Communicated to C. 8. 1938. the Council) , January 7th, 1938.

COMMITTEES OF THE LEAGUE OF NATIONS. Note by the Secretary-General.

In pursuance of Article 1 of the General Regulations

on Committees, which reads as follows: "1. Committees shall continue for the period necessi­ tated by the character of their task. 2. If a committee has not met for two consecutive years, the Council of the League of Nations shall consider whether this committee should continue in existence. To this end, the Secretary-General shall communicate to the Council at its January session a complete list of committees, at the same time indicating any which are in this position. This rule shall, of course, not apply if the statutes of the committee give it a permanent character.” the Secretary-General has the honour to communicate to the Council a list of Committees showing their composition on the eve. of the One Hundredth Session of the Council and to report

that two of these Committees have not met for two consecutive years. The first of these Committees is the Committee of

Thirteen set up for the purpose of proposing methods to ren­

der the League Covenant more effective in the organisation of

collective security. As the Assembly has constituted a

Committee to study the application of the principles of the

Covenant (Committee of Twenty Eight), the Council will perhaps

consider it unnecessary to provide for a resumption of the ac­

tivity of the Committee of Thirteen; the latter might, there­ fore, be struck off the list of League Committees. The second Committee is the Advisory Committee set up by the Assembly to follow the dispute between Bolivia and Paraguay which has not met since May 16th, 1935. This Com­

mittee having been set up by the Assembly, the Council will probably not wish to take any decision in regard to it. C QUITTEES OF THE LEAGUE OF NATIONS.



I. PERMANENT COMMISSIONS SET UP UNDER THE COVENANT: 1) Permanent Mandates Commission ...... 1

2) Permanent Advisory Commission for Military, Naval and Air Questions ...... 1

II. COMMISSIONS OR BODIES NOMINATED ENTIRELY OR IN PART BY THE ASSEMBLY: 1) Supervisory Commission ...... 1 2) Administrative Board of the Staff Pensions Fund 1

3) President of Governing Body of the Nansen International Office for Refugees ...... 2

4) Special Committee on Contributions ...... 5) Commission of Enquiry for European Union ..... 2

6) . Far East Advisory Committee (Committee set up by the Special Assembly convened in virtue of Article 15 of the Covenant at the Request of the . . .Chinese Government) ...... 7} . Advisory Committee set up by the Assembly to follow the Dispute between Bolivia and Paraguay 2

8) Committee to study the Application of the Principles of the Covenant ...... 3

III. COUNCIL COMMITTEES: 1) . Council Committee for Technical Collaboration between the League of Nations and China ..... 3 2) Committee for the Settlement of the Assyrians of Iraq ...... 3

3) . Council Committee appointed for the Purpose of following the Situation in Danzig ...... 3

IV. COMISSIONS CONSISTING ENTIRELY OR IN PART OF MEMBERS APPOINTED IN THEIR INDIVIDUAL CAPACITY BY THE COUNCIL : SECTION I. - Commissions of an Advisory Character and Organisations attached thereto; 1) Health Committee ...... 4

2) Financial Committee ...... 4 - il - Page.

3) Organs appointed by the Council in connection with Loans issued under the Auspices of the League of nations ...... 4 4) Committee of Statistical Experts ...... 6

5) Fiscal Committee ...... 6 6) International Loan Contracts Committee ...... 7

7) Economic Committee ...... 7 8) International Committee on Intellectual Co­ operation ...... 8 9) Governing Body of the International Institute of Intellectual Co-operation ...... 8 10) Governing Body of the International Educational Cinematographic Institute ...... 9. 11) Governing Body of the International Institute for the Unification of Private Law ...... 9 12) Advisory Committee of Experts on Slavery ..... 9 13) Permanent Central Opium Board ...... 9 14) Board of Management of the Staff Provident Fund. 10 15) Investments Committee of the Staff Pensions Fund and Provident Fund ...... 10 16) Investments Advisory Committee for the Endowment Fund, of the League Library ...... 10 17) Auditor and Assistant Auditor ...... 10

18) Building Committee ...... 10

19) High Commissioner for Refugees, Jewish,and Other, coming from Germany ...... 10 20) Committee of Jurists for the Suppression of the Falsification of Securities ...... 11 SECTION II. - Administrative Tribunal .... . 11

V. COMMISSIONS ELECTED BY ORGANISATIONS: 1) Advisory and Technical Committee for Communica­ tions and Transit ...... 11 2) Supervisory Body set up under Article 5 of the Convention for limiting the Manufacture and regulating the Distribution of Narcotic Drugs, signed at Geneva on July 13th, 1931 ...... 11 - iii - Page.

VI. COMMISSIONS CONSISTING ENTIRELY OR IN PART OF EXBERTS OR OF GOVERNMENTAL DELEGATES FROM COUNTRIES DESIGNATED BY THE COUNCIL: 1) Advisory Committee on Traffic in Opium and Other Dangerous Drugs ...... 12 2) Advisory Committee on Social Questions ...... 12

3) Temporary Committee of Experts for Assistance to Indigent Foreigners ...... 13

4) Committee of Thirteen set up for the Purpose of proposing Methods to render the League Covenant more effective in the Organisation of Collective Security ...... 13 5) Inter-Governmental Advisory Commission for Refugees ...... 13

VII» BODIES APPOINTED BY THE COUNCIL FOR THE BENEFIT OF CERTAIN STATES OR CERTAIN TERRITORIES : 1) High Commissioner of the League of Nations at Danz ig...... ?...... 14 2) Technical Delegate of the League of Nations in China ...... 14

3) Commission appointed to organse and supervise the first elections in the Sanjak of Alexandretta ...... 14 LIST OF MEMBERS OF COMMITTEES.


Permanent Mandates Commission.

M. Pierre ORTS (Chairman) (Belgian) Baron van ASBEOK (Netherlands) Mlle. V. D ANNEVIG (Norwegian) M. Augustin GIRAUD (French) Lord HAILEY (British) M. L. PALACIOS (Spanishj Count DE PENKA GARCIA (Portuguese) M. William RAPPARD (Extraordinary (Swiss) member) M. N. SAKENOBE (Japanese) Mr. C.W.H. WEAVER Expert to the Commission appointed by the International Labour Organisation.

Permanent Advisory Commission for Military, Naval and Air Questions. The military, naval and air representatives of the Mem­ bers of the Council. II. COMMISSIONS OR BODIES NOMINATED ENTIRELY OR IN PART BY THE ASSEMBLY. Supervisory Commission,

M.C.J.HAMBRO (Norwegian) M. Harri HO IMA (Finnish) Sir Cecil KISCH (British) M.J. de MODZELEWSKI (Polish) M. G. de OTTLIK (Hungarian) M. C. PARRA-PEREZ (Venezuelan) M. J. REVEILLAUD (French) M. Boris STEIN (U.S.S.R.)

Administrative Board of the Staff Pensions Fund.

M. W. RAPPARD (Chairman) (Swiss) (Elected by the Assembly) Mr. F. T. CHEMINS (Irish) " " " " M. Harold CRAMER (Swedish) " " " " M. V. STENCEK Representing the Secretary-General of the League. M. G . FLEURY. Representing the Director of the Inter­ national Labour Office. A representative of the Registrar of the Permanent Court of International Ji; s t i c e . Mr. S. JACKLIN Treasurer, member ex-officio. M. R . IEEE AU (I.L.O.)Reoresenting the members of the Fund. M. J. 3. ROYER IT TT TT TT TT TT Mme. E . LEHMANN ” " " " it <» Substitute members': M.J. de MODZELEWSKI (Polish) (Elected by the Assembly.) M. Nicolas MOMTCHILOFF (Bulgarian) " IT TT M. C. PARRA-PEREZ ( Venezuelan) ” It TT K. E. DEROPERT Representing the members of the Fund. Mr .R. J.P.M0RTI3HED (I.L.O.) n " " 11 " " President of Governing Body of the Nansen International Office for Refugees. " 1

M. Michael HANSSON (Norwegian)

Special Committee on Contributions.

M. C. J. HAMBRO (Chairman) (Norwegian) Count CARTON BE WIART (Belgian) M. A. GUAWI (Uruguayan) M. Stefan 0SUSXŸ (Czechoslovak) Sir F. PHILLIPS (British)

Commission of Enquiry for European Union. The representatives of the following countries :

Albania Austria Ireland Sweden Belgium Italy Latvia Turkey Bulgaria Lithuania Union of Soviet Czechoslovakia Luxemburg. Socialist Republics, Denmark Netherlands Yugoslavia. Estonia Norway Finland Poland France Portugal Free City of Danzig. Greece Roumania Iceland

Far East Advisory Committee. (Committee set up by the Special Assembly convened In virtue of Article 15 of the Covenant at the request of the Chinese GovernmenTT] The representatives of the following countries :

Latvia (Chairman) Czechoslovakia Poland Australia Ecuador Portugal Belgium France Roumania Bolivia Hungary Sweden United Kingdom Iran Switzerland Canada Italy Union of Soviet China Netherlands Socialist Republics Colombia New Zealand of Ameri Peru Advisory Committee set up by the Assembly to follow the dispute between Bolivia and Paraguay. The representatives of the following countries : Argentine Denmark Portugal Australia Ecuador Spain United Kingdom France Sweden Chile Ireland Turkey China Italy Union of Soviet Colombia Mexico Socialist Republics. Cuba Peru Uruguay Czechoslovakia Poland Venezuela. - 3 - g. Committee to study the Application of the Principles of the Covenant. The representatives of the following countries

Argentine Czechoslovakia Portugal Austria France Roumania Belgium Greece Spain Bolivia Iran Sweden United Kingdom Italy Switzerland Bulgaria Latvia Turkey Canada Mexico Uruguay Chile Netherlands Union of Soviet China Mew Zealand Socialist Colombia. Poland Republics.

III. COUNCIL COMMITTEES : 1. Council Committee for Technical Collaboration between the League of Nations and China.

The representatives of the following countries : Chairman: (The President of the Council). United Kingdom Italy China Roumania France Sweden. Iran

Observer: A representative of the United States of America.

2 Committee for the Settlement of the Assyrians of Iraq.

The representatives of the following countries :

Latvia (Chairman) France United Kingdom Italy Ecuador Roumania

3. Council Committee appointed for the purpose of following the situation In Danzig. The representatives of the following countries : United Kingdom (Chairman and Rapporteur) France Sweden - 4 -


SECTION I . - Commissions of an advisory character and organisations attached thereto.

1. Health Committee Professor Jacques PARISOT (Chairman) (French ) Dr. N. M. J. JITTA, President of the Office international d1 Hygiene publique, Vice-Chairman ex officio ’Netherlands) Dr. M. T. MORGAN (Vice-Chairman) ,Britlsh) Professor W. BROWNER [U.S.S.R.) Dr. H. S. GUMMING (American ) Professor A. DURIG (Austrian) Professor Husamettin KURAL. (Turkish) Dr. Th. MADSEN (Danish) Colonel A.J.H. RUSSELL (India) Professor A. SORDELLI (Argentinian) Dr. G. SZULC (Polish)

Associated Member: Dr. M. TSURUMI (Japanese) 2. Financial Committee.

Dr. V. POSPISIL (Chairman) (Czechoslovak) Dr. C. V. BRAM5NAES (Danish) Mr. W. S. CLARK (Canadian) Mr. T. J. COOLIDGE (American) M. G. DAYRAS (French) M'. A. E. JANSSEN (Belgian) Dr. D. Crena de JONGH (Netherlands) Dr. V. KIENBOCK (Austrian) M. M. NEDELKOVITCH (Yugoslav) M. J. NOWAK (Polish) Dr. S. ORIA (Argentinian) Sir Frederick PHILLIPS, K.C.M.G., C.B. (British M. P. WEI (Chinese) M. H. BLAU (Delegate of the Fiscal Commi ttee) (Swiss)

Substitutes : M.. J. A. CASTIELLA (Argentinian) Mr. W. W. RIEFLER (American) M. S.Y.P. YOUNG ’ (Chinese ) 3. Organs appointed by the Council in connection with Loans issued under the auspices of the League of Nations. a ) Financial Reconstruction of Austria Trustees for the Loan issued in accordance with the Protocol of October 4th, 1922:

M. A. JANSSEN (Belgian) Mr. Nelson D. JAY (American) M. Marcus WALLENBERG (Sweden) - 5 -

Trustees for the Loan issued in accordance with the Protocol of July 15th, 1932, and for the Conversion Loan, 1954-1959:

M. Jacques BIZOT (French) M. Amadeo GAMEINC (Italian) Viscount GOSCHEN (British) (b)Financial Reconstruction of Hungary.

Representative of the Financial Committee at Budapest:

Mr. (American)

Trustees of the Loan issued in accordance with the Protocol of March 14th, 1924: M. Giuseppe BIANCHINI (Italian) Sir Henry STRAKOSCH (South African) (c)Bulgaria

Commissioner of the League of Nations at Sofia:

M. Pierre CHEYSSON (French)

Adviser to the National Bank of Bulgaria: Dr. N. KÔSTNER (Estonian)

Trustees for the Loan for the Establishment of Refugees issued in accordance with the Protocol of September 8th, 1926:

M. Giuseppe BIANCHINI (Italian) Sir Herbert LAWRENCE (British) Mr. Lewis P. SHELDON (American) M. Marcus WALLENBERG (Swedish) Trustees for the Stabilisation Loan issued in accordance with the Protocol of March 8th, 1928:

Count de CHALENDAR (French) Sir Otto NIEMEYER (British) Mr. Lewis P. SHELDON (American) (d) Danzig Trustee for:

(i) Municipal Loan, 1925 (ii) Free City Loan, 1927

(e) Estonia

Trustee for the Loan Issued in accordance with the Protocol of December 10th. 1926: M. Albert JANSSEN (Belgian) - 6 -

4. Committee of Statistical Experts. Sir Alfred FLUX (Chairman) (British) Dr. C. BRÜSCHvv'EILLER (Swiss) Mr. R. H. COATS (Canadian) M. Einar COHN (Danish) Mr. D. DURAND 'American) M. M. HUBER French) M. G. JAHN 'Norwegian) Dr. Oscar MORGENSTERN (Austrian) M. E. SZTURM de SZTREM (Polish) M. V. DORS, International Institute of Agriculture (Italian) Mr. J. W. NIXON, International Labour Office (British) Associate members (appointed by the Committee of Statistical Experts):

M. A0KERMANN (Swiss) M. 0. ANDERSON (Bulgarian) Mr. CLAY (British) M. DENUC (French) M. GAYON (French ) Dr. E. GLESINGER (Austrian) M. E. LINDAHL (Swedish) M. F. RAVIZZA (Italian) Mr. W.W. RIEFLER (American) M. J. A. SUNDIN (Swedish) M. J. J. VINCENT (Belgian) Corresponding members (appointed by the Committee of Statistical Experts): M. C. COLOMB (French) Mr. R. E. MARSH (American) Mr. Carl SNYDER (American) 5. Fiscal Committee .

M. Georges MANTZAVINOS (Chairman) (Greek) M. Hans BLAU (Swiss) M. Marcel BORDUGE French) Mr. Mitchell B. CARROLL fAmerican) M. Carlos P. JIMENEZ CORREA Peruvian) Dr. Carl W.U. de KUYLENSTIERNA ^Swedish) M. Rodolphe PUTMAN .Belgian) Dr. J.H.R. SINNINGHE-DAMSTE (Netherlands ) Mr. Clifford H. WAKELY (British) Corresponding members:

Mr. A.F. CORBETT 'South African) M. Rrok GERA [Albanian) Dr. Ernesto MALACCORTO ^Argentinian) Sir Harry SHEEHAN Australian) Dr. Rudolf EGC-ER [Austrian) M. Hector ORMAECHEA ZALLES (Bolivian) M. Paulo de LYRA TAVARES (Brazilian) M. Stoyan ANDREEFF (Bulgarian - 7 -

Mr. C. Fraser ELLIOTT (Canadian) M. Julio PISTELLI (Chilian) M. C » T. W00 (Chinese) M. Eduardo VALLEJO (Colombian) Dr. Rafael Rodriguez ALTUNAGA (Cuban) Dr. Milos CIKRT (Czechoslovak) Dr. F. LADEMANN (Danzig) M. Horaeio A. FEBLES (Dominican) M. Eduardo RIOFRIO (Ecuadorian) M. Amin OSMAN (Egyptian) M. Alfred EHIB (Estonian) M. Kaarlo Johannes BRUMMER (Finnish) Dr. Alexandre KNEPPO (Hungarian). M. Helgi BRIEM (Icelandic) Khan Bahadur J.B. VACHHA (Indian) M . Mahmoud BADER (Iranian) M. Abdul KERIM el UZRI (Iraqi) Mr. W.D. CAREY (Irish) M . -Tatsuo YAMADA (Japanese) M. Juris SMITS (Latvian) Dr. J.B. SAX (Luxemburg) M. Manuel GOMEZ MORIN (Mexican) Mr. C.E.J. DOWLAND (New Zealander) M. W. KENT (Norwegian) M. Eduardo DE ALBA (Panamian) M. W. ADAMKIEV.’ IC Z (Polish) Dr. Costa LEITE (Portugal) Dr. Georges CARANFIL (Roumanian) Mom Chao WIMVATIT RABIBADHANA (Siamese) M. Cezmi ERCIN (Turkish) M. Pearo COSIO (Uruguayan) M. Henrique PEREZ DUPUY (Venezuelan) Dr. Dusan DETITZA (Yugoslav)

International-Loan Contracts Committee. Experts : M. 0. MOREAU-NERET (Chairman) (French) M. L. BARANSKI (Polish) M. J. BASDEVANT (French) Mr. Reuben CLARK (American) M. A. FA CHI RI (British) M. GOLAY (Swiss) M. A. JANSSEN (Belgian) Sir Otto NIEMEYER (British) Dr. V. POSPISIL (C zechoslovak ) Economic Committee.

M. F. van LANGENHOVE (Chairman) (Belgian) M. H.M. HIRSCHFELD (Vice-Chairman) (Netherlands) M. V.V. BADULESCO (Roumanian) M. F. DOLEZAL (Polish) M. P. ELBEL (French) Mr. Henry F. GRADY (American) Sir F.W. LEITH-ROSS (British) Mr. F.L. McDOUGALL (Australian) M. 0. MORATO (Uruguayan) M. Boris ROSENBLUM (U.S.S.R.) M. R. RYTI (Finnish) Dr. Richard SCHULLER (Austrian) M. Y. SHUDO (Japanese) Dr. W. STÜCKI (Swiss) - 8 -

Corresponding Members :

M. J.A. BARBOZA-CARNEIRO (Brazilian) M. C.B. BRAMSNAES (Danish) M. Carlos BREBBIA (Argentinian) Mr. R.M. CAMPBELL (New Zealander) M. Manuel EGANA (Venezuelan) Professor A. FLORES DE LEMUS (Spanish) Dr. HSU-SHIH-LIEN (Chinese) M. G. JAHN (Norwegian) M. Andre«js KAMPE (Latvian) Dr. M.H. DE KOCK (South African) Mr. John LEYDON (Irish) M. L.V. LUNDVIK (Swedish) M. Rudolf MICKWITZ (Estonian) Dev/an Bahadur Sir A.R. MUDALIAR (Indian) M. Alfred DE NICKL (Hungarian) M. Milivoj PILJA (Yugoslav) M. SUBERCASEAUX (Chilian) M. VEVERKA (Czechoslovak) 8. International Committee on Intellectual Co-operation.

Professor Gilbert MURRAY (Chairman) (British) M. M. ANESAKI (Japanese) M. C. BIALOBRZESKI (Polish) M. José CASTILLEJO (Spanish) M. Julio DANTAS (Portuguese) Count J. DEGENFELD-SCHONBURG (Austrian) M. Francisco GARCIA-CALDERON (Peruvian) M. Edouard HERRIOT (French) M. J. HUIZINGA (Netherlands) Professor N.E. N0RLUND (Danish) M. V. OBELENSKY-OSSINSKY (U.S.S.R.) Sir Sarvapalli RADHAKRISHNAN (Indian). .. • M. G. de REYNOLD ( Swiss ) Mr. J.T. SHOTWELL (American) M. Joseph SUSTA (Czechoslovak) Count Paul TELEKI (Hungarian) M. N. TITULESCO (Roumanian) M. WU-SHI-FEE ( Chinese )'. Representing the International Labour Office : (Vacant) Representing the International Institute of Intellectual Co-operation: M. H. BONNET, Director.

9. Governing Body of the International Institute of Intellectual Co-operation.

The members of the Committee on Intellectual Co-operation also sit as the Governing Body of the International Institute. - 9 -

10. Governing Body of the International Educational Cinema- tographiç Institute. '

Mr. J.W. BROWN (British) Count CARTON DE WIART (Belgian) M. Henri FOCILLON (French) M. Nagendra NATH GANGULEE (Indian) M. N. de KOZMA de LEVELD (Hungarian) M. Rodolfo LLOPIS (Spanish) M. Louis LUMIERE (French) Mlle. Gabrielle MISTRAL (Chilian) M. Georges OPRESCU (Roumanian) M. R'yszard ORDYNSKI (Polish) Professor G. de REYNOLD (Swiss)

In an advisory capacity :

The Secretary-General of the League of Nations. The Director of the International Labour Office. The Director of the International Institute of Intellectual Co-operation. Phe President of the International Institute of Agriculture. 11. Governing Body of the International Institute for the Unification of Private Law. M. d ’AMELIO (Chairman) (Italian) M. Alberto A S Q U m (Italian) M. FERNANDES (Brazilian) M. L. HENNEBICQ, (Belgian) Sir Cecil Barrington HURST (British) M. KOSTERS (Netherlands) M. F. Sanchez ROMAN (Spanish) M. RUNDSTEIN (Polish) M. TITULESCO (Roumanian)

12. Advisory Committee of Experts 0 * 1 Slavery M. Th. MARCHAND (Chairman) (French) M. José d1ALMADA (Portuguese) M. Enrico CERULLI (Italian) M. Octave LOUWERS (Belgian) Sir George MAXWELL (British) M. NEIJTZELL DE WILDE (Netherlands) Mme. Isabel OYARZABAL DE PALENCIA (Spanish) 13. Permanent Central Opium Board. Mr. L.A. LYALL (Chairman) (British) Mr. H.L. MAY (Vice-Chairman) (American) Sir Atul CHATTERJEE (Indian) M. S. KUSAMA (Japanese j M. Dragan MILICEVIC (Yugoslav) Dr. Abelardo SAENZ (Uruguayan) Professor TIFFENEAU (French) - 10 -

14. Board of Management of the Staff Provident Fund; ' M. A. KERN Mr. W.F.A. CHAMBERS Mr. S. JACEXIN M. L. R AS MINSKY M. V. STENC3K Mr. C. O'ROONEY

Substitutes: M. E. ENGELER Mme. PASTUHOVA M. G. FLEURY: M. M. DUBOIS Mr. P.G, WATTERSON M. Th. GUILLEN MONFORTE Mr. C. PURVES 15. Investments Committee of the Staff Pensions Fund and Provident Fund. Count de CHALENDAR (French) Mr. A. T. MAXWELL (British) M. T.' LIGTHART (Netherlands)

16. Investments Advisory Committee for the Endowment Fund of the League Library. Mr. N. D. JAY (American) M. E. HURLIMANN (Swiss) JL7. Auditor and Assistant Auditor. Auditor :

Assistant Auditor

18. Building Committee. M. AVENOL, Secretary-General of the League of Nations, M. V. STENCEK, Director of Personnel and Internal Administration of the League of Nations ■ Secretariat, Mr. S. JACKLIN, Treasurer of the League of Nations. Mr. H. B. BUTLER, Director of the International Labour Offi ce. M. Broese van GROENOU (Netherlands). M. Florestano' di FÀUST0 (Italian) M. Gilbert PEYCELON (French) Subs titute Members :

M. JAQ.U0T (Substitute for (French) M. Peycelon) M.'de CLERCQ, (Substitute for M. Broese van Groenou)(Netherlands) M. G. FLEURY (Substitute for (International Mr. Butler) Labour Office) 19. High Commi ssi on er for Refugees, Jewish and Other, from Germany.

Major General Sir Neill MALCOLM (British) - 11 -

20. Committee of Jurists to study the suppression of the Counterfeiting of Securities. M. V. POSPISIL (Chairman) (Czechoslovak) M. V. V PELLA (Roumanian) M. J. SERVAIS (Belgian) Sir John Fischer V/ILLIAjVE, C.B.E., K.C . (British)

SECTION II. - Administrative Tribunal, Judges : M. EIDE (Chairman) (Danish ) M. DEVEZE (Belgian) Deputy Judges : M. van RYCKEVORSEL (Netherlands) M. de TOMCSANYI (Hungarian) M. VENZENSKY (Czechoslovak)

Registrar: Deputy Registrar :


V. COMMISSIONS ELECTED BY ORGANISATIONS 1. Advisory and Technical Committee for Communications and Transit. The members are designated by the Governments in an individual capacity: M. V. MODEROW (Chairman) (Poland) M. G. de BLANCK Y MENOCAL (Cuba) M. A. de CASTRO (Uruguay) M. A. DIETRICH.DE SACHSENFELS (Hungary) M. Silva in DREYFUS (France) M. R. HEROLD (Switzerland) M. F. HOSKIAER (Denmark) M. N. ITO (Japan) Mr. D. W.' KEANE (United Kingdom) M. P. KIRSANOFF (U.S.S.R.) M. A. KRAHE (Spain) M. V. KRBEC (Czechoslovakia) M. M. NORDBERG ( Finland) M. J. de RUELLE (Belgium) M. E. SPELULZI (Argentine) Dr. A. de VASCONCELLOS (Portugal) Dr. Ching-Chun WANG (China) 2. Supervisory Body set up under Article 5 of the Convention for Limiting the Manufacture and Regulating the Distribution of Narcotic Drugs, signed at Geneva on July 13th, 1951.

Sir Malcolm DELEVINGNE (Chairman) (British) (appointed by the Advisory Committee on Traffic in Opium and Other dangerous Drugs) Mr. H.L. MAY (Appointed by the Permanent (American) Central Opium Board ) Dr. TIFFENEAU (Appointed by the Health (French) Committee) Dr. H. CARRIERE (Appointed by the Office (Swiss) international d*Hygiene publique in ) - 12 -


The representatives of the following countries :

Austria India Portugal Belgium Iran Siam Bulgaria Italy Spain United Kingdom Japan Switzerland Canada Mexico Turkey China Netherlands Uruguay Egypt Peru United States of America* France Poland Yugoslavia Assessor: Dr. F. Y. M. de MYTTENAERE (Belgian) 2. Advisory Committee on Social Questions. The representatives of the following countries : Argentine France Poland Belgium Hungary Roumania United Kingdom India Spain Canada Italy Switzerland Chile Japan Turkey China Mexico United States of America Denmark Netherlands Uruguay Correspondent Members : International Women’s Organisations : All India Women's Conference, Ahmedabad; International Alliance of Women for Suffrage and Equal Citizenship, London; St. Joan’s Social and Political Alliance, London; The World's Young Women’s Christian Association, Geneva; International Federation of Business and Professional Women, New York. International Council of Women, Brussels ; International Federation of University Women,London ; International Federation of Women Magistrates, Barristers and members of other branches of the legal profession, Paris. Equal Rights International, London; Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom, Geneva; World's Union of Women for International Concord, Geneva; World's Women's Christian Temperance Union, London and Evanston (Illinois, U.S.A.). International Union of Catholic Women's Leagues, Utrecht; International Federation for Aid to Young Women, Neuchatel; Jewish Association for the Protection of Girls, Women and Children, London. International Catholic Association of Girls' Friendly Societies, Fribourg. International Bureau for the Suppression of Traffic in Women and Children, London.

* The representative of the United States of America is appointed by his Government to attend in an expert and advisory capacity. 13 -

International Federation of Trades Unions, Paris International Association for the Promotion of Child Welfare, Brussels. International American Child Welfare Institute, Montevideo. League of Red Cross Societies, Paris. Save the Children International Union, Geneva.

. Temporary Committee of Experts for Assistance to Indigent Foreigners. Experts appointed by the Governments of the following countries :

Argentine Hungary Poland United Kingdom Italy Switzerland Denmark Japan United States of France Netherlands America

In an advisory capacity: M. WAELBROECK, International Labour Office. M. LEGOUIS, International Labour Office. Mile. Suzanne FERRIERE, International Migration Service » M. S. COHEN, Permanent International Conference for the Protection of Mi gran ts .

. Committee of Thirteen set up _for the purpose of proposing Methods to render the League Covenant more effective in the Organisation of Collective Security. The representatives of the following countries:

United Kingdom Italy Turkey Canada Nether1ands Union of Soviet Chile Poland Socialist Republics France Portugal Yugoslavia Hungary Spain . Inter-Governmental Advisory Commission for Refugees.

The representatives of the following countries:

Belgium Estonia Poland United Kingdom France Roumania Bulgaria Greece Yugoslavia China Italy Czechoslovakia Latvia Consultative members : The Secretary-General of the League of Nations. The Director of the International Labour Office. The President of the Governing Body of the Nansen International Office for Refugees. Consultative members nominated by the Governing Body of the International Labour Office :



1. High Commissioner of the League of Nations at Danzig. Professor Carl J. BURCKHARDT (Swiss)

2. Technical Delegate of the League of Nations in China.

3. Commission appointed to organise and supervise the first elections in the Sanjak of Alexandretta. Mr. T. REID (President) (British) M. J. LAGRANGE (Belgian) M. H. Ch. G . J. van der MANDERE (Netherlands ) M. H. REIMERS (Norwegian) M. R. SECRETAN (Swiss)