THE WESTFIELD LEADER THE LEADING ANL< MOST WIDELY CIRCULAltD WLtM.Y MfcWSPAPER IN UNION COUNTY [NTY-THIRD YEAR—No. 18 ). Nh\V JKKtfKY. THIKiSDAY. DKlT.MHEK 'J7, l!k>2 Ttiu 24 Pagei—10 Cant* iters To Decide School Board's Final Word Yard Tangle, Revaluation A R •n. th:ii Utis is M>-aiul ^tys fur- v..:o lu tluT that lii- *Wsr/t like *i>mo of ;hool Plan Fate We y-...: t-v-.ry:":;.:;^' In-fo «.'U jru t\> 4. Kriiu-i'-.lx'i- that the Lwrti Rifts, School Dispute In > to pi s U\>\n j $2.4 Million Proposal in Special ^r.jiru'i.'il in>ib!e, es \vu!i Cum- l.i j Election Today; tfccord V ote Seen :: ,;,. \y,. ,,,,Vc lit! ri--*i;;ar:rl> 1 ] ,»-<! News Limelight For '62 tr,<.-.i 1 '.hal W.-.-tflel.l as a loan en of :.:.:>• :..:r KT.,1 ale ;i!v\i' \>ut JLII'.O: cmii-e handle tins program safe- iool district Voters here to,lay will decide tlie fine, of a MM »MI rap.u-ity tiniay. T-^-.r K I.v- Democrats Success in Council Race, :A imaiuii junior n.^n .-cn,.ol omui i>-ue. 1 nt i.-u-r.'i. un ..:.\'.l:...| :.. t.3 t-pariM-.i a lu\\n-\\ u.e c.niluv er-y -ir.ee i.-. },iin.,,iial-,-,i.i1i n .". !1 . in e m '., e r, nn.i.iy, tliat i» UAJJVCIVU to maw a t;..:.iiei-i.i.(ii-u.-uai iiu...on ol wui \Ve-;!ie'..i's sup.ru>r »lu.-:i:iot,:il IUIIS, Ai MaKe la a pioii.a.ii in pmw.le !„. ani-iau,,!!- a:.. .-i \vi,i !K- if \^ T.--u!l> I,, .ia-.' .ii-in't jn^t hap- WHS Vandalism Among Highlights ; to both Kuison ami; '..'Jl. j.:•!•.) fir JH-l'.. We have !.i-vn l»!e>.--cd \v;th The prolilen. of leloraline, the Town Yuril eonlinuctt to dominate fine ehil-it.-n, i.:-..l a majority of 11 Liasuu un Llle reeuiiiiiK-ii- ; \ . '1 |..v Tne.-.- |M..(nan; ihe nett>«.n-tiiy events ol tun year but shar.Nl tl.e sjwtliKht witn • 01 a special siuuy eom- \ OCIUJ y of \W.--.: oar .•;!•..•.-!;> Law aiwa\-.' U-en .iiAilin ol uiuiueipiil, con' «liu po.u.mi glories leufurvit by the A,-ii, .: i! (;-.|---.i;li!e>! I-;'.I>;IK!I t» umler-taiii set ion,, m a rMJurt 10 ; Eligible vot.ri in In. Wr.t- .,:.!}• a fra.-li«:i of what the i.;i| ie.-t.on ol the HIM iieoun ral.e vouiu nm.ni in over 4u years; a lax- ,i,rU:,.;c,- , M.ii V- if we p.-: init i>ur M h'M..^ MII-.I \\a- r.-.|u;red to .ret &r*H»d ayn r.M'it IOHOWIIIK .tie eonipiciion ul property rcvuluai.on »tuu.e» fraiuaril ul fcuucai.on in hep- j fiela ocnoo| u,.ir.ct win go ,.i -.M;!, -.hi w. .1,-:. s .<r:.te. J^o or $.S0 a year .(•-;;;•- -.ih.l have iu>i-..e.t »*iat I lo Ihc punt tou..y to vole on :- a ,-inali priee to pay for a.ie- •iier-e thing's lie pr.>vi.l<M- -nd r approval of tho bond is- I Ihc »2.< mnliun bund itiue i|;:;.te facilr. ie.-. to 111 We"'. th:>. ha\e I..'I'll willing lo pay the hill, 1 1 1 Uiu j.UL. vi e^ucid <?~.\ZJ . j rt.cienuuin to unance auui. remain, to i,n..n.-e «.. ins an., i ""I""" "" " tii-i-.y «;;.--.!•.. r it Iv (..I teaelu-rs' i-al- .ueiuiiun* to i.oiM.n ami Jioo.-e- j »«<-• lovui v sliockorf in June u>er me lo»n.s ueOt hulii • lion, mm .lilndouni 10 Ooih ;>. The l.i'e.N esi.-t -for pro- that . , ,., i . | . arii.-., for facilit:e.- or lor equip- ell JU111..1 IIIKII .MIIOOIS. jMluii MUIU »|ii.-nu «*er WJ« L-r an (j^iUiian-M li. r pci k.uibon ana tvoo*e»«flt Junior ;l t H H irraiii. for h.-ahh. «i:d for safe;y. ment. a so in IULUIO ta.v imis. tii|{lt ^cnuou. ,i..l. Wv ha Kor Mime inui,il>» lown Couneil fact.-. t;,i and -,-.. f,,r y.niir-cif. Think it over — and llien n>> .11.1 llleiolu'lci ol me .Am til .- '1 he voting hour* will be l >-oii ci.-iioiu. t llu e^ieni of "umisutii" cruiL-iotti ui Ken.einlier aio that the (.\v111111-- and vote. ApproeiJ means j\i-,l lams Ave. area eariieii oil « run--i» front J toa p.m. ncimcnu of .- run wen iner ji.uuu and i-'i-.n.-:' of Kiin.a:ion, in a.l.l;;i,.!i o:.e thil!>r—.iintiiulisl pro^re--s in ..OK oailie o.er evuliv II t> M'ir.'- I tlic Tint ana .je-tu.iu vt<tru« mm owier nu.nui-i.iva ton- L i'lulliiilig UUUl\i Ulhl UlUr>t the ed,i-.-..t...:.al w.-.iaie to ;.:: ,.f a- 1:1 W.-t-i.-ld, MVS ..in ol tiieir neiKiiUoino.i.i lor Hie! will voie in Ihc fci.n iutil t:ie .sliii-at u,n of your children! a con.-iiini Hunt lor tne oy 1 lie iovvti Council. School ana Ihu.e in the i ruru viocunoi) i't me I own luru, | ana i-ourtn tvura* wui cait Kt'«ji.«.|<T To V»i<' v.uneii .iihM-.|UeiiUy lioi.e.l lo ihej jiiuniK-rs were the nr>t to j \\a.» ^..neii with llle apt>renens.uQ their ballaU in Lincoln In School Kl» ,ipoMllon anil cnoce llle hlte .,t | m sinking that m then i School. -ae "win H'«ir latin' ull UiniuerU | The law r,-,)U;r. ail Democrat To Take Seat .ion ol aiiuiner WHO earner nad ..nil K.I.. ai Hie lur ena ol tne lilt! OCsL llliLTu&U Ol Ulul JOHN 1). KIKE inuieii out oi lown. L,ate inm year Volet'S iv.'u. me tM I aiiiiuiuc.-* reservation, Iruuui be ftiTvt-tl ijy tk'iiiyinK ' Who will take ovrt- 1 in W'ei-ttiei.l ;i,a-t ', me tnuiii) 9 Juvenile vourl Juugo ul iL.i.-v ; S German Club 4th Ward Council >eat 1 l,..s vli.nee immciiiately brought ..r.ieieii me paren.s ul l>oui boya Bti'ii iiiid thai a mure I'lhi/it'iu j When Council Convenes itn^iy proU'M.s lioin .leoiel, ria.i^ aiinual .-., U....I Li.vf.un to !w in iniiNc n.ii ren.uution 10 tn« E tux oineiai> an.! n^uKc.i in a >uu BX uoliars ci.uk. be. ,na.« I 1/jlJo SllfWttcfll I held W^liie-.lay, I',-:,. K!. I;..;;;, The re. .rvraniT'.ation m H: of tin' imihiiipul government in iio.ua ot K.iueiiuon. ) no board .n-upuseu Koosevell plan.-, *1U1US UULLL&alUI [ iiKanini tint town i.y lhal nniniei- l.a.-t d..y u. i\;r:>:, r uiih the : We>t!ie|.| N.iv V.-ar'- i>ay !,.. lH,hh,;l,t.-,l «„!. appuintment or mur revealed payment had been present hi^n ro | pniiiy. 1 lit* sun was juiiieu l>>- an- Town Clerk in Wotii.i.l or : riappoimiiM nl i.f \aii»u-< I'l'i.-imnel. received. |oiial stanuards. oiner insiuuted hy n Kroup ol with I In- l/.iwn County li...*:d A near tragedy was averted i Cookie Sale The .-«•-- j i»n whiell ha* h.-ell ealle.l for 11 a.m. in the Mllllicipill Ue.-tlielil resiiiellts ill the lama- s back conm-il (hir- of i-:;.-.!;,,!,- at K;.i-.a-K-ti. i, when a Mliuot ini> pnrKeii «t Holy Plan Halted 15y ipie.-r , ark area, i lie mtuier is now vuuni'ii session linn Jan. 4. : Iliiililiiit; Mill iiiihi.le the Mvearinir in of the I'u.-t Denuu-iatie Conn- i runty ticlioo) cauK.it nrc. 'Ihrea l'm>kie-lninKry heluie uu* courts anil is Mill to be I'd inrougn .nayor Hurr A. cllinah ill over JO yeai - \\hen J.O.n eliuoren ahoar.) Hie vehielu ca* li\, thai its role in the! "1"1""1 l"° l-erinan I lull Un-isl- |)| resolved. 4^1 m , ,1'. I'.le of the l'oiiHh Ward will US Aid Loss capeil vv.ui inr help of n.lulls on 1 lU jrojiuMiils would he eonliiiei, j ' """'I ^e.-tli.-l.l M-nior Un;l, I H\\\ ; -tart a two year term, lie will j llle defeat in November of (JUT Hie scene l)iu Deputy Cluet Sam- l 11 o uniturnt of individuaimliviilual) exi'iese\ines-1! •' ' ""' i'nday. 'Ineir oaje.j t w.i» D ;lake iivel the c.HHU'll : cat fl*inl| lirlllOVal of l-'oiirth uaitl Councilman JaincM uel IIIIMT anil f ireniun Xobcrt IIO1* Coiinc.l.iiali Janie.-. .1. Kefal-i .<ic.Maiui.-i were severely burned *»«%»»!«Area poiu-til Jubn 1). l-'ife was bclieveu l^me.a.s reeeive,,.j K^..''SiX'l Status in Junior Hi^h Program . ..niti? «l,oin he defeated 1 whin iney tried to omer Ihe bus 1 however, Dec. 17, uhenj '"' I'U-lVcrnuo.M', and oilier tier- ; C by many to be the. result uf voter " I'lll l th ti " :Xo\en.!ie! . Ieet i,»n>. ami were CIUIKIU in a biickluah o( ublic lieaiiiiK on the hunil "Kl" '"ol.ii-.'i inado I.y tiieir fe.loiv •'•;';•'.• \- Mo.l.
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