PAUO 0600 G73" New Approaches to the Measurement Of

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PAUO 0600 G73 AGENCY POR INTERNATIONAL OErVELOPME,,T FOR AID USE ONLY WAfHINGTON. 0. BIBLIOGRAPHIC INPUTC. 20124 SHEET 1, uJacT A. O*NPopulationIM A Ny PAUOA U 0600O O G73" 3 CLASSI- FICATION SECONDARY General-Philippines 2. TITLE NewAND approaches SUBTITLE to the measurement of vital rates in, developing countries 3. AUTHOR(S) (101) Samthsonian institution. Interdisciplina C ications P1rogram,, 4. DOCUMENT DATE I NUMSTR OF PAGES 8.ARC NUMBER 1976 .. " 7. .L-U ARC REFERENCE ORGANIZATION NAME At4D ADDRESS 19dthsonian S. SUPPLEMENTARY NOTES (Spoaao in& Opranmaliono Publishers,Avalablit) S9. ABSTRACT 10. CONTROL NUMBER II- PRICE OF DOCUMEJIT 12. DE RIPTOS~hC~ry 2phc surveys 13. PROJECT NUMBER Vital statistics 14. CONTRACT NUMBER Fertility AID/csd-3598 GrS Migrations 15. TYPE OF DOCUMENT AID 590-1 (4.74) I SS Moo. 3 ..NApproaches To the Measurement of Vital Rates InDeveloping Countries Ocadnd Mmgrapl $ole Number Three INTERDISCIPLINARY COMMUNICATIONS PROGRAM Smithsonian Institution INTERNATIONAL PROGRAM FOR POPULATION ANALYSIS DIRECTOR ASSOCIATE DIRECTOR FOR OPERATIONS M. C. Shelesnyak John T. Holloway EDITOR CONFERENCE PROGRAMMER Shirley Sirola Rosenberg' Roslyn Shelesnyak SOCIAL SCIENCE ANALYSTS Calman J.Cohen, James M. Creager, Roy H. Haas David N. Holmes, Jr:, Amparo Menendez ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER Jacquetta Laverne Valentine EDITORIAL BOARD John S. Aird Kaval Gulhati A.' E. Keir Nash Eduardo Arriaga Beverly Hackenberg Gayl Kurt D. Ness Back Robert H. Hackenberg F. Olu. Okediji Aziz Bindary William Hance Ramiro James A. Palmore, Jr. Cardona Louis M. Heilman Solange Petit-Skinner David Chaplin Gerry Hendershot Mary G. Powers Kan Chen Bruce Herrick Pi-chao Richard A. Prindle Chen Maritza lzaguirre Ronald G. Ridker Richard Clinton Mary F. Katzenstein Everett Emmanuel M. Rogers A. Colecraft Mf hael Keeley David F. Ross Kenneth M. Coleman Edmund H. Kellogg Sherman Ross Herman E. Daly Jonathan Lanman K. T. Paul Schultu T. deGraft-Johnson Aprodicio A. Laquian Susan C. Scrim,;haw Nicholas Jay Demerath, Ill Zigmond Nf. Lebensohn Ismail Wilton Sirageldir, S. Dillon Luke T. Lee Conrad Tacuber Carl K. Eicher Anthony Leeds Thomas Joseph B. P. Tamney Espanshade John J. Macisco. Jr. William E. Vickery Gary Fuller Thomas Merrick R. Sheila S. Walker Kenneth Godwin Duncan R. Miller Gerald Zaltman Sidney Goldstein H. Crane Miller, Esq. EDITOR 'Shirley SirotAi Rosenberg SOCIAL SCIENCE ADVISOR Leon F. Bouvier ASSISTANT EDITORS Elaine Carl Frost Paula C. Kaufmann COPY EDITOR EDITORIAL ASSISTANT Janet Goldsmith Bennett Scott Campbell Brown -Book design by Roslyn Shelesnyak New Approaches To the Measurement of Vital Hates InDeveloping Comtries Occasional Mqnograph Ses Number Three An ICP Work Agreement Report Investigators Francis C. Madigan 'Alejandro N. Herrin INTERDISCIPLINARY COMMUNICATIONS PROGRAM Smithsonian Institution I M. C. Shelesnyak, Direcor John T. Holloway, Associate Director fir Operations Property of ,-, .. December 1976 INTERDISCIPLINARY COMMUNICATIONS PROGRAM Smithsonian Institution Washington, D.C. Printed in the United States of America This monograph, produced under contvact with the U.S. Agency for Interna­ tional Development (No. AID/csd-3598) mity be quoted without prior per­ mission. Credit should be given to the publisher. LIBRARY OF CONGRESS CATALOG NUMBF,R 76-45591 CONTENTS FOREWORD v INTRODUCTION ix 1. Overview 1 2, Mindanao Center for Population Studies Project: A Brief Description 7 3. Urban and Rural Fertility Levels in Misamis Oriental 15 4. Differential Fertility by Education and Occupation. 33 ,,5. Levels of Mortality and Natural Increase InUrban and Rural Misamis Oriental 49 ,,"6" Urban and Rural Migration: Methodological and Substantive Aspects 67 7.' Alternative or Supplementary Approaches to Dual Record Methodology: A Maternal History Approach to Gathering Current Fertility Data , 79 8."Alternative or Supplementary Approaches to Dual Record Methodology: The Brass Techniques 83 9. AIternative or Supplementary Approaches to Dual Record Methodology: Own Children Method 97 10./Cost Reduction Studies: Investigation of Memory Lapse in Recall of Births 107 11. Cost Reduction Studies 123 12, Implications of the Misamis Oriental Studies 129 Foreword This volume, one ofa series of ten occasional mlonographs, contains sonic of the results reported by investigators %%ho have studied population-related topics dur'iulhte Past several +ears as participants in the International Program f r IPpulation Anal ,,is O PlPA). 'he principal (obje tiv 'of the IPI'A has11been to broaden the bAse of' knol. ldge and' undeitstandi ni ol population dhx llm eillleeratllng I fie" capabilit, in analy-is and evli,ition. primaril in Iess dcx eloped and develop­ ing c ntries. for use b, QOVle lnmets \%ho \hisl-h to Lc elop adequate popUla­ tion policies. (.)ne of the approaches to this objcct ve has been the ot'er of modestx, ork ,lgrecient,, (sulcontiacts) to qualified ihx Iduals \%fho \ ished to xxork in populatimn dx tamincs. C,,pciall Inx estigators nle% to the ield %%ho \%ere xxIthout major proel'sional ot financiali support from ot"her sotirces. and x ho shox ed pi ettlr'ill as leaders anrid innox l thploration[hotile of eonteilpoiar population Concerns. At the inception of the Program in 1972. it seemed reason bhle to believe that a considerable rescr oir of'taltivt had been tuiltapped. that many individ­ ulI population schtlars nd other social scientims throughout the x old were isolated fron the mainstream ol' kno ledge in the field hy distance, geogra­ phy. culture. and lack of established alliliatii'is. It x'as sunniiised that these schoiil'as held. or could Ct iiie al modest Cost. lman ofI the pieces of"the immense pu//e that muti ulimately !-+-a,,semblled. Duriing tie past fl'iour'ears. the 11TA has attenpted to mobilize some of' this dispersed and ote'n neglected tilCnt. Emplasis \as placed oln goal-directed xx ork oriented to , aid applications to practical nation- or- region-spvcitic population problems. The iniiiatihe for individual projects came both from ICP staff suggestioi and flom inVesligatlors unolicited proposal,. Propoals frn scholars already enghgd in popitltioin research x'ele given full considertalion: bitl particilar attenlion xwas paid to applications rom v MEASUREMENT OF VITAL RATES investigators new to the field but with demonstrated relevant competence, innovative approaches, and promise as nuclei of new population dynamics groups in less-developed and developing countries. Out of atotal of 317 proposals from all over the world, 52 were selected for support by a careful and thorough process which included both internal Interdisciplinary Communications Program (!CP) evaluation and peer re­ view. In each case, ajudgment was made as to whether the results would be useful in the formulation of workable Third World population policies and translatable into national commitments to viable action programs. No project was funded for more than $50,000-the average was less than $24.000. Most were for a period of one year or less. The work agreements were tailored to individual situations, with the hope that a flexible approach would redi'ce the administrative burden at both ends and still maintain an essential d -,ee of responsiveness. In addition, when­ ever an investigator undertook work in a country other than his own, it was required that a host country n-tional be involved as acontact and professional collaborator. This requir,.'ment was intended to help ensure the relevance and suitability of the study tc local conditions, correct interpretations ofobserva­ tions, and the practical ipplication of results. These investigators were not selected and then left to work in a vacuum. Other elements of the IPPA were designed specifically to maintain communi­ cations channels which. by making information from the Program available promptly and in usable form. linked these investigators to each other, to colleagues in related areas. and to the population community at large. These elements included continuous monitoring and assistance by the ICP profes­ sional staff and. when appropriate, participation in one or more ofthe sixteen IPPA workshop/seminars, six of which were held in Third World countries. Work agreement investigators, together with others on the IPPA mailing list of more than 4500 names, received semi-annual annotated bibliographies on selected population topics and Populattion Dynamics Quarterly (PDQ), the IPPA newsletter with worldwide circulation. A number of investigators were first made aware of the IPPA through PDQ,and articles by many of them have appeared in its pages. Even now, as the Program is being concluded, it is difficult to assess accurately the effects of the IPPA experiment-and it was an experiment in the fullest sense of the word. During the past four years, it has been shown that a great deal of unrecognized talent exists, that it can he reached by well­ designed techniques, and that it can be productive. New approaches and perceptions have evolved. For example, the increasingly popular concept of population impact analysis grew largely from IPPA's concern with develop­ mental determinants of fertility in selected countries. vi Fore word In compiling this book and its companion volumes, no attempt has been made to reproduce the complete reports submitted by the investigators. To varying degrees. the reports have been edited. condensed, and sometimes, rearranged in format. Iin some instanes,. highly specialized terminology has been changed to make the material more readable by i diverse and multidisci­ plinary audience. Hopefully. these editorial liberties-made necessary by constraints of space and monIcy-have not obliterated the essential flavor of the report,, Or obscurcd thcir lprincipal findings. lCP assunes full responsibil­ ity f)r any changes made in the original manuscripts. since stringent time limitattions ha\ mide it iil' lossible to leturn the mo1dified versions to the authors for reviev. Reiders %ho %%iSh Idditionll infoatlrion on any of these reports are encoura ed to corntact the authors directly. Four ears is a hort lime In xhich to de ie and implement an undertaking ofthis divCri1\ let ailone evaluaitC it, long-tern contribution to the solution of a problem of such magnitude.
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