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Vol. 120, No. 24 June 19, 2009 7301 Fifth Avenue NE Suite A, Seattle, WA 98115 Tel (800) 305-0217 • $1.50 per copy Online News Dateline Oslo Stortinget supports Goliat project in Norway May inflation rise dampens rate cut Barents chances Core consumer prices in Sea Norway rose by more than expected in May, official data showed on June 10, dampening A clear number of expectations of an interest rate Storting representatives cut by the central bank next support the Norwegian week and boosting the kroner. Government’s plans for ( developing the Goliat oil field north of Hammerfest Gene explains breast cancer chemotherapy Compiled By outcomes Chr i s t y Ol s e n Fi e l d Genetic mutations can show which breast cancer patients The Norwegian government will be helped by a certain approved of the Goliat oil field type of chemotherapy, U.S. development on May 8, and the researchers reported on recommendations from the energy Tuesday. They found patients and environment committee came with two versions of the on June 15. Only Venstre (Liberal SOD2 fared worse when Party) and Kristelig Folkeparti taking the chemotherapy drug (Christian Democrats) were against cyclophosphamide than other the proposed development, which patients. It might be useful Image courtesy of Sevan Marine. CONTINUES PAGE 13 3D illustration of FPSO Sevan Goliat to test patients for this gene before giving them the drug, the researchers reported in Celebrating history the journal Clinical Cancer Dr. Odd Lovoll speaks at the Nordic Research. The researchers Sister cities studied 588 breast cancer Increased tourism and broadened horizons for Heritage Museum for the Norwegian patients in the United States residents on both continents are the major benefits and Norway. (Reuters) of a sister city relationship formed 26 years ago American Weekly’s 120th anniversary between Minot, N.D., and Skien, Norway What’s inside? Sp e c i a l Re l e a s e Seattle, Wash. News 2-3 Business 4 On Wednesday, June 10 about Sports 85 people gathered at the Nordic 5 Heritage Museum in Seattle, Op-Ed 6-7 Wash. to celebrate the 120th anniversary of the Norwegian Taste of Norway 8 American Weekly. The event was Travels to Norway 9 sponsored by the Royal Norwegian Consulate in cooperation with the Roots & Connections 10 Norwegian American Chamber Faith & Religion of Commerce, the Norwegian 11 American Foundation, the Arts & Entertainment 12 Norwegian Commercial Club and In Your Neighborhood Photo: Candi Helseth the Nordic Heritage Museum. 13 Rolf Haugen, a Skien attorney, has made so many trips to Minot, N.D., that he was Among the guests were NAW Photo:Solveig Lee Norwegian Heritage 14 named a North Dakota honorary ambassador last year. staff, contributors, advertisers, Consul Kim Nesselquist was pleased Ca n d i He l s e t h subscribers, and members from to introduce Dr. Odd Lovoll as guest Education 15 Minot, N.D. the sponsoring groups who were speaker at NAW’s 120th anniversary of personal friendships, have also interested in learning more. event at the Nordic Heritage Museum “Tourism has been the biggest emerged as part of this ongoing The Weekly was honored to in Seattle, Wash. on Wednesday, June $1 = NOK 6.44 benefit, but educational and relationship,” said Minot Mayor 10. Lovoll talked about the history feature Dr. Odd Lovoll as special updated 6/15/09 cultural opportunities, as well as a and present state of the Norwegian 5/15/09 $1=NOK 6.57 stronger sense of heritage and a lot CONTINUES PAGE 13 CONTINUES PAGE 12 American press. 2 Norge - Uken som gikk Nytt på Nett Krigshistorisk landskap åpnet i Narvik Kongelig besøk i synagogen Hans Majestet Kong Harald åpnet “Krigsh- kringkasting, og for motstandskampen i Eu- Kong Harald og kronprins Haakon besøkte istorisk landskap - Narvik 1940” og Gener- ropa ble Narvik et symbol på alliert samhold Det mosaiske trossamfunn og synagogen al Fleischers veg mandag 15. juni med en og styrke. Veistrekningen mellom Narvik og i Oslo forrige uke. – Det har vært et veldig seremoni på Lapphaugen i Troms Bardufoss er gitt navnet General Fleischers interessant besøk, og en del av en plan vi vei, til minne om den generalen som ledet de har hatt en stund om å besøke andre tros- Det krigshistoriske landskap er en se- norske styrkene i kampene ved Narvik. samfunn i Norge. Vi skal også besøke flere rie monumenter som er reist på strekningen Det tyske angrepet på Narvik skulle andre trossamfunn fremover, og i oktober mellom Bardufoss og Narvik til minne om sikre tysk kontroll av malmtransporten fra skal vi møte Islamsk Råd, sa kong Harald de harde kampene som ble utkjempet på de svenske gruvene i Gällivare og Kiruna. etter at besøket var over. Kronprinsen er våren 1940. Målet med prosjektet har vært å Krigen i fjellområdene ved Narvik pågikk i spesielt opptatt av å bedre dialogen mel- ivareta og presentere en viktig del av norsk to måneder. Mer enn 1.500 norske soldater lom religioner og minoriteter. Han for- krigshistorie samt å anerkjenne og ære vet- tilbrakte opptil 50 døgn i vintervær over teller at han det siste året har snakket med eraner og avdelinger, norske så vel som al- skoggrensen. ungdom fra ulike minoritetsmiljøer som lierte. Men det har også vært et uttalt mål å han har lært mye av. presentere fakta på en verdig måte med vekt English Synopsis: On June 15, King Har- på innsatsen på begge sider. Initiativtager ald V of Norway opened a memorial in Laserskanner stavkirke til prosjektet er Hæren, og prosjektet er et Narvik. The battles of Narvik were fought Urnes stavkirke ble delvis laserskannet samarbeid mellom Hærens styrker, Statens from April 9 until June 8, 1940 as part of i fjor. I forrige uke ble hele kirken med vegvesen og kommunene i området. the Norwegian campaign of World War landskapet rundt laserskanned. Kirken Kampene ved Narvik var II. regnes som den eldste i landet, og står førstesideoppslag i internasjonal presse og på Unescos verdensarvliste. Laserstråler skal dokumentere stavkirken på Urnes for Kordt i European Cruise Service – en av de ettertiden. Laserteknikken gir en nøyak- Flyr inn guider fra utlandet største kjøperne av guidetjenester i Norge. – tig kopi av kirken slik den var da den ble avviser dette. – Årsaken er at det ikke bor skannet. Dette gjør det lettere å følge med Hundrevis av guider fra utlandet hentes petanseheving av guidene i Norge. – Norsk nok mennesker i Norge til å produsere nok på endringene som skjer med bygget, til Norge i sommer. Norske guider frykter reiseliv må ikke glemme guidenes rolle i guider, sier Kordt, som har engasjert seg i samt å lage tredimensjonale tegninger at turistene blir møtt av manusopplesere, produktet. Når turistene setter seg i bussen, guidedrift gjennom selskapet Norske Guide- som kan brukes i arbeidet med bevarin- melder Aftenposten. ønsker de å oppleve noe mer enn bare en per- tjenester, til Aftenposten. gen av kirken. Skanningen blir utført av son som leser opp noe fra et manus, sier hun English Synopsis: Hundreds of foreign Norsk institutt for kulturminneforskning Guideimporten er blitt et heftig debattert til Aftenposten. tourist guides are hired in Norway this på vegne av Riksantikvaren. tema i reiselivet. Kritikerne hevder de uten- Det er spesielt behovet for guider som summer. Some say it’s to keep the cost landske guidene mangler detaljkunnskap kan tysk, italiensk og spansk, som har frem- down, but the reason is lack of Norwe- Fortviler over krimbølge om norske forhold: om arbeidslivet, sosiale tvunget bruk av flere utenlandske guider. En- gian guides, states the European Cruise Politiet i Bergen fortviler over en bølge forhold og tradisjoner. Kari Steinsvik, leder kelte røster hevder også de hentes til landet Service. av kriminalitet som har rammet byen. i Norges Guideforbund, etterlyser en kom- for å presse prisene ned. Men direktør Arthur Antall anmeldte forbrytelser øker, mens oppklaringsprosenten går ned, melder ABC Nyheter. – Vi har en økning av anmeldte forbrytelser fram til 1. juni på Nobelprisen opp i verdensrommet hele 35 prosent. Samtidig har oppklaring- sprosenten gått markant ned, sier politi- Christer Fuglesang får med seg Nobels Nobels fredspris i bagasjen på sin andre tur inspektør Gunnar Fløystad i Hordaland fredspris når han drar til den internas- til rommet. - Et finere symbol for freden på politidistrikt til VG. Han mener at mye av jonale romstasjonen i sommer, melder jorden enn Nobels fredsprismedalje kan man nedgangen skyldes at politifolkene ikke Norsk Romsenter. ikke ta med seg ut i rommet, sier Fuglesang. har samme vilje til å stå på og yte maksi- Fuglesang tar blant annet med seg en klas- malt som de normalt har hatt. Han mener I sommer er det klart for Christer Fugle- sisk svensk trefigur, det vil si en rød Dala- også at mye tyder på at det er flere krim- sangs andre opphold i rommet. Etter planen hest, samt en sølvskje fra Sametinget. inelle aktører enn tidligere. skal han skytes opp til den internasjonale Etter romferden vil alle gjenstandene bli romstasjonen med Discovery 6. august levert tilbake til dit de kom fra. De får med Politikere får drapstrusler 2009. seg et segl som viser at de har vært ombord i Nesten halvparten av alle stortingspolitik- Astronautene på oppdrag STS-128 får ta ere har opplevd å bli truet, viser en fersk med seg et lite antall gjenstander fra hjem- English Synopsis: When Astronaut undersøkelse. En firedel av disse har fått landet sitt. Disse skal ha spesiell betydning Christer Fuglesang is visiting space this drapstrusler. 107 stortingsrepresentanter både for astronautene selv og landet de rep- summer, he will take copy of the Nobel svarte på NRKs undersøkelse om trusler. resenterer. I tillegg må objektene være små Norge. Peace prize with him. When he returns to 46 prosent svarte at de har mottatt trusler, og lette nok til å kunne bli med opp i rom- Men den norske gjenstanden er til earth he will bring the medal back to the og 25 representanter oppgir at de har blitt met. Fuglesang har svensk mor og norsk gjengjeld et helt spesielt symbol som er kjent Nobel Peace Institute, where a ceremony truet på livet. Justisminister Knut Storber- far og vokste opp i Sverige. Derfor tar han ikke bare i Norge, men over hele verden. will take place. get (Ap) synes det er bekymringsfylt at så med seg 12 gjenstander fra Sverige og én fra Fuglesang får nemlig med seg en kopi av mange politikere mottar trusler, og han antar også at mange trusselsaker ikke blir kjent. Heyerdahl-pris til offshoreskip Miljøprisen til minne om oppdager Thor meldingen fra juryen heter det at med det nye Vil lage verdens høyeste trebygg Heyerdahl ble tildelt offshorerederiet Far- offshoreskipet «Far Samson» har selskapet Barentssekretariatet i Kirkenes vil syn- stad Shipping i forrige uke. vist at de ligger i forkant når det gjelder å liggjøre norsk nordområdesatsing ved redusere det årlige totalforbruket av diesel, å bygge verdens høyeste trebygg til seg Det var Kong Harald som delte ut prisen uten å gå på akkord med utnyttelsen eller ski- selv i Kirkenes. På tomta til den gamle under åpningen av den store skipsfartsmes- pets ytelse. brannstasjonen i sentrum av Kirkenes, sen Nor-Shipping på Lillestrøm 9. juni Prisen er et samarbeid mellom Norges ønsker Barentssekretariatet å bygge et Ifølge juryen ble Farstad tildelt prisen Rederiforbund, Det Norske Veritas, Gard trebygg i 16–17 etasjer. Ønskemålet er å for rederiets engasjement med å øke miljø- Services, Assuranceforeningen Skuld, Nor få et signalbygg som viser hvilken betyd- standarden i shippingindustrien. I presse- Shipping og TradeWinds. ning utviklingen av nordområdene har for Norge. English Synopsis: Farstad Shipping is the winner of the Heyerdahl Award 2009 for its Thor Heyerdahl 1947 - 2002. commitment to improving the environmental standards in the shipping industry.

NORWEGIAN AMERICAN WEEKLY • WWW.NORWAY.COM • JUNE 19, 2009 3 Norway in the News Foreign Minister agree to continue be replaced by a pension plan more in line NG, Aviationweek Media said. Negotiations medical services for Sami children. “I am with the ordinary national pension scheme are expected to take two years, and the gov- very concerned about the situation among Nordic cooperation for most Norwegians. A working group ernment is required to return to parliament in Sami children and youth,” Hjermann says The Foreign Ministers of Denmark, Finland, which has evaluated the present pension plan the spring for authorization to begin negoti- to newspaper Aftenposten. “There is insuf- Iceland, Norway and Sweden met in Reyk- for Norwegian MPs, has proposed that the ating the final contract. Norway is already a ficient training in Sami language, insufficient javik June 8-9 to discuss ways to strengthen new scheme should follow the National Pen- partner in the JSF program. Despite an ef- access to textbooks and too few qualified Nordic cooperation in the areas of foreign sion Plan: Future MPs will no longer receive fort by the right-wing Progress Party to send Sami language teachers,” he adds. affairs and security policy. Increased Nor- full pension after only 12 years in office, but the fighter decision back to the government According to Norwegian legislation, the dic cooperation is in line with every Nordic only after having served at least 30 years. for further analysis, a majority in parliament Sami language has equal status as Norwe- country’s security and defense policy and Neither will they be guaranteed a pension of voted to endorse the government’s Novem- gian as national language. That means that complements existing European and Euro- at least 66 percent of their MP salary. They ber selection of the F-35. The defense min- all public offices should offer services also Atlantic cooperation. The Ministers agree will, however, be eligible for a three month istry does not know when a contract will be in the Sami language. Norway was the first that enhanced Nordic cooperation should be salary after the termination of their service. signed, or how many aircraft will be ordered, country to establish a commissioner, or om- complementary to existing NATO, EU and Today’s MPs will to a large degree retain the but beginning negotiations this year keeps bud, with statutory rights to protect children OSCE commitments and cooperation. There pension rights of the present scheme. the program on track to allow first deliver- and their rights. Since 1981, the Ombudsman is also a general understanding that it is only (Norway Post) ies in 2016 and full operational capability in for Children in Norway has worked continu- through well-functioning multilateralism, 2020. ( ously to improve national and international not least the work in the United Nations Oil spill ”first aid kit” legislation affecting children’s welfare. framework, that transnational challenges Acknowledging the increased risk for oil Running out of salmon ( can be solved. The Ministers agree to look spills in Arctic waters, Norwegian authori- The rising international market price on further into the feasibility of the proposal ties have decided to equip the Coast Guard salmon has given an upturn for Norwegian Koenigsegg & Norwegian Inves- on surveillance of Icelandic airspace, under vessel “Svalbard” with oil protection equip- fish farming industry. Now producers of Icelandic authority, with regard to phase one ment. The equipment includes a 300 meter salmon in northern Norway are about to run tors poised to buy Saab and two of the proposal. They agree that in- oil boom, oil skimmer, aggregate and pump, out of fish. The average size of salmon from Koenigsegg, the Swedish producer of ex- creased commercial activity in the Arctic and Forsvarets Forum reports. “This is a mini- Norwegian fish farms has been small this clusive super sports cars, is set to buy Saab, the High North will call for enhanced pres- mum kit for handling oils spills from our year. That is partly due to the fact that the General Motors’ Swedish premium brand, ence of Coast Guard vessels as they repre- own or other vessels,” says “Svalbard” Com- beneficial price level on salmon has tempted together with Norwegian investors. The deal sent important search and rescue assets. The mander Morten Jørgensen. “We will not be many producers to sell even if the fish size is due to close by early this summer. The Ministers note that these efforts should be able to handle a wrecked oil tanker, but we has been small. Now they running out of decision follows talks last week between the followed up in cooperation with other na- will be able to provide ‘first aid’ in case of oil salmon. According to website, the three shortlisted bidders and GM at its Eu- tions. (Norway Post) spills.” ( northern Norwegian fish farming associa- ropean headquarters in Zurich. Koenigsegg tion, Nordlaks, believes most producers now “has the best overall offer,” the person close Stronger demands on documented World’s longest sofa in Sykkylven will wait until the salmon grows larger be- to the deal said. The privately owned com- identity in asylum cases The Sykkylven furniture makers has built a fore they sell their products. This has made pany, based near Malmö, sold 18 cars last sofa measuring 890 meters in length, beat- the price level increase with almost EUR 1. year and is said to be interested in applying Norwegian Directorate of Immigration (UDI) ing the previous week’s record of 80 meters The optimism in the salmon industry due to its knowledge of niche models to a higher- has received instructions to request stronger made by Polish competitors. The Sunnmøre rising price levels, has also brought the stock volume carmaker. Backing Koenigsegg is demands on documented identity in asylum furniture makers started out last year by value of the Norwegian fish farming compa- Norwegian industrial designer Baard Eker, cases. If an asylum seeker refuses to do what making a sofa measuring 61.52m, but this nies upwards. ( who owns 49 percent of the Swedish car- is practically possible to document his or her record has been beaten several times since. A maker. Eker owns holding company Eker identity, then the authorities will, to a larger representative for Guinness World Record in Children’s Commissioner: Group ASA, which includes a design unit, extent, deny or issue a limited permission. London was in Sykkylven past weekend to the Koenigsegg stake, a designer of video The fact that very few asylum seekers can Unacceptable for Sami children check the measurement. (Norway Post) projectors, as well as the Hydrolift AS pow- identify themselves with a valid travel docu- The Norwegian Ombudsman for children’s erboat subsidiary. The Norwegian designer ment is a major problem. Over 95 percent rights has reported to the UN Human Rights has overcome obstacles and turned around lack such documents when they report to the F-35 negotiations to begin Council about what he sees as an unaccept- bankrupt companies before. He bought Hy- police for registration. ( Norway’s defense ministry is to begin nego- able situation for Sami children. In his report drolift out of insolvency in 2001 after work- tiations on the purchase of up to 56 Lock- to the UN council, Ombudsman Reidar Hjer- heed Martin F-35As after stortinget voted ing with the boat maker on a deck design. Reduced pensions for future MPs mann writes that Norwegian authorities to- to accept its recommendation of the Joint (Bloomberg / Financial Times) The present “golden” pension scheme for the gether with the Sami Parliament should take Strike Fighter (JSF) over the Saab Gripen nation’s Members of Parliament will this fall measures to improve school teaching and Subscribe Today! The most comprehensive news coverage of Norway and Norwegian American culture in the U.S. 47 issues for only $50* a year *$50 a year in the U.S. - $70 a year in Canada - $175 a year in Norway and all other foreign countries Norwegian Sports Travel Cooking Heritage Events Education News Arts & Entertainment

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Norwegian American Weekly (USPS 679-840) (ISSN 1942-1389) is published weekly except the last two weeks of July, the first two weeks of August and the last week of Dec. by Norwegian American Weekly Inc, 7301 Fifth Avenue NE Suite A, Seattle, WA 98115. Periodicals postage paid at Seattle, WA and at additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Norwegian American Weekly 7301 Fifth Avenue NE Suite A, Seattle, WA 98115. Phone: (206)784-4617 • Email: naw@norway. Proud to bring you the com • Website: Annual subscription cost: USD $50 domestic; USD $70 to Canada; USD $175 to Norway and all other foreign countries. Norwegian American Weekly NORWEGIAN AMERICAN WEEKLY • WWW.NORWAY.COM • JUNE 19 2009 4 Bu s i n e s s Exchange Rates Oslo Børs: (June 15 09) Vinnere Business News & Notes Navn Siste % Global IP Solutions 6,01 33,56 Norsk Kr. 6.4437 Thin Film Electronics ASA 1,56 28,93 Cecon ASA 3,00 20,00 Dansk Kr. 5.3844 Ignis 4,63 19,64 Zoncolan ASA 4,90 18,07 Svensk Kr. 7.8564 Tapere Canadian $ 1.133 Navn Siste % Repant 1,75 -15,05 Star Reefers Inc. 112,00 -12,50 Euro 0.7231 Nio Security 4,01 -8,86 RomReal Ltd 1,71 -7,57 Sevan Marine 10,68 -7,13

Photo: Norwegian investors taking stock in Saab with Swedish partner.

Koenigsegg poised to buy Saab with purpose vessels. Headquartered in Norwegian investors Bergen, the group has 2,100 employees Koenigsegg, the Swedish producer along the Norwegian coastline from of supercars, is set to buy Saab, General Kirkenes in the north to Stavanger in the Motors’ Swedish premium brand, south. The group’s core competence is together with Norwegian investors. The within shipbuilding, maritime service, deal is due to close by early this summer. offshore and technology. (Maritime and The decision follows talks between the Energy) three short-listed bidders and GM at its European headquarters in Zurich. Carlsberg completes sale of Norwegian The privately owned company, based brewery near Malmö, sold 18 cars last year and Danish brewer Carlsberg said its is said to be interested in applying its Norwegian subsidiary Ringnes had knowledge of niche models to a higher- finalized an agreement to sell a majority volume carmaker. (Financial Times) stake in its brewery. Carlsberg said in a statement it finalized the deal Bergen Group signs NOK 1.8 billion to sell the Arendal unit, one of three MoU breweries run by Carlsberg in Norway, Bergen Group BMV has signed to local investors, effective July 1. The a Memorandum of Understanding international brewer did not disclose (MoU) with the German shipping the value of the transaction, but said company SAL Schiffahrtskontor Altes it would keep a 20 percent minority Land GmbH & Co. for a large next stake in Arendal. “The sale of Arendal generation advanced construction class will increase the efficiency of Ringnes’ vessel with a DP-3 dynamic positioning production structure,” Carlsberg said. system. The vessel is to be delivered in April 2012 and the contract value is WWL factory-to-dealer film approximately NOK 1.8 billion. The receives recognition from the visual MoU is subject to board approvals. communication industry “We will be building an extremely WWL’s animated factory-to-dealer MULLAVEY, PROUT, GRENLEY & FOE advanced vessel with accommodation video has been nominated for best a t t o r n e y s a n d c o u n s e l o r s a t l a w for 150 persons, three separate engine film in the category: “Best advertising, rooms, and three separate propulsion promotional and information film” and Advice regarding maritime and civil claims, disputes, rooms. This will be the first such vessel was made by Visuelt, which is Norway’s to be constructed complying to the latest largest annual visual communications commercial transactions and estate planning. IMO SPS code. Thus, the vessel will have competition. The competition presents a high crew safety factor, while allowing the most outstanding works with the 24001 NW Sixty-fifth P.O. Box 70567 Seattle, WA 98107 for extremely reliable operations. This aim to inspire innovative thinking and Telephone: (206) 789-2511 Fax: (206) 789-4484 construction represents the core of our high technical standards. The Jury’s competence,” says CEO of Bergen comments for WWL’s film were: “A Group BMV, Terje Sjumarken. “The sophisticated and well-made design and LUNDE MARINE ELECTRONICS, INC. vessel will be classified to DP3, and is animation.” A tool to brand, support and a continuance of the vessels BN 167 and reinforce WWL strategy the factory-to- Sales and Service BN 164, currently being built by Bergen dealer video is not a traditional corporate Group for Solstad Offshore and Aquanos video but rather an animated infomercial Offshore, respectively.” to visualize our factory-to-dealer The German shipping company offering and the value WWL bring to our SAL which currently has a fleet of large customers. The storyline of the film tells heavy lift vessels with crane capacity how the customer, with WWL as logistics Seattle,WA Tacoma,WA Dutch Harbor, AK phone (206) 789-3011 phone (253) 627-6968 phone (907) 581-1498 up to 1,400 tons, has already had partner, will have their product arrive at fax (206)782-3188 fax (253)383-4965 fax (907) 581-1402 significant exposure within the oil & the dealership directly from the factory gas sector. SAL is 50 percent owned by assembly line in a simple factory-to- “K” line, while the remaining 50 percent dealer solution. WWL is seen to take care is privately owned. Bergen Group is of all the steps in the outbound logistics [email protected] a maritime industrial group with focus chain, making the complex simple from 5415 24th Ave NW, Seattle 98107 on the offshore industry and special- factory-to-dealer. (WWL)

JUNE 19, 2009 • WWW.NORWAY.COM • NORWEGIAN AMERICAN WEEKLY Sp o r t s 5 Portlander wins Women’s Tippeligaen Results & Standings Spitsbergen Marathon in Svalbard Fixtures & Results

6/13 Rosenborg 3-0 Strømsgodset Tippeligaen PLD PTS Iversen 83, 88, Prica 90 6/14 Odd Grenland 4-0 Bodø/Glimt 1. Rosenborg BK 13 29 Lekven 15, Storbaek 32, Fevang 51, 68 (p) 2. Odd Grenland 13 21 6/14 Lillestrøm 4-2 Fredrikstad Sogard 8, Eziyodawe 23, 66, Borges 12, Everton 30 3. Molde FK 13 21 Kippe 42 6/14 Brann 2-1 Lyn 4. IK Start 13 20 Huseklepp 52, 81 Guastavino 78 5. Vålerenga Fotball 13 19 6/14 Tromsø 1-1 Sandefjord Koppinen 58 Mane 88 6. SK Brann 13 19 6/14 Ålesund 0-1 Viking 7. Ålesund FK 13 18 Fillo 17 6/14 Vålerenga 0-1 Stabæk 8. Stabæk IF 13 17 Nannskog 23 9. Sandefjord Fotball 13 17 6/15 Start - Molde 10. Viking FK 13 16 11. Tromsø IL 13 15 12. Fredrikstad FK 13 14 13. Lillestrøm SK 13 14 14. Strømsgodset IF 13 12 15. FK Bødo/Glimt 13 12 16. FC Lyn Oslo 13 10 Photo: Mark Sabbatini, Lori Ann Osmundsen, a Norwegian American from Portland, Ore. is the 2009 winner of the Spitsber- gen Marathon in Svalbard, Norway. Norwegian exit in the World Cup

Gr i e g Lo d g e rector. In an email from Norway after the Tippe - league round 13 Portland, Ore. race, she called the frigid Spitsbergen mara- Kj e l l Ol a v St r ø m s l i Efficient Stabæk defeated Vålerenga thon “the most intense experience” she had Trondheim, Norway Vålerenga wasted a lot of chances against ever had. She wrote, “There were moments the rival Stabæk and had to face another de- Lori Ann Osmundsen, 46, of Portland, when I thought about asking the polar bear feat at Ullevål stadium in Oslo. Eleven corner Ore. took first place in the women’s division marksmen lining the route to just shoot me A goalless draw in Skopje against Mace- kicks and a header in the post was the nearest in the notoriously cold Spitsbergen Marathon and get it over with, but every time the dark donia June 6 gave a hint of an early exit for the hosts came a goal. Instead the goal thief in northern Norway on Saturday, June 6. Lo- thoughts cropped up I thought about (1) my the Norwegian squad before the encounter Daniel Nannskog in the 23rd minute steered cated in the polar Svalbard island group at grandmother, and (2) all of you at GL, my against the Netherlands in Rotterdam June home a cross from Morten Sjønsberg and 78 degrees north latitude well above the Arc- sponsors. And it truly helped.” 10. settled the game. Nannskog was injured only tic Circle, the 26-mile race is aptly billed as Contestants celebrated after the race at Norway needed all the points to main- minutes later and had to throw in the towel. the northernmost marathon in the world, and a banquet featuring walrus steaks and rein- tain the second place target in the group at Two goals of Erik Huseklepp secured three referred to by participants as the “Run For deer burgers, Osmundsen reports, and then the De Kuip Stadium, but the already quali- important points for Brann against Lyn. Your Life,” due to the risk of polar bear at- finished their polar adventure with a little fied Dutch team crushed the Norwegian hope Brann Coach Steinar Nilssen was very tacks. This year’s race took place in snowy, dog-sled and kayak sightseeing in the days when André Ooijer hit the net on a header in satisfied with how the squad was winning the windy conditions with a temperature of -1˚c. following. Osmundsen returns to Portland the first half. game and that his team still is sticking on to According to reports from Svalbard, many on June 11th, her 47th birthday, in time to The home side sealed the victory on an the medal fight. Viking had eight wins on a of the contestants including about half of the lead the Grieg Lodge bicycle group, the Bik- acute angle shot by Arjen Robben only six row against Ålesund before this round. Åle- women originally registered for the full mar- ing Vikings on their monthly ride on Satur- minutes into the second half. The loss has sund did not manage to break the curse and athon dropped out due to the harsh weather. day the 13th. again created a discussion in Norway about Viking battled home victory number nine. Osmundsen and just two other women com- For more information about the mara- the way the National team is playing, the Martin Fillo scored the only goal. Unstop- pleted the full marathon in the women’s 18- thon, visit: and www. defensive “Drillo” style. Several experts ad- pable Rosenborg battled down Strømsgodset 39 and 40-49 age groups, with Osmundsen vertise for a more offensive and entertaining with a comfortable 3-0 win at Lerkendal in coming in first with a time of 4 hours, 30 soccer for the squad and are split in the ques- Trondheim and are still unbeaten. minutes and 8 seconds. Second place winner, About Grieg Lodge: tion if Egil Olsen is the man for the job. Adelheid Domgorgen of Germany, finished Founded in 1910 and located at Portland’s 9 minutes behind her, and Ann Oltmer in the historic Norse Hall, Grieg Lodge is a non- 18-39 age group finished third with a time of profit, all-volunteer fraternal organization Thorkildsen second Handball Norway 5 hours, 1 minute, 14 seconds. connected with Norwegian and Nordic tradi- Osmundsen, an attorney, avid marathon- tions and interests, and dedicated to social, in Berlin er and all-around athlete, was sponsored by cultural, educational and humanitarian pur- Grieg Lodge (, Portland suits in the community. chapter of Sons of Norway (, where she serves on the board as Sports Di- Pettersen withdraws Flu symptoms cause Suzann Pettersen to bow Photo courtesy of Andreas Thorkildsen Photo courtesy of Håvard Tvedten out after third round of McDonalds LPGA or w a y os t N P Nor w a y Pos t Championship Norway’s javelin ace Andreas Thorkild- Håvard Tvedten equalized for Norway sen had to settle for second place in the nine seconds before the end, when Norway She posted on her Twitter profile, “Un- Golden League opener in Berlin on Sunday. managed a 34-34 draw against Iceland in Su z a n n go l f .c o m fortunately I had to withdraw from the tour- Finland’s Tero Pitkamaki won with a sea- their qualifier for the men’s Handball Euro- nament. My body has been pushed way over son’s best throw of 86.53 meters. pean Cup in Reykjavik on June 14. Suzann had to withdraw after the third the top. You always want to give it a go, but Double Olympic champion Thorkildsen This means that if they win against Es- round of the McDonalds LPGA Champion- sometimes there is only so much you can do. who placed second with a throw measuring tonia, Norway secures a place in the Euro ship, surrendering to her body’s demands I need rest, blood tests done and some recov- 85.48m achieved in his first attempt, was not Handball finals. after trying determinedly to push on through ery time at home. I will make sure I am ready satisfied, after he achieved a winning throw If they lose, the match against Macedo- the flu symptoms and continue playing. She when I come back. I think this is the first of 88.97m in Finland last year. nia will be decisive. shot 76 and decided straight afterwards to time I have pulled out, I feel bad, but I have In addition to gold. Norway also secured Erlend Mamelund scored 13 goals for head home to rest fully, something many to listen to my body. I should maybe never silver in team and bronze in the double event Norway against Iceland, Håvard Tvedten people would have already been doing for have teed it up.” at the Championships. seven. several days.

NORWEGIAN AMERICAN WEEKLY • WWW.NORWAY.COM • JUNE 19, 2009 6 Op Ed Dear Norwegian American Weekly, in these areas. Indeed inspiring reading. It is annual report reading. I just read through the one from TOMRA. It was the first Sincerely, Letters to the company in the world to produce a machine Rasmus Falck that could automatically identify returned Oslo, Norway empty bottles and print out a deposit refund Editor: receipt. The company was founded in 1972 Dear Jake, Do you have something to say? Send your letters to: in Asker, Norway by the brothers Petter and Almost always, when we read about Jake Moe, Editor-In-Chief [email protected] Tore Planke. Today it has subsidiaries and Norway in the Norwegian American weekly, 7301 Fifth Avenue NE Suite A, Seattle, WA 98115 activities in over 45 countries around the it is positive news and that seems appropriate world. as that can be explained by the general Dear Norwegian American Weekly, enjoyed authentic Norwegian fare. There It all began when Petter, who had been assessment by the various studies by United Last week the Nordic Heritage Museum were many toasts and speeches as awards working as a salesman of labeling and price- Nations that Norway remains one of the announced the selections for the inaugural were presented. Leander was an ideal making equipment for the supermarket most desirable countries to live in. Virtual Norwegian-American Living Treasures host for the event, being a member of the industry, was approached with a problem by 100% literacy, excellent economy, excellent award. At a festive dinner party hosted by Museum’s Board and the author of a recently one of Oslo’s leading supermarket owners. healthcare, relatively low dense population, Kristine Leander of Seattle, three residents of published book “Norwegian Seattle,” that “Please help me, we’re drowning in empty great outdoors, etc. support the notion that the Pacific Northwest were honored for their highlights the contributions Norwegian and bottles.” Petter offered to present the problem Norwegians are very happy with their lives. contributions to the Norwegian American Norwegian-American residents of the Puget to his brother to see if he could come up with However, I see a coming storm from community. The recipients; Ted Fosberg, Sound region. a solution. Tore, an engineer was at the time a news item in the 21 May issue, with the Anne Lise Berger and Sig Hansen were the The Nordic Heritage Museum is working on the development of the world’s article,” A new trend in motherhood” which guests of honor at the event. proud to represent all five Nordic countries. first fully automated navigation system indicates that 54 percent of births in Norway With the establishment of the first Living for supertankers, began looking in his free were to unwed mothers. It is a worldwide Treasures awards, the Museum now plans time at the problem of empty bottles. His phenomena (40% in the United States), but to recognize “Living Treasures” from all involvement in cutting-edge microelectronics consistently higher in all the Scandinavian five Nordic cultures. Each year, over 55,000 combined with his training in mechanical countries. One would think initially that people make there way through the doors of design proved to be a perfect match for the this is strange since Norwegians, and all the Museum, maintaining their connection to development of an automated system for Scandinavians on the average, are better heritage, family and culture. Please be sure the return of empty bottles. And in January educated and have higher standard of to come by and visit the Museum next time 1972 the first hand-made prototype reverse living than other countries on the list. you are in Ballard. vending machine was installed in one of Closely related to this data is the high rate Oslo’s supermarkets. of cohabitation versus marriage in Norway Ted Fosberg has made outstanding Sincerely, Over the last years the company has and the other Scandinavian countries. These contributions to the Sons of Norway, including Eric Nelson expanded its business beyond its traditional phenomena are also likely connected to the having served as the international president. CEO core focus of providing solutions for fact that religion is no longer an important In that role, he has traveled throughout the Nordic Heritage Museum recovering used beverage containers with part of many Norwegian lives as it was in United States, Canada and Norway as an deposits. Today the company provides the past. ambassador of that organization. Anne-Lise Hello, solutions for material recognition, sorting Children being raised by single mothers, Berger, owner of Scandinavian Specialties I was reading your newspaper, as I and compaction within a larger context possibly with several male partners, or since 2000, is an active member of the receive it from my mother, the other day. and toward a much more diverse range of by fathers with several women partners, Norwegian American community. Anne- My family all originated in Norway, so I markets. will likely have insecurities and other Lise was one of the first women who were am 100% Norwegian. But an article in your In expanding the scope of its business psychological problems as they grow. These members of the Norwegian Commercial paper deeply disturbed me. It was the article the company is now involved in markets problems are already surfacing in higher Club, and in 1997, she was elected as its first about the Norwegian Trade Union punishing and operations with greater potential risks juvenile delinquencies, higher crime rates female president. Sig Hansen, of the popular Israel if they don’t agree to their terms. in terms of environmental and social issue. and poorer school performances. TV Show, “Deadliest Catch,” is seen weekly Now I could hardly believe what I After ten years of environmental and social If questioned, these children from in 170 countries. was reading. To quote “and if these efforts reporting the time has come to take it one unstable homes would not consider that life It is obvious to all of us who enjoy fail, the Norwegian government should step further. The company have established is so great as the UN studies may suggest. the show, how important Sig’s Norwegian lead an international campaign against the a permanent board committee with the I presume the government, social heritage is to him. In addition to being a crab occupation of the Palestinian territories.” task of further formalizing and focusing on and religious organizations in Norway are boat captain who braves dangerous waters, This article sounds like Germany many corporate responsibility issues. grappling with the problem and seeking Sig shows his generous heart for children years ago, I would not have expected it from The committee is chaired by a member potential long term solutions. through his participation with the Make-A- Norway. of the board. Hopefully, your paper would start a Wish Foundation. That article sent a chill down my spine. The task is to assist the Board of dialogue on the subject soliciting views from Filled with wonderful Norwegian I hope I am wrong. Directors in fulfilling the responsibilities your readership and convince me that I am antiques and folk art, Kristine Leander’s of reviewing the company’s corporate too pessimistic on Norway’s future. home provided a perfect venue for the Sincerely, governance, environmental, social and event. The guests were entertained by Cindy Wasrud ethical practices, asses possible risks in these Thor A. Larsen traditional folk music by Tre Norske, and areas and determine the companies policies Fishkill, N.Y.

JUNE 19, 2009 • WWW.NORWAY.COM • NORWEGIAN AMERICAN WEEKLY Op Ed 7 Norwegian American Guest Editorial with Bruce Meland W EEKLY Time Capsules and the Weekly WEST COAST 7301 Fifth Avenue NE Suite A, Seattle, WA 98115 OFFICE tel:(206) 784-4617 fax: (206) 448-2033 email: [email protected] toll free: 1 (800) 305-0217 EAST COAST Berit Hessen - (914) 337-4737 OFFICE Publisher & Editor-In-Chief Jake Moe [email protected] WA Managing Editor Tiffanie Davis [email protected] NY Managing Editor Berit Hessen [email protected] Copy Editor & Christy Olsen Field [email protected] Subscriptions Manager (206) 441-3044 Assistant Layout Editor Harry Svenkerud [email protected]

Photo courtesy of

Contributing Editors I have always loved time capsules. To going back to the very start 120 years Anita Alan Carmel, CA Inger-Torill Kirkeby Miami, FL me, they offer a glimpse of what life was ago. Thankfully, however, we can count Eric Dregni Minneapolis, MN Dagfinn Magnus New Orleans, LA like years ago. In fact, if we could locate on our good friend and world renowned Marit Fosse Geneva, Switzerland Donald V. Mehus New York, NY a Leif Eriksen time capsule that detailed researcher, Dr. Odd Lovoll, for filling Heidi Håvan Grosch Sparbu, Norway Berit T. Mesarick Williamsburg, VA his views on his voyage hundreds of years in the blanks for us. He has done such Victoria Hofmo Brooklyn, NY David Moe Juneau, AK Leslee Lane Hoyum Rockford, MN Roman Scott Herre, Norway ago and packed with souvenirs from the valuable research on all 284 Norwegian Else Hvistendahl New York, NY John Erik Stacy Seattle, WA trip. Now that would be just great! American publications that were at some Solveig M. Lee Seattle, WA Rolf Kristian Stang New York, NY On June 7, at the Leif Erikson Lodge time in business in the United States. Nina Lichtenstein Hartford, CT Kjell Olav Strømsli Trondheim, Norway in Ballard, a time capsule was opened During last week’s celebration of our that was nearly 60 years old. The steel 120th anniversary, I had the opportunity box was welded shut and buried behind to talk with so many subscribers that have CORRECTIONS: Norwegian American Weekly strives to make its news report fair and accurate. If you have a question or comment about news coverage call (206) 784-4617. • Norwegian American Weekly reserves the right the cornerstone of the old Norway Center been faithful readers of the Norwegian to edit any and all submissions for style, grammar, accuracy and/or space, and the right not to print submissions near downtown Seattle. The time capsule American Weekly for decades. The most deemed libelous, in poor taste, or not suited for publication in this newspaper. • The opinions expressed by opinion was recently found when the building was frequent comment about their dedication to writers and letter writers are not necessarily those of Norwegian American Weekly, and our publication of those views is not an endorsement of them. Comments, suggestions and complaints about the opinions expressed by being demolished and the members of the the Weekly was that reading the paper each the paper’s editorials should be directed to the editor-in-chief. • Norwegian American Weekly is published weekly Lodge waited until Sunday, June 7 – the week gives them a sense of being in one except the first week of the calendar year, the last two weeks of July, and the first two weeks of August by Norwegian day Norway declared its independence large Norwegian family here in America. American Weekly, INC. • Please send address changes to 7301 Fifth Ave. NE Suite A Seattle, WA 98115 • Annual Subscription Cost: US$50 Domestic, US$70 to Canada, US$175 to Norway and all other foreign countries. from Sweden – for the opening. In fact, they regularly mentioned that they Doug Dixon, a member of the Sons were amazed at how much is happening in SINCE 1889: Formerly Norway Times & Western Viking & Washington Posten. . . Comprising of Norway Leif Erikson Lodge hammered the Norwegian American community all Decorah-Posten og Ved Arnen, Minneapolis-Tidende, Minnesota Posten, Norrona and and groaned to get the stubborn box to over country—with events, celebrations, Skandinaven reveal its valuable contents. Inside the festivals, and business, and, of course, capsule, was a treasure trove of Seattle travel. NORWEGIAN AMERICAN WEEKLY, INC. newspapers, documents, membership lists That is what is so great about being and of course a copy of the Washington involved with the Norwegian American Posten, the Norwegian American Weekly’s Weekly—I get to participate in creating a Proud to bring you the predecessor. The “batch” of original weekly ‘time-capsule’ for generations to Norwegian American Weekly documents was excitedly welcomed by read and research in the future. the Norwegian American community here Thanks for being a part of this national in the Northwest. Unfortunately for some, treasure. there wasn’t an ancient bottle of Aquavit. As I got to thinking about time All the best, What did you pay for that? capsules and what they normally contain, it dawned on me that in almost every case, USD USD there are current copies of the newspapers Jake Moe $2.31 $2.24 of the day within. Well, I thought, if folks Editor-In-Chief is the median price for is the median price for always think of placing newspapers in the time capsules, then I must be sitting an egglant an eggplant in a time capsule every day. You see, in in Norway. in the U.S. the Norwegian American Weekly offices, we have issues of the Western Viking and Washington Posten going back years! Unfortunately, we don’t have copies

SAM & ELLIE By Ray Helle

NORWEGIAN AMERICAN WEEKLY • WWW.NORWAY.COM • JUNE 19, 2009 8 Th e Ta s t e o f No r w a y Cheesy beginnings Perfect party starters from Tine

Salmon Snøfrisk Crostini DOUBLE GOLD MEDAL WINNER San Fransisco Wine & Spirits Competition

FIVE STAR - HIGHEST RECOMMENDATION “It is intensely flavored without being overbearing - the ideal Crostini balance between spirit and flavoring and aging vessel” Spirit Journal 2003 - Paul Pacult 1 tub Snøfrisk Fresh spreadable cheese (125 CLASSIC (96-100) - HIGHEST g) RECOMMENDATION “One of the greatest spirits ever from Scandinavia” 1 baguette Wine Enthusiast July 2003 2 dl olive oil 5 clove garlic salt and coarsely ground black pepper

How to make crostini Cut baguette into 1/2 cm slices. Crush the garlic by hand and heat in oil. Place the baguette slices on a baking tray and brush with the garlic oil on both sides. Sprinkle 1 tbsp parsley leaves, finely chopped with salt and pepper and bake in the oven 1/2 clove garlic, finely chopped at 180ºC until golden. Spread a teaspoon of lemon juice Snøfrisk on each slice and garnish with one salt & pepper of the toppings. Drain artichoke hearts. Add oil, garlic and Salmon topping parsley; season to taste with lemon juice, salt 4 slices smoked salmon and pepper. Arrange on a dish with smoked 4 tinned artichoke hearts salmon. 2 tbsp cold-pressed olive oil

Happy Tomato

Starter created by Tom-Victor Gausdal Norwegian Chef of the Year 2003 and silver winner at Bocuse d`Or 2005.

Serves 4 On vacation from June 28th to August 4th! 100g Ridder 4 tomatoes 2 spring onions “A Taste of Norway in the Heart of Brooklyn!” 4 tablespoons sea salt

Bring water to a boil and dip tomatoes in for Phone: (718) 748-1874 a few seconds until the peel cracks. Remove Fax: (718) 833-7519 ORDIC E-mail: [email protected] from boiling water and immediately dip into ice cold water. Remove the peel with a sharp DELICACIES 6909 3rd Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 11209 knife. Cut “a lid” of the top of the tomato and The Little Viking Gift Shop remove some of the inside and sprinkle with sea salt. Seaport Village - 817 West Harbor Dr. San Diego, CA 92101 (619) 232-7160 • • [email protected] Fine Gifts and Collectibles • Cooking supplies • Clothing • and more! Asparagus and Ridder in Cut the cheese into thick sticks and spring onions into thin slices. Put onions and cheese Proscuitto into tomatoes, close with the “lid” and decorate with herbs. An elegant appetizer that tastes as great as it looks! Created by Tom-Victor Gausdal Norwegian Chef of the Year 2003 and silver winner at Bocuse d`Or 2005. ProudPlace to bring you the your Norwegian order American today! Weekly Serves 4

8 asparagus 100g Ridder 4 slices prosciutto

Bring heavily salted water to a boil. Add asparagus and boil for 3 minutes. Cool down. Cut the asparagus slightly longer then cheese blocks. Roll cheese and asparagus Summer Sale! into prosciutto. 30% off all sweaters Recipes and photos from Call toll-free at (877) 784-7020

JUNE 19, 2009 • WWW.NORWAY.COM • NORWEGIAN AMERICAN WEEKLY Tr a v e l s t o No r w a y 9 - a gem in the south

Farsund is an idyllic harbor town on the Southern coast of Norway, with charming white wooden houses and Art Nouveau brick buildings. The landscape in the surrounding area is extremely varied. Here you will find the most magnificent coastline Norway has to offer, with majestic mountains and forest regions close by

Compiled by in 1940. It was later restored and in 1990 Be r i t He ss e n Husan received the prestigious “Europe The municipality of Farsund has about Nostra Prize” for the successful restoration. 9,400 inhabitants, mainly concentrated on On Husan’s top floor, there is a loft where three centres of population Farsund town, local artists exhibit their work during the and Vestbygda. It also includes summer. the outlying districts of and . Shipping, fishing and agriculture have What to do been the main industries in the area. Today The harbor in Farsund has for several Farsund is the largest agricultural district in years been selected the best guest harbor in the county of Vest-. Already in 1795 the Norway. The beautiful archipelago is perfect town was recognized as a trading center and for water sports such as rafting, canoeing, in 1995, Farsund could proudly celebrated kayaking, river safari, diving, windsurfing its 200-year anniversary as a town. and fishing. The mountains have many In the early years, Farsund was an trails perfect for hiking and climbing. You The town of Farsund was established as a municipality in 1838, although already recognized as a trad- important ship-owning town with over 50 can also take the opportunity to see the ing center in 1795. Photo from the A.M. Ubostad Collection, see more on registered vessels. Although there are still king of the woods in his own territory on some shipowners based here, this activity is an Elk safari. And don’t forget to explore now overshadowed by the newer industries. the fine sandy beaches, Lista Lighthouse, The Elkem Aluminium Lista, Norway’s the picturesque landscape and the numerous second largest producer of primary stone fences and clearings, which is the most aluminium, and the Bredero Shaw Factory, characteristic features of the agricultural a world leader in pipe coating solutions, landscape of western Lista. If you like bird are located here. In addition there are watching, Lista is the place to be. This is engineering workshops, a foundry, joinery the area in Norway where you can see the and fish farms. most species of birds. Here you can also find Pennefeltet, which consists of approximately Where to stay 3,000 year old rock carvings of ships as well Rederiet Hotel, in the center of Farsund as pan depressions, foot imprints and remains town, was built in 1958 as the main office of old house sites from the time of the Great for Mosvold Shipping Company Ltd. The Migration. Experience one of the world’s building was designed by the well-known most beautiful coastlines from the deck of German architect Thilo Schoder, who the historic S/S Adella, which was built in settled in Norway in 1932. He designed Ålesund in 1863. many buildings along the southern coast of Norway. In 1998, the structure was converted People from Farsund into a hotel, and in 2008, a comprehensive James DeNoon Reymert (1821 – restoration began. Today, the large rooms 1896), born in Farsund, emigrated to All color photos courtesy of Rederiet Hotel. are beautifully furnished, most of them with America at a young age. He was a pioneer Rederiet Hotel offer magnificent views overlooking the inner harbor in Farsund. magnificent views overlooking the town’s settler in the Wisconsin Territory, and early inner harbor. A brand-new restaurant and elected official in the state. Reymert was a close friend with the world-renowned and For more information about Rederiet bar were also built. a mine operator, lawyer and politician, he celebrated Henrik Wergeland. Hotel and to book a room overlooking the A smaller building, the Reymert estate, also founded the first Norwegian language Thousands of people from the district beautiful Farsund harbor, please call +47 38 is also a part of the hotel. This structure is one newspaper in America, Nordlyset (Northern (Lisa, , , Farsund and 38 95 00 or visit: of Farsund’s oldest buildings. The Reymert Lights). James’ father, ship owner Christen ) migrated to America, especially family, with one of the oldest family name in Reymert, was a customs officer in Farsund. after World War II and until the mid- Other useful web sites: Norway, lived here for eight generations. Another famous resident was the 1960s. Many returned home, bringing with Next door to Rederiet, you can find the sociologist Eilert Sundt (1817-1875). He was them examples of American culture. In 2007, Grand Husan mansion, originally a wooden known for his work on mortality and subjects the traditional Lista Festival was renamed structure from 1801-03. Businessman among the working class. Sundt was editor “The American Festival.” The United States Jochum Brinch Lund (1744-1807), Farsund’s for “Folkevennen” (A Friend of the People) is close to everyone’s heart in this region! founder, built the mansion. In 1918, Husan from 1857 to 1866, for which he wrote a You can even enjoy familiar American food was renovated, but partially destroyed by fire number of important articles. Sundt was also at “8th Avenue Supper Club” in Vanse. NORWEGIAN AMERICAN WEEKLY • WWW.NORWAY.COM • JUNE 19, 2009 10 Ro o t s a n d Co n n e c t i o n s LETT-X nr. 5 av Jan-Tore Stien 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13.

14. 7. 15. 9. 16. 17.

18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 19. juni Lena Drivdahl Oakland CA 23. 24. 25. 26. Ole H Moen Kalispell MT 20. juni Paul Pederson Church’s Ferry ND 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. Else Sevig Minneapolis MN Richard Underdahl Hopkins MN Waynne Wirwicz Silver Spring MD 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 21. juni Myrtle Twedt Elk Point SD 38. 39. 40. 41. Odd Clemmetsen Langley WA 37. 22. juni Helen Nilsen Miami Beach FL 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. Emil Stensholt San Jose CA Anna Jorgensen Seattle WA Margit Bernhus Concord CA 21. 47. 22. 48. 49. Hans Lenschow Bellevue WA Barbara Jelen Lake Oswego OR 23. juni 50. 23. 51. 52. Haakon Strand Garretson SD Alfred Hartland Seattle WA Greta Quilty Thousand Oaks CA VANNRETT: 33. Kant LODDRETT: 24. Dyrelåt Karl D Johansen Salt Lake City UT 1. Fremskrittsfiendtlig 34. Vårherre 1. Passiv 25. Mangle Alfred Solberg Coeur d’Alene ID 14. Strekning 36. Fase 2. Gjøre lovlig 30. Norrøn gud N H Breivik Norridge IL 15. Båtkant 37. Stat 3. Klokt 32. Betennelse 24. juni 16. Fredssymbol 38. Ryke 4. Flatemål 35. Romersk gudinne Mary Kamp Minneapolis MN 17. Øke 39. Minespill 5. Medisinsk fagområde 37. Strev Esther Kolbjornsen Silver Spring MD 18. Blodsuger 41. Sirkel 6. Tall 39. Bløt 19. Skjør 42. Kommune i Nordland 7. Legemsdel 40. Finesse 25. juni 21. Gnomer 44. Måte 8. Løfte 43. Helle Lars Dahl Burbank CA 23. Selsom 46. Elter 9. Stormløp 45. Lovord Lloyd L Larson Windom MN 24. Samling 47. Sjanse 10. Svinge Victor Johansen Salt Lake City UT 26. Kjenner til 48. Isolat 11. Dokument Odd M Hagen Penticton BC Bronwyn Allen Redmond WA 27. Fingre 49. Religion 12. Fryse Nils Gjersengen Aremark Norway 28. Fugl 50. Doktor 13. Univers Edward Olsen Riverhead NY 29. Dovne 51. Turnapparat 20. Hevelse Mikael Rickman Southern Shores NC 31. Leke 52. Omslag 22. Titte Kjersti Iselin Lyngstad-Beakey Oslo Norway

Want to see your birthday in the Norwegian American Weekly? Norwegian American Weekly Give us a call at (800) 305-0217. Birthday listings are free, but must be Photo of the Week submitted one month in advance.

Answer Key from June 5 Ole and BREER I NORGE Lena

Two guys, Ole and Sven, are standing at the gates of heaven.

Trying to be friendly, Ole asks Sven, “So, how did you get here?”

Sven replies, “Hypothermia, how about you?”

“Well, “Ole said, “I vas sure my wife Lena vas cheating on me, so one day I came home early to catch her in da act. I searched da whole house, but dare vas no one dare. I felt so bad about da whole ting dat I had a massive heart attack.”

“Oh great, “said Sven, “If you vould’ve checked da freezer ve vould both be alive!”

Leona Olson of Everett, Wash. coordinated the 17th of May luncheon in Seattle Proud to bring you the this year, with record attendance! Photo courtesy of Svenn and Elaine Lovlie Norwegian American Weekly of Bremerton, Wash.

JUNE 19, 2009 • WWW.NORWAY.COM • NORWEGIAN AMERICAN WEEKLY Fa i t h a n d Re l i g i o n 11 In honor and memory of Do you have a loved one or friend who has recently passed? Send a brief memoriam to [email protected]. Weekly Wisdom With Bruce Larson WRITER • PASTOR • SPEAKER Karen Elisabeth “Bissi” Boe W Aug. 5, 1917 - May 8, 2009 “The Road to Your Place”

Karen Elisabeth “Bissi” Boe, formerly (Continued from May 29) cause that we’ll never see fulfilled, but the of Litchfield and Wilton, Conn., died calling is beyond success or failure. peacefully on May 8. She was 91 years old. Jonathan Edwards died in 1758. His Sometimes our dreams are too small. I Bissi was born in Trondheim, Norway, the grandson, Timothy Dwight, became the talked to a man recently who always feared daughter of Consul Lorentz Cappelen-Smith president of Yale in 1795. Cycles come that when he retired, his pension wouldn’t (who spent four years in Hitler’s Greni and go and the country had regressed be big enough to enable him to keep his Concentration Camp during World War II) back to immortality and unbelief. When own home and live comfortably. He’s and Lulli Bugge Cappelen-Smith, on August Dwight assumed the presidency there was still in his own home and he is financially 5, 1917. While studying at The London one Christian in the freshman class, two secure. He plays golf every day and has a School of Economics and Oxford, she was in the sophomore class, none in the junior wife who loves him. His health is good. I vacationing in France when World War II class, and eight or nine in the senior class. said, “John, what is it you want that you precluded her from returning to England The campus church had dwindled to two don’t have?” “Nothing,” was the response. or Norway. Bissi escaped the mobilization members. Dwight understood that he was “Then, why is it you can’t sleep at night? to an uncle in New York City in 1939. not called simply to two members. Dwight Your wife tells me you’re up at two o’clock After completing her degree at Bryn Mawr understood that he was not called simply in the morning walking around the house. College, she married Carsten Fritjof Boe, to be a successful college president. Some What’s the trouble?” He wanted to be a an engineer/inventor from Oslo, Norway Easton, Conn., and Lulli Akin, of St. Louis, seven or eight years later, one of Dwight’s success and he was, but perhaps his dream in 1941. She raised a fun-loving family of Mo., as well as 14 grandchildren and three instructors wrote a letter home to his wasn’t big enough. six children in Delaware, Pa., Litchfield, great-grandchildren. Another son, Petter mother in which he said, “It would delight Jesus met all sorts of people when He Conn. and Castine, Maine. Carsten died in Boe, died in 1991. Bissi was buried next to your heart to see how the trophies of the traveled the roads Galilee. Some He taught 1991. Bissi is survived by her son Carl Boe, her husband in Litchfield, Conn. Her family cross are multiplied in this institution. Yale and some He healed and to those special of Scarborough, N.Y., and four daughters, and friends will miss her warm, friendly and College is a little temple.” twelve men He said, “Follow me.” He is Dagny Eason and Karen Miller, both of creative personality. Most of us have read the story of Marie still asking us to do that. When you’re on Wilton, Conn., Ingri Boe-Wiegaard, of Regianti, a 34-year old devout Catholic. the road with Jesus, don’t settle for the next Her early life was tragic. A battered wife, hill. Go all the way. His dreams for you are she had divorced her husband and was invariably bigger than your own. struggling to raise her two children alone. Eventually she got a well-paying and secure Handling the Roadblocks job, working for the governor of Tennessee. Many of us tend to think that our Before long, she realized he was asking feelings often constitute a major roadblock her to do some shady things, to help parole on the faith road. We assume that God would prisoners who were guilty and a menace to have us be unruffled and docile servants, society, but who had bribed the governor. never giving vent to all the surging passions Her friends all counseled her to go along and feelings of which we’re capable. with it. “Listen, Marie, you’ve got nothing When you hear the word feelings, what to gain, everything to lose. You’re a single is the first emotion that comes to your mind? parent and you can finally take care of your Is it joy and gladness, or horror and dread? kids and relax. That’s his problem.” She Perhaps you think of grief first of all. I’m couldn’t. Her eyes were fixed on something always struck by those Israeli or Palestinian beyond the immediate job and her own families we see on television mourning their success. She exposed the whole situation dead. They scream and rant and rave. They and the governor is now in jail. She was really know how to express grief. Many of meaningful experiences • exceptional care • inspired to serve motivated by a vision of right and justice us more rigid types envy people with that that made her own personal interests seem capacity. You may associate feelings with petty. rage or hatred, or you may think of love in Jesus said to His disciples by the Sea of all its explanations. “Bonney-Watson is a place where meaningful Galilee, and He says to you and me, “Follow me.” How do we follow in His steps? We This excerpt has been reprinted from experiences and exceptional care are need not go to Israel. We can be pilgrims Larson’s book “Faith for the Journey,” provided by inspired employees.” where we are. We can have a dream to with permission from the author. make our city the Holy City. Beyond that, we have our eyes on a city whose builder and make is God. We may give our life to a Wiggens & Sons Funeral Home 2003 NW 57th St. Our Funeral HOme's reputatiOn is Based On Seattle, WA 98107 206.782.4700 Family service, nOt a stOck market index! Large corporations have worked their way into the funeral industry and taken the intimacy and integrity out of funeral service by making it “a profit driven” business. At Edw. C. Halvorsen Funeral Home, we have earned our reputation in the community by providing quality, caring service for over 150 years. Our pledge to you and your Other Bonney-Watson Locations: family is to keep our locally owned status and continue the highest Bonney-Watson Eastside Bonney-Watson Capital Hill Bonney-Watson Federal Way quality service possible. We have all your best interests at heart. 211 Bellevue Way NE 1732 Broadway 1535 SW Dash Point Road Bellevue, WA 98004 Seattle, WA 98122 Federal Way, WA 98023 425.373.0020 206.322.0013 253.839.7317 Edw. C. Halvorsen Funeral Home, Inc Washington Memorial Bonney-Watson Parker Chapel 5310 Eighth Avenue, Brooklyn, New York 11220 16445 International Blvd. 900 SW 146th Street Tel: (718) 435-2276 • Fax: (718) 435-5137 SeaTac, WA 98188 Burien, WA 98166 206.242.1787 206.244.2320 We are the only Scandinavian Funeral Home left in the Tri-State Area

NORWEGIAN AMERICAN WEEKLY • WWW.NORWAY.COM • JUNE 19, 2009 12 Ar t s a n d Entertainment From Notodden to Mississippi Norwegians rediscovering the universe Eirik Newth and Pål Brekke author new book Norwegian city presents gift to BB King Be r i t He ss e n Museum in Indianola, Mississippi Managing Editor

Li v Je n ss e n Ec kho The year 2009 is The International Year of Astronomy (IYA2009). This is a global effort initiated by the International Astronomical Union (IAU) and UNESCO. Consul General, Lasse Seim attended Norway is amongst the hundreds of countries the official handing over of a gift to the BB involved in this huge project. Thousands King Museum in Indianola, Miss. from the Photo courtesy of Norwegian Space Center. of educational programs have taken place city of Notodden, Notodden Blues Festival to engage a personal sense of wonder and for his spectacular presentation of the and Europas Blues Senter on June 5. The gift discovery. amazing Aurora Borealis, which has been was a custom-made throne, designed and Norwegian Astrophysicist Eirik Newth an important part of his research. We learned made by artisan Inge Mikkelsen. (45) and Solar Physicist Pål Brekke (48) that Pål followed in his father’s footsteps. The golden throne stands six feet tall have fascinated the citizens of Norway and Even if Pål had no intention to become and is made of pine. Cleverly incorporated helped them rediscover their place in the a solar physicist like his dad, he became in the design is the neck and head stock of Universe. They have held large multimedia fascinated in the subject while working on BB King’s legendary guitar, Lucille. presentations explaining the wonders of scanning sun images taken by the space The handing over of the throne was the Sun, the Universe, black holes, distant shuttle Challenger. done by the Mayor of Notodden, Lise Wiik, galaxies, neutron stars, extensive supernovae Currently Brekke and his family reside and representatives from Europas Blues (star explosions) and shown beautiful images in Oslo, but before returning to his homeland Senter and Notodden Blues Festival, and was from the Hubble Space Telescope. he lived in the United States for six years. He a part of the annual BB King Homecoming was second-in-command of the international Festival. BB King himself was present. New Astronomy Book solar research project SOHO (Solar and In a short speech, Consul General Seim In May, Newth and Brekke’s book “Den Heliospheric Observatory) at NASA’s praised the cooperation between the BB Photo courtesy of Norwegian Consulate General store boken om astronomi” (The Big Book Goddard Space Flight Center in Maryland. King Museum in Indianola and Europas Houston / about Astronomy) was published. The book “When SOHO was launched into orbit in Blues Senter in Notodden, and underlined BB King gets comfortable in his new throne. is an introduction to the world of astronomy 1995, the Norwegian instrumentation was the importance of BB King’s music as a currently working on an agreement to and the magical universe. “The authors have the only instrumentation with completed means to bring the people of the United become sister cities. chosen the most fascinating and thought- software,” explained Brekke. “My job in the States and Norway closer together. provoking images from the last 10 years,” United States was largely to facilitate others’ Indianola and the city of Notodden are writes Trond Erik Hillestad in a review in research – which I enjoyed – and I get to Celebrating histor … Before then I cultivated my fascination with the magazine “Astronomi.” The new book is continue with that at my extremely exciting the press by authoring articles on the history also referred to as “splendid” and “very well job at the Norwegian Space Centre,” said (…continued from page 1) of Decorah-Posten, Washington Posten and written.” The two writers’ long experience Brekke. The center is an administrative guest speaker. Lovoll was born in Norway, the socialist Gaa Paa. “really shows” writes the reviewer. agency that helps Norwegian industry and and immigrated to the United States in 1946. … Newth is a renowned author of Popular researchers to accomplish what is important He received his education in both Norway Science for children in Norway. He received for Norway as a space research nation. and the United States. He holds an M.A. in Webster’s New World Dictionary the prestigious Brage Prize in 1996 for the U.S. history from the University of North defines a newspaper, to quote, “a publication, book “Jakten på sannheten” (The Search A solar success story Dakota, and a Ph.D. with a specialization regularly printed and distributed, usually for the Truth). Brekke is a Senior Advisor Norwegian solar research is a success in Immigration from the University of daily or weekly, containing news, opinions, at the Norwegian Space Centre in Oslo, story. It began with Kristian Birkeland, a Minnesota. His doctoral dissertation “A advertisements, and other items of general a delegate to the ESA Programme Board leading physicist of the early 1900s. And ever Folk Epic: The Bygdelag in America” was interest.” Guided by this definition, I made a of Human Spaceflight, Microgravity and since the Norwegian solar researcher Svein published in 1975. list of 268 weekly and semiweekly newspaper Exploration and the Norwegian delegate to Rosseland founded the world’s first institute Professor Lovoll is also a prolific author, titles and six daily titles, published from 1847 the International Living With a Star (ILWS) for theoretical astrophysics at the University with 18 books as author or editor and some to 2009, for a total of 284 secular periodicals. program proposed by NASA. of Oslo (1934), Norwegian researchers have 50 articles, mainly on Norwegian-American It is a truly impressive number even when been at the top of their field. and Scandinavian-American immigration. He taking into account that about one-third Meeting Pål Brekke Brekke has been invited to take part in has published in both Norway and the United survived a year or less. Norwegian American Weekly had the many prestigious international projects. He States. From 1980 until 2001, he served as opportunity to talk with Brekke during his is currently working on his next book about publications editor for the Norwegian- … last visit to the Big Apple, earlier this year. his favorite subject: the sun. American Historical Association. In that He has for years taken young and old on To further information about “Den store capacity, he edited and supervised publication Regional and local journals came into “travels” to the Sun, and to the edge of the boken om astronomi,” please visit: www. of 32 volumes. His most recent project being both on the eastern seaboard and on the universe, where the light has traveled for is writing on the history of Norwegian- Pacific coast. In 1891 Norwegians in the East over 13 billion years. He is well-known language newspapers in the United States launched Nordisk Tidende (Nordic Times) to be published by the Minnesota Historical in their tight urban colony in Brooklyn, Society Press in February 2010. N.Y. Washington Posten, which became Here are a few excerpts from Odd the largest journal in the Pacific Northwest, Lovoll’s speech: began publication in Seattle, May 17, A history of the Norwegian-language 1889. The founder, Frank Oleson, in 1938 Press in America, the working title of a reminisced in Washington Posten about how 371-page manuscript, is in the hands of the he had happened to start the newspaper after publisher the Minnesota Historical Society he as a clerk at the Seattle post office had Press in St. Paul and if all goes well, we’ll see discovered that many bundles of Decorah- it in print in February 2010. In seven chapters Posten, Skandinaven, and Budstikken, the I trace the historical journey of the secular latter at predecessor of Minneapolis Tidende, Norwegian ethnic periodicals published were being sent to subscribers in Seattle and from 1847 to present time. It has long been the surrounding area. Washington Posten my wish to study and record the history of was destined to become the Norwegian this central Norwegian American institution. voice in the Pacific Northwest. It, as Oleson My initial interest and curiosity were stirred explained, quite literally represented an during the research and writing of my extension westward of the immigrant press. master’s thesis on the Norwegian-language “We had not had time to get newspapers press in the state of North Dakota in the farther east which in turn had taken them 1960s. Other projects, teaching, and editorial from Norwegians newspapers.” duties prevented me from engaging in the The Norwegian American press reached daunting research required. Retirement has across the Atantic to the homeland, not merely allowed me to devote full time to the project. CONTINUES PAGE 15 JUNE 19, 2009 • WWW.NORWAY.COM • NORWEGIAN AMERICAN WEEKLY In Yo u r Ne i g h b o r h o o d 13 Sister Cities… Stortinget supports… More than 500 new jobs, directly and (…continued from page 1) (…continued from page 1) indirectly related to the Goliat project, will be created over the next 15 years. Oil company ENI Norge, the Norwegian branch Curt Zimbelman, who has visited Skien. will be 50 kilometers from the coastline. Ketil Solvik-Olsen, spokesman and of the Italian Eni group, is the operator for “It’s surprising how many people will view Goliat, but it shares the license with state- that sister city relationship as a reason to go energy policy advocate for Fremskrittspartiet (Progress Party), is satisfied with the controlled Statoil with a 65%-35% ownership to Norway. Skien gives them a start, a spot agreement. ENI will invest NOK 28 billion they want to see, that they include in those decision. “This is an important project for Norway, (USD $4.34 billion) into the project. Norway plans.” The reserves in the Goliat field are Brekke Tours and Juven Tours, both the oil industry, and northern Norway. The Goliat project will continue the momentum estimated to be 173 million barrels of oil, and North Dakota travel organizations, schedule Goliat is expected to reach a peak production Skien among destinations on their annual with Norwegian oil extraction, and continue to use energy resources that are in Norwegian of about 100,000 barrels of oil plus natural Norway tours, said Skien Culture Minister gas per day. ENI plans to start production in Ragnar Nilssen, and their city also sees more territory.” The Goliat field was discovered in 2000, 2013, and keep the field running for at least independent travelers that indicate they 15 years. first heard about Skien at Norsk Høstfest in and is located 70 kilometers (40 miles) off the northern coast of Norway near Hammerfest, Goliat is the second offshore Minot. Photo: Candi Helseth development in the icy waters of the Barents Vice Mayor Geir Arild Tønnessen, shown here in which will serve as its land base. “We’re seeing increased travel on both Sea that Norway shares with its neighbor sides of the board,” Minot CVB Director the Skien City Hall, says Skien sees a return on its Petroleum and Energy Minister Terje investment in its relationship with Minot, N.D. Riis-Johansen said in May 2009 that the Russia. Statoil’s Snøhvit field went on stream Wendy Howe said. “We’ve had a lot of folks in 2007, but is a pure natural gas field while from Telemark call to tell us they’re coming construction of Golait will give big benefits learn about other populations. And we learn Goliat is mainly an oil field. Snøhvit also to the United States and plan to visit Minot to the local community. from others how to understand both sides of uses Hammerfest as its base. while they’re here. We have more Norwegian “Goliat is the first oil field in the things.” Riis-Johansen said the Goliat field will visitors stopping in at our Visitors’ Center Barents Sea that will be developed. Goliat Reiten, who has headed Høstfest since face strict environmental controls to protect too.” is the biggest industrial project to ever its inception 31 years ago, said Skien has the fragile cold weather ecology of Northern The sister city relationship was the be undertaken in northern Norway,” said been a good match for Minot. The cities are Norway. brainchild of Norsk Høstfest President Minister Riis-Johansen. of comparable size, have strong agricultural Chester Reiten, who approached Skien to bases and sponsor annual Scandinavian partner with Minot because the two cities festivals. Both are built along rivers framed share a common heritage and have several by oak and elm trees. Minot sits in a valley similarities. Reiten said many Norwegian of rolling hills; towering mountains surround immigrants that settled in North Dakota Image courtesy of Sevan Marine. the Skien valley. Haugen said construction 3D illustration of FPSO Sevan came from Norway’s Telemark region where workers recently unearthed a buried Viking Goliat Skien is located. building that indicates people lived there Skien’s city council has funded a 1,000 years ago. That would make Skien, delegation to attend Høstfest every year for Telemark’s capital, the oldest city in Norway the last 14 years. Vice Mayor Geir Arild ,although Tønsberg officially holds the title Tønnessen said the city believes that the now. return on its investment is worth the expense. Minoters who travel to Skien say the Minot representatives have also attended Skien vacation experience exposes them to Telemark fylkes Handelsstevne, Skien’s a very different world and at the same time annual Scandinavian festival. reminds them of home. The twin towers of “When we go to Høstfest, we market the Skien Church, rebuilt of Norwegian glazed whole Telemark region,” said Rolf Haugen, stone in 1894 after a town fire, can be spotted a Skien attorney who has made so many trips from any point in the city. Telemark Canal Don’t miss your chance to archive and remember to North Dakota that he was named a North connects 18 lock levels of a canal system Dakota honorary ambassador last year. Seattle’s 120th May 17th celebration! for sea transport; sawmills and outposts are “Minot is a good area for us because of that reminders that the city was Norway’s largest Get your keepsake photo disc today! common ancestry.” lumber town for many years. Norwegian Cultural and educational interactions The photo disc includes 200 quality images of the 17th of playwright Henrik Ibsen was born in between the sister cities also spur tourism May Luncheon at Leif Erikson Lodge, the parade and the Skien. Ibsen sculptures and memorials are interests. Skien representatives kindle dinner event at the Bodal Estate. everywhere and his birth home is a popular interest in Norway among youth as they Samples are available via e-mail upon request. tourist stop. Telemark Fylke Museum teach Scandinavian classes through Høstfest provides rich historical details dating back to Discs are $19.97 plus $3.95 S&H in the schools, which reaches about 6,000 the early 1200s; still, many of its buildings To order or for questions e-mail [email protected] Photographics Maeland Minot-area students. Minot and Skien school resemble those found in early North Dakota. classrooms are engaged in pen-pal programs. “Getting to see the similarities and Last year, Minot State University President the differences between our cultures and David Fuller led a group of educators on a lifestyles is fascinating,” said Laura Mihalik, trip to Skien to establish a student exchange a Minot member of the sister city committee. program between MSU and Telemark “We went to this farm in the mountains where College in Skien. they hardly farm any land, unlike the large Sharing music and culture increases farms here on our flat plains. Still, there were Boat Tour tourism too. Minot’s Heritage Singers a lot of similarities. And they do eat lefse in Open Daily performed in Skien on a Norway concert Norway too. We were served the best lefse Through Labor Day tour a few years ago. Last fall, Skien’s Suoni and flatbread ever. We were treated so well Seattle’s Fishermen’s Terminal Dock 9 Mon-Fri 10-6 p.m. and Sat & Sun: 9-6 p.m. Wind Orchestra presented a free public everywhere we went. Norwegian hospitality concert at MSU and performed at Høstfest is the best!” (206) 550-2623 • • Don’t miss it! throughout the week. Skien residents feel the same way about While Skien is Minot’s only sister city, their trips to Minot. “When we come to sister cities are more common in European Minot, we feel very much at home,” Haugen countries, Haugen said. Skien has 14 sister said. Do you have roots in the Møre and Romsdal area? cities. These relationships enable Skien That’s the commonality of being leaders to exchange ideas and develop Join us! Scandinavian and one of the reasons for opportunities that can lead to growth in Høstfest’s long-term success, according to a world market that has become globally ø r e o g o m s d a l s l a g Reiten. Scandinavians are always hospitable, M R oriented, Tønnessen added. no matter where they live! The relationships vary depending on We’re your relatives, your friends, The Norsk Høstfest tour to Norway interests. While Minot and Skien have will be Aug. 11- 25. Norsk Høstfest festival your homeland neighbors focused on travel and culture, Skien has in Minot is scheduled for Sept. 29 - Oct. 3 assisted sister city, Onesti, Romania, with ( Upcoming Skien events Newsletter — Genealogy Assistance — Vennskap civil projects like building roads and water include Mer Smak, a food festival, Aug. 28 - systems. Sept. 6, and the Handelsstevne festival Aug. “It’s important to have a focus across the 29 – Sept. 6. borders,” Nilssen said. “It helps our people For more information, go to NORWEGIAN AMERICAN WEEKLY • WWW.NORWAY.COM • JUNE 19, 2009 14 No r w e g i a n He r i t a g e Discount Car Rentals in Norway Portelli’s Ponderings We work exclusively with HERTZ 1.800.870.7688 Scandinavian owned & operated Laying the groundwork Prices from NOK 2492 (~$366)/1 week NOK 4634 (~$681)/2 weeks * rates include unlimited km's, liability insurance, & VAT tax 108 N. Main St., Cranbury, NJ 08512 • [email protected] • SeaMates Consolidation Service, Inc.

Ocean Freight Consolidators for Household Goods, Personal Effects and Commercial Cargo to Scandinavia and other Worldwide Destinations 316 Main Street, East Rutherford, New Jersey 07073 Tel: 1-800-541-4538 • Fax: 1-201-460-7229 Li s a Por t e l l i Bradenten, Fla. Contact Sig Samuelsen: [email protected] Before we made our initial trip to and “kj”. You throw in words with those Norway, as I mentioned to you earlier, we sounds, plus the sounds of the three extra really did a lot of research and background letters in the alphabet, and your lips, mouth e Scandinavian Hour study about Norway to make a smoother and tongue soar to places they’ve never been Celebrating over 40 years on the air transition and hit the ground running when before, alright? Seriously. Needless to say, we arrived there. We had to learn the my first couple of winters, while learning KKNW - 1150 AM language and learn all about the land. Now, Norwegian, were quite full. mind you, we didn’t have the Internet back For me, learning the language was only Saturdays 9:00 - 10:00 am then, but I had something even greater. I had the beginning. The next step was to start Streaming live on the internet at: Pappa!! learning more about the geography, political Pappa was a walking lexicon of anything system and traditions of the country so we Norwegian, and he still is. He was born and could put it in context before arriving. Now raised in Oslo, Norway. He was a World that was fun! While this was all going War II veteran and had participated in the on, Pappa would have different types of LEWIS O. TITLAND Quality Accounting & Tax Services for: resistance against the Germans. When we Norwegian music of every genre playing. Certified Public Accountant Small businesses went to Akershus, he gave us eyewitness We hauled out our globe and atlas to locate (206)789-5433 Individuals testimony about things he had accomplished Norway, we researched the currency and 3824 18th Ave Specialized Assistance during that time to protect the Norwegian foreign exchange, we got a handle on the Seattle, WA 98119 people from Hitler’s iron fist. But, I’m political system and government. We learned getting ahead of myself here. Pappa was a “Ja Vi Elsker” and studied the history of the Norwegian through and through. He lived flag. We learned about the national religion, nd Annual and breathed the Norwegian language, industry and manufacturing. In a nutshell, Decorah 43 culture, music and traditions. He was also we learned how Norway ticked. In between a fantastic storyteller, and whenever he told all that we started trying out the food, and it’ll troll stories, they were so real and so vivid, he take a lot of writing to cover that experience! had me really spooked! Pappa totally fueled You haven’t lived until you’ve tried Lutefisk, that natural curiosity within me and I’ll never fishballs and reindeer meatballs for the first be able to properly thank him for it. time. Nope, I haven’t even touched the hem Learning any foreign language is quite of that garment. Rest assured, though, it was NordicThursday EveningFest - Saturday fun. When I learned that the Norwegian all worth it. It’s learning by immersion at its alphabet has three more letters than the best, and it makes everything you’re about to July 23, 24 & 25, 2009 English alphabet, I was absolutely in awe. do much more real. It felt like I was unlocking a secret code or The flight over to Norway was my first Decorah, Iowa something. It really did. Of course, when ever transatlantic flight. Flying Scandinavian you learn a foreign language, in a way you Airlines (SAS), we headed out way above the are unlocking a secret code to learn a new clouds. The notion of traveling forward in Traditions, new and old, will abound way of communicating. I’ve always loved time was anathema to me. Traveling over a throughout the weekend. Artisans puzzles, so I will always love learning foreign large body of water? Never done that before will display and demonstrate language. Speaking a foreign language either! We didn’t fly first class, but back traditional Scandinavian folk-art offers a whole host of oral calisthenics then overseas flights were a big affair, and so such as rosemaling, wood carving, beyond compare! When we started learning was the food. Pappa and Mamma had fresh weaving, and more. the extra three letters, it was the beginning salmon, of course. I laugh when I think of of things to come. I’m talking about hours that now. Salmon and fish were just not on You will be able to sample food upon hours of practicing and pronouncing my list of favorite foods. . . yet. My brother, from centuries past. Your entire sounds, words and phrases I had never Alex, and I ordered from a special kids menu. family will also enjoy the lively uttered before! This is not easy at first, but We even got to wear our pajamas and go into dancing, challenging sporting events, it’s absolutely possible. Probably one of the the cockpit. And our parents kept talking of intricate costumes, and boundless most difficult sounds to master is the rolling something called jet lag. Jet lag? “What’s entertainment. “r” sound in the Norwegian language. Then that?” we wondered. Ha! there are the words that start with “skj”, “sk”

Come and enjoy the “Northern deLights” at the 2009 Nordic Fest 800-382-fest •

JUNE 19, 2009 • WWW.NORWAY.COM • NORWEGIAN AMERICAN WEEKLY Ed u c a t i o n 15 Events on

For more information on these and other events visit us at: Does your organization have an event coming up? Would you like to have it added to our events calendar? Send an email to Christy at [email protected] or give us a call at 1(800) 305-0217. COLORADO Oregon Scandinavian Midsummer Festival 100th Sangerfest June 27-28 June 26 Estes Park, Colo. Eugene, Ore. Estes Park is gearing up to celebrate their The Pacific Coast Norwegian Singer’s As- Odd Lovoll, Kae Ellingsen, John Stacy and Jonathan Sharpe enjoy good conversation and delicious annual Scandinavian Midsummer Festival, sociation will hold their 100th Sangerfest marzipan cake from Nilsen’s bakery. All photos by Solveig Lee. which will take place June 27-28, from 10 in Eugene, Ore. June 26. The Norsemen, a.m. to 5 p.m. at Bond Park. Midsummer one of the twelve PCNSA member chorus- festivities center around the Maypole. For es, will host the event. Nearly 150 singers more information, a schedule of events, or will perform a Grand Concert on June 26 photos, visit at 7:30 p.m. Admission: $15. Email ticket requests to centennialsangerfest@com- Illinois or call (541) 510-8393. 4th Annual Scandinavian Midsommar Celebration Washington June 27 Hauka Mannskor Concert South Elgin, Ill. June 22 Presented by Scandinavian Park, Inc., the Seattle, Wash. Scandinavian Midsommar Festival opens Hauka Mannskor, (Hauka Male Choir, with children’s parade and dancing around is located in a small community named the Maypole. Crafts and games for chil- Soknedal, in the middle part of Norway. dren and free pony rides. Bonfire lighting Currently, they are 24 singing members, and traditional toast beginning at sunset. some who have been members since the Marilyn Whitted and Joy Skaardal of SAS pose for Former editor Kathleen Knudson (left) and former Scandinavian food for sale or bring your contributor Lucy Baker Johnson were there to choir was founded in 1978. We hope we a photo. As SAS representative, Joy was honored own picnic. Donation $5.00 adults, chil- help celebrate the paper’s anniversary. can give a little piece of Norway to you for SAS’ 46 years of service in Seattle. dren 12 and under free. (847) 695-6720 through our singing. Location: Our Re- Celebrating history… generous column space. deemers Lutheran Church in Ballard, (…continued from page 12) On the East Coast Nordisk Tidende Minnesota 2400 NW 85th St. Call (206) 783-7900 experienced similar developments as its for details. colleague in Seattle. It moved with greater Nordic Hjemkomst Festival 2009 by appointing correspondents who would determination toward English. The publishers June 26-28 contribute regular features, but by seeking Midsommarfest 2009 of Nordisk Tidende announced in July 1982 Moorhead, Minn. subscribers throughout Norway. It is largely June 28 their intent in the future to publish more and The annual Nordic Hjemkomst Festi- an unexplored chapter, and perhaps one that Kenmore, Wash. more in English in order to interest the many val will feature the theme “Nordic Spirit can never be fully written. My own extensive Join us for Midsommarfest 2009 at St. Ed- second- and third-generation Norwegian Rocks” with special highlights during the efforts in Norway created interest and gave wards Park in Kenmore! Midsommarfest Americans and adopt a tabloid format. On Finnish Expo. To buy your festival pass me new friends, but produced precious little showcases a wealth of wonderful music Jan. 5, 1984, it was published under the buttons, visit or call information. All major journals, beginning and dancing by the Northwest’s premier masthead of Norway Times, primarily in the Nordic Culture Club’s office at (218) with Emigranten, found a readership in the Nordic folk musicians and dancers (and English in order to strengthen its national 299-5452. homeland. A year’s gift subscription to kin this area boasts some of the best in the distribution. in Norway became common practice—and Western Hemisphere). Festivities start at frequently a popular Christmas gift. My The two journals competed for the 11 a.m. For full information, visit www. Midwestern market. Western Viking had an 78th Annual Norway Day main source in determining the extent and www.norway. advantage after it obtained the subscription July 12 of circulation in Norway has been the com. list of the defunct Decorah-Posten on Jan. Minneapolis, Minn. newspapers themselves. No records exist in 1, 1973, which had ended publication in The Norwegian National League of Min- Norway. Viking Days December 1972. Decorah-Posten’s passing nesota will host its 78th Annual Norway … July 11-12 by all accounts signified the closing of an era Day on Sunday, July 12 at Minnehaha Seattle, Wash. in Norwegian immigrant life that could never Park. An open-air Christian worship ser- The final sub-chapter of my study is The Nordic Heritage Museum’s annual by retrieved the cartoon characters “Han vice opens the day at 10:30 a.m. Enter- titled “East and West Meet” and is entirely Viking Days festival celebrates its 26th Ola og han Per” thereafter greeted Western tainment begins at noon with the barne- devoted to Washington Posten/Western anniversary on July 11-12. This eventful Viking’s readers in weekly installments. tog. Music, song and dance follow for the Viking and Nordisk Tidende/Norway weekend offers unique Scandinavian en- A merger of the two remaining remainder of the afternoon. Norwegian Times. They both adjusted to changing tertainment, food, arts & crafts merchants representatives of a Norwegian American American arts and crafts will be on dis- circumstances by following the prevalent and real live Vikings only seen in Ballard! press, both struggling under adverse financial play and for sale. For more information, example of ethnic newspapers. Henning C. Our Taste of Scandinavia will represent circumstances, might seem inevitable. It contact Shirley Evenstad, (612) 861-4793; Boe purchased Washington Posten June 1, each of the five Nordic countries. Admis- occurred on the initiative of the Norwegian Russ Susag, (612) 259-2927; or Harry 1959. The newspaper changed both its image sion to Viking Days is free, so bring your American Foundation, created in 2001, Dahl, (763) 473-8602. and its name; on June 9, 1961, it became family and friends to this great event! For Western Viking and three years later it which purchased the two journals—Western information, please call (206) 789-5707 or Viking in 2006 and Norway Times in 2008— Lauraine Snelling lecture adopted tabloid format. The name-change— visit and merged them under the title Norwegian July 12 again typical for ethnic journals confronted by a diminishing pool of readers—was American Weekly. It reaches an estimated Vining, Minn. Centennial Kickoff for Sons of Norway a move intended to extend circulation 18,000 to 20,000 readers nationwide. I would Lauraine Snelling, author of the the two District 2 nationwide. Though English was introduced, very much like to know what motivates people books Red River and Return to Red Riv- July 12 it continued mainly as a Norwegian-language to subscribe. Is there a brother-sisterhood er, will speak at the Vining Community Blaine, Wash. publication. Only under new owners in the among the devoted readers—as has been Center on July 28. The Red River books A fun-filled Sunday to start off the 100th 1990s did English dominate. It was a popular suggested by a student of the contemporary are the continuing stories of the fictional anniversary party for Sons of Norway and well-conceived publication. Front- German American press. I sure to like to find Norwegian immigrant Bjorkland family District 2! Joining in a year of celebration page priority was given new from Norway, out. Thank you! with its faith, its tragedies and the joys of th are District 6 and 7, formerly of District 2. focusing on political life, cultural events, Happy 120 anniversary! Or is it the seeing generations of these immigrants th The party begins at 9:30 a.m. at the Peace and sports. Correspondents contributed news 157 ? The consolidation with Decorah- becoming U.S. citizens. For more infor- Arch Park, including games, a potluck from many parts of the United States and Posten, which earlier absorbed Minneapolis mation, call (218) 769-4296, or email leif- lunch, Queen for the Border Festival, and also from Canada. Norwegian happenings, Tidende, justifies that claim. Continuity dis- [email protected] a kite-flying contest. For more informa- organizations, and people in Seattle got tinguishes the Norwegian American press. tion, visit NORWEGIAN AMERICAN WEEKLY • WWW.NORWAY.COM • JUNE 19, 2009 There’s no place like Norse Home A neighborhood... landmark built to serve the community.

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