Mountain Views/ Mountain Meridian
Joint Issue Mountain Views/ Mountain Meridian ConsorƟ um for Integrated Climate Research in Western Mountains CIRMOUNT Mountain Research IniƟ aƟ ve MRI Volume 10, Number 2 • December 2016 Kelly Redmond (1952-2016) by Lake Tahoe attending a workshop on “Water in the West” in late August of 2016. Photo: Imtiaz Rangwala, NOAA Front Cover: Les trois dent de la Chourique, west of the Pyrenees and a study area of the P3 project (page 13). The picture was taken enroute from Lake Ansabere to Lake Acherito, both of which have been infected by Bd since 2003, although they still have amphibians. Photo: Dirk Schmeller, Helmholtz-Center for Environmental Research, Leipzig, Germany. Editors: Connie Millar, USDA Forest Service, Pacifi c Southwest Research Station, Albany, California. and Erin Gleeson, Mountain Research Initiative, Institute of Geography, University of Bern , Bern, Switzerland. Layout and Graphic Design: Diane Delany, USDA Forest Service, Pacifi c Southwest Research Station, Albany, California. Back Cover: Harvest Moon + 1 Day, 2016, Krenka Creek and the North Ruby Mountains, NV. Photo: Connie Millar, USDA Forest Service. Read about the contributing artists on page 86. Joint Issue Mountain Views/Mountain Meridian Consortium for Integrated Climate Research in Western Mountains (CIRMOUNT) and Mountain Research Initiative (MRI) Volume 10, No. 2, December 2016 htt p:// Table of Contents Editors' Welcome Connie Millar and Erin Gleeson 1 Mountain Research Initiative Mountain Observatories Projects
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