Environmental Events Digwyddiadau Amgylcheddol Swansea Abertawe February - July 2011 Chwefror - Gorffennaf Introduction This is the first of two editions of the 2011 Environmental Events booklet and provides details of over 230 events taking place in and around Swansea from mid-February to the end of July. These events include guided walks and cycle rides through some of the UK’s most beautiful countryside, and a wide range of talks, workshops and training courses about wildlife and environmental issues. There are also lots of children’s activities in local nature reserves, in parks, on beaches and in other interesting places. Most of the events are FREE or at low cost so everyone can get involved. This booklet is compiled by the City and County of Swansea’s Nature Conservation Team with the support of Swansea Environmental Education Forum (SEEF) and funding from the Countryside Council for Wales. If you have relevant events for the second edition, which will cover the period from June to December 2011, then please contact the Nature Conservation Team (contact details below). Please note that information on events run by other organisations is published in good faith and the City and County of Swansea cannot be held responsible for inaccuracies. For further information on local organisations, please refer to the contact list at the back of the booklet. Additional events may also be listed on their websites. City and County of Swansea Nature Conservation Team Tel: 01792 635749 Email:
[email protected] Website: www.swansea.gov.uk/natureconservationteam 2 Cyflwyniad Hwn yw'r cyntaf o ddau rifyn o daflen Digwyddiadau Amgylcheddol 2011 ac mae'n darparu manylion am fwy na 230 o ddigwyddiadau a gynhelir yn Abertawe a'r cylch o ganol mis Chwefror tan ddiwedd Gorffennaf.