^ if V KH“-> > f‘T‘ «=^t * - ‘"Jf n<, ,--r 0» t v.^f % T h e K e l o w n a C o u r ie r ...... lull I "I '^’1 ' ' 'r-i 1------1------— 1 ------bn Audited Paid Circ" VOLUME 44 Kelowna, British Columbia, Monday, January 5th, 194S NUMBER 41 TWICE WEEKLY— * THUfeDAY Members of 1948 City Council Building of Arena WORLDfKEffS FLAS Is Project (By Canali* P«sO Esreaped Penticton ton vict bought In 1948, Says Mayor

Down By Police Fit A fter R$fuiing i i Mayor W. B. Hughcs>Games and Two New Aldermen ; *«■< Take Oath of Office at Simple But Dignified To Surrender WheiFound inShack Service-Busy' Year Faces City Fathers, Chief Magistrate Warns—Ceremony Presided Over by ’ PENTICTON—RussclliSp!^ who escaped dj ht tc on November 14 while awaitin|rs^ bee on a chargi of ai sault, Judge J. Ross Archibald—Huge Sewer Construc- was captured by police after b'j brought downSund y by I tion in North End of City Will Get Underway a shot that went through his knee. He wasbrouf it to Soon hospital here wh^re doctors pelIflicd an operatin in In at- tempt to save his leg. | Spears had been living in jlidcout m the /oods with Arena No. 1 Project relative luxury. There was tu# and venison irabuiiance Elcotrlo Light u i l d i n g of Kelowna’s memorial icC arena will be one of in the comfortably furnished sl^- B p hidcoiit ws fouid on Aid. O, L. JONES December 14 but he escaped injiunning gun ngh in wpeh a Finance, Police, Justice B the No. 1 projects of the 1948 city council. This statcincnl police officer. Constable Bob lllcr, was wounddl Aid. J. J. LADD was made by Mayor W. B. Huglics-Gaincs at the inaugural Early Sunday an Indian u(j [d police he hadiCen a •sus- ceremony of tlie new council this morning when the chief magis­ picious character” on the resell outh of here, ,’dlicelbund trate also appointed heads of the various civic coniinittces. The another homemade shack in tlu ccs- When Spe?^ apntircd, simple, yet dignified service was presided over, by His Honor, he refused to drop the rifle he carrying and plicc cj|cncd Judge J. Ross Archibald when His Worship and two new mem­ fire, dropping him in the snow. bers of the council, Alderman W. T. L. Roadhouse and AldeV- inan Dick Parlcinson took the oath of office. Alderman Jack FAST TRAIN KILLS J. ON BOBSL^ I Horn, the third member of the council to be elected last Decem­ ARCH BOLD, Ohio—A N( ?brk Central pasenget train ber by acclamation, was unable to attend owing to a busincs.s knifed through a bobsled party . day, killing 10 ftm children !!''' conference in Winnipeg, and be wil) be sworn in at a later date. . ftom three families and scattc parts of the tictor-flrawn V ' ' ' V In declaring that tlic ice arena is.a “must” project, Mayor sleigh for a mile down, the rig! ■f-wayl Two otier cluidren Hughes-Games recalled that at the outset of last year’s council, r of the tractorfand llis son ^VIWW"*****^* I were injured, but Jesse Wyse, t "-\ ' ■■ J?' mosquito control had been placed at the top of the list of “must” John, 13, escaped without inju “I thought tl| track was projects and that thi^ campaign had been carried out success- clear,” said Wyse today. “I just cned in my se4 Th^jt'’‘“’^ Lilly. He indicated that plans would get underway within the hit the sled, tore it loose from ^ tractor and higed it [down near future toward the building of the ice arena, and he placed the tracks.” The train was saidp lie travelling a|80 milo an Alderman Parkinson in charge of the all-important civic .centre, hour just before the accident and parks committee. t o l MAYOR W. B. HUGHES-GAMES ^ At the same time, His Woorship warned the 1948 council that a busy lRAB h o t e l BLAST '\isE S ; year faces the city fathers. He said there Is a considerable amount of Is clawed into fthe iijlcd work to be dcAie, especially in constructing ;sewers in the north end of i JERUSALEM —Rescue sqtl e w members of the 1948 city council took the oath of o(jice vS^eckage of Arab-owned Semirl is Hotel today in thetiiunt N the city. He said tliat at times some roads will be impassable owing to hich an estimat d 21 persons this morning at a simple yet dignified service presided over sewer construction, and asked the citizens to bear with the council while for survivors of the bomb blast im by His Honor Judge J. Ross Archibald. Those taking the oath ncaltli, Social Welfare . the work is being done. * - were killed and 12 injured. Foti persons were bi mght pul of Public Works of office were Mayor W. B, Hughes-Games, and Aldermen W. Aid. W. 'T. L. roadhouse The simple but dignified inaugural meeting was witnessed by only the rubble alive but it is fcare/two other persi is ard still a few citizens, and after the aldermen took the oath of office, a prayer Aid. JACSK h o r n T. L. Roadhouse and Dick Parkinson. Alderman Jack Horn, and benediction was pronounced by Ven. Archdeacon D. S. Catchpolc. buried alive in the debris. >1, third member of the council to be elected by acclamation in the , .Mayor Hughes-Games said he is a great believer in startipg things 'The blast, which police blar c on the Jewish ndergromd, right, and thought the council should place thenriselves before the proper ' by only a few.Ji urs a similar civic election last December, was unable to be present owing came at about 2 a.m. and followe to a business engagement in Winnipeg. Shortly after His Wor­ authority. Following is the text of the mayor’s address: explosion whifch destroyed Aral headquarters in Jaffa, killing le two bombing i brought to ship, Mayor Hughes-Games said that construction of Kelowna’s . “First I would like to thank 15 and wounding almost 100. I ^ _ , 1 memorial arena will be a “must” project this year, members of Judge Archibald for coming to Ke­ 575 the total of violent deaths : suiting from the JewislirArab lowna to inaugurate the 1948 Coun­ the 1948 council rolled up their sleeves and got down to running JUDGE URGES cil. I am a great believer in start­ strife. The Semiramis Hotel, /three-storey .stcie structure, the city’s business. The initial business session lasted until, was almost levelled and houses .-mile away were haken bythe ing right, and I do not think we about noon. ' • COUNCIL USE could do • better than the solemn blast. swearing before''"proper. authority and then put ourselves in the hands FEAR MORE OUTBRBiKS BY ARJONIS^ DISCRETON of the highest authority, thus dedi­ cating ourselves to .the purpose that GRAND FORKS—Assifetnt Provincial ] ire Maishal Horn Asked To Attend Parley we have been elected; Percy Nicholls of Vancouver’arived by plane S iturday fjiight “Let Conscience Be Your “I would like to welcome the new to launch a probe into the dynniiting resulting n the $20,000 in the near future, and _ Alderman Guide” Is Advice Given By members to the Council. I think we • City Alderman Now Confer­ Horn was requested to leave for Judge Archibald , are' extremely fortunate in having fire of the.Burns’ business bloc New Y ^ r’s Eve, Police ttodiy ring with Railway Officials Winnipeg immediately to assist the the. type o£^ individuals who make continued the search for an arsnist,. ' / ■ J" Over C.N.R. Expansion Here railway officials in drafting the necr OATH OF OFFICE up the new council. The year 1947 Meanwhile, a wave of fear ngulfed this city and residents, essary'.plans. It is understood the was a difficult one, but I do not fearing new outbreaks of Doukbbor fire raids, an staying^away extension of facilities here will cost think that 1948 will be any less dif­ Alderman Jack Horn left last Fri­ close to two million dollars, and that Growing City Presents Many ficult. But I rejoice that the rate­ from theatres and public gatheings. Marshal Nicholls^ intim­ day for Winnipeg to confer with provision will be made for the,, ex­ Problems and Needs Ex­ payers have elected such a strong ated a “considerable” charge oflynamite and gasoline had; been C.N.R. officials in connection with pense in this year’s railway budget. perienced Businessmen council, because I know it will take . used to cause the explosion am fire. the expansion of railway facilities Owing to the rush call, Alderman the united efforts of all of us to in the city. Horn was unable to be present at “'When m ajor problems 'come be­ solve the many problems that will A Doukhobor store was hosed in the Burns’ Building and the inaugural ceremony of the 1948 come before xis. It is understood the C.N.R. is an­ Parks, Civic Centre, War Memorial fore you, don’t sit .back and wbrry authorities believe the explosioi and fire originated there, “Jbis Lands; Housing, Buildings xious to start expanding present council, but he will take the oath of what the voters will think over the “One of our first problems Will Aid. DICK PARKINSON is a threat to our community," laid members of the city council Aid. MAURICE MEIKLE trackage facilities' in Kelowna with­ office at a later date. stand you will take, but use your be the matter of personnel. This when a decision was taken to ofer ,a $2,000 reward for the ^rrest own discretion and .let your con­ year, all our senior employees will science be your .. guide—then go reach the, age of superannuation. and conviction of the arsonist v- ahead.’* •' This includes the' city engineer and FIRST BABY 'This was the advice given by His the city : clerk. Already our road FREIGHT BOOST again ON U.S. LINES Kelowna Outstrips Entire Okanagan Honor Judge ■'J. Ross Archibald to/ foreman has retired, and our park MONCTON—Effective today, Canadian freight on United members of the 1948 cijy council foreman has past the retiring ago OF 1948 BORN when he presided over the. inau­ for som® time. These men have car­ States railroads is subject tt) ai 20 per cent increase, repladng gural ceremony held in the coun­ ried out their ever-growing duties the 10 per cent boost effective last October. The sudde-g an­ For Third Straight Year In Value cil chambers this morning. Judge, over many long years and have ear­ ON JANUARY 3 Archibald administered the oath of ned honorable and oohifortable re­ nouncement came last night from Rand H. Matheson, manager tirement. ■ o^ the Maritime Transportation Commission. There was no office to Mayor W. B. Hughes- ‘Bundle of Joy.” Presented to Games and Aldermen W. T. L. , Rising; Costs ' ^.immediate explanation why fio previous announcement, had O f Construction Permits, Issued Roadhouse and R, F.. Parkinson. been made from Ottawa. ' Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Powell “Younger men are coming along Sunday Morning Alderman Jack Horn, third member and have a righf to demand that to be elected by acclamation, wa.> they in their turn be given the op­ MOTHER OF THREE SLAIN IN WINNIPE;G o r the third consecutive year, the City of Kelowna outstrip- unable'to be present due to a busi­ YOUTH DIES BABY GIRL portunity to serve in this capacity, W INNIPEG—^The midnight bludgeoning of an attractive, F ped every other point in the Okanagan in the value of build- Tr»/v» wtv A 17- ness engagement in Winnipeg. nop is it that this should be denied in- permits issued last year, and for the first time'in the history f j n i J | | A V Judge Archibald said that he was them. At the same time we have to-. Winnipeg broinette wiU havjejfits sequel in court today when Mr. Stork Takes Time Out speaking as a “private citizen,’’ in recognize'that with present day police say Clarence G. RicIi*dson wiU be charged with-^^^^ of the city, th^^ value of construction ^ topped the .one and a After Delivering Three Ba­ addressing the council. He remark­ cost of living, it is impossible for'our h alf million dollar mark. According to year-end figures re- ' ed that the aldermen have a busy slaying of 25-year-old Ann V yty. bies Christmas Day retiring senior officers to live on; The body of th^ woman, lAother of three children, including leased at the city office this morning, permits were issued last 1 year ahead of them, and that to the amofint of superannuation they year to the value of $l;629,881 compared with $1,443,359 in ■ : cope with the huge projects that vifill receive. That is a problem we a seven-year-old boy at the Brantford, :Ont., school for the blkd, After a hectic day on' Christmas lie ahead, it requires sober think­ will have to solve this year.' 1946 and $736,190 m 1945. According to a preliminary survey Police Report New Year’s Day, Mr.' Stork went into hiberna­ ing men with business experience. was found late Saturday in q snow bank. Fifteen hours later, tion on New' Year’s Day, insotar' “Besides the usual work of main­ Richardson was arrested but details of the'investigation leading made this morning, Penticton is in second place in the value “Quiet and Orderl}?”/, With Speaking as a former member of tenance and development of the of building permits with a total of $1,397,418, while Vernon is Few Accidents a*s Kelowna, and district was con­ the Kamloops council, Judge Archi­ city, there, is one special question. to his arrest were not disclosed. - ]| *■ cerned, and it took him a couple of bald recalled that the council used I am of the opinion that each year third with $1,131,417. " - , days to regain his strength to de­ to meet in'a committee room half we should have one Eoiccial ob­ CANADA’S DEFENCll; COLLEGE OPENED^ The Year 1947 will probably go for Winnipeg to confer with .C^Jt. - LONE FATALITY liver the first baby of the New Year an hour before the coimcil meeting jective to make this town a better op^ed. flnwndown as being the busiest consuruc-construe- oniciaisofficials regaiuiuBregarding the new trackage n.«wn.e,v. a » ^ to a Kelowna ffesident. . started. “We used to go through all place to live in.. Last year we rid KINGSTON—Defence Minister Glaxton today Uonvear in t h e city’s history. Ham- in the city, and concrete, action w Douglas Dickson, Dies After Proud parents of the “bundle of the-business and make up our the town of mosquitoes, and I hope Canada’s National Defence College, declaring its establishment pered during the year due to lack expected to result from the co^er- . Being Squeezed Between ■joy’’ are^ 1^. and- Mrs.' Raymond minds how we would deal with it. that this will continue on a routine Henry Powellr'1454 Ethel $t., when Then we would to upstairs where “is another stage in the serious acceptance by Canada . Wood pae and Tmok . they were presented, with a six basis from now on. This year’s ob­ defence responsibilities in the post war world.” ' | the press and the^ublic' were, and jective, I think, should be to build pound fourteen and a l^alf ounce sit as a regular council and go and complete the memorial arena. H The courses at the collJge, located at historic Fort Frbn- SS trj. ;v death baby girl at 6.15 a.m., on January 3. •' 'Turn to Page 5, Story 3 ^Turn to Page 5, Story 1 ‘ . tenac, will be similar to thpse of Britain’s Imperial Defdiice Mr, Stork, however, decided to even U fairly daA li^fa^aah^dm^s dIJ, tJK accbrtinYt« PoA W' the score insofar as the sex of chil­ College and the U.S. National War College, with emphasi^|on^ dren are-concemed,-for-at-9.40 p.m. the co-ordination of deferick " ^ -Samortgage and Houstog Corpora- A glance -.at the foUowing table errae. on the same day, he presented Mr. Tii^^^hr^SM^Sa^coverl^ th o ^ - will show'^oW^he'v^Wof build^^^ and Mrs,^ Sam .McGladery,-'of .Okan­ India’s Attainment of Freedom FRENCH^KWlV^ip^^ nf’i'i additional veterans’ permits have steadily increased du^^iio*is over tte big holiday m f a ^ agan'Mission, with a seven pound struction of-15 additional vere^ the nast 17 v e^ which is a in the city but hazardous in the two ounce baby boy. Mr, McGladery PARIS—By count of 31)8-272, the F re n c h ' National Ass^- totaled silOOW compared with $36.- fairly accurate yard-stick to show .suburb^ districts, .^ver^. minor, is a .well-known local golfer. W ill Strengtheh Friendship Bonds bly today voted down anotifer attempt to amend Premier Sepu- K 5 during the'’same month in 1946 the growth of any city: accidents were reported bu^bi^ in only ■ In delivering a baby girl to Mr. man’s apti-inflatipn bill, up^n whose passage he has staked |he and $89,625 in 1945. Building values . ; Total . , one, was the damaige fairly exten- and Mrs. Po'well, Blr. Stork showed iw were no injuuies as a he is partial to the female sex. Since W ith Commonwealth, Says’Visitor life of his coalition government. ^ s in 'Vernon last month amounted to December for Montli to Date ,i.egu4t of auto collisions,; and no the ‘‘First baby of the yem’’ contest The amendment was one of five scheduled to be voted upon $48,878 to' bring the 12-month total $110,050 $1,629,881 charges laid by police. started ten years ago, the*score now to $1,131,417. 194Q 36,609' 1,443,359 Douglas Anthony Dickjson. arliamcnt. passed a Comox, B-C. Board of Trade, Mr. G raham i Was editor of the bom to Mrs. Raymond Stratton. They are not hankering after pow- bill by unanimous consent, extend­ g y r o o f f i c i a l ______~-£r, but-Jmmanitarian attainments,” ing the franchise to Hindus and Comox District T’ree ess in 1944-45. He is swvived by liis ACCEPTS OFFER \ , declared Dr, Pandia. — , ctote, “» Cbincs^. .From April 15 until Aug­ widow and two sons ii! Courtenay, ' The city has accepted ahjoffer of Travelling in the interests of b e t- ust,______the doctor_____ was___ in Ottawa, where H. MacKeozie. lonely _Ke- Dou*te appaared late to toe day the Bank of Montreal forjChe pUf- ter relationship between India aijd he met Prime Minister Mackenzie HIGHER INTE ST RATES FOREMEN lowna and now.of ^^^aui ^ recovered from the shock, chase of $5,000 of the K f» "Victory countriesof the western hemisphere. King and his cabinet in discussion fornia, has ^ e n police said. But early Friday m om - Loan three per cent lionds. The Dr,-Pandia came to Canada 18 mbs. of tboHmtiy of the famili^ of 210 TORONTO—The Bank of Canada today w^hdrew its cf the Gyro Club of *>e complained of bdog sick and bank’s offer was 1045^ ./ a$o. after a two-year tour covcitog j,, bxt. On^ugust daily quotations on D liniori Government bonds aW the inar- He thus by the time the doctor h^ readied __— ---- rf— the States, M e*^ another Centi^ 14/the d^before India beatw a \k et in securities was c; D^rsoR sides liflvc licftilfid the Intcraa- Gyro Icy, -^SiiPOOj and Mrs. H* M. Wikecn* . r ^ iilfi siaesfds Iiieia w& ^s dfi&d. ___—__— ------^------American c ^ t r i ^ PanM»,^South dominion, the federal government ied on in financial centres on a nomin^ ged with, intoxication. ' ‘ America,^^ the West wdies ^ e r e a sppdal order-ln-oouncil, luotatton basis with n clear price established. Noithinal ^o - Bto^i°h ations showed the lo ^ «#*i^Itelowna Gyro Club In shed, $60; A Spletzer, house $4,000; While the streets at Umes -were 5f term bonds oflf about $2.SC mednim thirties, -He is also one F. P. Tomiyi, addition to house, $750; filled with happy revellers, most .easy 'time of it Seeing in Hew Year A two-fold mission brings Or. lowing these families the rfgbt to |rm , $1.50. to $1J^5. T lis development, it was though in some ♦E*°nrMnizet8 andisponsors of R. Switztv. shed, $90; D. F. Chis- of them behaved themselves; police 1948 has been tecoided In the books Pandia, to create understanidmg be- joia tbeir husband aarters, may be part I a move towards higher i^t^st rates along with the majority of the oth- tween the co^tries, as tu||H^P0w. From Ottawa; Q n H H m ttit to ^totpiv^onned Sacramento Gyro holme, house, $5,500; Lars Dyste, reported. Ctaly three got out of hand ers as. quiei[ and there has ^been no diplflm ^ser-, . Turn lar money. Continui house, $5,000; and w ere arrested, later to be char-

L V-.. S | liti

f.'-M ^u U

l|aONDAy, JANUARir % ItKl

THK KELOWNA COURIER 1 '^ TO BE coMromm ... w i HV m » srORT » AK mONflOM^ The gkUlwMp u a Uxatd PAOTTWO Juinaica and Central Aniwrte*. Trap shooting bcjg^nla In Iho Unit- . 19^

of fitlier than British or French origin. In 1871 tfd States in 1823. , v^xmaaJDiir s e ^ uhisit t h e KELOWNA COURIER these two groups together constituted 92 per ^ ouce»s cent of the nation’s popnlauon. hut by 194 CCTim tf§aW An Indeil ndent newspaper publi^^ the figure had dropped to 80 per cent. It is every Monday and 'ITiursday at 1!^ Water St.. Kelowna, by The Kelowna only 56 years since the first Ukrainian settler Courier Ltd. arrived in Canada, for example, and today Uk­ }t(»rir«. ' .r ™T.ltoitoro( MacLEAN, PabUsher m cn • blggcsr news stories K. F, M'lw. Inflnpiu-c of the foreign press is tlnircforc cd and furnished a onr showed the Marshall Plan MONIMY, JANUARY 5, 1948 disiiroportionately large by comparison with thcTr hon^^ to\o^coniidercKl amonc i;::,';:". Cana.,l/n jou"r„al», v.,.ich do ..o. M suimlv the only means whereby English and ^ one. In fact dry;^rot states. The P an Canada p-rllicU-spcakinc Canadians may keep abreast b » d r b o ‘‘?mom te /ro ‘’countolerwfm either to *‘0 Canada' has never been declared by of events. A material degree of responsibility b ,t iji,i„g off world baseball w parliament to l>c Canada’.s national anthem, tbiis rests on the publishers and editors of these j;..aboe^«be„ to^ oli^^rhrvS£!;l% 'ne'cSc. or although an order has been issued at Ottaw.i (oreign newspapers, since in their hands rests »'toe p t d ^ i^'^m p^K t « .* .■ to the army, navy and air force Uiat the rule is the power to guide and instruct tile minds of a lime exp am nf^b, ranked number one. In South to come to attention when ‘ O Canada is their rcadcr.s in conformity' • with ”the...... nationalrad.— I DOMES'nC FORK, which America It was number one and in has led a fairly peaceful life for Japan number two pLayed. Officers are required to salute. standards of their adopted country generations—excepting when some it was ranked fifth. Iho America_ That is a military ruling. As far as civil­ wife starts checking upon ^hubby a the story of saving of a continent now finds itself Involved In ians are concerned the song has no officia struggle with a prominent British ,“bigger" ball game. Even standing. It is a patriotic song. >.o more and O ne Bright Spot doctor Dr I. Gordon. He contends the romance of tho Princess „o less, and it is just as correct to remain seat­ As 1948 is ushered in, mnid all the alarms “ ‘.tlillh acS “„s“*"wbSfsto b ro iS tormln? TJ djlghlful ed during its singing as it is to stand. an...... - - of , all the hcadirnes carrjor at Htovaa as Canada, in fact, has neither a national flag r,f rintll pci the ‘‘boom “Mavbe that’s niy trouble, I said. Qf the iune nations elected to which is so busy these times with international frequently beset mankind as weiu He wis gentleman enough to force Comrnission, refused to serve. -I^e YOUR FINGER questions that such matters as Rational an-, Tnd bust” cycles can be eliminated by. adoption body will function wth delegates ana oust yo. _ _ tUaf • • • from eight nations: Australia, Ca- tluini and national flag take second place to of a state planned economy. Parallel Witn tnax bad, you know,, that the ^ada, China, El Salvador, France, more urgent issues. They will have to be set­ rlaiin is one that wage^can be raised and rais- kids’who are starting put m mdia, Syria and the PhRippmes, All over British Columbia, schools tune in itA* the familiar word^ claim IS one tna g nfires simolv ness aren’t just taken aside^and told United States, which occupies “T h e British Coluiiibia Department of Education, together with the tled sooner or later. Canada should have a. ed and raised without mcreasmg prices simpiy ^^^.^^^ tackle a job,” the Doc went southern half of Korea, sponsor- and its affiliated Ststions, brings you another schooli broadcast • • r iw takiho- the waee increases out of profits. - on. “You take two-^ads trymg.to the assembly step and naturally distinctive national anthem and a distinctive by taking tne wage oiv.i'L r get a job.. One ambles up to the ^g^^jy .jg go.operate. national flag. . T h e answ er to both these contentions nas boss nervously,The other strides up, ^ g ggjjjjjjjggion’s______secretariato, of WHAT ARE SCHOOL BROADCASTS? SeW broadca^s ami^at It should be possible for Canadian rnusi- „een sL W deUneated in action ih-recent ^ about 25, headed by Assistant^e- presenting material difficult to include in o rd ii^ y - Lssons. They are . „ ., iretary-Gen^ral Victor Hoo .of Chi­ especially suited to music appreciation, social studirk Enghsh and sinular c S s ^ cians to find words and music suitable for a been • taken Out of the realm ot «oh,’’ I said, ‘Tm no will leave New York Jan. 2 by weeks, has 4.1„ rpalni of visible fact. like guys who amble. But what dif^ gjj3j.tgj.ed plane. Stops^will be made subiects. Begun ^ an experiment more than ten I years Ago, tlm . national anthem. But until some selection is 'trbeory-and put into the realm o ference does approach make ^ter Francisco, Honolulu and programs were sa successful that pf Education ^ SSIIf'?"' adopted by Parliameht, Canada is without a economic olanning has been the job’s been landed?’; Tokyo; The first commission_meet- ?s£l#Si R u ssia . where economic pm g . “Plenty,” the Doc said. “Look at.* ing is" ggjjgdjjjgdscheduled for ------Seoul, “in *''"the toTjroadcast permanently over the CBC. . . national song. In the meantime, we suppose, carried to its most highly developed point, ?na gjjybody you know who’s a sue- u.s. sector, off Jan. 8. each school day,: from the end of September to th|> -nd of Ap » Ifli^i we will struggle along with the inadequa.te ffnMLPr and the willing- cess. In any business. He goes at About two-thirds p,.of Korea’s , 23,- broadcast throughout the province. where government has power ana t ^ his work with a snap-dash. Wades qoo.OOO residents liVe in the south, msiMMi “O Canada”, but if some hardy soul decides to ness to use it to enforce its planning, has just j.jght into it. Most of the good me- ^ g jj jg principally agricultural, HOW ARE BROADCASTS USED? The are correlated ‘•'sit it out", don’t blame him, as he is quite iicbs lu u. .iT . ^ chanics, for instance, swing ^ k .pjjg jjgj.jjj jg mainly industrial. The broadly with subjects on the school curriculun. is the general gone through a “boom and bust cycle. the engine______hood and .jump _ in .^ e gguntry ^ was___ divided______temporarily within his rights and is showing no disrespect Tn the matter of wages and prices tlie champion golfer steps up tO;the_tee occupation purposes as an af broadcast plan for this fall: to song or country. In the matter ^oi g k;.., a and takes a swipe at the ball with- jermath of the victory over Japan illustration comes from- Britain ,wmcn_nas_^^^j_gjjy.jjj..jjjjg_jyjg.j„aggmg.-Its_aU-:..3jjj -jjje two-powers,have been im- MONDAY—Programs on “Life in the Cumn^unity" emphasizing ‘sSSeEe! socialist government, state-owned coal mines a matter of apprpach.” able to agree on elections and with- ’ ‘‘The trouble with those examples o^^^roop^ qualities of good citizenship. -EiEEi?E;C,' and is trying to plan its economy. There have Foreign Language Press is that they _got gjon to remain in Korea up to a TUESDAY—Music appreciation and rhythmics !for lower grades. It may surprise many Canadians to learn been wage increases for British coal miners. through experience,. I sugg^a. it has $533,280 for expenses. iiMXm The most recent was just about three weeks That’s right.” thb Doc agre^, yearhere as WEDNESDAY-Science series on the, conserVation of Canada’s ym:mA that no fewer than 78 foreign language news­ “but what I My is f,hat the real ^ election date has been ago when wages were boosted between two it] of determinatKiff can-even-O ve^ g^pgj,jjj[gjQjj-,.jyjij he natural resources._ _ papers are published in Canada today, m 19 and three dollars a week. Within another week come inexperipi.ee in sonm ways. ... over by Patrus J. Schmidt of THURSDAir-.Mus]c^rograms Jorinterme^atefefades, to cultivate mwM different languages. They serve principally Ever been afriad of a high dive and *J^°fl^erland? principal 'secre- a love for the best works of composers of ^ countries. the price of coal was boosted by fifty ^ menthen juTst^redjust stuped up, recklessly, and tary. ^ - the interests of the large numbers of people ton and the^coal board, which is the agency ^ FRIDAY-Series of national broadcasts which Ittempt to develop of non-British and non-French origin who of th e Labor government, Tainted out m its ..Ab^lutely,’’’ the Doc said. “ If a strong Canadian spirit in all schools by p|esentmg topics ot a thing as if you mean WINTER FISHING ■s-'"s ilii'TSS; i l l 'I were born in Europe and are first generation announcement that the price increase was ne->youj * . national interest. isi;isi|i:s Canadians. The majority of these ethnic cessary to meet the Avsge increase. ^ earth, ,):you’ve•" lo f t o REACHES PEAK "roups are' org an ized in-fraternal^id-societies,_ — WHAT- IS.ODR RESPONSIBII-ITy_.®R - T # FUTURE some of which publish their own journals. yinter fching appears to be at RADIO? Parent, and teachers h ve as nmch respltoibiltW fromn these two events in socialist, state-plan-^ s**-**^*-*^ F““ V /\^ho’s g^jjjggoing to ask his girlgirt to_ in»- jts peak^ now according to reports young Canadians b helping them to choo« radio p rp ^sm tcly. as^ Retention of ancient ties with Europe is natur­ ned economies that planning and authoritative^ ry him. If^he g^s at iLwith theuld jjj by local flshemen. ned-economies tnat piai , & ^ ^ , oomph he’s got more than a fight- several good catches during the havejn helping tSm to choose good t S t C ^da^w iU ally strong, and lapses only with the growth controls do not elimmatfe either the Doom an . j^g chance.” past few weeks have been report^ the selection'of Ihebest program!, we can .I’ke.jBarb that Canaoa of the second generation of such gproups. bast" cycle or make p^sible the jaising,of • * - continue to ask for the best. How about in Mis- The number of these foreign language pap-^ ______A rM-ir -c as well. ,'ages w.ithout raising pric .-s as wed. ‘Stre^ Ulte yawn, f^ down- sipn,;^y;-las^/wee^ ers reflect; tlfe shift in population which has Stations over which B.c School Radio Prograif!^ may be heard: au 0,1 exhausted. Dive into losing as BOTANIC GARDENS taken place through the years. According to a forth 84 you dive into work and you 11 get ^ ^ ^ A pig killed in present times w One of the-earliest_botanic CBC Stations .(Pacific Region) CBC Repeater transmitted digest of the foreign press in Canada issued bacon'ration... • onif 'peiisonln Britain. facL l^oi^” I said., w^ aTkarnak. Egypt, in 1500 years - “As a :ns GBBA (Rcvelstoke^ CBBF (Penile) l,v the Department of State, appro.ximately 20 “I think you’re one hundred per B.C. CBE (Vancouver), ; (Trail) Britons get one ounceJliveekly. CBRG (Princo Geo«W) per cent of the population of the Dominion is ir"\0 CBRX (Vancouver), CKIaN (NelSpn) BY WALLY BISH CBBK (Kimberley) CFJG (Kamloops), ,:? CKqV (Kelowna) R*CM«*e«d UL S, CBBL (miliarns Lak%) /..-.THIS IS WHAT COMES OF CFPB Prince Knpstt ;fl (North Bend) MLX 5GS AND SKEETER h ev iw h a t^s^ CBBM Creston), Gi 'iC M RS. McG in n is Sf^DM 'S ALWAYS G1FT-WRAPP1N<^ CHWK (ChilUwackL CKOK (Pcn«et=) ®B, (Cranbrook) ’.^CHORES TO 0O..;^MD THIS ? . CBBQ (QseiBaeH, rsEtn- THEr- - .^35 table sc r a ps!! CKPG (Prince Geprje) ALWAYS A 1 ^ O F „ ^ i n t o BE e r r a n d s iXD RUN" HALF-SOIjEDL 1-OH!' — fTVii d e p a r t m e n OF EDUGAfriON :boo l r a d io b r o a d c a s t s , JUL. iPhlSION OF . ■ c /o c VANCOUVER, B.C. / 128 I. .V I / t ' w , Tar, 'CrgyLi rrm ,

U\ ....

PAGE THRE^ THE KELOWNA COURIER lONDAY, JANUARY 5. 1948 Local Curling Team Wins Top DONATIONS HSLP VICTIMS OF $1,000,000 CORNWALL FIRE n im r ' r» f.' " .' I Honors A t Two-Day Bonspiel W m iT H fS f mu/fs Surviving cight-und-a-half hours of steady play, B.C. Tree ’ rink won the top prize In the so ­ FIVE LOCAL cial bonspiel held at Vernon on Ja­ nuary 1 and 2. S ia QUEENS Boston Style; tin Without losing n game the BU. ^/kATnnrKirn 1 9 c Tree Fruits’ four swept through the ||yj | I ||v I I Pork & Beans two-day 'spiel, marking the opening l i i s A AAJ * of the new artlflclal ice curling _____ rink near tho Vernon Civic Arena. w*r*n • r \ —i. xr~t 20-oz. tin s ...... 2 for 3 S c •■v***) Two other Kelowna rinks took part Winner WUl Reign Over Val­ Catsup in this special ’spiel that attracted ley Ski Zone Championships 40 teams from the interior of B.C. Februarv 7-8 Skip Carl Stevenson took his boys ^ _____ Corn Aylmer fancy cream, 20-oz. tin 2 5 c into the Arst at Ski Queen to reign over tho ap- Ycars Day and made tho wining preaching Okanogan Ski Zone bracket, known the Apples. ’Die c,,an^pjonships will bo chosen from Size 4, Choice, 20-oz. .. 23 losing teams became tho Pin Kelowna beauties, according to Gat Green B eans 1 9 c apple bracket. . oMclala of the host club, tho Ke- Fliilflh a t 2A0 ajn . lo ^n a Ski Club. The Stevenson crow made their Five candidates and their spon- |Cing Oscar, per tin Eccond hurdle at noon on Friday g^rs arc: Sharon West, Lions Club; SardinesiU . - and laid over until 0 p.m. that same pam Leckio, Canadian Legion; BOt- day. 'Tlien started the marathon and Rydgr^ Rotary; Helen dePfylTcr, after four games in succession they Qyro Club; Dora Kelly, Elks, WE PACK AND MAIL FOOD PARCELS TO ANY were nanmd tho winners at . ^ vigorous campaign to corral COUNTRY IN THE WORLD. a.m. Saturday. _ priii- votes for their favorite candidate is Finalists wi^ of under way by each of tho Ave or- Assistance given in selecting the contents. ters was K. W, ® “".Lro ganizatlons and by other Interested Vernon. Besides skip ^innard, there ,3 ^y ticket only. The were on «ie team. M. Conroy, iv. admits holder to the Kelow- Cimry, and _ na Ski Bowl for tho championships CUP CAKES P'^e- (®>...... ( ...... Top prize of tho spM w^^^ FebruarJ 7 and 0. jumbo sweater for each member 01 ,_____„ the winnlg team: Stevenson, Bob Contest will close oii February 7 SANDWICH BISCUITS p“ 40c Grant, Lcs Roadhouse and Orby and the winner is expected to bo ’ announced during the evening of SNAPS g in g e r or LEMON; per lb...... 38c Kelowna curlers reported the new the closing day. The lucky miss wUl curline rink as “one of the nicest then be enthroned to rule over the we have seL“ They said they en- Anal day of the big tourney, SHORTBREAD Robertson’s, per pkg...... 30c joyed the doings and complemented tho V6rn9nites for putting on a "good show.” "F ISH BOX” Other Kelowna Rinks MAITSiQ iniri? 'The two other Kelowna rinks i V l r l £ k £ v tlv F lv C i were: J. Conway, G. Sutherland, g w JJJJSCVC. B. Buchanan and N. Clow; E. Pur- ff iVMViJ TRY recalled to quell a new outbreak in the ruins. Th- dy, A. B, Wiig, W. Moebes ^n d A. - _____ Pkclcton walls of blackened buildings in Corn­ fire caused damage estimated at $1,000,000, made 28 Other.cncr. wall, Ont., arc being torn down after the worst lire families homeless, and in many cares left them with Conway’s rink made the Apple Safeway Manager and Robin “GARDEN FRESH” in the city’s history, to eliminate danger of falUng nothing but the clothes they wore. Public donations bracket by winning its Arst game, Kendal A-fending and A-bit- walls. This gutted builcTing, still burning, has only of food and clothing have helped. It also won its second but was walls left standing. Hours after wcaby firemen, aid­ knocked out in its third try. Pur­ in’ Over Holiday ed by a squad from Massena, N.Y., left, they were dy’s rink lost out in its Arst game ^ , - 7 ■ DELNOR but in the Pineapple bracket won It all began when^the manager of the next and was knocked out by the local Safeway store, Cy Weeks, FROZEN FOODS the Duke rink, Salmon Arm. was duly or unduly honored by a In a draw later for two curling placard placed m the “Ash-box in ARRIVING WEEKLY rocks, name of George Sutherland, front of Spurrier’s Sporting Goods, of Sutherland’s Ideal Bakery, was Thereon for all to see was a state- You the luc^ one ment crediting Cy with having Get All the Vitamins, Stevenson, who is president of caught two-seedy-looking Ash in a the local curling club, reported the nearby slough. Said Ash were dis- All the Flavor. rink here is now ready for ice. If played (one was a shrimp) in all the cold weather amoimts to any- their glory in the Kendall’s boxed thing, curling should get underway aquarium by the middle of the inonth: Up the ktoset^^ atV' the Safeway ter mark. . ... Klotz was high scorer^for thd store, there reposes (dr did repose during the New Year holiday) a cartoon, prominently displayed in Priest LOCAL BOXERS the window. It depicts one R.K., in THIS IS A 100% HOME-OWNED AND a boat whose water-line is wavy | and whose occupant is by no means OWNER-OPERATED FOOD STORE. into 4he lead were repeatedly bro- TO I V TAKE liT llU PARTJ. rkJ.^ 8. in the gravy. As a matter of fact, And Kelowna Bears W in ken up by Priest. River. In the A- | wt flA A QN! the boat .leaks. It may be the nal chapter Kelowna ^eW seven ljU T 1 lUEiCll avoirduplois of the sitter, or it fouls to Priest River’s Ave. Priest " ^ may he the ^anchor that keeps the Local Ke™w4”tot: Big teat for f=»en Kelowna ‘b| —------For the nomeiowners,homotownora , xvuuRon _Goe bonor^^simn^rw mo«m ^ ^ ^ ^ PRIEST River High School took the th^ '^d^'wadt'Ue "ilSe SSd SSdGolden Gloves, Febniary 13 and 14 Examining'the cartoon furtoer, If a happy holiday -crowod of 400 hoop fans with seven apiece -bu—blit for weeks, now the local as- one Ands--that^smd..,nshermM.inas- pirants to provincial honors have got a Ash-^-somewhere at me end Scout HfilN ew Y ea* Dav. a n d ^vfhile at,it took the Kelpwiia HoUday Blues Sf 'hfe THE RED & WniTE Orioles for a thrilling 34-26 loss. , The senior game lacked some of geggjongsessions . . nowliww UXU-i^&JUiedangling

nf rouehne^ and ^ re trouWe^likigltW b^^ ary l^with 14 points. Bert Saucier 'Boxers to take part in the_ big chuck full of wm^eS S e rto tooimg. o K aeroguns S ^ t iS for the low score. The and Jack Bogress / both ^ played classes ^ut doare? at. Vancouver, and their Rugged Defence Hampson put the Orioles out in j^gferee CharUes Pettman assisted Vince Ciancone, Kelowna, heavy- After a slow start the main Priest a neat basket'. But by fte ^y joe Giordano did an excellent weight; Augie Ciacone,^ Kelowna YOUR ------—------end of the Arst TO minutes, the .^b to help speed along a game and George Fenton, W estbanlv^ school hoys were up 8-4. that dragged at times., ^ 1 KSowna hit a better stride on . Bears wiR^ g back into Aguiar welterweight; Kap^^^^ the second quarter but stiU missed piay this week going to Vernon on b^k, featherweight, LONG DISTANCE a lot of shots. Gib .Wade notched Friday night for a senior B tussle, wich, qi^more. one of the beauties of the day with In the Arst Kelowna-Vernon meet- Stanley Taneda, Westbank, Ay FURNITURE n nnp-handed shot just beibre half- ing, here on December 5, Bears won weight. _ , _ . .. _ I MJi tim ^to cut the southerners’ lead to J t in overtime. 40-37. Kelowna’s Augie ^indicated ^toer^^^ MOVING time to cui p , Moose Lodge team will Agure m possibility ^of a Aght card sun^r nirt^ dfinte an intermediate B preliminary at to the one held here in mid-Octo^r Friendly Miss ^ e Shots anmiermeui^ being staged around the end of the' Priest River dazzled after the VARSITY—J Stewart 2, R. Stew- month to help defray expenses of midway rest but toy out_on Gerein LOckie, H._Capozzi 15. the troupe to'Vancouver. If certam many of its shots. Orioles st^^ed « ’p^g^zi 4 Wedmeyer, rpiantonr-arrangements can be completed in THIS YEAR MAKE OUR STORE YOUR SHOPPING up with a strong defence and both HeathTrington 2, McLauglin 4. To^ TirniTEershow -w m -go_op._G ^one sides settled for close checking m , said. •CENTRE FOR HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS the last half.. . . , BEARS—James, Bogress 4, Wed- Both sides had plenty of toe jjelli^TTlussell, ■ ------Chapman «>3, Saucier v shots, but in that department, Ori- g zaccarelli 14, Horton, Jennehs, ORIOLES—Hoyle_ 1, Hampson 7, Prompty Courtedusi^rvice at All Times vFtth the Accent on ii ' llesWere weU back. Had Kelowna ^iit^son Total 32. ■ Currell. Wade 7. Gee ^ Jones 2. ' — ______liP TO AND FROM oiesscored' more of itsu-o to e shots^ the wiiKmson. ±01.01 o Carr-Hilton. Tortenson. Total—26. , ANY POINT outcome of the games could have PRIEST RIVER—Chilcote, Mur- Of Acials—G. P ett^n ; J. Giordano been different. ray e!m otz 13, Moriniti 5. Low 8, (Arst game), D. Disney (second IN B. C. Orioles Anally caught up with PR A. R. Mitchell, Losh 2, game)'. ______and passed- by on Ron Gees two- o Efficient Service pointer in the third, 14-13- A real battle developed from here

i t h e k k l o w h a c o u e i b r What Doggone Monkey Bu$i^es$ Now^ OYAMA LEGION New Year’s Eve Dance at ’Arms HOLDS DANCE Is Considered Best In Years BOXING DAY ••'Pi.ft nirrst dance I've been to," man, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Gordon, OYAMA—Tlio Boxing Day d«nc« sponsored by tho Oyama Canadian .ue3rlHM S 'ur/. legion and held in tho CommunltOr Hall on Friday. December 28, prov­ ed to bo a great success. Tho hall was tastefully decorated with cedar boughs and Chrlatn^ Baker’s sax “pP*:®’’ Walter Hotson, Mr. and Mrs. Law- decorations and the tables in Mjg, daiicltig all night, ^ rence Procter and Mr. and Mrs. For- supper boom were also very attrac­ plenty of space to kick up U.cir together. ^ ^ tive. with little Yule logs and other heels. Father The Charles and Jack Bucklands Christmas novelties. Mrs. II. W. At a minute to midnight I ^ were with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Byatt. Mrs W. Lee, Mrs. Winters Time. uP‘® tro^^^ Harrison. Mr. and Mr.s. Bill Green, and Mrs- J. Elliott, wives of Legion Mckwey a ii JuS h Mr. and Mrs. Crete Shirreff and Mr. members, proved a very able tjor*^ ot 12. cos- and Mrs. W. Slnclalr-Thomson, the mlttco on tho refreshmenta which wero served ot midnight. P, H. Baker, of Okanagan Centro, l“ S“ r«. Mn ra Mr WOS.., Bc,|r.m », vice-president of tho Legion, acted as master of ceremonies. Other com­ mittee members, H. W. Byatt, R. Al- lingham, R. A. Flavcll, R. Claridgo. and E. A. Lobs, were on hand to see to tho smooth running of the a 'K''d,i.ij.n.oo- “S S. SSS' ailnir. ~ m . r „ 7 X " v«So cummlne or- .11 and Mr. and Mra. Will 511.11, ot An elimination dance, spot danco with prizes and a door prize, also ■"'“'i ,“ ^“SuloufS'^^aSd' Mra. An'’th” 'cownB wore lovely, on. Ed| Gallagher's rendering of “A Mrs. Derry nnd Mrs. Robin especially so, wori^ by a young White Christmas" all adedd to tho Darby Hayes, Mr. ralgel Tay- dancer, being of pink beige crepe, evening's enjoyment. Mau?lcc Vp- with short sleeves, tho bodico nnd Music was supplied by tho now lor nnd Mr. and Mrs. Maurtcc up glittering with bronze se- "Joo Haber Orchestra," which con- ton. Mr and Mrs. quins, giving a tunic elTcct, the slim sists of two saxaphoncs. played by Foursomes Inclined Mr. a^^ ^kirt/slit front and back. Joo Haber and Nick Klim; drums Bert Dookson who m t . ^ visitor from Princeton wore a ,by Lloyd Haber; guitar by Frank “"‘t Ramoone and Dr. black taffeta skirt, and blou^ of *Bydlowskl; trombone by Stan Yu- and Mrs. Doui^ Romp palest pink net and lace, in horlzon- kln and Bob Stork at tho piano In VOtACE VS. COMMUNIST the absence of their regular pianist. police were trying deoutlcs emerged from and Mrs. P®J. ^oijplc; Miss tal rows of ruffles, with cap sleeves Siamber of Deputies, several CommunU^^^ the home of the IMtcr w ^ neck. Her pink stone ear- much tothe pleasant bewilderment of Pandora. Mary Wilson and Mr.^rry brilliants, and Miss Joyce Ch p Festivities went on until 3 a.m. MANY AUTOISTS Paletto brother D®Vld, M r . when guests reluctantly left the Victoria. Five other brothers and othSr w?U -arm ^ W e e ‘^standing by to lend assistance. Munsle , p'mceton' Mr. and Arms, declaring they had not had one sister, now dead, made up the URGES BOOST wa» knocked Insensible later . OBITBARIl Ryall family. Pallbearers were J. DIG CARS OUT E. Ward. J. Snowscll, W. E. Adams. OF SNOWDRIFTS THOMAS BAM.EB , gh s“ viS _IN _ ELECTRIC RUTLAND— ------square ------While the South Okanagan had to ^ t a\^hTM5Kee„home Rir^ KELOWNA trict.r45"p"si lor me past <*u yuaio, ments LIGHT RATES bo content—or maybe is was madb RUTLAND — An enjoyable old numbers featuring• • the f program, Mr. and M rs., Roy Dongloy, Barber, Rutland, died in Kelowna ments. time dance was held in the Com Says order—with a green .Christmas The two local packing houses have 'jyirg. Arnold McDonald, m /v iiiT n /v if 01?D V ir'l7 General Hospital on Tuesday. De- jjq_____^ g LAS ANTHONY DICKSON Alderman S. T. Miller Says Year’s, the northern part been working intermittently since jean and Miss Mona Crittend^^^ CHUKCH oLKYILJCi cember 23. He was 75 years of age. Christmas, repacking and also pack- ,j,^innipeg, met at ^he home o ^ SurvivingSurvivine are hisms wife,wxxv.-. two sons, Died at his homb oh the Vernon Rising Costs in Labor and of. the Vnlicy had it white all the ing some winter varieties. Mrs. Lome McKae lor ^-uv. , Wesley anaand ucioen; Delbert; one uauBt.vwx, daughter. ....on -----F^dayTC,’ ” „„„ri ,;pvpn Materials Necessitates, Move way^^ It i i e m y s t e r io u s ' w o r l d ! ^ • • •. , , Mils nrior to the dance. EAST KELOWNA— The Church yiva; and six brothers, William las Anthony Dickson, _____ Though there was only a slight WITHIN YOU Although the mild weather has ta^. P^^^ of St. Mary’s was beautifully decor- Barber, Harvey Ave., kelowna Kelowna and ana and.ana a half nau years. ytmt., buu wx ^ .Warning that Uie the incommu incoming city tr«ce of snowwas----there was a]hosc strange feelings of spoiled____ . plans - for a hockey rink at toriJ® provided drinks at theirthem nomehome Christmas season and livingB^ing on the prairies. Another ^r^-Fred Mrs/'Fred Di(Jison.Dudison.^^^ Very Rev. W. H ^ ^ consider the of' by ,^n- I intuition and premonition the local park so far the Belgo \°'^^^\ridUrs.Bmnay,M r. and the service on Christmas morning brother, George Barber predeceased Mcpnzie was celebrant at noss^bility of increasing electric plenty of the fluffy ^ are the urges of your inner _pond______has __ provided fairly - good^ ice .e.xp^ter Mallam ______and Mr. and Mrs. was well attended. Many also at- J[^a ^ ^ye^afal^.year ago. ^Funeral F = service of ^'?rmaTseral mass for the deceased b^ PO^s^ inSh“ the city fo^akTcar:;^to take care uary H Sn°w fell^gw^^^ ri«hf nlong. and has been a very +h,x rnrni * community for Ssted® MMi^s Loma Archer-l^u- Ralph. Pethybridge. _ • . m ber 30. 1947, to Mr. and Mrs. Walter ‘business wanted to blon,--bacL ^_^|n^p^ M^t^Mr^and Mrs.-Percy-,Hinks bave„ gixty® years ago-the thA iatolate ivrrMr. Gal-GM- Johnson, Kelowna, a son. Cfen-“insist- that-€mployees- L|com^ INSURANCE? Sixty years-ago-the late Mr. Gal - At the KeL You have at band a local agent ^>»«^FEMAII COMPLAINTS to look after your interests who is at your seirvice for all classes which makes you NERVOUS of insurance. HIGH-STRUNG on such days? Tony Hi^mrd^._Himara. served ' .StewartStewart Foot _ spent bishis , hoUdayhoUd.^ Kelowna area and after p. W. PIXTON :-!!LA‘?^J5£J‘!UaS w» MS P»en„, Mr. »„d Mrs. F. io- ■_ Okanagan Centre Arc you troubled by distress of fomalo . Phone 12-R2 Vernon functional monthly disturbances which including Dr. and Mrs. Mel Butler, • , ^ Jr' near what is known as Powell, KeloWna, a daughter. 17 Biakeayotr suffer, feel so herco^^ranky, Rep. ROYAL INSURANCE CO. resUesa, ^Seak—a t such times? T hen do tiy Lydia E. Pinkham’s Cora- TOuiid to relievo such symptoms! k„d his .hi, ' In a recent test it prov^ helpful g^rS.'’”: f r ' ARE ENTffiTAINED ' to women troubled this way. Why don t ■ For over 70 years thousands of girls you get smart and try it yoursrf/? _ -; and women have re,sorted benefit. Just M?*andMTsThristSher^id.'V^ Mr.-and Mrs. Hewlett, had^ as survivor fe ^ ° W l YCHUCK - At the Kelow- Sixteen members of the blind and see if you, too don’t report erceUent W Bob Willis, Mr. and Mrs, their guests for Ctoistmas. IN&.^d ter.•“ l ^4 i^. 4-u'^ r*afhoiic ctiurcn. na , vjencAciiGeneral Hospital,- v/**on *^****—^,.Sunday. .y.oQr-blind fraternity had .an. unus» Pinkham's Compound >a what is S x Miss Shirley Willis, Mr. Mrs. H. Woods and Jean and Miss was at-theJutland Cathonc un January 4,. 1948, to Mr. and Mrs. ' known as a uterine sedative. It haa a results. Worth trying! Bob Knox iviiss J nil nf Kelowna. onoi Deeember-30, Rev.^ Sv A. L,. ^e January 4, 1948 t. Mr. and Mra. n SS” Snce racentl, when mam soothing effect on one of woman a nuwf NOTE: Or yon may prefer LYDIA E. ll& S g to n , Mr. Tom’^ ; K. Pitman, all of Keiowna. n .T-ttf-Rriurem f t h e Reauiem NicholasNleholaV Wlllychuek. Willychuck, Kelowna, a ,,„rsbeis^of of the-Lionsthe Lions Club entertainecentertained ■ T m ^ n t organs. - pinkHAM’S TABLETS wUh added m .n .^ r important orsana. ' — Mr. Frank T>axon,_ Mr. P„ Allan Pethybridge, of Mission ]\iass. Burial, was in the Rutland daughter. them to a Christmas party and din­ Moulin, Mr-and Mrs. Ro __ Christmas at the home cemetery. Day’s Funeral Service __ ner, ^Lydia E. Pinkham's VEGETABLE €0MP01IWD pfehis-father,—Rr-Pethybridge;— in”cbafge of arrangements. ^ f:|T I/R M N H ir The guests were escorted Lo from the banquet by Lions, and at Mrs. Cherah spent Christmas with THOMAS M. RYALL P A .P |7f |C W I I I Schell’s Grill they had a four-course her mother, Mrs. Dyson, of Kelow- Thomas McCheane Ryall, 795 Ber- 1 XlA AalAli? f f Christmas dinner which was fol­ nard Ave.. died in the Kelo^a n i p PRPQPNTFD lowed by a short musical program. General Hospital on Saturday, Jan- |>|Ii r RJCiuEilY l£iLF r e c e iv e s THANKS uary 3, !««,1948, in hisnis o»ui89th jicoj year... Fun- x._vx.. juJudge a g e jJ.. n.-f^xtmuaxvx, R. Archibald, a^****-'-*'-,I^mloop^ The Public Library Commission, ,eral was beld this aftemoOT, will pr^ent certifleates^ Canadian CAR DAMAGED Vitoria has written to O. L.______Jones day, January___ 5._ at_ St. Michael and citizenship to 11 candidates at a thvlCtO a S e9 hto- for''^^^^ interestihthe , ___A1Y- All’Angels’’ /"’VChurch,^iiiT*/*V| H.GV.Rev. D. S»S. specialor\Ar*io1 ei+flTIfTsitting r\fof f.VlPthe COllIltVCounty COlllTtCourt IN COLLISION o S a sa n Union Library and has Catchpole pffleiating. Burial was m of Yale at the Casorso Block, tomor- • ?artiS riy c^m eided his work the family plot, Keloiyna cemetery. j,ow morning at 10 o’clock. WITH ANIMAL which rS tly ^ ^ in the Arm- The late Mr. RyalbRyall, born_inborn in Paris.Fans, Mayor W. B. Hughes-Games will wiu palrly extensive damage was cau- Song dis?S ty Ont. October 2, 1859, came to B.C. gj^.e -^n address of welcome to the ged early New Year’s Day ?iorni^ PKllDllC U ® J-ilDraryLibrary CommissionL.»UllJLii*oaxwxx and ty^ • m*ax ***May.v*^» -1911. r —» settled' _ m __ the^Glen- new citizensens often alter they inej' receive xci.cxVC their xxx^xx to a 1947la**! Dly"®.°“*bi-xj.ixxux4vx. owned -- r-uoiu.ing up xjxuxaxj_ with the Okanagan — ___ Union ------more district, _ andr,r.A Vionnmobecame oneoto Of papers ■Thetv.q nuKlir-public . is invited tOto n/r«JlrMeikle1o «rVienwhen it COUldeacoUided WUnwiin . <» a T ihra^ the pioneers there. He married m h o r s e on the Glenmore Road, . L.iorary. i'9i2 His wife predeceased him in The car suffered damage to the Throughout a race, the grill, radiator, front fender and color combinationis of a windshield. The horse was found to jockey's shirt serve as his ”» ^ g sss.s^ ."’? sssK- have .suffered a broken leg and had to be destroyed. , identification. In your search for products 6f NvH.A. HOM E-OF-THE-M ONTH proVen worth, the adver­ BIBLE BRANCH tised brand names of prod­ ucts in our store identify COLLECTS $462 goods of consistent satis- A total of $462.99 was collected by faotior ■ - THOSE NEW YEAR the local branch of fb® ,047 . Foreign Bible Society dimng 1947, RESOLUTIONS^ - it^^wasZTevealed—tQday^This ^ , large increase over-the amount;^©!-- CAPGZZI’S by ED HUNT lC A ^ I ^ R O C E ^ 10 Resolutions, h i bke„ forwarded 279 Bernard ^~Phone~34( (Peddling a line) to the head office of the organiza One fell off, :____ Then-there-jw.ere_nme!

■ 9 Resolutions, All set a date, HE SHOOTS ’ One lit a match, That made it eight! HE S C O T S ’. 8 Resolutions, Swearing by heaven. YoouTl score too when , Planned as a one-storey hqusi Coming late for work you shop at the OUvout BSSliyeasily^adaptable^-a-one-and, xi_. Rpduced it to seven! a half• storey a.-.__ ^Vkia design, wt/\nT.n this <« month s r_ u \v « s? “ N H. A. Home-of-the-Month 7 Resolutions, «- selection was built in Regina and Their 'vows they affix, is' suitable for construction in One got profane . RED & WHITE Store other parts of Canada. By m- And that made it six! ih creasing the roof slope and a stair to the second floor where 6 Resolutions, the linen closet is shown over tte Lively as jive! m tch for these Courier' basement stairway, extra bed­ Junior got spanked, rooms could be provided. That made it five. Finandal assistance in buil^g rlALlUlIY o b in aavrwh o o —'d o______a t s SPECIAL; pkg.r ^ -- ' 30c . new houses such as the one lUnfl- 5 Resolutions, trated, is available to C ancans Ancient as yore. RED & WHITE COFFEE 1 * 58c under the terms of the Nation^ No-wood-in for wifey, Housing Act, 1944, which w ad­ TTiat made it four! QUAKER CORN FLAKES ® “ Monday "S |ah.’48"Hcar ministered by CentraP Mortgage and Housing Corporation. 4 Resolutions, P I T M A N F L A K E 3 29c Comprising two bedrooms, the Avoiding a spree. cwt i s t a t io n e r y AND s c h o o l SDPPr-g-S’ - — . SieepiUt^sleeping area yaof the va*sx house is ;--- sete, One got impatient, Hon. HEBBEHT arated from the H^ng area by a ■ That made it three! 3 Resolutions, 100 $9 4 9 1 L e a d e r o f the Progressive Conservative Party in and Minister Making much ado. S p G A R . 1 lbs. of Finance in the Johnson^x\nscomb Coalition Government, One tipped a chair back. PRICES OOOD TUESDAY TO SATURDAY, And that left two! , wall space for furniture, traffic lanes should ^nprmite extension open Daily »-«> « !>•”■• - Saturday, unlll 9 P-m- DISCUSS: 2 Resolutions. Good storage accomm^dataonaccommodahon indudrain«'^aes^ a® d x.- — . Still much aplomb. R E D & WHITE linen doset, coat doset and general purpose doset Or«nmg on ine Forgetting the groceries “COALITION - ITS RESPONSIBILITIES The exterior has been simply d ^ i ^ e d with large Reduced it to one! STORE adequate light and ventilation. The teish shown^is hom^^^^ "jabl, »d. Tbe 1 Resolution. PHONE - 3-RS: dedgn permits the use of any approved extenor hmsn. _ , He’s i-eally hep! For estimating purposes the floor area may be considered to be Knows full well CKOVp.p^ 820 square feet. ." * They v/on’t be kept! PAGE FIV E THE KEEOWNA COURIER MONDAY. JANUARY 5. 1M8 WGHLANDBUS DANCE AT HYDE PAUK fESTfVAL . # “.."fct a , ■= 'f f 5fe .A «■ , ^ <■ a ^ K£S(/£TS^ ‘ PROPERTY FOR SALE K.„: n c.,h ^puu.. flSINESS PERSONAL WANTED TO RENT FOR SALE #m» c««t t*€f word: moftnum ^ ^ t * ------tW^ir'Ilv* cc«u. Ci»r* ANYTHING*NYTHING TOID FIX PHONEI'liujWB 30ao. URGENT (MisCCllanCOUs)------JOHNSON & TAYLOR pad, mdd twcnlF-five ccnU lor ImjoWiW' 3r Immediate itv*r«orllnt^ repairsrtf»nitirM to vouryour radl

new motor, four new tin 2 good, tween 1 and 15 years. Balanc ■■T*. . 4. THAi'mMACOT.ATE LOOK FOR SALE ■ tnro-tH-e ' J f r o r “ rSitald ee,d (Miscelfaneous) the 19S7 FORD COACH-EXCELLENT ,„„.aee »d ?“ W d . that to '’Twm‘’nfw' appelnt Ute cammlt- 'Ca d°eve^^^^ I alUllUaxjr u, «- when Important develppments in I 2 a.m. There will be plenty of re-^______FOR iTreshments,—Admission-75«l-a-coupleTreeshments.-Admission- 75t-ski-suit,-size_Ijt, size_l&.6:, Excellent condition. «775'Q5“ ‘ ph6ne' dRR.T.3486-L3 41-ln«-lP 3® ^ in Mav of 1947. Further datad.ta was “Aidertnan Lad( asain ap- ‘5?/“^ SIS andXta'auuiS * Mll“&re . requested to come and Harold A. Foulds. PhonePhone Apply 559ooy Wardlawwaraiaw Avenue.avenue. 41-lp7..-.^. : ^ J' f reauiied before negotiations could pointing you as chairman of the ____tho oitv nt. 01 ^ I ____ _TT^l? '^AT.P—IQd-1 your friends. §49 ^ 81-tfc oi, s liliE tvttt ttc ii; ntof TT^FHUSED RQ-ineO-'liT WOODw o o d ^OR SALE—1941 CHisv. ^ri^Aw. .v..,,. — ~b~§-l^irmedr-The-irHormation-na^Mance-neoiinnlttecr-Wrtn--tne-tr^— fromtrom outsideoutalda pointspoint,. mACtOR W^ - - FLOWl^ . I t Av L S p E knocked down, gtb- Beantitnl condlUon. Phone 682_-L^ j . a c RES AT JDNE.SPRINGSJS with now been compiled giving SSieSmore ex- ^Sl?a“s mendous Srise in costs of laoor ana, . . . Is. the rpagonreason manymanj PERSONAL jTJbJXtJ ------ikdiscing d S andaSl excavating.CTcStatlne. J. W.W, Bed- Sectject Inspection,inspecuon, yonoouver. v.aiu;uuv«, a B.C...- . ^------^ ------a new unOnished honre. Speetal “”/'™ „"“ ,iV,fPrtnnfotmation ™ f.it not »»«}? .»'«> pernanncntly. STOP! IN AT ‘"rHE WINFIELEord 672 Cadddr Ave. Phone 428-H. Suitable re-assembly as pipe or HERE’S_ A BUY! 1940 NAOT $9oT w . ^s^^a^SodbS?: ^e^ ‘‘KelSa to grow LUNCH COUNTER.” (Across from 63-tfc flume. For particulars write Sedan! < -Wed & White Store). Good' coffee——— ------—— ' — 684, Kelowna Courier. 4WC S HENRyS REALW ■ Good food. Want a taxi? Phone 3L5 RIBELIN’S MAIL ORDER . ------. t/^v mr» wAr» i L,w,e„ee Avenue. Phene , 88„ « - « , 3, PTNISHING DEPARTMENT A JOY TO KISAU . ^ ------— .— ------^------o? 6 OT 8 exposures printed “Proficiency in Journalism”, one of 1941 PLYMOUTH five-passenger approximately »50,000;000. ™d elflce staff. T will aci^your WELL-WISKERWELL-WISHER ITHANK I THANK YOU ' 2o o9 A the world’s greatest newspa^rs, ^oupe <^°upe. Four Jiewj:ires.new tires. MotorMotor in A-1 —— Would like to acknowledge mor< _ : . . K c \ ‘THE' " CHRISTIAN -rcnrA-itTo SCIENCE MON- . opuditipn. Must , be —u sold. Apply . i.. n. 943 L g Q ^ L NEW AE£0INTME:^ ^ arpjjjg lS fe‘:reS”we ygur must continue to tu try. Therefore Kelowna Is no ox- substantially your letter Dec. 3rd 12, reprmts and enlMgement, 40

nbout tins DOiicy rcii-JAi. ijuucix x$x:i.vx** «*vw*va**w*..» ——>— presentative of North Pacific Acc se6 Mandel’s, 512 Bernard Avenue dent & Sickness.—Mr. S. Bradsha\ 45-tic Phone 937. , 21-tf

ly Colonist, hand, and I am glad that his guid- cate of Title in lieu oi suen losi ^eing for some years a member of jng hand is again available. I am ap- 5(! per CGI PFnPFRTV FOR SALE ■ ’ OUSjous, PiOIIlyLprompt bCXservice, VXL.t5| XllC/dWXXXmodem %»c».vcars. "" PROPERTY FORSA^ s.el.l S».lce ... - **VV*\» “Our health and social service adding that he thought the previous oTTCTTvrn»CC T>T7'I?Q01M A. See us about your next moving job. p u r e BRED ENGLISH SPRINGER signed. ' „ cisco Bureau in charge of six West- pUbXJNHtPO ir'J2«.ROV.yivz» Rudy’s Taxi and Transfer. Phone spaniel pups, from registered _ par- INTERIOR AGENCIES LTD. DATED at the land Registry Office, ' ' was last year ^*3 the han^ of M- Sfb divJdinfliroDe^v HAVE THAT OLD WASHER ¥ ^^0- ‘ 41-2c; GOOB BGSINKSS W i™ BHUffl. conditioned like new at Set -MAKE_____-YOUR—OLD—CHESTERr-'^*^®’^® 479-L'. -----ING------and equipment yielding ap- ggrid.-and Nine~*HundredNine Hundred and Forty-Se- P ^ . _ thatinai Alderman/iiaerman W;. w. T. x. L.aj. Roadhouse remeay tnis^ outfit is------„ Plumbing Works. Phone 164. ______FIELD______LOOK____ LIKE NEW! Out h a v e YOU' “SOMETHING proximately , $300 per month, plus a ygjj------_ _ • will be able to carry on this busy for you to take this view nojv.” 86c of town orders-given prom pt aitten- TO SWAP?” comfortable 4 room bungalow, fully ' c . F. MiacLEAN, department in a capable manner. Laiids Blakeborough T,r/^TTrTO«= p v -oirrev TO At tion. Save $100.00 on a new Chester- ^ »swA P” column is starting STOn modem all going at a sacrifice price Registrar. More About Alderman Roadhouse, you will be in conclusion. Judge Archibald “ the Kelowna.Cpuxlet . O ^ responsible for social services, the paid tribute to city engineer Harry LSSh’^ d fS ^ T S S . - »”■>' -r .... •‘ ^ • g y g f ssfir INDIA’S heklth unit, the David Lloyd-Jones Blakeborough, who will shortly re- tmeaeione. Eichter Greenhorn. ^ W A CTCLE SIIO ^ aW Land Reglatry District. 39-5-M- Home, Alderman Jones, who, has tire. ’’Even though he may retire, had long experience in this depart- his heart will always be with the Phone 88. a t t a in m e n t ment, will be your deputy and will city,” he declared, SAWS-SAWS— GUMMING ID _ s±?& "iss-r??ss» also serve on the David Llpyd-Jones Before the initial session of the filing done to all types of ss. Home committee. ^ 1948 council got underway. Mayor AH work guaranteed. For besfe- 03- “Alderman Meikle. I am appoint- nughes-GameS paid tribute to Al- ■rr tmi. +e\ lanric Vimicincf APiH hiiild^ c*n.vt and Aldciman finished terms of jt during the six c h im n e y s CLEANEDr-T^orgh Miller served .on joti, no mess! Chimneys,' stovemd furnaces repaired. Mac’s Chiiey Sweeping Service. Phone 164. lu cuuuu.,. in Tn- WUn Aiaermaii. X^duu. xuux uepww ______itfc Bom in Madras, eaucaiea _ general committee will Kb “Alderman Walrod also proved a dia aod the LondM Scho ^ ,r,g^Qig Alderman Horn. sound administrator during the two PHONE “96 . V omics ood Inner Temiue^ „j j,a.y.g left the parkis and ceme- years on the council, and I know I j, wxvii^vjr------_ _ IN ’48, 87-t£c for all makes. Scott Plumbing Bar, where he g^ h^^a^r teries and civic centre committee the public will appreciate his work", THE RESULTS WILL BE Phone 44. USEFUL FOR MANY Works. Phone 164. 86-tfc INTERIOR AGENCIES LTD. and economics, v*",' rnw- *be last, because under this j^fayor Hughes-Games expressed the TWICE AS GREAT! MOTOR REPAIR SERVICE—COM- ■ ------— 325 Bernard Ave., Kelowna PURPOSES active part in cricket, ^ „ head '^mes the special project I hope that Alderman Walrod will SOMETHING TO SELL, plete maintenance service. Eflectrical BICYCLES— C.CM. AOT ENG- ing, swimming, J; - ' have iitentioned for this year. Al- again offer his services in the future. SOMETHING TO RENT, contractors. Industrial Electric, 256- jjgjj Bicycles—^Repairs and acces- Bundles of old newspapers, is fond of Europe^ classical m.us , German Parkinson, I aril appointing A FEW CENTS INVESTE Lawrence_ Ave., phone 758. 82-tfc gQj.jgg Campbell’s _ Bicycle Shop, STOP! LOOK! LISTEN! although not a performer. — „ , you to this committee, and to re- IS MONEY WELL SPEN * — __ — — ' reo'n"‘and Eliis St" CJ- Phone T>V»nr4P 107. “Land-buyers— Prairie Farmers, for lighijng fires,, packing, ““India, India, like Canada, has assume ^ presentpj,gggat the council with myself on GET THE HABIT, MASONRY CONTRACTORS—Plas­CONTRACTORS—Plas- Leon ana r,ms gl-tfc Find out the facts before you buy insulating, etc.: 25^ per her new statuses a the memorial arena cortimittee. SCORESHEET STUDY 'THESE COLUMl tering, stucco, cement and brick_brick. ------— irrigation, trees, variety and loca- bundle. Get them at The miflion,”‘^he»-^v.o said. “Her “Her relationship arena has now become DOES IT PAY? , work. Orsi & Sons, 572 Glenwood q p ^j^e R Your VENETIAN BLINDS tion. For any futher information with other dominmns is_on a - fj,e responsibility pf the council, I PRO BASKETBALL YOU BET! IN VOLUMI! Ave. Phone 494-L. 81-tfc _ Me .& Me. Measurements p^one for appointment 398-Rl (9 Courier Office, W ater St. ing of partnephip and e q u a lly ^jjjg g ggigi Qjjjggfjyg for <= ATTinnAY ' — Vancouver 70 j»-tfn taken. Estimates given. No obliga- a.m, to 1 p.m.). “EXPERIENCE This partnership, forged during ^ o into your hands, and I feel _ SA^DAY^ - ^ tion. Enquire . about our service. THRU THE VALLEY’ ' 38-lOp world ways,, when sure that under your guidance the fl^^le 57, Bellingham 72, Portland 87-tfc fought side by side witb the British ^^g. ironed out. As Tacoma' 64, Vancou- ver 45; Bellingham 108, Portland 67. (GaiLJBlshQp.^playing coack“ >f-

FOR A SMARTLY STYLEDER- LOST—SOMEWHERE IN Kelowna. - ' ------" FOR SALE E. SWENSON MANENT, shampoo and we or Q^^g j^j^g gontaining furlough e LQIN AND SWISS WATCmiS. ^Ith trees, garage, .538 FRANCIS AVE. ant, as out or every lu pcupic *** '■“'- flnal dec______anv other beauty treatmentaake fj-gm Airforce, flight tickets, one diamonds and jewellery. Guarairoed .^(^oodshed, etc. Well built stucco (Just off Pendozi St.) Commonwealth, seven^ come f r ^ council on the recommendation of FRIDAY — Kamloops 3, Vernon an appointment at Leonie ^auty pj^tures. Contact G. watch repairing.' Krunun Bros. Lungalow with two bedrboms. liv- India. She is important for nature ggg^ special committee. lo, Booth. 193 Lawrence Ave., b?hon- Younfi. Malakwa, B.C. 40-2c jewellers. 266 Bernard Ave. 82-tfc ingroom, (open fireplace) kitchen resources, manpower and her strare- -i have every confidence that this SATURDAY — Vernon 6, Kam- gic position.: Buti more important .ggj.,g gggjjgjj gg jggj yggj.^ ^111 gg. , ing 414. “6-tfc J ______THERTTiT^-n, CASE ------WIRE!!------~«miTFo~PHONE!! ' W and RITE!! bathroom. Bnaoamroom.^^ Close, to lake and LOST—BROWTT LEA’THER Price $5,900 still, are her trade possibilities._in- gpgj.g^g ^ggg^hgr and that 1948 will N.HX. USE ... KLEEN______FLOcontaining-^------Drown FOR BTJER ---- xiuxxi-xxixm*x7v._i_j,.5^jL,anainBhorn-rimmed_uB^l^nding-barges.,36xlO_ft^^xoM!: -xi.^«tii.,..v.— ___------—_ SIGNS 5U1X, cixc xipx operaie logeuier auu max vvli*___ oil burner operauop. Sav^p_to gjagggg^ Pendozi St Wednesday j„g ^amp. carry 6 tons. Diesel pow- ~aia^isXariada’sflia^isXariada’s'third third best ccuston^rr-hg ^ u ^ rr-h e 'a"a year ofbi happy coritiriuation of c a t ijr d a Y—Bosfon 2 Montreal glasses, on i-enauxi ‘ng ramp, u ORCHARD FOR SALE PAINTING dev..opn.ent o» ou. d...- „ “ “ “ 20 per cent m fuel oil bil For morning.„— Finder trindpr r>tea«;<»please leave atnt^the the CrCCl gred ia14X“ irnofc!:Imote^UostJvlX'JfcO*. Cost newaaw. $32,000.00-^ » /w> IHin ' Cone of the — best__ orchard districts, Agent for NEON Signs sale at Scott Plumbing Wor.Ro.tr. Courier(jourier ottice.office. 40-2c « price- - f.o.b. - . Vancouver. B.C. ^,700.00 g jj-ggres pianted ib Garios^w^ at $13,000,000. By 1946 trade had in­ SUNDAY—Chicago 4, New York k—— T ,-xc-n r»T T vATTTRTt Wall5 guaranteed condition. Shipment DgUgioug interplanted. Red D^ci- C.H. TAYLOR creased to nearly $400,000,000 and 1; Montreal 2, D etroit 6. THATi7HEN BOST BLACK LEA ___ py ni,5 sitr vears old and just starting 943 Clement Ave. Is fetiU increasing. Because of these FOUR MEN SPEND “considerations it is well worth buU- 0. 'ding a better understanding between CHRISTMAS DAY OIL COMPANY all garments*free of chargiPhone PJdiires. receipts, „ V, condition. Accepted by U.S. Navy gj^jg ^qj. Hying in and could be fin- our countries,” 'said Dr. Pandte. nick-up and ?.‘liverv please return “ o Sutherland s Bak as finest manufactured, make splen- ished as purchaser desires. This is “Hindus in Canada, although few ___IN en______r JAIL PLANS _ OFFICE ^ Reward. ^ ^ cnwtrtiU nnit. Price f.o.b. Van- g ggo^ ^ o n ey making proposition. in number, have contributed ^eaUy hnlidav revellers who cot Imperial Oil Limited has applied ------^------I osT—A GOLD BRACELET^ about-eouver—B.CL-$2.236.00.__^_^___ _ The crop this year is estimated at ASPHALT to economical growth, as in the ba- Fow holiday revell^ the city council for permission to HAULAGE - c o n t r a c t : ^ - one iiich wide; around Christmas Direct Importers. ahoiit^,fi(K)-and—in— years Sic industries of lumber and hM?ld--.a--warehouse.--garagcr"olHce Warehousing and Distributi, local time S e r please return to Cour- PACIFIC MARINE SUPPLY CO. years should be doubled Kectnexty ORDER X^OW ! ture," "hb““6filIriuear“Th-ey-yfe“nt^hed-th^ and^y modem with aU pos- and long-distance furniture (jving: ier office. " tfc-f 1575 West Ijcorgia St MAnne 775C and domestic water avahable. Good • middlemen, but primary producers-in a pubhe thw w ^ sible safety guards, for-wholesale furniture packing, crating ^ ship­ Vancouver. B.C. view of the lake. Dr. PandiaRmdia was.happywas. happy toW see^pifsae Ihto m )au. MKr sOMnns up r™y were only, at IhSthe comer of Clement Avc. ping — D Chapman & * Ltd.. Topsoil' - Gravel succe^. due to hard work and thrift, released on bail and were “ /'gtehter St. Phone 298. n ol-tfc FOUND ...... ------OKANA(3AN mVESTMKTrS LTD. FiU Soil They are generous contributor to . when they appeared later in city location -is not zoned for oil FOUND—At the Orange Hall on ORDER YOUR CHICKS FROM A 280 Bernard Avenue hospitals and“other organizations, Ol»nmore had more storage and the oil company will MARRIED COUPU New Year's Eve a white silk scarf breeder. Many years of succesrful jjj BUSINESS SINCE 1909 ^ Bulldozing Work Done and gave "nearly a half million dol- Jaco*>Jacob F^st.F^st, Glenmorc, naa_ more advised that tv,nt it canr.tn appealnrmoal to the L07U4S J . left in the ladies’room. Owner may breeding under B.OJ>. production, phohe 98 Phone 332 lars to Canada;s sixth Victory Loan than ^lothintf zoning aPPeal board. The city will "cHiin^-bw-crfiinglat_ . J_ . . . . _•m.o r’ftitHer The Vitror! Courier OnlvVigor! the Only best the WiU b^t do. wiU do. Hindus represent the smallest racial WM over. Dam^e to clot^^^ WITHOUT ENpORSB-- i. A McKENZIE group in Canada, most of them be- and a Avnst watch amounted to $16 «« ------at NHa^‘i^CEinance_Compql there's 0^ ^ ___ I T . — ------chreks; rriLxed $15.00; puUets $32.00 T W a—W E L L ™ S IT O A ^I^ CITY (530 X31 enwood^^Ave.—Phone'52314 tni^ iTi"~'B C ------— ------r-i ’3S-3 —rGSlllt-Of-3 scuffle Scliell S PT AlSTft — ■' a special loan plan fot^narried TO RENT per 100. Guarantee 97<;r. Y. Henke. buUding lots 61x110. fronting on 78-tfc After renewinc fricn3sfilps^nrK6~Gt2ll. He offeTed tor pay fhe'dsiiWgcs -t i ^ tut lyrnSU/* innf couples. No endorsers arCEquired WANTED XU Cloverdale. B.C.\ 34-8p Richter St. south. Will seK separ- vou C3D Ect your with* .,, ’ . - -■'>. n,, __ ately or together. Reasonable. Ap- out fu-ss. promptly, and nvately. WANTED TO BENT—FO U R J^ SOLLY CHICKS nly cabin 12. Rainbow Auto Court CONDENiSED POTATOES You can Imve ud to 24 inth.s to^f.-,-e room house urgently __ ___Men who _ . know how to get _ fall ., 41-lc Four ‘ ounces of dehydrated pota— repay. .And yo-jr life is lured at Phone 930-Ll.sau-L.!. ______41-2p egg production know that the big - AtrT“^4„et toes are the equivalent of more than' ^^ill sav goodbye to Mr. Mackenzie a similar amount v/nen ne iii^t^i- * *'^ no .extra cost. ' WANTED-COMFORTABLE room profits come from early chicks CHOICE LOT CW PARK A'TOo King'n'nd^other friends in the cab- ed ih’court on Deceiver 29. larm through ttm pro^^^ N I FINANCE COMPANY MIXED (Est. 1930) «,()()0 people if all the various dia- to-I^ondo^ Eng..s 40 nmsn a DOOK. W.X proposed plans, - about his travels, then fly to Madras, way, , , , Kuaiu DlffP, 'cliem- iSiuSer and Pendozi. Kelowna, ?3nb 811. (>33. Courier. 39-2p rioime. \ MONDAY. JANUARY 6. 1M8


An exclusive series of arUclca, run by a local jewellery store, will be a weekly feftturo in the Kelowna Courier throughout 1848. Readera will find these arUclca both informative and interesting. Where are gems found? How did. cvcJn*. DKcmbcr 20. when Knlh- “XToliman, Dob ^ Iccn Nora Toms bctimc the bride by »aroia . tho custom of wearing earrings ori­ ginate? What makes a watch tick? of Hoy Murdoch Greening. Rev. Da* j^rs. Malcolm Cha- 'I'hcse and many other queries will nlcl performing the ceremony. pin’s p^tyf which had osacmblcd nt bo answered In the course of tho Given In marriage by her father, cimpln home in Bankhead. Tlie Harvey Avenue homo of 6erlc.s. Mr. J. Toms, the bride waa charm- j,„j| jy^g. Archie August. Mr. and Mrs. Art Mellln and Mr. Lcs Johnstone was the setting and Mrs. Michael Williams were Sunday of a cheery gathering ol The first in tills series Is present­ Ing in wliitc silk jerBcy, fashioned August, from ed in today’s issue on page 7. with high neckline, long Blccvca and y_rnon’ Mr. and Mrs. Ian Maefar- Miss K. B. Walsh Leaves Nursing hosts at Iho home of the latter on of Kelowna’s younger set, when full skirt. Bllghlly cn train, the skirt Mrs. Mac Truentum Glenn Avenue on Boxing Day when MAN’S WORLD entertained jointly with Mr. Do gathered to a wide brocaded waist- and Mrs. Fred Waite, some 35 friends dropped in to be las Johnson, Mr. Douglas McDo STARTED IN 18«0’» band. Her three-quarter length veil others who Joined in the Jam- Profession For Much-Needed Rest entertained at an after-nve. all and Mr. Lloyd Taggart, at The life Insurance business was waa caugntcaught to a Mary . Queen _ of boreo were Mr. and Mrs. Harold Lakha Singh was a dinner host at after-live. Tall, crimson tapers introduced into Canada by com­ Scots headdress. She 'wore a string Guest. Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Dorc, ------I T'l.w, 07 Hi.f n,in v.»pvi,uvuioOperators -JA. of thev.w Kelowna— — Telc------jjjg iioipo in Rutland wlicn he cn- golden 'mums centred the bu panies from tho British Isles and tho of pearls, her only ornament, which „ ’ - Harold August, and TT 1 r«nr.rn1 Hos- Anita opening doy. Dcc. but wm Company held their annu“‘ tertained at'a New Year’s Eve par- table, and during tho late aftern United' States about the middle oR waVo gift of the groom. Her bou-• "JT' o^pson, Mrs. Leaves ^C'o^nuKelowna General no fgj. the Newwcw Year s Day Christmas party at...... the home...... of Miss ^ p pandla. hours Miss Lynn Crossley, Miss tho 19th century. quet was« of - white - and------yellow------chry-4ci TVTr. Borj Miss Joan Toms, her twin sister's Rhys Lewis, Mr. and Mrs. Jud Inqt a vood frlcnd when , , of presents from the tree, and guests holiday season in Kelowna, wiui guests, while Mr. Lt Canada's principal canals are un­ only attendant, wore an identical Ribclin, Mr, and Mrs. Hugh Bal- TWi«* Ka^Lrinc Ber^ Walsh left “ICaybcC is everyone s frimd, ^ sing song. Refreshm^ts his mother, Mrs. A^ilcy. Mr. Harold Brown and . der tho jurisdiction of the Domin­ dress in turquoise, with llowcrcd fom*^ Mr, and Mrs. BUI Robson, Mr. nnximr Dav to spend and quotes J.R. Speers, the inan who ^ m Dynn and Ro- Avcnivs. He arrived in Penticton by jack RUch dispensed punch, O ion department of trantgiort and hat and mauvo vciiing. Sho carried j,nd Mrs. Ron Wilkinson, Miss Nor- r ‘ P > « - - NOW V c j,b Dvo. w' each is accessible from the Atlan­ yellow and mauvo chrysimthemums. Goudic, Mr. Hugh Burbank, Miss tic ocean. ____ ’______Mr. James T. Buss acted^ as best jviarie Fitzpatrick, Miss Jo*}” JwSo h ld ^o U rcd from the under the turt." ...... _ M r. motored Irom K aehlond =»“ SKiSoo^'adHYburKase H k U p

the groom ably responded Christmas merrymaking final retirement—positively her last horses, my pet Sahara cmei. i "Yu ITiomDSon and Mr. Ted Dodd day -Spoils Sleep Tonight! order of tho evening for 02 young' appearance. “I really must leave be- ma Mr. and Mrr. Mrs. Baba Nlchol.J relievo stuffy, tran­ c S f w i U reLnto\an^ouycr^AIIU ^arty'at the Women’^ T*^c4tfl1fA TTnll. pauTnt's:_xs__x« Miss'Walsh WolcVt lovesInvos horseshorSCS. iook Seablscuit CnnHlRPiilt offofT the tho program DrOJSfraiTl Qt .S . trfal‘ot . tS Som t"K«la- Anno a^ wcak,_wbila^ ^udy and S_u=am,BP0_nt .ho ^ sient conBcstlon. Briiuis friends. Dr. Pandia Is on his way to penticton visiting Mrs. I 'quick relief from snlllly, Mr. Logic and Mr. R. E. Flower ^„d knows the major race tracks ganta Anita." sneezy liead cold dls- ______- ran off movies, and Mr. H. K. Hume the continent. tres.s. Try it I Follow Mr Gerard MacAulay, of Head- provided piano accompaniment for j/jigg Walsh’s homo is Hastings, thel-ESssrcrj Kentucky Derby on May K:.5:SEri-si directions In pnckauc. y warK- jg figuring out accommodation at was proioed to Madras, quarters, near Courtenay, arrived musical games and carol singing. Ontario, a few mi^s Rom ^ were Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. D. M. Perloy, after New Tho tables were decorated with ^vorth, home of Dr. Boyce. Dr, Louisville. “I am not going to die un Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Allen, Mr. and Tony Locke and Mr. Phil returned on Satt VISKS YA-TRO-liOL Yearison Sunday "w^fh toWs^brother-1^^^^^^ snowmen, winter greenery ®nd red Royce’was wonderful to the nurse^’’ ul’p have seen The Kentucky Derby, Wakefield, Mr. and Mrs. Locke left"the*Royal Anne on ^ n - Rose ^Jl^YJber ^2?”^affer° spo^^^^ sister, Mr, and Mrs. Robert A.A Me- candles, and each nlnrfkplace rnrflcard WaSwas **TTn nlwnvs Rent tUrkCyS__ 3 xu^ C!oT«ir»c ” eho dpclarGS. «**» ^-n_1- T\ir^ TWTt»c A T*. , . .i„s__4V*« #nir\nc+ TTygv daYt UCCCiTiDer _£_ H Kee. attached to a candy cane. City, New Jersey, graduating at Hastings to visit her brother-in- jyjj, ^^d Mrs. John Petreny, Miss K. y p. Locke left Kelowna in David 1915, nursing in Philadelphia and law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. J. F. payne. Miss E. M. Hussey, Miss jg4g are now living in North ren, Julie and^Davia. Atlantic City, where her mother and McCarthy at Lakefleld. It is nearly j. Kurtz,, Miss A. Vidler, Miss G. Vancouver. Tony used to attend the Sergeant and Mrs. W, Jai sister joined her for the summer. 20 years since she has been home. Paterson-Caw, Miss T. Flegel, Miss yemon Preparatw’^School. Thomson, with Rolf and Nancy Ic In 1916 Miss Walsh came west and ——— ------F. M.■MT r'nncins!Cousins, MiscMiss G. Auch.Auch, MlSSMiss • ^ for whe Mr. Bob Stephens, of North Van- on Tuesday for Nanaimo, saw her first Calgary ' Stamp^e. Mrs A H. Povah left on Sunday l . Constantini, Miss C. Zerr, Miss takii That winter, visiting friends in Ed-, - „ nnioef M the Willow Staff Sergeant Thomson is for Vancouver to...... visit her brother, B. Brooks, Miss W. Huva, Mr. A. ^nmM" IteXns tas corn! trom charge of the Nanaimo detachme: monton, she was pressed into ser­ Mr. Stafford White. J, Rooney, Mr. R. Nutter, Mr. F. vice, helping Dr. Bill Moore at M. Davidson and Mr. W. Crossley, the Royal Bank in North Vancou- Kathleen Johnson^ who spe Kerrobert, Saskatchewan, a surgeon Mr. and Mrs. Bill m ite, of Van­ ver, for a period of relief duty. several days in Vernon, virttii who had no hospital facilities, hav­ couver, have been holiday guests of On Saturday evening members of ing to operate in private homes. It Mr. and Mrs, Axel _ Eutin.____ Mrs.^ the Citizen’s Forum held a surprtse ivu,.MS. Bob ►jw.a.av..,S telL ; —o i tbe.— University ■"■tT oH accompanied ^.mlaSied b by rS iviiss il^ uonue _was_^__ruggedJifej_imrsmgjmeJiara party at the_home-Of,theii^president,__o£_B.C.,-whQ drove from V guest of Mr. and/Mi 3A1AM way. ■ • • : • ■ ' . Mr. H. C. Manning. Glenn Avenue, yer with M ic ^ Jones. ' ------Served with V.O.N. Mr. and Mrs. Sherman Davis, of to celebrate his Christmas home- mg severa^ days as a guest oi ivir. Ches- th:To"N’’trk%ubf^^^^^^^^ Dai^r daughte7s“"of Mr. and; M4 SWEATERS and n i r f f i o r l h ^ victorian^'^^^^^^^^ S I S’^J^r^teSn^bycoTst Micky. gdays.^'S’

'”lg"l§7^fw^enrelTwith her Miss JeanfCattanaeh left on Ja- hiTirilnds S"a N ew 'S’s^Eve SAK uA^o? B.C. a n d '^ S ty is I ™ nuary 1 for Edmonton, where she dances and a sit-down supper. Those his friends at a New third year arts. AuiSli city, bis firs. ,toe .back wm Me up oiflee:duties st Alberta A ? , and Mrs. Ceeil Bull. ..H„etolaga,'’Ptod'ezl Street, w, Delightfully T eaue, S e Jto T l|!. 7 ||,p. -re- Slul^wS^ Stylish z z - z - z SrcSlfK^tS ^fe“2ir apdM.se velvet WBlop SMateeu were pt most of her time was sp^t in .M- parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mfss Olive and Miss Minnie Hew- in his new four pa S. _gj,ding * * t? nv„ and ^chAr-Houblon. during the holiday letfentertAhieTin their suite at-the ^achcr^^^ ------Mr. and- m s, J.t «B. Trotter spent year in California, taking m he geggon. ^Mayfair apartments on Monday eve- ^®^°^4^?^o^iinmein ElliottAv- the holidays with the former’s brol first Southern raemg. Rose pw l . * * * . ♦,„.„e.^ing when they invited friends in Brian, at their home m Elliott a ther-in-law and sister. Dr. and m a Warm /f- Game and Rose Parade. In 1941 she jjj.g_ p. a . ^lund has rrturned celebrate the home coming, enue. ■ • • J. E. Harvey, of Vernon, m ss MolH was again pressed into .nursing at from a trip^to Verpon w l^ u.B.C. of Miss Doris and Miss r)r D P Pandia, of Madras, was ly and m ss Peggy Harvey and mrs| guest of Mrs. Be^ie MacLeod. iJ?2^®:^orIAcA guSt S'h^nor on Wedn^day after-ai«A- Mabel Lang, arrived from Vancoui Mr and Mrs E O. Hughes, of Miss Bernice and Miss Florence „ Thursday night, when ver _ to .join the i,Arv,afamily gathering at| Pe’Setonf with‘ER^m Lyhla Anne Broo hir.Mr. and Mrs.M rs. O.------L. Jones'enfertain=-theird)rother-s4iome. and Richard, accompanied by Mrs. nie Faulkner, Miss Joy M c^y, m ss ed informally at tea and dmner, Mr. and m s. Jack Noonan are keen tennis player and likes bridge. and Miss Pat for himself and his secretary, m s SV w sh'SftoM f shows to in her Wilson and Elsie Naylor. here from Vancouver, visiting Mr. love of racing. She missed Santa of m . and m s. A. J. Hu les. Muriel Campbell, at their home on and Mrs, Bob Rickards, Harvey Avenue. m . and m s . G. W. B urk have Dr. D. P. Pandia entertained in ADORABLE ;-z-z-z-z- m isabeth Taylor Busiest G al his suite at the wt^h Hday *m?*B^k^ wiU ^turn with hisday. guestsPNb-- included Mr. ana mr^ bcgluplpg .ctnimn'l of form. the Ver- GOWN SHOP W. E. Adams, Mr. Jim Gamp^ell, -----non "Preparatory ’ •^School • term. On Set o f ‘L ife W ith Father^ Mr. Charles Gaddes, Mr. F. N. Gis- Francis Buck, of West Van- Pendozi St., Phone 890 home, m . and ms. Gordon Her-* ^ho is a guest, with her bert, Mr. and Mrs. O. L. Jones, Dr. j^^g^and, at the Royal Anne, enter- Your Budget Centre .y ■W. J. Knox, Mr. F. Marriage, Mr. ^gjj^g^ informally at luncheon at the y.-v.yyfyyy.<<-s "'k, and m s. S. M. Simpson, Banta R ^ , jjotel on Tuesday. Book. Private Zoo Delip Singh, Lakha Singh, Mahal ______;------;------— Singh and Ralla Singh. After lunch, Mr. O. L. Jones made an introduc­ Occupy Time of tory speech, before Dr. Pandia talk­ z - z - z - z— z - z ed about India’s new status as a z - z - z - z - z - z Young Player W: sister commonwealth. Dr. I^ox thanked the host for his hospitali'- in 1948 ty and his interesting resume of Elizabeth Taylor, movie Indian affairs. star, author, menagerie owner, 9 . Members of __ the _ basketball team talent scout and teen-ager x.omfrom Priest RiVer,Ri\^r, Idaho, who stay­ about town, put in a busy time ed at the Royal Anne last weel^ in­ while “Life with Father” was cluded LeRoy Brillon, Donald, Chil- in production. As the ingenue cote, Donald Klotz. Gary Losh, DRAIN lead opposite Jimmy Lydon in Gene Low, Arthur and !^ymond 0A mtchell, "Norman Morinitti, Jim W I C E .I the Warner Bros. Technicolor Murray, Glen Pete, Irvin Morgan, coach, and Earl Naccarato,; [ i g i O M l of one of the two cars in which the H- boys travel. Dr. R. A. Hughes, of Kamloops, left the Royal Anne on Saturday after spending a short holiday here. .A ^ • • • • * t'v> Mr F. W. Groves left on Monday w for iSanff mineral springs, where I he will take treatments for arthritis. He will be absent from the city for about three months. I' '' Bill Greenwood is spending the hoUdays~with-his-parents._Mr._aM Mrs. Terry Greenwood. BiU is m IVd Escape Prom Sehooi — The life of a young actress I his first year at U.B.C. and plans >'/ isn’t as glamorous as it may appear to a teen-ager. Here to study medicine. ^ is 14-year-old Elizabeth Taylor, who appears in Warners OIL " Mr. Lon Godfrey has returned to “Life With Father” film, studying on the studio set. Vancouver havirg ppent four_P'»y-“ a hearty laugh instead of a “Howard is the big, handsome with bis pnir.nlfli Mi Bifii bIjb a n ■4 Godfrey. te n d e r clinch. But this was the he-m an type,V’ sh e sa y s, ' • • • V vS bnIy disapp^intment for young-gravely,-with thfe voice oLau-- — ^Jbhn'^Pantonrwho-is-studying-first- year forestry at the University oi tm irm s s t Miss Taylor while she was thprity. “Audiences will love BC. is home with his parents. Dr. making “Life with Father.” him.” and Mrs. L. A. C. Panton, for the I During production of the film Howard, however, was pos- she acquired a coi^ too and sibly not the only yoimg. man holidays. ^ » i Mr. Paul Ponich returned to Ke­ three new kittOns for her own in Miss Taylor’s life. Not, at lowna to spend the Christmas sea­ private zoo and she heard from least, if you listen to the studio son with his parents, Rev. and Mrs. ''' y\ a book company that her book chatter. It seems that ex-Quiz D. M. Ponich. He left again on Sun­ about her pet chipmunk, “Nib- kid Harve Fishman, who day, for Kamloops. xi hies and Me,” had been ac- writes a teen-age column in Mr. Gordon Hawkins, son of Mr. cepted for publication. the Chicago Times, and is just and Mrs. Russell Hawkins, of Oka­ Why not look from be­ T a le n te d Elizabeth Tay­ UR $64 question is fwhat makes a lor, only 14, seen here with as redheaded as any of the nagan Mission, is home on holidays. hind the sheets, lady, to boys in “Life ■with Father,’ Later he wUl return to Edmonton, O groaner a crooner” Durr answer . . . Jimmy Lydon on Warner’s where he is attending-the University the convenience and econ­ “Life With Father” set, is Concerned Over Brother came to the studio ta do an omy we bring you. Send of Alberta, taking arts, chemistry a complete oil and gr e change will an author as well as a Exciting though these interview with the young lady. and science. the family laundry" to'us full-fledged screen star, events were, particularly the Alert observers reported that make your car purr d sing like and save yourself time expansion of the Taylor Zoo to Elizabeth was “starry-eyed _ Mr. H- C. Manning has been spen­ ding holidays at-home, having fe^ “Bing”. and effort. We’re econ­ . a population of three dogs, \^hen the interview ended.. turned frorh Keremeos. where he is omical, ^ve rapid service plm version of the famous four cats, ttoee horses, one production of ‘ Lito acting as relieving officer for the comedy success, which stars chipmunk and one cockatoo, with Father was completed, I and quality work. customs. • • • William PoweU and Irene the youthful star ivas even Miss Taylor was tom between Mr. Ed Davis returned from West- Ellis Street Senfce CALL 123 NOW ! Dunne, she had to rehearse the more concerned about the fact a trip back to her M tive Eng- bridge to spend Christmas with his first romantic scenes of her that her handsome brother, land and the writing of a wife at the Willow Inn. He will be career, pose for fitting of cos- 17-year-old Howard Taylor, second book. A t last reports Here for the next few weeks. tumes of the 1880’s and keep was being considered for a mo- she had decided to do both Phone 973 Miss Lois Riggs has returned to 1337 Ellis Sl a weather eye on her slew of tion picture acting contract, things simultaneously. A large Kelowna, where she is ^n,the staff extra-curricular activities. Howard is letting the matter aissignment th? but, like her of the Canadian Bank ol Commerce, The______romantic scenes, like___ slide____ until he finishes school, role in the film, right . in char- after^vacationing for the part three MiU Ave. Use the Laundry — Phone 123 mc»t of the sequences in the but his Md sister thinks it is acter for the bt Mest young weeks with h » v;^'| K were due t o wind up with just too wond^ul for words, lady in Hollywood. Mrs. John f . Riggs, at Peachiand. PAGE SEVEN THE KELOWNA COURIER MONDAY. JANUAKY S, 1940 Mis.- Doris Huscroft rd>ent the \ Mr. and Mrs. Norm Gcrow scry- Christmas holidays at Wynndel, ed I'om and Gerry’serry’s when they held near Creston. visiting her mother. open Iiouso.... on It SfthSaturday night. In MANY PEOPLE Mrs. Doris Huscroft «nd sister Mu­ their apartment. riel. ATTEND OYAMA Miss Anno Curts, of Pro.spect Mr. and Mrs. Allen Crewe arrived I.uke. near Saanich, has bqpn Blind­ from Victoria on Friday and spent ing the holiday with her brother-ln- CHURCH SERVICE two days os guest-s of Mr. and Mrs. lovv and sister. Mr. and Mrs. Ru­ Cedric Boyer, before leaving for pert Brown. Sho left on Monday OYAMA—Christmas time is a Naramata. night to return home, via Victoria. time of family reunions, of happy celebrations and of carol singing, and it is also a time of church go­ ing for faithful ones. In St. Mary’s Anglican Church REGISTERED the Christmas eve midnight Com­ munion evao well attended and ^/*Aerc oii seemed much appreciated, so much so that it will likely prove to bo a regular thing. At the Christmaa day Preceding the no-host New Year's Mr. Art Lander brought lus wife matins at 10.30 a in. the church waa PARTY HONORS Eve party, lield during the past se- back from tlic Vancouver General i p e ; iiiiV T jj also filled to capacity, and a carol von years, wlicre a hundred friends Ho.'ipital on Tue-sduy, where she had service waa held on Sunday follow­ gather at the Orange Hall to see the spent the past tlircc weeks. Her MISS K. WALSH, ing Christmaa. New Year in, a progressive dinner friends will be happy to know that Itev. A. R. Bctl ofndated at each VETERAN NURSE of Uie services and tlie cliurch was party was lield. Progrcfss was a she is making fine progress. beautifully decorated for Christmas litlle slow, guc-sts meeting at the MnYfai^ ballroom was the with evergreen boughs and red iioipe <#• Mr. and Mrs. Jim Campbell ^ j A farewell parly was held at the berries. f„; cocktails at 7.:^ p.m. and get- «xme of Nurses’ Home, Monday night, when 'flic Roman Catholic Church ser­ ting to the dance at 11 p.m., having January i. wnen 11 .s „nrtv the entire nursing stall was present vice of Communion at 9.30 was con­ up pullc »„ np.H,.„.o in U.P M,” °n Block Phone 1006^^ odus orr fttie i twelve Foundation A. Rowe, Bantoead on New Ye^ s ^ over 80, friends dropped in to pay Ken Shepherd, Jvi -yp-an, Michael Watt. Keith and Ro- Stones of New Jerusalem, Eve. Guests included^Betty B^^ • • • their rejects to the-host and hos^ ^‘e ^r. Frank La bin Young. mentioned in the Revelations Helen de Pfyffer,, Jackie Jackson, j^g^ McKenzie ar- tggg and to greet the, homecomer. Harold wui u. of John, may serve as a source Fenella Locock, Pam Leckie, Morva j.jyg^ from Warner, Alberta, to take ------— for the belief in natal stones. ---Paige,- -- -Patsy Anne Roweliffe, Jean Anne ^ gggggggjgggt gf gj thg-yvillow.jj^g vTillow However, it seems more likely , Rutherford, Janet Scantland, Hill they recently bought. that the modem custom orig­ Carr-Hilton, Pat Curell, Alfie Ge- McKenzie was*formerly Doro- inated with the Hebrew gem- reln, Owen and Trevor J

Quick-rising os fresh.yeast . . . No more overnight bakmg • • • Gives full-flavoured, ^ e r tex­ Published Mondays and Thursdays tured bread every tim e. Subscription Rate: $3.00 per year 4 •«»ie,JM par corfon . ; , •oti uvoiapa taataa S foayati ■ sssss

L A L L E M A N D 'S U .S.-CA N A D IA H BOUMDAR.yLmt W^pRl£ilKAU.t markb REX Ouic* R.*,jt«prv'r»»»«-*l IH OPlM COUKfRiY _

I ...-..- MONPAY. JANUARY 6, IMS THE KELOWNA COURIER for $13 lor damage to fur coat. uRtf Rtockings and a brulaed knee. PAGE EIGHT (Continued from P«g« *> WORLD NEWS FLASHES Mm. Robertson claimed that at the ae Furrow corner ol Bernard Avenue and YEGGS GET $1,900i.iyuw INi i s SAFECRACKINGV*...* ------Water Street, city electricians were POSTAL HEAD VA M rO IIV FR_Safecrackers escaped with $1,500 today doing some work and that wire wm CAR AND TRUCK \ ANCUU yi.K ^ ^ I St. Cafe, carelessly left lying around. Aaj^e after blowing the ^rongbox m the Barn, » . onoutfh Btopi>cd over the wire, a wwloman SAYS PUBUC They also took $4(X) m cheques. I ohcc said they had h ‘ causing her to fall to toe INSURANCE qilro-glycerine to blow up the whole building. 1 hey left a ------ground.«a!d A that workman Mrs said that Mrs. Ix»w Rates - Full Coverage COOPERED quantity of it behind. Hobertson fell, but that toe tripped — also —' on tho sidewalk and he helped her up. ITiero was a piece of wlrd piro - Orchard - Etoployoo Volume of MaU Handled Over BRITONS REGISTER FOR EMPLOYMENT toe ground, but the workman wld Burglary - Plato Gla^ Christmas Scaspn Excccdca LONDON—Street traders, itinerant she did not beewne entangled In It Personal Property Floater Amount in Other Years To save argument, the city decided i to pay toe claim. INTERIOR- AGENCIES Kclowno citizcn57can 'CV''' Bclvca on the back, according to ment order designed to guide the worK-si y nuo . .-'’t p i j ^ 078 828 Demard Ave- local post office officials. order alTccts men under 50 and women under 40. They bate oi Once again it was week in which to register. What Others Say ! from the post office licrc to inc people who helped SEARCH LOWER B.C. FOR AIRMAN - ^ Eto7 Family Needs tho New tion in the Kelowna post JV?" VANCOUVh'R—Search planes arc. out today in the hunt Pocket Size cnab ed u large Percentage of the staff to enjoy .Christmas with only for Jim L. Davidson, 22, believed to be an RCAF veteran, miss- rf * v.-'o ■ Cti INFRA-RED a trace of worry. , imr since he took olT from the airport Sunday m an all-metal Electric Heat Postmaster E. R- Wde-engined air coupe. He had suflicicnt gas for three hours mall handling went olf of d;ght.S'hc search centred in the Fraser Valley and along Applicator. work "Our people co-operamd so well the Christmas mail rush wa c o a sta l districts. handled perfectly. Actually now it I seems as if there was nothlnjj^to it. FORTY KILLED IN JAPANESE RAIL CRASH volume handled this year was NAGOYA,]apan—Forty persons were killed and 120 m- slightly higher than last ^ear. D^ut both years, “^cording to the • Ix-^-* » ,• • i 11 red today when two overcrowded electric cars overturned ■ ■' while speeding around a curvte at Moriyama village near here. ?o"r‘^co-optrX n’from the mailing will bo able to bowl on tho other •tfStyt ' QUICK ^ ‘"“'S ‘e']^ak here was rcac^ SUNDAY BOWLING "^ATOordlng to reports from other RELIEF centres, Eome difficulty was exper­ “What a mirage! A Beauty A sm HWI WILL GET AWAY ienced in getting the okay to bowl with a bathing suit cleaned ACH£S on Sundays. But now all civic coim- . d i r i .. w clls urc understood to have granted at Hemlcrson’.s 1” tu ti PAINS '^ir. ON JANUARY 11 USE IT FOJl: permission for association members Sinus 0 Arthritis , . T * only to use the bowling alloys on I Colds O Neuritis Five Teams Entered m inter- Sundays. , , , u S till Neck 0 Neuralgia * T ” S p K e » l S “ hi'-rcst ol thD ritv Bowling Association; a regular league schedule is be- HENDERSON'S Sore Throat A Toothache lixg aruwu uy Uliv* D**v/W*va Hack Pains 0 Cold Feet f..r.m^Tnniiarv 11 to Ing drawn up and should be ready Sprains 0 Druiscs to Play from Janu y sometime this week, president Win- CLEANERS Headache ^ Sore Muscles Mr Bailey The increase in the vot March 16 terbottom reported. I Aching Mtisclca 1 ■ ai and I iihciimatlc Pains racial Massage ..;it :t<' After wcelcs of negotiations, inter­ DYERS , stimulates Complexion Beauty mas was noted throughout the Dom city fivepin howling has been ap­ c it y ” PAYS $15 Brings Soothing Comfort proved at the live centres entered in I A Uses AC or DC Current A Wherever Dry Heat Is Required ‘" S ra help was added to the loc^ the Inter-City Bowling Association, DAMAGE^LAIM PHONE 285 ' A Use as often or as long as you itao to time » the according to local officials. ® wish. Will help and cannot harm • Mrs. George Robertson, of Law­ We call and deliver. w T s m n w L f do o b lU Ute post- Play will start on Jahuary 11 and Docs^Good! Feels Good! Is Good! continue until March 16. Represen­ rence Avenue, will be paid the am­ Postpaid £14.0t> , m S e rS d . Of the 30 extra helpers, ted are Kelowna, Rutland, Vernon ount of her claim made on the city Bad Weather Is Coming! Be were inside and nine men tramp­ Prepared! Simunerland and Penticton. Eac Rush Order and Remittance to ed the routes in the city. ------centre has two men’s C, FERGUSON , . e nrobably have two ladies teams by ■ • V P O Box S44 - Winnipeg, Man. FireariiiT' w ere'intro^ed into the individual through the force of P /°tj e opening day rolls around., p.U. uox ^ TODAY! Europe by the Mongols m the 15th his example-in living, his i^uence thg time ope J i ...... c e n t u r y . ______— iii society, his activities. Through At following officers were the individual power is brought to lation, t^ loi ow Kelow-, % New Faces Appear the club and enables it to act as a elected: Ken W mterbotto^^ stabiliser in the community, to put pa. president Reimer, Ke- first things first and exert an mflu- lowna, y* On Local Hockey Team ence of balance and good judg- lowna, treasurer. , ment upon the affairs of the com- Kelowna In Centre SUlTEi Kelowna, in the middle o* the I^ELOWNA Aces will not see action until tpfl^row-mght ity, association—centres,_is_expectedJ-Q- K but by that time hockey fans should see at least two or U.S. cc_-_.COPYRIGHT BAW beloo the members busiest, -^re^dyin tne Kelo^a^h^------The existing term of copyright in 100 members i 1 SENIOR LORRAINE ■>“-i“f£ L ro S e S ^ :r.» w n a Aces Hockey Club, ji rax_A^_ v>ii