1 House Journal 60Th Legislature Sixty-Sixth
HOUSE JOURNAL 60TH LEGISLATURE SIXTY-SIXTH LEGISLATIVE DAY Helena, Montana House Chambers March 28, 2007 State Capitol House convened at 1:00 p.m. Mr. Speaker in the Chair. Invocation by Representative Bixby. Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. Roll Call. All members present, except Representative Clark, excused. Quorum present. REPORTS OF STANDING COMMITTEES BILLS (L. Jones, Chairman): 3/27/2007 Correctly printed: HB 418, HB 488, HB 680, HB 700, HB 823, HB 826, SB 312. Delivered to the Governor for approval at 9:30 a.m., March 28, 2007: HB 92, HB 105, HB 177, HB 207, HB 400, HB 521. Signed by the President at 4:30 p.m., March 27, 2007: HB 22, HB 503, HB 555, HB 703. Correctly printed: HB 797, HJR 49. 3/28/2007 Correctly engrossed: HB 8, HB 63, HB 529, HB 539, HB 330, HB 822, SB 92, SB 153, SB 165, SB 270, HJR 51, SB 71, SB 161. C orrectly enrolled: HB 37, HB 532, HB 756, HB 789. Examined by the sponsor and found to be correct: HB 37, HB 91, HB 532, HB 756, HB 789. Delivered to the Governor for approval at 2:30 p.m., March 28, 2007: HB 22, HB 503, HB 555, HB 703. Signed by the Chief Clerk of the House at 10:00 a.m., March 28, 2007: HB 64, HB 98, HB 118, HB 120, HB 124, HB 157, HB 260, HB 341, HB 397, HB 469, HB 497, HB 570, HB 717, HB 724, HB 770, HB 795, HB 129, HB 284, HB 409, HB 412, HB 510, HB 579, HB 596, HB 664.
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