Package ‘colorscience’ October 29, 2019 Type Package Title Color Science Methods and Data Version 1.0.8 Encoding UTF-8 Date 2019-10-29 Maintainer Glenn Davis <
[email protected]> Description Methods and data for color science - color conversions by observer, illuminant, and gamma. Color matching functions and chromaticity diagrams. Color indices, color differences, and spectral data conversion/analysis. License GPL (>= 3) Depends R (>= 2.10), Hmisc, pracma, sp Enhances png LazyData yes Author Jose Gama [aut], Glenn Davis [aut, cre] Repository CRAN NeedsCompilation no Date/Publication 2019-10-29 18:40:02 UTC R topics documented: ASTM.D1925.YellownessIndex . .5 ASTM.E313.Whiteness . .6 ASTM.E313.YellownessIndex . .7 Berger59.Whiteness . .7 BVR2XYZ . .8 cccie31 . .9 cccie64 . 10 CCT2XYZ . 11 CentralsISCCNBS . 11 CheckColorLookup . 12 1 2 R topics documented: ChromaticAdaptation . 13 chromaticity.diagram . 14 chromaticity.diagram.color . 14 CIE.Whiteness . 15 CIE1931xy2CIE1960uv . 16 CIE1931xy2CIE1976uv . 17 CIE1931XYZ2CIE1931xyz . 18 CIE1931XYZ2CIE1960uv . 19 CIE1931XYZ2CIE1976uv . 20 CIE1960UCS2CIE1964 . 21 CIE1960UCS2xy . 22 CIE1976chroma . 23 CIE1976hueangle . 23 CIE1976uv2CIE1931xy . 24 CIE1976uv2CIE1960uv . 25 CIE1976uvSaturation . 26 CIELabtoDIN99 . 27 CIEluminanceY2NCSblackness . 28 CIETint . 28 ciexyz31 . 29 ciexyz64 . 30 CMY2CMYK . 31 CMY2RGB . 32 CMYK2CMY . 32 ColorBlockFromMunsell . 33 compuphaseDifferenceRGB . 34 conversionIlluminance . 35 conversionLuminance . 36 createIsoTempLinesTable . 37 daylightcomponents . 38 deltaE1976