January 1, 1989

9 as

8t at Year, No 112 — Santord. Flqrlda

NEWS DIGEST Woods draws support office. "He (Woods) never has been staffed to do the work that hss to hr done tn the city." he said Commissioner says former director’s Thomas said that !r his Judgement the BRIEFS allegations of rarDm made by Woods are on target. In an Interview. Woods described the Marcos ‘death wish’ denied charges of racism are substantiated city's housing rehabilitation program as "loo costly, time-consuming and stagnant." He said, MANILA. Phlllftplncs — President Corazon program's director who resigned Thursday after "It’s a racial thing t know It and I can prove tt." Aquino Saturday rejected plea* to allow exiled By LAURA L. SULLIVAN blaming racism and bureaucracy for stagnation Thomas agreed with Woods that when it comes Herald stall wrltsr ruler Ferdinand Marcos to return and die In hts In his office. to community development programs there homeland, cit­ appears to be an attitude of reluctance to aid SANFORI) — City Commissioner Bob Thomas Thomas criticized what he termed the slow ing "consld- low-income black families. Thomas also attested Jr., who was u leader in establishing the city’s progress In Sanford’s community development erations of na­ program on undcrstafflng of RichaiJ Woods" C See Woods, Pag2 3 A tional welfare community development program, supports the ond Interest." •’There are reports that the former presi­ Heart attack dent would like to return to the Philippines In claims noted the light of his alleged falling health." Aquino school teacher said In a atale- incnt. By AANDftA BOUCHAHINC ’’After con­ Herald 5*111 writer______sultation with SANFORD — Dorts A. Thomas. 62. a community the Cabinet leader and educator dedicated to the welfare of crisis commit- _ ... tee. I regret to FBfdliwmd Marcos young people, died Friday at Florida Hospital. Altamonte Springs. say that considerations of national welfare and A low blood platelet Interest as well as the continuing need to count and extensive preserve the gains we have so pulnstuklngly Internal bleeding achieved In terms of recovery and stability caused her to have a argue against the grant of such wish," Aquino cardiac arrest, her said. husband. Sanford City Commissioner Bob Three youths die in blast Thomas, said yesler- BETHESDA. Md — A powerful pl|)c bomb city. apparently blew up by accident at the home of a Mrs. Thomas, of 129 Itrazlll.m Embassy employee In suburban Bethune Circle, was Maryland early Saturday, killing two young men bom Aug. 22. 1926 In and critically Injuring another, police said. Onuigc City and moved The dead Included Gustavo Machudn. 15. the lo Sanford from De­ son of the embassy employee. Two other young Land in 1949. mcr. — American friends of the Machado boy — She was an educator also were killed. A Brazilian friend was In the Seminole County Dorla A. Thom M hospitalized In critical condition. School Dtstrlct for 34 years. She retired as a school teacher In 1984 from South Seminole Middle School. Casselberry, where she luid taught fur 15 From United Press International reports years She also had taught at Croonur High School. Sanford, for 10 years. Rrcrntlv she was Involved in her huvluod's successful campaign for rr cK-rllon "S h e’s responsible for many tilings that I accomplished." he said. "She's nlwuys been verv □ World sup(x>rtlve. She always provided the impetus lor me to move forward. I think tbe city of Sanford will Manhunt begins for terrorists tnls* her. She had It (thr rommunttyl In her heart LONDON — Police uppraled Saturday (or help and soul. She touched the lives o( many "from any source” to catch the terrorists who youngsters." put a bomb on a Pan Am Jumbo that was blown She was described by friends and colleagues as out of the sky over the Scottish town of an Intelligent, coring person who contributed much taickerblc last wrek. killing 270 people to the community. In West G cm -ny. ofnclals were quick to "I'm personally, absolutely shocked." Sc lion I discount m report tn u British newsapaper that Board Superintendent Robert Hughes said said the bomb was placed aboard a plane in Hughes said that Mrs. Thomas served on the FmnXfurt and later transferred to tbe Pan Ain discipline committee and the suspcnslon/expulslon 747 In London. task lorce to help with alternatives lo keep students I m P a g * 7 A from dropping out of school. Hughes said Mrs Thomas was still active as a □ Florida volunteer on these committees up until her death, HvrtU ft»*» toy Safe ArteOt* having recently attended u task force meeting. Boat watching "She had a beautiful smile and was very positive New ‘lemon law’ takes effect Unseasonably warm weathar attracted many and pleasant." lluglies said Julie Bernstein (centeq and her two children. TALLAHASSEE — Hortda'a "Lemon law Mayor Bettyc Smith said. "It's a tcrrlhlr loss to us Jessie (le(t) and David sit by the laketront on fishermen and boaters lo Lake Monroe this will takr on added bile .Jan I . when a law takes all I remember Doris as rating. Involved, interrst- a sunny afternoon and watch the boats 0° by week effect establishing a new arbitration system to I Sec 1 cachcr, Page 3 A help consumers with defective automobiles. " T h e n e w State’s new L e m o n L a w should go a tax laws go long way toward giving consumers the into effect protection they deserve.-* said United Prams International A t lomey General TALLAHASSEE - Did the dug Bob Butlrrworth. who helped lobby cat your homestead exemption through the Legislature. application? la your teenager shop "The state will monitor the new law closely to ptng for a motorcycle? Did that new see If any additional reforms ure needed." car turn out to be a lemon? Buttcrwonh said. New state laws that take efTert Sunday may be the answer to your %•• P a g * 1 0 problems The 1988 Legislature enacted a number of tax measures that takr INDEX rfTrcl with the new year. Including a sort of forgiveness policy for home owners wtm mis* the annual March ■ o aks •••••••••••••••••••a 6 0 F lorida •sososoassossssssss 2 A ...... 4 0 I deadline for filing their homestead Business AC exemption forms with the lax C ta ssirtsd s ••••••••••••a 4B Horoscope oosssoosssooo 3C appraiser. C sm fss...... 4 C H attsn ...... 6 A As tt stands, local property np Ciltndrr...... 3C Opinion...... 3D pratsal hoards are permitted to Cross w ord...... 4C P s o p la ...... — ••• 1C accept late appllrallotis only If D o o rA b b y •ssossosssssss 3C Perspective...... 10 P o llc s ...... 3 A homeowners can demonstrate the Dsaths. »••.••••...... SA poet office was to blame Sports ssssss*sss«ssss»ss*s 1 ■ D r. O a tt...... »C "Th ere's no grace period, no ■ dlto rts l...... — ...... tD Tots vision...... 8C nothing You've basically loot Ihai ■ d u c s tlo n ...... 6C W sathor ossssts«ssssss«ss SA opportunity” to receive the exemp tton. said Peter Dunbar, general Sunny and mild today counsel to Gov. Dob Martinet. Aftrr the fog hums The new lew (SB 3341 permits lair applications If the torneowner can away, mostly sunny come up with extenuating skies should prevail ctrcumslanres acceptable to the over most of Central Florida. Highs are board Thr bask- Uiea Is to give the expected to lie tn the taxpayer a break. Dunbar said. low to mid HOv tn The Ix-gislAlurc 1ms also adjusted most areas the Intangible lax charged Investors holding slocks and bonds Cur­ The evening will Donald Calloway, age 1, points the way as electric three-wheeler, which was a Christmas rently. the tax Is fixed to the offering bring a slight chance st» month-old Sergio Detrevllle goes atong for tha present The test drive through Fori Mellon Park was price of the asset — that la. the of scattered showers ride. The two boys were trying out their slater’s a success. C See Taa Laws. Page BA 8 A — Sanford Herald, Senlord. Florida — Sunday, January 1, 1989 NEWS FROM THE REGION AND ACROSS THE STATE FLORI Nightmare ends for De-Sillers Ronnie DeSlllera died In April 1987 of UnlUd Prssa International fW e cannot refute her and liver problems while awaiting a fourth liver Man survives icepick attack transplant at Pittsburgh Children's Hospital. MIAMI — A stale prosecutor ended a her ex-husband's legal TALLAHASSEE — A postal clerk on his way to work wns criminal Investigation Friday of Mai la De- Fund-raising efforts won nationwide at­ Jumped In his own driveway by an icepick-wielding assailant Sillers. accused of misusing donations to her claims to the money as the tention when donations from Ronnies who stabbed him In the neck, battered him about the head late son's transplant fund, and urged legal heirs of Ronnie De- schoolmates disappeared, prompting an with n hammer, and grabued his wallet and keys. lawmakers adopt tougher laws for charita­ outpouring of contributions. Including " I never knew the Icepick waa there until I got Into the house ble donations. Sillers, and therefore we 91.000 from President Reagan and and saw It dangling from my throat. I didn't even feel It go In 9200.001) from flnancer Victor Posner. Stale Attorney Janet Reno said laws cannot prove embezzlement. J because he was hitting and punching me so." said Gary After her son’s death. DeSlllers was sued regulullng solicitation and distribution of Jefferson. 3 1. ~ by the hospital for paying haU the medical donations provides penalities when a regls- -Janet Reno, stale attorney He fought off the attack Thursday night os his wife and bill, or about 9162.000. The hospital sought tcied fund-raiser gives false Information, but children sat In his house Just a lew feet away, unaware of his an additional 9261,139 In late October, a the laws do not cover volunteers such ns peril. But neighbors heard the commotion and summoned Reno also urged the state Legislature to Judge approved a 9235.069 payment to DeSlIlcrs. sheriff's deputies. adopt clear procedures for donating, re­ settle the account. "The law was not adequate." Reno said. Deputies anestrd Brad Turner. 35. in woods about 114 miles ceiving and spending money donated for Reno said the Investigation, which In­ But DcSIlfern also wns accused of using away. He was being held on charges of attempted first degree charitable ourposcs, such as organ cluded Interviews with people who received doti.ited money for personal Items, such as a murder, armed robbery, armed burglary und obstruction of transplants. money from DeSlllera. found DeSlIlcrs did BMW automobile, a computer, clothing. Justice for-jiving deputies a false name. help pay for other children's transplants, "Strict criminal penalities should be Jewlery and a luxury apartment. "Jefferson Is a very lucky man.” said Dick Simpson, while also using some money for personal enacted for the violation of such procedures DeSlllera said the car. condominium and spokesman for the Leon County Sheriffs Department. Items. 'We cannot prove that Marta so that a raring and generous public may clothing were necessary for the head of a "Virtually he had no chance. The robber was going to leave DcSIllers Intended to defraud anyone when have confidence that they give in a national organization dedicated to raising him for dead and drive off In his car.” she requested and received the donations worthwhile cause," Reno said. money for other transplant operations. “ I have some soreness In my neck, but the doctors said there nnd. thus, we cannot prove the crime of aren't any problems." Jefferson said. "The doctors told me I'm At her home. DcSIllers discussed her own DeSlIlcrs raised nearly 9660.000. larceny," Reno said in n statement. lucky to be alive.*' actions In responding to Reno's decision. "I withdrawing 9322.000 after Ronnie's death. "We cannot refute her and her ex- might have made mistakes, nobody's Reno praised court-appointed curator Disaster declared in nine counties husband's legul claims to the money as the perfect." DeSlllera said. ‘But It's the end of Karen Glcvers who worked out a settlement legal heirs of Ronnie DcSillcra. and therefore a nightmare. I Just am grateful that people In whlrh some of the money was recovered TALLAHASSEE — Tour north Florida countlru hit by a we cannot prove embezzlement.” were there for Ronnie." from DeSlllers. summer drought have been declared natural disaster arras and five central Florida counties hit by floods received a similar designation. Gov. Bob Mari Inez said Friday. The move by the U.O. Department of Agriculture means farmers and oyster harvesters who suffered losses may apply 300-year-old Apalachee Cholesterol screening for low Interest emergency lonns from the Farmer's Home Administration and other federal assistance. "Tills disaster assistance will provide relief for Florida's house site uncovered is target of test suit farmers who have suffered severe losses this year," said Unltsd prsss international UPI report comtipany lawyer. Sieve Martinez, who asked the federal government to provide Herb. assistance for Franklin County Oct. 26 and for Manatee County TALLAHASSEE — Archaeologists from Florida Stale SARASOTA - A lawsuit "A s far as we know, this is Dec.21. University have uncovered the rrmalns of an Apalachee Indian against Heart Chek of the very first legal challenge Franklin County was designated os a primary-county natural house dating to the late 17th century at a street construction Sarasota Inc., which conducts to the clinical lab statute," disaster area because of the summer drought, which caused site. cholesterol screening In said HRS lawyei Ed Human. major damagr and losses to the oyster beds Important for the "It's pretty significant because It's one of the few known stores- could be a test case for Heart Chek has contracts county's economy. sites (hat has been excavated to this degrre," said Steve the fledgling industry tn with several store chains In Gulf. Liberty and Wakulla countlrs were designated Byrne, chief archeologist. Florida, attorneys said. southwest Florida. Including contiguous counties, under a provision Intended to help offset a "A s far os 1 know, It's the Brat outline of a structure of this The state Department of Albertsons, Publlx and aplll-ove,' effect o f Franklin County's woes on their economies. kind that's been exposed In this area.” Health and Rehabilitative Walgreens. A technician sets Martinez said. The post-and-board house Is believed to have been Services has filed a lawsuit up shop und offers customers Manatee County was designated a primary-county natural associated with a Spanish mission nearby. The site of.the against Heart Chek to de­ a cholesterol reading tn a few disaster area from severe flooding In September that caused mission has not yet been discovered. termine whether the company minutes for 97. major crop losses. DcSoto, Hardee. Hillsborough and Sarasota Th" house wns built after Hernando DeSoto led an should fall under state regula­ Heart Chek owner Mike counties were designated os contiguous counties. expedition through the area and celebrated the fin.. Christmas tory guidelines for clinical Haggal said the procedure In the new world In 1539 or 1540. It ts believed to date from laboratories Involves taking a few drops of Environmentalists join Everglades suit the Spanish Mission Period. 1633-1704. "HRS feels that the process blood from a finger Up and MIAMI — Conservation groups, farming Interests and citizens The dig uncovered seven post holes outlining the walls of ol drawing blood and analyz­ then running the sample have filed documents to become pari of a federal lawsuit that the rectangular structure, pottery shards, arrow and knife ing It for cholesterol contenl through u machine. charges the South Florida Water Management District with points, a grinding stone and tiny glass beads of European clearly falls under the HRS Investigated Heart polluting drinking water In south Florida. origin. v auspices of Ihc 1967 statute.” Chek and decided that It The suit, filed Ocl. 11 by U.S. Atlnmry Dexter Lehtlnen. It Is possible Europeans lived In the structure since most said HRS spokesman Stephen should be licensed by the arc user 1 the water regulating agency of dumping dissolved Indian homes were round-slinpcd. But the beads suggest Klndland. Department of Licensure and nutrients from farms near Lake Okeechobee into the acutluratcd Apalachees who borrowed from European build Henri Chek. In business Certification. Heart Chek dis­ Loxahatchcc National Wildlife Itefuge and Everglades. tng design were the Inhabitants. since March, said HRS Is agreed. and ignored a The refuge and Everglades are sources of drinking water for Byrne and two FSU graduate students were hired for the dig trying to apply outdated regu­ cease-and-desist order. A popui'H.* south Florida, by Innovation Park, a research and development park lations that arc Inappropriate lawsuit was the only option In tv cent weeks, at least 32 environmental, consumer and nffll!tated with the university and local governments- to the new Industry, said left, Hainan said. farm u gonlzatlcns have filed court papers to Join Lehtlnen's b n mU. providing tup|>ori In his action against the agency and stale Department of Environmental Management. Miami News bids farewell Foreign text approved for civil courts MIAMI — The Miami News ended Us 92-year life at dawn Saturday, bidding the city farewell with a bold headline and a ensures summonses to appear In monscs Is mandat rd In Friday's to respond to summonses Unltsd Prsss Intsrnstlensl personal message from a publisher relieved hul saddened by court wtll be available In lan­ order. It defines the terminology because of problems with lan­ his paper's demSue. TALLAHASSEE - The Florida guages spoken by large to be used when officials are guage and Illiteracy, and lose David Krssluw. toasting Ills staff by using the same Supreme Court approved revised minorities. Informing an Individual that the Judgements by default. The "Farewell. Miami ' from the front page headline, said the death courts must then try to rules of procedure for civil "Everybody's wondering why person Is a defendant In a of the News will have a broader etlect on a growing community, straighten out the problems. lawsulls Friday. Including u re­ we're pulling foreign languages lawsuit. ami Its surviving newspaper. The Miami Herald. quirem ent that caur< su m ­ Instead of good old English on The French Is Intended fur use "When a good newspaper dies. II hurts," Kroslow said. "I The order contains ground monses be printed In Spanish Ihe forms." said Bruce Berman, by the Hainan community. It Is rules for a variety ol court think the town Is hurt. I think the Herald Is hurt. They were and French lor non-English a Miami lawyer who Is chalrmnn the official language of Haiti, better because o f us." business. Including videotaping speaking residents. of the liar committee. though mort rcoldcnls speak of depositions. It also contains Kroslow. Editor Howard Klrlubcrg and nearly two dozen Creole, a mixture o. French. In a 35-page order, the couit legal forms Including financial reporters and editors worked through the early morning, He doubted the amendment, English and African dialects adopted u list of reforms pro­ nlfudavtts for divorce cases and putting finishing touches on the last edition. They worked to which takes effect Tuesday, will quite different from French In posed by the Civil procedure eviction notices. the last minute, struggling between "Goodbye" and have much effect on the court's many respects, Rules Comm lee of the Florida "Farewell" In the final headline. 11 foreign language requirement. "They're really lu maximize The newspaper’s fate was decided Friday when U.S. District Bar to streamline the Justice The Idea is "to try and hit us "Really, all It ts ts u statement Ihe rights of the litigants and to Judge Stanley Marcus refused to Issue an Injunction to block system and hold down costs for many people as possible." streamline the process, and litigants. of policy.” Berman said of the News owner Cox Enterprises Inc. from closing the newspaper. Berman said. therefore to keep costs and A publisher of community newspapers sought the legal action. amendment. "I don't think the Legislature would wunt to do "If people better understand expenses down." Berman said. Lawyers for Cox nnd Knlghi-Rldder said Ihr News loses The rules lake effect today. things that would ever Interfere what's happening lo them when 928.000 a day. or about 99 million a year. The News publishes 'It frees up the courts to so A new constitutional with the efficiency of the Judicial process Is served, they can nix days a week. they can be more available fpr amendment declaring English system or drprlvc people of basic respond In a way that better the official language of voters litigants, and It cuts down on the From United Press International reports rights." protects their Intciesls." wns overwhelmingly approved expense of moving rases Nov. 8. But the court order The wording o f the sum- He said many Immigrants fall through the Just Ice system." LOTTERY The daily number Friday In th« Florida Lottery CASH 3 game * u THE WEATHER 0111. Straight Play (numbers In exact order) USO on a Meant bet. 1500 LOCAL FORECAST EXTENDED OUTLOOK NATIONAL TEMPS on »1 Box 3 (numbers In any order) Today...After the fog tills we City A f t n o i l HI La Pep Anchor apaev M It IX ISO tor a SOcant bet. $100 on *1 should have m mostly sunny day Box 0 (numbers in any order) Athavtli* cv It a IX with highs In the upper 70s to Atlanta (y *1 aa IX $40 lor a SOcenl bel. $ftO on 11 T V Straight Box 3: $330 In order low 80s. There la a slight chance B lrm w eom r UI ati n ■iunarti pc IX drawn. $00 In wty order on a $1 of scattered showers tn the II « MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY Union pc I) a IX bel afternoon and evening, Wind* Buffalo pc Straight Box 0 $290 in order Sunny 94-46 PtyCldy 82-92 PtyCldy 72*48 Cloudy 86-66 PtyCldy 70-50 J1 Hi a CW tttlwiCcy ai a IX drawn. $40 if picked in combma will be from the east at lOmpli Tonight there will be patchy CKaatpMo N C pc M «i IX lion on $1 bet Chicago. f Jt it IX fog with a low In the low to mid Ctactanoftpc J* a IX The picks Lotto Jackpot num­ %y bers from Saturday's drawing were OOs Winds will hr light and MOON PHASES TIDES STATISTICS C S n l,n d a i* IX unavailable due to an early CalitaWt t, » ii • X variable. Dwiaacv u taa deadline. w Monday ..Fog will be dissipat­ SUNDAY: BOLUNAR TA­ The high temperature tn San­ Dtnvorpc m i i * 00 ing to reveal a partly sunny day BLE: Min. 1220 a m.. 12 45 Ota M il’ l l pc a n l a FIRST ford Friday was 82 degrees and Detroit pc with a high tn tnr low 80s. p in.: Ma|. 6:10 a.m.. 6 30 p.m. the overnight low was 61 as M a IM Ssnftrd Herald D sc 16 OuMkpc t* I aaa Tht remains! er of the week will o - c TIDES: Daytona Beach: highs. reported by the University of Ci Pats t, II t« «« Ik- mostly sunny with chances of 2 04 a.m., 2:27 p.m.: lows. H:|5 Florida Agricultural Research Farpppt m —4 am tu iet eat m i light showers to thr north during a.m.. 46 p.m.; New Smyrna M a U M p n n 8 and Education Center. Celery Hone* taut* n n • « the latter part of the week. Beach: highs. 2:14 a.m., 2 33 Avenue, Moutktar u it am Sunday. January 1, 1009 InOlinipHnpc ace Vot 81. No 112 1FULL NEW p.m.: lows, 8 25 a m.. 8:51 p.m.; Recorded rainfall during the n a Bayport highs. 2:11 a m.. 2:23 JockcanMita r *4 VI IX FLORIDA TEMPS ' D «c 23 Dsc 30 24 hour period ending at 8 a m kantacOtppc a* » IX FwMltlwe Dally i<4 tunday. IKtyl O pm .; lows. 8:27 a.m.. 9.43 p.m. Saturday totalled0.00 Inch Lai Vo* m if n u IX Saturday By Th* taa*erd Herald. The temperature at 8 a.m. IM ts a a c tH u V IX Iik . jet N. friMk Are, Saaierd. MIAMI IUEII — P >o* Lta Arpilri if a it IX FU. nm lure* and reedeil el I * f IT Uturdry today waa 62 degrees and Frl LavttuUWCy «i u • m City mi u, data BEACH CONDITIONS BOATINQ day's overnight tow waa 62. as Mpmpfuim i: *i IX torwnd Ctaei Ntll|« Put it Saaierd. ApeiacMcaia »: t i® recorded by the National Mihaoukoopc r» V IX Flartde Jim C reihdr u *r i « Mavwaptatipc n V IX Or ytene Reech n a i x Daytona Beach: Wavt-s are I St. Augustine to Jupffrr Inlet Weather Service at the OrUndo HoohuttW m m 40 IX N m O la an l r POSTMASTER Sewd eddretl ihanf** Peril. It aj ■■ feel with a slight chop Current — Today...wind nut near 10 kta International Airport X a • St Perl Mrrrt B* ttc Other data: t«p> vw ape a a tea «e THE SANPOaO HERALD. PO ts to ihe south with a water Seas 2 It or less. Bay and Inland 0*lan*f»m City pc a V M i te i tur. Saaierd. EL Jim. Ceuwirine ar t* Itt Friday's high...... 83 JexkMwriue at it Itl temperature of 67 degrees. New waters mostly calm. PfHi«MWMapc «t it • « r t o n i i iy M V a x Key Weet u Itt Smyrna Beach: Waves are I to Tonight...wind east around 8 Barometric pressure..30.11 Heme Deltrery J Meet**, m i l. t n *1 tit C R elative humidity... 10© pet FMHAwyipc a a IX •VWIH. U M tr Tear. I l l ee la Stale IV4 feet and semi-choppy. Cur­ kts. Seas 1 to 2 ft. Bay and ewtlanUOFO u» it a IX Oh *j u tit C W in d s ...... East, 4 mph Marl i J Mania. i n I), t Memfct. Pywemi M II l e rent ts to the south, with a water inland waters a light chop. eroatO wapc a » ait Sir at, Tear. It t at Seretete RredeMjn t i m tie Icmprraturc of 65 degrees Sun C Rainfall...... 0 in. Ik tn o n J c y a a IS Monday...wind southeast 11 LouMpC a n IX TeUareuee u e la screen factor C Today's sunset..... 5:38 p.m. Oul or SUIT Mad Three Man Ike III M, U II IK 12 around 10 kts. Seas 2 to 3 ft Bay t m O n f iiy «J «t IX Te Monday's sunrise..7:18 a.m. l a t e it i* m n IX « Me*mi Me H i Veer tn tt rt s* «ai and inland waters a light to IX We*i Pel* leek t> 4! Itt tpaAawr a H iwn in Mil. moderate chop. WtMnptan ( f a* u IM

1 Sanford Herald. Sanford. Florida — Sunday. January 1, iM fl— JA


Suspected burglar caught in ditch APOPKA — Richard Eugene Vaughn. 3C. 9170 Overland Ra.. Apopka, wa.’ arrested Saturday morning after he was discovered bt rglurtzlng a business, authorities said. An Orang. County deputy reported In Semln^'c County deputies he saw Vaughn Inside Johnny Brown. Inc. at about 3:45 a. m. V.hen Vaughn saw the deputy, he ran from the building and was captured nearby In a ditch, deputies said. Deputies said they found a stereo, camera and speakers piled In one spot In the building os If ready to be removed. They said they also found three vending machines hud been burglarized. Vaughn was charged with burglary, grand theft and possession of burglary tools. He was taken to the Seminole County Jail where bond was set at (1,000. DUI arrests begin New Year weekend The start of the New Year's weekend Included four driving under the Influence of alcohol arrests In Seminole County on Friday. They were: • David A. Wane. 44. 2508 Urccnleaf ltd.. Orlando, who was anrsted by a Florida Highway Patrol trooper at 8:45 pm . Friday on State Road 436 near Spirits after the trooper rejKirtcd Wane violated nnothcr driver's right of way, causing an accident. Wane was arrested and token to the Seminote County jail on (500 bond. • Manuel Hugh Burchfield, 44. 101 Aberdeen Dr.. Fern Park, who was arrested by n Lake Mary policeman Friday at about 11:30 p.m. on Rinehart Road at Pine Circle Drive alter the policeman reported clocking Burrhfleld's car at 69 mph In a 50 mph zone. Bond was set at (500 at the county jail. rtmHWr*** • Joe Wendell McQuleton. 42. 836 Longdale Ave., Jim Dandy gymnastics Longwood. who was arrested by a Whiter Springs policeman at about 9 p in. Friday on State Road 434 and Lakr Irene It was a line day lor tumbling and somorsaulls Friday at Fort Larry, 14, raise his hands In preparation for his next stunt, and following an accident Invertlgatloo. Bond was set at (500. Alberto Williams, 10, turn acadwhool. • Deborah Otwell Griffin. 33. 430 Eagle Drive. Casselberry, Mellon Park in Sanlord. Waller Gaines, 10 (left) pauses for a who was arrested by Oviedo police Friday at 5 p m. after she moment to watch Eugono Butler. 10, flip upside down, Derron was reportedly seen weaving on State Road 426 near the Ideal Food Store. She was charged with DUI. failure to maintain a single lane and. because she reportedly refused to cooperate with police, resisting without violence Bond was set at (500. Teacher------3 arrested on drug-related charges Continued from Page 1A Involved with the Martin Luther Association and Zetn Phi Beta and one granddaughter. Dana sorority. Thomas. • Robin Jackson. 19. 58 William Clark Cl.. Sanford, was King Foundation, mid n play, fot cd. Intelligent and my friend." which she had Just written (hr Mrs. Thomas was also a arrested by Sanford police Saturday at about 10:15 a m. at the Funeral Services will be held City Commissioner Whlley script and conducted rehearsals, member of The Grrotrr Sanford comer of 13th Street and Persimmon Avenue after she was 11 a m. Saturday, Jan. 7. at Eckstein sold. "She’s probably will tie hi Id In a few weeks whrn Chamber of Commerce, NAACP, reportedly spotted with a cocaine smoking device. Shr was Allen Chapel AME Church. one of the most respected ele­ Sanford celebrates Martin President of the Academy Manor charged with the possession of drug paraphernalia and taken to Sanford, with the Rev. John H. mentary school teachers we've Luther King Festival. Neighborhood Association, and the Seminole County Jail where bond was set nl (500 Woodard officiating. Friends had. She was a spokrsperson. the Martin Luther King Steering • Thomas St. Julius Ford. 23. 1202 Oleander Avenue. Mrs. Thomas was a graduate Commlltee. may call al the Mortuary from Sanford, was arrested on a search warrant by Sanford police really, for a lot of the school kids. of Florida AAM. where shr 4-8 p.m. on Friday, Jan. 6. Parents still asked her advice She belonged lo Class *4 Allen Friday at about 6 p.m. at 1808 Oleander Avenue for twn received a bachelor's degree In Burial will Immediately follow about things pertaining lo kids. Chapel AME Church. 1203 Olive charges of sale and delivery of cocaine and one rhnrge of Ave.. Sanlord the service Salurday al Itestlawn She was very well respected. health and physical education. possession of cocaine after he reportedly sold cocaine to Cemetery. Sanford. When she spoke, people She furthered tier education at Survivors Include her undercover subjects during an earlier Investigation. Bond was Stetson University. DcLund. She husband. Boh Thomas Jr.; son. Wllson-Elchrlhrrger Mortuary. set al ( . . listened." 2 000 was a member of Semlnnte Darryl Thomas, Sanford; daugh­ Sanford, is In charge of ar­ • Michael Karl Husson, 28, 1410 Paula Drive. Apopka, was He said that Mrs. Thomas was County Retired Teachers ter. Monica L. Tito mas. Sanford; rangements. anrsted by n Longwnod policeman Friday at about 5:30 p in. after he was stopped on U.S. Highway 17-92 at Raven Avenue for a burned out tail light. As Husson was searching his glovebox for hln car Woods registration, the officer reported seeing a marijuana cigarette Continued from Page 1A landnuls. But, In the area of for a rehabilitation project) Development Is channeled to on the floor of the car. Husson nlso reportedly produced a would have protileins." He said Sanford through the Seminote to Woods' claims that musing, he sakl. "They rail It plastic bag containing marijuana during a search. He was County Community Develop contracting procedures for tveaways because It benefits (lie contractors were lmmissed charged with possession of marijuana and taken to the county merit Department. community development pro­ •lacks." on Ihe worksite Jail where bond was set at (500. Woods' resigned one week jects worked against backs. Thomas said Woods' acrusa Buddy Balagla. the county's ions of racist contracting pro- Federal community develop­ alter the HUD Issued a report .community development cdnrrs are well founded. "I ment money nought by the t'.Uy ertltetztng Sanfcad's community mew I turn, black contractors Commission Irom the U.S. tie* development program for slow prinlcpal planner, however, said, and costly work. "Th e racial Issue la a moot whom Thomas recommemlrd [i.irtmeoi of Housing and Urban EMERGENCY CALLS point" because all of the com­ pleted paving, drainage and FRIDAY stove; extinguished with no housing rehabilitation projects • 2:12 a m. - First Street damage or Injuries. Lave been In black districts. and Avocado Avenue: auto • 3:56 p.m. - 510 E. Sev­ Thomas said, "They give us AT FLORIDA CARPET & VINYL accident: no Injuiles. enth St., medical call; female, (the black community) what • 2:33 n.in. — 197 Wlnsor 90, transported to Central they want us to have, and that Is CL: possible cardiac, man. 68. Florida Regional Hospital by very little." EVERY DU PONT reporting chest pains: Rural-Metro. When hr was elected In 1984. Rural-Metro responded. • 5:06 p.m. - 2605 Park Thomas Initiated discussions • 4:28 a m. — State Road Drive: car flrr reportrd: car Ural led to the first wide-scale 46-A and Kaywood Drive; gone when arrived. community development pro­ STAINMASTER CARPET I auto accident: man. 2 1 . not gram In Sanford. transported. But. he said, progress has been • 8:31 a m. - 2011 S. SATURDAY slow because "These people GUARANTEED AGAIN Summerlin Ave.: medical call: • 1216 p.m. - 3659 Oi- around here have never wanted female. GO. transported by lundo Drive; rescue call. to bother with community dev­ Rural-Metro. • 12 36 pm . — 200 W. elopment tjeeausr they say It's STAIN, WEAR AND STATIC. • 9.-07 a.m — 230 Bush Airport Blvd.; rescue call. giveaways." He did not single Blvd.; medical call: man, 26, • 12:45 p.m — 25th Street out any Individual for criticism. transported by Rural-Metro. and French Avenue; auto ac­ Thomas said hr pointed out • 2:16 pin. — 2522 Oak cident; no Injuries. that other programs In the arm Drive, Apt. C: kitchen fire, • 3:19 p.m. — 409 Palmetto received federal subsidies — M M N M V s IH caused by burtng pot on Ave.: trauma: male, 39. schools, roads, businesses, farms — arid that was not called

r,..V- Pei to* mo nee , Man sentenced Worronhe* to county jail ^ Hoipcowncrs'Insurance?; •: *"* '.VttJ*' - J r for child-assault '■ v * One z V name - . s;t\s Uit L nest. U* ■ * ' By SANDRA BOUCHAHIN1 Herald stall writer SANFORD - David Allen De­ santis, 36. of Lake Msry. who T TONY RUSSI INSURANCE was convicted of simple assault on a child, was sentenced to 60 It Ph. 322-0285 days In Seminole County Jail on / 257ft S. French lv e M Sanford Friday, Desantis already lias served 35 % s 4 u t o - O ti 'tu rs Itts ti ra n e e days to jail for the misdemeanor I rlc. Il.-mt (nr Hu-lnt" 11st lumr u it it ill. oflensr which will lie subtracted from Ihe sentence and his at­ torney. WillUm J. SlieaiTri. re­ quested that he receive an addi­ tional 10 days off for good behavior. Desantis, of 216 Washington Ave.. originally was charged with a felony offense of at­ tempted kidnapping on June 4 of a four-year old Longwood girl On Nov. 29 a Jury Issued a verdict of simple assault. He awaits trial on unrelated IWSIMm In n ftit II t barges Including molestation, a * " two counts of lewd and rv-ik» s2 9 ” feU M M a n tot $10?! fc U fe * lascivious assault on a child, f , i , . ■ .a *- - ■■ * fetttiaawn tm three counts of battery, three rWEft'Et rtWt counts of child abuse and $ 1 A 9 9 CMfcd*nOMW«i fit* possession of less than 20 grams (UnSiliMhi ■ yd « U n $ « o » M l h w a o t r - jW -q yd. of marijuana. hftiariskwtwi SheatTer said that he has filed tsW: hnlpn-W a notice of appeal with the Fifth totSKrtw I OPS few StsUbnl Win $ 0 0 9 9 Vfn W Htt District Court of Appeals to cam ITCTJTR feint WlM*iM| W W l q ,d a o r M k yd. thruw out the assault rase. He PWlWatow ten I M i a l m said Desantis lias the right to appeal the Jury's decision based u|ion lack of evidence that De­ 110 Palmetto Avc. santis assaulted a ehtld. Because one of the elements of Downtown Sanford assault is fear, tt has not been proven that the lour year-old girl was frightened. Sheaffer said. :*Lie iwi ilfcft A—Snod aad Snod Foia- udy Jnay . 0 8 8 1 1.8unday. January Florida Marald.— - Sanfoid.SanJord •A

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• A — Sanford Hsrafd, Sanford Floima — Sundsy, January 1. 1969 Canadian Senate approves trade bill were re-elected with a majority Unltsd Press International of seats In the House of Com­ OTTAW A - The Canadian Reagan offers congratulations mons. they won only 43 percent of the popuUi vote In the Senate approved the historic 1ALM SPRINGS. Calif. — The agreement, which goes election. The Liberal* and social­ U.S.-Cannda free trade bill Fri­ President Reagan congratu­ into effect Sunday. Is the ist New Democrats both opposed day. ending two years of negotia­ lated Canadian Prime Minister culmination of difficult negoti­ the trade agreement. Hostages released, gunman shot to death tions nnd btltcr political debate Brian Mulroney Saturday on ations between the United There was no special ceremo­ irut clearing the way for a new final approval of a historic States and Canada and a bitter OMAHA. Neb. — A gunman who took eight people hostage In a ny or fanfare to mark the trade relationship that could set bilateral free-trade agreement political debate In Cankda that hair salon Thursday released his four captives unharmed over a parliamentary approval of the Hie pace for freer trade around and took the first legal steps to threatened to cut short period of 12 hours Friday and later died of a gunshot wound. Irre trade bill, ulthough some the world. expand commerce across the Mulroney s political future. Police Chief Robert Wadinan said. groups opposed to It have The upper chamber of U.S.-Canadtan border. In a written statement. One woman was released at about 3 a.m.. reportedly in a trade scheduled demonstrations In Parliament, composed mainly of Popadluk said the accord, for a pack of cigarettes. Two others were released at about B:10 While House spokesman Liberal senators opposed to the which will eliminate most front of Parliament for Sunday. a.m. and were escorted from the salon by officers, who protected Romnn Popadluk M id Reagan, trade pact, approved legislation barr*ers to trade over years Paul Peck, a spokesman for them with shields. The fourth was released Friday afternoon, who has been vacationing at 10 implementing the agreement in and establish new rules for the External Affairs Department about 24 hours after the Incident began. the eatate of publishing a voice vote from which the Investment and the resolution In Ottawa, said the only re­ Tlie gunman. Identified as Michael Fane. 21. of Iowa City, magnate Walter Annenberg. Liberal senators abstained In of disputes, "represents a maining step before the agree­ lows, died from a gunshot wound. Wadman said. It was not telephoned Mulroney at 9:18 ment takes efTect would be an order to let the legislation pass. signal accomplishment In me Immediately known how the suspect was shot. a.m. PST to congratulate him exchange- of diplomatic notes The bill became law at 5:05 long history of U.S.-Canada on the final approval Friday of p.nt. EST after rerelvlng final relations." between the two governments legislation to implement the Heart failure claims famous sculptor approval from a Supreme Court "It will strengthen the in­ on Saturday. free-trade part by a divided Judge representing Queen dustrial base of our two "It's basically a low-key event. NEW YORK — Artist Isamu Noguchi whose talents as a Canadian Sena'e. Elizabeth and will take effect It's not being done with fanfare." sculptor and landscape designer were In demand worldwide and countries." he Mid. "and will Su nday. A ll leg is la tio n In "Together." Reagan said, dem onstrate to the Peck said, adding II was a who was called the last of a generation of grand maaters died at a (lllllcuIt time of year to arrange New York hospital early Friday. He was 84. Canada must receive form.il "our governments have set an multilateral system that It Is royal aasenl before being exnmple for the world on how any kind of ceremony. Noguchi, who was admitted to the New York University possible to bring down trade enacted. The trade agreement, which Hospital Dec 16. died at 1:32 a.m. Friday, said hospital eliminating trade barrtrrs can banters In an equitable nnd "It's a new era for Canada In benefit all peoples." will remove most tariffs on administrator John Harney. mutually beneficial manner." which wc build security and cross-border trade over a 10-ycnr The artist, who had homes In both Manhattan and Japan, died period and establish new trading of heart failure. The New York Times said. prosperity on the basts of a free free trade and o closer rcla rules between the two countries, Noguchi was hulled as the Isst of his genre by Alan Wardwell. trade agreement with the United lives ever undertaken by States." Senate Conservative Parliament. This Is a momen­ tlonshlp with the . has been hailed at various times who Is director of a museum garden that Noguchi created In leader Lowell Murray said after tous day." The Senate had previously by President Reagan und Prime Long Island City, N.Y.. In IB85. called the Isamu Noguchi the vole. But i’errault added that the refused to pass the legislation Minister Brian Mulroney a* n Garden Museum. Liberal Sen. kay Pcrrault told lack of support In the upper forcing the Conservative gov­ model for freer International the Senate prior to voting the chamber for the trade hill re­ ernment to seek a mandate In a trade. Cuomo denies clemency for killer free trade agreement "represents flected the concern of a majority general election held Nov. 21. The two countries launched one of the most Important India- of Canadians over the Impact of Although the Conservatives trade negotiations In June 1986. ALBANY. N.Y. — Gov. Mario Cuomo Friday denied clemency to Jean Harris, the former headmistress of an exclusive Virginia girl's school convicted of killing her long-time lover. Scarsdale Diet doctor Herman Tamower. Harris. 65. Is serving a sentence of IS years to life at Bedford IU] Hills Correctional Facility, only 20 miles from the scene of the March 10, 1980. killing at Tamower'a estate In suburban Purchase, north ot New York City. Harris, who has had two heart attacks and suffers from angina, had sought clemency on medical grounds. She became eligible In August Harris's lawyer. Michael Kennedy, accused Cunmo of lacking r STARTING courage, mercy and compassion and vowed to apply foi clemency again. He said he spoke with Harris after she teamed of the decision. t o d a y Search suspended for missing crewmen ...... BOSTON — The Coast Guard suspended Its search Friday night for six crewmen missing from a cargo ship that capsized and sank In heavy seas off the resort Island of Nantucket. Five of the 11 crewmen aboard the 254-foot cargo ship Lloyd Bermuda were pulled from the ocean Thursday. Tw o of them died, but the other three suffered only minor Injuries, authorities Mid. The Coast Guard Mid the search for the six missing crewmen was called off after an Investigation revealed It wfo unlikely that anyone made It Into either of two life rafts when the ship Mnk abruptly In rough Atlantic seas Wednesday night. A preliminary Investigation shows a sudden shift In the ship's • I MILLION DOU-ABSELl^Of^ •••••• cargo caused It to capsize. _ ‘ During the one and only radio transmission from me,vessel, the master Indicated he was ordering his crew Into the* ship's two llferafls,'* according to s statement released by the Coast O.taAtf T, s t o r e S R L t "Survivors statements Indicate that hta orders to launch the two rafts were never carried out due to the sudden sinking of the vessel.'* AN IN O'* From Unllad Proas International reports

PUBLIC m m NOTICE N 0 T B A N 0 THERE. BUT E V E R T .- January 1, 10B9 N O TH IN G 'N ILL ondchlld.en, On January 10, 1989, the Seminole County Board of County Commissioners will review for approval SUCH the County's Rental Rehabilitation Program Sa59° Hetb/os. Lucian Q.>a"- Description for submittal to the U.S. Department Sony. • HuK.0 poo. Yamaha. b'CVfi vacuums, telephones, of Housing and Urban Development on or before Cosco, cQrogof, Emerson, b January 20,1969. Anyone wishing to comment on the proposed program description can obtain a copy from the Community Development Section, Room N353. County Services Building; 1101 E. First Street. Sanford, Florida 32771, from 8:00 am & “ & « • asSTcSSS: i "n.u!oVuP?i‘ .«»«• **- »'»* ;7 n a l °pp R‘ r i " c c e c s to 5:00 pm, Monday through Friday. M em orex^, 1 SEEseeourorigwa OUR °B -G' ^^ p„c. Soundeslgn.J 08 daHt G .E.. \ ,— ln stock V d every t

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Here's to a good start and •S S S gtS S t^- a happy ending. Hope the coming year brings you health and prosperity. Mechelie ZAYRE’S OF SANFORD 330-1300 2938 ORLANDO DRIVE, SANFORD RANDOLPH COURT APARTMENTS SUNDAY 9-7 • MONDAY • SATURDAY 9-9 • NEW YEAR’S DAY 9-6 SO Hidden Iska (M*s Sanford. Florida Sanford Hsrald, Sanford. Florida — Sunday, January 1. 1069 — 7 A Soviets will allow clergy Manhunt begins for Pan Am bombers United Press International stage," Orr told a news confer­ Paul Newell said In a sad New to Pan Am and U.S. Embassy to run for public office ence In Lnekerhle "I will not Year message to farming com­ ofllctals here In Lockerbie at LONDON — Police appealed talk about evidence." munity's population of 3.000 dally briefings so that they can UnltadlPrats international which set up 700 new parishes Saturday for help "from any "The Inquiry Is now well in people. "The small town of help the relatives. Such com­ the past year. sourte" to catch the terrorists hand, and we have received Lockerbie will never quite be the plaints are unfounded." he said MOSCOW — The Russian "We note with profound who put a bomb on a Pan Am valuable help from other ugen- name again for any of us. This Officials said Pan American Orthodox Church, unfettered satisfaction that the process or Jumbo that was blown out of the cles worldwide. It ts vital to get tragedy has cast a shadow of Airlines had donated $180,000 by post government restric­ perestroika (restructuring) sky over the Scottish town of all the direct evidence we can sadness and distress over people lo n Lockerbie dlaastrr fund tions. will allow Its ministers characteristic of the past year Lockerbie last week, killing 270 from the aircraft debris and here. In the United Stales of which now totaled ncarlv to run lor parliament In elec­ caciis a positive effect on the people. elswhere. This Is the core of the America and elsewhere In the $900,000 tions marking the first time development of the life of the In West Germany, officials Investigation." Otr said. world." American families who lost clergy can seek office since the church." he said. were quick to discount a report "W e would welcome all help At the slow pace of a funeral relatives In the disaster will be founding of the Soviet state. "Many questions and pro­ In a British newsapaper (hat said and Information from any hearse, big trucks Friday carried cllblble for assistance from (he Toss said Friday. blems mrntioned during the the bomb was placed aboard a source," he said. He said this off the shell of the nose section fund, a spokesman said. "Our Patriarch Pltnen, head of the meeting of the leaders of the plane In Frankfurt and Inter Included Chechoslovakia, which which for nearly 10 days stood first aim Is to help the people of church with an estimated 50 Russian Orthodox Church transferred to the Pan Am 747 In had ofTered to send experts to os a landmark to the tragedy Lockerbie and district, but we million believers, signed the with Mikhail Gorbachev In London. help detect explosives, notably outside a small church. All thr will also help others afTectrd by ruling leillng clergymen run April have been satisfactorily Residents of Lockerbie, for evidence of the Cicch-madc aircraft debris ts being carted to the disaster regardless of nation­ March 26 for the newly created resolved," Plmcn said of a meanwhile, put aside thoughts plastic explosive Semtcx — Kent In southern England for ality." Congress of People's Deputies. Kremlin meeting that was the of New Year celebrations and widely believed by ofTIctr.ls to detailed analysis. They said the town was pre­ It will be the first multi- first In recent years between a helped Investigators search for have been used to blow up Pan "Today we still huve hundreds paring a special memorial day candidate parliamentary elec­ Soviet leader and the head of the bodies of 29 missing people. Am London-New York flight 103 of police troops and airmen on Wednesday for which 10.000 tion In Soviet history. the church. John Orr, u police detective In Dec. 21. searrhlng an nrea of 150 square copies of the service already had Although there has been no Plmcn said at the time charge of the Investigation of the The last radar Image of the miles on the ground, from the air been printed, and which senior law preventing clergymen Gorbachev had promised a terrorist downing of ihc airliner, Ill-fated Boeing 747 Jumbo Jet and underwater. This search, for British and American govern­ from seeking office in the "freedom of conscience" law declined to comment on a rrpori showed It In five pieces as It debris and bodies, will continue ment officials are rxpccted to officially atheistic state, past was being drafted for more In The Times of London that the exploded and fell like a flaming right through the new year." attend. elections were so closely con­ religious freedom. Gorbachev bomb muy unwittingly have bomb In several large pieces on Newell told a news conference. But officials declined lo name trolled hy the Communist has pledged to ease official been carried aboard n connect­ Lockerbie. 65 miles south of He said Investigators had located them and said they doubted Party that In practice It was discrim ination against ing flight of the Ill-fated plane In Edinburgh. A total of 270 people all four engines, and both wings, cither President Rragan or Pres Impossible. churchgoers and restore some Frankfurt by a Lebanese stu­ died. 259 of them aboard the but not the tall section. Idem elect George llu .li Mould Plmcn, in an Interview with church rights rescinded by dent. flight. lie denied alleged complaints travel to Lockerbie. the ofncla) Tass news agency, previous regimes. In West Germany, ofllctals On Saturday, officials said from the relatives of some Amer­ praised the "m orality" of So­ As part of the resurgence of said there was "no Indication" they were still hunting the ican victims that they were not A man saying he represented viet leader M ikhail the Russian Orthodox Church, the bomb made of plastic windswept moors for the bodies being kept fully informed of the shadowy pro-lranlan Guard Gorbachev's policy of social the leadership or Holy Synod explosives had slipped through 29 people still unaccounted for. progress In the search. tans of the Islamic Revolution reforms and promised church gave Us approval for clergy to security In Frankfurt. "Thr evening of Wednesday "Obviously there are delays In called the offices of American support. He said the reforms run for office in the new "It would be dangerous and Dec. 21, 1988, Is now forever an Investigation of this scale. news agencies In l-ondnn for a were good for the church. 2,250-scat parliament. prrmaturc to say anything about engraved In our minds and But we are passing what In­ second lime Friday and claimed any person or evidence at this hearts," deputy Police Chief formation we have Immediately responsibility for the bombing Eleven die when police storm hall Unltsd Prsss International

CANDELARIA. Mexico — Police stormed a town hall taken over by members of a leftist opposition party Friday, killing 11 people and Injuring at least 100 others, party ofllclols said, but police denied there were any casualties In the confrontation Some 400 members of the Authentic Party of the Mexican Revolution peacefully occupied the town hall Thursday after­ noon In the village of Candelaria, some 540 miles southeast of Kitchen Faucet Mexico City, the party's state president Trodoro Chay Coyoc said. The demonstrators claimed their party, known by Its Spanish acronym PARM. was denied a victory In local elec­ tions because of fraud. Chay 1 One at drip-free” warranty! said. PARM belongs to a leftist Single-Lever opposition coalition called the Kitchen Faucet National Democratic Front, Single-Control Lavatory Faucet • Witnout spray • Washerless which challenged the ruling In­ • With pop-up • Washerless • 'D' spout, aerator *• 8* on center stitutional Revolutionary Party • " 10-year drtpfree" warranty *®«i» In national elections July 6. Chay said police drove Ihc demonstrators from the hall, Accent shooting at them and unleashing tear gar*. He said 11 people were killed, at least IOO Injured and several others were missing. He Easy Projects for Do-It-Yourselfers! said the casualties Included women and rhlldrrn. But state commander of secu­ 60" Windsor II Ceiling Fan . rity forces. Enrique Carranco • four wood blades • Antique brass motor Pcrei. Insisted that reports of Housing mm dead or injured were untrue, 52" Bayport saying, "There even wasn't u \ indoor/Outdoor single Injured.” "O f course, we luid lo use tear Ceiling Fan gas because they were disturb­ • Four metal blades ing the Inauguration ceremony Choice: • White housing of the city council.” Carranco * —— ------• Optional 5-speed switch 5-Speed Fan Control said. "But wc never used — —3 jsx £ l • Weatherproof nun • Sate • Noiseless machine guns, That sa lie." • Easy to install one? R o s a D e n e g r 1 . P A R M spokesman for Campeche state, (Not weatherproof) said an Inauguration ceremony scheduled Friday night for newly elected mayor Julio de la Rosa, 52" Hunter 52" Hunter™ the ruling party candidate, had Original been rescheduled for Friday ’ Studio Edition" morning. Elite Ceiling Fan Ceiling Fan Carranco said order hud been • Four wood bisdes • Four wood blades restored In the town. He said lllHittliiiitii • Temhhproof bright brass V with cast Iron motor there were no arrests, though or antique brass finish -^housing about 40 protesters had been motor housing • Choose from white or "armed with sticks, stones and • Super-effrcitnt motor brown machetes " uses only 10 watt* on • Permanent oil bath PARM officials said the pro­ low speed t*i»« lubrication min testers were unarmed. PARM's National Executive Committee In Mexico City said thtj aould protest the Incident H id e Exclusively fo r S cotty's by Lifetim e W arranty on M otorI to President Carlos Salinas de Goriar. and the Interior Ministry. Ventilated Drawer System aowtwewrvrej A PARM member, who said he escaped front police and asked not to be named, described the confrontation between protesters and police In a telephone In­ terview. "At 2 a m this morning Ipotlre) Commander Carranco gave us live mlnules to leave ihc building Allrr that, they threw tear-gas bombs at us and came Inside the building shooting machine guns" Thr sourer said. "I can t lu t t f i HASDMAII I » « M » m , a speculate atXJwl the tr ared. but OPbN TIL 9 PM OPEN TIL 8 PM OPEN TIL 6 PM OPfN71L$PV I — C M * HO* r K AM o»tNmom sir i » a OPtNMON SAT MO Offv wem U IIM U M lI I think there were II or 12 Sun* * ----- |J ■« mirtu »•» » dead." 160 ALTAMONTE ORANGE CITY SANFORD OVIEDO "Some left the building SPRINGS 2323 S Volusia Av, 700 French Av Alalaya Square bleeding. Others were never seen to Serve 1 200 E Altamonte (U S 17 A 92) Phone 323-4700 Shopping Cantor again." he added. 0.* |H«y 4361 Phone 775-7268 37 Atafaya Woods Bi He said after demonstrators You Better! Phone 339-8311 Phone 366-8906 ran to a church, "police opened fire against the church." 875 W Hwy 436 "There were soldiers around." Phone 862-7254 he said "W e begged them for Scorryi Mara*we help, but they itcver listened So ScoHy'Y* 1989 we ran out of the church, spread and hid anywhere rise." . » Electronics & Appliances od ead afr. lrd — udy January — Sunday. Florida Sanford. Herald ford m M c D U ff-rrr* Ar A ifAO ,Ou a 'ffund ,Oua'ffund ifAO A Ar ff-rrr* U D c M W . 72SMNL ETR ■' HWY. 1792CENTER SEMINOLE 0* ?RiCI 50C*T •’flJ I 1- J (tl'f l t ( J Y J 1A- . • M . I l J’ ‘•"’iffl CCDimager w Camcorder Auto-Focus L NINTENDO ALL CARTRIDGES CHECK OUT THESE OUT CHECK ND SEGA D AN lfD) (llf'D Stereo IN S A N FO R D , SHO P A M cD U F F S U P E R C E N TE R AT R TE N E C R E P U S F F U cD M A P SHO , D R FO N A S IN GREAT BUYS! GREAT A E GAM J■ im nr C t • !K K ! •” JCC tC nor * J•■■ icm C


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IN BRIEF Rams crumble CCC, 2-1 BASKETBALL Lake Mary Goalie Sharp makes key Jordan leads Bulls over Pacers wins Hut . INDIANAPOLIS - Mlrharl Jordan scored 13 saves in PKs of his 31 points In the founli quarter Friday in shootout night to help tin- Chicago Hulls send Indiana to By CHRIS FISTER By MARK BLYTHE Itsrlghlh straight loss. IOI H5 over thr Paters Horald sports editor herald sports writot Hill Cartwright, who O R I. A N D O - W M b a hail 13 points for ORLAN1X) — There was a bit of CHICAGO ne.ei give up altitude and a little Chicago, hit a free Irony In the air Friday night .1* l.ake hit of luck. Utkr Mary's Steve Sharp throw with 7 53 re Mary's Rams, who lost the champi­ BULLS a came uj> with Ihr biggest *ovr of Ills malnlng that put thr onship In penalty kicks a year ago. career to enable ihe Rams to take a Hulls ahrad lor good. O ' ® claimed the Pizza lint Invitational 2 1 victory over Clearwater Crntrul 78-77 An 0 run title over Clearwater Central 8 Catholic In thr Duals ol the Pizza rapped by a Scuttle Catholic's Marauders In PKs Iretore lint Invitational vx-cer tournament Plp|ten dunk with 5 05 2.301 fansat lk«>nr High School 'We came to watc h them (CCCI left gave Chicago a It wasn't tfie manner in which play yesterday and were h” |iing 00-80 lead Indiana Lake Mary- won the title that was they would go to jM-nalty kicks so scored Just 8 |>olnts In the llnul 8 12 the main story , however The Rams went Into the tournament with one we could scout them a hit.' Sharp Indiana’s Wayman Tlvlale scored 16 jxilnlH. thing in mind — proving that when said 'Hill they came tqi with a late the 17th consecutive game In which he has they play tlietr game, they can't Ire goal h*i we nrvrr saw what they come off the french and scored double figures treat liked to do with PKs " Chuck Person led the Pacers with IH points and I would liked to have settled it on For a moment It looked as If Lakr Reggie Miller added 15 the Held, hut this is a great feeling." Miiry would dominate the live direct Indiana went ahrad 15-H on a Miller 3-polnl Lake Mary coach Larry MrCorklc kicks as It pul the llrst three sfiot with 5 25 remaining In thr first qunrier said "CCC Is one of the best vx-cer altrmjita In 1 lie- net Alrx Acosta and The Hulls scored 9 straight jmlnls to take a teams I've ever seen and we defi­ John Mora froth drilled their shots 27-20 Irad on John Paxsnn’s 3-polntrr with 35 nitely gained tlietr rexpcci tonight Irelorr Krb Ravndal sent a shot that srcomls left Lake Mary Improved to 11 -0-1 (or bounced oil Kelly's hands and Into A 16-4 spree, rapped try a Jordan basket with the season and will most llkrly Ire thr net 3.25 remaining in llie llrst half, gave the Hulls a ranked No I In Class 4A when the Clearwater though kept tight up 55-38 lead. Indiana finished ihr second |>rrind next state poll comes out The Rams with the Rams as Kvlr Vosrn. Scott with a 12-2 tear to (lose to 57 50 Pacer Scott knocked off two No I ranked teams Ford and Kevin Dally all rl|>pcd Skllrs completed the hall try dribbling ttie (Miami Killian and CCCI cn route to shots Into thr upper right hand length of thr floor for a layup the title CCC. ranked No I in Class corner 2A. now stands at I I I latkr Mary's I r.iv is Hetslnger then "W e definitely had Ihe motiva­ shot and the kick was over the net HOCKEY tion.** Lake -Mary goalkeeper Steve and lor a Intel moment It looked us Sharjt. who played a key tolr In the though tlte Marauders would lake shootout, said "W e wanted that No thr championship U.S. wins Spengler Cup I ranking." Sharp had other jilaus. though .1* DAVOS. Switzerland - John Frltsche and It was two saves by Sharp and hr eamr up with a brilliant save, bringing the hall down with his Hobby Crawford each scored two goals Saturday go*ing tight financial restric­ benefit fishermen tions on player* that make it imjiosalhlr lor lish iM»ptiltil|o||s Inf tilt Ilf • i»**ln r schools not lo cheat By JIM SHUPC •it |Oft H Phillips, named to the Hlg Fight * All Herald h$hiny *r*ft*’ Hhupr’t Scoop Academic team lot thr fourth consecutive year |bofi t I if surprised It Ihr M.irin* lh « 4»*»v«*tim*1 .mil < .dun* 1 |tlsi hlostrd college football * governing IhkIv two f Ikhl'tll'k 4 Olll III ISSldlt MHill approved earancr*. due to fishermen .t flail!\ hag limit *»f oil* M illlsh of I * J7 tin tit s in l« |» *l ti ol pi* ssufc .ind this regulator\ rrjKalrd rri rutting violations 4 r\i r|i| duMtlg til* • l«lM f! IIIMtllllH ^roup 1 s looRiti^* ai illffrin it ' I'lir news of the probation made me mad pro|His.ils to riistifr that trout ol M.m h April itnl Mav I ties* said the 2 H6 -|M)und right guard, -t likely |M»pul.(tlotis do nut tm im r iln | provisions .if* nr* • nh.ii v In llrsl-round selection In the NFL diaft I m mated graduating. so I won't have to deal with It. hut I ■ | s s 11 f ( Opt I If I II III M is l.lllin l flthlnK Forecast feel fwd lor our younger guv s It burls them Im nrflts lo ,il| t|i* | temple »•! till Ht.it* w 1111* * IlMirittl! Ill.l* IH**ft Lemon lllu ff Flail Camp r« Ninety nine penent of Ihr players don i have (Miffs soltli kJiMnl h.isw tielllll t.iR* I* anything to do with the problem yri the players th.lll ol f11 \ • till* M 'lllsll III • •ft vk dd shill* fs tlshed nr.if lllly arr ihe ones getting the shaft Ihr- NCAA s main UlsIlMf* VUlf fs • M ,||M ts»lw«H|tb« pad flelda Sjm • ks .11* still »pM»d cuttcern slioold lx- to protect lire players We tr­ Sp.iu • 11 f lg .olllltH *|||«i|lDfl III* n ifle ones w ho make II work but we re getting fill* .i!h*« prohibits l||i sal* «*l Lake Harney and m Itir river shafted II.If l\ * f» •111H fI I In t:rw fo b w ili • *• »IP'lo* Solti* sunshine hass h.ikr tierfi l.muarv 1 I m m # tut! will ♦ kpir* .ui|iht around Marina lale Flah [b a s e b a l l ______till 1 k l*»l*rr | !*•*• I Camp I In PI#»fi-!.» M .11 :ti» I isti* 1 1 * s . • ■ fi* Oat rrii 1 t •UiHiihhd .f \ 9• • • Iff J» ! is- 11ss* *t Bridge Flah Camp t* p*#rts mi Altamonte Lillie League signups u INS 11 'll1 uses 0I r \ •■mi* troth 1 proved hshlin! vkith ImMIi hass Ihr Altamonte Sjirmgs I title la-ague will bold salt wat* r ItsIt i»'k It* e ns* t<# .Hid sj#*# ks t..»rrnt or guardian present In f rslitf .1lion up lido thr rtv*r to spawn in th* order lo rrgtstrt For more tnlormatlon on the 1 h< i ottutn • its gtass and lillv pads Altamonte Little League < olitui l Mane Slrdrn pit • .i/i d tfiat a ||l • |||W4 I •f M f' * * f H S«att**iit and flounder .ire laden 1869079**1 or Dan Amonrllt(323 U*H6 i sir Midi g#. .hr* s# at• 1* .ilmg 'h* sh#»w at Nebaallan habitat .•ltd • nl*•ri « n«* tit Inlet a *h 'ti* * ••*»|* i w* ath» t III* winds »r hang* »»* hi >v% .rio>• k it (inti will fir going From staff and wlro reports llll! fol H*| i' W.|t*» l|s|l*fl*H II*.O. t • • v* f 1 f 1111 k* title th*s* ah Yjm iff v* tft* . *«*|rr w.it«r trmjK-ra 4k*- m* • • mi • fit* of * s | t**uf will g** for av «ii 1* t v *’ o* • • w i,< *o«|if.g Mirr*»* ir*- a fill* t tie lug fl**on*lrr pietrf a * *ig* • mull* t tHMin* rd st**w :. r**HS f lie f f* it |( *||l • • Port oil* ft M»* t*a»* •» - most < anaeer•! a i *.* ti is pr**. *u*ing dtsfi.it* AUTO HACINC. • g’ * *- % 9 | . al.ft Hit I |» 11 Hr 9 v |»i ! O O 'islitfig I 1 .Iin«l* r and hio* hsh | p m LSI'S RAt Rally ol i.M-.il llrilain Port FOOTBALL Jim S^up* d-spia*s * *noppmg 17 D- •»j*' J A - a • . • foil tip] fr*|s Me 'r.ivtug *flr IJ.Ml pm SIM J \H Diyiston.il PI ivott limit of -*dbjh Jo«S mto e 11*- t tOdUt >* ’ .1 J .. s •- .J* Mala ol Mo tlanana «nd Indian Iious'on i biers at Itullalo Mil's it.i | • tplilslf »*«l. Ths »(jls ass m*de to eosu'r mat a 5001: u*e V * ipp.if• tit ♦..»• in * *t. »j i^* ?••* ti' Klvera ?**rtlie warmth drrj*r*r 4 pm - ( IIS#) NFC Divisional Plavotl into spawning adults w at* r Minnesota \ tkltigs tt San Ft tin is. o 4‘#rr* I •Ail! It* f i» * *1* *1 I • • * it' if* h* .»*Mik a* — Sanford Herald. Sanford. Florida — Sunday, January 1, 1989 STATS A STANDINGS ~T iftl LA CllfXWri 10 H 157 ft to DENVERIWI ( d o g s Sacramento t H 740 II Engllkh H U 4 1 IA Cooper 1 7 17 A win* lose & DREW f rtrfllH Prankf Tckiyat if J T tl. ArSomt J tt )J “ n «*A .> ill. Maw Jaraey IM Turner 1 * *0 A Oavl* 4 1 kk ia At U n t o t Orlinda Chertotk 111. Nr a York 111 Diwnwtun SH 0 0 H. I1*N M 4 4 I. FrMayaieM Ctovatand 117. Wellington 110 Larva 04 1 71, Vlnttn, I t / 1 A HanillkO I M 111 1/14. B: ll.lt CMcagt 101, IM .a u U J. Tot*11 Jt tl It 74 to* 4 Rough command lag i to i *> Dr d I t 7. JK'tGatdanGlri 2S*0 t i e HO Gmlntkl S I) I ) II, CTiuokt 0-14 4 4 14 lCyctomKanny t to 4 X Mewkim AH IS Ia AnCurton T l ) ' } IA D t a w t l c r t t to Hundarto Id *', 1. W-ngata l-l TT 1. W*ip o (in net p im nta t ( i i n h u m NBA BOXES T l TOO. Brook* 01 M l Thornton MOO 1 4IM1/14. Oi 11.41 Total) S7 471* J14S 1 lllnlttf 7.40 1 00 110 UTAH (UJ) ■ deb t Helen* 100 110 PHOENIX (t ill Me Iona 10 It I! tt U. lavaronl M i l * . lG P 't King Mickey 1 40 Chamberi M14 11 77 Gilliam II M 1-1 Eaton 14 14 A Stockton 0 It >4 It. Orittttl o (14) I7J0 P I1 4 ) )0-4t T (t a i l tt to n o I L Lang 01 00 0. K Johfttan T-U 11 17. I I I 11 11. 0*11*7 tt7 H 17. Man**n4 7 ( t M t i i n . i t Momactk 47 04 1 Wait 41 14 11. I 1 10. U i 00 00 0. lockntr T l 00 0 Total* Ilk 1/1. Ci 74 Jl E Johnwn 7 U >1 17. CikbtnTT SO 1. Parr* V 71 V 17 HI ) Summ Htarthrab 1 00 4 00 * 00 04 000. Karr 4 0 0 *0 Total*** *11174 H* Pteltadalphti It It 7* I t - tl tSnamyLaura 1 40 i « Utah JI H 1* II-H 1 ) running Strakh 4 40 NEW JERSEY (1*4) Thru* polnl go It*—Barkley. Hawklnt. Q (I II 11 It P ( I I) M Jt T (1-MI HI M Huvwnf M 14 11. B William* 4 II 44 14. Hander ion. Hantan Total toult—Philo tlk 1/1*. Ci 1M0 Carrell 4 1* 14 II. Conner i 1 1 1 7, Me Ora 14 dalphlo If. Utah tl RrboemrH- i My Lim# Georg ojo too io o io h i 00 L Morrl* 111 I I IS. Utacklalord I 104 Philadtlphlt U (Gmlntkl It). Utah at J Parted lahrtoa 4M I M IftetDMI 1. Kna-.-tn H I* 00 7*. B»gtoi 7 7 14 4 Barry Malory IS). AttH la-PM dalphla U 7 iffltM w it is * at 4 I I 1 I *rtek 4t l(tt |* ]* ,37 (OmlMkl 41. Utah 71 iSfockikd IS) A— Q (I II H.40 P (M l I t It (M l Tl tt T 17.444 tH-71 111 4* (1171 llt.tt 11 1* II >1-114 TIM 7/14. Cl 41.11 Maw Tartar U 171111-144 LACLIPPERSIHt) jShurthetGuy 140 400 100 Thraa point goal* — McGee. Better Manning IS 77 14 77. Norman I I) 4 1 M. 4 Magic Minatral * 40 4 M Total tautt-Pheanl* 77. Haw Jar Mr 14 Banlamm 1 4 4 4 14. Da I try 7-M J 1 (A Grant 1 Slit'l An Unruly 400 Reboundi-Phaanli M (Gtlllam 4), Haw l-l TO 1. Kit* 0*04 0. Nlaon 4 D 0 I A Smith O (M l H.40 P (M l 44.lt T (141) 111.411 Jaraey tt IB William* It). At.l.ta— D M A Wllllamt M t 00 tA WNI M 0 0 A IM >ritnt.*t Phoenli 14 IK Johnwn 111, Naw J«tm t 11 Garrick U 0 01. Total! 4414 IS 11 191. UK V I. 0: M M (Carattrl)! A - 17.11* iRaoAnn* I4» 4M 140 LA LAKERS (lit) Calltgr Bawl Mr ft hup) ARIZONA (M ) Crmpbrll Cantrrrnca ! U A m MO 140 NEW YORK lllll Graan 4 to 00 I, Worthy 4 It. t-1 14. 4 Bark at M0 (Ail Tim*. 1ST) Elliott 1414 M M . BuecMrr 7 144 A Cook Norm Dtvl.ten Nawman 117 11 It. Oakley y I I I II. Abdul Jabber 4 10 4 4 D. Johntan Id 14 0(11)11 MP(1 II MM T ill* ) MM Ewing It 14 I N H. J ed ton *7 01 II. G Dec It S f I t 11. Lofton I 4 40 I. Maun 71 * 0 A W L T Pf». OF OA 14 14 J4 Srnfl 4 IS 14 X). Ttampton St 47 >A 14) frhl/lt. A; II I) Wilkin* l l l l l . Tucker 1 *1 1 0 . Walker 41 Calitorrita Bawl Rook. *4 44 11. Muahlabach 1 4 44 J. OpMck Oalrfttl M 14 ) 41 l4f Ccmpar I d 0 0 1 Woolrtdga 44 4 * II, Rfyar* St. Lault 14 114 I L iltka Gtngar 1100 1IM HO (70 I. Green 17 04 7. Strickland 17 II, Af Frttrt*. Calll I I M X Womack 11 M A Curry t J 40 1, 1* 7 U U t 1 1 0 I 0 0 0. Lamp 11 00 1. Total) 47 ft 74 St Mlnnawta )4I 4 Rubob't Nugget 140 4 70 E Wilkin, l a > 4 ’ . MyartO I 1 )1 . Butler 01 Fratno SI. IS. Wt.torn Michigan 70 Oevi-1047 41 Total. J474ITDM 11 1* 7 If Ilf l-a Hallllma—Arliana 71. Plll.burgh 74 Toror to 1*4 7 Book In Jo 140 000 Tolali U 47 17 It IM Dec. 1) U 17 I H 1)0 L4 Cllpsurt M e* 77 77 1 44 Thraa point go*to-Pltt>burgh 417 (M ll'tr Chicago to IJ 4 14 tu 174 Q (M l M 40 P (1-41 HI M T (141) 411 4* CHARLOTTE l ll l l LA L ak m IS >4 1111114 AI 44. Porter I 1. Mr ft hr w. 1 >. Brookln 41). Smyth* Dtvi.lan Ifttl 7/lt.D 41 41 Trlpwcka I If 11 II. Ramble 7 * 70 II. Thru* point goatt-Wtlilomt 1, Cooptr, SowNwrn AUnlttlppIM. Tara* El Paw It Arlron* A H lEIttoH S4. Muahlabach ) A Calgary 14 ft s S3 IU 101 I ML T Chtttle Cat 7 JO *00 IM Curtlon 71) 11 I I Horton 07 4 < 4. Rakl I*M Foulad out-Hen* Total tdutt— LA Oip- per* 7 GG’t Temptation 1 40 4 40 7)71. Happen 041 -It Chapman* II 00 tl. D tc.lt Lofton T l, Ophkk T l) Fou'ad out-non* I n Angela. 14 14 1 41 JOT 117 JA LA Irk art if. Raboemdt-LA Clffprrt Total toul.-PIHtburgh II. Aflrcn# 1* R f Edmonton 10 1) 4 44 111 147 I Bad Inhume# 1M Green J 4 n 7, Bogua* 4 4 J 4 11, Kampian *4 (Norman 11), LA Lakart M IWorlhy 111 At I I P ti*. lrcat bound*- pm (burgh Jl I Shorter 10). Arliona Vancauvtr IS If s IS Ilf DA 0(1*1 M.M P (M l 77.40 71*141144.44 7 4 Ova. Lawll 00 00 0 lo la ii 40 *11411 ID A it lir t—LA C.ipprrt 77 iNleon 11), LA Winnipeg l i l t 1/14. Bl I t .47 Alabama It. Army It 44 (E 11)0*1 111 Aui.tk-Pittvturgh II (Porter 14 14 4 14 147 147 Lakart 74 (Jahntan 14) Technical!—LA «). Arliona M (to* ton I). TtchnkOl tout Pill Friday'. Rrtult. 1 Jo t Darrell 7140 t M 4 00 Naw Y a r k Itllllll-tlt O tc .ll L a tera l illegal dr tonic) A —17.10) Coach E van. A—114*1. Harttord A Detroit 1 • ElcoLooth* 1440 4 00 Charlatlr llllllll-lll AlaAa Bawl 7 CR't Bl tekpUyar 110 Thraa point goalt-Tuckar 1. Nawman. AI Hanalulu Waihlngton ). Oullato 1 O (M ) H IM P ( M ) 111 JO T IM -7 ) t47l.lt Jacktoi,, Trlpucka. Chapman Total Waihlngton Stela 14. Houtton I) L4SALLE (tl) Mlnnawta 7. SI Loula Jlttol COLLEGE BASKETOALLl Simmon. 7 » ft 7 If, Conltn J * 11 I. Sunday’i Oa mr. O O d lU ltM lM loula—Naw York 1L Otar lo I la IS Rafaoundt Doc. M titkvaCi M.4* New York 17 (Enmg. Or k lay II). Char loti, Lltvar.1 1 1 1 4 1. Ovorion A l l )-) IA Hurd Monlraal at Vancouver, night S H TO IA Jonnton 7 ,544 14. Wrtodl M M A jC R 'tR k A L a R u * 10JO 1 40 4 40 47 (Ramblf 141. Aiklltt—Naw Yore tl AI M tn iftlL Ttnn Toronto at Chicago, night Friday * Cattogr Batkattsll Rttwllt Shaken44 040 Total.U 71 ll-M IS I liar Magic 4 00 4 40 (Jackion t). CltarMla II (Boguat 71 Indiana SA SwuTt Carodna M By United Prat* Intornalwul GEORGIA (4)| 1A Certain Smil# 7 JO TacTutlctl — Chrrlottr coach Harter. Naw O tc.lt Taewnanwnt* KriUrr 7 17 l>17 M. Wllwn )4 M 4. O (M l M M P ( I t ) I t .M T ( M i l 411 *4 Pic York (lllagal drtmia). A -17.7M AllMNTliiMtli Clj l lic All Amtrkan Bawl NHL SUMMARIES I (1 1 1 1 )0 1 1 ) 1 at I pawl 14 44 Jttkpat AI bktnlngham. Ala. Spancar 4 11S 7 II. Graan 14 4 4 IL Hamilton Chrmpirmhl* 14 >S 7. Palhm M M * . Col* 1 1 44 7, WASHINGTON (tit) Strphrn Auttm 74. Portland 71 F!sr Ida IA llllnott 10 FrUay't NHL Summer I*. UTht'lt. C 1' 11 B King 101! M tt. Caiiadga 4 It 00 I. Dec Tt Howard 11 44 J. Auttm 0144 0 Ta«*l> 1* SI Detroit 1 1 1 - ) J147 4* 1MH Raron Kan# tCJ SOt 4M F tlll 4*00 1 . Ctdar 00000. J AUIon* I I 17 All Cat lag* Tteraemtnt Harttord 1 B 1-4 Haltllma—Goorgla *L LaSalle JJ. Thraa IRunMaraty Rut 1140 1140 1 J 14 Wllllamt 4 10 00 I. Grant 7 H 04 t4. CTeampItmt-lp LI Anaheim. Calll. Flrat period- I. Harttord. Dlnaan 14 point goal*—LaSalto H D (Simmon. 0 7. ITrICacntr 440 Alarta 11 I I 7. Fackla* 4 II 4 4 14, Char He B.-lghrm Young SB. Colorado 17 I Maloney. Lawton). I l l , ), Dal roll. Oklahoma ISA 1***14S Overton IJ. Hind 4 4. John ton S*|. Georgia O IM ) 41 M P (M ) 44 44 T (T M ) I t l .40 A Jontt 1 7 *0 1 Total* » IM IOI1 l » Cautalatlati Otc.M MacLaan 7i (Vitrman, Gallant), M:J1i Mtk V*. Ai M n OklahomaSI fr. Trrat.LAMTt Haildry Bawl J t (Wilton 11, Graan I L Hamilton T t. Oalroit J Yrarman St (Gallant, CTiiat Patton l J. Coto M l Foulad out—non* Total ICR’tMti*OUvia IIM (M IM CLEVELANDIII7I BMA Haltdry Ctauic AI San Otoga tan). )) 44 Panaltiao—Zombo. Oat. 7:4); loula—LaSalle 2). Gaorjla II Rtbtunda- fGlamaurMeld I 40 114 Nance t 10 M It. lander* 7 14 04 IA r e — —■— v-- OVahomaSlatott. Wyoming 14 Ferraro Mar.7:4). Lawton. Mar. II 4t LaSalto Jl ISlmmem >). Grargl* o (Kaa.tor I Dubuque Wondar IM Daugherty 0 11 4 1 M. Harper O il 1J II. Kanta. «J. SW Mlttour 1 SI. D Ooc.lt Srcend par lad-N o tearing Pane mat— ID. Aaalilt—LaSalto II (Ovation II). O 0 *1 D M P 11-41 M 44 T (1-04) IM M 1 Pried TH *4 II. William* II II It. Prnck Taut Oinaar. Mar. ):».- Zombo. Dal t It. Mill. Cantata flan Georg it || |Hamilton i) Tachnlcjl-LaSalle (I TA-TI1144 M Oudtty 17 11 II. Ehlo 17 0 * A E. Term It « . lonaM AI Altaiila I pm Oat. 11:11. bench I, Slmmona A-L4I4. A— IJ tij H 1)1,141 Valmlme 47 11 M. Kay* 01 00 t. CaM* Car Clank IpwO (4 M l rt North Carolina Slala 17 J I) Third period— A Detroit. MacLcin 71 Rolllnt Tl 00 IL Hutfcerd I I 10 1 TaHli Jan 1 (Ch a.von. Yrarman), J;H ; ). Harttord. VMI (ft ) i i t i n a w Sonia Clara IL UNC Char lotto at Gator Bawl Lawton 1 IBabkli. Dtnoonl. pp. 10 14, A. M ligt HO 17 IL Pill. 4 1714 II. DaH * 7 JAIALAI Welkin*ton 11 7* » >1-111 Can eolation AI Jacki*a,MI*. I pm Harttord. McDarmld (Lawton. Tippett). 4 4 IL R W lllljm. 4 114417. D Wllllamt 4 17 ClavtUad M i l 71 11-117 Botkin U 71. Hary S4 Georgia II J) vt Mkhigan Slat* 14 4 1) II si. 7. Hartlord. Ferraro IA (Mull. J*n I I 1 a. Cmtngtov 44 44 t. Dowd 4 1 )1 7 . At Qrlend* tom mat* Thraa pa nt goat-Harper Tovled Out— Cleamtnad* Clank Martin), 14: tA P*n*m*a~Blurn. Oaf. Hall #1 Fama Bawl O treayfgooo Ctadwkk 44400. Johnton rrtdaywighl Nona Total toulk— Waohlngton M. Clara land Champkamhlp A: Hi Burr. Oat. t;K . LSU 40. Hrbrni a 17 AI Tamya. I p m >, , ...... 40 400. Patron 4C 040. TatoltJTM Dd) Tt. ‘ Shot. tM gaat-Or,trotl 11A 4—74 Pint earn* 14 (.abound* - W*ihMgton M (Faltl 4). N.C. STATE (N dl ‘ )U ClayalanO St (Ehlo 10) Aeelklt- Canvalatian Syracuw (4 II n LoulUana Slat* I* U Harttord D M A - 17 IM jr n l Wayne It 40 1100 1 00 | toepurd a iff 1 A-ld i Brown 14 I t It, Wathlngten 11 (Cottar HI. O rrrl.rx) U AAoratiaad St 47. Cham mad* 71 San.) fiMipil .ui) ii,ill ^ t i c 1 P«rar ptay cunmrtlant-Datfurl ) • 4Dan* And? 100 I N L n *w 1 )4 4 A CorcNanl « « 4 B I Monro# ' (Price HI Tachnltal*— WathMgten 1 Coco Cola Clank Cltru* Bawl , « • , n Harttord! I IE|*aO#vt 4M It IS M M. lAtamt J 7 J 1 (. Hlrvnanl J 700 A I delay of gam* |. A-M l HI C fij m DSJTt k\)g AtOrUnda.naaa G ealtandrri — Detroit, St. Louront O (401II M P (44) in 44 T (1 4 1) 1M1 a* U AmlcoS 4 I 17. Knee 144 L La* ! l 111. Kant Slat. t). Tmn Chattanooga 70 Clam.on ( f l i r t Oklahoma (4 7) 1 Hartford. Llvt A—I4L74 Meant ra m Jan. l Pottrn 4 I 40 A Whlhay 0 « B * B. TOTALS 1 Pa*t 14 M H M 4M HOU1TON (U l Can tala flaw Carton Bawl 44 7411 14IU Bultato ft 11—1 i Tirana IM 100 B Jornun 4 11 M 10. Thorpe, 11 11 1 Ala Birmingham *4. Tmnrtear SI )4 At Gatin. I : » U Halil,me NC Stria IL VMI IJ Thtoo torching Tan I M - S I Jam I 40 Olaiuwan 1 10 4* IA Woadoan 04 04*. Floyd Cotton Stjttt Clnilc Arkanta. ( teal) vo UCLA (4 1) iiolnl ihr.lt-VMI 4 4 (R William. I I. O (1 II 1AM P ( I I I M M T l l l l l 4*4 44 DO T H I I I*. Chiavowt 1 17 4 4 H. Short M i l * . CfcamptantMp Flrtt par tod—I. Wath’.-vgton. Ovlttlan Jan. I I) William. M ), N C Stol* BII (Howard 11. U (Shaahy), 3:T1. i. AuW.i vgton. Gartner II <4-1)11700 McCormick 44 11 t. F J-hneon 14 117 Georgia 4*. L oh ik Si 1 lento* SA Potion B l). Foutod out—non* TturO prrwr ToUlt M M 70 H I) Cantata ttan Stoll a Bawl (Ridley. Stavaml, 14 07 Panalttaa- Vlav*. p i Tamp*. Aril., 4 7* p.n I o40l kul.-VMI IA NC SUM 17. R* But. ): l). Huntor. War } IS, Krupp. But. i f onto Aguirw IIM 7M IM DETROIT (ftl Hr Incaton tl. South Caroline S4 l Noire Dam* H IT ) v t Wall VlryiniaOt 01 bxm da-VMI M CP IH* 4). N C. Jtoto 7* S:Z7j Ruutw. But, ) );; Huntar. Wet. I 17. I Pita Anilr *40 IM Danttay « * i l l I. Mahom M 11 1. (Ian. I I I frown 171 Aa.ltto-VMI II (Cralt AI. NC I L iao Lacker M0 Ljlmbaar 111 *0 10. Daman 11 11 14 M. Playfair, But. doubt* minor, I E Hunt Rata Bawl Si at* H iCcrchlanr IJ). Trchnicait-non* a II I ) M 44 P (I II H I M T ( I I I ) m tt Thomat till 7 4 71 V Johnun I t 1 4 7. S I lllnolt t). Wywr.lng 40 *r. Wat. IS:4ti Malarthuk. Wai AI P* lad***. Cali*, I p m - M il Feurtogam* Edward* 0*0 10. Salley I M I A Rodman >1 Cantata ttan (karvad by Gou’d), IA S). Ruuttu. But. I l.k To'atkM 7*77 M tl Goruaga 71. Pmn Slat* AS Michigan (• 7 I) » t Southern Cal (14II •la ru 7 E |*a IIM *40 IM Jan. J t :U7H CAROLINA (M l lW a,na *00 4 40 Howl ten 77 t* 17 tl - U Dot* Mac Martin Taememant Second parRM-l. Pullrto Valve 14 Sugar Kiwi Itoltor IS 0 1 1. Hudwn 1)14 IA IS. < Marral 1*0 D4tr.it 7) 77 I* I I - t l Fifth Plata (Tuckar), pp. 117 PantJItak-Hunlar. At Nrw Or Iran., I N ) m D 1,1. ton 4 1 )4 7 . Prtc* 7 4 A A IL Manning O (M l 47 M P 171) M J t T I I I I) Mt M 1 three Point Dealt- 7 lard A Dumar* I. AI* F al'banki I IA Abilana Chr Itl. 01 Wet. ) IL Malarthuk. Wat I karvad by Auburn 1141) vt r tor id* Slat* D T I) 1 4 1 ) IL Englhh I J 40 1. Barnau ft I 44 A (7 11 ALL) I t l 4* Foulad Oul - O f.|uwen Total FauH- Sauanth Ptac* Caurtnalll,) Br; Ramaay, Bui. 14 Jt Jan, l ,A - ay « 4 44 A Gtovor M O I L RhrflO I 40 7 M i t i m Howtlon l*. Dalraft It Mabounde- W it LaCrottaU. Emporia (Kan 174 Third th^lod-4. But eU. Fotlgno )l Orang* Bawl (. 7 * NabrpMa ( II 1) v ) Ml am I ( IT 11 kf.wruardt J l 4 4 IL Scrabt. 7 II » ( M. 1044* 100 Ateiklt—Houktan 71 (P. Jahntan I). Third Plat* Waihlngto i, GuHahvon 10 (Murphy] Michigan Stai* 7A Orr^on *| A region 4 0 OI14I lift* P (4 II M.M T l l l l l 111 4* Grant 41 00 II. Pippan M 0 44 M. Pnn.tlon IB17 (Martyjardf l ft. Scrab*. 4 7. Cartwright 4 11 14 11. Jordan D M M It. Can ta il I Ian Wya Wttnlak 4fun (Flaming kkk) F/aaltaa-ttuffat*. Clautvar WrUiingfon Northwottom4A LoyolO (Chkagel 01 OS - Sander* 7 run (Blanchard kick I ( » r t i JA Harrington 111 Fowled out— Malerchut. A— 17.104 4 Mend, 14 40 It ki 4 40 V me ant 11 00 A Malay 11 M A Pa.wn I f f i d total toult--South Caraim* 17. 4BkerikJ lib IM t l 00 II hilar* Ot 14 1. Hodjwi J7 M Florida TadayCt*uk O S-FG Blanchard U Rrtaraa-Bill McCreary Champrantkrp OS—Parker 17 pat* Item Gundy I’f IW tm 71 Raboiavda—South Catalina 74 I Eduardo *00 A Car I in* 1 1 1 11 Total* I t t l 71 H Ml FIT 77. Notion Ceil 71 I Blanchard kkk) M inting f), Princeton 24 IMuattor 7). VrnnaMt* 11 I a—1 0 1441 I) 4* P (441 47 M T 144II 1174 44 I Wyo—Wain lak arte. (Flaming kkk I ktu.ti-South CaraUna tt (Manning Bl. 17- Leak 1114-1 1*4 7 A H U M 44 INDIANA (U l priatiton it (Muallar A) Tachnkju—Gtovor. E lo* Ik fa m# Ptriar t It t t IT Wllllamt I 17 01 A Mattochenatto 40. Coat! Carolina 7) O S -Sander* 47 net ( Blanchard kkk I Flrat par tad—1. Mmnauota Gnat J O S- Sandrr. t run I Blanchard rkk I hrdvi'.A-t.lU I Ban* Andy tl a) 4M 140 Srntti 1*117. Millar 1 14 M II. Skltat J t M ttoliday (LaUK IHabtchaid. Brotonl. ah. -i (4 I. OS-Sandrr. Hrvn I Blanchard kick) lB karda Bab 14* 7 40 t. Drill mg I 1 t k l lled .lt * 11 41 IA Long Pepperdinr 47. Harttord t l Minnakote. Gagnar I* tHartVnwgl. pp Manic City Imriltltanal O S-FG Blanchard It WILj.HM B MARY (H I I I I * * J w IM J t 00 A Gray n o t A Slapham I I 00 l *17. ) Mlnnawta. Archibald ) ( JaPal me. OS-Oykat 7) pa*, tram Gundy Jtm pan B 1 4B A Bur rail t * SA II. Apple Harttburgl, 4:11, a. Mirvww-a. Habtchaid B i l l ) lt.M P (M l t lM T (1 1 1) 1*1-M To'kft 74 At 10 If U / II t| IT Boca f) 7* 11 70. Wakattotd 1 144 CMcaga V M 14 M -H I Stanford (4. Vanderbilt 4* (Blanchard kick I II (Broton). Ui. It:rr P ^ m # * - Can tala ttan OS—Smith S run I Birr chard k «Gto# 1140 1*0 IM Indeana 71 H If 14- U McRaa. Min. c » : Evarw. SP_ 4 70. Ttnordi. Furman 41. Catgato 4t A *4.714 CB1 lk4 it P (47) II* 4* T 14141Itl 4* Thraa (Bint goal! - William A Wary B IA Itthganva OOl TON HU) Gaor g i A t ach 77. Purdue 4t Punta a- m 4- ft Fifth Place Fumble, to** 1-4 l - l ittutaFI 1 7. Apple S 7. hoc. 11). Stotten 7 ft IB team* Brock 14 JT * 40 70 Mr Hr la I la I t i a Lawt* 4 * 7 7 It. 1 Parent*, yard. e-JB ICawar <1L Gahrk* BA Jahntan M . Ireland 1 laid Marvch 140 140 Par.th D 17 t II 14. Jchnten ) 1 1 1 11. Alng* TultO 7A Southern Cal 71 J-B Saranth Ptac* Tima at poteauwn J4J7 U D 1*1. Fraud oul-Laona Fatal tot It - WUItom 1 Liam Andy IM l l l l l l Grand! ten J t 1J t Shaw 0 7 I I A Mat - 74. Station » Rebound*-William A I. Paeton > It M 7. A cratM O d 4. Lehawtl* 'tautton 44 Vat* 44 O II II M 40 P (I II 74 4t T i l M l 17144 ■ WTMPRMI N im tK l V w f ,1 ;S w i HI. UrJrwf d in«wi Ai. l l l k p M IT S . Cj/rdJa i i : J 1, r it e , v « V V w Taeart RIcftmA-ii TwSJi S xwlu. - • RUSHING—Oklahoma Stato 1 A ..,. 4 — William A Mary 10 (ORalMy 4). ItlrjvidlM andi **0 *40 loo ro to 17 74 111 Ifhft 317. Llmbrkk 111 Gundy 4 11. Hudtan J J Stoker 7: (Iratandl) A - i l l * . ) M U JO** IM *40 IA N ANTONIO 1441 Virginia Tech 47. Va Commrr, 4|0u*rd» leal! t 40 G Andre ton 10 II 7 4 1J. W Andtf ton 4 II Canealatta* W ilton ) I. Brown ] It. Smith 1-1. R k Tmvond Ac J anva) Madiun a t Wyoming Gunn 7 7A WalnLak H U . MIAMI H I) O ( I I I II 4* P I I I ) l i t M T I I 141 I I * M J i l l . Brktawtri m i 7 AAorwall 4 t a l l I Clank D rawn i t . Jontt) It. Glbton 1A Bane J S Brow. ) 7 * A IA Warran I ) C B J. apit lAH IIJt M II. Rebartton * 14 4 4 IA Coot a t I I 4. Richer Over. ) 4 BB A Ptmto 4 4 Bd IL Merton I MR gam* Gru w n n d M 11A King I I dd 1. Whitehead PASSING—Oalanoma Gundy M i r 0)1 I 1 BT L Writ* *7 M IA IWMltomt B J TT B. 1 laid l|« MM IM 1417* Tatattlttlll 1)4* Lamar 7A C lava land SI 7) TCBY Tournament ). Sandrr. M B IT . Sm.th M T a t Burnt B D * M A Rendon |1 BB A Marker SB aCTwrol* IM *4 ) 11II 1117-HI Ark llt m Ho. kill, Southern Ha Wyoming toatntak It 70 7 I4A Froaqun T ) I A Scon 1 7407 Total. Jt SI 14 H it Ipkarde IM If It M M - 44 WICHITA STAT A (It) O (IJI 4*4* P II4 IM H T (M il HI *4 1 Faerlad nut-Lawk G Andarten Tuttt Yaungttawn Halida4 Trurneutral I Td. CorantiM I I T I CAampiantKtp RECEIVING—Oklahoma l1at#0|4#< Coop*' 7 tA ) 4 4. Grayer SA 4 t IA PICK 8 I I * ALL ALL) IT* 4* -Bathm 77 lan Antanw It Copptn St tl. Pratrt* View 7* 10 tA) Graan 1 7. Parker > IT LU-Uvr ck I I I . Radunavkh I 4 B I 1. Guttravkh A 7 BB IA A-M 7*i H —IIUI4 Hrboemdt Bctinr 14 IParith 14). San ASl.OOtid^tun Gwvdy 1 17. Vko I IT Hudwn 141. K*11 Bt 4. Preytcw 44 M L Ankame 17 IG Andersen I ) Attltlt - Xartrr Trumrmrwl Cbamtn .nhl* t I) Chaplin 1-17, Brawn I IA Bond. 14 0 0 1 Davit I M A A Mandriwn t-S (tuai you in instifit Hatton M I lo r. ton 4), Ion Antonio M BA 1 Itiala II It It I) It NBA STANDINGS tRebarttwill A -IU tl Mon-* .otto tA W Carotin* *4 1 St Wyoming Glbton a 17. Wood I I * . Duuott M l. KHpoIrtck M A Mock 1 SA Martttm* Wkhito Slat* IA Miami M Eatt Gttmoro I X Bane I IJ Thraa paint gaar. tYkhtto Stato 7 17 ICaapar NATIONAL BAIKETBALL AllOC ATLANTA HIM I I . Radunavkh B 1. GvHravkh ) S. Owl Brandon tt. Sttpptry Rock 07 ST. FRANCIS IP * ) ID ) $ 10,000.00 l* t t* r * CanHraac* Laxmgtkan I t * II it, Wiikuet IM 4S1M . Lehigh74 Army D > 4 1 1 7 . Praytow 7 A Band* I SI. Miami S I) (Warran Atlantic D n iu n Matanat 1*4*1) Mi.wt l a ; t A Thout 714 Angara** H M H XL Mil tor),III* 174 lyr'to G*»dm TT Vffka 1 1 * * 7 HDvTff D M A Straa-an a * T l. Preato AA Morton It . Wllllamt T L ¥» L Fll C l J 1 17, Kwuak 1 7 « « A Carr ) S S t * Battle Mocker T il FautoU 4 7. (Mocker SI A LAIN Mittrtttppl 4* S( lawlttan* 14 Oman* a t i l t . Ouug<*» 7 IJ I 1 IL R t a t t T * • It m tH Prattay S H t t 10 Pwrco 11 00 A Rabartt EACH PERFORMANCE Crwrrrl Dtvttlan m o i l Brauar I | 0 4 ). Mumphrwt 7 l i t ) NC StataMA VMI 7* IA Jitoyvatn M St t. Harr tod M I I ) S Alabama M. SW Lauatonw 4* Maruurg l ) ) U tr d l M TT A R r.tr* |J (tavatand It t tut 17. Motatkl t J1 1 ) Tr4*H 47*711 It III NMy7Xxa TVsHtnizdn Savannah Stato 47. Gaorglo Cal toga *4 H L S i g 1 1 *1 1 . Palmar T t M ). TtMto Date att F F41 IH U M dlttim HVlhwAGmam Merton 41. William A Mary 41 IOT I 4) 71 ITS* Mt NHL STANDINGS A )l*ft. If « 4Ff 1 Aitrwtr MUM M—lit IterW iflSB SpcoE Gt m heugn V * W t Slat* tt Albany Stato *0 Halftime— Syracva* SI. SI Franttt M Mi-waukrr IS II in I kMwoako* u m i i n in Three poml goalt Sikma A Humphnat Thraa point goolt-S i Franc ft a t* (An CbSRSScrtZy ^ O-cag# ts 11 Uf AH n a t io n a l h o c k e y LIAQUC Faerlad *ul -C m M r y e T otal Hull - Adrian n Barhawy a* droon 11. HUytH tt. D M 11 1. I v x r * 14 TT t l Martov Pec ihe DhttNr M IB B )* taft m Norffi or OrWxto, |ust ofl ttwy Sotkory 4IS J t tt Sparruu 7 14 * t IA a * M IT. RUitor ***4 II. ManhawtaMM Manwaal LA I M r i If M M l ft 174 IIS Fdwarde St tt A MaaHngt Jt tt A SMUI II. BraaOlw m i L M a w t l l t l L Jahntan M 'm IS 1) f 301 Dog Tnck Rd. Long* If 11 m t 11 4 Jft US nr lemdrakd St I t t t*.. Thampaan S I I t 1. Wrtl T I B I A Taftar * 1 * 4 * Coranau^i t t I 4 I. Buttem t* u II m t Mar Hard t* SB ) St Ul Ul 831-1600 W «m « Shave y 1 7 I 1 A Wakhmgtan * * t t t Tatrti M w uanell Ml. tomtom Baptiat41 Layton M TT I. CU. "4 ■ TT TT T T*4#k u It M IH U C LA *4. N Ir.avSt ta ts 11 4 It Ul in 11 14 440 A S4tt II M U XS4J ITITal T

Sanford Harald, Sanford. Florida — Sunday. January 1, 1089 - 35 ALL-COUNTY FOOTBALL Brantley’s Gebhari P a u ld o , S m it h os si an niFCHSE S lo t Th u Flr»l Turn Qfl Ktrry Wtgglrv*. Samlnato. tophomor* DL .... . Orl Kantor. Laka Mary, wnlor RB JMarquttta Jmtth. L**r Howoll, top* OL ....-----John KnuHon. Ovtodo. junior Player of the Year BS . CwSr!- Br-W}. Lyr-an.'aphr--—* Dt SflFronah, L*T* Brantlay, urlor S i...... Frank DiazOvtoda.|i«*>«r DL Darrkk Whlto, Laka Br anltor. tan tor County’ s best C...... Tom M iy m r. L iU Branttoy, wntor LB ... Wlllto Pauldo. Ovtodo. kantor ■ y CHUCK BltROBSS 0... JMan RownOtotl, L i l t Hoawll. wnlot L B Grog Ml to L at a Hawaii. Mnlor VOLLEYBALL Utica going to Oviedo and Lake G...... Davo Carroll. Lyman, mo lor LB .. MattMlItor.Lakr Branttoy. Mnlor Horald correspondent Prom staff r#ports T______KtUh Johnaon. Lyman. Motor LB Jaton Varltok. Laka Branttoy. luntor Brantley. There were also four All Count* V*tl*ik*ll f MUa La*. Oviado. tantor OB Carlo* HarttfMd, Laka Mary, tan lor Hard work, determination, and First T**m White Willie Pauldo closed out 1.000 yard rushers and two TE...... Oiufc Roll, lamlnofe. Motor OB Gaerga Wlmotkl. Laka Howoll. Mnlor winning are Just n few of the Down Gcbhart It** Branttoy tontor his career at Oviedo High In 1.000 yard passers along with WR...... Calvin Davt*. Lat a Mary, Motor DB Slava Jarry, Lyman. Mnlor Mori Anno Rod'tguu Lott Brand** wnlor WR ...... Chad Duncan. Ovtodo. Motor DB Hat tor Chat Ovtodo. luntor things lhat this year's Sanford Impressive faahlon. Lake nine defensive players who Sul Ann* Hugh** OvtoOo wnlor K Eric Dvllmoyor. Ovtodo, Motor P Dan Sacco. Laka Mary. Mnlor Herald all-county girls volleyball AnmHaWfcOvMa w s r Howell's Marquette Smith averaged over 10 tackles per tocond Turn SacandTaam learn has shown this year. It was Lll Long, Somtnoto wntor served notice that the next two game. Cl Ini John ton. Laka Bran I toy. junior DL .. Kan Tima*. Laka Howoll. Irtthmm AOrltn Hlllwnon. iaminoto wnlor IIR. Elroy Oanlttor. Laka Branttoy. junior OL.... . Kavln Nathan. Samlnoto. |untor a year filled with teams striving years wtii be brutal for opposing Joining Smith In the First RB ...... Ray William*. Laka Mary, ton tor Dl__ K C. Robanon. Lyman, -antor for a state title and others taking Tammy Stott, lak* Mary |wu*r defenses. Tesm All-County backfleld are R B Cor tor Oram. Laka Hotooll. junior OL ___ Wlllto Crayton. Lyman, |unlor Ta"| Ptttr*, LO* Atory junior C Robert Howlngtan. Jomlnoto, Wntor their bumps and bruises In an Pauldo. a senior linebacker, Lyman sophomore Cedric Bouey LB ..... Juilut BannaII. Samlnoto. junior Toro Colvin, L*A* Matt IrotBmtn G______Mark K altar, Lyman, ton tor LB ------John Scharpl. Lyman, tan tor effort lo build a competlve pro­ led Seminole County defenders (1.234 yards on 192 carries) and BototoW Osborn*. Srmlnoto wntor O...... Elltolt Motor, Laka Branttoy. tan tor LB Barry Catoman. Ovtodo. topnomort gram, Dm# But*. L*l* Br*n*l*r --- wntor by averaging over I4 tackles per Oviedo's Frank Diaz (1.162 T...... Icon Tyro. Ovtodo. tan lor LB.....Art Bradford. Laka Mary, luntor After everything wap said and ttotor Hugh**. OvtoOo tepnomoro game. He helped the Lions to yards on 263 carries). T .„. Karin Lchaalrr, Laka Hawaii, junior DB------J.J Millar, Lyman, tan tor •* J■‘L.'^vaa* ^ J ipm ofih. i lw l . iHNwvv A 1 m Oi |* wei. — TE ______-Tom Loront. Lyman, tan lor OB.— ..Kan Llndtay. Laka Hawaii. Mnlor done. Seminole county their best season ever which The First Team quarterback Is ftooltwr Brtnn Lttlto Bo-fon I LA** WR __ «... Brandon Cat* lamlneto. |u.tlor DB John Sattol, Laka Branttoy. Mnlor volleyball could stand prouder Howoll). Julia Coiltrmoo. Emil* down Included a tie for the Seminole Seminole High sophomore Kerry WR...... Barnard Body, Samlnoto. luntor DB...Rota«l Bar not. Laka Hawaii. Mnlor I,*id (Lvinon). M*lliu M*u. F*r*n M.rit K ...... Slava Munrwll. Laka Hawaii, wnlor P Mall Mlltor. Laka Branttoy. tanlor than most counties with the Athletic Conference title, the Wiggins who completed 89 of U uufayi Msitiisfl (Lot* M*ry), Httlhor Brown. Krlt**t fWitof w w *w Fr^wB* ■ 0W»i HanaraMa Montton Lady Lions of Oviedo winning a Snow Itomlneto). Bare Blllmfor. Oral District 4A-7 crown and the 203 passes for 1.189 yards and Back I told — Ovtodo Prvtton Dam..*. Llnaman — Samlnoto: Lattor Batto district, region, and sectional Own Mull. Jaannt SaWal (Lata Brantto* I. Region 4A-4 title. seven touchdowns. The re­ Malt Blanton; Lyman: Stow Jarry, Mika Claranca Troutman. Laka Mary laonard crown before losing In the semi­ K#r»*tn Colon. S*rana C»id*»rp Corrto For his outstanding senior ceivers on the First Team are Oavtt; Laka Branttoy Mika Oanlttor; William*. Lyman: Lrnon Andarian. Lawton. Shannon Wllcoiton. Van*iast four years where they have second 40 minutes. CCC. “ I felt I played really well The win upped the Falcons' we lost two gam es In the won the tournament twice and though, withstood the Lake tonight, but James iNobtlc) and I record to 7-2*1 on the season tournament, we played four of taken third twice. "This win Mary charge to set up the should br sharing this." while the Lions dropped lo 8-4 the toughest teams In the state." dura a great deal fur our tram shootout. Ravndal. clutching the MVP and had to settle for fourth place With 9 SO to play In the game. because we are young.*' "CCC usually builds Its offense Sravstil Is you trophy, said. "W e watched CCC tn a tournament laden with the Asgedom broke loose again. Ihls DlPompo said. By Ktn Rummsl off Its defenders." McCorkJe said. last night and knew they were state's lies! talent time down the left side where hr "But then defenders stayed at Only On* pgrson in spoil* real stro <. o w e came out ready "W e worked for everything wr sent another ttruuilful crossing home tonight out of respect for history has boon tlsclsd to both to phv (onlpht. It was a great got tonight." head Falcon coach pass to the middle where fills the speed of Mora and Brooks. If ths pro lootbotl Moil ol Fsm* Ray DtPompo said of thr win. time Ross Oaks did thr honors NEW YEARS AND I ho b'B looflu* basobaii Hall tram effort ” It would have wrnt to overtime Thr plu, rr voted Most Valu­ "Oviedo Is a tough team to play. with a header thm ripped pwM ot Fam* Th* only pwson lo Instead of right to PKs. 1 think Their sweeper (Derek Hatesl Is the Oviedo goal lo give the RESOLUTION got both IhoM honors Is Cal able Offense by the Pizza Hut we would have scored ’* mTt Incredible pluyc*. lie kept Falcons a 2 0 cushion Hiihtuinl HiihhAfd wa* vOtod brass was CCC s Garrett cronon. ALL TOURN AMP.NT TRAM Cronon was marked out of them In the game the entire time Oviedo had one Iasi shot lo Into pro toolbar!’* Hall of Fsm* While the Pizza Hut people avoid Ihr shutout when Tim 0 In 1961 Ho was onoof lh« gig*) Friday night's game by Lake and their goalie (Jeff Hoffman) come up with thetr own team, tinomon in Ntilonal Football Mary's Nobile — who wasn't played an outstanding gome at Wasanrn look a hard shot with the Sanford Herald offers this Lssguo history Thon ho wo* s even an All-Tournament selec­ keeper for them." 4 32 remaining, but thr rflort alternative. Herald sports editor Quit Now- long 11mo umpus In b*g ISogu* tion. After neither team could gel was saved by Omar Vega who Chris Flstrr. sports writer Mark hud another outstanding night can h e lp ! ba»*b*H *nd ••* votsO Into "That’s the only thing thst any scoring spunk tn the first bassbail • Holl ot Fsmo In 1B76 Blythe and correspondent Chuck half of play, the Falcons came between ihc pipes. FOR INFORMATION takes away a little from winning Burgess combined to see every • • « this." McCorkle said. "James out fired up to put llie lull Even «*ilh the loss Jekanoskl game tn the tournament. Here ts Old you know 'hot NO loam (Nobile) shut down the top of­ between the Oviedo posts and was happy with his team's play 330-0:240 a look at the Sanford Herald Into the net. With 27:57 re ha* won th* Supor Bowl 3 fensive player on every team we (traighl yosr* lines 1BB0T. Th* All-Toumoment team. malnlng In the game, the played in this tournament. If loot loam iu w‘It th* tu*<*' Bwwl anyone deserved to he on the Kir* Klotto*. Lako Bvanttoy Falcons' little moaqullo forward 3 itrslght yoon • «» U-a Pitts All-Tournament tesm. It was M rM oi Latolto, Marcus Asgedom intercepted a bureh Sloolor* Ml (111 and 1BA0 pass from the Oviedo goalie to him." Forward 41 # t >■ La* Mar Bates and ran down the right It was the Marauders who took Mat M«|to*. Miami K niton Haro l on unbMwvabto fact in into SoiOOlM. Jo* Ftoto tor side with possession After tak­ the rarty advantage when Jay a National FoottMfl Laaguo gam* Mar i Ratoon LOU Mary ing the defender the distance, Coe nk'krd up a ball in traffic in wuiou Tudto* RtorOon. Toll Loon botwson Do I roll god Chicago in the penalty ares and slipped a Irk Ravmlal la * Mar* Asgedom centered the ball the Eicit.nl 13 Games g 1 OAT D*< roil hod MINUS M yard* shot past Sharp at the 19:17 teammate Chad Boda who dove rushing for th* day ysl won I ha O tto * high tn the air and headed the I n n Monday • Salu'd\’ J mark. MVP Jam NsUto UU Mary gamo.fO That'*hard to bsno*o Lake Mary had some good No** — Tito Ho *M M toe to* on* Stoll ball through for the first score of Matinee Mon. ^ t i • ^ g but It's trvi* chances late tn the half, wilt* 'hz v»iu. to Play** to* to* to the game. * * • best coming on a free kick at tie "W e made a few adjustments Now thru ^ Look lor our ipocial advorfl* 2 38 mark The Indirect kick at halftime." DtPompo said "I mont Friday on th* bock covorol was touched to Darren Forde told the team we hod to have i ho Sanford Horald I NSW i who htt a nice snap around shot more vision at midfield and that ly magarln* I V Waok ’ we weren't passing the ball well. r l . i an ill rtAIUMN* TWIN iri past the CCC wall, but It (lew can bet on it. . tMf stJ|H i The drat goal waa a great goal If Just over the crossbar and CCC's ■ * IICMIM GAMES I -O lead ttcld up at the half anything It was a hard earned U llL U H Lakr Mary gut (be equalizer at goal because Marcus made a -----“ COUPON------— — — — - ADVANCE MCI RING the 33:43 mark of the second great feed to Chad for thr score " Off NS AI / AM The Lions tried lo answer the •n* tibllM A* **S |HMM half wtien Forde played a nice *» U M I* Nw* * %m 1 bull ahead to Sptchrr who had a scoring call sevrn minutes taler when Hates drilled a header HWY. 17 92 SANFORD ixie on one with CCC goalkeeper — — — — Kevin Focke and Spfcher poked toward the Falcon goal, however 321*7000 It past Focke to tie the score. the shot was a fool wide to the P M i k v n

Sanford Herald. Sanford, Florida — Sunday. January 1, 1989 — SB — Sanlo’d Harald, Sanford. Florida — Sunday. January 1, 1869

Legal Notices Legal Notices 23—Lost & Found 55—Business 7i--Help Wanted Legal Noticos Legal Notices Legal Notices Opportunities REWAKDII ADD YO YOUR INCOME Sanders, OSU run wild Classified IN THE CIRCUIT COUST. IN THE CIRCUIT COURTOF NOTICE OF NOTICE OF ADVERTISEMENT Last. Smell Black Pomera SELL AVON NOWIfl BE TOUR OWN BOSS THEEIOHTEENTNJUDICIAL FICTITIOUS NAME EIGHTEENTH JUDICIAL FICTITIOUS NAMb THE BOARDOF man. in to* vktn.fy ef Xfh 4 Join Dynamic Intarnatlonal til 4tM____Or__ m-tut CIRCUIT. IN AND FOR CIRCUIT OF FLORIDA. IN H oik* 1* h*r»try given toet 1 Notice I# hereby (litn tf-Tl 1 COUMrv rOMMIStir-tFRS Senferd An Cl.f'd's dsc. , S*rw'r- Jtn- .,ecetvmf Unltad F ra il Intarnatlonal running back Scott Gibson on a third and-18 play A?*arf*R1CKIf*ClE li • if -rtY, am r y i - r t ta U * w i *» W J*- en. wsjagM in t -sinus* *• Hto Ti*F cciiN rv op semh.'u# > AStrtmt*^hrtriCnj^4i^ta^ .ncem* Comp..i* training UrlidRlOM’ lit, to i trie -t**-yam t * n r r stive COUNTY Logsl raOUCua FLONllwc. Raspttorry Cl. CdUblbtrrylf Sentord Av*. Stnlerd. FL. kopecsta teetod bids tor PC and an going management CASINO M 1M JCAM F L*mlnnl* Cnurty Florid* under INSTALLER SAN DIEGO — Hrlaman Tmphy winner Barry Sanders seared hla second TD on a 2-yard CASE NO: M41U CAet-L JBniHIM l.WRtty# r HP Hm WIW TIE - Three 111 Perk Pf*1*c1s. 25—Special N otlcts atslslanc* Escluslv* taryito LINCOLN SERVICE to* FktKleui Nam* el TWO F .pm went o'*tarred Must Classified Directory & Information PUBLIC nonce ELSIE F.MEYERS. the Fkllttous Name ef Cl ASSIC nil. be received in lli* • y Ambiltaus iedlyiduklt Sender* completed one of the moat aenaallonal plunge that capped a 93-yard drive and gave CORPORATION. b *d m n d 4bto Above average The land Management Office Pistol IN. GENERATIONS, and that 1 AUTO end thel 1 Intend to Purchasing Department, Only lnv*ttm*nl r»qu,'*d Oklahoma State a 14-7 with 148 to play in the Pietotiff. Inland rtgittoe laid name BECOME A NOTARY pay Pick up truck barkftetat •caaons In college football history by rushing for is in receipt at an apptkatlen to us. to register said name with to* Seminal* Ceunly. until l i l t F marking avaitabto Call Seminole Orlando - Winter Park T* with to* Ctork ut Rd Circuit Per Defalk: I H » 471 use H Ah.*000 INDUSTRIES 227 yards and five touchdowns to spark No 12 half. Hart Lee Dykes caught a 22-yard pass on construe t a 4 0 0 i q II LYNDAL ENGELMEIER. Ctork *1 th* Circuit Court. P AL. local Itm*. Wedneeday. I OOOOH fill. * 1* ttto dackibeetoeut*. DONAlOO GIBSON.etu# . Court. Seen (not* Ceunly. Flertdk February *1, 11*4 BWs srtlt be Flerlda Notary Akeeculton IM Cammarc* Way. Santord Oklahoma Sti.tr to a 62-M rout of No IS thlrd-and-12 at the Oklahoma State's 17 and 322-2611 831-9993 h/k/aLYNOAL HOLMES.and Semtneto Ceunly. Florid* In tm vv.t# Marine CFM X lor CJ. BRADLEY 0 HOLMES, her Ot Mu In accordance with to# Pr* accordance with to* Prevlttont pubik 1 y epened and road aloud 61—Money to Lend 111 Defendants 27—Nursery & Wyoming. Sanders set up the score with a 30 yard reception Becker Request ler Dredge and husband. vision# of the Fklltlout Nam* ef rh* Flclltleur Nan* Statutes. tn to* Board af Casasty Commie DATS INN/100GE Sanders, who set NCAA records with 2.553 to Wyoming's 18. CLASSIFIED DEPT. PRIVATE PARTY RATES Fill Permit tor property de Defendants AMINOFDHOTICEOF Statute#, To Wit Section I9S0* TeWIt: Sectien 6U0* Flerlda turners Chambers. IMI E First C h ild C are CASH A V A IL A B L E I buy FORECLOSURE SALE Florida Statute* :WI tented as me nett ra I I toat ot NOTICE OF SALE Statute* IMI. Sheet. Room FW1X. Sentord. mortgages, noutet income Now hiring Room Ci*oners. yards rushing this season and 37 touchdowns, Dykes, who had 10 receptions for 163 yards, HOURS 10 t • -trortht tksst, , W® • k r NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN /s/EdmendE Ktofte.Jr Ftor toe on to* above eppointod lot II end me eeti el tool of Let NOTICE IS HEREBY /s/Solit Fonseca properly 4 guns. i n *>44 Heusmen. Front Desk. scintillated the crowd of 60.178 by scoring three made another big catch — a 26-varder — with five 7 M M ta rth t U u n ...... HOC • Sou te Hooell Harbor Citato*, as pursuant to # Final Judgment el Publlth Dec 14 19 1 t«. Jan 1. d a to ttl M P M . local hme CHIU) CARE IN MT HOME •.-00 A.M. • 7.-00 P.M. GIVEN, that pursuant te a Final Publlth Doc II. 14 19 IF**. I HOMEOWNERS! Waitress** and Walter*. AM b Ferteleswtt dated September 1. If malllag bid, mall lai S days/wk Convenient lace times In a 28 point third quarter for Oklahoma seconds left In the half, giving Cory Blanchard 3 cmrartht Hb m ...... 7tc • Uro recorded In Plat Book }#. Page Judgment ot Foreclosure en 4 Iff* Jan 1.1F*F Consolidate bill*. Mom* Im PM shittr avaiiabto. Apply in' MONDAY thru TODAY >1. Section n . Tewnthip Ji. I tot. end entered to Cate No DEL in Purchasing D*p#rfm«nl. P O Hen |ust art Lake Mary Blvd time to kick a 33-yard field goal and stake 1 Dot .a..,...,.,,..... 3K ■ kr fared In cause numburtd nPL-M Xyr.Rultost______JT> teoi preven-unt*. Poof loans any p*r*on 4M Douglas Ave . State, which had led 17*7 at tmlftlme. 9 Range » Located on lak e M ISO CA 04 P. at toe Circuit Bos lilt . Sanford PL WT1 SATURDAY - Keen M s tn C A to L . to the Circuit wortowhito purpos* liberal Altemento Sprfnp9 F1 Oklahoma State. 10-2. amacerd 698 total yards Oklahoma State to a 17-7 lead. Court el Seminole Ceunly. Court ol the EIGHTEFNTH 111* LOVING MOM Ffkro r i m reflect • f I 00 t « a S in / il lor prompt or, w - l tsor» foot ed tor 10 doy* oi ■ tower Credit Policy W* buy on nITense to Wyoming's 204. Wyoming was third Oklahoma State took a 24-7 lead on Gundy's Written comment# may be F lerlde. I will tell toe property Judicial Circuit In and lar IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE SIXTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT OF II doUvortog bto le perse*. TO HUO VOUR M YEAR OLD OELIVERT HELP NEEDED (M l pot day 3 tot* m »M ivn [ K „| i C w d when you pot results Fey on), lo# ikM you» o4 too* It SEMINOLE County. Florida THE STATE OF FLORIDA. IN AND FOR PINELLAS COUNTY Oft W*« iwa Springs Rd mortgages Apply by phen* 12-yard touchdown pass to Brent Parker with tiled with Iho Lend AAanagemonl situated to Sevntoule County. deliver lo: County Services Oto South F inane lei Far morning paper route ., In the nation in scoring ouensr coming Into the ro*o Mnwil. whareto LINCOLN SERVICE CIVIL DIVISION Building, ttgi E First Sheet. Reg pending TU 1*S* Olllce. Seminole County F lerlde. described M- Lie Mtg Broker___ *41111 41*0 Sontard Area Apprs 10 hrt game, averaging 41 points per game. Oklahoma 11:33 to play In the third quarter. Uu ton d o w ff 'v i Ur lostasi -esu,»s N po,s U M I * # whole story o S w ••«#• I mo* cost M Unto more Service# Building, Sanford. Let 19 Block A. BRANTLEY CORPORATION it PlatotlN an_ Cat* No 14 11##* II Purchasing Reception Room per week Please cell I X 11*1 Slate was first with 47 points per game. Sanders, a Junior who carried 29 times, keyed FtorktoUni SHORES FIRST AOOITION. DONALD 0 GIBSON, at us . at CENTRAL BANK OF TaMPA. e state 'hertered banking SIM. Sentord Florida 55— Business carperalien. / i p H e lp W anted DRIVER UEAOLlMIt Comment# thou Id be received according to the plat thereat as al are Defendants. I will #etl to SCOPE OF WORK: It was the second consecutive loss In the the 80-yard drive with a 30-yard run. 15 of them the highest and best bidder Ior Plaintiff. Opportunities ___ Noon ISO Doi Befero r a tu n o o wttMn le days el the publication recorded In Plat Bcok g. Pag* I. Sylvan Lake Park — US Monday thru Friday Must be ' Holiday Bowl for Western Athletic Conference with safety Darryl Harris hanging on. Hants also ot this netke #1. Public Record# ot Sam toe* cash et the west Front Door ot vs Lake Markham Reed. Sentord ACTIVIR ASSISTANT DOT Certified Escellenf, I swdey • Neon Saturday JOB OPPORTUNITIES In was penalized for a face mask. Herb Hardin. Director County. Florida tto SEMINOLE County Court JOHN ARNAOUTAKIS. ETAL Furnish *11 labor *qu.pm#nt A stilting 4 driving bus ter benefits Apely In Person champion Wyoming. 11*2. Monday ■ Noon lo tw N r Defendants Australia openings avail tn Lend Management at public ta *. te the laghest end house. In Sentord. Florida, at and ma tori* It to clear, grub, nctvslv* retirement commu PARTS CITY Wyoming scored with 8:31 left In the quarter to n o tho several areas will train Far Quarterback Kund, Welniak ran for both of N O T ! In ISo *r*nt of too publtshsng H errors In od»orHsomonr* Von tor 0 Hereto sn«ri publish o h n Seminote Cuunty. Florid# best bidder, tor each, et the It 00 o'clock A M CIS l f » »th NOTICE OP SALE sprig and Irrigate tar tufurt MIB Cenweelf Rd. Seetord • too—oni 0*0» tl hot boon corrected ot no loot to Iho odiarttser bo* M b -ntorhono «h#ll number no mr-ro Into I 111 in d e x .e e f. tto nity Flesibl* hours, must Wyoming's touchdowns. He completed 13 of 30 draw to 24-14. Welniak ran 4 yards for a Pubttih Jen t. teg* Watt front door et toe Semtneto day ot February, tto*. the tol NOTICE it given pursuant to to* Pinal Judgment of Foreclosure •pons (told and pi tygreiasd area en|oy working aetth poopl* I III entered an December l] ISM In Civil Action No M IIN -IS ot to* FREE TUITION passes for 163 yards. touchdown behind a block from running back o c a ta Ce-toty Courthouse. Sentord. l»wt-ig described property re tet 6 and Intiaf: r.vo 111 backstops REAL ESTATE CLASS U IJ6II Cell Margk 141 *4M. 4 4pm Florida at II M a m en the Jetn forth to said F'.sal Jietgment. to Cktull Court et tot Sislh Judicial Circuit in and tor Pinellas Ceunty. (to tongthl, Includes books. protossKrsol TO REAL ESTATE Wyoming's running threat. Dabby Dawson, DcWalne Jones. wN. Ftseld*. In whkh JCHN ARNAOUTAKIS; A B HAGAN. ELENI instruction Day or evening APPOINTMENT SETTERS PUBLIC NOT ICC day el January. It** 1. Sanl*n Commercial Property Saie Decembev. IN* Rost ol Tampa. Inc . SCOTT G OROPEZA. DEREK PARKER, and Bug Lake Reed. C*M*lb*rry 250 Bonds 6 Bails Dredge end Flit Permit tor OCA l* AREA COORDINATOR MOR. Blanchard kicked a 19-yard field goal to give ? } Lott 1 Found 151- ln«ettment Property'S*!* Da,ui N Berrien TIMOTHY J KOENIG, are Defendants, and CENTRAL BANK OF Funlth all labor, equipment touchdown through a hole on the right side. 261 Bookkeep-ng property described ot Let U. SI.Ett plwt-mo Bonus 25 Spe.,*! 8otters tS3 lots Acieagertale A# Clerk of said Court TAMPA It the Plaintiff I will tell to the highest bidder for cash af end meter tats lor toe cenatruc YURIY RETURN Wyoming tied the score 7*7 with 50 seconds to Oklahornu a 48-14 lead and Dykes got a TD on a Ptot Book l J. Page It Section n. ever Idas ground Hoar oggor 262 Business Equipment By: JeneE Jesewtc the North Front Door ot to* Pinellas Ceunty Courthouse In Hen ol an* II) pkiuc pavilion 27- Nursoi / i Child Caro 155- Condominiums Coo{/Sa#e Township 10. Range JI Located (PAID QUARTERLY) tunity Ce training *jg X X play In the first quarter on Wclnlak's 4-yard run 25-yard reception with 6:58 to play. Reserve 263 Building Contractors As Deputy Clerk Clearwater. Florida, e t ll » a m . on January 19 t**t. the tallowing and furnish install t*v*n (I) 31- Pnset* tnatructiona 157- Mobile Momev-Seie on Lake Brantley quarterback Chris Smith closed out the scoring 264- Cabinetry Publish Jen 1.9 ltot described reel property tel forth In too Final Judgment et OFFSHORE INVESTMENT A lU M ItiY WORK .1 fuvT„ around the right end. 33 rtaai Citato Cou'sat 159 neat Estate Wanted Written comment# may be water fountain*, tore* 111 bis# K IYIIIIIN TH I SOUTH 265 Carpentry DEA II Foreclosure racks, and benches throughout plus menv nlfv n Earn good Welniak compkted'a IH-yard pass to reserve with a 5-yard TD run with 1:13 to play. 35 Buttnass School* 150 Real Estate Eichange filed with the L md Menegement 266- Carpet Floor Coverings EXHIBIT A to* perk as noted en plant Ter rompltle dtlatlt and n*g*s In spar* Itm* Call ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ 3? Vocational A Trsda Schodtf 161- Country Property-Set# Olllce. Somlnele Ceunty 267- Construction Main INTHE CIRCUIT COURT.OF IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF PARCEL It Specifications will b* avail lnt*rK*fton. well* to: I X 4 *4 l 0041 « it l i f t ____ 36 Corttspondanco 153 Wstertront Property Sale Service* Building, tenferd. THE EIGHTEENTH JUDICIAL All ot Let If ANO THE West *1 feet o* Lot 19 Block I ot 269 Cleanng Service Florida n n t. THE II JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN abto frro of charge an W*dne* AUTO DETAILEA 41- Coitagat t Umoorstttat 165- FarmsGroras/iata CIRCUIT.INANDFOR CORONELLA SUBDIVISION, as per map er plat thereof ts to* P.O. Bas f F * FULL/PART TIME CASHIERS 269 Concrete Comment# should bo received AND FOR SEMINOLE day. January 04 Mb* and may; 444 No *#p necestary Good 43- Mod col 1 Denial SEMINOLE COUNTY. COUNTY FLORIDA same It recorded Is Piet Book 1. page M ol to* pubik records ol be obtained rf to* efltca ef tl* Froeparl Mutt N h«rd working o*4 270- Dryaett within le days ot the publication hurling conditions opporturM hontif CtctHtM b«n*M 4$ Alls i Crafts Household Merchandise FLORIDA. CASE tIO to teikCAOt-L Hillsborough County. Florid* County Purchasing Department Bahama# Turnovers have been key 271 Electrical etthisnoftca CASE NO.! M IMF CA I I P ty lor advancement Mutt b* piirt (ornptflllff Ml 4/- Food ersporslton PARCEL III et to* address net*d above Herb Hardin. Dir actor 0ENERAL JURISDICTION herd worst# and D#e*«id*b#*l 4S Uiscattanaous 161 Appiiances/Fumrturs 272- Escalation LANE DEVELOPMENT CO. DIVISION Lei II Block 9 CORONELLA SUBDIVISION, according to to* CONTACT PERSON Iron* «ry Apply inpBfkononly * l and Management Salary nag CaH4WWX HaftW MdffM . 55 Businass Opportunities 163 TawnsiorvRadio'Sttrso 273 Fance Pietoiin. AMERICAN SAVINGS AN0 map or plat thereof, as the tame It rtcordtd In Piet Book 1. page 14. Pemo. Contract# Analyst (X II tern mete Ceunty. Florida vs otttse pubik records ol Hillsborough Ceunly. Florid* 57 Opportunities Warned 165 Computers 774- FireeoodFuel LOAN ASSOCIATION OF » l IIXEal 1)1 Legal Notices BARMAID MiSMLMNtard Publish Jen 1.1st* RUBE V DURR end ALL PARCEL III' IS Investment Bio**’* 157 Sporting Goods 279 General Services SEA * FLORIDA. A Ftor Ida Betsy Cl Leonard Eiptrlenced . honest. d*p*n to knocking off the ’Canes 779 Handyman PF R SONS CLAIMING BY. Carper stlon The E a s tll II tot! ol Lot 4 ALL o« Lots t and to. Block 14 o# MAP Purchasing Director 169 Ottkd Su p p'ws'Egutpment LEOAL NOTICE FOR PS4S4- dab>* N*wly r»mod*t*dbar 61- Monty to land THROUGH. UNDER OR OR YBOR CITY SUBDIVISION, as per map or plat thereof, as the ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ 191 Building Materials 277 Mouse Plans Plaintiff. IN I E First SNrol THE BOAROOF Wtikay Rivet ftarth S3 Mortgages Bought A Sold IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF AGAINST RUBE V DURR. tamo It recordtd In Plat Book I. page II. ol tto pubik record! ot win over Notre Dame — and no problem to inexperience. None of t93 lean i Garden 279 Home improvement vs Sentord. FL m i l COUNT - COMMISSIONERS IfX Call SR 44. Sanlard GOVERNMENT JOtt |l# 0*3 United Press International THE IITH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT Defendant! Hillsborough County, Florida Publlth Jan I. ire* if* IX p*r yr Now hiring 195 MachineryrTOOU 279 Home Repairs FRANKH LOWENTHAL. SEMINOLE COUNTY ______m rui______more than three In any other the players at the skill positions, Employment IN AND FOR l EMI NOLI NOTICE OF ACTION WITH PARCEL IVi DEA* Call IMS X I SOU. Erl R t ir j 197- Iqutpmenl lor Rant 260- Interior Decorating SANDRA E LOWENTHAL. FLORIDA BABTINOLH I .. - r,u.>, except for Walsh, started before COUNTY. FLORIDA DESCRIPTION OF REAL BARBARA GOLDSTEIN AS The East II feet ol Let 1 end to* Wes* II tool I Inch** ef Lai 4 lor current todrral list _ _ MIAMI — Turnovers have contest as they won the national 07. Carter Counseling 251 Janitorial Services Th* Seminole Ceunly Board a* Apply m person Turo F rt. case n o aaetsacAes-L PROPERTY PROCEEDED TRUSTEE Black U. MAP OR YBOR CITY, according to too map er pial Ceunty Comm.sHoner# In cam played a tnajot role In each of championship with a 12-0 re­ this season. OF Resumes 282 land Clearing AOAINST thereof, at tha same Is recorded In Pial Boo* I. page II. Ol Ih* pubik 1 SPM . Deltona Inn. Dalton* CUAROS Pets 4 Livestock HICHLAN0S HOMEOWNERS' Defendants pliant* with the Censutlentt Some of the turnovers have 70- 283 l and leaping TO: ALL ABOVE NAMED records ot Hillsborough County, Florida Blvd ■ E ill I 4 *1 0»if«n* Previous been** net required Miami's lour football losses since cord. listing Service ASSOCIATION. INC. a F lor Ida AMENDEONOTICEOF IN THE CIRCUIT COURT Competltlv* Negatietten Act. 199 PUte 6 Supplies DEFENDANTS PARCEL Vi CHILDCARE WORKI R Witt hem RtKrros wokom* the start of the 1985 season. This year's lone loss, a 31-30 been blamed on off weeks and ft- Help Warned 254 lien Servtca non prot.t corporation. FORECLOSURE SALE OF THE IITH F t. X10SS lifytto* Esproaslon# 200 Registered Pets YOU A ll HEREBY L o l l Block Is MAP OF YBOR CITY, according to to* map or plat Mon Frl . I *I-M working Phon* and car necessary I 73- Employment Wanted 285 lock I locksmith PlOtntlfl. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN JUOICIAl CIRCUIT ef Inltrotl lo provide Pro The Hurricanes turned the trail defeat to Notre Dame, featured the layoff before bowl games. NOTIFIED that a Cevnptetot te thereof, as to* same It recorded In Plat Book I. page tl. at to* pubik w/Chlldrtn a g *i I II yr* Ma > W c * iff 201- Horse* 289 Masonry vs pursuant to e Summery'Ftoel INANDFOR tosslenel Community Develop 101*01 Miami had a week off before the Outot T it* te Reel Property hat lmm*d'*to 1^«r— >g* Ar*il 1*4 E. Ill SI Suite! over four times In a loss to seven Miami turnovers. Rentals 203 IhreytJCL'Poultry 287 Motvle Home Servtca RAV A JOHNSON and Judgment ot torectosure dated recordset Hillsborough County. Florida SEMINOLE COUNTY. m*nt Btock Grant AdmlMttra been filed egetotl you to award PARCEL Vli SEM IN O LE YMCA.m-dM* ______n t x u ______j Florida In the 1985 season “ Definitely. It's the turnovers Notre Dame game, and had a 266- Moving t Storage MARTHA HUMPHREY October * . INS and entered to F LOR I DA live tar vices For Dopartmonl ol JOHNSON, hi# wile. and confirm to Ptetolitf full end The West II feet of I Ik Inches el Lei 1. Block 14 MAP OF YBOR CLERK/T that make or break thts team," week off before losing four turn­ gt ApartmenCHouse to Share Misc. Merchandise 289 Mus Further described as a I S acre parcel and you are required to serve a Sentord. F L U ID benefits package If this opportunity in­ oAc of the Bulldogs' most and all-puqtosr yardage (1.519). malted for 144 yards and two IPXT r W OOt X feet, thence Seuto «0*4l i r W . t l Ti toot, to the Seminole Ceunty. Florida under County. Flerlde under Ih* located et to* southwest earner *4 SR * end long wood Mar them iopr of your writtan d*tont*9 H Publish Jen t. Iter He also was selected the UPI touchdowns against Tennessee. Po.nt ot Beginning 1HENCF South (e - tr ir * E . 100 CO Kef thence terests you. ploase personally Inquire at lifcvsldcd recruits. He soon pro- the Fid If leu# Heme ot PMT rtctltleu * Name et Read any, le II en MARK OCA 1 \bWilliam N Fallen Pstoilth January I. t*W • AM EMPLOYMENT? tions concerning hla quarterback are unrealistic. U. ISM Publish Dec 19 19 l«M Jen I. tn B*o* ' RR** on pages 41* and t!!, Monroe Cau y. Ftortd* records ANO ALSO • IV* oHdf It*# P a in tin g And Arkansas players have had to listen to "Thrrr la no way a player can fulfill all the DEL TS# 9 'tto Accounting A Cleaning Service DEL 1*1 Perl ot le t Thro* In Square Slsty three 1*1) In to* City et Key counbgdng lo tlonmg minora about Kazorbacks Coach Ken Hatfield expectations and demands of the people who feel W M lh O L l COUNTY BOAROOF COUNTY COMMISSIONSRS West, commencing at a pear l an Seutoard Sheet, stvent, five I 111 NOTICE OF or changing your Tex Service R*tto*nful #r (m etrtu l J /P a in tin g legvlng the school after the game to lake the he will complete every pass and never do NOTICE OP PUBLIC NEARINO toot tour and en* hart inches hem to* earner at Seutoard and FICTITIOUS NAME carggrl RMMwabta l « f 0»/*rto*kta rj *, //cm# fippp/r varaled coaching position at the University of anything wrong." the coach said. "Troy throwa a JANUARY M. It** Thames Sheets end rsavung Nerto Easterly on Southard Sheet E2TAI PREPARATION Fro* ttiMwatas Ml Ml* toatko ts hereby flown tost we The leerd *4 Ceunfv Csmmtotrenen ef lore too * Cettofy. Florida Twenty tire IUI feet snd oro end en* hell inches thence Seuto ALLFOaMS lOWCOSTHI Georgia lot ut touchdowns and completes a lot of passes are ongiyod to busmese at NN n o n e EOF Easterly Seventy five f i l l teat, toon-a et right angles Seuto • Sere* you Dm# and a n a t c l i a n i n o s i r v i c i Q ■ JA2-JBP»I FICTITIOUS NAME srtN herd a public h rern f * consider to* NHewtng V iQTfg#.m axi Lake lucten Dr.. Suite JM Westerly leonty tty* IM) toot ww end i*w halt inches, toonr* el w at led oflorttl Rersentliittf Rretastienat ir ih - .T R - j r a in TINO CO But he's not perfect. He throws sn Interception I. FLORIDA POWER CORPORATION - BAM * IYSE - A I Llu'« B»rtol4'l>we Jr* ww* “ Troy ham actually done a good Job under the Maiiarvt FL JJIkk Semtoele Netke is hereby glv*" * * • I right angles Northwesterly Seventy fin. I l l ) toet to a pe-nt et Addition-.J o lt ion A L><•**•* Ben*** lnsur*< Far now r.nd then. too. am engaged to butnvsi at Isa* Agrtcu-tvee levs* - Appeal egetotl to* Bear* *4 Adtuttmenf M • Loco) ofl-co for you' Circumstances." Donahue said "But there has Ceunty. Florida under the denying e request tar a Spec Nil E ecaphan to permit a public utility beginning en Seutoard Sheet Beusg sane tot conveyed by Hugh R e m o d e lin g IFICIAlllINO INRENTAL * ro* I sl-matas' Celt 111 tote “ Nobody is upset or angry about the situation FktiHeu* Name ot WATER 9 I Iito. SI Savderd. F I I t m Gsatn to Antanto lapel by deed dated Me, 14 tegs, end ,veer0*0 in convgnigncel FR O FIR ITaito OFFICES been so much hoopla concerning the Dallas l amina* Ceunty. Fiends muter eiectrkoi subsio'wn m Tee Parcel 4 Section m i l l . W Side el Pressure dleani here. It Just happened because of the coincidence AIR AAANAGEMENT. and that BreoAt Lane end >smiN Set Red Bug Lake Reed IDI«T If Nsee- V V enPeg* 1 Jet toonr** County p to rre c o rd s BE. LINR CONST Ilf *11* Cowboys and the possibility of him playing h e r e we intend te register #a-d nance toe Fktmeus Name o> WINGER DON'T • IV• completely cor#' ANO ALSO Involving the Cowboys and their No 1 pick." MARKETING end that I intend I KEVIN AN0SRS04I/PETERSON OUTDOOR ADVERTISING let Ed 1 Room Additions THI CLIANINO CO X r't BAB STEAM i PRESSURE With the Clerk ol the Circuit On to* Island *t Key Wes' and known en Wkliem A WtwtoAead ( Hid Sbmmold o/ea1 Ra* rCamm L- tlial I think II began lo affect him a couple of days to regular totO name artto toe _ |AM * I IfV — C 1 Commercial Ian* - Appeal against to* Beard otp The Arkansas situation revolves around Hat­ Court Seminole Ceunty Ftonde *t Ad|ustm*-t m ehetoPt "Wrianrokxw X U X N tor Ma* at s n t Island dtoi-watod tn le to v r n -me *, yr-t ot le# I tymryiol.nt l(t» IH7Q79 CLEANERS to ecctrgenre w**h « » Pro Clerk et *** Circe11 Cev-vt. denying to an • You pwy nothing C*-iM> I f ! field and hi* reluctance to discuss the Georgia * e * t M eusdaw advertising bfttoeard c* Tas Perce# IC Sectien Square el. cammoncinq et a pewit joe t**t t inches narttwesSwiy until you accept Fman# my !t*t* Lk KBCMOS'i Fully ear t ab i • i Free • •slant ot the F MHIwwt Name Semina* Ceunty. Ftends to trem the earner ef Thomas ond Sautoar* Sheets end IM toot t me ties E itimaKs t Cell m i x * related rumors By not denying he ts Interested In Stehdes. Town lac Ken 1st to accar dance w«to toe Pro iinane FORGET! t)11 X. W side e# SR Os end M M It I ef Newell Branch Reed employmen (I southeasterly hem SeuSherd Street Sato pemt bemq to* paint ot lO iS Tii . . Budding Contractors the Georgia position. Hatfield has only fueled F lerlde Slatutos tflt at toe FkSftwut Name SNM rt. beginning, rsmnmg thence rip m 0 serf* ■ 1 -Is, I, ejection to tee#, H andy M an Roofing TeWIt Section M l to F kendo 4 PLUS THREE. INC. - Ba m lIMSE —C l Commercial l too - those rumors fVJames V CrHes Request #er amenwswnf v . Special E rroefun eeeroed fn J*#y K thence ot ngh# engtos m e sau*t westecty Aroctien IM #eet tome* *« HUM! *1 'A ll krurlW iV BOD# BC«»AlBt r*srwf or . s Char ten A Cnto* Sie’ *#e* lew 4 ISM to permit toe teto ef beer and win* in conspsetton with a bnusr d 0 fight angles m a worth westerly Arectwn X toot toenc* ot ngpit foooai i i o o i i o i m 4 Rhavtowg V *r* C Kerung 9 *4* tmd BU I fud*en "Everything aactodatrd with that (the Georgia Publish Oec IV I (to Jan I. 9 s/Terr, L Winger aertar to add rniswd * H I en Le# A 4 Lengawad WssSees. PB n engtos to e isenheetseriy e»*ctien IM toe- bars to tos pemr *t lk flM tillf HI IN­ Orto tab* IM Kb Tro Small' t _____nt 11 Tl discussion) has bc-n a distraction." Hatfield said. II ttto Pubikh Jan 1.9 1911. t*to Call Classified F too ( il'matas' C a ftm w i' Oft U t 05 A I Pg 19 Sectien e t I X C t i d e e l U t H w y t f P I a n d t o milt S ot CUS TOM HOMES General Hauling “ Bul the very first day something was written SR as# ID ISTII . TOGETHER with improventonis situated tooro-n end too,eon ...... mil** shout It (last Tuesday). I told the team that I was When buying or selling TN* eublk hear mg ws i be held to Ream w tx at toe Semme* ANO ALSO Mm /Comm CIC H IlM Os toe Island at Key Wett end known ss a pert at Let 1 to Black er Laridscapmg ~ IRASH A JUNE REMOVAL committed lo ihem and to winning thts ball Count, Servtret buildtog IMI E Pws# Sheet. So*#*rd. Plerld*. an WHY — remember to turn to January 14 tee* al I M p m er et teen thereafter at p e a *** Square 91 faceted o' to* earner et Seutoard and Themes Sheers C a rp e n try htntmg to toet end I m oat on Is v h lfS Shea* and rsaeung beck 41 AM EMPLOYMENT? bOGUl'S Frro (itimAtt! gome. Wvmen cenuswnl taad wish the Land toanagsmanf Dwectar wut I CAR F I N r ■ Y, hem* r o y r n hr* Flanting# Rrvnlng “ I told Ihem there would be a lot written classified for fast te 1,-1 <| IT Person* spa*wing at Pw Pubik Hearing tod he leaf store Thames Sheet end bemg pert ** to* saw* property CBRtmk tit*. t o n C L IA N U F WORK____ 111X14 cenveyed to J C Welker by M M MULVENNAN en May 1 levs by WE ARC TMC VERY MukhbCtaawto Ml tl*' between then and Jan 2 and that alter Jan. 2 we heard Purtoar dataiit aveuab* by calling HI H X a s t aas n» HF? free Service money-saving results! Persarw are adistad toat H they dtods to sgpaai any d »«i**n Deed recorded m Deed Bee* OQ Pap* Ml of to* pubik records *4 BEST AT WHAT will see what the future holds mad* ot bus haanng *wy win naad to tomro ha* * verb en - recard Monro* Cesasty. Ftonde. veto te* and btock Orspnatod being WC DO" Cleaning Service (CHOIS IR II StRviCt "But there la nothing I'xe ever enjoyed more al wo praiaad rgs N made edwcls recard r c L d n toe toktsmar / and according to Wituem A PPus*h*o0 t Mae to 'inoosod ** February W* Place Over 20.000 1 r*« vstintatasl Lew Frk etl C laM ified Advertising m s e c s upon which to* seeeel to to he based, per Sectien IM $101 IO« 80UM CLEANER l k Ins StumgGrmgrng. Tael than coaching this team and watching It grow | f su-al idto) I A Yoaf* R**a*«*iBI* Christian S I ni4 0*r KMX D e p a r tm e n t KARl EENF OCBLAICR and watching tl get to tire Cotton Bowl I think we OOAROOP COUNTY CORAMISSlONERS 700 W 25th St. I w/reto#ewces in am M Tb* e n if 11 in* fi d o r CLERK OF THE CIRCUITCOURT are all as committed to winning this game as we SEMINOLE COUNTY. FLORIDA FRANK Oainharl e*u*ru*1 111 I kl roftma#** Cab Ut I X ‘ take our mind* oft«*l that " Publish January I. IS** DEA I T T T T r n

•B — Sanford Harald, Sanford, Florida — Sunday, January 1, 1893

KIT N’ CARLYLE® by I jirry Wright 141— H orn f t for S«le 71-Help W a n te d 71—Help Wanted 97—Apartments 141— H om es for Sale 141— H om es lo r Sale Furnished / Rent optometric TICH/ASSISTANT I [joNT NtoC A Ufir IMMEDIA1 € JOBtl - S Brand New Wall la Wall S ir / CWt’T UiH NUKttl Air* All i...l|» dOoilona. Iti area Owner Volt let Carpal a Tile C «i»i>irl evpd or certifiedonly Apply walk h> Elementary. M W k a ft ttA iw of in •moving* Mutt Mil Immedi-ile BUILDING & REMODELING ______004100 Lekevtew hurting Cantor High School* and If « Pool. lyt Priced below appeal tall ) t it I M it.... ----- laniard PrU#*# balcony, Control H/A. bdrm . > bath, ip lll plan ROOM ADDITIONS Plchwathtr, Eof In Br**kla*i ar/lormal living a dining PIER TEACHER Nook Furnllhid and/or Family room w/tvugo coquina • Financing Assistance Poll lima IK hour1 1 Require* woolly available U K Plot • iroplaco l o ll of wallpaper a COA Deg*to Start at U hour IIN Florida A v e . Sanlord tile I I foil M I* . 1 car garage • Bonded * Insured A*Pf4« A«r Ipdftg Benelllt Include Monthly I Mow Management I .. I l l OAK loll cl oakt a thrubtl Clow ASSOCIATED Bonvt Plant Paid HoHdaytt to I A mopping a K hodi TEMPORARY Paid vacalloni Free Child Owner edit pay lor new carpel STAFFING Corel Apply In perMn a l. a paint I You pick the roketl Gingerbread Koine. JIM HUGHES, INC 407 740 5533 11(4 Elm Are .Sanford. Fl ASKING ONLY $61,900! TON QUIET, SINGH STONY, Call lor appointment alter iPM IA0I0L0GT RECEPTIONIST ENERGY EFFICIENT 4CM74 Uia CONTRACTOR Ftdl lime Mutl be lamillar wlln medical terminology FURNISHED STUDIOS (407) 305-8002 Erpertence In computer* and radiology depart men I t hotel AAA EMPLOYMENT tat or phytic len t silica I re qulrod, .... Apply In person i #•*51 W icurr Weal Veletla Me merle I Heptital V V *i CAU TODAY YOU l TOUR FAMILY SANIORO COURT APIS HEALTH* PROSPERITY EVERYTMINO FOR THE FUI4 3233301 LOVINO FAM ILY! 1 bdrm , I WHY RENT IN 19891 bath, lamily room, tree lorm POOL, barboque area, plvt START OfF THE NEW 103—House. over I oert wooded tolling When You Con Own TEAR WITH A Rural Yal Clota In H alt Unfurnished / Rent "NEW CAREER" BATEMAN REALTY Warranty Free To B'/yer Ol Y o u r N e w H o m c l CALL PRESTIGIOUS LOCK ARBOR tereJat .4Ut.tkM 1 bdrn.., ivy oaln, lamily MYAIll A HSFt’ rif taw t U ’ i rr.i, pluttocurlly. AWAITING YOUR FAMILYI 99—Apartments EARITIUEMMI inaa*cprage;w)aaa 321 0759 Vary allractlvo 1/1 on large NO DOWN PAYMENT Unfurnished / Rent lot Treed 4 'enced backyard, AAA EMPLOYMENT BUT THIS HOUSE FOR S t® ! veraenad 4 carpeted patio, Through The Farmers Home Final out of pcckel coal In colling Iona. Convenient to 323 5176 dudaa wn payment a clot t hopping. AllordaWe aevtoo Administration, You Can Move Into A Brand New Wall lo Wall YOU CAN BUY THIS HOMEI1 New Home Al Amazingly Low Terms. Carpal A Tlla Convenient yord. wan la achool 4 mop ping lit S. Edgemort. Winter or 1 bdrm homo that'* had Payments Are Based On Your Family Size walk lo Elementary, Middle i lot* el TLC New carpel Call Soring*...... C a lim o a ii High School* end IT f l Pod. lor llnonclng tuggettlont And Ad|us1ed Family Income. Private Balcony. Control H/A. Sanfotd. ( lu lltn f Condition 1 bdrm . I<» betht. UJi/mo FHA/VA. LOW DOWN WJJOO See Us Today) Dtthwothor. Eol In Braikfatt Itiadepmll. Nope'* M u ll Let Us Explain This Sensational Plan, Nook Furnlihed ond/or OVERLOOKING THE weekly evellaWe U K Plv* fafahy,pKft 105-Duplex* FAIRWAYS! 4 bdtm . }ty 1110 Florida Ave. laniard bath home, cory lamily room I New Management! I l l MM SERVICE TECHNICIAN Trislex/ Rent with fireplace, ureened porch C & S HOMES, me. LOOK I NO FOR A FUTURE overlooking lake and goll CASSELBERRY court#, formal living 4 dining COMFORT AT AN INVITING £ = T (904) 738-0153 One Ji Fla’* largatt ter vice COME HOW 1 Bdrm . unturnllhad duple PRIC8I Feel the warmth ol iwi.r— t cncoiuoa STAFFING NURSES company* I* rooking lor a FORM HOLIDAYS. tho open hea-nrd celling and per von lo vervke account* In DELUXE DUPLEX flrepiaca In the living area 710 WEST NEW YORK AVE. OELAND UNITS, MED-SG, 0B, ORTHO •ho North Orange and COMMUNITY HE ARE VERT BUSHH Som lnola County area II you CLZAN. UUIET. SPACIOUS pretty backyard 1 bdrm . 1'y walnoauglvr enter C.l.iond.tt...... -SISU bath, i .w root, plumbing, OGuaranleod Incoma APPLY TOOAVI LAKE MARY: Duplet. 1 bdrm point 4 tlorage build with Incentive pay bated I bath. air. relrldga. ikeve. ORIENT TOOAYI on production o WORK TOOAVI Oven, wither dryer hookup*. o Comprehend rotonof 11 COUNTRY, YET CLOSE INI 1 OET PAIO TOMORROW. big yord W 1 Call 1J) Hal program o bdrm . I bath, (pill plan, EXCELLENT PAY. oOpporlunllyloradvancome I central hool/alr, tetra tntule Weekend Rale* M R d on performance o good nolghbcuhood. carport lion, oectlleni condition. UH/no ♦ tlK d ep I 1U 0M4 a Paid proletvtonal training a Cornor lot. lot* Ol Ireot 1JJ.JO0 M e d ic a l p e r s o n n e l po o l SANFORO *K N. Orlande Aee. Furnlthod. I bedr Adult*, no they.II f l pot* m t m . f m ; Kpm ■ M i meed tea m e For mar* inlormallan and a confidenllal interview contact Detfd I them al fee h it or 111 tin between 4PM and IPM Application* accepted In plutUOO pertavtol: III# Clay Ate,. 107—M o b ile Homos / Rent 3. 3 or 4 Unitor.m llomr* All SEWING MACHINE M* M U altar ipm Fraluml Willi 2 Hath*. O X : HOME HEALTH AIDES OPERATORS NEEDED Kitchen* — Calhrdral Crlllng* •' All WMftl #t#il ExC»H*flfg FlrrpUre* and Double t ar Garage* Mutl ba atparlancad In all DORCHESTER APTS CREDIT l *. Alda carftftcation paid opera!torn Application* will be accepted alter Jan. Ird 109— M o b ile H om e PROBLEMS? Anyone purrhaving an relating :UVt INH0ME HEALTH AIDES tan Del Manateelur m* Lots / Rent model hnmr brfnrr Drr 31 will Needed Immadlitelyl lie* 0*d Lake Mary Read m e tre a m i t t OK tide by vide Saaiard. Fkanda m il N0NPR0VABLE rrfrtferatnr frrr/rr lit MU______INCOME? Priced From The 113— Storage Rentals HOMEOWNER llgh S70’s To The Low S 100‘s /forte Mepdin STORAGE OR WORKSHOP Sanlord Area »VX vq I I , will LOANS . Grin Moved (f j JonJC Amoved divide Electric and water •5,000*1250,000 aeall Call anytime m i l f f Low Monthly H q JANITORIAL POSITION r 3 2 Z m38 7 3 P erl lime night* lo clean 115—Industrial Paym ents bftKe* prefer M yr > or older R entals • Re Financing * hoemaker • Dnbl Consolidation EXPERIENCED F100RMAN •cAA BUSINESS CENTER New S T n U C T i g ^ SANFORD Cal' u< lor I A 1 • Homo Improvement Futi/f*#rt lime Ntghlwork Otlka/wht* Ilia' bay with bdrm rental* U K 4 up offkotlft l/f|/41> UfflM • Quick Closing Par no Really • Investments EXPERIENCED TELLER 3224871 114— R eal E sta te • No Income Cfitck LANDSCAPERS For new bank in Lake Mary. SANFORD Etlictency Appl • W« Buy Mongagos Full lime D>lr*r't licence Fl Call » t M 0 M r Interview Water a garbage pick up MS • Any Purpose tfTN

TRACTOR TRAILER DRIVERS ****4 *0 ******** For local hauling Mutl hav* a 117— C o m m trc ia l 48 HOUR NjV SHENANDOAH VtUAGE APTS R e ntals PRELIMINARY I 4 1 bdrm dupkneu from APPROVAL NY PHONE.1 H ie Playground A Huge pool Conveniently located m 11 f l (407) 260-6216v between 414 4 Lk Mary Ol d Uhoot Id become one I II you Bcaee^MtttQCACCtooaAA a A A • n h n A A iW F r k M r k / v V i ' latroedy have your Ikena*. Fimtlwt INkomf* 3232920 than why wan any longer la ***< :********** 121— C o n d o m in iu m ADROIT FINANCIAL reach your financial goat*! TRC T i m vIW k m R e ntals _Catl me tmmadtalely lor a SERVICES leant idenl 1*1 Interview PERSpisrsu 101— Houses DECOR DELIGHT JERRY DROSS Furnished / Rent S0G E. HWY. 4M 760 5100 1 bdrm , 1 bath, wauher ,- dryer. Cen H/A. tiiepiece. Cattolborry. FL 33707 TRUCK DRIVER ORANGE cmr Ian*, mini blmd*, kitchen lic wonraaat onevrn Mo ovorrughtt. hourly wag* « Newly decoroled I equipped, pool, racgual ball 4 DANIEL & bonut Good bene! I tv perm bdrm .w Ig living room A locum, .war (hopping ctr . petition Apply fAM HAM kitchen *4011 mo I Including Hddan Lava Village. Lake WOHLWENDER Lcerty iTrwit Ptanl f*l C. vttltllotl. Call 4*0 *4/0 Mary Call alter *P M P I TO* REALTY INC ten r lUnlerd Alrpwll IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY URGENTLY Need Dependable 103— Houses 1/1. Like Newt Overlooking Perton I* e*rk without Unfurnished / Rent lake 1(00 mo llrtt pluv depot LPN OR *uporvl*lon Mr T**at Oil Co II. or lea** pur cite** Connie PHYSICIAN’S ASSISTANT In Samlnol* Are* We train an i n eviior me m eorti For buiy doctor * olllct Writ* M S Dicker***, Pro*. P lee van I per tonality A ability SWEPCO. 4*> M INI, to work well win* pubik A Ft Werfh. Ti Mill ••aft Willing la travel lo vaMiiii* olticev In Sanlord

RRAMO NIW I Fullon Center, MEDICAL RECORDS aER A U ! Fulton SI Sanlord 400 *0 Qerjeva Gardeijs II r* pandabi* oftko and re | FuH Urn* Minimum #t 1 yr* tailipac# IlKMvMrof*/ eipe-wnc* In ICOfCM cod warehouv* Move In (pec t*M ! mg A DKG ewgnmertl Sal A tory Living * Cable T.V. Available • Sue* coverage iv required end Bodioom Apia, • Pool I hour* are negotiable A K T NEAR PINECREST SCHOOL Dryer Connections • Beautiful Landscape ‘ preferred bul will accept 1/1. all appHancov UI0 month ! equivalent eiponenc* Goad Facilities Available • On Bub Line (alary • benallti Apply Available * Close To Shopping and W V* u(ia Mamneial lanpllal 701 W PI,movltiAve Deland Storage Available Ma|of Highways 91—Apartments/ House to Share L O O K \ Before You Lease! 1989 NEW YEAR SPECIAL4 NEED A JOB? O* »*tn T ad* f f "Your Age Is Your CUTINHRVICM 93— Rooms (or Rent »48 49 91 ONE MONTH FIRST MONTH RENT1 DOWNTOWN SANFORO Al Iractive large room PrtvaM (EXAMPLE: 35 YEARS OLO • RENT J35.00) entrance oft (heelperkin* FREE RENT Call 111 4(41 between 4 if. m f XCtLLINT LOCATION Se*tonal And Corportlo Apartmonl* AvalUbt# Kltchon A latmdrv privilege* ItAAlng Program* To Suit Your Ntgdi XtlAlllar I *0a HI 1401 Watgrtront Lifatlylo* g e q e v a

PART TIME OFFICE HELP Awimli A uni arai'ingt Apply Lanierd Airport Ur* g a r d e n s f Jfih SI 3kg IIIL Sun A Mon .Jan HhAflhOniy APARTMENTS 97--Apartments e c o A m PART TIME SECRETARY 1505 W. 25th St., Santord Man *h«r f r ( Pet* vacation Furnished / Rent SMOKES A haHdayt Good wo>ti«g 1407) 322-2090 condHWnal CMI U< rtjt aOltte* Hours: Frt, 9-6, Sal. tOA Sanford Herald, Sanford, Florid* — Sunday, January I, 1989 — 70

238—Vehicles H I—Homes lor Sale H I—Homes lor Sale 181— A p p lia n c e s 213—Auctions 223—M iscellaneous 2 3 1 -C a rs 23S—Trucks / W anted / Furniture Buses / Vans MAYFAIR • Ona block ott taka ~ BRIDGES AND SON Autam alit Callea Makar, GOVERNMENT 1 E I I C 0 Vehicle! Iron. DOS Forjt. S bedroom with large family A AuCltorsavary Thuriday J PM Computer. Hard Pyecnver CHEVY SCOTTSDALE PICKUP WE PAY TOP »l lor wrecked living room l i l t wo LARRY’S MART IIS San lord Refltlery. Lawn Mawer. Het Mercedei CcwDtei Chevyi carptruck* We Sail guaran Ate New/Uwd turn A appl WE BUY ESTATES! Surplui Buyer* Guide Air. tilt Immaculate condi lewd uted peril AA AUTO Hate IF Sell Broker.... IU »T> Dag Machine. Rtt»*ecal*r t.pr moo______M0_;'D SANFORO - 1 bedroom. 1 bath Buy'Sell/Tred* __ TM4IM itwyaa janai fall ter detail! in Ilea 1101*41*000 Evl um SALVAOEafOvBery U t 4 00! Attumeble plirt Owner FI- a TWIN REOe 1979 CHEVY PICAUP • MEN’S! SPEEO BICYCLE* PUBLIC. AUTO AUCTION 239—Motorcycles nenclngt ...... 11T.M0 Matching mattress and 21S —Boats and LIKE NCWIU0 EVERY WED NIGHT I: IdPM V *. Auto, Stereo Good work foundation plut melal frame Help U Sett Broker TO tttS Accessories ______M I lAO______DAYTONA AUTO AUCTION truck! AkhlngSBOO B l M t and B ikes NEW ALL BRICK. 1 bdrm 1 Eicellent cendtttenl Hwy ♦!. Day tana Beach STENSTROM t is ______Can Ml as ta • MISTS It" tl SPEED BIKE* 1979 FORD 414 bath, family room, fireplace, Like naw condition ______m m ant______ASTROGLASS FISH 1 SKI Fltd kv Ion . nearly new fire*, HONDA ELITE ISO SCOOTER UfTtC.’ ICf ItOOOdovrr ‘AiE'RC MOVING MUST SOU n o i n am IfBI’k CiC uond *4aJ M. REALTY, INC. MakedaCarp...... J M ttlt tn i. IM tlt.. 13C HP C vtirude SUNBELT AUTO BROKERS guud ■vurkmgicwjilmn SJ.Hk I Contemporary Twin teds motor and trailer tiOOOtlrm aTRICTCLE a LONGWOOD FL Ml Hit Call Tony 14* *7 1 1 HelmeH Si ISAoHar Se*«00Q We Hit and sell NEW LISTING!! w/matching spreads Kitchen Rad. medium slta Eicetlent Call MI USSafer iPM H/SCAMAR0 lt d CHEV. CUSTOMMEO VAN HONDA 250IR Lovely 1 bdrm kpllt plan Chain plus other mile llemt Conditiont Rubber tirei New III W. Witt tacralico ler more property than For detain ceil JI14B4I Great Chrlttmai gltll VI. Red Black Interior. PS. 11*4 Need! work! Will run Featurat block privacy fence. 217^-Garage Sales P I QUO______)!) 4 1 1 ) t W Call Ire too anyone in the Greater tge. central M/A, and M ______MI aeSS Auto., PB. PW. Slarao C 183— T e le v is io n / Eicellent Interior DIOO Alia Sanfordlake Mary area. hMorell. ONLY ISA K» HID0EN LAKE!! aifl INCH BIKE • 237—Tractors and 241 —Recreational Alan B. John ton. Ry/Mao Untim lit chev enr parti avail MI lf*4 Radio / Stereo US lake Ada Circt* Wrought SANFORDt 1 bdrm . I bath B H IR er...... H F fR I in im T ra ile rs Vehicles / Campers c o lla g e . **1 In kitchen, Iron Furn , Oryer. Toyi. Mik PINECREST ■ Huge 1 bdrm. Good Uted TV ’t i l l and up Mating Must Sell ASAP1M work chop. dole Is builln*. fenced, porch. Ireet .. l l t ooo MILLERS Sale begin! Wed A cont.n-wi 230—Antique/Classic 234—Im port Cars J.D. 240 UTILITY TRACTOR PROWLER quality ts auuro* tint mtgl 1 cylinder, ] point hitch Help U Self Broker J » i m til alt ttemi are oono I ♦ SPM ______Cars______and T ru c k s tm . 1* with I t ’ awning Only I . tit. MO PcppmJohn DMO 1 » » 1 4 tl SQOl Call p i mo or s>4 >00* PLENTY OF ROOM'! 187—Sporting Goods INVESTMENT TOWNHOMEt J t/l acre, fell oekt. 4 bdrm . 1 219—Wanted to Buy CLASSIC *64 CHEVY FIAT SPIDER CONVERTIBLE 238—Vehicles RAIL BUGGY WITH TRAILER bdrm , It* balk, new carpet. balh, tpllf, greel aGOLF CLUBS# All original Rum great MOO fCN RESTOREOI DRIVES A W anted E reel lent condition! 111 Can M/A. eat in kitchen. ca neighborhood! ___U/.SOO LAL/ICS MATCH SET IIS Aluminum Cam Newipep*' MlUia.eit.1il, aiktorLlia LOOKS NEW1M Call 41* *441 111** ar belt offer Ihedrkl calling, pool and VtNTURE I PROPERTIES M I 4*>4or M ID 11 alter Spm 10 Irani. I PW Puller, 3 Wood! Han Ferresn AAeteli---- Olan JUNK A WRECKED CARS/ m«ral m i ooo Mary Tobin M7 >***/7>41400 (list E iceMvnt ler KOKOMO...... in ilM 1969 BUICK RIVIERA ONE OWNER 1986 YUGO One Owner! Good running A/C. Stereo 11.000 Actual TRUCKS Running or not We 20 n. AIRSTREAM PRICE REDUCED TO 553,500 Baginnar Only STS Include! WANTIDt Good mod furniture condition DU MI 1*11 alio loll good uied motor* A m i MODEL! Ilka new J bdrm . Beg A Belli IM m i and antique! CASH PAID m litl E it e llf nt if ion MANY MANY eXTRASIIIt I balti. gnat room, caltiadral 1 bdrm . 1 balh. double garage U7V) 7*? *117 trammliilom Ml *41* si, isa m in t A tcreened porch I D*lve bv m wne calling. I4XJ0 icraanad porch, 189—Office Supplies Can N/A. ptui ma.vy trlra il >414 Hartwell Ave . San lord 231 — Cars All tor ontyt . sale/) Then can ler appointment' / Equipment 222—Musical CAPRI SPORT COUPE • *0 Merchandise Straight A ci tinder Goad LOMGWOOOI I bdrm . } bath SAXON 3 Condition I All Radial homa In nice araa. Can M/A. CALL BART Tire! S*R> l i t 1 4 /0 RISTOCRAT SERVICE JOXM living room, equipped REAL ESTATE COPIER BALDWIN ACR0S0NIC PIANO cat In kllrhan. family room, REkLTOR IM MM Include!benen UW MI 4*It CONTINENTAL MOTORS homa warranty i say COO New drum Recently tervictd WHERE OUALITY COUNTS SPECIALS IU W AIR PORT B LVO > tTORY FAMILY HOME I S . m u x * Meket evcetlenl copletltl 223—Miscellaneous PROMTTHD Perfect for otflco or per tone I **> II* 1*4* TUNE UPi bdrm . ) bam. living/ dining/ unlimited. inc. Gorernmmt Selred/S*r«lvi ALIGMMEMT *23.98 family rm t. corner lot. tp l. ute Only lMO Cell MI MM anytim. 2 MOWERS Vehicle! ai low ai SIOO 4 C y l ______’ 29.90 equipped kllchan A Murrey pinh moweri. I with 4 WHEEL ALIGNMENT ASSUME!! BMW* Cadillac'!. Chevy i, 6 C y l ______•38.10 •I...... taa.soo ______* reer bagger StOO 1 bdrm. IW bath, concrete Ford'i. Mercedei*. Poriche l. •46.30 AVAILAUU ------block, large lot Nearing I without bagger UO Plui Truck! and Vam, 8 C y l ____ TAKE A OIF... M your own pool toredoturel Uf.SOO 191— B u ild in g Amating Recorded AAeuage In* Iq in Lh4n«f I'thriit PER AXLE '59.98 (trait), a bdrm . } ablh homa. MUST ACT NOWI /M a te ria ls WINDOW FAN Reveal! Detail! Call V i |H*bi Cm format dining, family r m . acre*! HI* Frl SHIII temd patio, central H/A A Likenawt Rum good S» i------m i l P O N ------LINCAAREDMOROAN ALL STEEL BUILDINGS al Call H I t i l ! moral tlll.c n NO CREDIT??! | i nor mi e. rn t e d r u A w r . r I dealer Invent, J 000 to Si ooo AS LOW Al IIM DOWN! LUBE, OIL & FILTER CHANGE eg tt Call 48! Ml m i collect BRING Ut YOUR OFFER! 1 BUY HEREII PAVHEREI! iAtlulNt f iW 'O H P bdrm . J bath homa on a I mot I eFIBERQLASS ROOF e • Chf't'h HI f 1ul4t tt 323-5188 TRUCKWORLO lira ***#*• I acta, fp l. living/ dining' SHINGLES (CARS A TRUCkSI Vit root iq tt Rulftc In cotor • luW ChAtit G Set Id* family rm t. tpllt plan Super 1ST SY. B ELJM. SANFORD » Apply Tim* r# llkkfl* 1 2 ? \ Clean I t1M-t00 I IBB...... P I IM* M l 4041 260-2000 REPOSSESSED ********** Mult tall 1 qucnlet ttael buitomgi Brand New Never c-T^RISTOCRAT ^MoTOR ^ARS SANFORD . }/t, Lg C Block Erected. X)i40. aoito. so. im VETERANS' Guud area. U J .O I Aeturneble WtiiMil lur tw au eerd ; 4 / 75 S. Orlando Ave. (Hwy. 17-92) Sanford. Fla. 32771 , NO DOWN PAYMENT! 11000down/otter Ml file Call Jim I kOOAMMIO B s lh v ic i norms Hun rn a> s*< a ,v______,'l f i 3 - 3 .*IW O j VAUfOUNc SANFORO. 1 bdrm. t balh tp_*_ . 1 _ 2ZA! t . ' L*' L f’T ,Tw v . . u i - ■ * 3 w S B H O T At little at two Total move In block houta Fruit A thede 193— L a w n A G arden ' f coil will ha Ip buy you and treat, fenced yard, newiy S O A R T O your family a new or pre painted SHOP)Ml COM CEDAR MULCH DO per pick up load You load, you haul ^ NEW HEIGHTS! owned 1 bdrm home with a SANFORD tlo quality bdrm 1 Twenty yard load dtllrered t r a in to be monthly pm I at low at MW Quiet family araa 144 fOO 1100 Available lam 4pm Call today to confirm It you Help-USell Broker...... M1TM1 A PROFESSIONAL qualltyl Monday Friday Ml SMI • TRAVEL AQENT • TOUR QUfDE t/l, CH/A. Lew Dawn,MS.IW e MURRAY LAWN-MOWERe LARRY HERAAAN. BROKER • AIRLINE RESERVATIONS Rear bagger with Brtggi A ********** MO 4114 all hr t MIAMI Straiten l H P angina. Uied Full tim# or part timo ’.V* tram on liva aiilma com- vet y little I DM pular* Homa lludy and i#i! ttory dup'e. macaw Thu easily handled GOV'T REPO RESALE tl Eetra let Owner financing bird will perch on your hand SINCE tttl and grtet you with a big ROR M HALL. JR P A .C S M Only MS 000 Help U Sell Brekee...... MUMJ "helle "Vat checked and only LAKE MARY REALTY ] month! oldl It ______m-cni GOVERNMENT HOME' 153— A creage- SUM or belt alter II IU repair! Delinquent lav L o ts / Sale Call cat IM 1MI Anytime property RapotiettMnt Call ItOiMleOOO Evl GMIIF} OCALA NATIONAL FOREST lor cur renl repo Hit______Wooded Sett River accett 1S400 each tu money down. MS 41 monthly Owner 200— Registered Pets 11041 M4 4S/1 or U04I4M14M H Q 2 3 M 5 Q "TuTc^i^iinHrsHFpHFRoi ORATICE CITY INCOME PRODUCING PRO &ofi(] ei4Mhf Malet A Ftmalet PE R TYI 4 rental unlttl Ona ] S acret. well. oakt. US hU Eicellent Breeding I bdrm . A three I bdrm unlit Termil Can 40/in SAW U00 to SMS 1 M IIM on corner loll Attomebfe. no quality w/110 COO down IW . C00 157-Mobile MALE GREAT DANE COUNTRY HOME I IBS v UI ft Homes / Sale lanced loll Huge oak treat I CHAMPION LINE Good Invettmenl properly I ADULT PARK/0RANGE CITY AKC paper! 1 yri old. all Pretentty rvnladl Atiume no ihoti. healthy, black with IIXJB, I Bdrm I Balh New qualilyl MJ 000 white marking! on paw and Stove and Relng Wall to Wall WE HEED LUTINGS! chett Great with children! Carpeting, Central Meet/Air Houle tv ok an, loads ot lun 323-5774 New Double Roof over Home and Sun Porch I Utility vhed and proven slid LSS0 or bell and enctetad porch with vinyl otter CallllS t i l l anytime IDYILWIIDE wtndawt Ailing SI) *00 __ * Near Mayfair Country Club J Call MS *14*. otter S PM bdrm . } bath heme. I JfJ tq YORKSHIRE PUPPIES II an approt 1/4 acre BRAVO ft. IS tt . lurnnhed J AKC pipers and khott Two Formal living A dicing family lip outt. root air, root over. beeutil.il rondttkoi. 11 Oakt maiei. i female available, room with lirwplaca. ten oned DUS' *M > 4 4'1) perch. 1 car garage IM.WO Adult Perk MS0S otter will Owntr/Reallar evet A finance. WO approi per mo weekend! HI f*/t Include! lot rent Owner 203—Livestock and Call M l Il/k _____ Poultry_____

PREOWNED HOMES CHICK S A QUAILS JAMES LEE DAY OLDS IM A Ml AVAILABLE FOR IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY m w i t ______TOOUALIF IE D BUYER GENRE HOLSTEIN HEIFER Mt flit 371 7123 }4v44 ) bdrm 1 bath 111.*00 Uvtf Ibdrm . Ibath 111 WO LAKE GLEASON In ground 211— Antiques/ II vH J bdrm J bath 110 W0 poo*, brlcflu I Nhnnri , )h bifti UvM Ibdrm Ibath It W0 Collectibles mith («mily room. kn»irrtom, I4vl* Ibdrm. Ibath IIS.WO All tel tkftn AAoblN Hene Park rtf WIOOOM ANTIQUE SHOW AND SALT Mika404041 May aa. IU ml** E of I 4 TH E MCKIBBIN AGENCY Sw.tvvd Ml MCI / l i l s f a t e

DELTONA LEASt/PURCHASE e CHI IT OF DRAWERS* Anhquei. Glassware 1 "Insure LVifh Confidence ' Brand New Builder t Heme 1 IIS Kama Insurance Agency, inc. F venture A Cadet l.fciel i* a a a CHi*aHl far* miM lti.lv I Olmiwala Complete Insurance Service U w i ) bdrm . > bath, I car B U > 4f Aucfienton Thun atlpm *|e*f attached g*>ege with opener •*) m * *v t««p* Buv''!/*»,Pe**»n#l urpt on targe wooned urt ittu w * v Q ; «** «4>l Ct*Ht» §«• (Mi an n j H’l* »•>*«■ Ofk> *1 (4071 322 0331 tie mortgage with owner t IBM 8H4ii| •al WHU« help on Jhd Bulkier part alt dot'ng cotl Pirthate or Holiday Deadlines l eete Pur chat# l * t w r S The Classified Departm ent SIHLE & WILLIAMSON IGNCW0 UASE/PURCHASE TUCKER & BRANHAM, INC. R.F SMITH will clog# Friday. Dacgmbgr 30th at S P.M S00 Vr tit St Gintord Ft CeOewibut Harper 4 bdrm. ) 211 W HI Si . SanlonJ FL 32771 INSURANCE AGENCY bath fireplace i KM tq it J tor Naw Ygar’a Holiday (407) 322 0305 car attached garage eppil (407/ 322 4451 Cali 321 8532 lit*** ancet Ig tcreened perch A We Will Roopon ttaftreienting pent planned (I I I * » « Nate "Sm itijl Otti/af f Uvin - t ptnmott, Mart lord ’ .veler* Salc< Sftrt SHUT- IMS Retidenliai Pertonai Mobile Home rjtjjrwrrif f d$r Wrij/ +tt Sitff’tltt PAUL OSBORNE Monday, January 2nd VENTURE I PROPERTIES 111 taai er yjt 4!f4 a t 8 A .M . lata front Cl Deadlines Are As Follows: a a •*„* *4 r n ic ____ _ . . . . ____ I bdrm 1 O 80* fJ8t in sur an c e bath, tcreened parch. A many Publication Claaalllad Ad* g l„ r / l ' “ ’ IdaM1'*-* OiMWi /n s u r a n c c QUOTES eetveti Lett Mar, ScIpMil 1**e#0*0 «i08QA H tft WALLACE CRESSREALTY Sun., 1/1 Frl Noon Coverage ,#r rxa» vdhnor*r run H vrcr *4 lu.> in din (* ^*Mf»ea*4 worn non vob M o n . 1/2 Fri., 2:30 CALL |*en 1)4 KM «bSp« l wdt/kj f *B 9 *d/t •*• Always Pay$! 10KW 000 T u b s ., 1/3 Mon. 10:00 14* L K V II a *1100*11* mtUKANCI AGIMCV BYOWNERl ASSUMABLE! 4 bwnliHW f 1/4 FHA. I bdrm . | be«t on Cut Oe Lee i Ban unoon* WW Sanford Herald Canmalii» rwnil H fip M H P >> J i ' f T i ' r r r 4 14 1

— Ssnlord Hsrsld, Ssnlord, Florida — Sunday, January 1, 1089 Business

TN BRIEF - Stock market survives shakes recovery highs two days after Unllsd Prsss International the market "celebrated" the first anniversary of the crash. NF.W YORK - Humility re­ ^The big surprise, the thing that saved the Junior Achievement wins national award On Oct. 21. the Dow reached placed hubrla on Wall S u ed in maiket, was that the economy stayed The Golden Circle Award has been presented to Juntr 1988, Its highest closing level of the together. It was the glue behind the market year when It ended the day at Achievement of Central Florida for the second consecutive year "It was a year In which the 2183.50. The SAP 500 Index by national Junior Achievement president, Karl Flrtnke. stock market paid for Its sins in 1988. | and the NYSE composite Index The national organization, based In Colorado Springs. Colo., and e x c e s s e s ," said M onte also posted recovery highs on presented an award to only 18 of 235 areas In the country. Gordon, research director of -Alfred Goldman, market analyst Oct. 21. closing at 283.66 and Central Florida was one of only seven areas to be recognized Dreyfus Corp. "It was a transi­ 159.42. respectively. two years tn a row. tional year that had a shaken The American Slock Exchange The award represents outstanding performance In the market fighting to regain Its "The public got badly burned down and by year's end real Index reached Its highest level delivery of quality programs, exceptional growth over of 3-year equilibrium.'' and lost a great deal of con­ economic growth was running since the crash on July 5. when prnod. financial stability and good management. After a five-year run that fidence tn the system." said around 3 percent. Junior Achievement Is the nation's oldest privately funded produced profits and salaries Chester Dado, director of "What emerged In terms of the tt closed at 309.59. "The market's 300-polnt economic and business educutlon program for grade school even some recipients conceded technical research at Jeffertea & economy was 180 degress from trading range must be seen as through high school The bualness community sponsors were outlandish, the market Co. In Los Angelea. "It was n what the experts said after the reasonably normal after the economic education classes and presents them free to the spent the past year fighting a very fragile market going Into trauma of October 19." Dreyfus crack we had last year." said students utilizing the Junior Achievement programs. crisis o f cot.fldcr.ee that was the year." Corp.’a Gordon said. "The Im­ Ralph Bloch, senior vice pres! Junior Achievement of Central Florida covers Orange. unleashed by the unprecedented Alfred Goldman, chief market pact (of the crash) was confined Seminole. Volusia. Brevard and Osceola counties. collapse on Oct. 19,1987. strategist at A.G. Edwards At to the financial markets and dent and chief market analyst at Raymond. James A Associates Volum e on the New York Sons In St. Louts, said the their own excesses." In St. Petersburg. Fla. Stock Exchange plummeted to market began the year "tn a Trading activity throughout Jefferies A Co.'s Pado said the insurance agent's license revoked around 164 million shares a day state of depression" with "Wall the year was locked tn a narrow two dominant factors In the SANFORD — State Insurance Commissioner Dill Gunter has In 1988 from an average of 188.9 Street scandals further de­ range — as measured by the market over the past year were revoked the license o f a Seminole County Insurance agent. million shares a day In 1987. stroying Individual Investor Dow Jones Industrial average — the record-setting corporate Florida Department of Insurance and Trcasurti administered The Securities Industry confidence In the market." with a slight upside bias. takeover activities and the the complaint against Kenneth Andrew Decker Aug. 18 for Association estimates that Wall "The big surprise, the thing Tile Dow industrial average falling to Include Information about criminal charges against Street tost more than 20,000 that saved the market, was that ended 1987 at 1938.83. up from steady rise In Interest rates. The market’s biggest concern him when applying for an Insurance license. jobs since the so-called market the economy stayed together." the low of 1738.74. set Oct. 19. of the year was the rise tn Cocaine trafficking charges were filed against Decker, of "break" and more layofTs arc Goldman said. "It was the glue when the 30-stock Index Interest rates. When the feared Sanford. In Orange County Circuit Court Feb. 27. 1987. Becker expected. behind the market tn 1988." plunged 508 points. With a recession failed to materialize, pleaded no lo contendre Oct. 6. 1987 and on Jan. 6 was found The market was abandoned by After the October 1987 col­ single session left tn 1988. the the focus shifted lo an economy guilty of trafficking 200 to 400 grams of cocaine. Individual and Institutional in­ lapse. forecasters shaved their Dow stood at 2182.68. up about that showed signs of ovrrhratlng Becker's application for licensure did not list any such vestors who were turned off by projections for economic growth 12 percent for the year. and one subject to Inflationary charges, according to Karen Chandler of the Dept, of Insurance. the volatility and attracted by In 1988 to below 2 percent. Out Most of the major Indexes. Becker was last licensed with Prepaid Legal Services, based the safety of other Investments. the economy refused to stow Including the Dow. reached their pressures. In Ada. Oklahoma.

State seeks trade with Mexico, V e n e zu e la TALLAHASSEE — The Florida Department of Commerce Dollar ends ‘88 up after declines will sponsor trade shows In Mexico and Venezuela In coming so-called Plaza Accord between the Unit­ Council of Economic Advisors, argue that months to try and tap Into growing computer and communica­ Unltsd Prsss Intsrnatlcnal ed States. West Germany. Japan. Britain the dollar must decline even further to tions markets. and France — debate emcrjfed over promote strong export growth and ensure Lt. Gov. Bobhy Brantley, head o f the department, said NEW YORK — After a sharp two-year decline engineered by the Keegan ad­ whether the dollar hnd fallen far enough. an Improved trade outlook. telecommunications, banking and ofTfcc automation systems, The lower dollar has been able »o satellite systems and microwave equipment will be featured. ministration and tolerated by the Indus­ It was no secret that the Keugan administration wanted a lower dollar In narrow the trade deficit by making U.S. "The Mexican and Venezuelan Information markets have trial democracies, the dollar managed to order to reduce the staggering U.S products less expensive abroad and more experienced fundamental changes that have created some rtse tn 1988 from late 1987 levels despite merchandise trade deficit, which reached competitive with higher-priced Imports at exciting business opportunities for Florida companies." a retreat from Its summer rally. The dollar ended the year around 1.79 a record 9171 billion In 1987. home. Brantley said. Toe low a dollar, however can Increase against the West German mark and And while the lower-dollar policy did MexCom ‘89 will be begin Feb. 1 In Mexico City. VcnCom '89 Inflationary pressures by raising the price 125.65 against the Japanese yen. up narrow the trade Imbalance — the will begin April 4 !n Caracas. Doth will last three days. of Import" The Mexican government has shown Increasing Interest In from the post-war lows of 1.56 marks and 1988deftctt was expected to fall to around $130 billion — the likelihood of fuztlivr telecommunlcstlons os a means o f boosting Its national 121 yen established on the final day of Monetary officials from the United improvement ftom a weaker dollar has economy. Drantlcy said. trading in 1987. States. West Germany. Japan. Britain The Venezuela show was expected to attract 1.000 buyers In The currency, however, was unable lo come Into question. and France came tn ienm» with the need Philip Braventmn. chief economist at a market that totaled 8250 million In 1987. and Is growing by sustain the 1 9245 murk level attained to restore the International balnnre of Irving Trust Co., said u sharply lower about 10 percent annually. Telecommunications exports to Aug. 10 or the 137.25 yen level set Sept. trade at a meeting at New York's Plaza dollar Is not necessary. The dollar. In his Venezuela are expected lo reach 871 million this year. 2 . Hotel In September 1985, when they view, Is now essentially where tt should Firms that wish to participate should contact the department The erosion In the Octobcr-November agreed to take coordinated action lo bring be — low enough to help reduce the trade by Jan. 13. al (3051-44641106 or (9041-488-5280. period aside. 1988 was the first year since down the dollar's value. Imbalance but not so low as to exacerbate 1984 thut the dollar did not depreciate Since then, these nation* plus Canada » ( ! » ■ lion, Hie previous year's levels. the InfUlkmuiy prctMiis* suiting to emerge In the economy. and Italy — known as the Group of Seven Space center lauches movie production As a result of the currency's ability to — have Intervened In the currency break the Inexorable decline that began Olliers, moat notably Martin Fcldsteln. KENNEDY SPACE CENTER - T W Recreational Services. markets to fulfill this commitment. In earnest in September 1985 — with the former chairman of President Reagan's Inc. which manages and operates Spaceport USA for NASA, has awarded a contract for production of a space-ortcnled movie. The contract, worth approximately 8 1 million, was awarded to Zacks and Perrier Inc. from New York City, following Sun begins to shine of state’s film industry competitive selection of their theme and production proposal. The movie will be a special 70mm film production. 20 "Lassie" also will be produced In "The people I deal with. I deal Unltsd P ra ts Intsrnstlonal Both MCAAJnlversal and Walt minutes Inlength, which will be presented by TW Recreatlonul Disney Pictures have built sound Florida, as well an the fourth with on n handshake. And that's the way wc used lo do It In b n Services. Inc. In the Galaxy Theater at Spaceport USA. ORLANDO — Some stale of­ stages In Orlando, and Harris "Psycho" movie. "W e've Just finished building Angeles years ago. Kennedy Space Center. Florida. ficials and m ode executives like said both facilities arc complete­ the 'Psycho' house down there "Nobody comes up to you after Entitled "The Uoy From Mars", the movie will be the story of lo think this area could be the ly booked through the end of and eventually It will become a you've made your (leal and says a lO-year-old boy bom and raised on the planet Mars who la next Hollywood In terms of film [988 point of Intrrcst on our studio 'Wc made a mistake."' visiting Earth (or the Oral time. They boy's parents emigrated production. "Both studio* zell me they arc lour, so there ts a great cross- from Earth to Mars and are the first Earthlings to bear a child Hollywood. Calif., production thinking about doubling the Andy Howard, a freelance uway from earth. companies, trying to lebulld space they currently have." he polllnlzatlon." Nulle said. production manager who after two bitter strikes In 1988 said. "But quite frankly, we can secures both locations und Involving writers and studio MCA/Unlversal has already make the movie cheaper down permits for film and television there and the audience will Cox manages quality for Sundor Brands drivers, now find themselves moved the cost and manage­ projects, said the out-of-state never know the difference. Wc MT. DORA — Randy Cox ho* been appointed manager, facing another threat that could ment personnel of "The New production schedule Is so full he will give them the same exhila­ quality assurance, for Sundor Drands. Mt. Dora, plant. The cost them even more money. Leave It to Beuvcr" TV scries to Is able to turn down offers ration they are accustomr " announcement was made by Dob Cook. Director. Quality Nearly every state In America Orlando. A company spokesman said the technical crew will be Independent producers also "I got calls for two film* going Assurance. Sundor Brands Inc. now hus a film commission down to Houston that I Just Cox la responsible for the administration and execution of hired locally. are growing nccustomed lo a aimed at convincing film and didn't have the time to do." the quality assurance program In the Mt. Dora plant. "W e are still a union show." spirit of cooperation that they television producers that the Howard said. "But the rrasons Sundor Brands Inc.. D the sales and maikellng arm of gioss ts greener — and produc­ said Ned Nnllr. executive vice never found tn California. "People In the Southern producers like going down there Sundor Group Inc., a specialty food and beverage company tion costs significantly lower — president for creative affairs of California area arc so used to are pretty much the same. It's a headquartered In Darten. Ct. outside Lo* Angeles MCA Television Entertainment. motion picture shooting that lot caster to shoot down therr. Of th o s e states. 21 a re "The key thing Is. the union "I did a film down there earlier "rtght-to-work" states, where rales are lower In Florida. everybody has their hand out." this year called 'Cohen and DBA acquires Tele-Optics’ stock union membership cannot be "There ts a whole new eco­ said Ron Fury, a production Tate.' and wc had one sequence required to secure employment. nomics In television now. and manager and second unit RIVER1A BEACH — DBA Systems Inc. of Melbourne, a maker director specializing In action where we had to shut down an of computerized Image processing products, has agreed to Out of those 21. Texas and 'Beaver' Is a good example. The show Is being made for WTBS dramas Interstate (highway) We could acquire the outstanding stock of Telc-Optlca Inc. tn exchange Florida have made the strongest (cable network) and the econom­ "But down In Houston. Fort never have gotten the coopera­ for about 250.000 shares of Its common stock. overtures to producers, who are ics are not the same os produc­ Lauderdale and Miami. I get tion tn do that In lo>s Angeles. Another 14.000 shores of DBA stock may be Issued to battling high production costs But in Houston, they bent over and are willing lo listen ing a show for (commercial) total cooperation, and nobody Is Tele-Optica warrant-holders, the company said The acquisi­ out to gouge anybody." he said. backwards (or us tion ts contingent on negotiation of a definitive merger In fact. Florida officials are networks "We have to watch every agreement. convinced that their long-range penny with every show we Tele-Optics makes optical products for the defense and goal of overtaking Hollywood as make, and there has been a medical Industries. For the nine months ended Sept. 30. a production center Is not Im­ Sanford’s Newest Office Complex history In Hollywood that as Tele-Optics earned $398,000 on revenues of 95 5 million. plausible. "I don't think It's out of the shows get renewed, costs go up. question." said Bob Hants, head But the way we are working FULTON CENTER Suncoast Savings buys back stock of the motion picture and televi­ now. we arc not adhering to any sion division of the Florida of the old rules There's no room *15 r«#an • l HOLLYWOOD — Suncoast Savings and Loan Association has / (b. »• w *» 4 Department of Commerce. for waste, and the money spent purchased H4.500 shares of Its common stock on the open "We have a lot of farsighted will go directly onto what's on market. Office/Retii\\ Space people In Florida government the screen. In November. Suncoast'* board authorized the thrift to spend who arc very supportive. In fact, "You have to make (programs) • V C U t 1 up to 8700.000 to repurchase stock. • UXi, M WW*MM- » <«»** my boss. Lt. Gov. Hobby for less, because otherwise there Suncoast said It expects to have 1.676,150 shares of common Brantley, has set a goal for me to is no business." Nalle said. "And • ra U iiwa i»»« » stock outstanding once the repurchase program Is completed. 9 fto c n$$9T rirW$ tie New York for total production you've got to reward those who • |e«r>i#OTe V»9 hmd m Ym W t d work In the next five year*, and can roll up their sleeves and get Wackenhut completes California prison then get to work on beating the work done efficiently " California " Nalle said a new series of MIAMI - Wackenhut Corp say* It will dedicate a 200-bed rorrecttonal facility In McFarland. Calif., on Jsn 6 HUH The 35.000-square-foot minimum security detention facility, ■ T l 1 which was designed and built by Its subsidiary Wackenhut MARSHALL MORTGAGE \ Corrections Corp. will be operated by the company under a M five-year contract worth more than 82 million a year, the SERVICES r FULTON CENTER Investigative and security services company said • n r ro sctffjxr. >s m i i M s j l o vmatsr Call now for INFORMATION. Chase Medical perplexed by stock surge 500 N MAITLAND AVI. *200 Maitland. Florida 32751 MIAMI - Chase Medical Group Inc. says therr Is "no news of 321-9968 a material business nature" to account for recent trading Mortgage Loans For Any Purpose activity In the company's stock. Trading on the Amenran Stock Exchangr resumed Tuesday loans For. 0OOO CMOrt MO CMOS MOVE IN *2 8 0 mo euro mo mcosm M l* afternoon at I p.m. EST after being halted in the morning • Homo tmpr D<»m»nn oswusmottc J i n u i r y MOVE Recent heavy trading triggered a near doubling In the price of 100\ Flnancl ° 0 Avottobio ^ u)« si at IN r ^ - C < w m * i w the stock. Fast Sozvtcs m» c«* MI m "« lau" **•! SPECIAL Chase operates 12 medical centers tn Daoe County catering Wo Do Mobil • Homos ■ PRICES tothelltspanlccommuntty. r a s w o w 407 740-6139 'Sanford H e r a l d January 1, 1909 INSIDE: ■ Comics, Page 4C ■ Television, Page 5C P e o p l e ■ Dear Abby, Page 3C c

IN BRIEF ... Worker views the real Russia Deprivation and inefficiency are Zoo begins docent training SANFORD — The Centra! Florida Zoological rampant in USSR Park's Education Department will ofTer a Docent Training Program starting Jan. IH or 2 1 from 9 By OLORIA DUCCO a m. to 2 p in. Docents are volunteers who Herald correspondent present educatlonul programs to area school children and Zoo visitors. Two classes run DELTONA — Imagine a place where there Is no concurrently, one on Wednesdays and one on toilet tissue, horsemeat Is eaten regularly. Saturdays, (or seven weeks. l>crmlss!on Is needed to make an out-of-state There Is no charge for tills nilnl-ioology phone call, and during winter a bottle of vodka course and applicants must be 16 years or older. will freeze Inside nn apartment. If you are Interested In learning more about the The place Is called Nizhnekamsk and It's animal kingdom, how to give tours and assist In located in the Soviet state of Tatarta. which animal encounters, call (407) 323-0181 or (407) borders Siberia In the northern part of the USSR. 843-2341 for additional Information- While on business for his company. Deltona resident Patrick Morello spent same time In Docents give their time and energy to lend Nizhnekamsk and the Armenian city of Yerevan. children on tours of the Zoo and handle small Morello. 31. Is quick to say they are not two of animals for untmnl encounters and outreach Russln's hottest tourist cities. programs. Central Florida Zoological Park "These are Industrial cities." Morello docents helped almost 40.000 local children explained. "They give a better view of how real during 1988. Soviet cities work rather than a tourist city like Moscow or Leningrad." Work may be too strong a word. According to CAP cadets offer classes Morello. the people In both cities were warm and CASSELBERRY - Seminole Cadet Squadron friendly, but deprivation and Inefficiency were ol the Civil Air Patrol. 2013 Kweanee Trail, will rampant. be conducting a series of Ground Search and Morello was a young mechanical engineer Rescue Classes ns It pertains to aviation In when he was sent to the Soviet Union In 1980 by January. Sessions will cover Emergency Loca­ his then-employer. Industrial Applications In­ tion Transmitters (ELT) searches, crush-site ternational. bused In Cleveland. Ohio. The firm management, equipment usage, communica­ hud Just sold the USSR two rubber processing tions and first aid. plants, and Morello and two others were to stay One of Civil Air Patrol's missions Is Search on-sltr to oversee the Installation n( equipment and plant sluri-up. and Rescue, which conducts 90% of all aviation searches. Members fromboth the endet (13 18) The Soviets provided them with an apartment In Nizhnekamsk exarlly like those suppllrd to and senior (18-above) catugorles will be Russian fumllles. It was about 800 square feet participating. For Information, cull Captain Matt and made from pre-cast concrete. Its appliances, Sharkey at 260 9420. consisting of a stove und a refrigerator, were about half the size of those In Amerlcu. Dishwashers were unheard of and washers and BENEFIT dryers were rare, according to Morello. "There Is one company that makes one style In one color (white)." he said. "Eve*)- stove and Bikers to ride for UCP refrigerator In every apartment Is exactly the same from the north to the south." ABATE (American Bikers Aiming Towards The beds were also small. Morello. who Is 5 Education) will sponsor a "Gypsy Run." a 100 foot. 7 Inches, said he could barely keep his feet mile motorcycle ride on Sunday. Jan. 8. to help on the short, narrow mattress. raise funds for the children at United Cerebral All wiring was external und the walls were Palsy of Central Florida. Cost Is $5 per person (Minted with white chulk paint. All of this was und food and drinks will be available for complemented by gray linoleum. purchase after the ride. The ride will begin si "The paint wju ground up chalk In a liquid. If the K Mart parking lot (comer of 17-92 und 436 you put your hand on the wall, the pntnt came In Fern Park) und finish at Seminole Greyhound off." Morello said. Pftstok, GMf it l« t « Park. Sign tip time Is at 10 a.m. and riders will Anti when the winter temperature reaches a leave the parking lot at 11:30 a.m. high of 30 °F below zero In the day. heat Is an Patrick Morello about Russians: ‘They are poople just like us.’ All proceeds from the tide and food and drink absolute necessity. purchases will go to help fund the United "W e had u bad heating system In confidence. They are people Just like us. Real said. "Without change. I fell there would lie Cerebral Pulsy Clinic of Central Florida Nizhnekamsk." Morello said. "All the apartments friendly und outgoing Once they had a little another revolt. I believe what Gorbachev Is doing at the lop of the bul'dlng were warm because the vodka In them, they let you know what they Is real, but I don't trust the Soviet government. It For Information, call United Cerebral Palsy at steam hral rose straight up through thr pl|>cs really thought." Is not truthful." 1407)841-7491. But thr rest of the building froze because there Morello hat, been thinking a great deal about Morello recalled seeing news each day about was nothing to divert the strum Into our Ills old friends In light of Soviet Premier Mikhail the United States hut It was always Im iI. "There n|Mrtinrnts. Once we had a liottlr of vodka frrrzr Gorbachev's nev. (Millcy of g lu n n a a t. Morello was something bad about us every day. Riots, ORGANIZATION on a windowsill of the apartment." believes an eco.tomlc system bused more on homeless proplr. poverty. I think Gorbachev will Morello and the other Americans hud no rupltallsm und lesson communism would benefit meet with u lot ol resistance." problem making friends with the Soviets. They these people. The most difficult task Morello had was trying AARP to air involvement iound the people warm and caring. "You can't Between 1980 and 1983—the time Morello to explain to Ills new neighbors whet a SANFORD — The American Association of help but like them." he added. made his 10 trips to the USSR—the Soviet people supermarket was. "I Just couldn't get them to Retired Persons (AARP). Chapter 1977. will hold Their Soviet friends all lived In apartments were forced to pul up with meager food understand the abundance of stub we have the monthly meeting at noon on Thursday. Jan. exactly like Morrllo's. "Houses were very few and selections, unsanitary conditions and .censored here." Morello said. news, lie said. 12. ut the Sanford Civic Center far between In Nizhnekamsk." he said "The For example, toilet paper Is not available In the ones that were there wrrecrudr. like log cabins " "Before Gorvachev, I felt that somebody better Soviet Union. News|Mpers arc ripped Into little Guest speaker will !>c Faye Kalleuux of thr Morello said the people took a liking to the do something In a hurry because there was Just squares. Morello said, and must l*e deposited In a Seminole County Federation of Senior Citizens Americans and Invited them to many dinners such a lack of motivation In workers, alcoholism waste receptacle next to the toilet bowl "After Her topic will be: "The Fun ol Being Involved." and (Mrtles. "W e went somewhere every night. was rising at an alarming rale, there were food We talked uIm>uI politics after we gained their shortugrs and the country' was |r> debt." Morello See RUSSIA. Page 3C Junior Woman’s Club members are ‘Eighties Ladies’ By BRIAN HKDBKRO Herald People editor SANFORD — Cross 43 giggly women with a CLUB variety of civic projects and w hat do you gel? Pony-three giggly, civic-mtnded women. FOCUS Fun and community service go hand in hand In the Junior Woman's Club of Sanford Inc., n < ombln.itlim appealing In It' memliers. who range In age from 18 lo 40 "You have that comradery because of the need, they try to help out." common goals that the club sets." said Some Juniors have dual meiiiliershlp* In thr three-year member Sylvia Smith "But you grnrral Woman's Club ol Sanford Three develop friendships In the eluo that don't cntidrrn under (he age of 6 are thr onU thing revolve around the activities " keeping Gormhrl from plarlng membership In "ll's a way to develop leadership." added both clubs, stir said Tina DlBaMolo. publicity chairman for the In college and III her workplace. DllLirtolo club "You get up and speak at meetings and was shy and hardly motivated lo inert (iroplr chair projects. It makes you on all-around and make friends "Gelling Involved In the belter person " Juniors makes me more often socially and “ The persona! growth In myself Is the main clvically." she said, adding that she has thing The community services are won­ readied hrr personal goals in knowing mem­ derful." said Cindy Goembel. first vice presl bers on a deeper level Co-workers urged Gormhrl lo visit a Junior deni Whereas thr sponsoring Woman's Club ol Woman's Club membership drive "When I Sanford has Its teas, thr Junior Woman's Club saw- 40 young women there and the has slumber parlies posslblilllra for friendship. It really looked good Wherras the general Woman s Club has to me So I pursued it." Goembel said fashion shows, the Juniors had a male stripper Since Juniors have children of the same entertain a soon-to be-wed member ages, "we ran understand each other's needs The tones between the two clubs are and concerns.'' Goembel said. "The general decidedly dlllerenl The Juniors are "Eighties club members probably am remember having Ladles." most of them with ear errs and small kids, but It's not as fresh tn their memories." children The general woman s rlub meets at day. bui "I don l Irrl like we re under a shadow, we re the Juniors meet al night to accommodate M trtM H I n k I « i t h « i so apart from them." DlDartoio said of the their working memliers This necessitate* having a supportive husliand nr dependable Marlon Barklow (right), a Sanford Junior baskets for needy families at Thanksgiv­ grnrral Woman's Club "W e rent the building habysltter. Goembel said Woman's Club member, and Marcle ing. Hot meals were served lo the needy at from them, but we re not supervised' by them B«e JUNIORS. Page 2C Barklow. a Junlorette, prepare food C h ris tm a s . They're our sponsor and any time we're tn

FOR ALL THE PEOPLE NEWS IN YOUR AREA, SUBSCRIBE TO THE SANFORD HERALD 1C — Sanford Herald. Sanforl. Morlda — Sunday, January 1969 WEDDINGS shares w ishes for ’89

As 1988 met Its demise for 1980 to debut same position with stair Sen. WAV. "Bud" In Innocent splendor. Janice Springfield saw Gardener. m 21-year-old dream coin: to reality. The And Jack has a -Jdsh for Sanford? Sanford banker finally graduated from SANFORD "If 1 had a wish. I wou'd wish lo sec an college after satisfactorily completing her upsurge In the business climate of Sanford. final class al Rollins College, Winter Park, Right now. we need lo expand Ihe business on Dec. 15, where she majored In economics area from the lakcfront on down to the city with a minor In finance. DORIS limits. The plazas need to expand. These ” 1 have been going to college since 1967," DIETRICH buslnesscs are good for our economy. For Janice. senlu> vice president of Sun Bunk 1989. let's have an upsu'-gcncc of our NA said. She received her grades two days business community." before Christmas. "It'* ihe best Chhatmns Wants to travel more present 1 got." she added. go lo North Carolina to ski during Ihe Claire File Paul, who has made Sanford Pro-Sanford from ihe wot 1 go. Janice Christmas season, but, this year, dre'ded to her home for over 30 years, was one of the begun her banking career wllh Florida State try out their aklllng expertise al the popular first women draftsmen In the area. Claire, n Bank In Sanford when she graduated from resort. fashion plate herself, was the commentator Seminole High School In 1956 Throughout The Stewarts spent Christmas Eve un­ for numerous fashion shows In the "good the years, since the time when Gene Tucker wrapping presents. Including ski gear, und old days." She has been a member nf Ihe was the bank president, (he bank has met uftcr only a few winks of shuteye, departed Sanford Port Authority board for ihr past 10 her expenses as she diligently worked for their dream vacation at 6 a.m. on years. toward a degree. And she finally made It. Christinas day. Claire and her husband. Horace, nrc "It's a wonderful feeling." the successful What can Gall pososlbly wish for In 1989? having the time of their lives seeing the bankrr said. "1 Just wish the future years arc as good as world. Does she have a dream or wish for Janice said she never could have attended the post. 1 have so much to be thankful 1989.? college during the years without Ihc support for...so many blessings,"she said. "1 would like m enjoy myself as much as 1 of her husband and son. Wendell and To do better and better have in the past year and do a lol of Wendell Jr., and her parents. Working Don Baucrle Sr., chairman of the traveling." she said. Jiulug the days and attending cver'ug CODISCO board, tits wife. Jan. and their VIctor'so Christmas classes can become quite tedious, she said. family hoped for o while Christmas In the Hugh and Lenora Duncan h .d a unique Janice bus always been a staunch sup­ North Carolina mountains. The Bauerles Victorian Christmas, thnnl.s to their daugh­ porter of Sanford, her dream city that she departed, via u loaded-down Jeep, to enjoy ter. Belly Duncan Klmes. Columbia. S.C. dearly loves. Lost year she was Inducted the holidays with their family of 14 at their About three years ago. Betty made Into the Sanford Klwanls Club os (he first mounlnln home. Victorian ornaments by starting with cut­ ting up a cream-colored lacc table cloth Into Mr. end Mrs. Ernest Guy Fasclana any only woman club member. She serves Con said he doesn't mnl.c resolutions any us the club’s sponsor of the Seminole High more. *'I Just break them (resolutions) dollies which she laced wllh peach-colored School Key Club. She Is also a recipient of anyhow. Isn’t thet what they're for'/" ribbons to form parasols, fans, clothing for tne club's Roberta Gatchel Woman of the But Jan tigs a wish. "1 Just want to be all I bone china doll heads and other tree Year award. can be — to-do better and better — to keep ornaments. April D. ingle bride Among her other community Involve­ golng.."shc slad. This year the Duncans' granddaughter, ments ore: Sanlord Woman's Club sponsor Continue beautification Debra Duncan, also nf Columbia, arrived In of the Junior Woman’s Club of Sanford Inc.; Winifred "D ill" and Walter A. Glclow kept Sanford for Christmas laden with boxes of of E.G. Fasciana member of the Central Florida Regional the home fires burning Christmas day. The the Victorian creations plus white miniature Hospital Board of Trustees; member of the couple had 18 dinner guests Including lights, clusters of grapes and miniature SANFORD — April Dianne bride as matron of honor. She Greater Sanford Chamber of Commerce's children, grandchildren, other relatives and packages which were used to decorate the Ingle and Ernest Guy Fasclana. wore a Daphne rose crocheted Board of Directors; president of Semtnolc friends. Joining the Glelows were Ann ami Duncans’ tree. loth of Sanford, were married at tcalcnglh gown with scallops County School System FACTS (Foundation Guy Allen, formerly of Sanford, who traded Betty wanted her parents to use Ihe 1 pm.. Nov. 19, in the Alta­ edging (he short sleeves, for (he Advancement of our Community a white Chrtstnins in ihetr home slate of decorations this year since she decorated monte Community Church. hemline and bateau neckline A Through Schools): chairman ol ihe Public North Dakota for an escape to sunny Florida her tree In Columbia In a child's metif to Altamonte Springs Dr. William satin cummerbund and large Affairs Dcpaprtmcnl of ihc Woman's Club of where they are wintering. salute her new granddaughter. J. Bulako performed the tradi­ bow In the ’wick enhanced (he Sanford Inc,; past president of Florida Waller, foimer publisher of the S a n fo rd "It Is ihe mosl gorgeous thing I ever saw." tional re remony. waistline. She wore a spray of Executive Women; n member of the Educa­ H e ra ld , has lots of wishes and* goals he Mona Walker said. The bride Is the daughter of Daphne roses in her hair and tional Advisory Committee. University of would like to see happen. "One of the things Did the Duncans like ihclr Victorian Mr. and Mrs. Richard D. Ingle, carried a nosegay of carnations, Central Florida; and tncomlg chairman of I would hope for Is that Ihe citizens and city Christmas? You bcl. But their attachment to 202 S. Sun land Drive. Sanford. ivory roses, baby's breath and the Vocational Education Committee for government will continue a joint bruulldca- the unique tree Is short-lived. Debra will The bridegroom Is the son of rose aJslrocmerto Orange County public schools. lion program. The city Is really looking carry Ihe decorations back to Columbia next Mrs. I.iliian S. Hastings, 102 S. Andy Provost attended the What Is Janice's wish for 1989? beautiful." he said. week. Sunland Drive. Sanford, and the bridegroom us l»csl man. Ushers "1 would hope we would have all Ihc "Also. I would hope we would come up Coll me at home late Mr T.U. Hastings. were Ronald Ingle, brother of the stores filled In downlwon Sanford und with a sensible road system arid not divide Happy New Year to everybody. It has been Given in marriage by her bride, andGrudy Hutchins people would come here to shop. If we could our city north and sauth." he added. such a pleasure wrlling about all of you as fa I her. the bride chose for her The reception was held at the iiave the stores filled, that would make me Upsurge la business the years have gone by. Plrasc call me nt my vows her mother's tea-length Garden Club of Sanford. Assist- so happy. Sanford Is so bcuutlful. Downtown Since his rctlrcmcni us executive director home and keep me informed of all your wedding gown of schlffll ing at the reception were; Is special. It’s a heartbeat." she said. of the Greater Sanford Chamber of Com­ news so I can help you share II with others embroidred luce over satin. The Patricia Greene, who cut and Wants future like past merce. Jack Homer and his wife. Peg. have through this column, gown wns fashioned with served the rakr: Carol Downing, Dr. and Mrs. Roger (Gall) Slewart und made the rounds In their motor home. scalloped edges on Ihc bateau who presided over rhe gursi children. Shonan. Shawn and Shayne, have But retirement didn't last too long for (Doris Dietrich, retired Herald People neckline, elbow-length sleeve* registry; and Yadn Dunn, returned from a delightful white Christmas .Jack who later became legislative assistant editor. 1* * correspondent covering the and hemline. The waistline was Margaret Bledsoe and Penny spent at Lake Tahoe. The Stewarts usually lo state Sen. John Vogt and now holds the Hanford aren. Phone: 322-4B25.) accented with a Vplratcd satin Dunn, who assisted with (he cummerbund complete with a buffet and refreshments. butterfly how in *t>>' i Following a wadding trip to Tar bride's tea-length veil of New Orleans, the newlyweds are Juniors ivory illusion was held by a making their home In Sanford. Continued From 1C Junior Woman's Club, the sec­ The club's 1988 officers were: treasurer. J bridal wreath of tvery and The bride Is employed by ond highest position of Its kind Pamela Tucker, president; Cindy To express Interest In becom­ Each Junior has u secret pal rose-colored roses. She carried a In Florida. Goenibel, Ural vice president: ing a Junior, call Mary Eallnger TelStar Electronics. Winter within Ihr club. Five-year cascading nosegay of Ivory Springs, and the bridegroom Is Those In the club who arc Beth Bridges, second vice presi­ 81330-1274 or 8750222. member Lisa Robertson told a roses, baby's breath and rose employed by Vharles B. Flynn. named outstanding Itcdera of dent; Mary Eallnger. third vice (II you bsiong to a non-profit friend everything her serret pal alstroemcrtn. the month get personalized president; Myra Sizemore, re­ organization and would Ilk# your Architectural Specialties, Or­ did or didn't do. When the pal Bcverlv Hutchins attended the lando. socks to wear. DlBariolo said. cording secretary; Karen club lo bs considered for "Club K-tvr her n basket of fruit as a They also get their names on Ihe Strandberg, cn. responding sec­ Focus," call lha Herald el holiday gift. Robertson told her president's tennis shoes so she retary; and Debbie Ramsay. 322-261 l.sxl. 34.) friend. "I can't believe how easy can look down and see who her II was for her to go Into the store top leaders are. Roberts-Chouinard and get this." Of course, when secret pals The club lauds those outside Key strategies that can were revealed at Ihc end of the the ranks of membership as well. nuptials exchanged year. Robertson discovered that It chooses und honors an out­ strengthen relationships her confidant friend was her standing Seminole County poller MANCHESTER. N il. - Linda secret pal. ofllccr of the year, and hosts a Unltad Praia International grown When the wife has tradi­ Denise Chnuinnrd of Manchester "I was so red In Ihe face." she Mother's Day tea for Juniors and tional responsibilities, the and David O'Connell Roberts of said. "T o this day. ! won't tell their mothers. Older married couples Jet husband often doesn't know llclinont. Muss., were married at anything about my secret pal to Considering the family size of along belter than younger mar­ how to deal with this." 10 a.m. on Oct. H at Saint anybody." many Juniors’ families. San­ ried* because over (line husband The study, “ Through the Marie's Partsh. Maneheater. The At the 1988 SI. Johns River ford's public library owes much and wife become more alike In Years; Relational Maintenance Rev. Leonard Folsy was the Festival, the Juniors made to the club For every member mind-set as well os looks. Strategics of Elderly Married ntllctattng rlcrgym sr for the funnel cakes as ccncest*ons. A who gives birth. Ihe club do­ They've also developed Couples." found similarities In double ring ceremony. few funnel cukes. It rained both nates a ucok to Sanlord H.anch personal strategics that help the ways couples maintain Ihclr days of Ihe festival and the Library. Members also hold a keep ihe relationship on an even relationships. The bride is the daughter of powdered sugar stuck lo the book drive al the end of the year keel, says Judy C. Pearson, a "The three basic strategies Roland R. Chouinard of Man* funnel takes. and donate the yield lo the professor of Interpersonal that tend to be used to maintain chcstcr. and the late Mrs Lucille "Needless to say. we made a library. communication at Ohio Univer­ a relationship arc directness, M. Chouinard. The hrldrgroom sity. balance and uvoldancc." foililh of the money we expected The Juniors organized and is the son nf Dr. and Mis. W. Her recent study found a Pearson says. to make.'* Rubcriaon said started Sanford Heart Park In Vincent Roberts of Sanford. Gocmbel said one of the most common threud among 30 1979 and Is responsible for Its "First, they ore able lo talk couples married an average of 43 Given In marriage by her rewarding things about the maintenance. DlBariolo said directly about the relationship years The wives learned to be­ father, Ihc lit (dr chose for her club's civic services Is when It The club also placed first m Instead of beating around the nt ore assertive while the vows u while satin gown detailed comes time lo donate checks. the automobile category during bush. Second, they ketp rewards husbands learned uver time lo with Venice lace and embroidery "When you have 15 people Sanford's Christmas parade on and crosses relatively equal coming to your meeting lo re­ let their vulnerabillries show. and fashioned along the Queen Dec. 10. Working with the Third, they a veld discussing ceive money you worked hard "People over rime In a rela­ Anne silhouette. The basque parade theme ol "A Tropical topics that may be harmful to for, It really touches you that tionship become more similar to bodice was delicately rprayed Christmas." members had their the relationship or dissolve it you can reach out and help that each o'her. We see that all the with sequins and pearls ami the convertible adored with stariish. altogether. Tines- touchy topic many organizations." she said. rime In physiological charac­ leg-of-mutton satin and English waves, a palm tree and sur­ can be as serious as having a * teristics. It Is also true In net sleeves were appllqued with "Many members nf other clubs fboard In Ihe back, and a basket aflalr or something r* trivia! i » psychological patterns." Pearson matching lacc. The fitted aren't really driven." Goetnbel of fruit. One member wore reading a mug »zlne fur a lia I- Mr. antfMrg. Roberts says. "There Is a cross-over of waistline was accrntrd with a said. “ They belong, but they snorkel and fins: olhera dressed hour Instead nf |laying the b ll» aren’t arrive." She said Ihe sex roles that starts at about age I low and bustle. A satin ruffle In straw hatr and Hawaiian (loral GofTstown. N IL Their gowns Juniors are different. 40 and Is fully developed by age bnrdrrrd the full appllqued skirt prtn. shirts. "W e know In other stud es and (lowers were Identical to the The Ronald McDonald House 00. which gracefully rusetied Into a that younger men and won rn In Gainesville, which provides Knowing the fun of the annual “ Men become far more flowing carhcdrul train honor attendant a. don't use those strangles In he lodging for fantlllrs whose conventions of the Florida Fed­ nurturing, perhaps lo their enhanced with u double ruffle Martin C. Roberts of Belmont same way. Women arc far it ire eration ol Woman's Clubs, spouse and perhaps to their and petal embroidery, The tiered served his brother as best man. children have long-term hospital Lkrly lo be direct when tw o members srr anticipating In grandchildren. Fathers who may veil of lnt|>urtcd Illusion was Groomsmen weir .James Fer­ stays, is Ihe club's pet charity, want lo escalate a rial lorn nip. supported hv a Junior-sponsored 1990 the 100-vear anniversary have been harsh now listen, secured by a peuii h« adplece reira Sr. and James Ferreira Jr , men less likely arc ta be d.reci golf tournament. of the General Federation of empathize and have more con­ with satin (lowers and llllgrrr cousins of the bridegroom. when wonu-ii want to eacal Hr u Murh of the club's funds come Woman’s Clubs, lo lake place In cern for other people Ilian ever pcurl* at the side. The bride Watertown. Muss.;James relationship" from Kaslno Klasalcs. to be hr Id New York. before. carried a crescent bouquet of Fenimarc Jr.. Manchester; In 1989 on March I I at the Girls aged 14-18 make up the "The women become more 'lost couples v/ho took | art In white drndrohlutn orchids, Daniel O'Connor. North At­ Junlorettes, a new service club asvriivc. straightforward and the study fell the relari mahlp strphanolis. while lilies and Ivy tleboro. Mass., and Dennis Sanford Civic Center. Panic l sponamed by Ihe Junior task-oriented. They have things succeeded because of ermrnon on her mother's prayrrbook Straw. Manchrslrr (winI* may gamble on craps, roulette and blackjack, and Woman’s Club Girls from Lake to accomplish." let crests and gti.i's. anri I ccause Renee Chouinard. niece ol llie lutnictpatr In a silent auction. Brantley. Seminole and Lake As far as retail .<*hps go. they rcspcctm each o her as Claudette Lafleur of Man­ bride. Suncook, N il,, and other Junior rhartries include Mary high schools ami Teague. Pearson *u;s there Is a kit of individuate. chester attended the bride a* Kristen Sherry. Manchester, Ihc Christian Sharing Center, Greenwood Lakes and Lakevtcw truth to the triage "Life begins tr«ld of honor. She wore a “ Those were i ue lor b Mh men were the (lower gl. is. Greater Sanford Chamber of middle school* are members after the kU* move out and the sapphire blue lace and sdlln and worsen ' Pesitrn says. Coinmt.ee scholarship. Hopper Mere Information on meetings dog dies." gown designed with Victorian Following the ceremony, the "The third rr.n n i they {ave was School, Seminole County and activities is available from "W e know clearly therr are lace pouf sleeve*, a sweetheart reception was held at the love. That ts a useful lerson The Humane Society. Central Florida Marian Barklow. 323-2135. different strges of life and rela­ mcklinir and a bark bow with a Sheraton Tara. Oediord. N.II physiological rrousal 'hey have Zoo. Seminole Work Opportuni­ "I find, bring single. Dial there tionship." the says. "We find lUhtall flounce. Lace gaunllent* with the concept of 'lave' or of Alter a honeymoon trip lo the ty Program. Mothers Against are a lot of activities that are rrlatlon*hl| a ate smoother later and a white satin and lace fan 'bring In lovr' doesn't term lo be P o c o n o i Mountains in Drunk Driving, and Hacienda family -oriented that 1 can take on. as important as common Inter­ arranged with flowers completed Pennsylvania, the newly weds my nicer or nephew to." Smith "A t lire beginning ol a mar her attire. Girl* Ranch. ests or mutita1 respect. are making their home lit Man­ "Sometimes we gel so busy said. "I'm really glad 1 Joined. 1 rtage or Uic arrival o f children, Bridesmaids were Mary Anne chester. Tilt bridegroom Is trea­ doing, doing, doing, we don't wish I had Joined sooner. people are Lkrly to fall back Into ' On the oilier hand. It may be Roberts, sister of the bride­ surer of O'Connell Supply Corp . take time to off down and realize The Junior Woman's Club : l stereotypical behavior." Pearson something that develops over groom. Hanford. Susan llrtscy. Everett. Mas*. and the "bride is we've done a good Job." Rob­ Sanford meets tire third Thuiv says ‘After the honeymoon rime. While love is Important In Derry. Muss . Karen Fenimorv. employed as a senior secretary ertson said. day nf each month at the glow, satisfaction diminishes the -arly stage, the common Manchester. Beth Sherry. Man­ by Kollsman. a division of Sc qua Member Nancy Crawford U Sanford Woman's Clubhou-.e. with Hie arrival of cocilTcts and interests and respect may grow chester; and Cathy tntorrlo. Corp, Merrimack. N II stale director of ihe Florida Annual due* arr $31 risen aga r, only after the kids are larger over time " Sanford Harald, Sanford, Florida — Sunday, January 1. 1989 — JC Woman tired of live-in’s neglect DEAR ABBY: I v<- hern a divorced. president! However, because the widow for two years and thought NKKDb MORE LOVE opposition to this bill had such a powerful lobby, this law has Narcotics Anonymous meets I was getting my life hack ADVICE DEAR NEEDS: Yes. 1 do think together, but now I'm not so you need to "slop this arrange­ never been enforced. Narcotics Anonymous meets every Sunday it 5 p.in. at The sure ment." Thai means moving out Those who want to help labo­ orave Counseling Center. bdO Old oar.iortiOv'i -o Road ,otf I've burn seeing the same man — because us tong ns you are ratory animals shou; * get -I p State Hood 4191, Winter Springs, and at 8 p m.. Monday nt 317 for a year and a half, but he living together. It wouldn't do for names of their congressmen and Oak Ave.. Sanford. never actually told me he loved ABIGAIL you to see other men. which Is senators (they arc on file In the me until we moved In together VAN BUREN really what you want to do. public library), then write a Atanon members to congregate two months go. He’s not big on short letter telling them that you Alanon will meet at 8 p.m. Sunday at Christ Untied expressing hjlmsclf. and I un­ want the Dole Amendment lo Methodist Church, nt Couniy Road 427 nnd Tucker Drive. derstand this. DEAR ABBY: I appreciate nil the Animal Welfare Art Im­ Sanford. The problem Is. I'm very love this guy. but I need to feel It you have done to prevent animal plemented! affectionate, but he holds back coming from him, too. When I abuse. Il you want to save MELITA MOSTYN. — the only time he wants me to mention that I think we need millions of animals from pain MOUNTAIN VIEW . CALIF. Overeaters to weigh in (ouch him Is sexually. (We do more time alone, he turns on me and agony, you will prim the (Problems? Writ* lo Dear Abby Overeaters Anonymous meets at 7:30 p.m. each Sunday at have a very active sex life.) Also, and says I'm too "possessive." following: For a personal, unpublished the Casselberry Senior Center. 200 Triplet I-akc Drive. he spends a lot o time with his Do you think I need lo stop Three years ago, a hill was roply, sand a sell addressed, Casselberry. male friends, even when we go this urrangement and see other passed (o protect labralory stamped anvelopo lo Dear Abby. out for an evening together. men? That really upset him In animals from needless sulTcrlng. P.0. Box 69440, Lot Angeles, Dancers to swing their partners I'm used lo a lot of attention the past. By the way. we are It was pissed by a huge majority Calif. 90069. All correspondence Is confidential.) Square dancing for couples and singles Is held each Sunday and love, so I'm really tom. I do both In our early 10s and he Is and signed Into law by the nt 1:30 p.m. al the Casselberry Senior Center. 200 Triplet 1-nkc Drive. Casselberry. Call 767-5411 or the center at 831-3551, ext. 239. for more Information. HOROSCOPE AA groups schedule meetings Area Alcoholics Anonymous groups meeting Sunday Include: By Bernice Bede Osol You could lie a till luckier than mind. (icrson. by all means do so Casselberry: YOUR BIRTHDAY usual today In situations (hut Ge m i n i (May 21-June 20) I’leasant developments could • Back-to-BasIcs Group. 8 p.m.. alcoholics only: 8 p.m., first January, 1, 1989 have rompcilllvc elements. This You liave a special knack today rr.mlt. Sunday of month, open speaker meeting; Ascension Lutheran In the year ahead do not be Is because your Instincts nre for being able lo help others sort LIB RA (Sept. 23-Orl. 23) A Church. Ovcrbrook Drive. Indifferent to bustness proposi­ likely lo be sharper I ban those nut sLuallons Ihry are unable to [x-rson with whom you’re In • Clean Air Group. 10:30 a.in., nlrohollcs only* non-smokers tions that apjx-ar to be a bit who oppose you. resolve liirmselvcs. There nre llmntcly associated might come only. Rrbos Club, 130 Normundy. unusual, especially If they arc PISCES (Feb. 20 March 20) strong Indications your talents up with n tip lodny that could • Happy Hour Group. 5:30 p.m., open discussion, Hebos championed by people who have Try to lie more of a listener Ilian will be needed, make or save you money. It will Club. 130 Normandy. proven track records In unique a talker today. Even the smaller- CANCER I June 2Ululy 221 tx- worth exploring further. • Live Oak Group. 10:30 n.m.. open dtscusslon/alcohotlcs endeavors. tugs of conversations you catch It's to your bcnefll to fulfill your SCORPIO (( m 24 Nov 221 only. RcbosClub. 130 Normandy. CAPRIC O RN |Dec. 22-Jan. from friends could provide you soda) ohligations today, You're u quick thinker today and • Rcbos Group. 8 p.m., open discussion. Kcbos Club. 130 19) When the chips arc down with conslrucilvc information. especially If you're Invited lo n your spontaneous thoughts Normandy. today, your natural leadership ARIES (March 2 1-April 19) gathering which contains several could be rather Ingenious. Heart Sanford: qualities vlll come to the fore. Something unexpected might newcomers You could make u promptly lo your Inspirations, • Sanford Group, 8 p.m,. open discussion, 1201 W. First St. People with whom you will tic develop for you today that could valuable contact. because If you wait trx> long you • Sanford Dig (look. 7 p.m., open discussion. Sahara Club Involved won't have thr nn- lx- of bench! lo you materially. LEO (.July 23- Aug. 22) This is may lose confidence in your (old driver's license office). 2587 S. Sanford Ave. swers, hut you'll know exactly What occurs may be engineered a good day to Invite someone Ideas. • Sober Won Group. 10 a m.. 5:30 p.m., open discussion: 8 what to do. Capricorn, treat by someone you rccenlly met you recently met over to your SAGITTARIUS (Nov 231 Vt p.m.. open Dig Book meeting: Sahara Club fold driver’s license yourself lo u birthday gift. Send with whom you have much In place so ihat you can gel liciter 21) A happy surprise could lx* in olTlcc). 2587 S. Sanford Ave. for your Astro-Graph predictions common. acquainted. Make Ihe happening the oiling for you today In I In­ • Sanford Al-Annn. 8 p.m.. Christ I lulled Church, 408 for the vrnr ahead by mulling $1 TAURUS (April 20 May 20) Do as Informal us possible. form of a reward for a good deed Tucker Drive at State Read 427, to Astro-Graph, d o this nrwspn. not discount the ideas or sug­ VIRGO (Aug 23-Sept. 221 II you recently rendered. The re • 24-Hour Group. 8 p.m.. open speaker meeting. House of per. I'.O. BOX oi i ja . Cleveland. gestions of your male today, someone pops Into your mind clplrnl has hem walling for an Goodwill, Fourth Street and Oak Avenue. OH 44101-3428. Be sure (o state even II II sounds a bit outlandish today who you haven't seen npjxirtunlty to express gratitude W eklva: your zodiac sign. at first. If you study the contents much of recently and you have IO I9 8 9 . NEWSPAPER EN • First Things First Group. 9 a.m., open discussion. Weklva AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feh. 19) carefully, you may change your an Impulse lo contuct this TERPRISE ASSN. Assembly Church, 1675 Dixon Ruad, By Bernice Bede Osol Winning others over to your way tx- subslunllul and you'll know 2 1 1 II your curs are ringing Overeaters to weigh in YOUR BIRTHDAY ol thinking should lx- rather easy how lo encourage others lo do hxlay. It’s because assrxlatrs are January 2, 1989 tor you today. Ix-eausc It will lx* Ih d r best as well. saying nice things behind your A step study of Overeaten* Anonymous Is conducted on Huppy changes should lx- In obvlous to them I hat you an* LEO (July 23 Aug 221 Several bark. Your biggest Ixxtslers will Mondays at 7:30 p.m. at West laike Hospital. State Road 434. the oiling for you In the year sincere and lx-lleve In what you situations which hove been tx- where your career Is con Longwood. For more Information, call Charlie al 323-8070. ahead where your social I lie is say. hanging lire can tx- finalized to cerncd. concerned. The aspects Indlre'e ARIES |March 21-April 19) If your satisfaction today. Make Narcotics Anonymous to meet a consistent rise In your popular- you've been contemplating them priority matters and lash (CII9IIN. NEWSPAPER EN Narcotics Anonymous meets Monday at 8 p.m. at the House Hy over Ihe coming months making an adjustment that you them down once and for all. TERPRISE ASSN. of Goodwill. 3 17 Oak Ave.. Sanford. CAPRIC O RN (Dec. 22-Jan feel ran enhance your material VIRGO (Aug 23 Sept 22) 19) Try lo associate with frlrruls security, this could be a good You'll lx more effective today If Poets to talk verse unlay who Inspire you nnd who lime to Inti late It. Take positive your mobility isn't hampered you feel you can leurn some­ action. and you can manage situations First Florida poets meet at 10 a.m. every Monday In the thing. Discussions with them TAURUS (April 20-May 20) as you see (It. Don't gel jockeyed SKIN fellowship hall of United Methodist Church. Orange City. Conditions tn general that have Into a position where your Interested poets ore welcome. For more Information, call Isn't likely lo be Just Idle chatter. an influence on y o u r personal authority Is restrained. 775 8909or 574-5869. Major changes an ahead for BRIEF Capricorn In llu- coming year. rcluitoushltw appear to be In LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 231 PtO Send for your Astro-Graph pre­ pirliy good balam c at ibis time, pic who truly believe tn you nnd Blemishes. watts, Help for gamblers offered dictions today. Mall $1 lo Do all you can to maintain tilts have your txsl Interest ill heart moles, and sun spots will will be your springboards to Gamblers Anonymous and Gam-Anon for family and friends, Astro Graph, d o this nr** spa per. harmony. RESPOND lo THERAPY. GEM INI (May 2 1-June 20j opportunity today, especially In inert separately Monday and Friday (non-smokers) at 7 30 P.0 Box 111428. Cleveland. OH Su/gery. Cryotherapy You could lx- amazed today at matters that c o u d b c p.m.. Church of the Good Shepherd. 331 Lake Ave.. Maitland. 44101-3428. Ik- sure In slulr 1 not only how much you'll ac­ mrunlngtnl to you llnuur‘tally. with liquid nllrogori. For more Information, rail 236-0206. your zodiac sign. AQUARIUS (Jail. 20 Fell III] complish. hut also how much SCORPIO (Oct 24 Nov 22! chomlcal or medical Several objectives you are anx­ fun you'll have doing It If you Your leadership qualities will Ix- treatments all available. If you know or upcoming activities you’d like announced In ious to achieve can lx* realized focus your efforts on labors of very pronounced lorlay and this Lesions of Ihe skin oro the H e r a ld 's Calendar, send the appropriate Information — today If you don't go off on love now. will tx evident to you. us well as often pre-mallgnanf or event, time, date, place, cost, contact jierson and phone targets or bring people Into the CANCER (June 21-Julv 221 In pcoplf wtlh whom you'll lx- malignant and nood ear­ number—to Calendar. Sanford Herald, 300 N. French Avr.. act that have nothing lo ronlrlb- Involvements that require a luvoivrd Your aiilhorlly Isn't ly treatment Sanford. FL 32771 or cull 322-2611. ute. team effori should lx- your cupol apt to lx challenged. PISCES (Fell 20 March 20| tea loduv Your contribution will SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 23 l)cr Contact Us At

z • ^ DERMATOLOGY R u s s ia C * tfJS 'f.Y .W O S /.V CLINIC 2425 Pork Ave Continued From 1C hardly had anything. Eggs were "Residents couldn't |iark near tx-rn turned Intou pig farm. "F or AH Ytnn B iltM Nerds" Sanford not washed and were still cov­ thrtr homes," Morello exjilutncd. " I f we brought In more than our Orel trip, we ered with feathers and blood. "They had to (turk In a central one Bible, customs would give ci him ( • J323-7118 321-2197 brought our own. We learned There was a lot of Jarred goods, lot In thr middle of town. In the fast," he siild. us a hard time. Armenians did hut we never bought any morning they hud to gel u bus to have more freedom of religion tx-causc it row ol green beans In As If Inc newspaper weren't their car and then go on lo and they hud u lot more ALL SP IR A L Jars would be all dlltcrcnt colors. 0 0 bad enough. Russian toilet seals work." churches," Milk was sold from n tanker LIK E PERM S *4 5 (■re made from pressed particle Possibly thr biggest oml sad­ Morello describes his olxxrva* truck. It was not too sanitary.” Treasure Tress board that exjwmds when It dest difference between the lions us "honest." Perm Art Restaurants didn't offer a re­ Ackl Pare* - becomes wet. Morello remem­ United Stales and the Soviet "T h is Is an honest view of how i95 spite. Morello and his American or ------,00 < bers pulling splinters from Union was the tatter's attitude Ihcy live." he said. "I'm not friends tried eating at local *25' you know where. toward religion. Morello said. trying to drgrudr the Soviet restaurants several limes. Alter "They're allowed lo believe In |x-ople. th ey arc great, very "I brought a padded toilet scat being scaled llxy looked over God. but they couldn't have a friendly They don’t want any Betty Anne’s on my next trip and the cleaning what seemed to be a very Bible or practice religion," he confrontations Just like we don't. ladles would conk up and Just appetizing menu. Once they said "There were no churches It's the governments ihat are Unisex Hairstyling sit on It tn the daytime because begun to order, however. It was a In Nizhnekamsk and the one opposing each other —not thr It was such a novelty." Morello different story. people “ HISTORIC DOWNTOWN SANFORD church that used to lx- there had 201 W. FIRST ST. 329.4*13 SANFORD said. "Th e menu sounded good but I'd order something und they Morello saw no hair dryers, wouldn't have It. I'd order some blenders, cleclrlc mixers or thing else and I trey'd be out of it. NOW AVAILABLE! electric can openers, and there Finally I Just asked. ‘Whal do was only one phone In the entire you have?' and tire waller would Here's to our Furniture - CAROLINA DIRECT — Major Brands building, tn (Ik office of the say one type of meat like jrork. acquaintances, old "warden " The "warden" was In Nizhnekamsk we ale u lot of and new, who have Carpel — DALTON DIRECT — Newest Colors actually the administrator of the horse. It has a bittersweet building. Usually a woman, she smell," Morello said. made each day a little Orapes — MANUFACTURER DIRECT - Best Febtlc* kept 'rock of the Americans' Russian restaurants are the happier lor us. comiiqV* and goings focal points of social life, ac­ Happy New Year! YOU WON’T BELIEVE THE SAVINGS! "She wrote down when we led cording to Morello. "There are and she wrote down when we no bars. Restaurants serve liquor * r £ £ £ E 4 « , came back." Mr.,ello said and have live enlenalnmrnt. 107 Magnolia A»a Interior Purveyors Calls could be made only with They are the only places to go FANTASTIC CLEANERS I H . ms. 322-1112 330-1406 Manufacturer ftcpi prrmtsskn Soviet citizens had besides movies. But everything to apply to thr state to make a closes at 11 p.m. There Is phone carl or travel from one absolutely nothing to do after 11 plat *- to another even within the p.m." country. Morello said. Morello did note a big dif­ r«b fco. VERTICAL Food, especially In ference lx-1 wren Nizhnekamsk FREE SPINAL EXAM 3 Nizhnekamsk, was usually and Armenia. Armenia, to the Danger Signal* of Pmch*d Narvas: BLINDS scarce Unlike In the United south, was warmer and hud 1 nsrxJscr.es 4 D>ttf glori.il delicacy to Armenia, food was more abun WXy F«*|* Thousands o< area X a the farthest reaches r f *hc lower riant and different type* of meats choose from were more readily obtained lo (Snpxx *s>a • Prompt, f rlendly Service 48. tl*e Soviet Union does not xxtw-ra* » »>■<*»• d last* M transport fond around the both cities, though, there were a • Quality Workmanship t-ountry. That meat or that all Ihe variety of cheeses and freshly *» Aw-s M asw apng Faroes, no ana (imk) consumed In a city Is grown baked bread Once In a while. OUR FACTORY P R IttS around that city. And In the Morello even saw Ice cream: It MOST INSURANCE ACCEPTEO S U R I AT ONLY *2 5 northern reaches where the was vanilla, of court?. »H| WHt Mi* MimLMMkJ Ft m MM M ialM SiM ^i LrM 'vll m j m .1 * m m mi _M M growing season Is unreasonably Cars were a novelty In KK lM Q Ffm » net MW JidA M(M 1 (w a M few I N tw * t Mi w t lie t M « 4* *£m f M » , ft* short, that doesn't Irsvr much Nizhnekamsk but they were '■*• • '«■*•*** -raxiR re iM M iW hiKS am THE BACK SPECIALISTS* • '-**1HZM RIRNM. «J «sMM«MX' **P more plentiful In the south. t«4 > UM.UR o mdMet MU MM SANFORD VERTICALS variety. NEAL WILDER, DC "A ll the grocery stores were- Morello estimated there were M IS S Ortsn-Jo Drive M *tM M Nr, Ormtlw r x ‘2 0 1 o c m Ihe size of our convenience about 150 cars tn Nizhnekamsk, Santoid — Wsl Marl Plan PHONE 330-0240 750 Wylly Ave.. Sanford (* * * OOU1 stores." Morello said. "They a city of 60,000 4C — Sanford Herald Sanford. Florida — Sunday. January t, 1969

BLGNDIE ACROSS 6 Frustrate Answer to Previous Puzzle f how t»u you rw .s UK£ TUG *sr/li ? 7 Church body I A G O np 1 Double curve 8 Prophet 4 Boors 9 First-rate (2 T B A R 8 Acorn w d s.) 1 A— 0 producers S T 0 T / Z i M B H r 10 Actor___ 12 Actor Wallach Kristofferson Q U 13 Nautical cry 11 Sailor (si.) NAS GUP J _ _ E _S_ 14 Cold Adriatic 19 Wide shoe size D O L Y E~ wind 21 Diminutive suf­ L A T 15 Guardian spirit fix E M O OSS 16 Precipitation 23 Tumult 17 Blue dye 25 Genus of olive 18 Make hard trees 1 L 1 t: 1 N A T 1 V E S 20 Most blaring 26 Folksinger Joan B E V e | l L E D Z A S u 22 Dawn goddess A V A l i f t i V O R E N T E 24 551. Roman 27 Forsake 25 Protests n 1 N 1 N E E D 28 Barter I D « 1 o 29 Avid 30 Camera screen 33 Medieval poem 43 901, Roman 51 Scarlett 31 Jacob's twin 34 New Zealand 45 Communion O'Hara's home 32 Cincinnati ball bird vessel 5 2 ____Silver! THE BORN LOSER ______by AH Sansom club 54 Complain 36 Watering tube 47 Metrical stress HAP ID CEC€K FRCM MCX^ EUM.I5H-') 35 Believe___ 37 Slippery 55 Eui^pean ___ not 49 Fumbler's capital 39 Rodents CTCVT HOO! V £ 38 Longed exclamation 56 Be clothed in 41 Naughty 40 Sands 50 Easy task 59 Knot 42 Ancient Mexican 1 2 9 10 11 44 Ostentatious 46 **______my 12 13 8 brother's 15 16 r keeper?"

by Bob Montana 48 Cowboy Rogers IB ARCHIE 49 Large bird l 53 Yoke J 5 7______even keel 25 2G 27 58 Dye 60 Language suffix 33 61 Peel 37 38 62 No

63 High note 42 64 WWI plane 65 Cries 66 On behalf of 49 50 51 DOWN 1 Skinny fish 57 2 Strip of wood 61 3 Male parent

4 Rowboat part 64 5 Exclamation of triumph______WIN AT BRIDGE

By James Jacoby thought that meant they Thcrr urr many situations In couldn't be set up, but tits which tin- coned play gm-s comfort was ill-judged. He NORTH i m i -h against the groin. Today'n hand should have made his contract. ♦ J 10 7 4 2 Includes such a situation, which When lie Ird the second spade, ♦ K « J I Imagine would la- mishandled lie shuuld have ducked In ♦ K i J a to i by a huge mn|nrtty of players dummy. This play sui-reeds If South was playing 15-17 no- East started with any three WEST EAST trump* ho lt.nl lo Marl with one s|iades or IT he had a douhlcton ♦ K 9 IS ♦ y s . elub and I hen rehld I wo no- » g t v J » J 1C 4 king or queen. Tills play loses If ♦ J i t ♦ io • t : Irump. North scratched up a West ducked with both honors ♦

,i»*’ .• I a x / yttn*s I HFAR THFRF5 i 'll nr THB'i'LL Y f A V C . A f /\LL ze FULL OF a s w a y A NEW YFAft'S \ ^ H A M P A I N . Pa r t y i n t h e HYPOCHOAWAC

w a r p . -rNAwei .i-Ai

GARFIELD by Jim Davis (, h encefo rth , it w ill by Charles M, Schtil

f A NEW YEAR IS INTERESTING BECAU5E' fjU A T 5 t r u e ) " " f aJ€ LL fM M A S iy NEAR THIN65 ANP SEE j VjtwnA* ujF \>F NEVER SEEN BEFORE J ?0P& ' JR i r „ p o o f : '-*■

Q>vr» n il iANNIE ______b y

h'.;!rtTW'«E MCkJThAt I 8 £ Y -1 AIN'T A £O S/fV ju t IF ...STlUl A\0F.Na AROVNpf I TUMBLEWEEDS by T.K. Rya p r o m m u t t YOU AihT O T A £ A W . r ■■ I THPU08Y YOU HAP MORE vfg nt"Rr I ‘T H tfK flfO U -T O JU 9TA 4I I'M MVJCONf V' r -„**', *> M A P t C T FOR &ANPY* I V FOUNff I /W |H0Lf VIR r-AaO*. T i £j0ftT < n OW... ■ J s C P "KNOV/l T1«7 /UTfiUfSfM Ct, ------*TV i t z j x A*.I TO TH . -d S T £ A * \£ P A N N if/ i ioami^Arwud MVHANP j o r r r t s r . 0VWBAZH i r > * ^ v r -THf aWWOYF.OKfHe OnE.AFFLALiP ^ir & YDUF hrf> F£;Cflirt. Ssnlorcl Htrsld. Ssnlord, Florida — Sunday, January 1, 1980 — SC Hoffman shines, Cruise coasts in sluggish ‘Rain Man’ In M ovie Theaters ehnrnrler (with Its poignant, Charlie needs the monev that RA!N MAN (Rl Dustin Hoffman whimsical echoes of "Being Raymond has unknowingly In­ r - r ^ dors some amazing (hlug» In the There") to be a little too cute. herited. Toward that cna. he role of Raymond Babbitt, an FILMS Using his cifln appeal and kidnaps Raymond from the hos- autistic man who is also an Idiot half-choked voice, Hoffman oc* Dltal. setting out on c cross­ savant. Raymond can’t lake care c.isiunally verges on prccluuu- country trip that Inrluoes n slop of his most basic lltr functions, ness: Ills Raymond sometimes at the gaming tables of Las Vegas, yet he can somehow perform ROBERT suggests an autistic E.T. But complicated multiplications In­ mostly, the actor transcends Reprising the role of the callow stantaneously. DIMATTEO such pitfalls. guy who needs to wise up. A TV game show addict at the The problem with the film, familiar from "The Color of mental hospital where he lives, directed by Barry Levinson, Money." Cruise yells his way- he has nlso memorized the entire ccnlcrs on the other main char­ through the first two-thirds of Abbott and Costello "Who’s On him S3 million, but Raymond acter: Hoffman’s crass yuppie the movie, before turning gentle First" routine—which he recites doesn’t even understand the younger brother Charlie (Tom and sympathetic at the end. The obsessively at crucial moments. concept of money. Cruise). Trying to prop up a transformation should be more Raymond's father dies, leaving There’s the tendency for this falling Imported car business. moving than It Is. but Cruise Is a only a competent actor at this point In his career, and he falls to catch the tragicomic nuances SUNDAY’S TELEVISION In the characlcr. The script bogs down mldwuy, too. essentially repeating scenes lliat Illustrate how mismatched 6 :3 0 8 :3 0 m i m 1 0 :3 0 | l 1 :0 0 1 1 : 3 o | kionMrty n YibiNiori [wanj Vokaaf TV Um Rail to ISunda, Tada, the two brothers are. and how In ‘Rain Man,* Dustin Hodman (loll) plays an Idiot savago who G [AGiac* fTcra©ffO« VWM, Han f s r weirdly brilliant Raymond can Inherits S3 million; Tom Crulsn Is the brother who Ides to gain law 1 Hsb*a SchUiar Wm 4 ftatard Sunday Momej If Of Tow Propnac, '^*<* IN* he. ’'Rain Man” becomes control ot (he money. O E" Tau Toownaw H*bAb Caurddn Natron

f 3 another buddy "road” mov­ ! jBrmtbf Jorat ItaeyUri • Oral III Pr»»- iFtrtt Blpt-n Church It It OWogu* Iflght ie—and one without enough man who gets his comeuppance e-same-universe ending O ShCKlM j.BobarU bjl.rlin jot Orundo [Wrinen jflaett local color to sustain the slug­ from Martin—and who then If the picture Is worth seeing at pflih* Air Rana.-u bag ratal Power ol CENawt [Art (Cowmtf teams up with Martin to all. l*'s for the chance to gaze ai ED Ur. CKaao Hi gar (n* fCookrj gish. ovcr-lwo-hours length. But hoodwink an "Innocent abroad" Basinger, who parades through '^H fl iPttUOAC Clipil Ojgi .Pen, Ton A Buttwlnu* On, Cad! Dock 1 (PQ. 10) * HolTman keeps the picture Inter­ 2 3 [Aeni jJsTctior Bsiw, Jarr, Geo «ja Bu-m. Surar/w Ptattaca) esting. and Cruise has his beef­ (the line young (healer actress i he film In a constant change of Glrrinc Heudly) More tilcks and jOfliha Air Cm Ljl Dwaod Lternt? jfrtdimk K. Frkc Cal hois In u .-; jKiv.ilh CopoUftd cake appeal. GRADE: 2 Mr stars tight, glamorous outfits And a GB Hadan OantaU III!-.*. AsfckWfl Urn faett table-turning follow, rulmlnutlng few scenes that are saved by ilatl* HW. Java* jr.nn.ts CaH>*nd For tSa Thar*'* w.v. Otrtd [laaibuto Fust DIRTY ROTTEN In a surprise ending. John Lovlt/ ol 'Saturday Night CD ilifmon Aatwwn World Has* Oram h b j Bijtut Church SCOUNDRELS |PG-!3| In the Boasting Inviting Riviera loca­ Live" 111 the role ol Aykroyd's jOtt i-« Ab6o:i A rmtaifk R«ht* Q ty 0 .mar, Trait- Abbon 1 On Pit WWF WrtUlng Soot- tions. the movie Is a sumptuous wiseacre brother. Aykroyd, © fcncua tor-.tri Co lifts Rota ,light (Mi Year nRn mood for some elegant oddball |A If Coclalo tin Rch frolic—star turns and slapstick meanwhile. Is quite a sight In a ^ AIE fort Air Alfcs ilawms 1Ad.ra.ra «th can flhhfl DangtrotFVf Travwl___ f solos' Autrrata silliness? Here’s the movie thai IDT" fOtl ih* Air offers it. Directed by frank Or. with a nicely laded edge. whole olher way; fat and jowly, GRADE: 3 slant he’s a miserable excuse for a WT“ |!U idling taalitr (UawrtOV. f h K. IMci Do^ t ,B«pl ft IF. li* « Brash N y r ___ the Muppcls man who showed C8 N 'NawS.ghl T* I f . iXanmtS Co,«iV'f 0 Jam.* Kimadr Surkrr B.vt jL Cj-i.w [Ratant OarbaH L ktng.r real movle-maklng flair In "Little leading man. And. exrepl lor a i Ha arts* k a,a c.fbo.t s>a sieo Da,b#«.k ftn -i Oirw.tcS Mona, I0n u.n J ls.wt.-nik. Trnal f ill Pui Shop of Horrors. It’s a revam­ MY STEPMOTHER IS AN brief bit when he mimics Jimmy rersr-’fOU is* Air ping of the 1964 comedy “ Bed­ ALIEN IPG-131 It’s usually n bod Durante, Aykroyd doesn't even b w r Ofl th* Aif Cqutrvoi 1.1..' iii i7j h Soil Aord get to use much of his gilt lor Duck faceoons jJLxtolph t N«« Toir l4Un (U) i* time Story" tluit starred David sign when the credits for a movie 5 t 5 j Y*uU* jlfavtcft* IPooh fc.-r.tw Ucrnra* fWolUM 0 Impersonation GRADE; I W star KJfiT Tivrt i m Film C*o tspefflCu ■SS...M 1U ix H rOc« ItBA lienor pbOrtran [Thlt Wk ifi.oort.f, |Nf l Niven and a miscast Marlon list three or more screenwriters T nh 'H ishoN Brando. The new version Is one This tends In mean that u Ira ol New Home Video OiwrTata(Uj ... let* teat lb* Uan Fran Snow, Rhnr(PQ. 1 7 )*.. (Uonthltt (PQ. S« . of those rare remakes that turns rewrites wen* required, and a lot STAND AND DELIVER (PCI) Kao Woman Sawytr (Kit Oougbx Tan Botntanl pwv*r Ko-ma-v Ctatat Srrxtonl out to be better than the original. of fiddling done. "Stepmother" Warner. $89 95. A good story I a t ]:!>*JM«p*i*m*ftt Tam ifii I PhT**Urti* Joumol jUNcw fCordot fOMSfn j This lime, both of the leads are lists lour writers. Enough seld can sometimes surmount a Mori* |i I5| ft3(b-A-B,*Batr|ta|*** Pa. m i B t Adranur* (PQ) [tha t.OCO Fing.r, *1 Dt T (SJ) very well cut. In a variation on What has happened to Richard Icss-thun-allrrlng telling. An tu x (Jrry Itw*. U*. Uumg fli) . . . (Paulnaawra) | . . . t-taar LrC lltrati the Brando role, that of a crass Benjamin? After making his example Is tills fact-boded inle of tJT7~ VU JscU, Tear r Rorl Ton too at m i .0 directorial debut with the de­ Jaime Escalante, the East Los tir s jr Olt IIS An WoS BA.S1 Porlorw ]rt*rc*t RKing C f.brfj American confidence man who B5$r Ut Fuwli Grunaft* fUt . . . (Hob !**•! IftUcti* (CMallafl )Um I John Do* f411 (fUryCoapcvl .UntarUin f aaiina dupes people by seeming a dupe lightful comedy "M y Favorite Angeles hlgh-srltnol teacher who TRStff Nat, la* « w a i ,Aho K*, taaslS* Wr* f7H . . |S,ta*h (Ptt S4| .. . f1e« Mart,} iJOOl himself, Sieve Martin continues Year," he has given us a suc­ took classes of poorly motivated iiM Ott IS. Air to prove thut he Is the most cession ol bombs— "City Heat." Inncr-cIty math sludrnls and tcc~ jTiAtJ.tton UwahaU Rlkwrehbi AtN *i JAghkv* !AcN*fO [Acfntv* gracefully Inventive physical "The Money Pit," "Little turned them Into calculus urn. OiaptaU. Ih* la;and at tman, laid at IS* Apat Sabruit (14) a*. CriUil comedian In movies. He Is also Nikita," and now this Hut whizzes. TUC (PCI »«) . . . (CSsKcfa. txTtafl. Am* Uachswaq (Hiaopfra, 80910. Amtf Haptsun! Candlion one of only a handful of current romantic comedy about a The I9HH m ovie Is a hit uik re fi^si Kgsi jCjrtooA tip 'iii ShaH* widowed scientist (Dan Aykroyd) dogeared and simplistic. Yet It vm v a .j. Sundtr B^nch performers who urc reason rive;) ion ii»* rOTV [ptowwtff Bchtfio* iCh*<*20_} Urn Spiral Brrrtfijff Bu^ f Br. Ham fr t l. . enough to see a movie. Here, he who unwittingly (alls In love has an Inherently pleasing, W5TnISA Banaii fraw yem Portf A lugi iktioni B Bunny ’Staarafv* Ala, Smoking |W1 Ion gets to don wonderful disguises, with a nivlshlugly beautiful alien irlumph-of-thc-underclass kick [WTR]Tomwres Wrltwn Taw t Jan, ■Nntttore flC 3 1 Irftton* Snftth )0 d H**t {W f Crft4h Sivor A*nmury playing both a utupcfylngly (Kim Basinger). to II. and actor Edward James --- | funny half-wit and n profile- The widower’s leenage daugh­ Olmos ("Miami Vfoc") Is a reve­ ter knows that her strpmom Is lation as the paun-hy. I tattling 12:00112:30 1 :3 0 2 :0 0 2 :3 0 3:00 13:30 | 5 :3 0 1 striking U.S. army corporal, □ an extraterrestrial before her dad Escalante. GRADE 2li» stars [To B* Announced bringing lhat s|w-clal Marlin glee to both. docs (she spies (he woman (Film grading. I st irs — l recital hfC Owtionil Pktfi* (fib* Martin's co-stur. (he hard­ drinking battery lluid out ol the excellent, 3 slars — good. 3 stars row*) (U«e|______working Mlchurl Caine, Is no futility car). As furelcal com­ — fair. 1 star — poorl [Public Palp*. Beat tine: : and slouch, either. In the Niven part, plications pMc up. the movie (Robort DIMsttso Is a movto lucA* BH ftxwR Pruvor) he's the essence of suavity as a builds to a sticky, critic tor Newspaper Enterprise Tea ia trC u stick haired Continental con we-are-all-creatures-of-th Association.) li;irlmi The Comeback KU ( « )

jlOTl Worth finding jftobart SchUltr jfrtdarick K. Pnc. |R**t1y IBM [TKt* b Id - 1 r CtvarS 1 SUni*, © |A You [Your Off lhorton llund- WMkand jHa H*3 |fr*d*rtck K P*ie* fco^ak Lata 8W. tahambath Chartai 0. Janat Kaenad, Sarcoidosis ordinarily 0 0 1Mrmm Owdanar Umli loar.ach T». c jBrPrtrd kT.rtcin 1 WO, i Wit „ Far Now (R, ?t) .* ifttfl Mn. Poor Mon. fRittk tan, Fear Man; liar, Ouaan 0 3 fybgjiin* Horn** XEBcd GaUd. ban* Kaaianl Soak 1 T T l i lAnoth## Aaoim# 1k*c*rwn |F*oaau.*r fm lott IFmanctw frame*. iUy-rii lurtm Jrtwr leu (Spirti •rain[fUi*n*h Mttvn Strip W*gon Trim WBm- |GuniP*k* P t »»»*7 1 ehcek with your urologist to h ih* ..... kn P*. .* tWorkdRaaert NawlwcA Rawtaiat | DEAR DR. OOTT: I have N H« Iscwnt. iHantda, tUoiwrwk. discover the rause ol your pro th* Air )bu*t«4n 1Noba jcrir Am sarcoidosis but have no r e e l Dt«* |U*o Di« 0 Fid \P u U }0*iiwp* Ctp«r4hCf CotAdo (Corodon jOt* Cm Anmalt [W.Will symptoms. What is the up-lo- blem. Erection* change with age Ott Uowa [lu,.rman A Chalk.ng. tar Robn Hoad h*. SI) .. ih* Kerala Kid (PC, 14 . . . Svp*fpi*n 1 jW K] dute treatment for this disease? MEDICINE and In Ihc presence of certain Auto Aacina Auto Haona lUinttar Truck Aui* HKing Aut* *««) I’h* Ntwaid (S&r .* Cc-Mr M«hon*J0 Orvon Ul Dm Toepithaf (3*1.. )Sk»rCw-t j ------?_ 1 W— • usually detected by chest X ray: symptoms ol discomfort. Cor­ a device that Is inserted into the SHOW P.iang. tf tna N.-«, a FTaara in tha Rain JWI: A bpaca OOn*re !<1 T0HU. W ).... > 8*mbW #>0. V) . . It can resemble tuberculosis. tisone ts stunt limes useful In vagina lo Ural piolapsc (falling, ^u»T* PuhraAfl^ T C i; liVw.ww ‘irCemwLm f . M IB Mom Jun B*a4 Carut Root Jpacof Tt2 WdartaTf ]putlnata Iwfro* Itnarxlal tSuftaii 5.-.I (Suttat* |Atr-wta Achrttt. puccatt Sarwt The diagnosis Is usually made reducing Inllnminalfon bul II Is ol the uterus Allhough surgery CiUJ [UX) ill V) • R*»4r*j* (HQ t3. 27) [B*:k U lh* B**ch y'PQ. 17) ** G-.,\!:t. l*g**d cf Trim, by biopsy. not consistently rllrrtlvr. Tills Is Is usually used lor litis purjwrsr TUC fichird Pryor fUcw tcotr) |«* (Iottm CAry. lint* CuWi yVrtt* f v n u h FnrAj* A*UnJ lord at tha Apt* (PG IK No treatment Is ordinarily nec­ a real skin problem lor which somr women ate not appropriate USA WWf AttAraancan feoukrat [TtT'CtM t-J-S (4 U ). . . [Buote1 Throb Nuhcacl 1*41.hr act essary I>erause sarcoidosis tends Ihcrapy Is often unsuccessful. candldulcx for an operation VM1 Swnd*T Ifwnch (9| fVrf*ot to "hum out" with time. As the DEAR DR. GOTT: Eight years t>c* ausr of age or poor health wear Ur H*m (111 iOmi Canada] (Th* Nw?*f Dtrtt f4F.) ••• C**rtird| KTTCTilroflKmsZrS body fights the Inflammation, ago. at 70. I had an o(M-rutlon on Pessaries are made ol plastic f r-a*n t R**r4o« j 14) **» (Fftd Attar* PwrJ* CU4j woti Th* G/»«? A*c* [ASF «* (W y Urt* i*cl Itremf the granulomas disappear or or rubber; they are rigid or soil; WI6S1OnfllS Anmt (1030) (Sutartuiwn Aamawbara BaNrt, Hiiktwt Suaarttalwn tkamamban jC-eun 8iw i iS*a.*r my ptmlate Since then. I've become stable Studies have tu rn unable lo Itavr an election some are inflatable, all should la- shown that 65 to 85 percent of Du I have lo reconcile myself lo rrmovrd dally ha cleaning patients recover uneventfully firing Impotent for the rest of niy A woman dors not ' ou tg re w '* without therapy life? her nerd for a pessary. The The most common serious DEAR READER. No. you do drvicr Is used lo hold up the HMMIQ consequences of this strange PwawtPHTdt not. In many cases, impotence uterus anil prevent II from tall disease are lung scarring (caus­ may hr cured or overcome by log through the vuglnu, lilts ing heart (allure) and eye scar­ medicine or surgery. Far In­ anatomical weakness Is more ring (causing visual difficulties). stance. there are a number ol likely to worsen, rather than Because no specific therapy Is operations loduy lo Implant Improve, with lime available, doctor* have to lie jienllr pro* these*. devices lo Your gynecologist can advise satisfied with treating complica­ produce erection. A recent de­ you whether the pessary you are tions as they a n v vice. developed In Houston at c u rre n tly u sing Is appropriate (or In pallenis with respiratory or Baylor College of Medicine, ap­ you. oecular symptoms, cortisone pears lo tie II vile non surgical (C| 1988. NEWSPAPER EN reduces Inflammation and alternative II utrs changes in air I ERPRISE ASSN diminishes tissue damage; how­ pressure within a condomllke *N*osi(P&n.'W ever, II is not needed In patients sheath. For more Informal Ion, without symptoms rail HOO-422 9006 H IF lo yd Theatres MS Ptawi* P ^ U M w Sarcoidosis Is present I'd like lo add that Impotence 8AIA rami* IH-M f • worldwide hut It Is most com­ Is u rare consequence of routine mon among people of Northern prostate surgery You don l European extraction and In mention the ty|r of operation gg American blacks f M Ernest i '*'■ * ^ »***"»> IF.adA.tab* pfcr*WadSngfVi you had — obviously, the more • It BytCiwt* iMwaiHw* }c*n*a* VaaSai Marti Gmer fW Oryga n Wnp.* fry* |iW DEAR DR. OOTT: No de- pxienslve lire surgery, the more saves Pa miatologlsl seems to he able to chance for cotn|kl« altons to de­ C h ristm as slop my exfoliative dermatitis I velop Since many men urr not fuuatwwb , lake cortisone. Bright light IsMherrd by postoperative tin- £ makes It worse. Is there any­ |wi|rner yon might want lo • it m i m i le t (JIL mm t it i t thing I can do for It? LAND DEAR READER; Exfoliative 'COUPON' dermatitis, a severe and IH BEFORE widespread Irrllallve scaling of the skin. Is a disrase .if unknown cause Some patients seem to Jw a I h r b e d ?.{{*{:« i MMUAMOOn - t r i m develop this reaction in response I iIJ> 'X (7* l 7 10 to drug a llergies laueh as J SANFORD PLAZA penicillin and txirhlturalesl. to related skin disorders Isurh as FREE SHEETS psoriasis) or to other diseases WITH PURCHASE OVER S C R 0 0 GED Isurh as lymptnana. lymph node cancer). In mmt patients, no *299 cause ran be discovered CROCODILE For 24-hour listings, see TV Week issue of Friday, Dec. 30. Topical treatment with creams 330-1314 and lotions may help relieve — — — - COUPON — — — - DUNDEE 2 ■C — Sanford Harald. Sanford, Florida — Sunday, January 1, 1939 Education Hanging out at the mail

GED tests for diploma offered When school lets out, hanging SANFORD — The GED testa leading to a Florida high school out becomes a world unto itself diploma will be offered at Seminole Community College on Jun. 23. 24. 25. Eligibility for taking the testa must be Altered Beast. They seem much By CAROL J.R U M S E Y completed by Jan. 13. more exciting than anything Herald staff wrllor GED test orientation will be held Jan. 18 at 11 a m. and Jun. found In the real world. 19 at 4 p.m. and 5 p.m. Students qualified to take the tests are ALTAMONTE SPRINGS - There Is a routine, however. encouraged to attend this class on "How to Take and Pass the Forty-five thousand Seminole There Is u certain behavior lo GED Exams " County public school students those who regularly attend game For more Information on GED's free study program, call are free — free of classes — until rooms. The rool one's, the one's S.C.C. and ask for the GED office. the bell rings Tuesday morning. who know how tu act. know That means a last few’ days to which games are hot and which Program helps kids ‘just say no’ cram In fun at the beach, arc not. they are the one's to Youngsters more likely to "Just say yes" to drugs arc the movies, and local gume rooms. keep ail eye on. focus of u new drug abuse prevention and public awareness For Beth Collins and Amy For those Just beginning. Col­ campaign sponsored by the National School Safety Center. The Tucker, both 12. It means hour lies recommends they stay away program ts aimed at students considered high risk, who for upon hour at the Altamonte Mall from air hockey. It's u gume you various soclul and economic factors, are most likely to get and at an Orlando Ice skating must be good ut. because the Involved with drugs and other delinquent and violent behavior. rink. In fact, as of last Wednes­ guys gather to watch, whisper Campaign representatives site the following statistics: day they'd racked up 24 hours and challenge the winner to a • Nearly 5 million adolescents have alcohol problems. In the mall alone. game. One should also stay • About 3 million 12-to-17-ycar-olds use marijuana or Their prime mall locale Is the away from the glass fish bowl­ Fun 'n' Games room. And when cocaine. like contraption containing a • Nearly 2 million children are reportedly victims of physical they get tired of that, they cruise hundred or so of (hose hand-size or sexual abuse each year. the shops looking for clothes and stuffed animals In colors of pink, • More than I million youths run away from home each year. cute guya. green and purple. A player • More than I million teen age girls becomr pregnant each "1 come here every day." operates a large mechanical arm year, and half of them subsequently dropout of school. Collins said. "I've probably attempting to pick up; one of • An estimated 14 to 25 percent of youths drop out of school. spent $400 of my Christmas those creatures as their prize. And. of those dropouts. 80 percent use Illegal drugs regularly. money.” It's considered very Immature, • Alcoholism affects more than one-third of the nation's The figure Is Inflated, although and ranks right alongside the how Inflated Is hard to tell. families. pony ride. However. Collins said. • The FBI (In 19861 reporled 250.000 arrests of Juveniles In "These kids have money." Ihe pony ride Is OK If rlden the United States for drug-related offenses. Clarence Strusser. manager of merely us u Joke, Just mukc sure A group of experts on youth delinquency, violence and drug Fun 'n' Games, said. "T h ey have everyone knows U's a Joke. As abuse met at Yale University In New Haven. Conn., on Nov. 29 more disposable Income than for Pac-Man. It's played only by to help develop strategies to reverse these problems. Their the rest of us...It's all for fun. nil old people drinking margartlas recommendations will be the basis of the "High-Risk Youth for entertainment." he added, In dark bars. National Public Awareness Campaign." The $250,000 cam­ putting his shirt pocket us If It paign will be produced by the National School Safety Center. would be good to be a kid ugaln. Then there's the lingo. Strasser's business has been "T h ere are skaters, surfers, These students are doing well at UCF steady since school's been out. heudbanpers. and skinheads." M « M rtwtc by Safe Artmfeh SANFORD — The following Sanford students achieved a and peaks around 3 p.m. when Collins said. She added that Dave Norman, 13, and Jell Van Anda. 13. play an arcade gamo at Fun skinheads arc nol good types perfect 4.0 grade point average at the University of Central 165 bodies busily move In and 'n' Games at Ihe Altamonto Mall Wednesday. Tho type ol acceptable and are not found ul Mllwrc Florida during the Just completed fall semester: Patrlctu A. out of the room, dropping 25 actions and attltudos play as important a role as playing the gamo cent tokens In neon colored Middle School. Ihe school she Bari ram. psychology. Karen L. Crawford, psychology. David H. well. machines, pulling shifts, turning attends. Tucker defines a Mead, electrical engineering. Kenneth P. Tumln. electrical knobs and giving their all lo skinhead ns one who shaves his engineering. game rooms, they're munching Vila's and Arnold gather up points. head and hangs out In alleys popcorn In nir-conditinned the- Schwarzenegger's performances It's a captivating world, full of starting fights for Ihe fun of It. Correcting Lottery misconceptions uters. It's u Florida Christmas. In Twins. energy and enthusiasm. Games Hradbangers on Ihe other hand, "Business Is up. " lam said. Th r'e Is widespread public misconception about the Impuct nrc named things like Jack are relatively peaceful types who According to Linda Luu. manag­ er of Alianionlc Clnemaa. llils "W e probably have 50 percent of lottery funds all across the state, according to Education Tiger. Spy Hunter. Street enjoy heavy metal music. hollay's big flic is Danny De- more young kids than normal,” Commissioner Betty Cistor. lottery funds make up only 3.9 Fighter. Victory Koud and When students aren't at the percent of the $8.3 billion dollar education budget, contrary to whal most Floridians think. Castor said recently. Part of the Florida Lottery’s advertising budget should go towurds ads which explain that lottery funds make up only a small portion Helping handicapped children’s parents of the total education budget, she said. the care and llntr the sibling lives lo suit the handicapped For mote Information contact "I will propose to the Legislature that a small portion of the By CAROL J.R U M S EY provider lor Ihe child. Add to child, and n recipe for family Lori Bennett ul 407/699-7939 or advertising dollars be spent on a public Information cam­ Herald stall writer______paign." Castor said. "This will help rleur up misunderstand­ that. Ihe rearrangement of adult tensions Is complete.^ „ „ .. Kutrn Jf nklQf ul 467/319 9754. ings and potential problems with declining support fur Lori Bennett is the mother ol education money from other souices." four boys ages 4 lo 12. In every way they are a normal family. KFC helps with drug problem They enjoy trips lo Walt Disney World, trips to the park, A partnership between Kentucky Fried Chlrken and Drug laughing, talking, all the stuff Abuse Resistance Education has produced a 24-hour Informa­ that families do. tion service. This way Americans can get answers and become The only difference Is ihclr more drug aware. The number Is 1-800-TALK-KFC-DARE. telephone rings endlessly, even late at night. UnlCare. a project Unique trip offered at school of Bcnnctl's. Is the source of all ALTAMONTE SPRINGS — Students of the Altamonte Ihe attention. Barents call lo Christian School will have the opportunity to participate In a talk, to say thank you. and lo unique social studies academic competition, which could lead learn of ways lo help. Like to a scholarship and a study trip to Washington. D.C. later this Bennett, whose 10-year-old son year. The school has registered to participate In the Close Up Daniel in mentally retarded, the Foundation Citizen Bee. callers are parents of handi­ The Citizen Bee Is an academic competition that focuses on capped children. They are soclul studies and progresses through school, regional, and parents who can't find daycare. state events Finalists compete for the natlonu! title In It Is changing Ihetr lives, and Washington In June 1989. Three Altamonte Christian students causing frustration. will advance to regional competitions with top students there "I can't believe all the calls going to the stale finals. I've been getting." Bennett says. "It's amazing there are so many Several courses offered at DBCC families affected." It’s a familiar laic lo her now DAYTONA BEACH — Also ul DBCC. would-be architects and — How one spouse Is forced lo engineers cun get a headstart on their gireeri by taking abandon a career to care for a DHCC’a basic construction blueprint reading course. The class child because daycare facilities will be offered ul 7 p.m. on Wednesdays sturtlng Jan 18 and say no to handicapped children. Availab e at: SEMINOLE running through April 5. The cost of the course Is $21.60 for It can make It difficult to do even Florida residents and $43.20 for non-Florida residents and Is simple things. Like run lo ihe , • ;,- COMMUNITY lutyublc ut the first class. Tlrerr Is also a $2 lab fee. For further store, the dryrlrancrs. or the gas Information, call 255-8131. station. It can make It lni|>ossl ■ + COLLEGE Courses In mechanical physical principles and basic hie to go to ihr movies, hold a • A.S. or A.A. Degree J electricity wll be offered at DBCC during the winter semester. Job. or even grab u quick nap. Both courses will be taught In the Air Conditioning There Is also the financial • Vocational Training’ ' -W De|>artment. The cost of each course Is $54 for Florida problem. A single Income family residents and $ 108 for non-Florida residents. There Is also a $2 with a child who may need • Continuing, Education w lab fee. Physical principles will la- offered at 7 p.m. on special care 1 uesdays and Thursdays, and baric electricity will meet at 7 l)y spring. Bennett hopes lo • - Financial Aid available g , p.m. on Mondays and Wednesdays. change all that with the opening of the UnlCare Center, a non­ profit. charitable organization. Registration Now Underway It's prlmar function will la- lo meet the needs of handicapped DATES: December 8-20 children ll w ill also offer a place ■ January 3,4 /* for handicapped and non­ handicapped children to share In TIMES: Mon.-Thurs.-9 am-8 pm fun and stimulating activities. Friday—9am-4 pm • Thirty-five families have • Hunt Club: • ■ placed their names on a walling ____ : _Mon^-Ihurs.-llam-8 pm- list for opening day To m a k e that opening day u reality. Friday-llam-3pm Bennett and a 12-member vol­ unteer team arc planning events Classes Begin January 5, 1989 to raise the needed $ 100,000 There air plans for a silent auction, car washes, and a house number curb painting project. Once opened, the center will rare tor children Monday through Thursday from 6 a m. until 10 p m . and on Friday will open al 6 a m.. and remain open . until 10 p m. Sunday There are lo be pre-school programs for fe SEMINOLE COMMUNITY COLLEGE both handicapped and non- 100 Weldon Boulevard Finishing touches handlrapped. along with pro­ grams for slbllr.gs. parents and Sanford, FL 32773 > - . Lake Mary High School marionettes put in last minute lamtly outings 843-7001 323-1450 .. finishing touches Thursday evening before their tnp to New "What we re trying to do Is Orleans to perform In this year's Sugar Bowl All 273 members of strengthen the family." Bennett ' • the school's Marching Rams band, flag corps, and dance team said Often times. JealmUew form ------t • -----. I will participate. The game Is to be broadcast via the ABC toward a handicapped child from An Equal Acctii/Equd Opportunity Community CofWg# . television net work tomorrow evening Ihelr siblings because of all Ihe alii niton the child receives, or Sunday Herald JANUARY I, 1989


GARFIELD by Jim Davis


JTm cwrft

PEANUTS by Charles M. Schulz THE BORN LOSER by Art Sansom



Just for Ki/k I

QEAR HELOtSE After roadmg your article about pulling a C-riamp on a garage placed them back In the door tracR lo keep it from opening. I ran across the following rclngoralo. After questioning information ‘rom our local ponce department on how to protect the children as to how they SHAMPOO TIME your home from burglars happened to bo thrown away, DEAR HELOtSE Some burglars will drive I totd my husband about the If other kids want to save some tears and the j moms down a residential street with fruit m the trash His reply 'I some headaches, they should try my idea an automatic garage-door threw them away I thought I have very long hair and shampoo lime was crying opener. It a garage door they were the lemons that I time Now afl I do is let my mom brush my hex with a opens, he wiD take down the bought a coupto ot weeks ago hard-bnstte brush before I nnse the conditioner out name and addross In order to that had spoiled and turned The brush gfcdos through my hair easily Then I rinse tmd a phone number After furry.' out the conditioner and it's ak over Shampoos are no that, tt is a matter of determin I laughed my he ail out at problem anymore! mg what hours the home is him but tkd compare the two Love. vacant and found that the kiwi and the Ashley Lane, age 7 The thief la then able to lemon were the same sue but Springfield. Va drtve into the garage, dose different color I'm glad you shared your hair hint. the door, try to deactivate any Sharon Hedges Helolsa security system that may Lancaster, Ohio ART WORK exist, then he!p tumseit to Oh. you made my day! DEAR HELOtSE whatever he wants out of the Otve your husband a big I tow art1 My favonla kind of art Is pamdng. but house Helotse hug. sometimes it is haid lo tmd a paint brush So. I d kko to ft your garage door mysten- sliaio something with other people who have thrs oufcJy opens, this la a possible problem reason lo be more alert to I find that an oM nad-pn*sh bottle does the tnck The ontamikar cars in your neigh- quercy. ft peys to be ewere top wrth the buJt « brush Is handy to paint with and you and cautious. can Id the bottle up with water lo rinse R oft to This A Reader DEAR READER' also seems to be a tot neater loo* Scranton. Pa LETTER OF LAUGHTER ThH Is yew column If you'd M it hollo Pofctte. age 10 You are so right! If you DEAR HELOtSE like U share a Met. ask a Lake City. Ark find the door opening and I discovered two kiwi tout m question or make e suggestion, closing when It shouldn't, the trash can in Uw kitchen write me. el R.O, *o « TtSOOO. you might want to think shortly alter I purchased them San Antonio. TX TBITS about changing toe frs-^Jlh^pedfy retrieved them and Hugs. Heloise * **"* * w toi^-5 lid!W -- r . -a * 1 1 »to rd/‘ Ms n h NOT ONLVTMAT... BUT ORAL*, EVERYONE ... f ^ A HUNDRED BOTTLES X FINALLY CAME UP ALL TOGETHER NOW... OF BEER ON THE WALL... WITH A PIECE OF A HUNDRED BOTTLES music id tie im wrm OF BEEEEER... JT f THEIR CENTENNIAL CELEBRATION t

TIGER by Bud Blako


LVC6 . WHAT etef&ZTTO \OMAV. WHAT M O T A L W M ^ HAv/e a civiLizer jsnouLPwe WrfH V oofi |fcdOklVEf?5An"lON / TALR a S o d t T’, TAOUTUEDU-

BUGS BUNNY by Warner Bros. THE KATZENJAMMER KIDS by Angelo DeCosare

RIPLEYS Believe It or Not I

IM&tatttiioH immoKtni tm i A perch m o a rct-iA va h e ssih g rwa it SWALLOWED M40UE N WHAT IS MOW THE MEET LRU aS-,WCKt FOOWJ A5 FOSSILS-8TIU u w k > A n n iaocoooo w a v s


ANNIE by Leonard Starr


B R ^ F J ER-.THE WORD IN a 5 * H * u r WORD V E IL -I FKJGtR ...HAf RUNNIN' WITH h & t& M T g IT An * Cft'tM iBNtP* If t f f - l C l K t THAN THAT IF 1 W fP ON YIR lfG 6/ WHIN V TAM TH MT/P I • e U K tO A U ’ JAAMm'TH'/W? — "\ WHGHT6 O f f — YOU f t y . ‘ Kg/ 1 MfANS 'TO WORDS THR006H AY ~ T l A A x C CUA* » WBik 8 k & THE SMALL SOCIETY by Brlckman

V/fi&OtfiCi-rO F i K f t t a w e c u t a oi/n*>onr, H *Top FPSCVUTto^, THrt Ttt-AR f Tr*e>J R Jt THf?A iH I& M tiO H


V ^ E P f - '* fi O t # # Z I 6 0 T VACTFICIAU . VH l b e W - fn e r m H > /r W E 1VII6 YE V ^M PH S tH w i l l s ? i £ » r T i* e e * T co K lT T to PEA'E.VW/*: T R ? op it v c e o p e 3 u u r V T W e P U M p ' W FoUfTTfl / / \ y A-'

ALLEY OOP by Dave Graue


GO <3fcT IT.' AW I WANT YCiiA------> E llW O JIN O X ) / ...SERVING OH? \NOULL SEE, \CCMpi.YVAini ME TVAKE ME A OVER- Z --1 C *C A Y . . - ' G E T tB O O F O C P l K I N S A N D CXMM6 ) JUST AS SOON \ a n s w e r s me like SITED WAR CLUB, T O O lf CH IEF! YCU BY PUTTING HIM \ C O U N T R Y ! WHAT / AS TW'SAttSE THAT, I'M GOING —i TO WORK.-. / P " ------, r - ' ? ? / GETS BACK.'/TOKICK HIM V T tifcl-illll J . j j L K*GHT IN THE / • Tl - W-UCCTApI T'

A HUBERT by Dick Wingert


A/UP, LIK E A P L W T , I "WlNK OF/MY^LP \ iivw*rpeniouKiwep iF m iD P U f& r A^AKAKEAAT . ?VTHB(5fAn?^FW/r\JS \Pw.i6 Rit n^nn:.y iprtD f u m W- v o#s-r»vn5muE^J-.>

WEE PALS-kid power by Morrie Turner


e v e w t b g o y I CELEBRATES , Mint m w v « . f A tw jm io w m ttM m n EMOCO IN AMO A LOT ujicmcs •jourw OFMOtSC... BECOME A t«»C A f AMO A \ cam n u COMPLETE YEAR LATL8 EQUAL m a n y p e o n s, R«OTT5 PEACE BREAMS OUT ALL O/VW leans... \p THE WOULD „ A c r o n c M ( AILTIAW- 1 8*CMMAJTY 4 IMG OuB MEW or ruriLLMo EVtRYCMf* i r w c m r o H WORLD LEADERS WHO AUL YOU GUTS TALKIN' ABOUTr %

#vjuni@r W hirl#* by Hal Kaufman a MAP FLAP? Namaa ol four countries and thalf capital cMlaa are scrambled and acattarad about In the diagram at a *N j a n r c a f i right. All ara wall-known WATOTA placet One la an Aalan country, two are located In Europe, and one la In a h c a d a North America * M O IO Sea how quickly you can * 0 puzzle them out. (Allow a */ “t minute or two lor each.) 'N s ia tmruo »»u»j aue»w x n i m u •>«•<< ®*t»i '«»e®r e TO YOUI Prestol You may look lor good fortune In HOCUS-FOCUS the yaar ahead: lOhOeOyOeraOrRaThUeNaEd. Cimnlu rrn u mil latlars nf the near ahead.'

HALF-WAY MEASURES Taka an orcknary tottei- head Fold it in hall Than fold a In hail agaw and again, and agam etc How many halt folds do you think you can make in all — lout, sir eight, tan. or more? Su or seven totds >s usually the manmum Altar that the bufc oI each told becomes unman­ ageable Indeed by the eighth told you te deal­ ing with 128 thicknesses ol paper Does the same hold « CAN YOU TRUST YOUR EYES? There aro at toast m difter- true oI smaler or larger •ocas m drawing detais between top and bottom panats Mow sheets ol paper? qu«kty can you t wq»l 9 t '*l*w, » piece ol note paper or a , » uojtfy c BtMtu «i ipw»S l wuout ere «*.»d t sheet ol newspnni missing above Add tinea dot to dot to complete ecene

1 January 1, 198* i i i Sanford. H©ra

VIEWPOINT Unions sparse in county Let’s not forget life’s Some have been formed most important things but the idea not popular Nrw Year's n solutions ate the topic of many County has very little union In­ By SANDRA BOUCHAHINE people at this time of year. volvement which explains why few Hsrald staff writer A lot of them make promises lo themselves people work there, according to that they know they won't keep. Florida Is not a strong union state Slwica. It seems that cigarette fuller slump badly "Who works In Seminole County? during the first two weeks of January but start now. but workers arc gradually hurdling a wall of resistance by Very few people work in Seminole picking up aguln by the first of February. By County," Slwica said. March, they're usunlly stronger than ever. management to push for union representation. According to Department of I don't make a whole lot of resolutions. Commerce statistics. Seminole Instead. I simply do Some state officials say the absence of labor unions Is an County covers 298 square miles the same thing every with 9.7 people per square mile. As New Year’s eve. I economic advantage while others Interpret It as a lack of Information. of 1986. with a population of thank the good Lord 241.293. the county had the 10th that I made It to According to the Department of Commerce In Tallahassee. In 19S7 largest labor force In the state with another year. 139,938 employees compared to There's a reason only about 9.05 percent of the work force In the state belonged lo 95.884 In 1981. for that. Slwica said there Is a fear of It happened when I unions. Including public and private employees. unions In the county, possibly a was In the third grade. result of misinformation about; We lived Just across the highway from the This has actually declined from the year 1982. when 9.68 percent of them. elementary school I attended. Every morning •'They're (workers) are afraid lo our mom would walk us. my two sisters, my tht work force had union repre­ sentation. according to the de­ unionize. They're afraid to get brother and me. lo the edge of the highway and terminated. Thai's the main thlt’ g." partment. make sure we got safely across. It was a busy Slwica said. He said usually man­ thoroughfare and It always made me nervous. In Florida, there arc 822 certlfed bargaining units which represent agement and unions work well On the way home In the afternoon, my oldest together, but public employers have sister was In cliargc of the crossing. I always public workers: about 10 of those are In Seminole County, according always reslnlrd union organization. resented having to follow orders from my older W hether unions on: an enemy to sister but I always listened when It came time to to Honda Public Employee* Rela­ tions Commission IPERC) In management, and a friend to cross the highway. employees, the fact Is. some One sunny spring afternoon. I suddenly lost Tallahasee. According to Public Infonnatlon workers feel more secure knowlng( my fear for the busy highway due to an Intense they have a certified bargaining unit Interest I bud suddenly developed In becoming a Specialist at the Tallahassee De­ partment of Commerce Raphael lo solicit their needs and desires TV celebrity. According to Business Manager of You sec. Mr. Cartoon always came on the lube Marcuccl. low unionization Is a marketing tpol to entice Industrial (he International Union of Operating rlghl after school and If there was anything I Engineers Local 673 Elmer Scaver. loved more than watching Mr. Cartoon. It growth because of the small number of strikes started by unionized there are almost no laws to protect doesn't come to mind right away. workers. "Alm ost none.” be said. A couple of weeks prior to this particular workers. Other union authorities disagree. The Fair Labors Standard Act evening. Mr. Cartoon had started a contest. You requires overtime pav after 40 slinplv wrote In, told him which cartoon you Ol the 67 counties in the state. hours and n minimum wage, but liked l rest and why. and If he picked your letter Seminole Is one of the least union­ outside this. Seaver said there arc out of the big batTel. you won a genuine, ized. according lo Attorney Richard very few laws to protect workers. glow ln the dark Slnbad the Sailor ring. Slwica of Orlando who represents Slwica said because Ibis Is con­ Needless lo say I entered right nway and I more than 50 unions under the sidered an "at will" slate, when H « iU FNoto Sr Or* Ar*e»fc* couldn't wait to get home from school each national umbrella of the American there Is no union contract, an Jim Plotle. 27. and Leanna Castleman. 24. ol the Longwood Fire Department evening to sec if I was a winner. employer can fire someone for any Federation Labor-Council of Indus­ lake Inventory ol one ol the department's drug boxes Tho Longwood Fire On this fateful evening, the excitement was trial Organization (AFL-CIO). In reason at all: good, bad or no Department is one ol Just a handful ol unions in Iho aroa. mounting. 1 was sure iny letter would be the l-ongwood. he represents the In­ reason. Slwica said he has seen next one drawn from the big bnrTcl. ternational Union of Operating cases where a person was fired for ultimately fired for using obscene I completely Ignored my older ulster that day Engineers Local 673. making an "unauthorized" phone make Improvements lo try lo pre­ language and other charges. und decided to gel across the highway on my call to report a tampered box of vent (he inevitable. The commis­ Public w orkers In S em in ole Although DrMarle said that Tor- own. After all. I was a big guy now. 1 was In the cookies In which a razor blade had sioners decided to bring the mrrll County belong to certified unions In ranee was (Irrd because of bis third grade. It wus lime for me to start crossing found. In Winter Springs, a non­ bonuses bark, but clly workers only two of seven elites. Longwood conduct at ihr meeting. Torraurr the highway by myself. unionized fire department worker voted for the union anyway. On and Casselberry, according to of­ und his fellow workers said they One of the last things I remember about that who was of! on worker's compensa­ Nov. 9. about 46 while and blue- ficials. believe hr was fired I recause of evening Is my feet leaving the bard, brown dirt tion was lermlnaled one week later collar workers voted at separate union activities. of the shoulder and touching the pavement. The In Casselberry. 37 police d e­ for being absent from work. elections held In Longwood lo be "I was discharged on trumped-up sequence of events that followed were like a partment em ployees Joined the ‘ That would never happen In a represented by Ihc Inin national charges. I've yel lo piesrul my dream. It was like I was there, but I wasn't Central Florida Poller Benevolent unionized fire department.'' Slwica Union of Operating Engineer* Local there. It was like one of those movie scenes In Association (PBAI In December of 673. case." Torrance Mild. said. Torrance filed an unfulr lalxir which a murder victim Is In a dense fog and can 1982. The following year. 100 In Longwood. one worker has filed "It was shocking that within one sense something Is out there but doesn't know workers In the wall-to-wall or civil­ an unfair labor practice chargr. Ills week, all the city employees sought practice charge through Ihr union. "I feel he was terminated In where. ian unit formed Ihc Nutlonul healing Is tentatively set for Jan. union representation. I've never violation of Ihr law. Wr feel very I vaguely remember beating noises, noises Association of Government seen that before." Slwica said. 13. confident be will gel bis Job bark." that were only whispers one minute but rose to Em ployees Local 193 and 30 Slwica Is handling that cose for a Not long after the workers voted Slwica said, deafening decibels Ihc next, then h a r k to firefighters formed the National public works employee who claims (or unionisation, public work* DrMarle salt! (hr union doesn't whispers. Association of Government hr was fired because of union employee David Torrance, who was nave much ground lu stand on. I rrmember sensing a lot of movement around Employees Local 194. according to activities. City workers recently voted by fellow workers to be their “ I haven't Violated any rontiact me. then suddenl) feeling everything grow Casselberry officials. unionized In tangwood because shop steward, exchanged words quiet. It was like one of those dreams where you with City Administrator Gene De­ und they can't require me In do Mayor Owen Sheppard said Ihc they were dissatisfied with man­ wake up. then fnll light hack to sleep and It's agement. They complained about Marie over a memorandum Tor­ unylhlng." be said. workers Joined the union lo gel The Longwood Poller Department bard lo tell what's real and what's not. poor treatment, poor pay and hav­ rance bad written protesting the belter treatment. also voted on Nov. 9. but repre­ For the next few minutes. I could feel ing merit bonuses taken away from city's elimination of the Employee of “I can only echo whal their sentation by Ihr Crntnil Florida someone, someone with a powerful grip, holding them. Together, they talked about the Year Program my hands down. I remember feeling something feelings were. They fell they werrn't Torrance was subsequently sus­ Police Benevolenl Association ll’HAt getting a lair shake." he said. the possibility of unionizing while warm running down my face and I recall looking clly management scrambled (o pended for two days with |»ay and See Unions. Page GD up and seeing my lather s eyes. Compared to II* size. Seminole After whit seemed like a brief period of sleep. I can recall feeling someone Jam something In my urm and force a lube or some tvpe of hose down iny throat. If you huvcu'l guessed by now. the little boy Cars In Use 1 If it’s a lemon, you won’t get squeezed who had been so anxious to see Mr. Cartoon that evening had stepped In front of truck that Just United P re s s In tern ation al ______MILES PER DOLLAR happened to be moving a little faster than TALLAHASSEE - Florida's "Lemon Law" will take Cost of owning and operating a car normal through a school rone. on added bile Jan. I. when a law lakes effect It wasn’t a frightening experience at first. It establishing a new arbitration system lo help consumers >'r In ea« h some pies on the kitchen table and bad asked weight. The mechanical and structural components of dispute If me board rulea Ihe ronsuttirr uoughl a my mom If I could iuvr some. She politely but recreation vehicles will be covered, bul not Interior lemon. It could demand a new replacement vehicle or a firmly told me they were for dinner and she fixture* or living quarter* purchase price refund, less a drdurtloti for the probably didn’t think twice about It. Naturally. I The law applies lo any substantial problem reported consumer's prior use of the faulty vehicle was disappointed but I hud become accustomed g a p I960 t970 1960 1986 during the first year or 12.000 mile*, whichever occurs Manufacturers will have 30 day* to appeal or 40 days to being told no on occasaton. Ours was a large ______V e t ______first, and extend* coverage for another 12 months to pay up Those which flaunt arbitration rulings will family and we often did without but we never Source Motor VShaCto N * OOASSSCS Manufacturers will have four tries to fix any one face fines of up lo $ 1,000 per day. unlcsa Ihe company grumbled about It. we Just made do. Manufacture** Ataocratun. problem or a cumulative total of 30 dav* If there are When I woke up six days later, I finally L Bee Lemon. Page D World Motor Vofucto Data m a r than one problem. 6 See L ife. Page SD * 0 — Sanford Mould, Sanford. Florida — Sunday, January 1, 1989 Editorials/ Opinions

Sanford Herald TOM TIEDE (USES UI-1M) 300 N. FRENCH AVF... SANFORD. FI-A. 32771 Area Code 407-322-2011 nr 031-0003 Pot hunters scoop up Indian relics Wayne 0. Doyle, Publiiher Ronald W. Moil#, Executive Editor BLANDING . Utah — For moot of his life, Casey kind of gotten like Nazi Germany out here, tersecting comers of Utah. Colorado, Arizona Melvin Adklni, Advermlng Director Shtunway has prowled the broad deserts and where a man doesn't have any right." and New Mexico. Home Dell very: 3 Months. *14.25; 0 Months. *27.00. painted mountains of southeastern Utah in a Shumway says the right In this case is the Shumway says the Anasozl lived in multi- Year. *51 00 In Slate Mall 3 Months, *20,25; 6 controversial pursuit ol the past. Hr looks for the right to individual tn* family homes, typically built In caves, und they Montlts, *37 00, Year. *00 00 Out Of Slalr Mall. 3 long lost dwellings of the aboriginals who lived I'.-rests. He doesn't were adept at making pottery- Many of the Month* *2 1 84; II Months *40 50. Yrar *78 00 In this area, and then digs up thr relics they left want the authorities homesltcs still exist. Some of the pottery Is also for the ages. to dictate his avoca­ around, and artifacts can be financially as well The comiuvcray Is that It's largely against the tions. Hr says hr tuts us academically valuable. Shumway says a good law. been fascinated with Anasozl pot ts worth thousands of dollars. EDITORIALS Shumway rafts himself an amateur the atsjrigln.il people The commercial vofue was originally re­ archaeologist. The U.S. government, however, of this region since cognized In the early part of the irntury. And considers him a grave-robbing ghoul. The hr was a boy. and he pot hunting has been popular every since. The GOP has black vote government rtnfms hobbyists like Shumway adds that collecting government tried to slop It os early as 1900 by have ruthlessly pillaged the- old Indian artifacts their treasures Is .« prohibiting hunting for the relics on public land: within their grasp here, and have therefore laid waste lo a historical part of the fascina­ and a second taw was enacted In 1979. Finally, a record that dates lo the time of Christ, tion. genuine crackdown on Icdcral violators began In Kvcry four yearn, at least one ra"klng The government says this vandalism has gone H e says the 1985. official of die Republican Party promises a on for decades. But It's gotten so trad In recent nborigliala were The BLM says the crackdown started because ■ Pol hunting the pot hunter* had gone too far. Even casual renewed ellort co recruit black voters, even as yrars that a crackdown has followed. The known as the Burrau of Land Management has been arresting nas been a tourists were starling lo ransack Anasazl sites. the overwhelming majority of them continue Anasnzl. They weir anyone caught digging for relies on federal an agrarian people, very respect­ Some researchers believe the hobbyists have to flock lo the Democratic presidential banner property, and. on occasion, the agency has gone and the forerunncra able practice damaged as much os 80 percent.of the ancient on Flection Day. Into private homes to search for artifacts. of today's Pueblo In­ in (his part of ruins In Utah, and aside from pots, they've taken In 1980, the GOP held Its national conven­ Shumway says his house has been raided. Be dians. They thrived j U tah^ Indiun remains and Indian records tion In Detroit, partly to underscore Its claims the "federal stomitroopcrs" confiscated from the beginning of [ And Casey Shumway doesn't necessary deny concern about the needs of big cities, amt dozens of Items at the time, and he's still "damn thr Christian era to it. The Blnndlng construction worker says many Honul Reagan received n paltty 14 percent of angry." He says the government acts as If It about 1300; and tljr civilization w.u emi­ of the amateurs have Indeed been abusive. th e b la c k v o te . In 198*1, th e p o r tio n o f b la cks owns the past, and all the remnants, and *Tl's centmted around w|r. ts new the four In­ (C)1988 NEWSPAPER ENTERPRISE ASSN. voting for President Reagan dipped to 9 percent, even thnughihe party platform promised lo address concerns o f blacks. This year, afler similar promises, George Bush won 12 |>ercent of the black vole. JACK ANDERSON The Republican Parly should not. however, abandon Its effort to attract blacks, because Money stands in the many ol them may be more conservative titan their voting record suggests. Public-opinion way of worker safety surveyo show that a majority of blacks support tougher penalties lor criminals, WASHINGTON — The federal government Is equipped to wum thousands of American prayer In public schools, a school-tuition workers that they face a high risk of disease voucher system and a balanced-budget because of exposure lo dangerous substances a m e n d m e n t. on the Job. But stingy bureaucrats are Furtherm ore, the 1988 presidential election keeping many of those people from bring told shows that black voters cun no longer be ubout their precarious position. taken for granted by the Democrats. Allhough Federal agencies have lists of current and millions of them voted for Gov. Michael past workers at specific plants where the Dukakis, countless others stayed home health hazards have been documented. because the Rev. Jesse Jackson was denied So why don't the bureaucrats get thr word the Democratic nomination. out? One reason would be laughable If the The Renuhllcun Party also must be morr Issue were not so serious Healthy workers who arc notified of a possible risk might get aggressive In taking Its political agenda Into so upset that they would make themselves black communities. Republican candidates sick. frequently avoid speaking to blurk audiences For years, federal and relnhvce U ir unfortunate perception that health experts have the GOP Is. at best, uncnthusluslic about asked for funding to u lt m r lln g b la c k s . launch a full-scale A notable exception Is Gov. Thomas Kean effort aimed at noti­ of New Jersey. Last year, the dynamic fying workers ul risk. Republican received 60 percent of thr black The Reagan ad­ vote beeniise he actively pursued It. A ministration has re­ jected their budget centerpiece of his successful reelccUon cam­ requests. paign was ecor.omlr op|#ortunlty. which A congressional struck a responsive chord am ong blacks. Hep. eflort last year to set Jack Kemp is another Republican who up n notification consistently urges the GOP to expand tls base program drew strong among blaeks by emphasising how they DAVID S. BRODER np|>osillon from the administration and Ircneflt from GOP economic policies. Q u a y le 's died In a Senate bai­ i Contrary to populur opinion, blacks have commitment lie. luted much better economically during thr didn't go deep Some political miscalculations Many workers, Iasi eight years thun they did under the Great enough for both retired and still S o c ie ty ** welfare programs Indeed, black h lm to s u p - WASHING1TON — Each Halloween, kids try presidential nomination and prompted In the work force, 'ort Metzen- Americans have liccn among the biggest to ward off the evils of cnrruuehlng winter shellshocked party leaders to question could hr spared aum’a bill B beneficiaries of the economic growth of the darkness by dressing up as ghosts and goblins. Massachusetts Gov. Mlcharl S Dukakis' abili­ premature death If E 1980s. They gained 15 percent of the nrw And two months later, this column Irlrs a ty lo compete with him." began a March 28 not for tills sad snub Jobs, even though they account for only 11 similar trick-or-treat appnrach by parading story on which I generously shared byline by federal budget percent of the working-age population. some of Ihr notable goofs and guffrs of thr credit with colleague Paul Taylor. "II Jackson Irnsnea. The government knows that they previous year Mentally, you see. I’m still stuck can continue to connect In this way, hr will be T o Ik * sure, many blacks have not been have been exposed to hazardous materials, in second grade. fumildnble," we wrote. lifted by the rising economic tide. But the such as asbrstos or toxic chemicals. A Goofs and gaffes had we aplenty In 1988. Well, perhaps. It Bush adm inistration thut aggressively worker's rx|msurr could lead lo a disease Years dlvlsablc by four are always great lor took eight days alter such us cancer, which cun hide Us symptoms p u rs u e s Increased economic opportunity for m utes In the dunce-cap derby. Presidential Iowa for New for years. Some of the Illnesses can be nil Americans could pave the way lor campaigns may bore the voter*, but they Hampshire votrrs to prevented II the person ul risk receives significant Republican gains among black stimulate thr best work (rum those ol us who disprove my Judg­ regular medical monitoring. Some ran be v o te rs . liavr made a career ol being wrung. ment about Bush's Irratcd successfully If the disease Is detected There urr several morr things Mr, Bush Llkr ihr classic crooked politician who "seen vulnerability, b u t early. must do to make the GOP more appealing to his oppuitunltles and look 'em ." t started my only lour for Con­ Sen. Howard Mctzcnbaum, D-Ohlo. necticut voters to blacks, sucha s demonstrating an unswerving coure of errancy a» soon us the first voters sponsored a notification hill List year and “ untransform” commitment to enforcing civil rights laws. went to their caucuses In Iowa last Feb 8 . I plans to iry again In the next session. Ihr hud shrewdlv high-tilled It out ol the slate 24 Jackson and show The Kcugan administration's ns.old lit this people who support such n move are anxious hours before the voting and gone to Man­ that Dukakis could regard has bern less thun exem plary. to see where George Bush stands on the chester. N.H., to prepare fur the following indeed compete. Issue, and I hey're keeping an eye on Vice Although hlurk voters remain overwhelm­ week s New Hampshire primary. Parly leaders President -elect IXin Quayle. loo. in g ly Democratic, public-opinion |x>lls show a The distance and perspective gained by this emerged quickly During the vice-presldenttal debate In S o m o lh ln g steady sltp|Ntgc. partlcularlv among younger move paid btg dividends when I boldly wrote from their t October. Quayle Insisted he and Bush hud a was cockeyed, hlueks. The Republican Party, therefore, has of the Iowa results. "Vice President Bush shellshock; this re­ commitment to safety "for our woiklng men a window of np|>ortuiitty by jiersuadlng black txtrarne u vulnerable front-runner tonight." porter did not. tor sure, but! and women." d id n ’t k n o w It voters that the GOP ts genuinely concerned With returns for the caucuses showing Bush In fact. It was not But Quayle’s commitment didn't go deep w as m e j about them and their aspirations. trailing Sen. Bob Dole |R Kan I and television until May 17 that the enough for him lo support Mrlzrnbaum s evangelist Marlon G. IPall Robertson. I approv­ old crystal ball was notlOcallon bill — a bill that even some ingly quoted New Jersey Gov. Thomas H. back in working or­ chemical eompanlet. favored. Kean lift as saying that Iowa "throws der. displaying vivid Quayle und other detractors hid behind everything In the Republican Party tn a cocked mirages. By then Bust) and Dukakis had ■hat old standbv — that a better bill could be Berry's World hut.” cinched the nominations and lie question was drallrd. They said the notification process Welt, something was cockeyed, for sure, but tlirtr vice-preside! 11 tat choices. Dealing first would be a financial burden for small t didn't know tt was me. with the Demnrrats I wrote Hist two months businesses and tliat workers would sue their The mlsmidlng ol Iowa may be excused before their nominating convention "tltc focus bosses when they learned about the exposure because of the haste With Width It was tn preliminary discussions (la) on Sens. BUI to dangerous substances. (The bill Included a Bradley (D-N J.) and John Glenn ID Ohio) for delivered. Second-thoughts often are better, provision that notification alone was not and with 24 hours to think It over, this is what more than on Sum Nunn (D-Ga.),'* grounds for a lawsuit.) I said of vulnerable Republican front-runner Rereading the 1.200 words In that annum. I Critic* who also raised the concern that Bush- now see that I mentioned virtually every living healthy workers could receive a notification "Eight years ago, he came into New by mistake and make themselves sick Hampshire as the winner of town and lost here Democrat who might he on the ticket with Dukakis All but one. that is; Llovd Benlsen. worrying about II. because he had nothing of substance to say to The National Institute uf Occupational people This year, he comes In as the loser In Five days later, there was another breathless Safety and Health Is starting Its own modest Iowa, and he still has nothing o f substance to bit of (urrsight. beginning. "Dixie Druuicrais notification program, but lias only 1300.000 say. Loyalty to (Ronald) Reagan and a vague are putting out the welcome mat for pro­ to do the job Metzen bourn's hill would have commitment to be 'the education President' spective presidential nominee Michael S. budgeted *25 million. will help in this slate, but ihcy are not enough Dukakis. After hiding from ttietr national The agency program is designed to keep to sustain Bust) for long ticket four years ago. southern Democratic people from panicking, said spokeswoman Just long rtrough to make him President. It officials are felting Massachusetts gover­ Diane Porter. Workers ore told they fact a turned out nor's aides that Vice President Bush dors not risk and are advised to hair a medical The llrodrr bid (or the 1988 Booby I hue. have their region's electoral votes locked up — checkup and monitor their health. which began so auspiciously tn the Iowa-New unless Dukakis decides to default ." "I think people have a right In know their Hampshire period, staggered badly In thr health status.' Purler told our associate Scott following weeks, as I wandered Into unfamiliar I'm sure Bush campaign manager Lee Sleek. "How they ileal with It Is up tn the fields of prrsplrartty. But I showed I had not Ai water read that story, and It clearly alfrtlrd individual. We try lo set In place a system so lost the knack when Ihr Democratic rare took his strategy Hrroguliing that the odds were proplile don't overreact." a dramatic turn In Mkhlg in against Bush. Atwater largely wrote of! his *tr orcttpsttera! health g fs a r, has c.'-n ‘ Jesse L. Jackson’* breakthrough victory Ul itailert Sculh. bal.mU.ig the Bush litta i situ a durtex) exprrunental not meat ion programs tn "HEY, DANNY BOY' SEE YA IN FOUR YEARS Mil lug.it; Salurdav has transformed him Into a little-known senator from nonhem Indiana. the past, without causing a wave of panic - OK. BUDDY?" formidable contender lor the Democratic DanQnaylc. Sinlord Hsrstri. Sanloid, Florida — Sunday. January i, 1969 —so

LETTERS An invitation to celebrate with song Data request is outrageous If we could step back In time to 1986, we Williams consistently accompanies thr group would see preparations In progress for Sanford’s Mayor Betlye Smith also serves as an accompa­ (Living know Jcnntfrr Kellley for many years First Martin Luther King Jr Celebration. nist and Is a mem ber of Ihc rholr. casually, l was aware of her being elected to her During the planning phase ll was decided lhat Since Us Inception, the Celebration Choir has current office. I had her pictured os someone we should have a cnolr. Mrs. Mary Whitehurst performed a l verlous fund Inns They have been with tier head on straight: someone who would was there from the beginning to share her presented in iw o concerts to raise rnonry for Ihe be good for Seminole County and keep our expertise. Marlin Luther King Jr. activities. Thr 1987 Interests at heart. How and when did this (all. soft-spoken lady concert was held at Seminole Community Now. I read about her absolutely unreasonable become a musician? College and Ihr 1988 concert was held at Lake request fer data from 1970 to 1988. 18 years Her musical training started early and Iter Mary High School. Recently, Ihe choir gave a She must be out of her mind and she certainly performing began when she was 12 -years-old. mini-concert at the Good Shepherd Luihrran docs not have the taxpayers' Interest at heart. She played for her church. Shiloh Missionary Church where they rehearse. Rev. Dan Coy and If she needs all this data In order to function Baptist Church. Orlando. the mrmlx-rs o f the congregation have been as a commissioner, she really does have a Throughout the years, she has continued lo graduated Magna Cum Laudc, very supportive o f the choir, They are permitted to practice without charge. problem. play for her church and other areu churches Mrs. Whitehurst's commitment lo music has I have a big problem (relieving that ehe Is She currently serves as Ihc Director of Music ai been life-long. Mrs Whllrhurat Is again extending Ihe call lo all singers, choir members lo participate In serious about this request, but from the news Ihc church where she first begun her musical She was there when an organizer and director Ihc accounts. It appears she la. career. Mrs Whitehurst Is the Director of Music was needed for the drat Martin Luther King Jr. Martin Luther King Jr. Celebration Choir. The choir will lx- performing on two occasions: Shame on her. wasting a'l Iha) money. Why Progressive Baptist Missionary and Educational Celebration Choir The Invitation was extended can’t she research the flics herself? I find It Slate Congress. She has served In this caparlty to all singers and choir members of every race, Sunday Jan. 15. at Ihc Inirrfalih Religious unbelievable that all these years some very good since 19U2. c reed and color to Join the choir. The response Observance, nnd Monday Jan. 16. al Ihc Conimeratlvr banquet. commissioners — Sandra Glenn for one and Dill Mrs. Whitehurst’s formal training was re­ lo this call was a multi-ethnic choir of almost KlrchholT for another — performed Ihclr Jobs ceived at Seminole Community College and 100 citizens. If you are interested In joining Ihe MLK very well without burdening our county Bclhune-Cookmnn College. She remembers Dr, After Ihc celebration was over, some of Ihc Celebration Choir come lo the Good Shepherd Lutheran Chinch on stale road 17-92 behind employees and the taxpayers with such a Pertnchlcf and Ihe Impact he had upon her choir members decided lo remain together and ridiculous request. career while al Seminole Community College. became the "Celebration Choir." J.C. Penney'* at 7:30 p.m Tuesday January 3. Many county voters. I am certain, would not The musical Instruction received at Seminole Mrs. Irene Brown was elected first president of 1989 for rehearsal. Mrs Mary Whitehurst will have voted for her If they hud knuwn beforehand Community College and her God given talent the group nnd served diligently with Mrs welcome you Lint she would conic up with an outlandish combined lo help Her cxcei during her tenure at While-burst In tnsplnng (hr group and kreplng request like this one. D* Sawflng It *n Instructor •' Wm rnoit C o m m u n ity Co>'*g» Bethunc-Cookman College. There she received (hem together. The cu rre n t president of Ih r oixS Owirwoffwi of tho M a rtin lutSor K in g C o m m »m or Alton Irene K. Drown ihe Beatruce L. Coleman Memorial Award and group Is Mrs Styvlu Stallworth. Mrs Glorldn {•wring Commit*** Sanford Beware of the big bear ANALYSIS Mikhail Gorbachev, the beloved, plays beautiful music land) our mesmerized leaders scramble after him like children gleefully following the pled piper. [>o our politicians actually believe that Crash investigators face a tough job history’s most profuse liars and cheats can be lrusted and dealt with ns If they were hanoruble of various Palestinian groups scat­ (tombing and some observers an­ One method of detonation Is a men? By JOHN BILOTTA tered around the Middle East. no! convinced It could hove earned barometric pressure bomb, which It would seem that only a Kip Van Winkle who United Press International Key suspects are Palestinian oul us sophisticated an operation as uses mercury to expand n detonator has been sleeping these past decades would so splinter groups opposed to Pullstlnr evidently lay behind the Pan Am and trigger un explosion as a plane LONDON — If Investigators threw eagerly embrace the Kremlin masters of treach­ Liberation Organization chairman bombing. clim bs in cruising ultltiidr and ihe a dart at a map o( the Middle East, Yasser Arafat’s recent renunciation pressure drops In Ihr unprrs&unzrd ery. they would probably bit die loca­ William W. Falconer of terrorism and announced desire Giber targets lor Investigators cargo hoiJ. tio n o f a terrorist group that could MrAlpIn. Fin. to negotiate wllh Israel, Include May 15, an Iraqi-bused have blown up the Pan American Palestinian group believed re­ Tin- plastic explosive umd In the bomblng Iasi week Is Ix-lleved lo be Jet which crashed In Scotland last The ultimate pinning of responsi­ sponsible for bombing u Pan Am Semtex. a Czechoslovak-made A Year of New Beginnings week. bility for the air disaster on such a (light from Tokyo to Honolulu In brown pulty that Is odorless, dif­ The football games and parades, watch-night Investigators face a myriad of dissident Palestinian group could be 1982. In which 'one pertain died, costly lo Araful's |x-acc overtures and Ihe Syria-based Pnpnl.u Front ficult |o delect and can br molded servlres nnd parties of the New Year celebration questions and problems In seeking Into a suitcase lining. Thr Soviet toward Israel, since It would for Ihc Liberation of Palestine- huve now sllp|>ed Into his troy. As the fireworks, lo determine responsibility for the Union makrs a sim ilar plastic whistles and tx-lls become quiet, we focus on the Dec. 21 craih of Pan Am Flight 103. highlight the facl that hr does not General Command led by Ahmed Jebrll. Both groups have used explosive. most pressing question, "What will the New In which as many as 270 people cxciclse complete control over the highly sophisticated explosives. Year bring?" died when the Pan Am jumbo Jet cause of ihe people he claims Co One claim of responsibility for Ihr As ihc new Presided I lakes office, as the new was blown out of the sky over represent. Pan Am disaster bus already been Congress convenes, economists, businessmen Isolating ihe culprit In thr monl Lockerbie. Scotland. One prime largn nl suspicion In discounted Investigators dismissed and politicians predict coming changes In the recent Pan Am disaster will be ihe air bombing Is Ihe Futuh the claim by a group calling itself rost-of-llvlng Index. Interest rates and consumer In announcing Wednesday that difficult because most extremist Kevolutlunnry Command, which is Ihe "Guardians ol Dir Islamic Revo­ nnd labor demands. It can well be a year of Ihe worst air disaster in the groups have members throughout led by Abu Nldal, a fanner comrade lution." which said it blew up thr “ New beginnings" In many ways. country's history was caused by a Die Middle East and are not based of Arafat who Is now a fierce airliner In avenge lire downing In Traditionally the New Year oilers op|Kinunlly bomb, ihe British government of­ In a single country. opponent. July of an Iran Air Jet over the to sweep away the setbacks and mistakes of Ihc ficially opened Ihr Pandora’s txix of Persian Gulf by U S naval forces, in (last, and make u new beginning, u fresh start, terrorism, despite officials noting Though Nldal's organization, One primary goal ol the ongoing which all 290 people un Ihr plane to turn a new page The New Year opens Ihc that Ihc bombing may have tx-en a which enjoyr ihc patronage of search al the crash stir In died. gateway to new challenges, new outlooks, new criminal act unrelated la icrrortsm. Libyan leader Moimmar Gndhail lax:kerble, Scotland. Is to find the ixisslbllltlrs. new opportunities The provocateurs eould cotnr and Syrian President Hafez Assad, bomb's detonator, which could International poller agrm ira may before we as a nation. - or as Individuals — from place*. frequently associated carried out attacks at the Rome and have a serial number thal could not know yrl exactly wluim they are alter, bill Ihe chase has already do any lurther planning, we need to recall the with terrorism, such us Iron. Syria Vleiina airports in 1983. thr group offer clues nhnut Ihe supplier and first lour/words In the Bible, also repealed and and Llbyu. or from among the ranks has not tx-en llnktd to an aircraft ihr buyer. begun. paraphrased In the first chapter of the Gospel of Job. "In the beginning. God...I" As we look ahead to all the nctlvlltrs of ihc coming year, foremost should t>c an understan­ ding and a reliance upon God's guidance and COMMENTARY help. With the beginnings of » new Presidential administration and convening of a new Con­ gress, our hn|>c and prayers are that they will place God first In their thinking and planning, Babaylonian resolutions for any new year thut they will keep firm commitment to our l(KX) B.C. They contain moral ing with l<>o*r women could also mand the reader "n ot In utlrr Constitutional foundations, and that they will By MARK R. HOROWITZ precepts lor behavior, including apply to loose men. and many a solemn oaths while atone, lor whal maintain a strong drtennlnntln to preserve all For Unilotl Press international our personal liberties guaranteed In our foudlng those involving lawsuits, women worker has ix-en stung by an oilier you say In u moment will follow you documents. Naturally, we will all begin 1989 and llhrl — all topics of Interest ramanrr dial buzzed Its way lulu afterwards But exrrt yourself to We need a ’New Ueglnning' of a Congress and wllh Ihe best ol Intentions, making once people pass through Ihe corn- oblivion Worse, having to continue restrain yourtpeecb." President working together In a bipartisan |iany door. working wllh nr neat dial |x-rson menial promise* lo complete pro­ Most liiqMirlanl. the Counsels effort to solve both domestic and foreign can make hie miserable jects and reach goals we lost sight id Thr Ix-si way in avoid a lawsuit, suggest a intislani vigil when ll problems In Ihr best Interest of all Ihe |>eople — In the previous year according m ihr Babylonian (rxl. is "III your tumble she will lint com es in kreplng resolution* "In a government which speaks in a consensus of sup|Ktrt you," wrote Ihe Babylonian This includes resolutions related in avoid hemming a port let pa HI in your wisdom study dir tablet." Ihr parties os It rrgalns Ihe confidence and Irusl of writer "Even ll she dominates your lo Ihr workplace, whether It mrans one; text said "Reverence begets favor ' America. bouse, get her nut, (or shr has We tired a 'New Beginning’ In our attitudes bring kinder lo a srerrtary. seeking "IXi not frequent a law court, do dlrrctrd hrr attention clsewherr " As we rnlrr the new year and towards ihe Amerlcanllfestylr. regaining a high n higher position in the rompunv nr not loiter where there Is a dispute, rrrugnlzr our professional and i oncept of public and social morality. starting that ever elusive special Rumors and gossip are office for in die dispute they will have you (x-rsoital shoricumlngs. it's nol a We can no longer accept as normal a society project. favorites, uflcn lo tin dctilmcnl of iiad Idea In list those attribute* dial as a testifier, then you Will be made those targeted for storytelling Thr saturated wlih crime, lawlessness, drug traf­ Throughout history, books have their witness, and they will bring cm.Id use some Improvement. ficking nnd slrazlnrss. Babylonians had problems wllh been written about bow lo tx-havr you lo a lawsuit uni your own lo Our should be a determination to Improve Ihe such talk: Alter all. we ran consult television and how lo strive fur Improvement, affirm." "quality" of everyday life "Do not uller lllx-l. s|x-ak whal Is guides and menus dally A moment both personally and within an or two wllh a group of "work As Individuals we need 'New Beginnings’ in organization, ll might prove useful Thr Counsels also enjoined die of good rrjxirt Do nol nay evil overcome personal problems and weaknesses reader In avoid inlllallng a lawsuit Ihlngs. speak wrll of people One resolutions" might make our to look at one of the oldest lists of working hours a lllllr more pleasanl and allnln a greater confidence In our capabili­ "resolutions.” one mat Influenced Should It lx- a dispute ol your own. who uhrrs llhrl and speak* evil, ties and our potential achievements extinguish die flame!" Since dir law men will wuyluy him with dir and productive. some of the writings In the Old Ask uriy Bah> Ionian We need to forget Ihe frustrations of ihc past, Testament. courts were deemed to lx- comrpt al retribution ol IGodl Beware of stiffen our backbones, hold our heads high, This was the Counsels ol Wisdom. limes, this was a logical piece ol carries* talk, guard your ll(»* " re-examine and reevaluate our resources and BahyIonian writings dial could dalr advice. As ll In suggest practicing die ail M ift M Mo#cN»iff i| • Cl»‘< tiHiMrsi <,**** learn from our failures from unywherr between IHOO and The adrnnnliions against cavort­ ol self-control. the Counsels com­ 1989 can he America’s greatest year If all of us would hrarkrn lo the words. "In the Beginning. God." and discover an rxclling year of 'New Beginnings.* James S. Speese Resolved: less is more • more or less Chaplain Ll. Col. IISAF Ret. I visited one ol my friends fur his 8<>di birthday who believe they're developing Alzheimer's lire other day and hr. Ills wife, the uthrr guest disease briause ol ihrlf foigrtlulriesn. and arr I my age) and I at) lost my car keys. going In dirir doctors liy die horde* to luivr tests Berry's World It look all four nl u* In lose dtrtn I had them lot ll. Turns out Ih ryir nut sutler tug from when I came In the door, and all ol us watched Alzheimer's, diey'rrju sl nol remembering die birthday boy take my coat, my gloves, my Personally. I'm convinced It doesn't have rarimift* and die gift I hi ought him. and none of anything to do with age. or early Alzheimer's, or us paid any attention lo what happened In my car even faulty memory, I think. Ilrsl. we Just havr a keys When ll was time to gu. we combed Ihe lot to do. and second, we rr nol |>aytiig very close w house several times, rrtrared my steps, wr did attention everything you always do when you've losi I think die mind, like a computer, will hold X something mutihrr of byte* lo (day fiat k in us However, you can't Just sav "Oh. yixi Imo. Mi Computer, I d "Now. lei's see. you were standing here and and lay on uur tx*lilr* and l

IN BRIEF Respite Care lends a hand Volunteers help elderly patients Sca;o sufiscrft»n6 bad ?o< Iha skin HOUSEHOLDS OF THE ELDERLY Some sunscreen lotions Intended to protect the akin may who need round-the clock care actually Irritate It because they contain a chemical that can Nielsen said volunteers may How old O cauuac allergic reactions upon exposure to sunlight, a By LAURA L. SU LLIV A N a* & i°& dermatologist says. Ho raid staff writer perform many kinds of tasks for Dr. Elisabeth Knoblcr. a research fellow at New York clients. Volunteers may not people administer medication. i I m University, studied four patients who developed rashes aftet SANFORD — When caregivers _B_ T nL f using high-protection lotions to block out the sun’s harmful for the elderly need u break. Fay Kallcaux. director of Fed­ live ultraviolet rays, Respite Care voiimtrris lend a eration of Senior Cillzens. said Knobler’s teats showed the patients were suffering from band. Respite volunteers leant during light-induced allergic reactions caused by the chemical Respite Care matches volun­ training whut they may and may Living with spouse beruophenone In their sunscreens. teers with elderly patients who not do for clients. Training The findings promptrd Knoblcr to recommend allergy-prone require 24-hour care. Operated leaches volunteers That It's OK people carefully read the Ingedlcnt labels on sunscreens. In a by ihe Seminole County Federa­ to touch someone, when not to Living with other recent presentation at the American Academy of Dermatology’s tion of Senior Citizens, volun­ tourh them, and how lo leUtlves ] IBS annual meeting, she also urged doctors to Include beneophenone teers are sent to relieve those approach the client In a feeling E In their patch teats of people who sulfcr allergic skin reactions. who care for such patterns on a manner." she said. Living alone or Knoblcr did nol Identify the bcnzophcnonc-contalnlng sun full-lime basis. The federation works closely screens, noting the formulations of such products often change Volunteers are trained during with non-relatives ^ ] 43S with Central Florida Regional from yrar to year although Ihe tradr name remains the same. spring and full sessions nl Central Florida Regional Hospi­ Hospital. Knlteaux said, so vol­ Percenl of men over 65 Q Percent ol women over 65 tal. then matched with clients. unteers receive not only pro­ New food process in the works Respite Coordinator Edith fessional care training, but an Source: American Association ol Retired Persons/ MIA OH ASHICf Nielsen Is the program match­ Idea of what lo expect once they Researchers at the University of Mlssourl-Columbla are U S Bureau ol The Census maker. "I get lo know the enter client homes. working on a method to remove fat and cholesterol from foods. volunteers nnd I get to know the Training ts also provided once Incusing on a process currently br'ng used to lake caffeine out of every three months at the feder­ take on a second client next Congress passed (he Title III coffee. clients." she said. "Sometimes 1 go Into a client’s home and ation's office. month, Older Atnertcnns Act. The Area Food scientist Steve Mulvaney and research associate Roy Muriel Rlngo of Wlnlei; Springs Dccausc her client is an Agency on Aging allotted funds Chao are refilling the so-called ’‘supercritical fluid extraction’’ think. 'This volunteer would Just fit Into this situation perfectly.'" has worked with the same Re­ Alzheimer's disease patient. provided by that act for Respite. method. spite client since the program Hart helps her count and recite Kaltraux said. The need lor "Our preliminary results show the process Is effective for Nielsen said most of her mat­ ches arc well-made and long- began. A retired registered nurse the alphabet. Hun walks with Respite Carr was detcnnlned by removing ful and cholesterol from beef, pork and dairy the woman and her husband, lasting. Some of the volunteers with IH years nursing home case managers doing one-on-one products." said Mulvaney. trying to ease the feeling of work with elderly In the county, she has placed are still with the experience. Rlngo said her The process calls for heatlrg carbon dioxide la about 160 Isolation the disease has left she said. same client they were matched weekly vlslls are rewarding. degrees while putting It under 4,600 pounds of pressure to them. with nearly three years ago, she "You feel needed." she said, About 40 to 50 volunteers create a "powerful solvent." they said. "I thought In the beginning I said. "nnd everybody wants to feel serve In Use Respite Care pro­ The researchers are working to ;eflne the process so only woulun t want to go back," Han needed." gram. undesirable properties ore removed from food products. For Respite volunteers perform n "IF * verv hard. You cry some­ suld. "Bui each time I come evsmple they want In remove cbn*e«t'Tnl sntJ "^titrat'd fntj variety of services lur ctiems. times." Altamonte volunteer away with something different." For more Information on Re­ from meat but do not want to extract triglycerides or other From reading, lo welling lelteis. Zoct Hart said. Hart has been Respite Care began In spite Care, contact Kallcaux at components that contribute to the meat's Juiciness, flavor and to "Just talking about old times." with Renpltc since May. and will Seminole County In 1966 when 831-4357. nutritional flavor. So far. supercritical extraction Is an expensive process, out Mulvaney und Chao arc working toward Improving Ihe efficiency of the method. In one nf (heir protects. Mulvaney nnd Chao are working with Movie 'Rain Man’ kindles FDA OKs beef fat to Improve the product for the fast fnod industry. Fnt nas a desirable flavor but contains saturated fnt and cholesterol. new ulcer New anti-poisoning drug now in use renewed interest in autism medication County social worker. Unltsd Press Intarnatlonsl A drug used lo counterart poisonings from a commonly used "Everyone said nothing ts wrong. I had to pnln-rclltver Is apparently bes! given within eight hours of an Unltsd Prsss International NEW YORK - They are difllcult children: convince everybody something was wrong." said nv-rdose. •ncrrrhrrr f->und. the mother, whose 3>ear-old is enrolled In demanding rigid routines, uuu'ulc to relate to even WASHINGTON - The FDA An estimated 60.000 poisonings occur each vear from Allen's program al Ihe Albert Einstein College of their mothers and repeating Ihe same stories or approved a drug this week overdoses of aeetaminnphen. Ihe main Ingredient In Tylenol. Medicine's therapeutic nursery. actions time after lime. that could hrlp prevent life- Most of ihr overdoses occur among people trying to commit "M y son's development seemed to me perfectly suicide or children who accidently Ingest loo much of the pain They ure autistic children, and Interest In the threatening ulcers In normal until 18 months. He was an early talker thousands of people taking reliever. developmental disorder they suffer has been He had a great vocabulary. He could wave Researchers at the Rocky Mountain Poison and Drug Center in sparked with the recent iciease of the movie arthritis drugs, bul the action good-bye — all the things klas do." she recalled. wan condemned by right-to- Denver studied the effectiveness of a drug known us "Hatn Man.” starring Dustin HofTman and Tom "Then ut 16 months, he became obsessed with N-aeetytcystctne on 2.640 patients who suffered acetaminophen Cruise. life groups that (car the drug numbers and letters... He taught himself to may be used to Induce abor­ overdoses nationwide In 1967. subtract at ." said the mother, who asked tl at Advocates for autistic people arc welcoming the 2 tions. N-aerlyleystelne Is an amino arid that can block the damage her name not be used. movie with hope that II will not only promote Th e new drug, culled that acetaminophen does to the liver, according lo Dr. Marlin public ccrr. puss Ion. but also raise awarrncse, "Out he got stuck on that and he stopped using Smllksleln. who headed the study published In The New misoprostol, will be sold by among parents and doctors who suspect some words that he knew. If he got angry, he'd shout G.D. Sc.irle A Co. of Skokie. England Journal of Medicine. thing Is not quite right with a child. numbers. "The most Important fndlng Is lltat If you were treated within 111., under the trade name Henavloral signs of autism vary greatly bul "Then I realized It was very hard for him to Cytolec. and It was hailed by the first eight hours sfler Ingestion the antidote was extremely usually emerge during n child’s first year and develop relationships with other people. effective." said Smllksleln In a telephone Interview. Food and Dmg Administra­ before age 3. An apparently healthy child begins Everytlrne lie went to his play group. It’s like they tion officials as "the most were strangers." she said. to become withdrawn and easily Irritated, Important (drug) approved Once her son was diagnosed us autistic, tills Casodex offers hope for cancer victims possibly adopting odd behavior patterns. tills year." “ It almost always Involves deficits In language mother hud to wait nearly seven months for a Hccuuse It ts a new type of A new drug for treating advanced prostate cancer enables special pre-school program with room for htin. In and Interpersonal relations.” said Dr. Doris Allen, drug for a condition that has victims to avoid surgery and maintain their sexual drive, a a psychologist who d(reels an Intensive Ihcrapy spile of a federal law requiring slates lo make University nl l hlr.igo researcher said Thursday. no effective .’cmedy. program in iironx. N Y. available appropriate education for all disabled misoprostol was rushed The drug. Casodex. ts produced by Imperial Chemical Human relations seem "like a second lan­ children. through (he FDA approval Industries. IHonmtnglon. Dei., and Is In Its second phase of Now. she and her son spend five half-days a guage" for these children and their play artlvltles process In nine months. It clinical testing. Dr. Nicholas Vogelzang said. week with a handful of Ihe nursery’s 25 autistic "Impoverished." she said. When routines are was the only drug this year " I ’ve been pleasantly surprised with U." Vogelzang said. "I children. disrupted, they get very upset and have what getting the agency's lop pri­ was quite skepllral." She reports her son become able to hold seem like tantrums and might be characterized orityrating. as panic ultacks. hands with other children and. "It's easier lo Tests of misoprostol CFRH offers Smoking Cessation course "A lot of parents keep hoping their child will become his friend." showed It reduced ulcer grow out of It." she suld. "W c begin our work by sort of seducing them formation 94 percent tn peo­ Into Interpersonal contact." Allen said, while When a doctor speaks, most people listen. Now more and more Hut delaying diagnosis and tiratment Is a ple taking non-steroidal an- nearby, a group of average looking 3-yrar-otds health care profeslonsls are discussing smoking with their mistake, experts agree, rvrn though so little Is tl-inflarmnulory arthritis played a long game uf ring-around-the rosle. patients. And they are practicing what they preach. According to known yet about autism. medicines. These prescrip­ "They love running around In circles, so we do a survey by the American Cancer Society, the number of Its cau^e Is suspected to be genetic, but Just tion and non-pres?rip(lon ar­ rlng-around-lhe-rosle to get them Into social pbymlc tans and nurses who smoke are steadily decreasing. how autism ufTects the child's thoughts and thritis drugs, known as contict. It looks so much better to see them In tune with Ibis healthful trend. Central Florida Regional feelings remains hidden behind Ihe toinmunlca- NSAIDS. Include hlgh-dusc together than spinning around by themselves." Hospital will ofler their Smoking Cessation course four limes lions barrier that Is characteristic of the disorder. aspirin. Ibuprofen. plroxlrum she commented. during the coming year. Unlike Hoffman's character. Ihe majority of and naproxen — drugs taken Allen, whose program works only with non- The first will kirk off with a tree Introductory session from 10 children with the disorder are also mentally by more than 13 million rrtardrd miltnllr children, proudly says the first to 11 a m , Jan. 9. The course Is scheduled for 10 to 11:30 a m. retarded, but even that varies widely In degrees, people per year. A Scarlc child site treated ts now In college. Jan. 16. 17. IH. and 19 with two maintenance sessions set for 10 and II Is Impossible to generalize about their spokesman said 25 percenl of 'There's really no excuse for there being as to a m. January 22 and 30th. cognitive abilities. patients taking the NSAID 1 1 little treatment (available! as (here is. Part of the Pre-registration Is required. "I never would have identified my son us arthritis drugs may develop problem la the failure to see the need to do I his The program's unusually high success rate results (rum autistic board on what I learned when I was a ulcer problems, work early." she said. emphasis placed on treating Ihr root causes nf the smoking psychology major In college." said a Westchester FDA Commissioner Frank lutblt. not the symptoms. Using methods based on com­ Yeung said. "Until now. we prehensive medical and psychological research. Nancy Edwards. have had no drug lltat could RN. course Instructor, says even heavy smokers have been able prevent NSAID-lndured ul­ to quit for good with a minimum of discomfort. Expert praises home cers. Since these ulcers art To rrgtster rail Central Florida Regional Hospital. 321-4500. or Cesarean Births sometim e; life threatening, G4B-4441. extension 607. this drug should save live* as pregnancy testing well as coally hospitaliza­ tions." In almost 60 percent of Unttud Press international late 1970s. and have been growing In popularity. A cases, the ulcers are "silent" Life Expectancy Washington - Home survey commissioned by — remaining painless and prrgnancy tests may be a way Prevention magazine said 68 undetected until they cause to alert potential mothers to percent of women under 30 bleeding, perforation of the Rates around the world eurb bad health habits and say they are potential users of stomach and other serious seek early prenatal rare — home prrgnancy tests and 56 problems resulUng In death percent are Interested In or emergency surgery. Average life expectancy moves that eould help reduce the nation's relatively high testing for ovulation Experts estimate the nation's at birth Infant mortality rate, a lead­ The Food and Drug Ad­ 200.000 rases of atirh ulcers ing obstetrician says ministration. which regulates cause between 10.000 and W o rld w id e 61 yaara "The earlier a woman the devices, has given "clear­ 20.000 deaths per year. learns she Is pregnant. Ihe ance" to 29 different kits, Misoprostol ts a synthetic Industrialized countriaa 73 ytars sooner she can make positive after testing them for their version of the human I hormone prostaglandin — a changes In her lllestyle." said safely, effectiveness, chemical substance that normally Central and South America 63 yaara Sally Dorfman. an assistant structure and instructed uses. 1 professor at the Albert Eins­ ' There ts certainly a place protects the lining of the 1 tein College of Medicine In for them In the marketplace. stomach, but It rtduced China 69 ytarr Iironx, N Y. Tltey wre still on the shelves." there and elsewhere in Ihe Hut the outspoken Dorfman said an FDA official, noting body by NSAID drugs. Real ol Asia 51 yaars stressed. "I think women still the clearance process can Side-efTtcis of misoprostol need lo acknowledge Ihe role take only 90 days If ail include mild, short-term di­ documents nre In order. arrhea. gas, nausea and Middle East 63 yaara of professionals and not try to do It all themselves. Home Officials of Advanced Care stomach pains. Hut the side-effect that luu attracted Ays * Percentage ot btttht bj testing Is fine, but that should Products, which tuu three kits Africa 51 yaara most attention ts contraction molttsf CMSMfl eectien tr Igger a call to the doctor.' ’ on the market, including one Home prrgnancy tests first added tn October, said con­ of uterine muscles, which Source National Ml a o u z m c i hit Ihe shelves of grocery sumer studies show "during ran lead to miscarriage In m o HjUai OMcawos Sun*) stores and pharmacies In the C S e e Pregnancy. Page SD pregnant women. Source UNICEF u* Nation•! Cants* to* Hsaitn Statistic* 'W V*? IV vV V

Sanford Herald, Sanford, Florida — Sunday, January 1, 1969 - SD Heart surgery patients have new hope, studies show

United P m i International Individuals who havr undergone such surgery' to tion. doctors rail u “ cardiac cripple." The heart valve obtain life Insurance, said Dr. Be.nard Gcrsh. a "These patients were operated on during the Ih^l controls hlcod flow to his lungs was so DALLAS — People who undergo surgery early Mayo Clinic cardiologist and co-auihor of the very early years of open-heart surgery’," Gcrsh nanowed the blood would t»ark up Into his liver hi life to cotTcrt either of two congenital heart reports. said. "Because those subgroups of patients who and other Internal organs. He felt poorly much of defects can expect to live as long as people bon Together, the studies tracked the long-term were operated on at an early age luive survival the time, became short o f breath after walking without these abnormalities, two studies by the health of nearly 300 patients who underwent one rates after 25 to 30 years that are ecpial to the short distances and could barely play Mayo Clinic show. of the two operations between 1050 and 1967 at general population. I think this Is very Important After surgery' nl age 7. hr was able to run and The studies, published recently In the Ameri­ the Rochester. Minn , clinic. In terms of their Insurability." play ns hard as other children. When contacted can Heart Association's Journal "Circulation." The results were repilnlcd In a statement One 37-year-olri man contorted bv the re­ 30 years later by the Mavo Clinlr researchers, he have Important Implications for the ability of released Monday by the American Heart Associa­ searchers spent his early childhood as what wrote a letter thanking them Hormone restores energy for kidney failure patients Imagine...

Unltsd Press International tant professor of nephrology and waa running around with the hypertension and co-dlrcclor of lawn mower and I worked for Never clean GAINESVILLE - Weakness, ^Kidney failure patients who are the UF trials. "They become two hours without stopping. I fatigue. Irritability and de­ extremely anemic have a poor quality of li.'e dramatically limited In what never could have done that a contact pression are a normal part of life they can do, and they constantly before.” for many kidney failure patients, because they don’t have enough red blood feel weak, ttred and mentally Kidney failure, defined as an but medical scientists at the cells to transport oxygen throughout their sluggish. Many require red blood 85 to 95 percent loss nf (unction, lens again! University of Florida report that bodies. 9 cell transfusions to carry on usually results from diseases a new genetically-engineered normal, day-to-day activities such ns diabetes nr hormone appears effective In ‘‘By administering hypertension, although restoring their energy lewis. -Dr. Edward Frederlckson erythropoietin, we havr been Lunsford's case followed on the Ten Florida patients have able to successfully treat pa* heels of a urinary tract blockage benefited from treatment during tlrnts whose hone marrow has when he waa a teenager. tr'als of erythropoietin, a kidney dialysis patients In the When damage or disease not produced an adequate "M y red blood count even­ hormone that combats anemia country. The drug Is ad­ causes kidney failure, dialysis Is number of red blood cells In tually drop|>ed so low lhal many causing their problem, said Dr. ministered intravenously after able to compensate for the or­ many years." he said. “ Drugs docloia were urnn/rd that I could John Peterson, an associate routine dialysis sessions. gan's blood-filtering action, but used previously In attempts to even walk around and function." professor of nephrology and "Kidney patients on dialysis erythropoietin production re­ treat this anemia were inef­ he said. "Erylhropolelln made a hypertension at UF*B College of usually feel lousy." Peterson mains Inadequate. Without ade­ fective and had numerous aide big difference lor me and I Medicine. Peterson recently eo- said. "Erythropoietin ad­ quate erythropoietin stimula­ effecls.” wouldn’t want to Ik* without It directed clinical trials of ministered at the end of dialysis tion. the bone marrow falls to Erythropoietin made u dramat­ now." erythropoietin, which was first sessions seems to completely produce necessary quantities of ic difference for William UF's Health Science Center Is developed using recombinant turn that mood around and oxygen-carrying red blood cells, Lunsford, a 33-year-old one of 12 Institutions that DNA technology by Chugal produce a real sense of well resulting in anemia. Chlefland, Fla., kidney patient participated in a 12-week. 10- C o r p . . u Japanese being." "Kidney failure patients who who participated In the clinical patient cilnlrul trial of pharmaceutical firm. The kidney mainly filters are extremely anemic have a trials. erythropoietin, making up the The Food and Drug Ad­ waste products from the blood, poor quality of life because they “ I was mowing my parents' final part ol the FDA's approval ministration Is expreted to but also mnkes erythropoietin, a don't have enough red blood lawn about a month alter I process. Earlier trials demon­ approve commercial production hormone stimulating and re­ cells to transport oxygen started on erythropoietin when I strated the drug's safely and of erythropoietin next year for gulating red blood cell produc­ throughout their bodies," said suddenly realized how much rfflenry Trlnl results were use by more thnn 100.000 tion In the bone marrow. Dr. Edward Frederlckson. assis­ energy I had," Lunsford said, "i submiilcti lu the H )n Sept. 9.

"Feel Good Again" • Boss turns resolutions into cash bonuses LAKE MARY BLVD.

Unltad Press International New Year's resolutions, said with a diet. six months. And workers who CHIROPRACTIC Stamp, president of Vuncouvcr. He said hr recently lost 35 decide they want to exercise CLINIC- CHICAGO — Sieve Simon fig­ B.C.-hused Priority Management pounds anil found he had more more will get some token finan­ ures other people's New Year's Systems Inc., which conducts ail energy, fell better about himself cial enrouragemenl — Simon DR. THOMAS F. YANOELL, O.C. resolutions will cost him around unnual International survey of and was more productive. So he will pay them 10 cents for every Chiropractic Family $ 20,000. resolutions. decided to do something lo help hour they exercise. Haalth Cantor He said making more money Ills employees make and keep 90S I . Laka Mary Blvd. Sim on, president of SflrS "I feel that probably the whole and saving more money are No. New Year's resolutions that will Public Relalluna In suburban thing will cost about $20,000 (Suita 107 Dayheadtanlerf Northbrook. III., is ottering rash 1 and No. 2 on the list of make them "feel good about but, you know. $20,000 Is Sanford, FI. 32772* — $1,000 and more In some most-often made New Year's themselves and be more Disposable Contact Lens almost like picking up a new • AUTO ACCIDENTS cases — to employees who make resolutions this year, and losing energetic." by account." Simon said. "So tf Johnson & Johnson weight ranked third. The fourth He Is offering any employer • PERSONAL INJURY ‘ good on resolutions to quit people nre giving me mnrr most common resoluton was to who quits smoking $1,000 — to smoking, lose wtlght or exercise. productivity. 1 think that mv • PAIN CONTROL Dr. John Hammerli Dan Stamp, an Internationally spend more time with one's be paid after the employer has business will Increase, through • WORKER'S COMP . $49 W. Lake Mary Blvd. spouse, and the fifth most been a non-smoker for one year. known motivation expert and their new attitudes toward life — (Driftwood Village) common was to spend more "I gave more Incentive on . • SLIP & FALL INJURIES SAS client, said Simon's Including their work life." Lake Mary, Ft employers are likely to collect on time with the children. smoking berause we have In our the olfer. Rounding out the top 10 were: olflee four or five smokers and SAS bookkeeper Ruth Silvern. PH.322-9300 I 321-7497 Slump '-ml more ihnn hm take a self-improvement course: these people have been smoking 55. bus been smoking for 35 percent o ftlw people who make • rxervtst'murer gcr a new Job: get all their lives. And 1 think lls yearn. She said she tried twice lo a list of NoW Year's resolutions a promotion: and read more more difficult to stop smoking quit. Both times the effort lasted keep at least some of them. Quilting smoking ranked 11th, than to lose weight." said only five or six days. But Twenty percent keep all their Stamp said. Simon. becoming a non-smoker la her resolutions and another 68.4 Simon said Ills New Year's SAS employees who deride to New Year's resolution, and she percent keep some. resolution Inrctivc program Is diet can cam $25 for every slid she Is more intent than Money Is a dominant theme tn the result of his own experience pound they drop and keep off for ever.

Pregnancy— Dr. Frederick I. Pearl POOIATRIST Continued from Page ID my herb tea and have o happy "The time that the wumun is Ihc past home delivery nine months later pregnant may already tie too late SANFO RD five years ihrre has been con­ with my neighbors singing and if she hasn't hern educated lo LO C ATIO N TWO FLAT FEET secutive growth In the use of dancing around." anrsald. the fact that she nerds (annual OPEN Two Hat Irri can do a lot more slraln will rause wearing in the these tests." The firm's pro­ Dorfmnn wanted tin test Is physicals). If she's already smok­ M ONDAY Iban keep you on! of the Army. spinal hones and film s error free: "There Is always lire ing a pack a day, already Lett untreated, they ran wrrak Hun t let this happen lo you If jected sales In 1969 Is estimated IA N . 2. havoc on your spine you're feeling any dlaroniftat that at more than $90 million (Milrntl.il for a false-positive nr drinking dally. If she's Into 1989 Tn ilrmonslrolr what happens may Iv caused try tlaltrned Irrt. llomt pregnancy testing Is a negative." Another danger, she drugs," said Dorfman. noting when your (ret Itallrn. make a 8*1 tall your (satuirtsi (or an examina­ far cry from earlier method* of said. Is ectopic pregnancy, that fetal growth occurs before Do you hear but nol with your right hand and then tion When you have fool pro­ determining pregnancy. The whrrc the fertilized rgg develops most women know they are understand words? rotalr It ratmlrr-t lorkwltr as you blems — It ran trad to a tot more Rrst recorded pregnancy lest In outside the uterus, us In a pregnant. Do peoplo seem lo move It forward Frel ihr pressure dlsromlorl elsewhere In your i j k miuis Dorfman said In ihr first few on your wrist, arm. shoulder. and lusty 1350 B.C. told of watching lu sec in 11< >(>i.4ii >I - tin*. ( In mumble or shoul? If a woman vomited a concoction one out of every 100 pregnancies weeks of pregnancy, the hark? of crushed watcrmrlon and the and Is the leading cause of rmbryo'a size Increases 2.5 mil­ If you answered "yes," When your Irrt flatten. the maternal deaths, she said. lion times. Most of Ihc fetus' lake our olfer niuuJc* running from the lower milk nf a woman who hud home (uft nf ihr spinr lo Ihr upprr part systems form between the third FB22 electronic bearing tails wilt a son. Health statistics show some be give si Ills Deltona of Ihr thigh become over stretch* and eighth weeks of growih. In the 13th and 14th cen­ 662.000 women do not begin Hawing Aid Center this c h i nl Till* r u in (he (M-lvl* and turies. doctors declared a woman prenatal care until the second millions of cells arc differentiat­ lower back to Ull forward Hut FooiO'M; pregnant If her urine "floated trimester of pregnancy and ing and moving Into position lo SANFORD DELTONA nolxxly wants to walk al a till ll l* C tm n AL HXJRItW A- make limbs und organs. milk" or "covered an iron needle 207.000 do not start to get care m a s Fimh IrtaiUd Muiaircj they ran help ll So you try to until the third trimester or get By the sixth week. Ihc brain "straighten up" Hm you ran with black spots “ «•* 117 th 1700 Dlllonj IM 8 3 0 E. S R. 4 3 4 no care at all. The National and spinal cord nre forming, she only do this try hrmting your lower Rats, frog* and rabbits were b a led Ha Oritaaj. fli. Injected with urtne of a woman Natality Survey said 34 percent said, noting smoking, drinking spinr Inin an nlmotmai t tirve Tills Longwood. Fla. ailrets your »(Htir all Ihr way up lo believed to be pregnant In 1927. nf pregnant women — some 1.3 and taking certain medications 323-1400 860-1420 w ta fttVenZn It | pa your nerk tn lime the sties* and (407) 331-1600 The animals were killed 48 million each year — are getting could Interfere with develop­ Baa I m O a v hours later and pregnancy was what Is generally considered ment and produce an unhealthy affirmed If there was an Insuftlclcnt prenatal care. baby. exresslve amount of blood In the Inadequate prenatal care is blood vessels considered one of causes of the Dorfmnn ronrrded the home nation's high Infant mortality pregnancy resting method tn rale, about 40.000 each year which a woman adds her urine with another 11.000 babies Medical Professionals... lo chemicals provided in the kll weighing less than 514 pounds may give womm a false sense of and having long-term dis­ seem abilities "Home pregnancy ur»Hn£ •* Along with a positive pre­ positive to a point," "aid gnancy icm — « doctor's ap­ itorfman "I'm all In favor of pointment, Dorfman said women womrn knowing more about should Immediately avoid their own health and tvxlte* and harmful substances such us gelling Involved. But I think that tobacco or other drugs and can be carried to an rxtremr Incorporate a well balanced diet and moderate exerctec into their tliat is hazardous CANCCfhBlOOb OIS lives lo Increase their chances nf — I II1111 ■ INI III — "You don't say. 'Oh. I’m pre­ DAY $ 5AK0WITZ. MO. PA gnant. Now I'm going lo drink having a Iteahhy baby. MARCELO R. ANAYAS MD. PA PETER 0. SELASSIE MO.. PA WINO SURGICAL. PA 80 Hwy. 17 A 92. Lskevlew Professional Center Kenneth M Wing, MO. LAKEVIEW EYE CLINIC. OPTHALMOIOGY OeBary, FL 40766817572 819 E 1st St , Sanford 323-2250 Diplomat of the American 1290 E. Normandy Blvd., Medical Aris Center Board of Surgery 901 E 2 nd S t. Sanford 3237480 Deltona. FL 407 574 9701 Savon Blvd . Deltona. 574-5271 309 Mangouitine Ave . Sanford or Medical Aris C*r. Rude 404. OftlCB Hr*. By Appointment If No Answer - 322-1812 407-322 7781 Deltona. 574 1451 Mon. thru Sat — I I II I 11 III Ml II— M llll III llllll I !■ CONCEPCION S. ANAYAS FLORIDA INTERNAL MEOICtNE MARK NAORANI, MD JOHN F. SCAEFFER. MD. PA MO. PA 549 W Lake Mary Blvd ., 1100 E 1st S t. Suite 5 317 N Mangousllne Avenue, 1290 E Normandy Bird . Deltona, Suita 204. Lake Mary, FL Sanford. FL 32771 Sanford. FL or 80 Hwy. 17 & 92. DeBary. 407 321 5303 Digestive Diseases. Hepatology Sanford 323 2577. Offica Hra By Appointment MOST INJURIES TREATED WITH Office Hrs fi AM 5 PM i Nutrition Longwood 260-8343 Mon thru Sat 521 SR 434. Suite 201. Appointments 323-3333 Orange City 904 7756222 407 574 9701 or 407468 1792 , LITTLE OH NO COST TO YOU! Longwood, FL 407 767 5901 MED'CARE PARTICIPATING FELIX A. NAVARRO. JR.. BSTETRICS A GYNECOLOGY THE UROLOGY CENTER. PA OPEN M.-F. 9 6 MO, FACQ CLYOE H CLIMER. MD. PA Conzaio Huamen. MO 6 DAYS 3 2 2 -4 7 6 2 SAF. 9 12 S. K JOSHI. MO. PA SPECIALIST IN DISEASES OF W SR 434. Sulla 204. Anthony J Arc lot a. MD 1001 W. 1st Street. THE DIGESTIVE SYSTEM Longwood. FL Adult $ Podiatrtc Urology - WOODALL CHIROPRACTIC CENTER Z z r.'z :d. r L Liver & 9'flery 7rr:l 407 332 V i 5 Impctervo ftt'Dfind Gtocp Office H r i. 8 AM 5 PM. M F 1403 Medical Plaza Dr. Suite 200. Office Hrs Mon , Tues . Longu 7ef-024V. sen ford T400 I . PARK AVI /lANIOBO ft . . 407-323-9570 Sanford, FL 322 9530 Wed., Thurs . Frt 9 AM-5 PM 3226090. Celtone 574-1421 t o — Sanford Hsrsld. Sanford, Florida — Sunday, January 1. 1M0 Chinese yuppies discover the ‘50s “ We didn't hove the cars and Bruce Springsteen. Video stores REVIEW other trappings enjoyed by aell out dines and tapes of one-hit or few-hit wonders as fast as SINGAPORE - Chinese yup­ American kids.” said Ling, now they are restocked. pies who never selected a song a middle-aged mother. "But we It's a rare shopping center that from a Jukebox are discovering all loved rock u roll, and I still Isn't blaring the soundtrack the American '50s with a zeal do." 11or11 La tiainba. the movie about LenjDeighton writes that has made ballroom dancing Zack Harris, enterprising '50s singer Ritchie Valcns who the hottest craze In town. usslstant manager at Yester­ was killed In a plane crash. The Sipping malteds at a soda day's. recreates the '50s for film played to packed houses for fountain while Elvla Presley those too young to remember, another spy trilogy cioons and examining fenders gdults .uld enough to cherish months. Frustrated beauticians anx­ from an era when u teen with a their own memories and both ious to create elegant hairdos Thunderblrd was king are new generations Intrigued by such complain over the popularity of Spy Hook because of the murdei. but It's too late. pastimes for workaholic American artifacts as Wurlltzer ponytails. Dance teachers arc By Leo Dclgbton It's the nature of a trilogy to leave loose ends Singaporeans. jukeboxes Remington typewrit­ overwhelmed by demand for (Knopf. 304 pp.. 818.05) hanging, but "Spy Hook" Is unsattslfylng "Everything seemed so much ers. gumboil machines and vin­ ballroom dancing lessons, because there Is no resolution or climax of any simpler then." said Lester Chue. tage pumps advertising gasoline particularly the Jitterbug and "Spy Hook" Is the first In another espionage kind In this episode. Dclghton Is a skillful a busy real estate agent who for 33 cents a gallon. trilogy by Len Brighton, one of the foremost wcrdsmllh. but the plot's promise Is un­ finds time each day for a "Blue With the walls plastered with acrobatic rock 'n roll. The cha-cha. rhumba and writers ol the genre. It has the feel however, of fulfilled. There should be some reason to read Hawaii Hamburger" or "Love Me the fenders of the most covetrd samba arc part of the revival a continuation of his first trilogy - "Berlin It beyond setting the stage for the next book. Tender Steak" ut Yesterday's, cars and a band sporting pom­ along with the waltz and foxtrot Gam e." "MexicoSet" and "London Mutch." the newest hot spot overflowing padours belting out the hits of for the less energetic. Depart­ Steeltown with nostalgia. Fats Domino. Hill Haley and the Spy Hook (the remaining stories in the ment stores report a roaring By James Grady Unlike Americans remember­ Comets, the Everly Brothers. trilogy will use "line" and "sinker" In their business In costumes, shoes and (Bantam. 361 pp. 818.05) ing their youth with cars and Chuck Berry, the Four Seasons. titles) features the same protagonist. Bernard accessories, musts for the new Samson, many of the same characters and cash. Southeast Aslan adults Ricky Nelson. Buddy Holly and who were teens during that others who became overnight breed of '50s dance addicts. even some of the same settings as the first Doshlcll Hammett funs will get no further Young professionals view than a few pages Into this book before they are bygone era recall lining up for sensations, even Harris Is trilogy. Dclghton has a masterful ability to set balltoom dancing as a social overtaken by a feeling of deja vu. If this Isn't noodles at hawker stands and amazed at the Instant success. a scene, whether It be Berlin or the south of skill, singles seeking romance "Red Harvest" revisited and updated. Sam dreams of bicycles for transport. "We never thought we'd be V'rnnce cherish hopes of an attractive Spade was a ribbon clerk. Confined to gramophones and selling mure milk shakes than partner, und the older set kept Samson Is thrown Into a mystery over the a family radio In the aftermath of liquor." he said. "But this Is a Grady's clone of Hammett's unnamed Con­ disappearance of a large amount of British World War II with Singapore place where anyone caught up In away from discos by the feverish tinental Op Is Jackson Cain, the crack agent of Secret Service money. He becomes Involved part of Malaysia under British the hecflc pace of 6-day weeks pacr now find rhythms they can a multinational version of the old-style private when he visits an old friend and former colonial rule. Jenny Ling re­ can slow down, have fun and feel enjoy. "When I started lessons I co-worker now working In the United States. detective agency that contracts to do dirty called her parents exhorting her good." The trail takes him to California, the south of work for rich clients who don't want to leave to switch off such cntlcers as Disc Jockeys spin oldies as thought I'd never make It." said hunk vice president K.W. Teh. France and the Berlin Wall as Samson Is tracks. Jerry Lee Lewis htustlng "Great regularly os latest releases from Inexorably drawn Into a tighter and more In Hammett's 1929 book, the locale wan u Balts of Fire." Michael Jackson. Madonna nnd dangerous plot. Western mining town. In which a struggle for Samson's past — especially his wife, Fiona — economic and political control shed buckets of plays a mnjor. If unclear, role In his present blood. Museum honors American ‘king of knitters’ "Steeltown" Is an Ohio or Pennsylvania and future. Readers of "Game. Set and Match" and up. In needlework stores man. woman und do** Is taking will remember that Samson's credibility within Industrial city gone to seed and fallen Into the up knitting now." he said. clutches of corrupt cops, sllk-sulted gunsels. and departments, his kits In his agency was damaged becuusc Fiona hud newspapers and countless mag­ Ills third nnd latest high defected to the Ens‘ . derplte the fact he had bent politicians and asserted ether *.!'*tize balls. l-ONDON — Tn its first "bow selling book, of designs derived azine*. exposed hn ax a double agent. Fiona continues In both books an equally distasteful but ever devoted to a living textile from objects In the Victoria and outmanned local robber baron calls In outside designer. London's Victoria and "I don't know how It's all to haunt Samson, even though he Is now living happened." he said In an In­ Albert's vast collections, bears help to regain control. Albert museum Is featuring an with a young woman from the agency. terview. "I'm like a child playing the same title as the museum American-born phenomenon — show — "Knife Fassctt at the V There are a number of other parallels. with mud pies. They Just happen As In his previous novels. Dclghton leaves u Knife Fassctt. the knitting king. A A ." Most things In the book Including a lot of tc-ugh guy dialogue and to be colored ones." lot unsaid In the plot of "Spy Hook." although ‘‘Knitting Is now a ore also In the show. violent action, but this Is a 1980's book, so Yet Fosactt, still movie-actor lie has marvelous detail In scenes und an multl-mllllon-dollar Industry, Knitting and embroidery have uncanny sense for dialogue. Grady has some other bones to chew on that and at the very npex of It. the handsome-at 51, Is one of the few knitters whose Jackets and brought Fassctt fame and some Hammett didn't. highest height. Is Kaffc Fassctt." wealth. But he still lives In two It Is difficult to understand, however, why The wages of corporate environmental ter­ said Elizabeth Estcvr-Coll. the shawls are discussed seriously Samson Is drawn Into the Intrigue. He often upstairs rooms of an undist­ rorism Is one such theme. Another is the museum's director. as works of art. He sells so many seems to be In the wrong place at the wrong inguished north London house. psychic scars of mill workers and their (amllles Fassctt blushed. Yet he has no kits and designs that "every ilme. rather than to be truly Investigating first elevated to the middle class by the post reason for cmbarrussincnl. unytiling. Even when he In merely doing a World War II Industrial boom nnd then Almost alone he has taken the favor for a friend. Ills entanglements push the dumped when the rest of the world catches up ancient craft of knitting nnd plot forward. It seems every character In the with America In mining and manufacturing. turned It Into something Some might say I'm living on book Is Involved In espionage. The good guy. Cain, doesn't win In this Continued from Page ID approaching an art form. borrowed time: but I prefer to story. The book Is being called "gritty." which noticed I was tn a hospital room Also feeding this sense that Samson Is a The evidence hung all around believe that phrase is reserved disinterested bystander Is his emotional de­ means that by the time It ends, you can't in the V A A's display — and suddenly realized that something terrible hnd hap­ for stuntmen nnd astronauts. tachment when an old friend Is killed in a figure out how anyone In this sorry situation sweaters and sh a r’s glowing pened. I noticed my arms were To tills day. I really liellcve rather savage manner. Dclghton later, almost could have lived happily ever after. And that's with wild or muted colors, strapped to the side of the bed that the love of n mother for her obliquely, says Samson had nightmares surely what Grady had In mind. brilliant wall hangings nnd up­ and there were tubes and all child hud something in do with holstery. vivid garments natred getting me through llml experi­ with the museum's objects kinds of machines nround. I looked across the room and ence. which Inspired their design. It has made tnc a person who But then. Fussett Is every­ there was my mother, asleep In n chair near the window and In is more appreciative of life. where Just now — at the The g«xxl Lord has let us live museum until Jan. 29. the her lap was one of those pies. PICT10N MASS PAPERBACKS I'll always remember that and to sec another new year, nil of 1. Trump: The Azt of the Deal — Donald narrator and subject of a six-part us. Let's not forget where our 1. The Polar Express — Chris van Allsburg television series. In bookstores, I'll always be thankful to be Trump(7.358) loyalties lie. (No. 1 last week — 7.573 copies ordered) selling his sweaters for $2,000 alive. I was lucky and I know It. 2. A laska — James Mlchener(7 — 4.888) 2. The Bonfire of the Vanities —• Tom 3. The Cardinal of the Kremlin — Tom Wolfe ( I — 5.370) Clancy (4 — 4.2541 3 Rock S tar— Jackie Collins(3.532) 4. The Sands of Time — Sidney Sheldon (5 4. The Mask — Dean Koontz (2 — 2.957) Unions 5 Time Piles - BUI Cosby (5 - 2.792) -3 .0 0 3 ) Firefighters. There was a hear­ out. I think lhut the city thinks 6. The Tommyknockera — Stephen King (8 Continued from Page ID 5. P arle Trout — Peter Dexter (6 — 2.911) ing on the issue lust month and the union wlU l»e less powerful.” - 2.554) 6. Dear MUI — Wilhelm Grlrnm-Maurtce lost by a single vote. The the decision now rests with he said. Sendak (2 - 2.409) 7. Sliver Angel — Johanna Lindsey (3 — outcome seemed unusual to Casselberry lire lleutenunts 2.547) PERC. 7 One — Richard Bach (3 — 2.211) President of the Central Florida Of 25 fire department workers. are Included In bargaining units. 8. Spy Hook — Len Dclghton (1,749) 8. Love and War — John Jakes (6 — 2.351) PBA Bob Panncntcr. Fire Chief Paul Algeri consider* 0 Star Trek No. 43: Pinal Nexus — Gene 23 are member* of the union. 9. The Shell Seekers — Rosainunde Pilcher "It surprised me because the Excluded arc the chief und It to be an awkward situation. ( 9 - 1.682) Deweese (7 — 1.974) members of Die police depart­ "You have a bargaining unit 10. Kaleidoscope — Danielle Steel (9 — assistant chief, according to Fire 10. Traveler — Richard Adams (10 — ment are the ones who came tn Chief Charles Chapman. person representing a bargain 1.634) 1.943) us. They had a change of heart. ingunll person." Algertsuld. Perhaps the city has convinced The 'city wants to keep the He said the lieutenants nrr NON-PI CTION them, unofficially of course, lieutenants out of the bargaining privy to confidential Information 1 Child Star — Shirley Temple Black ( 1 — TRADE PAPERBACKS things will be better, changes unit because they are part of about the employers. management, with re­ 19.785) 1. Love You Forever — Robert Munsch (5 will be made." Pannentcr said "I perceive It to Ik- u problem." 2. Don't Bend Over In the Garden. - 18.026) the day after the election. sponsibilities Including Job he said. Grandma — Lewis Grtzzard (3 — 17,185) 2. The Cat Who Came for Christmas — evaluations which hinge on 3. All I Really Need to Know 1 Learned In Cleveland Amory (2 — 8.695) DcMartr wasn't as astonished. whether or not un employee Is K in d erg a rten — Robert Fulghum (2 — 3. Why Do Clocks Run Clockwise? — He said he knew the police force entitled to a promotion or a Lemon David Feldman (3 — 8,388) would vote the union down. raise, according tooinctals. 13.064) Continued from Page ID 4. Legends, Lies and Cherished Myths — 4 Mcgaskllls - Dorothy Rich (* - 8.034) "I think It's because Die police PERC officials said that RlcharnShenkmen (5 — 11.174) 5. Far Side Gallery 3 — Gary Larson (10 — department uniform personnel supervisory employees can be In appeals to u court. 5. The Laat Lion — William Manchester (6 6.926) at least w inled to give the city a a bargaining unit, but not In the If the manufacturer Initiates u - 8.0821 6 The Power of Myth — Joseph Campbell chance to do the things It said It same one as the other worker*. court uppeal and loses, the 6. The Way Things Work — David (5.887) was going to do." Dr Marie said. Chapman agrees with this. company must |»ay the con­ 7 — Spy Magazine (4 Macaulay (4 — 7.623) Separated At Birth Another union Issue pending "They're administration and sumer's lawyer fees und $25 a 7. Oracle: A Love Story — George Bums (7 — 5.342) In Long wood is whether eight should net be tn the bargaining day for earn day following Its 8. The Essential Colvin and Hobbes — — 6.889) (Ire department lieutenants unit with rank and file receipt of the arbitrator's de­ 8 Ooldwater — Barry Goldwater (5.838) Bill Watterson (9 - 5.300) should be allowed to be In a engineers." Chapman said cision. 9 The World Almnnac and Book of Facts 9. A Brief History of Time — Stephen collective bargaining unit to rep However, fire deparment Ll. The manufacturer could face (8 -5 .1 7 0 ) Hawking (9 — 5.648) resent the Longwood Pro­ Roy Clelland said he feels It Is a pcnultles double and triple any 10. Anguished English — Richard Lederer 10. A Dictionary of Cultural Literacy — fessional Firefighter* Association strategy deployed by the city to award If the court determines an E D. Illn ch (4.241) (6 -5 .0 1 1 ) Local 3163. an affiliate of the weaken the union. appeal was filed In t>ad faith or to International Association of "By keeping the lieutenants haras* the consumer.

Swiss Army Knife: Almost a BLOOM COUNTY by Berke Breathed century on the cutting edge tmiovcomcs ' xiAurjms metal (lies. etc. HA ffOOMAFxMF MCXt&MTV But The Knife itself lias ouctM rar'Aux* 1W S'P*C£ ' f t * w m u w . to n H i ^ SAN DIEGO - Only a remained Inviolate. Like the a u m m C’ / Couple doien members rasing of red Celador plastic Showed up for the first-ever (resistant to oils und acid), like the signature Inlaid silver Swiss Army Knife Sorlety cross and all the stainless- Convention, but together they steel Implements, the aura of Could have cleaned a fish, owning s Swiss Army Knife tarved a turkey, patched a tall, adjusted a carburetor. la guaranteed to laat forever. Sawrd through prtson bar* A person who packs a and performed an emergency Swiss Army Knife has gotten a fix on life's caprices and la tracheotomy. laying out the welcome mat. Yes. all this and more from Just ask any of the society's m *nv n w \ r r te r x *h i w a four-inch pocket knife r fv u ) ON O r LON that's nearly lOOycarsold. 300 members COUCH P0MW 6S ZYPnr------try-— l > The legendary Swiss Armv "Some folks think tt*$ i*«i- Knife, the granddaddy of tty funny that there ts a p a s s io n m a ww all-purpose gadgets, was In­ society dedicated to. of all vented by Swiss cutler things. Swiss Arm y Knives. Charles Elscncr In 1891 and Well, we think It s pretty first Issued to all Swiss funny, too." said club found­ Ooldlersln 1897. er Rick Wall in hla keynote EUencr a original alx-btade address at the convention In knife was refined over the December. -m ix with so array ** PJ>* "Wr tsk.c ■ Pdirewhil ;tonal tools — scissor*, sew­ tongue ln-check view of our ing needle*, fish sealer*. excessive fondness lor our Phillips-head screwdrivers. beloved blades.