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5-1-1918 Albuquerque Morning Journal, 05-01-1918 Journal Publishing Company

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If Liberty Was Worth All Our Forefathers Gave for It, It Is Cheap at the Price Now Offered. Buy a Bond


1 HIKTV-NIMT- II YKAR, von clyiil so. si. Albuquerque, New Mexico, Wednesday, May 1, 1918. lail liy Carrier or Mail, TOc a Montii Simjle t'oplr. 5o HK II, ARE IIG I b HORDES



It. Is What Officials Is Hope Ti Must! otzky Says Russia Allied Lines Make Some Pro- -j Beginning of Banner Week Have Army to Prevent De- -j Slightly in Drive to Raise at Least gress. Improving striiction; ot 'Lnemy Their Position Around Vill- - Three Billion Dollars, bpeaks in the East' as Dangerous, $2,457,744,000 NOW WOULD HAVE TWELVE AS WHOLE TOTAL SUBSCRIPTION (SITUATION HOURS SERVICE WEEKLY SHOWS IMPROVEMENT

Most Notable Feature of Dis- Perfidy of Germany Brings Re-- 1 Efforts to trict Achievements Was Enemy's Take New alization of Need of Protec or Re-capt- Lost Ground Spurt of Atlanta, Which tion; Include Boys From 161 Met With Withering Fire Jumped to 58 Per Cent, to 18 for Eight Weeks, Which Costs Thousands,

lV MrBNtNO "OURNAL RPCOAL tIAIID W,l mv Washington, April 30. Liberty MORNINS JOURNAL aPICIAL LIAHO W1RB1 T.oan totalled .Moscow, Tuesday, April 23 (bv the subscriptions yesterday j. C 2, Associated Press. record for Delayed). Iipon r.FIOIAXS BADLY $174,443,000, the any single Trotstky. the HolsltevU-- ' minister of ri'NISHED day in the and the begin- war end marine, a mect-iu- e campaign, spcuking at With the British tn ning of what the treasury hopes will if the cMilral executive last night, Armies the a l'rnnre, April 30 (by the Abho. of be a banner week to drive the loan urged issuance of decree for " ciated Prena). Up to noon today far ahoue the $3,000,000,000 mini- eonmulsnry military set vice. ih'xi , in n,n liiissi',. must ,u,i,n,,i:ii rvi uiuii w mum. rtnn't! "00c '.1"R the Flanders front We ?' The campaign total tonight was Know thf hour when we i, , ",1U, na further attacks not against the allied lines which including today's held so - un in j't- brilliantly throughout business- which appeared large judging enemy threatening the east." fs The executive a yesterday's Intense fighting. by reports from all parts of the coun- central adopted rnHolut'on providing for the training of a final Intensive canvass. - try Tliis tin- fi-i- of work pliotograpli hlicw big American liner HI. 1'uul after ht topplcil over a myslcrioiiH cause. as she was nosing Into Pier til men, pennants and unemploy . District SulMHTiptioiiB. ,lnt ed from to 40 ' " at New York. agcnls arc litvcstigatiiig. tnc cliarse n (hat t.i rm.iii nkciiIh the ca, ks. The is 111 I'cct ami lx years of ago for were an- opined Hater here deep the IMUSOXKRS ARK Subscriptions by districts skle of the liijf liner can ln mvii above the water line in the renter of the "Hie .fust l eight consecutive weeks, at picture. gangplank wits hclna rigged when lie ship suddenly a leapt;1''' VERY nounced tonight as follows: rum" n lurch anit went over to mi inigle or 45 degrees," said a member of Hie ivival i rcw. Into twnlvn hours week. imifXTED LOT' gun "Ilverythlug lmse sliding the water anil Hoys from 16 to IS - Per the men begun M,urlnn outside, Into the ami lo and Inlo Un- - will he trained Siibscrlp- jumping lighter tug alongside (he limit, wuler. .lusi then both masts HiiupiKil off In similar manner, Women Uritish in District. - tions. ' nhort with a enisli. Then she Nettled down In (ho mud. River craft 'ir tfnf nu-- in the water." may Headquarters Franca, Out. rapid 'picked up Th enlistment will lie for n April .10 (via )ttawa).-T- h Franco-Uritis- h Minneapolis $131,982,600 125 minimum of six months and desertion 1i oops took & large number ot St. Louis 153,306,050 117 will be punishable, by Imprisonment prlsonem during yeaterdaV's fighting. loss I but there were fewer Kansas City ...... 144,290,900 lioj land of citizenship. than the magni 91 lieruiaiiv fillers Proles tude of the struggle would lead one to Chicago 389,537,750 hn to to hand- - 88 Ocimanv iirotested the owing the desperate San Francisco 186,117,050 sbeik foreign miniHter the! encounter In. S6 IS aguinst engaged Dallas 69,178,150 ANYTHING GAINED BY FORCING A HUN landing of fi.OOl) allied troopH at .Mur-- i The French counter-attac- k of laet Boston 209,077,450 83 nuinsk. declaring that permission for night on the southern slope of Scher-suc- h Cleveland 242,247,700 80 landing wns a violation of tbftioenberg wan brilliantly and succetnu nrest-liilovs- k out. 197,480,450 78 treaty which stipulated fully curried It resulted in the Philadelphia peace with Finland and French not alone recovering ground on Richmond B9 ; TO SAY HE WILL BECOME AN 89,795,750 AMERICAN? "men in its Internal lif. It was de-- ; the slope, but in advancing their line New York 592,022,700 65 lied in the protest that Hermans had to a depth of 1.500 yards astride the Atlanta 52,707,450 58 In the laid of the Fin-- ! Dranoutre wood. ' "larticipated Five Cities in Rucc. ilsh white guards upon Kem, and the The prisoners show considerable de- dis- - iresence of Russian troops between tection at the failure of von Arnim'n The most notable feature of the Here Is ' a Case of a German Who Was a Spy While in the Is Arrested; ""inland and Petrogrnd was objected heavy thrust and admit that the task records was the j Army; trict spurt of the At. f .o on the ground that they threatened aliens of the German army threatens lanta district from 37 to 58 per cent in to Be lo cross the frontier. Mediation of to bleed the fatherland of Its Released Promise Hnsso-Flnnis- Continues for h a single day, bringing It within 7 per Upon Good; Reenlists, to Spy Kaiser ithe conflict was prom cent of the New York district which ised If the government prevented of the treaty. GENERAL VON ARNIM P.UfH (Continued on Page Two.) A battle between Finnish Kansas 30. dis- in fierce the IN EFFORTS TO ADVANCE City, Mo., April Fred Robertson, federal ing propaganda German communities, and his activities white guards suppoited by Germane trict for announced Wilhelm von were reported to the German government through md much artillery, and red guards With the British Armies In France, attorney Kansas, tonight that Captain near is Boy-E- d, according to the alleged confession. Terioki, Finland, reported, April 30 (by the Associated Press). Linder, held in the military prison at Fort Leavenworth, as rniinloads of wounded ore arriving Further smashes von In 1016 he was in released in nt from Ityeloostrov, a desperate by a deserter from the American has confessed that while arrested Norfolk, but three I'ctrograd Arnim's army against the allied lines army, months on to become an American ac- frontier station captured by white a to America's entrance into promise citizen, and, on the Flanders battle field yesterday working as German spy prior to his own then was ordered to on afternoon and evening met with o FOR AN secrets in the cording statement, Augusta, (Continued Tage Two.) PROVIDE the war, he obtained valuable military vicinity Ga., to enlist in the American more success than the enemy's futile of he the naval works. army. and earlier In the Norfolk, Va., where photographed As a member of Company B, First Georgia he costly attempts day von Infantry, to break through and rapture the hlf The confession, Mr. Roberston announced, stated that obtained information for the German embassy at Washington, EMPEROR west of Kemmel. to positions INGREf ISE 0 Linder served in the German army before coming the Mr. Robertson said. After five months he was ordered to de- Not only did the Rritlsh and French United States where he met Captain von Ehlsruhue, naval at- sert and report for duty at Juarez, Mexico, where he was to maintain their positions at virtuatly 1 at in all parts In tho face of furious on- tache of the German embassy Washington, Philadelphia gather military information, the confession stated. slaughts, but during the night they in 1914. He was arrested March 2U, 1917, and the case has since CRARLES FORSEE reclaimed several bits of territory on ' which the enemy had succeeded in Bills Introduced Calling for From then until shortly before his arrest as a deserter at been under investigation. He has been ordered interned at a hold. of getting Is Laredo, Tex., von Linder worked under von Ehlsruhue, spread Fort Douglas, , for the period the war. Ixicre had again fallen Into German Millions; 'Destiny Passing hands late yesterday, but the French GERMAN DEFEAT? e, We once more made a dashing counter-driv- While Confer,' Says! and thrust tho enemy out of Senator Poindexter, Dismissal of Key this Important position. ,' CASUALTIES OF CIVE COI Allies Are Holding Well. GERMANS XOW FEAR VS. IRE Men Here Is Part The allied lines In Flanders this Austrian Ruler Said to Have morning were to all intents the same ' Geneva, Switzerland, April 30. Of as when tho Germans surged forward April 30. Three bills Federal Probe In of defend- V Washington, $ The German newspapers which Mailed Peace Offers to Italy; yesterday and front the to Increase America's man-pow- In men ln- - BRITISH DURING FOR OUR FORCES ing positions gray uniformed lor American 1 JOURNAL SPECIAL LSASKO war were Introduced in the last year ridiculed MORNINa WtRIl Be Kaiser Move to on the in numbers, rep- the today in now 30. May ground great senate. terventlon the war have Washington, April President the awful price paid by the) , to Inform Carlton of Un- resenting of Washington begun gradually the Xeweomb the Western Disrupt Army, Germans. Senator Poindexter German ion Edward offered one the public concerning the company, and Reynolds, North' of Kemmel the British and authorizing president of and future APRIL' ARE LARGE SAYS FQCH general manager of the .Postal com- In conjunction, to call Immediately 1,600,000 men un- danger present French, countering to come before the board (BY MORNIN also somewhat Sen-- a American Intervention pn the pany, agreed JOURNAL atCIAk LIAtlO W'RIl pushed forward during der the selective draft law. Saturday, to respondi to a the and bettered their positions. offered western front. For instance, the compluint Stockholm, April 30. The Catholic night tor Reed, of Missouri, presented by representatives of the announced At one time yesterday the Germans to men to Zcltung of Constance, says: international press agency some men on the lower one add 3,000,000 to Commercial Telegrathers' Union of Em- actually had "We must hurry obtain a - a dispatch from Basel says that the army, and Senator Smith ot Geor- MO'NINO JOURNAL IMCIAt LtAlIO imt MOHNINfl JOURNAL SPKIAL LIARIO WIRI1 America that are dis- slooes of both Mont Rouge and the solid by arms bef6re the ir Wl) operators being peror Charles of Austria is mailing succeeded in Introduced a victory London, 30. British casual- . New Yorkf April 30. A cablegram the Scherpcnberg, after they gia, resolution proposing full American forces arrive." April missed by telegraph companies a fresli offer to to the to men. ties in April reached a total General the all over the I'nitcd States for peace appealing Italy driving a small wedge Into the French raise army 5,000,000 The Vienna newspapers reported from Foch, commanding Joining to consider it in her own interests. between these two elevations. Immediate action to increase the ai;e of 52,475, divided as' follows: was the union. line l the same line as those in allied armies on the western front, Fierce fighting continued about army, Senator Poindexter said in a taking ' Killed or died of wounds: Officers, President S. J. of the sacri- Germany. received here today by Benjamin Konenkamp Although It has been predicted fre- t ocre all day, and the enemy brief address, is necessary. 1,621; men, 7,723. Commereail Telegraphers' Union told If German ficed numbers of men in an at- or Officers. Strong, chairman of the Liberty Loan call quently that the present great "I understand the secretary of Wounded missing: the board that authority to a should a offen- tempt to push through here. committee of the New York fc'lerii! was in his hands, and campaign fail, peace fiuoootwlvc war is considering this matter," 7,447; men, 35,tiS4. strike that sive would be the cen- Hold Attacks. . dismissals involving up to 100 inaugurated by In meantime, the flanks were , he said, "and is holding confer-- reserve district. It reads: no the In Hirm-iingha- tral powers, there has been pre- successive' -' ators had been made Dallas. brilliantly against ences with congress waiting, pte- Although the complete reports of "With magnificent ardor Amer- vious Intimation that a new move of hold'ng battle de- Cleveland, Fargo, shocks. A particularly bitter for in the sustained tn the recent war. t A sumably somebody War casualties ica has thrown itself Into the nue. X. M.. Seattle. Wash., and Chi his nature was being made. was astride the Kemmei-i- 1777 Bel-glu- m raging to the bill. Liberty in France and soldiers are val- re- partment prepare heavy fighting Their fighting cago. He said that a large Unless confirmatory advices are Clytte highway, near the Junction of should act have not been on our proportion the Congress immediately. bond Is Auctioned apparently yet iantly front, but, above of the 30,000 commercial telegraph- ceived through the usual channels of the French and British. Here There should be no delay in In- made, a marked increase Is shown in all, money is the sinew of war. I ers are members of the union. news from Switzerland, this enemy tried his favorite trick of try- dispatch two but he creasing: our army. There ought Off at $250,000 the April figures. The total In March am convinced that American e accepted with reserve. Cirdlnarv ing to divide the forces, not to be a day an hour lost, was 14,090, the smallest In several thrift will respond to tho call of Switzerland is forwarded found no weak spot. ' Vjws from At rtiriffpwood. west of Voormezeele, Destiny and opportunity are months. the country and will contribute to IGERMAN chls country by way of Paris. - while we raw MONNINS JOURNAL MCIAI. tfAEO WtRKl PREACHERS henvv fighting also continued through- marching by hold so in this 1 New York, April 30. An original her the help important Innl ho dftV. the Germans losing great combat.'' j MUSTN'T USE GERMAN MAY ni' KAISER I'l. AXS numbers of men. both killed and American ISond, a bond of the THE ARMi j Liberty KILLS RICH SISTER A subscription of $10,000,000 wn? TO RIKRUT wounded. It is impossible to sar how old of Massachusetts dated made at thi stato Bay, made today by J. P. Morgan & Co. ! M0RNIN8 JO.'RIAL SRICIAL LtAtIO WIRIl msnv attacks the enemy THE WEATHEK 30. Officials , the course of the day: September 2', 177, wit ha face value AND THEN HIMSELF Lincoln, Neb., April 30. Enemy' Washington, April point during - here the report that fhev came forwarrt in waves through- a alien and teachers who are regard Emperor - cessa of eleven pounds sterling, brought preachers Charles Is about to offer a out Ions- hours. There was no FORECAST. faV MORNINI JOURNAL SPICIAL LCASKO WIN4 in Nebraska courts separate won- subscription for $250,000 to the STEEL CORPORATION filing applications to with the same senti- tion of the terrible battle. The , Calif., April, 30l( Mrs. for nermisslon to preach and teach peace Italy der Is that the allied troops were able 30. For New Third Loan at a noon-da- y ments repeatedly have expressed Denver, Colo., April Liberty rally Harriet Isabel Fisk .wealthy widow, DECLARES DIVIDEND un(ler provisions of the state s sedition they to hold in theace of such on slaughu Mexico: Wednesday and toward other peace offers. numbers. Thursday in front of the today. was shot dead today at her home in law, are being requested Dy tne state by superior generally fair, temperature. Although without any Information Gorman jrtiHerjr Ansnncnted. rising Tho old bond which was by Hollywood, a suburb, by. her JOURNAL , il of defense to cease use of engraved 'brother, tav MOKMNO SPKCIAL LtARIO RTIRIl eotim the other than that contained In a Stock- The German artillery, which had Charles who i at- JjOCAI, Paul Revere and taken from the files Henry Fisk, Jr., then New York, April 30. The United the German language for preaching holm dispatch they freely expressed been greatlv augmented for this rfport. killed himself, to a de- of areas inces- of treasury department was won by according state' States Steel Corporation today and teaching during the period the the opinion that the chief purpose of tack, pounded the back A of local weather con- ment to the police by H. C. Fisk, Sr., Its usual dividend of war. men tne council an- was to discord santly and the duel between the op- summary Brown Brothers & Company, tis tho clared quarterly action, such an offer create Sat- twenty-fou- r ; 1-- guns of all calibers from ditions for the hours the Only wtlness. 1 4 per cent, and usual extra divi- nounced today, Is necessary to allay among the Italians to weaken their posing ended at 6 p. m. follows:, bider. It was donated by the urday evening until last night was yesterday- highest The to dend 3 'cent on- common intense in of the resistance at the at- Maximum temperature,-- 70 degrees; younger Fisk, according the of per the feeling many parts and samtime ' to the federal reserve bank 1 1- use of the Aus- S4? 38: tempera- purchasers police, suffered from mental trouble stock, together wtib the regular state against the the German tempt to quiet anrest among The British Improved their position, minimum, range, VIllers-TJietonneu- ture at ft p. m., 81; east wind; clear. t be, placed lu Its gallery. but- - had. been considered harmless. per cent on tho, preferred. . language. trian people. slightly brfora r If

TWO Albuquerque Morning Journal, Wednesday, May 1, 1918. I. W. W. Man Is 122 AMERICAW Luc Ready for Trial URGES T CROWD Black Enamel BDYS DECORATED ATTENDS HOOVER To Dres FDR VALLIAMTRY KITCHEN MEET 1 One Coal will sing :f?l Our claim to be the leaders of Baby Carriages, Fold- an A u t o and ing Sleeper Sulkies and everything pertaining to the op Hero and There in Li:lO Fourth Demonstration Draws ook like t - ! baby is well supported by the largest and most attractive Curtains France Spaces for Heroes Ex- whether made of Largest Attendance; to line ever presented in this city. new, Who Had Fallen Whi to Include All i pand Program C a sjr e Go-car- .Mohair, r r a Latest of ts most Fighting Around Scissons II Manner of Cooking. patterns of the artistic color Leather o r Rubber V combination and style' COC AA rnv from $20.00 to Cloth. MOKNUia JOURNAL S'tCIAL Lf ASIO WIHC? The fourth demonstration under POD.lU With the American Army in of the food administration well-construct- ed Gallon-8- 28 the As- auspices Beautiful, Sulkies $2.75 a 5c a Quart France, Sunday. April ('by here was held in the Hoover kitchen Folding Sleeper sociated Press). The French army at food administration headquarters at wood or reed today paid a historic tribute to the 1 o'clock afternoon. The 122 sons yesterday from $6.00 to Fnited States when soldier demonstrations have been growing In MO.UU of Massachusetts were decorated with J - popularity and yesterday approximate & the Win- Cross for UiU BASSINETTES or White Raabe bravery displayed ly women, the largest crowd yet Ivory Enamel, flOA A A Himlvviiro WoIVlaugerHave It.' "If It's in recent fighting. The ceremony assembled, were present to see the or elaborate from to Tliouc 74. 115-1- 1 Xorili First. Meld plain $6.00 which was held on a picturesque cooking exper.s ixpla.u the use of OU.UU a short distance from the front line wheat substitutes. - trenches, was one of the most im- The jrlan of the adminislrtnion is to Baby Yards, Infant Square Wardrobes, Costumes, j In which soldiers pressive America, include in the demonstrations l Child's Cabinet Chairs, High Chairs and Rockers. Come .have participated. methods of cookins every product Taken From i tine hundred and seventeen men which Is known to the modern house- here first or but be sure to come and be- Jail . last, ) compare from the 104lh ( Massachusetts rcg-- l i , wives. Thus far the demonstrations fore j intent who bore the brunt of the WILUIAM O. HAYWOOD have been confined to breads, muffins buying. f ir-- '.German attack at the Aireimint j and pastries but the program gradu- jest April 12, received medals, as did This photograph m I).! al! will be enlarged to include can. five men of another who. Gallup Lump Whipped, Tarred regiment Haywood, general secrelary-treasurer(nl,1- of vegetables and fruits, prepa had participated in earlier lighting! id the Industrial Workers of thellal",n meat substitutes and other BV around MORNING JOlfftNAL PKCIAL kCAttD WIHI World, was talen Just before his trial simitar products. Gallup Egg j in the line of: Here and there demon-stratefLt- Brothers Walnut Ridge, Ark.. April 30. K. in was called. With As fast as ,he receipts are o StrongTHE Chicago others PIONEER HOME FURNISHERS '.I. French anil Charles Franke of heroes were spaces representing lie here wer. or wound- - he i.s ('barged with conspiracy. practical they are Mo., W. 11. Duncan of Jones-- 1 Americans who killed sent to other kitchens of Strong Block. Second and Cedar and 'Thayer, oil the state, Copper. boro, Ai li.. and (1. U. Griffin of Mam- seriously. where are deuu ex- Sol they nstrated and Storage at reasonable rates in the moth Springs, Ark., who were in jail Old Blesses Ceremony. plained to ihe women of the various largest and Factory Wood here charged with violation of the It had been raining in the forenoon LIBERTY LOAN SUB- com munilies. best built warehouse in the city. t but the sun broke the gray- espionage act, were carried from jail through Following is Ihe "menu" demon- by a mod here lute tonight, whipped, ish clouds when the 104th regiment SCRIPTIONS FOR SINGLE which also was decorated us a unit. strated yesterday: No. 251 tuned and feathered. I Phone Th men were then In review before Americac DAY EXCEED RECORDS cm lour ami Buckwheat .'Muffins, given orders to passed Ono lea vi the vicinity at once. 'anil French generals. Hands played cup milk, four teuspoonsiul baking powder, one ul Mrs. It. I,. Van Hoesen of Thayer, ."The Htar Spunsled li.inher and (Continued from Pago One.) tablcspoonf fat, Th enemy artillery was very Mo., at rested with the men, was not "The Marseillaise" while the Amer one teaspoonful s.ili, two tablespoons-fu- l in th) region and the enemy Stuns molested. ican and French nags waven prouo-l- y syrup, one-tlilr- d buckwheat (two were from or ounces one-hu- lf lncrcaslnttly busy Vimy and defiantly within sound now stands second from the hoi loin in j, two eggs, one and northward. the roar of the German guns, corn Hour (six ounces), that BIG PA V wlil.h 1 ""?!?! " f tRFECT VOURSELF NOW for Thus the German ot percentage of quota subscribed, pubkois. (.earn I naciionefrintl. Aulomobl Inf. R. far capture URGES The French general in conferring Out anil Hiickwiital .Muffins. W.rtiJi I'mll '. L':S.,,?,r' '" Wtldlno. VulcanKlm. MactilnUt Tram In Kemmel done RUSS MINISTER its is the llih?i Trade School. has them little good, 'the decorations, said of the regiment: total, $C92,022,Ml, One milk, four leasioonful II1U5 OS, '.Li!"'."" "J:"..".'"! r""""" ""lcal the allied bus the of cuij for artillery kept ereatt'st any district. one IIUUrOB MI wrest so with MILITARY TRAINING BE "It allowed the greatest auicuy baking power, tablepooiiftil fat, nw.umv..c BlfHUUL, r Oin, AnHClflt. of the hill smoothed it tine of sacrifice. Sub one 'land spirit The Francisco disti n I. with teaspoonful salt, two tublespoons-fu- l shell firs that it haa been Impossible : MADE COMPULSORY to very violent bombardment;-- one-thir- d Xer the enemy to occupy it in force. jocinl per centage of Ss and fifth syrup, cup buckwheat . land attai'KH ny large iicrmun torce;; (two two one one-four- th - poMtioii in the lint, .sent ounces), eggs, and . - lit uiicccpilcd iii chrcklntr the tlanger- percentage rolled (Cnntinued from One.) , word that tin luii cent groundi oafs (six FORTNIGHTLY CLUB all partial payments must tie 'accom- Paw jUK a,ivance and took at (he point of: tonight per ounces. ) nwsvv-nwvnw- . in a' most mark had In en with subs "rip- - panied by the interest dun 1o tho (he bayonet vigorous way) passed , Spiced xik 10(1 IVr Cent lluiley TO GIVE MUSICAL TEA AMENDMENT ASKED Prisoners and some demolished j tiotis of $21 1,000,000 or a million more. 'mfed States government. guards In view the oroximltv ,,f 1111,1 l'lour. h' '""!! tw"iCh fil""" ,h:l" "uu,a- - an" ',at later official One-ha- lf The W" cup fat, ofie teaspoonful The payments are forfeited to tho ut lf Milsical club will been taken and orders have boon nr"? . reports would show it entitled to the one-ha- Fortnightly .,.r,-ss- ., Kuiiiiu, teaspoonful cloves, government unless made on or beforo 1 - Hiicrs ire two-thir- hold a May musical after- for the disarmament of com- . . honor of beine: the fourth district to one-hu- lf tea- day tea this . . .. i A mnr urt n niiiicnffi ill i in' cup sugar, due dates. .' "V , noon at the residence Mrs. iiatants invading Russian ,, . iro over tbp ton-- - spoonful ginger, one all- of W. C. TO RUSH DRAFTING territory. other units were Kreuwy iiioveo teaspoonful AniK-ti-l Mieiij" one six Oesterich at 1018 West Central av- I: to lYancix. the band played the National Anthem If this provfs true ,tlio race for spice, cup syrup, teaspoonsful lh Holsheviki baking powder, three and three-fourtn- s enue. Following a musical Finnish government Th(.y M,lW 1(. ,,rght new flag and flflh ,)lat.p in th, honn). ap. program ' f,nost cup 'barley flour, three eggs, refreshment will he served. A small bn.-P.- will be lnr. Davi.l It Francis- n n l ltween the Chicago, one-four- .. : : thp ..B,,zeJlml;.T""r"10 iiii-i- 111 a. n wl. ,l teaspoonful salt, one cup admission fee will be itni'inisii lialki l!,.L,f,. , charged and rev ies' Ger - .!;....;.. raisin.-- three- - C. H. CARNES, mohnins jounfM.1. raciAL lc.ibeo wmai against the J ne m- m'-- i fourths cup milk, one the m-- n general cniiiiimmiiiirt money will bo used: for the benefit "Washington, April 30. Provost sui tiort of the white (tuards, de- forces shook hands with anil St. Irfiuis Still Striving, teaspoonful cinumon. Method laborites will lean of the club. General Crowdcr congress claring that Finnish words of encouragement to St. l.ouis still is Htriving to attain Cream the fat, sugar ami egg yolks. requested continue to for the pause of free- spoke Following are those who will partic- Optometrist. ex- fight each of the men decorated, saying it honors in tho con- - Add the syrup and mix well. Add to eliminate from the bill dom, feeling a hatred and population quota in the .Mrs. Tuat today profound was moment, oi ms i A the liquid, and ipate program: Katherino "Eyeglasses Satisfy" 21 disdain for executioners na- the proudest nojtest. report from there tonieht said alternately the dry tending the draft to youths now the of commander ot men wno. sifted ISailey, Miss Paula Uslss, Mrs. S. 15. Tha Most Modern and Complete- tions and the labor movement." to be the that the district had attained a per-- ingreditents together. Add, the years of age, the amendment putting had done such great honor to the flavoring and fold in the well-beate- n Miller, Mrs. J. (i. Schwentker, Miss ly Equipped Optical Parlor in the The German advance in Russia co- centage of '.12 on the face of returns Entire bottom of the int those nfines The country. egg whites. Rake for one hour in a uelplune Dawson, Mrs. E. U Brad- Southwest at the eligible uninterruptedly. German at hand and that twenty-nin- e counties forces citle moderate oven. After twenty minutes ford, Mrs. Georlie K. Mrs. Fourth Street, Third Door North who would register under the measure have captured several in Arkansas with sub- - ICveritt, aim are 01 me largo money raise the temperature. Charles McClanahan. of Postoffice. Hearing ivutsk, capuai . The program and asked that the hill basin;; draft ions to re-- I Hit-art- government of the same name with a BE script had failed make any Corn Hour and Oat will be Phone 1057 for Appointment. in HUNS ARE TO Three-fourth- s interspersed throughout the on the number of men class of more than 50,000. This port. Only sixteen counties in tha cup six .1 quotas population liquid, hours of and 0 o'clock. All of it c eltv is being evacuated. entire district have failed to reach baking powder, four table-spoonsf- the one bo amended, to make operation women of the have been There has been a renort here that their ten of them are fat, one teaspoonful salt, ctiy invited retroactive. the Black sea fleet has been money quota four to attend. entire in Missouri, five in Arkansas and one tublespoonsful syrup, one and General Crowdet- made his request by Germans. one-thir- d captured the DIVORCED ROM in cup corn flour, two eggs. sen- I Tennessi f. in letters to the chairnmn of the one cup ground rolled oats. Method-- Mix ate and home military committee. j Reports of large sales in Reclions of the melted fat, syrup and eggs. April Shipping Output. ?tho Kansas CUTS BOTH IN The plan to make the quota law 30. A total out- City district populated ty Combine the liquid and well mixed WRISTS Washington, April of German continue retroactive would apply it to men of put of 2 40,000 tons of new whipping 'persons parentage dry Ingredients. Hake as a loaf in a INDUSTRIES to in. ofrt-- EFFORT TO KILL SELF the new draft called while the legisla- for the month of April was reported U.S. pour moderately hot for one hour or tion la pending- Delay in enactment to the hoard Chicago continues to lead in honor until thoroughly baked. Follow same shipping today by three-fourth- .faOAL CaeKHPONOINCI TO '.'4:1. recipe s of MORNING jnu,N.i tif the measure, General Crowder Chamberlain. j flag awards with a total of 3. adding cup of Navigation nuts or raisins. Itoswell, .. M., April SO. Rather wrote, seeenitatee the retroactive Two-thir- was con mok in LiAsiD wuui Many Flass Awarded. the tonnage ir jouml MeiL Corn Flour and than board ut the v for one structed in the last half of the month. New York, April 30. Revelation Other districts that Hurley Bread. penitim;! reported tonight One cuii liquid, 4.x yenr and one day with good time al- of tlie ovei nments "to divorce had awarded follows: teaspoonsful plans tney flags as baking powder, four tahlespoonsf ul lowance off, to expiati; tho crime o! from American lov.-lan.l. AV. Germany permanently l.lsii; San Francisco, 8V3; fat, one salt, table-spoonsf- forgery, li. Bush sbuhed his wrist 'i and commerce" will be made! ,four J industry xew V(.k 70 nn(, Philadelphia, syrup, one and one-thir- d with aazor but did not cut dee uy A. iUitcneii cuslwuiuii "li.V.!, cup corn flour, two eggs, one cup bar- enough as the loss of blood was no! at a alien enemy iiroperty meeting Maine was added to the honor states ley flour. sufficient to end life. here 1, under ot the anil May auspices today. The Connecticut section of the lliulfj- Out Ilrend. Hush is being held in the Itoswell National Security league. One cup of liquid, six teaspoonsful county jail for the Choristers to Bostoli district is within 6 per cent four' present. Paulist Accepting the league's invitation baking powder, toblespoonsful of its but Massachusetts and table-spoonsf- speak, .Mr. Palmer wrote from Wash-- : quota, fat, one teaspoonful salt, four ul THE WORLD'S GREATEST lthoik- Island 80 CHOIR lngt'-n- have only per cent. syrup, two cups barley flour, "I shall address myself to the sub-- I Dallas telegraphed tonight that the two eggs, one cup ground rolled oats. FIRST PAYMENT ON FATHER W. J. Conductor on city of Dallas was mo;-- 'con- FINN, jeet, 'Germany's Industrial Army causing BONDS MAY American Soil.' It seems to me a cern than any other place in the dis- DUE 28 ' 100 BOYS AND re-- ; trict. The situation there was com- MEN good opportunity to disclose tile ATTORNEY DUNLAVY TXT suit of my observations as alien prop-- I plicated somewhat by an erroneous Strange as it may seem many who war or no war isn t it a hnve for Stricken France erty custodian, showing the strong in- - report published early In the cam- - QUITS FOOD BOARD purchased Liberty Bonds of the sure thing that the sun will Singing dustriul and commercial foothold which) pnign thru the city had, subscribed third issue and who have been notified of the times on which come up Germany obtained in this country be its quota. ttPICIAL COftflKSPONDaNCK TO MONNINA JOURNAL! their payments every day, this Mel-vi- must be made,' still do fore the war, and what we are now Santa Fe, April 30. n not understand summer? is Wednesday Evening, Attorney the manner In It proposing to do to divorco Germany Postpone Rut,. Hearins. T. Ptinlavy, because of the press which they must pay Tnler-stat- e for the bonds. ARMORY May 8th, at 8:15 permanently from American indus- Washington, April 30. The of his legal business, has resigned ar Is it going to be hot? try and commerce." Connneicp commission today or- secretary of the New Mexico food The provision is that 5 per cent of dered a the face value of the bond must he It is. postponement until August administration. Miss Itcrtha Kreut-te- r, Tickets 50c to $1.50 29 of increased paid upon On Journal Wants Bring Results rate schedules for the private secretary to the state application. May 28 lONYTE 23 PF.K t'DXT OF TO l.OCAfj .KED CROSS. Interstate transportation of grain, food will the owner must pay 20 per cent of the Are you going to be hot? commissioner, look after value Results from Journal Want Ads seed, hay and straw, which Would the affairs of the office for the and accrued interest. On July I am not. hnve gone into effect, tomorrow. IS the third payment, consisting of 35 er cent of the value, must be paid, At your place of business? wit n accrued interest. On August 15 No sir. the 40 per cent must be ' remaining paid, also with accrued interest. At your home? Not mine Conds are dated May 9, therefore Suppose This Occurred in Albuquerque Well, why not? What are you going to do about it? GFISMAX v.U PltACTICKS. lection of small cottages sheltering HAVE ROSY CHEEKS V Keep cool with an Electric (H.v Brand Wliitlnck) - about 5,000. the Inhabitants, mostly all Fan. During execution nt Dinant, the poor laborers. AND FEEL FRESH AS Germans before condemn- placed tho "The little graveyard in which the ed their wives and children. It is thus DAISY-T- church stands bears its mute testi-- l A RY THIS! When are you going to get that Madame who lias Albln, jusl mony to the horrer of th0 event, There it? Oh given birth to a pre- sometime, soon. child, throe days are hundreds of new-mad- e, was graves, viously, brought on a mattress by each with its small wooden 'cross and Says glass of hot water with German soldiers to execu- Now Listen! are witness the its bit of flowers: the crosses are so before Maybe you tion of her husband; cries and phosphate breakfast her closely huddled that Is and , not. were there scarcely washes out poisons. maybe you're supplications so pressing that room to walk between them. The her husband's life was spared. crosses are alike and nil hear the Electric Fans "On the L'llth of German sol- aren't going August same date, the sinister date of August To see the of bloom diers entered various streets (of I.ou-vai- 22. tinge healthy to be as flies 1 I 1914." in face, to see skin plentiful as. Are ; and ordered of your your get i iii Jaunty Skirts These. the inhabitants "But whether their 'hands were cut clearer and to with- be H the houses to to de clearer, wake up, they may as scarce as proceed the Place off or not,, whether were Im out a headache coated J In Station. Women they backache, hen's teeth about ; As were separated ra4ed" on bayonets Or riot, children tongue or a nasty breath, in fact to the time thouli their rich, W j from the men and to remain feel BlSS'g ff forced were shot down, In your best, day in and day out. "soon" arrives. by military order, inside-bathin- vc on the Place de la station the just g morning -- serviceable materials during cold blood. In try every ! -- i tho awful crime of the Ir Vi Lr whole day. They had to witness the tor one weeK. Rock of Bayard, there overlooking ttlRlit now tj not reason Ef execution of many of their fellow citi- Before breakfast each day, drink a while (iie j,T(.y r were, enough lTwf$ Ihe Mouse below Dinant, Infants In glass of real hot water - Iff - zens, who were for the most shot with ajen- matter H for miss at .' XTT part their mother's arms were shot down spoonfoil of limestone In ill working,, and no every wanting- at the side of the square. The women as phosphate have good ' without mercy. Tho deed, never sur- a harmless means of washing from assortment at V and children, remained 1 V yj leat one, these show after having passed in cruelty any band of sav- the stomach, liver, kidneys and bow-- all kinds of prices delightful skiy ' on the square for more than fifteen by eis I ages, is described by the bishop of the previous day's indigestible many wholly charming idcaiijn the .n hours, were allowed to depart. The N'amur himself: waste, sour bile and toxins: thus Phone or drop a postcard I of were also cleansing, and purifying or In gardes eiviques Louvain "One scene surpasses in horror all sweetening drop and got u .sanipl.; simple, novel trimmings which proclaim u taken sent to the entire alimentary canal before ' prisoners and Germany, others; it is the fusillade of tho breeze free. ' to tho camp at Munster. putting 'more food Into the stomach '. them new. , Itocher Bayard near Dinant. Tt ap- The action of hot water and lime- "On Thursday, 27, order , w'M ! August pears to have been ordered by Colonel stone on an stomach gabi-rdln- phosphate empty materials nn trli otine. plijiu-- Ixcih cloth and i was given to the to leave - Settle this I')' Inhabitants Meister. This fusillade made many Is wonderfully invigorating. It matter while the Louvaln because was to be cleans all the city victims among the nearhy parishes, out the sour fermentations, time is Get it off Priced at to bombarded. Old chil- gases and and one a ripe. your $2.25 $7.00. men, women, especially those of des .Rivages and acidity gives mind. dren, the sick, priests, nuns, were Neffe. splendid appetite for breakfast. Then you should It caused the death of nearly A of driven on the roads like cattle. More persons, quarter pound limestone phos- ninety without distinction of phate will cost very little at the drug worry! than 10,000 of the inhabitants were age or sex. were driven as Among the victims store but Is sufficient to demonstrate far as Tirlemont, eighteen babies in and that Those con- kilometers arms, hoys girls, fathers who are subject to from Louvaln."" and mothers 'of families, even old stipation, bilious attacks, acid stom- "one of the most sorely tried com- men. ' ach, rheumatic twinges, also those Albuquerque munities was whose IslntcimcAi that of the little village "It was there that twelve children skin is sallow and complexion Gas & Electric ' of Tamines, down In what is known 6 pallid, are assured that one 'week of under the age of from the inside-bathin- g ' . . - min-lr- perished will .' ""' ,'"t"n"""" i the Borinage, Tamines is a .j have them both ' , fire of the eocifloner9. six of them mil . . .v.-- "f ; looking and feeling better tn every nontuctmuur . T!'""'""i 1 v'i w.v,'. m a sf.mxvi-rKnvM- ...j m ylllage In the Eambre, It Is a col-- , as in Company ... . they lay t,helr mothers' arms. way, l r S. I'. ,fi '. , , , , - v v 'if v r ,v 7 itkit Albuquerque Morning Journal, Wednesday, May 11, 1918. THREE How Germans to Get Channel Cities SOUTHWEST BOYS Try FLIPS FROM THE FILLUMS 5.000 LOSS AS

READY FOR AT J UK THKATKKS TODAY. RESULT OF FIRE M "IV Tlicatei Repeating "Naughty, Naughty," a Thomas II. luce produc- tion wtih Enid l'.cnnett us the leading fir HEIR ROMOT star. 0 House "The War- TUESDAY MORNING I Crystal (,Mia - rior," with the mighty "Maciste," as I Hit Vre b sJ- the main star, is being repeated. Large crowds Saw the feature yester- Scott A, Barnaul of Roswell, day. S;iuM.iih;m Scone Ideal Thcalolir Repeating by re- Presbyterian at Camp Pike, Now Private, quest, Clara Kimball Young as the of Blaze WitV.h Stalls in star in a la also a Soon Be Sec- "Marriage Carte;" May Wearing good comedy. Tent House un-- Spreads Theater Allison ond Lieutenant l.yrki May starring to Vn'i'ir Stripes. in "Social Hypocrites," a .Metro five-re- Quickly Wirtg, feature; also a "Screen Telcrgam" reel and a reel. Eighty Division, Camp comedy seventh Pastime Theater Clara Williams is the I'lvsle. u sanatorium 25. The l'ike, Ark., A'pril following the character in "Carmen of vesterdiiy forenoon de.vl rmi-- five is principal and west stat,mcnt authorized by the adjutant Selex-ar- tent houses d:inla;;ed the iff the Klondike," a special super t main general: production. wing of the building, known as H Herewith is a list of names and ad- the Victor wing, it having been built dresses of men who have at by the Victrolu. people. The loss will qualified AT T1IK "11." the thircli series of officers' probably he. in the neighborhood ol training Enid Rennet in lat- "be Supporting her J."i.0ti0. covered Insurance schools to listed as eligible. for ap- est Paramount partially by photoplay, "Naughty, The fire started, it was said yester- Ipl pointment as second lieutenants. men on list Naughty!" at the "li" theater today day, from an overheated stove in one These will be carried the is an kjaWW1''i;rrt; of officers nnd commissioned only, excellent cast including of tlie tent houses while the occupant eligible Earl Gloria NAY ALLISON at such time as suitable vacancies Rodney, Hope, Marjorle irr of the. tent was at breakfast. The occur. Rennett and Andrew A.rbueklc. The "50CIAL HYPOCBITES" blaze leaped from one ten! bouse to direction of Jerome Storm, under the another until five were ablaze and This list Rives name of candidate, At the I.yrio theater today and to his home arm of service personal supervision of Thomas H. their total dostruction followed. address, and Incc himself, an morrow, i for which he insures entertaining Driven by a brisk southeast wind, the has qualified: hour with Miss Dennett as N'cw Mexico. charming of one of the- young lovers and sht flames ignited the wooden eaves of ) entertainer in chief. it in to make the Hii n on Scott A. Hurnam, 109 South Lea plays a manner the victor wing and crept up of male beat faster. H er the side of the roof-Thi- avenue, Hoswcll; heart every under shingle ill infantry. AT ( ItYSTL. is excellent ami mado noces-Mi- for tho fire- Arizona. Till: supporting company it During the first advance the itself is one that grips at- men to rut several lar:;, holes in the Ooprrlght Hut Bchflnr Mmn I. 728 East Fifth against story t Harry Chambers, Italy by Austrian a large num- tention unremittingly throughout. The roof before water could be thrown field troops street, Tucson; artillery. ber of inhabitants are captured, among Ideal theater has secured this attrac- onto the fire. Arthur E. Trice, Chandler: field ar- whom is Maciste. They are all housed tion and will show it today only. There were fifteen pcticnis located tillery. in an old stable, lly a ruse Maciste There will be shown in connection in tho Victor wing and soon as the Good business Texas. overpowers the guards and tho prison- with this play a good comedy. nurses fiaw that this part of the build- Virgil 8. F.cok, 824 Uuchana avenue, ers escape. They find refuge in the ing was endangered tio-- immediately Texarkana: field artillery. a castle of Protolungo owned by an old AT Till; I.YR1C. set. about removing the patients to If you can save Joseph O. Ilixler, 1408 North Italian count. The Austrians follow Raciurat, the great Fundi gambling places of safety. Also as soon as the Orange street. El Paso, infantry. and again by a ruse Maciste draws ;he game, is shown for the first lime in an other hospitals learned of the fire ihey money on your Claudia A. Brown, 1217 Mesa av- attacking forces away from the castle American motion picture in. "Social very generously offered to aid in car- clothes, it's Metro-All-St- good enue, El Paso; infantry. . in time to give the prisoners a chance Hypocrites," a, serien ing for the patients ami a number of , to to Frank C. Erwin, 404 West farvin-avenue- make their way the Itallun side ctarring delightful May Allison, which them were renjoved thereto. business providing of the he to- was frontier. Later joins the will be shown ut the Lyric theater No Were injured and it i Waxahachlc; patients Armen-tiere- s v. i infantry. and is to the is a none would The lined space between no;c uisiauc iioiii inu iteiiioiin the clothes fit, are Fred Hirschl, Iowa Park; field ar- army assigned Alpino day and tomorrow. This picture thought Inst night that the I ranee to Dover across the corps. He learns that the screen version of notwithstand- and Hazcbrouck, showing hnglisli tillery. Austrians, Aljcla. Ramsey's suffer from the ordeal, latest ground gained by the Germans Channel is sl. one miles. The and of fine led by Fritz are bent on several of them had stylish Karl Leslie, 1118 South Travis Pluffer, stage piny, "liridge." ing the fact that in their drive against the French, il- on tho south are ,1usi a little wreaking vengeance on the count, As in.- hui curat table could be se- recently undergone surgical opera- lustrates their effort to get the chan- e."i than that distance from l'.nt. quality. (street, Sherman; es. infantry. whom they, now hold a prisoiier'in the cured in America, the .Metro techni- tions and at least one woman had nel cities of Dunkirk and Cnla's. By but no water Tho !owor Paul O. Xafe, 502 West boulevard, castle, together with his beautiful cal staff built an exact duplicate of the just been removed from the operating pressing back the British lines be- lined tpace shows the territory taken El Paso; In f infantry. young niece. Maciste, single-hande- kind used in the big casinos at Monte table when the fire alarm was sound- yond Armentieres the tiennans may from tho Ilrlth the begmrlns' Wc can save mon: P.. Montdldler the near Tsham Richardson, 5222 Columbia enters the Austrians' and Curio and other gambling palaces. ed. compel them to move their line at tl.? drive wi'h stronghold, est to Paris. The oriivirh. pur- for and avenue, Dallas: infantry. captures Pluffer, together with three The ta!.!e was twelve feet, six inches Considerable damage resulted from the coast back also. The Germans point ey you give twenty-fou- r of the bi' ii i in their hope yet O. 920 Santa Maria forty-fou- r are now pressing Just pose Douglas Smith, others. He returns to the Italian long and Inches wide and water which ran down through tho ti- t camp of thirty-seve- n was the Drltlsh an French avenue, with his in with inilca south Dunkirk and split you everything you Laredo; infantry. prisoners. Learning that the marked off accordance holes in the roof, ruining the plaster miles sou. beast of Calais. Since lines, cuiimg tne British Ut in tl"" William It. D. of All accoutre- . have been Thomas, Kirkl.mJ; count's niece is in danger, the her- tho game. the ing and wood work. The walls of thej the distance from Calais to Dove.-i- noithwcst corner if France n.ul hold- getting. culean in ments of the were j of I ls. infantry. Italian, company with a table provided. wing were not injured. England is twenty-fou- r mile?, the ing the north 'ai Robert E. Williams, 5010 Gaston number of the Alpinos, makes a raid , In connection with the above there Tho occupants of the burned tent Hart Schaffner & Marx avenue, Dallas; infantry. on the Castle of Protolungo. Van- will bo shown :l "Screen Telegram" houses lost pract cMly all of their clothes are good business. quishing the enemy, .Maciste enters reel and a comedy reel- clothing and other1 belongings, and lis, Omaha, New Orleans, San Fran- PAULIST CHORISTERS tho castle Just in time to rescue the the bedding, the property of tho sana- cisco and I,os Angeles. all wool; made FRIDAY RED CROSS , from two llencflt to WILL BE HEARD HERE They're girl Austrians, who are AT Till-- PASTIMi:. torium, was totally destroyed. (;i'eat Albuquerque. fit fighting a duel over her. Jumbled flakes of snow flashing in Fortunately the valuable surgical Persons inquiring about suitable in models to every DAY AT THEATER, in western towns to visit for of NEXT WEDNESDAY NIGHT "The Warrior" will ho seen a into the little settle- instruments and furnishings the purposes ; 1 o n fir again blinding gale health, recreation or business will figure they wear EXPECT FULL HOUSE today and tomorrow, at the Crystal ment town of Skawag, buried in the operating room, and tho beds and re- have the advantages of Albuquerque look well. opera house. white-cla- d in the west wing, were from and folds of the Klondike bedding called to their attention, while persons (mo week today Albuquerque always moved and escaped damage. Friday, May 3. Will be Red Cross mountains, and sweeping over tho already Interested in Albuquerque will Is to have nn opportunity to hear tho ut the On AT THE IDEAL. desollate wilds- of the Peel river be nble to get from the Foster offices, choristers of day Ideal theater. this day to famous Paulist Chicago, $25 to $55 Ci. I!. of the thea- Love and mountain country, forming barriers specific information even down Donner, manager money constitute the such details as train connections. Tens a musical organzation which Is with ter, has agreed to turn over the en- theme of la the of snow and ;ke and defying the WILL' "Marriage a Carte." of thousands of persons have formed out a peer In the United States today. tire proceeds to the Red Cross chap- newest release in the Clara Kimball struggles of humanity to wrest tho THUDS the habit of "asking Mr. Foster," and is not for ter hero. Red Cross workers are ac- treasure of gold hidden beneath the of officials This famous choir traveling the Chamber Commerce - tive to obtain a large audience at frozen earth, form only a few of the predict that their arrangements with the benefit of tho members, the dlrec- j each performance and there Is little remarkable, colorful .scenes in "Car- ASK MR.' FOSTER the Foster service will go a long way tor or the management, but with tho Clothing doubtx that the houso will be men of the Klondike," tile Selexart toward calling the attractions of Al- of assist- Wright to the not great humanitarian purpose crowded. Clara Williams, buquerque attention only n production starling war-ridde- llclglum nnd Franco. which will be shown of the traveling public, but also of ing The work of the Red Cross civil- at the Pastime is confined to homeseekers and others Interested in Nor their generosity ' ian relief been out- i theater today anil tomorrow. Company committee has moving west. countries. H. M. O'Neill, ad- - lined and the committee now stands OF ALBUOUEROUL foreign of Seuaffue A Free advertising In the Foster vancc agent for the organization, has The homo Ilart to aid all families of soldiers coMivt; to free distribu- Marx Clothes. ready ii)i:.i.. Travel Magazine, and announced twenty-fiv- o cent who be in need. Advices have On Sunday, May ,", there is coining of rail- that per may tion Albuquerque literature by hero are to he been received from Den- to the Jdeal theater "The F.agle'.' road stations the of tho receipts rreeiy the post at throughout territory Red ver that the local committee must be Kye," by William J. Flynii, formerl.x served, are among the other advant- donated to the local Cross chap of for will menus of the 12.000 bond the action of ready at all times o assist the fami- chief of the I'uited Stales secret ft ft Contracts Publicity ages which Albuquerque gain ter us a assisting chapter pending and it is a treat- thromrh the new contract. The value with their current expenses. the federal grand Jury. lies of the men at war. This service thrilling story, Service United of service as contracted the sxcw includes on ing on the Cermaii plots to Throughout this by The choir Is composed of more than Charges against the mlti'lr assistance obtaining dtsiroy Chamber of Commerce is especially out of the statement he is alleged to over-du- e In America, ami that, nation's ol Which Will a hundred men and boys. Tho choir allowances and this army States Bring great at this time on account of gov- have made, and ho is hold under sec- work the committee has spies scattered all over the world. ernment railroad because of Is of music rising barely a already Here, control, capable tion 3 of the act which provides done some Rood work. Assistance Many which the distribution of literature by above a murmur or of filling penalty for the making of falHo state- also is rendered the men themselves "CI FOI'ATi! A" ( )MI(i. the railroads themselves will neces- tho auditorium with a volume of ments likely to interfere with the if they are incapacitated for work When William pr;-s- nts his sarily be greatly reduced. sound which rivals that or the world's military plan: of the government. It and return to their homes unable to CLARA epoch-makin- g film version of "Cleo- The attractions and resources of the Foster to He Our (Juest. organs, ltlllie Halllssey, is said officers In MoKlnley coun'y h be In addition to tho first hand Infor- greatest pipe be their families. if fy YOUNG ! patra," with Tloila liana as the Albuquerque region will hereafter famous boy who has won will ask that tho miner subjected support I .ffffKIMDALL in the singer, Siren of the Nile at the Pastime systematically laid before thousands mation gathered by Foster agents of to a sanity investigation. Although the Red Cross workers In the the the approval of the crowned heads was re- May 7, 8 and !), local of people In the eastern stales through Albuquerque region during United States commissioner the garment rooms arc faithful and thcaatcr, be- have been and who is recognized as tho IwKu ovo I V a contract entered into past year, arrangements Hurope for tho bond. (iii Hvitl J amusement seekers will se most yesterday sponsible are doing their best, there is a scar- the tween the Chamber of Commerce and made "with Mr. Foster himself to be bov singer of the country to- ICtflrjrus sensational photo-dramat- greatest city of workers, those In charge of Bund J4tsAfo.i dSSmSSS3SS:y li and magnificent the "Ask Mr. Foster" information the guest of the Chamber of Com- liallbsey has the remarkable lo ever some of day, the work say, and an effort will to speefui produced. service, represented by Ward G. Fos- merce in attending the Indian ability of reaching high C Without a made to Increase the size of the con- The passions and of and of the Fos- dances and other tourist attractions pageants Kgypt's ter, president founder season. falter and under the aole direction of THAT ANNOYING, tingent. The canteen committee has At tlio Ideal llieater today only. See vampire as portrayed by the ter later on during the present corporation. his recent visit here Mr. Fos- Father Finn his voice rises to this COUGH issued a request that the citizens Iicr. screen's foremost interpreter of siren Uooklets on Albuquerque nnd other During tones were PERSISTENT on the ter was taken to Isleta and also the high note us though tho chronic lun trouble, or present to tho Red Cross their old roles aroused the entire theater and literature Albuquerque region, Albu- mar Iprnt to Service-Worl- d an mean rlironlc ataico sol- Young pictures. The picture-goin- g as well us first hand information from agricultural region surrounding produced by artificially perfected that th already magazines, whxh are supplied to public of New "York, and has a la ranched. In elthsr caa try dot is laid in and w Foster who havo travollcd querque, already gathered meanf. diers and trains. This committee has high society the here 't'leoi n tra" enjoyed i phe- agents of our local re- the. the A H'uquerquo region in favorable impression ECKMAjYS things that money, anil .lack of it. llroud-wa- y through The choir will one concert hore alterative been active In after the wel- nomenally successful run on give tlaiie-roalr- looking to the last year, will be available to the sources. This tonlo and of do two young people who have are at Cal-tlu- m fare men who pass through A- at the Lyric theater. No- film public throughout, the large cities in Many private institutions, according next Wednesday night. They the acknowledged benatua of fallen in I'a-fic- taturblo love with each other, are ever nnd if to the chamber of Commerce, will from I,oulslrina treatment without the lbuquerque mid already large quanti- drama offered the American the eastern, central, western present touring no Alcohol. NX-cot- lo both and in- a direct benefit from the Foster atomach. Contalua ties of cigarettes and literature have entertaining delightful. public has achieved greater poiuilar- - states, as well as Florida, and reap New Mexico. or Hablt-Fonula- Drug. Clara. Kimball I'bila-delphi- a, not the send- been supplied to the men. Young plays tho part ity than this stupendous production. cluding the cities of New York, contract, only through $2 new $1.50. $1 saw 80c new to but aiz, tin, , Washington, 'Atlantic City, ing of people Albuquerque, drna-dats- distribution of their lit- Prlce Includea war te. All Pineliurst, N. ('., Huffalo, Cleveland, through the GIBSON MINER HELD Krkman laboratory, Philadelphia DUNLAVY Detroit. St. Louis, Minneapo- - erature. In the event, that such litera- RESIGNS AS MORE LIVESTOCK TO FORMER Chicago, as to bo. use- ALBUQUERQUE ture is of such character ON ESPIONAGE ACT FOOD ADMINISTRATION ful in the answering of Inquiries at BE GRAZED ON THE BOY offices. At Mr. Foster's re- A rrmedr lot iafectiona .DECORATED FOR Her Husband the Foster ol the tract. Forgives New Mexico flame Protec- flih-M- ., urinary the a coal miner at , EXECUTIVE SECRETARY NATIONAL quest John . raintew, FORESTS BRAVERY IN FRANCE tive association has already arranged son, N'. who was arrested Satur-.1- and will not rtfieture the Infor- Ii.-i- Ri lievrein 1 lo A dava. to offer their literature for day t y M. special ugclit of Melvin T. of Santa Fe, of persons about PRICK $1.20 Sold By Dunluvy To meet ll. a mation inquiring the department of Justice, at Gibson, Treaties with aarb bottle or mailed!Tig1stioa 1 the war needs of the coun- John Turner, memler of the requeat. who since March has been serving hunting, fishing and natural history nnd charged with vlolutlon of the es- rwKPAarn bv try, more and cattle will to THE EVANS CHEMICAL as executive secretary of the food sheep l.Gfith infantry, now in France, has subjects. Any parties desiring pionage act, has beer, released on CO, CINCINNATI, 0. his on the national, forests this snpiily material through the Chamber administration here, has tendered been awarded the decoration Ia Croix asked to com- from take year, according to word received from of Commcrc" have been resignation that office to Do Cuerre for bravery, to with the In the the district forester nt the district according municate secretary. effect near future. word Mr. before headquarters of the service here yes- received by his parents here. Dunlavy, accepting the This was In terday. plan, it is said, will open Young Turner moved here from position here, engaged the facilities RED CROSS DRIVE of law in Fe. He had grazing for half a million Ohio with his last 'practice Santa more and a family May, but nn unusually which he sheep nearly quarter of after hero for two WORKERS HERE FROM and Girls' large practice a million more cattle. This will residing about Boys dropped to serve his The bring months" he to Ohio to country. the total number of stock un- returned Join his LAS VEGAS MEETING work ho was doing for the adminis- grazed der permit to about 9,000,000 sh en, national guard company. Tho com- tration, however, has become such pany wont to France as a part of tho can 2,300,000 head of cattle und 51,000 II. If. Ilrooks of Las N. M. that others fill the position and swine. Hainbow division. Cruces, Mr. Dunlavy will return to his campaign manager for the coming prac- This increase is on in- Word of the honor conferred! tice In Santa Fe. top of an upon Ked Cross drive In Dona Ana crease of him wan communicated to the county, Roller 200,000 and Skates Miss ilertha M. sheep 100,000 parents and Francis K. Lester of Mesilla Park, Kreutter, who has made when it was rec- Turner's commander. The been as cattle last year' by young N. M., district of DmVi Ana, acting private secretary to the man manager the state administrator will be- ognized that country's need for himself has made no mention of Sierra counties in here, wool Luna. Grant and come executive beef, mutton, and hides called it In his letters, although tho lust one same drive, were In secretary. na- the Albuquerque for the fullest possible use of the received here from him had- - several on return to their The last night their trip tional forest ranges. step was lines cut out by tho censor. Jt Is not homes from the Red Cross state con- UNION HARDWARE CO.'S BALL BEARING of taken by the secretary agriculture known If the missing portion referred ference which was held when was Monday night EXTENSION ROLLER SKATES. A to it considered necessary to to the decoration or not. in L'is N. M. Roth men Sure Way some chances of In Vegas, report take overgrazing an excellent meeting and are certain of call -- THE BEST ROLLER SKATE MADE End Dandruff the interest the for larger pro- - that the drive, which continues from duction. The Increases this year were street and Ciold avenue at 3 o'clock Mav 'SO to May J7, will be a success. made after that last Ball Bearing Skates, all sizes; the learning year's and nt 8 o'clock. The purpose of the The quota for New Mexico in the vull'- 1 QC to - (I) There li one sure way that hat stock was grazed without injury is to will be $158,000 and for the regular $3.00 skate to speakings explain Catholicism drive 06,00 never failed to remove dandruff at the forest ranges. In order make and to "make the Catholic church bet- counties of which Mr. Lester Is and is dissolve new accessible to four once, that to It, then the areas stock, ter known and loved." the quota will be $32,000. Plain Bearing Skate, you destroy It entirely. To do It been in in- manager this, however, has many H. 1L of Fo will . . . .' , get about four ounces of plain, The guild was formed July 4, 1917. Judge Hanna Santa all sizes $1.50 just stances' necessary to construct trails of the drive in the north- common liquid arvon from any drug or Under wartime The meetings are held in the open in have charge EXTRA KEYS 5C EACH is all you will driveways. present order man of ern of tho state. The south- torm(thii need), apply conditions it is no longer considered that the the streets or portion It at night when retiring; use enough those who do not attend churcltfserv-ice- s eastern division will be In chargo of In necessary to handle sheep In largo to moisten the scalp and rub it may hear' the of the It. Furnsworth of Roswell. with the bands In order to make the handling teachings rtRS. WILLIAM ISAAC TH6MAS. gently finger tips two speakers. During their talks the M. K. Ulckey of Albuquerque has By morning, most if not all, of your profitable. mado the dandruff will be gone, and three or speakers dd not attack other religious Mrs. William Isaac Thomas, wife of been district chairman for four more applications will com- sects or denominations and merely the Chicago I'niverslty professor of liernalillo and ten other 'counties, Mr. pletely dissolve and entirely destroy CATHOLIC SPEAKERS state their teachings in an Inoffensive sociology, who was found In a hotel lllekcy said last night ho was unable no wife of J.Korber&Co every single sign and trace of it,, manner. The speakers have their with the young of an American to say what the quota Bernalillo Hardware Store." matter how much dandruff you may TO BE HERE SUNDAY own autovan and this in Itself la an officer now serving in France, county and of Albuquerque will be as "Albuquerque's Big inrmy - have. advertisement of their purpose. They said he had made a mistake. She in the quotas were not all announced- at 220 NORTH SECOND You will find all Itching and dig- be In- of will On Saturday, May 6, Mrs. Martha declare the street corner Is the "cen- sisted he would welcomed back to the Las Vegas meeting. Definite ging the scalp stop Instantly, visited will be obtained on the PHONE! 878. OPPOSITE CITY HALL. and your hair will be fluffy, lustrous, Moore Avery and David Goldstein, ter of democracy" and as such Is tho his home. In fact, ehe the formation silky and soft, and look and founders of the Catholio Truth guild, natural place for them to deliver their young woman In the case and talked local county and city within a short Flossy, in (el a hundred times better. will speak at the corner of Third addresses, a motherly fashion to her, time, however, ...... FOUR Albuquerque Morning Journal, Wednesday, May 1, 1918.


.; .; BEAT INDIANS C over-smoke-d FROIPIUES; L ! I GERMANS feeling

New York Piles TO MOHNINO JOIIRNALI Up Fifteen: Up Its Hard f'CCIAI. OiaAT;H follows Chicago Keeps Dallas, Tex., 30. To fight Scores While Opponents! April Hitting Streak and, Aided by fJermany, France has mobilized her Make Seven Errors, No! kons. her women, her children; even your Cleveland's Errors, Wins; Iier dead are fighting, for their spirit Runs, Play Horse Generally,; Athletics.' J ves. France has determined to be light Yankees Blank free or die, and France will live. This: S the spirit which is France. hearted lT MOMN1N4 JOUftNAk PtCIAL Lf ASKD WIR1) And what is the American spirit'.': V JOURNAL PKCIAL LIABCD Wll) April 30. Philadel-- j It is being formed and shape Philadelphia, Cleveland, April 30. Chicago kept taking failed to score! this moment. Shall one of its vis-- 1 Havana" rhUi today again and aided loose at New Yolk.. Resides t heir siv-- j up its hard hitting by ible forms be an of gold,' against won. Of the outpouring en box score errors, the Phillies al- -' playing by Cleveland, which shall the or Enzniann astonish world, lowed fill's to drop safely for hits, unit pitchers used by Cleveland, shall it be a meager response to the committed mistakes of judgment, was the only one effective. call of the Loan'.' l - in Liberty LITTLE TOM when the Giants began running wildj . J, Gandil, who made three hits What is your personal response, - sev- i J A Junior Size of jp3 on the buses. - thre:- times up yesterday made It I'miP .iftcu.m'il nint ri hll I nn tn tliiif a Tom Moore Tineup, who releived Prendergust at' en hits in seven consecutive times at manifestation of the national soul H j tho start of the sixth, pitched to sev-- , bat by making a double and three which shall soon be known to the en hatters and was taken out of the, Training (limp activities in the ath- singles loday, Enzmann causing him world as the spirit which is America'.' a sin-- ; liox before his teammates made letic line aren't cmfined entirely to to break his record in the seventh put-ou- t. tie dr. Its, setting-u- p exercises and names inning. Score DEFENSE COUNCIL 1 In the eighth Woodward. Jlwan's! Chicago. which will increase the physical of f i If TOM fourth pitcher, went in and held them AB. It. II.PO A. E. PLANS FOR STATE riciH'i' of tic men. ti 0 3 4 o j hltless. Thirty players participated. Occasionally they Leibold, If WAR CONFERENCE I I Score: get busy on mimic Weaver, ss (i .1 1 2 3 0 MOORE New York. which creates a lot of fun for the par- E. Collins. 2 3 I 1 2 2 0 CIGAR A. a. De- AH. K. It. I'll. h .1 At of the li ticipants and spectators. 0 3 0 meeting county r. Jackson, rf i in Com- j Young, f .... 3 4 fense Council the Chamber of 25 The upper picture shows a crowd of Felsch. cf . . 0 10W2 . . merce last night, Kauff, rf at a .1 I 4 0 preliminary plans Sainiiiiis southwestern camp Gandil, lb . war to Wilhoit. of . . on for the state wide conference playing pop tiny Mexican burros, lb 0 0 3 0 bo in . HiiriiH, lf . Risberg, held Albuquerque Thursday and using hockey sticks to lit the ball 31 2 3 1 1 0 0 10. IT . i o McMullin. Friday, Alay and weie made. The Thorpe, arcund. Some of the Sammies' feet 4 2 0 Schalk, c . council decided to tender tho state Zimmerman, :;h almost tin- - touch ground. Anyon? who 0 1 0 council the use of the school L'b . . Benz, p high Doyle, lias seen a Mexican in action I burro building for the conference and this Rodriguez, J I) i c:in imagine how speedy such a game 43 13 14 0 arrangement probably will meet with . Totals Fletcher, ss. would be. In. Cleveland. the approval of the state officii'. Holke. lb - 1: - At the last The lower picture shows that base- P. meeting night 'hairman e . AB. II.PO. A. E luu'iden. c of the various com- in ariuv camps isn't any camou-';um- 5 0 1 2 arranffmic'iN (Hhson, c Halt, 3b mittees were elected as f illows: ' flag,' on thi as in th 4 . played big ss Barnes, p . . U Chapman, D. B. Alcivee, decora- agues. 3 Causey, p . . Speaker, cf tion, John Milne; reception. Alfred "Sir" Clarke, the famous old Cleve- Roth, rf 4 Grunsfeld. Representatives of various 44 19 27 lfi I! land catcher, is shewn Jack 4 organi'-.atio'i- s Totals t blocking Wambsganss, L'b . women's patriotic nlsa ' .Miller, former and first base- 4 will be to Philadelphia. captain Vavanagh, lb ... . permitted have a hand man of j AH. K. II IH A K. the Cardinals, off th" home 3 tho work. in a Wood, lf Bancroft, ss . plate game at the marine corps 2 Lieutenant Paul PerigonK of the O'Neill, e - ss . S. C. French army, will be one of the prin- Bancroft recruiting depot, Paris, c 2 Billings, i w MoGaffigan. 2 "Nig" had to go to the turf to get cipai speaKcrs. ins orucer no na.s Jb 0 who was in, Bagby, p seen active service will address a Stock, Jack, coming spikes up. 1 1 Morton, p mass to bo held DUKE I'ravath, rf . . meeting Thursday CITY Enzmann, p 1 night. He is recognized as an aide Pickup, rf . . 1 orator as well as a military Cleaners-Hatte- rs Luderus, . 12 Oraney practical lb man and his address should be una oi Whittled, If . 3 O 35 27 11 4 unusual interest. . . Standing of teams Totals 220, West Gold. Phone 411. Meusel, rf the In addition to Perigord, Professor K. L Batted for Enzmann In ninth. Burns, r OPEN EPISCOPA Judge Says Courts Guy Stanton Ford, dean of the Dtlhoofer, c . 1 .TIOW!, l,KA(il T.. Score by innings: of Alinnesota. will deliver an Prendergast, 0 W. L. Pet. Have Defined Term Chicago ,. 021 313 010-- address the conference. John '. 3 during Fitzgerald, x 0 New York . 11 1 .017 Cleveland 000 200 010 W. Alorey, western manager of tha LUMBER . . . S 4 Two-bas- e Paints, Oils, Glass, Malthold Koofins Tineup, p 0 Philadelphia .ti(i7 "Qualified Voters" Summary: hits Gandil, organization for the Rocky Mountain . CONVOCATION IN and Building PaiH-r- Watson, p . 0 Chicago (! .'! .C6 7 Weaver, Leibold, 2; Wood, Halt, division, also will attend the meeting m . . and will deliver an address. rep- Pierce, 0 Cincinnati . 7 r. .r,s:! Speaker. Three base hits Schalk, Four J. C. BALDRIDGE LUMBER That, tiie petition recently filed resentatives of the National Council . 4 4 . 0 0 Jackson. Stolen 'base AIcAtullin. Pittsburgh with Clerk I).' Ham- Totals P.7 0 0 27 2 1 7 City George 2. of Defense will attend the confer- COMPANY St. Louis . . . 3 S .273 mond Sacrifice hit McMullin, Uoublc x Hatted for In LOCAL CHURCH contains enough signatures ence here. Prendeifcjst fifth. Hoston 2 R Wood and AIcAIullin, 9 . 2 to submit the High street closing plays O'Neill; fck'ore by innings: a l.'rooklyn . . . 2 n .182 ordinance to popular vote is the E. Collins and Risberg; Speaker and New l'ork 201 lux coo i RULES PROHIBITING THE WM. FARR COMPANY opinion of Judge W. C. lleacock. Kavanagh. Bases on balls Benz, 2; 000 Ono 000 0 Heacock draws conclu- Philadelphia VMKltICA XLKAtil K Judge his 1; Morton. 3; Enzmann, 2. In FREAK ARE Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Two-bas- e sion from a Pagby, PITCHING Summary: lilts Kauff, decision he says was ... jVHM.SH AM) SALT MEATS j w. Per. First of Convention nings pitched Hagny, .Morton, Holke, Zimmerman, Fletcher, l.uder-us- . l. Day Opens handed down by, tho state supreme j; EXPLAINED BY a Uwston H 2 about 3. Struck out Benz, 1; HICKEY Sausage Siioeialty Whitted. Stolen I uses .spi court five years ago, defin- Enzmann, Young 5 2 With Services the term 1 2. For Cattle and Hogs the JUri-de- Chicago .714 Impressive ing '"qualified voters." Bagby, 3; Morton, 2; Enzmann, Killing JioIkp, Meusel 2. Sacrifice hita Y fi The court, he Mays, decided MONNlNa JOURNAL SPKCIAL, LIABCD WIM1 Market Prices Arc Paid Barnes, Kauff. Cleveland 4 .600 that Sacrifice flies j Last Many voters" 30. Rules New York u 7 .4C,2' Night; Visiting "qualified meant only 1. Chicago, April prohibit- narideri. Harnes. Double those who voted at the last elec- Boston 8: Washington plav 4 ing the "spit ball" and other freuk j Washington 7 .304 Here, 30. Ruth had little Journal Want Ada tiring results. Tletchor, RodrlKuez. Holke. Base' on Clergymen tion. The court was asked to de- Boston, April deliveries in the Detroit 2 4 Har- American associa- balls Piendersrast 1, 1. .333 fine the term at that time in order trouble disposing of Washington. Tineup Struck tion this season were thoroughly ex- out Barnes 1, Woodward 1. Philadelphia 3 s .273 to settle a dispute In which a bond per and Yingllng were wild. Washing- isKiie was plained by Thomas Hickey, 44M St. IOuis 2 7 The Twenty-fourt- h annual convoca- concerned ut Gallup. ton made five hits off Ruth. In the president .222 The of the association, at a here X Boston .1. tion of the Kpiscopal district of New Albuquerque charter pro- and Pinch Hit- meeting Brooklyn 3; vides that 20 cent eighth Morgan's single of Texas west per of the double-brough- t in today the club managers and staff T Brooklyn, April 30. Brooklyn de- WHERE THEY PLAY Mexico, including of Pecos, ter El Gbarrity's Hudson TODAY and of qualified voters" must sign a peti- of eight 2 for Signs feated Boston by hits with the third annual meeting the a the visitors' only run. Catches by umpires. j bunching Woman's tion for referendum. If the Pitchers will not be the visitors' errors in the fourth and Auxiliary of the district, term voter" means Amos Strunk featured. Score: allowed to place i. i:. here St. "qualified only to fiixth innings. Coombs was Tlo m:a.i opened yesterday morning at those who voted in tho last election Washington. their hands their mouths before j steady, Pittsburgh at Chicago. John's church with the Holy Com- a the only earned run off him SI. Li.uis at to call a referendum. If qualified AB. R. II. PO. A. E. delivering ball, nor will they be Wall coming Cincinnati. Ht. Hev. F. B. Howden, cele- 3 Paper in tho eighth on New munion; voters include all registered voters Shotton, rf permitted to use emery or any foreign j Herzog's second York at Philadelphia. brant and Hev. Walter S. Thowbrblgo then the triple and a wild er- Boston at petition which contains I.avan, ss . . substance in their delivery. The um- pitch. Smith's Brooklyn. of Santa Fe, preacher. little less than 508 is rors were signatures Milan, cf . . . pires will be the sole vio- costly. Score: Following the communion services void. Judges of Hudson for Boston. AMI'.ltlCAX IJK.UU K. The Shanks, If . lations. Pitchers found of I'etroit at St. a business session was held after city manager has asked City guilty AB. II, II. PO. a. !:. Louis. W. Judge, lb . . breaking the rules will be fined J25 I Chicago nt Cleveland. which luncheon was served in the Attorney A. Keieher to submit Picture Frames Massey, lf . . 1 his to 2b. for the first offense oj Washington at Boston. guild halU The remainder of the day opinion the commissioners Morgan, and banished Hereon, 2b . . 2 0 at their 3b . . from Fourth St. and Ave. Philadelphia at New York. until evening service was spent in meeting tonight. Foster, the game for the second. Coppor Powell, of . . 1 01 business sessions and missionary Aiiismith, c. I Konetchy, lb meetings'. Harper, p . . Church Changt's Xame. Smith, 3b . . . At the night service unusual inter- Yingllng, i) . Santa Fe, April 30. The First Bap- est was in ALL . tist church Wlckland, rf PACIFIC COAST LEAGUE displayed by those present SERVICE MEN IN Dumont, p of Des Aloines, I'nion BawlingH, r tho various topics discufsed andi the Gharrity, x county, today filed an amendment to e music. The service with the UNIFORM MAY SEE ONE Henry, opened its charter with the corporation com- Wallace Ncsselden N0I1C p . clergy of the district entering the hall Totals 29 1 5 24 10 4 mission its name to Salt Lake Vernon 0. GAME IN SERIES FREE ... changing tho 9; from the guild room, preceded bv the Boston. "Hammond .Memorial Fait Lake City, 30. vested choir " Zion Baptist church.' Totals . 33 20 April , singing the hymn, AB. R. H. PO. A. E. General Contractor :i Score: T: IBV MOBNINd !. It. Haste Your Mission Fulfilling." JOURNAL BPtCIAL LCACt WIBll 1 1 1 Brooklyn. High Hooper, rf 2 0 0 WAR WOKHIFS I PSI.T HEALTH Wo are in a position to give j Vernon 1; 0 The Itev. Edward S. Doan of Boswcll. Philadelphia, Pa., 30. All 0 is AB. B A. April j Shean, 2b 4 2 3 7 It agreed by medical authorities more value for the money than 9 17 N. AL. tho service with read- P. Inkn opined service men in uniform will lie admit- 1 0 ft that worry affects the or- Olson, 2 1 jSalt Strunk, cf : 0 3 digestive any other FIRM in Batteries: Chech, Bell and Devor ings of the missionary sentences, the ted free 1 gans. When tho Is of Sb . except the war tax to 0110 lf 4 0 0 2 0 digestion out this vicinity. O'Mara, Lord's prayer and the creed. Schang, order, it throws mer; Evans and Konnlck. game in each to be 4 0 1 2 2 0 the whole physical Office With Iaubert. lb . The Kev. V.. N. Bullock said series played this Mclnnis, 3b out B. prayei at being of gear. B. Hav'ward, cf . . . season Shiho tho home of tho Hoblitzel. 3 0 0 13 0 0 Myers, Ixw Angeles 8: Oakland I. ani'i was followed by an address by park, lb t'nadilla, Ga., writes: "Foley Cathartic The Johnson, lf . Hev. A. who Philadelphia Athletics. The war ss 4 1 1 1 3 0 Tablets mo Superior Lum Los Angeles, April 30. David Sanford of Gallup, camp Scott, give quicker relief than Hickman, rf on the community service announced Agncw. c 4 2 2 1 2 0 I havo ever tried." re- Score: . H. spoke topic. "Foreign People today anything They ber & Mill Co. 2 2 1 1 4 0 lieve bad f'chmandt, 2b - - - -- Touched by the Church." The speaker that the loeiO American league club Ruth, p biliousness, breath, bloating, (Oakland 4 8 No PHONE 377 e . . 0 2 2 told of his experience with foreigners has nude this and It gas, indigestion and constipation. J Krueger, Angeles 8 (3 offer that has or nausea. Sold . . u u u in the mines near and declared 32 8 8 27 18 griping everywhere. Coombs, p Batteries: Kramer. Krause. n. Ar Gallup been accepted. Totals " ' the situation there presented a splen- The also offered x Batted for Yingllng In eighth. left and Murray; Fittery and Boles. did for the 'church. management the Totals 31 5 11 27 !) 2! opportunity use of the be- Pooro by innings: , .Miss Atattie delivered a Nhort park for Sunday games Score by innings: Peters tween 000 000 010 1 San 1'iancis o 8: Sacramento 2. talk on the work of the church among service teams, If the muyor will Washington t1"0'1 000 100 Boston 004 200 02x 8 0203 San Francisco, April 30. the Indians of San Juan mis- permti them to be played or any other s. o. s. s. o. s. 000 OOx 5 Navajo Two-bas- e Brooklyn 302 Score: It. H. K. a of the recreation men In Summary: hits Aim Two-bas- e sion, giving splendid report 'for the service. Summary: hits 2 7 2 work there. are to smith, Gharrity, Agncw, Shean, Ruth Three-bas- years' Clergyemn opposed tills offer, land. Myers. e hits Her-- i San S 14 3 Stolen bases Lavan, Scott 2, Ruth. Francisco Another excellent adidress was that pointing out that Sunday games in 70R 2, Hickman. Stolen bases Hick- Batteries: Breliton and Fisher; of Uev. A. W. S. Garden, secretary of Double plays Morgan, Lavan: Ying- Hick- Philadelphia are unlawful man, Johnson. Sacrifice hit Daum and McKee. j the province of the southwest, who llng, Foster Judge; Mclnnis, Shean, man, pontile play Massey, Herxog 'gave an earnest appeal on the subject Hoblitzel; Scott, Shean, Hoblitzel; and Konetchy. Base on balls Nehf jof 'Service." M0UNTAINAIR RED CROSS Ruth, Agncw, Hoblitzel. Bases on 1. 1. HELP! Coombs Struck out Nehf 1, The. service closed with prayers, the balls Harper 4, Yingling 2, Dumont: Coombs 1. Wild pitches Nehf 1, SOUTHERN ASSOCIATION benediction and tho hymn, "Standi I'p, DANCE NETS. OVER $40 1. Ruth 3. Innings pitched Harper 2,j Coombs 1. Stand I'p for Jcsas." ' Yingling 5. Dumont 1. Struck out The of the Aux- KCIAL meetings Woman's CORntsPoNOCNCK TO MOSNINO JOURNAL) Harper 1, .Yingling 8, Dumont 1, Ruthi Cincinnati I. were held in the Alasonic tem- 5: St. Imis iliary Monntainair. X. M., April 30. 1. Wild pitches Harper 2, Yingling DO. At Chattanooga 2: Memphis 1. Cincinnati, April St. Louis; ple. Local Red Cross funds were increased 1. Passed ball Alnsmlth. Losing! a. At New Orleans 2; Atlanta 4. is the for Wed- made determined rush in the ninth Following program to j "Small the amount of $40.10 a dance Boys At Nashville 2; Little Itoek 4. by pitcher Harper. inning but fell one run short of over-- 1 nesday: given in u local theater here. Those At Mobile 0: Birmingham 7 a. 111. Holy Communion. coming the lead which Cincinnati had 2(1; in charge of the dance Were Mesdames . New York 2t Philadelphia 0. off Cincinnati won nings). Itev. C. E. By ram, Ph. I'., celebrant. acquired Packard. Com- James Payne. Rhoadcs, Raff, Melton New York, April 80. Superior sup- the-sixt- Woman's Little In Auxiliary Corporate Girls on two passes. Chase's and Aliss Saunders. port, enabled Love to win a left-hand- GRAND GUN munion. Johnnie Tha three and hit. RIO CLUB Alel-to- bagger Blackburne's Inj 9:30 a. in. house lights were donated by A. pitchers' battle from Gregg. The the with two men out, Prayer. ninth, Baird.j 10 a. m. Bishop Howden's convo- Donations from tho following only run Scored off Gregg came in the The wants a lot of Cruise Paul-- ! ELECTS OFFICERS Morning Journal Hornsby and singled amt cation address. persons assisted in defraying ex- fifth inning, when Pipp was safe on ette doubled, tho rally bring good fori 12:30 p. m. Luncheon in guild penses: Charles Welch, W. R, Orme, Burns' muff at first. Only two Phila- three runs. At a recent meeting of the Bio hall. Air.. Dyer. Thomas Dr. advanced as as ! Holland, Buer, delphia players far Score: U. H. K. Grande Gun club officers wero elected 2 p. session. Mr. Hector. Mrs,;'. J. White, Farm- second base on Love. . 0 Clean Cotton St. Kit) 000 13 5 Ixnils 0034 for the following fiscal year. They are 3:30 to p. m. Joint conference ers' Trading company, Chappell's sec- Score: n. IT. E. Rags Cincinnati . Oil 003 OOx 3 0 7. as .follows: President, A. Chauvln: with the Woman's Auxiliary, "Relig- ond band store and Ormo Mercantile Philadelphia ..000 000 3 1 Kev. E. X. 0000 is Batteries: Packard, Horstnian and vice president, ). A. Burtner: ious Education." Bullock, company. New York 000 010 Olx 2 4 o Here your chance to make money with which to Bresslcr Gonzales; and Allen. H. B. Jamison! (V E. chairman. y; treasurer, Batteries: Gregg, Jleycrs and . Buy War Savings Stamps. V'n-d- 1. The Hannum: director, C. A. Hudson. Christian Nurture Series, Love and Hannah. At, Chicago-Pittsburg- rain. the Needj, Aim and PracticnL Work- SAYS HE'S WILLING the and s of the club these men By collecting rags, bringing them to this the ing. Rev. E. N. Bullock. Discussion. will constitute the board of directors EAT office. Made Mounted, PulUv. 2. The Church and Educational CORN UNTIL St. Louis-Detro- it of the club for the game postponed: Santa Ke, April 30. Governor W. year. Institutions. wet grounds. by-la- . GERMANS ARE LICKED Market Prices 10. Lindsey today appointed W. H.j At the same meeting the of a. The Church and the Student, Prevailing Paid. Hall of Alamogordo, and WHIlum the club were amended so as to re- L. B. Mitchell, Ph. O., V. S. M. 1). The Mallette of Denting, to be members' duce the number of members neces- Students and the Church, "We have quit eating wheat at our Itev. Hunter Lewis. Atesilla until GOT GOOD KKSI I.TS . s. o. s. s. of tho mounted police force. sary for a to In the Park. place the now ron"is harvested, o. s. c. The Need for a Church School or as long as necessary.", said Probate This honest, straight forward letter, past the large number necessary for a J.-- In the Southwest, Itev. F. ,V. Pratt, Judge' A. Garcia y Annette yester- from a woman who has suffered' Kel Sox Truesdale. the business of a i't fourum impeded the Carlsbad. day to Jloinimt Journal reporter. should he heeded by all afflicted with j Boston, Mass., 30. The Bos- , vv April club. . 3. The Junior Plan. "Prepared- can live 0n corn ft hundred years, backache, rheumatic nains. sore mus- ton American league baseball club Vigorous activities are planned for ness." Aliss Porcher, El Paso. ir necessary. At first T did not likfjcles, awful tired feeling and other corn . trou-- announced today that It had signed the club the season. 8 m. to Convoca- products, but since my wdfe symptoms of kidney and bladder i during coining p. Reception the learned to and He: "I have such Frank Truesdale, a ninfielder former- The club are situated seven tion and Auxiliary, and Mrs make corn bread other got good results' grounds Bishop delicacies out of rnni meal we get tiom foiey Kidney Pills that I can LUMBER with Toronto club of In- Howden, 800 Park ly the the miles from the center of 'Albuquerque bishop's house, along very well without wheat flour. sleep much better and the pain in my gSfflSL avenue. ternational league. Truesdale now and it is planned to make this place I hope the war Will end to morrow, back and sides is a good lot better. T is at Banta Rita, N. M., and will join the best duck shooting grounds in the but we are willing to forego the use am going to keep on taking them. Mrs. Albuquerque Lumber Company of no matter Chas. 270 6th Mich." 422 NORTH FIRST STREET the club In New York next week. country during the hunting season." Journal wants bring results. wheat, until ifis.pwr, Gray, St., Detroit, how Jong this may be,"' . Sold everywhere, i Albuquerque Morning Journal, Wednesday, May 1, 1913. FIVE

Wife Wins j Envoy's GOVT OFFICE THE JOY OF GIRLS Friends Quickly! MOTHERHOOD II SE WING. HARD FOR EMPLOVMENT The Right Laxative Came to this Woman after Taking Lydia E. Pinkrnm's S ERIE H For The Little Ones Vegetable Compound to Restore Her Health The natural condition of a child is to be Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin produces a free move- ment of the bowels without A " happy and carefree. When the girl griping. very Wr.-h.- After I was Lo-- mopes Ellensburg, Seama Branch of Laguna Albuquorquc y Become ; little is and it is to take. married 1 was not well for a long time and is indifferent to schooj and study, or the required, pleasant HI few after the child will be its A hours its use and a (rood deal of Pueblo Contribute Liberally cation of State Clearing boy is sullen and refuses to go out and play, the time was not self the child needs a laxative to the bcwcls happy again. able to go about to Liberty Loan, Besides House for labor Needs, empty desire jb'CA WHS? 1 and stir the liver. It is an excellent remedy for the mother Our greatest Ambulance Robe, s i up was to have a child Making Rcprescntati Says herself, and for the other members of the in our home and one But something should be given that will family, in obstinate or occasional consti- day my husband ft III SPECIAL COaSESSONOENCE n MORNINfl JOURNAL ' is ! a govcrn-ii- i' produce the result in as simple and nat- for the relief of headaches, as an aid f r came back from Albuquerque pation, town with a' bottle Seama, X. M., April BO. It would nt fr.:e empVwii. at offie? and ural a way as possible. Harsh cathartics in colds and fevers, minor skin eruptions and l'ink-ham- to the of pnMt'.hi'.it-.- ll'.iii of E. 's be hard surpass patrlot'sm .'litre in a that city will and physics are neither necessary nor de- nil disorders where the basis of the trouble Lydia - 1'u--ii- 'o the Seama branch of th- also be the loiaiio'i uf v'i- - s.ate clear- sirable. Vegetable t is constipation. and Indians. Their contribution ing house for this employment service. Compound Loan of tho of wanted me to try it the Liberty subscription Such was the s'alnia in hist night Many mothers have found that the com- The druggist will refund the money you relief Indians was no small consid- 11. W. Lewis, l:sti"..-- of It brought ij.guna bination of simple laxative herbs with pepsin pay for Syrup Pepsin if it fails to do as from mv troubles. eration. Not on'y that, the children the r: rvica, who hei e completing sold under the name of Dr. I improved in health so I could do my are donating loyally to the lied Cross. arrangements fi-- the local office. Mr. by druggists promised. housework; we now have a little one, all Hut now they are doing even bet- I Lewis has headuu-irvr- a! Smithville, j of which I owe to Lydia E. Pinkham's ter than that. The Indian women Tex., and from Albiquerque will go Dr. Caldwell's Vepetable Compound." Mrs. O. S. with the government schoi to Koswcll, .V. M. h will es-- - Johnson, R. No. 3, Ellensburg, Wash. teacher and housekeeper, have lahlisli a local oi'li who There are women everywhere formed a knitting club. Those who The five einph'i.Vt.r n ice I'll IYRUP EPSIN are h'-i- long for children in their homes yet did not know how to Unit have! MAQ4MEHAN5 SUL2.EQ was stab!:. v l! e denied on account of : u this happiness learned. men'. i 1!'" :. " tb, it tli it was The Perfect PLaxative functional disorder which in most some Due In soi-i- niisiiii-- rstanding. t'i! with tl bureau E. Madame SuU'.er, wife of the new a'cd i.nrnig cases would readily yield to Lydia the ami needles did not nt. Tin un yarn arrive Swiss to of the departim proved Pinkham's Compound. minister the I'nite.l States, Janu-iililoy- Vegetable Loin the Bed Cross as soon as they ci-- mil on has been in America oiih a short satisfactory, how NO INCREASE FREE SAMPLES Such women should not give hope 1 ! 1 tip so the teacher bought the - 1, S, the c nt service t until have this wonderful expected, time but she- is already one of the ary In npite of enormoua increaned laboratory coats Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pensin is the Urg-ti- srllinf they given and the women are knitting it was made a te r.eiartmentun- due to tho War the manufacturer a of Dr. Caldwell's laxative in America. If have never used medicine a and for advice yarn favorites in Washington. Her hus- sep.ira liquid you it trial, special into and will sew it to- d. of labor. The en- - Syrup Ppin are acrilicing their profit and absorbing and would like to sample it before buyirur. send your E. Pinkham Medicine Co., up squares a Swiss business man. succeed- thj department the war taxra o that this family laxative remain address for a free t'tal bottle to Dr. W. H. aldwell. write Lydia uril-- band, J may ( to make an ambulance I'nite-- Stati s is divided tliir-- pre-w- Mass. The result of 40 years gether ed Dr. Paul recalled. tire into at the price of 50c and $ a luge bottle. So 4ro!&'ahingranSt.,Montice!lo, III. If you have habiesia Lyrn, will be to the Sammies. Bitter, work. dis-- ; old by for 26 years. the family send (or a ot "The Care ot the is at your service. which given teen districts for this Each diugguta copy Baby." They are not slackers in their work trkt ha a superintendent and each every square is made exactly right slate In.;; a state dnvctor. William . or it is out. director of the do-- i NOTICE OF BOND SALE ripped Children Are IVnsmore, general The Bed Cross yarn and needles Hung parlment of labor is in charge of this are now on the way and by the time ;.; ;.; division. NOTICE IS IIKRRP.Y GIVEN That it arrives the robe will lie completed Locution Not Decided.

I will on at and will to make the' ot He- local bi-h- Ma-oni- c Saturday, May 25th. IBIS, they begin ylHfl (I la Kaiser The location branch luirtiiH-iil- lire not unit Souvenir Published, o'clock in and socks. ib decided. three p. in., at my office the sweaters, scarfs has not been finitely the :i ipl t lis Iuil-- ;i Santa .10. A beautiful - li;is viirtety April courthouse at New Ilex- The are in i U to the Albuquerque, children helping this, IBY MOWNING IOUSNAL SPriL LAWIP WIWE was at til st planned locate, of offers to ehoose from us heretofore, MOBBING 'souvenir of the Masonlie reunions ttt ico, offer for sale and sell to high- ffm.l. On, Ollthllui!lli. lll'lll' the Ull ;;u. office in the Chamber of Commerce estub-lishet- l class and the est ami best bidder Seven Thousand Paso, Tex., April runty out; Offites iilreutly have been which the "Service" it. The Seama schoolf,' is the first gov- women and were killed! building, but owing to a lacii ot room N. M.. has Dollars CS7.000) School HtilldinK nten, children itt DeiuiriK and .Santa Fe. i'Vody" class received the dijtrers, ernment school to be organized as a Bo-- - will nut be done. Other Ponds of Consolidated School District ly Villa's men at Santa Cruz de i this probal"- anil at Kl I'aso, Tex. The object of been printed for the Orient of New real of Bed Cross, Valencia Chilian-- : which are considered No. US of the of auxiliary forty miles southeast of buildings being Mr. Lewis' trip here Is to orgiuuzf GALLEGOS TO BE t Mexico of Scottish itite Mas.)i;ry, vn County Bernalillo, Cross jsa'es. t and Red buttons are a to a the federal lie hall lot-.-'- wt-rl- State of New Mexico; said bonds to chapter, hi 'ity, last according ' io building, city the ei nmiuuity for the ju it received today. It is illustrated with sent out to each' child in the t The hall cl.i::s-- s he dated April 1st, ISIS, to run for a being remi brought to the border today by end aie the city iif, he is jiei fi '1!iil; the state organiza- half tone of tht two and school. laiii-i- al be the vle-.v- t t period of twenty (20) years, redeem- men.' Villa demanded that'' probably will chosen for tion. with ( the Scottish Kite Ma- - able at the option of said School Dis- three young girls be delivered to him. blanch office and it' possum- Hie state Absolutely no chit rue Is made for ESTIGTED some cat!Kdr at Santa F- trict alter ten (10) years, bearing In- When thin demand w:is refused his cleuring house for the department will the service, wht-lhe- tho business in It terest at the rate of six per cent (6) NAVAJO INDIAN linen were ordered to kill every one be located ill the federal building. question be that of the government or per annum, payable living in the little settlement, aceord-- i has not been definite!..- decided that (.rivate business. This service is main- and consisting of fourteen (14) bonds log to tho report from Chihuahua the clearing hous" will be located in tained by the at an enor- NUXATED In e.ovcrnmeui IRON the demominations of Five Hun- City. Albuquerque, but ;ing the largest mous expense but thin is met from .special coaaespnNnaNCE to HnnslNn .iousmaL' dred Dollars numbered rc-- Santa l'e. - I K. C ($.i00) each, The banging of eight city in tho slate and well located i ol her chain els au-- no con- April 'apt. U from one to In- GETS 5 YEARS monetary disbursint? (1) fourteen (14), miners who were working a garding it is sideration-; the Kohl, t'niteil Statis clusive. caught transportation enter into work. admin- - to ilia on the Fresno will oe officer and head of the draft Bidders to mile- belonging that this place chosen, X are expected satisfy west of Cit was The of as statetl istration in New Mexico, has initiated themselves as to the of ranch, chihuahua object -- validity (he lulso arrivals from Mr. is to distribute n rmid investigation of the mobbini; ."- proceedings upon which said bond is- confirmed today by by Lewis, equally GEN, CABELL WILL Arax COMIVCVPONDVNCS UONMIN of Xazario V. chairman of sue Is based and to make uncondition- raICIAl TO JOUHNALt the Chihuahua state capital. The labor in the slate. Lewis says that in (lalbnos, c?ih ac- Santa Ke, April 30. Five years in. occurred two weeks ago. some stales there will be a COMMAND CAVALRY, the Cuadaliipe exeinplioii board. al bid or bids therefor and to hanging scarcity , said bid with check Leavenworth penitenitary were given of labor in one portion and in anoth-- I i iaHi-nos- at the point, of pistols in company certified to for ten per cent of the amount by Judge Colin Neblett today to a! er district there will be a surplus. The re MOrtMNQ JOURNAL S'BCtAL LEASED WIB the hands of the inob, according (10) j as of such bid, to be forfeited to the Navajo, Ilosten Beehe P.ega, fori plan of tho government is to so dis-- j Kl I'aso, Tex.. April u0. UriK. (Jen. reports, was forced to resign county fur tho benefit of such school attacking a girl. His was EWSPAPERS tribute this labor that it will be av- De liosey C. Cabell, Jr., who has been chairman of the county exemption district In the event such bidder, if the third case of its kind upon young! eraged. The official says there is at in command al Douglas, Ariz., ar- because some people were dis- awarded said to l satisfied with the of the bonds, fails take up girls to be tried in Santa and Mora j present no serii us shortage of labor in rived here today and took command rulings and for same in accordance with Navajo-ha- overseas board anil then was to hu pay counties within a' week. The th? country, defpite the. fact that the of the cavalry division and compelled I --mMMgpL''- I Lie, Via such award: provided the abovo con- also been Indicted on a similar lias drawn thousands of the Kl I'aso putrol district. He suc- a $l,00 Liberty Bond. -- ditions not to sub- FOR BETTER RATE government shall apply any bill an older woman. men from the for mili- ceeded Ma (Jen. George W. Kcad, l'olitics is thought to have entered mitted on of of New charge against various stales R behalf the State Charges Olguin and duties. Tills is where work who was transferred to Camp Sevier, into the attack on Ciallogos, who wan Mexico. against Joaquin tary the Pr Kirtf, New York Sanchez of to S. C. formerly receiver of the land office PbyiiH"" No bid will be considered for les9 Patricio selling liquor of the clearing house will be needed. O and Medical Author aayi pbvfctmi bould Indians were dismissed as both men Those branch offices a at Tucumcari and Is a republican present more o'tanlc iron Nu.iate, lioi--f- or than cents on the dollar and reporting . a ninety into 'V MONNIMI3 JC URNAL SPECIAL LEASED WIRE leader. ltieirpatiruo--iay- anaemia Iron iteriri accrued to of de- have been inducted the army. shoring-.- of labor will be directed to N ia tUe curnc to the health, interest the date Washington. April 1)0. Bepresenta-tivr- s ency greateat Is Frank Harris pleaded guilty to the' the nearest office a atrrnmu. vitalitysrand lieaufy of tlie oioilern Amer- livery, and the right reserved to of the American reporting surplus reject any or all bids. same charge while the charge against-Felip- Newspaper and thus the two may strike an aver- ican Woinan Sounda warninr againat uae oi Publishers' association protested to COLFAX COUNTY WANTS lioo tvliich may tiuuie tbc- teeth, cocode O. A. STATSON, Montoya was dismissed. age on the men needed. S3 E rtomach in som do more the senate postoffice committee today the and caea thereby County Treasurer, Bernalillo County, Sen U p ilf Bo Free. MORE MODERN SCHOOLS h.irm than gnnd; advlieaute of only nutated iron, the second class mail taken mealt. It will New Mexico. SANTA FE K. OF P. against postage and arc haii Ibreettmei per day alter rates which under tho war tax act Employers employes alike Increase ttie atrenclh arid endurance ot weak, go in urged lo make use of this free em- SPECIAL CORRESPONDENCE TO MORNINII JOURNALI nertuu. run down rollta i tho weeka'tims BE REVIVED! into effect July 1. and u'ged a modi Instances. all LODGE TO ployment service. To the Is Santa As many Ihtttnui h aW Intrim. fication of the plan insofar as it af- employes 01 THE LATEST Fe, April 30. n result of NOTICE OF BOND SALE fects offered the advantage of accurato re, three well attended school meetings SPECIAL CORRESPONOENCt TO MORNINS JOURNAI newspapers. The zone which one rate ports regarding working conditions, in Colfax county, addressed by Countj Santa Fe, April 30. Santa Fe lodg system by cllmat-- j st and conditions, and T. con- JJU-- NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That emtrgeo wuu niai-olde- housing Superintendent Jay Conway, ill slg Knights of Pythias, at one time the!'" a.nerusing men w ill not o sent to where siderable was toward I will on Saturday, May 25th, 1918, in tcr and a separate rate for news sec-Ne- places CASUALTY LIST headway made Knights of Pythias lodge these conditions are not consolidation of dis- at three o'clock p. m nt my office t' publishers contended, is good. adjacent school Mexico, has been revived at njt'0"-u- To ad- , In the Courthouse at the employer Jt offers the tricts nnd the building of modern Albuquerque, repre-- j criminatory and excessive. In view New Mexico, offer for sale and sell to at which the taipreme vantage of accurate knowledge of school houses for classes, 11. and "f c war and the present print graded the and best bidder Four sentative, Hugh Williams, paiei conditions and well records Pond elections been called In highest On uat ion, they asked that a lower kept have Thousand Dollars ($4,000) School stipto nenntv ir I. lies held forth. of available The 1ST MOBNI NO IOUSNAL SPECIAL LEASP.Q WISE next rate he prescribed. employes. services conseipienee, for month, at East Bonds No. worked ev- - 30. The cas- Is- Building of School District having up enough applications were include 'y department of labor, Washington, April Taylor Springs to vote on a $5,000 in for Those appearing today (Jeorge fifty-eig- II of the County of Bernalillo, State and reinstatements preparation from the highest salaried business and ualty lost today contained sue; at Colmor. $1Ti,000; Kiowa school McAneny of the New York Times and - of New Mexico; bonds to be dated a reunion this evening, at which thirty men to iu names, divided us follows: wia- MaJ. E. B. Stalilman of the Nashville rjrofessional th firflinnru communities, $10, ono, besides $1,000 i.i.:vi.i ' April 1st, 191S, to run for a period of of Pythias are ill 2; died of a Albuquerque Knights Banner. were intro- laborer. Killed action, wounds, for rural school in District So. ID. twenty (20) years, redeemable at tho to take in tho confer- (Tenn.) Both r expected part The service is not confined to fed-'0- ; accident, Z; died of disease, -'- I'yt 1 " "--v option of said School District after ten duced by Frank P. Class of the Bir- (li''' iVi ring of degrees. cral An fi: wounded severely, 5; wounded tnplion Ihiaril MnttciH. (10) years, interest at the received a mingham, Ala., News, , president of employment. employo may bearing Mr, dalles has just gold Ret at the oflicc a of slightly, 12; missing in action, 1. Santa Fe, April 30. In place of rate Of six cent an- him the in the Publifdiers' association. record, the needs per per watch presented by newly of the com in exclusive Kichard Laurence was former 'ongri smn n M. C llcrnan-de- , num, (6) and con- unity of govern- ('apt. Jctt payable stalled lodge at Hurley out of appre ment in A. and Felix who have re- of bonds in de- work or he may receive informa- killed action. Captain Charles Carcia, sisting eight (S) the ciation for his work in instituting the SANTA FE WOMEN SEND from the of nominations of Five Hundred Dollars tion regarding the needfi of the jrov- - Chambers died of disease, and Lieuts signed exemption board lodge. I. ($500) each, numbered from ono (1) 1120 BOOKS TO BOYS eriiment for men. An accurate rec- Kobert D. Coye, Kufus I!. Crain and district No. Chief Justice 1!. II. to (8), Inclusive. ord Is kejit In all cases of the sal- Francis Woitbington Jllno were Hanna and MaJ. H. C. I L Slew-ar- t MOTHER AND CHILD ARE aries by and In the wounded. have been nanied. The Bidders are expected to satisfy fSECIL CoaNESSONOENCE TO HORHINf IOIJSNAL) paid employers slightly headquarters of of the Kin Arriba You'll Never themselves as to the validity of the RY. 30. The case the employer ho Is told what In issuing the t'st the war depart- county exemption KILLED BY TRAIN, Santa Fe, April library board have been moved from proceedings upon which said bond committee of the women's, board of the applicant for work will expect. ment announced thet Lieut. Thomas the Bake Another Cake issue is based and to make uncondi- Farm LttlKir Noetleil Now. .1. was us county seat, Tlerra Amarilla, to TO MOSNINO JOUSNAL1 trade the" of Mooney previously reported ac- SPECIAL COSaBSSONOENCE today completed packing , tional hid or bids therefor and to to At pres.-iit- Mr. Lewis said, the having- died from accident due to an Chama. Santa Fe, April 30. Mrs. Adelaldo 1,120 books In response the latest company said bid with certified check Of service Is principally its at- error in cabling. for ten cent of amount Cortex and Infant child of Santa Fe appeal for camp libraries. this turning per the are fiction and 3ufi are tention to farm labor the most ur- Lieut. John W. Korrls, previously after you've tried these. That's what (10) to were killed nt Trinidad, Col.. Saturday number 7,64 or.e of told friend. of such bid, to be forfeited the o need of the entire nation. While wounded is Woman Glad! our customers her kwhen a locomotive struck them and The books will to gent reportoj severely, Albuquerque And she knew what she was talklnir county for the benefit of such school Is the do-- ed a and over Cody. this case, however, other prisoner -- was district in tho event such If passed them, Camp Sister EsCailP.ri OnPration. "out. for at first she decidedly bidder, r . r skeptical regarding any baking done awarded said bo,nds, fails to take up i nysicians nan given my sister up outsidn the home. Hut why praise and pay for same In accordence with to die; they wanted to operate for gall our baking? Try some pies and such award; provided the above con- Rtones, but she was too weak and cakes and you'll do the praising. ditions not to bid sub- could only tall; In whispers. 1 got her shall apply any a Pottle of mitted on of tho State of Mayr's Wonderful ltemedy behalf First U. S. War Tank Built in America! and In .1 weeks she was able to net about and walked a milo to church." No bid will be considered for Itss It Is it simple, harmless preparation than ninety cents on the dollar and that removes the catarrhal mucus accrued Interest to the date of deliv- from the intestinal tract 'nnd ullnys ery, and the Is reserved to re- the inflammation- which causes prac- right all Pioneer ject any or all bids. tically stomach, liver and intestinal Bakery O. A. MATS nilniciits, including appendicitis. One ON, dose will convince or refunded. County Treasurer, Mcrnalillo County, . money P. N. BALLING, Prop. New Mexico. ' - j . a ' , For Pale by I'riggs' Pharmacy and rrvT Mutt I toh., druggists. 07 South Klrt Street.

FAYW00D HOT-SPRIN- Tor Rheumatism. Stomach Trou- bles. Kidney Ailments, Inflamma- tm Careless tions, Arterial Hardening, Loco- Boy1 motor Ataxia, Nervous Breaking tie. Perfect Treatment, Perfect SbineYourSfyoes With Climate. Health, Pleasure, Larg-- Modern Hotel. Booklet. Round trip to Faywood from Albuqueruus IS.70. T. C. McDERMOTT rAYWOOD. s. i (DM CHICHESTER S PILL? Leaqi to be neat and thrifty. M Li ShmoiA gives the quick dressy shine and makes 4 hl.rkM.t4Vkf IhaMDdBn your II' li Red aml 4htl4 mclil c . Blu- ftlbtaAO. 1 shoes wear Ask mother to ivif-- tattled With -i longer. your get you a Tk other. Bny tfronr V lruntt. Askfcrrill.riI:.TGB 1UAMONO IIRANU I'll. I. ft, to M ShinoiA Home Set ycis known u Best, Saftft. A! tv- - RMUtt SOLO BY EVFPYWMFJ- -f The genuine bristle dauber and lamb's wool polisher make shoe Albuquerque Foundry shining easy Ask Nearest Store J and Machine Work y& f v i s ' mmm,n a-- ar f if 1 Taal 1AV14ITP Rrra Machinists. g-J- di Engineers Founder") - lafiUI 1. - In Iron, Bronie. Alu mm in1- mime, dti Castings bran, first war In wat a few at .MnsM. It was dcslantxl Professor K. V. Miller mlnum. Electric Motors, Oil Engine America's tank built this country ctniplcteti days bro "aitihrlil(;e.. bj' Pumps and Irrigation. of the Massachusetts Institute of Tecliiiology. Note the project Ions on tlie front Tor ramming-- - The new l S, titiiUs will carry machine guns and two Works aud Office Alliuqiierrue. 73s. The first apneHruncc of the Blwvc tuuk whs in u Third Liberty Loan l'urutle in Uostou. v , , . . SIX Albuquerque Morning Journal, Wednesday, May 1, 1918.. . AN" 1XDEPEXDE.XT NEWSPAPER unese immigration this year will OLD DUTCH E&f roach 12.0D0 as against 8,325 in 1917. CLEANSER illbuqufrqap S.711 in 1316, and S.60H in 191.1 During the first half of the fiscal Jfournal )eur 6,008 arrived, 'and IHorning they've been coining over during Published by the January, February and March at the; rate of more than 1,000 a The JOURNAL PUBLISHING CO. month. State Italy, which before the war Bent Western RepresentRtiv over seven times as many immi- C. J. AXUBRKUN. grants as Japan then did, this year National Marquette Bldg., Chicago, III. will gend less than a third as many. Eastrrn Representative Mexico, which sent over 16,438 Im- ltAl.l'H It. Ml'LUOA.V. in 1917 SS Kant r:iu Street, New York. migrants will send less than Bank Knteretl gfl eeconU-clati- S matter at the 3,000 this year. Hstiifflee of Albuquerque, N. M., under Act A f 1179. desirable connection is one CnnKreSH of March 1, The kaiser banking circulation ZcebruRgc, after that offers absolute combined Larger than any other paper the safety with In New Mexico. The only paper In New Uritish raid, and was mfornied to Mexico In ability and willingness provide for the Issued every day the year. by officials that little damage was needs of its customers. ' TERMS OK SUBSCRIPTION: done. This jtort of guff may do tfc lally, ly carrier or hy mail, one. im'tith. .70c In stuff Hermans in Oermnny with. Bui Tenrly, advance $7.r,0 THE STATE NATIONAL NOTIOB TO KL'RSCIljnKRiS. wc guess that Hill doesn't swallow it BANK, ' Subscribers to the Journal when writing ' to have their paper changed tu a new ad- Fills all these Its careful dress must be sure to Rive old K(M.liI(i OI,l JIKJH COST. requirements. the addresa. management and successful career insure TUK JoniNAb taken and printa flofore lutlon rating than it accorded to any other the war sauci kraut sold in safety, while its policy has ever been to ex- paper In New Mexico." The. American New York for ta to $50 the barrel tend such financial aid as the business of its Newspaper Iirectory. It is now down to $14, with no buy- depositors demands. An account with this O O ers, because It's German. MEMBER. OF Till! ASSOCIATED strong institution will prove f great value PRESS. l'atise a moment, O Patriots: in the to your business transactions. The Associated Press Is exclusively campaign to knock the Germans out If entitled to the use for rcpubli:atln of you are changing your present banking of all news credited to It or not other- everything!1 Pause and consider! we relations or opening new ones, we shall be wise credited In thl paper and alio May not knock the high Cost ot to the local news published herein. Inroad, meat, gasoline, clothed and glad confer with you. THE JOMNAI, takes and printa shoes by giving them German ality hours and thirty minutes nf ex- names? If we could do this, would THE STATE NATIONAL BANK clusively Associated Tress leased vlr it not be service each week. No other news- licking the Germans with Albuquerque, N. M. paper published in Now Mexico takes German? We make the suggestion more than twenty-fou- r As- hours of to Food Director Hoover, for what sociated Press service during a week. United States Depository. it's worth; and if the reader thinks A. T. & S. F. It isn't worth much," we'll advisi Ry. Depository. WEDNESDAY. MAY 1. 1!!18 Hoover to wire his decision "col Federal Land Bank Depository. lect. A Hit VXD NKAV OXE. n:nsoxAii discovery. Well, well; there is something new There is more nothing inspiring si AfViiboitS J under the sun'. than to suddenly discover that one yS Here it is from in- the office of has abilities for certain things or in v, Krtowtt Ad. formation, t'nitctl States postoffice curtain directions that had never be- Fnited States by tho use, without au- department, anil it lines up as per- fore showed themselves. CRUSHING OF thority of law, of force, violence or fectly new under two different clas- A physical to person or property, poet smiling through, or an ar- r? injury sifications: ,i spondciit are tho people, living in or by threats of such injury, or which tist, or a writer, or an orator, or an such dread- a distress, with "a really teaches, advocates, advises or defends First It's new excuse. executive. WITH SCISSORS ful lack GEM of medicines and doctors, in the use, without authority of law, ot Second It's a new fish story. It's the Uislnews dis- Is of personal the city," and there widespread mm force violence or physical to AND injury When your letter is a few days covery man PASTE indifference the war WIT that wakes a or teaches regarding itself, pcrsem or property, or threats of such or comes in J. late, your paper a week him to see his worth. Today, reader and bitter hatred even of England J injury to accomplish such change, or or two in behind time, it may he due to of books. Tomorrow, writer of books. TIIK FACE OF THE THING. "has died the breasts of the peo- S GOING AFTER for any other purpose, and which, dur- of Forar Kennistoc.i are too and a shortage cars, coal, labor or Today, errand boy. Tomorrow, em- (By ple. They depressed they BY SENATE BILL ing any Way in which the United fish. Get that? Fish! "We must fight on until wo have suffer too much to hate. I have States Is engaged shall, means, ployer of errand boys. heard by any it came Seward-Anchorag- e destroyed This Hateful Thing, a wounded soldier say. What or such or If via the Head to me the story of him who jf prosecute pursue purposes and force, of which Ger- is to us who wins the war? Let peace professed purpose, or shall so Alaskan line, the delay was caused lias fought and won and I will! treachery MEXICAN REBELS teach, many has shown The Face." come as it will'" advocate, advise or defend, is by fiBh, or rather it was caused V MORNtNQ JOURNAL PtCIAL LEACKD WIRf ) hereby by thenceforth lpel the impulses that President Wilson. declared to be an unlawful the shortage of fish. are able to drive me on. A It MY JINK MEN SAVE MICH. Washington, April 30. A 1)111 dc to I. W. W. . Fish play an important role in pos- I look into Salvage Is a big business incident signed crush out the has the recorded purposes What face is that, with visage dread, a tal affairs up there. Mail carriers to war. From waste at the camps of been approved by senate judiciary of great men and see wherein lies a Thai gloats o'er the dying and the Divides Republic Into 6 Zones', as a for a wolf-dog- s, wolf-do- tin' British have ob- substitute HEAVY TEXAS RAINS drive and a g chance for me. For if I to army there been learn dead; tained fnt to furnish tallow the similar measure by Henator King of won't dine on but raw fish. search, to and to for. and Places Officers in BREAK anything discover, then make That knows not shame, nor sacred entire needs of the army and I'tah, and will be considered next LONG DROUGHT No cooked, boiled, or fricas- use of what r enough fried, find, my importance Truth, more to bring in J4,SOO,000 a Charge of Each, With Or- Thursday by the entire committee. seed food for the year r wolf dog. becomes cstabled. And I find myself But only power that is won by ruth'.' on account of soap sold to the pub- The substitute bill by Senator Walsh MoaKrna jouknal special liasio As one ders for Extermination, SO. mail carrier out of Anchorage growing. lic. Besides, these same fats yield of Montana, democrat, would make Washington, April Reports of explains to the department: "The A life of activity and reach and 'Tis the face that came "with the I.S00 tons of glycerine, or enough to smh organization unlawful, providing heavy rains today in the drought dolays are on account of service? Sons of Men" make ammunition for 18,000,000 ten years Imprisonment and $5,000 stricken western cattle range section the dogs. What could be more de- 'V UOSNIN JOURNAL SPICIAL When was shell::. ' ' kAE W'S fine for of Texas caused food I can't get fresh fish for them una sired? Job tried for his faith, and Mexico City, April 30. Mexico has membership, management, administration Fats are one in sal- circulation of their advo- officials to the belief they won't stand up under cooked AS the diamond cutter and polisher then only item the been divided into six zones, each with literature, express that the vage man's stock in are cacy of their doctrines or rental of ne- food." reveals more marevclouH and bril- Mocked at God and sought to prove trade. There a general division commanding, for feeding problems that last year His for evil also woolen rags, cotton rags, and rooms for meetings. cessitated! tho removal of some .100.000 But do not bo discouraged. Your liant planes us he progresses, ho does power greater than love, the purpose of waging a more active about else that is cast The clause of head of cattle to other tnall from a life grow In wonder and attractive- everything campaign against rebels. Announce- principal prohibitory slates would Anchorage may arrive But the man off in camp or in thif trenches. Khoes, was tho bill provides that: not recur this year. some on time. ness as it works to of God tho' sorely tried ment made today of the districts day and works good for rise to a btist- - ' Out of the to his master instance, give big and commanders, this action being "Any association, one of whose pur- Today's rain is declared to be heavy ''I'm the to cooked and useful ends. depths ne.'s. a soldier or training dogs cried: Aft(r throws them by President carranza, who has per- poses professed purposes is to bring enough to give new life to the ranges food," the mail carrier adds. And the deeper one gets into the away a few wlll often make about any indus burned "I know my licdceincr lives always: repairs sonally assumed supreme command of governmental, social, up by the drought of tin. bint When those wolf-houn- workings of people and the world them very serviceable, and are trial or economic the1 develop a Ho will rajse mo that last they operations. The commanders and dis- change within two years. taste for canned vni far awa' from the ofltiuie up great resold to the poorer classes at home. salmon, tho postoffice' day!" tricts follow. will have to a' ,ow l,prsPectiv ot oneself, is one Altogether, the garbage man ami General Manuel K. Diguez, centra' hunt for the man im- newer excuse. able to discover most. junk are displaying the and northwestern zone, ol Once cqjti posed REPCBLIO W1XLTS-OVERLAN- again that sinister face. portance of their in a world TRUC1FS D calling the states of Tainaulipas, San Luis i, OARS Mocks God's mercy and acorns liis where materials have After today there can't be multiplied Guanajuato, yuoretaro, Michoa-ca- Tlie Huns are growing more rea- liquor gace: amazingly. Jalisco BARGAINS IN GENERAL with singing and in and the northern part ol GARAGR sonable. They didn't ask the Dutch to dancing Chicago. We cry, like Job, when slight grows Vera Cruz. CSED OARS York Motor Co. That will end most of the No- dim! AI.SO I'.ltl BUSINESS move into the ocean. singing. sll YOt'R TOXGIE. J. Agustin Castro, ol body cull stand It without liquor. "Though He say . will I trust in (Federal Prison New Era.) war, the eastern zone MAGDALENA NEW MEXICO. You have been tto composed of the , Him." taught clean states of Vera JTXXV. PKIUIAJ-S- IUT SEIUOIS. your teeth. But Cruz, Tlaxcala, Hidalgo, PFXPliE'S VOICK, what about Tour Oaxaca and Pueblo. tongue'.1 A medical claims Only the God, authority Pablo Gonzales, southern com- Representative Kitchln, democratic this is rea- zone, Crowds are of tho highest Can help us break the rod: equally important. lie posed of the states of floor leader of the candi-dat- e capable tyrant's sons if Morelos, Mexico, house and e, that unclean teeth and gums degree of because, as a To faith and sorelve lot us cling Gucrrerro and the region southeast of for the speakership, wants tho can harbor millions of bacteria a Pucbla. rule, the element of st is And shame tho face of the Hateful "slickers" to a coated tongue can be the dwelling at Washington wear In Francisco Murguia, northern zone, not present their action. Thing. place of billions und trillions of them, SUBSCRIBE NOW! white badge and long pants. The with at Gomez While it would seem that a crowd "The teeth and can never headquarters Palucio, leather in their puttees should be I'l.OWEltS FOLLOW lSATTLES. gums composed of the states of Chihuahua. should be mastered by the combined acquire such a thick and nasty coat- saved for the boys at the front and Apparently there is a rela- Durango, western Coahuila and Zaca-teca- Influences of its various members, it strange ing as the tongue can," continues the their spurn could be converted into tion existing between battlefields and is a curious fact that Authority. "The latter forms an ideal Ceraero thinks Kitchin. psychological wild flowers. Macaulcy tells us how Castro, south central zone, tho common denominator of a crowd breeding place for germs of all kinds. of But the "slicker" is too after the battle of Landen. in tho 'Of course, the composed parts of the states of TO THE JOURNAL evil scri to be . is simply the instinct of the tongue ought Oaxaca, Tlaxcala and the ous to primitive Netherlands, in 1693, between the clean by . southern be passed off with a llttlo man. itself, spontaneously, part of Puelila. or French army and the English under through the possession of a "funny talk," "funny business.' The "collective mind" of crowd person's Kalvadore Alvarado, southeast zone A the King William IH, where moro than Ideal digestion. Cut many are considerable number of men of things composed of the states of Ta- is determined not by the highest char- 20,000 men were left unburied on tho liot as they should be, and as few Chiapas, draft ago are cavorting in uniform at basco, Canipechc, Yucatan and the acter or by the worst character ft its field, tho soil 'broke forth in tho fol- people possess ideal digestions, they Isthmus of Washington and doing their fighting but native lowing year into millions 'must their tongues to be clean Tehuaiitepec. Tobacco members, by the upon millions Fund as clerks, qualities messengers, sulscciela which are Inherent in the average, of scarlet poppies, covering the entire by mechanical menus.- "Do not rlcs, etc., whose labors might well man. battlefield as If with a vast sheet of than your teeth less, How Our Soldiers be Americans but clean your Will Long for performed by outsido .And the remarkable tiling. is that rich red. An identically similar oc- tongue more, t'se INDIGENT ENEMY the draft age. The charge is that currence is to your tooth brush on the tongue ay Good Old Tobacco! if the stronger man finds himself In reported have taken well as on tho American many of these men went into the Place 120 years later in same teeth and gums. Or, a state of hynotism, which compels the sun belter, use a eervlco to avoid the and region, when In Iho summer flexible tongue draft him to go with the Crowd, even of the scraper. Of year the course, if you have as By special arrangement The Journal guarantees to deliver, through private pull, got places and in- following victory of Waterloo ALIEN FAMILIES an againiit what would be his calm the cieun and rosy a tongue as a young through arrangement with tobacco, manufacturers, two dollars commissions in tho departments a? dividual entire battlefield was ablaze with worth of tobacco, for every dollar subscribed, to our soldiers In Judgment, if ho were capable kitten, you need neither brush not on a matter of safely first. If there Is scarlet poppies. The same springing scraper. But how France and the way to France. of exercising It his conscious per- of many of us have any such evil It should be and up scarlet poppies everywhere on tongues like The packages (R0c worth of are In proba sonality has been sunk into the per- young kittens or pup tobacco) put up attractive be the battlefields, some months . packages. In every we a bly will seriously hounded by th of the after the pies?" TO BE CUBED FOR patriotic package put return postal card war sonality mob. battle, is taking place in France in the with your name and address so that you will get word back from management, as a matter of His the battlefields as as- fortunes are tied up with the present war. and should be the A ritOTIXTIVE 11M.ICY. from many soldiers you subscribe 25 cent good war business and as a matter mass. made pieCM' of to subject of research. (lloslon Transcript.) .JUrf justice the boys in the flghtln? In ail this Is A colored there great danger, recruit said he t MOKNIM ranks. JOUNAL IMCIAI LfAlio Wind TOBACCO IS MIGHTY SCARCE and It often results tu disaster. Till X THEY SHELLED THE XtTS. to take out the full limit of gov- - ernmont .Washington, April 30. Relief, work Near the Trenches. Hut In the main the common poo-pi- insurance, (10,000. On be (Chicago Tribune.) among indigent enemy aliens will be "You want to know when a land My ing told by a follow soldier that he FROM are right, in their native, elemen- wrote me about a dinner directed by the legations of Switzer- IRVIN COBB'S "PATHS OF GLORX" lord over reduced II. some of would bo foolish to pay so much land rent," writes If. tal dmantls, for history has the suldiers gave for two and Sweden re- proven when he wan to be in representing "As I recall now, we had come through the of he school I will tell at likely shot the Austro-Hun-earia- gate Well, you. One time when that "the voice of visitors camp, members of a famous spectively Oerman and n house to where the people is the trenches, he replied: "Huh! I reckon the automobl'e stood when a puff of wind blowing our roof had been leaking for some voice of God." Canadian regiment, who were home I interests, to Secre-tar- y to us from the left, which meant fr,om across the knows what I s Tou-a- ll according battlefront. brought more on sick leave. doln'. don't Lansing's to our noses a certain smell which we knew thing than a year, and the The divine right of the crowd will s'pose Uncle Sa.m is to announcement publish- already full well. gwlne a ed , had The sergeant had been put here today. ... "'You It, I plumbing gone blooy, and the eventually usurp the divine of carefully 110,000 man in the first-lin- e trench- get see,' said the German officer, who stood along- right coached about The work will be done with the co- side of me. 'It comes from miles floors rattled every time the wind the king. giving the toast, but es, do you?" three off, but you can get It five became fltistrated and is operation and approval of the Amer- miles when the wind is at runs' and he waved his left arm toward blew, a storm came along and blew this what ican It as the scent been visible he made of It: "Here's to the government. though had a thing. That explains why down the chimney. And our land- One thousand, vessels six gallant Needy families aliens tobacco ls( so scarce with us along the staff back In Laon. every Eighth, last on the field and first to of interned yonder lord, a' generous fel- will be "AH ! days are scheduled to ba landed at leave 'it." given relln fllroxf...... v uu, - the tobacco which can be soared aunt tn h i. low, said if we re - WHO DID IT? V front that would make Atlantic ports. A few little Items Silence legation funds whiln l.w.hi,no- trenches. As long as they smoke and keen on rnnklnv Siat reigned, then the corporal enemy aliens ran Mt.nrt that " pairs, he would reduce the rent 27 like this will make the kaiser cus? who have tuffered be- gallantly to the rescue: cause of the cents a month," the felkw who first ruth- Some status will be eared for suggested "Gentlemen," he began, "you must people were made to be sol- by a national No Matter How Small the Amount . committee of Americans Send It in. less war on America. excuse . diers, the sergeant: he never, could with the Our IMMIGRATION HALTED. five Hut the Irish were to be. legations and boys are going to need tobacco tn great Fill out a toast made their now-"Tod- quantities. decently; he Isn't used to consular offices. fhe coupon ay is None Too Soon and i When the present fiscal year ends THAT cops. make it aenerousl .HEY FOl'ItTH SHOW public speaking. Now I'll clve a Bring it, or mall It. to The Journal Office. , ft Ja Wlllard-Fultoi- Sauerkraut was made for the - June 30, highly probable that At Inst accounts, the if 10al,t: 'Here's to the gallant Eighth. Demand Citizen Tcacliors, - a neW immigration record will be set show is to come off In thu equal to none."- ft. Paul, Minn.. Ariril SO. arranged v Ana was made Ti,.,i the smallest since colonial between St. Min- spaghetti for the safety commission an THE days. country, Paul and . today, passed JOURNAL, ALBUQUERQUE, NEW MEXICO. wops. .... torder ' . A' .Immigration statistics ot the first neapolis. The arena will have seat- LIFE IX BERLIN A HEEL. Pish were providing that only teachers .;'::. - made to who Be No. six- A - drink water,' are citizens of the United States pkf. t Popular hiring ntall vain of Me, months, just published at Wash ing for over 35,000 recent issue of the Berlin Tages- Hums were I' olrrtti . capacity .chumps made to drink booze. may be . employed. In Minnesota :" ington, indicate that the year's total who may be willing to up their zcitunu reported that burglaries have Banks were made Be PkC Ko. t Popular pip tobacoo bavins ntall valu of Its, put been In for money schools. Including the state be less than 106,000 persons. to see a d con- increasing the German capi- And was university may money boxing tal now money mad for the Jews...... Ho pkt. No. 1 Popular oljirett tobacco having retail valu ol too. half-ye- ar until as runny as 800 occur IFor the ending January 1. test Everything was made for. something, AlTEIt THREE YEARS- .. a day. An .American woman, Edna Most men Be pkg. H. Popular plug chawing tobacco 1118, only 57,715 came to America, Wlllard Is to 7n,Ono, Fultor. everything but a miser: Many and women are sick and too. I having ntall value get Goodale, recently out of Berlin God don t know it. never ef and since ' totals we. made Wilson for Some discover . t ... - then the monthly $20,000, but, as have sug president; have - '.i' already through Switzerland, reports to the But who in the they kidney trouble until thev la accordance with yonr offer to sand popular brand of have dwindled to a few thousands. the lo New Sun hell made the for life tobacoo and gested, government ought get York that her "determina- kaiser? apply Insurance. The kidney Itarsttas to our soldier in Burop la none ot Wo package, sash forvo, The war, of course. Is a DO cent war on tion to leave wu are working all the i time, responsible. per tax the total Germany due to my Permission of American filtering . failing to Dairy poisonous waste out of the blood I raolo The real dwindling 'began when the receipts. health, and the Increasing launch. stream, and when United and of life in Berlin." they become weak- States entered the war. Since Of course, Willard and Fulton can gloopi hardship ened or deranged, In Tour Nam .... She refers to :"drcalf ul food condi- backache,, pains that day, 'only one country-- has sent pocket the t00,000 on July Fourth. Commissioner of Deed sides and groins, ;rheuma-tis- tions and the of maintain- Santa , anything like the normal number Of without striking a afcriou blow but difficulty Fe, April 30. Governor W. languidness, swollen joints and trt Addr ing anything like hygienic E. Llndsey Thom- other symptoms ty, B.-- Moss That is which there are undoubtedly, 35,000 fellows ordinary today reappointed develop; immigrants. Japan, habits ot life." In Berlin "robberies as J. Hunt of commis- 2?den' ,Ark- - writes: "Foley Kidney City aa Btat country now leads all nation in In this country who are ptett"' Philadelphia, Pills relieved me severe ''easy are frequent" and "the most terrible sioner of deeds for New Mexico. In of kidney 'fo' 'America. - - troubles of three years Sold Jap- Insr." murders are not uncommon" So oe- Pennsylvania. ' standing." everywhere, . , v MIC VMM V - Albuquerque Morning Journal, Wednesday, May 1, 1918. SEVEN

OOI'I'Hflll, I!'!. BRINGING UP FATHER Inmr'mtlonal ; Nw Service, BY GEORGE McMANUS

i , ; i i i mm THIS Monsr h W1 arr NACOE OUT nKEEP ROOM AN' .CANT HtT LJ tvETHEN- -

SSORHMS JOOKHAL CMSSHHEP COLDMS FOR SALE PROFESSIONAL CARDS. STOCK EXCHAfJ A Good Lino of EE" REMEMBER! $2,500 frame, modern, large mm RANGES. RUGS, SHADES, ATTOKXXT. LINHI.IHI.MS, FURNITURE. ETC. cement block garage, barn and ty four-ro.i- For little hiinRtilntv. JOM.N W. WlliiC'N other outbuildings, shade; 4th. Mas eat front, wmcnt wulk. firo plare. New mill Second llitnil sli'liHi; ntcr trera. ;;mnl We want to what have ward. ' dnnrn, pmvhfs, fruit buy you aoomt U, 11 and II, Cronwsll aUa 12,500 mod- Mit IjuUiIIUks and in fuel tver thintf in to sell Thona UII AOVANCES: T brick, stuccoed, Four-roo- modern with uuik it a Rood home. The work i.t till hard- house lin. STAR f l RXlTl Hi: CO. ern, glassed sleeping porch, 50-f- t. No to do hut mm" in unit lian luiuav ttouKi sleeping porch, lot, good out- tiling up 118 wood floors; 3rd. ward. hut. Price $iVttto, Kpi us in rc&un. West Gold Altoraaya al Law on Kast jour I. $1,350 frame, modern, sleep- buildings, located Central tovrn. otc Suit Law Library BnlUlnt ing porch, garage, kitchen range; avenue, for only $2,100. It's a good IT FALLS Highlands, near car line. buy. Let us show it to you. TEMIOH & CO. DKNTMTt n t B. sUsAFT $3,000 stucco bungalow, THIIII) & COLD. Ueatal large modern, garage. Highlands, close Rooms Barnett Building Pk las In. A. L MarfSi C. Appointments Mas by Nail $4,400. brick, modern, hot REAL ESTATE, FIRE INSURANCE. (;ooi home ruy On Monthly Payments Declines Due to Adverse War water heat, lot 76x142, 4th, LOANS. Six-roo- brick, In lowlands, none Deattat Ward. 7 Rooms Mallnl Steel Dividend 216 West Gold. Phone 13. in, modern, sidewalks, corner lot, tor) ROOM HOUSE O nlllag Rumors; . M $2,500 pebble dashed bunga- 2,(i00; part terms. Fine Location rnviriA!g A?rr subokom Bonds low; N. 12th Bt. South Arno Helps Market; Liberty PH. MAKOAKF.T $1,600 frame, bath, electric FOR RENT It. McCLVGHA-- j Near Central. O. CAKTWRK1HT 11 S lights, B. cloae-l- n. Dwellings. 210 West Gold. 007. I'rnrtUs Limited to Women's and ChlU Declared Variable, Union Pacific barn, Broadway, Phone Room Rent Will Pay for It. itren'a llsease U. S. Industrial Alcohol 12:1',!; A. BUT A LIBERTY HONIJ 1IM R Central Phone 671. Albuquerque, S. M. United States Steel !U Vi MESCIE1 AND ALBUQUERQUK pas. in ix a basks ISY MOSNINO JOURNAL SPECIAL LEASED WlUKl Utah Copper 7!) Real Estate, Insurance, Loans BACK Ol'K HOYS. FOR RENT Rooms. INVESTMENT CO. rrMtie Umlte4 to Kya, SM asst New York, 30. Prices rose 111 Bouth Fourth Street THKOAI April 115 Offlc Hours: 10 to North. BUY A HE HTT South Second St. III I U I one to one and a half points at th XUWYOIMi OTTOX MAKKKT. LI BOND atata NaUonal Bank BuIlsUac brisk, opening of Htock market FOU ItKNT modft-- h "iti.e. .ullll AND today's FOUND. Seventh. BACK (JUH BOYS. but reacted one to three points before New York, April 30. Cotton closed DR. BAMAH COKKH. uncer- a net advance of 79 to 104 KOH RENT Heven-rou- rurnlslred iJutiKa-lo- Practice to noon, thereafter pursuing an strong at K(Jl'M) tiohl winch. Ownvr t.uve Ktinie us. Limited Children. In Fourth ward. Hath, electric lights, North.' FOSAJEj--liscellaneo- Office-Roo- ms 1 tain course with and points. by desrrlhitiK and paying fur this ml. Sll and Wright Bid. irregular partial N.'ith Kiftli. I' iita. hardwuod floors, trees. I'line b2. Fourth and Oold. WANTBD-ma- nd and ba as 1W WANTED-Albuquer- Is to recoveries at the close. The initial up counted a good placa Hours 3 p. m. to I p. m. cent American citizens Lib- live ln-- but If advance was direct result of the CHICAGO HOARD OI' TRADI'. South per by buying not the kaiser wins the war. Residence 2U76. Offlc ML the Bunds. Loan tu- our phona Phona HELP WANTED. KENT One furnitli'-- erty government for Liberty Bonds repulse of the Teutonic forces. yon huus. or you win have to donate to 30. Renewed Y na Hmith Seventh. nt VWst K NT-v- Germany. Declines were adverse Chicago April peace BL' A LintCKTl Apply ill ijIiI. FOR It housekeeping rooms With prl-I- I)B. IDA . facilitates by FOR cnorT. unsub- talk counted to a material extent to- AND ft hill li. North Fourth. r'ALK I'uiiiplele blacksmith outfit; Oatenpathl rumors, among which was an , . us new. . Fhyatela. corn BACTC OUR BOTS. Hlglilantl-i- good Phone Honrs 10 to 6. Suit , Woolwnrth stantiated that the Washington day as a bearish factor in the FOU KENT-riv- o rooms turnlshed or unfur- Building. report It KNT Furnisher! v :n linuse. lti- - Foil SALK Small Uoliu, liu West Office Phone 1840. - Residence phona in. to market. Prices closed nervous c to Male. Foil nished.. In town. Inquire vm .North Second. Cheap, authorities intend impose further ipiire l:4 Soitt h Krtlth. Coal. ex- net lower, with May $1.27 and FOR RKNT-Uoo- ms restrictions upon the country's WANTEI Bell boys Alvarailu Hotfl, Dcsll aliTT hinilern chy i wee; kath; FOR SALK-- Pit bull r. cliaves, lie. W. M. m. d. lc to $1.4 Oats finish- lllitKNT steam treat i no sick: over dg. sherTdan, those July ,1.48 ?liti-- Golden Rule atora West Cranlte. changes, particularly dealing i W ANTED-flo- od milker. Phone i'X. furnished cottage. Ph"ne ed to "8c down. In pro- lrnetlce Limited to in cotton foodstuffs. unchanged FOR GENITO-ERINAH- and VA.TKlJA sctonti I'uck. IM'esby teriun San-i- t FOR ItKNT house furnished with RENT Modern furnlimed rooms; so FOR SALE Piuno ;.uo. Exctiaue. J2J Y DISEASES AND re- visions the outcome varied from 85c water. West United States Steel featured the orlum. sleeping porches; lit per month. 78 East tick; running CJSt, West Central. Oold. Mione mi. DISEASES decline to it rise of 10c. Santa Fe. UK Fiift isiliaM Of THE Slil.V versal and improvement. W'ANTKIJ flrst-clus- a mechanics. White AND CENTRA!, MOTEL Rooms by day, KAl.K Ice box. used only lllleu subsequent corn "t , Bears had the in Koit R KNT furnished hi week or month; steam heat and rea- weeks, .m. Phone SJ!. KHOSE 80. The steel . corporation's quarterly advantage ilaragc. Nicely bath; house with pore-h- modern. WMi sonable rates. statement its an almost the entire day, but especially vrVvrRI) Meat cutter tii thsi Highland sleeping r on, Ai,(j A neni ly new range. Cull at Citlzem Rank ,nnr accompanying' South 'Second, FOR It E X leus-a- S Rldg. Allicrjuerque. nouncement of the maintenance of the o after reports became public that Meat Market. r' r South F.illth. from to v P. m. Foil liENT Furnished house and location, ckisc In, no sick, no children. WANTED Austria was a fresh peace of- WK1T "i.iis JM4-- If you want your stove luken "extra" 3 per cent dividend on the making Angeles Y: f"crAuo"schoor near ear. chick- Phone nu West Fruit. fer to Forecasts of warmer Train for service. Sleeping porch Large down or Job work done, ring Thompson, HAHSEL'K. common stock were not issued until Italy. en ratiKC and houses. 1'Mone (iS5, Or. King. FOR RENT Furnished to facilitate WA.Ti'li A R(hU milker. I;eClltek s Dail'J rooms,, housekeeping URN. K. M. M11NDKI.L the close. Fales amount- woather likely planting FOR RENT llnme sum- - new TB-fw- after market's Attractive fur the apartments, modern house; no alck; F( lH elil i e "p. unil reirlirerarT to on lwrj North Fourth. ftve-rbo- Msnseasa ed to 550,000 shares. tended also put the market the mer to desirable tenant. Now also home, furnished. J16 N. Seventh. has been onlv to used one month. Call at Chiropody, manicuring, all klnts of baths, in- downgrade. Lowest of the WANTED (npt-nte- build small porclr. brick bungalow on East Silver completely MO South Tenth. Bonds were variable, quotations 112 FOR RENT furnished outside rooms leotrlo treatment, extremely i 'all North Walnut. furnished. Large screend front and Nicely shampooing and acalp com- session were touched after the peace porch i uy the week or also furnished room FOR SALE Two Luxkles. treatment at your home. Phoae Cs-- cluding Liberty issues, which 15 muntli; ur, wugoii, i sets WANTED Boy over years old to work glared sleeping porch. Oarage, phone i;7. 1 gossip had been made the most of to 'lay Itirhl nir Elms rtotel, corner single harness. horse. Inquire C. A. Cole, prised the bulk of the larger dealings. ill shoe -- 11 West Central. further the interests of the bears. shining parlor. General First and TUeras. or phone Total sales (par value) aggregated WANTED Kxperieneed lathe man for Ari- -- FOR SALE Livestock. con- r whotie FOR SALE one Paasche one J9.S50.0OO. Auspicious weather and crop zona. JO! FOR RENT Five-- torn furnished hoUK. FOR RENT Lady, husliaml tnivels, Apply Employment Agency. pressure hose anil I1O0DO e.iisl Iron. ditions as well as the new move First. Phone 1483-- will rent front room, sd.ioinlng bHtli, close guage. py of United States bonds (old Issues) peace South worth of ;:,,oti. from oats. Sea- In, to lady only, employed ludy preferred, for patterns, Wm. R. Marsh, Two wlth flv were unchanged on call. pulled support away WANTED Woman cuok, 3e; carpenters and compHiiy in house at r.11 North care WooUvortlis. ab- 110 night, Filth board demand was conspicuously laborers. Employment Agency, fiouth BUSINESS CHANCES. Phone 2:11. FOR S. VI. K Closing prices: Third. Phone 3M. ROOF PAINT Pair mules, Hugon, harness and 12V sent. 22 A) per Roofs under our car 'lameson's Sanatorium. American Beet Sugar WANTED FOR SA LKUoonung house roums; mod- South. gallon. will continued to Laborers and teamsters at SAI.E-Fi- ne, American Can 43 Severe declines in pork ern; close In.. ,. Phone W2. Improve from year to year. We can put on FOR large cow. will be wages. 8a nm Fa Gold Cop par RK.f--fvv- o new JeMey holders. Of- FOR rt.oms furnished for house- a root that win last aa long as the fresh in May. Am American fe result from liquidation by Co., San N. M. FOR SALE Eight-roo- and room- leaving city. Phona kmelting Refining. 11. Mining Pedro, boarding keeping; no sick. 417 West Silver. building. The Manzuuo Co. Phone MOS-- :m-F4- . were 8so-on- d. American Tel. & Tel 96 ferings of lard and ribs, though, ing house. Close In. Apply &12 North 10 South Walnut. n . FOR rfKN'X cieen furnished rooms. FOR SAI.Eoiiy."two"-yea'rTi- 1 scarce. Phone Largs, American 3 1i relatjvely Call 400 South Seventh. mrtiK carbon roof root and'eigoi 7.c W'A fiYIR KA P. evenings. psn,t and cement Mcrefunl Bulls. All in V, NTED Young man. neat and aggressive I. Roomltiir bouse, aood business. Anaconda 63 Closing' prices: RfcNT-Nlc- tops leaks; lssts five years. Use Devoe condition New Mexico Copper of on of bust- - FOR ely furnished oloae raised. Out of hl.h. and good habits for salesman position. good location, account other room, In; floor Jap-a-la- ; 82Vi Corn May, July, $1.48. CMv 703 ready paint, paint, Valspar, oona and reglstared aires aeven of Atchison r $1.27: age and references. A. M. Santa ness trust sell. Phone MIS. j no sick. West Sliver. 71 ' Labry, cold water kalsomlne, and be above & 51 Oats May, July, c. N. M. satisfied, registered. Address Mrr.lli,. rsaltimore Ohio 79c: Fe, Let" rn'oney i FOR RENT Furnished rooms, 414 Wast Sll- - Thua. F. 4uS v.l.(. $45.42. WANTED yuiir work for yog Kelcher, West Central. Phone Springer, N. M. Hutte & Superior 19 Pork May, $45.35; Juljr, and your country. High rate of Interest la ver; no sick, aa children. 410. 16 Ijird May, $24.57; July, 14.87. on Bond and th beat FOR RENT Nicely fundi'lied TUB RIO GRANDE DUROC HOO CO. Petroleum paid every Liberty ' front room of Ribs $23.22. Fcinnlc. I security. entrance. 008 South Third. FOR SALE, N. M., can supply at all Canadiun Pacific 137 May, $22.62; July, private Poultry and i -- Egg. tlm bred sows, bred herd i BALE OR TRADE Oood business In- FOP. RKNT-Th- ree - gllta. nnn and Central 64 W A N 'r E v o n i a n for 211 FOR, small, clean housekeep- VOli' I. , Leather general help. come located In the best business TsrvioRruX Ko young stuft at moderate price. Ws has & 55 NEW YORK METAL MARKET. South High. property in? rooniM ground llonr; no children. 4)5 ohlcks. nof said. U B. Thomaa. flT Baai th beat In U. B. Chesapeake Ohio of one of Beet towns In flaaeldlna the A., 49 sounders in 1 part ben county West Lpatl. even month. Get Chicago, Jill. & St. Paul WANTED Experienced saleswomen, southern Oklahoma. On account of tts kind that par. Pra my FOR RENT Furnlsheo FUrt SALE Brown and H. 1. Information on how to raise 41 U New York, Anril 3n Lead Easier. ply at Tile Kconomlst. health want some kind of business, land or 110a, big enough legb.ini setting hogs for profit. Chino Copper for two; five windows; smaller eggs prlr.e I.W for 13, Old Offlc Ills ftnnth Third. tsaa WANTED Girl for housework. Ap-- , In New Mexico. M. L. roomi strain, Robinson, Phn. Colorado Fuel & Iron 39',4 Spot, 17.00fi7.15. general property Jordan, housekeeping. )4 South Third Town. Phone ply tIM Weat Roma. Carlsbad, N. M. ml. East St. Louis Three-roo- Crucible Steel 63 Spelter Firmer. VOl RENT . with FOR SALE U. C. Whits baby" FOR SALE Ranches. 6.75. WA"j"BDWonuinr help 'ink!tcnViriuiT apartment Leghorn Cuba Cane 28 spot delivery, $6.03 bnih and sleeping p.irch. nicely furnlahed chlcKj and hatching egga. Bog tU. Phona FOR SALE A h Sugar wash dishes. Apply 8;'4 Kast Coal. 17W. bargain ranch. -- for housekeeping, inndern and desirable lo- Oentrv's Poultry Ranch. cms 0111 Erie . UK FOR SALE Automobiles. " in cnoloa rrult trees; good PRODVCE. WOMAN For general nouaewora., uu ,M cation. r,l West Coal. Poh aT,K Km" for TirarouiliT barn: electric Northern Ore Ctfs 29 KANSAS CITY Address BOX ?4. SALE-l"o- rd car. hatching. pumping plant; excellent otl Oreat Ing. Alhuauerqna. FOH touring 6K South bred S. C. R. I. Reds and B. P. Rocks. 5 miles outh of 88 WANTFJD A ma. . Albuquerdu. Owner leav Great Northern pfd Competent girl for housework ; Highmiidg. Red Poultry Yds., 4H W. Atlantic, Ph. 14S3W Inr. Hog Nsi Cltv. Phone 4u-- 61'fc Kansas 30. Rutter wages. East SISI-- r City, April good irtt Sliver. Phona FOR riAl.E Ford runabout iieeman-Ayv- FOIt AI,K--Th- e Inspiration' Popper sec- FOIt RENT Funilahad rooms, US Bouth FOB 8ALR,l""ayer f'u'est A1 ""fVgl'r"Hn"diTlT Marine Pfd. Ctfs 85 Creamery, 40Hc; firsts, 39',ie; W ANTED Wtunan for Supply Cor" 2C2. 118 loo. 19. SO (0. IS falfa ranch In Int. Mer. general housework; l- ' Walter. Phone baby'chlcks. for for (he valley; most ba sold 31 38c: stock, 29c. Small family; I'.D month. Phone I94-- HALE WIS Good for 85. Yotfs 10T. at once; a Kennecot onds, packing; per FOl- Uulek FOH HUNT Furnished Cen- - Poultry Ranch, P. O. box bargain; three cr of chclc Copper 19-J- . . rooms' East 1777. condition. Phone phone - two-roo- & Nashville 111 Eggs Firsts, 31'bC. WANTED At once, gill for clerical work. tl'.'.OO month. Phone W69-- city bearing fruit trees; rest In alfalfa- m Louisville li house with 93 Va roosters, Must write a good hand. Excelsior Laun- FOH SALE Ford touring car; cash or pay- " FO HALE Fresh white unfertile eggs. t"he sleeping porches- of Mexican Petroleum Poultry Hens,. 23c; lfi'c; FOR ft ENT tlousekeeplng rooms out -- ments. II111 on Phone 1.K2-- large kind to 40c retail buildings; this (.r 28 Vi 30 35c. dry. Keller. 110 South keep. delivered; the bulk ., am(OBt Miami broilers, steeping porch. Walnut Cc7 pay for the place. Phono C20 Copper WANTED Experienced girl or woman" for FOU SA LB Saxon roadster in delivered. Scott Smith, Wist Mountain or call at 114 2 Cheap, good PvTrritTc NT -- One"" i"Tnra nd ng p. rch. rnad. West Central. Missouri Pacific general housework; reference. 724 . West condition. Rio Grands Industrial sleep! ce. School. furnished, fs. nmnth. Phone 1511-- 66 Chicago rnoni SALIC-B- Afontana Power Copper, phone lit. FOR S A t OK TKADE Model FOR eat H. O. R. I. Red In New .T fdldsmiw FOR ItENT-iloo- in furnished for RENT-Apart-mentt New York Central 67 fEUKaHSPHY bile cnr. con- housekeep. Mexico; eggs for in blood Chicago, 30. Rutter Market Stenography, boekkeeplng. completely overhauled; good ing; sleeping porch. 410 South Edith, hatching; strong -F-.QR .Northern Pacific 82 April Board, room, tutlon may ba earned. Cata- dition; or trade on small home. Phone 2244. of "Albunueroire King;" first prise cock at firm. 3 4 t 4 2 M e. log free. Businea An- "brf rtE"5."T Two f u rnlslied rooms and aiee'p- - "Palaoe Show." New also two appartmenta from , . 44 Creamery, Mackay College, Lot York; cocks, l!6 up at 1104 North Second. Pennsylvania - FOR SALE Stuilebaker touring. 19IG, per- 124 South f. P. Hav. 2 North 24 Errs Receipts 58,457 eases. Mar geles. Ing porch, gentlemen perfercrd. High. Ttay Consolidated Copper fect. Private party. Going abroad, Walter, phnn 17. WANTED Tfelp N,w ,o ket rash Also Thor Electric Ma- ring tha . 78 unchanged. only. Washing FOR REN'T1 3 modern rooms Liberty Bell agai- n- Heading .4!) cars. Market use. IW. housekeeping FOR RENT Miscellaneous. Liberty Bond U & Steel 80 Potatoes Receipts ceipts 10,000. Market strong. Prime chine, six months family Furniture. In home: no stclt. iwcet music for Undo Sam. Republic Iron 621 1 ; 7 upvtiiirs private Very Inquire North First to 5:K) to p. m. IJT.4 HORDED 81 unchanged. frd steers, $16. 25W17. 25; dressed beof reasonable. Phona ?ug North Arno. and Rigs to Je.nes RBNT-T- Southern Pacific Springs; cheap FOR hre or four-roo- -- 29V4C. fates, ft. ) North 20 Poultry Fowls, olive, higher, steers, $13. 25 16.50; western steers, Garru, Arno, ... .,... ,.o sics. an aoutn Southern Railway ItR.NT-rSel- ille rirst. Innolr. ..143 $14.250 17.25; cows, $7.75 U.S1; fOR driving hois and bug. Kavov hotel. Texas Company RENT Nicely furnixhed i."v if K.rt4-,- YORK M ARRET. P Ifiiiatkeeping sr. tor nours, NEW I0XI:Y FOR ItfiNT-Thr- ee foui-roo- heifers, $9.00 14.00; stockers and WANTED Hag rug weaving. Phone 120. roonis, lettsonuble. Phorie 1773. and m' furnish"?! FOR RENT First elan' pasture. Ij.'Ki . feeders, $9.003) 15.00; bulls, tS.tH'fr iiMV couf iiiouprn, no s ele. !Hlo block 30. Mercantile WAN'tWR To rang; call Janitor, month. Dolde's Ranch, four mile south Boulh Hlxth. New York, April calves. $8.00ifi 12.50. 119 Kouth Hevenlll. of town. Inquire Savoy Hotel. Nonet:. 6 12.75; Phone KM). legal an1 six months. per For Rent Rooms With THE WAP7 UXlTtO I.a-- 1 li'.... , I paper, four Board. HKNT-Ou- Hogs Receipts 11,000. FOR house cleaning and Joli work .of any FOR od C'en ...... rooming bous near The i XOTICB. cent: 60 day bills i.1t per l'ierson. Phone 9:12.'.' finest, modern nnartmeni h .hJ sterling strong. Rulk, $17. 3071 7. 6n; heavy. kind, ring ima BUT A LIBERT V BOND' ' Iral end First, !7 rooms. Thaxton A Co. u"r- f'"r el ' 03T.471 60 on $ pe.,ple Plione commcrcinl bills, 7.:!.-)'- 1 WANTBt--IO.O- OU ' eorner Third ny. Ir cent; day $1 7.U5; sacks," by th8o"uthwesiern AND r , and flold none vacant on United State $17.15il7.55; light, ' go the walling 11.. r" Department of th Interior, banks, 4.72 cent: commercial 60 - Co.. at once. Will pay J to J. cants PACK OUR BOTS. Eakln. . ' per - Junk, Prop. Land Office. , pigs, $13.507)17.00. 419. 23 4.71 cent: demand, each,- Phone j FOR Notice is hereby given that on the am day bills, per 4,000. Morket FOR RENT Frjit room with porch, board. SALE Real Estate. ass a 4.76 Sheep Receipts WANTED furnished 6'JJ suKni A. D. 191, Santa Fa Pacific per cent; cables, per B By. Iuly. nicely room, private fnmliy. South High. 1 rL-J--- at March, the 4.75,i ; yean- I'51---- - U' tax steady. Lambs, $i9.902i) with housekeeping privilege. Nil sick. X. Uwellings. Itallroad Company, made application at , FOR RENT NIc room und sleeping porch. lenirsi avenue. Kast Front. Phon 1HS-- WANT IIOI WE ptr.t. lings, $16. 50018. 00; , $15.00 Y., of flee. Santa Fe. wethers, Journal ss Bouth 1SU-- w Four-roo- United Statea Land Office at Nej silver, 99 c. with board. Arnpi phone FOR SALE Two houses and on ore" ANTED modern the act of 28th Far 17,50; ewes, J1G.0O if 17.00. CAflll PRICB PAItt JONK oottaga Metlcn, to select under April 77c. HIGHEST FOR FOR" RENT Deslirsbl roomiiithleiwlns; of land. Mrs. Chaves. Old on "wianna; within G58 described Mexican dollars, BT SOUTH WBSTERN CO.. Apply Town, walking dlsance (33 Stat. the following TH8, itlNK hot and cold wafer, first-clas- s tuhla nioea nonn from of enr line shops, by May 12. 409 Smith. )4. railroad bonds. 114 p.irch. end Seventh lfliit, TAtar Two (2. Three (8), and Government and Denver T.lvestnrl:. WE8T LEAD. PHONE lit. WB ALSO board. Caea de Oro, Ctrl West Gold. of Section (HO). T. 13 N. BUT OLD AUTO". Four (4), Twenty Irregular. Denver, 30. Cattle rlrlAOY NOOK 1 M. P. 41.81 April Receipts ranch offer xcellant room FOR BUSINESS R. W., N. M., containing Time loans Steady. Sixty WANTED Second-han- d men's and boys' SALE Houses. CHANCES. In of S. Bee. 13, T 15 N R. day, 200. Market steady. Beef ttceia. and board. Just the plae to get string. acres. lieu Lot 1 and underweaa. SALE ... 5 6 cent; 90 days. per clothes, shoe Also trunk For ratea phon J429F-- fre transportation. FOR SALENIce home, furnished and a liarabe wver itn.i W., N. M. P. M. $ per 5T6 $9.50(5)16.50; cows and $;.co and Call 41 . Second- ...... , heifer, suit case; Chicago Accommodation now available. Mrs. K. B. good paying business, K0UO, half r year; garnge. notice Is to allow all months. 6 cent bid. .' cash. complete The purpose of this cent; six per 12.50; stockers feelers. $9.00'f) hand wore, X)1 Sooth Flrat. . , ., equipment: best location. Owner . the land or de- 4 Tbvmas. Hnngalnw, Jonrnnl office. I. In .nnj-Addres- persons claiming adversely, Call money Steady.' High, per $10.00 - for P. o. Box J37. Sliver N. St. it to be mineral In 4 13.50; calves, 150. WANTED Companion young married MRS. W. 'it. REED, owing to th sale of tb eon e.rt tjht A line imi Home city. siring to show character 3 rate, furnish-roo- in highlands, cent; low, per cent; ruling ' Market .woman at nights;, will In Lorkhart haa a new resort In 11.100. an opportunity to file objection to such lo. of- Hogs Receipts 8,200 ranch, opened glassed sleeping porchr Term If bid, 3 cent; exchange. References. No sick., Addrear healthseekera at K4 East Coal wanted. D. 401 cation-or- selection with the local officers per cent; closing per Top, $17.45; bulls. $17.:RD for avenue, J, Kelcher. Central, phone TIME CA5sT steady. Room 29. I land In which the land 4s 4 last loan, 4 per fJraiit building. City. where she fully prepared to oars for thsra for the district fered at per cent; 17.40. 1M8-- 'I. IAIUIB JUNK CO. a, South rirsi. a in the oast Phona r situate, at the land office aforesaid, cent. 15c end to establish their Interest therein, or Sheep Receipts 1,700. Market Phona. 171 We buy rag, bottles, - W lark, TYPEWRITERS. the mineral character thereof. MARKETS. lower. Lambs, $19.1019.75; ewes, Iron, natal of all description. wreck WANTED Position. FRANCISCO ' I.TVESTOCK aid buy old furnltar. I rPKWKiTERS-A- DELOADO, $15.50iil6;2o. mchlaery; - . li makes, overhauled and Register. clothing pd shoes, bank o repaired. Ribbons for every machine. Al- I WANTED Why do th buy many livestock. WAN'i'aiu careful ktoaa tinismng by Because It I both buquerque Typewriter Exchange. Phone 914. Oikaco Liberty Bonds? patri- 122 FOR Twice r Seulh Fourth. ATCHISON, TOrKKA BAIL-WA- NOTICE riBI.ICATION. Chicago, AdHI 30 Cattle Receipts 'ter photographers. dally otic apd profitable. SANTA FE Y of th Interior. O. S. Land CFT THIS OUT IT IS WORTTI asuisfartton guaranted. Bend Department S.000. Native steers, y C. 57. Market strong. H' MONEY. ... row finishing ttva reliable, established firm. V,NTEl5"Experlenced lady stenographer Office at Santa Fe, March ltt feeders. Phone 12. FOR REN-- West bound. Mon-toy- s, S10.25iffi' stockers and Hanna Hanna. master desires position. Store. la Neatbr 17.60; DON'T ' photographers. - Notice .hereby given that MISS THIS. Cut out this -- . - : .... i,t - c,"- Arrlva. $6.85 - in r r tvA.NTED motion ma- f Depart. of Jemea. New Mexico, who, on April $8.35iff 12.50; cows and heifers, slip,- enclose with 5'c and mall H to Experienced picture FOR RENT-St- or or office with Lhr.8rout 7:10 pm. raopm, ; chine wants No living J.I S4, 19H. made homestead No. tK393, for 13.90; calves, $7.B0f 13.75. & 2838 Sheffield Chi operntor position. objection apartments. Oood clean location heiwn California Limited tl :00am. U.JOara. 1 Foley Co, Ave., WAOTEPam'ii.;--- to town. M. P.. Journal. 7' southwest quarter, section 21, township N., 22,000. Market name and ad leaving and Commru club. Phon im-J- , or ZtT :45am. 10:15am. . Hogs Receipts cago, III., writing your rooms . 9. Th '" I P. meridian, has filed -- WANTED Furnished for.Juukeep-Ing- Young man, good clerk book NvaJo rang Be You will in re WANTED and ltiiopm. U:am. of Intention to make year firm, above yesterday's averag". dress clearly. receive Close (pi, .Address R. B. I', cars Journ- Southbound. notice thre proof, - - ' keecpr. Speaks good Spanish; eight years de- turn a trial containing 809. Kl to establish claim to the land above Bulk. S17.2517.75; light. $17.25 package al . experience In general merchandise store, Paao Kvpreaa 11:00pm. L. u. 8. com- ; Tar Compound, for WANTED Boarders. H1&. Kl Paso scribed, before Linus Shields, 17.85; pigs. $13.25 17.35 heavy Foley' Honey and, WANTED-rThTe- e unfurnished rooms, or wonts position. Address W. X., car Jnurtial. . xpress 10:44 am. Jemes N. M., on th couKhs. colds and croup; Kid missioner, at Springs. $16.1517.60. Foley mall house. In the lowlands, rent reasona- BOARD and' tent cottages ror gentlemen Kastbeuad. of May, WIS. In 10. The SS ifcid day 14,000. Market ney Pills, for pain sides and hack; ble. No alck. Addres T.. Box WS. health seekers six mile north of Santa Scout 7: am. 1 :05 am, , aa Dtonlcto DRESSMAKING! . ..1.,. Clalmont name Wltnessea: Sheep Receipts rheumatism, backache, kidney and Fe, S. M. Address boxHS. Santa Fe. N. M. The Navajo it pm. 1:40 pm, nonzales, of Caaa Balaaar, N. M.: Petronlllo weak. Sheep, $12.75fiH-.70- ; lambs, bladder and Cathartic tytyari4ie1I'LM, 4. California Limited f N. ailments; Foley ; ....4:40pm. 7:00pm. Mnntoya, of Cabeaon. li.; Antonio Jose Tell jthe classified j VMur own nni tt I. Santa Fe ;.. N. $15.5021.00. Tablets, a wholosome and thoroughly it through Brltic inatcrtjU lt tight 7:Upm. Montana, of Caaa Salaiar. M.; Clement tf MONEY TO LOAN. HfMittt. J:pn, M. rleansing cathartic; for fonmipation. pf-T- he .ournaW, Re-- rrm Casaut,- of Cane o. f. Livestock. columns; itONTotTJwSANn lit, Kansas City and 7:1s) am. V rr ,7. . FBANCI8CO DBLOADO. ' Kansas City blUousness,' wendache and ruggisn. Chicago, , -- vuou 30.-af- .'e B- Ztr$ wm Quia, ncaity u. Sold 1. o. L . ; BeglstsT. , Kansas gity, April bowel. wverywaert. atjr . - ' - ...... t. eysy ..j a ,.. S .vT' ..... ' ... e : - ,'o ' ; V J. j EIGHT Albuquerque Morning Journal, Wednesday, May 1, 1918.

CRESCENT HARDWARE CO. STINKING LAKE LOST i I RFSII ( HOCOI.ATK SHOP Automobile from Well- - CIKK OLATIX S18 WEST CENTRAL AVE. tire Wagon, addressed to O. II. tioseli LOS AN (.ILLS !! o. 4th boMvecn 72.! No. PASTIME THEATER St., !; Plumbers; Hot Water and Steam Heating; Tinners 2nd and Ward re. Reward by GRIMSHAW'S EXPEDITION IS Well-- i Fargo Kxpiess ('itiiipiuiy. Second and Central TODAY AND TOMORROW "Wrot" Steel Warm Air Furnaces "iriuiMiaw vtuuis 10 nee inn 4 iBSOLl Tl I. Y G VARA XTEED PHONE SI 5. Al.ltl Q( ERQl'E, NEW MEXICO PLAN OF G. P. A. DOCTOR fining abroad May 31 will sell Special Offering 1 iriutiie be-i- t town state to SIDEWALKS 5n A-- 1 man. .Must s'ak some Span- BUNGALOWS CP ish. S850 lukCM everjlbing. Cash Selexart Pictures only. Write or wire "Doctor," euro & Trip to Beautiful Resort 'Is Journal. Prichard Prichard OFKKRS THIS IS General Contractors and Bunders WEDNESDAY Plannscl for June; Open to Phone. U45 207 W Gold ALL MEAL! Public Who Can Furnish WHEATLESS Vegetable Day A Real Bargain USE NO BAH CAtXX3L. Motoi Transportation, TASTX FOR SALE .Modern l BUJOOACC fOCM CHIROPRACTIC fi CUHTAXNlNii UEAT iui nlslied house built, ell ' AGAIN - Conquers rheumatism, appendi- ...( T- raraue. barn- 3 Lot 00 - ,.,-- Usim i,f "The Pine porches. citis, deafness, hay fever, uslhma, ),. it. front. is.ji-it- . .Cone,'. official organ of the Xew eye, stomach, liver and kidney 1I Proiecuve trouble, by correcting the Spine. Due Came association, L. C. WILLIAMS Shipments This Morning. 'i unci of W. JOHNSON, 1. appeals outline explanation 19-2- 1 ' an to one of N. T. Armljo Bldg., Fresh Tomatoes, Green iJeas, Lettuce, Celery, Cab- expedition Stinking lake, Dr. Phone 161. J:fltllii:; Lemons the most beautiful spots in the south- Lichtenwalter bage, Spinach, New Potatoes, Oranges, and a west, which will leave Albuquerque in Osteopathic Physician nnd Surgeon Heisclieil Mayall and l.tLvaid new of motor cat's June T. Metropolitan BW. Tel.. Office 673; TieB. 4:12 Coven in supply Apples. The trh is to be made under aus- Florida Grape Fruit, each 10c pices of t'ie association and is open to anyone to make the expedi-''n- n. DR. H M. BOWERS Several hundred pounds of that good fresh Butter It 's not limited to sportsmen, Li "Carmen Let Us Send Man v A Bach individual or party must furnish a Ottfruputliii' I'll, ln, poluIUIng iu also due this morning; , pf Kht, Nunc and I'h rout. Anthmtt. Hay ...'mnwi. tnrpnrtation. bedding, to Replace That Broken Window 4 il TttlC chuck. Xo fees or Htitrrh He urnrHti. Oi'cltlfiiUil pound camp outfit and Glass. Mff Itldn., Third und iold. ItfKldmee ...cs are charged, however. Kach J M' utiUv itiint MMV. 17. S. License No. AXBUQCKRQtTB Ll'MMFR plume J; pood tun tielptnit must send bis name and Phone 421. 423 N. First. of the the number of his party to the asso- ciation headquarters here and par- ticipants may si!!n for all or a part WARD'S STORE CRESCENT GROCERY of the trin. Thi. expedition will be HAY FEVER accompanied by expert photographers Its alleviation and Klondike" JONES and motion . who cure, by my homi:r il waru ROBERT picture operators, Bryant's Delivery of 815 Marble Avenue Coal nnd South Walter will obtain a pictorial story of the combined treatments Osteopa- Phone Phone 670 trip. For Kind of thy, Medicine and Finger Surgery. A Special Super Production in The concrete cause of the trip is to Any Hauling. C. II. CONNER, M. 1. I), O. Seven Parts boom the cause of game conservation, Phone 501 Office Stern Building particularly in the shape of a national Phones Office tt.5. Residence, 325 bird refuue ut Stiukin-- lake. At Santa An epic of snow-boun- d Alaska, the solder! goal of th? Fo, Taos and Chaina, X. M.. there will lortuno seeker where men measure their brute strength be rallies of sportsmen. ancl Following is a tentative schedule of c'.;nnino; for the possession of Mother Earth's treas- the trip: ure where raw-bone- d pioneers of civilization combat June 7 Leave Albuquerque at ft; YRIC the elements and wrest from the snow-cla- d hills the THEATER a. a SE CMMEJ.Vv: pure L TnnAV AMH TOMORROW JL W Jure 7 Arrive at Santa Fe. TS gold that builds great cities far back of their ranks June S Leave Santa Fe, via Rs- - men as i where are yet untainted by hypocrisy where ptinoia, Cnnjilon and Tierra Amarilla. with as June 10 and 11 At Sinking lake. OFT they think fists hard steel, and love with the June 12 Leave Stinking lake via j hearts of children. Don't fail to see this picture. Tierra Amiirilla, Vallecitos or Ks- - MAY ALJLISON pnnola. j No Raise in Prices Matinee Adults 5c. 12 Taos. 10c, Children IN June Arrive 16c. From Taos side trips may bp taken j Evening Adults 15c, Children to lias Vegas and Raton. W. S. S. Telegrams undelivered at Western Social un-- I 1'nion telegraph office, parties Hypocrites La-- METRO FEATURE IN FIVE REELS known: Mr. H. I.. Hodge, Klmer i vata, A. A. Mahler, f. N. Jones, Wil- - SCREEN TELEGRAM AND COMEDY REEL Ham II. Dillon. LAST TIME TODAY ' B THEATER and MAZIMOVA in "REVELATION" W. .!. S. Friday Saturday, WANTED Experienced! medal ai distributed in Germany two WBls''ljij BEFORE THE S1NKING OF HIGHEST CLASS IN EVERY Saleswomen. at The! day RESPECT. Apply ' W Economist. I Warrior" und other stupendous fea- W. s. s. THOMAS H. INCE 1 tures, is In the Civilization" . fl!...v 4 city. GENTRY'S EGGS t, t' a.t in. in inife fi i hail a run of three days at the Idial Presents - per can. 25c; quart Jar Apple theater, and "The Warrior" is now Hawkins, Skinner, Champion. Con- , y Mutter, 45c: Stuffed Olives, Jnr. J ihc great attraction at the Crystal 'oy nnd San .? Market: 5Ihi dozen. ENID BENNETT 15c; Ripe Olives, can, 10c; . t opera house. w. s. s. Spunisli Style Tomato Sauce, 2 i C. X. Draper, night stationmastci Persons who wish to rraew or take IN i the railroad re cans, 25c; Green (hill and for Santa Fe here, out memtx'rshipe In the Red Cross Tomutoes, can. 2(c: Native o turned last night from Joplin, Mo., ran do so Book WILLIAM J. FLYNN ' where he went on. business. He win by calling at Strong's ' Imncli. 5c: Rhubarb A Recently retired Naughty, Naughty Asparagus, be en duty here tonight. Store, O. A. Mat.son Co., Grimshaw's o 2 lbs., 15c. , P. T. Lonergnn. superintendent ol or Mrs. II. M. Ferguson, or by phoning CHIEF OF THE U. S. SECRET SERVICE By C. Gardner Sullivan Directed By Jerome Storm Pueblos, who underwent an opera- (be chairman nf tho Membership com ) (, With the Screen Favoritea j Miss Bennett a role Hint j: Matteucci, Palladino&Co. ':' tion at St. Joseph s hospii.:! .Monday, miltee, No. 1331-- has was reported to be in a serious con- - and Marguerite Snow gives her an opportunity to ' ' Groceries and Meat d.tion last night. ' display her taP'ois as a com- 495-40- J ' CITY ELEYTICSHoi PRODUCED BY THE WHARTONS J 601 W. Tijcras. rhones 8 P. J. Johnson, agency director f r SHOP' edienne to th; utmost. Be co.n-pun- sure the Xew York Life Insurance PIIONK 567 j Chief Flynn'i exposures of Imperial German duplicity; foiling to see this laugh maker. and revelations stationed at Phoenix. Ariz., is KREK r.VI,I, AND DELIVERY Germany' epiei plots; startling in 20 Episode of IT'S A PAHAMol NT. here on business with P. I). L. BATCH'S OLD STAND facts you should know. the agency organizer. 1 to 6 I 1 The Order of Railway Employes COMING to IDEAL 5 o'clock...... 10c Brothers will meet at 8 o'clock in the ALVARADOEGGS. May StrongWT tonight 6 to 11 o'clock W. (i. W. hall. All members are On al by Iwdlng (rucera tile unaeixaKersSal mrnln( ENID urged to attend as Important busi- tliy ar litid, 50c. Adults 15c MNNEir PROMPT SERVICE. PHONB o ness is to be transacted. W. S. S. Ll &wJ 75. WRONG COPPER Oes-.reic- Children 10c BltK, William Sr., who under- Orders taken for service j AND BECOND. J flags, went a serious operation at the Pres- Women of American Army, 223 West was 0U3 byterian hospital recently, Gold Avenue. to his home, 924 Xorth W. s. s. Eleventh (4 street, yesterday. Livery and saddle horses. Trimble's' Each will be in itself and each will It was stated yesterday by the city Red Barn. episode complete manager that work on the military w. s. s. reveal an actual occurrence in the investigations made i 1 LOCAL ITEMS hospital here is progressing satisfac- B. M. WILLIAMS frus- torily. It is expected to be ready fm Dentist by the United States Government to unmask and occupancy within the next week. Rooms 1 and 2, Whiting Building trate the of Ambassador von Bemstorff. IDEAL Xo. plots THEATER Cottonwood drove 2, Woodmen Phono No. 8t. Circle, will hold a regular me-tin- Corner Second and Gold. FRIDAY PROCEEDS TO RED CROSS TODAY ONLY Tourist lunches. Pullman Cat. tonight at 7:30 o'clock In I. O. O. F. W. S. H. , Martin & Thorn. Taxi. Phone 273. hull. Members will please be prepared BITTNER HOl'SK REPEATING BY REQUEST N. Madday of Roswcll, N. M., is to report on Liberty Bonds and Rid 8I9'; South FliSt. Nice clean rooms j V'BitintS in Albuquerque. Cross work. light housekeeping rooms. Phone 221. Carl J. Turner of Koswell, X. XI., Mr. and Mrs. John Churchbaugh W. 8. 8. Alfalfa in car lota. . Chaa. Clara Kimball Is in Albuquernue on business. and two sons, who were here visiting Donlln, OUR Young W. C. P.eid anil Mis. Keid returned Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hyre, 907 For- Hooper. Colo. FIRST SHIPMENT OF NAVAJO IN -- S-- morning from a t'i ester avenue, for three weeks, lef W. R. - yesterday trip Luw-renc- HAS ARRIVED AND NOW e, RUGS IS ON C.rants, X. hi. yesterday for their home in SUITS CLEANED, $1 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Gianera of Kans. SALE a La D. Carte" M J. DcHiiff will leave this Four suits "Marriage Socorro, X. are spending several morning pressed $1.25. From the "MARRYING MONEY" for Santa Fe where he been se- play by Washington Paget days In this city. has Contract plan. Columbia. Cleaning Co, There is a fine assortment of sizes and colors and the and Bertram Nearburgh. Directed James Arthur Pixler started to work In lected as mapager of the Indian Delivery. Phono 690. by Young. Fe. school there. 'Mr. DeHuff will prices are made for quick sale. About 100 the San.ta shops yesterday as a stop ALSO A GOOD COMEDY machinist apprentice. enroule at Domingo, where ho will TELL liEliiRY'S i5FLIVERY small rugs in the lot to go at $1.65 Horn Mrs. Wil- witness - .Monday to Mr. and the San Felipe dunce. THE REGI LAR S2.50 SIZE. MATINEE and 10c; NIGHT 10c liam W. McClellan. Jr., 723 Xurth Fight men nnd women were etch Tour baggage troubles. Phono 939. und l,e. 1 BEST MCSIC IX CITY BY Fourth street, u daunhter fined $ r in police court last evenl:i W. S. a. COME IN AND LOOK THEM OVER BEFORE BCYIXG ELSE- TALENTED PIANIST Miss Lucie Meeker and her father, for diving over the city fire hose at ARMIJO'S TAXI LINE. FRIDAY PROCEEDS TO RED CROSS To I'nelc Sam With the War. We WJU Give a 2.V-W- J. A. Meeker, of Uelen, X. II., arrived the Presbyterian sanatorium ye.iier-da- y Two Oakland cars on day and nighl WHERE Help hero yesterday for a short visit. forenoon. Three other offen lera service, ( heap rates by the liour. Savings Stamp Willi Every $10 Purchase. Mr. and Mrs. A. Harsch, who were, are being sought by the police. Pliono III. at Whittier, Calif., on a visit to their Floyd Mnrton, who enlisted In tho THE BENNETT INDIAN TRADING CO. Ron, Wallie, have returneil to the, city. national guard here and was sent BEBBElC OPTICIAN c--uCSp Jaints K. Uolan enlisted in the In- Kearney, where ho attended North East Corner Fourth and Gold Avenue Hahn Coal Co. fantry at the army recruiting station machine gun school, has been appoint- Citizens Ranlc F.l Bid. Postoffice j here yesterday. He left for Paso ed as an instructor in the school, ac- Opposite PHONE tl last night. cording to Information received here The Old Reliable Blanket Store. Established in 1882 ANTHRACITE, ALL SIZES; STEAM COAi '. C. Hurnhelm, master mechanic for Mill 1 the American and Timber yesterday. Boko, Wood, Factory Wood, Cord Wood, NatWe Elndllug, Lumbar Dr. K. M. Wylder, who made ap- WANTED company at Flagstaff, Ariz., is in the fo a commission on plication in the city business. medical reserve corps at the time Two Experienced Miss Mable of the Alhwiuer-qu- e Sunns, MaJ. Henry .lump wus in Albuquer- Business college has none to que, received word from the surgeon Waitresses at Sturges Springer, X. M., where she has uc-tl- his Hank of general yesterday that examination Hotel. Springer. Hhowod him to be physically disquali- Arrivals from the west last night fied for active service. were FA Ariz.-- Harrington, Winslow, Dr. J. Wilbur C.iiupman, modera- . Meach im, Mct'artys and Lee tor of the general assembly for Pres- CRYSTAL OPERA HOUSE Cheshro, Dalles. byterian churches will at Thomas machinist ap- speak Mcintosh, the Presbyterian church at 8 o clock AUTO SERVICE prentice at the Santa Fc shops, will night. The public Is invited. He will TO leave tonight for Frankfort, Kans., to Confer with a committi,. at the and Tomorrow visit relatives and friends. hotel after his arrival JEMEZ Today Mrs. James i. Campbell, who un- this afternoon and will be the derwent an the honor operation at Presby- guest at a dinner to be given by the terian hospital Monday, was reported Ministerial alliance at the V. Si. C. HOT SPRINGS to be doing well last night. A. at 6:30 o'clock. John Knerr, assistant district for- ROUND. TRIP, $20. "PRESENTS ester at the district headquarters of TO ARRAIGrT MAPTON the forest service, left Monday for Notify Undersigned. Washington, D. C, on a business trip. CHARGE CHAS. H. CLAY, U (1. Kippner and son, Robert, of FEDERAL LIQUOR Cleveland. ., aro here, visiting the Jemez Hot Springs, N. M of Mr. at I alias If. "The parents Kippner, ill Xortii Walter Zasrawniak, J. Warrior" Fourth street. Henderson, who also carries several SEVEN PARTS STARRING Mrs. Guy Reelor, who underwent other uliases, according tj United an operation at the Presbyterian States officers here, will be arraigned hospital several daya ai;o, was re- this before to be last morning Cnittd States NEW AND MODERN ported doing favorably Commissioner George R. Craig on a night. SERVICE Maciste Herb Cabiria Mid-We- of to liq- of J. V. Borke. president of the st charge attempting smuggle Civilization company of Den- uor into Arizona. Special Attention and Rates to the ver. Ct!o., pivrentlng the (.'rent film Zasrawniak or Henderson, wan ar- Traveling Public A magnificent screen spectacle abounding in thrills, productions, "Civilization," "The rested here Sunday afternoon. It is cheers, laughs and absorbing human interest. said ho wua attempting to check a HOTEL HALL , " trunk into an Arizona town. As the "Maciste outdoes Fairbanks,", a New York Daily says. laggagemen moved the trunk they n. S. IfALL, Owner and Manage heard whut they believed to be liquor Magdalen a, New Mexico Springer Transfer Co. rloshing about in the trunk. Zasraw- niak maintained that the trunk con- Hotel's Free, Auto Meets all Trains t Matinee at 2:30 each day. Nights at 7:30 and 9:00 For tained tools, but Investigations re- STEAM HEATED, ELECTRIC rTHG WAWUOrVViTH MACl3TC,THC 5TR,0N6tST COftN in rut WORLD- - I vealed that ib was in a lank , LIGHTED, VACUUM ADULTS, 25c .CHILDREN 15c reality; CLEANED Sand and Gravel which held approximately twenty gallon o( liquor.