Date Printed: 04/09/2009

JTS Box Number: IFES 62

Tab Number: 110

Document Title: I Vote for the first time

Document Date: 2003

Document Country:

Document Language: English

IFES ID: CE00550

III E 4 A During this school year we have conducted - 0.11. rflDI'C,I\:IC~ ':Jc- a. .... ~ (LIC Students and teachers in Economics and Trade high school R /tUCr • ,'r~c III s( 05"'1)'(' in Dubrovnik came up with an initiative that would enable "I vote for the First time" workshops in r:",[. f\J IV" KOJ, 1:\..( ?('{0..:n'IC(I.,r, them to get free premises for the youth. Their goal is to 219 ou( of 365 high schools in the C1c""(1-'1 OBJf\.SNI I C ::'TC r.·,>.$ encourage [he Dubrovnik town head office (0 provide such Republic of Croatia. 818 workshops were "'t'f'f'h ...~ f(""~ ::; (V,4 ~'e5f'i\_", 1'3 ~~(. premises. Teachers and parents have organized thematic parent held in the first term, from October 13th """~'cll_f1 ":;(1/'1 ,'1$( C'J trtrl'{'1 meetings, a petition, meetings with town representatives and a '2.J<,{',.,H,fI ~V"::JI i" 1Iri..-U(A to December 19th, 2003. 46 trainers press conference. Over the course of their action, they conducted the workshops. More than 21 cosAo C.l~ ~'" approached GONG and asked fur legal services. The organizers 500 high school seniors attended the of this initiative based all their steps on the "Advocacy" booklet Evaluation paper 011 ~I vote for the fiNt time" workshop by [hat students got during "I vote for the first time" workshops workshops, which is 45% of the total high school smior from Glina: the workshop was very ustfol, I liked the way GONG representatives rxplailled what it meam and followed all the steps explained in the booklet. number of high school seniors in the to be 18. J have karned more about politics, &etions and my • Workshop in High schoo/ in SLwolIski Brod. Ocrober 13, 200J Republic of Croatia. rights. I will be more active hereafter. " We wish them success! ti Educational workshops for high school seniors, first-time voters FOURTH SCHOOL YEAR September 2003- December 2003


@@9@@@ Q\lIlD(Q']®:m\l>;) ~~D D@U@ for the first time'9 1P>G11lJ'\to~OlP>aJit®


GIIOll OOllit®lJ'tiIi~ito\Ve W$IJ'!k$IhJ$1P> wlllo~1hJ 1J'$]e~it· Encouraged by the success of the project. we decided 11@@ 1j'i7@[j'i)1g:Jo@[0g to launch a national project and systematically inform young people and encourage them to take a more active part in political life and democratic processes, which is also in line with one of GONG's fundamental aims-to The principal aim of [he project in the school year inform citizens about the election process. 2003/04 was to conduct 700 interactive workshops for 21,000 high school students in their final year of study I n the end of 200 I we started the first round of "I vore all around Croatia. for the firsr time" project in all pans of the country. An Once again the project was financially supported by interactive workshop was developed which dealt with the National Endowment for Democracy (NO I), the subject of political system, the rights and duties of Swedish Olaf Palme International Centre, and, for the citizens over the age of 18, election legislation and first time, by the Ministry of Science, Education and election process. In March and April 2002 14600 high Sports. r.laturanH 4.d na GONG-ovqJ radionic! school seniors participated in 514 workshops organized Ourex representatives SSL International and Adamic in 149 high schools around the country. The project Trade Ltd, once again helped by donating 8,000 cominued in 2002/2003 school year and 711 workshops condoms. were organized in 197 high schools for more than 21 .Projekt "Prvi 'put biram" 000 high school seniors only in the first term.

i usisackoj Gimnaiiji Support to the project ~IBEt~---~U,",'''''''~''''Jj-'"G;;'imnei'ij" Pre go infouP?tj"~e emjsijr 'P"p'fI znanje Posebno... SISAl(· Nev\adina nepro- davaoce Maja Thaj i Tanja ponebd tal; i zasjedanja ml je bilo zanimljivo futi Both rounds of the project were very SUCCesshl1. Students fitna udruga gradana Prpif u razgovoru s rnatu· Sabora Zanim1jivo je vi!e o zagovaranju, 0 na_ took an active pan in the workshop and their evaluation GONG u skIopu projek· ranlima 4.d razreda ista· domati kato gradani mogu na koji i nefonnalne sku­ was positive, teachers and headmasters expressed interest ta "PM put biram" odna· mule su prava i dufnosti uqecati na Vafne odIu· pine gradana mogu u~eca· in continuing their panicipation in the project. Also, va radionice 1..8 maturante koje gradanin RH dobiva ke. Odlufiti 0 tomu kome ti na zbivanja u zajednici - srednjih !kola. Projekt su stjecanjem punoljetnosti, a povjeriti svoj glas i povje· rebo je K1indif. the media followed the project and its results with great ave godine, u fetvrtoj sezo· najvi!e se govorilo 0 biraf· renje da te dobro odIuo· Prijateljice Natala Kova· interest. Constant rise in the number of schools ni provedbe, nmtano pod· kom praw i VlStam.a izbo· vati velib je odgOVOrnoSl fevit i NikoUna Rajkovif participating in the project is the best proof that positive Jil~-llli1-~irh~ AAtttbbbztftADkLUAANJoPRsstOOzz rtaIi MinistarslVO prosvjete lB te 0 zagovaranju. Matu· svamg birafa . rekIa je M. abivno su sudjelovaJe u initiati\'es are always recognized in rime. i sporta. amerifka Nacio- rantica Mirna Juratak kate lurahl radionici. nalna zaklada za demol:ra· l:al:o na predstojefim izbo· Toni K1indic je vee puno· Nil:oUna je punoljetna Both rounds of the project were financially supported clju i !vedski Institut Olaf rima neee moe birati jer Ijetan i _ da I:e na izbore i _ da te ,vabko iza· Palme. GONG·ove radio· dotad neee nawsiti 18 godi· svaI:aI:o izafl.· VeCinu stva· a na izbore u studenome. by the National Endowment for Democracy (NDl), nice provode se kao dio Da, no GONG-ow radioni­ ri 0 kojiroa se govorilo na Medina Sefit rekla je l:al:o Swedish Olof Pal me International Centre, and the nastave u sklopu predmeta cu smatra mo korisnom i radionici mao sam i prije, joj se svida natin na koji Canadian Embassy. The project was also supported by utili smo 0 tome u PoUtici je radionica provedena, jer PoUtib i gospodarstvo. edubtivnom. SSL International and Atlantic Trade ltd, who donated paYI PVT DIUII Eldpa Veeernjeg Usta bila . Pratim poUtiku, redo· i gospodarstvu, medutim su ufenici u njoj aktivno _tU.1:crD ':ffIU;I:.rII JUI:I.,Xl':: je Da jednoj ad radionica vito g1edam Dnevnik i dru- korisno je ponoviti i upo- sudjelovali. Ourex condoms. The Ministry of Science, Education and Sports and the Institute for Improvement of Educarion recommended Lexicoll For tIlt First and Every Other Time • The artick on ~I vort for the first time" workshop in Sisak, Vtctmji list, October 16, 2003 the project. (dictionary ofeltction drfinitiom)

01 ABOUT PROJECT "I vote for the first

The aim of the workshop. which was to provide young their subject matter more clearly, The charts contained people with information on elections and the part that all imponant issues and definitions and they were put citizens play in the socie£y in a challenging and imeresting up on visible places around the classrooms. way, as well as the topic and the content of the workshop have for the most pan remained the same. However, After the workshop each student was since the parliamem:u), elections were to take place on November 23rd, and our workshops were being given: conducted at the same time, we included more Finally 18 brochure -wriuen in a form of a dialogue information about parliamentary elections imo the first pan of the workshop that dealt with dec dons. between a high school senior who will soon turn 18 and who is think~ng about the responsibilities that In order to introduce the [Opic and to show that what being of age brings, and GONG which tries to answer was to follow was not going to be:ln ex cathedm [enure, his questions about his right to vote, different types we would begin workshops by asking "What does it or elections and rhe election process. 50 election terms mean for you to come of age?" Their answers would arc explained in rhe brochure in an eas)' and lead to the subject of voting and elections and by understandable way and there is also a scheme of all discussing and pointing out the most important types of elections in Croatia. definitions we would talk aboul the right to vote. types of elections, election process and voters' lisls. After going Public Advocacy brochure-chis brochure follows the through the genera.! part, we would discuss parliamentaty third pan of the workshop dealing with public elections and Election Day in more detail. advocacy initiatives. The steps of a public initiative The second pan of the workshop deals with civic action were explained on rhe example of opening an . initiatives, the term that is missing from all textbooks internet cafe. for politics and economy class. In order to explain the term civic initiative we would use examples they could "I vote for the first time condoms"-a condom, placed relate to, for example how one could have an internet in "I vote for the first time" box symbolizes the c::afE or youth centre opened in one's town, and illustrate opportunity to choose but also the responsibility that the process oflaunching an action, and the course and accompanies every right to choose and it was connected the results of a civic action. as well as advocacy in the ro the rapic of the workshop in an amusing way. The media, the public. and government institutions. These first 15,000 students who panicipated in the project examples would lead [0 the conclusion that a responsible received rhe condoms, alongside the brochures. citizen is an active citizen. The Lexicon of Elecrion Expressions-for the first and This way "I vote for the first time" workshop would evel)' other rime·rhis Lexicon was intended for young cover three topics. the rights and duries of citizens who people so election expressions were explained in a are of age, the election process and the right to vote. simple and concise way, and citizens' participation in a democratic society (cirizens' iniriarive). We would leave some spare time After every workshop students would write down their near the end or the workshop so that students could impressions on a piece of paper, and their teachers would pose questions or ask ror additional explanations. fill in a quesrionnaire about their impressions, and they Trainersllecturers used nine thematic charts to present were later used to evaluate the workshop. • High school union nfirr "/ votr for tlu jim timr" 1I1Orkshop with ~Finnlly 18~ brochurr


by a IOtal number of 46 trainers and every regional Koprivnicko.Krizevacka County: Igor Blazinovic and lIDo"~rr rr~$IJD(!I)I1ll$~ from office was in contact wirh schools from several counties Sandra Cizmak Trainers schools and the trainers who worked in the cOllnties that fall Karlovacka County: Branka Spoljaric and Valenrin:\ under [he responsibility of that office. Mesaric After we arranged to continue our cooperation with our Bjelovarsko-Silogorska County: Jelena Hiljan and old trainers and after we selected new trainers via a job Katarina Ivce An announcement of the continuation of the project ad. we organized a scvera.!-days long educational seminar Zagreb Regional Office: Sisacko-Moslavacka County: Maja Tisaj and T anja was sent to the headmasters of all 365 high schools and for all trainers in Raska, on the island of Krk. Every • The City of Zagreb, two teams; Tamara Horvat and Prpic trainer received a copy of Trainers' Handbook which Igor Kujundzic; Hnroje Mirosevic and Jasenka Cindric politics and economy teachers in mid September. contained all the necessary information for conducting Zagrebacka County: Eli Pijaca and Helena Kereta Regional Office Rijeka: Application deadline was October 15th and 196 high a quality workshop. schools applied for 750 workshops on time. Due to the Krapinsko-Zagorska COUnty: Tihana Presecan and Istarska County: Sandra Koroman and Valentina One team of trainers consisting of two persons was Marija Kos Spinderk fact that the parliamentar), elections were scheduled for assigned [0 every'county. except [0 the City of Zagreb. Varazdinska County: Marko Kljaic and Jelena Brezovec Primorsko·Goranska County and Licko-senjska November 23rd and th;u a large number of schools Primorsko·GOr:lOsk:t and Splitsko-Dalmatinsk:t Counties County, two teams: Jasmina Ibisevic and Sandra Medjimurska County: Nikola Anrol1ovic and Kristina have already panicip:ncd in the project. the response where rwo teams were assigned due to the high number Turina; Maja Skvaza and Toncica Musrac Zupanic from schools was prompter and bigger this year. or schools and workshops. Workshops were conducted Regional Office Zadar: High schools from Primorsko-Goranska. Splitsko­ • Zadarska County: Tatjana Basic Kosradinovic and Dalmatinska, Osjecko.Saranjska and Istarska Counties Romana Galovic and the City ofZagreh once more showed the greatest Sibensko·Kninska County: Vesna Tojcic and Mirko interest in the project, We received the lowest response Milicevic from Viroviticko-Podravska and Karlovacka Counties. Splitsko-Dalmatinska County. twO teams: Filip Milicevic and Meri Pm; Mario Zaja and Marina Bozin Existing database of schools. classes. appointments, both Dubrovacko-Nerervanska Count)': Nives Vego and held and planned workshops was improved in order [Q Iva Tokic achieve easier and more preci ... e coordination of rhe Regional Office Slavonski Brod: project. The database contained a list of schools and Viroviticko·Podravska County: Bozica Merunka and trainers and contact information in all cOllnties and Kristina Maricevic regional offices, information on scheduled workshops, Pozesko-Slavonska County: Josipa Kristo and Sranko information on workshops that were conducted and Glas those that were not yet conducted the nllmbcr of students • Srodsko-Posavska County: Sasa Radivojevic and Sanja who participated in the workshops and the totals, Seslic Osjecko-Saranjska County: Marijan Perkovic and We starred conducting workshops on October 13th, Irena Gluhak 2003, and since the parliamentary elections were to be Vukovatsko·Srijemska COUllty: Damir Zivkovic and held on Novemher 23rd, all schools w:JlHed the • Workshop in Economic lChool in Zagrrb, St'ptrmbrr 25,2003 (/'ilot workshop) Branka Matanovic workshops to he held hy that date.


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In October and November workshops of most of the for trainersllecturers the candidates did not show a teams were attended by a person from the Head and satisfaccory level of interest and willingness to work, so regional offices. Their impressions were excellent. The the implememation of the projen in that coumy staned general impression was that most trainers conducted a week later than it was planned. the workshops successfully, had command of the subject, After these experiences we decided to announce the and showed great interest in carrying our the workshop vacancies for the next season much earlier in order to in as interesting and good way as possible. However the have more time to select and get to know the trainers. performance of two trainers' did not meet our expectations and it was agreed that they be removed Although condoms were a part of the material given from the project and that the other team of trainers out to students for the fourth year in a row and although from that county continued conducting the workshops. the schools were informed about the distribution of condoms and they had me opportunity to decide whether Also, due to traditionally large response from high they want them to be given out or not, several teams schools in Primorsko~Goranska County this year we underwent some unpleasant experiences this year. Despite decided to assign two teams of trainers to that county. the fact that headmasters and teachers who hosted the Because of the low response from candidates, job vacancy workshops allowed the giving out of condoms, religion was announced several times. Also, during the seminar teachers harshly reproached the trainers.

Evaluation paper on "/ vote for the fint time ,. workshop by high school Jenior from Zagreb: ''/ find conduct ofthis workshop as a very good idea. GONG indicated very well what politics is and how to be politically active, which 1 find very useful. " GONG dijeli kondome za izbore 810 workshops were held in October and November, definitively think about doing some voluntary work. gocii§njacimn nn radionfcama dijnlit! i ilborimu ukljutiti u promntranjfl hira­ and 8 more were held before December 19th, when The fact that you were interesting, dynamic and accessible kondomp.. dar Dureo.. Jednog od ~.kog procesa. !i ukupno 3500 promatra­ GONG-ovih sponzora. 8 holidays starred. From the total of 818 workshops 13 is praiseworthy and both you and GONG deserve to I ta. na 605 biratldb mJesta u SpliLsk.o­ i Kako Je fflkla koordlnatorfca u rcgl~ dalmaUnskoj lupanijl th.kuJo S(! anga­ were conduned as a part of CARDS Sustainable Return be commended!" "The wotkshop was gteat! This was naloom uredu Alina Jwjerlt. kondomf bnan om Z90 promAtrata od tega re [h koje f,.., dobit! ~i mnturantl uJdjUlflni u olm 130 bitl zadufrlnO ZII. prilmplJanjf' of Refugees and Displaced Persons Civil Society project the most interesting lesson I have ever had at school! radionlce simboliziraju slobodu i1:born s preliminnrnlb rezuJtata It.bora. Vee Je in Glina, Knin and Hrvatska Kostajnica. Thanks for making me realize that 1 am also a part of kojom se run"Opeteni birall suolavuJu I krenula kampanja -All to nlJe sw-lwjor.1 u iivotu i on birall~timn. Na poziv se blratc reU privutJ na ~ 5pOlo­ everything that is going on, because 1 never looked at GONG-a za ukijucenjll u program "Prvi \i ee bit! emlUranl nn ~'Vim 1V i radijskim High school seniors showed greatest interest in the part put binun- jD\iIo se 15 od ukupno 44 postaJama koje pristnnu na besplatno things that way." "From now on will look at elections 1 sroonjn ~k.o"l u Splil<;k.o-dnlmndn<;koj emitimnje. n podijcUI ee ~ I oku 800 Ii­ of the workshop that dealt with parliamentary elections, and politics in a different light. It was very interesting SPIJT - t.JdragD f,o:'t:G (GnuIanJ lupanijl. ali UV broj Alina Jurj8~ oc suCa primjcraka prigodnih brOOura. Tn­ because these elections were the first elections in which orJPUIlzlraoo ~ bbore) po­ smatra mallin. nego uobftllJcnim I za kodt!r. za infumwiJe 0 glasmlanJu of\'(}­ and 1 learned a lot. You're great!" 'There should be th\le ovlb dano sa seriJom redlonif'.a rlllliJll sli~ne prujekto GONG-a. Ottlkuje ren jo i Lelcron 060-202-020. tP. Internet they were allowed to vote. Most of the questions students n ~ !kolA..mD SpIItsko-dalma­ sc da ell ukupno u ciJeloj IIf"\o'als.koj u strnnlce www.izbori-hr.nllti"".Aw.­ more workshops like this one. Our classes are boting asked after the workshop referred to parliamentary Unskc lupanUc. na koJlmo Ie mAtu­ program bill 22 lisuCc maw­ ,\linn Jurj(!\iC jo pozmla. i 5'01" a{1d they keep repeating the same things. You should nmte cduciratJ 0 ~lhovu pnom bJn­ rllllllla. kojl nisu slgumi naJllle U 5C nn blrn~kim I elections, election procedures and election monitoring. Pika DtJ. bburr.. Osim proj~!kta -m; put biram-. popisimn da pnniflro 5\'oj statUS do rob I think a"f workshops on other subjects as well, and you U7 uobif,aJenc b~uro GONG ell 18- GONG ec se I na o\;m pariamentarnim koji ~ So 5ludenoga. I. Projaca ' Since GONG was also in the middle of the election could organize them for other students too." campaign, every student teceived a leaflet containing • The article on "1 vote for the first time" workshops in Splitsko~Dalmatinska County, , October 29, 2003 information about the election. Students participating Teachers wete also satisfied. Some of their impressions in the workshops held after the elections spoke of their were, "{ recently attended a professional seminar for impressions about the voting and the Election Day. politics and economy teachers and alilecturets and colleagues who hosted your workshops in their schools CONDUCTING THE WORKSHOPS AND IMPRESSIONS According to the trainers, students showed discontent spoke very highly of your workshops and said how much with the political happenings in Croatia and the lack they helped them in their work. Maybe there should be of concern for young people. Also, most high school OIJil'JilM@O'il@@ of tll1l

the curriculum. Students received thorough information After conducting "I Vote for the and the trainers were very involved and put in maximum Commendations first time" workshop we briefly effort. The topic was current and the students were very Pieces of paper on which students anonymously evaluated presented GONG's election active, they asked. questions, and expressed their opinions, the workshops are indicative of the success of the campaign to students and gave out and the atmosphere was excellent." "The workshop was workshops. Usually they said, "I think it's very good to educational brochures about the excellent! The trainers did a great job. The topic was make young people interested in politics and explain elections. A large number of very appealing and it came in the right time~ just before them theit rights because that is something you need students showed interest in election the elections! Excellent!" to know and you don't learn it at school", "I liked this monitoring and volunteering in workshop very much~ you made some terms more Several teachers expressed their discontent with the short GONG. 30% of observers on the familiar. 1 knew litde about politics and it seemed boring, duration of the wotkshop, some thought it was too Election Day were high school but, to my great surprise, you managed to make me dynamic and that the workshops should cover more seniots, and those students who interested. Now I think that politics is not that bad and topics and several teachers pointed out that it was were not of age were on duty in that it is open to young people as welL Also, I will inappropriate to give out condoms to students. GONG offices and helped distribute materiaL

Also, on the basis of information i 0.\20 they received. from trainersllecrurers

~, a large number of schools applied nouQ,(Y) for a visit to the Parliament or r expressed interest in organizing a CJJ dr\-u~(Y) Citizens' Hour in their schoo!, which will be organized in the [1')1 O':JC\\'(,) ) "ZbCXJ V05Q second term.

?~OfQ c:>i a nolr,c::,'3Q

Evaluation paper on "/ vote for the first time" workshop by high school senior from Dubrovnik: "Although / have no interest in politics, you have motivated me to learn more. Now / wiD tdke politics differently. 1 liked the first impression due to your proftssionalism." • The article on '1 vote for the fint time" workshop in Zaddr, Zaddrski list, October 31,2003


Issuing a Press Release that was sem to all national and "I vote for the first time" - Print and electronic media report local media on October 7th, 2003 officially marked the Daily in cominuance of the project. A number of daily newspapers October - December 2003 and radio stations reponed on the workshops during October 7,h Announcement ofPtoject continuation Hej,hr O'O®w~ the realization of the project. News crews of national Announcement of Ptoject continuation and locallV and radio stations attended workshops in Announcement ofPtoject continuation Radio Sbvonija October 8,h AHicle about Pm)ect continuation Ibdiu Sbvunija schools. Apart from issuing information about the Article about I'miee! continuation Teletext. CroJtian NationallY project TV and radio shows also hosted trainersllecturers October 9,h AHicle about Project continuation Gb~ Ime and GONG representatives and we have to paim out Article about Project continuation Vecernji list that we are once again pleased with the media interest Announcement of Project continuation Radio Slavonija in the project. Announcement of Project continuation Radio Kamh Announcement of Project continoation Radio KL Eumdom October 10,h Anicle abo\l! th~ Project PROJECT EVALUATION Announcement of Project continuation Radio OtoCJC Announcement of Project continuation Radio SisJk Announcement of Project continuation Radio MreznicJ October 12,h Announcement of Project continuation R.idio S!amnij.t ~@)~D~If@)©~D@O'O with the Presentation of the Project Croatian National TV - Studio Osijek October 13,h Announcement of Project continuation Radio O~ijek Announcement of Project continuation Radi"hhkirsb achieved results October 14,h Announcement of Project continuation Radio ZUpJnja Announcement of Project continuation Radio Shvonija Evaluation seminar was held in Krapinske Toplice The project was evaluated as extremely successful, Information about tbe ProjeCt Croatian National TV • Centtal Ne ...., Announcemem of Project continuation Radio Pula around the middle of December. Tminersllecrurers and especially its organization, and all persons who October Iyh Anicle ahnut thc Project and the wnrhhop in Makdf1;ka Sloh"dn.1 Dalmacij.1 participated in the project expressed their satisfaction the staff from GONG's head office and regional offices Article about the worksbop in Slavonski Brod Vecernji list participated in the seminar. Evaluation was conducted with the resulrs that were achieved and the work they October 16,h Article aho\l! the workshop in Sisak Vecernji list by an independent evaluator, Tea Skokie, who scnt our did. T rainerslleccurers made only two recommendations~ October 17'h Story about tbe Project and live fnotage from one of the workshops Cro.llian N.lliotul TV. "County l'anot.lmJ~ anonymous questionnaires several days before the seminar not to give out condoms next year; and not to use the Story about the Project and live fl)(ltage from one of the workshops Croatiln National TV • "Good morning~ Announcement of l'wject clmtinuation 1'lin.1 asking participants whether they were satisfied or not chart number three, To Vote and be Voted For because Annuuncement of Project continuation with "1 vote for the firs[ time" project. it is unnecessary. October 21" Live footage from a workshop Cro;l.tian NatiollJl TV - "Cnum}' ranor.tl11a~ October 23rd Article about tbe worksbop in Gospic Vecernji list Article about tbe Projecl Narodni lisl Article about tbe worksbop in ZadJr Narodni lisl Article about the Project Karlm-Jcki list InformJtion ahout the Project Cnurian Radio Information about the Project and the workshop in Gospic Radio Gospic October 24,h Article about the workshop in Gospk Ven'mji liM information about the Project and the workshop in GO~l'ie Radio Gmpic Information aboutlhe Project Nm-J Gtadisb Online October 25 th Article about the workshop in Poze;ko-sbvonsb County Ve(ernji li~t Article about workshops in Cabat Novi Jist Octobe~ 27,h Information about tbe Project Rndio 057 Information aboUlthe Project - in live CroJti:1Il National TV - "Good Morning~ Information about the Project Rldi\) Kastrh Inform,uion about the Project Rldio Mabrsb October 28 th Ankle about the Project Zadarski Jilt information about tbe Project Rldill Ritam Article about tbe workshop in ZadJr Jlllarnji li~1 Article about the workshop in Hrval.lka Kostajnica Vecrrnji li,t Information about the Project Information about the Project hbmi.nct information ahout the Project Sloh"dna D.IJmacija information ahout the Projecl infilTmation abouT the Project Information about the Projecl Information about the Project bkon,hr Informatiun about the Projl'ct October 29,h Artkle about condoms Jutarnji list Information about tbe Project Vjesnik Article about condoms Verernji 1i~t Article about workshops SJobndna 1),llmacij.1 Information about the Project Duhrovacki information about the Project h('(' Infotmation about the Project L,bin.c