Brian L. Burke, PhD Professor of Psychology Fort Lewis College, Durango, CO 81301 (970) 247-7088 [email protected]

EDUCATION Doctor of Philosophy (2003) Major: Clinical Psychology; Minor: Teaching & Teacher Education The University of Arizona, Department of Psychology. Tucson, AZ.

Certificate in College Teaching (2001) The University of Arizona, University Teaching Center. Tucson, AZ

Bachelor of Science (1997) - Psychology McGill University, Department of Psychology. Montreal, Quebec.

PROFESSIONAL WORK HISTORY Professor of Psychology (August 2014-Present) Fort Lewis College, Department of Psychology. Durango, CO 81301

Associate Professor of Psychology (August 2008-2014) Fort Lewis College, Department of Psychology. Durango, CO 81301

Assistant Professor of Psychology (August 2003-2008) Fort Lewis College, Department of Psychology. Durango, CO 81301

TEACHING EXPERIENCE Fort Lewis College, Durango, CO Personality Designed and taught undergraduate course giving students an appreciation for the world of personality psychology – theory, research, and assessment – as well as its broad applicability to the students’ own lives. Course focuses on psychological answers to the question “Why do people think, feel, and act as we do?”

Counseling Skills Designed and taught upper-division undergraduate seminar exploring alternate conceptualizations of counseling models developed over the last century. This skills-based course also examines contemporary issues that plague the field of psychotherapy research, such as which of the various approaches work best – and for whom – so that students get a vivid appreciation of the complexity and innovation of the psychotherapeutic enterprise.

Positive Psychology Designed and taught undergraduate course focusing on both the science and lived experience of what makes humans happy. Students complete a “Life Application Project” in which they apply evidence-based strategies such as meditation, exercise, and helping others to their own ongoing quest for happiness.

Abnormal Psychology Designed and taught upper-division undergraduate course providing students with a glimpse into the world of the clinical psychologist at work and introducing them to research on human psychological disorders. This course combines the most up-to-date diagnostic system (DSM-5) with clinical examples to give students a multifaceted perspective on the study of mental disorders and on the utility of both medicine and psychology for explaining and treating these intriguing human problems. As explained further below, this course was modified for both online and HyFlex delivery at the request of the FLC administration to bolster access.

Introduction to Psychology Designed and taught undergraduate course giving students insight into what psychology has contributed toward our understanding of living beings and to expand student knowledge of how psychologists approach the world.

Abnormal Psychology ONLINE EDITION In response to college and departmental need, I designed and taught a fully online upper-division undergraduate course combining the most up-to-date diagnostic system (DSM-5) with clinical examples to give students a multifaceted perspective on the study of mental disorders and on the utility of both medicine and psychology for explaining and treating these intriguing human problems. I took a “Designing for Impact” online class at Fort Lewis College and worked closely with the Teaching and Learning staff to make this course deliverable by distance (online); I also designed an online video lab for the course at

Psychological Research Methods Designed and taught undergraduate course aimed at teaching students to master “the 3 Cs of research”: 1) Consume psychological research (through reading and analyzing other people’s scientific work) 2) Conduct psychological research (through creating their own research study and using Statistics/SPSS) 3) Communicate psychological research (orally and via scientific writing using APA style) This course implemented problem-based learning to make research and science come alive for students.

History of Psychology: A European Journey Designed and taught this innovative course in the history of psychology through a visit to Europe—the place where psychology originated—in order to foster student appreciation for the roots of this fascinating field. Students had the opportunity to explore the vast beauty and rich cultural heritage of modern-day Europe, while meeting other students from around the globe. Psychology-related sites included Freud’s museums (London and Vienna), Paris’ brain-in-a-jar, Jung’s and Piaget’s institutes in Switzerland, and Germany’s varied History of Psychology artifacts (such as an original phrenology teaching skull and other experimental instruments).

Senior Research in Psychology Designed and taught undergraduate “capstone” experience in which students conduct and present psychological research, as well as explore future career options and identify the steps required to attain that chosen career. The core of this class is mentored research in terror management theory, which postulates that humans invest in and defend their culture and in-groups in order to reduce their death anxiety, along with a chance for students to present their independent projects at a professional psychology conference (RMPA).

Forensic Psychology Designed and taught undergraduate course in this emerging area of psychology in response to student demand. This course examines the interaction of psychology and the legal system, exploring such topics as psychological testimony about insanity, eyewitness testimony, police interrogation, lie detection, offender rehabilitation, and criminal profiling. All of these topics culminate in a mock classroom trial and help bring into focus the overarching theme of modern forensic psychology – the monumental gap between psychological science and criminal justice system practice, and what students can do to help close it.

Service Learning in Psychology: Motivational Interviewing Designed and taught undergraduate course that enables students to be Peer Consultants at FLC and promote more responsible substance use on campus. Students are trained in motivational interviewing techniques, an evidence-based intervention for health, alcohol, and other substance-related problems. Students are closely supervised as they gain valuable experience providing one-on-one feedback to other students sanctioned for alcohol- or marijuana-related campus policy violations or for students considering behavior changes in their health psychology class. In addition, students facilitate substance-related programs on campus (such as National Alcohol Screening Day) designed to identify high-risk substance users. Results show that MI reduces recidivism for substance violations on campus compared to community service sanctions.

Topics in Science: Critical Thinking Designed and taught undergraduate course that gave students an opportunity to learn and teach the most essential skill set for real-world success – critical thinking. These skills help students prepare for the GRE and in their other classes, as well as to sort through the myriad of claims (such as what ad executives, parents, or politicians tell them) in our modern world to decide for themselves what to believe and how to live. Students were trained in critical thinking techniques and used them to judge the regional science fair and teach these strategies to school children at the Powerhouse Science Center, the interactive science museum in Durango.

First Year Launch: Building Social Confidence Designed and taught undergraduate course that enables students to improve the quality of their social interactions & support. The course was first taught as an enrichment offering in the early 2000s geared toward people who are anxious in social situations. This class was rebranded and revised as part of the First Year Launch initiative in 2019 as a first-year student seminar aimed at enhancing student retention. In the class, I coach students around how to build conversational skills, friendships, and assertiveness; speak up in class, and manage their social anxiety more effectively so that they can more fully engage in the FLC experience.

Field School in Clinical Psychology: Front Range Edition After many months of prep work, including a recon trip through a November snow storm, I was able to develop an opportunity for psychology students interested in real live clinical work. I took students to the Front Range for a 5-week externship from June 15-July 17, 2015 as part of a 6-credit upper level psychology elective (Psyc 394 – Field School in Clinical Psychology). During the course, students worked either at the Colorado Mental Health Institute (the State Mental Hospital) at Fort Logan (Denver) or Pueblo, CO. Both internships involved 2 weeks of training—with topics ranging from ethics, policies, safety, and mental health laws to skills in CPR, S&R (seclusion and restraint), suicide prevention, the recovery model, verbal judo (non-violent communication), medication and diagnosis, risk assessment, and milieu management (behavior therapy). CMHIP houses patients who are seriously and pervasively mentally ill—the most common diagnoses include schizophrenia, trauma (PTSD), substance use disorders, bipolar disorders, and personality disorders. After the initial 2 weeks of training, students worked with the psychologists of the Forensic Community-Based Services (FCBS) team, which serves 185 patients who were found NGRI (not guilty by reason of insanity) and strives to assist in their integration back into the community after their release from the hospital. With Provost Peters’ assistance, I was able to expand this class from 5 to 10 students, with sites currently at the Colorado Mental Health Institute (CMHIP) in Pueblo and the Denver County Jail; students get to be part of the treatment team at both sites and assist with intakes, group therapy, and case review meetings for a multicultural client population.


Because I teach at FLC where about a third of our students are indigenous and more than half are from ethnic minority groups, I have attended talks and workshops in order to enhance my cultural awareness as follows: 1) Dr. Darryl Tonemah, Health Promotion Director at University of Oklahoma: Workshop at Native American Center, Thursday, Sept 20, 2012 – “Code Switching” and how to help Native students succeed in college 2) Rick Williams, former President and CEO of the Native American College Fund: Workshop at Native American Center, Monday, November 5, 2012 – “Thinking Indian: Theories in Native Cognitive Processes” 3) Dr. Greg Cajete, Director of Native American Studies at University of New Mexico: Lecture on November 30, 2012 and Full-day Workshop on December 1, 2012 – “Igniting the Sparkle: An Indigenous Science Education Model,” sponsored by The Title III Math-STEM Project at FLC. 4) Dr. Chiara Cannella’s Let’s Talk Teaching workshop on culturally-responsive pedagogies in 2014. 5) Common Ground training with the FLC Counseling Center in 2015. 6) Visit to the Navajo Reservation and Dine College with the FLC psychology department in Fall 2016. 7) Mellon Grant Teaching Development Workshop on Culturally-Responsive Teaching - I was selected to take part in a full-day workshop led by Dr. Chiara Cannella, along with a multiday workshop facilitated by Joely Proudfit and Fredi Avalos on “Indigenizing your syllabus,” which took place on May 2, August 19, 20, and 21, 2019.

PUBLICATIONS NOTE: * denotes FLC undergraduate student

*Allen, J., *Perry, A., & Burke, B. L. (2016). Why Even Smart People Cannot Do the Math on Gun Control. Metamorphosis: COPLAC journal of undergraduate research, Fall 2016,

*Antonio, O., *Romero, K., & Burke, B. L. (2020). Expanding Compassion Through Death Awareness. Metamorphosis: COPLAC journal of undergraduate research, Spring 2020,

Anziano, M. C., & Burke, B. L. (2014). Landing Your First Job: Finding Your Ideal Fit. In J. N. Busler, B. C. Beins, & W. Buskist, (Eds.). Preparing the new psychology professoriate: Helping graduate students become competent teachers, 2nd edition (pp. 191-196). Syracuse, NY: Society for the Teaching of Psychology.

Arkowitz, H., & Burke, B. L. (2008). Motivational interviewing as an integrative framework for the treatment of depression. In H. Arkowitz, H. A. Westra, W. R. Miller, & S. Rollnick (Eds.). Motivational Interviewing in the Treatment of Psychological Problems (pp. 145-172). New York: Guilford Press.

*Blomso, B., *Kaiser, C., & Burke, B. L. (2020). Political Analysis of Donald Trump's “Changing Things” Ad. Voter Manipulation: Death Anxiety in Political Messaging. Ernest Becker Foundation.

*Blomso, B., *Kaiser, C., & Burke, B. L. (2020). Death Anxiety’s Effect on Aspects of Gender Attitudes: Voting Decisions and Infidelity. Metamorphosis: COPLAC journal of undergraduate research, Fall 2020,

Burke, B. L. (2004). My first year as Assistant Professor: Learning to be free. In W. Buskist, B. C. Beins, & V.W. Hevern (Eds.). Preparing the new psychology professoriate: Helping graduate students become competent teachers (pp. 148-151). Syracuse, NY: Society for the Teaching of Psychology.

Burke, B. L. (2006). For the “Grader” Good: Considering what you grade and why. APS Observer, 19 (11), 33-37.

Burke, B. L. (2007). For the “Grader” Good: Considering what you grade and why. In B. Perlman, L.I. McCann, & S. McFadden (Eds.). Lessons Learned, Volume 3: Practical Advice for the Teaching of Psychology (pp. 121-130). Washington, DC: Association for Psychological Science.

Burke, B. L. (2007). Still Crazy about Teaching after all these Years: An interview with Dick Gorman. Teaching of Psychology, 34, 135-142.

Burke, B. L. (2007). Eat your FIBER: How to get students to digest psychological science. E-xcellence in Teaching, February. Society for the Teaching of Psychology,

Burke, B. L. (2011). What can Motivational Interviewing do for you? A commentary on the Rationale for Adding Motivational Interviewing to Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. Cognitive and Behavioral Practice, 18, 74-81.

Burke, B. L. (2013). Motivated by Numbers: A Review of “Motivational Interviewing in Groups.” PsycCRITIQUES, 59.

Burke, B. L. (2017). The Four Foundational Principles for Abnormal Psychology: M.A.P.S. of the Territory. In R. L. Miller & T. Collette (Eds.) Teaching Tips: A Compendium of Conference Presentations on Teaching, 2015-16. Retrieved from the Society for the Teaching of Psychology web site:

Burke, B. L., & Kindleberger-Hagan, L. (2019). Filling Your Students’ J.A.R.S.: Teaching Strategies That Will Improve Student Learning Across the Psychology Curriculum. In R. L. Miller & T. Collette (Eds.) Teaching Tips: A Compendium of Conference Presentations on Teaching, 2017-18. Retrieved from the Society for the Teaching of Psychology web site:

Burke, B. L., Arkowitz, H., & Dunn, C. (2002). The Efficacy of Motivational Interviewing. In W. R. Miller & S. Rollnick (Eds.). Motivational Interviewing: Preparing People for Change (2nd edition, pp. 217-250). New York: Guilford Press.

Burke, B. L., Arkowitz, H., & Menchola, M. (2003). The Efficacy of Motivational Interviewing: A meta-analysis of controlled clinical trials. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 71, 843-861.

Burke, B. L., Brown, A., Dorr, B. C., & Wrona, M. C. (2020). Contaminated Mines or Minds: The Psychological Reaction to the Animas River Spill. In B. T. Clark & P. McCormick (Eds.), Gold Metal Waters (chapter 7). Boulder, CO: University Press of Colorado.

Burke, B. L., Dunn, C. W., Atkins, D., & Phelps, J. S. (2004). The Emerging Evidence Base for Motivational Interviewing: A meta-analytic & qualitative inquiry. Journal of Cognitive Psychotherapy, 18, 309-322.

Burke, B. L., & Goldstein, L. B. (2007). Beyond the Grade: Feedback on Student Behavior. APS Observer, 20 (8), 35-38.

Burke, B. L., & Goldstein, L. B. (2007). Beyond the Grade: Feedback on Student Behavior. In B. Perlman, L.I. McCann, & S. McFadden (Eds.). Lessons Learned, Volume 3: Practical Advice for the Teaching of Psychology (pp. 197-206). Washington, DC: Association for Psychological Science.

Burke, B. L., Horner, D. E., Tidwell, N. D., & Bayly, M. J. (2020). Terror Management Theory and Social Change: The Lingering Shadow of Death on Human Society. In R. Miller, R. Gurung et al. (Eds.). Routledge Encyclopedia of Psychology in the Real World.

Burke, B. L., Martens, A., & Faucher, E. H. (2010). Two decades of terror management theory: A meta-analysis of mortality salience research. Personality & Social Psychology Review, 14, 155-195.

Burke, B. L., Kosloff, S., & Landau, M. J. (2013). Death Goes to the Polls: A Meta-Analysis of Mortality Salience Effects on Political Attitudes. Political Psychology, 34, 183-200. doi: 10.1111/pops.12005

Burke, B. L., Sears, S. R., Kraus, S., & Roberts-Cady, S. (2014). Critical Analysis: A Comparison of Critical Thinking Changes in Psychology and Philosophy Classes. Teaching of Psychology, 41(1), 28-36.

Burke, B. L., Trost, S. E., deRoon-Cassini, T. A., & Bernstein, D. A. (2016). Abnormal Psychology, 2nd edition. Solon, OH: Academic Media Solutions.

Burke, B. L., Vassilev, G., Kantchelov, A., & Zweben, A. (2002). Motivational Interviewing with Couples. In W. R. Miller & S. Rollnick (Eds.). Motivational Interviewing: Preparing People for Change (2nd edition, pp. 347-361). New York: Guilford Press.

Burke, B. L., & Wrona, M. C. (2020). Mapping Normality: Teaching Abnormal Psychology. In J. Zumbach, D. Bernstein, S. Narciss, & G. Marsico (Eds.), The International Handbook of Psychology Learning and Teaching (pp. 1-25). Springer International Handbooks of Education. Springer, Cham.

Burke, B. L., Wrona, M. C., & Tidwell, N. D. (2021). W.I.L.D. Teaching: Making Your Classroom Come Alive. In H. Scherschel (Ed.), Teaching tips: A compendium of conference presentations on teaching, 2019-2021.

*Caldwell, L., & Burke, B. L. (2018). Taste After Death: Is Candy Sweeter After Mortality Salience? Metamorphosis: COPLAC journal of undergraduate research, Spring 2018,

*Calnan, T. L., & Burke, B. L. (2011). Alien Perspectives on Terror Management Theory: How mortality salience affects U.S. immigration policy. Metamorphosis: COPLAC journal of undergraduate research, 2(1),

*Cannon, J., *Laskowitz, J., & Burke, B. L. (2016). Political Ad Analysis. Voter Manipulation: Death Anxiety in Political Messaging. Ernest Becker Foundation.

*Gibo, D., *Suazo, K., & Burke, B. L. (2016). Political Ad Analysis. Voter Manipulation: Death Anxiety in Political Messaging. Ernest Becker Foundation.

Goldstein, L. B., Burke, B. L., Getz, A., & Kennedy, P. A. (2011). Ideas in Practice: Collaborative Problem-based Learning in Intermediate Algebra. Journal of Developmental Education, 35 (1), 26-37.

Goldstein, L. B., Burke, B. L., & Gilpin, S. (2016). Boosting Tutoring or Homework in Introduction to Algebra Classes. Pearson Educator Study. Available at study-measures-student-success-strategies-introduction-algebra-fort-lewis-college/

*Findlay, C., *Root, A., & Burke, B. L. (2016). Political Ad Analysis. Voter Manipulation: Death Anxiety in Political Messaging. Ernest Becker Foundation.

*Kaiser, C., *Blomso, B., & Burke, B. L. (2020). Political Analysis of Joe Biden’s “Who We Are” Ad. Voter Manipulation: Death Anxiety in Political Messaging. Ernest Becker Foundation.

*Keahbone, K., *Vandenberg, A., & Burke, B. L. (2020). Political Analysis of Donald Trump's “Changing Things” Ad. Voter Manipulation: Death Anxiety in Political Messaging. Ernest Becker Foundation.

Keeley, R. D., Brody, D., Engel, M., Burke, B. L., Nordstrom, K., Moralez, E., Dickinson, L. M., Emsermann, C. (2016). Motivational Interviewing Improves Depression Outcome in Primary Care: A Cluster Randomized Trial. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 84(11), 993-1007.

Keeley, R. D., Burke, B. L., Brody, D., Dimidjian, S., Engel, M.,….Kaplan, J. (2014). Training to Use Motivational Interviewing Techniques for Depression: A Cluster Randomized Trial. Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine, 27(5), 621-636.

Keeley, R. D., Engel, M., Reed, A., Brody, D., & Burke, B. L. (2018). Toward an Emerging Role for Motivational Interviewing in Primary Care. Current Psychiatry Reports, 20, 41. 0901-3

*Khalsa, S., *Yazzie, J., & Burke, B. L. (2016). Political Ad Analysis. Voter Manipulation: Death Anxiety in Political Messaging. Ernest Becker Foundation.

Kraus, S., Sears, S. R., & Burke, B. L. (2013). Is Truthiness Enough? Classroom Activities for Encouraging Evidence-Based Critical Thinking. Journal of Effective Teaching, 13, 82-92.

Kosloff, S., Burke, B. L., & Landau, M. J. (2016). Terror Management and Politics: Comparing and Integrating the ‘Conservative Shift’ and ‘Political Worldview Defense’ Hypotheses. In L.A. Harvell & G.S. Nisbett (Eds.), Denying Death: An Interdisciplinary Approach to Terror Management Theory (pp. 28-46). New York: Routledge.

*Laskowitz, J., *Cannon, J., & Burke, B. L. (2016). Political Ad Analysis. Voter Manipulation: Death Anxiety in Political Messaging. Ernest Becker Foundation.

*Lewis, K. E., *David, A. K., & Burke, B. L. (2019). Mortality Salience Effects on Stereotypical Tendencies. Metamorphosis: COPLAC journal of undergraduate research, Spring 2019,

Lundahl, B. W., & Burke, B. L. (2009). The Effectiveness and Applicability of Motivational Interviewing: A Practice-Friendly Review of Four Meta-analyses. Journal of Clinical Psychology: In session, 65, 1232- 1245.

Lundahl, B. W., Droubay, B. A., Burke, B. L., Butters, R. P., Nelford, K., Hardy, C., Keovongsa, K., & Bowles, M. (2019). Motivational interviewing adherence tools: A scoping review investigating content validity. Patient Education and Counseling, 102(12), 2145-2155,

Lundahl, B. W., Tollefson, D., Kunz, C., Brownell, C., & Burke, B. L. (2010). Meta-analysis of Motivational interviewing: Twenty Five years of research. Research on Social Work Practice, 20, 137-160.

Lundahl, B. W., Moleni, T., Burke, B. L., Butters, R., Tollefson, D., Butler, C., & Rollnick, S. (2013). Motivational interviewing in medical care settings: A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. Patient Education and Counseling, 93: 157-168.

Martens, A., Burke, B. L., Schimel, J., & Faucher, E. H. (2011). Same But Different: Meta-Analytically Examining the Uniqueness of Mortality Salience Effects. European Journal of Social Psychology, 41, 6-10.

Menchola, M., Arkowitz, H., & Burke, B. L. (2007). Efficacy of self-administered treatments for depression and anxiety: A meta-analysis. Professional Psychology: Research and Practice, 38, 421-429.

*Moorhouse, T., & Burke, B. L. (2020). Political Analysis of Joe Biden’s “Imagine” Ad. Voter Manipulation: Death Anxiety in Political Messaging. Ernest Becker Foundation.

*Nie, K. M., Burke, B. L., & Kraus, S. (2010). Death and Financial Security: Investment Choices Change. Metamorphosis: COPLAC journal of undergraduate research, 1(3),

*Root, A., *Findlay, C., & Burke, B. L. (2016). Political Ad Analysis. Voter Manipulation: Death Anxiety in Political Messaging. Ernest Becker Foundation.

*Rutkowski, M., & Burke, B. L. (2020). Political Analysis of Joe Biden’s “Imagine” Ad. Voter Manipulation: Death Anxiety in Political Messaging. Ernest Becker Foundation.

*Rutkowski, M., & Burke, B. L. (2020). Making a Murderer: Conceptualizing the Effects of Mortality Salience on Criminogenic Thinking Patterns. Metamorphosis: COPLAC journal of undergraduate research, Fall 2020,

*Smith, N., & Burke, B. L. (2020). Political Analysis of Joe Biden’s “Character” Ad. Voter Manipulation: Death Anxiety in Political Messaging. Ernest Becker Foundation.

*Spangler, J., & Burke, B. L. (2010). Terror Management in the Courtroom: Capital crimes, death accessibility, and interrogation camera angle may alter conviction rates. Metamorphosis: COPLAC journal of undergraduate research, 1(2),

*Suazo, K., *Gibo, D., & Burke, B. L. (2016). Political Ad Analysis. Voter Manipulation: Death Anxiety in Political Messaging. Ernest Becker Foundation.

*Taylor, C. A., & Burke, B. L. (2012). Death & Morality: The Effect of Mortality Salience on Moral Reasoning. Metamorphosis: COPLAC journal of undergraduate research, 2(2),

Trost, S. E., Burke, B. L., deRoon-Cassini, T. A., & Bernstein, D. A. (Eds.) (2016). Instructor’s Resource Manual for Abnormal Psychology. Solon, OH: Academic Media Solutions.

Trost, S. E., Burke, B. L., & Schoenfeld, J. (2014). DSM-5: Using Key Changes to Highlight Critical Teaching Points for Undergraduate Psychology Instructors. Society for the Teaching of Psychology’s Office of Teaching Resources. Retrieved from

*Vandenberg, A., *Keahbone, K., & Burke, B. L. (2020). Political Analysis of Joe Biden’s “Who We Are” Ad. Voter Manipulation: Death Anxiety in Political Messaging. Ernest Becker Foundation.

*Yazzie, J., *Khalsa, S., & Burke, B. L. (2016). Political Ad Analysis. Voter Manipulation: Death Anxiety in Political Messaging. Ernest Becker Foundation.

Wrona, M. C., & Burke, B. L. (2019). Treatment of Antagonism: Motivational Interviewing. In J.D. Miller & D. Lynam (Eds.), The Handbook of Antagonism: Conceptualizations, Assessment, Consequences, and Treatment of the Low End of Agreeableness (pp. 325-336). NY: Elsevier.

Wrona, M., Tidwell, N. & Burke, B. L. (2019). It's H.I.P. to go Beyond the Classroom: Developing service learning courses for high impact practice. In S. Baker (Ed.), Teaching tips: A compendium of conference presentations on teaching, 2017-2018. Retrieved from the Society for the Teaching of Psychology Website:

*Yen, C., & Burke, B. L. (2016). Political Ad Analysis. Voter Manipulation: Death Anxiety in Political Messaging. Ernest Becker Foundation.

PROFESSIONAL PRESENTATIONS NOTE: * denotes FLC undergraduate student; This list does not include student presentations given at FLC undergraduate research symposia

*Andreas, K. C., & Burke, B. L. (2011). Death and Soccer: How terror management affects player perceptions of aggression. Oral presentation given at Rocky Mountain Psychological Association Convention. Salt Lake City, UT (April 14-17).

*Andrew, O., *Anderson, S., & Burke, B. L. (2019). Effects of Death on Perception of Control and Social Self- Esteem. Symposium presentation given at Rocky Mountain Psychological Association Convention. Denver, CO (April 4-6).

Benjamin, R., Chen, B., Lai, A., Heine, S., & Burke, B. L. (2020). Overcoming the Terror of the Replicability Crisis: P-Curving the Mortality Salience Hypothesis. Oral presentation given at Society for Personality and Social Psychology. New Orleans, LA (February 28).

*Benson-Hibbs, O., *Gonzales, D., & Burke, B. L. (2020). Managing Terror Based on One’s Attachment Style. Symposium presentation at Rocky Mountain Psychological Association Convention. Denver, CO (Conference Cancelled due to COVID-19 Pandemic).

*Brimm, C., & Burke, B. L. (2010). Memetics, Terror Management Theory, and Female Mate Selection. Poster presentation given at Rocky Mountain Psychological Association Convention. Denver, CO (April 15).

Bryant, A., Smith, M., *Bellarosa, C., Beamer, D., & Burke, B. L. (2020). Training Tomorrow’s Leaders. Oral presentation given at the Association of College Counseling Center Directors (AUCCCD) virtual conference.

Burke, B. L. (2001). Learning with visual metaphor: Diagnosing abnormal psychology in saguaro cacti. Lilly Conference of the International Association of Teaching Scholars (IATS). Arrowhead, CA (March 2-4).

Burke, B. L. (2002). The efficacy of motivational interviewing. Annual Motivational Interviewing Training of New Trainers (MINT-TNT) Workshop. Maui, HI (June 5-7).

Burke, B. L. (2003). Motivational interviewing: Applications for your clinical practice. Mandatory Continuing Education for Psychologists (MCEP). San Diego, CA (August 18).

Burke, B. L. (2004). The Abnormal Psychology of Saguaro Cacti. Poster presentation given at the National Institute for the Teaching of Psychology (NITOP). St. Petersburg Beach, FL (January 3-6). Poster won the Douglas Bernstein Award for innovative teaching (see

Burke, B. L. (2005). Teaching Developmental Psychology: Paintings of Piaget’s Stages (POPs art). Poster presentation given at the National Institute for the Teaching of Psychology (NITOP). St. Petersburg Beach, FL (January 2-5). Poster won the Douglas Bernstein Award for innovative teaching (see

Burke, B. L. (2005). Preparing for change: The philosophy and techniques of motivational interviewing. 30th Annual Psychiatry Conference of the University of Colorado Medical School. Aspen, CO (August 3-5).

Burke, B. L. (2005/2006). The evolution solution: Integrating psychology courses using Darwin. Workshop given at: Mountain States Conference on the Teaching of Psychology. Albuquerque, NM (October 21-22, 2005); and Rocky Mountain Psychological Association Teaching Preconference. Park City, UT (April 19, 2006).

Burke, B. L. (2006). Teaching The History of Psychology: A European Journey. Poster presentation given at the National Institute for the Teaching of Psychology (NITOP). St. Petersburg Beach, FL (January 3-6).

Burke, B. L. (2006). Motivational interviewing: How to increase your effectiveness with difficult students. Teacher and staff in-service training at Southwest Open School (SWOS). Cortez, CO (February 22 & April 25).

Burke, B. L. (2006 & 2007). Eat your FIBERS: How to help students digest psychological research. Workshop given at: Mountain States Conference on the Teaching of Psychology. Albuquerque, NM (October 27-28, 2006); and at the National Institute for the Teaching of Psychology (NITOP). St. Petersburg Beach, FL (January 3-6, 2007).

Burke, B. L. (2007 & 2008). Motivational interviewing for Tobacco Cessation: Skills & Tools. Professional training given for Lasso Tobacco Coalition at: San Juan Basin Health Center (SJBH). Durango, CO (May 3, 2007); and at Tobacco Prevention Specialists Retreat. Dolores, CO (June 27, 2007); and at San Juan Basin Health Center (SJBH). Durango, CO (November 5, 2007 & April 30, 2008).

Burke, B. L. (2007). Homework: A good BET to accelerate your patient’s progress. 32nd Annual Psychiatry Conference of the University of Colorado Medical School. Aspen, CO (August 1-3).

Burke, B. L. (2007). Drink your JUICE: How to energize and revitalize your teaching of psychology. Workshop given at: Mountain States Conference on the Teaching of Psychology. Durango, CO (October 6-7).

Burke, B. L. (2008). Motivational Interviewing for the Juvenile Justice System. Professional training given to staff in the California Department of Juvenile Justice, N.A. Chaderjian Youth Correctional Facility. Stockton, CA (March 3-5).

Burke, B. L. (2008). Advanced Motivational Interviewing for Tobacco Cessation: Skills & Tools. Professional training given for Lasso Tobacco Coalition at San Juan Basin Health Center. Durango, CO (April 30).

Burke, B. L. (2008). Keynote Address: Reflections on the Therapeutic Alliance. 33rd Annual Psychiatry Conference of the University of Colorado Medical School. Aspen, CO (July 30-August 1).

Burke, B. L. (2008). Motivational Interviewing for Career Counseling with Native American Clients. Professional training given to staff at the Towaoc Career Services Center. Towaoc, CO (May 16).

Burke, B. L. (2008). Motivation and Change: Key elements of the therapeutic alliance. 33rd Annual Psychiatry Conference of the University of Colorado Medical School. Aspen, CO (July 30-August 1).

Burke, B. L. (2008). Motivational Interviewing: Applications for your counseling. 116th Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association. Boston, MA (August 14-17).

Burke, B. L. (2008). Motivational Interviewing for Substance Abuse Counselors. Professional training given as part of Research Project ELICIT. Albuquerque, NM (November 18-19).

Burke, B. L. (2008). Terror Management Theory: A meta-analytic review. Invited Research Colloquium given at: University of Arizona. Tucson, AZ (November 26).

Burke, B. L. (2009). Tasting TEA: How to get students to savor and integrate your teaching. Workshop given at: Rocky Mountain Psychological Association Teaching Preconference. Albuquerque, NM (April 14).

Burke, B. L. (2009). Terror Management Theory Past & Present: A meta-analysis of two decades of empirical research. Research symposium given at: Rocky Mountain Psychological Association Conference. Albuquerque, NM (April 15).

Burke, B. L. (2009). Motivational Interviewing for Campus Alcohol and Drug Prevention Specialists. A workshop given for CADE (Campus Alcohol and Drug Educators). Boulder, CO (July 22).

Burke, B. L. (2009). Motivational Interviewing for Comorbid Mental Health and Physical Problems in Primary Care. Training for a Research Project for Denver Health Center. Denver, CO (July 25).

Burke, B. L. (2009). Motivational Interviewing for Depression. A workshop given at the 34th Annual Psychiatry Conference of the University of Colorado Medical School. Aspen, CO (August 5-7).

Burke, B. L. (2009). Sip your COFFEE: How to get your students to think critically. Keynote address given at the Mountain States Conference on the Teaching of Psychology. Colorado Springs, CO (Sept. 25).

Burke, B. L. (2010). Motivational Interviewing for Community Health. Professional training given to staff at the San Juan Basin Health Department. Durango, CO (December 10).

Burke, B. L. (2010). Motivational Interviewing for Probation. Professional training given to probation staff of the 6th and 22nd Judicial Districts. Durango, CO (December 13).

Burke, B. L. (2011). Death Goes to the Polls: Terror Management Theory and Political Attitudes. Presentation given for the Life-Long Learning Lecture Series. Durango, CO (February 17).

Burke, B. L. (2011). E.X.E.R.C.I.S.E. your mind: How to build your students' critical thinking muscles. Keynote address given at Mountain States Conference on the Teaching of Psychology. Durango, CO (October 22).

Burke, B. L. (2012). Motivational Interviewing for School-Based Health Care. Professional training given to staff at the 9-R school-based health clinics. Durango, CO (April 18 and April 25).

Burke, B. L. (2012). Happiness Is: Research Findings & Costa Rican Culture. Invited oral presentation given at Department of English, Universidad Nacional. Heredia, Costa Rica (July 24).

Burke, B. L. (2012). Teoría del Manejo del Terror en el contex: Y Costa Rica. Invited oral presentation given in English and Spanish at Department of Psychology, Universidad Nacional. Heredia, Costa Rica (July 30).

Burke, B. L. (2012). Motivational Interviewing for Youth Services. Professional training given to staff at the La Plata Youth Services. Durango, CO (December 13).

Burke, B. L. (2013). Motivational Interviewing for Integrated Care. Professional training given to staff at the Fort Lewis College Counseling Center, Career Center, & Health Center. Durango, CO (January 10).

Burke, B. L. (2013). Motivational Interviewing for Check & Connect Mentors. Professional training given to staff of 9-R school district, San Juan BOCES, and RSAPP. Durango, CO (January 25).

Burke, B. L. (2013). Motivational Interviewing for Tobacco Prevention Specialists. Professional training given to San Juan Basin Health Department’s Lasso Tobacco Coalition. Durango, CO (February 1 & June 14).

Burke, B. L. (2013). Why CBT is the Heart of Effective Counseling. Professional training given to staff at the Fort Lewis College Counseling Center & Psychology Department. Durango, CO (February 7).

Burke, B. L. (2013). How to Deal with Organizational Change. Workshop given to staff at the San Juan Basin Health Department. Durango, CO (May 13).

Burke, B. L. (2013). E.X.E.R.C.I.S.E. your mind: How to build students' critical thinking muscles. Workshop given at International Conference on the Teaching of Psychology. Vancouver, Canada (July 25).

Burke, B. L. (2013). Motivational Interviewing for Nurse Family Partnership. Professional training given to nursing staff at the San Juan Basin Health Department. Durango, CO (August 20).

Burke, B. L. (2013). The Surprising Science of Happiness: What Brian’s Mom Knows. “Pub Science” Talk given at Durango Discovery Museum. Durango, CO (October 4).

Burke, B. L. (2013). Motivational Interviewing for Southwest Colorado Youth Mentors. Professional training given to staff of District Attorney’s Office and La Plata Youth Services. Durango, CO (December 17).

Burke, B. L. (2014). Motivational Interviewing for Tri-County Health Care Staff. Professional training given to staff at the Tri-County Health Network. Telluride, CO (March 27).

Burke, B. L. (2014). The New Diagnostic Manual (DSM-5) for Wilderness Therapists. Professional training given to clinical staff at Open Sky Wilderness Therapy. Durango, CO (April 3).

Burke, B. L. (2014). Motivational Interviewing for Health Care. Professional training given to nursing and medical staff at the Pagosa Medical Center. Pagosa Springs, CO (May 8-9).

Burke, B. L. (2014). The Psychology of Happiness: What Chileans Know. Presentation given at Chanco Seis and at Andres Bello University in Santiago, Chile (June 11 and June 17).

Burke, B. L. (2014). Motivational Interviewing for Campus Housing Staff. A workshop given to professional housing staff at Colorado University-Boulder. Boulder, CO (July 16 and July 18).

Burke, B. L. (2014). DSM-5: How to Diagnose and Treat Depression and Anxiety Disorders. A workshop given to staff at the Fort Lewis College Student Counseling Center. Durango, CO (October 16).

Burke, B. L. (2015). Motivational Interviewing for Educators. A workshop given to professional educators at the Growing Together Summit sponsored by the San Juan BOCES. Durango, CO (June 9).

Burke, B. L. (2015). Motivational Interviewing for Community Connections. A workshop given to professional staff at Community Connections. Durango, CO (July 27).

Burke, B. L. (2015). Motivational Interviewing for Intimate Partner Violence and Other Nursing Situations. A workshop given to professional staff at the San Juan Basin Health Department. Durango, CO (August 18).

Burke, B. L. (2015). Case by Case: DSM-5 cases for Introductory or Abnormal Psychology. Workshop given at: Mountain States Conference on the Teaching of Psychology. Durango, CO (October 17).

Burke, B. L. (2015). Motivational Interviewing for School Counselors. A workshop given to professional staff at San Juan BOCES. Durango, CO (November 10).

Burke, B. L. (2016). Motivational Interviewing in Working with Youth. A workshop given to professional staff at La Plata Youth Services. Durango, CO (January 6).

Burke, B. L. (2016). Motivational Interviewing for Educators. A workshop given to professional staff at San Juan BOCES. Durango, CO (February 9).

Burke, B. L. (2016). Terror Management Theory: How Death Informs Life. An invited address given to the Adams State University Psi Chi Chapter. Alamosa, CO (March 7).

Burke, B. L. (2016). Motivational Interviewing for Hospital Staff. A workshop given to professional staff at Mercy Hospital. Durango, CO (May 4).

Burke, B. L. (2016). Motivational Interviewing for Nursing and Health Care. A workshop given to professional staff at the San Juan Basin Health Department. Durango, CO (May 11).

Burke, B. L. (2016). Motivational Interviewing for Indian Counseling and Clinical Psychology Graduate Students. A workshop given to graduate students in India at Christ University. Bangalore, India (July 7 and 12).

Burke, B. L. (2016). CBT for Indian Counseling and Clinical Psychology Graduate Students. A workshop given to graduate students in India at Christ University. Bangalore, India (July 14 and 20).

Burke, B. L. (2016). Motivational Interviewing for Mental Health Staff. A workshop given to professional healthcare staff. Durango Public Library. Durango, CO (August 26).

Burke, B. L. (2016). Motivational Interviewing for Disability Services Staff. A workshop given to professional and volunteer staff at the Southwest Center for Independence. Durango, CO (October 24).

Burke, B. L. (2016). Why Your Mom was (Partly) Wrong about the Keys to Happiness. An invited talk given to first-year students at Fort Lewis College in Animas Residence Hall. Durango, CO (October 27).

Burke, B. L. (2017). Motivational Interviewing for Youth Services Staff. A workshop given to professional and volunteer staff at La Plata Youth Services. Durango, CO (January 17 and February 21).

Burke, B. L. (2017). Motivational Interviewing for Health Care Staff. A workshop given to professional and volunteer staff at Tri-County Health Department. Placerville, CO (February 3).

Burke, B. L. (2017). Why Your Mom was (Partly) Wrong about the Keys to Happiness. An invited talk given to the Professional Associates of Fort Lewis College. Durango, CO (March 15).

Burke, B. L. (2017). Why Your Mom was (Partly) Wrong about the Keys to Happiness. An invited talk given to faculty & staff at Fort Lewis College for the Work-Life Wellness Program. Durango, CO (March 17).

Burke, B. L. (2017). The Truth and Myths about Multiple Personalities. An invited panel following the film screening of Split by the Wellness Peer Advisory Council at Fort Lewis College. Durango, CO (March 31).

Burke, B. L., & Kindleberger-Hagan, L. (2017). Filling Students’ JARS: How to teach across the curriculum. Workshop presentation given at Rocky Mountain Psychological Association Convention. Salt Lake City, UT (April 6).

Burke, B. L. (2017). Death Goes to the Polls: How Terror Management Affects Political Attitudes. Symposium presentation given at Rocky Mountain Psychological Association Convention. Salt Lake City, UT (April 8).

Burke, B. L. (2017). Death in Israel: How Terror Management Affects US and Israeli Elections. Invited presentation given at IDC Herzliya. Tel Aviv, Israel (August 1).

Burke, B. L. (2018). Filling your students’ J.A.R.S.: Teaching strategies that will improve student learning across the psychology curriculum. Workshop given at: Mountain States Conference on the Teaching of Psychology. Albuquerque, NM (March 31).

Burke, B. L. (2019). Motivational Interviewing for Exceptional Student Service Providers. Professional training given to staff of San Juan BOCES. Durango, CO (January 25 and February 15).

Burke, B. L. (2019). Motivational Interviewing for Parents of Child Sexual Assault Survivors. Professional training given to staff of Cortez Child Advocacy Center (CAC). Cortez, CO (August 14).

Burke, B. L. (2019). Motivational Interviewing for Homeless Veterans. Professional training given to staff of Volunteers of America Veterans Services. Durango, CO (August 15).

Burke, B. L. (2019). Motivational Interviewing for School-Based Health Care Staff. Professional training given at the Colorado Association for School-Based Health Care Meeting. Salida, CO (September 13).

Burke, B. L. (2019). Motivational Interviewing for Juvenile Services Staff. Professional training given to the Juvenile Services staff in Gunnison County. Gunnison, CO (November 19).

Burke, B. L. (2019). Active Teaching: Honing your C.R.A.F.T. Workshop given to FLC faculty as part of the Foundations in Teaching course. Durango, CO (December 2).

Burke, B. L. (2020). Motivational Interviewing for La Plata County Youth Services Staff and the Four Corners Community. Professional training given to the staff at La Plata Youth Services and members of the community. Durango, CO (February 4).

Burke, B. L. (2020). Motivational Interviewing for Rocky Mountain Health Services. Professional training given to the staff of Rocky Mountain Health Services. Durango, CO (March 4).

Burke, B. L. (2020). Motivational Interviewing for the Gunnison County Staff and Community. Professional training given to staff and members of the community. Gunnison, CO (July 16).

Burke, B. L. (2020). How to Find Happiness in the Age of COVID-19. Webinar presentation given for the Life- Long Learning Lecture Series at Fort Lewis College. Durango, CO (November 5).

Burke, B. L. (2020 & 2021). Motivational Interviewing for Child & Family Resources. Professional training given to the staff of Pima County’s Child and Family Resources. Zoom training (June 22-23, 2020; July 13-14, 2020; September 21/28, 2020; January 15, 2021; February 22 & March 1, 2021; April 23, 2021).

Burke, B. L. (2021). Motivational Interviewing for Montezuma Department of Social Services. Professional training given to the staff at Montezuma Department of Social Services. Zoom training (January 13 and 20).

Burke, B. L. (2021). Why Your Mom was (Partly) Wrong about the Keys to Happiness. An invited talk given via Zoom for the Pine River Public Library. Bayfield, CO (January 25).

Burke, B. L. (2021). Motivational Interviewing for Southwest Safehouse. Professional training given to the staff at VOA Southwest Safehouse. Zoom training (February 9).

Burke, B. L. (2021). Motivational Interviewing for La Plata County Youth Services Staff and the Four Corners Community. Professional training given to the staff at La Plata Youth Services and members of the community. Zoom training (February 12 and 19).

Burke, B. L. (2021). Motivational Interviewing for United Way Staff. Professional training given to home visitors at Southwest Arizona United Way. Zoom training (February 22).

Burke, B. L. (2021). Motivational Interviewing for Social Services. Professional training given to the staff at Dolores County, Archuleta County, and La Plata County Social / Human Services departments. Zoom training (March 8).

Burke, B. L., Arkowitz, H., & Menchola, M. (2002). Motivational interviewing: An integrative approach to psychotherapy. Annual Conference of the Society for the Exploration of Psychotherapy Integration (SEPI). San Francisco, CA (May 3-5).

Burke, B. L., & *Busick, S. J. (2020). Motivational Interviewing for BETA Team and Exceptional Student Service Providers. Professional training given to staff of San Juan BOCES. Durango, CO (September 1).

Burke, B. L., & Goldstein, L. B. (2019). W.I.L.D. Teaching: How to make your classroom come alive. Teaching workshops given to faculty at Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina (UFSC) in Florianopolis, Brazil (July 15 and 29).

Burke, B. L., Hilgard, J., Suh, H., & Tidwell, N. (2018). The Seminal Terror Management Theory Meta-Analysis: Revisited. Symposium presentation given at Rocky Mountain Psychological Association Convention. Denver, CO (April 12-14).

Burke, B. L., Kosloff, S., & Landau, M. J. (2011). Death & Politics: How terror management affects voting and political attitudes. Oral presentation given at Rocky Mountain Psychological Association Convention. Salt Lake City, UT (April 14-17).

Burke, B. L., & Sears, S. R. (2013). DSM-5: Changes and Challenges. Professional training given to Four Corners Area mental health professionals. Durango, CO (August 26).

Burke, B. L., & Sears, S. R. (2013). W.I.L.D. Teaching: A Novel Approach to Educating Students. Workshop given at Mountain States Conference on the Teaching of Psychology. Albuquerque, NM (October 19).

Burke, B. L., Sears, S. R., & Kraus, S. (2011). Rescue the Thinking Ship: Research on Critical Thinking in psychology classrooms. Oral presentation given at Mountain States Conference on the Teaching of Psychology. Durango, CO (October 23).

Burke, B. L., Sears, S. R., & Kraus, S. (2012). I Don’t Think, Therefore I Cram: Critical Thinking in Psychology Classrooms. Poster presentation given at the National Institute for the Teaching of Psychology (NITOP). St. Petersburg Beach, FL (January 3-6).

Burke, B. L., Solomon, S., & *Rutkowski, M. (2020). Political Manipulation. Webinar presentation given for the Ernest Becker Foundation. Available at

Burke, B. L., & South, G. (2018). Brief Suicide Intervention Training for the Community. Invited workshop given at Fort Lewis College, Durango, CO (March 22).

Burke, B. L., *Vasquez, A., *Gonzales, D., *Young, A., *Wilcoxen, N., & *Abel, H. (2020). Motivational Interviewing for Systems of Care in Pueblo. Professional training given to the staff of High Fidelity Wraparound who serve as Facilitators and Family Support Partners. Zoom training (August 6-7 & 13-14).

Burke, B. L., *Vasquez, A., & *Wilcoxen, N. (2018). Motivational Interviewing for Conflict Resolution. Professional training given to CSU-Fort Collins Student Resolution Center Staff. Bellvue, CO (June 22).

Burke, B. L., & Wrona, M. C. (2019). W.I.L.D. Teaching at FLC: Injecting Service Learning into any class you teach. Workshop given as part of “Let’s Transform Teaching” series. Durango, CO (March 12).

Burke, B. L., Wrona, M. C., & Tidwell, N. D. (2019). W.I.L.D. Teaching: Making Your Psychology Classroom Come Alive. Oral presentation given at the Society for the Teaching of Psychology’s Annual Conference on Teaching. Denver, CO (October 19).

*Caldwell, L., & Burke, B. L. (2018). Taste After Death: Is Candy Sweeter After Mortality Salience? Symposium presentation given at Rocky Mountain Psychological Association Convention. Denver, CO (April 12-14).

*Calnan, T. L., & Burke, B. L. (2011). Terror Management Defenses: How mortality salience affects U.S. immigration policy. Oral presentation given at Rocky Mountain Psychological Association Convention. Salt Lake City, UT (April 14-17).

*Carr, K., *Vasquez, A., & Burke, B. L. (2019). Changes in Compassion After Death. Poster presentation given at Rocky Mountain Psychological Association Convention. Denver, CO (April 4-6).

*Cayatineto, T., & Burke, B. L. (2010). Social Networking: A Buffer against Death Anxiety. Oral presentation given at Rocky Mountain Psychological Association Convention. Denver, CO (April 15-17).

*Collins, M., & Burke, B. L. (2014). Death & Life Goals: How terror management influences personal aspirations. Symposium presentation given at Rocky Mountain Psychological Association Convention. Denver, CO (April 24-26).

*David, A. K., *Lewis, K., & Burke, B. L. (2019). “Race” to the Morgue: Death Reminders and Stereotypical Memory. Symposium presentation given at Rocky Mountain Psychological Association Convention. Denver, CO (April 4-6).

*Downey, R., & Burke, B. L. (2006). Do you like what you see? Facial perception in mate preferences. Oral presentation given at Rocky Mountain Psychological Association Convention. Park City, UT (April 20-22).

*DuBois, I., *Perault, E., & Burke, B. L. (2019). The Impact of Death Reminders on Sex and Relationships. Symposium presentation given at Rocky Mountain Psychological Association Convention. Denver, CO (April 4-6).

*Earley, K. G., & Burke, B. L. (2006). Causes and effects of NIMBY (Not in my Backyard). Poster presentation given at Rocky Mountain Psychological Association Convention. Park City, UT (April 20-22).

Fleck, B., Lyons, K., Hagan, L., Wrona, M., & Burke, B. L. (2019). Screenagers Film Panel: The Dangers of Social Media. Discussion panel at Rocky Mountain Psychological Association Convention. Denver, CO (April 4-6).

*Francis, C., Burke, B. L., & Kraus, S. (2010). Ethnicities Uniting in Death. Poster presentation given at Rocky Mountain Psychological Association Convention. Denver, CO (April 15-17).

*Gibo, D., & Burke, B. L. (2017). Terror Management Theory and the Human-Animal Bond: How Pets May Buffer our Mortality Salience. Symposium presentation given at Rocky Mountain Psychological Association Convention. Salt Lake City, UT (April 8).

*Gwilliam, J. G., *Watel, A., & Burke, B. L. (2016). The Body and Terror Management Theory: Explaining Aggression towards Women’s Reproductive Rights and Planned Parenthood. Symposium presentation given at Rocky Mountain Psychological Association Convention. Denver, CO (April 14-16).

*Hutchins, A. L., & Burke, B. L. (2014). Death & Birth (Control): Terror management’s imprint on attitudes towards women’s health. Symposium presentation given at Rocky Mountain Psychological Association Convention. Denver, CO (April 24-26).

*Jimenez, T. & Burke, B. L. (2016). Does self-compassion moderate the effect of mortality salience and creatureliness on treatment of pets? Symposium presentation given at Rocky Mountain Psychological Association Convention. Denver, CO (April 14-16).

Keeley, R. D., deGruy, F., Thomas, M., Brody, D., & Burke, B. L. (2010). Motivational Interviewing for Depression In Primary Care: Training and Pilot Outcomes. Podium Presentation at North American Primary Care Research Group (NAPCRG) conference. Seattle, WA (November 14).

Keeley, R. D., Beck, A., Burke, B. L., Dimidjian, S., Engel, M., Hubley, S., Kwan, B., & Nease, D. (2017). Further Enhancing Depression Outcomes in Primary Care: the Impact of Patient Belief on a Motivational Interviewing Intervention. Podium Presentation at North American Primary Care Research Group (NAPCRG) conference. Montreal, QC (November 17).

Keeley, R. D., Brody, D., Waxmonsky, J., Koester, S., & Burke, B. L (2019). A Qualitative Assessment of Primary Care Providers’ Perceptions of Training in Motivational Interviewing. Poster Presentation at North American Primary Care Research Group (NAPCRG) conference. Toronto, ON (November 19).

Keeley, R. D., Waxmonsky, J., Brody, D., & Burke, B. L. (2019). Challenges with Implementing Evidence-Based Treatments for Depression in Primary Care: The Cascade of Non-Adherence. Oral Presentation at North American Primary Care Research Group (NAPCRG) conference. Toronto, ON (November 20).

*Keene, C. N., & Burke, B. L. (2006). Effects of attractive images on EAT-26 scores in college. Poster presentation given at Rocky Mountain Psychological Association Convention. Park City, UT (April 20-22).

Kosloff, S., Burke, B. L., & Landau, M. J. (2013). Death Goes to the Polls: Mortality Salience Effects on Political Attitudes. Psi Chi Conference Presentation at California State University-Bakersfield, CA (May 4).

Kraus, S., Burke, B. L., & Sears, S. R. (2006). Helping students dive into research methods. Roundtable presented at Mountain States Conference on the Teaching of Psychology. Albuquerque, NM (October 27-28).

Lundahl, B., Moleni, T., Burke, B. L., Tollefson, D., Butters, R., Butler, C., & Rollnick, S. (2012). Motivational Interviewing in Medical Care: A meta-analysis. International Conference on Motivational Interviewing. Venice, Italy (June 18).

Lundahl, B., Nelford, K., Droubay, B., Burke, B. L., & Butters, R. (2018). Motivational Interviewing Adherence Tools: A Review of Content Validity. Society for Social Work and Research. Washington, DC (January 11).

*Nie, K., Burke, B. L., & Kraus, S. (2010). Death and Financial Security: Investment choices change. Symposium presentation given at Rocky Mountain Psychological Association Convention. Denver, CO (April 15-17).

*O’Laughlin, L. J., & Burke, B. L. (2006). Coping with Death: Terror Management Theory Explored. Poster presentation at Rocky Mountain Psychological Association Convention. Park City, UT (April 20-22).

*Redmond, C. O., & Burke, B. L. (2014). Friendly Behavior: How terror management affects mental health discrimination. Symposium presentation given at Rocky Mountain Psychological Association Convention. Denver, CO (April 24-26).

*Romero, K., *Antonio, O., & Burke, B. L. (2020). Expanding Compassion Through Immortality. Symposium presentation given at Rocky Mountain Psychological Association Convention. Denver, CO (April 14-16).

*Ruff, R., *Kaleikau, J, & Burke, B. L. (2018). Money or Other People: Which helps us manage death anxiety more effectively? Poster presentation given at Rocky Mountain Psychological Association Convention. Denver, CO (April 12-14).

Schindler, S., Jonas, E., Fritsche, I., Koopmann, S., Burke, B. L., & Greenberg, J. (2019). Which worldview aspect to defend? Investigating the impact of social norm salience on mortality salience effects. Presentation given at the 17th Conference on the Social Psychology Section (FGSP). Cologne, Germany (September 16-17).

Schoenfeld, J., Trost, S. E., & Burke, B. L. (2015). Using the DSM-5 to Sharpen Critical Thinking Skills. Presentation given at the Southeast Conference on the Teaching of Psychology. Atlanta, GA (February 28).

Sears, S. R., & Burke, B. L. (2013). C.A.P. Your Students' Learning With Hands-on Activities. Workshop given at Mountain States Conference on the Teaching of Psychology. Albuquerque, NM (October 19).

*Suazo, C., *Root, A., & Burke, B. L. (2017). Death and Sexual Predators: Examining Justice Beliefs in Sexual Assault Cases. Symposium presentation given at Rocky Mountain Psychological Association Convention. Salt Lake City, UT (April 8).

*Spangler, J., & Burke, B. L. (2010). The Effects of Mortality Salience and Interrogation Camera Angle Views on Jury Decision Making. Symposium presentation given at Rocky Mountain Psychological Association Convention. Denver, CO (April 15-17). *Stout, E. R., & Burke, B. L. (2014). Expanding Circles: How terror management affects morals in the wake of self-esteem. Symposium presentation given at Rocky Mountain Psychological Association Convention. Denver, CO (April 24-26).

Tidwell, N. D., Burke, B. L., Mira, W., & Wrona, M. C. (2019). Developing Impactful and Practical Service- Learning Opportunities for Psychology Undergraduates. Oral presentation given at the Society for the Teaching of Psychology’s Annual Conference on Teaching. Denver, CO (October 18).

*Wilcoxen, N., *Barker, M., & Burke, B. L. (2020). Music as a Buffer for Death Anxiety: Sing me to Sleep. Symposium presentation at Rocky Mountain Psychological Association Convention. Denver, CO (Conference Cancelled due to COVID-19 Pandemic).

*Wright, L., & Burke, B. L. (2010). Mortality Salience & Acceptance of Cosmetic Surgery. Symposium presentation at Rocky Mountain Psychological Association Convention. Denver, CO (April 15-17).

Wrona, M. C., & Burke, B. L. (2018). Brief Suicide Intervention Training for Staff. Invited workshop given at Fort Lewis College, Durango, CO (November 15).

Wrona, M. C., Burke, B. L., & Tidwell, N. (2018). It's H.I.P. to go Beyond the Classroom: Developing Service Learning Courses for High Impact Practice. Teaching presentation given at Rocky Mountain Psychological Association Convention. Denver, CO (April 12-14).

*Yen, C., & Burke, B. L. (2017). Activism, Compassion, and Mortality Salience: A Field Study on the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe and Water Protectors as a Global Movement. Symposium presentation given at Rocky Mountain Psychological Association Convention. Salt Lake City, UT (April 8).

*Young, A. M., *O’Hara, J., & Burke, B. L. (2020). Death and Regret: Time May Not Heal All Wounds. Symposium presentation at Rocky Mountain Psychological Association Convention. Denver, CO (Conference Cancelled due to COVID-19 Pandemic).

PROFESSIONAL SERVICE Fort Lewis College, Durango, CO

DIRECT SERVICE TO STUDENTS New Student Orientation Leader – August 2004, October 2005, January 2006, August 2006 Facilitated various orientation programs for students and parents, including “Stressed is desserts spelled backwards,” “The Candy Jar: Optimal FLC experience,” and “Choices & Challenges: Campus drinking”

Faculty Advisor for Registered Student Organization – Fall 2003-Present  Wellness Peer Advisory Council (WellPAC): A student-lead health & wellness organization aimed at promoting healthy choices among FLC students. I consult with the staff advisor (Kendra Reichle) and students on implementing MI at campus screening events (e.g., National Alcohol Screening Day, Great American Smoke-out). I moderated the “Smoke-Free Campus Forum” in 2011, a group discussion on ideas about possible changes to FLC’s campus smoking policy run by WellPAC and Public Health students.

Residence Life and Student Affairs Work  Trained Resident Assistants in Counseling Skills (Fall 2013)  Gave workshop on “How to motivate students to get involved on campus” for Res Hall Leaders (Fall 2011)  Trained Resident Directors on MI for substance-related Housing sanctions (2011, 2012, 2013, 2015, 2019)  Trained Student Life Center staff on Communication Skills (Fall 2013)

Counselor’s Corner – October 2003-2009 Wrote regular column in the campus student newspaper (The Independent), featuring psychological issues and themes relevant to students (e.g., friendship; suicide; exam stress; “Dear Siggy”)

Building Social Confidence Group – Spring 2016 (& previously in 2006-2010) + First-Year Launch class 2019 Led a cognitive behavioral skills-building group / class for socially anxious students at Fort Lewis College

Web Design – 2008-2010  Designed FLARE website (Fort Lewis Alcohol Reflection and Evaluation), an online and paper-and-pencil assessment tool used by the Counseling Center for students suspected of alcohol-related problems  Designed and consult on eCHECKUP website for Student Wellness Initiatives in 2010 at to-go

Peak Experiences Trip – Summit the San Juans 2018 and 2019 Twice served as first (and only) faculty member on this exhilarating five-day backpacking trip through the rugged and beautiful San Juan and La Plata Mountains with FLC Outdoor Pursuits. Twice helped facilitate a small group wilderness experience for 8-9 Fort Lewis College first-year students and trained trip leaders in mental health awareness prior to the trip.

SERVICE TO THE PSYCHOLOGY DEPARTMENT Introduction to Psychology Course Coordinator – 2005-2006 Served as coordinator for the Introduction to Psychology course at FLC, including holding regular meetings with 5 faculty members who teach the course, setting up a multimedia lab for faculty use, conducting classroom visits and observations of all faculty, and exchanging best teaching & grading practices.

Departmental Committees  Serve on department personnel committee from 2009-2011 and 2017-2020  Served on department search committee in 2004-2005 and 2013-2014 and 2017-2018  Served on departmental expectations statement workgroup in 2013-2014

Other Department Service Projects  Co-designed (with Dr. Ava Santos) psychology department website and regularly maintain site at - e.g., consulted with Gabriel Bernier and Scott Kadera on complete redesign of departmental website in Fall 2020  Served as faculty advisor to Psi Chi (the National Honors Society in Psychology) and Psychology Club (an official FLC student club of psychology majors) from 2003-2009. During that span, we created the Psychology Student Lounge and began annual attendance at psychology research conferences (RMPA).  Coordinated psychology department student scholarships and awards including gift purchases and acted as MC for award ceremonies (2016-2019)  Conducted structured classroom observations of junior faculty in the psychology department (Dr. Mira in 2018, Dr. Tidwell in 2019, and Dr. Wrona in 2020)  Coordinated psychology department promotional video with Shan Wells (2018)  Coordinated psychology department awards and graduation videos during COVID (2020)  Coordinate RMPA (psych conference) student travel grant applications, 2017-Present


QPR Gatekeeper Trainer – Fall 2019-Spring 2021 QPR is an evidence-based suicide prevention training that FLC provides to faculty, staff, and community members. I completed my QPR certification on May 1, 2019 in order to provide regular and ongoing trainings both on and off campus. The goal of QPR is to save lives and reduce suicidal behaviors by providing innovative, practical and proven suicide prevention training: see for more. I trained the FLC President’s Cabinet in suicide prevention techniques with Dr. Megan Wrona on March 10, 2020.

Metamorphosis Chair – Fall 2009-Present Head of the selection committee to publish undergraduate student work twice yearly in Metamorphosis, the Council of Public Liberal Arts Colleges (COPLAC) research journal at

Teaching & Learning Team – Spring 2019-Present Work with ongoing 8-member task force / committee to promote teaching development and teaching-related retention efforts at Fort Lewis College, including Let’s Transform Teaching workshops and Faculty Learning Circles (FLC@FLC), which provide ongoing opportunities for FLC faculty to build and refine their teaching.

FLC HyFlex Course Design Team – Fall 2019-Spring 2021 Worked with 11-member task force / committee to write a definition for HyFlex instructional delivery to be added to the FLC Distance Ed policy, drafted guidebook for FLC faculty wishing to design/deliver HyFlex courses, and served as faculty mentor to anyone interested in teaching in the HyFlex format, which involves flexible student choice in course completion options.

Faculty Mentorship Task Force – Fall 2015-Spring 2016 Provided Dr. Carol Smith with ideas and a structure around how to implement faculty mentorship roles into our positions and departmental expectations at Fort Lewis College and how FLC faculty should mentor students.

Adventure Education Department Internal Reviewer – Spring 2012 Served as internal reviewer for the Fort Lewis College program review of Adventure Education. Duties included examining 60-page program review report, interviewing students, faculty, and staff, observing classes, and consulting with external reviewer to produce written report on standing & future directions for the program.

Provost’s Center for Teaching and Learning Task Force Member – Fall 2012-Spring 2013 Provided then Provost Dr. Morris with a vision, specific organizational structure, financial implications, and possible components of a Center for Teaching and Learning at Fort Lewis College.

FLC Chapter of American Association of University Professors (AAUP) Executive Committee –2014-2015 AAUP is a nationally-recognized organization that defends academic freedom and tenure, advocates collegial governance, and develops policies ensuring due process.

FLC Faculty Senator – 2016-2018 The Faculty Senate is the representational governing arm of the College faculty as provided in the Constitution of the Fort Lewis College Faculty, which states: "The Faculty has a solemn professional commitment to the pursuit of academic excellence in knowledge and learning and to govern itself in this pursuit."

Other Faculty & College Committee Work

 Institutional Review Board Member (2004-2011, 2018-Present): An administrative body established by the College to implement the Code of Federal Regulations established by the Office of Health and Human Services that provides guidance to ensure that human subjects are protected according to federal (Health and Human Services) guidelines.

 Faculty Awards Committee Member (2008-2010): Responsible for choosing the New Faculty Teaching Award, the Alice Admire Teaching Award, and the Roger Peters Distinguished Professor Award recipients.

 Campus Wellness Coordinator Search Committee Member (Fall 2011): Advertising for, interviewing, and hiring the new Campus Wellness Coordinator to work in the FLC Leadership Center.

 Academic Advising Committee Member (2012-2014): Served as a forum for student, faculty, and administrative concerns with advising; identifying areas for improvement in the academic advising system; and developing plans to make the identified improvements.

 Fort Lewis Integrated Care Committee Member (2012-2014): Served in an advisory capacity to integrate campus services related to student health and wellbeing in support of student success.

Other Organizational Consulting & Training

 Consultant on Freshman Math Program TRS 92 remedial class redesign (2009-2010)  Consultant to Academic Advising Center on revision of NSAR questionnaire (March 2010, Soyon Bueno)  Consultant to Provost and Dean on student teaching evaluations (Winter 2011)  Delivered workshop in “Counseling 101” for college staff and administrative assistants, teaching participants how to better recognize and respond effectively to students in crisis (Fall 2008)  Delivered workshops for Academic Advisors, Oct 22nd 2009 from 8 AM-2 PM, 23 attendees (Title III grant) & on Feb. 23rd 2010 from 8-12 (“Booster session”) on motivational interviewing (MI), an evidence- based communication style for addressing problem student behaviors  Delivered training for Program for Academic Advancement staff on MI for academic success (Fall 2011)  Serve on Dr. Kenny Miller’s Personnel Committee for the Department of Chemistry (2008-Present)  Serve on Dr. Bill Collins’ Personnel Committee for the Department of Chemistry (2020-Present)  Serve on the Department of Political Science Personnel Committee for Dr. Paul DeBell, Dr. Ruth Alminas, and Dr. Thora Giallouri (2020-Present)  Served as discussion leader for Talk Back after both of Kevin Hines’ performances at the Fort Lewis College Community Concert Hall (March 19, 2018 and October 12, 2018) about suicide prevention  Consulted with Dr. Justin McBrayer on cognitive heuristics for his now published book entitled “Beyond Fake News: Finding the Truth in a World of Misinformation” (2020)  Assisted in assessment scoring with Dr. Dawn Mulhern for Forensic Studies Minor at FLC (2019)  Consulted with FLC Adventure Education Department on new Certificate in Wilderness Therapy (Fall 2020)

Fort Lewis College Teaching Workshop Facilitator

 Facilitated workshops for first-year FLC faculty entitled “Tips for Teaching with PowerPoint in ‘Smart’ Classrooms” and “Teaching Smartly in a ‘Smart’ Classroom” (August 2004-2007)  Facilitator of “Let’s Talk Teaching” brown bag on Teaching Critical Thinking for FLC Faculty (Fall 2011)  Facilitator of “Let’s Talk Teaching” brown bag on Problem-Based Learning for FLC Faculty (Fall 2012)  Organized “Let’s Talk Teaching” teaching workshop series at FLC (Winter 2013)  Co-Facilitator with Drs. Missy Thompson and Jennifer Rider of module on active learning for Foundations in Teaching faculty development course at FLC (November 2019)  Co-Facilitator with Dr. Jennifer Rider of teaching workshop for FLC Faculty to help them transition online during the COVID-19 pandemic on 3/23/20, entitled “How to use ZOOM for online teaching and learning.”  Facilitator of two online teaching workshops for the Teaching First-Year Students series at FLC (Spring/Summer 2020), invited by Michelle Bonanno, delivered via ZOOM on June 18 and 26, 2020. The workshops, entitled “Active Teaching for First-Year Students,” were attended by 30-40 faculty and staff each.  Co-facilitator of two different online teaching workshops for FLC Teaching Symposium (Summer 2020), invited by Dr. Jennifer Rider, delivered via ZOOM on June 29, 2020 with Leslie Goldstein: “Active Learning Online?!” AND “Hybrid/HyFlex models Q&A.” Each workshop had roughly 25 faculty attendees and can be viewed online at services/webinars-resources  Co-facilitator of online teaching workshop for FLC Teaching Symposium #2 (Winter 2021), invited by Dr. Jennifer Rider, delivered via ZOOM on January 6, 2021 with FLC Counseling Center Director Amie Bryant: “Faculty Mental Health in the Age of COVID-19.” The workshop had 14 attendees and can be viewed online at resources

Recruiting for Fort Lewis College

 Delivered recruiting lecture to Durango High School students (April 2017) and to students of Canyon Del Oro High School in Oro Valley (Tucson), AZ (November 2017)  Attended Native American recruiting event at Tocabe in Denver, CO (July 2017)  Attended FLC Fundraising & Development event at Dino’s Pizzeria in Denver, CO (July 2017)  Featured faculty speaker 5 times—October 2010 Skyhawk Saturday, February 2018 & October 2018 & February 2019 Fridays at the Fort as well as January 2021 Preview Weekend faculty panel—on “Why Choosing FLC will make you Happy,” each attended by hundreds of prospective students and parents (Feb 2019 had a smaller crowd due to snowy weather)  Attended FLC Preview Event on April 12, 2019 at Doubletree Hotel where I met with students and parents  Ran demonstration on “The Force Trainer: Brainwaves or Bunk?” for Fort Lewis Science Open House event on 3/17/2018 and 3/16/2019 in Chemistry Hall attended by hundreds of community members  Served as one of two faculty on a panel for FLC’s livestream Facebook recruiting event on 3/15/18  Represented Psychology Department at FLC Preview Weekend and “Fridays at the Fort” for prospective students in April 2007, April 2010, October 2014, November 2016, November 2019, April 2020, and February 2021. Tasks included hosting an informational table (2007, 2009), delivering a “taste of psych” lecture (2010, 2014, and 2016) and hosting a Zoom lecture / discussion about the psychology major for our virtual preview (2020, 2021)  Hosted an “FLC Alumni Together Series” Zoom lecture and discussion about the science of happiness on April 16, 2020 for Krista Knott (FLC Alumni Office), attended by 30+ FLC alumni


Rocky Mountain Psychological Association, President – 2018-2020 Served as President of the regional branch of the American Psychological Association, which promotes the importance of psychological science across the Rocky Mountain States. The annual convention brings together almost a thousand students and professors to discuss cutting-edge research across all subfields of psychology.

Powerhouse Science Center, Board Member and Consultant – 2010-2014, Emeritus Board 2018-2020 Served as member of the Board of Directors (2010-2012) for Durango, Colorado's new non-profit hands-on, interactive science center for all ages. Consulted on science curriculum for afterschool “Sudden Science” program. See for details.

Teaching of Psychology, Conference Chair – 2007-2018 The Mountain States Conference on the Teaching of Psychology (Mountain ToP) was a biennial regional teaching conference offering highly engaging and interactive sessions. Participants consisted mainly of psychology instructors in community colleges, 4-year colleges, and universities throughout the Rocky Mountain region. This conference was held at FLC in 2007, 2011, & 2015 and Albuquerque in 2018.

Research Manuscript Reviewer – 2003-2005 Provided feedback regarding acceptance/rejection decisions on manuscripts submitted for consideration in Addiction and the Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology.

California Department of Juvenile Justice – October 2007-March 2008 Served as curriculum consultant for the California Department of Juvenile Justice (DJJ). Trained DJJ employees in motivational interviewing in order to improve their success rates with incarcerated youth in Stockton, CA from March 3-5, 2008.

Research Consulting – 2011-2016 Served as a research consultant to the Love and Logic Institute in Golden, CO, a psychology-based parenting program at, in their attempt to evaluate the effectiveness of their products.

Society for the Teaching of Psychology – January 2007-2008 Served as member of the Long Range Planning Committee, a subcommittee of the Society for the Teaching of Psychology, Division Two of the American Psychological Association.

News Media Features – 2009-Present  National Public Radio’s Academic Minute, which features professors from top institutions around the world delving into topics from the serious to the light-hearted, keeping listeners abreast of what's new and exciting in the academy. My radio piece on Terror Management Theory was featured on NPR on November 30, 2011 at theory#stream/0  Featured in Catherine Mayer’s Time Magazine article (April 25, 2011) and book (November 2011, p. 82) on Amortality.  Featured regularly in several articles in the FLC Student Newspaper, The Independent, most recently at (November 7, 2018) and in “Disconnected: Some Students Choose to Limit Tech Use” in print edition of December 6, 2018 and in an article about New Year’s Resolutions (Spring 2020)  Featured in an article on Seasonal Affective Disorder in Adventure Pro Magazine in November 2018 at  Featured in an interview on DurangoTV on Friday the 13th and other myths that aired on September 9, 2019 at  Featured regularly in the local newspaper, The Durango Herald, in articles such as:  “UFO Believers Gather” on 3/28/09  “9-R Tax Increase Finds Favor” on 11/3/10

 “The Day It all Changed” on 9/11/11  “Young, educated, and unemployed” on 3/27/12  “First comes love, then comes ... cohabitating” on 12/7/12  “A good coach helps in business game” on 11/25/12  “When the dopamine kicks in, can you handle it?” on 3/18/13  “Social media was quick to convict Mark Redwine” on 8/21/15  “Mine cleanup analysis stresses need for federal involvement” on 12/6/15  “In-home man caves are becoming more popular” on 4/24/16  “Proposed Superfund listing elicits just 5 public comments” on 5/5/16  “Clowns: comics or monsters?” on 10/30/16  QPR Suicide Prevention training for the President’s Cabinet on 3/10/20 at  Coping with COVID-19 on 3/21/20 at professionals-share-insight-into-coping-with-covid19  Hoarding toilet paper during the coronavirus crisis on 4/17/20 at products-clogging-sewer-lines  Online teaching at FLC during the coronavirus crisis on 4/20/20 at rock-seem-to-translate-online  Mental Health Experts discuss consequences of COVID-19 on 6/5/20 at  1,000 cases [of COVID-19]: What happened in La Plata County? on 11/21/20 at  Action Line on Public Bathroom Use on 1/11/21 at


Assistant Training Coordinator, Student Counseling Center, Fort Lewis College (August 2011-Present) Volunteer and assist training coordinator (Colin Smith, Amie Bryant, Kendra Reichle) in running intake meeting (3-4 hours weekly), developing training curriculum, and supervising interns and practicum students.

School Counselor, The Liberty School, Durango, CO (January 2016-2018) Served as the volunteer school counselor; met with students, parents, and staff as needed. The Liberty School provides individualized, dynamic education for dyslexic, academically gifted, and twice exceptional students.

Psychologist, Student Counseling Center, Fort Lewis College (August 2003-2008) Provided individual therapy for college students; consultation & outreach; crisis intervention; assessment; led annual cognitive behavioral skills-building group for socially anxious students; supervised student interns.

Clinical Supervisor – Dec 2004-2012 (FLC); 2014-2015 (Open Sky); 2016-2017 (San Juan BOCES) Supervised student counselors and peer educators in outreach & counseling activities. Provided psychotherapy supervision at Fort Lewis College to Mindy Tomlinson and Mimi Gates to meet requirements for licensure as a counselor in 2009-2012 and for Dr. Sarah Tracy to meet requirements for licensure as a psychologist in 2013. Provided psychotherapy supervision to Dr. Joe Wassif at Open Sky Wilderness Therapy and to Dr. Monika Kos at San Juan BOCES in Pagosa Springs, CO and to Dr. Emily Ragsdale in Durango, CO to meet requirements for licensure as a psychologist in 2018.

Evidence-based Psychotherapy Skills – Completed Fellowship in Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy (Albert Ellis Institute, July 1-30, 2007) Completed Workshop in Dialectical Behavior Therapy (Axis Health System, Dec. 6-7, 2012) Completed Workshop in Cognitive therapy for Depression & Anxiety (Aaron Beck Institute, Dec. 17-19, 2012)

AWARDS & DISTINCTIONS Best of Durango Award – 2020 (Durango Herald) Nominated by my FLC Alumni and voted in by readers as “BEST EDUCATOR” in newspaper’s annual contest.

Faculty/Staff Achievement Award – 2012-2013 (Fort Lewis College) Awarded to faculty or staff member for consistently superior dedication to the college, noteworthy involvement in activities that help students, and demonstrated leadership in educational and social programs.

Featured Scholar Award – 2010-2011 (Fort Lewis College) Awarded to faculty member for demonstrated excellence in scholarship and research.

New Faculty Teaching Award – 2004-2005 (Fort Lewis College) Awarded to pre-tenured faculty member who exemplifies excellence in teaching, advising, & mentoring students.

Douglas Bernstein Award for Innovative Teaching Poster – 2004 and 2005 (NITOP) Awarded to the most creative/innovative poster (out of 100 posters) at a national teaching conference, the National Institute on the Teaching of Psychology (

PROFESSIONAL AFFILIATIONS • Licensed Psychologist in the State of Colorado (since December 9, 2004; license #2851) • American Psychological Association (APA; member since 1997) • Society for the Teaching of Psychology (APA division II; member since 2004) • Motivational Interviewing Network of Trainers (MINT; member since 2002)