Royal Society meeting 12&13 December 2001 PARTICIPANTS LIST

Mr Fabian Acker Science writer Dr Neil Adger Programme Manager, for Climate Change Research Mr Saleh Ahmed OST Mr Titus Alexander Global Commons Institute Dr Tariq Ali Research Director, Imperial College Environment Office Dr Hubert Allen AChRE (Oxford's A Christian Response to the Environment) Dr Myles Allen Atmospheric, Oceanic and Planetary Physics, Dept. of Physics, Oxford University Dr Molly Anderson Environment Researcher, VERTIC Dr Mary Archer British Energy Foundation Mr Richard Archer AEA Technology Prof Nigel Arnell University of Southampton, and Tyndall Centre for Climate Change Research Sir Eric Ash CBE FRS Treasurer, The Royal Society Dr Chris Baker Collaborative Programme Manager, NERC Dr Terry Barker Dept. of Applied Economics, Cambridge University Dr Lee Bartlett EPSRC Mr Peter Bates Associate Programme Manager, Climate Change, EPSRC Dr Peter Baxter Dept. of Community Medicine, Cambridge University Dr Colin Beesley Head of Environmental Strategy, Rolls-Royce plc Mr Robert Bell Director, Future Energy Solutions, AEA Technology Mr Andrew Bennett Chief Natural Resources Advisor, Dept. for International Development Dr Frans Berkhout Environment and Energy Programme, SPRU Dr Roger Blackmore Lecturer, Open University Prof Bert Bolin Former chair of the IPCC Mark Broadmeadow Forestry Commission Dr Fiona Brock Science Administration, NERC Mr David Brown Director, Science Programmes, NERC Mr Anthony Browne Partner, Price Waterhouse Coopers Dr Bernard Bulkin Chief Scientist, BP plc Mr Tom Burke Visiting Professor, Imperial College, and Environmental Policy Adviser, plc Mr James Cameron Of-counsel, Baker & McKensie Dr Nick Campbell Chairman, International Chamber of Commerce (Climate Change Working Party) Dr Sebastian Catovsky Research Associate, NERC Centre for Population Biology Minister Counsellor Li Chaochen Minister Counsellor for Science and Technology, Embassy of the People's Republic of China Mr Mark Charlesworth Research Student, School of Politics, International Relations and the Environment , Keele University Dr Jonathan Cobb Head of Climate Change and Sustainable Development, BNFL Mr Yaron Cohen Department of Geological Sciences, UCL Dr Ute Collier Head of Climate Change Programme, WWF UK Dr Peter Collins Director Science Policy, The Royal Society Dr Richenda Connell Senior Scientific Adviser, UK Climate Impacts Programme Mr John Constable Chief Economist, Exxonmobil Corporation Ms Catherine Cook Communications Manager, UK Climate Impacts Programme Dr Piers Corbyn Managing Director, Weather Action Ltd Dr Michael Coughlan Director for Climate Activities Programs, World Meteorological Organisation Mr NJ Cullen Consulting Engineer R&D, Hoare Lea

Royal Society climate change meeting participants list 1 Mr Geraint Day Business Research Executive, Institute of Directors Dr Christina De la Rocha Assistant Lecturer in Earth Sciences, Dept. of Earth Sciences, University of Cambridge Mr Tom Delay Director, The Ms Joanna Depledge Researcher/writer Mr Paul Dewick Research Associate, Cromtec, UMIST Dr Harald Diaz-Bone Project Manager, Institute for Energy & Environment (IFEU), Germany Prof Pieter Drenth Chairman, ALLEA Dr JB Ekanayake Commonwealth Senior Research Fellow, UMIST Ms Sara Eppel Head of Policy Development, Dr Tim Foxon Research Associate, Centre for Energy Policy and Technology, Imperial College Mr Tim Foy Environment Policy Dept., Dept. for International Development Mr Michael Galley Manager, Environment and Business Planning, Vauxhall Motors Dr John Gash Head, Process Hydrology Division, CEH Wallingford Ms Karen Gilbert Environment Policy Advisor, National Farmers Union Mr Mark Goldthorpe Programme Manager, Environment, Surrey County Council Dr Dougal Goodman Director, The Foundation for Science and Technology Miss Marisa Goulden Science Policy Officer (Energy & Environment), The Royal Society Prof John Grace Head, Institute of Ecology and Resource Management, Edinburgh University Dr David Griggs Director, Climatic Research Division, Hadley Centre Mr Pete Grigorey Regional Strategic Planner, - South West Prof Joanna Haigh Reader in Physics, Space & Atmospheric Physics Group, Imperial College, London Prof Andy Haines Dean, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine Mr Adrian Ham Director General, British Nuclear Industry Forum Dr Richard Harding Head of Global Processes, CEH Mr Richard Hardman Exploration Advisor, Amerada Hess Mr Roger Harrabin Environment Correspondent, BBC Today Programme Prof John Harries Space and Atmospheric Physics Group Dr Alex Haxeltine Senior Research Associate, Tyndall Centre for Climate Change Research Dr Andrew Hector Research Fellow, NERC Centre for Population Biology Ms Alicia Herbert Social Development Advisor, Environment Policy Dept., DfID. Dr Tim Hill Ratcliffe-on-Soar Power Station, Powergen Dr Sam Holloway British Geological Survey Prof Brian Hoskins FRS Dept. of Meteorology, University of Reading Dr Jo Hossell ADAS Sir John Houghton FRS Co-chair, IPCC Working Group 1 Miss Charlotte Howard ERM Dr Mike Hulme Executive Director, Tyndall Centre for Climate Change Research Prof Julian Hunt FRS Dept. of Space and Climate Physics, University of London Dr Saleemul Huq Climate Change Programme Director, IIED Mr John Ingram Executive Officer, GECAFS, CEH Wallingford Ms Ruth Jarman Energy Campaign Leader, Christian Ecology Link Dr Paul Jefferiss Head of Environmental Policy, RSPB Dr Elaine Jones Business Liason Manager, Tyndall Centre for Climate Change Research Prof David King Chief Scientific Advisor, OST Dr Jonathan Kohler Senior Research Associate, Tyndall Centre for Climate Change Research Mr John Lanchbery Climate Change Policy Officer, RSPB Mr Mark Legerton Managing Director, National Wind Power Nicky Lewis Scidev Net

Royal Society climate change meeting participants list 2 Mr Jean-Marie Libre Environmental Scientist, ATOFINA Mark Lynas Freelance Author Dr Yadvinder Malhi Institute of Ecology and Resource Management, Edinburgh University Mr David Mansell-Moullin Climate Change Program Manager, IPIECA Katie Mantell Scidev Net Dr Paul Mason FRS Chief Scientist, Met Office Sir John Mason CB FRS Lord Robert May AC FRS President, The Royal Society Dr Tony Mayer Head, Secretary General's Office, European Science Foundation Dr Bettina Menne Medical Officer, World Health Organisation Dr Bert Metz Head International Environmental Assessments, National Institute of Public Health and the Environment, The Netherlands Prof Michael Grubb Professor of Climate Change and Energy Policy , Imperial College Centre for Environmental Technology Dr Laurie Michaelis Oxford Centre for the Environment Ethics & Society, OCEES, Mansfield College, Oxford Ms Jacqueline Mimms Associate, Baker & McKensie Dr John Mitchell Head of Climate Prediction, Sir Mark Moody-Stuart KCMG Former Chairman of the Royal Dutch/Shell Group Ms Lucy Mortimer Limited Declan Mulkeen MRC Dr Benito Müller Senior Research Fellow, Oxford Institute for Energy Studies Dr Heidi Mulvaney Research Fellow, Civil & Environmental Engineering, University of Southampton Dr John Murlis Visiting Professor, University College London Dr Rewi Newnham Quaternary Environments Research Group Mr Chris Newton Head of Sustainable Development, Environment Agency Mr Charles Nouhan Deputy Director and UK Co-ordinator, UNED Forum Ms Helen O'Connor Environment Policy Dept., Dept. for International Development Ms Tanya Olmeda-Hodge Head of Environment, Country Land & Business Association (CLA) Mr Nick Otter Director Technology and External Affairs, Alstom Power Dr Tim Palmer Head of the Predictability, Diagnostics and Seasonal Prediction Section, European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts Dr Miles Parker Director - International Directorate, International Directorate, OST Ms Claire Parker UNFCCC Secretariat Prof Martin Parry Director, Jackson Environment Institute, UEA Ms Laura Pearson Administrative Assistant, Institute of Physics Mr Martin Penny UKRO Prof David Powlson Head, Agriculture and Environment Division, IACR Rothamstead Sir Ghillean Prance FRS Scientific Director, The Eden Project Ms Myfanwy Price Jones Senior Manager, Price Waterhouse Coopers Dr Rachel Quinn Manager Science Policy (Energy & Environment), The Royal Society Dr Chris Rapley Director, British Antartic Survey Mr Duncan Reid-Thomas Associate, Baker & McKensie Ms Francesca Romano Giordano Researcher, Henry George Foundation Dr Frank Rosillo-Calle Research Fellow, Kings College London Prof Dr Frans Saris Director, Energy Research Centre, The Netherlands: ECN Mr Steve Sawyer Climate Campaign, Greenpeace International Prof. Dr. Hans-Joachim Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research, & Tyndall Centre for Climate Schellnhuber Change Research

Royal Society climate change meeting participants list 3 Ms Catherine Senior Met Office Hadley Centre Mr Peter Singleton Emerging Issues, Scottish Environment Protection Agency Prof Julia Slingo Deputy Director of the NERC Centre for Global Atmospheric Modelling, University of Reading Mr Douglas Smith Consultant, ERM Mr Michael Soldner Environmental Consultant, Entec UK Ltd Mr David Spiller South East Water Ms Bev Stanley Sustainability Policy Co-ordinator, Eastleigh Borough Council Mr Paul Steele Economic Advisor, Environment Policy Dept., Dept. for International Development Ms Nicola Steen Limited Dr Rowan Sutton Royal Society Research Fellow, CGAM, Dept. of Meteorology, University of Reading Dr Peter Taylor AEA Technology Dr Downing Thomas Reader in Climate Policy, ECI Mr Cameron Thomson Research Executive, Scientific Alliance Mr Joshua Thumim Senior Strategy Advisor - Energy, Greater London Authority Ms Alyce Tidball US Embassy Prof David Unwin School of Geography, Birkbeck College Prof Paul Valdes Dept. of Meteorology, University of Reading Mr Tom Vant Executive Secretary, Syncrude, Area Canada Dr David Vincent Technical Director, The Carbon Trust Mr Daniel Waller Assistant to Director, Association for the Conservation of Energy Mr Steve Waller Climate Change Consultant , Improvement and Development Agency Dr Rachel Warren Research Lecturer, School of Environmental Sciences, Tyndall Centre, UEA Mr David Warrilow Global Atmosphere Division, Dept. for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs Dr Robert T Watson Chair of IPCC, Chief Scientist & Director of ESSD at the World Bank Mr Chris West Shell Foundation Mr Gavin Wilson Project Officer, Local Government Association Mr Stuart Woodings Analyst, British Energy plc Ms Yolanda Wright Environment Advisor, Environment Policy Dept., DfID Mr Philip Wright Head of air, climate and engineering unit, Scottish Executive

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