PF Vol. 08 No.02.Pdf (13.31Mb)
PRAIRIE FORUM Vol. 8, NO.2 Fall, 1983 CONTENTS ARTICLES The Western James Bay Cree: Aboriginal and Early Historic Adaptations Charles A. Bishop 147 P. G. Laurie of Battleford: The Aspirations of a Western Enthusiast Walter Hildebrandt . 157 Governmental Coercion in the Settlement of Ukrainian Immigrants in Western Canada John C. Lehr 179 Stephan G. Stephansson: A "West Icelander" Jane McCracken 195 The Saskatchewan Conservatives, Separate Schools and the 1929 Election Peter A. Russell 211 RESEARCH NOTES William Jenninqs Bryan and Western Canada Harvey Strum 225 The Recent Development of a Unique Population: The Hutterites of North America Edward D. Boldt 235 PRAIRIE THESES, 1980-81 241 COPYRIGHT 1983 CANADIAN PLAINS RESEARCH CENTER ISSN 0317 -6282 BOOK REVIEWS DEN OTTER, A. A., Civilizing the West: The GaIts and the Development of Western Canada by Michael J. Carley 251 DEN OTTER, A. A., Civilizing the West: The GaIts and the Development of Western Canada _ by Carl Betke .................................................. .. 252 FOSTER, JOHN (editor), The Developing West, Essays on Canadian History in Honour of L. H. Thomas by Donald B. Wetherell. ......................................... .. 254 MACDONALD, E. A., The Rainbow Chasers by Simon Evans 258 KERR, D., A New Improved Sky by William Latta 260 KERR, D. C. (editor), Western Canadian Politics: The Radical Tradition by G. A. Rawlyk 263 McCRACKEN, JANE, Stephan G. Stephansson: The Poet of the Rocky Mountains by Brian Evans. ................................................ .. 264 SUMMERS, MERNA, Calling Home by R. T. Robertson 266 MALCOLM, M. J., Murder in the Yukon: The Case Against George O'Brien by Thomas Thorner 268 KEITH, W. J., Epic Fiction: The Art of Rudy Wiebe by Don Murray 270 STOWE, L., The Last Great Frontiersman: The Remarkable Adventures of Tom Lamb by J.
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