Warfield Parish Assembly 2015 Wednesday 22 April Community Centre Parish Council Councillors 2014-15

Quelm St Michaels Warfield Park Whitegrove Emma Barnard Neil Harrison Colleen Healy Gareth Barnard Terence Dackombe Mike Gates* Hugh Fitzwilliams John Lee Adrian Haffegee Sandra Ingham Mark Jones Catherine Menon* Martyn Towle

*Mike Gates and Catherine Menon resigned from the Council in November 2014

Monthly Borough and Parish Councillor surgeries take place in the Parish Office alternating between the first Saturday of month 10 – 12 noon and Tuesday evenings 6 – 8 pm.

Elections take place on Thursday 7 May. A full list of candidates can be found at www.-forest.gov.uk/election2015documents Warfield Parish Council Parish Staff

Jason Mawer Parish Clerk & Responsible Financial Officer

Sheila Collings Jacqueline Kirk Trevor Hawes Stephen Auton Deputy Clerk Administrator Caretaker Auxiliary Caretaker Parish Assembly Reports

 Financial

 Planning

 Neighbourhood Plan Update

 Parish Facilities

 Parish supported groups and events Financial Report 2014/15

 Precept 2014/15 - £132,619  Unchanged on 2013/14

 Continue to be lowest Band D rate in the Borough  £18,635 paid to local groups in grants last year  Monies allocated for future investment in Parish  Whitegrove Community Centre management transferred

Financial Report 2014/15 (preliminary figures)

Income Precept £132,619 Council Tax Grant £3,534 Brownlow Hall Income £35,312 Whitegrove Centre Income £10,722 Other income (grants, sales, interest etc.) £12,243 Total Income £194,430 Financial Report 2014/15 (preliminary figures)

Expenditure General expenditure £37,364 (local amenities, events and partnership and youth work) General Administration £80,489 (staff and office costs, The Wren, Insurance etc.) Brownlow Hall costs £40,734 (including Boiler replacement) Whitegrove Community Centre costs £9,265 (part year only) Grants £18,635 ( made under section 137 Local Government Act 1972) Provision for 2015 election costs and £22,843 neighbourhood planning Total expenditure £209,330 Financial Report 2014/15 (preliminary figures)

Allocated reserves Neighbourhood Planning £38,843 Allotment provision £15,000 Brownlow Hall maintenance £44,475 Whitegrove Community Centre improvements £10,102 Election costs £9,000 Future parish facilities (Community hub) £24,750 Total Allocated reserves £142,170

In 2015/16 we expect to begin preparatory works on allotment provision and community hub and refurbish Whitegrove CC. Planning Report New Warfield development

 Up to 2,200 homes

 2 primary schools

 Link road from to Forest Road

 Neighbourhood Centre with community hub

 Improved open and recreational spaces

 Allotment provision

Planning Report

New development delivery areas

 Area 1

Masterplan approved

 Area 2

Masterplan approved and

• Phase 1 house and road build started • Primary School – planning application approved • Planning applications submitted for phase 3 housing and The Cut.

Planning Report

New development delivery areas

 Area 3

Development of masterplan started

 Area 4

Development almost complete

 Area A SANG (suitable alternative natural greenspace)

Planning application submitted

Neighbourhood Plan Update

What is the Warfield Neighbourhood Plan?

 Community led planning for the future of Warfield

 Community to decide the vision for future of Warfield

 Includes housing, environment, infrastructure, economy and leisure and wellbeing

 Covers the whole of the parish of Warfield

Neighbourhood Plan Update

What has happened so far?

 Application to be a designated area submitted and approved

 Wide ranging consultation with all parties

 Topic groups have met

 Successful residents survey with over 550 responses

 Beginning first draft of the plan

Parish Facilities

Warfield Parish Councils operates and manages

The Brownlow Memorial Hall

Frost Folly Country Car Park

Whitegrove Community Centre

In addition the council is a founding partner of Jealotts Hill Community Landshare

Parish Facilities

The Brownlow Memorial Hall

 Leased from Diocese of until 2025

 Popular venue for parties and meetings

 Many regular users including term-time nursery, Guide Association, dance and exercise classes and singers!

 Hall is available to hire to all in the parish

 Parish Councils funds capital improvements, admin costs and helps meet operational costs

Parish Facilities

Whitegrove Community Centre

 Leased from Council since August 2014

 Available for parties and meetings

 Many regular users including term-time pre-school, scouting and guiding and health groups

 Parish Council funds capital improvements, admin costs and helps meet operational costs

 Whole centre will be refurbished during 2015

Parish Facilities

Frost Folly Country Car Park

 Located in Wellers Lane

 Open all year round

 Well used by ramblers and dog walkers

 Start of a number of local circular walks

 Plans for improvements to the site under discussion

Parish Facilities

Jealotts Hill Community Landshare

 Partnership project involving Syngenta, Bracknell Forest Homes, Bracknell Town Council & Warfield Parish Council

 Community gardening and social enterprise project to benefit disadvantaged groups in local community

 Many regular groups and volunteers and local business support

 Nominated for Queens Award for Voluntary Service 2015

Parish supported groups and activities

In 2014/15 Warfield Parish Council supported

• 2nd Bracknell Scout Group • Cricket Club • Friends of Jealotts Hill Landshare • MS Society • Home Start • Whitegrove School • Age Concern Bracknell Forest • Cruse Bereavement Care • Blind Society • Keep Mobile • Building Blocks Pre-school • Warfield Park Community • Bracknell Baseball Club Association • Pilgrims Trust • Warfield Memorial Ground • Warfield Produce Show • Youthline • Warfield Fete • Bracknell CAB • Whitegrove FC • Warfield Environment Group • Bracknell North Guides Parish supported groups and activities

The Parish Council also  Helps to maintain St Michael the Archangel graveyard

 Manages and maintains the play area at the Memorial Ground

 Helps support Lily Hill Park

 Funded bike stands at Priory Field

 Restarted youth activities at the Whitegrove Community Centre on Wednesdays and Thursdays

Parish supported groups and activities

Parish events

 Binfield, Warfield & Arts Week

 Big Fun Day

 Family Bike Ride

 Annual community litter pick around Larks Hill

 Vegetable Take and Grow last

 Annual Gardening competition

Parish supported groups and activities

Coming Up VE Day Beacon lighting Priory Field Friday 8 May (evening) Warfield Village Fete Memorial Ground Saturday 13 June Northern Parishes Family Meet at Carnation Sunday 28 June Cycle ride Hall

Warfield Produce Show Brownlow Hall Saturday 25 July Big Fun Day Westmorland Park Late August Warfield Pumpkin Show New Lethern Bottle Sunday 27 September Arts Week Various locations Sunday 25 October – Sunday 1 November Warfield Parish Council

For more information on the Parish Council, its work, events and facilities visit our new website www.warfieldparishcouncil.gov.uk

and remember to follow us on Twitter or Facebook