St. Joseph Montessori School Graduation Supplement 2007 - 2008

Class of 2008

Samuel Beasley Anne Minner Rachael Brenner Ninita Odwarka-Coleman Emma Cornell Charlotte Price Christopher D’Angelo Piper Rasmussen Adam Henderson Anna Recchie Matthew Kauth Ruby Smith David Keel Anderson Speed Tara Miller-Gnann Kevin Welsh 2 Graduation Supplement lot of years to realize that her words Samuel could apply far beyond reading. Most Likely To... The middle school years were less Emma - Most likely to Beasley tempestuous and gave you a chance to explore your talents and try a lot of have lip gloss in the wil- new things. Those four teachers nur- derness. High School tured you in a wide variety of ways and Thomas Worthington through their gentle encouragement we Rachael - Most likely to High School saw you begin to grow into who you are. The class grew even more tight- have her graphs showcased ly knit. Then it was on to Erdkinder, in the MOMA. which was a rocky road for you. There were times in these two years when we wondered what would become of you. Ruby - Most likely to name inanimate objects. But now we see that in overcoming the challenges of the last few years you have developed a great strength of Charlotte - Most likely to character, knowledge of yourself, and stop and smell the roses. determination. We have finally come How can it be possible that eleven to understand the broader application years have passed since we brought Andy - Most likely to of Diane’s words back in first grade: you to SJMS to be evaluated for Chil- We have to have more faith in you. scream in pain for no rea- dren’s House? We approached Carolyn Given a range of options, you make son. on the playground to see how it went good choices. You march to your own and she said “Oh, he’s going to do just drummer and almost never make the FINE here.” And so you did. Chris - Most likely to use choice we would make in your shoes. But that’s as it should be. You make the crosswalk in an empty For three years Children’s House 4 was the choices that are right for you, and the center of your universe. For the first parking lot. you make them thoughtfully and with couple years, Don Pestana was your commitment. We are full of hope and absolute hero, though Carol became anticipation to see where the coming Piper - Most likely to win more important to you by Kindergar- years take you. We know that you will the Nobel Peace Prize in- ten, when you and Adam Henderson make us proud, and we suspect you had assumed the role of BMICH (Big volving children. will do it in ways that continue to sur- Men in Children’s House). prise us. Tara - Most likely to in- Then it was on to Primary 1. Your vent doodle pants. three years there were eventful ones in the lives of the teachers, and SJMS be- ing the family that it is, we all shared in David - Most likely to bor- grieving and in celebrating. You bond- row pants from a smaller ed with many of your current class- mates, as well as many who have left person. along the way. One special memory we treasure from those years is of Diane Sam - Most likely to break saying, when Mom had tried to stop into song in the library. you from bringing in a book for Sus- tained Silent Reading that she thought was beyond your ability, “You have to ...continued on page 5 > have more faith, Mom.” It took us a St. Joseph Montessori School 3 National Rachael History Day Competition Brenner By: Brande Heitz SJMS Erdkinder students par- ticipated in National History High School Day sponsored by the Ohio The Wellington School Historical Society. Emma Cor- nell, Adam Henderson, Annie Minner, and Piper Rasmussen submitted their Interest Fair Rachael, topics for the National History Day theme “Conflict and Com- Congratulations on your gradua- promise”. The district competi- tion from SJMS. We are SO proud of you! You have grown up so tion was March 29, 2008 at the much while you were here; and as Ohio Historical Society. Piper we can see from your picture, you Rasmussen’s website entry have grown quite a bit of hair, too. was chosen to move to the state competition held at Columbus But seriously, you were so shy State Community College on about moving from Children’s April 26, 2008. At the state House to the “big” school, we competition, students from all never would have pictured you over the state compete against as the Psychic Wedding Planner one another in their individual of Erdkinder. You have become category. Two winners are an- quite expressive and you are no nounced along with an alter- longer shy about speaking your nate to compete at the National mind. You don’t ever hold your everyday life. You are open and Competition at the University feelings back. Rather, you stand caring about others. We are glad of Maryland. We would like to up against injustice and act on your that you are inclusive, and that you congratulate all students who beliefs. You are a woman of your embrace diversity. Your gradu- participated for a job well done principles. ation opens the door for you to and look forward to SJMS stu- reach your full, human potential, dent participation next year. We really appreciate how good you as Maria Montessori would have are at taking care of little children. hoped for all her children. No one When you were in CH-1, you tied knows what the future holds for The Graduation Supplement their shoes and put band-aids on you, but we do know that you will was prepared by: their cuts. Now you have grown be a success in whatever endeavor up to become a very responsible you choose. baby-sitter and camp counselor. Roxanne Holonitch Nikki Dean - Photo Shoot With our heartfelt love, Tommy Jones - Surveys We are proud of the Montessori Mom & Dad. ideals that you live out in your Anna Toborg - Photos & Letters 4 Graduation Supplement

Words like “actually” and “typically” became part of your daily vocabulary. Emma You always wanted to be a grown up lady and would play dress up in high Cornell heels, pearls, scarves and earrings, click, click, clicking around the house to hear the grown up sound. When High School Grandma Soup (you named her after Columbus School for Girls her famous chicken soup) would call on the phone you’d tell her you were going off to the Opera. Dear Emma, Montessori school seemed like the On November 24, 1993 a shoot- place for you. The year your baby ing star crossed our paths: you were and lyrics in music and loved trying sister Julia was born you entered born. It was as if a sparkler had out all instruments. You knew a mil- Children’s House as a 31/2 year old. landed in our midst, an unpredict- lion songs and folk songs and would You would walk up the path to the able, independent, determined and sing and perform them at the top of Children’s House 4 door, ring the spirited child who sparkled and your lungs for us, snapping your fin- bell, march in and hang up your smiled wherever she went. You were gers, tapping your toe and tossing coat and put away your lunchbox a most beautiful, bright eyed, expres- your hair like Mary T. then proceed inside to greet Don and sive baby, who watched and noticed Carol. You’d find your best friend, everyone and everything. You had Your favorite activity was to be read Eleni and see what she was up to and your fears of things, and you always to. We read books to you in the always sit next to her on the blue asked questions to try to understand morning, in the afternoon, and at line. You always wanted to know the unknown. You were fiercely in- night. When we read to you in the how everybody was – children and dependent always preferring to do evening, sometimes when you were grownups. When we picked you up things on your own (something you supposed to be asleep (something from school you would describe in do till this day) regularly declaring you rarely did) you would toddle great detail what had gone on in your “Emma do!” You may have learned around looking for us to read more day. Sometimes we joked that you to argue, before you learned to walk! “books? BOOKS!” You listened at- were the “reporter” for the class and You loved words and you loved to tentively to every word. We could other parents would ask you for in- talk and repeat things you’d hear. NEVER skip ahead if we were tired, formation they might not be able to Sometimes in your crib we’d hear if we tried that you always caught us. get from their own child. “Well…..” you singing Freres Jacques after you When a book was finished we’d have you’d start by saying. You’d love woke up, you’d start conversations discussions of the story and you’d bringing in your favorite book for with your Moon Bunny and Emma refer to the book throughout the fol- sharing, washing pumpkins, march- Bear. Every morning you would chal- lowing days in conversation or made ing in the international day parade lenge us with the question: “What are up song, sometimes memorizing as a girl from Russia, or Mexico we going to do today?” and wanted parts or all of a book. or India, spending time at Don or to know exactly what was going to Carol’s side and to be their helper, happen next. You knew how to have Some of your favorite people were talking, always talking and express- detailed conversations as soon as you older than you - your grandmoth- ing your thoughts and feelings. You could learn to speak. You talked and ers and grandfather, uncles, aunts learned the continents song, the rain- sang and played through your days – and cousins, neighbors, or our adult bow song, Grey Squirrel, Round and restaurant, veterinarian, animal club, friends. You always greeted people Round the Pumpkin Patch and the sewing store, library, bookstore, and with a “hello” and immediately en- Mama Bear Papa Bear song. You music class (especially with baby gaged them in conversation, asking loved music class with Sandra and “Hannah.”) You loved the rhythm questions to find out more about them. your favorite time was helping Sally St. Joseph Montessori School 5 Crandall the librarian in the library books. In Erdkinder, you began to and getting a book with your name blossom as a student, and took your Most Likely To... in it for your birthday book. Through studies very seriously. We began to the years, you learned, as you did at see what kind of a person you were > continued from page 3 home, to help younger ones and be- becoming – an intelligent, ambitious came an excellent role model. and driven student and, of course, a social butterfly. You loved school and Anna R. - Most likely to Then it was time to move to the “big being with friends and would never take everything personally building” and to Primary One with want to miss a day of school. You (No, I don’t!) Diane, Michelle and Laura M. (and learned a lot from your Interest Fair later, Sally.) There you had a lot of projects and impressed us with your fun in a very big classroom. You es- knowledge. You had fun performing Ninita - Most likely to pecially enjoyed going on the many again in musical productions each make a funny face for her field trips and of course the Lake Erie year either in band where you played driver’s license. trip – your first time away from home clarinet, in bell choir, or in musical for more than a night, was your fa- productions playing quite the some- vorite. You loved being by Diane’s thing - Penny Wayne in 8th Grade. Kevin - Most likely to side. Songs and games made learning bring a calculator to a fun. You were lucky to be able to put Now your 11 years at St. Joe’s, where party. on a musical performance directed by you have spent most of your life, is Sandra every year culminating in the coming to an end and you will be Matthew - Most likely to third grade performance of Surfin’ graduating from 8th grade. St. Joe’s Santa where you played Mrs. Claus. has given you a feeling of comfort reinvent the Internet. Your Interest Fair projects were of and familiarity. You may feel that books or animals. You wanted to be there is no other place on earth for Anne - Most likely to need a veterinarian and loved horses. you to be. But we feel confident that help without looking at the wherever you go from here, you will problem. In Middle School, and later in Erd- always have a part of St. Joe’s and kinder you grew from little girl to the people you love from here with the fashion savvy teen you have be- you. You are ready to move on. Adam - Most likely to be a come. You began to love studying We know you will thrive at Colum- dictator of a tiny country. social studies, learning about An- bus School for Girls where you are cient Greece and Rome and Mythol- headed and you will build on all you ogy, and always exploring through have become so far. They will soon We and Julia love you very much. come to know a very special, poised, Congratulations Emma! intelligent, independent and beauti- ful young woman with an infectious Love, Mommy and Daddy smile. We are very proud of you, all you have accomplished, and all you have become. Dear Emma,

We will be watching you, supporting Thanks for helping me at St. you, loving you and excited for you Joe’s. Good luck at CSG. I’ll as you embark on your new adven- miss you next year. You are a tures in high school and beyond. great sister and I love you. You are still our beautiful sparkler who shines light and sparkles every Love, Julia minute of the day. 6 Graduation Supplement Christopher D’Angelo “36.” The adults in the room would cally gifted. So, we thought that you all be looking for a pencil and paper to might become a professional musician High School check if you were right. Then they’d like your Grandpa D’Angelo, your Un- give you another, harder equation, and St. Charles cle Jeff and many of your Italian rela- you would get that one correct also. Preparatory School tives. As an 8th grader, you still enjoy playing the trombone, playing in the It was at one of those parties that you bell choir and music in general, but you picked up a Triscuit and got two crack- Dear Christopher, seem to want more. ers stuck together. You shouted, “Look

everybody, it’s a rhombus!” Again, the What can we write about you, our only You excel at many sports, including adults weren’t sure, but by this time son, who impresses us daily with your football, baseball, skiing and swim- they had learned to trust that you were multitude of gifts? We have enjoyed ming. Ah, but swimming had a tough probably right. every stage of your life thus far and start. It’s one of the only things we’ve can’t help but smile when we recall the ever forced you to do. “Swimming can many Christopher stories. save your life,” was the parental quote. You cried for three days straight, every What have you learned in your 14 years time we dropped you off at the pool. and in which direction are you headed? Then, you stopped crying and started When you were a toddler, we thought swimming and lo and behold, you liked you would become an architect, like it. your great-grandfather who designed the Ohio State Football Stadium. We Soon you found that breaststroke was used to spend hours building Lego your niche and you finished the season lands with houses, schools, farms and Our decision to send you to SJMS for with a 7th place trophy at swim cham- roads that would stretch over the entire the start of fourth grade was a difficult pionships. Yet the proudest moment living room. one. The distance from home, the long came at the swim banquet when your bus ride, the cost, and the lack of famil- coach spoke about an incredible young You’ve always loved to read and even iarity all weighed on us as we worried man who is always polite, works hard at when you were two years old we would about our decision. The first day of 4th practice, helps the younger swimmers read dozens of books every day. You grade answered our questions. When and is a team player at meets. Then never wanted to read the same book you returned home after school, we he awarded the trophy for the Coaches twice in a day because you said, “I know asked how your day was. You replied, Award to Christopher D’Angelo. You that one.” You memorized the books “Great! I got to do long division with have won that award a record four times the first time that you read them and multiple integers!” We knew then that in a row from four different coaches. you were ready to move on. “More,” you had found your home away from It’s safe to say that you stand out in a you said, “More.” home. crowd.

When you were about four, we decid- In 5th grade, you informed us that you We love that there are so many sides to ed that you might be a mathematician, wanted to stop playing piano after 5 Christopher and that you continue to try engineer or businessman, like your years of lessons. We agreed only if you new things. Your Math Counts team dad. Your natural math abilities were switched to another instrument. You was successful in 7th grade and made it astounding and you could already add, chose the trombone and soon the lovely to States. So, you planned to participate subtract, multiply and divide, all in your piano concertos were replaced by the again in 8th grade, but you seemed more head. You quickly became our favor- loud Da-na-na-na-na-na-na-na blaring focused on the writing competition, ite party game. Our friends would visit from the basement with an occasional Power of the Pen. You never seemed and say to each other, “Watch this.” shout out of “Tequila!” to enjoy writing in earlier years, so this Then they would say, “Chris, what is 4 surprised us. Your Power of the Pen plus 23, plus 5, divided by 4, minus 2, Sandra moved you up to Honors Band team won 2nd place at Sectionals, 2nd times 6. And you would instantly say, quickly and told us that you were musi- place at Regional’s and you’ve qualified St. Joseph Montessori School 7 individually for the State competition at sical, well read, well traveled and inter- to challenge you in all areas of academ- Wooster College. Wow. ested in a variety of subjects. You also ics and to teach you respect for author- have plenty of family members in the ity, for life and for God. Do they know So, maybe you’ll be a writer/teacher/ entertainment industry who could give that you already challenge yourself dai- professor, like your mom, grandmother you an inside look. ly? Do they know the high expectations (Gummy), or grandfather (Poppy). You that you set for yourself and the true loft are also a wonderful traveling compan- Your humor is also part of what makes of your goals? Do they know that you ion (Ireland, western USA, Italy next you such a good big brother. Your sis- show respect for your parents, teachers, month) and maybe you’ll travel to ex- ters, Courtney and Catie, know how coaches, friends, neighbors and strang- otic locales and write wonderful tales funny you are and they try to out-do ers on the street, every day of your life? using your unique imagination. Only you. Our family dinners are like a Do they know how much you already God knows the details of your journey variety show/comedy hour filled with trust and love our God? and which paths you’ll choose, but it’s jokes, games, songs and silliness, and fun to think about all of your possibili- it is usually led by you. Yet you are a We are guessing that they do, judging by ties. great big brother mostly because of the their generous scholarship offer. Soon way you care for your sisters. Often, they will know you even better and will You manage to balance sports, music, be as proud and as awed by you as is and academics, and still you find plenty everyone whose life you have already of time for humor. Your classmates de- touched. scribe you as “hysterical” and “the fun- niest guy I know,” and it is rare to see You have always had huge goals for you without a smirk or a smile. You yourself and we have always tried to as- were a hit in the SJMS Talent Show for sist you in achieving them. We guide a few years running with your “Top Ten you, make suggestions, and encour- Lists.” You made up the top ten reasons age you. Yet, in the end, you alone set not to order hot lunch at school and the your mind to the task, you perform the top ten ways you know your child has work required (and then some), and you had a bad first day of school. Then, achieve the goals. Chris, you have so last year, you said your act for the tal- many God-given gifts combined with ent show was a surprise, comedy, ad- phenomenal opportunities that your fu- lib routine. We were skeptical, but you ture is very bright. Plus, you are blessed knew your audience. You danced and with many, many people who love you did the worm, told a clever joke and and care deeply for you, and who will sang the Hannah Montana theme song! always have your back. The kids went crazy for you, singing teachers and parents have commented along, clapping their hands and laugh- So, in which direction are you headed? on how you watch over them when near ing aloud. You have great, natural, co- Professor? Businessman? Musician? the bus or crossing the street. Catie medic timing. You love to be on stage Your biggest obstacle will be narrow- says she feels safe having you at school and make others laugh, as we saw dur- ing down your many possibilities. Our because you are the first one running to ing the play, “Tangerines at Midnight.” advice to you in whatever you do would her if she gets hurt on the playground. Your interpretation of a Japanese sushi be to believe in yourself and have con- Courtney knows she can turn to you for chef was priceless. fidence in your abilities. Go make a help if she has forgotten her lunch or is difference in the world and in other just having a bad day. It has been com- For the past two years, when someone people’s lives. You have already made forting knowing that you are at school has asked what you want to be when a tremendous difference in ours. you grow up, you have answered, “a with your sisters to aid them in any cri- sis. Next year will be different and the Talk-Show Host.” This always gets a Right now, we’re thinking of some- girls will rely on one another, but your laugh, which may or may not be your thing that rhymes with “Pie Glove Do.” goal, since most would expect you to presence at SJMS will be missed. say, “Engineer,” or “Architect.” Yet Love, Mom, Dad, Courtney & Catie you would be an awesome Talk-Show You are anxious to attend St. Charles Host because you are smart, funny, mu- Preparatory School next fall, and we are thrilled for you. As a school, they plan 8 Graduation Supplement Adam Henderson And now, you are off to St. Charles. Good luck to you, Adam. Remem- High School ber, you are a child of God; all that you have and all that you are come St. Charles from God. Use and share the gifts Preparatory School He has provided to you. Find and follow your passion, your purpose Dear Adam, – what God is calling you to be and do. We love you and are very proud Congratulations on twelve success- of you and your accomplishments. ful years at SJMS! One of the key Most of all, we are blessed and hon- objectives we had for you when ored to have you in our family be- starting school, was to learn to love cause of who you are and who we learning. There is no question you can see you will become. have developed that passion and found your favorite subject, social Love, studies, and excel in all your cours- Dad, Mom and Sarah es.

High School Matthew Kauth St. Charles Preparatory School Matthew thew.. and remember, you are our treasure, and you are our gold. We It seems like only yesterday you love you! started at St. Joe’s, now you are graduating! We are so proud of you, Mom And Dad and the man you are turning into. We know that great things are in store for you in your future. As you leave St. Joe’s, you take with you a great foundation not only for your education, but for your life. You have made life-long friends here, so remember these years as you enter St. Charles next year. You have so much potential, and only you can unlock it. Congratulations Mat- St. Joseph Montessori School 9 David Keel

High School Bishop Watterson High School

telligence. Your perseverance and will to succeed have allowed you to grow into a strong and mature young man. Dear David, We are extremely proud of all your accomplishments, academic, athletic, P.S. “Character is the direct result of and otherwise. From the day we found out we were mental attitude. I believe that charac- pregnant, we have been calling you our ter is higher than the intellect. I believe The next four years will probably be “Miracle Child”. Over the past four- that leadership is in sacrifice, in self a much bigger struggle for you, emo- teen years, you have continued to reaf- denial, in humility and in the perfectly tionally, physically, and academically. firm our beliefs and show us just how disciplined will. This is the distinction Know that we will always be here to much of a miracle you are. We are between great and little men.” -- Vince help and guide you with whatever you truly blessed to have you in our lives. Lombardi (Papa Joe’s favorite quote) need, and to support you endlessly. “WHATEVER IT TAKES.” An un- Ever since you were a young child, paralleled response for transforming We love you always, your love for activity and social con- anyone’s unreachable dreams into liv- Mom, Dad, Grandma and Papa tact made school a constant struggle ing reality. And my favorite quote. for you, despite your high level of in- Love, Papa

Tara Miller-Gnann High School tion, in anticipation of your going off Bishop Hartley High School to the bigger world of grade school. I loved the fact that an older child met you at the car and walked you safely into school. Remember fondly the days of your Gram in the library, and your Dad as your school bus driver. We have loved every school play and event that you have been in and have been grateful to the wonderful teachers who Dear Tara, have helped guide you to becoming the strong, intelligent young woman When you read this letter your time at you are today. We are so proud of you, SJMS will be completed. It really does as you go off to your next adventure at seem like yesterday when we first at- Bishop Hartley. tended a parent orientation meeting after you had been accepted. The first Love always, time I took you to school I held your Mom, Dad, Gram, and Moriah hand and we did the prayer for protec- P.S. Moriah wants your locker! 10 Graduation Supplement

Dear Annie, Annie, as you continue on to Bishop Hartley, please remember the val- It’s so hard to believe that you are ues and skills that you have learned Anne about to leave St. Joe’s and begin these years. Work hard – believe in high school in a few months. It yourself – keep your eyes on your seems just like yesterday that we goals – and most importantly, re- came home from China – the years member that God, and your family Minner have gone by so quickly! Yes – time will always be there for you. marches on, but before we move on ahead, we want to tell you how We love you! High School proud we are of you – of all that you Mom, Dad, and Ronon have accomplished and of what a Bishop Hartley High School wonderful young woman you have grown into.

St. Joseph’s was a great place for you to grow up. Since that first day we walked you into Children’s House with Noreen and Marsha – we have seen you develop knowledge, con- fidence, and independence. You have made many dear friends; you have grown to love reading, music, and math. You have learned to take risks – to be open to new ideas and try new things.

High School Ninita Odwarka-Coleman Metro High School and started having “overnights” at forward to watching her conquer the about 3 ½ years old; no separation world. We love you little Nina. anxiety there! Mom & Dad Ninita has always Ninita’s two main passions are learn- been in- ing and her friendships. Her friends are dependent so dear to her. Her devotion to friends and de- lets us get a glimpse at some of her termined. “inner workings.” It’s wonderful to see When she that cultivated as time goes by. learned to climb the Learning has always been a passion stairs, I sat for Ninita. We have never had to ask at the bot- her to do her homework. That type of self motivation is (from a parental tom while she went up and down for standpoint) exhilarating. Nin can ac- two hours. complish whatever she puts her mind to. We are so proud of her and look She loved the older girls on the block St. Joseph Montessori School 11

High School Charlotte Price Bishop Hartley High School

Dear Charlotte, path. You’ve grown in both wisdom After all this time we thought maybe and understanding and we applaud these words would come easy but you for that. You’ve always insisted they are hard because they don’t do that we keep our hearts open—nev- that you so gracefully possess. We justice to how proud we are of you. er close them in your presence. That are honored to be your parents, and Not only for this wonderful accom- takes an amazing person, Charlotte. grateful to travel through life with plishment but also for your remark- And that’s exactly what you are to you as a family. able growth as a person we admire. us—talented, compassionate, and You’ve always shown enormous eager to grow intellectually as well Love you now and forever, courage in the face of adversity and as personally. Thank you for bless- Mom & Dad always chosen kindness as your ing our lives with the gift of love and Gettysburg, Jamestown, and Wil- Erdkinder News liamsburg.” When asked about his By: Ruby Michl-Smith overall experience, Adam said, “I’m very glad I went. I learned a lot of Some of you have been asking – Anna Toborg went to D.C. with things about leadership, and I made a what’s new with Erdkinder? Well, N.Y.L.C. so that she could learn how lot of new friends.” many things have been going on to become a better leader. Anna said, around the Erdkinder classroom of “I had so much fun! I met a lot of I also went to Washington, D.C. with 7th and 8th graders. One of the most great people, we went to cool places, People to People. I am very glad I exciting things is that three Erdkinder and I learned a whole lot.” She also went, because I had the chance to students, Adam Henderson, Anna To- said that her favorite part of the trip learn things I may never have learned borg, and myself, have been chosen was going to Harper’s Ferry. otherwise, and I met people I may by our teachers to travel to Washing- never have met otherwise. It was an ton, D.C. to learn about leadership. Adam Henderson went to D.C. with amazing experience for me, one that Adam and I went with People to Peo- People to People. Here’s what he I will never forget. ple, an organization founded by for- had to say about his experience. “I mer President Dwight D. Eisenhower wanted to go to D.C. with People to In other Erdkinder news, we are get- in the 1950s. Anna went with Junior People because I wanted to enhance ting ready to go on our annual class N.Y.L.C. (National Youth Leadership my leadership abilities. We went to trip! As many of you know, this year Conference). All three of us students a lot of cool places, like the war me- we are going to Atlanta, Georgia, and had a wonderful time! morials, all the different monuments, Nashville, Tennessee. 12 Graduation Supplement Piper Rasmussen have been the youngest young lady High School in your class ever since. Columbus School for Girls You read your first chapter book (The Secret Garden) in Primary. It A letter to our took a couple of months but you did daughter it. Only later did we realize how un- fathomable the Indian character and Eleven years customs were to you. You wrote po- ago, you were ems and collected books. You asked so eager to go Diane, “What is this cursive writing somewhere I keep hearing about?” until she had there were to teach you about it. And of course, other kids. there was the puppy Senora gave us The first place that you saw being born. You found we took you out about kids outside of SJMS when remember where you are or need to the kids slept you played your first rec-league soc- go next. too much. At cer game. Stomping off the field the second, you grumbled, “That boy knocked To say we are proud of your accom- many seemed to have been placed me down and he didn’t even say he plishments is to understate how we in permanent “time out” by the im- was sorry or help me up!” Only your feel. What we are most happy about patient staff. But to quote Little Red SJMS sense of fair play was hurt, is the person you have become. You Riding Hood, that school on Hamlet thank goodness. are kind and compassionate and fun- Street was “just right.” We were glad ny and brave and thoughtful and we because you were happy with SJMS In Middle School, Susan helped you thank SJMS for helping you to shape but, at the same time, sad because discover that you really liked math. this character and for encouraging we no longer had you to ourselves Bill had Game Club every Friday you to excel. We really do not believe alone. You were way ahead of us. to look forward to. Your first Talent that high school will present chal- We remember when you came back Show and the accompanist didn’t lenges you can’t handle with grace from your “try out” interview. Don- have the song in your key. You calmly and humor. If only you could develop na looked at us and said, “Oh Yeah! got up in front of the large audience a sense of time. She’s ready.” and, for the first time, sang it a cap- pella. Really well. We were surprised You’ll miss all of your teachers and After half-days (let’s face it, those and delighted! the friends that you literally grew up were mostly for us) you were full with. You will think fondly of Char- time with Marsha and Noreen and Now you are in Erdkinder and thanks lie and Robert and Debbie (I know loving it. You kept trying to get into to Stephanie, Brande, and Sally, you we will too) and Children’s House kindergarten’s stuff so we just had to have a thousand things going on at and many others who have been like have you tested to get an early start. once and we have trouble keeping family to you but perhaps not so “Name three vegetables” and the an- up. Watterson, Power of the Pen, much Interest Fair. Congratulations swer that really tickled the testing Mathcounts, National History Con- on your graduation. person was, “Tomato, eggplant, and tests, class trips and concerts. Parents zucchini?” That was easy but could who had such a time letting you go God Bless, you hop on one foot? You passed and to school for half a day are lucky to Mom & Dad St. Joseph Montessori School 13

From Laura: Some people might think that our fam- Dear Little Sister, ily doesn’t want Anna to grow up-- Anna You wanted me to write about how beau- mainly because in the vast majority of tiful you are inside and out. But I don’t the pictures we have displayed in our think the Montessorian has enough space house she is no more than three years Recchie for me to do that. old. But even though at times it seems unreal to me that Anna is old enough to I remember the first time you told me a graduate from 8th grade, I can honestly (funny) joke when you were little. And I High School say that Anna gets better every year, was shocked because you were no longer Columbus School for Girls this little baby, but you had a personal- and I wouldn’t trade her for that ador- ity of your very own. I’m going through able three-year-old. In fact, our other a similar shock right now, as you gear siblings and I joke that it’s a good thing up for high school! You are such an in- our parents made all the mistakes on telligent, mindful, and funny teenager. us, because Anna has turned into such Frankly, you’re pretty cool. And for that, a fantastic young woman. Liz and I can only say- you’re welcome. It was a lot of hard work, and a lot of laps I love you, Anna. Happy graduation. had to be run. But in the end it was worth Emmy it. I think you’d agree.

I am incredibly proud of the 13 year old you’ve become and all of the great things I count my lucky stars every day to you have accomplished at St. Joe’s. We have such a sweet young woman should have known when you earned “Congratulations to my your first Superior at Interest Fair at only like you in my life. You are a 6 months old, that you would be a wild favorite youngest sister!” source of laughter, hope, peace, success. (you’ve probably been doing in- Benjamin and inspiration (and a little absur- terest fairs longer than any other student dity and silliness), Miss Anna Rec- in St. Joe’s history!) I can only imagine chie. Marvelous things are ahead the amazing things you’ll be doing in of you, and you make all of us so your future. I am so proud to be your big may the tide proud. sister. And you are definitely my favorite that is entering even now little sister I’ve ever had! the lip of our understanding carry you out Love you (even in your kookiest Congratulations on your 8th grade grad- beyond the face of fear moments), B uation! I am glad you’ve grown out of may you kiss eating whole sticks of butter like a ba- Dear Anna, the wind then turn from it nana... certain that it will You came into our lives 13 years love your back may you ago and brought love, laughter, and Love you, Laura open your eyes to water so much fun with you. I feel blessed water waving forever to have a family that includes you. and may you in your innocence You know I couldn’t be more proud sail through this to that of you; every day I see you, I am Lucille Clifton filled with joy. Who knows the ad- ventures you will have in your life; I I am never at a loss for words except am thankful that St. Joe’s has helped when I try to describe the joy of be- you see the possibilities. Keep lov- ing the parent of 5 wonderful children. ing, laughing and creating. Anna, you still leave me speechless.

Your grateful Mom Love, Dad 14 Graduation Supplement

day night to Monday morning. We love lovely young woman who is genuinely these “stay-home days” as much as you kind and truly happy with herself, with do. They are Your days, and nothing your friends, with your opinions and Ruby scheduled is more important. We love it with your perspective. And we love you that you love being at home. for that. We love it that you are a reader and could spend hours curled up with a book and We are so proud of you and have enjoyed Smith Buddy or Ming and be oblivious to all you so much, Ruby. We love watching else and perfectly happy. you grow and thinking about the life that We love your love of music – whether awaits you, your dreams, your traumas High School playing Bach or Howard Shore on the pi- and triumphs. We love being a part of it ano, or making your own CD’s and ipod all and if you haven’t figured it out – We The Wellington School compositions. Your concept of music is love YOU with all our hearts. open-minded and beautiful and, in spite of the recitals and competitions, your Congratulations on the first 14 years music has become part of you and not of an awesome life – very well done in for Show-and-Tell. deed!

In fact, Ruby, one thing you don’t seek XXXOOO is attention. Not in the classroom or in Mom and Dad a crowd. But you treasure your close friends with all your heart. We love that about you and know they do too.

Dear Ruby, Your friends and family are all part of Ruby’s world and it’s a great place to be! One thing is obvious about you, Ruby St. Joe’s helped formulate this world – - you genuinely like being Ruby. Your from Miss Carolyn to Stephanie and all idea of a great weekend is one in which in between. And in spite of us, your par- you’re still in your jammies – from Fri- ents, you have become this confident and

High School St. Charles Anderson Speed “That’s a good name… the name of Preparatory School a Senator,” she said matter of factly. Thinking back, how appropriate. You won’t remember this but we were with you in a grocery store when you At this important stage of your life, were under one year of age. At the check- take time to look back to admire ac- out, an elderly woman approached us complishments. You are a leader – ul- to admire your childish features. Don’t timately not because of your name, but because your empathy and sensitivity worry you were make you realize and appreciate the not so cute… needs of the people around you. You older ladies like are admired by friends, teachers, and babies. those casual acquaintances that you go unnoticed – yet, humility is your come into contact with. You are a typical response. She asked your loving brother. You understand goals Continue to grow in the ways you have name. We told and have the persistence and talent to and happiness will follow. The world her your name achieve those goals. You listen – when was Anderson. so many don’t. Your successes do not can be yours – now, go get it. St. Joseph Montessori School 15 “On a Midnight Bus to Georgia” By: Tommy O’Neil and Tommy Jones It has come and gone already. The Erd- every coke product EVER, well almost. things outside of Atlanta weren’t cool. kinder class trip of 2008 is over. The Atlanta was one of the greatest cities The fantastic Ruby Falls Caverns were 7th and 8th graders were rather sad at by far; Atlanta had every thing from great - We’ve never seen any thing like the close of great trip. Overall I think it CNN to the world’s largest aquarium. it a water fall in side a cave. It was so is safe to say that just about everyone At CNN we discovered how the news cool. The trip was really awesome! had a really good time. Of course not room operated. For instance, how they everything was perfect but the class would read TelePrompTers and re- The Erdkinder class would like to and teachers managed to make even port the weather. At CNN we actually thank Brande, Gui, Sally and Stephanie the not so great parts, enjoyable. There watched live feeds of the news which for donating their time as chaperones. are for many of us an abundance of was amazing to watch. The world’s We know that taking thirty-six teenag- good memories. This trip is supposed largest aquarium wasn’t just big on ers on a trip is not exactly a vacation, to bring the class together as a whole. size but big on interest. They had be- so thank you. Second we would like to To many of us, it served its purpose luga Whales. Can you believe that it’s thank any parents that helped out with with vigor. one of the most hands on aquarium fundraising or any other part of the I’ve ever seen. Now I’m not saying trip. So here’s to a great class trip! For the curiosity of you, our readers, maybe you would like to know what the Erdkinder students did while they were gone on their class trip to Nash- ville, Tennessee, and Atlanta, Georgia? We, as a group, did so much in so little time; here we will narrow it down. We went inside the Coca-Cola factory in Atlanta and to our surprise we got to see 4-d movie about the magic that is put into each and every bottle. One of our favorite parts was the samples of Erdkinder Class: 2007-2008 at Ruby Falls

Kevin High School The Charles School

Welsh Kevin,

You are the most wonderful son. Your empathy and intelligence continues to amaze us. While your empathy is your true gift, your Math ability runs a close second. We should have known. Yu were mastering story problems and fractions at age three. With such gifts, you cannot help but to be happy and successful.

All our love, Mom and Dad Good Luck!

We will miss you. :)

Record Year for Scholarship Awards

For the Class of 2008, they have group. This is no small feat for any taken their education very serious- group, especially in this competi- ly. This class of sixteen students, tive higher education world. a total of $82,000 in scholarship $ money has been awarded to this Congratulations! $