Welcome to

View of men riding in Model T Ford with banner, Northern Highlights Valdez-Fairbanks Trail, Valdez, . History AMRC-b62-1-a-83, Crary-Henderson Collection Welcome With 16 state parks spanning from Fairbanks to ForFor MMoreorree I Informationnfoformatation Tok, the Northern Area is ideal for a summer With over 400 square miles of land dedicated road trip. It also offers great platforms for The Northern Area is steeped in history important to Harding Lake 1R1 UWKHUQQ $UHD 2IÀFFH orthern rea to outdoor recreation and natural and cultural launching into winter fun—the sky is the limit! the development of Interior Alaska. For thousands of N A Photo by Robert Angell 3700 Airporrt Way history, Northern Area Alaska State Parks years, this region was home to Tanana Athabascans. Each park has something different to offer Fairi baanks,s AK 99709 Alaska State Parks provide plenty of room to play and learn. When Europeans arrived, most contact with Alaska outdoor enthusiasts throughout the year. ((9007))451-2695 During long summer days, head outside to Natives was tied to trading posts and government ÁRDWULYHUVDQGVWUHDPVFRRORIILQRQHRI explorations. Big Delta began as a trading post and, Fairbanks, Delta Junction, and Tok Vicinity Summer in this inland region is very warm and www.alaskasttata eparksk .oorg the many lakes, go camping with family and for the next 100 years, served as a transportation and perfect for water-based activities as nearly every wwww.alaskastatettraails.org friends, hike through forests and over hills, communication hub for weary travelers, prospectors, park is located near a water body. or take in some of Alaska’s history at Big Stiles Creek Trails in Chena River SRA traders, and military personnel. Photo courtesy of Lona Boyarsky Delta State Historical Park featuring Rika’s Fall brings with it opportunities to hunt for What would the region’s history be without tall tales of Roadhouse. moose, bear, and other animals; loads of sweet, VWUHDPVÀOOHGZLWKJROG"3URVSHFWRUVUXVKHGLQWR$ODVND juicy berries for the picking also draw people Don’t even think about following the bear’s after news spread of the Klondike Gold Rush in 1897. outdoors. example and sleeping through winter! The 'XHWRWKLVLQÁX[RISHRSOHWKH860LOLWDU\VWDUWHG parks in this area beckon visitors to enjoy construction of the Valdez-Eagle Trail in 1899. In 1902, Winter settles in with a blanket of snow the snow and invigorating cold air. Try your Felix Pedro’s gold strike, caused a stampede to the inviting skiers, sledders, dog mushers, and KDQGDWLFHÀVKLQJVNLRQJURRPHGWUDLOV Fairbanks and Chena areas. snowmachiners to enjoy the northern lights. Angel Creek Valley snowmachine on fresh powder, go skijoring Photo courtesy of Brooks Ludwig Today, when you drive through the Northern Area, with your pooch, or enjoy the dazzling winter Spring ÁRZVLQZLWKEUHDNXSQHZEXGVDQG you are more than likely following historic routes. scenes as you hike along in snowshoes. leaves, and thousands of migratory birds, The is Alaska’s oldest highway, beckoning hibernating people to get out and designed to link the coast and the rich resources of stretch their legs. the interior. The Alaska Highway is the result of an incredible effort during World War II when over 1,600 miles of pioneer road were built during one short construction season. Moose calf Photo by Robert Angell

Harding Lake Photo by Robert Angell

ODUC PR T O L F Rika’s Roadhouse, as seen from the riverbank IA Female mallard and ducklings Compeau Trail C I F F Photo by Robert Angell Photo courtesy of the Harold Washburn Collection WŚŽƚŽĐŽƵƌƚĞƐLJŽĨ:ƵƐƟŶtŚŽůĞLJ O

™ A Division of the ALASKASTATE PARKS— 70 Department of Natural Resources — EST. 19 Alaska State Parks

Public-Use Cabins Wildlife In the Northern Area parks, there are 13 public-use Wildlife of all shapes and sizes can be found cabins each with basic furnishings such as sleeping throughout these parks, from water-loving mink platforms, a wood stove, kitchen counter, shelves, table to forest-dwelling lynx, and from bugle-sounding and benches, and an outdoor latrine. You may have sandhill crane to willow-munching moose. Please WRSDFNLQ\RXURZQÀUHZRRGDQGGULQNLQJZDWHURU water-purifying system. The Birch Lake, Salcha River, remember that wildlife is wild no matter how docile Pleasant Patches they may seem, so appreciate them from a distance. Fishing and Hunting Hunt Memorial public-use cabin and Quartz Lake cabins double as volunteer housing in Keep your cameras and binoculars handy—you Interior Alaska is famous for its wild summer. Cabins have a fee and reservations are required. never know what you will see! Delta-Clearwater River 0DQ\SDUNVLQWKH1RUWKHUQ$UHDRIIHUÀVKLQJ Visit www.alaskastateparks.org. Photo courtesy of Justin Wholey berries—you just have to know where and when to look. Blueberries, raspberries, opportunities. Fishers can catch king, chum, and silver salmon, Arctic grayling, rainbow and lake River Floating crowberries, bearberries, low-bush cranberries, and black and red currants WURXWQRUWKHUQSLNHEXUERW$UFWLFFKDUVKHHÀVKDQG YDULRXVZKLWHÀVK+XQWLQJLVDOVRSRSXODULQVRPHRI 0RVWSDUNVLQWKH1RUWKHUQ$UHDDUHÀUVWUDWH all start to ripen around the end of July. Lower Angel Creek public-use cabin WKHVHSDUNV%HVXUHWRFKHFNWKHÀVKLQJDQGKXQWLQJ boating destinations. Many are also prime locations Alaskans can be very secretive about Photo courtesy of Niki Potter regulations beforehand at www.adfg.alaska.gov. IRUULYHUÁRDWLQJDGYHQWXUHV:KHQÁRDWLQJZDWFK their favorite berry patches, so scope out for obstacles and avoid them well in advance to ÀHOGVDQGVORSHVJUDEDEXFNHWDQGJR prevent disaster. Wear a life jacket—it can be the explore—you might hit the berry bonanza!

difference between life and death if your boat Colorado Creek public-use cabin Sandhill Crane capsizes or you fall overboard. Photo by Robert Angell Glatfelder public-use cabin Photo courtesy of Justin Wholey

Nugget Creek public-use cabin Photo courtesycourttesy of BrBrooksoo Ludwig

Fielding Lake public-use cabin Photo courtesy of Bill Evans

UpperUppppper AngelAngel CreekC public-use cabin

Photo courtesy of Megan Piersma

&KHQD5LYHUFDWFKDQGUHOHDVHÁ\ÀVKLQJ Photo courtesy of Justin Wholey Granite Tors Spruce Grouse Background photo courtesy of Chris Degernes Chena River public-use cabin Photo courtesy of Justin Wholey Photo courtesy of Lona Boyarsky Photos not credited are courtesy of Alaska State Parks employees

Chena River SRA Photo courtesy of John Lysen Moose Photo courtesy of Bill Evans


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Little Lost Lake at Quartz SRA Little Lost Lake Lake Lost Lake at Quartz Angell by Robert Photo Lake at

Donnelly Creek SRS Donnelly Creek moose, where This is a scenic campground and snowshoe hare beaver, porcupine, bear, the sometimes seen. During summer, are can be observedDelta bison herd on their the Delta River. across calving grounds SRA Fielding Lake tree lies above This rustic alpine campground Fielding Lake line in the next to grayling, Arctic natural populations of where excellent provide trout burbot, and lake ÀVKLQJRSSRUWXQLWLHV Quartz SRA Lake that park Quartz SRA is a 600-acre Lake crowds and attracts large two lakes borders recreational people with its varied of RSSRUWXQLWLHVVXFKDVFDPSLQJÀVKLQJ sports and winter and boating, including snowmachining and dog mushing. Big Delta SHP Big of is the centerpiece Roadhouse Rika’s check out may also want to but you Delta SHP, telegraph, homestead, the historic of the rest These resources and road. and the river of the development made Big Delta crucial to Alaska. interior Delta SRS for Delta SRS is a popular campground and Fairbanks between people traveling a wilderness feel while being It provides Tok. Delta Junction. close to conveniently Clearwater SRS lies Parks Alaska State This little jewel of the crystalline next to tucked of waters the Delta-Clearwater Arctic where River JUD\OLQJZKLWHÀVKDQGVDOPRQDZDLW\RXU begin your place to This is also a lovely lure. ÁRDWLQJDGYHQWXUHDVWKH'HOWD&OHDUZDWHU and the the Tanana access to provides River rivers. Goodpaster Rainbow at Angel Rocks to Chena Hot Springs Trail y Chena Hot Springs Trail to Rainbow at Angel Rocks courtesy Joe Lujan Photo of a

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HARDING LAKE SRA d Quartz Lake SRA y Quartz SRA Lake Angell by Robert Photo


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QuartzQuar SRA Lake Angell by Robert Photo P