. A custom-made polar iiua have been timed at 25 These legislators are the rdal'pioneers of the miles an 'hour. A rr-an, runr'injj rnrfl it bejuvnlc-; the nevr.*r-end!injr 1 tax rate reform crusade. Many years ago they spot- efforts of Mr. l!u'"*tend to carry <1 link 'in four, is t ravel- ted what the "johnny-come-lntelya" have only re- on the "Spirit of Universal Broth- ill)' 15 I"nil . . . cently recognized—that the present federal tax sys- erhood." For his card this year The rnbhit has a 'bul«rintr curved 'Mr. 'Bunisterw! cho^o t*> 'honor in eye that cnnh'os him (o see renr- tem was primarily responsible for the country's sub- verso, slave-born, Maj. Richard Ti. ward . . . The U^b" bioiwiot'r'uis par rats of economic growth and the resultant high Writrht u-ho •bppanie 41 eollepc pres- iveiirhs «bnnt 100 nounds at birth level of chronic unemployment. ident and president of tho Citi- and can swi»i before it c.-in v-»lk FIRST in friendly service I zen's 'Bank and Trust Co. in Phila- . . . The iri'ipt tortoise can live Representatives Herlong and Baker not only diag- delphia. morn than 1G0 vears.. . . nosed the trouble but really did something about it. * * * The onlv purple color-d animal And so lo learn . . . 'In the world is the bUnbolc, a nniall These distinguished members of the tax-writing Some snaifa sinj;. Others are •South American .•inti'lope . . . House Ways and Means Committee launched a leg- equipped with 80,000 teeth—and gnaw at houses. A few curl up Honey hues earrv wafer as well as islative "hot war" for tax rate reforms and have in thoir shells for a four-year honcv . 1 . The sloth eats so slow- vigorously pursued it over the years. sleep. One species—P.tronihus pu- ly thr.t bv the time it finishes one tfiHs—strikes nastv blows with its meal it's time for the next. Now that everybody is trying to get into the act foot . . . .Foviot kind no doubt . . . Every thoroughbred horse in the it is certainly reasonable to expect that first con- The kiwi bird of New Zealand world todav traces Hn ancestrv to sideration should be given to the remedy proposed dances for Ms dinner. Vibrations one of fbree British siros: the i-.tnl- •through the ground eauue earth- lions pnriev Arnbiim, Hyerlv Turk by the first legislators to warn of the serious effects worms to come to the surface. "Po and (^odolpbin Rarb . . Bats are of high personal and corporate tax rates on our the bird stomps his feet, then fccils the only animals that can (ly . . . economic health. . . . makes yense . . • Only male und so Roodhve . . . The efficacy of the Heilong-Baker legislation is proved beyond all doubts by ita provisions. Over a five-year period (he first bracket of per- JOTTINGS by OBSERVER sonal income tiix rates would he reduced from 20 to 15 per tent mid the top rate of 91 per cent brought It looks us though there has draft when one of the men of a down to -12 per cont. There would be corresponding come a truce in the cold war bc- crack shearing fcantr tlirows them twtM'n man-made fibres mul tho to the ground and denudes them reductions in all the interim rates. Thus every tax- wool of millions of sheep, roani- of tlieir hard earned coat in scc- payer would jret a cut of at least 25 per cent. in(^ tlio pastures of tho world nncTs flnt but, undaunted, they fioni Australia to Pntftironia, get up and ntnrt to grow another, The top corporate rate of 52 per cent would be whorevc?r oven tin* poorest pnst- coat. reduced lo -12 per cent, also in live annual stages. turcs will sustain thorn. It (jives wool lovers a certain TOTING UP THE COST OF As Representative Herlong and Raker point out, Then* ure <1 i>tint"tions in their satisfaction to rub their hands ranks from Cheviot rlotrti through ovev wool coats and lo speculate these reductions will enable individuals and busi- the alphabet to Merino, Shrtm- on tho fnot that a hundred thou- CHRISTMAS GIVING? nesses to invest more hc;ivily. Since capital is the shire, Sonthdnwn ami Suffolk. sand sheen may be irrn'inu* over Tlu-y may never enjoy a warm n half million acre.* rm'ndintr tboir vital and primary source of all economic activity, tho own business, not even a*"Uinc Christmas giving net'd not play havoc with your luirri us dt) niort! fortunate, ho- q more capital that is made available the greater will vines, an 11 ask no favors in fair OuiiKTP. s to protect them arjaiusit budget every yciir. Join our 1962-63 Christ- be our economic: growth. or foul weather as they carry those fellows sittinir up in jrhiss th* ii1 own overcoats on their towers ill air-conditioned comfort mas Club now so your Christinas gifts will he By spreading the reductions over a five-year pe- biu-ics. with test tidies, whose sole idea riod the efTcff on revenues will not be :is severe as a is to retire s'Jioep forever. Thene. Onu has to havt* n sentimental same sheep are a hitr item in the paid for in ndvam-c. As a Club nicinlier you'll "oiie-.sliot" lux reduction. Actually, the sponsors are feelinjr for sheep ami th*Mi* wool, market, common or otherwise. sitl iiur on the «iy removing the t:ix blocks lo pro- nmiiy 1110'iflis rnotine fnr Mary's We feel, too, that men's drc?s gress tin; increase' in business activity will bring litlli- lamb frt'owii to full sizo, nw\ hn* boon duwnfrraded with no all baek in time for early shopping next Novem- more rcvi'tiue than the government now receives. t IIMSC ot lift' nursery rhyntt; sheep wool to hack it up. Men nre now which have irivon three batr^ full. runninir around hullers and cave- ber. Join up this week. Only a die-hard skeptic could doubt the lient'- We hav<' found what we consid- h-.'is, Irvine; to slrclrh a suit from fiei.-il i-o.sulls (o all Americans that Representatives ered :t let-up in t he cold war in May to November. I.ocdtiiuz at a picture of f'vesidi-Mt Monroe re- Jlci'lonj-t ami Baker claim for their legislation: two jtdvortist'nicnt." recently up- jtejuinjr in niiijr.i'inr.s. (hie showed cently we notice* I tlm I he was Greater economic growth; event ion of more and slicep looking Ibromrh the fenco fully elnthed and wurc a cienn Weekly Have The Whole better jobs; quicker advances in living standards; and a ^<'ntleinaii in l.lie advertise- white stock and ru(lle<. Our pres- merit a«-;uifil us that these sheep ent statesmen seem to he com- Denominations Family Join Our .'•tai'ting anil developing of larger numbers of new ( wen- our fri'-noV find tli:i( tti/ mitted to troupers hi'hl up by from 2Hc to $10 businesses and the strenirl !)'• ninjr of our economic men's suits which his fitinmny hoU<, vesth's's :\* tlnuurh it was Christmas Club system and <>l our position of leadership and influ- nuwle were 100 per oent. virgin sinful, with necktie hmifritur duwti word. the center and haiuM in their ence in t!u> free world. pockets. A nol hnr advert i::einent s o n ( Uy all .standards lhe HerloiiK-Ualier legislation prai-c^ on hiirli IH'CMM-C tin* woul ; honk! gi't- lop priority when it i.s re-introduced in li(Misi-r:i <! a de. r i r i PI sire of d..v..|..i-: of Co-li^h ..(• Irt-li Uve.-.h:. but tli<- id.-a i^ ;t On .Ian. 1, Social Security luxes will rise once crack in the ^ynlli't ii- b.c tion tliriMiu'h which \vt» ntay li'dp our more ISoth employees ami employer.! will pay at 1 frii-n- :-*. the sheep, tn make a FIRST FEDERAL SAVINGS the. rate of three and five-eighths per cent on earn- comeback. ings to $-1,800. The .self-employod rate will be 5.1 Our she-vn know notbinjr of Ihe per cent on earnings to that, figure. Additional in- ndil war which we huve inwurdly hr-en hnrborinjf. They fire warm ISO ELM STREET. WESTFIELD. NEW creases arc scheduled, by law, for 1960 and 1968. and sturdy und mny /col a cold THE WESTFIELD (N. J.) LEADER, THURSDAY, DECEMBER ». \WZ Page 19 f , Frazee Speaks r m Visits Turk««v 5 "••='."• rol\°,f ""• J.f seaman. »on of Mr. and Mrs. John Continued from previous page) :,:r:,:^:; :f^IFH...T«U,-«*Newv«rk NavyT««v«i T. Kwloy of 335 Sprinjf St, vitiUd fo:nc. Tliiv is a laiv I'HKT. and The foliuw N«v v ! Kcikkilii, son of Mr. and Mrs. I'bIstanbull , TTufkcyk , recontltly whilhile •viii::*! ""I have had to put m;r Set at Truilside I'rin.arily f(.:-lhi.- II'..M.V. MJ. Miii* , • ' i 1- i.-nk V.. ll.-ikl.ilu of 77.') 'Nooc«!c I servinjr jilxmrd the attack aircraft u l!: Ml.hae! .!. ; •li(:, on this matter M» near Sl'.ink.- 1! will taki' lli;it;V HMIl'i- A fii.ii !..:.:• of New York Ssa:e : " " ""'iKiiil 1\-i-rv !'Yc!c.v. if.iartei nmsAcr carrier I'SS Kronklin P. HoOftcvelt - ',..:„!>!.us. But as they say. • t:if !'••! Mi.'li :; l»i! I,. 1.,. ,!,.v,-l,.|'v.l .'• i ;!ic duv the -!«>ltor the deed.' i'arli roni.-m::.-iun'.- 1raii.-i.le N.> John H. Kianc It wiii Unr :uitl Scielii-e Center, in till- 11' ta\ iviief ha- t" wan tin- 1-ui^. Wa:.bu:ic Ke-ervai.o;i .SuiuJay "i p.m BY RALPH BOBEY w /.s Referendum tillu lake.-- tltr \ iewel" frcir 1-t. MolTrti at B;is«- Development! on Tax Reduction >-\> -l::j.-!i ;o-.vcr> tif Man!::i!',:i'.; • tin- ivuuciinn >1KIU!>I hi made, Evi-ryiinc ii|."ivi-s that i'U! fvil- Marine •.'!:.I 1.1. Janies 1!. M..f Niagara Falls, with visi;.- 1" ] jiiti interested in the promotion : th'.y lii.-Ui-'u-i a.- to win the the '.f.- Isi.ind. t!ii' Cat>l;;lls, the Adi- i-i-al tax system is tt <• pl.-te ; >liuuloi1m-. Must pi-rsi,iif. iiivluii- l:. Jioiren i.f ::^j l'ai!-. M., •-. JlTV i.,. Wcstfield public schools. 1 :;hc M-ilnriiini >h,.i:l.l ukc utl'. t ect. ^;;r with ihe S,vo;id Jluni a.nuiin that school facilities can- inp many m tlie ]ire>i-m Admini.- . fcliil how much iii tin- way of ' Ah traiiun, believe t.liut it plan-., i, .rail Wii>ir al Hi.- Miuiiu- A! I JVIonday, Miss lrma ,t IK* U»U £d» and children car.- ;K>rni" (if the tux .-riuclurc she .ihl . penalty on initiative- and i- a hin- Air Sia:;on, On-rry 1 "<*rut. \. r. '.vei, cdiK-Kiiotuil assi.-tant at ,1 jri-t too inueh education. While ; hi- JMi-hnli'il. Necessarily, tli de, will COIKIUI-I a one-lialf jdranee to i-aim/mk- «T.,uth. An.! ; diHTi-rencc will In- IVM-IVIM I>,-|.... 1 heunii. ow e ot tho-c vallei upon Trails e ix-st of education may be hi^h, hour nature tall, for children. The to u pieal many M is <.l,viu'x- that 'Ihi' l'lcsHcm ser..!> his Tax Me-~ i:^' tin; quarantine of I'lii..!, (. value of education is priceless. the federal Knvernniont is spend- Iarrici in Clierry I'o; I'.-,, t. lop:i- ^ell^-ted for tile lecUirc is I jini convinced that the additions isiit-'f ti. Ihi- Mil!. Still this el,,,-.- Area." Miss ing tou mui-li imiiiey ami thai this ni)! ii^uit1 favoiuhli- m'lioit »n i.ui ill,- lioia c'liico v;d .Mr '• "Animals el Thi? t|u> junior hiph schools proposed he lllustiated burden should lie redm-ed. Kui . tUM'.- fur lln- comir.).' y ii-. ation, Key Wol. I'la. : Hcycr's talk will , tin: Board of Education ore none of this, nur all uf it taken W ] w ith vokir slides 1 •jlhi'i excessive nor extravagant, together, insures tlial we slmll • AH tux It'^i.-hiiii'ii. it will In- n-.; FOR BEST KESULTS USE it arc vitally needed for the pres- have either tax rale reform, ui : called, has tu In' i,']i,.nci! |,y t!,,- ' LEAOF.R CLASSIFIEDS LEAIJER PAY t (ijucutionul propruni. Certciin- any tax reduction, in Hum. : lluuse Ways iinsl Means Column-: THE 1963 FORECAST ; tec. The chiiiriiiiiii (if Unit com. ihc proposal requires that udili- Now, there is no question thai >iial tax funds be provided. Him- j milti'i" is Wilhur |i. Mill-, ami n 1'ri'sidont KPIHHIIV will reeimi f.-w days ak'u he j.-ave an i-xcltisive , For the 16th consecutive; yc;ir, lite; Economics StalF of a nationally known er, investment in education has mend a (ax reduction shortly alter .interview In llu- -\\ s. New? nmi ; research organization lias prepared a report on the oullook for business, ways been sound ,ind has relum- the new Ci>nt,T< ss convenes. Ih- Woihl KepoH." Ui thi-^. \'.c\>. Mills i finance and the stock market in the year ahead. This Forecast is designed I liiyh dividends. PHOTOSTATS Secretary of the Treasury, Ilill-in. ili'l not say thai tlieie wuuhl iiiit j Postponement of our school ob- j his Sfcretaiy of Commeice to assist you in making important decisions. A glance at the section head- : he a ta\ i-ciliietinn in r.u;.'l. Inn . ings below indicate tlie broad range of topics covered. •ations will only result in higher Hodges, his chairman of the Coun- , lie (!i o|>ininn llu-ie | .si. ;ind lower returns. cil of Economic Advisers, Heller, ; i.~ ii" justilieatiini fur a ••quickie"! SAME DAY SERVICE Therefore, I recommend a vote and many other highly pl.-iced otli- ;tax on to In- mail,' ellei-tive Jan.! PART IV-THE OUTLOOK FOR THI eials in the Ailminislraiimi ai" fur PAXT I-THE ECONOMIC OUTLOOK favor of the school referendum, ; I. which, is ihi' ilale that l'l'vyiiU-nt RAILROADS a luweriiijT of the ta\ luirdi-n. Some of the subjects iiuiuilod ale: tiov- >w. i Kenned\" luis tuen iisin^r. | Westfield Studios They do not all a^ree upon how miment Spending, Imluiliial Production, Operations. Traffic nnd Rales. Tnxei, R«v- Arthuv A!. Keihush ! Mr. Mills alsi. m»f lek'i--' Portrait oru! Commercial Photograph*'J ROtinl and Disposable Income, l-.niploj- 1963 eiiriiinus and dividends for 20 well- Mating a hu l.av.- a ileiieil in tile ; turcrs' New Orders und Sales, (iovoin- SECURITY PRICtS ; liscal yctu- ln'^inniiiK .luly 1. l:»i"'.-i. : menl Pent, Money in Circulation, Ciold, ! Ami he insists thai while ta\ re- j Hunk Loan* and luvcslnicnls. ConMinicr j iluclioll may iiu-n.'ase eeiinoinii i Crcdii, Savings by Individuals, l-'orcifiti Trade, New Securities Ollciiiii:s. trrowth, the |iiui-e.-,s takes n innsiil- j I'lilble time, which lllean< thai n : Quality PART II— THE OUTLOOK fOR THI i'. •>. HISIIM: HII to. lowerinu n!' (a\es nmsl reiini-i' I INDUSTRIALS Kovernnieiu levemie fur un nppre- j •Jl l'r,i.|iri-| SI., \\V«inrM. V. J, FIREPLACE WOOD Hslimalcd 1963 enrning^ nnd dividend! ptr Gonllemem ciahle pel mil. j tliarc for 65 well-known Iitduslrinl slockj. Theie pi'iihahly is no ntlier Con' Pl«o.« ««nd ma FREE 1963 FORECAST. t'ressman in the House whose I FOR SALE PARr III-THE OUTLOOK FOR THI views on ta\c.~ are ;i> intpol'taht a> •, UTILITIES Kva Telephone AD 3-0003 those of Mi. Mills. This is not he- ; Near and long term prospects Arc dls* cause he rcntroU s.o ninny votes, i SCHMIEDE TREE EXPERT CO. cussed plin estimated 196.1 turnings and Cltr Bt»t It is it result of the wiilespreiul ie- I dividends fur 25 lending Utility slocks. speet for his inherent ahility ami ; haul work. 1-Vw chairmen of tin FA 2-9109 Ways ami Means Cuinmittee have! had us much influence mi the total j WE RECOMMEND menihership


    ;; ymit' yjW list, is more 1 mi when von know s'ou < an liny and express our thanks for the willifjiil. piling ii/i hill-.. \\\ less fxpcti'-.ivc. loo. (uiviii;: willi i asli. privilege of serving you through Tluil's why it's wi^t. lo plan iiiul >.iivc in a (,liri'-lniiis (;inl> at Ttic \alional Male IJJIIIL Whalc\ CJ- \ONC plan-, we liavc a the years. Club to lit your iicciK. Join now . . . JHHI lool-. lurw.inl l l o I jcin/^ a goncrons S;uil.a willintil. bil hi pay Ion;.1 .ifI• -i- ilic lioliduy has passed. May the New Year be the best •'tax EASY PARKING IN STATION PLAZA ACROSS STREET

    you have ever had. BANKING HOURS Monday through Friday 7:45 A M. to 2:00 P.M. SIATE BANK MONDAY EVENING THE 6:00 P.M. fo 8:00 P.M. REILLY OlDSMOBILE, INC. CLIZABL'TH • SPRINGf lULD • KOSELCt PARK • SUMMIT WAIK-UP WINDOW KENILWOrmi • WfcSTRliLD • RAHWAY • HILLSIDE Monday through Friday 7:30 A.M. lo 8:00 A.M. 560 North Ave. E., Westfield TEOtRAl DEPOSIT U:UH»NCt C0BPO«»TIO» 2:00 P.M. lo 6i3O PM.

    Westfield Office—Opposite Railroad Station Note at Rialto West field • LfGAl NOTfCfS •

    TirB TO CRBOITORS Ki>\&W of JOSEPH I-;- UM.'KRItS. ftl&u V.nowti an JOSErji KDWAV.D B1OKRHK. deceased. Purfcutini to llitt orU*r of KL'OKKK J. KIKIRRK Surrogatg e of the County r. UUnion . nm.dd ii jMMl) d t Kov*mber. plication # Executor o b* **t*U ©f »*lrf c»i««il, noti * bjsrthy riven to dit cr f to the suba«r r v*4*r oath or fittmntto n theith r lr#ctorfl Tr>r \h* com In* your and to trancAz-t all A. SCENE from "Lady nod the Tramp," a Wall u,, . Othpr iPsrU'Trmtc hu^ne^e will h& Harold C. Huvlcr. B7. of 2232 B(y f hslrf fn tlio BanK'nr rwrire. 17T TCaj»* Broad Ptre*t W^PtflMrt. N. J.. TUPP- Greenside PI., Srotch Plains, had length feature now playing at Rialto Theater, WciiSelJ Al day .Tatiuary Rth. 1112 Polls win Iris llfer« revoked two vears and bt ontn from 3 to i P.M. MAJI c.K-41-AKnio Kob»rt tty»», l»ft, .ccuie. for.- LANA iURNER AND DEAN MARTIN in a scene from the the i»»e prpfram another DUnoy treat, "Almoit AnjW," ' 11-29-fit Feea $J3.7fi was fined $225 in Municiiml Court ofoan T«r«nc» Stamp, centw, of mutimy fa tk* ibip'j captain, new comedy bit "Who'a Got it* Action" now playing at Liberty last week on a drunken drJv- ivoTrR Trt BiTOi P»Ur U>ti»OT, In lKJ» dr«m»tic >p«n* from "Billy Budd," an Theater, Plftiofi.ld. New Y**r>t Eve tha Uborty will have a inf- ohai-Re. The penaltv wa« im- Allied Artictt yel«at4 in ClnemaSpopet opeolny «t the Paramount KPtntp of AOOtTftTA P. SANOET* preview of it* next attraction "Gypty/' TaatM-i PUIM(«14 OB N«W Year*. Eva at T. p.m. Rsbert Ryan, r-osi*! by Magistiate William M. Board. pii-*iiant to the orAt-w rtf BT'nffV P*t«r UfUnpr.iMsWya OoQslai atar wltii Ttrwu* Stamp. BROAD ITninn. madr on t»ir- ttiirllMh 'lav >•' Iluvler vms apurcliended A«g. Hnvrmher, A.TV. 19*2 unnn 1*>»» an- UJC Spring Semester To Start Feb. 4 WBTFUm p] Ira t inn of thf «nil(*r»"'enrd. H* Coming to Strand. "!9 hv Pntroiixan Robort Rell. Exi***ntor of thp ftttotc of KiM dp*. The spring semester of the Un- A brochure Hating all courses of- Kichard C. Moore of 2HK Morris tmtlnp In herpHv .rtvoTi tn 11* • ion Junior College Institute will fered can be obtained by writing RIALTO Ave., Summit, paid B S65 fine on NOW THRU MPNDAY MATINEE, DEC. 3J oj>en Monday, Fob. 4, it was an-to: Registrar, Union Junior Col- •\ charjrt of rwiilfa driving. John nounced today i>y Dr. Kenneth W. lege Institute, Cranford. HPulitfct till, potat* r\t MM if**.***** P. Hairy of 5(54 Downor St. paid MATINEE DAILY THRU MONDAY, DEC. 31 Iwrsen, director. •r. or thAV w-lll tir* fn-z-vft- %OQ for rarcloss drivine, and 510 Regis-trfltion for all courses will Kovacs Home on Leave for driving without liphts. Ing- tho si ba conducted from G to 8:30 p.m. Other fines were as follows: Don- PiM.itn vj. TJavlilBon. Jr.. U. S. Naval Academy Midship- on Monday, Tuesday, Jan. 28 and •M P. Andrmva of 75 N. Cottage man Fourth Class Jnmes P. Ko- I>avi()Rnn, Piitlprmore & J^ynch, 29 in the college's Komahe^an PI. and Robert K. Hovt, 81C Tire v*c», eon of 'Mr. and MM. Julos P. S9< n.i Building. t*i., $20 oacli, rarcIeF'3 driving; Till- Kovacs of 221 Tuttle Pkvvy., i» •nnn Jonci, 24 iPtuitria Rd., Edison, Tho UJC Institute offers non- amontr 2,000 mldshipmon of the $30, no driver's license. credit, college-level programs .for NAVBI Academy at Annapolis, Md., adults in the cultural and liberal who have loft to spend thoir annual arts areais and programs for indus- LEADER Cl-ASSIPfEDS two-weak Chriitmas leave with try and other group*. BRING RESULTS their parents. - WALTOISNEVS MVfWn plPIJPV ri^nrAQPil, Will hf i Iiirtlt/irl Did atq t#wl >.v *»*(*• CRANFORD f^#» TTn'on rou»*v <"*«•. «i-t— r« vision, on W^^neH^tv. WALTER READI NOW THRU S&T. MAT. Ztrd next at 9:80 A.M. WAI/T I>ISVKV'« PI. 6-3K6U Dat»cl "LADY AND TH? TRAMP" *Pfc«* na^ic of Nftw York, Children's Admiision 50c \Vrrk<. Matlnre Only 2. N. J. " STRRI.D STARTS MONDAY EVE, DEC. 31 at - P.M.

    HIM Frank Sinatra — Laurence Harvey of" FHANIC ' TIAT,T,hi:nC. An Avalanche of FUNI^ tit to thn ord^r of T.TTfrn'vn* "THE MANCHURIAN CANDIDATE" YUL BRYHWEH »»»r»r » tk* tlti* roU of tho luityy, legendargyy J. »rav 1 of t'nlnn,, ma feditors of said docoKsed to exhibit 1, I'JfiZ and coats. Thf Sh*"-(fT r,.Rorves tho rlfclit t« or t>i«V wIM 1*o f u tt)« subicriber under oi^th or of- "ALL STAR HOLIDAY SHOWS" prnRAcnt'nfr or rp Irtaatlon their cJuima ami UcmaiulH aJJuura thl« Hale. ISTARTING NEW YEAR'S EVE MONDAY MATINEE UAL.PII OIIISCISIJ^O, PI.nlilKvlil 0-.V17T Rffainst the Bit*i«< eftlnRt tha «state of said (IPCCRHO- DEC. 31-1 P.M. vlthln six months frorri tho cx-i 0-2 NOW... ADD i MOTION PICTURE TO THE WONDERS OF THE WORLD! Hornr»o V,. TinUfr Attorney nt ihe sMie aff*ln*t th.e Hubncrlboi l2-20-4t Peoa $44.00 SHOW LIB F-RTY THRU TUES.! ?n» xf^,,ntRtn Av Oraco [>. VultM. \y,»,t«rOd, N'. J. - Executrix, FREE GIFTS 12T aK. PtiT-r'Ufiit** r»f the i"».iiinl' ON SCREEN Of TTnlf>n. tnnrto nil t»iA |wp|f|h ,*• niPS 8AM3 — Superior Court FOR of N«w jAr«*»r. Cb«nc«ry Dlyfalon "30 Ft. Bride of Candy Rock" nlon CftfinJr. Donket 'F1 tfii).6i T'KJATMONT SAVINOB AND f/>A"' NEW YEAR'S EVE "Xarzan tha Ape Man" SH()O!ATJ0NATJ0N, * corporation of th" tat ^tt fimfiW JJ«ra#// ; plaintiffpliiff. T» AftL, MADC1M ett Ala... Def#nriDef#nriantra i "tyll Actioti n WriWit to ff KiecutlooKl— p 4j of Moritrau^^ Prpm(nr*«. nto nf onH .lonA't virtue of th« a>iov«-at»Ud wrli DANCE Kecutfon to me -« All tlmt tract or parcel of hm* h».HAROIDHECr!TM»ttto nrt premium, li^rclrmftfr tmrttrn DENISE nrlv fif«cr(hef»\'; TARAS BUIBA IN lnu known nnrt UP*(trnnto.) n* 2 In Plork r.fir, on rnno cntltl*"1 nlirf'l*f*» K»tntO8, Her t ion 3" . ..CHRISTINE KAUFMANN n nf Went Hold. Tinion mnniv THE FABBIODS JorPfv. Troiinson A- Offkcr The Music Staff »"8. J$- 3nrv. Tniiin V ,T rt« t»<*' lt tn thn tii Barbara Ryan • unlv T?f-e Office on June FOLLIES, i nna s^fRn 44SF. .PARAMOUN The: forevrotnur denrrfntfofnn 1» 1 27 Elm St., Wejrfiold AND FEATURING BEAUTIESl l ftflf with rnnnp f ROM TH E MISS AMERICA AND VoMnnon AV nf"er' . Union N. J. Huudny '2—Iti-IT—St ir—7i4."—lltt.% MISS UNIVERSE CONTESTS to tim "iil.«'>dl,rr nn.lop o->lh nr ** -»(prt Jnnp S". lO nnrl contlnuoit t^> Phone AD 3-1448 ART CINEMA i. DINNilt SHOW > OANCINQ ftrt"i (!•>« t Ur>I »• dolmo n -i.1 ftnnvin'1 Monday, live. Mnt. Mntlu<-<' Only iilv fi. 10«0. PL 6-'S73 r- FIOM >55S CSAT. SI.SS1 T'r^mtn^n rnmtnonlv known n*» S! OPEN MONDAY TO 9 P.M. rl«n Place. W«->tnnlil. NPH- Jprwv, SHOW & DANCING SPECIAL T'lof-o IB duo nTtnroxlnifitMv Jn!( PETER SELLERS STRIKES AGAIN! ONLY *3 Corn it 6:30 lor IA» nt.74 witli Interest from Novomb • nil J.minc >nr nifhl (ncttf Jtl.) "SAUCY DANCING TO THE RHVTHMS limiiio Mt "A *•>•> v,.wi, »v*., "W. SPRIGHTLY RT.23.CEDAR CROVC«RES Cl 6 14V, n m V'-< -li|, N. J. GAY PHONE FOR SPECIAL 12-f.-4t SEX ROMP!" i NEW YEAR'S EVE PRICES BRING COMEDY!" r.fttxto of P.MKLENK A. FHAM N.V. POST N.Y. NEWS pii-«nnnt fn ti.o nnH-r of T^iTf-i.-v1 THE .7. K1TM\ Snrrotrnto <»f Iho Ponntv " TTnlnn ma'if1 >vent lipr. A.T>.. 1'ifiS. imon t^io an FAMILY... p|W-dt >r Kxw-ntors of tln« ontnT.. nf KH'.I ,ir ccnsfd. not' r \t* hor^hv elv*'ii t^ t1' SKATE A ooMlflsntlil DUtnuitlng Inc. MIMU COLOR • SERVICES YOU NEED • tn ttip «iHw^rti,(»r nit'li'f on tli <»r ft i TOGETHER N£W YEAR'S EVE SHOW STARTS 7 P.M. m r. t*>PV ivlii li htirro.l fiitni -MODERNIZING TRENCHING ^GENERAL TRUCKING, POOTIKO • CI'KVrnV Jnlw ntllc rooma, cloa- W. O. HE8LER ii'-t.^'i T<- i«t P t PLWNRELD All I-II'JJ ALLIED VAN UNES . v ImtmMo. v. .InnOH .Tr. i'OOI.S <;IIAI>IM. j« XDIITII *w;. " ..y« y. Slrnnd AD 2-H'jnn 7 1' H'T, AIlornf»v Hamilton Blvd. (Near Hadley Airport) South Plainfield, N. J. 6-G-tf SOI I'll HIM. Kin VATIXC- Storm MOIMAV* ,\(!i-:. N.-w l WEDNESDAY THRU SUNDAY* 1 scivi'l'J'. l'nnll;lry SIUVITM, ivcrlt, 12-fi-4t l'>on ?L'l. ROOFING & SIDING iHll.lKilll.ilur. u-;iy», 1,11 Hi I '.7..- V tn alll 1 < Stall-.Stall-.- ".;' • •••,,,\,'.i ••• MORNINGS 10:00 • 12.30 I'/IIIL' III N« \v I-'" ' . .... v-j- • i CONTRACTOR ri'iitalM. tiui-lt ri-ntcil^. KIH.VI-J n-nt- AFTERNOONS 3:003 - 530 nl-<. Ci-iu'iiil rrp;ilrp. r''d"vat Ink': T)«T.M.H,/r M, 1 EVENINGS •'ilnir. Slillni: r,iiti.-r* I.cndpri. NntW-o is 8:30-11:00 • •! ll,'|.:ilr» J..1.H .--v.TC.I liy Inp.ivi'iinMitM llml liflivy Ciintr:ut Inu. »V L'lV'-n flifif tl' WIVrlClMi:. (Ii'nioll.MliliiK. (711 l-'JO-lf. oMvohoM .-aiifiii n'.ii .-I'll'"-1 '••" •.;;'.:,,.• <•-; icl(( In live . t.-i.i:\\ nnoriNu ,* ^II>IN-(; CH. 7-r>-ir No general public skating Monday and Tuesday. ADULTS »1.00, CHILDREN (o l?/60». Skole Shop/Snack Bar/ REPAIRS Instructors/Music/Ample Free P.irking/Chocking Facililics/Cisy (o NATIONAL VAN LINK reach by car. For additional inlormation phone: /Sfl-SSBS. !'tnf<'Knii'hi!M.>Ti| r/iinivinv .- MASON UPHOlSTEftY | iil-l.iiliU IH-ia"'1; ,.., JHt: Mr '' !•* T.n.vmi,), ".: ,V .>»,)»•• ,,ll Plu< Ml tvpoB niiiHiMi ,v,.|)i lti>t:iliilii FURNITURE REPAIRS I al r:.I.' .1 «••••• •>•';'.,'•.; \.s-'H „ ; :ill». wall:-. :in.l i.l.iw •> K hill N...>-'lii.i • I '• """ • i-.'<" i •'=11»- i! \1> :•;•;• |f DON MAXWEU LANDSCAPING AD 2-0226 Mrp. M.'Mcrnrfti-k "M NVu'Stir- Tho Nowly Decorated , "IIH'K. I'hivl.-.'liii.-. (•••nii'iil W.Hic Klfu'no'l New ,1'T-nv ' I. !-•.•::< I. V-l-.-ll Mr Kfiiwrt SVtinioli 14tn: l»l:ui«l. N«> IIOMII VovU. •:xnrit ri-p.ilrM ttiiil I'l'iiwirUf CHI-AM CHATEAU Inc. Herman Molville's all time groat , p M»-;. S.-h^-nrU, r/r» MTH, .T Tic- •ir|.i.|,try innHimry. <-l-i-lrl./il 1 1 liiilli.!;. 't.i.'i Si.|r-i.|iiii|r,vi',l '"("I'ir.'i'."!'" ' I" :""!''"'ir.i" • f-f* ftnrU.r.o I'IJT''- Ooliiriln. Ni-\v Ji- U. S. HIGHWAY 22 MOUNTAINSIDE, N. J. -1" in I. Inc. K'< I'.I. t'Mintnnll All classic ...of young Billy Budd i. Aii :;-:•!.:::. 7-i'j.u •|.';i-aiil, ltuli-« icasoiiill'k. I.AWN MJ • •"•"•!• l;;t" |•,',,.; -,..••• HfV. 1 Mr. Jo»*. BccfirriL, 14&9 Muln St i I. Sirillh. Ml' k H.S77H Complete Chinese and American Restaurant and Suppor Club shanghaied into the brutish crew of I-II1-' i'.'""' "y ;v;::.:;.v.u'" Unhw-nv VPW .TI»-*---U r p> M-. 1-T.-•••IC) h S'lillnv-, r"! -\11,i „-.-, a British nmun-o-war... tho deadly j ftv K-i.«»-.»«H V#-w ...--.r»v. V ••.II| I. ,\fl-r Ti \i .•••• ":..••• iil:>KIIAI, CMtl'ICNTIIV l:,-in. ^fr A. !. Vf|.'lf.,t.-v I-") l!(1uti FINEST FOOD IN TOWN fouds. ..tlie lnw-by-laah... and tho rj.ivl V^'.tff' V, .«• ,!...«.>v '<•:: i.-i..,ii«. n,,.: hi H,,i- • I''.i- I I.,.?.-h. ••• .!,.,,;-, ,., : Business Lunch from $1.25 justice by yardarm hanging... t r.r.»«it W-.M.W. r.•"-.[,• v.., i — ;.-. ."} i .\\ ..I.- i ,\ I» ".-. t'.i ii TRFE •\1 •• No jacket required during lunch hour. KM- V.< ^ III T-i-iv O SMOW PLOWING DANCING FRIDAYS « SATURDAYS o SUNDAYS "' """••"JIM IOVBAND i... T..»w| A. • I lto\ u II I- Ml \ IT ri;n. Our nowly decorated Banquet Room SNOW PLOWING i .».-,^.., r,.,irii,.,i -I,,.,. I:,,I,T| is now open for your inspection. ..n.Ml..,. | n; , i. 1 •,.... , ,-. imlii-n ini _ lli'-iiiiiiiiiii ll;ti ltl • •nrklili; InC llrUitMl Spocmt facilities for private wedding receptions and >•• iiiii AM-. r\ ::• tr.i.-. I->t"i,- iiT 1\'\I.T1-'K J T* M .'I*/.. ROBERT RYAN I PETER USTINOV II if OLIVER HOWARTH, JR. ('l'J'"f"', oilier social functions. Capacity up to 300. ,. i TII« '';< MELVMDOUGIAS •TERENChSTAMP TRPF EXPFRT CO. w tti:.tiiiiiri><- , ',',, r.""i:',p' '• Off Premises Cntnrlng Orders to Take Home h nuTtAUKUOfH • FUtR*UsflNuV- rtTER USTINOV w'bViVlII BODSfN ' nlctr >l<>il.-i-it Tri-,. s.Tih-r »tnl» (Vrllllr-it Tr.', [:<|i|.rl nil nf 'tho nM>t..rMhr i H. FOR INFORMATION CAU AD 2-3873 l to BUY OR <;ELL, USE LEADER CLASSIFIED ADS a* J. > VEXDEZ, i«tj*5t>Af, •,JM* I ]hristmas Trees Receives National Sales Award ment in 195!) mid to the tain dV T»n«'Co., one uf : Mr. WliiiliK-k bwanir tiffiliated ; if.s>). in J9C.I -Mv. WliHIodc was 1 Lnd Plants Have the country's lfadingr insurance j with tho tlunu i" l!i:st'- as n marine j pr,,!,-^,!,^ t0 m«na*rer of the aatcs firms, has unnounced the election i special us>nt in Now York. After j .imi MdvpitUintt department, of F. K. Whillm-k uf 124 l.incoin tianifei." ts> tin- Ohic.'nto anil St. Ancient Origin I Kd., man«(re-r of tlw salos tind «d- l.oui* vtlicvs, lie v.-ns r«turnu>t \u \Vise men ne'er sit and wail their This Week rtising depnitiiH-nt, 1o ansistunl j lhi> compnnyV head ufl'w us head los.s but cheerily K«k how to rc> p Christines tree and uso of it* maiiiK* depirl- dress them. preen- Tor yule decorations are the By Your Rutgers Garden Reporter •'(.suit of centuries of blending of USES FOR '0-I.D* TREK ssni find reli«i©"« **•»*• our Chri.-tnms trt»o can remain were a l.uijr «•;»>• frwn dead. He j a-ordiiMT to George M. Codding, useful lonj; alter the holiday sea- p president of the BaHlott Tree I'.dvi.-ed linsliiiK the Irvt in lute ' TRULY YOUR ONE-STOP p«rts, early Christians hung hol- March and v.-utei-in}r it every 10 This is p.ot news to you if you days next rummer unU*S' TJIE HOME Jie p:iir»n festival of Saturnalia. •ut Yule tree. Cent uric* before -Egyptians ol of life make on effective windscreen and lust fall and now siie wonders how shade for your shrubbery, especial- to t-aki.' care of it and how she can triumphant. In Scandinavia pa- ly the brond-leaf everjriuras such Now Available .ans brought STOCn -boughs into gvX more plants. jrair homes so that spirits, thought as Azaleas and andrornvdus. Treat it like a house plant, sug- j dwell in trees, would have haven Just tack chicken wire to stakos gaeey, but don't exjxxat i-i to Vi LOAD OF DRY CLEANING 'or the winter. From >Seundinavia and tio Christmas tree branches to flower because induur lig-ht usually [so came the burning of the yule the wire. is not strong enough. Such a windbreak doei 4n elf>c- Take cuttiniM at Uwiat three Th» Oldsmobile Divisiun of the General Motors Cw>, announesd Why Pay More? Have Your tive job of preventing too much lnomincheKs 10long from it and root them recently that n 101) n«w eiir sales awurd for the 1«62 niodel year WM Druids hold jnlstUto* Sn awe.drying out of th« plant, and many i~n wntcl. Then transfer them to won by Robert Robson Jr., suit's reiirvavntalivc at ReiHy Otdsmobile Dry Cleaning Done By The Pound bey cut it from the oak tree, nev. home ott in; find the effui-t more p^. Inc., Westield. The presentation of the rov»t«d ring avrard wan made • allowed it to touch the ground, than a burlap screen. >y Q. T. Jamieson, cvntvr, district manaircr for Oldsmnhile to Mr. }ien ion home dealership. Mr. llobson hns bei-n nssui-iHltvl with lUilly Oldsmoliile, ; on under Mvistletoe. ffrounds specialist »t Jlutjit'rs, of- to )>ruvl(iv moi-c cuUinira that you Inc., for seven years and is a member of OldKinobUf's national Mites i The Christmas tree was first can root in the same manner and fers tha «>UKjre»U<». Jlt> bays he plant outsid*. •lub known us the Rocket Vatitiuard. A native of Wfntflcld, Mr. LAUNORY AND CLEANING Iscd in Germany. Legend has it knows of at least one commercial You can keep ut tobson and his vrife, t)ie former Marion Duvjrcr, and their two Buna tut Martin Luther put up the first this little Kanic •>-- IOII'"••rKs au^>s yojvu like tm^, i nurseryman vho cojiucls leftover pruvidei) you want to be surround- 'ohn amj Jeff, reside at 2117 1)OK«OOII lit. mas tree in his home. trees just IJM) he can huve a supply But long before that dormant ed by lmpntic-nce plants. Experisncod Attendant Alwayi On Duty of boughs to use in making -wind- Next fall, instead of moving a ,ubeck lo Have Show Tin- lluilil of Creative Arts icho* of fruit tree* wor» break* for hU fustomtrs' new-Jy Shrewsbury. 117 CENTRAL AVE. WESTFIELD tfit mdooru before Christmas * whole plunt indoors, take eix-inch Ji-rry Lub, especially in FebruFebru- but traditional name "Bureau of winter sol«tkf. In modievnl ary and -rtarch, tho dunger time of ami oils of landucaptk., tstil! life Municipal Parking lot AD 2-4181 ivi n story persisted that on the d rth th d ti f Internal Revenue" w»e officially nd flifuros, Tho snow will be «t [iulit the Child was born all the warminu sun and drj-intf winds. chunjrrd to the "Intrrnai Hevutiue fees in tho forest, tiiough laden Donald B. Lacey, who exammed Service." jritli .snow, burtt irvto bloom. From Ireland etime the custom «* lights in tho window, to d It's Fun, It's Easy, Play Acme's Exciting Game Todav the •ChrV*tniM tree stands trht, wroiiths are huriK and SCHMIEDE TREE EXPERT CO. rimlows (flow ua a symbol of a be- lof, a hope, a faith. COMPLETE TREE SERVICE WITH MODERN EQUIPMENT Staler Christinas free Every Day Certified by State of N. J. W1NW0 A Christmas tree laden with Only a Few of the Hundreds of $100 Winners jucibs and timtel needs core during FA 2^9109 Christmas week, Mjrs Dr. Edward Mn. Jehn Prury, 342 LlvlngiUn Avt* N*w Imntwtcfc, HJ. Ron Uw«itiy, 41 llneoln Av«., Itvlngilon. NJ. I Ihitln. director of tho Bartlett Airilo Btltlng.r, t? JatquM St., flliatxlh, Nj. Mr>. l.H. Tonn.r, 102 f.lliweod O- , llvtngitan, NJ. rno Research 'Laboratories. Mn. T. Wachootti. 59 tlncoln Av>., Totowo, NJ. Mn. Edith Htyn*, 9 llnwood T«., CIKlon, NJ. I Add water to its container every Mil. f. Ha.l.niy.H. 350 N. 7th St., Con..00 t, N J. Mn. Julia Ffoit., 63 Nclion St., Clifton, NJ. j/iy. At tho iwme time check tho MM. Ronald Con, Blolr.lowr*. NJ. Mn W.R. Wood, 33 Elon PI.,, talonlown. NJ. leedlcs for drynass. An average DRIVEWAY AND PARKING AREAS PAVED Ma. 9.C. Kmu... 56 Mo,,In An.. 5om«tnt, N.I. Emily A. MKS'olh, 10 tov.lond Si, Madlion, NJ. Bze indoor tree may absorb a quart Mr. tu .n. Ecklund, 13] Roliom, Rd., Warm, N.L Elltabelh Copliolit. it Cobb Si., ftockawoy, NJ. nf water dnily. PRESERVE OLD DRIVES and O Under the magic block circle on aach Oarothy A. Jui.lyV, 607 Smith St., tlnd.n, NJ. Mn, Margaot Cronmvr, A22 G*iord Av«., longftranch, NJ , I No nioro than 80 JighU should AREAS WITH COSMICOAT A0tt«t RawilliornB. 4 B«»th Avt., Madlion, NJ. Mn. Jouphln* Shotll, ,177 UltUton Rd.. Morrli Plalm, NJ, o strung on n.ny one indoor tree. card is a C, A, S, or H. Collect all four ASPHALT SEALER 1 letters, and you win $100.00 caihl Mn. Arlhur Bol.r. 1056 ttighlon St, Union, NJ. Nancy I. Bowlby, 18 Waodool lid, Kd #1, Boonhsn,, NJ. jon't lenvo them burning too lonir- Olga MtMltlon, 107 A'm.Uong Dr., Clark, NJ. |l—avs dLii-onncct *he tree lifrhta Mn. Wm. H. Hauck. 75 Parkvr Av#.. Mnnaiquan, NJ. efore you 1:0 to bed or leave the To find your Iwcky letter, run your SPELL Roitmory Aufieri, 64 Noimondy Rd., Uppir Montclalr, NJ. Brnlg.l rin«, 121 M»«i St, Som.iylllo. NJ. Jouse. Inspect the wires and sock- WM. A. PARKHURST CASH card undor tho fnucet. Rub the Mn. Hilda Nlgia, 400 W. Cancount St., Niplvnt, NJ. lloln« Sana, 440 tlwood SJ , Vfrana, NJ. Its frequently. Koep \vru|>piiiR pa- CONTRACTOR magic circle ... and the Utter appears. Mn. Ann Wtnlgart. Slylln. tok.i. Wanaqu*, N J. M>i. Wm. T. Sibling Hill, Ogdimburg. N.J. ilollo Roiyckl. Illil Bo« 9, Colh N«cV, NJ. Kalhryn Dilg. 7 ftottalt Av«., Oovaf, NJ. ler from prescintu and fluffy eot- Phone ADarm 3-1738 Ret. Mill Lan* No entry blanks to fill out—no jingles )pn away from tho tree. P. O. Box 334, We*tfi«ld Mountointide, N. J. Jon. BuUhk«, 300 McCondleu St.,, N J. Ro»ul«« Gray, RFD Soi 37, Eafontown, NJ, to write—nothing to buy. It'* fun—it's All.n Loull, 141 E.Moln St., folonon, NJ. fr»»—ond easy. Start today) Jccent Literature Unit Moris Post Office All Advertised Prices Effective thru Mon., Dec. 31 GREEN STAMPS The Wcstfiold Ciliwny Commit FREE! 100 for Dc-^cnt LiU»r.ituri! has ct>] With coupon bolow ond purcha)o oi a famous led a nuirbiM- of un^oliciliMl nH MIRACLE WHIP «- ^ 45c 1 rti.-evnenU for ob.H'cm material Lancaster Brand Fully Cooked Shankloss Smoked ,nd lias Lurnod thriii <»ver Ui lo:-n ftPiAMft CATSUP 6 bollloi s*f istiil officials for ait ion, iicoord- to .John Wiil&h, clmirmuii of CORNED I5V4-OI. 69c committee. BROADCAST HASH cans HAM " : . , 65* The itdvt'rtiHeinents v.-oro brought Complete Bear Wheel and Frame Straightening •the committw by o number of Lancaster Brand Canned al resident5, who protv^ted that • WHEEL ALIGNMENT • WHEEL BALANCING WBLWIl Apple Grapo, Ficsla Punch 4# cms i M^ y wire often unit Ui their chil- GENERAL AUTOMOBILE REPAIRING rcii. While 'tho committee, whose UllAiCIO HKIIVIl'12 — CAllHt Itlil'OU A HIMTJON HUNT'S TOMATO JUICE 41 ! $1 'adi|unrtcrs is ;it 425 K. Uroail »l 9 t., will lw'tilnd to roccivo com- ts about mnil-oidcr pornop- SKIPPY PEANUT BUTTER 12 oi jar 39c lancoslor Brand "Ovon Roady" apliy, it is conceritrutintf it" «'f- WHALEN'S GARAGE orts towards keeping obscene reud- Authorized "Bear" Station iu; mattor oflf the ncwstRiids. KEEBLER CLUB CRACKERS 29c 1U 600 NORTH AVE., E. TEL. AD 30393 TURKEYS - 31« 16 ib.^. - qj3 7g C Call For and Delivery fAAIflEC VIRGINIA LEE I6oz. <%A Ons Prlca onlyl One qualil/—lh» flneit—end only one prico in each pries group. WUUIilEd CHOCOLATE CHIP Packag, JTf C tRlV. S&H GRIEN STAMPS BONEIKS CROSS RIB ROAST *• 89< Coupon for 20 Stamps in Pound Cm—40 Stamps in 2 Pound CM BONELESS CHUCK ROAST - 79< exciting IDEAL COFFEE CHUCK STEAKS ^ • •-<' "•• 59' international VALUE-WISE GROUND CHUCK <» • •«- »> 79« 1 Ib. can59 2 Ib. can1.17 CALIFORNIA ROAST £?Z* «- 69« food All advtHiiftd p'lcri effective Wed. through Mon., D«c. 31. —inexpensive, too there's no W« r#urv» lh« right lo limit quontitiei. Not feiponttblt (or typographic*)I ttrt Whale or Shank Half Butt Half Lancaster Brand Sliced COLD CUTS Mac's- ilie authoritative an- YOU NEVER HAD IT SO FRESH/ • BOLOGNA \ YOUR CHOICE swer Id fabulous budget better buy! • PICKLE & PIMENTO f 6 z IISIMII. From ;iround tlie • PLAIN or OLIVE LOAF ( ° M • B • A 4* •* ^BT ^m m B •> m ^* A ••» • F\ It fl wurlJ — I-'raiu-f, Italy, India, BROCCOLI LUNCHEON MEAT ) (•liile. Swil/erl.nul — Good 1 f• >ti-.'.ke^pini; suirehcs out FKOZEN FOOO.S I-:--. ANDY | ge III'-- f.-iMnilc cii^lics tif many ar FREEI 100 S&H GREEN STAMPS : In ii Miii-m iu fuur ri'uutui ttriropt wiih n»i:ritrics ; ;iwml>lc> an BOY bunch I:-; |»KI n,, „! „ f,,, I »• full, Tooled '-'^iliut; 17p.ii;c inlcriia- 29 GRAPE JUICE ly LANCASTER BRAND HAM li'>n.:l ciidk'jiKik v.-liitli j^/t>ri- °«e 5 C ll-~- MH\;K-llsn-f f(K);l. IllltS- ANJOU PEARS ' 29 !1.1led in lie.-nil jful color, •KM 41« 49« Will) t;i,. tn fellow reiipes. CARROTS ^-»»- Hi limit I Cyt/ji^n 1 .nis]>^t vein (;imilv (\oiu ADDICC Crisp Now England f\ Ib. AQ. ROMAN PIZZA PIES -»«.^55c % Mwlon'! l«mOB, »oniinii or SI>u>Uff 1':H!.;L-I. tool with these Al TLCJ Mclnloih 0 bog /.7 " r iliiuiuiis intiriKiliiiiial taste NEW GREEN SCALLIONS 2bunth,, 15c CREAM PIES 3-1.00 lu.ils. 11\ ,|J1 in January j| FREE! 50 S&H GREEN STAMPS ^ C:()()1)I DAIRY | :\ In u'iiM.'ji* lo yu'jt r«(julut irornpi with BAKERY |^ wild iwrtlnio of u lnn(u!l«r Blond J"in mpy UKI.IV. Ideal White or Colored American VIRGINIA Ue APPLE OR PEACK |g Rl# ROAST CHEESE SLICES 29 Horn. \'\ F«|ii«-« l/'ir, , Oft 31 Imported , __ __. c |;-. Vm.1 I (.o*|.jn SWISS Cheoso Slice. 6 oz. pkg. «ft*f C Pullman Sandwich Bread 29 \ir i>i S"j|i'"U family. I "> ... -> :' > :• -.' • - ". I .; ...••• • -..v.-,..-»*-s\1:sw« Open 24 Hours a Day FREEI 100 S&H GREEN STAMPS FREEI 30 SSH GREEN STAMPS FREEI 30 SSH GREEN STAMPS I '; FREEI 30 S&H GBEEN STAMPS In oddition It youi FP-julif itjti*p\ v^^tti In cidiKl'on lo ;t.u, u :;„!„< :'. ::•,;, »:•!, J Look for the big r.,/»i,.,v ,,< I-,•,. 7/ .,, ,.„„ -.( I ,..i.i I |{lil, |,rl, l....,,'r.l S KMRV.1CY $5.00" OR MORE IDEAL SAUERKRAUT IDEAL Strciwburry PRESERVES IONG ISLAND POTATOES pkg. at your grocer's. < 611 Park Avc, Plainfield

    / PL 6-0003 [,,l,ti».j,,. Oti 31. £.,.;, <:• Mvn-, t)t<. 31 1 limit 1 Coupon ti/llil 1 (if^Uf.j t,-.,;i I Cuu|>;>n «glsterfid Pl»armaci»t In p/O-t xxJLo F., 51 o|,,,,n.| I'd >t>O(>( ing fc".:l/. attendance at stor< Day and Nlghl U'K — H7O Sr.ulh Avr. CI.AttK IDWNHIMl1 — Onlrnt Arr. snit Itirlmn ltd. •PRINCilrlKl.t) — Uxml» U "oJ MutmUla An. — Ulu. «l.r ihosplnu < «sl.r, Ks«U n £*£«"* 22 TUR WESTFIELP . £) LEADER, THURSDAY, DECEMBER *Xt\ f»62 Building Project 12-House Project Wins Approval

    ! The Plan:i:nir Hi>:ml ri-c tlyjinio nine binldinfr lots. For YM-YWCA : approved an nppl:r:>'.:on of the h"- I x-ak Kcaliy Co., !'9 Horn.-b;.- Avc, ivis dirwu-d to niiike t)u- !ii-atio:i refc-rivd from thi- Kuurd | li<- hearing that tin.- approval ; ; of A(ijo.-t::n nl oil a vuriuiU'i en to the m-xv YMCA-YWCA build- I .-uhji'i-t to ilraiiiiifv problems in<- ing wine, .".i-i-wding to William K. .-miijrht by Kr::nk A. Liquori of 72< AUTO BODY REPAIRS MASON :?;jr '!!ii:lii:ir i-o!i:miUeu. cliair- | i.n-iu. rmm, with completion of the eon- 222 Connocikut St. '1 he applicant CONTRACTORS CiCovizv K. Kovr.k Jr., eontnictor, .lOujrht pcrnii^siyn to install an 18- AUGUSTINE MOTORS NANCY F. REYNOLDS strucron program expected soon aid h« proposes to constru;-t 12 SEVELL'S ISC. W. R. DOLBIER & CO. Kfter Jan. 1. )'<»ot centL'i' strip pavement instead homes priced at ?28,000 to $32,000 of full-width paving iind curbing ClIKYSLKK — PLVMOCTII Realtor Among the major 'building fca- AUTO BODY CO., INC. lMf KKIAI. — ViUAKI Linoleum — Formica JAMES SEILER turis nearing completion arc the An a motion by Mayor Burr A. Sink and Counter Tops The hoard voted to tnUle an- op- Collision Experts • Fine palntin "JEEP" INSURANCE MASON CONTRACTOR tiling of the Olympic .-izc swim- Towl Jr., members recommended Sales and Service plication presented by Robert V. that full-width piivinir l>e required. IiEAlt Frumc & Whetl Survlce SHADES - VENETIAN BLINDS AND BUILDER ming pool, final finish on I he K>m- Snevily of 105 Elm St., attorney AU U-IO8S Of All Kinds nasium floor, and completion of (Icneral lttpalra S7B \ or 111 Ave. K. We.lflel — All Famous Makea — for the Kirk Construction Co. AITOMATIC TRANSMISSIONS electric fixture and plumbing: in- Call AD 2-6300 Inside Plastering stallations. -.Skinner' and Cook, Ntsidents of the area asked that 'L\ Hour Towing Service AD 2-5958 a study be made to determine what •Inc., of Roselle Park, are general 302 E. Broad St. Brick Work contractors for the building proj- can be done about existinc: drain- AD 2-8887 AUTO GLASS 701 Central Ave. Westfield ect. age conditions #nd whether the Westfield proposed subdivision-would cause 320 Windsor Ave. Westfiel, Open Weekdays 1 P.M. to 6 P.M. •Renovations to the present office Mon. & *"rl. livenlnga until 9 J'.M. AD 2-0727 additional problems. WINDSOR and lobby area of both the YMCA The applicant proposed subdivid- 459 Grove St. and VWCA were started earlier ing a tract off "Lamberts Mill Rd. j AUTO GLASS CO., INC. this month, with completion of the AUTO DEALERS • FORMAL WEAR • INTERIOR work anticipated by mid-January. AUTO GLASS The Dawson Construction Co., DECORATORS Westfield, is contrnrtor for th'is WILLIAM JAY CLARK Storm Windows phase of the work. When com- Exclublve Furniture Tops — Mirrors • VOI.VO Mayfair EMIL MUELLER pleted, the renovations will place • MAAII the 'boys' lobby where the present Complete Trim Shop Interior Designer ROBERT F. DAY SwedlHh Import Dealtr TAILORS Prescription Optician men'a lobby area is, and will pro- Hulcs — Servl<:« — l'urte Upholstery and Trim Shop call AD 3-1833 vide an enlarged lobby, fut.ita. )'W For An Appointment .105 Sunirrart SI. \ur(h 1>lainflr! AD 2-1700 "FORMAL WEAR RENTALS" OA. reception urea. Work offices MEMBER, N.S.I.D. for both the YiM nnd YW will pro- We Ilavo Our Own Stock 424 South Ave. E. Wettfield BOO Wr.lfleld Ave. 8 Kim Ht. vide improved accommodations. CONTINENTAL MOTORS CUSTOM TAILORED SUITS The building project, when fin- OF PLAINFIELD DRY CLEANING ished, will add a new swimming Authorised MEN'S & WOMEN'S ALTERATION'S • KITCHEN CABINETS pool and gymnasium to the pro- Sales & Service PHOTOGRAPHERS Alfa Ilomeo — Alpine — IIMW gram facilities now available for lllllman — NSU — Prtnz AUTO REPAIRS AD 3-1538 Y use. The new pool will measure l*orHche — Trlumpli (CABINET KRAFT The Symbol for 75 ft x 42 ft., provide six regula- PI, r.-Mlll) 111 QuImbySt. Westfield Personalized Kitchens Fine Portrait ond 114 K. Sfooni) St. l'lainflfl tion racing lanes and two one me- MICHAEL'S DeKlb'nlnir — llemodellnff Wedding Photography ter boards and « three meter board Complote Cabinet Service The new gymnasium will ultimaU AUTO ELECTRIC • FUEL OIL AD 3-43S8 ly be capable of being divided in MILLER RAMBLER, INC. GENERAL REPAIRS •half to permit two classws to bt 531 Central Ave. We«tl BEAR Wheel Alignment conducted simultaneously. The Authorized REEL-STRONG FUEL CO. present Robert L. Rook pool and and Balancing "Dependable, Friendly Service LAUNDRIES the gymnasium will continue in use RAMBLER Since 1826" PORTRAITS BY PIETRO for both YIM and YW classes. Wrecker Service — 24 Hours MOBILKBAT Sates and Service • SAMOSET LAUNDRY 228 E. Broad St. Classes scheduled by both Y's Paris — Repairs AD 3-4830 Coal HEATING OILa AD 3-4666 will be held In the new facilities as B Ridge 6-0900 SERVICE, INC. Closed Wednesdays soon as available. The present ac- 862 Mountain Ave. Mu)thil* Hitting; noldi Mr. unit Mr*. John J. Siarnnry, formerly (if USED CARS 3 North Ave. K. LAUNDRY — DHV CLEANINO tivity schedule calls for the use of Crrtuntrti, nrr uow mildlng la fhrlr nrw humr n( H DrummouU IIU. (Corner Bhore Rd. Parkway) The anlv of thim itrn|ierly wni nrxotlaU'd by ilcorttc H. Hull of (he "Drive-In Service" • SERVICE STATIONT the new swimming facilities by the office of Jumrx J. Davldaun, Realtor. AD 2-2456 Mountainside Caish and Carry Westfleld High School swimming 420 South Ave. W. Westfiel. GARDEN SUPPLIES SOS North Ave. PlalnSeld team. A spectators' gallery seat- Call FLnlnfleld 0-SIHU ing 250-300 persons is included in CANTLAY BROS. the construction program. Automatic Record Changers > AUTO WASH MEEKER'S IThe construction contract for THE GARDEN CENTER the project was signed last Jan- WESTFIELD VAN DOREN, INC. uary, w'lth Skinner and Cook, Inc., High Fidelity —F.M. Lawn arid Garden Supplies €sso MOTOR TOWNE CAR WASH Complete Line of 608 North Ave. E. •who were low bidders at $822,000. Chrislrnai* Decorations SI3HV1CS Furnishings and equipment, archi- Stereo Westfield, N. J. Wo Specialize In SALES CO. Union County's Finest AB 2-8717 tect fee, acquisition of property, BEAR and other related expenses place oervlne Ford Owners (or Car Wash 1100 Soolh An, W. 11>>(I] SERVICE Over 35 Ytnra "We Do Everything" Electrical — Brakes - CarbureKr | the total cost for the building ex- Authorized • Most Modern Equipment • DRY CLEANING • SHIRTS pansion program at nearly one mil- and Complete Aulo Servicing lion dollars. To date over $810,- STATION RADIO & T.V. FORD 8!monlzlug <— PolUhtnt; INSURANCE • FLATWORK • SPREADS 333 SOUTH AVE., WESTFIELD Sales Service We Pick Up and Dell?< 000 has been pledged to underwrite AD 3-4050 Rugs • Pillows • Blankets the coats, with $530,690 of this AD 2-4660 THUNDEUUUID 1 Prospect St. ADami 2-W21 ] FAIKLANK FALCO> amount having been paid by Dec. 1216 South Ave. W. Westfield BARRETT & PARKER, Inc. AD 3-4884 1 of this year. AD 2-3673 (Next to Union County CONSULT SHOES According to Edward C. Ewen, 319 North Ave. E. Westfielc1 ltoad Dept. Yard) TflMCA general secretary, the lund JACK PARKER ORTHOPEDIC is now in iia second pledge .pay- ROBBINS & ALLISON, Inc. or LAMPS SHOE PRESCRIPTIONS ment year with most pledge pay- BILl ESHBAUGH' Filled By ments over a three year basis, E»t. 1912 WM. G. MUUER. Pr»t • BEAUTY SHOPS COMPLETE'LAMP & ELECTRICAL Since contributions to the fund arc „ NORRIS •"• •"•I* for •• --" RJEPAIR DEPARTMENT CRISANTI deduutaoie as cnanta'Dle gifts on AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE We repair lump shades; nlso Ortl»o|>Q(li'j Spcclilibt Locaj and Long Distance Moving DOR-RET recover nny typo lump ahude. income tax reports, it is expected CHEVROLET, INC BEAUTY SALON Casualty • Life • Fire GIUBH drilling and convert ins cut CHA.VKOllD 6-I4C: many pledge payments and new Authorized gliiaa and china VIIHCS, JUKS, bottlou, I Centr alnl Ave. f"*1 Dorothy — Stylist AD 2-1800 c off to mills, etc.. Into lnmija. gifts will oe received by year's end. Household Goods Exclusively We f'?iiluro Style Cuts Mid J.^.mu CutH 43 Elm St. Westfield E. T. WILLIAMS 7.%S Central Ave. No pnrlclnfr proMem STORAGE CHEVROLET^ Permniient Wnvlnff Affiliated with 2-2ir>H AU 2-H51S Barrett & Crnln, Healtorn Trade School OK's 17 lZtnier St. Wva I.AMl'S MOUNTi:i) AND HENRY P. TOWNSENO STORAGE SHIPPING Sulos and Servu-o We do china ropulr, ^tnss drilling, BRAUNSDORF nntluue white or any article. l*lat- ADams 3-0220 iny. etc. All typea of Khndes tnmlc STORAGE $213,000 Budget ASSOCIATES, INC. to ortlur or recovered to look like now. Kull line of lamps &ml ahadt-B MOVING & PACKING North and Central Aves. • BOOKS Henry s. Gllbort ClyOo II. Fitch In Block. PACKING AD 2-H&1 The Board of School Estimate Westfield for the Union County Vocational Every Form of Insurance JERRY CARVELL 841 Nnrth Avr. W. 213 South Av». East Cheerfully THE TOWN BOOK STORE Since 1321 Cntallnn Lamp it Gift Shop School last week approved a Canford, N. J. Given on Any BOOKS i"OH 100-108 CcDrtal Ave. AU '„ south Av, .u Tramc ClrW ADninn U-lOiO Cocktail Dresses 46? South Ave. E. Westfiel< Attending the session were Ml X.irth Ave. W. Wmt • CASUALTY Freeholders J. Andrew Slemmer, mmy avaatlty AD 2-6519 USED CAR!; Edward H. Tiller and Peter J. Mc- Now Location: AD 2-0300 LIQUOR STORES Donough, representing the Hoard ~B&S~AUTO SALES of Freeholders on tin? estimate LAING MOTOR CAR CO. 22 E. Broad St. (opp. Frank's) 26 Prospect St. Westfield k'roup, and Eugene K. Caffery, WBLDON CONCRKTB CORP. 4 Fine Quality Westfield BLIWISE LIQUORS USED CARS president, and Mrs. Charles Ked- A tBOBN-WILMIItDIIfa OOWOOWK A list. ISO) den, vice president, representing ALAN JOHNSTON Our 47th Year the vocational school board. Dr. W BIVItlON* OOFF WILOOWILOON UATOIILIUATOIILI, IMIM&& W Authorized (Noto tho "T") Where Service & Quality Meet West also was present. DRUG STORES One of the ,\J> :l-r.O50 A ICOTCB PLAINS 10. PUIHRELD UNDOUNDO!! A «•«•*" The difference between the tax CADILLAC Over 50 Years Experience! Largest Selections of Spirits I \nrth Ave. I money and the overall limlirct is f FAmd 2-4300 Plufld 5-2200 IOatr*442IOatr*4422 f Sales and Service in New Jersey raised by student tuitions and fed- DARBY'S DRUG STORE EVERY INSURANCE NEED GLASSWARE - ICE CUBES WASHING eral and state grants, it was ex- 4 OTHU WEIDON PRODUCTS) Crt>«**dSfoM,llMfcr«ft d I'urts — Paint and liody Khoi) plained. r 6rav«(, Sand and Maioa Mafrtab " Phone: ADams 2-1198 AD 2-5664 COOLERS PLainfield 6-2241 T'roo Dcllvory SNOWDEN 203 Elm Wostfield LEADER CLASSIFIEDS 39 South Ave. W. Wostfield Call AD 3-1133 or AD 3-1136 BRING RESULTS 4A 119 E. Fifth St. Plainfield If No Answer, KASV On TrnlTIc Clrilr s( JIAYTAtS Call AD 3-1240 Rt. 22 & Mountain Ave. GOODWIN MOTOR Mountainside CORP. EXTERMINATORS lid ftorth Avr V/M. H. ESTWICK, JR. LOANS VOLKSWAGEN ASSOCIATED INSURANCE S:II»'.H and Service lM.ntnlli'lil U-7KMI OF ALL KINDS NEED MONEY? 11T.-17 I?, fltli St. Plfilnit EXTERMINATING & TERMITE CONTROL • Fire Surety $20 to $500 REILLY • Casualty • Life COMPANY Just Call AN ADVERTISEMENT •%^??fe\'» OldsmobileCo. Khuldon llurwin, l'rca. AD 3-3515 FRIENDLY FINANCE Oldsmobilo 66 Elm St. Weslfield John li I'llilivr tialc;i iSt Ki-rvlco AD 3-4600 Lic. No. T:<; FHIS SPACE WILL If Nu Aim SIIO X..rtli Av.-. I-:. AD 2-TI>r,l Cull AU i AD 3-4800 fOUR NAME Service in Your Area -XlHu I.CiiilH • C l:.ii,,nn.-,,[ Insures Low Rates nir l'iT!i(>n:ll Note, Sal; or l-'urnituiii A. J. ORBACH CO. DAVIDSON & MARTIN READERS OF THIS Knt. IMS 235 E. Broad St. Weslfield Aulhurl/.cd All Forms of Insurance • DART „ EVER READY F 54 Elm Street • DODGE FENCES HOME - AUTO - LIFE © LUMBER • RENAULT PEUGEOT MARINE IS PARKING A PROBLEM? .NSTANT REFERENT L. BARTELL J. S. IRVING COMPANY )<'>'tlon of r>. l" Personalized Service C'ar.s und Tri l-HMHIill .4 MILMVOHK CALL irm urv.l <•<• donated three books to the ,,-liuol library as u gesture for tniM? chosen to conduct the sale ,,f books which were offered at discount price3. Mrs. Lawrence Vejnoska, presi- [,.,:;, stated that a dance is plan- nil for Saturday. March 1G froni i-lii p.m. to be held ia the school uditorium. lYter Giordano, Cub Pack rep t^entative, has announced the forthcoming resignations of the tul) master, assistant cub master, tic.i?nrer and secretary of Cub National poi-1; 170. An appeal has been Bade for volunteers to fill these Mrs. Burd Stover has joined ,. faculty of McKinley School ing the vacancy left by the re ...•iiient of Mrs. Helen Salt. Mrs. t,,ver has had primary grade ex nee including two years in IO0AY THW MOM, DEC. II *km «««»(». ol oil MM J.rt.y, 'lni'iila and seven years in Scars- ROUND ROAST 89« tlvtf, Nm City wd MlddtitoD* il««b <** mM Mw r%Wt M Vm» !al<*. N.Y. She has just recently turned from two years' teaching Henghazi, I.ybia. Mrs. Stover ccived her MA degree from i.\v York University, Mr. and s. Stover reside in New Provi- RUMP CORNED BEEF so? 65COLD CUTS . HIM m mat ft MMNTO LOW After the' meeting coffee and ItV fchristmas cookies were served by Charles Matino and Mrs. [iihn Ferrioln. Mrs. Thomas Tay- 1001 THU HON., DEC. 3tit iid Mrs. Charles Vella packed FRESH HAMS JSSXfJS, 49 (>\es of Christmas cookies for teachers. Mam HAMS - 99c suao COOKED HAM MERKa BACON n,39c VIGO CANNED HAM WHS PORK SAUSAGE Z «- 35c CANNED HAM IVEWS - VIEWS POLISH SAUSAGE,' » 69c SLICED BACON 59c STUDY fiUKEK TRAGEDY GMEN The Enjrlrb .--.imlfiits of Frank SEA FOOD SAVINQS ScoM have l><"imn a »tu<(v of FANCY SMELTS -29c COD FILLETS *39« STAMPS 6n>rk trnpedv. This will serve as WITH A $5 PUHCHASI OR MORE •n intrwliifHon to tragic themes In , . ., /— UMIT OM ftn Aomr—c»A«inii, TOIACCO, ttn slcTn literature. rl5<| (B tlOUOD ANO »»UW MHIt WW*t FBOM SIAMf OtWL The Greek unit will jnrludc three tHIt CPW»ON VOtO I* f>|StNTID AT ANT fOOO hays by Sop!ioc!e3, Ceil'ipus the • 9QH ' itom OWM x, Antigone and Agamemnon, ; well as pane5! discussions of phil- sophy, govtirniMonl, rolitfion, odu- OPEN THURS. 4 FRI.'tH 9 P.M. ation and hbinelife in fl£t!i century MGUIAR STORE HOURS on SATUROAY specials at the Product Section { Ci reece. A Humanities film featuring ft W* Wilt Cle*e 6 p.m. New Year's Iv« !scus!«ion of Otfilipu:-, thu King by i'-wur Hcxrn;ir%vx° 4 OT IUM0NI jilture will lie presenteil. EiMU.Y KEK!NT 1 Ji)i ( j JJ.'J WALNUTS . • ,.JVII« Wwi liuruau SWISS CHEESE 69 itlas Lodge Seals KING 0SCAR RED GRAPES 2 39 L, Me jia SARDINES ^33< WTRITI0D8 ! KANWOOD — CeorKe I- Mejia f AD DATC GARDEN FRESH pkgs. H10 ^T:Jticiti Avc. WUA installed worslimful masl.-r of Atla? dge, Fi-AM (if Wi-sl.fu'1.1 last JELL-O CELATINS .t, 4^37< i-k in llv Mironir Temple. Past n ^J bunches JJ "S< i !IT T.'uVu !•". D:u-liy (illU-iated. SCALLtONS s Tile fulliiwing "flii-crs also were ^trilled: Senior warden, Walter *; junior wanlen, Edward CHEESE DIPS • 2 89 fyjpwski; treaMiircr, Arthur Voss, rna:;ter; secretary, Kverett BONUS STAMP OFFERS THIS WEIK |homas, past nia-trr: senior dea- EXTRA J.'W: GREEN STAMPS EXTRA 'mond Martinson Coffee- ia; historian, Roiiain Hart- past ma.-*t;T, an'.l proxy to REGULAR or f arand I.odire. William Britten. ANGEL DRIP GRIND i79t Special Offer! Save up to 40% CAKE Canned Soda— regular 53c FINAST BRAND Dupont Teflon Coated POPULAR FLAVORS 12^1.00 39 V-8 Cocktail— Fire-King Sugar, Plain sr Cinnaraon 8 JUICE 46 Youcanturrt yoorOlamorvdi one VEGETABLE REFRESHER Anchor Hocking Quality ~pt *l«i :| SPECIAL !:gs. Should \va at* as a hfofc^r • FRENCH fMlSS ^^ INTRODUCTORY PRICE •c you, the fee witf bo ] QT. ROUND CASSEROLE r Uo. p!< "O',t reasonable.,. nJ little FANCY miMP c^'JXL* 0 WITH COVER --; (OX of the ton:! soiling < own.-nmM.ims »«««-« .—4 21c "^ ....,.,,. J f-a \r, DECEMBBB n, PTA Council ill Shift I ed about whether to sell the com- Ends Tra'mina member of this teajn," it was re- ' ploto tract or to develop meet of County GOP Eyes ported. He said, "I am going to Of Scholarship Film Plan Board Asked 5t as a borough parking lot am! ac- a candidate next year, but hnve sell utT some street frontage lots not derided on what job." Jiis The V/oUfiehl Council of PTA's '- To Suggest Best for retail stores. '63; Celebrates term as freeholder expires next today advised that the movie bt'ing Nelson said the council would year. given today and tomorrow for the like the Planning Board to report Freeholder Edward H. Tiller benefit of the touching scholarship Use of Land sometime in January with recom- Past Victories '>aid he will set^k re-electlion in fund has had to be changed. FA.NWO0D — The I'lanninK mendations on the best use of tin 1963. Freeholder Harry V. Os- The eoum-il »aj informed last Board last vreck was asked to land, with sujwsted ult*rnative> Union County Republicans en- Uornu Jr., whose term also expires week that its publicity and ticket make rocommen.i.-.tioT!.* for uses of and on parking plans. The plan '•husiastica'lly assayed their chances in 1963, is reluctant about a re- salo policies do not comply with the Fanwood Lumber Supply Co. ners later will be asked to licl, 'or 19H3 a« they celebrated their flection bid, it was reix>rU*d. the regulations covering the show- pro|»trty which would provide the determine how to assess benefit riumph at the polls last month ing of tbu film scheduled. ting property owners. ith a victory dinner at the Rumors were heard again at the "best parking and most ratable* iinner that some party leaders arc In order not to jeopardize the I tor the Iwrough." The board approved for recom "pringfield iSteak House, Route 22 scholarship fund the council felt | "ecently. rying to prevail upon iMiss Kanane The requiit, ^rom,tlu' Borough mendation to the council its 1S6. ^o run against Surrogate Eugene it necessary to substitute another Council, was wado by Councilman budget total'ing- $727. This include. A capacity group of diners hon- J. Kirk, who announced he will film. The council hopcj that all William Nelson, ' the governing $200 for anticipated preliminar. red the members of the victorious 5eek re-e-leotion. Miss Kanane is those who have so generously con- body's representative on the Plan- expenses to revise the buildinj '1962 Team" of candidates who a former special deputy surrogate. tributed to the fund in the past ning Board. code. The present code U 'inade wept all but one of the county of' The honored guests were intro- will understand its position and ALL Nelson said the borough has re- quate," wiid John Loving, chair ices in November. The affair wa? duced by Bailey. Charles S. Tra- continue to give the fund their sup- ceived two proposals to buy part man, and will be rewritten afte. wnsored by the Union County Re •ey of Hillside, treasurer of the port. or all of the lumber comiwny land <3tudy of nutiorta) and other muni ublican Committee. rounty committee, was toastmaster An excellent color feature film, FAMOUS BRAND is South Avc. which is being pur- cipal building codes. The two chief "ground gainers' Mrs. Amy Bandomer, a county "Three Worlds of Gulliver," that chased by the borough for parking It was announced that Richard in this year's team, Kep. Klorcnct Section commissioner, was ticket all the children shouM enjoy will facilities. Van Stiver of fi Thome PI. has Brann Y. Nortncuu, sun ui .ur.I'. Dwyer, who won her fourth •hainnan. replace the original offering. One offer is from a food market been appointed to the board's Citi- and Mru. Robert T. Northcutt of lerni to Congress, and State Sen GIFT SETS and the other is for a store which zens Advisory Committee by May- 725 Willow Grove Rd., completed Velson F. 'Stamler, also were thr Nelson did nut identify. or E. Sidney Mulsizer. The com- recruit training recently at "the •>?•&• oost optimistic about chances fo> The noroug'h Council ;s undecid- mittee now has three members. val Training Center, Great Lakes, next year. 111. During the nine-week indoctri- Congre-sswoman Dwyer, urginf nation, recruits are trained in the selection of the strongest ami physical fitness, basic military law, best qualified candidates, said: military drill, customs and eti- "The people made it quite clear quebte of the naval service, swim- in the election that they arc becom ming and survival, first aid anding far less partisan. No longei BEFORE THEY GO BACK TO SCHOOL, basic shipboard routine. will voters go to the polls and vot< a straight ticket just because o' or TO THAT DANCE OR PARTY . . . party loyalty. People are reject Puint Can Tops Pop ing political opportunists and giv- visit The Consignment Shop, 27 Prospect Street, Weitf eld. ing their support and acceptance In Garage Bluze to able candidates." We may have juit that drees, coat or suit you've baen looking The inside of Ernest Achter- She also expressed concern that for. There's always a bargain at the Shop. inans garage at 828 South Ave., the matter of patronage is receiv- West, was as white as the ground ing so much discussion at this time (Sponsored by the Westfield Service) League) outside Friday night after a fire when attention should be focused ALL FAMOUS BRAND caused the tops of paint cans to on making certain that all talent pop off like it was the Fourth of ?d party volunteers are used to the July. best of their abilities. TOILET WATERS Achterman, a house painter, uses SUmler said that '"if we in Un- the 2-story garage for an office ion do our share, a Republican- am! for storing equipment. Short- :ontrolled State Legislature is ' Mr. mill MrH. Alexnmler Mlldm. fi»rlitrrt>* of MuuntultlMlilc* ui-v now WHEN ITV ly after 8 p.m., upontaneous com- quite possible." HvInK In their new hump nl 1U12 Him Trr.. Ncotrb I'liiinn. Trlilih (hrr bustion in a drop cloth set fire to 'This would reflect in New Jer- purcbnHrd from Mr. mid Mm. Stielilou fox through (he uirii'v of 4he paint products on a shelf. sey the growing strength of tihe llurrett Jk Crnln. llenllur". TIME TO MOVE The paint cans exploded, spread- party at the gra^s-roota level na- Ing paint all over the interior of tionally, he added, noting that 160 the garage. The fire damage to now seats in state legislatures the building was slight. across the country were won by 'Shortly before midnight the fire- Republicans this year. men were summoned to 112 Cac- Petitions in behalf of Stamler ciola iPl., a building owned by Jlar- tor a full four-year term were cir- What should our card ry Guidittn of 1124 iProspect St. ITOWNSiNPl :ulated this year. say, Mr. Club? "To and occupied by Mrs. Gracu Cole- Webster Todd, state GOP chair man, where the oil burner back- •nan, congratulated the county'; all our customers We've stored just about fired. There was no damage. party workers for the '"fine job" everywhere, a warm they did this year. Informal huddles during the din- and happy Christmas Just "MERKY iverything from suits of Two Persons Injured ner produced most of the interest- and a well-dressed CHRISTMAS!" In Auto Collision ing news since they shed a light WATCHES and armor to antique f urni- on the possible team for next year. New Year?" Or ... Mr. Field! Two persons suffered minor in- One of 'Stamlor's nide-de-cump? ure to office records. juries at 1:45 a.m. Friday. Cars displayed a petition which bore driven by John J. Hrennan of bhe name of County Treasurer and CLOCKS You can depend on our Cranford and Carlylo J. Wieseman GOP Chairman Charles P. Bailey of 2 Wychwood Dr. collided ot E. for county regiBtor. The petition, Broad and 'S. Chestnut Sis. After however, carried no signatures. It nodern warehouse. the impact the Wiesemun car apun ivna rumored that Stnmlor's follow- onto the lawn of Dr. Joseph Boy- ers would like to sec Bnllcy make Ian at 703 E. Broad St ' this run against James J. Deluney, 3O% W'ieseman was troated by Dr.Democratic incumbent. HENRY P TOWNSEHD Boylan for cuts on his right leg Talk nlso centered on likely can- REGARDLESS OF and n passenger in hia car, Mar- didates for the rulscs. * 'would like to be invited to bo u FIELDCLUB, 307 South Ave.. Westfield, N.J.. AD 3-0248 1A\ NOPTW AvE \l\.O AO.2-4464

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