East Gippsland Family History Group Inc 21 Morgan St, Bairnsdale, Vic. 3875 PO. Box 1104 Bairnsdale 3875 03 5152 5590 email:
[email protected] Web sites: www.egfhg.org.au www.theirdutydone.com Meetings are held at 2.00 p.m. on the second Saturday in the month JUNE 2016 Dear members welcome to our June edition of the Bulletin, once again it is jam packed with interesting tit-bits that Peter has found on the “net”. Now that we are well into the winter months why don’t you spend an afternoon or morning with us brushing up on your research. We have added a number of resources over the last twelve months and Martin Hopkins with the aid of his accomplice Paul Wiseman have been adding additional CD and DVDs to the computer network so that they may be directly accessed without the need for finding, inserting and starting the programs from their original source. After the early chill wears off our heated research room is a great place to spend a winters day. Our computer network over time has evolved into one that most larger metro based organisations would be proud to have, while we as a group have grown to rival all but the biggest of metropolitan groups. We must thank a small band of volunteers for this work, those already named above as well as a few helpers from the group and the expert assistance of Wolf Ciemcioch from Communications and Business Services in Bairnsdale who provides all of the top level technical assistance we require from time to time at an unbelievably low cost to us.