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u V ZD Q0 o U. S. WEATHER BUREAU, June 1 Last 24 Hours' Rainfall, trace. SUGAR. 66 Degree Test Centrifugals, 4.40c Per Ton, JS8.00. Temperature, Max. 79; Min. 69. Weather, fair, with trade winds. 88 Analysis Beets, lis. 4Vid. Per Ton, J 83.00. VOL. XLVII., NO. 8065. HONOLULU, HAWAII TERRITORY, MONDAY, JUNE 15, 1908. PRICff IVE CENTS. " " " " " fr" o ? a-1- & ' ' HOME rapid RULERS transit Suspension Coastwise Laws 1ft ATTEMPT MAY BE V. u in Next Session o HAS CONTRACT Certain MADE TO ' PRESENT rnu Hniiiii (Mail Special to the Advertiser.) ' Will Haul Crushed Rock for the WASHINGTON, May 31. About the only feature of Hawaiian of Congress was the passage by the ROOSEVELT'S NAME business in the very closing days A Pearl Harbor Work Over House of the Hawaiian Coastwise Shipping Bill. It was enacted there 'A by a vote of 17'J to 5, a majority so sweeping as to be especially signifi- 'A PETTI New Tracks. (Associated Press Cablegrams.) cant. eA 'jft The till occasioned a spirited debate in the House. Representative CHICAGO, delegates to the Republican Nation- FA June i5.The Littlefield of Maine had it in charge, and Representative Kahn of San al Convention are arriving, the delegations from California, The Honolulu Eapid Transit and seems Oregon Francisco led the opposition. There to be little doubt that at fA Land Company signed a contract Sen- and Hawaii reaching the city yesterday. lias session of Congress the bill will become a law. For while rA Will Ask Garfield to Re- the next Speaker Cannon n with the United States government, ator Perkins of California is fighting the legislation it is not believed has arrived and will lead a fight against' the through Captain to transport a A placing of Wilcox Otwell, that he will go to the extent of defeating it. No serious effort was an injunction plank in the platform. vive Land twentv-tw- o tonsj minimum of thousand made to press the bill in the Senate this session, because it was recog- The indications are that Cortelyou's name will not be presented of crushed rock from the quarry at nized that, late as it was before the proper time for the enactment of as a candidate. Measure. Moiliilii to the wharf at the of foot the bill came, no. headway could be made there. Senator Perkins, to be It is predicted that the choice of the convention will be for Taft Kekauanaoa street, and has about fin- sure, left town, but other Senators were ready to object for him to its rA a? President and Dolliver for Vice President. ished laying two thousand feet of new consideration. A movement is on foot to present Roosevelt's name for renomi-natio- n. ' track at Moiliilii and through South minutes were allowed for debate in the House, a A s Secretary of the Interior Garfield As only forty street and from Allen street down Ke- number of misstatements about the bill had to go unanswered. For in- will be petitioned. This was decided kauanaoa to over rA street the wharf, Representative Kahn misquoted Mr. George B. McClellan about rA at a meeting held at Aala Park on Sat- stance, which to handle the new traffic. the capacity of the Pacific steamers. Mr. McClellan, who was in the urday night, at which C. K. Notley, D. AMERICAN HORSE LANDS The cars for the work are regular gallery, sought to convey to Mr. Littlefield information which would Kalauokalani, Sr., W. C. Achi, Kaniho, llat ears, and the contract will take a controvert Representative Kahn's statements, tut the time was so brief ' and Olepau held forth to a small-size- d is very long time for fulfilment, as it could not be done. The House, however, appeared to take. but little GREAT FRENCH RACE crowd on the land question. The speak- it u thought that not more than one hundred j stock in the talk of the opposition, as the decisive vote indicates. While ers all held that the present land law tons of rock will o and twenty crushed the California members of the House, opposed the bill, the Washington PARIS, June 15. Vanderbilt's entry, Northeast, won the Grand 13 a bad thing, in that it .operates be gotten out by the crusher daily. The members were for it. against the small man in favor of the State Prix, the great turf event of France, yesterday. There were seventy-tw- o m contract for the machinery at the Delegate Kalanianaole leaves here for Chicago next Tuesday. June 2, 40-ac- thousand persons in attendance the during the race. rich corporation. The re home- at track quarry calls for the completion of the to attend the sessions of the Republican National Committee, lie holds stead till, introduced by former Dele- work in forty days, and it will be the proxv of Mr. Robertson. All the Hawaiians here are in higli u gate Wilcox, in Congress, was brought o three weeks vet before the crusher is feather over the work that has been accomplished during the recent DISTINGUISHED forth as the choice of the Hawaiians The will be eou-vev- ed BRITISH ready. crushed rock ? session. In some respects it is one of the most successful sessions for for a land law. from the wharf here to Pearl t the Territory since annexation. ERNEST G. WALKER. consisting above-name- d A committee of the Harbor in a new scow building at the U NOBLEMAN IS Jt dt jt & s Jt tt . & & & & & S & . & . DEAD speakers and J. W. Poepoe will harbor now, and in the barge Melanc- - j wait upon Secretary Garfield during Lis thon, which has been purchased for the cents will be paid. The Eapid Transit great deal of labor if the crushed rock LONDON, The Earl of Derby is dead. o stay and present a petition which will work. The James Makee will do most people will be ready to start their part is all moved by hand. To handle one June 15. be generously signed, asking that the of the towing. of the contract in a week. hundred and twenty tons a day a small Hawaiian land laws oe amended and Captain Otwell stated yesterday that The means of handling the crushed army of men would be required at the Frederick Arthur Stanley, the sixteenth Earl of Derby, was favoring the Wilcox land bill as a the price paid to the Rapid Transit rock from the cars here to the scow wharf here and at Pearl Harbor, so one of the richest peers of Great Britain, his estate in Lancashire foundation for new laws. people for hauling was a remarkably and barge and how to handle it at the while no definite plans have as yet consisting of seventy thousand acres. He was born in 1841 and o The Democrats are also bent on an cheap figure. They are to receive 23 other end where it is to be discharged been given out the engineers are at held several of the most important political and diplomatic posts attack on the present land law of the cents a ton for the first twenty thou- is yet to be figured out. This will work on a scheme to save time and in the British government. lie entered Parliament in 1865 and held Territory.- - sand tons moved, and thereafter 13 mean quite an item of expense and a labor both. at different times the portfolios of Lord of the Admiralty, Secretary In speaking of the matter last even- for War, Secretary for the Colonies and President of the Board u ing, L. L. MeCandless, the Democratic of Trade. From 1888 to 1893 he was Governor General of Canada. 0 o Moses, who is willing to lead his new REMAINS OF DEAD PRINCE WILL ARRIVE TODAY 'The Earldom was created in 1485, the fjjrst Earl having had a constituents out of the wilderness of command at the battle of Bosworth, where he won his way into penuriousness, said: the peerage. The fourth Earl was a peer at the trial of Mary, Queen "We feel like the Advertiser feels of Scots. about the disposal of great tracts of The heir to the peerage is his son, Edward George Villiers, Lord SJ 20,000 and 30,000 acres of first-clas- s Stanley, who served with distinction during the South African war agricultural land to any one corpora and who has been since the private secretary to Lord Roberts. tion. If it's good enough for the bigj fellows, it's none too good for the little fellow. Give him a chance. REMARKABLE VOLCANIC "We don't know if Garfield's visit has any political significance, but have OUTBURST ON SAVAII had our ear to the ground, and be- lieve he is here on land matters pri- AUCKLAND, A marily. I think the government ought June 15. report has been received here of a to give the best to the small farm fel- remarkable volcanic outburst on the island of Savaii. It is estimated low. I can not say if there will be a that the flow of lava from the eruption amounts to three thousand committee to wait on Secretary Gar- tons a minute. field from the party. The matter has been talked over, however." CRUISER COLORADO WAS JAPANESE BOYCOTT TO NOT RUN ASHORE BE FOUGHT LOCALLY SAN FRANCISCO, June 15. The report that the cruiser Col- orado had gone ashore in the Strait of Juan de Fuca is unfounded. The vessel had merely anchored off the Dungeness Spit awaiting the lifting of the fog.