f He Inspired t ays Statehood Bill h Annexation Declaration of Talk. Desires.

: um - f 1 1 I " il l A I ii iir ii a ti I . B MM UlII lwf U W WILCOX WORKS IN A BAD BOX FOR THE CABLE

No Money for Land Investiga- cited and then Revised tions - Mrs. Wilcox Pleased After it was Written. With Cordiality of Society.

U IT illlU U1U1B1 ilIlUHIL ELEGATE ROBERT W. WILCOX, Circuit Judge Abram S. Hum accompanied by his wife and phreys to tell the truth has had D CanilJy, returned from Washing ton in the Zealar.cia and have taken Up their residence at their home at the number of malicious and easily t head of Hackfeld street. The Delegate and his family are in good health but were very tired after their long trip and spent yesterday in resting at Chronicle flatly accus-- their Francisco home. Humphreys of falsehood In Jud?e "There were few people in Washing- - (IE LUC QUIU. llliv. - a j lond and it was useless for me to stay appearing in journal an in- - that f there in the extreme heat, with any I expectation of doing any business,'' I said Mr. Wilcox yesterday. "There has .fe deny he realized or heard when been very little done in official circles J this year, anyhow, for the illness of K rt i j : ; ,1 Mrs. McKinley has kept the President t Jl M I 1 at her bedside most of the time, and he has denied himself to all but the con- 1b tne Honolulu KepuDlican ol most pressing callers. The same 8S! dition as to inactivity was to be no- . ticed in the various departments and a fake interview with there been a general exodu&.to the hdge Humphreys." In the arti- cle la reproduced a letter pur-- mountains and seaside. The weather Birine id ne from . ik?p h n m - ft has been extremely hot and this was nucjs jii wuicn ne says: ine so pronounced that we did not even go Chronicle of the 24 th has an arti- to Buffalo, came home direct. he but cle which I think must have M t "There was little talk of possible an- ken sent from Honolulu. S8 It to u a take pure and simple, 88 nexation of these Islands California louid particularly call your at JUDGE GEAR I am sorry I cannot give you back the years you have lost. in Washington, or even in California. amuu io my interview in the s When the subject first came up there u&mtner of the same date. S8 was some little discussion, but no one ukh covers all I said on the seemed to take the matter seriously. I Reject to anyone." STRONG TOOK ELECTRIC CAR do not expect, of course, that there will The interview in question is THE THIRD CIRCUIT COURT be any action upon my proposal for one published in the Chronicle - Statehood at this session, or for some f June 24th, in which Judge s ALL HIS CASH MAKES A RUN years, but I want to get on record our Humphreys IS to advocated the ani- UNDER CONSIDERATION ambitions in this direction,' and mation of Hawaii to Californ- uh,,iv that wt will he satisfied with ia. The article was written for a The Captain Drew the Ke-maind- er Covert Four Blocks of the that status only. There will be a de tte Chronicle at the suggestion termined effort to have Oklahoma ad of of His Road, Moving Judge Humphreys, by C. E. With mitted during the coming session, and Swords, i a member of the S3 Attorney General Knox Must Be Convinced Ease. I believe that the move will be suc- Chronicle staff, who went to Hon- cessful. The population there is thor- olulu in response up of best to correspond-c- e s is Real oughly American, made the There Necessity for Addition - with Judge Humphreys re- NEW YORK, July 17. Since Thurs- tot Without any formality a car of the classes of farmers- from the adjoining ding a position on Judge day Captain Strong's friends in this Rapid Transit Company was run over Western States principally, and for Humphrey's paper, the Republi-j0- - the Island this reason there will be none of the He city have kept the telegraph wires Judiciary. several blocks of the line yesterday op- returned m objections to admission which have from Hono-- compan- with Judge Humphreys on busy urging him to leave his about noon. The intention had been erated against Arizona and New steamer China and wrote the ion and return to New York. The only simply to run the car inside the barn, Mexico. In the case of those Territor- uncle en mnto t..j response Strong made was to demand WASHINGTON, D. C, July 15. The friends, but promises to give serious to see that the motors were in order, ies the order of admission, in my opin- Wreys gave to very ion, will be as named. the interview with Si in for him Attorney General of the United States consideration the matter. It is once everything so that $10,000 held here trust piobable un- but started worked AH my to "w.wuon and revised It was has Hawaii very much in his mind at that nothing will be done efforts have the Interior JT 11 was written. s be sent him by telegraph. This til after the Attorney General has had smoothly that it was decided to test nenartment make an official investisra the present time. Not only is the Hum- hill-climbi- powers. June22d, the day S8 done Tuesday afternoon. further consultation with Judge Hum- the Accordingly tion of our lands have been unavailing, Humphreys, of Judge arrival here, the S The money represents the remainder phreys case before him, but the mat- phreys, There will have to appear to the car, which is one of the new pat- - j Secretary Hitchcock insists that as ttrou c e by his published an article H of the legacy of $25,000 left him ter of a third judge for the Circuit him that there is a real need' of the tern, royal blues, was taken up Alapai Congress failed to appropriate for the grandfather in trust to his father, the Court of Honolulu is being thought of third judge, and not simply that the purpose he cannot use any of the De-an- d congestion of business which resulted along Lunalilo street to the corner partment funds and so wiu not order cnat ne 5 late Mayor Strong. ex-- to ""ca young by him and his chief assistant. of Kapiolani street. All that was i Qne P Washington to try to SS Before going to San Francisco the resignation of Judge Silliman here Commlssioner Hermann 2 $15,-00- 0, de- pected been accomplished and cm - 10 of this legacy The Humphreys case will not be and the delay in naming Judge Gear had anxjous to nave something done but move- - 88 Strong had drawn to te most of which was used in paying termined for scjme weeks. The men his made the demand for the added car was returned the barn he canot take the initiative. .Tr During the run there was not a sin- eench- - he had between bt-in- court. "The facts concerning the experiment lSL n June 24th debts. When he left interested in 1t are heard and gle of any and the out- nawr $3,000 $5,000. As far as young Upon this point the opinion of Judge accident kind station and the cutting of the trees had a and the Department will come to its con- fit seemed to work with the ease whii-- Jud8e ri., Strong's future is concerned, it is Humphreys will be needed and it is not reached Washington before I left. which hi", HumPhreys clusion some time in the future. This might be expected after weeks of Me9ted learned that aside from the $10,000 tel- probable that his testimony as to the I called upon Secretary Wilson and he feh Palely that a Tuesday, he has no time may be more or less delayed, ow- business of the courts will have to do smoothing down. The curves and seemed very much interested in the M ,Z uuslness in Wash- - egraphed him on were by untried Was ing to the fact that Mr. Hankey, who with the final decision. Mr. Hankey has switches taken the work. He said he needed Mr. Smith E , r.l"d not eoing there, resources. , there B wheels without a hitch, and the car Js now or o It is assumed by his friends that he is here for the protestants against been asked as to the necessity and it is very badly in the Department, but he announced intention Humphreys, has not received his brief understood favors the action. The mounted the hill along Lunalilo street had sent him here as he is the best t will carry out his with as much ease as it moved along of settling in Japan. from Honolulu. Until that document naming of a third judge will follow im- - man at the disposal of his office, and u,u-,Waineton when S the level ground. The brakes were to see - 17 Secretary there will be nothing done, as mediately a decision shall be everyone has a desire the best U for exact- - WASHINGTON, July arrives that there policy in the much of the evidence which will sub- - such an official. given a test when the car was allowed work done here. I recommended some Root's sudden reversal of was Strong is now-know- stantiate the argument of the counsel There are only three candidates for to speed down the hill again and. 'Hawaiians for places in the station and a case of Putnam Bradlee stopped at the curve into Alapai street to have been due to orders from lies there. Mr. Knox will not decide the judgeship before the Department, secretary Wilson said he wanted men Captain Strong's fath- the case until ali this evidence is re-- Of these Edgar Caypless leads easily, with ease and. precision. The car wasjwno had been educated in agric ultural Del-W- an the President. by Manager a personal friend of the ceived. The second in point of backing is Lyle run the superintendent. coneges, and suggested that the j.,ri,"3"his fhargei er was the close Electrical Engineer Bark- - j President, and Mr. McKinley has al- The matter of the third judge is pe-- A. Dickey. The other, who has a con- - wajians be urged to send young men wPhrey. until young culiar, but what will be done in it can- - siderable backing also, in point of ley and Col. J. H. Fisher being actively j to some of the best colleges of this ways had a high regard for the engaged looking v.. nm that a the Secre- not be forecast. The Attorney General signers of endorsements, is Antonio G. after details. kind and thus fit them for the work of ram-- 2 officer. Many believe that The running of the car attracted the original action in the case was will have to pay the judge out of the Correa. It is not probable that circum- - stations. He suggested Iowa College a tary's majority of the juvenile residents of of busi- - the kindest that could have been tak- contingent expense fund of his Depart- stances will arise which will lead to as a Dlace for the learnine: the of ment, if he recommends to the Presi- the appointment of the last-name- d can- - Punchbowl, and they filled the car and ness of agriculture, and I shall recom- - - en, for it would have put a barrier open Jn3eP dent an appointment be made. didate. The naming of Caypless, it is!slooa aDout it witn moutns. mere mend this career to some of our people. it ' months and the Pacific ocean between that kew when is no other appropriation from understood has been decided upon at was a sngn stoppage oi iramc on tne ..j m(t jn san Francisco young Ly- - hh no l . the Captain and the woman who has There appeared President, which the $3,000 could be drawn. The the White House, and action only tramway, for when the car m&n 0f Hllo, whom I have appointed as proved his undoing. The down-boun- d, ET" at he " Attorney General laughs over the ac- awaits the determination of Attorney two cars, one on tiie'cadet at west Point. He is there now, however, is understood to have taken j r tion of the Hawaiian Legislature in General Knox as to the propriety of switch and the other approaching it, and hl3 examination took place last the opposite view, and, fearing further ; providing the place for one of its having the third court. were kept on the track with difficulty, week. In case he does not pass he scandal which might reach proportions one team performing the evolutions Wn'Alr'r, v. or the taking of action wlll be by me, and in the that would force the which were prophesied by Yardley. will take a course in a pre- - IIIM Strong, in- meantime n .. . unfavorable to Captain he Why the Paper Was Late. Asruinaido Irritated. ri j. jparatory school West Point. I am "atrr- - . file sent 10 to comply with at structed the Secretary con-occurr- ed - BOt Early Saturday morning an accident . MANILA, July 20. Aguinaldo is Had Forty Watches. pleased with his pluck, and he will sue- Uke Captain's wishes. sur-delay- ed NlttwT matter the press siderab1y - to the Advertiser's which Irritated at his continued Two Chinamen who were arrested eeeu- "P- o" " theChron- - the appearance of the paper veillance by the American authorities, preparatory scnooi at Aimapous, get- "Uve yesterday for fighting had in their pos-sc-sFi- ? - ls lts reputa- - To Open Pearl Harbor. until about 10 a. m. It was a trying Whenever he signs his name he must ting ready for his examination. acc? the word "prisoner." He has re e ver forty watches believed to It was reported yesterday that upon time for Central, for everybody in add Mr. Hankey. who is representing the dredging of the town, as it seemed, was ringing up fused the request of his friends to have been stolen a few weeks ago from Bar Association, is in Washington He bids for the Gen-name- the second why paper not write the insurgent General Malvar. a Jap watchmaker at Ewa. The Chi- - ' Attorney n, n4i entrance being this office to ask his had saw the President and -- reef Harbor sr j At-ov- er N ma. nation. Nor. at Pearl come. One clerk of the Advertiser's still at large in Southern Luzon, advis-ip- it appears, had been fighting eraj Knox. He told me that the 1U opened San Francisco the lowest i at tele-- him to surrender. He consented to the possession of the watches, torney the whole friends at bidder was found to be Clark & Henry counting room was kept at the i General said that Jim . true, means bone answering calls. About forty sign a copy of his oath of allegiance which caused their arrest. A search .Humphreys matter should be laid over of Stockton, Cal. This, if for-fic- e in of-ji- th the understanding that it be of the room revealed a lot of plunder. untii Judge Humphreys arrived, as he that the work will be done in conjunc- newsboys massed themselves the The alleywav waiting for supplies, and. warded to Malvar with the purpose of ircluding besides the watches a pair of had been Informed by the Judge that ... contracting firms. -- hi tl!ITm,.,i tion with local influencing surrender, his gold cuff jewelry. T some conver-Whil- e " 8 seeing them, a young man came up and his but under buttons and other he was coming on. had be inaugurated at once. "Pris-Fient- y Politic work will - to wrote, is not positively Attor-th- e "5,be opponents at aid- "Come over and sell Republicans, signature this oath he it known that sations on the subject with the papers there." Not a boy j oner in Mnlacannn property was stolen the matter will ney General, who asked me what I across a of JMr"n." An Omaha woman rushed budged, but one of them said. "Wha' j be Investigated today. The Chinamen thought of the entire affair. I got the 'Co, and flagged a train - in custody give names of ! . ""ilnued burning trestle No can sell." It ended the con- J Harvard student shot and killed who are the 00 was liberally re- for? a on page 3.) page 2). with her apron. She his roommate, thinking him a burglar. Yong Gun and Ah Sung. (Continued warded by the passengers. versation.. THE PACIFIC COMMERCIAL ADVERTISER, HONOLULU, JULY 29, 19)1.

NO QUORUM WATCH OUR WINDOWS AND NOTE THE PRICES ! WORK ..CORSETS.. -- :o: This week we are displaying Senate Blocks the MANY KINDS AT MOST HAMMOCKS, from $1.50 aDd upwards aDd upwards. Adjournment BIOYt. LES, from $16.50 EXTRAORDINARY PRICES BASE BALL GOODS. Plan. GUNS AND CARTRIDGES. WHAT OF $1.25 CORSETS ICE CREAM FREEZERS, $3.25 and upwards. HOUSE DONE FOR PETALUMA INCUBATORS. WITH LABORS WHAT OF $2.00 CORSETS FOR DOOR MATS, and Many Other Goods. WHAT OF CORSETS FOR Our Prices the Lowest. 50c. Passes Brown Bill Finally Without Dissenting Vot- e- Expectation Doesn't Sound as if it Could be True. Does it? Yet it IS TRUE as we in- E. (X HALL & SON, That Session Ends Today. vite you to discover this morning. With the end of the special session of There are several hundred of them in buying sometimes, and we well, we LiniTED. the Legislature in sight, the question is these Corsets in eighteen different must "pay the piper." will the two Houses be able to adjourn styles; and none of them were ever be- Come In and see them. It will be fore sold for less a dollar qr.'l a strange you in order, or will the session simply die? than enough if don't find some quarter. among them that will fit you com- Twice Senate a as has the been without Reason why they're so cheap? fortably ag the proverbial old shoe, anil quorum, on Friday and again on Sat- Fact is we have too many. Free to con- fit you without sacrificing stylishness, urday, and it was this shortage which fess that. Everybody makes mistakes either. The Kash Co., Ltd. perhaps prevented a close of the ses- sion at the latter time. The third reading of the Brown act to provide for the unpaid bills was the WHITNEY & MARSH, Ltd. order in the House and it was without Fifteen Dollar Suits any talking that this ceremony was ac- complished. There was no one who to make any remarks seemed anxious THE CHRONICLE EXPOSES, And the price does not hint at their value. Other upon the subject, all that was said be-

er NEW GOODS warm-weath- wearables are crying for room fore having accomplished the purpose of setting forth the various objections our way of asking you to supply it: this is on ac (Continued from Page L) to the items. As it was, however, Just Received from the Coast a Fresh Stok count of the large stock recently purchased in'the there was a bare vote for passage se tide from the Republican of July 7th: of GENTLEMENS' NECK WARE, Beck- - cured after personal action upon A S eastern markets. CHRONICLE PUBLISHES SOCKS. ley and Paele, who do not like the pass- 8 SS BELTS, and SS INTERVIEW WITH $10,000 bills which have not FAKE ing of for JUDGE HUMPHREYS. Golf Shirts, new line, all colors 5 been put into the departments as yet. on When the vote was had the bill Was Prepared in there was one vote shy of the number The Matter Beckley This City and Sent to Suits that Suit required to pass the measure. SS San Francisco. K. and Paele were the only objectors to Isoshima We have just received a fine line of White Flan and one vote was needed to get ? King Street, above Bethel. the bill Was Written by Members of nel and Serges, it through, but both, after some talk Gang Advertiser Tennis and Outing Suits. Look it. guuu i Thurston ing, decided mat mere was no Repeatedly Given Away mental and moral crookedness may be at either of our stores, they will defeating the hopes of an early ad Has REVOLVER THAT make your mouth were Fact That it Knew What seen even in the comments of his edi journment, and a result there Published. tor. That individual did not hesitate to water. seventeen ayes and no negatives when Was to be say that he had taken measures to se r measure was passed. & i ii ii n r n the 88 to which ehe Thurs- cure all the facts and had "learned" in was in shape for the clos The extent Everything gang is determined to go in that "the alleged interview was prepar ing of the session. The copies of the S ton its efforts to injure Judge Hum- ed in this city and sent away on the With the crack of a bill were made and one furnished to in- China?" by a fake steamer In a headline he de I The Kash Co,, Ltd Acting Governor Cooper, who had phreys is shown & Wesson revolver went out the 48 appeared in the clared that the interview "was writ terview which - cai-ui- u 23-2- looked over and made the compari iu- .me vjtri u uut Ciiveri? Waverley Block, 7 Hotel Street, and corner it San Francisco Chronicle of ten by members of the Thurston sons so that there would De no aeiays or not the gang. The editor knew ne was bear Saturday afternoon. the Senate get action on the . June 24. Whether Hotel and Fort Streets. should ss Chronicle was imposed upon or ing false witness but that was what bill once. But it was not to be that W. Givens, on street at whether it was a clear case of Humphreys paid him for and he deliv J. Anaimna way. Despite the message of approval ered the goods. Now it appears on un Alakiki. Until quite recently Mr. of selling its columns, for which it having been written and the letter notorious, the Republican can- impeachable testimony that the state ens had resided in Hilo. of amend is ho; transmission with the list . not say this time, but it has ments attributed by the Chronicle to The girl was alone in the The s at 4 Famous ments ready for Senate consider- Saturday About p.i Gunn Desks the taken measures to secure all the Judge Humphreys were written and afternoon. ation, the inevitable delay came and friend of hers named Miss Felke!, AND S2 so as to lay them before revised by himself. facts 1 T SECTIONAL BOOKCASES. the session was forced over into this M at tVio i ,i t in 'i o. it lien at fk 88 the people of this city. The pur- Even the Examiner interview 'which week. pa- of the JSivens' house, was startled 88 ported interview with Judge Judge Humphreys authorized his We have The House, when it passed the bill hear a shot. Thinking 88 Humphreys, which is given here- per to accept as genuine was as defi revolver finally, recess the afternoon, tsnmetVitnf mip-h- t Vt wrurtp she the Best took until 88 published in the cient in common honesty as his denial 11 with, was the having got down to business about 24. story. over to the house and found Assorted ss Chronicle of Monday, June It of the Chronicle He accused the ' o'clock. The Senate was to meet at 2 represents Judge Hum friends of Mr. Dole of not only fight ceased in one of the rooms lying o Stock on game that in her o'clock and the next move in the been by ing him but Judge Estee, trying to back with a bullet hole come end. But when phreys had interviewed dead. the Islands was to from that mc a reporter for that paper after make it appear that he and the Fed temple, apparently the Lower House learned that there Francisco.-th- eral Judge were joint victims of a and are the - his arrival in San Dr. was no quorum at the bungalow an ad- As a of jealous conspiracy. In point of fact, and in answer to a summons Only agents afternoon before. matter - ournment was taken until this morn reporter the Chron- no fight against Judge Estee has tak- tgca utinnrucu iu mtr cuc vi fact no for life was extinc of ing. ' en place, and none is likelv to occur. edy. He found that the icle secured any interview from Chillingworth rhe Senators who got together were Judge Humphreys and the whole "Kindly correct a statement," he add Deputy Sheriff Famous not sufficient in number to do business, quickly at the hous.- ami a me to 88 story is a fake pure and simple. ed, "that I am on my way to Wash Gunn Desk and even the wait of an hour failed to ington to mo conclusion that the fatal bullet In a short message to the edi- defeat the disbarment han4 Company show enough in sight, though a dili- - Republican, received tion made against me by the attorneys been sped by the girl's own men tor of the coroner ju.., ent search was made for the - , lnen summoneu a ia this yesterday, bearing date June 27.. whom I sentenced for contempt dur- who were thought to be in the vicinity. Judge Humphreys says: it,,.- i f t--i o rr n Itnr ith I H-- j Territory. - The Home Rulers were most of them in Chronicle of the 24th had have not been inviteflh to appear at ln6&- "The - froot f evidence, and spent the hour in discus or,, v,,-v The body was found in Our Stock S8 I must iutiirf,i na u 1117 i.e.i an article which think aniiiiiu'iit aiiu uui looking-glas- s bedroom sion of the various topics which an ness interfering with.i the Department ; in the Comprises early adjournment uppermost. 88 have been sent from Honolulu. made It 82 Tt a nure simple. of Justice there." Scarce v was the ink """" ... Best; wa was fake and powder and the supjww the the practically unanimous opinion I would call your at- dry upon this remarkable interview burned particularly v, in irum that there would be no objection to 11 r nrIV that the deceased stood . Desks made tention to my interview in the i.:i- 11.. in Laiuro. O.U11I aoiuuglUUi,!. f tit meeting the House and passing the bill 'lOOKing-gias- s, neiQ me uaiin.- .- to the very 88 Examiner of the same date. that WnrrmhrevB hnd tho .t. when it was sent over and a full Senate V, 10 ner tempie im 9Q ti t I . ill T c.nirl nnnn thp tornev General that he was coming to ;Vover witn ner Cheapest was there to consider it. Finally the 88 he heard" on Rar Asniptlnn's and pulled the trigger 88 subject to any one." the temple waiting became monotonous nrmM r.f- fQn bullet entered the and we and the 88 Of course the friends of nimrmo Ho ovon t!The the . .t-- . 1 u , . . . irt-r-t r k i i " " Senate adjourned until this morning. 11 i w ml in ne h roni Guarantee S8 Judge needed no assurance from um auuur iiai nau passed, let aione There Is no reason why there should - what he meant to do in the near fu- - was anerwaras exinu ieu. not him that the purported inter- only occupant ,.f the them all as be adjournment quickly this morn- Si a soon as they tnre There hnd nr. ttichtirmont The other ing. All the plans view was fake as hn besides the girl's father is Mi which had been 88 saw it, for among other things motion made by the attorneys he had E made for quitting work on Saturday ei s' stepmother. THK BEST IN 1 1I WO RED! 8 put into his mouth is the follow- - sentenced for contempt. Instead of will come into play this morning, and were No cause can be assigned 88 ing sentence: "There would be that resolutions passed at an I Also Letter Files, there should be not more than two open meeting fCEh act. but the dead girl a new style that we offer at a Low Figure 88 no necessity for submitting it of the Bar Association of late hours provided thirty-seve- n to suffered acutely consumed, there is a 88 to by a vote of to seven, re have quorum present. (the question of annexation trouble. Give us a call and let us show you our goods. 88 questing the President to remove him seme head California) to the people of the with which tn 88 from the bench he had disgraced. Nor The revolver Islands at all." was committed was found by 88 Judge Humphreys been had there been "a trial of Walter G. He: Freight Paid on Bookcases to any Landing on the Islands. has 1 liircrc of Olaa on .TlliV 3d. STRIKE AT STOCK 88 charged by the Thurston gang hmitn. inere had not even been a ari pleading. chased a box of cartridge? 88 with being almost everything, at Mak'k' 88 Judge Humphreys ended his inter them in his residence YARD STABLES but even they have never charg- - was half-trut- hs exploded shell fua 88 ed him being a fool. No one view with one of the which the with of revolver 88 Judge are said to be more deceptive than chamber the who knows the would for An innnest will be held tnif The Coyne Furniture Ltd 88 one moment believe he lies. He declared, "I do not own a of Company, Ten Chinamen Quit Because of that controlling nocn. The jury consists 88 be fool enough to ss interest in the stock of the M would make A. B. Scrimgeour, E. Refusal Discharge Fore- 88 such a statement as this. only Republican nor did I at any time prior Krouse. to It G. A. Bowers, George Andrews 88 ln-8- 8 to my appointment to the bench." It Progress Block. Honolulu, H. T. shows Uiat in their effort to Levingston. man Foster. Mm the Thurston libellers o is technically true that he does not Jure own 88 and blackmailers over-8-2 such control, but absolutely true have vails Ten hostlers and stablemen employed reached themselves. that his personal stock and the prox Another hot wave pr 88 ies he holds from his mother-in-la- w by the Honolulu Stockyards Company The Republican learned enough Southwest. 88 yesterday to assure It that the K make a controlling interest which he went on a strike Saturday evening be 88 uses to further campaign alleged interview was prepared s his against PROF. W. F SHAFPE. cause of the refusal of Manager Rice 82 in this city and sent away on s the President's Territorial appointees. There is Hardly a Spot to 88 China, being part against his personal and political op Piflnn Truer End Wfl discharge Foreman Fo3ter at their the steamer it LFiiArtA I VI IWUV 82 ponents and in favor of the old Royalist request. In consequence both of these of a deeply laid plot. It will be 88 remembered that the Advertiser ss party now trying to get control of home men A- - donned overalls yesterday morn AT T ( it; K iUJM"" . ing, 88 and its evening echo, the Star, affairs for the purposes of plunder. In the Civilized World and took the places of the strik- Abram S. Humphreys .. rrhr'im'S tP" ers in 82 came out charging Judge Hum- has been brand ieave an oraers at order that the public might not ed at home as an unjust Judge. Main 30. suffer because of 's phreys with being the engineer He is Phone the strike. In the 88 now branded both at home and abroad WHERE past the foremen at the stables have of a scheme to annex Hawaii to 88 they as a liar. What the Hawaiians will been very lenient with the Chinese em California about the time 82 expected the fake Interview to brand him when thev see that he was Thirsty ployes and overlooked many little defi- trying to get When 88 Congress to be published in San Francisco. turn Hawaii . n-- n ciencies. Saturday afternoon the fore- to ... - cn: " 88 will also be over California without consulting i man found one of the men beat- It remembered that DRINK HAWAIIAN cruelly them remains to be seen. - OB ing a horse, and ordered him to desist. 88 the Advertiser and the Star both GINGER ALE. LEMJ.1- 88 have repeatedly declared that For reply the Chinese SODA. ETC. - told the foreman 82 people anxiously served- "Canadian Club" to go to a much hotter place are should watch Bellboy Poker Players. Families promptly than 8 papers coming even the Eastern time, the Mainland in Blue 1871. States at this 88 on mail, show- - After seeing the account of how his and the employe was to yesterday's thus told get his 88 !ng they was Chinese bellboys put up a fine game of pay and consider himself discharged. that knew what TA1" 88 coming In their faked-u- p Inter-- poker during quiet 11 In the evening the entire force of the hours after HIN 88 view. And In their zeal to be o Manager lta Whisky Chinamen called on Manager Rice and clock. Allen of the Hawaii- ttv- nnDOSiic S sure and have people antieipat- - im - atMAt told him the foreman 01 an Hotel went on a tour of Inquirv. that either 88 Ing It they gave away the fact 'dm they must quit. Mr. Summoning one - 1 Rice told their 88 they were cognizant of "Tim." of the little an that he preferred that yellow culprits, he asked if tENTS' Is not enjoyed because of its the foreman, and th 8 what was coming. the lad had laies-trNDBRWE fragrant aroma and j men, ten In all, went on a strike. Mr any cards. The youngster shamefaced 8 All this despicable work Is A j Rice and Mr. Foster, in new overalls ly said he had and produced a pack. Expert Cutter. larr 8 may a delicate and unmistakable flavor. what be expected from the ... i o on ca"' Its remarkable executed the orders with considerablj Thurston gang, who will stop He was asked where he got them and they a more promptness than had the China 3 at no dirty work to injure a man Si said were left by a guest In blending qualities make it especially delicious in men. Before evening the places of thf 8 whom they cannot control. 8 room he had lately vacated. Manager former men had been supplied and the 2 Here follows the alleged Inter- - 8 Allen confiscated the deck and served 160 a on SEATTLE Cocktails, Hiphrall?, or in any Mixed Drink in horses of the company were bein 2 view in full and people of Ho- - general .warning the bellboys to taken care of without further trouble. 2 who know Judge Hum- - let poker alone while they were cn nolulu duty -- AT which Whisky is used. ? phreys have only to read it to 8 in the hotel. The Ophir with the royal party 2 see that It is untrue in 'every 5 has been compelled by stress "f 'f essential. J Col. R. M. Newport, real estate and CRITERION weather to put into the port of Al- loan agent of St. Paul, has failed. As-Iset- s, M O AHHHr-- bany, West Australia. The Influence of Judge Humphreys" $60,000; liabilities. $246,000. THB PACIFIC COMMERCIAL A. DV ESTHER HONOLULU, JULV 29, 1901 3

discharge sugar cargo ft 1"' the of the bark Gerard C. Tobey, out of sympathy for RAZOR IS the striking grainhandlers there, there will be no attempt to discharge sugar vessels there until the strike is ended. The Tobey, with her cargo from Hono- lulu, has been taken frnm Crockett to Oakland, where the work of discharging MISSING her is progress. The bark Kaiulani is a i in the stream, waitine to take the DRAPERY SALE Tobey's place at Oakland. parlor Chairs Island Sugar Boats. SAN FRANCISCO, July 20. Receipts Indications of sugar on the outlook X Point yesterday from the Hawaiian new; something-- W islands exceeded those of any day for ITething many w have wme new To Suicide months, a large fleetreaching port uit-- of almost in a body. Including the cargo h to Honolulu, of the library use Diamond Head, which came Into parlor or port the previous night,. 21 days from K --rill orobably wish to g liornef. Honolulu, the receipts amounted to 255,-33- 2 ' rou come and see i bags of sugar, as follows: Bark St. r Katherine, 33 days 31,509 bags; f from Hilo, Great Reductions are right, too. j JThe prioes schooner Kailua, 24 days from Eleele, 22,616 bags; ship Marian Chilcott, 23 days TOOK ALONG from Honolulu, 41,432 bags; bark Olympic, 21 days from Honolulu, 38,081 bags; schooner Transit, 21 days from Kahului, Only One Week! CARBOLIC ACID 15,300 bags; brig Consuelo, 18 days from Z Mahukona, 7,202 bags; ship George Cur- Office Chairs tis, 23 days from Honolulu, 48,828 bags; bark Santiago, 23 days from Hilo, 27,100 bags; 21 b a spec" Evidence Seems Conclusive That bark Diamond Head. days from combine comfort j Honolulu, 23,264 bags. A If. to Missing Watchmaker Took i ne snip .Marian cmicott comes to tnis large line of Figured Art Denims, Flowers and rtllltT. Revolving Chairs port for the first time, and, having been His Oriental effects. Just Opened 50 pieces. .r & Measure to sit in, and - Life. purchased by the Spreckels line, will about You hereafter ply between port Hlio aBfortaWe to dictate from. this and can make your x in the sugar trade. The Chilcott and the selection at Curtis left Honolulu together, the form- The uncertainty attending the myste- er reaching port several hours in advance rious disappearance of of the other ship. The Chilcott was 12 Gents a Ernest Hornef formerly Yard. is the British ship Kilbrannan, gradually deepening into the con- commanded by Captain Weeden, and a ,X-- , Enameled Iron? viction that he has committed suicide. fr vcoYo . . V, T3 A diligent search made yesterday by Sound. The vessel was then purchased by Barneson & Chilcott of Seattle, and, I his friends, though Bedsteads it did not result in after repairs, was put under the Ameri- A full of 36 the finding of any positive evidence, can flag and rechristened, the new name line f igured Silkoline, inches wide, at : cool- - only being in honor of Mrs. Chilcott. The U nothing looks X made the theory seem more prob- I Ejjere that ship made two trips to Manila with more Inviting In a2 able that in a fit of despondency he had Government supplies, and also made two - 123 topical climate than these Bed- taken his own life. All day Sunday the trips to Australia, where Matson of the Cents a Yard. Spreckels line bought the ship. Captain mAm Ther are the healthiest, & former employer of the young man, 12 ma Rock will probably take command of Mr. Henry F. Wichman, and a fellow-workm- an the ship, at least for one trip to the and room-mat- e, J. W. Red-hous- e, islands. searched among the rocks of Parlor Tables Waialae for either the body of the MIDNIGHT RAID young man or some evidences of his Ribbons! Ribbons! bird's-ey- e maple j presence. is mahogany, ON JAP jolden oak dainty and use- - I The suicide theory was considerably GAMBLtRS .ci strengthened yesterday by the discov- FfaL 'l.fc ery made by Hornet's room-mat- e, Mr. Deputy Upholstery, Etc. Redhouse, that a bottle of carbolic acid Sheriff Chillingworth with a and his razor was also missing, and posse of four officers made a raid upon Did you see our display of Fancy Ribbons, all that the probability was that Hornef a Japanese dice game in Pawaa Satur- inten- - 1 had taken them with the avowed day night, which caused enough dis- silk, 4 .to 5 inches wide, at tion of committing suicide. Hornef was last seen Thursday even- turbance to keep the entire neighbor- ing directly after dinner, when he left hood in a state of uproar for the re- his room in Kaimuki with the remark maining hours of the night and morn 15 Cents a ? that he was going for a short walk. La- ing. Yard I Bopp & Co. a diligent search was made of his I ter j The keeper of the house escaped, and no message or room and effects but the remaining crap-shoote- rs were cap other indication was found of his in- tured only after a desperate fight, The Leading o tentions. Only the day previous to his which resulted in numerous blackened disappearance Mr. Wichman had given eyes and badly bruised bodies. Furniture Dealers. him a half-doze- n watches to repair UUt pAmnloint Viarl i n nfton m aHo nf thp thev were found intact in his office in ! gambling games nightly in progress in the building the following day. the raided district and Deputy Sheriff lag and Bethel Streets. 1 His effects were all in good order and Chillingworth thought that by making the rumor that he had left town is not the raid at midnight he would catch borne out by the condition of his room, the gamblers unawares and bag the would indi- eo. was which PAeiFie import as nothing taken whole bunch. His officers did take the cate his intention of going on a jour- Japs by surprise and barred exit ney. The disappearance of his razor through the doors with their bodies. PROGRESS Blk)CK, FORT STREET, and of the bottle of carbolic acid is The Japs seeing their last hope of es- taken as the best evidence that he In- cape gone made a dive for the windows 1 tended to take his life, but his friends two succeeded In getting through. may and 1 still cling to the theory that he One of them, Basuda, jumped from the lltilH 'OOtJdOH'f yet be found alive, and had only start- veranda onto a step ten feet below, and ed off on a tramp through the moun was badly hurt. He could not run about their reports of plague, and did went there wearing our lels, and they will lead another ANNEXATION NOT TAKEN all that I could to disabuse the minds ' created a sensation, for such a thing tains. Mr. Wichman away and was easily captured. The ' search for the missing man today, and proprietor of the house also dived of (.he people there that there was any had never been seen before, I still believes that there is a possibility through a window and made his escape plague here. I shall spend the summer j "I went to receptions and parties of his being found alive. He speaks in by jumping through a parlor window here and will return in November. I whenever I could, spending all my ! SERIOUSLY AT CAPITAL the highest terms of Hornef, whom he and running through the house of Ma have great hopes of the cable bill and time in social life when well enough to characterizes as a man of exemplary jor Wood of the Salvation Army. The the Impression seems to be growing go. I found my most cordial friends in Books character, and far above the average jfarnly was awakened by the entrance that it should be built by a private the diplomatic circles, the Ministers of of the - - espe-ment- Summer in intelligence, honesty and workman- of the fugitive and also by the noise corporation and not by the Govern- Costa Rica, Chile and Nicaragua ." came to years foot-ag- o (Continued from Page 1.) cially being most agreeable, and their ship. He Honolulu lour )0f the poijce following upon his ' THE Wich- - Mrs. is suffering from wives being my They CRISIS. and went to work for Mr. j steps. He made his escape and has Wilcox still the closest friends. man from the beginning. At that time not heen found. impression that the administration effects of her long trip, and says she were neighbors, too. BaLPH MARLOWE. ' he had not been long out of his mother when the officers attempted to close would hear all the case and if it ap came home to rest, as she was tired Since the hot weather set in we country, Germany, and spoke fcmgnsn in on the gamblers still in the room a peared to the officials it was sim- after her winter, and could not get spent our time in going to Chesapeake fHl - that HELMET OF NAVARRE. only imperfectly. He had since acquir- j &enerai fight ensued. One Jap blew ply a factional squabble that no atten sufficient rest in Washington, as the beach for a day and feasting on crabs knowledge of the j demands upon her time were too many and oysters. There could not be a ttt-T- ed a very thorough ( out the iamp and jn the darkness it was tion would be paid to it. DEXTER. language and spoke French and Italian .impossible for the police to distinguish "All over the country there is the land insistent. She said: 'nicer place for such a way of spending I "The first impression left upon my a day, for the is splendid. During THE with fluency. friend from foe. The police guarded same complaint of lack of labor. In air NAME OF A WOMAN. A few weeks ago he lost his house at doors an(j windows, however, and when California there is a decided shortage mind by Washington socie;;. was the the hot days we would go to Cabin this, coupled Jap-Iwit- h cordiality with which I was received John's for dinner, too, and this, with "BEN HOLDEN. Kaimuki through fire and a ij&nt was obtained half a dozen and the people are picking up all the other financial losses, preyed upon anese were still in the room. The po- - men they can whenever there is one ap- everywhere. I went out all the time a pleasant party, would make a very despondent. : land the winter was given up to recep- - nice way of varying the time. We al- - BR UNCLE LEW. hls mind and made him ioe and japs both presented a sadly pearing. That is why there were at tlons and other entertainments. I gave j ways had some friends in, and alto--! I Aside from this it Is not known that battered and disreputable appearance, tempts made to stop the Porto Ricans TH SILVER had few receptions myself, of course keep- - gether we had a very pleasant time. I SKULL. i Hornef was in any difficulty and he nearjy every officer had a black eye and who were passing through on the way already begun the construction of a tne japS e considerably the worse here. The scarcity is largely in farm ing open house on the regular Congres- - 'am very well pleased with everything in isional day. On May 1st, my birthday, j Washington, and think everybody, N OCTOPUS. ,new house upon the site or tne oia one. for wear. At the station the gamblers labor, and even in the extreme East it , ;Mr. Hornef was about to be married to gave the following names: Sam Ti, J. is hard to get men to work in the I entertained some friends with a Ha-- from the President down, and we met !a Mexican girl. Miss Arcia, and the Koni, Aki Asi. Masuda Oku and Si Kog Country. What effect this will have on j waiian dinner, and after that we had them all, are most pleasant people, and i place upon yes- a box party at the vaudeville. We I thoroughly enjoyed the society." bove u a wedding was to have taken Nata. Two of them were released the Chinese exclusion bill is a question. partIal of Is no except i? My Uhe completion of the house. terday on bail. There sentiment in East, new books to be found Where been up by oar it has worked' the shelve IVt POLICE OIROL.ES. Navy Buys the Havana Do. k. labor unions, nd there will be a hard fight upon WASHINGTON, July 18. The Navy the bill. Minister Wu, the diplomat, who How C. David Recently Discharged Department has purchased the big float-- ! Chinese has made such Vari-Co-Cel- NICHOLS Requited a Kindness. Ing steel dry dock which lies in Havana an impression wherever he has spoken, e CO., Ltd. for Vagrancy Government of Spain is working upon this subject now and In- harbor from the Saturday and Sunday's arrests for $185,000. The negotiations for the has done., much to secure converts to cluded: J. McKay, assault and bat-tcr- v purchase of the docks were closed by the idea that there should be free In- Luclen Young, captain of tercourse. West- the Life out a Man rnarips E. King; Makida, as Commander The California and Takes ft SEW LINE OF fin the port at Havana. Spain first demand ern men generally are working to sault and battery on Police Officer ed $250,000. hold the measure and may succeed. - BaveYou It? Spencer; Scott, Puaa, Ekekieia, aic- j "There will be much difficulty in se- Gt Stanley Candless, drunkenness; Hugo, assault 0apt Fitzge-Hl- d Returns, curing Philippine legislation at the every man has H and I and battery on H. Henrickson; Nahai, mLO July 26,-C- apt. Fitzgerald got In coming session for the reason that the NEARLY ar less. The evidence N'akamu- - 13 Sunday, ug Richardt. selling liquor; after being at sea days, last people who once fought th,e adminis- of it is a swelling of the veins, White battery on Shioro; Lee The Captaln went out to pilot the Car-- t tration on the subject of thfc war. now Shirts. ra' assault and - a dragging sensation when standing, ,:tinn TTtake (w), !,nit,,n in but contrary winds and cur- have little to say, since Aguinaluo was vacancy; Halaelua, tovesti- - rents kept him outside until the Kalu-ttiwe- d captured, but fhey do not want any- a pain In the back, extreme nervous- rwV - sight and the ves- - re i- eambling: H. Lu- lani hove in thing which will give the status of cit- ness, and a general exhaustion of the .t - tninccp - IN ning, assault and battery on Mrs Lu- ,sel in. izenship to the Filipinos. Hawaii and fire and vitality which is the portion Porto Rico are only drops in the buck- of youth. There are thousands of Hose investig;ton; I CAUSE OF FALLING HAIR. 8.000,000 Suspenders 5 CT, "Paro? et, but the Filipinos would "half -- men," made so by" Varicocele. Yong Gun, Chong Song, An ""- - e- make trouble. In the opinion of the w Underwear. Fer- - which Is a Germ Diseas- es(iKaLiuii,. linn 'I- '.1 VJ1 Tt'S Willie Kill the Germ. most of the members I saw, and they Dr. 1 flcLatighlin's . . ,.mm,Mi nuisance. will not be given citizenship, and I do and j J McKay forfeited bail on Friday ... halr 3 caused by dandruff not believe that they will be permitted KingTiad a warrant for nis ar- - . . digease. The germ, in to enter the country, in the main, un- Electric Belt Charles as- rest issued. The affair is a trifling burrowing in to the root of the hair. der contract as the Porto Ricans do. CURES Varicocele. The "Dr. Me mm destroys the vitality of the "The party of members of both Laughlin method," used !n treating HATS. sault case. where it David was arrested and dis-n- ri causing the hair to fall out, digs Houses which left New York in the this malady allows no chance of fail- Charles of va-- hair ..... n . J transport McClellan are expected to last week on a charge nr. the cuticle in little scales caneu ure. It cannot fail. Five thousand aQd proceeded to enlist the stop the reach here about the first of November. say it cured them. So will you. Act Cff Wool r grancy dandruff or scurf. Tou can't sap- ! llatS' local ship's mate, who without curing the dand They will travel so that they will see today, as each day this disease is "f provided oiiinf hair all they may of the new posses- ping the very blood out of your body. BS Of 4e on him and ruff, and you can't cure the dandruff that germ sions. They are principally Democrats i guarantee a cure if I say I can cure. I don't ask any one to take l k'c 1 i 5?3&mm it u nnu " ' killing the aanarun nnH vun a pair without and their opinions will be of value chances on my invention. doesn't cost you anything If I fail. quitea nis Kinunr j THxttTfi-- the cause, you remove the ef It gold watch valued Herpicide Is the only when they get back to Washington. If you are tired of treatments that fall, I want you to study my plan, and" of trousers and a fect." Newbro's "Wax you see Is, try Call see new ll rrPTarat1on that kills the dand "There is a strong feeling in the when how sensible It come and it. and the at $130. Kil-natri- ck McLaughlin Belt, me explain I cure, if you can; or, If not, write . de Office about the way the transport and let how warm Herolclde is also a for the free book telling about Varicocele. hair dressing. was treated here. That and Will Diacharge at Oakland. lightful the reports of plague were responsible FRANCISCO July IB. On ac-- of near Missoula, for the passing by of the Hancock. I A(T SAN stevedores at Forest fires are raging to Department and asked Dr. M. G. McLaughlin, count of the strike - - went the siwfc. to Mont. Crockett, up the river. who refused

I 4 THE PACIFIC COMMERCIAL ADVERTISER, HONOLULU, JULY 29; 1901. THE PACIFIC NEWS OF WORLD ITH1BET MAY BE Scrofula Now Commercial Advertiser We are Prepared CONDENSED OPENED TO WORLD This root of many evils TO FURNISH ON SHORT NOTICE DIRECT CONxpPTt, Glandular tumors, abscesses, pimples A TIN SETS FOR ISOLATED AND MARINE LIGHTlV GENt - - EDITOR. WALTER G. SMITH Nome is now open to navigation. ST. PETERSBURG, July 14. A man and other cutaneous eruptions, sore Disorder and lawlessness is reported from Trans-Baikali- a, named Akoha-ramb- o from Peking. Atchwan Dorshieff, who has ears, Inflamed eyelids, rickets, dyspep- JULY 29 of San DYNAMOS Rotary MONDAY Edwin P. Reed, a pioneer gained the favor of the Dalai Lama of sia, catarrh, readiness to catch cold Jose, is dead. Thibet, came to Lividia last October Count Tolstoi is quite ill in Moscow, and was received by the Emperor. He and Inability to get rid of it easily, pale- Few agricultural blights are welcome, of gastric trouble. to A C. &D.C. the lantana General Butterfleld died in New York returned Thibet and succeeded in ness, nervousness and other ailments but that which is attacking persuading the Dalai Lama to send a seems to be the right disease in the on July 17, of paralysis. Including the consumptive tendency Motors Tor Three men were killed by lightning special mission to St. Petersburg to right place. at Arthur, III., last week. open friendly relations with this coun- Can be completely and permanently yacht off New Haven try. This mission has vagrant A pleasure arrived under removed, how mmr A strong enforcement of the sank, and five were drowned. the guidance of Dorshieff and has been no matter young or old group would Trans-Mississip- pi laws in every Island of the The Congress is by con- Hawaiian received Count Lamsdorff. It the sufferer. be of material aid to the now in session at Cripple Creek. sists of four persons, one of whom is and planters. Runaways due to automobiles have Hood's Sunsparilla wm riven the daughter ARC Railway the Dalai Lama's second sectetary. It of Silas Vernooy, W N. Y., who i0: been causing much trouble recently. brings an autograph awaraine. had er letter from the reading of the Chronicle in- The Baldwin-Zeigl- Arctic expedi- broken out with scrofula sores all over her Incandescent A careful tion left Tromsoe, Norway, on July 17. regent of Thibet to the Czar. The Rus- face and head.- - The first bottle helped her UthtlQi creases our belief that the impediment sian newspapers attach much impor- of George W. C. Pickersgill, British consul and when she bad taken six the sores were all LAMPS, which the imaginative nature general for the Pacific States, is dead. tance to this journey. It marks an- healed and her face was smooth. He Washington suffered from in early gift step writes upon Andrew Carnegie's latest is other in the extension of Russian that she has never shown any sign of the not also bestowed $75,000 library, Indo-Chine- se youth was for a free to Kansas influence towards the pos- erofula returning. Estimates given on cost of new Installations of any kind v Judge Humphreys. City. sessions of France. ment la under the direction of an experienced man, km Recent rains have saved the crops of Tne Russians regard the establish- at the passing elec- the corn belt in the southwestern ment of a chain of Hood's SaraapartUa The mules shied States. communications THE HAWAIIAN ELECTRIC CO., LTD. car Sunday morning and judging across the rear of the Indian empire to tric neigh- The Northen Pacific won two law Promises cure and keeps the EXCLUSIVE AGENTS OF from their attempts to climb a suits over extensive Washington lands and the permanent isolation of India arboreal in their hab- from the Yang-Ts- e Kiang as promise. Ask your druggist for It boring tree are last week. valley The Westinghouse Electric & its. There are other trees ready for It is expected that Mrs. Botkin will practically assured. The Novoe Vrem-y- a today and accept no substitute. Manufacturing Co. Pain when he wishes to go up. The be sent to Dover under the habeas regards the sending of this mission ALAKEA ST. For Territory of Hawaii. electric car has showed itself on Ho- corpus act. as proof that the prowess of Russia in last and the begin- William Richmond, a millionaire of Manchuria has penetrated to Thibet, nolulu's streets at an ning of the end of the tramway impo- Tombstone, Arizona., is to wed Illi and there Is no reason to doubt that nois waitress. sition is at hand. Montana, is said active communications are maintained W. A. Clark, of Urga, Mongolia, an- to have invested $7,500,000 in Russian between in where FIETEEN CARLOADS There are a great many quack rem- copper mines. other Dalai Lama sits as regent and edies proposed for the political Two Italian subjects were recently Thibet. The journal thinks it only nat- of these Islands and but lynched at Erwin, Miss., and Rome has ural that Thibet should seek In Russia one sure cure an American voting made a protest. a protector against the "greed of Eng- OF THE FAMOUS Hawaii is the only integral Mrs. U. S. Grant has sent Mrs. Mc-Kinl- ey land," or outlying territories of China franchise. woolen shoulder cape, part of the United States where the a knit should turn their faces towards the a foreign lan- made by herself. "White Czar." A good part of this ability to read and write Count Leo Tolstoi, who has been ill guage is placed among the qualifica- and much more of the same sort in at Tula, Russia, is now out of danger papers tions of suffrage. Cut out this alien and convalescent. other is no doubt written for Dwill gTowth and the political control of the The San Francisco street sweepers the Thibetan visitors. KeepBUDWEISER BEE Islands would pass into the hands of were on a strike last week. They d- - i the most intelligent and reputable mand shorter hours. PRISONERS AT ST. HELENA. classes of whites and Hawaiians. J. H. Nash, a wealthy ranchman of Your Premises, New Mexico, was dragged to death by a broncho, last week. NEW YORK, July 20. The British I fBREWED BY THE EEN0WNED Mrs. Ida Shaw, of Oakland, appar- steamer Reading, fresh from Ascenscton Stables and AROUND THE ently a happy wife, committed suicide and St. Helena, is now at Jersey City. last week in Oakland. 'There are just 4.700 Boer prisoners Outhouses ADbenser-Bnsc- ti Brewing Association of St, Louis, WORLD IN 60 DAYS Lord Pauncefote says he is hopeful on the island," said the Reading's com- of soon effecting an agreement on the mander, Captain Fishley, "and of these treaty. ' "XT A VT71 a i . Nicaragua Canal 1 T""TiI C J "I - 17 per cent are Or- i v f i i nr?ri i i n MI i "n i i Transvaalers and virifi PA-.K- V K.J ink CHICAGO. July 20. Charles Cecil The United States yacht Mayflower, A .4.1 MJJM.iiii UUU ViJ -' VA. V IX At. XJ I ijj with Governor Allen of Porto Rico ange Free Staters. The remaining 83 ii.t. Fitzmorris, the Chicago per cent is made up of other nationali- o CLEAN aboard, has arrived Boston. school-bo- y, one at due to a few days. who was of three lads In a sharp fight near Aliwall North, ties in this order: Scandinavians, Ger- Are arrive within sent out by W. R. Hearst, the newspa- many British soldiers were killed. mans, Italians, a few Russians, Irish- per proprietor, in an attempt to break Olive Schreiner is not a prisoner. men and even Englishmen, a handful the record for the trip around the The Crandell fruit drier at Los Ga-to- s, of Scotchmen, a few Americans, a few I m. today world, arrived here at 6:55 a. Cal., was burned last week by Greeks and scatterings from other na- FOR on time, which breaks previous records incendiaries, the loss being $20,00). SALE BY The warship tionalities. made by George Francis Train and Chinese Chin Tai last "The farmers are complaining be- PURE Nellie Bly. month destroyed an entire pirate fleet south of Shanghai, off the mouth of a cause the Governor has impressed the He was met at the Union Depot by surplus labor for work on the break- Acting Mayor Block, Col. river. And in his parents, All exports from Colombia will be water. A large number of the Boer N H. & Ltd William Cody and numerous friends, taxed hereafter. The exports include prisoners are also employed on the Good Hackfeld Co., a Condition. but he tarried only a moment, as bananas, cocoanuts, ivory-- , nuts and breakwater at five shillings a day. carriage was waiting to whisk him to timber. Some do not choose to work, others la- 214-21- 6 Madison street, the point from Three corpses were found in the bor for the farmers and the older pris- which he had started. Truckee river, in Nevada county. Cal., oners toys, SOLE AGENTS within three days. Mystery whittle out which they sell. At this point it was announced that surrounds "General Cronje is also weary of his F young man had made the trip of the matter. One Pint will make a For Hawaii Tftnitan the The thawing of snow up Nome riv- detention, but says little. I was told 0.54." miles in exactly sixty days, thir- the proportion of native Boers was forty-tw- o er has revealed the frozen body of that teen hours, twenty-nin- e minutes, Mike Clifford, who perished in a win representative of their entire army." Bucket of the best and four-fift- hs seconds, winning ter blizzard. A A A A A A A A A A AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA A A A A A A A A AAAAAAAiiAAiliii easily from his competitors sent out While riding through a mimic hades J'Hit the Stock Market. from New York and San Francisco. The on a Coney Island scenic railway, a E time given includes delays and stops New Jersey man recently shot himself NEW YORK, July 20. The declara- equal to about six days. through the head. tion of the strike of steel-worke- rs by a NEW LINE Some of the longer stages of his jour The final evacuation the foreign brought crushing liquidation upon the ney were made as follows: Chicago to troops of the Chinese capltol will be stock market on Monday. In pursu- on August 14. the anniversary of the Medium Received hy the S. S. Sierra York, 900 miles, 25 hours; New ance of the policy of relieving and sup- New relief of the legation. NEW LINE OF GENTLEMEN! York to Queenstown, 2,850 miles, five porting the market, the Northern Pa- C Robbers recently blew open a safe 25c READT-MAD- E SUITS OF SERQI one-thir- d days; Moscow to cific settlement was pushing to com- Price per Pint. and Ir at Capitola, Cal., at the railroad sta- DUCK, Low. (by rail), 3,800 miles, days; pletion and announced on Wednesday ETC. Prices kutsk nine tion. No money was obtained, the safe SILK BELTS Ust Shilka to Khabarovsk (by steam- containing only nickels. evening. The breaking of the drouth in ALSO GENTS' BLACK 1,100 - the corn belt was an important addi- JUJS AND NECKWEAR; er), miles, seven days; Vladivos- The American Federation of Labor FANCT tock to Yokohama (by steamer). 1,650 has offered coin to the steel strikers at tional influence in relieving the de- am DOILIES, JEWELRY AND miles, five days; Yokohama to Victoria, Pittsburg, and serious trouble has re- pression of the market. Realizing of T Put up in gallon, 5 NECKWEAR, sulted capitalists. 4,114 miles, eleven days; Seattle to Chi- for the profits has continued in large volume Are now Shown at cago, 2,300 miles, days. The Transcontinental Passenger As- at all stages of the rally and has kept three and a half sociation held an meeting gallon and barrel important at the feverish and unsettled, 1 4-- 14 HOTEL STREET Glenwood Springs, Col., recently, rail- market but HAVANA DRY DOCK. way matters being discussed. effective support has persisted Thousands of fish in Maiden Creek, I CC NEW YORK, July 20. It is announc Pa., were made drunk by distillery Call and be Convinced, ed that Rear Admiral Bowles, Chief contents emptied during a warehouse Chance for Enlisted Men. Constructor of the Navy, is taking fire on the banks of the stream. steps for the transportation of the In a military balloon accident at St. WASHINGTON, July 20. The only Spanish dry dock in Havana harbor to Petersburg recently, one person was door through which, enlisted men of the Subig Bay, Island of Luzon. Had it killed and several injured fatally. The Navy may enter the service as commis- balloon exploded and blazed up. . sioned officers is that by which warrant n not been for Rear Admiral Bowles' The of police exam-nat- ii foresight the dock would within anoth- chief at Reading, Pa., officers, passing successfully the resents the coming of the coal and n, can obtain commissions as en- er week have been in the possession of police, ho iron and will hold it responsible signs. Applications to take the exami- Co., New York capitalists who had opened for any disorder may hi Metropolitan Meat that occur. will be up to July 30. 25-fo- nation received ot I negotiations for its purchase and were The sloop yacht Great Re- making final arrangements for the public, Captain Blackburn, has arrived So far only two warrant officers have transfer when the Navy Department at Lisbon, from Gloucester, Mass., put in their applications. The hesitan- Fort Street. TED. thirty-eig- ht cy of men Is to be to it stepped in and bought it. The route after a voyage of days. the said due fesr and the distance the dock would be The library of the late Max Muller, of the examination. towed are thus stated by the Navy De- comprising 13,000 volumes, has been purchased by Baron Iwasaki for pre- - The partment: to Canary I Naval Ration. Havana Islands, sentation to the University of Tokio. 3,100 miles; Canary Islands to Gibral- The statement of the Associated WASHINGTON, July 20. The Secre- tar, 700 miles: Gibraltar to Port Said, Banks of New York for the week end- tary of the Navy has appointed a Na- 1,920 1,310 Steamer miles; Port Said to Aden, ing July 20 shows: Loans, $856,198,500; val Board, headed by Lieutenant Com- Meats and Fish by Every miles; Aden to Colombo, 130 miles; Co- decrease, $12,268,900. Deposits decreas mander Hunker, to take up the ques- Fresh lombo to Singapore, 1,270 miles; Singa- ed $8,448,S00. tion of the Naval ration. It is forty Cold pore to Manila, 1,386 miles; Manila to Three daring youths, in mask, at- years From the Coast That Has Storage. tempted to hold up agent since anything was done on the Subig Bay, 100 miles; total distance the of a sta- ration and It was felt to be opportune towed, 11,916 miles. tion of the Chicago elevated railway last week, but were driven off bv the now that the subject be taken up with WingWoChan&Co custodian of the cash. a view to improving the system. Ambushed and Killed. President McKlnley's residence at 20. Canton, Ohio, has recently been remod- - . Veal, Mutton, WASHINGTON, July Commis- ' Ebony Furniture, Ohoiee Beef, sioner Yerkes of the elled extensively, according to sugges- - Corporation Notices. Internal Revenue tions matte Dy Mrs. McKinley, who is Cigars and Tobaccos, Bureau, has received the following tel- much pleased with the result. Chinese and Japanese Teas, Pork. egram from Collector D. A. Dunn, at The directors of the Eastern Tele- - Crockery, Mattings, Lamb and Nashville, Tenn.: "Deputy Collectors graph Company are formulating a ! NOTICE. Vases, Camphorwood Trunks, Bell and Stone, accompanied by Deputy scheme to enable the public, by means Rattan Chairs. ALWAYS ON HAND. Marshal Price, Special Employe Floyd 01 a code, to cable to the far east for AT A SPECIAL STOCKHOLDERS' and two policemen, went on a raid near one penny a word from London. meeting of the Oceanic Gas and Elec- Silks and Satins UALIBI'T Monterey. 4 General Davis commands the Am- tric Co., Ltd., held in city ALSO POULTRY, SALMON AND They were ambushed at this Thurs- OF ALL KINDS. o'clock this morning. Deputy Marsha! erican troops In the island of Minda day, the 25th instant, Col, J. H. Fisher nao. As as 210-2- 1 Street. Price killed. Policemen Corder fast the Insular constabu- was elected treasurer, to fill the unex- Nuuanu and lary is organized the American troops pired term of J. Flower. SALE AT Mackey wounded. One moonshiner se- will be centered, throughout FOR verely Body the group, M. M. KOHN, wounded. of Price was left in fewer garrisons. 5921 Secretary. PACIFIC TRANSFER CO. THE METROPOLITAN MARKET, King Street; Telephone on the ground. Posse organized to re- Siberian crops appear to be a total BOOTH, FISH MARKET; Telephone I7. turn and recover the body." failure, a two months' drouth having JAS. H. LOVE, Manager. THE Commissioner Yerkes has telegraphed killed all cereals. There are disastrous NOTICE. CENTRAL MARKET, Nuuanu Street; Telephone 1M- - the collector directing that everything shortages in various parts of Russia. possible to The peasantry of the Volga provinces NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT be done recover the body of the MAIN 58. Marshal Price and to capture and pun- are practically destitute. at annual meeting of the stock- Andrew Carnegie has been asked to holders of McCabe, Hamilton & Ren-n- y Office, Kin Street, next to Bailey's ish the moonshiners. pay 11 Co., a debt of shillings incurred by Ltd., held in this city on July Cyclery. his mother fifty-thre- e years ago in 24. 1901, the following officers were More Steamship Talk. England. The debt originally elected to serve during the ensuing Plumbing amount- year: Sanitary ed $2.75, CHICAGO, July 20. A special to to and with interest at 5 per the cent, now $44. Tribune from Milwaukee says: amounts to President, A. A. Young. CO Miller, Miss Helen Shafter. a Petaluma I Vice President, Thos. McLean. HENRY J Roswell chairman of the ex- young Manager, W. C. WHOI lady, recently swam across To- - W. Renny. ecutive board of the Milwaukee road males Bay, with Secretary, B G. Holt. :a.nd; passed through Here on a strong ebb tide run- his way to ning. A young woman who tried to Treasurer, Chas. H. Atherton. Alaska. It is sard that Mr. Miller is do the same thing was taken into a Auditor, H. A. Isenberg. making the trip in search of rest and boat completely exhausted. B. G. HOLT, health. From sources in close touch J. G. Johnson, chairman of the ex 5920 Secretary. Stock and Bond Broker SPECIATY with the interests of the road it is also ecutive committee of the Democratic SEWER CONNECTIONS A said that the trip is being made for thf National Committee, brands Charles j NOTICE. purpose of thoroughly informing him- A. Towne as a bolter, and says the Democratic ; self as to the present management and committee can get along NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT possibilities, without such men as Towne Web- future from a transporta- ster anj the firm of Boyd, Haskins & Co. has tion standpoint, of the northwest and Davis. this day been dissolved, and that all Insurance Agents Alaskan possessions and the exact con- Dr. Leyds, the representative of the accounts against the said company Fire ditions of the lines of fast steamships Transvaal, has been summoned m should be mailed to P. O. box 667 before to the Orient. haste to The Hague, in consequence or July 30, 1901. the divulgement Reitz-Stey- a I of the BOYD, HASKINS & CO., ee ond letters, which were captured by Gen- - j By H Ordered to Honolulu. eral W. P. Bovd. Broaiwood at Reitz. in the Orange Honolulu, T. H., July 25, 1901. 5920 i Merchants 1 'WASHINGTON. ft River colony. Commission Surgeon J. M ; Because of IN? Boer raid Into Robert ' Natal " v: . NOTICE i from Fort McDowell sni ion vn the raiders bv ATI Camp M'-KInle- Honolulu for duty. the military authorl-- d all white men, wih NY PERSONS OR FIRMS HAV-In- p Careful attention given to business .. .ock. foodstuffs and cloth- - claims or bills against the Honolu- Mm P. Olzewsky. who shot jgg, uouate al! farms betw een lu 7 'dnre Company will pleae send trusts. - - he Battdfo, mlrifter of t- '' irks, a; Tngela and Sunday's rivers. th once to the undersigned. s An JVi-i- It :-act atten-1- T j said she did to vhite man remaining in this section aS J. A. GTLMAN, In our new quarters, corner Fort and 1 TEL. Blv to her state of poverty and the country after July 31st, will tr sident, Honolulu Stevedore Co. If IJ Nf subject to martial law. &20 Merchant streets. THE PACIFIC COMMERCIAL ADVERTISER, HONOLULU, JULY 29, 1901. TWO THOUSAND ITALIAN Ten ihousand Feet FIELD HANDS ARE EXPECTED Two thousand Italian laborers may be men who know the business. While be expected to reach here before the passing through New Orleans, Delegate OF GARDEN Wilcox was approached and asked HOSE fall, the first shipload beimr looked for what kind or a climate this was, ana JUST RECEIVED next month. This new labor Is the re- - what were the advantages which would &REALTYy suit of a campaign in New Orleans by be gained by the Italians coming here, agents of the Sugar Planters' Associa- - and he was able by his replies to as tion, rne men win De those wno nave sist In the securing of the consent of been working on the sugar anoTcotton many of these people to change their Sprinklers Z plantations about Louisiana, and will homes. Lawn and Nozzles of hip resurrection, the fellowship of his ij YESTERDAY IN suffering, being made conformable to his ALL THE LATEST PATTERNS death." The sermon delivered by the eminent RELIGIOUS CIRCLES impressive Salvationist was an one. the ficvoLUL'--j IT life, conversion and character of Paul m jHg to our Special Brands of Hote, being analyzed and brought to the atten In addition which have given such general Whit Was DoiDg Among the tion of congregation n the illustration UVV Ml C ' Infection, we offer and f inch Garden Hose at Specie ly Low Prices. Active Christian Work- of the prlciples of true religion. The words of Paul when he said "All that AGENTS ers He e. has been given to me I count as lost for - Christ" were taken to be expressive of j fOR sermon Central the perfect love for Him, and anything The delivered at less than the sacrifice expressed in those SALE OP REAL CSTATC Church yesterday morning by Union words, Col. French, held, would be short j In Fireproof Rev. George C. Adams was ,on the sub- of the perfect spirit. Safes Doing,'' j ject, "Willing and with the In conclusion the Salvationist made a K. J. LOWREY, Preisdent. text from Rom. 7:19, and a large at- strong appeal to the young men present ! A. B. WOOD, Vice President. tendance listened to the impressive ad- to take for their guidance the motto of J. A. OILMAN, Secretary and Treas- wE have dress. Paul: "All that have been given to me, urer. THE i HRLL I Mr. H. F. Wichman sang the offer- those things count lost for Christ." P. J. AMWEG, Auditor. It is poor economy to bay a poor safe. Get a Hall and Get the Best. tory solo, Jtaus, Lover of My Soul." Major Wood, in a short address, report- CHAS. H. OILMAN, Manager. evening serivce ed a successful two hour service in the The sermon of the jail yesterday morning, on Meaning of Bethel," the the time allowed d was The the Young Men's Christian association, Second-Han- being from Gen. 28:19. Safes at Barqains. text and that of the Hawaiian Boar , havi- Mr. Wichman and the choir sang the ng- been given over to the special service anthem. "Seek Ye the Lord," and the conducted by Col. French. call to worship by the choir was "Sweet was well the Monuments." The service Ill-Fat- i attended. ed Bark Empire. STREET SALVATION army. The bark Empire which caught fire in KEEtUIOKU Pacific Co,, Mahukona bay, Hawaii, on the morning Hardware Ltd. Ar- Colonel French of the. Salvation of July 26, news was by on of which told my returned yesterday morning the Wireless telegraph messages in the Ad- W. G. Hall from Kauai, where rn vertiser Saturday morning, was a WE OFFER FOR SALE THE F1C total res'dc-nc- e property of C. S. Ludwlgsoa, been taking a tour of inspection. Ac-- ! loss. She burned to the water's edge Harris Esq., corner Keeaumoku and Lunaiii companying him were Majors and the charred hulk sank from sight. streets, 180 200, containing ' lot x U.HI SALE, and Wood, Captains Lewis and Mc- -' The work of the Wilder steamer Kinau square feet of land. NOTICE OF Leod, Lieuts. Lyman, Carroll and Me- - was unavailing in attempting to quench THE SEVEN the fire. The vessel burned all day and Lennan. Two-stor- y had such late in the afternoon house (built in 1898), aav 1 On being interviewed about his trip ing five rooms on first floor, four bed- 1 BY ORDER OF MESSRS. THEO. H. ' upon that, after putting to sea In an endeavor and the impressions it had made rooms on second floor, and two batk Davies & Co., Ltd., mortgagees under very pleas- to round the poinr where she could be li 1, him he expressed himself as beached, Captain rooms. mortgage July Knacke and his crew AGES OF MAN hat certain dated Na-wiliwi- ll, 1S98, by George McDougall, Wil- ed with his visit. After landing at were compelled to abandon the vessel anu Servants' quarters of three rooms. LIMITED. made first-clas- s. liam McDougall and George W. Mc the party drove to Koloa. return to the shore. The Kinau which Everything Dougall, doing business at Kailua, in where a Sunday school meeting was was On her way to Honolulu from Hilo DEMAND BREAD as the staple diet. the Island of Hawaii, under the firm h(-l- d In the afternoon and a public wel arrived during the afternoon and the Keeaumoku street Is one of the flcaal It Is the first food given to the newly name and style of George McDougall come reception in the Army's own hall passengers had a tine opportunity to wit- residence streets in the city weaned Infant; It is the standby of & Sons, and recorded in the Registry at night. In spite of the fac t that the ness the burning of a ship at sea. The toothless old age. How essential It 1b of Conveyances In Honolulu, in liber were nearly impassable on ac- fire continued all night and during the 324, roads For prices and terms, apply to to have such a product absolutely the 180, on pages 321 to and by the count of it having rained incessantly forenoon when the vessel had been consent of said mortgagors, and of all burned to the water's edge the watchers P1 A best obtainable needs no argument. The weeks was a I will offer sale for the past two there on saw products of our ovens are guaranteed. parties in interest, for fol- shore her sink. Captain Knacke at public auction at my salesrooms, splendid crowd, present. on the and his crew came to Honolulu in Co. Wai-me- a, the Island Fealty Queen street, Honolulu, on the 17th day lowing day there was a drive to Kinau arriving here Saturday afternoon. Offer for Sale of August, A. D. 1901, at 12 o'clock where a Similar program was ar- The Empire was laden with coal from LIMITED. noon, all of the property situated in ranged. On the return trip to Koloa a Sydney. l the district of North Kona, Island of sro-f- was made at Elei r a- Sunday-schoo- The Empire was consigned to Castle & 204 Jiv1 Building; German Bakery Hawaii, Territory of Hawaii, known as meeting. The last engagement Cooke, and carried coal for the Kohala the McDougall Ranch and Coffee Plan v;is a tea and meeting with the mem- Sugar Company. The agents, upon first tation, containing an area of acres of Army on Island held at learning of the danger to the vessel, and 'hone White 3851. less, as follows, to bers the the more or described Koloa. Eight new members were pub- endeavored to have the tug Fearless sent STREET wit: licly taken in by the Colonel; one was to her assistance, but the arrangement UPPER FORT All of those certain pieces or parcels could not be effected. J. A. Gilman, of B - man, the second a native wom- of land Kailua and Hono- a white & ROOFING. situate at Castle Cooke, also tried to find, some kahau (2), Island of Hawaii, aroresaid, an, five were Japanese' and the other a means of going to the assistance of the NEW ARRIVAL and more particularly described as hlnaman, thus showing, said the Colo- BUILDING PAPER. f doomed bark, but could do nothing. J. -:- nel, the cosmopolitan work of the Ar- J. Moore & Co., are the San Francisco - PRESERVATIVE PAINT. or 1. The ahupuaa of Hlenaloll 2d, and my. The Army has a nice little agents. 1200 1200 being apana 6, of L. C. A. 7716, and erty in Koloa consisting of a hall seat- conveyed by deed dated July 21, 18S5. M, ing 150, with a cottage for the officers' Good rainfalls are reported from Ka- - from Charles R. Bishop and Samuel quarters. to local Damon to George McDougall. of rec- It is a credit the oaL ord in said registry in liber 94, on page corps and the Islands. He 'could not help feel Army a LOTS 314, containing an area of about 20 but that the had acres. strong hold upon the affections of all 2. All of that land situate at Papaa- - classes on Uaat Tsland, both rich and IN KAPIOLAKl TRACT Kimonos, koko, Honokahau 2, containing 50.60 poor. A good work had surelv been acres, and more particularly described done as was videeed by the show of in tioyai raiem igranu w members, many- - of whom were real ft M tA ruV u, Gives Good Digestion Pajamas, ijeorge jaciougaai, issuea Auguai trophies of saving grace, having been For Sale. 1889. Cabe tad granulated. Tco rhcr nil unr alntnilar th saved from the depths of sin. As to de-an- d easements, tenements, hereditaments the Wand lt3elf- - ne thought It well Shirts, appurtenances unto the same be- - served' its name of "(iarden Island,' . i ' TT . r, . . , r.i-- . - f nma ' k 11,..,. vwi-- i. Or tha n.i ' vancjrn j THE KAPIOLANI TRACT extends Iacol and Linseed. lOnglUg in ailj Wise appei Idinilig. "uivo iinnapciic AT ALL PRICES. The above two pieces being subject to beautiful pieces of landscape, but of from King street to the beach. A road mortgage dated March 2, 1S97. course was j Horsford's a certain this not said disparagingly of 60 feet width will be opened on tha P1PK from George McDougall to the estate cf Islands, which not I COVERING, the other he had property of W. C. Lunalllo. deceased, for tht Vf. hf,,n h, tf, vlit Tlll riirrr, ,.r!n east side of the adjoining the l'i Patent Section of dollars, with In- Elastic sum two thousand as a rough one and nearly the whole ! Kanehameha Girls' School; said ro5 Cowing. These Goods are of the Very Latea terest at 7 per cent per annum, of rec- Add ord in said registry In liber 170, page party suffered from mal de mer, but will extend to the sea, Patterns and Styles, and 39. Bull the program as mapped out fori And also all of those certain Inden- yesterday was carried through. CROSS ROADS will be opened ba can be seen at 11 Water-pro- Cold Water Paint, tures of lease of lands in' North Kona. At o'clock the union meeting In the Phosphate tween blocks. Every lot will have iulde and outside, in white and Island of Hawaii, aforesaid, viz: penitentiary was held. The Y. M. C. A. j frontage on a road. The elevations vary 1. That certain Indenture of lease and native very generously j churches from 40 feet high to 10 feet high abova M. CHIYA, from Lilluokalanl to George McDougall gave up th--i- r usual time to the sister as de- eea level. of the land known Keahuolu. organization. The of Y. i a a Telephone 311 White. in L. O. A. 8452, R. P. 6861. dat- chairman the Half teaspoon in half scribed M. C- - A. committee, Mr. Howard, open- of and Hotel Street. ed 31st of March, 1S92, of record In glass of NO SWAMPS around the premises. - and Jute. Corner Nuuanu the ed the service and then handed It over water after meals, said registry in liber 134, on pages No freshet will en'er the property. 463-46- 5. Area, about 4,071 acres. $600 to Major Wood, who took charge fori removes the distress, oppres- Iff. riMU A VT BDTPtf. .ruiau aiU1 IJlhlVU per annum to March 31, 1912. $700 per the Army. Thrf-- men who have be'n sion and "all gone" feeling. THERE IS AN OFFER to buy a part to March 31. 1922. converted in the Army's meetings in- - j Han's Likeness annum of property by a great manufac- 2. That certain indenture of lease sice the prison walls and are now mem- - Gives good appetite, per- the George Mc-Doug- from Francis Spencer to bi? of tht- Army spoke words of wl- - j turing company. The chances are tha C Hono-kohaui- k yon want a photograph tha. the land known as coin?. while a sextet composed of pris-one- rf fect digestion and restful sleep. offer may be accepted. There 1? -- very If lated January 6, 1S97, of rec- represent you as you are and a quintet of guards enliven- - j AGENTS FOB win ord in raid registry in liber 169. on A Tonic and Nerve reason to believe the prices of lots will know routl like what ed selec- - j Food. 24-2- the proif"'i '" with vocal mnv. --on. There's artistit pages 5. About 500 acres. $300 per increase in a short time. The owner tnr - 6, 1912; $400 an- tions. Lieut. Carroll, who had put in j The genuine tieais the name ' Honfonl's " on label. SUOAR CO., m In too. annum January per property REFINING it them. 6, 1927. two years in this penitentiary before of the will give all chances te tdcuco, CaL They mounted to tha lat num to January are ! money on in- style, and are Just ta 3. That certain indenture of lease his conversion. and was known b purchasers to make their oval from the trustees under the will of many of the men present, made a strik vestments. thine. Bishop to George Mc- Bernlce Paa ihi ingly effective t;ik. Major Harris sanu Lodge Le De l'Cceanie, Dougall of the 'and known as Puaa 1st, an Army shil-- to the tune of "Just as Props THE GROUND IS SUPERIOR to anj fishing rights, May - together with dated tlu- Sun Went Down In Introducing No. 124. & A. S. RITE in market, 2, 1887, of record in said registry in A tract the 325-32- Col. French to the audience Major 103, on pages 7. About 859 TAKE THE liber Wood no- THE PREMISES are situated withias acres. $100 per annum to May 2, 1902. said that he was sure that 4. That certain Indenture of lease where would the Colonel be better wel- one mile and a half from the postoffics, ELEVATOR to George comed or his v. ord listened to w;th more FNTvTpa v from Mrs. Kau Keaweualanl THERE WILL BE A REGULAR t wit. of interest than right Takine as THE GOVERNMENT WATER actorers McDougall and Sons homestead there. meeting of the above lodge at 7:34 of National Cane-- lots 10 and 20, In Kealakehe, dated his text. "Wiri' shall '.t profit a man are laid along the upper portion - o'clock THIS MONDAY EVENING, PIPES - a. FOTO March 1, 1896, of record In said regis- If he gain the hole world and lose his July 29, at its hall, Masonic Temple. of the property. J 16L on pages 258-28- 9, con- - try in liber ;80Ui. or shaU a man give Jn ex William wh?it TRANSACTION OF BUSINESS. B Gallery- - talning an area oi io. a;re, mure or change for t.;s soul," he made a most THE PRICES are cheapest of any less. per annum to Marcn i, 1911. was Members of Lodge, No. 21, Together all buildings ana im stirring address, which listened to Hawaiian tract within two miles from the center r AIN'T COM PANT, with most intently. and Pacific Lodge, No. 822, and all so- BOSTON BUILDING. provements made upon or put up and journing brethren are invited to be of the city. ! erected upon the land In said leasee A good crowd gathered at nigh in the present. named and described, also all coffee Kawaiahao Church to hear the distin- By order of W. M. THE TERMS which will be given to growing thereon, area of said guished visitor. Many wMie faces the 1V trees the E. B. FRIBL, Secretary. purchasers will be the best ever give CO.. lands being as follows: were in Rev. Mr. aDd coffee noticed the audience. by any Real Estate Dealer or Broken 150 acres of planted coffee. j cisco, CaL Mules About Parker introduced the speakers, while Horses About 50 acres of wild coffee. I the Army soloist, Mrs. Capt. Jensen, MASTER BUILDERS' ASSOCIATION during the last twenty years in Hobo And also, all of the herd of cattle be tht. ALL assisted the church choir with two lulu. KINDS on THERE WILL BE A MEETING OF OF FOR SALE ari; nlsald Vorth KonZ numbering TJf talk was based ap- CJtodJ tree, the principal the Master Builders' Association at FOR TERMS or more particulars about 400 head, more or less. jtne rooms in building 2 ; pomes in every their the Elite at ply to the sermon being that p. m. today. S. CastU JAMES F. MORGAN, opportunity brings responsibility. Mr. To arrive per Aloha and S. ; W. P. BARRY, JEWELRY Auctioneer. Parker interpreted the speaker's re- - pro about July 8th. 'marks. Secretary tem. MATCH TEAMS, At the close of this Colo- on TERMS Cash, United States gold service the MEETING S, M. KANAKAMt. tK. ., FINK DRIVERS, nel proceeded to Ar-- . NOTICE. PACERS, coin. Deeds at expense of purchaser. and his party the FAST my hall and participated In the clos- DRAT TEAMS, ETC. apply THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE SURVEYOR AND ' MANAGER BEL1JNA For further particulars, to ing exerises of the evening's meeting TERRITORY CHARLES H. Hatch & Silllman, attorneys for mort- there. shareholders of the OF KAPIOLANI TRACT COM- Theo. H. Davies STABLES CO., LTD., will be held In gagor, or to Messrs. Tonietit the Colonel's topic is to be company, 545 King PANY. Ltd. the office of the CUT OF PARIS DRY GOODS U & Co., "f he Holy Ghost" and the meeting street, on Wednesday, July 31, 190L at OR TO will be in the Armv hall. 10 o'clock a. m. Dated Honolulu, July 18, 190L Young Men's Christian Association. E. A. MOTT-SMIT- PARIS 5419-23- 06 President. raw toh Lieut. -- Col. George C. French delivered J. R. SHAW, Secretary. 5919 W. a. AGKI Gl the regular Sunday afternoon sermon at 4 i 2 Frubors NOTICE. the Yoong Men's Christian association hall yesterday, the forces of the Salva- REAL ESTATE DEALERS PoiMoniert tion Army and the Association uniting in AND BROKERS. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT services. tU FORT ST. at the annual meeting of the Hawaii Major Wood, who introduced Col. HAS FOR ALETHE BEST GiL cor. Geary and Stockton Sta. an Hardware Co, Lta., tne ionowmg party Salva- southeast as officers of the said French, said that the of eral assortment of Hawaiian and Paci & CO. SAN FRANCISCO. were elected tionists who have been conducting ser- fic Island Curlbs In the city. Horn J. H, TAYLOR AH poration for the ensuing year: Orders Mail ProtnotlT vices on Kauai had just returned and made Pol on Tuesdays and Friday a br Trr President, John Ena. reported excellent success with the series GENERAL BICMITHING, Vice President, cecn tsrown. Treasurer, Abraham of meetings held there. Major Harrison, M,at Manager and who accompanies Col. French as his NEW MAP OP OAEU Tailor Fernandez.. traveling secretary, sang several solos. I. M. SHIGETA Secretary, H. M. von Holt. Y JAS. T. TAYLOR, M. Am. So. O. With special attention given te Sfcr? Godfrey Brown. The scripture lesson read by Major Auditor, Wood was from the third chapter of St. SSxtt inches. Work. Drays and Wagona mad t "reet, Just CARPENTER, PA- Theo. F. Lansing, Director. epistle Epheslans, CONTRACTING H. M. VON HOLT, Paul's to the and the Copies ean be obtained from Mr. Tay der. . PERING, PAINTER Secretary. verse taken as a text by'Col. French was or. IM Judd building, or Hawaiian Kw QUEEN STREET. Maunakea Bt may power Beretanla Ave., corner of July 23, 190L 5317 "That I know h:m and the Company. Opposite Judiciary Buildln FIT. Lowest Prices. Honolulu, 1901. 6 THE PACIFIC COMMERCIAL ADVERTISER, HONOLULU, JUL? 29,

JAS. F. MORGAN, U-I- M MR. GEHR tm m m mm . Auctioneer ana Broker Biscuit of Jmga IN ACCENTS 65 QUEEN STREET, M P. 0. Box 594. Telephone 72. Or some other kind of Biscuit or Water Laces SUCH AS Pres. of Railroad Auction Sale WATER HAMPAGNE OF BEN'I S H. M. Threatens Crim- ORANGE BIrtH TEA ! Woodtn Buildings LEMON SNOW FLAKE inal Libel. OYSTER Laces STKAWBERRY ( His GINGEK ON TUESDAY, JULY 30, VANILLA PRETZELS w--v- first-cla- ss v ) There is going to be a " CHOCOLATE GRAHAM ase of criminal libel instituted pretty At the premises, corner of Beretania EDUCATOR soon, if certain people who are Indus- - and Fort streets, opposite Progress wm sen at ruouc triously disseminating malicious lies x. l Auction Etc., Etc., Etc., myself my company Etc. about and don't six large stores. Building is covered Laces get wise to themselves and quit." Thus with corrUgated iron Just received a fresh shipment of the .spoke H. B. Gehr, president of the lso 2 Sheds, covered with corrugateo above at Kohala-Hil-o Railroad, to a Tribune iron. 5000 Pieces of Lace Edgings and Insertion representative one day this week. Mr. 1 Baildsng. Gehr was evidently in a frame of 4 Cottages, Etc., Etc. mind not exactly philanthropic, so far The attention of parties having suit- - HENRY MAY & CO at least as the disseminators of the aDle iots (OT stores is called to the salf reports referred to were concerned. thl tore buildlne. I don t care about these things so far as I am personally concerned, Buildings to be removed within ten LIMITED. though it is a little disagreeable to be the subject of continuous unfounded a'8 01 8,115 On Special Sale and irresponsible rumors, but when P. O. BOX these things aftect the prospects ana JAS. F. MORGAN, 386. the business future of the enterprise I have charge of they must stop or be AUCTIONEER stopped. "You have probably heard that I have been asked to retire from the presidency of the company. That Is TIRE utterly false, and has no shadow even , RUBBER of an excuse for existing. So long ago as I was in New York I heard these INSERTION & VALENCIENNES, EDGING AND reports from the Islands here and ALL 8IZE8. n e. ci n lit knew that letters had been written by 15c, 20c, 25c, 35c, 65c, $1.00, $1.25 per dozen yds. people interested in blocking the enter- prise. At that time I told my people - there that if they thought my resigna- - tion would help matters any to tell me we ever handled. so frankly, and I would step down so Q These goods are the best value fast it woud make an electric curretif. IU They entirely ignored the proposition, and at the present time there is no Id intention or desire on their part for my H removal. Within a few weeks letters have been sent from here .to these peo Auction Sale ple telling them th- - road could never OF go through with the at its head, that there was no confidence In me here, AND PLANTS! and in fact, only a spirit of opposition, FERNS and making statements derogatory to - , tt . 1 t xr t rv r t r xt n t "Now this is what I am after with (Jjj W xUDiN Hi SUA J , JUL! 61 Diooa 111 my eye. i kuuw vi iiu wioe Enough said Ladies! people are; one of them at least, is a; AT 10 O'CLOCK A M., - community. 1 ue BLuienieiiLs, iimue ... ,.- nnWi DMtnn a krw nnrt come to me, if they did I would tell " them this personally; as it is, I don't j THE LATEST AND BEST. 1 propose to go to them, out win , just j q n MflDftAW give tnem one warning, tnis way. Note Compound Springs: add life and wearing quali'i, Hilo Tribune. AUCTIONEER WAIKIKI INN LALL AND INSPLUl. rnlLto nllin Millinery HOUSE WARMING amm m x z b j? k w umm i t.ii s i i i m r K it I fi i S K . ij ft i III I s 1 After having been in the hands of kivi.i the carpenters for several weeks, the 1065 FORT STREET. Waikiki Inn, with additions and Department housewarm-in- g was given a by Manager H. A. N. Almy Sat- urday evening. The affair took the We have just received a fine line of shape of a dance and, dinner, at ON SHOW which the manager had" as his personal guests a party of he of the newspapers 01 tne city. Silk Goods, Jewelry, The encroachments of the waves up-O- P Auction Sale THIS WEEK neces- OF the beach had rendered it WATCHES, GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, sary that the houses be newly under- - j Treasury Stock in the City pinned, and while this was being done SILK AND CREPE KIMONOS. Choice Importations of NOVBLTIES IN MILLINERY there were additions and improvements wonderfully Mill Co.. Ltd. made which have added tooda all new. and of the latest patters TRIMMINGS, comprising Frech Flowers, Co the attractiveness of the popular in resort One of the most noticeable of Wreaths and Sprays lovely goods these additions to the hotel is the new-boar-d ON TUESDAY, AUGUST S walk. This is 150 feet long, and . NOON, specially imported for prevailing has been Increased to twenty i AT 12 O'CLOCK This walk has been so laid At my salesroom, 65 Queen street, Ho- that when waxed it forms a splendid Auction, by Frame Hats. dancing room, and the quintet club's nolulu, I will sell at Public 141 Hotel Street. music has an added accompaniment to order of the treasurer, Mr. C. JC. AI the roar of the surf and the wash of 60 Shares of the Treasury Stck of th It Will Pay You to Trade With Us. the waves. CITT MILL, CO., LTD. Another feature which fills a want long felt, is one which has been in contemplation for some time by the enterprising manager. This is the J4MES F. MORGAN, building of a private dining room, AUCTIONEER 20 x 20 feet, above the center of the walk, where, amid tree tops, a party may dine in perfect privacy, where tne Vig Hosiery and incessant murmur of the sea prevents There is Strength and the sound of voiceB from reaching the ears of those who may be promenad- - j ing below. The location of this pretty little room, which has been made as ' IN EVERY DROP. cozy as corner seats ana a pretty sideboard, bric-a-br- ac and pictures may make it, is uniquely striking, j Underclothing is ence' privacy seclu- - j There at the of Drink the Famous sion and the openness of the free air and the combination of sound and wind of the sea brings appreciation of the Our Stock in this Department is now good cheer. The feast spread before his guests by very complete. Prices Lowest in the City. Manager Almy Saturday evening was one worthy of the place. It is one of IT WILL REPAY YOl the peculiarities of the Inn that the cheer is always good, and the guests come prepared to enjoy it. so that TO there is never a menu card to rob the Sold by All Dealers. diner of the pleasure of anticipation. Property There were such good things as okra Looi Over This ii soup, broiled mullet, squab and a fillet, iiaaittr with all the trimmings which every one who has eaten at the Inn appre- ciates. There were other things which By order of Mr. W. L. HOWARD, ad- ministrator of the estate of A. Kraft, SECTIONAL BOOKCASES, A 1 make Jor conviviality, and the dinner Auction, Value was to deceased, will sell at Public For eaten the strains of a quintet I club, which left just enough intervals at my salesroom, 65 Queen street, for a good story or two from the host. The dancing was kept up until a late ON SATURDAY. AUGUST 17 nour, me attendance Demg comiortaDiy OFFICE DESKS, large. Many officers from the Petrel AT 12 O'CLOCK NOON, spent the evening at the Inn, and the property on the corner occasion-- was thoroughly I enjoyable. JfhX and Kewalo streets, known i as the Kraft property. LETTER FILES, Come to our Store Hawaiian Genius Figures. Premises have a frontage of about 800 feet WASHINGTON. July 20. The Cen-,30- 0 feet on Lunalllo and about Office trfday - on street sus issued a statement giv- Klnau - ing the statistics of the school, militia The. lot Is of sufficient sie to subai- - fine building sites CARD INDEXES and voting people of the States of Ida- ivide Into M ,....--i t contain a vast numDer ui ho. Illinois anrl Hawaii tVio Grounds very ing as follows: otnro fruit trees comprising a finest fruit trees School age Hawaii, 33,774; Idaho, great variety of the SAFES 54,966; Illinois, 1,589,915. in Honolulu. AND money can re-ima- ln Males of militia age Hawaii. 72,596; Part of the purchase Idaho, 41,785; Illinois, 1,091,472. on mortgage. mmmmmmm Males of voting age ; ) Hawaii, 9.60. purchasers are cordially In Idaho, 53,932; Illinois, 1,401,456. IntendIng unpacked. L . B. KERB A CO, vited to inspect tne vni., shipments recently arrived and just Thingra Doing in Brazil. MORGAN. Auctr. NEW YORK, July 20. A dispatch to Stt. F. LIMITED. the Herald from Rio de Janeiro says: Admiral Mello on Wednesday sent an- other memorial to the Chamber of Dep- FOR SALE BY uties accusing President Campos-Salle- s Q,ueen St., Honolulu. of false arrest and imprisonment. The president of the chamber returned the Broker document and declared that the mat- ; mm I ter had been dismissed. The Minister of Foreign Affairs Is i & conferring with the United States and 65 Quer Street, H. Hackfeld 0 Peruvian Ministers regarding the Pan-Americ- an Ttlephowt 72. UMXTBD, Congress. p. 0. Box 694. THE PACIgtC COMMERCIAL ADVERTISER, HONOLULU, JULY 29, 1901.

BREVITIES ay arrive in

' . ,rro ... hrowprv. IS STERLING pa"" new of the new 10,000 BARRELS rwis. Kirth of a ft

the Agncui- - building f0r The Hawaiian Band will play at Em- ' M ma Square this evening, commencing WATER TDBE BOILERS. at 7:30 o'clock. The program DJ will be of St. Andrews' as follows: from a Roche Harbor Lime PART I. n Kauai. Festal March, "Cornelius". Mendelssohn ...ctpniav celebrated Ballad, i"5 eD "The City of Light".. ..Adams .rior ,.r his an- - Suite, "Masearade" t Sullivan DUE TO ARRIVE or Andrew "V Songs ft'"., organist (a) "Mikioi," t I ill -- - j I I 11- 1- (b) "Hiki No Me Au," Hamm-Youn- g VTA5h . er Bere. Miss I. Keliiaa Von Co. i",B0'e ' (c) iff afternoon "Liki No a Liki," Ex. Ship Henry (d) "Malu i Ka Ao," Villard. Mrs. N. Alapai. AGENTS. Queen Street. j Bonar, assistant PART II. W- at Camp Mfivmiey, Cornet Solo, "Eleanor Polka" Wlgand wlBnteers t Manila Mr. Charles Kreuter ?L.r. . Washington or-- Selection, "Little Christopher" ..Caryll iff, according m urogema,! some fun March, "Happy Days in Theo. H. & i!l have Dixie". .Mil s Davies CO;, 11? ' "The Spangled n v chief steward of Star Banner." i Oahu Carriage Mfg. Co., Ltd. .J?0 h.- - initiated. The Epworch R1YEE STREET. LIMITED. SDil' League rv.-- r--. . ; . . . l .J . . . t j rr - The National Epworth Leatrm nn. ralBllDK. IliaCKSlTll IfilllK 3DQ I IT 111 DUCK A CEeUailY. a" - ti..n- . .i iughter of I Vf F. -- - vention, now being - to held in San Fran- ' cisco, had an ll.Ot'O per- - ALL ORDERS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO Hardware Department. -- nit r . Mrs. Haa- - attendance of T .,.,rffo sons on the opening day. ' Phone Blue ML P. O. Box 171 cn.nd:nK the greater "All Hall the rower oi esus isarne was sung by ; I oast year in San Francisco, ni ine au.o.,. W1 LiJt mom lmDonant or tn r i - U - I III t ' I I t. k - jv HU M 7 U T n I1D r.".fr!lrt I k Z J tT,Lh!.arsal tomorrow v Tuesday) McKinley sent a message of conjrratu- - ffiii De in : upon me gwa worK or me arreat clock. Dorjy or men and women which thf- - 1 requested league represents l- has accomplished in Ci-..tlv" Andrews and child, ac- - tne past, and he hoped for future sue- - rrin arrived un- - cess. Vice President Za bv Miss Turner, Roosevelt also i: iiMeu s ligee Shirts; - 85c tf1' . . i c-- ia. havp (dmw o -- - in ifom hfld inw. w. m .vnth auf:i- i" hn Kfi an - Bpnsiu uerseiL on is i thf Zealandia. juage ixt- me occaaion, ana ls c&ace t This the best shirt news we have had to tell this " , jr" treating the visitors royaiiy. ureat. . season because of the way we buy them, in large Andrews' Catheural vesteruay " "ivi in the theaters, public halla out-o- f- EZ. .ho RfV. Mackintosh and quantities we get a big reduction in price that's Merit in we phi n was ajj Trains bearing Epworth Leaguers ar- why can sell them so cheap. -uctuuu.XT. T-,- . JV"0 xvt-v- rived every half hour from all parts away in ivona, tne ' rvinff of Union, and the White Caps have These Shirle are made of excellent Madras, Percale and Ml taken the city by storm Gingham, in very excellent new and stylish designs fc Pntton was run over My and colorings. wagons last oaiui-- . Died. Kodak 'Hustaces - r.hile riding his wheel, at the Aia- The following death notice appears in The prices run from 85c to $1.75 each. crossing. The coi- - the Special Sale 'ai King street Examiner: L ... rinp to a misunuersiciiiuiug HOCK In this city, July 16, Lizzie, which way earn woum -- Nico-lau- iuiu. mi. ' eldest and beloved daughter of s OF a. was smashed, while he and Maria Hock and sister of Work wnsiderably battered. Nellie, Nicolaus Jr., Frieda, Marian-n- a Fancy Shirt Waists, - 75c Pacific Mail steamship Colon. and Albert Hock, a native of Ho- t " . ft n n i nil . t H.- - films ajiioi nolulu, I., aged 14 years, 8 months When customers send 12 devel- Tailor Made Garments was to take tne city oi and days. from California to us for Made of Lawns, Muslins, Linen Color Grass Cloth and sslace on the Panama route, the Friends and acquaintances oping and printing there must be ,'.ine on the new run to Manila. are respectfully invited to attend the more than ordinary merit in the Fancy Stripe Madras cut on the latest lines and ,it the Mail company s ooais now funeral today (Thursday), at 9:30 class of work we turn out. They Co- - made with the the most perfect workmanship. m at Martinez, will take the o'clock a. m., from the parlors of H. claim that they cannot get the Ai I UnnA M II WITn KriO HJCH.T1 F. Suhr & Co., 1137 Mission street, same excellent results in San our prices they will go in a jiffy. There is a wide fur the plantations. between Seventh and Eighth; thence to Francisco, and are willing range to choose . Delia Griswold, the singer to St. Joseph's Church, Tenth street. from ' send 2,000 miles and be sure of roice and personality have ren- - for services. Interment, Holy Cross Cemetery, by carriage. having good Kodak pictures. lis Prices run from 75c and upward. get is hy we the business j, leaves by the Moana to taKe That's course of music in Ber- - Champion Shark Killer. merit. Fromi $4 50, fcer Hiss Griswold s concerts have i Parasol. Commodore T. H. Hobron took a par We turn out uniformly good H delight to local musical circles - Her parasol my lady brings - ty of friends to Pearl Harbor Saturday- Every roll of film re- r work. To screen the sunshine from evening Gladys x tit hopes for her success ente in the yacht and ceives the best treatment that her face m1 bv brought morning. hrr numerous friends here. them back yesterday skill and experience can give it. A thing of slenderness and They had the good fortune to hook and grace, kill Photographic Department teen ordered to Fort Douglas, a shark which measured twelve Our A fluttering of scarlet strings near a. On was is of work, we able In large assortment, mu i.;ise v.ii, 10 feet. the head of the shark full but are silk lined. A dainty froth of silken ef the new garrison. This bat-ii-s found a diminutive pilot fish. Killing to turn out work when prom- things, for one of its officers, Lieut. custo- ised, no is slighted. big sharks has become such a and order From A whirl of ribbon and of .Howell, i ne nnutnirs oi Laeuvcu-- mary diversion with the Commodore $6,00. neH's court-marti- al have been Our popular prices will save lace that the Advertiser's artist will, in a Her day or two, depict in of many a dollar for the amateur; Parasol. was recently received the him the act at that's another reason for you to i She bought It at Ehlers' of r tana rtmpnt cu i n o r m getting enough sharks for a mess. ti r.r !m bring us your work. course, they sell k young officer's case. where all Sued. kinds from the cheapest to Porter Ashe Remember, we are headquar- the best. range n wi n i r i Prices from r ii.ii vi.ii nv in j rrvi SAN FRANCISCO, July 18. Mrs. ters for Kodaks, Fresh Films, I $1.66 to $10 each. you Have number of intermediate stones Theresa Bell this afternoon begun suit Plates. Printing Papers every- seen ue toast. A large number oi From $12.00 the small carriage kind? recover $23,- - j thing In the photographic line. nx on tne Kosamonn mit jt against R. Porter Ashe to They're Unique. 11, 1899, j I r 000. alleges July she Ui lie n i mfm ill n u tr m:i.- - She that j your next roll and here, many of form- - gave Mr. Ashe diamonds and jewelry Let us have the stones ALSO SKIRTS. ah-woo- j we will our claims WaSH tie lower portion of a column were of the value of $35,000; that be went demonstrate l, mm suitings so. wnne tne upper ones were Kast, sold trie gems, ana. upon ms ie for m first. Unless the necessary turn, gave her $12,000. which sum he de aas are received at an early date dared renresnted the proceeds of the ; They are 36 inches wide and come in gPf of the steel rrame win also j Mrs Be sues for the difference plain colors; are very light in weight ai- - between the sum received and the and decidedly dressy. price 50c event of this week will be the vfllnp J&bnmJJnpCc) M. Brasch & Co. The Is inn nf (nr. I u ui. me 1Ua mmi tirV ill lit WIL.ll.ll A. per yard. s Kawaiahao Churcn, which will i fORT At Murphy Hall. HOTEL STREET. jciock. An program excellent is Dr. Hartley, the new temperance Telephone 157. leader, was the speaker at the Satur- Your Little Girl 'Pleasure 0f hearir.e in mim- - Mrs 1. 1 ; . day night Murphy Hall concert. It - 1 1 "v j a1,, r, alios tji.v.1 . U 1 ill. was announced that Walter G. Smith, And the measure of her pleasure uu air. Maurice Be -- . . kwith: Advertiser, would deliv- never-ceasin- g k.c t - . editor of the In her leisure uioir or Kawaiahao Church. on China-Ja- ImifAM. r i . ... - er his stereopticon lecture the icui ne n.-ru- i a of uicnvura win panese some date. Is little world treasure ) numbers. war at future The caoabilities of The lecture will be given in Progress Decked in a white dress from instrument will be shown in li i iu i . ; tba "Vmi n rr 003 fV r; A T? Tntral c . ... a, ,!1T EHLERS'. a. i . r . r l i: r n. re.. , n . - . i ouvuiuchAn d ur rx i n.r i rv iri rkT tu'uoih trv i v Oil tfl'C ww - lT SO GENERAL... you your girl to be as cents. evening. If want little well as other girls, The cars on Pacific Heights Electric dressed the little BUSINESS tOCAtS. Railway will start from Nuuanu ave you must buy her white "bressr . at "tnue station, connecting wun an tram- Ehlers'. They are made we mean the y ter way cars, daily. Take a ride and en-Jo- dainty Builders' Association the cooling breeze and magnificent dresses, not the girls of view. Swisses and Organdies to fit little girls trimmed, $150. Mrs. Han- - REPAI 6 14 years of age. street and m from to Mr. and Mrs. Carl Widemann --class grocers carry the Mrs Woods came to Honolulu last Sat rand of Mana, canned owvu?. urday from the Parker ranch at Hawaii. - retail store. See ad. a ... Palms to be sold at tlt- - TAT - . F. & Co "'TOflmfl B. cunesaayj nexi. TOWEL PRICES WORK.. Ehlers .:SheI ha been elected treas- - FORT STREET. ul anu Sale, m o i M. uas Brasch & Co'b CUT IN 2 . rt r--. i , la'llUS IS nr.mna. Bicycles, Registers, and all jnt'KTo . . Of All Kinds Typewriters, Cah kinds of Light Machinery Bui;t and Repaired. M. E. Co., (e of lace cumins: The Killean g for piano tunin Every Job Guararteed. We Send for and Deliver. Llmltea Jokstore be promptly Cotton Towels, Linen Towels and HOTEL STREET. Fri.f.-S.- Shorn. Turkish Towels at prices that make Stren , , ... counters green with French Com tne Sachs other bargain Has taken the agency for the Hawaiian 111 to- - envy. prices are for THIS is a continue These for the P. THOMAS PARISIAN WEEK ONLY. No further comment Islands . - i itself. DYEING AND CLEANING WORKS, U r iuci necessary; this list speaks for " noia regu- - SAN FRANCISCO. tine thi ineT Pearson & Potter Co, Ltd ! Dry lness as may TOWELS Mm come UD. COTTON Mr. H. N. Cauwet, Superintendent of uesiea to be pres- - 18x37, dOZ Honev Comb Towels. 6CC, the F. Thomas Parisian Dyeing and you Regular $1.00 Value. 926 Fort Street Telephone Main 317. ML ?ar-ora.m-a Cleaning Works, is In the city, and wlD hnL A views OF Or 21x48 --"ia. nr r. taken by Honey Comb Towels, I agency dally from 10 to itr.r, in be at the local -- -p tererar.ia ct.nm Cleaning $1.50 aoz in at Van mTT regular value for...$l 12 a. m. August 5th, and will glv& you ' N,chi3 & Co. until pass th(lp TURKISH TOWELS his personal attention to the prompt and e gSin.e the Women's To Buv perfect execution of all orders for dye- If Congregation? SVs of at" 20 dOZ ..... ing and cleaning. clS of Md:a,:vi!l held at ?."t.r!.!"l J- - DRY CLEANING PROCESS, "h. m.,1.. Piikoi Slxe 22x47, very cheap at$1.40dOZ Plumbing Material Special attention Is called to our FRENCH Wer0 onday). lO doz which is Invaluable for the most expensive articles, as no matter how elabor- I- 1 Size 19x39, extra heavy ...$2 "- 'St week lo $3.00. A PLUMBER to put up the articles in first-cla- ss style is garments can be beautifully cleaned, whole and without umpany. Would Be Cheap at WITHOUT ately trimmed the anrt average householder. The people of Hono- ar- v.arsh. Ltd .yeek Wh;t- - of very small advantage to the any Injury to color or fabric Stains are removed from the most delicate $2.0ft ' l lNEN TOWELS one Boar-dyed- , - corsets the i been "cinched" so often by plumbers that they are afraid to set ticles. KID GLOVES CLEANED to look like new. Feathers, Feather "mis. ani 3 Of) these prices, lulu have corsets for Just look at day's work. cleaned, curled and made waterproof. Never attempt to remove stains less even than under the old onto a Job by your plumbing in and every case, making worse than be- gfeS not fall tariff. Size 17x29, pure TiATLET'S PLUMBING SHOP will put condition as it will. In almost result in the stain fnnlCo-- ho white linen and colored bor ... I h Rpwer for a very low figure. And guarantee the Job will fore. Fine lace curtains our specialty. Uure. have mi curios etc. regular $2.00 value, to . guarantee ! der, by GOVERNMENT officials. And also thi? city onrV S1.4-- QOZ PASS' INSPECTION the 'tedwit-K0- are ho old 'this week at.. cneaper contract. Contracts are Chi- - day's work by honest men is than ait 22x44. linen of that W Civ.. letters to SiP Dure and promptly filled by lU v. taken, however, Saloon extra quality, colored brdeT ner of Kukui and fringed $2.65 doz FINEST FRENCH CORSETS & Plumbing Shop - , r vBetici-- r,.. ,. Bailey's i... i unit"r:m timc an ue .r.1 Saturday i GOODS LARGE INVOICE JUST RECEIVED. Flfsi. Pen K - n,nt1 SACHS Ofi! Ih1 to . "VUCO S. IMPORTERS OF MATE RIAL AND PLUMBERS, a aU I 167 STREET. FITTING CORSETS A SPECLVLTY. and Quench NO. KING li CO., LTD. 8 THE PACIFIC COMMERCIAL ADVERTI8ER, HONOLULU, JULY 29, 1901.

THB PACIFIC HONOLULU STOCK EXCHANGE. Classified AdverflscmentsJ A LOT -- Canadian Australian Royal Commercial Advertiser Honolulu, July 27, 190L will make PT. Entered at the Postomce Honolulu, WANTED. 1K at i,ii fxaj T., Second-clas- s IL Matter. NAMK OF STOCK Capita Val Bid Ask A BRIGHT young man, American, to Rrl .11 elerk in a retail grocery store. Pros- Steamsbip Company, Issued Every Morning Except Sunday pects of advancement; must have MKBCAiNTtL. by the references. Address, In own hand- Yet we sell !. v 1.000.000 100 lots ln HAWAIIAN COMPANY, flower a 425 writing. P. O. Box 612. 6921 1 PA GAZETTE J. g.Sae'r.s' Dry Goods Une running n connection with the CANADIAN - Btearners of th above Go Ltd ),00C 100 100 B. tC., and Sydney, - Von Eolt Block, No. 65 South King St. $l,000.ft0 To CSTFIC RAILWAY COMPANY between Vancouver. L. B. Kerr & Co.. Ltd 2t0,U)J 50 45 enlarge a well established r.t and calling at Victoria, B. C. Hono lulu, and Brisbane. Q., are A. W. PEARSON Business Manaaer. business. Quick returns; no risks. COLLEGE "Q.," Advertiser. 5920 SV6AR. Address SUBSCRIPTION RATES: ij.OOO.OOO JD'clo stt Honol" iVB 20 as A FURNISHED house of Ave or below vis: Ha- 175.000 100 six On or about the dates stated. For the United States (including iarxU rooms, by a local party with no chil- at the same price , waii Territory): daw. Agrit nitnrai Ct 1,000,000 100 807 3aw.Cr,m.&Sug. Co 2,812,760 100 dren. Address 'G.," this office. 5920 me m -. Vic- - From Vancouver and Victoria, for 3 00 in 1h, nrl Brisbane, for months $2 Iswaiiai.' rtusrai Go . 2,000,000 20 29 a. anv "l6C and Vancouver, B. C: Brisbane and Sydney: 6 month 4 00 OUOtl.C ... 7K(,000 100 A WOMAN to do family washing. In- locations. Th toria 8 00 Qonnkaa.. 2.00C.OCO 2C 19 office. 6918 1 year iOCOOO 100 ' 5 quire at this t .. JULY 31 AO RANG I AUG. 3 Saikr 2. in long iiOANA Advertising rates on application. Kafmt n 500.000 20 25 """"on AUG. 28 MOAN A AUG. 31 ior Flan. Oo.Lt 2O,000 SO It A POSITION as governess or compan- can complete MIOWERA 160.000 100 ycmr ho 25 . . ..- - SEPT. 28 iipaj ulu na ion. Address, "N. H.," care Mrs. E. H.OBANGI SEPT. MIOWERA iolos S00, MX; loo 500.00u 10C C. Greenwell, Kealakekua, Hawaii. Son a Sngar Co. 5918 KcBryde 8. Co.Lt. A 832,500 20 8K M Paid up 1,650,000 20 10 aiilkn tiugar A 30 The The magnificent new service, the "Im periai Limited," Is now running daJL ' Paid up 20 FOR RENT. sales agenu ar. 1M making run la hour 3,600.00: 100 135 SIX-ROO- BBTWEEN VANCOUVER AND MONT REAL, ths ii TIME TABLE. iauii Bugar Co M cottage. Inquire, 1641 1,000,000 Fort without change. The finest railway aer vice in the world. nomea 20 street, near School. 6920 lu to Canada, United States and Buret 3kala 500,000 20 13H 14 issued from Honolu j Through tickets 1, )laa Sugar Oo. LtA I 812.5M 20 8 From and after Jan. 1901. Paid up 2,51,030 20 14 FURNISHED rooms; suitable for freight and passage and all gen eral Information apply, to OUTWARD. Xowaln 150,000 100 i 150 housekeeping. Inquire this office. mwvicuan, Pond 4 rC ! Dally Paanhu8ng.Pl&n. Co 6,000,000 60 5919 and Dally Daily Dally Dally eaeiflc 500,000 100 24C Stations. ex. ex. Pais , 750,000 100 275 Castle & Unsdal. Theo H. Davies Co , Ltd., Gen'l Agtb Sun. Sun. Pepeekeo 750,000 100 i75 COTTAGES at Palama; Peterson lane. a.m. a.m. a.m. p.m. p.m. PioDeei 2,000,000 100 102 Apply to C. F. Peterson, 15 Kaahu-man- u Agz 4,500,000 uo 87W A 6:10 Vaialna Co.... street 5917 1 Honolulu . . 7:10 9:16 11:05 8:15 ailnkn 700,000 100 i"77 Pearl City .. 8:03 9:48 11:40 3:47 6:30 aimaualo 262,000 100 140 cottage Ewa Mill ....3:32 10:08 12:00 4:05 6:10 Waimea 125,000 100 8 VERY desirable residence, six - 10:50 4:45 rooms, panty and bathroom; sanitary Waianae STEAM R HIP UOI. arrangements throughout; furnished iuq Co. Waialua 11:56 6:40 8. Co 500,000 100 100 Wilder 8. or unfurnished; near Punahou Col- Steamship 12:32 nter-Islan- Oceanic 6:15 d 8. 8. Co 500,000 100 100 Kahuku lege. Apply to "O.," this office. 5917 FINANCIAL INWARD. MlBCEI.i-ANBOUi- . i FURNISHED ten-roo- m residence, 1071 AGENT Dally Dally Dally Dally dswalian Blectiic uo. 250,000 100 95 Beretania street. Apply to W. L. Stations. ex. Son. Bp. Tt. & Ld. Co 250,000 100 & Telephone Co. 89,0u0 10 Howard, at Castle Cooke, LtL The fine Passenger Steamers of thl gTUne Sun. Mutual 8;- - 5916 WStBHttBMtotiBi p.m. 0. B. & L. Co 2,000,000 100 100 hereunder: J.tmmatJLSJIt a.m. am. p.m. "eople'e Ice A Kef . Co. 160.000 100 So 5:35 2:08 rooms, Kahuku Eases NICELY furnished and airy at FOR 9AN FRANCISCO. FROM SAN FRANCISCO. Waialua 8:19 2:50 the Elite, 164 Hotel streeL 5918 7:10 8:65 AUG. 8 SIERRA AUG. 7 Waianae National Bank... 110 SOMA 4:32 Pint six-roo- m AUG. 21 MARIPOSA AUG. 17 Ewa Mill 6:50 7:45 16 Kirot Am Savings Bk. NICE cottage, on Lunalilo, WL.RIPOSA City 6:16 8:03 1:30 4:52 A Co 102 near Pensacola May, AUG. 27 SONOMA . . AUG. 28 Pearl Trust street. Emmett VENTURA 6:50 8:35 2:05 6:26 building. 5915 ALAMEDa SEPT. 11 ALAMEDA SEPT. 7 Honolulu Bonds. Judd SEPT. 17 VENTURA SEPT. 18 G. P. DENISON, P. C. SMITH, MamKar nf Honolulu C..l r EIBRRA ELEGANT double room, for married V " L ALAMEDA OCT. 2 ALAMEDA SEPT. 28 Superintendent. G. P. & T. A daw. Govt. 5 per cent. 8 OCT. 8 SIERRA OCT. 9 Mln r. r Co.6terct. 100 couple or two gentlemen, with board; SONOMA & L. co 100 23 ALAMEDA OCT. 19 Hon. R.T. reasonable rates; Vlda Villa, King OCT. w-- "ioo ALAMEDA 30 METEOROLOGICAL. RECORD. Ewa Plantation 6 street, above Thomas Square. 69U VENTURA OCT. 29 SONOMA OCT. K. s L Co 104 9 ALAMEDA NOV. 13 ALAMEDA NOV. )ahu Plant. 6 p. c. . . . 102H NOV. 19 VENTURA NOV. 20 By the Government Survey, Published las Plan 6 t ..... SIERRA !l02 OFFICES FOR RENT. o locks ana isoaat ALAMEDA DEC. 4 ALAMEDA NOV. 29 Every Monday. Waialua Ag. Co 6 p. c etntsfe IN BREWER building, Queen street, promptly executed. on reasonable terms. Apply to C. &ABOM. rHXSV. Hilo and Puna DIv. & Co., 5878 Loans negotiated. pre- f c Brewer Ltd. In connection with the sailing of the above steamers, the Agents are CP SALES. pared issue, to intending passengers. Coupon Through Tickets by any Bile to Between boards One hundred twenty- - OFFICES in the new Boston block. railroad, from San Francisco, to all points in the United States, and from 5 Fort street, between Hotel and King New York by any steamship line to all European port. live Hawaiian sugar 830. streets, under lease from one to five i years. Low rentals, including Jani- 20'go p?Im 8- PARTICULARS, APPLY TO a :6 .re 72 -2 NK 4 tor service, electric lights and water. Postoffice box 890. Telephone FOR FURTHER ! Coghlan is Married. a 2180 9' aM6 2 NB 8 Appiy to Hawaiian Trust Company, a 22 29.99 VS. M 0 :68S NS 4 (Sraham Coghlan, second officer of the 923 5849 HONOLULU. T 2 2tt 8139 90 KB S Fort street. W '.'4 29 9i29 90 (5i7l6-10!N- K 1 wrecked Rio de Janeiro, and Miss Eliza- T 2 '28 8 (29 91 04166 3 jjsE :--3 beth Birmingham Hook were married FOR SALE. Wm.G. IRWIN & Co f IK 28 6 9. 4 .0164,5 ;NB 4 on July 17 at 741 Chestnut street, the ALL kinds of standard books, on easy Business men LIMITED Barometer corrected to 32 F. and Bea residence of the bride's uncle. Captain monthly payments. New York Book Agents Oceanic S. S. Co. level, and for standard gravity of Latu 45. John Birmingham, United States Super- Supply Co., 200 Judd building. 5908 General This correction is .06 for Honolulu. vising Inspector of Steamships for the can save West. Graham Coghlan is the only son A. GARTENBERG'S fine residence of Captain Coghlan of navy, who property Kapiolanl on SUN AND MOON. tp in Park the TIDES. commanded the cruiser Raleigh at tne beach. Address P. O. Box 226. 5811 hours battle of Manila bay. Miss Hook is the many a only daughter of tie late Henry Hook ON EASY monthly payments; educa- of Contra Costa county, who was at . one tional, medical and lawbooks. New Pacific Mail Steamship Co. Oct time cashier of the Custom House in York Book Supply Co., room 200, Judd 5 San Francisco. building. 6908 Graham Coghlan was on the ill-fat- p.m Ft. a.m a.nj.'p.ra.' J Rio. in the capacity, of .second officer LOST. aon 29 2.54 1.8 a 7.440.04 6 S2 6.4i.i a 8 when that vessel went down in the bay. to S.S. Co. lie performed heroic woik that memor- A HAWJAIIAN, dollar buckle, enamel- Occidental Oriental rnei tso 8.3W 1 9 8.28 i0.27 5.32 6.40; 4.51 able day, and was highly complimented ed, between Walkikl and town. wed. 4.03 i9 s a 9.13 10.62 5. i 6.89 5 61 ii r by the Coroner's jury which investigat- Please return to "C," Advertiser of- fhor. 44i I 8 4.26 9.58 1 22 5.33 6 . 9 7 41 ed the wreck. Mr. and Mrs. Coghlan fice. 5915 and Toyo Kisen Kaisha. frld.. 2 5.17 1AI 6-- 10.45 Ll.65 5.S4 6.86 8.21 have gone to Santa Cruz, where they LH will spend their honeymoon. FOUND. Steamers of the above companies will call at Honolulu and leave this port 5 54 1.9 6 00 U 40 p.m. 5 ?4 6 49 9 06 below mentioned: uu. . 4 6. 5 1.8! t :U 07 14.42 5.84e.6 9 4 or about the dates I A GKlfTS' bicycle; owner can have by . Is Still in Quarantine. office, prop- FOR CHINA AND JAPAN. FOR SAN FRANCISCO. Hon.. 5 7.21 1.8 7.5 1C 5.3". 8 10 88 calling at this proving City, erty and paying all expenses. 5920 WIPPON MARU JULY 24 AMERICA MARU JULY 2f Full moon on the 29th at 9:51 a. m. The steamer Carlisle which reach Accross the Contlra AUG. 1 PEKING AUG. 3 Times of the tide are taken from the ed port on July 10th from Hongkong via PERU A BUNCH of keys attached to a chain From COPTIC AUG. t GAELIC AUG. 18 United States Coast and Sur- San Diego was still in quarantine at An- Owner can have by calling at this 17 MARU AUG. 28 i AMERICA MARU AUG. HONGKONG vey tables. gel Island when the Zealandla left. ffice and paying expenses. 6918 man a mi i mi - nm PEKING AUG. 24 CHINA AUG. 27 The tides at Kahulul and HUo occur When she reached San Diego about the SEPT. 8 DORIC SEPT. 8 Honolulu. GAELIC about one hour earlier than at lirst of the month several of her crew DAILT SEPT. 11 NIPPON MARU SEPT. 13 10 80 THREE TRAINS HONGKONG MARU Hawaiian standard time Is hours were ill. She was sent from that port THE MELROSE. FROM 8AN CHINA SEPT. 19 PERU SEPT. 21 minutes slower than Greenwich time, be- to San Francisco and on the way small- ing that of the meridian of 167 degrees 80 pox broke out. She Is loaded with Chi- TWO TRAINS DAILT 1:80 King Street, near Walkikl Turn. Tel. Portland. minutes. The time whistle blows at nese merchandise and it will be fumigat- Blue 808L From p. m., which is the same as Greenwich, 0 ed before the vessel will be released. hours 0 minutes. Sun and moon are for HAVING BEEN REFURNISHED local time for the whole group. and renovated, is now open, under new I Bark 8. G. Wilder Arrives. management. Rates, single. 858.08; mi- - mil. i. iiiia.i in The barkentlne S. G. Wilder, Captain couple, 898.00 per month. Those desir- iHIPPINU INTELLIGENCE. C. in command, arrived in this ing good Board and Room can be general apply M. 8. 8. Co. Jackson Tor information to P. port yesterday morning, sixteen days out fOlff 10 II! THE WEATHER from San Francisco. She experienced Ml Bi fine weather all the way down light The Haw'n Realty and Maturity Ccu Mean Temperature 78.0. winds prevailing at all times. Notning Minimum Temperature 74. was sighted on the trip. The Wilder sail- Limited. Pullman Palace Sleeoers. & Maximum Temperature 84. Library Ca. Co., ed three days ahead of the bark Albert RESI-denc- Buffet Smokinar and H. Ltd FORTY-FIV- Hackfeld E CHOICE e Barometer at 9 p. m. 29 97; steady. Aja TT 1 OWQ .nJ 'PVfltAm and four ahead of the auna both opened home-seeke- rs, Kainian .wo lncn, up to a. m. momentarlly expected. lots just to of wnicn are comprising seven-acr- e ing Rooms. Mean Dew Point for the Day 64.7. . . a tract of Dinging Cars, Meals a la Cr Mean Relative Humidity 63 land adjoining the Punahou grounds, on good Free Reclining Chair Care. WINDS. PASSENGERS. each lot facing a broad street, Ordinary Sleepers. and bounded by Wilder avenue, Met-ca- lf Pullman N. E., 4 to 2; weather fair to cloudy, Arrived. and Dole streets. The land In it- r with slight sprinkles of rain. From San Francisco, per S. S. Zea-- ! self .is unquestionably, aside from be J. H LOTHROP, General Aprt FORECAST FOR TODAY. landia, July 27 Mrs. L. Andrews and ing desirable on account of easy access 136 Third St., Portlul

child, Miss E. Austin, W. R. Castle, city, the or xjTwvinriCK.- -, Otrif ral some lf to and from the best and n T . . VX. Light winds; indications Claypool, W M, a change. Jr., C. M. Clark, Miss L. cheapest property yet placed on the No. 1 Montgomery 8 Miss M. B. Collins, Miss L. Cramer, market. Wide streets, electric car line, Ban r raif-- CURTIS J. LYONS ii H. Doxey, L. Fitzjamll. Mrs. W. F. high alluvial soil, besides being sit-- & T. A- - TC :rir2;Z;c(' and : Or TO IIMAX. G. P. , A , ;c. Hassou. Master Haseon.W. A. Johu- - climatically Hill ' uated unexcelled. ston, H. A. Juen, George I. Lufkin, L. Terms most reasonable. Those desir- $ew York to Honolulu via Pacific Coas ARRIVED. Mann, George A. Nicholson, Mis. G. ing homes will do well by calling on Sunday Julv 2S. E- - Nicholson, T. A. Shute; Mrs. R. W. or filing their applications early. Only SPLENDID NEW STEEL STEAMERS M. Thompson, THE S Cr. w Smith, Mrs. J. W. Miss applications from responsible parties Sale Am. bktn. liuer, Jackson, D. ads- - Home S. AMERTCAL, 6,000 tons, to sail July 1 from .Turner, L. Wadsworth, Mrs. will receive recognition. for S. About . San Fra ri.X worth, R. W. Wilcox, Mrs. Wilcox and complete 6,000 ,' For full and particulars, . S. HAWAIIAN, tons, to sail m. schr. Deienuer, Masters, from .... ,,., t1-!- o D w.i i 82 , 6,000 apply to the sales agents, King M. 8. CALIFORN IAN tonB, sailed from New York June 16tb; will load on Hanamaulu. Kauai. "1UVT ZtS'S. A Tii" ' Puget Sound about August 20th, for Hawaiian Ports. Str. W. G. Hall, Thompson, from street, over Castle & Cooke's. Phone Frpm Kauai, per str. Nnhau, Ju y 27 141. P. O. Box 262. Freight received Company's wha rf, Forty-secon- d street, South Brook -- Ksinai Port,. Main at CornwelL W. Wada and wife. THE HAWAIIAN REALTY AND fjm, at all times. . . . and twelve deck. MAT. CO., LTD. Avenue For further particulars, apply to O. S. S. Zealandia, Dowdeli, from From Kauai, per str. James Makee, San Francisco. ' July 27 C. Hedemann, S. C. Hede- - - TERRITORY OF HAWAII. ISLAND Str. James Makee, Tu'lett, from Ka- manfl, G. Stopp, Miss McCleary, and in & CO., TEN-ROO- H. HACKFELD LTD. Daa- - j three deck. OF OAHU, CITY OF HONOLU- HOLSh 8""" 3 isotISO: P. MORSE, General Freight Agent. AGENTS, HONOLULU. Str. Kauai, Bruhn, from Makawell. From Hilo and way ports per str. LU SS. .1IIUIi ucuiuuuio, it - ... C Str. Niihau, Thompson, from Ana- - Kinau, July 27 E. Mildeberger, Mrs. - i uiiu iwrvauu tji f W Cecil Brown and W. G. Cooper, being tola. 'hiirnh ATfsa Fnbpfl. Miss R. . . Am. each duly sworn, depose and say Terms. ,4 schr. Oceania Vance, Burke, Davis, Captain Mitchell, Miss C. J. that nn V. nnar or I ' i.e.- - . iwenty-cn- e days from Gray's they are respectively president and Harbor. Dagg, Major Purdy, R. W. Halstead, six-roo- m queen Schr. Twilight, , cashier of The First American Savings a cottar. & 2o., st from Huelo. Mrs. h. Deacon and two children, W. 'prettily planted lot HT Hustace Ltd. Str. Kinau, Clarke, from Hilo. Mixer, W. H. Rock, J. W. and Trust Company of Hawaii, Ltd., F. Morgan, President; Cecil Brown, Vice h. Cathcart Is g:ood view; James President; F. Hustac Str. Lehua, Napala, from Molokai. j L Woodbridge, Captain and that the following schedule a 'commanding Charles H. Atherton, Audit or; W. H. Hooga, and wife, F. Secretary; Treasurer H- - B- - Miss full, true. Just and accurate statement mortgage. DEPARTED i Soule and wife, Canario, aanager. a' Miss P. Descholsky, Mrs. J. Nawahi, of the affairs of the said The First J,Uly 2V Kruger, A. G. Silva, H. Holmes, American Savings and Trust Company -, Am. bkt. S. N. t.- xtt-- o of Hawaii, Ltd., to and including .DEALERS Firewood, Stove, XX.u IVUIilCl , v. . wI . . r..Qf.r.r...... the Steam and Blacksmith Co: San Francisco. 30th day of June, 1901; such schedule J E. Shipman and two children, E. C. WHOLESALE ftNQ RETAIL. U. S. A. T. Buford, Martens, for :Smith wife and daughter; Leong Soy, being required by section 14 of the vam' George Gilman. C. Creighton, Oliver Banking Act of 1884. Nor. bk. Oddersjaa, Johansen, for j The capital of the company Is $250,-00- 0, XST Special attention given t. IVaying. Also, Black an Shipman w Cahillt j. Spitz, A. N. F0 and the Sound in ballast. a t? Mr- - divided into 2,500 shares of the Rnnmm w.toniri vnnr nnn?hpr T . . White Sand. Telephone Main Am bkt. Benlcia, Bowes, for San Lenan and wife. G. Taylor, Mrs. W. value of 8100 each. The number of Il..illl I - Francisco, with sugar. Conradt, M. E. Silver, J. I. Whitney-- shares Issued is 2,500, and the shares LU 1 I Jt, - ! TT Am. sp. Spicer, fully paid up. Florence, for the Sunday, July 28. are CHAS. BREWER & CO.'S W n. . IRWIN CO., UTB, Sound in ballast. The liabilities of the company on the Tel. Main Schr. Waialua, for Koolau ports. Per str. W. G. Hall, from Kauai 1st day of July, 1901, were as follows: ' Mrs. Spieker, Miss Rice, Miss Mahoe, Wm. G. in.. President and Manage Miss Dwight, Mrs. Christian, Miss Capital 8250.000.00 NOTICE. Claus Sj kels First Vice Presides REAL ESTATE TRANSACTIONS. Christian, Mr. Kaiser, Mr. Watson, Col. Deposits 179,378.78 York Line M. G New W. tard... Second Vice Preaidtir French, Major Harris, Mr. and Mrs. Dividend account 8,250.00 ON AND AFTER Vv G. 60,000.00 Wit H. M. ii'ney Jr... Treasurer and Bee mb v Qr,H Wishard. H. P. Baldwin. Mundon, Bills payable June, 198L all busing, Ship Helen Brewer ueorge hliU'ynH Mr. Gallagher. Mr. Cuttings. Mrs. L. Undivided profits 2.814.18 ' W. Rosa Audita to D. kahoa; tahlklnapieces of A Baldwin. Lta.. will sail from NEW YORK for A S5ster Aibertina, Major Wood, The assets of the company office on second rJgm SUGAR FACTORS land, Waikele, Ewa. Oahu. Considera- - . their HONOLULU, on or about Mr Kamalikaue, Miss R. Aleau, Miss on the 1st day of July, 1901. building. AND Won ! K. Ayoe, Miss W. Bush, Miss Wlebke, were as follows: wald 5b - SeDt. 1, 1901 Z No. 336 Piohau and husband to Ka- Mr. Starneman, Mr. Carroll. Mr. Lew is, Bills receivable .. 8393,478.00 a Tnnp ii. unmission Agents maka et al.; interest in of Pa- - Mr. Bartells. Mr. Burkhard, Mr. Gan- - Bonds 42,970.00 inducement are offered. estate t'.T If sufficient lau, Kahauloa-lk- i, S. Kona, Hawaii. dall, Mr. McKeague, Ah at, Captain Cash on hand ln i - AGENTS FOR THE 'onslar-ratlo- n McLeod, G. P. Cooke, Captain Lind- bank 44,928.22 apply to i Miss M. Fountain, fifty- - accrued to freight rates No. 337 S. S. holm. and Interest . mm 8Jr Oce R. Kay to Mahaulu; lot 30, 1901 8.571.86 ti eamshlp Compat - three deck. June Ai'Bj, CHAS. BREWER & CO. 9 (7,509 square feet), Paepaealll, Kapa- , THE THIK- I-' . orR-- Of an Francisco, CaL i lama, Honolulu. Oahu. Consideration 8487.942.88 assessment 17 Kllby St., Boston. only arrfval Qf & deep gea yessel 8487,942.88 .u vihel "r j at 4.t , - Ion Saturday wa? the Oceania Vance, 21 CECIL BROWN, President. stock, has been No. 339 Mary to H. G. Woot- j de-e- n: Ltd.. WiNG LUNG CO. Wooten daya out from Gray's Harbor. The W. G. COOPER, Cashier. and par" interest ln lot 87 (7.6S7 square feet), Army transport become due & CO., LTD. partUres were: Buford of BREWER - . Alexander C. Pnwaa. Punahou. Honolulu, Oahu. Con- for Manila, via Guam; Norwegian bark - .to&m HONOLULU. Subscribed and sworn to before me 15th day of June, Wj- ,aJH GROCERS sideration 8250. Oddersjaa. ln ballast for the Sound: Am-- this 22d day of July. 1901. HtEBH FRUITS ON HAND AT AT.T No. 340 Jno. Kenala et al. to C. W. ! er!can barkentlne Benlcia with sugar for (Seal.) GEO. L BIGELOW, W R. P. 17S2, kul. 15S8, Pauoa. Ho-- j San Francisco; American ship Florence Notary Public, First Judicial Dis- Klh-- i r.- - Dally Advertiser; easts TIMES. 1 Treaa. tht Kin Street, eomer uolulu, Oahu. Consideration $350. n ballast for the Sound. trict 5918 Honolulu, May 20, l 1sttir nth, Commercial Hbvertteer. ESTABLISHED JU1.Y . 1866.


Two ba?e hits Sheldon, Leslie, Joy, 0 - Parker. MARVELS Stolen bases Duncan 2, Leslie 2, Joy, MAILES Lare, H. Mossman, Jackson 2, D. Keku- BY AUTHORITY co.-J- udd pond & ewa, Lemon 4, Harde, Bush, Cockett, ff Clark. Hit by pitched ball By Richardson 2. Struck out By Richardson I; by Clark Act 4 and Fethel 8; by Parker 3; by Joy 4. -) 0FSPEED . tfCKBI.. D box 786. BEAT COPS Bases on balls By Parker 6; by Joy 4. Wild pitches By Richardson 3; by Ax Act Making Special Appropriations for the Depart- -- Tirr& 3S, Campbell Joy L Use op During Two Passed balls Leslie 4; D. Kekuewa 2; mental the Territorv the Years J. Kekuewa 2. Day A. D. ' which will end with the Thirtieth of June, - --Dnomi 303- - Cres-ceu-s Umpires P. Gleason and C. Graham. Ltv Coney and Finest Scored Nine Scorer Lorrin Andrews. 1903. DIAMOND DUST. --TT jlATTHEWMAN.- -f. Kaahuaianu St. Make New In George Clark pitched a great game. 1 the First Kekuewa and Lemon contributed Be it enacted by the Legislature of the Territory of Haicaii: IV greatly to their side's victory. yn.,vciriANS. i""" Of-S-i-r- Parker pitched the first five innings . rLEVELAND. M.D. Records. for the Police. hours. 9 to 12 a. m., Inning. !,B Chillingworth and Parker were both Section 1. The fallowing sums amounting to Three Million TeL White 411. handicapped by injured mitts. It was a pleasant afternoon for the Five Hundred Twenty-Thre- e Thousand Five Hundred Thirty fTTviNoffic. 232 Bere" In a free-for-a- il pace at the Grosse umpire, whose work left little to be 52-10- ItL st hours, 9 to 11 Runs Runs and 0 ($3,523,530.52) Dollars are hereby appropriated to Pointe track, Detroit, Coney went the Won Lost Pctge For Against desired. fstoTa m., 7:30 to 8:30 p. A fly cop be cop TeL fastest mile ever traveled in Stars 3 o 100 50 29 should able to flies be paid out of all moneys in the Treasury received from all KiWi &v residence a contest H. well! well! well! in Detroit, going A. C 3 0 100 37 22 the distance in 2:02, Artillery 1 2 33 30 47 The Finest have not yet entirely the current receipts of the general revenue of the Territory which is three-fourt- hs of a bet- Maile Ilimas 3 25 63 70 overcome the habit of wielding their PThildebrande. second ..1 like clubs. for the biennial fiscal period commencing with the First day telephone ter than the gelding s Police 0 3' 32 44 bats ave.; previous record. The Police nine is certainly compos- of July, 1901. and ending with the day of The time by quarters qf players. Thirtieth June, i ft was 29, 1:00, The slaughter of Vivian Richardson ed star 1:3114, 2:02. in Next week Honolulus and Stars bat- A. D. 1903. rTwoORB-Offl-ce of Dr. Day. In the second heat Coney the first; a "legacy of runs for the Maile tle for the championship, and if that and Anaconda raced to the quarter in Ilimas in the fourth and sixth; isn't a hot old game. Saturday's con- - Sundays, 9 Fo8:30 P- m.: 29 seconds flat. Then Coney a tie in the eighth; the collapse of the test wasn't a comedy of errors. CURRENT EXPENSES. - ... no. r Whit A 1981. broke and fjBce Anaconda shot ahead alone. Police when the alarm sounded; the " Five E - . (Iffl.-- n 1 JJCfi Villi lengths to the good he paced the half indomitable playing of the inhabitants 152; green REGRETS THAT jy White office hours, in 59 seconds, one of the best per- of the "and gold sweaters, and OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY OF THE TERRITORY OF 6 8 p. m., except li. m. and to formances ever seen, and duplicated their victory in the ninth by one run. Coney's time to the three-quarter- s, such is the history in brief of Satur- CAME TOO LATE HAWAII. 1:3114. The mile was M.D.-E- ye, Ear, Nose 2:02. Anacon- day's game. gOGERS. da took the third heat in 2:08 Hotel St., opp. Y. M. C. and It was a good sized crowd which . . 3,000 00 ftroat; with it the race. Incidentals f --oaI treatment for deafness. dared the perils of the trip to Punahou UI POiOiSiS Dissatisfied and May Dan Patch won the Wayne Hotel .nil. State Entertainments and Ceremonies 3.000 00 to witness the struggle or the tail-ender- s, - Boston Bldg.; purse, 2:14 pace, Seek More Trouble Here K SINCLAIR- class at Detroit, in Preservation of Archives 3,000 00 Ill to 1. 3 to 5, 7 to 8; Sundays. three straight heats. Best time 2:08. but the discomfort incident to offl. Jso; res. w. free-for-a- in October. Tel. Main zti. Cresceus won the ll trot at the journey was more than atoned for Expenses of Election 15,000 00 Detroit and incidentally trotted the by the surpassing uniqueness of the Printing and Advertising 1,800 00 DENTISTS. fastest heat and won the fastest race game. (Special Correspondence.) IBICKNELL Mott-Smlt- h bldg., record ever made. Charlie Herr, Cres- The proceedings opened by the Malles r-- 25,800 00 Sts.; office hours, 8 A feeling of keen disappointment is ud Hotel ceus' only opponent in the race, was a catching the scorer's eye once. A nice second. won universal among the members and slow Cresceus the first young man named Richardson was heat in 2:06. breaking the racing rec- friends of the Makawao Polo Club. KRBY.-Mott-S- mith bldg., cor. good enough to offer to supply the I )EPARTMENT. ord for this year on any track. He won They feel that the margin of their de- JUDICIARY tied Hjtel Sta; office hours, 9 first lot of hot shot. He undoubtedly the second heat easily in 2:05, breaking feat of the 19th was unnecessarily large the world's racing record. meant well, and should receive credit and to score during 0?SMAN, D.D.S. Alakea St., Abe Frank, the crack was for his good intentions. He faced the that their fa""'' n day's contest was ex-al- ly Expenses of Supreme and Circuit i doors above M&sonie Temple, beaten by Sir Oliver and Mem mo in Finest one at a time, and they liter-- tnat not a true office hours, 9 a m. to 4 p. the $8,000 Hyde Park stakes run in tumbled over each other in fran- - hibition of their skill as polo players, Courts, (to include Pay of Grand Chicago. Sir Oliver at 10 to 1 won. Abe tic endeavor to get a crack at the good They think that with some change in as Frank's price was 7 to 10. Jurors at the same rate Trial HIGH-Philade- lphla thing while it lasted. He was natural their representatives, in spite of the iB. Dental Anaconda and Joe Patchen meet in a Jurors) 36,000 00 dice to the Merchant street brigade a f BS; Masonic Temple; TeL ; superiority o Gahu ponies, vic-- match race next month over the n, that frosted bon-bo- a perpetual delight. Purchase of Law Books, Supreme Brighton Beach track. Say! it was a cruel surprise to see tory instead of humiliating defeat The Abb6tt recently stepped an those policemen go round one would might perch upon their banner in some Court 1,500 00 K I ALL, DR O. E. WALL. eighth of a mile jn 0:14. never have suspected that they pos- - future game. In fact, a plan is now t hours, 8 m. 4 p. Books, a to m.; Love Rosebery's Epsom Lad won the sed such sprinting abilities. being of to a team to Ho- - Purchase of Law Circuit Fort St.; Tel. 434. Lord talked send English Elipse stakes of $50,000. Ep- "Dot's a fine ding!" exclaimed a noiulu to compete again at Moanalua Courts other than First Circuit . . . 2,000 00 som is a bay by Ladas out of sport-lovin- g son of der Vaderland, jn .WETXEY, M.D., Lad colt October Ha- D.D.S. Boston Sir Waidie Griffith's when the circus was at Its height. An unro;tUnate incident at the polo Compiling, Printing and Binding Fort St, above May & Co's; Disorder. Richardson stuck to his post truly 3 Martin) second, to 5; Tel. Main 277. colt Ian (H. ran and well. He might have been a gen- - ?ame of th,e 19,h as udden dea1;h waiian Reports 2,500 00 while J. R. Keene's bay colt. eral reviewing a regiment of cavalry "Merrylegs, the well-know- n Bald-continu- ed Stationery, Incidentals and Traveling INSURANCE. Disguise II (Henry), was third. Thir- a kite-shap- ed track. Finally the land pony, the property of H. P. teen horses ran. Gomez, the South circling of the Police upset win of Haiku. Lorrin Smith, of Hono-hi- m. Expenses of District Magistrates . . 3,000 00 etual life insurance American jockey, riding a splendid fin- - He turned dizzy, reeled helpless- - lulu had ridden him from Hamakua-ly- , 1C0. OF NEW YORK. gave George Traveling Expenses Judge and Clerk I Dec. 31. ish, just managed to land Epsom Lad and place to Clark, poko, and while seated upon him 1900. 8325.753.152 51 a The scorer appealed for five minutes' f I B. ROSE, Agent, Honolulu. by a head. Diamond Jubilee was quiotlv watching the arrival of the 2nd Circuit 300 00 etose fourth. grace to "tot" up the tallies which in. spectatorg the tinv horse suddenly fell x!aptaln Eustace Lades 's filly. Game process of time he announced as being under hjm dead afflicted probably by Traveling Expenses Judge and Clerk, architects: some SWAIN.-Stangen- rhick fL. Reiff. bv Gaiiinule out of, heart disease 200 00 R. wald After which you couldn't buy Police 3rd Circuit won National Breeders' " Honolulu; Crocker bide.. San Tierce, the stock for love or money. j Traveling Expenses Judge and Clerk, Produce stakes of $25,000 run in Eng- The Police ran in a couple more in Butte City has offered $20,000 for the - land. the second and they were, metaphor- jeffries-Ruhli- n fight, 4th Circuit 300 00 in Honolulu ically speaking, clubbing themselves - SB & PAGE. Jockey Ross, who rode -- 00 Architects and out or sneer exuoerance. $ 45,800 1 Office, 4. this year, is now in Chicago. rooms Arllnrtnn productive of one George Gardner and "Kid' Carter i Honolulu. H. L; sketches W. K. Vanderbilt is going into rac- The third was for t and to fight 165 estimates furnished at short ing on a large scale. T. C. McDowell the Mailes. have been matched at : TeL 229; P. O. pur- In the fourth the kahuna of the pounds in San Francisco. box 773. will train for him. Vanderbilt Maile Ilimas got to work in no uncer--: , DEPARTMENT OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL. chased the noted stallion Halma from tain fashion. Just how it came about ENGINEERS. Julius Fleishman for $25,000. is a moot question, but the most gen- - j LETTER. LIST tS & CO., LTD. Engt- - Rea P. Harting, once a famous race- erally accepted theory Is that the ka- twcincians and Boilermakers, track plunger, died in Freeport. ill., 01 huna prompted a small boy to yell Support ind Maintenance of Prison- consumption. "haul in" at a juncture when the bases shooting were thickly sprinkled with Maile men. Letters uncalled for at the postoffice ers 190.000 00 In the great National Bund UD to July 28' 1901: . j The effect on the custodians of the law 8. DOVE n c - festival at San Francisco Adolph Civil Ex- - a.- was magical : they came to attention, Allen. B B Muller, Chas Incidentals, and Criminal utii Bnghieer; office rooms practically cinched his claim j top Strecker gazed steadfastly in an opposite direc- - C McLean, Kory Stangenwald bldg , shooting kingship with a score Anderson, J Miss Ina 30,000 00 st St.: P - to the tion to which the call came from, and Alien, W A McQuane, A S n K., it, 394, experts predict is not Mrs ' wr typewriting. of which suffered their opponents to pile up 5, Adams, Isaac MeArthur, John 5,000 00 likely to be surpassed for a century to making the score 11 to 7. Anderson, Thos Newland, Edwin 200 146 were "Seven-eleven- ," Expenses of Witnesses in Criminal IRON come. In Strecker's shots "natural dice," Ameson, M O'Brien, Mrs Thos WORKS-Engln- eers the needle point. "shoot you two and a half," yelled the W of Pumping within three inches of Akers, A O'Brien, Miss Gracie 7,000 00 JM and Sugar The shooting was at the King target crowd. Anman, Lucy Olsen, Olaf R B1,u complete power 14 Hi 500 yards, which has a black center At the end of the fifth it was to Avery, J S Ochlschlager, Hen-ri- k. Detective Service 6.500 00 cprecjseia DiK. ; at 9 jj twelve inches in diameter. in favor of the Police. The Mailes Bailey, Chas 20,000 00 great national shooting con netted 3 in the sixth, making the score Bailey, Jas D Parker, Mr and At the 14 to 12. The seventh was barren. A Bartels, Helen Mrs L M. young j F Reimbursement H. Dow 439 95 tests in San Francisco, a ban compilation of a brace by the Mailes In S Bailey, 'H Piatt, Mrs L H -- -- Pape, j u. s...crr, civu engineer Francisco woman, Mrs. A. H. the eighth made the score 14 all. The Beardsley, John Boyd, Miss Irene f 158,939 95 College; In I P. 0. box 92; 1313 with a hpavv tareet rifle. three spectators writhed with excitement. Branson. L C Radway, Mrs snots established an unprecedented The Mailes went to the bat. They Brett, Mr Ttees, David R record for her sex. She fired at the garnered a single. Burgess, N S Rice, Harold CONTRACinD target, which is an 18-in- ch cir- "Murder." "fire," "beer," shouted the Bucholtz A Roberts. C J TREASURY DEPARTMENT. Eureka unholy to bring 12-in- ch eye. set crowd in their efforts John Ross, Rideau G Hr(;0mtraci0r Bulld- - cle with a black bull's cambell. was 50 out the work of the Police to naught. I Campbell, Mrs Jos- - Roback, Louia wfflce fltttn; brick, up at 600 yards. Her total With two men out, the aougnty erjh Henry 75. The performance Rogers, of a possible Chillingworth shook his stick a time or ciauda. Mabel Mount Office 00 res., 1641 Anapunt. ranks her with the experts. one Incidentals, Treasurers ? 9,000 at two and pasted a low between first Coombs, F E Rose, S L In the rifle shooting contests held and second. j Cockett, Mrs J W Ross. Misses Lillie Interest on Bond Debt, Commission JEWELERS. St. George's Vase fellows," yelled an adher- - Blsley, England, the "Cheese it Cooke, F E and Queen 00 ::CO So ci won by Mahy of Guern- ent of the bluecoats to the Maile Ilima Dane, P Roberts, Mrs Clar- and Exchange 200,000 jew-- was Private J Bod-le- y deputy." See advor- - sey with a score of 116. Sergeant basemen, "here comes the Daly, B L ence Reimbursement Assessor 2nd Division 336 71 inside. of Canada, with a score of 109, won The ruse failed to work, however, and Davis. Miss M Ross, Messrs badge. the fielders stood their ground. j Davis, Miss Roberts, John E Expenses of Taxation Commission . . 5,000 00 the National Rifle Association deputy sheriff made the base all 0PTinve Corporal Ommunsen of the Queen's Ri- The Davis, J E Rodgers, Mr3 P H for Stamps 1,200 00 won right, but fell into a trap laid by one Darrow, L E' Seward, Joseph Claims Postage IUUR ETES; you fle Volunteer Brigade of Edinburg crowd, who told him that he tonTv. Ser- of the Davis, Mr Shilling, Otto Incidentals, Tax Office 11,500 00 her the King's prize. He tied with knew where Fujihara, the missing Easley, C Shilling, Miss S geant Major Burr of the First Hamp- murderer, was. He stepped from the Fitzgarrell. Leon Shaw, W M Incidentals and Repairs Registrar of r - won shoot off. his to be good (2) mad eaf caea. shire Volunteers and the bag to ask informant Flinton, Leon Shaw, James 00 ' w .i.: tney will rum The Kine's silver medal, shot for at enough to write it down, and Paehaole Fox, Mrs G Sinclair, Mrs Bertha Conveyances 2,000 S- E- j telAN, - - LUCAS, Nation- to his case. Gillette, W D Smith, A . Z9?". Bisley under the auspices of the attended F ? 229,036 71 Lov hi. was won by Com- And so it came to pass that the Maile Harvey, J J Small, R H al Rifle Association, won first league game by ber of the Surrey Volunteers, with a Ilimas their Hawaiian AbstractSpitz, Miss Emma BROKERS. cup was won one run. & Title Co Scott, John score of 189. The Kolapore The official score: Harris. S G Schleitz, by score of 759. J DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS. England with a total MAILE ILIMAS. Harges, Julia E Schott, E The Colonial prize in connection with Hanson, O A Stoll, George R the Kolapore cup was won by Canada A.B.R.B.H.P.O.A.E. Hiram, Martha Steward, Jas with a sore of 733. D. Kekuewa, c, cf.... 2 2 0 1 0 3 Howard. Jas Stevens. M I Eugene C. of Pascoag, R. L, J. Kekuewa, if, c 6 2 1 10 1 3 Hutchings, Mrs J Stream. Fred BUREAU OF PUBLIC WORKS. Griffiths 3 1 2 0 "t. fetangenwald winner of the Grand American Handi- Lemon. 2b 6 3 Irwin, H Stone. Mrs Lahela April, won the Paehaole, lb 4 1 0 13 0 1 Johnson. F Sullivan. Jerry cap at live birds last 4 1 0 0 0 0 Traveling Expenses. 3,500 00 Handicap at inani- Harde, rf Jacobson. Fred Taylor, Miss Mary Incidentals and Grand American Sheldon, ss 3 2 1 1 James. John Taylor. John E a field of 78 contest- 4 2 1 1133 3 Traveling Expenses Road Engineer, .r'Mti mate targets from Bush. 3b Jackson, J Taylor, Sofia RREM0VG TAN ants. cf. If 5 0 0 0 1 1 Kavanaugh.Geo Trent, . 1,500 00 "a! w' 0 Cockett, F. to be accompanied with vouchers. Develr,. Fifteen of the crew of Shamrock II V. Richardson, p 0 0 0 0 0 0 Kabeall, Jim Tietjen, George have struck for more wages. The men G. Clark, p 4 2 0 0 2 0 Kennedy. Mrs Jas Thompson, Miss Repairs, Furniture and Additions to were to have had a bonus of $40 and Kinney, Mabel Reta 30,000 00 12 12 Government Buildings now demand $75. Totals 38 15 6 27 Knapp, W B Thompson, Gerald has refused to POLICE. Leiher, J J Thompson. John Repairs Royal Mausoleum (to be ex- Thomas W. Lawson Lewis. Joe (2) rac- Ex-Quee- appoint Captain B. Crowninshield A.B.R.B.H.P.O.A.E Lloyd, Grace Thompson. D M pended under the direction of n ing Independence, which . 0 0 master of the Akau. 3b. Love, W L & Mersly '. asters Law-sor.- 's 1 3 Thomes Liliuokalani) 10,000 00 acM he designed. C. C. Clapp, Duncan, lb, 2b Layeng. B J Upham. J L private secretary, has been ap- Leslie, lb, c S 13 Lorenz, D W Valentine, A T Landings and Buoys, Hawaii 8,000 00 pointed master. Joy, cf, p 3 1 Lucas, J D Vellguth, Karl rowing champion-shin- s Chillingworth. 2b, lb 1 4 Lyons, Ellen George Landings and Buoys, South Hilo 2,000 00 In the amateur 0 Ward, at Philadelnhia the St. Louis four Parker, p., cf. 1 Lyons. D Warren, Messrs Building Philadelphia in T.are. c. 3b 1 2 Metcalf. Harry (2) Wallace, Chas T Improving Landing and j defeated the Vespers of 5 1 1 ' re H. Mossman, ss Melbott. H C Wilson, Lee A Wharf-she- d 1,000 00 the senior nair-oare- d event. .The 5 S 0 at Keauhou los- Jackson, rf Mendt. H Williams. Frank surprise, for the 5 2 sult was a great A. Mossman, If. 1 Millard. W W Witt. L E Widening Wharf and Improving Har- eving them a ing was composed of members of boat Eyck Miller, L H Wood, Tempest 00 the world's champion crew. Ten Totai 47 14 14 26 16 12 Morse, Mr and Mrs Wright. Mrs A A (2) bor, Hookena, South Kona 1,800 5 doubles with- - fam and Lewis won the senior Bush declared out for Interference with B Wright, Taxton Constructing Wharf at Kailua or Kea- out difficulty. fielder. Mossman. Wm Wynne, Miss M Charles Morse. Joe Yoldstain, Mrs Es- - lakekua Bay (at the discretion of On a Salt Lake saucer track Score by Innings. Philadelphia paced by a Mossman. F ther 00 Turville of one 123456789 Morris Benjamin Young, Miss Jessie Superintendent of Public Works) . . 15,000 motor, broke the world's record for ..1 115 2-- 5 . Maile Ilimas 0152302 Moore, Dr W M Construction of mile, going the distance in 1:31 9 U- -14 Wharf at Kaunaloa n. police 2003000 le mowr-- I Stinson won the PACKAGES. Landing 1,500 00 ; ntS R. L. ae" Summary: i . each. Ibicvcle race at Providence. A. Mossman. J. Keku- - Mulvany, Mrs C P Ryne, Miss Ifeating In 39:15, breaking tne Three base hit Landings and Buoys, Maui 3,000 00 ' TValthour ewa. Markham, Mrs Geo record for a ap track. THE PACIFIC COMMERCIAL ADVERTISER, HONOLULU, JULY 29, 1901.

Landings and Buoys, Molokai 500 00 Store to top of Mountain meeting Road Hana to Muolea qqq 00 to Keanae Landing Pnkoo 2,500 00 the old Road 10,000 Road Hana 800 00 00 to Kailua Repairs Kamalo Wharf 1,000 Road Keanae 15,000 00 00 Landings and Buoys, Honolulu 50,000 00 $106,500 Road Maalo 5qq ()q Landings and Buovs, Outer Districts, Road Kaeleku to Hana 1,00$ qq North and South Kohala to Kalepa (old Oahu 1,000 00 Road Kipahulu road) . 8,000 00 Buoys, Kauai 2,000 00 Road Kipahulu to Mokulau (new) . . . 20,000 00 Landings and Kapaau Road to Mahukona $ 4,000 00 Buoys, General 5,000 00 Road Kaupo to Auwahi 4,000 00 Landings and Honokane to Kapaau 6,000 00 Expenses , 3,000 00 Lighthouse Waialeale Road to . 3,000 00 35,000 00 Kaauhuhu 61,300 Newly Built Steamer Kehoni Road to Honoipu 200 00 00 New Government Running Expenses Mahukona Road to 400 00 Makawao 36,000 00 Puuhue Steamer Puehuehu Road to Waimea 10,000 00 ' 20,000 00 Steam Tug JKawaihae Road 2,000 00 Roads and Bridges $3,000 00 50,000 00 to Waimea Dredging Honolulu Harbor Kawaihae Road to Keahualono 4,000 00 Kula Homestead Road 3.000 qq Expense Pilot Boats 2,000 00 Road to Makawao Kawaihae-ka-i to Puuhue 4,000 00 Kula 5.000 oo Numbering Houses .... 3,600 00 Expenses Completion from Waimea to North Macadamizing Road from Paia to Honolulu 24,000 00 Electric Light, Kona 22,000 00 Puunene 1,000 00 0,000 00 Lighting Hilo Streets . Electric Completion of Road Puepue to Regrading Road Paia to Makawao . 2,000 00 Honolulu from Lighting Streets other than Boundary of 24,000 00 Regrading Road Pulehu 5110 qq 1,500 00 South Kohala and Hilo Regrading Road Waiohuli 00 00 Honolulu Park Commission (Superin- - $79,600 00 Regrading Road Makawaato Ulumalu 1,000 00 of Works to be a tendent Public Regrading Road Haiku to Huelo .... 3,000 OQ 12,000 00 Member) North Kona Bridges 5.000 00 Purchase of United States Standard Mountain Trails 3,000 00 1,200 00 Repair Road Kailua to Keauhou-kai- . .$ 3,000 00 Weights, Measures and Incidentals Road Damages, Waiakea 1,000 00 1,800 00 Roads North Kona 12,000 00 Rent Waiakamilo Camp Rock Crusher, Makawao 800 00 Running Expenses Market 1,000 00 Road from Keahualono to Huehue . . . 4,000 00 Running Expenses, Laundries 11,000 00 Steam Roller for North Kona, Freight $29,100 00 Curbing and Paving Government Side- etc 3,000 00 walks 10,000 00 Wailuku For Constructing Sidewalks (Chapter $ 22,000 00 Roads and Bridges $ 3,000 00 23, 374, Civil Laws) 25,000 00 Section South Kona Road Wailuku to Maalaea 5,000 00 Fencing and Grading Government Road WTailuku to Waihee Bridge 1.000 00 Lots 2,000 00 Roads, South Kona $12,000 00 Road Wailuku to Kahului 2.000 00 Printing and Advertising 8,500 00 Road from Kaohe, South Kona to Road Maalaea to Manawainui 2,000 00 Road Kahului to Makawao Line Quarantine Diseased Animals 2,000 00 10,000 00 Boundary of Kau (Beach Road) I.000 00 Expenses Veterinary Surgeon, other Road from Hoopuloa to Milolii 500 00 Road Kahului to Makawao, Upper than Honolulu 2,400 00 Steam Roller for South Kona, Road 2.500 00 Government Pounds 1,000 00 Freight, etc 3,000 00 Road Kahului to Makawao, Kula Reimbursement of Nahiku Sugar Co., Road 2.000 00 Road Waikapu Cross Road 1, 000 00 for landing at Nahiku 895 00 $25,500 00 Road Waihee and Waiehu 1.000 00 Claim of W. A. McKay 861 00 Road Makena to I'lnpalakua 750 00 - Claim of M. Keahemakani 200 00- South Hilo Road Ulupalakua to Auwahi 2,500 00 Claim of Kekuelono 400 00 Road Lupeloi to Waialo Road 500 00 Claim of J. K. Nakila 500 00 Kaiwiki and Kaumana Road, Home- Waihee Bridge Repairs 300 00 Department Incidentals 4,000 00 stead $ 15,000 00 Kalua Bridge Repairs 200 00 Maalaea to Kihei 4.500 00 For Government Cemetery near Ho- Hilo Roads 50,000 00 Hilo Sidewalk 3,600 00 New Bridge Maalaea to Kihei 1,500 00 nolulu 5,000 00 Road Implements . 750 00 20,000 00 Care of Government Cemeteries 6,000 00 Road Honolii to Papaikou New Road, Iao (3 bridges) 10,000 00 00 Wailuku Bridge 10,000 Steam Roller and Freight, Wailuku . . 3,600 00 $416,156 00 Waiakea Bridge 10,000 00 Widening Front Street 30,000 00 s. $ 45,100 00 Road from Waiakea Bridge to Ke- - Lahaina SEWERAGE, HONOLULU. aukaha 5,500 00 Roads and Bridges $ 2,000 00 $144,100 00 Road Lahaina to Manawainui 5,000 00 Running Expenses Sewers Pumping Road Lahaina to Honolua 2,000 00 Station $ 33,600 00 North Hilo Road Honolua to Honokohau, includ- Sewerage Honolulu, 15 per cent re- ing Bridge 10,000 00 1,000 00 serve Vincent & Belser Contract . . 17,900 00 Roads and Bridges $25,000 00 Road Honokohau to Halenainai . . 7,000 00 Sewerage 00 to Maulua 8,000 00 Road Halenainai to Wailuku Line for Kewalo District 26,600 Waikaumalu m Meet 00 Road Papalaua to Extend New Ditch for Kewalo District 25,000 00 Kaakalii to Ookala 6,000 Halaaniani Road at Kapaulu 10,000 00 Maintenance of Garbage and Exca- Waipunalau to Kiilau 6,000 00 Roads Lahaina 2,000 00 vator Service 24,000 00 7 Steam Road Roller for Lahaina, in- Running Expenses of Garbage Crem- $45,000 00 cluding Freight : 3,600 00 atory . 00 7,200 $42,600 00 Kau ?134,300 00 Molokai Constructing Roads, Homesteads Ni- - nole and Wailau $ 3,000 00 Roads and Bridges $ 2,000 00 00 " 5,000 00 BUREAU OF WATER WORKS. Purchasing Steam Roller and Freight 3,950 Road Kalae to Puuoboku Purchasing Rock Crusher and Freight 2,500 00 Roads Pelekunu and Wailau 1,000 00 New Puuohok.; to Halawa 6,000 00 Running Expenses $ 8,000 00 Maintenance Roads and Bridges 10,000 00 Road Road Repairs from Kalawao to Leina- - Repair Reservoirs 8,000 00 Complete Road from Pahala to Vol- papio Point 1,000 00 General Repairs 12,000 00 cano House 40,000 00 00 Running Expenses Pumping Plants . . 35,000 00 Ninole Road 2,000 00 $ 15,000 Hilo Water Works 16,000 00 Road between Kahuku and South Laupahoehoe Water Works 300 00 Kpna 1,000 00 Lanai Completing Waiohinu Water Works . 500 00 Roads and Bridges $ 1,000 00 Wailuku and Kahului Water Works, 3,600 00 .$62,450 00 Lahaina Water Works 30,000 00 ROADS AND BRIDGES, OAHU. Kula Water Pipes (with exclusive Puna right to the water of Polipoli Fourth District, Including Nuuanu Constructing Road from Kaola Avenue, Honolulu $160,000 00 Springs) 5,000 00 00 through the settlements of Kaimu Fifth District, Honolulu 140,000 Waimea, Kauai, Water Pipes ; . 25,000 00 from School $12,000 00 Extending Fort Street Koloa Water Works 2,000 00 and Kalapana to Kahaualea Street to Pauoa Road 20,000 00 Water Pipes for Kalihi from King St. Constructing Road from Kamaili to Extending School Street from Liliha 10,000 00 to the Beach 6,000 00 Kalapana Street to Kamehameha Fourth Road Constructing Road from Pahoa to according to the following plan: Water Pipes east and west side of Ka- North- Road of Hilo Railroad Co 6,000 00 Beginning at a point on the lihi Valley, mauka of King St 10,000 00 west side of Liliha Street from to Ka- Repairing Road from Pohoiki which the East corner of Liliha and 00 $161,400 00 maili 1,000 School Street as shown on Govern- Repairing Road from Pohoiki to Koae 1,000 00 ment Survev Registered Map No. Repairing Road from the 20-Mil- e Post 1,509 bears S. 29 30' East True 53 feet and running by True Bearings: FIRE DEPARTMENT. at Pahoa to Pohoiki - 1,500 00 N. 30 45' W. 5,025 feet a little Repairing Road from the 20-Mil- e Post more or less to a point on the Ka- at Pahoa to Termination of Road mehameha School Premises mauka Honolulu Fire Department $30,000 00 Upper Kalapana 2,500 00 of all School Buildings, thence N. One Hook and Ladder Truck Equip- Constructing Road 10 feet wide from 39 104 W. 3,765 feet a little more ment and care of 4,500 00 Upper Kalapana to Kalapana Set- or less" to a point on the Kameha- Hilo Fire Department 2,400 00 00 meha Fourth Road. The makai line tlement at the Beach, 3J Miles 3,500 Eighty feet distant Fire Alarm System Boxes to be dis- is parallel to and Constructing Road from Kupahua to from the above described mauka tributed throughout the city 20,000 00 00 Landing at Kaunaloa 1,600 00 . line 60,000 I Road from the 22 Miles Volcano Road Extending Vineyard Street from Li- 20,000 00 $ 56,900 00 to the Limit of the Olaa Old Res- liha Street to Houghtailing Road. . 10,000 00 Extending Kukui Street from River ervation Street to Asylum Road 20.000 00 5,000 00 ROADS AND Extending Peck's Road Extending Asylum Road to Judd BRIDGES, HAWAII. 00 New Road at the 15-Mil- e Volcano Street 5,000 direc- Extending Iolani Street alias Bates Road running a northwesterly 00 Hamakua tion 5,000 00 Street to Liliha Street 9,000 Extension Kuakini Street to Punch- 10,000 00 Main Road Regrading $30,000 00 bowl Street $59,10t) 00 Macadamizing Iwilei Street 10,000 00 Upper Roads Through Homesteads . . 30,000 00 South Street, Kakaako 5,000 "" Ahualoa to Waimea Road knowi as Hinaiakamalama, Niolopa, v;. Road from school st . . 1000 00 ROADS AND BRIDGES, MAUI. Honolulu, which runs from Nuuanu Kaauhuhu to Waimea Road 6,000 00 Street to the stream and back to To Extend and Complete Waipio Road 10,000 00 the boundary of the Street named; or Waipio Branch to Kuknihaele Hana upon condition that if any part Village 3,000 00 portion of said Road is a private Road from Paauhau Landing to Ho- - Bridges $ 3,000 00 of Way, Right ' Roads and Right such private nokaa Landing 2.500 00 Road Punaluu to Muolea 4,000 00 of Way shall be granted to public Xew Road for Waipio from Akaka's Road Waiohue to Waluanui 1,000 00 use before any of the money is THE PACIFIC ADVERTISER, COMMERCIAL HONOLULU, JULY 29, 1901. 11

1 ' ' nn no f hereon " New School Molo- - Macadamizing Kuna- - House, Waialua, Dr. R. P. Meyers (Specific md 800 soo oo kai 00 Salary Exceeding $1,800 PfW Two School WTailau and i "r, Kapukaki to the Houses, part of time) . 97 25 i,i from Pelekuna 1,000 00 Waianae . . . 4,000 Makaainana Printing House. 7 00 r Ewa and 00 Wf of Support Lahainaluna 6,000 00 Merchants' 682 Side of Kapiolani Park 500 00 Committee 00 Vt Erecting and Repairing Buildings, Metropolitan Meat Co 29 75 V "punchbowl Ka4 3,000 00 , i Lahainaluna 40,000 00 Marine Hospital Service 2 50 Wpl rfgide of Kalihi Valley 15,000 00 .... Eil Repairing School 25,000 00 & Road up Tan- - Buildings Oahu Lumber Building Co. 200 00 J1 Government School House Cottage, pfi01 3,000 00 and Teacher's Paia Plantation Store 205 55 Waimea, Kauai 5,000 00 People's Express Co 4 50 W. 'W'n Road 10,000- 00 -- inC I i'"" School House and Teacher's Cottage, s 20,000 Pukalani Dairy 73 10 f'"B 00 Koloa, 3,000 00 m Waianae 4,000 Kauai Paakaula, J 150 00 d Bridges, 00 School atf'-- House and Teacher's Cottage, Perry, A 6 75 from Moanalua to Puu- - nl Lihue, 3,000 00 M 5,000 00 Kauai Reis, 12 00 School House and Teacher's Cottage, Singer's Bakery 5 It loholalele, Koolaupoko . . 3,000 00 25 ? Kapaa Kauai 5,400 00 Smith, 56 00 Koolaupoko . . . 2.000 00 J Koolaea, School House Cottage, A 10,000 oo and Teacher's Teves, i 50 Kealia, 3,000 00 " io ooo oo Kauai Union Express Co 26 25 i2f School House and Teacher's Cottage, Union Feed Co 9 94 Anahole and Koolau, Kauai 2,000 00 Volcano Co $550,800 00 Stables 3 75 School House and Teacher's Cottage, Weedon, W. C 19 15 Hanapepe, Kauai 1,000 00 Wilder S. S. Co 12 ROADS AND BRIDGES, KAUAI. 50 General Expenses, Food, Clothing, Wilcox, W. L 11 25 Tools, etc.. Industrial Schools 5,500 00 Wilcox, C. (Specific Salary Wainiha River $ 4.000 00 .it Architect Royal School 3,450 00 Exceeding $1,800 per an- Eh at Lumahai River 6,000 00 For Erection of Buildings and Remov- num) 400 00 Wahiawa 4,500 00 Sat al of Reformatory School for Boys Dr. H. C. (2) wai 10.000 00 Watt, Vouchers Eat Kalihi to Government Land between Ka- - P. M. Examination, Wrong Waimea 8,000 00 at huku and Waialua 15,000 00 Appropriation 40 00 For 0 OO "Aft rr Reformatory School for Girls (at W right, W. W 35 75 the present Site of the Reformatory Yamato Shinbun 10 00 School for Boys) 10,000 00 Zumwalt. J. L. W , . 125 00 flannki Expenses attending School Exhibit at Emmeluth & Co., J 9 99 Charleston, S. C 1,000 00 Iao Stables Co. 29 50 Hanalei-uk- a to 3,500 T0 tai Kikiula Haena.f -- $ 199,025 00 Scrimgeour, A. B 20 00 Joad liilCIlii W noiaiuu tou w Andrew's, L. A. (Cash Ad- to Kalihiwai 2,000 00 goad. Kikiula COMMISSION OF PUBLIC LANDS. vanced) 133 00 E. W 26 45 ; 3,000 00 Barnard, waihau Incidentals (Including Land Patent Hackfeld & Co 27 40 Books, etc.) $ 5,250 00 Herring, J. M 24 00 9,100 00 I Preliminary Roads and Trails 7,000 00 Hilo Mercantile Co. . 107 20 Expenses Filing Boundary Certif- Kauai, U 6 20 Ki waihau icates 300 00 Lewis, Peter 21 00 $ 12,550 00 Rapozo, Joe 1 50 laohe to Moloaa-ka- i $ 3,000 00 Shipman, W H 11 40 fcih-a-kaiol- e to boundary of Lihue. . 8,000 00 COMMISSION OF AGRICULTURE AND FORESTRY. Serrao Grocery 3 40 Volcano Stables 35 00 111,000 00 Materials, Tools, Supplies. Hose. Wing Man Ching. 1 25 Fencing, etc .$ 1,500 00 Wluakea Boat House 94 50 Uhuf Importation of Plants and Seeds from Foreign Countries and Collecting $7,860 21 and Bridges. Lihue 00 bids $15,000 Seeds 1,500 00 Unpaid Bills, 1897, 1898, 1899, 1900 Additional Laborers" Quarters Nuu-an- u and 1901 1,509 40 Koloa 500 00 -- $ 436,27786 Feed, Shoeing, etc., for Horses 400 00 General Expenses, Unpaid Bills, 1897, Lds, Koloa to Eleele 2.500 00 f Traveling Expenses Forester 1.000 00. 1898, 1899, 1900 and 1901: S,i - a to Lawai 1,200 00 Quarters for Two Laborers and Shed, Aloha Aina Printing Office.. $ 13 00 Koloa to Hanakaape 3,000 00 Tantalus Forest 500 00 Bulletin Publishing Co 99 00 One-Hal- f Expenses and Freight. En- City Furniture Store 302 50 $ 6,700 00 tomologist 1,000 00 Davis, George A., and P. Competitive Exhibitions of Fruit, Neumann 200 00 Waimea Vegetables, Plants, etc 1,000 00 Hawaiian Gazette Co 259 50 $ 7,400 00 Hawaiian Star Co 158 00 Kineohia to Mahinauli $ 5,000 00 Honolulu Republican 29 00 Mahinauli to Waimea, Mana 8,000 00 SURVEY DEPARTMENT. Honolulu Chinese Chronicle. . 45 00 From Main Road to Kikiaola 6r000 00 Hilo Tribune Publishing Co.. 78 00 load from Main Road along River Expenses of Field Parties and Office Makaainana Printing House. 78 00 Bide 1,000 00 Work $48,000 00 86 00 . News t l .. i .: . Maui LuiuiiiiMiif-m- w iiiiut'a t: tt ttt uu rviver iir.uuu Publishing Maps 1,600 00 Mercantile Printing House . . 98 00 Meteorology 750 00 Robert Grieve Publishing Co. 29 50 $30,000 00 $ 50,350 00 Shin Nippon Sha 13 00 T. G. Thrum 17 65 ROAD DAMAGES. BOARD OF HEALTH. Yamato Shinbun 3 25 Road Damages All Islands $50,000 00 General Expenses $13,000 00 $1,509 40 loads, Niihan 200 00 Disinfectants and Vaccine 2,000 00 Medicines for Territorial Dispensaries 9,000 00 MILITARY. GENERAL. Support of Non-Leprou- s Children of Lepers 20,000 00 Stationery and Printing $ ' 250 00 ndj to Oahu Railway & Land Co., Asylum 34,000 00 300 00 (Under Insane Transportation Existing Laws) No Interest Segregation, Support and Treatment Uniforms. Enlisted Men 5,000 00 to be charged by the O. R. & L. Co., of Lepers 171,000 00 500 00 if Incidentals the Government cannot pay withi- Kalaupapa Store 45,000 00 Company and Regimental Allowances, n the period 00 $53,200 Stamped Envelopes for Free Use of Companies $40 per month . . . 11,520 00 Jailor's 12 at Cottage for North Kona 600 00 Lepers 2,000 00 Ordnance Supplies 2 500 00 orage for Street Roller for North Koloa Hospital, Kauai 1,500 00 $ 20,070 00 Kohala 500 00 Waimea Hospital, Kauai 3,500 00 ourt House, Jail and Cistern, Kailua 7,500 00 Lihue Hospital. Kauai 3,600 00 BAND. Court Honse, Jail, Jailors House and Malulani Hospital 8,000 00 Water Tank, at Hookena or Kealia- - Hospital 12,000 00 New uk Hilo Incidentals, Uniforms. Car Fare, 3,400 00 Queen's Hospital 40,000 00 Music, Repairs, Express, etc $ 2,400 00 JJttrf-She- d ar Hoopuloa 300 00 Hospital for Incurables 12,000 00 Pay for Extra Help, Car Fare. Light, wcting Court House and Jail, East Maternity Home 9,600 00 246 00 Kau Kapiolani New Music, Express, etc 1,500 00 Fumigation Expenses 10,000 00 Music Co., (Musical . Bill of Bergstrom Jharf-Sht-d- Hookena 500 00 Receiving Hospital, Dispensary and Goods) 225 00 Nw Court House and Jail, Waio- - Morgue 25,000 00 (Musical hin Bill of Hawaiian News Co., 500 00 Claim William Thomas Callow to be 50 00 Mtor'i Goods) House Kipahulu 400 00 paid upon his giving a receipt in (Cloth Uni- Kipahulu Bill of Chock Lopk for 1,000 00 full for the poi thrown away 100 00 forms) 35 00 Jpairs Court House and Jail, Pukoo 1,500 00 Claim Kalilikane to be paid upon his Expenses, Trips to Other Islands 8,000 00 je Court House, Wailuku 15,000 00 giving a receipt in full for the poi 10,956 00 wmodehnp Kalihi Camp 3,000 00 thrown away 408 25 Lahaina Court House, Fence and Passenger Guarantee for and Freight AUDITING DEPARTMENT. Boiler Shed 2,000 00 weekly Common Carrier Service be- raited States , Marine Hospital Ser- - tween Honolulu (Oahu) and Kauna-kakai- Incidentals and Traveling Expenses . .$ 4,000 00 19 00 Kamalo, Pukoo, Halawa, 4.000 00 $2,323,325 00 Wailau, Pelekuna, (Molokai), La-hain- a, $90,919 00 Kabul ui, (Maui), Kahalapa-laoa- , Grand Total $3,523,530 52 Manele, Awalua, (Lanai), not to exceed the sum of $5,200. and to Section 2. In the construction of all new roads or bridges DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION. be awarded after public bid or ten- and in the expenditures of all specific appropriations for the der to the lowest bidder 5,200 00 repairing of the roads and bridges it shall first be necessary trial Bubonic Plague 7,860 21 in which such and Manual Training $ 6,000 00 Unpaid Bills, that the Road Board of the several Districts 00 Unpaid Bills Incurred on account of new work is contemplated shall approve of the same and all 5nnd ...... 16,000 of s Bubonic Plague: supervision of the Road Board Fiw,. lu,uuo uu such work shall be under the . . 7 50 on, and and Fixtures 00 American Livery Stables .$ the District in whi. b such new work is being carried E'tur, 5,000 7 50 of 8 School 4,000 00 Ah Chew Brothers the final acceptance of all such work by the Superintendent ECS & Co 72 21 Road Board H0Use and Teachers' Benson, Smith Public Works shall be on the certificate from such Cottages, Feed Co 63 99 fn a good and workmanlike man- feo?3ted Cwt, for 4.000 00 California that the same has been done Hamakua ...... 4 00 86 for 00 City Supply and Feed Co. ner and as provided by the contract and specifications. Hv, n K;;huhu, Kohala. . 1,400 Dairymen's Association .... 11 40 Half-wa- y to continue CI T FohdtaS 138 50 Section 3. It shall be lawful for the Treasurer ',n Fashion Stables Co j Haalehn and Honuapo . . 2,500 00 to make pavments in accordance with the appropriations Green, Cyrus 61 00 1903. Half-wa- y Act. until the Thirtieth Day of June, betwUg.,and Furniture, Harrison, F 548 50 authorized by this Kaalakai 1,500 00 pay- n Chinese News Co 24 00 Section 4. The Auditor shall not draw a warrant in and Furniture, Punatuu 600 00 Act, except as . uouse Hawaiian News Co 9 50 ment for any of the objects named in this and Furniture, Maka- - any Hilo Drug Store Co 3 85 herein provided, and the unauthorized expenditure of ij 600 00 to the lS U0Qse Holmes, E. N 1 60 money from the Treasury to be hereafter accounted for and Furniture. Waio-- aud Legislature by Indemnity Bill, is hereby expressly prohibited. 00 Hawaiian Commercial H) ft 1,000 Co 9 35 or at 2,500 00 Sugar Section 5. All and every expenditure for constructing etbS? Hokeiia & Co 528 50 ($500.00) House, 800 00 Hustace repairing public works amounting to Five Hundred Koae, Puna.. Shinpo Sha 7 00 and other sup- nchool House, - Hawaii Dollars, and for furnishing material, provisions 12 Mile Vil- Island B. N. Co 2,140 00 advertisement for o OU Inter plies, shall be awarded only upon public M! u, & W. G 157 00 ' i Irwin Co., and no public work, material or supplies shall be 'in... Haua 1.500 00 00 tenders; Kreuger, F 33 out purpose of evading the pro-- 1 feloo M"k"lan 1.500 00 divided or parcelled for the ""s" Kahului R. R. Co 1,079 28 isions of this Section. Hh1 it'i akawao 2,000 00 Kalauao, C. (2) Vouchers, Haika 1,500 00 swamps 79 50 Section 6. This Act shall take effect and become law as of Kihei cleaning Waiolama Ci0 1,500 00 Kaapana, Kaapa & Ku (Pay the First Day of July. A. D. 1901. ? 8dtooi0trge' KIakulua 800 00 Roll).' 48 00 Approved this 18th dav of Julv. A. D. 1901. :si - ber'g Wailuku 3,000 00 Bakery 38 40 'HENRY E. COOPER, 00 Love's Hurinalta Honokakai, Maui. 600 Lockington, G. W 8 00 Acting Governor of the Territory of Hawaii. BSh00' House, Kamalo ... 500 00 . .. 12 THE PACIFIC COMMERCIAL ADVERTISER, HONOLULU, JULY 29, 1901. 0000000.a TteOldBleixd 000C0 yv rvvb iy NEWS OF THE WATERFRONT f 0CK PSr mOM THE Original Recipe a

V - JViV a .2 V lfi 27wtT-fcS!- S

Wp Hpssit P tr inform mir nafrone 1...4. HUNTER l inORE RYE LUrti f.tur six mAiL oAl --I -- ; TJCO h ! VQ l iODn i '( am n nr opovtt r r i-- r above two choicest The I ' , l r . vaii iciges. uiaKtj rocm ior tueseil we have 10 Year Old Whiskies iu sold at low price all old styles. can now be had on all the steamers and in public places We have now to announce that our stock is ready i in small 25 Cent size bottles. display ana we invite anyone desiring a carriage to paII a ' . We have several styles never shown before in IjV P. M. S. S. KOREA. V mm m Hoffscblaeger Co,, Ltd, lulu. Uur Vehicles and prices are the best. The accompanying illustration is a picture of the Pacific Mail Steams!' p Company's passenger steamer Korea, VA n o Yn nlTT-nTT- n,lorl r J 1 the largest vessel ever built on the shores of the American continent. She v: s launched March 23d at the Newport News Shipbuilding yards in the presence of 20,000 people, and was christened by Miss Tweed, daughter of the bear the closest inspection. The Pioneer Wine and Liquor president of the Pacific Mail. This steamship is 572 feet long, sixty-thre- e feet wide, forty feet deep, di aws twenty-seve- n feet of water and House, has a displacement of 18,600 tons. She has accommodations for 1,530 passer gers, 300 of whom are provided for in KING NEAR BETHEL. the first cabin, thirty in the steerage and 1.200 in the Chinese or Oriental del artment. The Chinese quarters are so arranged that the space may be used for freight if unoccupied by passengers. The Korea will have a speed of between eighteen and twenty knots an hour. This power will be furnished by two sets of quadruple-expansio- n, four-cylind- er vertical engines having cylinders thirty-fiv- e inches, fifty inches, Grocers Shown Up. seventy 100 in by sixty-si- x single-ende- & inches and inches diameter, respectively, Inches stroke, six double and two d Pacific Vehicle Suppl Scotch boilers sixteen feet in diameter, working at a pressure of 200 pounds to the square inch. There are two three-blade- d OFFICE OF CARROLL WHITAXM, propellers nineteen feet in diameter. ATTORNEY, With her sister ship, the Siberia, recently launc hed, the Korea will le put on the run between San Fran- COMPANY, LIMITED, Hllo Hawaii cisco and Hongkong, calling at Honolulu. Yokohama and Nagasaki. These two monster vessels will come to the Pac ific Coast together some months hence, and will be put into commission t the same time. Together their con- B. L. CUTTING, MANAGER. FORT AND BIMTiini TT " WT T TTT mmT Hilo. Hawaii, June 7, 1ML tract price Is $4,000,000. There is now building at New London, Conn., a steamship 630 having 33,000 Dear In my pmr feet lorg and a displacement of Sirs Innocence I tons. She will ply between San Francisco and Seattle for the Great Nort! ern Railway Company, beginning next chased here in Hilo a jar of year year. PIN-MONE- T PICKLES (put up by Mrs. E. Q. Kidd, RlehsaonS Virginia.) her rudder held in place by would crash into the Hawaiian Isles, Shipping Notes Importers and heavy when she began to back water. It was It brought me great trouble, and csm WITH and hawsers, her too late, however, to prevent her from The W. G. Hall brought 1173 bags of of three things must occur: damaged by rough pound doing damage. In an instant more a sujrar from Kauai. TVTa.rinffin.fiiTrftrfa 1. Ton must stop making thess; of, ing on the sharp coral rocks in Hana- - crash of woodwork splintering was The Peru made the passage from Ho- VkAVWV W VfcA aS A WKt nfVS S. expense; heard, and to nolulu to San in days. SMWU I must get them at leu maulu Bay, and showing other evi- the Zealandia came a full Francisco six S. I'm a ruined man. stop. Passengers rushed forward and The steamer W. G. Hall towed the Since my first venture I've had sum) dences of a combat with the wind and saw that the steamer had Just grazed barkentine Defender for Honolulu out to "jars." My family from early atorr waves, the American schooner De- the stern of the Kinau, carrying away sea from Hanamaulu, Kauai. main boom. The jamming FINE HIGH HARNESS cry "Pickles;" neighbors ring the door fender, Captain Masters in command, her of the The Zealandia will commence unload- GRADE bell and shout "Pickles;" relatives vis!--m- two vessels caused the Kinau to crash came into port yesterday morning from one ing this morning, and will be ready to in expectation of "Pickle." Yam into the wharf, and of the latter's return to San Francisco next Thursday. plekels are my Nemesis. Please, 6mm Hanamaulu and is irow moored the boats which was in the water between j at Ma-kawe- li, sirs, quote by the steamer and the wharf piles was ! The schooner Americana was at them the keg, barrek Pacific Mail dock. She will probably go in hogshead, ton or shipload, and "pre crushed as if it were an egg-shel-l. In ballast, awaiting arrival of me. very on the marine railway in a few days, backing away the Zealandia gave the the captain from Honolulu before sail- serve" Yours truly, ing. during which time a cargo of 403 bar- Kinau a smart rap on the stern, but do- CARROLL WHITAKEJt ing no damage. Zealandia miss- Johnson, of will be Had the The schooners Forester, TO LEWIS CO., rels lime discharged. ed the Kinau and the wharf, the Ha- Americana and Olsen are reported still Honolulu, T. EL The accident to the schooner's rud- waiian Isles would have suffered. The at Kauai ports by the steamer W. G. der and keel, and her almost miracu- reason given by the pilot for the acci- Hall. Is leaving lighthouse escape from being wrecked on the dent that after the A cargo of 5872 bags of sugar was lous the Zealandia did not answer her helm Fran- in Bay, are merely in- brought from Mahukona to San Seam Plow Ropes reef Hanamaulu and drifted in the direction of the Wil- cisco by the schooner Ottillie Fjord, ar- A ICC cidents of the dangers of the deep such - der wharf before her direction could be riving there on July 18, thirty-tw- o days Dim NT Tl AM CI1HDIi xt mm m mm mm mimm mm mm mm m mm mm mm mm m as most sailors experience many times altered. The vessel steamed up to the out. SB mfi ii i i ii m in ex- in inci- r l W An AN COMMERCIAL AN! in their lives, but the Defender's Oceanic dock afterwards without jib com- The schooner Twilight lost her perience gives evidence that she is dent. boom in a squall in Molokal channel by an captain and a will- ckalsvUI. Maui. March 27 .$01 manded able Zealandia's Last Voyage Here. Thursday night, but proceeded to Maui Collars, Hames, Chain Traces, Etc. Horse and Stabk a ing crew. It was Thursday, July 11, quick re- riLOKR'8 STEAMSHIP COMPXNY Purser James A. Lacy gives the follow- nevertheless, and will make a that the bay of Hanamaulu became ing report of the Zealandia's trip, which turn. Furnishings of all Kinds Constantly on Hand. its John A RoebMng's ions Co whipped up by the squalls which came will be to this port: S. S. Zea- Honolslu. her last Purser Hapai of the steamer Kauai, at intervals. Rain fell in torrents and landia, voyage No. 48, Thos. Dowdell, which arrived Saturday evening from Oenttemetr- - . fourt hi Marc 25th re heavy. When night commander, July 20th, 1901, 2:05 p. m., reports following sugar SOLE AGBNTS FOR chandlery goods the winds became Makaweli, the emtalosrue df thiD an- cast off from wharf at San Francisco; on S. M., 3,000 bags; V. sen recetv fell the vessel was tugging at her Kauai: K. K, chors and at midnight it was appar- 3:57, discharged pilof and proceeded with 800 bags; W., 600 bags. We have Seed a number of the John 31 cabin 33 steerage passengers, 79 Specialties, RoebllngsVateam plosf cable, and ent to the officers that unless the an- and Purser Christian of the W. G. Hall Wilbur's Stock doomed bags of mail. 20th to 23rd, fresh to light reports following sugar on Kauai Save found ttiam far 4w,or to tn chors held firm the vessel was N. N. W. to W. S. W.; 24th the be- winds from shipment: 56 bags; Dncllth cables. nd at Jne same time a to destruction. Finally the squalls port, N. N. winds, awaiting Hanamaulu, PACKING, we to moderate E. to east Koloa, 900; Makaweli, 2,350; G. & R., 620; SEED MEAL AND ROCK HOOF reat deal cheap: InTact, sent foe came so strong that more chain was 21st, 4:30 p. m., WHITE put new fine weather throughout; K. S. M., 3,550; V. K., 400; W., 1,100; me of these cabnand we a given out. Even with this length of passed N. E. total, ioebllng and a nevvVFuller cable or the company's steamer Sierra 8,976 bags. chain the vessel failed to hold, and wards; arrived July 27th at 9:40 p. m. ; ime set of steanjr Mows, one on eacb The arrivals in port yesterday were line, of couraeVandthat was conaid rather than have her drag her anchors time, 7 days 5 hours 43 minutes. Co on short chain the captain began pay- the barkentine Defender from Hanama- rably over a war agdV The American McCombe Come. Kauai, and S. G. Manufacturing Harness ible Is muchybetter than th English ing out rapidly. Both anchors had Bid Not ulu, the barkentine andVtoday "Where's Tommie McCombe," asked Wilder, sixteen days out from San Fran- ibis in even way. nol been dropped early in the storm. At cargo. CORNER PORT AND KING STREETS. rly as bely worn. perfectly the dozen members of the steamship cisco with a general The' Wilder Wcn length the vessel reached a point dan- is Brewer's wharf. i tuned hgfe that th Atnevcan cables company, custom house, postoffice and at P. O. Box No. 122. TlepOMt gerously near the reef. Suddenly the press, who were alongside the Zealan- Captain John Whalen, who commanded are th rat. vessel struck stern on on a jagged , We shell certainly bear fa nUnd your dia Saturday night in the pilot boat the brig Harriet G., has been appointed flock ? goods wheacves. we oaed any- stretch of rocks. Two nine-inc- h haws- waiting for the conclusion of the doc- master of the schooner Forest Home. in your una. ers were then made ready and were tor's examination of the passengers. Captain C. C. Street, who recently was lmm trulT. sent ashore to the wharf over the bow. "Don't know him," was the answer master of the bark Martha Davis, has (Hlgned) W. X COWRIE The donkey engine was started with a from-- the deck. The pilot boat's occu- been given command of the new schooner Managi pressure of 225 pounds. The officers do pants gasped. Gamble, which is now loading lumber at cided that the chances were even as to j "Don't know Tommie McCombe?" they Port Gamble for Shanghai. BIERBACH'S 99 whether an explosion would follow or asked In concert. Purser Beckley of the Kinau gives the be on j It is true. Tommie McCombe was not following report of sugar on Hawaii: the vessel wrecked the rocks. on trip. popular The heavy strain on the engine soon the Zealandia this The Waiakea, 4,000; Walnaku, 3,500; Papalkou, purser missed trip on Pa-paalo- a,, THEN ON, LOOKS SNOW, who has never a 11,000; Honomu, 9,304; Hakalau, 15,000; AMMONIA LIKE told, and the woodwork on the forward his vessel to Honolulu before, was not VIOLET 800; Ookala, 6,700; Paauhau, 8,000; cabin began to part. Heavy beams gone Alas- - there. Tommie has north, to Kukaiau, 850; Honokaa, 4,000; Kukuiha-ele- , were separated from the weaker wood- Ho-nuap- ka. He simply quit the service, for the 700; Paauilo, 5,000; Punaluu, 700; o, For the con- j work, but the damage was slight, Zealandia is soon to be laid up, and 2,500; Pepeekeo, 10,000. sidering that the donkey engine saved j Tommie quit just a little ahead of time. the vessel. The schooner was worked For the past dozen years, Tommie has The following report of shipping at Ma ; Departed, AND BATH off deep been the best friend the newspaper men hukona arrived on the Kinau: TOILET the reef and into water, where 23 Galilee, Helllngsen, j had afloat. His place is ably filled by July Barkentine she was held until the storm subsided. cargo, 509 tons sugar; PLEASANT j James A Lacy who quickly made friends for San Francisco, REFRESHING AND It was found then that the great value, $38,191.50, and 69 hides, $321.66; total ; amongst the newspaper fraternity upon hinges on the rudder had been snap- value, $38,513.16. Hind, Rolph & Co., J here. Mr. Lacy been in the ped arrival has 24 ONLY AT off. A jury rigging was passed steamship service for many years. shippers. Arrived, July Bark Empire, around the rudder, the wheel capstan Knacke, 73 days from Newcastle, N. S. braced and the vessel was brought into His Vessel Has Sailed. W. Coal to order. Honolulu harbor as if nothing had T. S. Shute, representing the owners The Falls of Clyde left Hilo for San HONOLULU DRUG CO., BLrHiUI IHB firs ' happened. The Defender will either of the bark Senator which put Into Hilo Francisco last Tuesday morning with a ago ar- load sugar for San Francisco or sail some time in a leaky condition, cargo of 3100 tons of sugar and the fol- in ballast to the Sound. rived on the Zealandia from Liverpool. lowing passengers: Rev. J. A. Cruzan, X. H. OTIS 61 King Street otto Mr. Shute was a much disappointed man Miss Edith Cruzan, Mrs. A. M. Horner, l Zealandia Crashes Into some respects on learning, And has the same cooling effect, but Is Kinan. in after his son and daughter, R. D. Junkin, P. H. everlasting. The Zealandla's trip to this port was long voyage across the Atlantic, the Rice and wife, Miss Anna Rice, Master attended by an accident In the harbor American continent and a portion of Paul Rice, George Vierra, Frank Vierra, COOLS FIFTEEN DEGREES. as she steamed in toward the Oceanic the Pacific, that the vessel which has Miss Gregg. dock midnight. been caused so much solicitude in the after Had it not owner's The new steamer M. S. Dollar, recent- that the Zealandia was going ahead office had sailed from Hilo only four shipyard slowly, the island days before he here. ly launched from an Eastern steamer Kinau might reached The bark Robert Dollar Steamship Com- Xj. for the now be at the bottom. Belated good for- sailed from Hilo on July 22 for Liver- char- California Feed Co. aided both pool. Mr. Shute will on pany of San Francisco, and later IS. tune vessels, however, and return the next I. A T ScanrtA(l tered by the American-Hawaiia- n Steam- CiV a! the Kinau suffered only in the loss of available steamer for the shine destina- to bring a cargo from AGENTS her main boom and one of her heavy tion. Although disappointed In not see- ship Company ing New York to San Francisco, Is reported FURNITURE boats. the vessel, Mr. Shute is relieved to to Pittsburg capital- The was sighted Saturday know she has been repaired to such to have been sold a NEW Zealandia that ist for the purpose of carrying oil. This GOMES & McTIGHE evening at 9:30. She steamed around an extent that it was safe for her to denied, although the Prices T)iamond Head and lay off Waikikl. proceed on her Journey. has, however, been Which will be sold at Lowest.Caeh Dollar has been taken from the list of Fred Whitney of Irwin & Co., agents of Canoe May Come Here. way York. S 25 KING ST., the steamship company, vessels on the from New Boxes, all chartered the Saxby an compan- water- New Refrigerators and Ice steamer Lehua which had Just come In Frank and intrepid It was a very quiet day on the ion, who started from Victoria fjr Aus section of the city , . ft from on yesterday. That i C Molokal her regular run, the front K H Kt fXf a B B B mmr mm C- tug Fearless not being available at the tralia and the South Sea Islands in a had a day of rest, broken only by the r U '"V- thirty-fo- ot were by time. A big crowd of people scenting an Indian canoe, spoken arrivals of the steamer W. G. Hall from the schooner Mary Winkelman, Tihich S. next to Fire Station Liquor Dealers opportunity to go out to the local steam- Kauai, before daylight, the barkentine Beretania Street, er and board her before she docked reached San Francisco, thirty-thre- e days G. Wilder from San Francisco, and the swarmed all over vessel. The from Kahulul, July 17. The captain re- schooner Defender from Kauai. The only the federal ported on July 14th, 37 quarantine officer, postoffice officials, cus- that In latitude signs of life were in the presence of the toms deg. 3 min. north, longitude 127 deg. 7 customs guard and a few holiday groups inspectors and guards, and the min. west, he sighted newspaper me naccompanied the boat. the canoe, which on secluded corners of the wharves SOLE AGENTS signaled that it was from Victoria, whence came the tinkle of guitars and The officials were transferred to the men signaled har- pilot boat and after the surgeon had bound for Australia. The mandolins, while from across the FONTEt.UA they wished to be well, lay. completed his examination, were privil- that reported all bor where the trim gunboat Petrel Hawaiian eged go and a mounting wave drove them out came the silvery tones of the ship's bell For the Islands to aboard and the Zealandia re- of sight. Smoked by Fverybody. sumed her voyage. The vessel steamed as the half hours were told. into the harbor under the glare of a Shipping News From Hilo. Engineer Jehnson Beturns. FOR THE FAMOUS full moon. Several persons on deck Sugar shipped on Falls of Clyde: Waia-ke- a noticed leaving lighthouse 15,830 Among the passengers on the Zealan- that after the Mill Co., bags; Hakalau Planta- superintend- the Zealandia steamed in the direction tion, 18,300 bags; Hilo Sugar Co., 14,700 dia was William Johnson, vVilder's Steamship of the Wilder wharf where the Kinau bags, total, 48,830. ing engineer of the !55? HAiVl was lying. The direction was so un- Arrivals July 20th, bark Carrolton. Company, who returns to Honolulu after best CUNNING spent In 5c usual that it caused comment. The ves- Capt. Jones, from Tacoma with 5406 tons an absence of several months sel veered off go- San Francisco and other CaiiOrnia cities MADE. TRY ONE. slightly and instead of coal for Hilo R. R. Co. He ing on toward the Kinau's midships, Sailed July 21st bktn. Gardiner City. where he went to benefit his health. WHIEKY. pointed more July feels much better and is ready to take to the end of the wharf. Capt, Bark, for Gray's ac- on St The ship 22nd, Capt. hold of his old duties with renewed sale at Co.'s 12 QL to Case. Hawaiian Isles was on the Br. bk. Senator, 'on Helene Hawaiian Tobacco Full Jags the other side of the dock, her stern ex- for Liverpool. July 23rd, Shi of tivity. The repairs to the steamer tending far out Into the stream. Fears Clyde, Capt. P. Matson. f t Sai were looked after by the chief In San THE ClT TEL. 140. P. O. BOX 755. were entertained that the Zealandia Francisco. AND ALL CIGAR STORES IN I


ffill Cure Any Case of ' For Prickly Heat DANDRUFF There is no other preparation That will surpass it. Or any Scalp or Skin Disease. T Relieves itching immediately and Promotes growth I the of hair, ft Renders ease and comfort. Stops it from falling out, 3 It is without doubt the most ft Adds brilliancy and softness and is ft Wonderful preparation for Free from any oily or greasy Dandruff and Prickly Substance. Heat ever discovered. S9 5 Highly 1 Recommended. 5 In Use Here Many Years wit i ii a 'i w ft V M ?vR FAILS TO CURH v : 0 i.O 8f LL D&ijClO'S TS AM 0 F. PACHECO, For v Sale all And Union m at " at I Mr. Pacheco wishes to notify the pub- Drug Stores lic in general that from this date his Shop. celebrated Dandruff Killer (In use In Barber -- many TELEPHONE 232. these Islands for years) will be -- HONOLULU, Hawaii Territory put up In new form, with the above label as a trademark.

MISS R. DAVISON HAS TASTE ELECTION OF OFFICERS Ail Old, Old btcrj f The New AT THE ADJOURNED ANNUAL ands meeting of the stockholders of the Ha- waiian Tobacco Co., Ltd., held in this For Two Years and more OF CHICAGO JOURNALISM city on July 17, 1901, .the following offi we have had Plates England ' cers, were elected to serve during the and ( suing year: Films sent to us from or President, Chu Gem. Vice President, L. Shen Chow. Bakery Miss, Rose Oavison, Hawaiian Com- the following- day. Her surprise was Secretary, L. T. Chin. All Paris of tfce World f Pan-Americ- Treasurer, Ho Fon. mission ertrJ' the Expo-sitionjv- great the next morning when she read in one or two enterprising journals an Auditor, Ho Leong. Are Duttincr a light break- - will sail for home from San of Directors comprise the San Francisco, Bay City,,, JT O udA alleged interview with her. in which she The Board ale. Francisco on the Sierra, had an amus- officers and Tee Chin, Wee Shing and Hong- fast suitable for this climate was quoted as having said that Ha- T. Ahung. Mich, Yokohama, ing experience in Chicago with about a waii was a most desirable place for L. T. CHIN, kong. New Zealand, etc. consisting of dozen reporters of that metropolis. men of the East who were in search of Secretary, Hawaiian Tobacco Co., Upon arrival there en route to Honolulu good wives, especially heiresses. None Ltd. ladies of the party had spoken Honolulu, T. H., July 22, 1901. 5916 We have many regular TEA she, Miss Phillips, her secretary, and of the to any one at the hotel Wind the alleged customers COFFEE, Miss Mapuena Smith registered at the interviews were therefore merely con- NOTICE, Soon reporters, the IN KING Sherman House. afterwards coctions of the who made Outside the TerritoryofHawa. P STREET TRACT about a dozen reporters sent up their best of a detail which had failed. The THE GROUNDS OF THE ALEX MILK or on to Young building, private to $1,250 a lot, formerly cards asking for interviews Hawaii, story was sent the New York World ander and the t. Pan-America- - ell CHOCALATE the exhibit at the n, about and othfi- Eastern papers, the wording street, to be known as Bishop street G. N. Wilcox's various other themes which in no two of being alike, but all are cloed to the public until further Do We Do the Best Work or AW ? - premises. herself and them ' Buns, to reporters' old adage of notice. with Hot Doughnuts, suggested themselves the of them stating that the MUTCH, de- go was V WILLIAM 10c. minds. Miss Davison was tired and 'Go wet. voting man, west," Superintendent Alex. Young Build Snails, Toast, etc., FOR a good Hawaii, mat- sired rest, and she therefore Sent back still one as far as In. 6S97 word that she preferred to wait until rimonially speaking, was concerned. HONOLULU PHOTO SUPPLY Only a first class Bakery Hawaiian Sugar Go. Notice PWI LOTS IN MANOA VAL- - aboye ffor could furnish the IS WED. THE STOCKBOOKS OF THE HA-waii- an COMPANY. GEN. LEE'S DAUGHTER Sugar Company will be closed frmerly Montano's 12,500 sum. Tract, this small to transfers from Wednesday, July 24, Corner Fort and Hotel Streets. to Wednesday, July 31, Inclusive. W. L. HOPPER, Doors open at 5:30 a. m. Secretary, Hawaiian Sugar Co Honolulu. July 22, 190L 6815

fCR HuNDRED LOTS IN KAIU J. Oswald Lutted, TRact- - from $200 to $250 a lot. MANAGER. COTTON BROS. & CO. Snoinbbes awd Gbnbbal Co- AN IMPORTANT' MEETING OF n Honolulu Lodge No. CM, B. P. O. S., IN KEKIO TRACT ntractors. will be held at Progress Hall, Fort Uke street, every Monday evening, at 7:3 YOUR EYES are entitled to the bes ? Is'ar.d. $800 a lot. furnished for ail o'clock. Fiona and BttlxnatM of51care. There is nothing too good for of Contracting Work. All Elks are requested to be present linnnomm tM Boston Block. Honolnl- - By order of the E. R. them. Sight is priceless. Glasses solfi1 H. D. COUZEN8, Secretary by us are accurately fitted, not pickeci out at random. We give each case all kE Lung Co. 'NDRED LOTS IN KAPIO- - Wing Hing NOTICE OF REMOVAL necessary time and thought, without 'TRACT up price. We do none hut W $500 piling the a ON THE OF AUGUST THE e lot FIRST best glasses are-th- No. 4 HOTEL BTKIUCT. Honolulu Eye and Ear Infirmary will the beat work, and the IMPORTERS OF GENERAL remove to the cottage on Alakea street only kind you can afr. rd to weasv CHANDISH. formerly occupied by the late Dr. Me-Klbb- in, We repair glasses promptly and to last tc., immediately adjoining the Etc. Lam In Chew, Manager, hold pow Masonic building, and opposite the FACTORY ON THE PREMISES. of attorney to act for thla firm teal Honolulu Library. 5910 natter. m A. N. SANFORD THE0S0PHICAL SOCIEiY. Hawaii Shfnpo 8ha. MANUFACTURING OPTICIAN, REMOVAL. Boston Building. Fort Street- - -- 7:30 PRINT ALOHA BRANCH: Saturday, May Sc Co. THE PIONEER JAPANESE p. m., public meeting In Arton Han, Over Ing office. The publisher of Hawai: dally paper back of Opera House; Tuesday, 7:45 Bhlnpo. the only Jarnese p. m., class of "Ancient Wisdom," at published In the Territory Hawaii SHIOZAWA, Proprietor. Mr. Rice's. Beretanla St. Library open C Wednesday, 2 to 4 p. m. Information, f Y. SOOA, Editor. Mrs. Marques, 314 Fort St. MCCHESWEY 4 Telephone Main t7. m Acta Mau-nake- a Editorial and Printing Office ' street, above King. P. O. Bos TO H0RS OWNERS. fhaiesaie Grocers 907. I Leateer and f!Bd!Bf im HORSES BROKEN TO HARNESS ROOMS - -- Com LEAVER LUNCH and gaited to trot or pace. Apply C, Agaats Honolulu Soap Works Con- pan s. of In Virginia. 4" One of Virginia's most winsome belU place there instead aay, Honolulu, an Tannarr. daughter Mrs. Rhea, who is about 2S years old, EL Judd, Waikikl Stables. 5911 Real H. J. NOLTE, Proprietor. Miss Ellen Fowle Lee, eldest D- - . and Mrs. Fitzhugh Lee. was educated at the Staunton (Va.) CHEONG LEE & CO.. Street, Opposite Wilder A Co. of General by of Port as married J me 26, In Xew York, to Female Institute the widow Custom Bouse Blanks. SERVED. Cav- .Fitzhugh Lee's comrade-in-arm- s, Gen-ler- al Exporters. flRST-CLAS- S LUNCHES Lieutenant Rhea, of the Seventh Importers and Brokers. Jeb Stuart. In Richmond, Lynch- -' In Jewelry, Fancy G.wl" Soda water, alry. And dealers With Tea, Coffee, Rhea is in active bursr. Washington and last winter in Furniture, Curios, Cutlery, Blarkwixxi, Ginger Ale or Milk. . Because Lieutenant Of All Kinds. pint&ri and GlasH Wares, el in Cuba, and could get only a Omfiha, she was the star of the social nortm rfe dock. 7 to 10 p. m. service 8 Roadj Hongkyi-s..- . Fnrt Open from a. m. days' furlough, the wedding took 'set. She is well known here as well. HAWAIIAN GAZETTE CGMIaAX Queen"? Cemru c,.. Smokers' Requisites a Specialty. ten

1 THB PACIFIC HONOLULU. JULY 29, 1901. 14 00MM1ECULL ADYEETISER nation must he effected, which will Rooms 508, prove almost prohibitively difficult, or HAWAIIAN 509, 510 else the supply of labor on the Islands ENIKEHII materially increased, and the latter al- HOSTETTEHJ m mm ternative will probably be chosen. All classes of Maui News. ited. Examini.' Snr! I ' MR ports madp fnr w., Ulrejs M Maui's Proud Flesh. Electrical ( Ynstr.i- - akb Specifications and Estimates prepared, and construction ' DUNG OFF Maui is to be congratulated on being su reasonably exempt from any stress of steam, tunnel, bridges, buildings, highways. foundAM- - 8t !$b. stringency, sucn as afflicts financial Special Attention Given to Examinations. Valuations and Rerr4. "tl, Honolulu and Hilo, There is plenty of ior mvestin-u- t furposes. . money on Maui and more coming In all I Frederick J. Amweg, M. l Scarf A Pest Destroys it the time, aid there is no unhealthy or Am. s0c p excited spot here where things are be W. R. CASTLE, JR., Sec'y and Treas ing overdone. The trutTi is that both Honolulu and Hilo4 are suffering a re- - In Parts of iction from an unduly stimulated vol Rings ume of business, and feel the reaction. Good times are ahead, however, for temporary im the both towns, and the stress Pajamas the ruling fad Maui. are will soon cease to be felt. Maui News. A two-niec- e sleenine- - becoming VERT DESIRABLE . LJ . ln.1 V . . . Bast, and are fast . - - 1 I i . " B OMII so here. The Bank of Maui. JUST THE THING for traveling, as their 9nn...... silk greater the usual of Dsiti "Worn with a iiaedsome The following is a list of the sub- freedom than kind niRht shirts BLIGHT BEING WE HAVE THEM IN SILK, Madras and Crepe." tie, nothing caai be more scribers to the Bank of Maui to date: take ta Fitter M. well. Swell dreeaers BY HAND H. P. Baldwin, George Hons. L. them at sight. SPREAD Baldwin, W. A. McKay, W. T. Robin- splesdid stock YOUR HEALTH son, John Weddick, R. A. Wadsworth, We have a Shirtsgood-weig- ht made of Madras Cloth, colors woven in. Tk L in these L. Barckhausen. Goo Lip, G. G. Seong, . , , 18ePaUn. 1 new creations upon of your ' depends the condition Hen-nin- g, Btrtlr Re-xn- an News Notes Dunn, F. Kohler, W. ti.b 9 rings, from the simple stomach. If you suffer from uyspep-s- i Other by the Adver George H. match. We also have Linen, Silk and Negligee. A. J. Rodrigues, gold ban to the elabor- Indigestion, constipation, bilious- User's Maui Correspondent. Arthur Waal. ness, torpid liver or weak kidneys, Leslie H. Stren-bec- k, gem-s- et ring, F. J. Wheeler, Scott. ate chased and you'll find a sure cure in Hostetter's Rodrigues, A. from will prevent Junk to Carry lice. Cezaro William and at prices varying Stomach Bitters. It also Sparks, T. B. Lyons, John Fereira, A. Ties and nervousness by keeping designs Four-la-H- Six Dollars to One Hundred insomnia Enos, Charles Lennox, W. J. Lowrie, Newest shapes and latest in Silks in the stomach In a healthy condition. E. H. Bailey, C. H. Jennings, G. L. scans, runs, nana rsows, em. and Fifty. Don't fail to give it a trial. See that MA 11. July Zi. Lantana, which is Keeny, F. F. Baldwin. W. E. Beckwith, just received OUR PRIVATE REVENUE STAMP been a great F. G. Douse. W. O. Aiken, A. Fernan-de- s We have alse covers the neck of the bottle. and has detriment to the unusually attractive as- prosperity of Jr., W. F. McConkey. F. W. Har- an the agriculturist and cat dy. James Anderson, S. E. Kalama, T. tie-rais- er Handkerchiefs sortment of Be sure Hostetter'h of Hawaii, has at last been Awana, Tarn Tau Company, G. H. Wil- We in port all our Handkerchiefs. Have a very large assort., C. S. Hocking. A. R. . attacked by a mortal foe which within bur, E. Haynes, . - 6CTU doq McLane. N. Black. About $45,000 has never so low. teihf'.L ' You Get Stomacs a decade or more, so it is proph'-Hie- been subscribed, leaving about $10,000 Lace and will completely exterminate it. inis yet to be subscribed. There is no doubt WE ALSO CARRY A FULL LINE OF The Genuine foe is a blight similar to that which but that this will be subscribed, as Bitters there are a number of prominent men ruined guava and cofEee trees some whom Mr. Lufkin has not been able to Scarf Pins years ago. L. R. Crook, manager meet. All those desiring stock should Gents' Furnishing Goods, Ulupalakua ranch, noticing that the at once communicate by mail with Mr. new "BAROQUE WALL PAPER Lufkin, at the Maui Hotel, Wailuku ta the lantana bushes by the side of Wailuku Maui News. era a " vvhi h makes the DAAu,ri WWW ROCK. roads were dying out, and that other CALL AND BE CONVINCES! piece of Jew most attractive plants growing near the lantana, were Elegant Passenger Coaches. yon have elry imaginable. If not affected, procured a branch of the The Kahului Railroad Company re- we would be not seen them, blighted lantana about two feet long ceived from the Coast, by the Flint, ian til show them the manu-face- d OZAK! and spread it among the bushes of Ulu two lovely passenger coaches, 3. yo are la. Choice WAVERLY BLOCK. next time paiakua. Within a short time, so he by the Convertible Car Company, i very In fact, eur stock Is reports, several hundred square feet of of New York. . These cars are ekch full all along the line, and lartana has been killed. thirty-seve- n feet long, and contain ten HONOLULU we are in a positive to nil Designs, GENERAL OTES double and ten single seats. The seats very want. are wicker work, mounted on springs, a nr i i t Everything is looking fine and green t i : uu bib ci. rj 1 1 vjl j u f i i s. i v . 1 and are reversible. The wood work of a.iji but the outlook is very dis isi iu.a hi ff i at Nahiku. the coaches is polished oak and ash, Reasonable couraging t the small cane planter and the interior finish is of beautiful They are uncertain whether to con bird's eye maple. tinue planting or to cease doing so, These cars are tubular In structure, inasmuch as they know not whether and are ingenuously constructed so as Prices. the plantation is "to be or not to be." to be converted in a moment from open Quite a large party spent the nipht to close cars, and vice versa, or one of the 24th at Craigielea, on the sum- side can be opened and the other left lURmAR mit of Haleakala. The visitors to the closed. Even when closed, the win- HOME PRODUCTION f crater were Mrs. Knowlton, Misses dows are so arranged as to give an unobstructed view. The two platforms tHuntington. Cameron and Charlotte i-- i n of each coach are vestibuled, making t i n l i j 11 11 D i r w rnvr, nri i 1111 ii'j iru i i i j f i i i uut r . t im FORT STREET. Lewers & Cooke Dodge, Dr. W. D. Baldwin. Messrs. C. good observation cars, and the ventila- r r ttfj n lniuriiir 11a n. litlv 111ivi uu i uui i ui H. Dickey and C. W. Dickey. tion is perfect. Each coach is furnish- it LIMITED. Awana, the well-know- n Chinese mer ed with ice water and elegant lamps, and Bottled Beer Delivered. chant of Makawao, is building a Chi but for obvious reasons, the stove and nese flat-botto- m river boat, a regular coal box of colder climates is omitted. Fort Street. A more vn sampan, at Maliko gulch, Haiku. Awa- handsomer or comfortable Telephone MAIN 341. uraers rromoi V na is in the rice business and as the coach could hardly have been devised, Claudine refused to stop at and the management deserves credit 8 steamer for their introduction on the Kahului Castle & Cooke Huelo he determined to build a junk Railroad. Maui News. or sampan twenty-fiv- e or thirty feet LIMITED. long so that he could convey his rice to and fro without the assistance of the The Days of steamer. No More UFE fIRE The Makawao Book Club has re- Dread Latest Patterns Tight Beits cently sent on to the Coast for twenty-eigh- t new books to be circulated the ht IN Insurance Agents. among and to be read by the twenty-eig- f Dental Chair Are Over subscribers to the club. The JtjUJt committee upon the selection of the books were Mesdames W. F. McCon-ke- y. I AGENTS FOB H. A. Baldwin and W. E. Beck- $500 with, Dr. E. Q. Beckwith and F. W. Clmg-Surfa- ce Will be given to anyone who detect i MUTUAL Hardy. nferior material used by the New rts Miss Mutha and Lorrin Smith are at Cork Dental Parlors. In all our Sh C( foi LIFE INSURANCE A; S2-- the H. Baldwins', Hamakuapoko. rewnfi and brldgework we ose E. C. Dickey, Mrs. Shades, Or BOSTON. Hon. and Mrs. H. cold. In all our other work the ma- New Designs. New CLIN-SUIWA- C" IS A BELT Grace Waterhouse and Mr. C. W. Dick- terial Is OF THE BEST, AND GUAR Oiler, whieh produce a clean, ey men- ANTEED. All work done by GRAD- zETKA Of are at Olinda House. The last tinging surface on the belt after it FIRE INSURANCE tioned will depart for Honolulu today. UATED DENTISTS of from U to X New Goods. aaa penetratec the belt, and it is Or HARTFORD, years' experience, and each department making and At Castle Kopje, near Olinda, are a belt preservative, Mrs. B. Mary Castle, In charge of a apeolalist. Give as a keeping the leather, cotton or rope J. Castle, Miss sail, and you will find ue to do exactly flexible and elastic, vastly increas- Miss Thompson and others. as we advertise. We tell you In ad- ing its life. It also acts perfectly Geo. A. Miss Cameron is at Erehwon cattle vance exactly what your work will n robber belts. station, Kula. ?ost by a FREE EXAMINATION. One-thi- rd more power is trans-adtt-ed Harry Copp, captain of police of by its use, or in other Martin Makawao. will soon go to Honolulu to SET TEETH two-thir- ds 30LD CROWNS PRICES words, a belt as large accept a position in the mounted pa- LOWEST will transmit the power if "Cling-v-Surts.e- e" 30LiD FILLINGS l.M trol. He was induced to take the posi- ILVER FILLINGS M is used. Chilling-wort- tion by Deputy High h -- Send for sample ten -- pound tin. Sheriff AT a during his recent visit to Maui. During the 25th Miss Eva Smith of HQ PLATES Price 50c per lb.: TaHor Hamakuapoko gave a picnic to Hale-hak- u REOrti. gulch in honor of her cousin. Miss Hall. Co. UTTLE GIANT Boston Misses Turner. Malone and Knapp & are in cottage Iwakami rusticating the little red FIHE EXTINGUISHER Building. upon the premises of the old seminary The only chemical fire extinguisher in Makawao. that is ready at any time. Will not Mrs. S. E. Damon is the guest of Our name alone will be a yuarante deteriorate. No dangerous acids or Mrs. H. P. Baldwin, Haiku. hat your work will be of the et : HOTEL STREET chemicals in it. Can Le handled by Mesdames Auger. Otis and Knowl- a child, . ton and Miss -- Huntington are at James ew York Dental Parlors, TO LEASE Lindsay's, Haiku. 4, Building, Price $3 each. Weather Very dry. though showers Room Elite on the sea are frequent. HOTEL STREET, - LADIES IN ATTENDANCE m FOR A TERM OF TEARS, Mr. A. C Lovekin's scheme to incor- I porate a bank for Maui under Terri world of land fronting on South street, am ithe attraction all overJhe torial laws, with a capital f $200,000. SAN FRANCISCO, HONOLULU mm. running through one-ha- lf to Chamberlaii to be paid up. seems to be NEW TORK. mm street, the frontage on of sa a good one and most of the reputable 144! men of the districts of Lahaina, Wai- streeta being . feet, and karlmg luku and Makawao are becoming sub- depth of 141 feet. scribers for stock in the new H. S. Gtinbanm & Co. This property la suitable for U erection of warehouses and stores. F LIMITED. So i. o m tn Company, Ltd. terms, apply to the Warning to Home Rulers KAPIOLANI I8TATB. LTI While it is not at all probable that importers and Commission Merchant S7M the President of the United States will great Reduction in Prices. care to interfere in the local quarrels for the weary traveler is Will Make Tour Clothes in Hawaii, yet these quarrels will bear SOLE AGENTS FOR Cyrus Noble whiskey. fruit in the form of legislation during Saving made large additions to our the next term of Congress. The Home BLANCHE BATES 5c Its stimulative and tonic machinery, we are now able to launder look Like Hew. Rulers have made so dismal a failure CIGAR. properties render it of great J5PRBADS, SHEETS, PILLOWSLIPB as legislators that the friends of the value in cases of fatigue and in Congress will at- CLOTHS, TABLE .J Islands at least It ABLE NAPKIN tempt measures of relief. And If they exhaustion. ja& TOWBJLS at the rate of 3S CENT fail, and we have another Home Rule ASSURANCt i BRITISH AMERICAN It old. ay DOZEN, CASH. Legislature like the last one, it is quite COMPANY, of Toronto, Ontario. is pure and prompt deUv-r- y sure that a radical change will be Satisfactory work and INSFRANC Distilled from selected guaranteed. made in dur form of government. The THE AMERICAN FIRE only thing which will prevent this will COMPANY, of New Xorj. grain. No of clothing being fear lost from be for the better class of people Special attention grvlen to conslfi Strikes, ITT-- throughout the Islands, who have no Of delicate flavor. i' TAKE THEM TO TO nients of Coffee and Rice. We invite Inspection of our laundry axes to grind, to combine at the next election and send practical business One and three crown. methods at any time during bust and i git Ceasing Dyeing men to the Legislature. Maui News. hour. irt Ita. RUPTURE CURED OOLLAHr, Fort at oppoait Star Block. Wage-Combin- e. fo? TEN Wants a Tif.'ia:HUbave nn mi Kt o ii liomea for t! tiiir i Ring Up Main 73 The News has frequently suggested nasi prtce. ;riie-- t real w tinsAatr. . the propriety of a combination of the itv aii'l oiuitort to tlie r:i w 1 1r i ,i u tnrtL S" "'fr!ii-o- r ' a ii ssad our wagons will call for your 0 HJICE& plantations for the purpose of regu- rotiowi'orubiu lift n hi- - w r Inv- i- lating wages on the Islands, and the mai'-- l-: " work. -- tatornaWfop r t .in. evmi mil ...... t nr lit. t ; CTRIC CO, planters of Maui honestly tried to ac- '.t A, complish this, but were met by two C. LOVEKIN, difficulties. In the first place, there were a large number of contracts let Offices tor Rent. Stock and Bond Broker ICE DELIVERED on Maui for railroads, ditches, reser- To any part of the City voirs, etc.. and the contractors orr.-re-- l REAL ESTATE AND large wages, thus securing many plan- THB UNDERSIGNED OFFER tation laborers. Secondly, planters in ofocea for rent In the MelNTYRt FE UNCIAL AGENT. Hoffman & some of the other Islands offered larg- BUILDING, now being; ereete4 at cor- Markham er wages than the Maui planters, thus ner of Fort and King streets, this city. Telephone Blue 3151. P. O. Box W0. taking much labor from Maui, notably Armly to IB. F. BISHOP, 402 Judu Building. Office: Kewalo. to Hawaii. Either an universal combi- - At C. Brewer Ce's, Queen it THE PACIFIC COMMERCIAL ADVERTISER, HONOLULU, JULY 29, 1901, 15- -

and there and thereby commit the THE crime of burglary in the first degree." THE FIRST The cases were" continued to August COMEDY 1 at the request of Deputy Sheriff Imorinnn Vnuinac 7 Tnicf Pn OF AWAII Chillingworth, and in the meantime 4 I - " nrisnnprss ivill Ya on ..,.,,..,, UO tho ..... " irivon ail v'('i'v71 - HUb bU OUl POO UU. LIMITED. nity to procure counsel. The police I claim to have good cases against these OF HAWAII. LTD. onftlon at the close of business i two men, the evidence under which June 29, 1901: IN COURT they were previously convicted still ASSETS. SPECIALS being available. In the cases of the Loans aHd discounts $1.064,408.s 2 Japs the prosecution will be much mote Capital, $25,00.W. Call loans and overdrafts.. 245,679.8? difficult, as the witnesses have become President Cecil Brown Bonds 276,Mi. scatfered. The use of the transcript of Vice President M. P. Robinson Lease safe deposit building FOR the evidence at the first trial will not Cashier W. G. Cooper and office furniture 10w71.T Linen be permitted in the new one. The ad-vic- e Principal Office: Fort, near Merchant Other assets BJO.ta Grass GearOrdersBrown of Judge Gear for the release of Street. Due from banks , M.0K7.M ONE WEEK ONLY an tne men alleged to be illegally im- Government warrants 975. S IN prisoned will not be followed, and Branch Office: Hiie, Hawaii. Exchange on hand 2,lttJ,JQ To Punish Judge Gear will be compelled to accept Cash 682,230. M the responsibility for all the men giv- Conducts a General Banlinc Business Ending August en their freedom. $2.9,8S1.$S Colors, 3d. ANOTHER ONE FOR MAGOON. AT HONOLULU AND HILO. liabilities. Self. Capital 600,00. g Attorney Magoon was given another SAVINGS Reserve account 50,Ot.ft hard dig Saturday In a spendthrift ' DEPOSITS received and Undivided profits 142,728.74 case, a class of trusts that have al- interest allowed for yearly deposits at Deposits 4 per per 1,268,383. 79 ways given him plenty of trouble. the rate of cent annum. Due to other banks 13,S1.1S James Love alleges on part Rules and regulations of savings de- LET GO fraud the Dividends unpaid 1,724.6-- 3 IN THE CROCKERY AND mli PRISONERS of Magoon in a supplemented petition. partment furnished upon application. GLASSWARE for the termination of the spendthrift 2,199.301. trust, and Magoon is ad- - AND REARRESTED claims that L C. H. COOKE, ministering the property in the inter-es- t Cashier, do solemn- i t swl Tin-cover- ed Jelly Glasses, at of Love's daughter, Mrs. Anna ' ly swear the above statement Is true t ' r Hart, with whom o good to the best of my knowledge and be- he is not I . lief. C. H. COOKE, Cash-er- flDieouicu, Circuit Court's Farcical Order to terms. He further alleges thar when j Ins 30c Per Dozen. he was declared'a spendthrift in Feb- Subscribed and sworn to befor mS High Sheriff Because of ruary, 1S95, it was at that instance of -- IJMITED- this 3d day of July, A. D. 19fL Magoon, who told charges j II ROYAL D. MEAD, him that all Contempt. of drunkenness, idleness and debauch- OFFICERS: Votary Public, Fyst Judicial District ery had been stricken from the peti- - j ALSO tion on file. He further claims that H. P. Baldwin President J. B. Castle First Vice President Claus Spreckels. Wm. G. Irwin. Magoon is renting the property for less W. M. IN Following every detail the line is being paid con- Alexander. Second Vice President THE HOUSEFTJRNISHING out in than for taxes. In J, P. Cooke Clans Spreckels & Co, i Treasurer of action forecasted in Saturday's Ad- clusion states "That in manner and W. O. Smith ... Secretary Men DEPARTMENT. form ;.s aforesaid a fraud was worked and Auditor vertiser, Judge Gear released the - J- HONOLULU, H. T. Silk on you:- petitioner by said - A. Ma- Ponge three men for whom Attorney Brooks goon. and your petitioner was tricked Best quality of floor mops had applied for writs of habeas cor into admitting that he was guilty of Sugar Factors SAN FRANCISCO AGENTS THB with handles complete, at pus. Immediately upon leaving tne drunkenness, idleness and debauchery NEVADA NATIONAL BANK OI? by an admission he would never have AHD SAN FRANCISCO. courtroom they were rearrested made, for the same was not true then deputies. Commission 25 Cents Each. High Sheriff Brown and his or ever." Merchants DRAW EXCHANGE ON hallway j NOTES. The arrests were made in the COURT SAN FRANCISCO The Nevada Na- ; at-- sus- w. leading t the courtroom, and the j The Supreme Court Saturday AGENTS FOR tional Bank of San Francisco. Jordan torney for the defendants asked the tained the First Circuit Court In its LONDONThe Union Bank of Lon- ruling in the case of J. J. Byrne vs. Hawaiian Commercial Sugar Co., don, Ltd. court that the high sheriff be punish- P. J. Voeller. The suit was for wms Haiku Sugar Company, jj0 10 Fort Street. - Pala Plantation Company, NEW YORK American Exchange Na- ed for contempt, afterwards wlth- alleged to be due plaintiff from defei d- - tional See display Nahiku Sugar Company, Bank. the of both articles drawing his motion. Judge Gear jok-- ant, he having been employed to look Klhel Plantation Company, CHICAGO Merchants' National Bank. n ingly complied with the request of the after defendants grocery in Honolulu Hawaiian Sugar Company, PARIS Credit Lyonnals. in our front windows. - 'Judgment of $a30 been rendered attorney, and i the high sheriff had Kahului Railroad Company, BERLIN Dresdener Bank. ordered fo). the plaintiff in the lower court and HONGKONG AND YOKOHAMA RTRAITS to remain in the custody of himself; The divorce petition in the case of A. & B. Line, Hongkong and Shanghai Banking for the term of one hour, a sentence Alves vs. Alves has been withdrawn. Edward May, Corporation. barb"'- - , the prisoner laughingly proceed- - Emily F. Whitney, NEW ZEALAND AND AUSTRALIA - Xdtasani W. B. Flint. Bank of New Zealand. to execute. fact, whole pro- j ed In the The Kapiolani estate case was still VICTORIA AND VANCOUVER BanS LiaSS "Uia ixuaiautwwu ceedings of Saturday morning were before the court Saturday, the attor- - of British North America, of uch a nature as to have been neys presenting tneir arguments on pavey does not wish nis sitters W.W, the motions they had hied. . Transact a General Banuno 8 t Dimond&Co comical had it not been . for the fact Hawaii Land Co. Fxcnonae bbsm . ii1pis nerfectlv- satis- - I 0gfl of the three defend that th liberties PACIFIC UNION OIL CO. Deposits Received, Loans made on LIMITED. ants were at stake. How anyone can LIMITED. Approved Security, Commercial take such a farcical proceeding as the Travelers' Credits Issued, Bills of Ex- Dealers n sentencing of a man to remain in L c aed in the Famous Coalinga Oil change Bought and Sold. his own custody for one hour, serious- IT CROCKERY, GLASS, AND ly, is past understanding. Fields of California. COLLECTIONS PROMPTLY "If I was the high sheriff," concluded ACCOUNTED FOR. CrCVCC HOUSEFURNISHING Judge Gear. "I would consider it my Proven oil lands, completely sur- Capital Stock $100,000. UTENSILS. duty to release all the prisoners now rounded by as rich oil producing wells C. BREWER & CO., Ltd. confined and illegally convicted, and as there are in the State, yielding from Capital, paid up $58,080. PHOTOGRAPHIC CO., Sole Agents for the them, to be tried according Queea Street, Honolulu, H. 1 " rearrest l:50 to 250 barrels per d iy. LIMITED CELEBRATED JEWEL due process of law." The cases of the three Japs, Ihara Contract prices for oil at the Coal- AGENTS FOR ' MOTT-SMIT- H BLOCK, 70 per STOVES and and Osaka were called upon inga wells, cents barrel. Yamana With twenty-fiv- e producing wells or Hawaiian Agricultural Company, mar Fort and Hotel Streets. REFRIGERATORS. the opening of court Saturday morn- - OFFICERS. One - you mea A 1 - . . : . 100 barVels per Sugar : U...... I - I ? ... ,L1 f t- each day, can make Company, Honomu 8ug GURNET J v.uiupny, sugar ing upon the cases judge Gear stated " " J? ZZZTZ . W. C. Achi President and Manager waiiusu Company. YOUR to grand ine on r'"r5Tinuusiry in ainoruia is 111 American Sugar Company, Make that he had decided call the its infancy, yet many fortunes have M. K. Nakuina Vice President Sugar Company, Ookala Sugar Plan NESS ORDERS : been made by Judicious and lucky in- - J. Makainai Treasurer tation Company, Haleakala R&nefe vestments in oil stock. Many' more Enoch Johnson Secretary Company, Ka papala Ranch, Molok&i thus tacitly sustaining the position in Ranch. TELEGRAPH. by Attorney General Dole. will be made the near future. C. J. Holt taken ' average on original Auditor Line, Mr. Dole asked the court to postpone The advance Planters' San Francisco Packets r." sales of oil stock in twenty leading Charles Brewer & Co's Line of Bo, You can do Naw trfe calling of the regular grand jury it , H.il1 h tM .V.n v. t , companies in California has been from ton Packets. laLei in fri AO uitlll in tne inui, uiun iu.i L Agents Boston his appeal in the Goto case might be BOARD OF DIRECTORS. Board of Underwriters, i i . v... . v. c , , Oil lands"PV"have advanced from Agents for Philadelphia Board of Un- cuuwiuei eo mv toe ,ui.ieine ,.,ui to $1,000 and $2,000 per acre. Jonah Kumalae, S. M. Kanakanul, derwriters. This the court refused to do, saying OH Company J. M. Kea. Standard Oil Company. that he could not wait, for the pur When the Pacific Union pose a special term of has a number of producing wells on of allowing the its property, its stock will have the LIST OF OFFICERS. Inter-Islan- d Supreme Court, when he telt certain The above Company will buy, lease, position same show for even a greater advance, C. M. Cooke, President; Georgs it would sustain him in the as some oil stock has advanced from or sell lands In all parts of the Ha- 9, r he had taken with reference to the waiian Islands, and also has in Robertson, Manager; E. F. Bishop, j $1 to $1,500 per houses of of habeas corpus. share. Treasurer and Secretary; Col. W. W. r issuance writs Oil Company the city of Honolulu for rent. Ihara was the first of the Japanese The Pacific Union has Allen, Auditor; P. C. Jones, H. Water to receive his freedom at the hands of no salaried officers, and is controlled by nouse, w. ft. carter, Directors. who, through an well known gentlemen of Integrity, I transmitting mess- Judge Gear, inter- who will see that the money derived preter, told the defendant that under legiti- ages to all the islands a new ruling of the Supreme Court the from the sale of stock will be THST0K0H4Mi SPECIE BA law under which he had been convict- mately applied te the development of FOR RENT of the group its property. LIMITED. except ed was declared unconstitutional, and For further information, apply to J. Kauai. he was now at liberty. The Jap readily accepted the situa- !H. FISHER & CO., Stock and Bond be seen by Brokers, and Hawaiian agents for the tion, as could the fact that sale of a limlte I amount of Pacific Subscribed upiui lea M,0QMtt was tn a neat-fittin- g - he already attired Union Oil Company stock. Stangen-wal- i Ninirn mm Paid Up , - sj w my i linen coat and brown trousers. With building, Capital datf a smile of satisfaction he left the Merchant street. I Reserve fmi , , Ten EDISON T"rtr.0"?' ,HS altT,;i"5 apruance, Stanley & Co's celebrated An Attractive i jai'.ro'LCT; brands of "Kentucky Favorite" and "O WM corridor, when he was nabbed by Offi F. O. whiskies stand the highest. nil i ii in I st n rA rrrvrvn I cer Tome Abe. who began reading the ' - wwf a bwqvvu wihiia warrant to him, while Attorney HEAB wTiTATtS. Brooks vainly attempted to pull his Residence OFFICE: YOKOHAMA f client back into courtroom. Ihara pANttRAMA VltWS INTEREST ALLOWED. T1L8PH0NB MAIN the 131. Phonographs evidently faileii to erasn the mean n Fixed Deposit 12 OF THE HARBOR, CITY, for months, psv ing of the now angry attorney, and PALI ON THE cent per annum. " msx mTVKl ,UiDT walked meekly off with the Officer. PUNCHBOWL, ETC., - - On Fixed Deposit for S month, ps sage if desired Attorney F.rooks. returning to the Taken by cent per annum. courtroom, complained to Judge Gear & hi-ri- RICE PERKINS, On Fixed Deposit 3 pea M that the : sheriff was arresting the Corner of Pcnsacola for monthf t nnir..4 mm J men before they left the presence of Beretania St., are for sale at Wall. cent per annum. AND the court, and was guilty of contempt. Nichols Co. Records The cou: i replied that he would attend and Hassinger Streets to Mr. Brown's case in due time, and IN TPEli NATIONAL Yamana was brought forth and releas- The hank buys and receives for eoi-lectl- on ed, as the first prisoner. He was Locality. Bills of Exchange, i;i IEMCI SCHOOL Fiae Beautiful Grounds issues Drafts P WANTFTIES TO SUIT. rearrested the corridor, and the -- AT THE third Jap Osaka, was treated in the and Letters of Credit, and transacts sv same impartial manner. Judge Gear SCR ANTON, PA general banking business. then asked the sheriff to show cause tt AND BOIL FOR IALE why he sin tud not be punished for contempt. Our new circular points out the waj to a well-pai- d Dlacr in Civil, Mechani- TO CtJtl fnml.V,. W 4L. M to th- - court APPLY Branch of Speots '".iicu Of ma UT OB HAWAIIAN NEWS CO. The sheriff cal, Flectrical Engineering' or Arch! Yokohama Bank. wUca that he did no) know it to be contempt New Republic Building, Honolulu, H. X, to rearrest men after they had left the lecture. Qualify yourself for a posi- courtroom, which the men had certain- tion where you tar. earn while you ly in case. Attorney General learn. We teach by mall Steam and JUHEI 1SHIZUKA IK. HITCHCOCK. done this Marine Engineering, Drawing, Cnem- - . , St. Dole supplemented this statement with rri v. . r-- jm 1 AGENCY OF nrifVl4 m TT Merchant -- rt.n M union r eed on one to the effect that the high sheriff g II C. a M' ttn1'. TtleBkon Maim tH. had only been acting under his orders. , Vr", llll. i Lei XX. x. - j oi nu at., nuuumiu, KE1 HIN LTD, and was performing his duties accord- e BANK, CONSOLIDATED lng to law: also, that if there had been Established 1S91. Capital $1,50 m Fort street, Honolulu. Tel. Main 1M. any contempt shown the court, it was VINEYARD ST. I llll a Judge Gear i uuiiiii iiimiui' i in unintentional. stated that THE EMPORIUM. ESTABLISHED IN 18ft. n It was contempt to arrest men within Transact Banking Ex- iihi in n ni in i New General and l sight of the court, and said they Restaurant, Just Opened change Business. IMMHHHIMHHMHM should have been permitted to leave NTTCANU A KING STS. BISHOP & CO. UMITED. the courthouse. The attorney general j HEAD OFFICE, TOKYO, JAPAN replied that in the future the released PLANTATION AND prisoners would be permitted to do DRAW EXCHANGE ON FIRST this. ALL MEALS 25 CENTS. Bankers NATIONAL BANK, YOKOHAMA. od pass upon mo- TRANSACT A GENERAL BANKING most approv4 ma "I shall have to the AND EXCHANGE BUSINESS. hlay used by tion for contempt," said the court. c "J don't wish to have the high sher- Cigars, Tobacco and Cold Drlak. & MILL SUPPLIES iff punished," said Attorney Brooks. E890 Everything New CR Commercial and Travelers' Letters BISHOP t ( i "Why did you make the motion, ssi of Credit issued, available in all the uwa soda Works then?" asked the court. Principal Cities at the World. "Well, I don't want him severely INTEREST allowed after July L ISM, SAVINGS BANK m dealt with," replied the attorney. on fixed deposits: T days' notice., S per ISLANDS. The court laughingly said that he cent (this form will not War interest unless remains undisturbed for one would have to take some cognizance it Office at bank building rm Merch Oils for Machinery, Waste. of the contempt, and would order month); S months, t per sent; 'S OUR V per cent; IS months, 4 per street. MOTTO. Coal and Stockholm, Tar, Asphaltum. Sheriff Brown to take himsjelf into cus- months, one cent. Pitch, Rosin and Oakum. tody for the term of hour. The' The leading Business Collets In tka sheriff smilingly replied that he would Teat festab. 41 years). ffJedd rmm of kinds. court, for Savings Deposits will be received ant' TL Packing all comply with the order of the Mtalogue. M Post strcst Ban Francisco, Interest allowed by this Bank mm . m . comedy was closed. -- CASTLE & COOKE CO., Ld. at - i ua Alien Bt Rope, all sixes. and the little farce Jallforni- per cent per annum. Iron Wire. AH Of AND HAMILTON REAR- HONOLULU. I Rtr.m Black and Galvanised RESTED. raEn Staples. naLSTIAfl Black and Galvanised Iron rear-regte- ALL KINDS OF Hamilton and Ah Oi were both d Commission Merchants Printed copies of the Rules ant Reg Horse and Mule Collars. Saturday on warrants charging ulatlons may be obtained on applica- Horse and Mule Shoes. them with their old crimes. The pris- Rubber Goods tion, j mm oners were.immedately arraigned be SUGrAR , m Steam and Suction Hose. was FACTORS. Judge Wiieox. Hamilton slaes. fore Leather Belting, assorted charged "With having at Honolulu, Goodyear Rubber Co. AGENTS FOR BISHOP & CO; wHia Tsland of Oahu, June S. A. D. 1898, broKers Ox and Iron Chains. R. , Company. without malice aforethought, and with- H PEASE, President, The Ewa Flantatlon Honolulu, September 7, 1898. Mule and Dumpcart Harness. by Sac Fcanctaco, Cal . XJ.B.A. The Walalua Agricultural Co., Ltd. out justification, or extenuation law, Ths Kohala Sugar Company. Breaking Plows, assorted sizes. kill one A. Davis, aiyi did then and The Waimea Sugar Mill Company. thereby commit the crime of murder in St, Levis, Me. Honolulu Ironworks Co, advanced U. S. Anvils and Bellows. degree." Ths Fulton Iron Works, N on etc. the second Fresh California Fruit The Standard Oil Company. s U. 8. Vices and Forges, Aii Oi Is charged "With having at The George F. Blake Steam Prnmps. STEAM ENGINES. securities, Honolulu, Tsland of Oahu, May 27, 1899, Weston's Centrifugals. BOILERS, SUGAR MILLS, COOL- For sale at lowest market prices. In the night time unlawfully, felon-Lous- ly PEACHES, APRICOTS, APPLES AND The New England Mutual Life Xnsnr- - ERS, BRASS AND LEAD CASTINGS, and burglariously break and ORANGES, Miee Company, ef Boston. and machinery of every description On- - enter with intent to commit a felony Ths Aetna Firs Insurance Company, st made tc order. Particular attention Co. therein, dwelling of one H. Vi Mur- - OCCIDENTAL FRUIT STORE Hartford, Conn. Hardware .the r r nr.. :. - . nnt paid to ship's blacksmlthing. Job work laiaiian rav ana M. . mui ray uems a.L ocviu Ths Alliance insurant Cempaxy, t said house, and did then Phone 14. Alakea and King Sts. executed on shortest notice, i Fort St., opposite Spreckels' Bank. time within THB PACIPIO COMMERCIAL ADVERTISER, HONOLULU, JULY 29, 1901.

tion of quality, if nothing else, so the suggested conflict between the represen- tatives of both interests is not apt to prove very disastrous. In regard to the LAST OPPORTUNITY sugar shares listed on the local market the weakness is due solely to local in- fluences. The latest news from the island plan- tations is excellent, and, if anything, better than ever before. The reason for the hurried departure Three New Specials for of Edward Pollitz is now made public, and his long conferences with Eastern capitalists are now explained. He has arranged for the establishment of a refinery in the islands to handle Saturday, July 27. the entire sugar output of the Hawai- ian plantations. Through his exertions sufficient Eastern capital has been raised Patent Leather Ties, $6.50, cut to - $2.50 to erect an enormous plant, and an en- ladies' gineer from San Francisco is now sur- AT AUCTTfttr- Ladies' Tan Southern Tie, $6.00, cut to - - $2.50 veying the islands to decide upon the VJJ - - $2.50 most fitting location for the refinery. Ladies' Bronze Ties, $6.50, cut to All of the plantations on the islands ONTTTFSTVv m, Slippers, $3.00, cut to - - - - $1.00. will, it is believed, join in the movement SAN FRANCISCO, July 18. Whole- - If the Coast refineries handle the regu- - and thus assure the refinery of success. ' 100 of Misses' Ox-Blo- od and Black, lar of sugar-a- nd they pre- - The island plantations are now under l will offer for Mu ... . pairs sale and retail dealers in sugar are am,0U n1e contract with sugar, trust for sumaply have their usual stocks of raw the three der of PROF. W. H Saturday night, so do not delay get- wondering whether the recent sensa- - output, years, two of which have yet to run, . i. .. mfifMt v. ale positively closes under contract the added to the '"tutr, uittUKa shle ' "S beet-sug- ar !n1 Mr Pollitz and his hope V.. drop of is product, will evidently be associates tn-o.- 41,. . "UK Slffi.. i tional half a cent a pound ana 1 ting the greatest bargains ever offered in Honolulu. more than trie ordinary consumption or to have everything in readiness by that vu 'yai to be followed by ano.ther tumble. Most time to handle the total product of the rectly opposite the the western emulre of the suear trust. Dee, Esq.. g of the dealers think sugar will go still But it must be consumed here or there mills at the local refinery. JSi lower, and are buying, as one jobber will he war. If our surplus sugar crosses The effect of this will be to strengthen the dead line It will find trouble wait- the position of the owners of the plan- frtlffl expressed it, "from hand to mouth." tations by placing them in a position ing for it. It is quite possible that the mil fiimi iiiuaj Others, apparently equally well in- western end of the trust is held respon- where they can dictate instead of being Consisting of manv 1 rs by any S. formed, do not believe the price will sible that all sugar-make- in its baili- dictated combination. F. Rattan Easy Chairs go lower, and think that the sugar wick shall stay on the reservation. That Evening Post. Oak Book Case. shoe Behind feeling engendered by trust, which made the cut, is satisfied would be quite reasonable, at any rate. the bitter Center TaVil t.,4:- - m the change in business policy on the part 0r with the trouble it will create among If this be true, or if there is an equiva- Oak Sideboard. M fijijfil of the Oxnards. is the knowledge that the beet sugar refiners. lent arrangement, a Coast outlet must be Dining Table found for all Coast sugar. Obviously the the Sugar Trust is threatened from an- and Chairs The agitation in the sugar market is other quarter. Many of the largest Ha- 3 Oak Bedroom Sets. of way to increase sales is to reduce prices. confined to this Coast. The price is no known waiian plantations are under contract to Mattresses. Tnere other reason sufficient 1 sugar east of Utah, the boundary of the to account for the drop, and yet we know turn all their raw sugar over to the Michigan Wood Stove - three-yea- respective territories of the Havemey- tnat ,ne rice woula not have been re-- Trust. These are chiefly r con- Puritan Oil Stove. MIDSUMMER er and Spreckels interests, has not duced had it not been supposed un- - tracts that have but one more year to Ice Chest, Meat Safe. changed, except fofji little drop of 10 avoidable. Chronicle. run, and now it is a fact that a huge Kitchen Utensils, Crockery points made by Arbuckle. Nor is the sugar refinery will be built on the islands Glassware, Chinaware, TOO MUCH SUGAR. large enough to handle a very large pro- Cutlerv price likely to drop in the East on ac- Plants, Lawn Mower, Garden -- K count of the reduction on this Coast. The Grocer, which is doubtless author portion of the Hawaiian crop. This Etc., Etc., Etc. j means weakening the Trust. The reason for this was expressed yes- lty in matters appertaining to its line, still further beet-sug- ar Examiner. terday by a prominent dealer in this estimates the crop of the j State at 100,000 tons. This would nearly WILL E. FISHER, fashion: or milte minnlv the dmflnH fnr frhn. qo. "The total production of sugar in tkm of tbe controlled by the Weflt. CLEARANCE SALE year will be about Cot this country this crn Suffar Refinery. But the Western 2,200.000 tons. Of this amount about Refining Company is also exposed to the 250,000 tons is produced on this Coast, j competition from the Hawaiian Islands, Vacation Days Of this Coast production about 100,000 : from which point an amount about equal ATTENTION, tons will be beet sugar, according to J to the beet-sug- ar product is expected Are suggestive of thorough relax- the best information we have. Now th There is apparently a considerable sur-Rree- kl ation from cares with light read- or trust interests have 30.000 i PJua of suBar which might be shipped ing to pass the leisure hours I i ft 1. dividing away. upon I V; W L H tons of this beet sugar crop. The total east of the Utah line, but for These days are us, the fact the freight 1 1 of sugar' refineries outside that rates would and a large assortment of cloth output beet somewhat more than consume the profits and paper covered novels, as also of the trust is therefore not over 70,000 of production. The two refineries which the latest in magazines, Illustrated tons. Bearing in mind the enormous are supposed to control the American and other papers, at consumption of sug:ir in the country market have sugar enough of own, their I have n hand a lot of TEXT BOO BERL'S at large, what figure does the anti- and, consequently, leave the independent trust production cut? None at all. refineries to find a market for their which are for sale at private "Suppose we grant that the objet In product. The Grocer said some days re- making the cut is to discourage the the recent slump in sugar was fil Prices will be furnished upon aoul corded: "The outside WALL PAPERS competitive sugar refineries and factories will have IK1063 beet H FINE one of two alternatives: of seeking Fort street, Brewer's block, ion. cause to quit business. It that of ap- them new in a wider field dispos-iir- g corner Hotel, will outfit all FABRICS Havemeyer inter- outlets or of supplies ARTISTIC BURLAP be done, unless the of sugar in the raw state to the two plicants for of literature ests, controlling the United States east refineries." for their summer outing. LINCRUSTA WALTON of Utah, makes a corresponding cut, These new outlets lie east of the Utah for the reason that the beet sugar line and west of the Missouri river. - In go Following are some of the new For Wall Decorations men would simply outside at the That field and further east the Pacific books just received: WILL E. FISHER Coast States and find a market. Now Coast independent refiners would have it is absurd to say that the sugar trust t contend against the American Sugar TARRY THOU TILL I COME MOULDINGS will t the product half a cent or more Refining Company arid the product of by CROLY. PICTURE to squeeze out a bagatelle of 70,000 tons. local factories in the same territory. LIKE ANOTHER HELM by a fighting a Pi)ssiby the independent factories on this HORTON. WINDOW It would be like whale Const Would tind open on EVERY INCH A KING .by SHADES minnow. condition the western part of the coast more prom- SAWYER, , , men v "Another thing: The beet sugar ising of satisfactory results than com- RALPH MAftLOWE by NAY-LO- R. v New Goods ! Rigid Prices ! have the best of this tight, even petition in. the Eastern market with a though the combined sugar trust should freight rate of $10 per ton to be added MISTRESS NELL by HAZEL-TO- N. to All Orders make a reduction. Beet sugar can be to the ordinary cost of production. ? Prompt Attention 1-- refined and sold for 3 4 cents with a The menace to our local sugar growers THE WAVS OF THE SERVICE "Ten New England Leaders," profit. The price of raw cane sugar is arises from the free admission of Ha- bv TAlMER. not less than 4 cents, and this price waiian sugar, which is the product of PUPPET CROWN by M GRATH. Walker. cannot be reduced by the trust, as it is cheap labor. The same menace hangs " T TITU I . it tt . w over sugar-be- et growers fixed open market: The the of the East. Besides something new which in the world's Cane sugar can be produced in suitable "The Brass Bottle," by Autsy. ALAKEA STREET cost of refining cane sugar is three-eight- hs will interest the trade, viz: localities more cheaply than beet sugar "Old Legacy," by E. of a bent, so the refiners PEN-CARBO- N Bowen's i Between Merchant and Queen that under possible conditions. Cane sugar is THE LETTER cannot sell sugar for less than 4 3-- 8 the product of cheap labor, while beet AND INVOICE COPYING BOOKS. "Parlous Times," by D. D. Write. losing money, sugar, Copies While Writing. Tel. Mala 358 K O. Box 838 cents a pound without the product of temperate zones, even if they sell sugar at cost; there- where the white standard of wages is fore, they cannot beat the beet sugar maintained, is cultivated at a cost which moat. refiners. can only be afforded by Government aid "A Heart of Flame," by Embr. as AH foreign sugar except that' from Ha- Thos. G. Thrum "The refiners' trust knows this 1 nat- waii and Porto Rico is subject to a 4 "Under the Redwoods," by Bret well as we do. Then the question per Stationer, Bookseller why is cut made at cent duty. Foreign sugar on which and and "The Crisis." urally arises, the an export bounty is paid is required to News Agent. Is of all? The answer to this, I believe. pay a countervailing duty equal to the "Helmet of Ndvarrc." "Visit! sugar situa- P. O. Box 305. that those controlling the export bounty. The imports of sugar abeth." "Eben Holden." Cereals tion on this Coast are simply deter- from Porto Rico will have little effect 106J Fort. St., Honolulu. Fresh to permit competitors upon mined not their the large Eastern market, but a GOK'S FLiAKE RU E something good; needs no cooking.) to make too much money. To prevent 100,000-to- n imnort from Hawaii into our popular books cpji be found a! them they are willing to lose some smaller market is a more seriouB mat- MORNING MEAL, ROLLED OATS, money themselves. ter. San Francisco Bulletin. "It is thought by some Jobbers that NO FURTHER CUT. JUDD & COMPANY. PETTIJOHN'S BREAKFAST GEM, one object of the cut was to head off sugar. SAN FRANCISCO. July 20. There was Golden Rule Bazaar CREAM OF WHEAT, the Importations of China But no further cut In the price of sugar yes- The I don't think so, for this reason: Chi- terday and the street seemed somewhat FIRE AND LIFE INSURANCE MALTED BREAKFAST FOOD, ETC., ETC. nese sugar has been Imported here for relieved of anxiety, although the failure AGENTS. 316 FORT STREET years. Some years ago the Spreckels of the trust to further reduce rates does STOCK AND BOND BROKERS. interests cut the price of sugar to a not by any means imply that all cause REAL ESTATE AGENTS. figure that made China importations for apprehension is over. A good many me.. unprofitable. They stopped, of course. dealers had expected to see another RENTS AND BILLS COLLECTED. eROWN Spreckels could change in the figures, and when it did AGENTS HAZELWOOD CREAM CO., & WA1TY. All that the interests not come perhaps, SALTER they said that after Ore. do was to divert the Chinese sugar for of Portland. all, Mr. Spreckels had decided to rest AGENTS OCCIDENTAL OIL CO., of Ornheum Block Grocers. F?rt Street. the time being to other markets than on his oars for a while. PIANO this Coast. As soon as their prices The action of the Sugar- King In chop- West Virginia. went up. Chinese sugar was imported ping down his own profits and the profits again. The Chinese refineries are of the other manufacturers was still a Office No. 307 Stangenwald building, uir n 1 1V owned by English and Scotch capital. subject for .much discussion, and some Honolulu. T. H. P. O. box 667. 1 Co., They have great producing capacity, of the men who handle sugar found con- McKechnie Paint and Paper and send here only a fraction of their siderable interest in speculating as to - Limited output. If the trust should cut' sugar' how long even a sugar king's sack will DEALERS IN still lower, importations from China liirt under such a tremendous drain as REMOVAL upon Spreckels 'ex- might stop Time being, though there has been the PAINTS, OILS, VARNISHES, BRUSHES, PLAIN AND ORNAMENT- for the chequer. One of them said: "I should I don't think they would stop without think that Mr. Spreckels would be get- AL GLASS, PUTT? STAINS, DECORATIVE AND BICYCLE ENAM- a pretty radical cut. Chinese sugar is ELS, - ting tired of this sort of thing. It is WALL PAPER AND WINDOW SHADES. CURTAIN- POLES, now sold for twenty cents a hundred only a short time since It was discovered REMOVED TO KING AND SOUTH I IPICTTJRE AND ROOM MOULDING, ETC., ETC. less than trust sugar. The price quot- that his electric plant would practically STREETS. TRY OUR DIAMOND HEAD FLOOR PAINT, warranted to Dry ed by the Western Sugar Refinery is have to he built over again. Some peo- Tel. nain 252. $5.2-1- , and the importers from China sell ple think that It will cost him a cool Hard and Glossy; also our HOUSE PAINT mixed ready for use, guar- at $5.05. They have met the cut and million to have it put into proper" Con- CARRIAGE AND WAGONMAKER anteed to please. Send for Sampl e of Colors. dition. As it cost him from five to seven Card gone it one better. It remains to be Blacksmlthlng, Carriage Painting English-owne- Millions to put it in in the first place, seen how much more the d Its expense must be getting a trifle weari- Trimming and Repairing, in all 1 refineries in China will stand before the MMH-- vJins 1 1 to some. The Call must cost the Spreckels branches. Phone Main 62 178 to 184 Union Street they divert this sugar other and a pretty penny monthly, and 'now Oonrea Orders by telephone called for ant) better markets. They can get down to along this reduction of the price of su- delivered. business If they want to, and make a gar, which will result in an enormous hot fight. But what is the-- use when reduction in the old gentleman's income. they can sell for a higher figure in Aus- It Is enough to make people wonder PIANOS & ORGANS San tralia or elsewhere? where Clatis Spreckels will land if he Poliphed SHREVE & CO., Francisco. "To sum the whole situation up, I be- keeps on at this rate much longer. Tuned, Repaired and lieve this cut is the work of the sugar Discussion of this matter is hot' con- Prof. W. E. SHARP, TO FACILITATE TRADE with the Hawaiian Islands, will deliver all magnates of this Coast, and its purpose fined to the street. It goes on in iue purchased or ordered of them, FREE OF ALL CHARGE3 FOR is simply to pinch the beet sugar men, at clubs and wherever business men meet. Leave orders at Thrum's Bookstore. . A nr thlS PI44 . TRANSPORTATION to Honolulu, or returning same to San Francisco. Goods the same time with the realization that The sugar beet men, It Is conceded, Phone Main E0. Lttll in f will be sent on selection to those known to the firm, or who will furiush they cannot be driven out of business. cannot be out of the business. They are glad to do are always tlai'actory references in San Francisco. They will go ahead and work up all the very strong, and while they not want M sugar beets that come along, and they any more slashing, they would be able will sell the sugar, too. In the mean- to stand it. SANG LEE CHAN r nisjtm time, the public is benefiting by the LATEST, SUGAR PRICES. Xa FORT STREET, m fight, so let the war go on." Just Above Orpheum. am. July 20. Raw, mm mum NEW YORK, Sugar MARKET AND POST STREETS VN FRANCISCO. THE DROP IN SUGAR. steady: fair refining, 41c; centrifugal, 96 1ROCERIE8, FISH, CALITOR NX Illustrated catalogue and prices furnished receipt of request. A drop of half a cent In the price of test, 4 ; molasses sugar, 3V4c. Re- FRUITS. We have the largest manufactory o Jewell 1 sugar at the opening of the fruit can- fined, unsettled; crushed, 5.95c; powdered, Telephone No. Ml Whit f Silverware west of New com- Berastrom York city, and are prepared to furnish special J e signs. ning season was a surprise to the o..r)5c. ; granulated, 5.45c. munity. There would have been much I. Lewers. F. J. Lowrey, C. M. less wonder at the news of a rise. The SUGAR RJTNERY FOR THE Cok price of sugar west of the eastern line LEWERS & COOKE. Music of utah Is set by the Western Sugar j The recent decline in the market for Refinery. East of that point the Ameri- - refined sugars has afforded an oppor-ca- n aportera and Dealer in LumWar an Company Refining Company is charged for the publication of a lot of ab-wl- th Sugar tunity Building Materials. Offls. ST-- that duty. The eastern branch of surd statements which are recognized in FORT Corner Shoe Store! 414 Fort treat. the trust has more or less trouble at financial trade circulars as fabrications, times. Competition pops up, if encourag- - unworthy of contradiction, but calculat- PINS, NE,:KLM ed by high prices, and the traffic can od, nevertheless, to assist a vicious at-be- ar TASTY AND ARTISTIC CHAINS, less than it will endure out here. tempt to break the prices of sugar CHARMS NETTLETON'S SHOES We have been accustomed, therefore, to ' stocks. MILLINERY RINGS, pay from half a cent to a cent a pound This, of course, works to the Injury FOR MSN. among public, AT And other Jewelry more for our sugar than the . Eastern of the shareholders the . drop are generally people of small means MISS N. F. W & subjects of the same trust. So the who HAWLEY'S order Superior to Johnson Murphy's, Banister, Hanan, and all of half a cent Just after the canners and unable to stand financial loss. Pro-ha- d other Footwear. stocked up came like a clap df thun- - ' fessifcna dealers and the richer class of XLt-S- ll Boston Butidln der from a clear sky. j investors are not prone to be guided JSSii There is some competition in beet by buncombe of this kind, the best de-sug- Fbe Instruments Used In RIART - of which can be found in the steady KIN6 AT THE LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICE. but the relations of the indepen- nial THE SILENT SHOP FORT, 'EA R dents to the trust nave been understood price of raws quoted today for cen- UW . to be cordial. There Is, however, a large trii'ugal at 4 6, the ruling price for Are Thoroughly Disinfected Befors TL.-'B- & beet-sug- ar crop in sight. It is generally some time past. Using. Jewelry a 9P KERR CO.. Ltd. beet-sug- ar cane sugar will always hold Hawaiian believed that the prospect is Moreover, JOSEPH FERNANDEZ. Pro . e Fort and Hotel Streets the main factor in causing the reduction, its own against beet sugar on a ques trUngton Hotel. Hotel Street. Only skilled workmen