University of New Mexico UNM Digital Repository Albuquerque Morning Journal 1908-1921 New Mexico Historical Newspapers 5-1-1918 Albuquerque Morning Journal, 05-01-1918 Journal Publishing Company Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/abq_mj_news Recommended Citation Journal Publishing Company. "Albuquerque Morning Journal, 05-01-1918." (1918). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/ abq_mj_news/300 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the New Mexico Historical Newspapers at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in Albuquerque Morning Journal 1908-1921 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. t If Liberty Was Worth All Our Forefathers Gave for It, It Is Cheap at the Price Now Offered. Buy a Bond CITY CITY EDITION AJLBUQUE UE MO NING JOURNAL. EDITION 1 HIKTV-NIMT- II YKAR, von clyiil so. si. Albuquerque, New Mexico, Wednesday, May 1, 1918. lail liy Carrier or Mail, TOc a Montii Simjle t'oplr. 5o HK II, ARE IIG I b HORDES 'Af LIRE ! L UAH Big American Liner St. Paul After She Is MINISTER ARNIAA ARMY SUBSCRIPTIONS Mysteriously Sunk in New York Harbor u E S MILITARY FAILS IN EFFORT DAY TRAINING SHALL TO TAKE SECTORS EXCEED RECORDS BE COMPULSORY WEST OF KEMM IEL It. Is What Officials Is Hope Ti Must! otzky Says Russia Allied Lines Make Some Pro- -j Beginning of Banner Week Have Army to Prevent De- -j Slightly in Drive to Raise at Least gress. Improving striiction; ot 'Lnemy Their Position Around Vill- - Three Billion Dollars, bpeaks in the East' as Dangerous, $2,457,744,000 NOW WOULD HAVE TWELVE AS WHOLE TOTAL SUBSCRIPTION (SITUATION HOURS SERVICE WEEKLY SHOWS IMPROVEMENT Most Notable Feature of Dis- Perfidy of Germany Brings Re-- 1 Efforts to trict Achievements Was Enemy's Take New alization of Need of Protec or Re-capt- Lost Ground Spurt of Atlanta, Which tion; Include Boys From 161 Met With Withering Fire Jumped to 58 Per Cent, to 18 for Eight Weeks, Which Costs Thousands, lV MrBNtNO "OURNAL RPCOAL tIAIID W,l mv Washington, April 30. Liberty MORNINS JOURNAL aPICIAL LIAHO W1RB1 T.oan totalled .Moscow, Tuesday, April 23 (bv the subscriptions yesterday j. C 2, Associated Press. record for Delayed). Iipon r.FIOIAXS BADLY $174,443,000, the any single Trotstky. the HolsltevU-- ' minister of ri'NISHED day in the and the begin- war end marine, a mect-iu- e campaign, spcuking at With the British tn ning of what the treasury hopes will if the cMilral executive last night, Armies the a l'rnnre, April 30 (by the Abho. of be a banner week to drive the loan urged issuance of decree for " ciated Prena). Up to noon today far ahoue the $3,000,000,000 mini- eonmulsnry military set vice. ih'xi , in n,n liiissi',. must ,u,i,n,,i:ii rvi uiuii w mum. rtnn't! "00c '.1"R the Flanders front We ?' The campaign total tonight was Know thf hour when we i, , ",1U, na further attacks not against the allied lines which including today's held so - un in j't- brilliantly throughout business- which appeared large judging enemy threatening the east." fs The executive a yesterday's Intense fighting. by reports from all parts of the coun- central adopted rnHolut'on providing for the training of a final Intensive canvass. - try Tliis tin- fi-i- of work pliotograpli hlicw big American liner HI. 1'uul after ht topplcil over a myslcrioiiH cause. as she was nosing Into Pier til men, pennants and unemploy . District SulMHTiptioiiB. ,lnt ed from to 40 ' " at New York. agcnls arc litvcstigatiiig. tnc cliarse n (hat t.i rm.iii nkciiIh the ca, ks. The is 111 I'cct ami lx years of ago for were an- opined Hater here deep the IMUSOXKRS ARK Subscriptions by districts skle of the liijf liner can ln mvii above the water line in the renter of the "Hie .fust l eight consecutive weeks, at picture. gangplank wits hclna rigged when lie ship suddenly a leapt;1''' VERY nounced tonight as follows: rum" n lurch anit went over to mi inigle or 45 degrees," said a member of Hie ivival i rcw. Into twnlvn hours week. imifXTED LOT' gun "Ilverythlug lmse sliding the water anil Hoys from 16 to IS - Per the men begun M,urlnn outside, Into the ami lo and Inlo Un- - will he trained Siibscrlp- jumping lighter tug alongside (he limit, wuler. .lusi then both masts HiiupiKil off In similar manner, Women Uritish in District. - tions. ' nhort with a enisli. Then she Nettled down In (ho mud. River craft 'ir tfnf nu-- in the water." may Headquarters Franca, Out. rapid 'picked up Th enlistment will lie for n April .10 (via )ttawa).-T- h Franco-Uritis- h Minneapolis $131,982,600 125 minimum of six months and desertion 1i oops took & large number ot St. Louis 153,306,050 117 will be punishable, by Imprisonment prlsonem during yeaterdaV's fighting. loss I but there were fewer Kansas City ..... 144,290,900 lioj land of citizenship. than the magni 91 lieruiaiiv fillers Proles tude of the struggle would lead one to Chicago 389,537,750 hn to to hand- - 88 Ocimanv iirotested the owing the desperate San Francisco 186,117,050 sbeik foreign miniHter the! encounter In. S6 IS aguinst engaged Dallas 69,178,150 ANYTHING GAINED BY FORCING A HUN landing of fi.OOl) allied troopH at .Mur-- i The French counter-attac- k of laet Boston 209,077,450 83 nuinsk. declaring that permission for night on the southern slope of Scher-suc- h Cleveland 242,247,700 80 landing wns a violation of tbftioenberg wan brilliantly and succetnu nrest-liilovs- k out. 197,480,450 78 treaty which stipulated fully curried It resulted in the Philadelphia peace with Finland and French not alone recovering ground on Richmond B9 ; TO SAY HE WILL BECOME AN 89,795,750 AMERICAN? "men in its Internal lif. It was de-- ; the slope, but in advancing their line New York 592,022,700 65 lied in the protest that Hermans had to a depth of 1.500 yards astride the Atlanta 52,707,450 58 In the laid of the Fin-- ! Dranoutre wood. ' "larticipated Five Cities in Rucc. ilsh white guards upon Kem, and the The prisoners show considerable de- dis- - iresence of Russian troops between tection at the failure of von Arnim'n The most notable feature of the Here Is ' a Case of a German Who Was a Spy While in the Is Arrested; ""inland and Petrogrnd was objected heavy thrust and admit that the task records was the j Army; trict spurt of the At. f .o on the ground that they threatened aliens of the German army threatens lanta district from 37 to 58 per cent in to Be lo cross the frontier. Mediation of to bleed the fatherland of Its Released Promise Hnsso-Flnnis- Continues for h a single day, bringing It within 7 per Upon Good; Reenlists, to Spy Kaiser ithe conflict was prom cent of the New York district which ised If the government prevented of the treaty. GENERAL VON ARNIM P.UfH (Continued on Page Two.) A battle between Finnish Kansas 30. dis- in fierce the IN EFFORTS TO ADVANCE City, Mo., April Fred Robertson, federal ing propaganda German communities, and his activities white guards suppoited by Germane trict for announced Wilhelm von were reported to the German government through md much artillery, and red guards With the British Armies In France, attorney Kansas, tonight that Captain near is Boy-E- d, according to the alleged confession. Terioki, Finland, reported, April 30 (by the Associated Press). Linder, held in the military prison at Fort Leavenworth, as rniinloads of wounded ore arriving Further smashes von In 1016 he was in released in nt from Ityeloostrov, a desperate by a deserter from the American has confessed that while arrested Norfolk, but three I'ctrograd Arnim's army against the allied lines army, months on to become an American ac- frontier station captured by white a to America's entrance into promise citizen, and, on the Flanders battle field yesterday working as German spy prior to his own then was ordered to on afternoon and evening met with o FOR AN secrets in the cording statement, Augusta, (Continued Tage Two.) PROVIDE the war, he obtained valuable military vicinity Ga., to enlist in the American more success than the enemy's futile of he the naval works. army. and earlier In the Norfolk, Va., where photographed As a member of Company B, First Georgia he costly attempts day von Infantry, to break through and rapture the hlf The confession, Mr. Roberston announced, stated that obtained information for the German embassy at Washington, EMPEROR west of Kemmel. to positions INGREf ISE 0 Linder served in the German army before coming the Mr. Robertson said. After five months he was ordered to de- Not only did the Rritlsh and French United States where he met Captain von Ehlsruhue, naval at- sert and report for duty at Juarez, Mexico, where he was to maintain their positions at virtuatly 1 at in all parts In tho face of furious on- tache of the German embassy Washington, Philadelphia gather military information, the confession stated. slaughts, but during the night they in 1914. He was arrested March 2U, 1917, and the case has since CRARLES FORSEE reclaimed several bits of territory on ' which the enemy had succeeded in Bills Introduced Calling for From then until shortly before his arrest as a deserter at been under investigation.
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