בס״ד בס״ד Learning from our Leaders Pirchei Agudas Yisroel of America

One motzei Shabbos, a few weeks before R’ ’s passing, he decided But Rebbi, how will Don’t worry, to daven maariv in , even though you have the strength my son, Hashem will give me the PIRCHEI he hardly had the strength to walk. to climb the flight of stairs? strength… Agudas Yisroel of America Vol: 4 Issue: 29 - ט' סיון, תשע"ז - OY! we must Not yet, my June 3, 2017 have missed son. I want to go שבועות יום א: אקדמות, שמות יט:א-כ:כג; יום ב: רות, דברים טו:יט-טז:יז davening… Rebbi, upstairs to the let’s go home. bais hamedrash. הלל שלם - ב׳ ימים, יזכור יום ב׳ דשבועות דף יומי: בבא בתרא קכ״ט, ק״ל פרשה: נשא הפטרה לשבת: ויהי איש אחד... ושמו מנוח ואשתו עקרה... )שפטים יג:ב-כה( דף יומי: בבא בתרא קל״ב אבות פרק א' מצות עשה: 7 מצות לא תעשה: 11 TorahThoughts

.has passed יוֹם טוֹב is felt even after the יוֹם טוֹב that the message of …וְ נוֹהַגִ ים לְהַרְ בּוֹת קְ צַ ת בְּאֲכִ ילָה וּשְתִ יָה בְּ יוֹם אַחַ ר הַחַ ג, וְ הוּא אִסְ רוּ חַ ג )הג׳ As news spread that R’ Yechezkel was After all the bachurim filed by, he davened maariv by should include planning to create a יוֹם טוֹב Preparation for any רמ״א סימן תל ,סעיף ב( .coming to the bais hamedrash the himself and returned home in a state of utter fatigue .יוֹם טוֹב meaningful take-away appropriate to that particular יום bachurim all waited in anticipation. … and the [prevalent] custom is to celebrate the day after with a little extra [festivity with] food and drink; this day is [known טוב Rebbi, why go זְ מַ ן מַ תַ ן is referred to as שָ ֻב ע וֹ ת explains that חִ דוּשֵּ י הַרִ י״ם through so much hardship? The . אִ סְ ר וּ חַ ג [as – זְ מַ ן קַ בָּ לַ ת הַ ת וֹ רָ ה was given, and not ת וֹ רָ ה the time when the – תוֹרָתֵּ נוּ Gut Voch! A Why didn’t we go home once occurred ת וֹ רָ ה was accepted. The giving of the ת וֹ רָ ה regarding the the time when the שִ מְ חָ ה Gutte Voch… we saw that we had missed It is interesting to note that the special .only at the beginning of only once; therefore we can celebrate an anniversary of this occasion רַ מָ ״ א is mentioned by the יוֹם טוֹב maariv? day after The We make this special celebration of the anniversary of the giving of the .יוֹם טוֹב of preparation for הֲ לָ כוֹת when discussing the ,הִ לְ כוֹת פֶּ סַ ח but it is with the understanding that every day we renew our , ת וֹ רָ ה is אִ סְ ר וּ חַ ג of מִ ְ נ הָ ג seems rather puzzling. The הֲ לָ כָ ה placement of this and living according to the ways of ת וֹ רָ ה at the daily commitment to learning הֲ לָ כָ ה teach this רַ מָ ״ א why would the ;יוֹם טוֹב relevant only after . ת וֹ רָ ה the ?יוֹם טוֹב of הֲ לָ כוֹת beginning of the ר ֺאש at the end of יְ רוּשַ לְמִ י quotes a ( בַּ מִ דְ בָּ ר כ ח : ל) חִ זְ ק וּ ִ נ י answers this question by The שַ לִ י טָ ״ א R’ Shlomo Boruch Frenkel חַ טָ א ת the word שָ ֻב ע וֹ ת of יוֹם טוֹב of the ָפ רָ שָ ה that says that in the הַ שָ ָנ ה is conveying an insightful message. The name רַ מָ ״ א explaining that the explains יְ רוּשַ לְמִ י The . שְ עִ י ר לְ חַ טָ א ת tie the offering is not mentioned in regard to the — אִסְ רוּ חַ ג בַּעֲבוֹתִ ים… is derived from the words אִ סְ ר וּ חַ ג He cordially shook the hand of each of by leaving out the word כְ לַ ל יִשְ רָ אֵּ ל conveys to ד׳ is referring to the that the message פָ סוּק This .(תְהִ לִים קיח:כז)…of the festival with ropes the hundreds of bachurim, smiling and Jews’ sheep, goats, etc. that had been checked for any blemishes and He wiped away all , ת וֹ רָ ה is that when they accepted the yoke of חַ טָ א ת .exchanging words of brachah with each one .without any sin צַ דִ י קִ י ם גְ מ וּ רִ י ם s sins. They were now like’כְ לַ ל יִשְ רָ אֵּ ל Before of . קָ רְ ָ בּ ן were found to be blemish free, and fit to be offered as a these animals were brought into the house and lovingly Every day we have the same opportunity to reaccept upon יוֹם טוֹב every tied to the foot of the master’s bed until they were ready to be and to renew our ת וֹ רָ ה Let me explain to you, my son. You ourselves to follow the ways of the . קָ רְ ָ בּ נ וֹ ת as בֵּּ י ת הַ מִ קְ דָ ש As you can see, brought to the Every single day, when we renew our . ת וֹ רָ ה s’ד׳ are right about maariv, but I knew my commitment to I am an old sick man, commitment, all our sins will be forgiven and we have the opportunity יוֹם to the יוֹם טוֹבmeans [lovingly] tying the day after אִ סְ ר וּ חַ ג appearance would evoke feelings of and I rarely have such an is therefore teaching us how a person should רַ מָ ״ א itself. The טוֹב …love and affection .צַדִ יק גָמוּר opportunity… the great to start afresh like a He must thoughtfully prepare in such a way .יוֹם טוֹב prepare for his exertion was but a small Our Rebbi price to pay for such a quick, let’s tell is climbing up unique mitzvah! the stairs, just everyone! no one to wish us a gut will want to miss voch… his brachah wishing of a Gut voch! Yahrtzeits our Gedolim Gedolim Glimpses רֹאשׁ יְשִׁׁ יבַת פּוֹרַ ת , זַ צַ ״ ל R' Yehuda Tzadka ָח ֵפץ ַח ִׁיים the , צַ דִׁ י קִׁ י ם said, "Two , י וֹ סֵ ף born in Baghdad, Iraq, learned under ,ר׳ ַי ֲע ֹקב ַח ִּיים סוֹ ֵפר ַז ַצ״ל ט׳ סיון In 1904, he . זַ צַ ״ ל and R' Abdallah Somech בֶּן אִּישׁ חַי the 5699 — 5630 to be זוֹכֶה were , ַכף ַה ַח ִׁיים and the 1939 — 1870 . יְ שִּׁ יבַ ת בֵ ית אֵ -ל where he learned in ,יְ רוּשָׁׁ לַ יִּ ם emigrated to of the פּוֹ סְ קִׁ י ם attracted many of the great considered the leading , זַ צַ ״ ל founded by R' Gedalya Chayun , שִּׁיְ י בָׁ ה This פ סְ ָ רִׁ י ם previous generation, and their . רֹא שׁ י ְ שִּׁ י בָׁ ה who eventually became its , רַ שַׁ ״ שׁ among them the , חַ כְ ימֵ הַ קַ בָׁ לָׁ ה home. Both תּ וֹ רָ ה in the are found in every ,יְשִּׁ יבַ ת שׁוֹשַׁ נִּ ים לְ דָׁ וִּ ד moved to the newly founded ר׳ ַי ֲע ֹקב ַח ִּיים ,In 1909 deserve this צַ דִׁ י קִׁ י ם which of these , ַכף ַה ַח ִּיים It was there that he wrote .יְ רוּשָׁׁ לַ יִּ ם section of בֵ ת י י ִּ שְ רָׁ אֵ ל distinction because they were careful ר׳ from הַ סְ כ ָׁ מ וֹ ת It received glowing . נ בְ יֵ פ סְ ָׁ רַ ד for מִּ שְׁ נ הָׁ ר בְ וּ רָׁ ה R’ Yechezkel was born in Horodok, Russia, to R’ Yaakov Chaim and Aidel Sarna. Until the became like the It also documents many . זַ צַ ״ ל Berlin ר׳ ַח ִּיים and זַ צַ ״ ל Sonnenfeld יוֹ ֵסף ַח ִּיים .He then was sent to Slabodka .חדר age of 11 he learned with his father and in the local In 1904 he learned in Telz under R’ Chaim Telzer and R’ Shimon Shkop. One year later he with their speech.” It follows that every and had the קָ ד וֹ שׁ is פ סְ ָ רִׁ י ם word in their יָׁגֵל ,קוֹל יַעֲקֹב include סְ פ ָׁ רִּ י ם of Iraqi Jews. Some of his other מִּ נ ְ הָׁ גִּ י ם Der Alter”). During original“) ר׳ נתן צבי פינקל of תלמיד מובהק returned to Slabodka, and became a ! מְ קֻ בָ ל בַ שָׁ מַ יִׁ ם to be סִׁ י ַ עְ א תָּ דִׁ שְׁ מַ ָי א . מַיִּשְ ח י ִּ שְ רָׁ אֵ ל and יַעֲקֹב .and R’ Naftoli Trop חפץ חיים of Radin and became close to the ישיבה WWI, he joined the the daughter of ,פעשא מרים Shortly after the war he returned to Slabodka and married R’ . In 1924, he was sent by “Der Alter” to relocate ,ראש ישיבה the לע״נ ר׳ ישראל בן אברהם ז"ל Dedication opportunities are available. If you would like to sponsor or receive this publication ישיבה massacre in 1929, he re-established the חברון After the .ארץ ישראל in ישיבה Slabodka לע״נ הב׳ ישעיהו דוב ע״ה בן יבלחט״א יצחק צבי נ״י and was a leader in via email, please send an email to [email protected] ועד הישיבות together with R’ Leib Chasman. He founded the ירושלים in .ספרים and other בית יחזקאל He authored .ארץ ישראל in מועצת and the חנוך עצמאי ,ועד הצלה the Join Pirchei for inspiring shiurim by special guest speakers! For a special Shavuos night learning program in a location ו‘ אלול For any inquiries or comments please feel free to call 347-838-0869 • Illustrated by: Yishaya Suval www.leilshishi.com 5650 - 5729 1890 - 1969 near you, please contact your local Pirchei Branch coordinator or call our central office at 212 797 9000 ext. 272. .חזרת הש״ץ or קדיש, קריאת התורה Please do not read this publication during .עַל ּפִי הַלָכָ ה Please be careful to handle this sheet in the proper manner as required לע״נ ר׳ משה צבי בן הר׳ טוביה הלוי זצ״ל

Learning Contest ערב שבת with on Living the Torah Just One Blast Focus Middos The contest: During the weeks שַ בָּ ת פָּ רָּ שַ ת and until קַ ב ל ָּ תַ תּ הַ וֹ רָּ ה his grandfather leading up to ", רֹּאשׁ הַ שָּׁׁ נ ָּׁ ה Today is the day before" … אִישׁאוֹ אִשָּׁ ה כִ י יַעֲשׂוּמִ כָּׁל חַ טֹּאת הָּׁאָּׁדָּׁ ם … וַוְהִתְ וּ דּ ת אֶ חַ טָּׁ א תָּׁ ם … וְ נ ָּׁ תַ ן מִ נ ְׁ חָּ ה learn at least 45 minutes before , שְׁ ַל ח .Tomorrow morning, we Dear Talmid, ruled that he should not eat it .שׁוֹפָּׁר explained. "Today we do not blow the לַאֲשֶׁ ראָּׁשַׁ ם לוֹ. or local שִיְׁ י בָּ ה in either your ,עֶ ב רֶ שַ בָּ ת in the main shul and you will hear many more When one reads the For some unknown reason, the every שׁוֹפָּׁר A man or a woman who commits any of man’s sins … they will blow the… ,If you learn for an hour or more . בֵּי ת מִ דְׁ רָּ ש was not convinced. He תַּ לְ מִ יד חָּ כָּ ם approbation, of R' Yosef , הַ סְ כָּ מָּ ה ".blasts בַ מִ דְ בָּׁ ר ) shall confess their sin … he shall make restitution for his guilt .the you will get an additional entry into the raffle , זַ צַ ״ ל The child did not understand the explanation. He knew no Chaim Sonnenfeld .(ה:ו-ז , קִדּ וּ שַ ת שַ בָּ ת or הִ ל כְׁ וֹ ת שַ בָּ ת mentioned his case to another If you learn about עֵ דָּ ה of the Ashkenazi רַ אבַ״ד "!asked an interesting reason. He kicked and screamed, "Just one blast! Just one blast זַ צַ ״ ל R' Moshe Chagiz עֶרֶ ב יוֹם כִ פּוּר One who was willing to permit you will receive an extra raffle entry. This ,פוֹסֵ ק says ‘…a man or woman After a while, the grandfather softened at the sound of his פָּּׁ סוּק the , פָּּׁרָּׁ שַׁ ת נ שָּׁׂ ֹּ א In“ : רָּׁדְּ שָּׁׁ ה question in his .one eating the chicken on the contest is open for all ages up to 12th grade , ֵס ֶפר ַכף ַה ַח ִיים on the , ֲ ח רֵ דִ י ת .and blew one blast שׁוֹפָּׁר they shall confess … he shall make restitution for his guilt… The beloved grandchild crying, and he took the … for others to חִ זּ וּ ק It is a tremendous ַכף ַה ַח ִיים the custom in Munkács was that the Rebbe can get a small glimpse of the condition that the , רֹּאשׁ הַ שָּׁׁ נ ָּׁ ה begins in the singular form, switches to the plural, and then On פָּּׁ סוּק קִ דּוּש שֵּ ם would nullify his ruling. have your name mentioned in this ר׳ ,That year, the Rebbe went up to the esteem in which its author .שׁוֹפָּׁר concludes in the singular form. What is this teaching us? The message spoke before blowing the However, if you .עֶ ב רֶ שַ בָּ ת of learning שָּ מַ יִ ם nullified his ר׳ ַי ֲע ֹקב ַח ִיים 'was held. R , זַ צַ ״ ל Sofer ַי ֲע ֹקב ַח ִיים It is . וּתְ שׁ ב ָּׁ ה I have to do ,רִ בוֹנוֹ שֶׁ לעוֹלָּׁם" :opened it and said , אָר וֹ ן הַ ק ֹּ דֶ שׁ is that all Jews are responsible for one another and we even have to yet I Yosef Chaim Sonnenfeld writes view in deference to the other prefer to remain anonymous (like one group ,שׁוֹפָּׁר one mustn't blow רֹּאשׁ הַ שָּׁׁ נ ָּׁ ה confess for the sins of others.” written that on the day before בָּ ח וּ רִ י ם This concept of mutual responsibility works both ways. If did.” that the author is “from those of 7-10 in NY State), you can still join this exciting program, and we will not publish תַּ לְ מִ יד חָּ כָּ ם and the ,פוֹסֵ ק רִ בוֹנוֹ שֶׁ ל " :can He began to sob uncontrollably and called out וּתְ שׁ ב ָּׁ ה the , חֵ טְ א for his own personal וּתְ שׁ ב ָּׁ ה one Jew does sincere returned home with his chicken. your info. Please send in your signed faxes by — ע בֲ וֹ דָּ ה and תּ וֹ רָּ ה It was because my who toil in ? מִ נ ְ הָּׁ ג do You know why I transgressed this ,עוֹלָּׁם מְ קַ רֵ ב and hopefully be וּתְ שׁ ב ָּׁ ה be a catalyst that causes others to do never Monday 2:00 pm to 718 506 9633. Please תַּל ְ ימִ ד כ חָּ ָּ ם However, the ”! לִ שְ מָּ ה young grandchild lay on the floor begging and crying that I should ! גְאֻ לָּׁ ה the city and , שִיְׁ י בָּ ה ,for him. My heart melted; I couldn't R' Sonnenfeld continues, had a chance to eat the chicken. include your name, grade שׁוֹפָּׁר only blow one blast of the ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ responsible state, your contact and fax #’s and your name שַ מָּ ש the , שַ בָּ ת bear to watch him cry like that, so I blew once for him, though I “I do not feel worthy to give a That (מִנְ תחַ אֶ לְ עָּׁ זָּׁ ר also known as the) זַ צַ ״ ל The Munkácser Rebbe s food will be entered into a drawing for a beautiful'תַּ לְ מִ יד חָּ כָּ ם on this work that was sent for placing the הַ סְ כָּ מָּ ה .The boy’s father, R' shouldn't have . צְבִי נ ָּׁ תָּׁ ן דָּׁ וִ ד had a grandson he adored named !מִקְׁרָּ אוֹת גְּׁ דוֹלוֹת חוּמָּשִ ים Baruch Rabinovich, would often recall that his father-in-law’s special "Tatte, Father, how can You stand by and see how millions to me … it is totally unnecessary. set of be announcing the אי״ה in the communal oven We will can be סֵ פֶ ר love for this boy was in part due to the fact that he and his of Your children are down on the floor, crying out to You, 'Tatte, just The brilliance of the ֶ ע רֶ ב accidentally forgot about the names of those who are entered into the שׁוֹפָּׁר sound the blast of the great ,תְקַ עבְ שׁוֹפָּׁרגָּׁדוֹל לְחֵ רוּתֵ נוּ !wife Frima, the Rebbe’s only daughter, had waited a long time to one blast .Learning Contest שַ בָּ ת ,Even if witnessed on its own merit … I see chicken, and it got burnt '!גָּׁ לוּת have their first child. He would often play with and "spoil" the child. that will herald the final Redemption from our terrible :has yet to how the author toiled with all his becoming inedible. Current contestants מָּׁ שִׁ י חַ The Rebbe and Tzvi were so close that Tzvi would often sit on his the time is not right for it yet, even if the time for Grade 1 – Binyamin Greenberg, Yeshiva Torah ר׳ ַי ֲע ֹקב ַח ִיים , תַּ ְ ל מִ י ד My הֲ לָּ כָּ ה tisch. arrive, Your children cry out to You — how can You stand by idly?" strength to explain each שַׁ בָּׁ ת grandfather's lap at the on The Rebbe’s son-in-law would cry as he recounted this according to all the appropriate must have reckoned that the Temimah; Brooklyn, NY; Chaim Dov שׁוֹפָּׁ ר took the מִ נְחַ ת אֶ לְ עָּׁ זָּׁ ר In the final year of his life, the ;was greater than himself Jacobowitz, Politz Hebrew Academy פוֹסֵ ק and then was always … שִ יטוֹת קְהִ ל ָּׁ ה and tested it to see whether it was beautiful story, and he would recall how at that time the entire אֶ ל וּ ל the first day of the month of .was delayed for a successful in bringing out the final Philadelphia, PA שׁוֹפָּׁר in good condition. Tzvi was in the room and was visibly excited by the cried along with the Rebbe. The blowing of the ;could not regain their composure and loud and, therefore, the owner of the Grade 3 – Chaim Mark, Yeshiva Bais Mikrah קְ להִ ָּׁ ה and its sounds. He asked the Rebbe for one more blast of the very long time. The שׁוֹפָּׁר ,on. Monsey, NY; Yehudah Altusky, Yaakov Bell סוֹ מֵ ְך to be דֵ עָּ ה chicken had a ”… הֲ לָּ כָּ ה … and his zeide gladly obliged. From then on, for the remainder of wailing was heard throughout the main shul ,שׁוֹפָּׁר had a profound effect There was something With such modesty and respect Yissochar Dov Duskis, Yosef Nisenfeld, Yoshi וּתְ שׁ ב ָּׁ ה the Rebbe’s , רֹּאשׁ הַ שָּׁׁ נ ָּׁ ה once That שׁוֹפָּׁר the month, this became a ritual; the Rebbe would blow the ;is it any Yermish, Politz Hebrew Academy , פ וֹ סֵ ק towards another פִ סְ י קֵ ל הֲ ָּ כ וֹ ת s’ר׳ ַי ֲע ֹקב ַח ִיים about . קְ הִ ל ָּׁ ה Tzvi was there, on the entire , רֹּאשׁ הַ שָּׁׁ נ ָּׁ ה each day for little Tzvi. On the day before .but he was that clearly showed he had an wonder that he merited such Philadelphia, PA ,שׁוֹפָּׁר awaiting his daily blast from his zeide’s in Munkács רֹּאשׁ הַ שָּׁׁ נָּׁ ה Adapted from reminiscences of the Rebbe’s son-in-law about Grade 4 – Yosef Friedman, Yeshiva Ohr תּ וֹ רָּ ה The crown of ? סִי ַ עְ תָּּ א דִ שְ י מַ ָּ א An . סִי ַ עְ תָּּ א דִ שְ י מַ ָּ א disappointed. unusual example can be seen in the Shraga; Brooklyn, NY; Reuven Fischer, Asher shines best on someone who is Yeshaya Knopfler, Fallsburg Cheder School, following episode. respectful and modest! Fallsburg, NY; Kalev Bernhard, Daniel Schneider, Yedidya Brand, Politz Hebrew יְהִ יזִכְ רוֹ בָּרוְּך! asked תַּ לְ מִ יד חָּ כָּ ם Once, a .Academy; Philadelphia, PA רֶ בִ י Your ,בְ יְדִ ידוּת a question on the ר׳ ַי ֲע ֹקב ַח ִיים of Moment the Grade 5 – Yosef Greenberg, Yeshiva Torah (A letter from a Rebbi (based on interviews ר׳ ַי ֲע ֹקב ַח ִיים .of a chicken כַשְ רוּת Questions week רש"י Chofetz Chaim ,Temimah; Brooklyn, NY; Gefen Afrati ספר ח״ח הלכות רכילות כלל ג׳ סעיף א׳ ,allude to Avraham Yitzchak Duskis, Yaakov Nisenfeld נְ י שִׂ אִׂ י ם brought by the קָ רְ ָ ב נ וֹ ת Eliezer said to Levi, “Do you know what Shimon said about you? He said that 1. Which animals from the* ;Yonah Miller, Politz Hebrew Academy ?אָ בוֹת הַקְ דוֹשִׂ ים you always exaggerate when you tell over stories. I would even repeat his the allude to נְ י שִׂ אִׂ י ם brought by the קָ רְ ָ ב נ וֹ ת Which animals from the .1 .have a Philadelphia, PA נְ י שִׂ אִׂ י ם brought by the קָ רְ ָ ב נ וֹ ת statement if Shimon was standing right next to me.” Later that day, Eliezer had 2. Which animals from the ?אָ בוֹת הַקְ דוֹשִׂ ים the opportunity to prove his claim. Since Shimon turned red when Eliezer the What is this connection? Grade 6 – Mayer Ozer Greenberg, Yeshiva ?שָ בוּעוֹת connection to

have a Sage Sayings Torah Temimah; Refael Shabtai, Yeshiva נְ י שִׂ אִׂ י ם brought by the קָ רְ ָ ב נ וֹ ת repeated his remark in Shimon’s presence, Levi took this as a sign of Shimon’s 2. Which animals from the

7:23). – ( 2 the of each on 5 the and רוֹת בְ דִׂ לוּחוֹת ילִם אֵ ד״ה אֵ ילִם

Ateret Torah; Brooklyn, NY; Eli Bell, Elimelech ים שִׂ חוּמָ ?What is this connection ?שָ בוּעוֹת guilt and he was no longer friends with Shimon. connection to

. The 5 alludes to the 5 5 the to alludes 5 The . and , : of parts 3 the and ְך ַ ״ נ תַ ה תוֹרָ ם י אִׂ בִׂ י נ ְ ים תוּבִׂ כְתבׂי ים לִׂ אֵ רְ שְ יִׂ ?for Eliezer to tell Levi his opinion of Shimon מ וּ תָּ ר Was it

*Stories adapted from Guard Your Tongue, A Daily Companion, A Lesson a Day and various real-life situations. Terebelo, Politz Hebrew Academy; 7:23). – ( 2 the of each on 5 the and ים שִׂ חוּמָ רוֹת בְ דִׂ לוּחוֹת ילִם אֵ ד״ה אֵ ילִם and and , to allude groups 3 The animals. 5 of groups 3 were There 2. ם יִׂ וִׂ לְ ִ ִ

.Truth will sprout from the earth … Philadelphia, PA — אֱ תמֶ מֵ אֶ ץ רֶ תִּ צְ מָ ח … ים נִׂ הֲ כֹ ֲנׂי . The 5 alludes to the 5 5 the to alludes 5 The . and , : of parts 3 the and ים לִׂ אֵ רְ שְ יִׂ ְך ַ ״ נ תַ ה תוֹרָ ם י אִׂ בִׂ י נ ְ ים תוּבִׂ כְתבׂי 7:21). – (… to alludes (sheep) יַעֲקֹב ד חָ אֶ כֶבֶשׂ ד, חָ אֶ יִל אַּ ד, חָ אֶ פַּר ד״ה פַּר אֶ חָ ד, אַּ יִל אֶ חָ ד, כֶבֶשׂ אֶ חָ ד


and and , to allude groups 3 The animals. 5 of groups 3 were There 2. ם יִׂ וִׂ לְ ִ ִ Grade 7 – Refael Yitzchok Friedman, Yeshiva ים נִׂ הֲ כֹ ֲנׂי the ; to alludes (ram) the ; to alludes bull) (young The 1. ם הָ רָ בְ אַ ל יִׂ אַ ק חָ צְ יִׂ ש בֶּ כֶּ ֶ

s explanation of’ר׳ שְ ל מוּאֵ רוֹזוֹבְסְקִּ י זַצַ ״ל .(תְהִּ לִּים פה:יב) ר פַ

relationships (as it did in our story). The fact that Shimon turned red does not prove his his prove not does red turned Shimon that fact The story). our in did it (as relationships

7:21). – (… to alludes (sheep) ד חָ אֶ כֶבֶשׂ ד, חָ אֶ יִל אַּ ד, חָ אֶ פַּר ד״ה פַּר אֶ חָ ד, אַּ יִל אֶ חָ ד, כֶבֶשׂ אֶ חָ ד

,Ohr Shraga; Brooklyn, NY; Shaya Pinter יַעֲקֹב

. It will definitely cause bad feelings and can destroy destroy can and feelings bad cause definitely will It . of the violating still ר וּ סּ אִ ילוּת כִ רְ ִיוּ

the ; to alludes (ram) the ; to alludes bull) (young The 1. ם הָ רָ בְ אַ ל יִׂ אַ ק חָ צְ יִׂ ש בֶּ כֶּ ֶ

;to always Torah Bais Avrohom, Lakewood, NJ זוֹכֶ ה was ַכף ַה ַח ִּיים explains why the פָ סוּק this ר פַ

: Even if Eliezer is willing to repeat his disparaging remarks in front of Shimon, he is is he Shimon, of front in remarks disparaging his repeat to willing is Eliezer if Even : r e w s n

Yitzi Levit, Chaim Leib Miller, Politz Hebrew װאָס מעֶר “ , תַל ְ מִּ י דִּ י ם A find the truth. He would explain to his .Academy; Philadelphia, PA אַמעֶנטש האַלטזִּ יְך נִּידעֶרִּ יק,אַלץ גרִּ ינגעֶראִּ יז עֶס פאַר אִּ ים צוּ Grade 8 – Simcha Meir Friedman, Yeshiva Ohr .The more humble a person is [lowly as Shraga; Brooklyn, NY—זעֶהן דעֶר אֶמֶ ת after earth], the easier it is for him to recognize the truth תַּ חֲ נ וּ ן of saying מִ נ ְ הָׁ ג in a place where the מִ תְ פַּ לֵּ ל  A ; אִ ר סְ וּ חַּ ג שָׁ בוּעוֹת only on תַּ חֲ נ וּ ן  Some refrain from saying . מִנְ הָׁ ג הַּ מָׁ ק וֹ ם must follow the מִ נ ְ הָׁ ג differs from his שָׁ בוּעוֹת However, many wait .י״ב סִ יוָׁן until תַּ חֲנוּן others do not say מִ שֶׁ ל אָ ב וֹ ת :Halacha [which sprouts from the earth].” Adapted from .לֺא תִתְ גֺדְ דוּ Acting differently is wrong and is a violation of .י״ג סִ יוָׁן until after

.in the context of the bigger picture. Use them as a starting point for further in-depth study הֲ לָ כ וֹ ת it is important to consider these , הֲ לָ כ וֹ ת Corner *Since we only discuss 1-3 There's a new pirchei hotline! Call now - 718-663-0212 הִ לְ כוֹות עִ נְיָנֵי דְ יוֹומָ א - וּאַת חֲ נווּן אאַחֲרֵי שָׁ בווּעוֹות לע״נ ר׳ משה צבי בן הר׳ טוביה הלוי זצ״ל

Learning Contest ערב שבת with on Living the Torah Just One Blast Focus Middos The contest: During the weeks שַ בָּ ת פָּ רָּ שַ ת and until קַ ב ל ָּ תַ תּ הַ וֹ רָּ ה his grandfather leading up to ", רֹּאשׁ הַ שָּׁׁ נ ָּׁ ה Today is the day before" … אִישׁאוֹ אִשָּׁ ה כִ י יַעֲשׂוּמִ כָּׁל חַ טֹּאת הָּׁאָּׁדָּׁ ם … וַוְהִתְ וּ דּ ת אֶ חַ טָּׁ א תָּׁ ם … וְ נ ָּׁ תַ ן מִ נ ְׁ חָּ ה learn at least 45 minutes before , שְׁ ַל ח .Tomorrow morning, we Dear Talmid, ruled that he should not eat it .שׁוֹפָּׁר explained. "Today we do not blow the לַאֲשֶׁ ראָּׁשַׁ ם לוֹ. or local שִיְׁ י בָּ ה in either your ,עֶ ב רֶ שַ בָּ ת in the main shul and you will hear many more When one reads the For some unknown reason, the every שׁוֹפָּׁר A man or a woman who commits any of man’s sins … they will blow the… ,If you learn for an hour or more . בֵּי ת מִ דְׁ רָּ ש was not convinced. He תַּ לְ מִ יד חָּ כָּ ם approbation, of R' Yosef , הַ סְ כָּ מָּ ה ".blasts בַ מִ דְ בָּׁ ר ) shall confess their sin … he shall make restitution for his guilt .the you will get an additional entry into the raffle , זַ צַ ״ ל The child did not understand the explanation. He knew no Chaim Sonnenfeld .(ה:ו-ז , קִדּ וּ שַ ת שַ בָּ ת or הִ ל כְׁ וֹ ת שַ בָּ ת mentioned his case to another If you learn about עֵ דָּ ה of the Ashkenazi רַ אבַ״ד "!asked an interesting reason. He kicked and screamed, "Just one blast! Just one blast זַ צַ ״ ל R' Moshe Chagiz עֶרֶ ב יוֹם כִ פּוּר One who was willing to permit you will receive an extra raffle entry. This ,פוֹסֵ ק says ‘…a man or woman After a while, the grandfather softened at the sound of his פָּּׁ סוּק the , פָּּׁרָּׁ שַׁ ת נ שָּׁׂ ֹּ א In“ : רָּׁדְּ שָּׁׁ ה question in his .one eating the chicken on the contest is open for all ages up to 12th grade , ֵס ֶפר ַכף ַה ַח ִיים on the , ֲ ח רֵ דִ י ת .and blew one blast שׁוֹפָּׁר they shall confess … he shall make restitution for his guilt… The beloved grandchild crying, and he took the … for others to חִ זּ וּ ק It is a tremendous ַכף ַה ַח ִיים the custom in Munkács was that the Rebbe can get a small glimpse of the condition that the , רֹּאשׁ הַ שָּׁׁ נ ָּׁ ה begins in the singular form, switches to the plural, and then On פָּּׁ סוּק קִ דּוּש שֵּ ם would nullify his ruling. have your name mentioned in this ר׳ ,That year, the Rebbe went up to the esteem in which its author .שׁוֹפָּׁר concludes in the singular form. What is this teaching us? The message spoke before blowing the However, if you .עֶ ב רֶ שַ בָּ ת of learning שָּ מַ יִ ם nullified his ר׳ ַי ֲע ֹקב ַח ִיים 'was held. R , זַ צַ ״ ל Sofer ַי ֲע ֹקב ַח ִיים It is . וּתְ שׁ ב ָּׁ ה I have to do ,רִ בוֹנוֹ שֶׁ לעוֹלָּׁם" :opened it and said , אָר וֹ ן הַ ק ֹּ דֶ שׁ is that all Jews are responsible for one another and we even have to yet I Yosef Chaim Sonnenfeld writes view in deference to the other prefer to remain anonymous (like one group ,שׁוֹפָּׁר one mustn't blow רֹּאשׁ הַ שָּׁׁ נ ָּׁ ה confess for the sins of others.” written that on the day before בָּ ח וּ רִ י ם This concept of mutual responsibility works both ways. If did.” that the author is “from those of 7-10 in NY State), you can still join this exciting program, and we will not publish תַּ לְ מִ יד חָּ כָּ ם and the ,פוֹסֵ ק רִ בוֹנוֹ שֶׁ ל " :can He began to sob uncontrollably and called out וּתְ שׁ ב ָּׁ ה the , חֵ טְ א for his own personal וּתְ שׁ ב ָּׁ ה one Jew does sincere returned home with his chicken. your info. Please send in your signed faxes by — ע בֲ וֹ דָּ ה and תּ וֹ רָּ ה It was because my who toil in ? מִ נ ְ הָּׁ ג do You know why I transgressed this ,עוֹלָּׁם מְ קַ רֵ ב and hopefully be וּתְ שׁ ב ָּׁ ה be a catalyst that causes others to do never Monday 2:00 pm to 718 506 9633. Please תַּל ְ ימִ ד כ חָּ ָּ ם However, the ”! לִ שְ מָּ ה young grandchild lay on the floor begging and crying that I should ! גְאֻ לָּׁ ה the city and , שִיְׁ י בָּ ה ,for him. My heart melted; I couldn't R' Sonnenfeld continues, had a chance to eat the chicken. include your name, grade שׁוֹפָּׁר only blow one blast of the ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ responsible state, your contact and fax #’s and your name שַ מָּ ש the , שַ בָּ ת bear to watch him cry like that, so I blew once for him, though I “I do not feel worthy to give a That (מִנְ תחַ אֶ לְ עָּׁ זָּׁ ר also known as the) זַ צַ ״ ל The Munkácser Rebbe s food will be entered into a drawing for a beautiful'תַּ לְ מִ יד חָּ כָּ ם on this work that was sent for placing the הַ סְ כָּ מָּ ה .The boy’s father, R' shouldn't have . צְבִי נ ָּׁ תָּׁ ן דָּׁ וִ ד had a grandson he adored named !מִקְׁרָּ אוֹת גְּׁ דוֹלוֹת חוּמָּשִ ים Baruch Rabinovich, would often recall that his father-in-law’s special "Tatte, Father, how can You stand by and see how millions to me … it is totally unnecessary. set of be announcing the אי״ה in the communal oven We will can be סֵ פֶ ר love for this boy was in part due to the fact that he and his of Your children are down on the floor, crying out to You, 'Tatte, just The brilliance of the ֶ ע רֶ ב accidentally forgot about the names of those who are entered into the שׁוֹפָּׁר sound the blast of the great ,תְקַ עבְ שׁוֹפָּׁרגָּׁדוֹל לְחֵ רוּתֵ נוּ !wife Frima, the Rebbe’s only daughter, had waited a long time to one blast .Learning Contest שַ בָּ ת ,Even if witnessed on its own merit … I see chicken, and it got burnt '!גָּׁ לוּת have their first child. He would often play with and "spoil" the child. that will herald the final Redemption from our terrible :has yet to how the author toiled with all his becoming inedible. Current contestants מָּׁ שִׁ י חַ The Rebbe and Tzvi were so close that Tzvi would often sit on his the time is not right for it yet, even if the time for Grade 1 – Binyamin Greenberg, Yeshiva Torah ר׳ ַי ֲע ֹקב ַח ִיים , תַּ ְ ל מִ י ד My הֲ לָּ כָּ ה tisch. arrive, Your children cry out to You — how can You stand by idly?" strength to explain each שַׁ בָּׁ ת grandfather's lap at the on The Rebbe’s son-in-law would cry as he recounted this according to all the appropriate must have reckoned that the Temimah; Brooklyn, NY; Chaim Dov שׁוֹפָּׁ ר took the מִ נְחַ ת אֶ לְ עָּׁ זָּׁ ר In the final year of his life, the ;was greater than himself Jacobowitz, Politz Hebrew Academy פוֹסֵ ק and then was always … שִ יטוֹת קְהִ ל ָּׁ ה and tested it to see whether it was beautiful story, and he would recall how at that time the entire אֶ ל וּ ל the first day of the month of .was delayed for a successful in bringing out the final Philadelphia, PA שׁוֹפָּׁר in good condition. Tzvi was in the room and was visibly excited by the cried along with the Rebbe. The blowing of the ;could not regain their composure and loud and, therefore, the owner of the Grade 3 – Chaim Mark, Yeshiva Bais Mikrah קְ להִ ָּׁ ה and its sounds. He asked the Rebbe for one more blast of the very long time. The שׁוֹפָּׁר ,on. Monsey, NY; Yehudah Altusky, Yaakov Bell סוֹ מֵ ְך to be דֵ עָּ ה chicken had a ”… הֲ לָּ כָּ ה … and his zeide gladly obliged. From then on, for the remainder of wailing was heard throughout the main shul ,שׁוֹפָּׁר had a profound effect There was something With such modesty and respect Yissochar Dov Duskis, Yosef Nisenfeld, Yoshi וּתְ שׁ ב ָּׁ ה the Rebbe’s , רֹּאשׁ הַ שָּׁׁ נ ָּׁ ה once That שׁוֹפָּׁר the month, this became a ritual; the Rebbe would blow the ;is it any Yermish, Politz Hebrew Academy , פ וֹ סֵ ק towards another פִ סְ י קֵ ל הֲ ָּ כ וֹ ת s’ר׳ ַי ֲע ֹקב ַח ִיים about . קְ הִ ל ָּׁ ה Tzvi was there, on the entire , רֹּאשׁ הַ שָּׁׁ נ ָּׁ ה each day for little Tzvi. On the day before .but he was that clearly showed he had an wonder that he merited such Philadelphia, PA ,שׁוֹפָּׁר awaiting his daily blast from his zeide’s in Munkács רֹּאשׁ הַ שָּׁׁ נָּׁ ה Adapted from reminiscences of the Rebbe’s son-in-law about Grade 4 – Yosef Friedman, Yeshiva Ohr תּ וֹ רָּ ה The crown of ? סִי ַ עְ תָּּ א דִ שְ י מַ ָּ א An . סִי ַ עְ תָּּ א דִ שְ י מַ ָּ א disappointed. unusual example can be seen in the Shraga; Brooklyn, NY; Reuven Fischer, Asher shines best on someone who is Yeshaya Knopfler, Fallsburg Cheder School, following episode. respectful and modest! Fallsburg, NY; Kalev Bernhard, Daniel Schneider, Yedidya Brand, Politz Hebrew יְהִ יזִכְ רוֹ בָּרוְּך! asked תַּ לְ מִ יד חָּ כָּ ם Once, a .Academy; Philadelphia, PA רֶ בִ י Your ,בְ יְדִ ידוּת a question on the ר׳ ַי ֲע ֹקב ַח ִיים of Moment the Grade 5 – Yosef Greenberg, Yeshiva Torah (A letter from a Rebbi (based on interviews ר׳ ַי ֲע ֹקב ַח ִיים .of a chicken כַשְ רוּת Questions week רש"י Chofetz Chaim ,Temimah; Brooklyn, NY; Gefen Afrati ספר ח״ח הלכות רכילות כלל ג׳ סעיף א׳ ,allude to Avraham Yitzchak Duskis, Yaakov Nisenfeld נְ י שִׂ אִׂ י ם brought by the קָ רְ ָ ב נ וֹ ת Eliezer said to Levi, “Do you know what Shimon said about you? He said that 1. Which animals from the* ;Yonah Miller, Politz Hebrew Academy ?אָ בוֹת הַקְ דוֹשִׂ ים you always exaggerate when you tell over stories. I would even repeat his the allude to נְ י שִׂ אִׂ י ם brought by the קָ רְ ָ ב נ וֹ ת Which animals from the .1 .have a Philadelphia, PA נְ י שִׂ אִׂ י ם brought by the קָ רְ ָ ב נ וֹ ת statement if Shimon was standing right next to me.” Later that day, Eliezer had 2. Which animals from the ?אָ בוֹת הַקְ דוֹשִׂ ים the opportunity to prove his claim. Since Shimon turned red when Eliezer the What is this connection? Grade 6 – Mayer Ozer Greenberg, Yeshiva ?שָ בוּעוֹת connection to

have a Sage Sayings Torah Temimah; Refael Shabtai, Yeshiva נְ י שִׂ אִׂ י ם brought by the קָ רְ ָ ב נ וֹ ת repeated his remark in Shimon’s presence, Levi took this as a sign of Shimon’s 2. Which animals from the

7:23). – ( 2 the of each on 5 the and רוֹת בְ דִׂ לוּחוֹת ילִם אֵ ד״ה אֵ ילִם

Ateret Torah; Brooklyn, NY; Eli Bell, Elimelech ים שִׂ חוּמָ ?What is this connection ?שָ בוּעוֹת guilt and he was no longer friends with Shimon. connection to

. The 5 alludes to the 5 5 the to alludes 5 The . and , : of parts 3 the and ְך ַ ״ נ תַ ה תוֹרָ ם י אִׂ בִׂ י נ ְ ים תוּבִׂ כְתבׂי ים לִׂ אֵ רְ שְ יִׂ ?for Eliezer to tell Levi his opinion of Shimon מ וּ תָּ ר Was it

*Stories adapted from Guard Your Tongue, A Daily Companion, A Lesson a Day and various real-life situations. Terebelo, Politz Hebrew Academy; 7:23). – ( 2 the of each on 5 the and ים שִׂ חוּמָ רוֹת בְ דִׂ לוּחוֹת ילִם אֵ ד״ה אֵ ילִם and and , to allude groups 3 The animals. 5 of groups 3 were There 2. ם יִׂ וִׂ לְ ִ ִ

.Truth will sprout from the earth … Philadelphia, PA — אֱ תמֶ מֵ אֶ ץ רֶ תִּ צְ מָ ח … ים נִׂ הֲ כֹ ֲנׂי . The 5 alludes to the 5 5 the to alludes 5 The . and , : of parts 3 the and ים לִׂ אֵ רְ שְ יִׂ ְך ַ ״ נ תַ ה תוֹרָ ם י אִׂ בִׂ י נ ְ ים תוּבִׂ כְתבׂי 7:21). – (… to alludes (sheep) יַעֲקֹב ד חָ אֶ כֶבֶשׂ ד, חָ אֶ יִל אַּ ד, חָ אֶ פַּר ד״ה פַּר אֶ חָ ד, אַּ יִל אֶ חָ ד, כֶבֶשׂ אֶ חָ ד


and and , to allude groups 3 The animals. 5 of groups 3 were There 2. ם יִׂ וִׂ לְ ִ ִ Grade 7 – Refael Yitzchok Friedman, Yeshiva ים נִׂ הֲ כֹ ֲנׂי the ; to alludes (ram) the ; to alludes bull) (young The 1. ם הָ רָ בְ אַ ל יִׂ אַ ק חָ צְ יִׂ ש בֶּ כֶּ ֶ

s explanation of’ר׳ שְ ל מוּאֵ רוֹזוֹבְסְקִּ י זַצַ ״ל .(תְהִּ לִּים פה:יב) ר פַ

relationships (as it did in our story). The fact that Shimon turned red does not prove his his prove not does red turned Shimon that fact The story). our in did it (as relationships

7:21). – (… to alludes (sheep) ד חָ אֶ כֶבֶשׂ ד, חָ אֶ יִל אַּ ד, חָ אֶ פַּר ד״ה פַּר אֶ חָ ד, אַּ יִל אֶ חָ ד, כֶבֶשׂ אֶ חָ ד

,Ohr Shraga; Brooklyn, NY; Shaya Pinter יַעֲקֹב

. It will definitely cause bad feelings and can destroy destroy can and feelings bad cause definitely will It . of the violating still ר וּ סּ אִ ילוּת כִ רְ ִיוּ

the ; to alludes (ram) the ; to alludes bull) (young The 1. ם הָ רָ בְ אַ ל יִׂ אַ ק חָ צְ יִׂ ש בֶּ כֶּ ֶ

;to always Talmud Torah Bais Avrohom, Lakewood, NJ זוֹכֶ ה was ַכף ַה ַח ִּיים explains why the פָ סוּק this ר פַ

: Even if Eliezer is willing to repeat his disparaging remarks in front of Shimon, he is is he Shimon, of front in remarks disparaging his repeat to willing is Eliezer if Even : r e w s n

Yitzi Levit, Chaim Leib Miller, Politz Hebrew װאָס מעֶר “ , תַל ְ מִּ י דִּ י ם A find the truth. He would explain to his .Academy; Philadelphia, PA אַמעֶנטש האַלטזִּ יְך נִּידעֶרִּ יק,אַלץ גרִּ ינגעֶראִּ יז עֶס פאַר אִּ ים צוּ Grade 8 – Simcha Meir Friedman, Yeshiva Ohr .The more humble a person is [lowly as Shraga; Brooklyn, NY—זעֶהן דעֶר אֶמֶ ת after earth], the easier it is for him to recognize the truth תַּ חֲ נ וּ ן of saying מִ נ ְ הָׁ ג in a place where the מִ תְ פַּ לֵּ ל  A ; אִ ר סְ וּ חַּ ג שָׁ בוּעוֹת only on תַּ חֲ נ וּ ן  Some refrain from saying . מִנְ הָׁ ג הַּ מָׁ ק וֹ ם must follow the מִ נ ְ הָׁ ג differs from his שָׁ בוּעוֹת However, many wait .י״ב סִ יוָׁן until תַּ חֲנוּן others do not say מִ שֶׁ ל אָ ב וֹ ת :Halacha [which sprouts from the earth].” Adapted from .לֺא תִתְ גֺדְ דוּ Acting differently is wrong and is a violation of .י״ג סִ יוָׁן until after

.in the context of the bigger picture. Use them as a starting point for further in-depth study הֲ לָ כ וֹ ת it is important to consider these , הֲ לָ כ וֹ ת Corner *Since we only discuss 1-3 There's a new pirchei hotline! Call now - 718-663-0212 הִ לְ כוֹות עִ נְיָנֵי דְ יוֹומָ א - וּאַת חֲ נווּן אאַחֲרֵי שָׁ בווּעוֹות בס״ד בס״ד Learning from our Leaders Pirchei Agudas Yisroel of America

One motzei Shabbos, a few weeks before R’ Yechezkel Sarna’s passing, he decided But Rebbi, how will Don’t worry, to daven maariv in yeshiva, even though you have the strength my son, Hashem will give me the PIRCHEI he hardly had the strength to walk. to climb the flight of stairs? strength… Agudas Yisroel of America Vol: 4 Issue: 29 - ט' סיון, תשע"ז - OY! we must Not yet, my June 3, 2017 have missed son. I want to go שבועות יום א: אקדמות, שמות יט:א-כ:כג; יום ב: רות, דברים טו:יט-טז:יז davening… Rebbi, upstairs to the let’s go home. bais hamedrash. הלל שלם - ב׳ ימים, יזכור יום ב׳ דשבועות דף יומי: בבא בתרא קכ״ט, ק״ל פרשה: נשא הפטרה לשבת: ויהי איש אחד... ושמו מנוח ואשתו עקרה... )שפטים יג:ב-כה( דף יומי: בבא בתרא קל״ב אבות פרק א' מצות עשה: 7 מצות לא תעשה: 11 TorahThoughts

.has passed יוֹם טוֹב is felt even after the יוֹם טוֹב that the message of …וְ נוֹהַגִ ים לְהַרְ בּוֹת קְ צַ ת בְּאֲכִ ילָה וּשְתִ יָה בְּ יוֹם אַחַ ר הַחַ ג, וְ הוּא אִסְ רוּ חַ ג )הג׳ As news spread that R’ Yechezkel was After all the bachurim filed by, he davened maariv by should include planning to create a יוֹם טוֹב Preparation for any רמ״א סימן תל ,סעיף ב( .coming to the bais hamedrash the himself and returned home in a state of utter fatigue .יוֹם טוֹב meaningful take-away appropriate to that particular יום bachurim all waited in anticipation. … and the [prevalent] custom is to celebrate the day after with a little extra [festivity with] food and drink; this day is [known טוב Rebbi, why go זְ מַ ן מַ תַ ן is referred to as שָ ֻב ע וֹ ת explains that חִ דוּשֵּ י הַרִ י״ם through so much hardship? The . אִ סְ ר וּ חַ ג [as – זְ מַ ן קַ בָּ לַ ת הַ ת וֹ רָ ה was given, and not ת וֹ רָ ה the time when the – תוֹרָתֵּ נוּ Gut Voch! A Why didn’t we go home once occurred ת וֹ רָ ה was accepted. The giving of the ת וֹ רָ ה regarding the the time when the שִ מְ חָ ה Gutte Voch… we saw that we had missed It is interesting to note that the special .only at the beginning of only once; therefore we can celebrate an anniversary of this occasion רַ מָ ״ א is mentioned by the יוֹם טוֹב maariv? day after The We make this special celebration of the anniversary of the giving of the .יוֹם טוֹב of preparation for הֲ לָ כוֹת when discussing the ,הִ לְ כוֹת פֶּ סַ ח but it is with the understanding that every day we renew our , ת וֹ רָ ה is אִ סְ ר וּ חַ ג of מִ ְ נ הָ ג seems rather puzzling. The הֲ לָ כָ ה placement of this and living according to the ways of ת וֹ רָ ה at the daily commitment to learning הֲ לָ כָ ה teach this רַ מָ ״ א why would the ;יוֹם טוֹב relevant only after . ת וֹ רָ ה the ?יוֹם טוֹב of הֲ לָ כוֹת beginning of the ר ֺאש at the end of יְ רוּשַ לְמִ י quotes a ( בַּ מִ דְ בָּ ר כ ח : ל) חִ זְ ק וּ ִ נ י answers this question by The שַ לִ י טָ ״ א R’ Shlomo Boruch Frenkel חַ טָ א ת the word שָ ֻב ע וֹ ת of יוֹם טוֹב of the ָפ רָ שָ ה that says that in the הַ שָ ָנ ה is conveying an insightful message. The name רַ מָ ״ א explaining that the explains יְ רוּשַ לְמִ י The . שְ עִ י ר לְ חַ טָ א ת tie the offering is not mentioned in regard to the — אִסְ רוּ חַ ג בַּעֲבוֹתִ ים… is derived from the words אִ סְ ר וּ חַ ג He cordially shook the hand of each of by leaving out the word כְ לַ ל יִשְ רָ אֵּ ל conveys to ד׳ is referring to the that the message פָ סוּק This .(תְהִ לִים קיח:כז)…of the festival with ropes the hundreds of bachurim, smiling and Jews’ sheep, goats, etc. that had been checked for any blemishes and He wiped away all , ת וֹ רָ ה is that when they accepted the yoke of חַ טָ א ת .exchanging words of brachah with each one .without any sin צַ דִ י קִ י ם גְ מ וּ רִ י ם s sins. They were now like’כְ לַ ל יִשְ רָ אֵּ ל Before of . קָ רְ ָ בּ ן were found to be blemish free, and fit to be offered as a these animals were brought into the house and lovingly Every day we have the same opportunity to reaccept upon יוֹם טוֹב every tied to the foot of the master’s bed until they were ready to be and to renew our ת וֹ רָ ה Let me explain to you, my son. You ourselves to follow the ways of the . קָ רְ ָ בּ נ וֹ ת as בֵּּ י ת הַ מִ קְ דָ ש As you can see, brought to the Every single day, when we renew our . ת וֹ רָ ה s’ד׳ are right about maariv, but I knew my commitment to I am an old sick man, commitment, all our sins will be forgiven and we have the opportunity יוֹם to the יוֹם טוֹבmeans [lovingly] tying the day after אִ סְ ר וּ חַ ג appearance would evoke feelings of and I rarely have such an is therefore teaching us how a person should רַ מָ ״ א itself. The טוֹב …love and affection .צַדִ יק גָמוּר opportunity… the great to start afresh like a He must thoughtfully prepare in such a way .יוֹם טוֹב prepare for his exertion was but a small Our Rebbi price to pay for such a quick, let’s tell is climbing up unique mitzvah! the stairs, just everyone! no one to wish us a gut will want to miss voch… his brachah wishing of a Gut voch! Yahrtzeits our Gedolim Gedolim Glimpses רֹאשׁ יְשִׁׁ יבַת פּוֹרַ ת , זַ צַ ״ ל R' Yehuda Tzadka ָח ֵפץ ַח ִׁיים the , צַ דִׁ י קִׁ י ם said, "Two , י וֹ סֵ ף born in Baghdad, Iraq, learned under ,ר׳ ַי ֲע ֹקב ַח ִּיים סוֹ ֵפר ַז ַצ״ל ט׳ סיון In 1904, he . זַ צַ ״ ל and R' Abdallah Somech בֶּן אִּישׁ חַי the 5699 — 5630 to be זוֹכֶה were , ַכף ַה ַח ִׁיים and the 1939 — 1870 . יְ שִּׁ יבַ ת בֵ ית אֵ -ל where he learned in ,יְ רוּשָׁׁ לַ יִּ ם emigrated to of the פּוֹ סְ קִׁ י ם attracted many of the great considered the leading , זַ צַ ״ ל founded by R' Gedalya Chayun , שִּׁיְ י בָׁ ה This פ סְ ָ רִׁ י ם previous generation, and their . רֹא שׁ י ְ שִּׁ י בָׁ ה who eventually became its , רַ שַׁ ״ שׁ among them the , חַ כְ ימֵ הַ קַ בָׁ לָׁ ה home. Both תּ וֹ רָ ה in the are found in every ,יְשִּׁ יבַ ת שׁוֹשַׁ נִּ ים לְ דָׁ וִּ ד moved to the newly founded ר׳ ַי ֲע ֹקב ַח ִּיים ,In 1909 deserve this צַ דִׁ י קִׁ י ם which of these , ַכף ַה ַח ִּיים It was there that he wrote .יְ רוּשָׁׁ לַ יִּ ם section of בֵ ת י י ִּ שְ רָׁ אֵ ל distinction because they were careful ר׳ from הַ סְ כ ָׁ מ וֹ ת It received glowing . נ בְ יֵ פ סְ ָׁ רַ ד for מִּ שְׁ נ הָׁ ר בְ וּ רָׁ ה R’ Yechezkel was born in Horodok, Russia, to R’ Yaakov Chaim and Aidel Sarna. Until the became like the It also documents many . זַ צַ ״ ל Berlin ר׳ ַח ִּיים and זַ צַ ״ ל Sonnenfeld יוֹ ֵסף ַח ִּיים .He then was sent to Slabodka .חדר age of 11 he learned with his father and in the local In 1904 he learned in Telz under R’ Chaim Telzer and R’ Shimon Shkop. One year later he with their speech.” It follows that every and had the קָ ד וֹ שׁ is פ סְ ָ רִׁ י ם word in their יָׁגֵל ,קוֹל יַעֲקֹב include סְ פ ָׁ רִּ י ם of Iraqi Jews. Some of his other מִּ נ ְ הָׁ גִּ י ם Der Alter”). During original“) ר׳ נתן צבי פינקל of תלמיד מובהק returned to Slabodka, and became a ! מְ קֻ בָ ל בַ שָׁ מַ יִׁ ם to be סִׁ י ַ עְ א תָּ דִׁ שְׁ מַ ָי א . מַיִּשְ ח י ִּ שְ רָׁ אֵ ל and יַעֲקֹב .and R’ Naftoli Trop חפץ חיים of Radin and became close to the ישיבה WWI, he joined the the daughter of ,פעשא מרים Shortly after the war he returned to Slabodka and married R’ Moshe Mordechai Epstein. In 1924, he was sent by “Der Alter” to relocate ,ראש ישיבה the לע״נ ר׳ ישראל בן אברהם ז"ל Dedication opportunities are available. If you would like to sponsor or receive this publication ישיבה massacre in 1929, he re-established the חברון After the .ארץ ישראל in ישיבה Slabodka לע״נ הב׳ ישעיהו דוב ע״ה בן יבלחט״א יצחק צבי נ״י and was a leader in via email, please send an email to [email protected] ועד הישיבות together with R’ Leib Chasman. He founded the ירושלים in .ספרים and other בית יחזקאל He authored .ארץ ישראל in מועצת and the חנוך עצמאי ,ועד הצלה the Join Pirchei for inspiring shiurim by special guest speakers! For a special Shavuos night learning program in a location ו‘ אלול For any inquiries or comments please feel free to call 347-838-0869 • Illustrated by: Yishaya Suval www.leilshishi.com 5650 - 5729 1890 - 1969 near you, please contact your local Pirchei Branch coordinator or call our central office at 212 797 9000 ext. 272. .חזרת הש״ץ or קדיש, קריאת התורה Please do not read this publication during .עַל ּפִי הַלָכָ ה Please be careful to handle this sheet in the proper manner as required