KENTUCKY Spring 2019 • .org/kentucky

A corn field (left) is buffered by native grasses (right) to protect the nearby Green River. © Mike Wilkinson Sustainable Kentucky chapter develops new strategy

The Nature Conservancy’s Shared Tennessee chapter. of promising new approaches to Conservation Agenda prioritizes the “We all realized that, looking at , at a scale we’ve sustainable production of . In Kentucky and Tennessee, we’ve got a never worked before.” Kentucky, TNC is delving deeper into lot of agricultural country,” says Mike The chapters came up with a the agricultural arena, building new Hensley, Green River project director simple plan that focused on the science partnerships and expanding work in behind health and the agriculture sustainable agriculture. supply chain. In both areas, Hensley “Conservation science has been says, the chapters felt they could make a focusing on soil health at a national real difference. level,” says Kim Barton, agriculture “Everybody realizes that if program specialist for the Kentucky sustainable practices can be implemented chapter. “While there is a wealth of and result in better yield, lower knowledge at a national level, we wanted production costs, and healthy, resilient to engage with local producers to share , it’s a win-win,” he says. “Having knowledge and develop research around healthy soil is good for our , for soil health in Kentucky.” reasons of productivity and profitability.

To capitalize upon the promising © Mike Wilkinson Taking proactive steps to protect and science of soil health and potential build healthy soils is also good for opportunities to collaborate with key for the Kentucky chapter. “By working water quality and wildlife. Healthy soil industry partners, the Kentucky chapter with our farmers and the industries practices prevent and keep developed a sustainable agriculture they supply, there are ways we can help nutrients where they belong.” strategy with colleagues in the accelerate education and adoption Sustainable agricultural practices

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13 million Acres of in Kentucky, where farmers lead the way in sustainable practices like no-till farming and cover cropping.

Healthy Soil Practices

The Nature Conservancy works with farmers to advance sustainable agriculture. © Mike Wilkinson

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such as no-till farming and crop diversification have caught on with many farmers. But having stronger science and more localized data showing that such practices work, environmentally and economically, can convince other farmers to use them. © Mike Wilkinson “In Kentucky, we felt like the science behind soil health could be a lot more No-till farming is a way of robust,” Hensley says. “At every local field day and workshop, our farmers are telling us growing crops without disturbing they’d be more likely to try new practices if there were more data showing what works. the soil. This method can decrease And we’re listening to them and taking action.” soil erosion, increase healthy For the second strategy, TNC partnered with the University of Kentucky’s microorganisms and organic matter in the soil, and improve soil’s ability Community and Economic Development Initiative of Kentucky (CEDIK) to better to retain moisture. The method was understand the agricultural supply chain relationships in Kentucky. first popularized by Kentucky “We evaluated the supply chains Harry Young, Jr., who planted the Healthy soil practices prevent from input to final product,” says nation’s first commercial no-till soil erosion and keep nutrients Barton. “We looked at four different crop in 1962. Today, 80 percent of Kentucky’s acreage, 70 commodities—corn, , beef and where they belong. percent of its acreage, and Mike Hensley, Green River Project Director poultry. The end results showed us where 50 percent of its corn acreage are farmers purchase their inputs like seed produced using no-till farming. and fertilizer in the state of Kentucky and where their final products are going.” Another important farming Through both parts of the strategy, TNC is going deeper into a new area of work technique to promote soil health is cover cropping. Leaving fields bare that is critical for people and nature. Working with new partners, the Kentucky after the of cash crops in- and Tennessee chapters aim to improve farm profitability while improving key creases soil erosion and nutrient loss. environmental outcomes like clean water. Cover crops are planted after cash “We’re excited to listen and learn from our agricultural community,” says Hensley. crops are harvested. Cover crops hold “Working with farmers and other partners will help us better understand current the soil in place, increase water infil- tration and increase soil productivity. processes and how we can contribute to a better future for all.”

The Nature Conservancy Kentucky facebook/TheNatureConservancyofKentucky 114 Woodland Avenue [email protected] twitter/nature_ky Lexington, KY 40502 instagram/nature_kentucky